Candida Auris Schwartz 2018
Candida Auris Schwartz 2018
Candida Auris Schwartz 2018
Division of Infectious Diseases,
Candida auris is a fungal pathogen that recently emerged and rapidly spread around the globe. Department of Medicine,
It is now in Canada. C. auris can cause invasive disease with high mortality rates, is frequently University of Alberta,
resistant to one or more classes of antifungals, and can be difficult to identify in some clinical Edmonton, AB
microbiology laboratories. C. auris can also involve prolonged colonization of patients’ skin and
contamination of surrounding environments, resulting in nosocomial outbreaks in hospitals and 2
Division of Diagnostic
long-term care facilities. and Applied Microbiology,
Department of Laboratory
Clinicians, infection prevention and control practitioners and public health officials should be Medicine and Pathology,
aware of how to mitigate the threat posed by this pathogen. Index cases of C. auris should University of Alberta,
be suspected in patients with invasive candidiasis and recent hospitalization in global regions Edmonton, AB
where C. auris is prevalent, as well as in patients who fail to respond to empiric antifungal
therapy and from whom unidentified or unusual Candida species have been isolated. If a 3
Provincial Laboratory for Public
case of C. auris infection or colonization is identified or suspected, the following should take Health, Edmonton, AB
place: notification of local public health authorities and infection prevention and control
practitioners; placement of colonized or infected patients in single rooms with routine contact
precautions; daily and terminal environmental disinfection with a sporicidal agent; contact *Correspondence:
tracing and screening for C. auris transmission; and referral of suspicious or confirmed isolates
to provincial laboratories. Patients with symptomatic disease should be treated with an
echinocandin pending the results of antifungal susceptibility testing, preferably in consultation
with an infectious disease specialist. Through the vigilance of front-line health care workers
and microbiologists, robust infection prevention and control practices, and local and national
surveillance efforts, C. auris can be detected quickly, infections managed and transmissions
prevented to protect patients in our health care system.
Suggested citation: Schwartz IS, Smith SW, Dingle TC. Something wicked this way comes: What health
care providers need to know about Candida auris. Can Commun Dis Rep 2018;44(11):271–6. https://doi.
Keywords: Candida auris, candidemia, fungal infections, mycology, antifungal resistance, multidrug resistance,
diagnosis, nosocomial, infection prevention and control
In July 2017, the first known case of multidrug-resistant Candida The objective of this article is to summarize what we know about
auris was reported in Canada in an individual who had a two-year this fungus; outline the challenges of diagnosis, treatment and
history of recurrent ear complaints after returning from a trip infection prevention and control, and identify what is being done
to India that was marred by hospitalization for a brain abscess to track and contain the spread of this pathogen in Canada.
following oral surgery (1). This marked the arrival in Canada of
a pathogen that has recently been spreading across the globe.
The ability of this fungus to cause invasive disease, its frequent Where in the world is C. auris?
resistance to one or more classes of antifungal agents and
its demonstrated potential for nosocomial transmission is of C. auris was first described in Japan in 2009; since then,
concern to clinicians and public health professionals alike (2,3). C. auris infections have been reported in at least 30 countries
In some countries, C. auris has already led to a significant There are several ways in which the pathogenesis of C. auris
burden of hospital-acquired disease. For example, C. auris is appears to differ from classically encountered Candida species
the cause of candidemia in 10% of cases nationally in South (Table 1) (21). With the exception of C. parapsilosis, a skin
Africa (6), and 38% of cases in one referral hospital in Kenya colonizer, the majority of clinically important non-auris Candida
(Okinda N et al. Candidemia at a referral hospital in sub-Saharan species are commensals of the human gastrointestinal tract
Africa: emergence of Candida auris as a major pathogen. Poster (21). The pathogenesis of candidemia caused by these species
presented at: European Congress of Clinical Microbiology typically involves gut translocation of yeasts (21,22); although
and Infectious Diseases; 2014 May 10–13; Barcelona, Spain). nosocomial transmission of Candida is occasionally reported,
In India, C. auris was implicated in 5% of candidemia cases in disease is most commonly caused by strains that are part of the
27 intensive care units (ICUs), although some Indian centres patient’s endogenous flora (23).
report proportions of 17.5%–30% (7,8). As of July 31, 2018, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United Table 1: Differences between Candida auris and classical
States (US) reported 361 confirmed clinical cases of C. auris in US pathogenic Candida species
health care settings; an additional 699 colonized patients were
Feature Candida auris Classical Candida
diagnosed in four states with active surveillance (4). In Europe,
at least 120 cases of candidemia and 466 cases of colonization
Habitat Commensal of the skin Commensals of the
occurred from 2013 to 2017 (9). gastrointestinal tractb
Pathogenesis of Exogenous Endogenous
In Canada, the first two patients reported to be infected with infection
C. auris had received health care in India (1,10). In one case, Healthcare–associated Common Uncommon
genomic characterization suggested that the infection was
imported from the Indian subcontinent (11). Additional imported contamination Common Uncommon
cases are anticipated. Transmission in Canadian health care
Multidrug resistance Common Uncommon
facilities is inevitable. a
Other Candida species most commonly encountered clinically include C. albicans, C. glabrata,
C. parapsilosis, C. krusei and C. tropicalis
With exception of C. parapsilosis, which is a commensal of skin
France) (typically as C. haemulonii) (26) and by API20CAUX The role of health care workers in spreading C. auris is still
(usually as Rhodotorula glutinis, C. sake or Saccharomyces unknown. During investigation of the outbreak in the UK, C. auris
cerevisiae) (27). This may change as biochemical identification was isolated from the nares of 1/258 health care workers, a nurse
system databases are updated; for example, VITEK-2 YST card who was providing care for a patient who was heavily colonized
v. 8.01 now includes C. auris. (24). Moreover, an outbreak investigation in Colombia isolated
C. auris from the hands of two health care workers and the groin
C. auris can be identified accurately using matrix-assisted of one out of six health care workers. Whole-genome sequencing
laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass established that these were genetically identical to strains
spectrometry instruments with databases that include C. auris isolated from a patient and his or her environment (25).
(these include the most recent Bruker MALDI Biotyper CA and
Research Use Only [RUO] databases, and the bioMérieux VITEK Tracking and containing C. auris can be particularly challenging
MS RUO database [v4.14 with Saccharomycetales package]) and due to interfacility transfer of infected or colonized patients
by molecular-based sequencing methods. in whom this status may not yet be recognized, potentiating
spread of C. auris between facilities (14). For example, in New
York, 112 patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities
What are the treatment challenges? were affected: 61 had candidemia and 51 additional patients
were found to be colonized on screening. Infected or colonized
In general, C. auris isolates are less susceptible to antifungals patients were transferred between a total of 24 hospitals and
than other Candida species, although patterns of susceptibility 24 long-term care facilities in the 90 days before their infection
appear to be related to the geographic clade. Resistance to or colonization status was recognized (14).
fluconazole is widespread, albeit not universal as was initially
feared (2), and fluconazole resistance is now thought to be an
acquired rather than a shared trait (21). Rates of fluconazole Implications for clinical care
resistance have ranged from 14% among isolates from Colombia
(25) to >90% among isolates belonging to the South Asian clade The prompt identification, management and containment of
(14,28). Resistance to amphotericin B and the echinocandins patients infected or colonized with C. auris require collaboration
also appear to be heterogeneous. Several studies have by hospitalists/intensivists, microbiologists, infectious disease
found amphotericin B resistance rates around 30% (5,14,25); experts, and infection control and prevention practitioners.
alternatively, Chowdhary et al. reported amphotericin
B resistance in 27/350 (8%) of Indian isolates (28). Significant Clinicians should be aware of the yeast identification methods
variation in rates of amphotericin B resistance were encountered used by their local microbiology laboratory and consider C. auris
between regions in Columbia (25). Echinocandin resistance when unidentified or unusual Candida species are isolated
occurs in approximately 2%–5% of isolates (5,28,29). Resistance from patients who fail to respond to empiric antifungal therapy
to two antifungal classes occurred in 41% of global isolates (37). Consultation with a microbiologist is recommended when
tested (5). In rare cases, isolates can be resistant to all three C. auris is suspected. Isolates that are suspicious for or confirmed
major classes of antifungal agents (5). as C. auris should be referred to provincial laboratories for
further testing. Given the challenges in predicting antifungal
susceptibility patterns, antifungal susceptibility testing is
What are the challenges in infection recommended for all clinical C. auris isolates. Treatment of
prevention and control? disease should be guided by antifungal susceptibility testing
results, although echinocandins are appropriate for empiric
Nosocomial outbreaks are anticipated because patients therapy pending these results. Early consultation with an
can remain colonized and/or their environments can remain infectious disease expert is advised. Treatment of asymptomatic
contaminated for weeks to months after infection (14,24,25,30). colonization is not recommended.
Large-scale hospital outbreaks in the United Kingdom (UK) have
been associated with multi-use axillary thermometers (31); and The identification of patients in whom infection or colonization
in Spain with the use of blood-pressure cuffs (31). Moreover, with C. auris is suspected or confirmed should prompt
C. auris has been recovered from a wide range of fomites from consultation with local infection prevention and control
patient environments (13,14,24,25). Surface cationic-active practitioners. Infected or colonized patients should be isolated
disinfectants and quaternary ammonium disinfectants are in private rooms; routine practices and contact precautions
ineffective against C. auris (13,33,34). C. auris is also relatively should be taken; and rooms should be cleaned daily with
resistant to killing by ultraviolet light (35). Chlorhexidine sporicidal disinfectants. Whether and when to discontinue
gluconate, iodinated povidone, chlorine bleach and H2O2 vapour isolation precautions is still being debated. The CDC currently
appear to be effective against C. auris (36). recommends that infected or colonized patients be tested
periodically with composite groin and axillary swabs for fungal
culture to test for persistent colonization, with the proviso that
patients can be de-isolated after two consecutive screening strategies. For example, should screening be reserved for
swabs (38). In practice, few reported patients have met such patients with documented contact with a known case or used for
criteria (14). Alternatively, Public Health England recommends all patients who have travelled to or received health care in areas
that isolation precautions be continued for the duration of a where C. auris is prevalent? Because the geographic distribution
patient’s admission to hospital (39). This recommendation is in of C. auris will change over time, and in light of incomplete
part because patients can become re-colonized after testing surveillance data from many regions, identifying patients at high
negative (Silke Schelenz, “Management of Candida auris risk for colonization can be challenging for front-line health care
outbreaks at a national level”. 20th Congress of the International workers.
Society for Human and Animal Mycology, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands July 2018). To better understand the epidemiology of C. auris in Canada,
the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program is
Table 2 shows a summary of how to detect, assess and manage conducting national surveillance for infections in representative
C. auris. Further infection prevention and control guidelines are hospitals across the country. (Garcia Jeldes F, Mitchell R, Bharat
available from the CDC (39). A, McGeer A for the CNISP C. auris Interest Group. Preparedness
for Candida auris in Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance
Table 2: What to do to detect and manage Program [CNISP] Hospitals, 2018. IDWeek 2018. October 3–7,
Candida auris 2018. San Francisco, California). In addition, a point prevalence
study is planned to identify the prevalence of both colonization
What to do How and infection in Canadian tertiary care hospitals (Dr. Allison
Keep a high index of Consider C. auris in patients who: McGeer, September 2018, personal communication). The
suspicion • received health care in countries (or US states) surveillance and point prevalence data will provide evidence
where C. auris is prevalent, as tracked by the
CDC (4) needed to guide the development of infection prevention and
• have a clinical syndrome consistent with
candidiasis and fail to respond to empiric control policies surrounding this emerging pathogen.
antifungal therapy and from whom an atypical
or unidentified yeast is isolated
Conflict of Interest
Assess for C. auris Consult with a microbiologist and/or infectious
specifically disease specialist None.
Refer suspicious or confirmed isolates to relevant
provincial laboratory for further testing or for
referral to the National Microbiology Laboratory
Manage C. auris with a Notify the institutional infection prevention and References
robust clinical infection control team
control and public Notify local public health officials, who will notify
health response their provincial/territorial counterparts (who will
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C. auris is an emerging
multidrug resistant fungus Who is at risk? Best Practices
Reference: Schwartz IS, Smith SW, Dingle TC. Something wicked this way comes: What health care providers need to know about Candida auris. Can Commun Dis Rep 2018;44(11):271-6.