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Introduction to Ansible
Network Automation
A Practical Primer

Brendan Choi
Erwin Medina
Introduction to Ansible Network Automation: A Practical Primer
Brendan Choi Erwin Medina
Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney, NSW, Australia

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-9623-3 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-9624-0

Copyright © 2023 by Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina

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Table of Contents
About the Authors�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xiii

About the Technical Reviewer���������������������������������������������������������������������������������xv



Part I: The Intros��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Chapter 1: Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?���������������������������������������������� 3
1.1 Laying the Foundation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
1.2 What Is Ansible?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
1.3 What Is Ansible Not?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.4 Why Ansible?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
1.4.1 1000-Foot View of How Ansible Works������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
1.5 Why Does Ansible Matter to You?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18
1.6 Starting on the Right Foot, Learning Ansible Effectively������������������������������������������������������� 20
1.6.1 Part 1: Ansible Primer��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
1.6.2 Part 2: Ansible Concepts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
1.6.3 Part 3: Ansible Practical������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22
1.7 Hardware Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
1.8 Software Requirements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
1.9 Downloading Source Codes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
1.10 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30

Chapter 2: Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)������������������������������ 31

2.1 A Good Reason to Learn Linux���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
2.2 Linux for Ansible and Network Automation��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
2.3 What Is Linux?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35

Table of Contents

2.4 Install WSL on Windows 11 to Learn Linux��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38

2.5 vi: The Default Text Editor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43
2.6 Practice Linux Commands���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
2.6.1 The Top Ten Essential Linux Commands����������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
2.6.2 cat and tac�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
2.6.3 touch���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
2.6.4 mkdir and rmdir������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 70
2.6.5 cp and rm��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
2.6.6 rename and mv������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79
2.6.7 head, tail, and shuf������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
2.6.8 less and more��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
2.6.9 ls and dir����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
2.6.10 sort����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95
2.6.11 tee and nl�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 99
2.6.12 grep�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
2.7 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109

Chapter 3: Shall We Linux? (Part 2)���������������������������������������������������������������������� 111

3.1 Linux Directory�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
3.2 Getting to Know Your Linux Better�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
3.3 Getting Familiar with Linux Processes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
3.4 Getting to Know Disk Space in Linux���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
3.5 Getting Started with Linux User Management�������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
3.6 Controlling Access to Files and Directories in Linux����������������������������������������������������������� 136
3.7 Working with Zip Files in Linux������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
3.8 Downloading Files from the Internet in Linux��������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
3.9 Linux Network Utilities for Troubleshooting������������������������������������������������������������������������ 156
3.10 Keeping Your Linux System Up to Date����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
3.11 Jack, the Jack Russell: A Regular Expression Quiz����������������������������������������������������������� 168
3.12 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 174

Table of Contents

Chapter 4: Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment�������������������������������������� 177

4.1 Planning the Ansible Lab Topology�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
4.2 Installing VMware Workstation on Your PC�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
4.3 Creating Fedora Virtual Machines��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
4.4 Creating Ubuntu Virtual Machines��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
4.5 Customizing and Updating Virtual Machines����������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
4.6 Changing Hostname on Fedora VMs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
4.7 Assigning Static IP on Fedora VMs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
4.8 Updating Fedora Virtual Machines�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
4.9 Assigning Static IP on the First Ubuntu VM������������������������������������������������������������������������� 192
4.10 Changing Hostname and Static IP on the Second Ubuntu VM������������������������������������������ 194
4.11 Updating Ubuntu Virtual Machines������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
4.12 Installing Ansible on Control Node������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 199
4.12.1 Option 1: Installing Ansible Directly on the Host OS������������������������������������������������� 199
4.12.2 Option 2: Installing Ansible on Python virtualenv����������������������������������������������������� 200
4.13 Setting Up a New Ansible Testing Account with Sudo Access������������������������������������������ 202
4.13.1 Creating a Sudo Test Account on Fedora VMs���������������������������������������������������������� 203
4.13.2 Creating a Sudo Test Account on Ubuntu VMs���������������������������������������������������������� 205
4.14 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207

Part II: The Concepts���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209

Chapter 5: Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible�������������������� 211
5.1 What Are Data and Data Types?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 211
5.2 Ansible Dependency on Python Data Types������������������������������������������������������������������������ 215
5.2.1 Integer and Float�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
5.2.2 Strings������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 218
5.2.3 Booleans��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
5.2.4 Lists���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
5.2.5 Tuples������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
5.2.6 Dictionaries���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 221
5.2.7 set������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 222
Table of Contents

5.2.8 None��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 223

5.3 Ansible Configuration Files������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
5.3.1 INI Format������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
5.3.2 Ansible Inventory in INI, JSON, and YAML Formats����������������������������������������������������� 228
5.3.3 Ansible Inventory Priority�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
5.3.4 ansible.cfg File����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
5.3.5 YAML��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 239
5.4 Ansible Data Interchange���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
5.4.1 JSON (Why Not YANG?)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
5.4.2 Jinja2�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 53
5.5 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257

Chapter 6: Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands������� 259
6.1 SSH Overview and Setup in Ansible������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 260
6.1.1 Configuring SSH for Ansible: General Steps��������������������������������������������������������������� 260
6.1.2 Understanding the Ansible SSH Concept�������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
6.1.3 Practical Usage of SSH in Ansible������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 263
6.2 Running Ad Hoc Commands on Linux Devices with Ansible����������������������������������������������� 274
6.3 Running Ad Hoc Commands on Routers and Switches with Ansible���������������������������������� 277
6.4 Running Elevated Ad Hoc Commands with Ansible������������������������������������������������������������� 278
6.5 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281

Chapter 7: Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A

Beginner’s Guide��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 283
7.1 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 322

Chapter 8: Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Using when,

Improving Playbook, and Targeting Nodes����������������������������������������������������������� 325
8.1 Considerations Before Writing Your Ansible Playbook�������������������������������������������������������� 326
8.2 Creating and Running a New Playbook in Ansible�������������������������������������������������������������� 328
8.3 Idempotency Is a Key Feature of Ansible Tasks������������������������������������������������������������������ 332
8.4 Getting Familiar with Ansible Error Messages�������������������������������������������������������������������� 335
8.5 Getting More Information About Ansible Operation Using the Verbose Mode��������������������� 337

Table of Contents

8.6 Disabling gather_facts to Speed Up the Playbook�������������������������������������������������������������� 341

8.7 Adding More Tasks to Your Existing Playbook��������������������������������������������������������������������� 345
8.8 Keeping Packages Always Up to Date Using “state: latest”������������������������������������������������ 346
8.9 Creating an Uninstall Playbook Using the Existing Playbook���������������������������������������������� 351
8.10 Add Another OS Type and Use the “when” Conditional in Your Playbook�������������������������� 354
8.11 Targeting a Specific Host or Group of Hosts���������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
8.12 Writing a Working Playbook for Both Ubuntu and Fedora������������������������������������������������� 362
8.13 Refactoring a Playbook����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 368
8.14 Ansible, Targeting Specific Nodes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 379
8.15 Check Services from the Control Node����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
8.16 Printing Output Using Ansible Debug Module������������������������������������������������������������������� 389
8.17 Using “ignore_errors: yes” to Allow Playbook Completion Despite Errors������������������������ 392
8.18 Install Samba and Create a Samba User on the Fedora Client Using a Playbook������������� 396
8.19 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 401

Chapter 9: Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files,
and Services��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 403
Getting Started with GitHub������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 404
9.1 Creating and Uploading Playbooks to GitHub, Featuring cowsay���������������������������������������� 407
9.2 Ansible Tags Explained�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 423
9.3 Managing Files�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 428
9.4 Managing Services������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 436
9.5 Copying and Updating Text Files with Ansible Playbook����������������������������������������������������� 445
9.6 Use GitHub to Back Up Your Files���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 456
9.7 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 457

Chapter 10: Learning Ansible Basic Concepts IV: Users, Roles, Host Variables,
Templates, and Password Vault���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 459
10.1 Users��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 462
10.2 Roles��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 477
10.3 Variable Options in Ansible������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 486

Table of Contents

10.4 host_vars and handler������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 505

10.4.1 Concept of the Handler in Ansible���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 508
10.5 Templates�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 516
10.6 Managing Password on Ansible���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 526
10.6.1 Password Vault��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 529
10.7 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 541

Chapter 11: Building an Ansible Learning Environment for

Network Automation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 543
11.1 Cisco CML (Cisco Modeling Labs) Router and Switch Installation on GNS3��������������������� 5 47
11.2 Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall Installation on GNS3��������������������������������������������������������� 5 67
11.2.1 Palo Alto PA-VM Initial Configuration and Connection Test��������������������������������������� 569
11.2.2 Fortinet FortiGate Initial Configuration and Connection Test������������������������������������ 576
11.3 Cisco c8000v Edge Router VM Creation on VMware Workstation������������������������������������� 579
11.4 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) VM Creation on VMware ESXi 7������������������������������ 5 87
11.5 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 592

Part III: The Practical���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 593

Chapter 12: Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible����������������������� 595
12.1 Configuring EIGRP Using Ansible�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 597
Lab 1: EIGRP Lab Topology��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 599
Lab 1: GNS3 Device Connections����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 600
12.2 Configuring OSPF Using Ansible��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 616
Lab 2: OSPF Lab Topology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 617
Lab 2: GNS3 Device Connections����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 620
12.3 Switch VLAN Configuration Lab����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 632
Lab 3: VLAN Lab Topology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 634
Lab 3: GNS3 Device Connections����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 635
12.4 Lab 4 Challenge: Configure New Routers and Access Control List (ACL)�������������������������� 656
Lab 4: ACL Network Topology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 658
Lab 4: GNS3 Device Connections����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 658
12.5 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 660

Table of Contents

Chapter 13: Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook��������������������������������������� 661

13.1 Setting Up Network Device Configuration Backup Lab����������������������������������������������������� 664
13.1.1 Network Device Configuration Backup Lab Topology and Connections������������������� 664
13.2 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration Backup to File Server (SCP)�������������������������������� 667
13.3 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 687

Chapter 14: Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron������������������������������������������� 689

14.1 Ansible Playbook Cron Lab Network Topology������������������������������������������������������������������ 690
14.2 Learning About Cron with a Simple Ansible Playbook������������������������������������������������������ 691
14.3 Ansible Playbook Scheduling Using Cron�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 702
14.4 Ansible Playbook Scheduling Using Cron with a Vaulted Password��������������������������������� 710
14.4.1 Shell Script Method�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 711
14.4.2 Python Method��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 718
14.5 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 723

Chapter 15: Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook����������������������������������������������������� 725

15.1 Router Upgrade Lab Network Topology����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 727
15.2 Cisco IOS-XE Router Upgrade Workflow in Bundle Mode�������������������������������������������������� 729
15.3 Cisco IOS-XE Router Upgrade Lab������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 734
15.3.1 Lab Setup����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 735
15.3.2 Writing the Main Playbook for Router Upgrade�������������������������������������������������������� 738
15.4 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 763

Chapter 16: Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook�������������������������� 765

16.1 WLC Lab Network Topology����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 768
16.2 Preparing the Lab by Creating ansible.cfg and Inventory Files����������������������������������������� 770
16.3 Writing an Ansible Playbook for Cisco WLC Upgrading Ansible Playbook������������������������� 772
16.4 Ansible Inventory Configuration for Cisco WLC Enterprise Network��������������������������������� 788
16.5 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 791

Table of Contents

Chapter 17: Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls������������� 793
17.1 Use Ansible Vault to Encrypt Sensitive Information���������������������������������������������������������� 796
17.2 Administrator Account Creation on Palo Alto Firewalls: From Manual to Automation������� 799
17.3 Writing a YAML Playbook to Create an Administrator Account on a Palo Alto Firewall����� 801
17.4 Running the YAML Playbook to Create an Administrator Account on a Palo Alto
Network Firewall��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 807
17.5 Administrator Account Creation on Fortinet Firewalls: From Manual to Automation�������� 811
17.6 Writing a YAML Playbook to Create an Administrator Account on a Fortinet Firewall������� 812
17.7 Running the YAML Playbook to Create an Administrator Account on a
Fortinet Firewall���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 817
17.8 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 821

Chapter 18: Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and

Fortinet Firewalls������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 823
18.1 Protecting the Network with Security Policies������������������������������������������������������������������ 824
18.2 Security Policy Rule Creation on Palo Alto Network Firewalls: From Manual to
Automation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 825
18.3 Writing a YAML Application to Create a Security Policy Rule on a Palo Alto Network
Firewall����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 825
18.4 Running the YAML Playbook to Create Security Policy Rules on a Palo Alto Network
Firewall����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 831
18.5 Firewall Policy Rule Creation on Fortinet Firewalls: From Manual to Automation������������� 837
18.6 Writing a YAML Application to Create a Firewall Policy Rule on a Fortinet Firewall���������� 839
18.7 Running the YAML Application to Create a Firewall Policy Rule on a Fortinet Firewall����� 842
18.8 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845

Chapter 19: Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls���������������������������������� 847

19.1 Enhancing Network Security with IPSec Tunnels�������������������������������������������������������������� 847
19.2 IPSec Tunnel Configuration on Palo Alto Firewalls������������������������������������������������������������ 850
19.3 Palo Alto IPSec Tunnel Creation Lab Topology������������������������������������������������������������������� 851
19.4 Writing Palo Alto IPSec Tunnel Creation Playbook������������������������������������������������������������� 852
19.5 Running IPSec Tunnel Creation Playbook�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 859
19.6 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 865
Table of Contents

Chapter 20: Object Addresses and Object Address Groups Creation

Playbook for Palo Alto Firewall���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 867
20.1 Enhancing Firewall Policies with the Use of Object Addresses and Object
Address Groups����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 868
20.2 Object Addresses and Object Address Groups Creation on a Palo Alto Firewall��������������� 869
20.3 Writing a Playbook to Create Object Addresses on a Palo Alto Firewall���������������������������� 871
20.4 Running the Playbook to Create Object Addresses on a Palo Alto Firewall����������������������� 874
20.5 Writing a Playbook to Create Object Address Groups on a Palo Alto Firewall������������������� 879
20.6 Running the Playbook to Create Object Address Groups on a Palo Alto Firewall�������������� 883
20.7 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 890

Chapter 21: Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls����������������������������������������������������������� 891

21.1 Maintaining Palo Alto Network Firewall PAN-OS to the Latest Preferred Version������������� 892
21.2 Palo Alto Firewall PAN-OS Upgrade to Major Version: Manual Method����������������������������� 894
21.3 Writing a Palo Alto Firewall Upgrade Playbook: Automated Method��������������������������������� 901
21.4 Writing a Playbook to Back Up the Running Configuration of a Palo Alto Firewall������������ 902
21.5 Writing a Playbook Task to Update the Content (Applications and Threats) of a
Palo Alto Firewall��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 905
21.6 Writing a Playbook Task to Upgrade the PAN-OS of a Palo Alto Firewall��������������������������� 910
21.7 Running the Playbook to Back Up the Running Configuration on a Palo Alto Firewall������ 912
21.8 Running the Playbook to Update the Application and Threats Content of a Palo Alto
Firewall����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 914
21.9 Running the Playbook to Update the PAN-OS Version of a Palo Alto Firewall������������������� 917
21.10 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 922

Index��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 925

About the Authors
Brendan Choi is a highly accomplished tech lead at Secure
Agility, with over 19 years of hands-on experience in the
ICT industry. He is a certified Cisco, VMware, and Fortinet
Engineer and has worked for renowned enterprises such
as Cisco Systems, NTT (Dimension Data), and Fujitsu, as
well as reputable Australian IT integrators like Telstra and
Secure Agility. Brendan specializes in optimizing enterprise
IT infrastructure management and enterprise business
process optimization, utilizing both open and proprietary
tools. He is the author of Python Network Automation: By
Building an Integrated Virtual Lab as well as Introduction
to Python Network Automation: The First Journey. Through these publications, Brendan
shared his knowledge with the IT community. He has trained over 200 network and
systems engineers on Python and Ansible Network Automation and enjoys sharing
industry-acquired knowledge through social media, blogging, and his YouTube channel.
Brendan’s current interests revolve around private cloud, enterprise networking,
security, virtualization, Linux, and automation technologies. His dedication and passion
for enterprise infrastructure management are evident in his commitment to continuous
learning, knowledge sharing, and contributing to the ICT industry as a whole.

About the Authors

Erwin Medina is an experienced Senior Network and

Security Engineer in the ICT industry with over 12 years
of experience. He holds certifications in Cisco, Palo Alto,
Fortinet, and Juniper technologies. Currently employed at
CSIRO, Erwin contributes to the organization’s network
and security operations and optimization, utilizing both
open and proprietary tools. Erwin began his career as a field
engineer in telecommunications before transitioning to
ICT as a network engineer, working with diverse networks
in customers’ production environments, network, and
security challenges. Embracing Ansible as his primary IT
tool, Erwin has successfully transitioned away from manual-driven tasks. During his
time at Telstra, Erwin had the privilege of being mentored by Brendan for over two years,
gaining invaluable experience in leveraging Ansible for enterprise network and security
device management. Currently, Erwin applies Ansible in real production scenarios to
drive efficiency and productivity wherever possible. He thrives on technical challenges
and eagerly adapts to the ever-evolving ICT landscape, actively contributing to his
organization’s success. Erwin’s commitment, expertise, and passion for sharing his
knowledge with others make him a valuable asset in the ICT industry.

About the Technical Reviewer
Nikhil Jain is an Ansible expert with over 12 years of DevOps
experience. He has been using Ansible and contributing to
it from its inception. He currently works closely with Ansible
He is an open source enthusiast and is part of the Ansible
Pune Meetup organizing team. He has presented multiple
Ansible sessions at various global and local events. Apart
from sitting in front of his computer automating things using
Ansible, he loves watching sports and is a regular part of the
local cricket team.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ty Starr at Telstra Purple and Kai
Schweisfurth at Ethan Group, my previous team managers, for providing me with the
opportunities to work with my former teams. Under Ty’s stewardship, I was able to
teach myself how to use Ansible for automation and knowledge share. Similarly, under
Kai’s guidance, I developed a passion for network automation using Python and eagerly
shared my learnings with my colleagues. I would also like to extend my thanks to my
former colleague, Justin Cheong at Mastercard, who consistently encouraged me to
write my first book and gave me the courage to become a published author. My deepest
appreciation goes to my coauthor, Erwin Medina, for his unwavering dedication, hard
work, and expertise, which greatly contributed to the completion of this book. I am also
grateful to my wife, Sue, and our children, Hugh, Leah, and Caitlin, for their unwavering
support throughout the process of creating this book. Their love and understanding
have been my pillars of strength. To my extended family, friends, and colleagues, I would
like to express my sincere thanks for your constant support. Lastly, I want to thank our
readers for embarking on their incredible network automation journey with us.

—Brendan Choi

I cannot express enough thanks to Brendan Choi for continuously mentoring me and
taking me under his wings to go through this journey. His passion, dedication, and drive
to accomplish this book to primarily teach and inspire serve to be the greatest part for
me. He taught me the valuable lesson of learning, sharing, and inspiring. I would like
to thank my wife, Jenny, and my son, Deon, for their support and prayers throughout
this process. To my friends and colleagues who have become like family, I extend my
heartfelt gratitude. To the readers, I sincerely thank you, and I hope that this book will
provide help and inspiration as you embark on your journey, just as I was inspired by

—Erwin Medina

The use of Ansible in enterprise network administration has gained significant
popularity among leading IT organizations. It is recognized as the most effective tool for
automating network devices within a short time frame, revolutionizing the way network
administrators manage their infrastructure. In response to this growing demand, we
present Introduction to Ansible Network Automation: A Practical Primer, a book that
offers readers a structured learning path to build a solid foundation in Ansible.
Written by real ICT professionals for true ICT professionals, this book cuts
through the fluff and delivers practical knowledge without false assumptions. We
have written this book based on the assumption that all our readers enjoy working in
the ICT industry and prefer a hands-on learning approach over a purely theoretical one.
This book is not for the faint-hearted but is designed for individuals with an unwavering
“never-say-die” attitude who refuse to give up at work and in their lives. We aim to
provide an authentic experience, taking readers on the actual journey of acquiring
network automation skills using Ansible from the ground up.
While there are numerous Linux and network Ansible automation resources
available, most of them assume that readers have already reached an adequate skill level
to start writing working YAML code from day one. These resources rarely show what it
takes to reach that level and often focus solely on selling the dream of Ansible without
discussing the effort and challenges involved. Our book offers a truthful approach,
immersing readers in the journey and allowing them to feel what it’s like to acquire
network automation skills using Ansible. They will install and configure everything
themselves, follow along with the book, make mistakes, stumble, and ultimately push
themselves to learn the necessary skills to become comfortable with using Ansible
playbooks and YAML scripts.
As you can tell from the title, this book serves as a sequel to Introduction to Python
Network Automation: The First Journey by Brendan Choi. Both titles are indispensable
resources for IT professionals and students seeking to enhance their automation skills
and apply them in real-world scenarios in enterprise production networks. This book
provides a comprehensive learning journey, guiding readers to master Ansible and
utilize it for automating enterprise network devices such as routers, switches, firewalls,


Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs), and Linux servers. What sets this book apart is
its laser-focused emphasis on Linux, Ansible, and network automation; really, we
have squeezed three basic books into one! It is specifically designed for IT engineers
and students who want to get hands-on experience and build an Ansible Network
Automation lab from scratch. Real-life examples of Ansible playbooks developed from
actual enterprise infrastructure are provided, giving readers a thorough understanding
of how Ansible can be effectively utilized in the real world.
By engaging with this book, readers will acquire valuable knowledge and skills in
network automation using Ansible. The book takes readers on a structured learning
path, gradually building their understanding and proficiency in Ansible. Firstly,
readers will develop a comprehensive understanding of Ansible and its essential
concepts for automating network devices. They will learn how to apply these concepts
to real-world scenarios, gaining the skills required to automate enterprise network
devices effectively. Secondly, readers will master the basics of Ansible operations
within Linux automation and progress to applying Ansible concepts to network
devices. They will establish a solid foundation for network automation tasks by
navigating and utilizing Ansible within the Linux environment. Thirdly, readers will
learn to develop and execute Ansible ad hoc commands and playbooks for various
network operations, including configuration management, software updates,
and system monitoring. Through practical examples and exercises, readers will gain
hands-on experience in crafting Ansible playbooks to automate critical network tasks.
Next, readers will work with real-life examples of Ansible playbooks developed
from enterprise infrastructure. This practical experience will enable them to write
Ansible YAML scripts confidently, ensuring they are well prepared to tackle network
automation challenges in real-world environments. Lastly, readers will acquire the
skills necessary to automate network operations using Ansible in selective scenarios
for enterprise production environments. They will gain insights into streamlining
network management processes and transitioning from manual tasks to full automation,
enhancing efficiency and productivity. Through the content and exercises provided in
this book, readers will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively apply
Ansible in network automation, empowering them to navigate the ever-evolving world of
network administration with confidence and proficiency.


We designed this book for diverse readers seeking to enhance their network
automation skills using Ansible. It caters to IT students, network engineers, and
developers managing IP services, networking devices, servers, cloud, and data centers.
Technical leaders implementing network automation, mentors training team members,
instructors teaching network automation, and Cisco Networking Academy students
pursuing certifications in network administration will find value in this book. It targets
those interested in integrating network automation into their development process and
offers practical knowledge for a wide readership. By leveraging Ansible, readers can learn
and apply network automation techniques effectively. Join us on this journey to expand
your network automation capabilities and unlock new possibilities in your work.


Is Ansible Good
for Network Automation?
This chapter offers a brief overview of the current trends in the networking industry and
the reasons why Ansible has become a popular tool for enterprise IT configuration and
orchestration. The authors introduce Ansible, explaining its workings at a high level
and its relevance to working IT engineers, operations managers, as well as to business
stakeholders from a commercial stance. The chapter also lays out a comprehensive
study plan that will guide readers through the technologies and help them improve their
skills. Moreover, the chapter delves into the basic hardware and software required to
embark on an Ansible automation journey. It provides information on the minimum PC/
laptop requirements needed to build a fully working Ansible/Linux/network automation
lab on a single laptop, along with a recommended software set for installing virtual
devices such as Linux servers, routers, switches, and firewalls. By the end of this chapter,
readers will have a solid understanding of why Ansible is important to the Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, what they need to know to become
proficient in it, and what resources they require to build their own Ansible lab. This
chapter will serve as the foundation for the subsequent chapters in the book, allowing
readers to develop their skills and knowledge in a structured and organized manner.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

1.1 Laying the Foundation

Figure 1-1. Super Ansible

In recent years, network programmability has become a vital topic for CTOs and
network operations managers, leading to a significant transformation in the enterprise
networking industry. Python for network automation and a range of network
configuration and orchestration tools have surged in popularity, driving enterprise
network automation forward. As a result, organizations that once spent large amounts of
resources on traditional IT life-cycle management are now looking for new frameworks
that provide faster deployment and more reliable and predictable network operations.
Ansible is one of the top contenders in this space, and many enterprise network
engineers are eager to become experts in both Ansible and Python. Although Ansible is
a super tool as depicted in Figure 1-1, mastering Ansible for network deployment and
operations can be a daunting task, particularly for engineers who lack programming
experience or are new to software-defined networks. It can feel like trying to board
a moving train without knowing where to begin. But with the right guidance and
resources, engineers can overcome these challenges and acquire the skills necessary to
excel in Ansible Network Automation, ensuring that they do not become another victim
of the rapidly evolving industry.
As a network engineer, you may have been comfortable with traditional work
methods, but now your bosses expect you to upskill and automate some or all your
manual tasks with code. If you refuse to learn new skills or embrace new ways of
working, someone else will write the code, and you risk losing your credibility and job in
the midterm. To succeed in network programmability, you must step out of your comfort
zone, reset your knowledge base, and embrace the learning journey from scratch.
While it may seem like uncharted territory, with the right resources and determination,
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

you can master the skills needed to excel in automating a large percentage of your work
using tools like Ansible and Python. IT industry insiders often recommend entrusting
Ansible with routine and mundane tasks so that your team can focus on more complex
and strategic initiatives. By allowing Ansible to handle the low-hanging fruit and heavy
lifting, you and your team can achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness
in your daily work.
Programming languages such as Python, Shell Scripting, JavaScript, and Perl come
to mind and have the potential to replace your manual tasks with lines of code. However,
you may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling a programming language. Perhaps
your first experience learning a programming language, like Python in a classroom
setting, was not so pleasant and left a bad taste in your mouth. You are hoping that you
do not have to revisit that experience, but there’s now an answer to your prayers, and
that answer is Ansible.
Learning Ansible and applying it in a real production environment can be daunting,
particularly for engineers without prior programming experience or new to software-­
defined networks. It can feel like climbing a mountain, and even after reaching the
first peak, you realize that even bigger challenges await. Ansible is often referred to as
a “code-free” tool because it relies on declarative configuration files written in YAML
(YAML Ain’t Markup Language), which are easier to read and write than traditional
programming languages. This makes it accessible to people with limited coding
experience. However, Ansible also supports writing custom modules and plug-ins in
programming languages like Python, which can extend its functionality beyond what
is available out of the box. So while Ansible does not require coding knowledge to get
started, it can be customized and extended with programming skills. Don’t let fear hold
you back; the ticket to the automation bandwagon is on the other side of the mountain.
No one can force you to embrace the journey, but extending your career in this
cutting-edge industry requires the willingness to explore unfamiliar territory and learn
new skills. It may be a challenging journey, but the reward of mastering Ansible and
automation is worth the effort.
In this opening chapter, we aim to guide you through your first steps into Ansible
Network Automation. If you’re already on your network automation journey but feel
like you’re not making much progress, this book is for you. We’ll start your journey
by discussing what basic skills are required to be successful in network automation
using Ansible as your de facto tool of choice. Discuss Ansible as an enterprise network
automation tool compared to other tools. Our primary objective is to provide network
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

students like you with a comprehensive and practical learning strategy that will help you
close any skill gaps while learning Ansible Network Automation. Our long-term goal is to
transform you into a cross-functional engineer, proficient in networking, Linux operating
systems, and Ansible YAML code development and management. This knowledge will
equip you with the necessary skills to explore other automation technologies in your
career. Even if you do not secure a full-time job as an automation or DevOps engineer,
learning Ansible can still significantly enhance your professional profile and give you a
competitive edge over your colleagues at work.
Throughout this book, we offer a flexible approach that allows you to learn anytime,
anywhere, at your own pace and convenience. You will have the opportunity to install,
configure, practice, and work with YAML and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data
serialization formats on your laptop, which is vital for your success in learning Ansible
Network Automation. We aim to develop you into a hybrid engineer, a cross-functional
professional who is in high demand in the current and future IT job market. To help
you get started, we provide all the necessary resource information, including minimum
system requirements for your PC, software used for completing the tasks outlined in
this book, and download links for all the necessary software, source codes, and files.
We will start from the basics and guide you through a comprehensive learning journey
that includes mastering Linux, understanding various Ansible concepts, and hands-on
practice with enterprise-level virtual machines such as Linux servers, routers, switches,
and firewalls. Along the way, you will learn how to build a simple PoC (Proof-of-­
Concept) lab that can serve as a springboard for your future learning.
By the end of this chapter, you will have a better understanding of Ansible’s strengths
and weaknesses as a network automation tool, the underlying technologies required for
success, and how to build your lab on the go. We hope that this book will provide you
with a solid foundation to become a successful network automation engineer.

1.2 What Is Ansible?
Ansible is a powerful open source automation tool that helps manage infrastructure,
software deployments, and application configuration across numerous servers
and IP devices. System administrators can define and automate workflows, called
playbooks, that can perform various tasks such as installing software, managing
services, configuring settings, and deploying applications. Network engineers can use
Ansible to automate configuration management, patch management, deployment, and
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

troubleshooting tasks. Its agentless architecture, easy-to-learn language, cross-platform

support, idempotent playbooks, and troubleshooting capabilities make it an ideal
automation tool for enterprise network management. It also supports dynamic inventory
for automatic server discovery and management in dynamic environments like cloud
Ansible uses SSH and other remote management protocols to connect to servers
and execute required tasks, without the need for agents or additional software on
managed nodes. It also supports dynamic inventory for automatic server discovery and
management in dynamic environments like cloud environments. Although Ansible may
not be the current market leader in Windows automation, it is capable of managing
Windows servers and desktops when integrated with Windows Remote Management
(WinRM). Furthermore, Ansible can be used to manage network devices by leveraging
APIs. Most modern network devices, including routers, switches, and firewalls, offer
several APIs that enable their configuration and management to be automated. By
utilizing APIs, Ansible provides a powerful and flexible solution to automate network
device management, reducing manual configuration errors and streamlining network
Ansible is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and extensibility, with a large and
active community providing support, documentation, plug-ins, and modules to extend
its capabilities. Ansible is widely used in IT automation, DevOps, and cloud computing.
Key points to remember about Ansible are as follows:

• Ansible is an open source automation tool for managing IT


• It allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, deploying

applications, and managing configurations.

• It uses YAML syntax to describe tasks and workflows.

• Ansible uses SSH to communicate with remote systems and does not
require any agent software to be installed on managed nodes.

• While Ansible can be used for Windows environments via the WinRM
protocol, it’s worth noting that there are alternative tools better suited
for managing Windows systems.

• If API interfaces are available, certain network devices can be

managed through API calls.
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

• Ansible modules are the building blocks for tasks and can be
extended with custom modules.

• Ansible Galaxy serves as a repository for pre-built roles, modules, and

Ansible Collections that can be utilized with Ansible.

• Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) (formerly known as Automation

Tower before version 3.8) is the enterprise version of Ansible that
provides additional features such as job scheduling, access controls,
and a web-based user interface.

• The AWX Project is an open source community project that

provides upstream code for Automation Controller and serves as a
development environment for new features and improvements.

Expand your knowledge:

What is the relationship between Ansible, Ansible Automation Platform, and
the AWX Project?
Ansible, Ansible Automation Platform (Automation Tower), and the AWX Project
are related products developed by Red Hat. Ansible is an open source automation
tool that allows you to automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications, and manage
configurations. Ansible Galaxy and Ansible Collections are public libraries of Ansible
roles that you can use to accelerate your automation projects.
Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) is a web-based user interface and dashboard
for Ansible that provides enterprise features such as job scheduling, access
controls, audit logging, and role-based access control (RBAC). It simplifies the use
of Ansible by providing a central management point and a graphical user interface.
The AWX Project is an open source community project that provides the upstream
code for Ansible Automation Platform. It is essentially the same product as
Automation Controller but is free and open source. The AWX Project also serves
as a development environment for new features and improvements to Automation
Controller. Red Hat supports the AWX Project community and contributes to its
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

In summary, Ansible is the core automation engine, Ansible Galaxy is the public
library of Ansible roles, Ansible Automation Platform is the enterprise version of
Ansible with additional features and a web-based user interface, and the AWX
Project is the open source community project that provides the upstream code for
Ansible Automation Platform.
You can find more information on Ansible, Ansible Automation Platform, and the
AWX Project at the following links:
Ansible documentation:
Ansible Galaxy:
Ansible Automation Platform:
AWX Project GitHub repository:

1.3 What Is Ansible Not?

While Ansible is a powerful automation tool, there are some things it is not:

• Ansible is not a programming language: While Ansible uses a

declarative language to define playbooks, it is not a general-­
purpose programming language. It is designed to automate system
administration tasks, not to build complex applications.

• Ansible is not a monitoring tool: Ansible can be used to configure

monitoring tools, but it is not a monitoring tool itself. It does not
provide real-time monitoring or alerting capabilities.
• Ansible is not a configuration management database (CMDB):
Ansible does not store or manage the configuration state of servers. It
only runs tasks and scripts defined in playbooks.

• Ansible is not a security tool: While Ansible can help enforce security
policies and configurations, it is not a security tool itself. It does not
provide security monitoring or vulnerability scanning.
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Overall, Ansible is designed to be a simple and powerful automation tool that can be
used to manage and automate infrastructure and application deployments, but it is not a
one-size-fits-all solution for all IT automation needs.

1.4 Why Ansible?
In this section, we will take a closer look at Ansible and compare it to alternative
configuration and orchestration tools. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of
each tool in comparison to Ansible, we can gain a better understanding of why many
organizations prefer Ansible as their tool of choice for configuration and orchestration
for network automation.
Ansible is a popular configuration management tool that uses YAML for defining
tasks and configurations. While there are several competitor tools to Ansible in the
market, it stands out for its simplicity, agentless architecture, and idempotent playbooks.
Ansible’s YAML-based syntax is easy to read, write, and version control, and the active
community provides many pre-built modules and roles on Ansible Galaxy. However,
compared to Chef, Ansible provides less fine-grained control over configurations and
has limited testing and logging capabilities, which makes it less suitable for complex and
highly regulated infrastructures.
Chef is a configuration management tool that uses a client-server architecture
and requires agents to be installed on each managed node. Unlike Ansible, Chef uses
a domain-specific language called Chef DSL (Ruby based) to define infrastructure
configurations. Chef is more complex to set up and use than Ansible but offers more
flexibility and fine-grained control over configurations. It allows users to write custom
resources and cookbooks to meet specific requirements, promotes a test-driven
development approach, and has a large and active community with many pre-built
cookbooks available on Chef Supermarket. However, its client-server architecture and
DSL-based configurations can make it more complex and harder to learn than Ansible.
Puppet is a configuration management tool that, like Chef, uses a client-server
architecture and agents installed on each managed node to define infrastructure
configurations using a declarative language. It offers more advanced features such as
role-based access control and compliance management and has a larger library of
modules compared to Ansible. Puppet uses a declarative language called Puppet DSL
(Ruby based) for defining configurations and provides more flexibility and fine-grained

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

control over infrastructure configurations. It allows users to write custom modules and
manifests to meet specific requirements, promotes a test-driven development approach,
and has a large and active community with many pre-built modules available on
Puppet Forge. However, Puppet’s complexity, client-server architecture, and DSL-based
configurations can make it harder to set up and maintain than Ansible.
SaltStack is a configuration management and automation tool that uses a client-­
server architecture similar to Chef and Puppet. It offers more fine-grained control over
configurations and a powerful event-driven automation system, making it more suited
to large and complex infrastructures. SaltStack uses its configuration language called
YAML + Jinja2, allowing users to write dynamic configurations in YAML files. It uses
Salt State Domain Specific Language (DSL) for defining configurations, which makes
it highly scalable and suitable for very large infrastructures. Additionally, it is event
driven, enabling it to react to events in real time and perform actions automatically.
SaltStack has a large and active community with many pre-built formulas and modules
available on SaltStack Exchange. However, SaltStack’s powerful features come at the cost
of complexity, making it harder to set up and maintain than Ansible. Its DSL can also
be difficult to learn and understand for users who are not familiar with Python, and its
agent-based architecture introduces security risks.
Terraform is a tool for managing infrastructure as code, specifically designed for
infrastructure provisioning and management of cloud resources. It uses a declarative
language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and supports a wide variety
of cloud providers, making it easy to manage hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures.
Terraform can integrate with Ansible or other configuration management tools to
manage the software configuration of those resources. Its plan and apply workflow
allows changes to be previewed and reviewed before being applied to infrastructure,
reducing the risk of unexpected changes. However, Terraform can be more complex to
set up and use than Ansible due to its dedicated focus on infrastructure provisioning,
and its declarative approach can limit the flexibility of infrastructure configurations,
making it harder to achieve highly customized infrastructures.
For a novice automation engineer, the amount of information presented can
be overwhelming. To make it easier to compare the tools, we have compiled the
information in a table format in Table 1-1.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Expand your knowledge:

Why are Ansible Automation Platform and Ansible Engine both referred to as


Figure 1-2. Ansible Automation Platform and Ansible Engine analogy

Many individuals who are discovering Ansible as an automation tool often

find themselves perplexed by the distinction between the Ansible Automation
Platform and Ansible Engine, both referred to as “Ansible” by Red Hat. While the
Ansible Engine serves as the fundamental component of the Ansible Automation
Platform’s architecture, it is crucial to exercise caution when using the term
“Ansible” because they do not denote the same entity. For example, the Ansible
Automation Platform is a commercial product developed by Red Hat, whereas
Ansible (Engine) is an open source tool generously shared by Red Hat with the
IT community.
To help with further explanation, we will use a pick-up truck analogy to explain
the relationship between the Ansible Engine, which is the focus of this book,
and the Ansible Automation Platform (previously known as Ansible Tower). A
pick-up truck is a versatile utility vehicle used for transporting goods from one
place to another. In this analogy, Ansible Engine is like the engine of the pick-
up truck (Figure 1-2), providing the power and functionality necessary to move

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

the truck forward. Similarly, Ansible Engine is the core automation technology
that drives Ansible’s ability to automate IT tasks and processes. In contrast, the
Ansible Automation Platform is like the cargo area of the pick-up truck, serving
as a centralized location where you can store and organize your goods. This
allows for easy access and transport, just as the platform provides a centralized
location where you can manage and orchestrate your automation workflows,
making it easier to automate complex IT tasks and processes.
Like a pick-up truck, Ansible consists of many major and minor components,
with Ansible Engine at the heart of the system. Other major components
include Red Hat Linux, OpenShift, and others, making Ansible a comprehensive
automation solution. Ultimately, the combination of Ansible Engine and Ansible
Automation Platform provides a powerful tool for automating IT tasks and
processes at scale, much like a pick-up truck with a powerful engine and a
well-organized cargo area is a valuable tool for transporting goods.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Table 1-1. Network automation tools strengths and weaknesses comparison

Features Automation tools
Ansible Chef Puppet SaltStack Terraform
Key Agentless ✔ 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔
features Cross-cloud support ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Event driven ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 🗶
Flexibility ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Granularity (customizable) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Idempotent ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 🗶
Infrastructure as code ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Large community and ecosystem ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Logging and auditing capabilities ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Resource dependencies ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Scalability ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Security ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Test-driven development ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Language DSL based (domain-specific 🗶 ✔ ✔ ✔ 🗶
HashiCorp Configuration Language 🗶 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔
Ruby-based DSL 🗶 ✔ ✔ 🗶 🗶
SaltStack-based DSL 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔ 🗶
YAML-based syntax ✔ 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔
Data JSON data format support ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
TOML data format support 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔ 🗶
YAML data format support ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Learnability Easy to set up (less complexity) ✔ 🗶 🗶 ✔ ✔
Simplicity (easy to learn, ✔ 🗶 🗶 🗶 ✔

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

The selection of a configuration management tool depends on the specific

requirements and preferences of an organization. While Ansible is well known for its
simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use, making it a preferred choice for small to medium-­
sized infrastructures, other tools like Chef, Puppet, SaltStack, and Terraform may be
more suitable for larger and more complex infrastructures. It is also essential to consider
the programming languages used by these tools, as this can provide valuable insights
into their working and customization.
In enterprise network environments, proprietary operating systems or appliance-­
based OS are commonly used to run network devices, whether hardware-based or
virtual machines. This is done to protect the system from cyber-attacks, as well as
to safeguard against untested or unproven agents used by other tools. Therefore,
an agentless automation tool is a key factor that can influence the selection of a
network automation tool.
Upon reviewing the aforementioned table, it becomes clear why many organizations
are opting for Ansible as their preferred network configuration and automation tool.
One of the most significant advantages of Ansible’s agentless architecture is that it
removes the need to install agents on target systems, making it a safe and secure
option for network automation in enterprise environments. Moreover, Ansible’s
straightforward and intuitive YAML syntax, low learning curve, and ease of use
make it a favorite among both novice and experienced automation engineers. When
choosing a tool from a network operations perspective, learnability, or the ease of
learning and using the tool, is a crucial factor. This term is commonly used in education,
psychology, and user experience design, and in the context of IT tools like Ansible, it
refers to the tool’s ease or difficulty of learning and mastering. Therefore, when selecting
the appropriate configuration management tool for an organization, in addition to
functionality, ease of use, and flexibility, learnability should also be considered as a
crucial factor.
In summary, Ansible’s main strengths are its simplicity, agentless architecture,
idempotency, YAML-based syntax, and large community and ecosystem. However, it
has weaknesses in terms of limited granularity, testing support, and logging and auditing
capabilities. Chef is known for its flexibility, customizability, test-driven development
approach, and large community and ecosystem, but its weaknesses include complexity,
DSL-based configurations, and a steep learning curve. Similarly, Puppet shares many
of Chef’s strengths and weaknesses, including flexibility, customizability, and test-­
driven development, but also has a steep learning curve and requires more setup and

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

configuration. SaltStack is excellent in fine-grained control, scalability, and event-driven

architecture and has a large community and ecosystem but is complex to set up and
use, with a steep learning curve and security risks. Finally, Terraform’s strengths are
infrastructure as code (IaC), cross-cloud support, resource dependencies, and a plan
and apply workflow, while its weaknesses include complexity, a steep learning curve,
and limited flexibility in highly customized infrastructures. Ultimately, the tool chosen
depends on the organization’s specific needs, infrastructure size, and technical

Expand your knowledge:

Who created Ansible and why?

Figure 1-3. Michael De Haan 

Michael De Haan (Figure 1-3) created Ansible because he encountered

problems while working as a systems administrator. He found that existing
configuration management tools were either too complex, required a lot of
infrastructure to run, or were not flexible enough to meet his needs. He wanted
a tool that was easy to use, didn’t require a lot of overhead, and could be
used for a wide range of tasks, from simple server provisioning to complex
application deployment. These requirements led him to develop Ansible, which
has become one of the most popular open source automation tools in use
today. Red Hat acquired Ansible in October 2015 for approximately U$150
million. Since the acquisition, Ansible has continued to be developed and
maintained as an open source project, with Red Hat providing commercial

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

support and services to enterprise customers through its Ansible Automation

Platform product, previously known as Ansible Tower. Since Ansible 3.8,
the name Ansible Tower has been replaced with a new name, Automation
Controller. The acquisition of Ansible helped Red Hat strengthen its position
in the rapidly growing automation and orchestration market. Ansible aligned
well with Red Hat’s strategy of providing open source solutions for enterprise
customers. Ansible’s agentless architecture and focus on simplicity and ease
of use made it a popular choice for organizations looking to automate their IT
operations. Ansible also had a strong presence in the DevOps and cloud-native
communities, which were becoming increasingly important in the enterprise
market. Overall, the acquisition of Ansible provided a valuable addition to Red
Hat’s open source product portfolio. De Haan was working as the co-founder
and CTO of a startup called Cleafy, which provides cyber-security solutions.
After creating Ansible, De Haan continued to be involved in the development
of the project for several years but eventually left Red Hat to pursue other
interests. In addition to his work with Cleafy, he has also been involved in other
open source projects, such as Cobbler and Func, and has spoken at numerous
conferences and events on topics related to automation and DevOps (source:

1.4.1 1000-Foot View of How Ansible Works

At a high level, Ansible works by connecting to remote devices and executing tasks
defined in playbooks. Here are the main steps involved in the Ansible workflow:
Inventory: Ansible starts by reading an inventory file, which lists
the servers or devices that it will manage. The inventory can be a
static file or a dynamic inventory script that generates the list of
servers based on various criteria, such as tags or metadata.

SSH: Ansible connects to the servers using SSH or other remote

management protocols. It authenticates using SSH keys or
passwords and then creates a temporary connection to execute
the tasks defined in the playbooks.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Playbooks: Playbooks are the heart of Ansible. They define a set of

tasks that Ansible will execute on the managed servers. Playbooks
use a declarative YAML syntax to define the tasks, which can
include installing packages, configuring settings, copying files,
and more. Playbooks can also include variables, loops, and
conditionals to make them more flexible.

Modules: Ansible uses modules to execute tasks on the managed

servers. Modules are small scripts or programs that implement
specific tasks, such as installing a package, restarting a service, or
copying a file. Ansible comes with a large library of modules, and
users can also write their modules if needed.

Idempotence: Ansible is designed to be idempotent, which

means that running the same playbook multiple times will not
change the state of the system. Ansible achieves idempotence by
checking the current state of the system before executing each
task and only executing the task if it needs to be changed.

Reporting: Ansible provides detailed reporting on the status of

each task and playbook run. It logs the output of each task and
provides a summary of the changes made to the system.

Overall, Ansible provides a simple and powerful way to automate infrastructure and
application deployments, using a declarative and idempotent approach that makes it
easy to manage and maintain systems over time.

1.5 Why Does Ansible Matter to You?

Ansible is an important tool for network students, engineers, operations managers, and
business owners for several reasons:

Automation: Ansible allows you to automate repetitive tasks

and workflows, such as configuring network devices, deploying
applications, and managing infrastructure. This saves time and
reduces the risk of human error, improving productivity and

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Efficiency: Ansible provides a standardized way to manage

and configure network devices, reducing the complexity and
variability of network configurations. This makes it easier to
troubleshoot and maintain networks, improving efficiency and
reducing downtime.

Scalability: Ansible can manage large and complex networks

with ease, allowing you to scale your network operations as your
business grows. Ansible’s inventory and playbook management
features make it easy to manage a large number of devices, even in
dynamic and heterogeneous environments.

Collaboration: Ansible provides a collaborative platform for

network teams, allowing them to share and reuse playbooks and
modules and to collaborate on workflows and configurations.
This promotes knowledge sharing and reduces silos in network

Cost savings: By automating network operations and reducing

downtime, Ansible can help you save money on staffing and
infrastructure costs. Ansible is also an open source tool, which
means there are no licensing fees or vendor lock-in.

Ansible’s effectiveness as a network automation tool is demonstrated by successful

case studies from Red Hat, LinkedIn, and NTT Communications. These companies
turned to Ansible to automate their network infrastructure management tasks, resulting
in greater efficiency, consistency, and scalability.
Red Hat, a global software company, reduced manual configuration time by 50%,
improved consistency, and increased overall network reliability by using Ansible to
automate their switches, routers, and firewalls.
LinkedIn, a professional social networking platform, adopted Ansible to automate
tasks such as deploying new servers, configuring load balancers, and managing network
security. They reduced manual configuration time by 75% and improved overall network
efficiency and uptime.
NTT Communications, a global telecommunications company, faced challenges
in managing its network infrastructure across multiple countries and regions. They
turned to Ansible to automate server provisioning, load balancer configuration, and

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

firewall management. As a result, they achieved greater consistency and reliability across
their global network, improved network agility, and reduced manual configuration
time by 80%.
These case studies demonstrate the importance of learning Ansible as a network
automation tool in the modern IT environment. IT professionals can benefit from
Ansible’s ability to automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency and reliability, and save
costs. The case studies of Red Hat and LinkedIn demonstrate the significant benefits
of utilizing Ansible as an automation tool in an enterprise network. With Ansible,
businesses can efficiently and consistently manage their network infrastructure at scale,
resulting in increased productivity and reliability. Automation of network configuration
tasks with Ansible reduces the time and effort required for manual configuration, leading
to improved network uptime. Therefore, learning Ansible as a network automation tool
is critical for IT professionals to remain competitive and address the demands of the
modern IT environment. Ansible is a flexible and powerful tool that can help network
engineers, operations managers, business owners, and students streamline their
network operations, improve efficiency and reliability, and ultimately reduce costs.

1.6 Starting on the Right Foot, Learning

Ansible Effectively
Given that you see the value in Ansible as an automation tool in the enterprise
network automation environment, you want to start your study. Automation has
become an essential skill in today’s fast-paced IT environment, and Ansible is one
of the most popular tools used for this purpose. With Ansible, you can automate a
wide range of tasks, including server configuration, application deployment, and
network management. However, to make the most of this powerful tool, it’s important
to establish clear goals and objectives before embarking on your study journey. By
defining what you want to achieve, you can stay motivated and focused throughout your
learning experience. Additionally, you should assess your strengths and limitations,
as well as your available time, to create a realistic study schedule that you can commit
to consistently. By doing so, you can ensure that your efforts are well directed and
ultimately lead to a successful outcome.
When learning Ansible, it’s important to have a structured study path to ensure
that you cover all the necessary concepts and skills. The following steps are suggested
for learning Ansible and achieving success in your automation tasks. Each step will be
Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

discussed in its chapter, providing a comprehensive guide to learning Ansible. While

it’s possible to skip chapters if you already have strong skills in certain areas, it’s highly
recommended that you follow the entire study path to get the most out of this book’s
format. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of Ansible and learn how all
the components work together to automate tasks in an efficient and scalable manner.
Additionally, following along with the entire book can help you identify areas where you
may need to improve your skills, even if you have existing knowledge or expertise.
This book assumes that all readers have completed Cisco CCNA or CompTIA
Network+ studies and have a solid grasp of common networking concepts. However,
if you’re new to networking, don’t worry; you can still follow along step by step.
But to ensure you understand the concepts presented, we recommend studying basic
networking concepts separately as you progress through the book. This will give you a
better understanding of the technologies and concepts used in Ansible for enterprise
network automation.
Technically, this book is subdivided into three parts. Now, let’s look at the topics
covered in this book to help you deep dive into Ansible.

1.6.1 Part 1: Ansible Primer

This first part provides an overview of Ansible and a discussion on its suitability as a
network automation tool. Chapter 1 explains what Ansible is, what it is not, and why
it matters. It also provides a 1000-foot view of how Ansible works and explains the
hardware and software requirements for effective learning.
Chapters 2 and 3 are Linux Beginner’s Quick Guides that introduce essential Linux
commands and tools necessary for using Ansible.
Chapter 4 guides users on how to set up an Ansible learning environment, including
planning the topology, creating virtual machines, installing Ansible, and creating a new
Ansible testing account with sudo access.
Overall, Part 1 provides a solid foundation for learning Ansible and network
automation, emphasizing the importance of Linux skills and setting up an appropriate
learning environment.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

1.6.2 Part 2: Ansible Concepts

Part 2 delves deeper into Ansible concepts, including data types and file formats, SSH
configuration and usage, ad hoc commands, and playbook creation.
In Chapter 5, you will learn about different file formats and data types used in
Ansible. These include INI format, YAML, JSON, and Jinja2. The chapter will also cover
the priority of Ansible inventory. Understanding these data types and file formats is
important for creating effective Ansible playbooks.
Chapter 6 is an introduction to some of the basic concepts in Ansible. It starts with
an overview of SSH and how to set it up for Ansible. The chapter also covers how to run
ad hoc commands on Linux devices with Ansible. It also explains how to run elevated ad
hoc commands.
In Chapter 7, you will learn how to use Ansible ad hoc commands. The chapter
provides examples of common ad hoc commands used by administrators and gets you
ready for Ansible playbooks.
Chapter 8 covers how to write your first Ansible playbook, use the “when”
conditional, and improve your playbook. It also explains how to target specific nodes
with Ansible.
Chapter 9 looks at basic documentation version controlling using GitHub and
follows through with explanations and examples of Ansible tags, managing files with
Ansible, adding users, and bootstrapping Linux servers. Understanding these concepts is
important for creating efficient and effective Ansible playbooks.
Chapter 10 covers Ansible roles, host variables, handles, and templates. This chapter
also shows you how to configure working FTP and SFTP servers for file transfers using
Ansible playbooks.
In Chapter 11, you will learn how to build an Ansible learning environment
for network automation. It covers creating a base virtual router, cloning the virtual
router, adding a GNS3 VM, and adding routers and switches on GNS3. Creating this
environment is essential for practicing network automation with Ansible.

1.6.3 Part 3: Ansible Practical

Part 3 is divided into ten parts, focusing on the practical applications of Ansible in
network automation.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

In Chapter 12, readers will learn how to use Ansible to automate the configuration
of Cisco routers and switches. The chapter covers topics such as creating playbooks,
defining inventory, and executing tasks to configure network devices. Practical examples
and step-by-step instructions will guide readers through the process.
Chapter 13 focuses on automating the backup of configurations for Cisco network
devices using Ansible. Readers will discover how to create playbooks to schedule and
perform regular backups, ensuring that critical network configurations are securely
stored. The chapter provides insights into best practices for backup strategies and
demonstrates how Ansible simplifies this process.
In Chapter 14, readers will explore how Ansible can be utilized to develop a
network configuration comparison tool. The chapter outlines the steps involved in
building a playbook that enables users to compare configurations between different
network devices, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and identifying configuration
Chapter 15 focuses on using Ansible to automate the process of upgrading Cisco IOS-­
XE routers. Readers will learn how to create playbooks that handle the complete upgrade
workflow, including tasks such as downloading the new software image, verifying
compatibility, and performing the actual upgrade. Practical examples and guidance will
help readers implement this automation effectively.
In Chapter 16, readers will explore how to leverage Ansible for upgrading Cisco
Wireless LAN Controllers (WLC). The chapter provides step-by-step instructions on
creating playbooks that automate the upgrade process, ensuring minimal downtime
and efficient management of WLC devices. Practical examples and considerations for
successful upgrades are also included.
Chapter 17 focuses on automating the creation of user accounts on Palo Alto and
Fortinet firewalls using Ansible. Readers will gain insights into writing playbooks that
define user account configurations and execute the necessary tasks to provide user
access. The chapter includes practical examples and considerations for managing user
accounts effectively.
Chapter 18 explores how to use Ansible to automate the creation of security policies
on Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls. Readers will learn how to develop playbooks that
define policy rules, configure firewall settings, and enforce security measures across
network devices. Practical examples and best practices for managing security policies
will be provided.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

In Chapter 19, readers will discover how Ansible can automate the creation of
IPsec tunnels on Palo Alto firewalls. The chapter covers the necessary steps to define
tunnel configurations, establish secure communication channels, and manage IPsec
settings efficiently. Practical examples and considerations for successful IPsec tunnel
management are included.
Chapter 20 focuses on leveraging Ansible for automating the creation of object
addresses on Palo Alto firewalls. Readers will learn how to write playbooks that define
object address configurations, allowing for efficient management of IP addresses and
associated objects. Practical examples and insights into managing object addresses
effectively will be provided.
Chapter 21 explores how Ansible can be used to automate the process of
upgrading Palo Alto firewalls. Readers will learn how to develop playbooks that handle
the complete upgrade workflow, including tasks such as verifying compatibility,
downloading firmware images, and executing the upgrade process. Practical examples
and considerations for successful upgrades will be discussed. This chapter uses a
hardware firewall for demonstration due to software licensing restrictions while
performing a PAN-OS upgrade.
By quickly reading through the concise summaries of each chapter, you now have a
comprehensive overview of the book’s content and the authors’ intended direction for
taking readers on their Ansible automation journey. By following the chapters step by step,
you can promptly begin your exploration of Linux, Ansible concepts, and Ansible Network
Automation. This will allow you to develop proficiency in utilizing Ansible for managing
enterprise devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, and Linux servers. Now, let’s
examine the hardware specifications of your laptop to configure your learning environment
effectively, enabling you to follow along and acquire the necessary Ansible skills.

1.7 Hardware Requirements
To learn Ansible and complete the exercises and labs in this book, your computer must
meet the minimum specifications listed in Table 1-2. We will use Windows 11 as the
base operating system for building our Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Lab environment. If you are using macOS or Linux, you will need to find the compatible
and suitable software on your own. It is highly recommended to upgrade to Windows
11 if your system is still running an older version. If you have a powerful desktop PC, it

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

will run better than a laptop. Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements
specified in Table 1-2 to avoid system performance issues.

Table 1-2. Laptop or PC – minimum specifications

PC components Minimum specification

CPU (Central Processing Unit) Intel: CPU i7 Gen6 (64-bit) or above

AMD: Ryzen 5 or above
RAM – Random Access Memory 16 GB or more for DDR4/DDR5 (32 GB recommended)
SSD 240 GB or more (with 15% or free space for system paging)
Host OS – Operating System Microsoft Windows 11 (64-bit) or newer

As a reference, you can find the specifications of the laptop used in this book in the
screenshot shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4. Laptop specifications used in this book

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

For optimal performance and smooth functioning of all labs, it’s recommended that
your CPU performance is either on par with or better than the Intel i6-6700HQ (as shown
in Figure 1-4), with at least 16 GB DDR4 memory. Of course, your labs will run even
better with the newer generation of CPUs and 32 GB of total physical memory. However,
even if your laptop has an older CPU that falls below the minimum requirements,
many of the labs should run smoothly, although performance may suffer when running
multiple virtual machines. System delays may also occur due to a sluggish Windows OS
caused by a slower CPU, lack of memory, or running several programs concurrently.
For optimal performance, we recommend setting up the lab on external servers using
a dedicated ESXi/Proxmox/Cloud environment. Additionally, opting for an SSD is
preferable to an HDD, and choosing an NVMe connection over a STAT 2 connection is
recommended to mitigate potential performance issuess.
The primary objective of this book is to help you set up a practical laboratory on
your personal computer or laptop, enabling you to explore the world of Linux, Ansible,
network, and security automation. These labs are particularly useful for those preparing
for certifications such as Cisco CCNA/CCNP/CCIE, Check Point, Palo Alto, Fortinet,
and Juniper Junos, as you’ll discover later in the book. GNS3 supports multiple vendor
operating systems, making it all possible.

1.8 Software Requirements
This book is designed to teach you how to install and seamlessly integrate various
technologies, allowing you to build a flexible, all-in-one lab on a single PC or laptop. In
Table 1-3, you will find all the necessary software and download links. You can download
all the software before starting Chapter 2 or follow along with the book and download
different software as directed at the beginning of each chapter.
It is worth noting that some of the software mentioned in this book may not be
open source or freeware, and you may need to utilize demo or paid software to follow
along. For instance, VMware Workstation 17 Pro can be utilized in demo mode for the
initial 30 days, following which a valid key will need to be purchased. However, if you
are utilizing VMware Workstation 16 or an earlier version, you can still use them as
they are compatible with most of the software listed in this book. In case you encounter
any technical issues, you may need to troubleshoot or adjust configurations to ensure
successful integration.

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Similarly, the Cisco Modeling Labs-Personal Edition (CML-PE) requires a yearly

subscription of $199 (as of 2023). However, for our lab, you will only need the three files
specified in the following table. This book will continue to use these older files, as we do
not require new IOS-XE features provided by the newer IOS-XE software. Nevertheless, if
you have the latest CML-PE images, you can use the new files to incorporate Cisco CML-­
PE images into VMware Workstation.
It is important to be aware that Palo Alto labs require the utilization of hardware-­
based firewalls like PA-220, PA-820, PA-850, PA-3220, or PA-5220. However, if you don’t
have a hardware-based firewall, you can still follow this book by substituting it with a
PA-VM for educational and testing purposes. In this scenario, you will need to obtain the
virtual image and run it in your lab. Please keep in mind that the authors or publisher
of this book does not provide any software used in this book, and it is the reader’s
responsibility to download and obtain the suggested software for your learning. It is
worth noting that all other software used in this book is open source or freeware. The
same use condition applies for FortiGate’s FortiOS usage; you can use hardware or the
virtual machine with a 14-day trial period.

Table 1-3. Software and download links (at the time of writing this book)
Required software Usage License type

VMware-workstation-full-17.0.1-21139696.exe Desktop virtualization Licensed

[607.72 MB] (or 16/15) or newer
URL 1:
URL 2:
GNS3-2.2.39-all-in-one.exe [94.9 MB] or newer Network device Open source
URL: emulator [1.53 GB] or VMware Workstation Open source
newer GNS3 VM ova image

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Table 1-3. (continued)

Required software Usage License type

IOSv-L3-15.6(2)T.qcow2 or newer Cisco CML L3 image Licensed

IOSv_startup_config.img CML L3 booting file
IOSvL215.2.4055.qcow2 or newer Cisco CML L2 image
Ansible 2.14.3 or newer Device configuration Open source
and orchestration mgt
Python 3.11.2 or newer Programming Open source
npp.8.4.9.Installer.x64.exe [4.5 MB] or newer Text editor for Freeware
URL: Windows
putty-64bit-0.78-installer.msi [3.6 MB] or newer SSH/Telnet client Freeware
Ubuntu-22.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso [952.1MB] or Ubuntu Server Open source
newer image – bootable
*This book uses Ubuntu Server 23.04 (Lunar Lobster)
Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-38-1.6.iso [2.3 GB) or newer Fedora Server Open source
URL: image – bootable
*This book uses Fedora Linux 38 (Server Edition Prerelease)
WinSCP-5.21.7-Setup.exe [11 MB] or newer Secure File Transfer Freeware
URL: for Windows-Linux

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

Table 1-3. (continued)

Required software Usage License type

FileZilla_3.63.2_win64-setup.exe (64-bit, for Windows) or Secure File Transfer Freeware

newer for Windows-Linux
URL 1:
URL 2:
PA-VM version 10.0.1 Firewall appliance Proprietary
Fortinet version 7.1.03 Firewall appliance Proprietary

1.9 Downloading Source Codes

Throughout this book, you will need to have certain software installed and integrated to
complete the labs. Installing the necessary software is generally straightforward and may
not require detailed guidance for many readers, as it often involves clicking a few “Next”
or “Yes” buttons. However, if you would like to refer to our installation settings in detail,
complimentary installation guides are available for download on the author’s GitHub
page, which we recommend you check out.
To ensure that you have everything you need before moving on to Chapter 2, please
download all pre-installation guides and source codes from the following URLs:
Complementary pre-installation guides available from
URL: or
Source code available from
URL: or
You have reached the end of the first chapter! It’s great to see that you are excited and
eager to dive into the next chapters. We hope you’ve enjoyed this initial chapter and are
ready to explore the amazing world of Ansible and network automation further. Keep up
the enthusiasm, and we are sure you’ll make the most of what’s ahead!

Chapter 1 Is Ansible Good for Network Automation?

1.10 Summary
This chapter provided a general introduction to Ansible, a widely used open source
automation tool for managing IT infrastructure. The authors presented a comprehensive
overview of Ansible’s features, highlighting its advantages over other automation tools
such as Chef, Puppet, SaltStack, and Terraform. The chapter delved into the basic
architecture of Ansible and its communication mechanisms with remote systems,
explaining how it can simplify complex IT tasks, increase efficiency, and reduce errors
in IT configuration management and orchestration. The authors also discussed the
importance of effective Ansible learning strategies, from downloading software to their
installations, and provided the download links for all the source codes and files from
the author’s GitHub page. Overall, the chapter served as a starting point for readers
who are new to Ansible, providing them with essential knowledge before embarking
on their Ansible Network Automation journey. By the end of the chapter, readers
should have gained a solid understanding of Ansible’s significance in IT configuration
and orchestration and how various organizations could benefit from Ansible during
infrastructure management.


Shall We Linux? (Part 1:

The Linux Command Line)
This book contains two dedicated chapters on Linux, with this being Part 1, which is
solely focused on introducing Linux command line and helping new users get started
while reinforcing the knowledge of experienced users with essential Linux commands.
This is the longest chapter of the book for good reason, as Ansible, a Red Hat product,
runs on Linux hosts. To succeed in network automation using Ansible, one must
first master the basics of Linux. The first step toward mastery is becoming proficient
with essential Linux commands that experienced users rely on every day. Without
this foundational knowledge, mastering topics such as Ansible, YAML, or any other
advanced topics is unattainable. This chapter provides readers with an overview of Linux
and its benefits, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to install Windows Subsystem
for Linux (WSL) for first-time Linux users. Additionally, the chapter covers a selection of
essential Linux commands, such as pwd, touch, ls, mkdir, cd, rm, rmdir, cp, mv, and grep,
and provides hands-on exercises to practice them. By the end of the chapter, readers will
have a solid understanding of why Linux is so important in network automation and how
to work effectively with various Linux commands.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

2.1 A Good Reason to Learn Linux

Acquiring proficiency in Linux can provide IT engineers with a wealth of opportunities.
Presently, there is a scarcity of network engineers who have a solid grasp of Linux. Trying
to hire network engineers with good Linux skills is even more difficult than finding a
colony of penguins around the world (Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1. A colony of penguins

Thus, possessing knowledge of Linux and networking administration can provide

significant advantages and opportunities. A large number of enterprise-level application
servers are hosted on Linux-based server operating systems. Additionally, an increasing
number of Linux machines are being utilized in both private and public clouds, such as
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). By
developing Linux skills, IT engineers can position themselves to take advantage of these
growing opportunities.
Over the past two decades, the use of Linux has grown significantly, leading to more
and more enterprise systems making the switch from Windows to Linux in the IT and data
center environments. Linux offers a better return on investment, enhanced reliability,
security, scalability, and high availability, along with flexibility that is not typically seen in
Windows Server environments. Linux is also a key player in the many behind-the-scenes
systems that make up our daily lives. Even Microsoft has embraced Linux, as evidenced
by the inclusion of Linux kernel support in a Windows 10 patch and the availability of
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which allows users to run Linux VMs on Windows.
In this book, we will take advantage of this feature to begin our Linux journey, eliminating
the need for a stand-alone Linux system to practice Linux commands.
If you are already familiar with Linux, that’s fantastic! You have a head start while
following this book. However, if you have been a Microsoft Windows user all this time,
this is an opportunity for you to start exploring Linux.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

2.2 Linux for Ansible and Network Automation

Linux is a crucial component of network automation and configuration management
with tools like Ansible. Here are some compelling reasons why learning Linux is
important for becoming proficient in Ansible and network automation.
Although Ansible is built on Python, it was primarily and originally designed to be
used for managing Linux systems. Hence, to use Ansible effectively, one must have a
solid foundation in Linux. Understanding Linux is also critical for debugging issues that
might arise in Ansible playbooks and troubleshooting both system and application-­
related issues.
Automation necessitates scripting and programming: automation with Ansible
involves writing playbooks and some scripts in programming languages that interact
with various parts of the Linux system. Being proficient in Linux allows you to write
efficient and effective playbooks that automate tasks more easily and with less effort.
Being able to access various Linux distributions provides numerous open source tools
and the freedom to drive the automation that you dream about.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, Linux was built on robust and proven UNIX technology
and overtook UNIX’s popularity in the mid-to-late 1990s. Since its creation, Linux has
grown in popularity and has become a widely used operating system in a variety of
settings. Linux can be found on desktop computers, servers, embedded systems, and
mobile devices. With all Android devices and other Linux-based systems combined,
Linux currently holds an estimated 45–50% market share of operating systems. In
addition to its widespread use, Linux has become the go-to operating system for many
public cloud infrastructures. Both AWS Cloud and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) use
Linux as the primary operating system for their infrastructure servers. These cloud
services support a wide range of Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Debian, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and even
vendor-specific distributions like Amazon Linux, which is based on RHEL. Furthermore,
GCP has developed its own “Google Container-Optimized OS” based on the Gentoo
Linux distribution. This lightweight and container-optimized OS is specifically designed
to run Docker containers and includes support for Kubernetes.
In today’s enterprise network environments, Linux-based operating systems
are commonly used in a significant number of network devices, such as routers and
switches. To interact with these devices and automate their configurations, it is essential
to have a fundamental understanding of Linux. Several major network hardware
vendors, including Juniper, Arista Networks, Cumulus Networks, Extreme Networks,
Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

and Cisco, have chosen Linux as the base operating system for their products. They
customize it to meet their specific needs and requirements, which enables them to take
advantage of Linux’s stability, security, and open source nature. By using Linux as the
base operating system, these vendors can provide a robust and flexible operating system
for their products.
For network administrators and engineers, having a solid foundation in Linux is
critical for efficiently managing and configuring these network devices. Understanding
Linux is a prerequisite for becoming proficient in network automation and configuration
management, including tools like Ansible. Troubleshooting skills are also essential for
identifying and resolving issues with the system, and understanding Linux allows you to
diagnose issues more effectively and efficiently.
Overall, acquiring knowledge in Linux is a valuable asset that can significantly
enhance career prospects, particularly for those pursuing a career in networking.
Linux is the foundation for automation in many organizations and equips network
administrators and engineers with the necessary skills to effectively manage and
configure network devices, which can increase productivity and minimize downtime.
In other words, proficiency in Linux can help organizations improve their service levels
while also reducing their cost of IT infrastructure ownership, by having highly skilled
engineers proficient in hardware, operating systems, and automation tools such as

Expand your knowledge:

Who invented the Linux kernel and why?

Linux was not invented by a single person but rather created by a community of
developers and contributors around the world. The original kernel was created
by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish computer science student, in 1991. Torvalds initially
created Linux as a hobby project, seeking to create a free and open source
alternative to proprietary UNIX operating systems. He released the first version of
the Linux kernel, version 0.01, in September 1991. Over time, the Linux operating
system grew and evolved with the help of a large community of developers and
contributors who contributed their improvements and features. Today, Linux is used
widely across a range of applications and industries and has become a major force
in the world of open source software.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

2.3 What Is Linux?

Linux is a versatile open source operating system (OS) that can be installed on physical
or virtual machines for personal or commercial use. One significant difference between
Linux desktop and Linux server is the graphical user interface (GUI). Linux servers are
typically installed to provide specific services to users or businesses and are usually
managed by Linux administrators who are familiar with Linux commands via OS’s
command-line interface (CLI) or terminal console over SSH. They are often installed
with only the necessary software for optimal performance, stability, and security.
Linux is an operating system that has a wide variety of distributions, commonly
referred to as “distros,” each of which is purpose-built to meet different needs and
use cases. The different Linux distributions are designed with a specific focus, such as
server use, desktop use, gaming, security, scientific computing, and education, among
others. They vary in terms of default software packages, configuration options, and
user interfaces, among other things. Some of the most popular Linux distributions
include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Arch Linux, and
openSUSE. All Linux systems have a strong root in UNIX because Linus Torvalds wanted
to create a Unix-like operating system. He modeled Linux’s design and functionality
after UNIX.
Although there are hundreds of different Linux distributions available, some of the
major distributions appeared between 1993 and 2004, as shown in Figure 2-2. However,
new distributions are still being developed to target specific user needs. Surprisingly,
even the North Korean government has its Linux-based operating system called “Red
Star,” which is widely used in North Korea. Red Star has a graphical user interface that
mimics Apple’s macOS and is reportedly used by North Korean hackers to earn foreign
currency through illegal activities. Despite this, Linux users have a plethora of options to
choose from and can further customize their chosen distribution by adding or removing
software packages, changing settings, or installing different desktop environments. With
so many options available, Linux users can select the distribution that best suits their
individual needs and preferences.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Figure 2-2. Appearance of major Linux distributions (source: https://

Linux desktop and server versions typically use the same kernel for each release
version of the operating system. While it is possible to install a GUI on Linux servers,
many administrators prefer to use the command-line interface (CLI) for server
administration, as it can be faster and more flexible. However, this may vary depending
on the specific use case and the preferences of the administrator.
Unlike a GUI or CLI, which is primarily a user interface, APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces) are designed for machine-to-machine communication and can
be used by developers to build more complex applications. APIs have become increasingly
important in enterprise IT, as they allow different applications to communicate with each
other in a standardized and efficient way. APIs can use various protocols, such as HTTP
or REST, to exchange data between applications. While the CLI may still be necessary
for some tasks, many system administration tasks can be automated using scripting
languages like Python or Bash. Automation can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and
allow administrators to manage larger and more complex systems.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Overall, it is important for administrators to evaluate the most appropriate interface

or tool for each task and to keep up to date with developments in the IT industry. The
rise of APIs has provided a powerful new way to build and integrate applications, but the
CLI and GUI remain important tools for system administration and user interaction.
In Linux, everything is organized into files and directories, making it an incredibly
flexible and customizable operating system. In this chapter, we will cover only the basics
of the Linux file structure so that you can progress to Chapter 4 where we will discuss the
directory structure in more detail. This will enable you to develop the essential Linux
command-line skills necessary to run and operate your labs and ultimately embark
on your Ansible Network Automation projects. Understanding the Linux directory
structure is critical for system administration and management, as it allows for efficient
organization and navigation of the system. Through practice and familiarity with the
command-line interface, you will become more comfortable working with Linux and be
able to leverage its power to accomplish your objectives.
If you have experience administering general enterprise networking devices using
the command-line interface (CLI), you may find it easier to transition to using Linux
command lines. However, even if you don’t have prior experience, don’t worry – in this
book, we will guide you through the fundamentals of Linux and its basic commands.
This will help you learn at your own pace and feel confident using the command-line
interface throughout the book. Understanding the Linux command-line interface
is essential for effective system administration and management and can help you
accomplish tasks more efficiently and with greater flexibility. Through practice and
familiarity with Linux command-line tools, you can develop your skills and become a
proficient Linux administrator.
To make learning Linux less daunting, we will be using WSL (Windows Subsystem for
Linux) on Windows 11 and practicing various commands through hands-on exercises.
These exercises will help you become familiar with the Linux environment and prepare
you for the world of Ansible and network automation. Mastering basic Linux commands
is essential to your success in network infrastructure automation, as they form the
building blocks of the operating system and allow you to perform critical tasks efficiently.
Without a strong foundation in these skills, you may struggle to progress in your studies.
Therefore, acquiring fundamental Linux administration skills is crucial for your success
in the IT industry. By installing WSL on your Windows system and working through
these exercises, you will gain valuable experience and knowledge that will set you on the
path to success in your Linux and Ansible journey.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Fun Fact:

How did the Linux Penguin get the name Tux?

The name of the Linux Penguin is officially Tux. The name “Tux” was coined by
James Hughes, who was part of a Linux user group called LUG at that time. In
1996, Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, was looking for a mascot for the Linux
operating system, and a discussion about a penguin being a good fit took place
on the LUG mailing list. James Hughes suggested the name “Tux” as a play on the
words “Torvalds’ Unix,” which was later modified to “Tux” as it fits the penguin
character better. Linus Torvalds liked the idea, and Tux became the official mascot
of Linux. The black and white color scheme of Tux represents the standard Unix
coloring for terminals, and the penguin symbolizes the reliability, practicality, and
friendliness of Linux.

2.4 Install WSL on Windows 11 to Learn Linux

While this book uses WSL version, we recommend that you install the
latest version of WSL available for your Windows PC to ensure the best experience.
However, if you would like to refer to the WSL installation and troubleshooting
processes used in this book, you can find the installation guide at the following URL: or

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


WSL installation errors

Please note that when installing WSL on your Windows PC, you may encounter
several issues depending on your operating system and build version. In such
cases, we suggest referring to Microsoft’s official documentation or Microsoft
Community site to troubleshoot and complete the installation of your chosen
version of WSL. Begin your troubleshooting at the following URL: https://

Although this book presents the essential steps for installing WSL on Windows 11
to learn Linux, using Linux on WSL is not obligatory. If you currently have a functional
Linux PC, or virtual machine, or access Linux on the Web, you can opt to substitute
Ubuntu on WSL with your preferred method of Linux machine. Nevertheless, it is
recommended that you use a Debian-based Linux operating system with the most recent
kernels if you intend to follow the exercises presented in Chapters 2 and 3.
Now let’s get started. To install WSL on Windows 11, follow these steps:

1. Open the Start menu and search for “Turn Windows features on
or off”.

2. Click on “Turn Windows features on or off” in the search results

to open the Windows Features dialog box.

3. To ensure the proper functioning of WSL, you must follow these

steps: First, scroll down until you locate “Hyper-V” and verify that
“Hyper-V Platform” is selected. If it is not already selected, check
the box to enable it. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the list and
select the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” option. This step is
critical (refer to Figure 2-3) and should not be skipped.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Figure 2-3. Turn Windows features on or off to make Windows Subsystem for
Linux work

4. Click OK to install the selected feature(s). You may need to restart

your computer to complete the installation.

5. After restarting your computer, open the Microsoft Store and

search for “Ubuntu” to find and install the recommended Ubuntu
WSL image. It is important to choose the version with the exact
name “Ubuntu”, as selecting other versions could cause issues
that may require additional troubleshooting (see Figure 2-4).

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Figure 2-4. Get Ubuntu from Microsoft Store

6. Click the “Install” button to download and install the Linux


7. After completing the installation process, you can launch the

Linux distribution on your Windows machine by accessing the
Start menu and selecting “Ubuntu” or by clicking on the “Open”
button on the Microsoft Store screen. Alternatively, you can search
for “Ubuntu” in the Windows search bar. However, it’s important
to note that if you start WSL by typing “wsl” in the start search bar,
you’ll begin in the host PC’s system32 mounted folder. This may
not be the desired location, so it’s best to use the Start menu or
Microsoft Store to launch Ubuntu, for example, ­jdoe@LP50BC:/

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

To create a new user account and set a password for your Linux environment, simply
follow the prompts that appear after launching Ubuntu. In Figure 2-5, we have used the
test username “jdoe” along with a strong password.

Figure 2-5. Ubuntu on WSL – create your username and password

As we Aussies say, “Good on you, Mate!” You have successfully set up Ubuntu Linux
on your Windows 11 machine using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Now that
you have the Linux terminal ready, you are all set to dive into the world of Linux. We
recommend that you follow along with the exercises in this chapter and the next chapter
to get started with Linux. Don’t hesitate to experiment and explore further as you learn.
The more you use the terminal, the more comfortable you will become with it. Enjoy
your journey with Linux!
If you are interested in mastering the world of Linux, there is no better place to
start than with the command line. Although Linux does offer a great desktop GUI, most
enterprise production environments will run without one, and as an administrator, it is
essential to know how to navigate Linux without the assistance of a GUI.
That’s where our comprehensive guide to the top Linux commands comes in. By
learning and mastering each of these commands, you’ll gain a deep understanding of
how to navigate and manage Linux systems. But do not just read about the commands;
to truly master them, you will need to type them out on the Linux console.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

And fortunately, getting started is easy. Simply open your computer and launch
Ubuntu on WSL, and you’re ready to start typing away. As you become more familiar
with these commands, you will gain a level of confidence and proficiency that will serve
you well in any Linux-based environment. So why wait? Let’s dive into the wonderful
world of Linux commands and start mastering the commands today.

2.5 vi: The Default Text Editor

vi is a text editor commonly used in Linux operating systems, with its roots tracing back
to UNIX. Despite its name, there is little about vi that could be considered
visually appealing by today’s standards. However, when it was first created in
1976 by Bill Joy, it may have been considered cutting edge for its time (source: Nowadays, many people are used to using
graphical user interfaces (GUIs) on their computers, which makes it difficult for
them to transition to using Linux’s command-­line interface. Learning to use vi can
be particularly challenging, but it is an essential skill for IT professionals who want to
master Linux. Understanding the directory structure and knowing how to use vi are
critical components of learning Linux, and we will cover both in this chapter and the
next one. As authors of this book, without a doubt, we can say, “By mastering vi and
understanding the Linux directory structure, you have already won more than half the
battle.” With these skills, you will already have achieved more than half of the necessary
knowledge to navigate and utilize the Linux operating system effectively.
vi employs two modes to prevent accidental edits by keeping the Command and
Insert modes separately. When you open a file in vi, it starts in Command mode. In this
mode, every character typed is a command to modify the text file. On the other hand,
when you switch to Insert mode, you can add text to the file by typing. Pressing the <Esc>
key will turn off Insert mode and return you to Command mode.
While vi has numerous useful commands in Command mode, you only need a
handful to get started. Table 2-1 lists the most essential and practical vi commands.
Please note that while Table 2-1 provides a comprehensive list of vi commands, not all
of them will be covered in this book. If you want to learn more about each command,
we highly recommend researching them further and exploring them on your own. In
the upcoming chapter and this chapter, we will provide you with enough practice to get

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

started using vi and navigating the Linux directory structure. With more practice, you
will begin to develop muscle memory, allowing your fingers to work independently of
conscious thought.
vi is a powerful text editor in Linux, offering many features for editing and
manipulating text. Here are some of the commonly used vi commands:

Table 2-1. vi text editor basic commands

vi commands Description

Basic vi Open the vi text editor or use it to open a file.

i Put the vi editor into Insert mode, allowing you to insert new text at
the current cursor position.
[Esc] Exit Insert mode takes you out of Insert mode and back to
Command mode.
:x Quit vi without saving changes; saves the file and quits the vi
editor. If changes have not been saved, it prompts you to save the
:q or :q! Quit the vi editor. If changes have been made to the file, it will
prompt you to save them. Using :q! forces the editor to quit without
saving changes.
:w Write and save the changes made to the file.
:wq or :wq! Save the changes made to the file and quit the vi editor. A subtle
difference exists between :wq and :wq!; with :wq!, no warnings are
prompted. Linux provides a security warning while changing certain
files while executing commands with sudo privilege, the warning
won’t be displayed with the “!”.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-1. (continued)

vi commands Description

Move j Move the cursor down one line.

[8 ] key Move the cursor down eight lines.
Move the cursor to the end of the line.
[$] key
k Move the cursor up one line.
[#] key Move the cursor up to the line number specified in the # key.

h Move the cursor one character to the left.

[backspace] Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
key Repeat the last command entered.

[!] key
l (lowercase L) Move the cursor one character to the right.
[Space] bar Move the cursor one character to the right.
Specify a register to use for the next command.
["] key
0 (zero) Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
$ Move the cursor to the end of the line.
w Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
b Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
:0 Move the cursor to the beginning of the file.
:n Move the cursor to the next file.
:$ Move the cursor to the end of the file.
Copy/paste dd Copy (cut) and delete the current line.
p Paste the contents of the register after the cursor.
P Paste the contents of the register before the cursor.
Undo u Undo the last change made to the file.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-1. (continued)

vi commands Description

Search text /string Search forward in the text for the next occurrence of the string
?string Search backward in the text for the previous occurrence of the
string “string”.
n When used after a search command, it moves the cursor to the next
occurrence of the search string.
N When used after a search command, it moves the cursor to the
previous occurrence of the search string.

Source: Introduction to Python Network Automation: The First Journey, 2021, Apress

When using Linux servers, it is important to be proficient in the vi text editor. While
other editors like nano and joe may be easier for Windows users transitioning to Linux,
vi is pre-installed on almost all Linux distributions, making it a valuable skill to have.
Additionally, nano is not included in many pre-installed software packages, so it may
need to be manually installed by downloading the installation file or connecting to
the Internet. In rare cases, a Linux system may be installed on a remote network that
never connects to the Internet, or certain organizations may prohibit the installation
of unapproved software. To ensure you have access to a reliable text editor, it’s
recommended that you become familiar with vi.
In this book, we will specifically refer to the vi editor when discussing text editors.
While other text editors are available, Table 2-2 provides a quick comparison of some of
the most popular Linux server text editors, including their pros and cons. While we won’t
provide detailed instructions for each editor, if you’re interested and have time, you can
explore and test them to determine which one is the best fit for your needs. However,
mastering vi is essential for anyone working with all Linux server distributions.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-2. Popular Linux server text editor features – three advantages and three
Editor Advantages Disadvantages

vi Widely available on Linux systems Challenging for beginners to learn and master
Lightweight and fast due to a steep learning curve

Highly customizable Lacks some modern features found in other

text editors, such as syntax highlighting and
code completion
Requires memorization of keyboard shortcuts
and commands to be efficient
Emacs Versatile and customizable with Steep learning curve due to complexity and
multilanguage support and various extensive functionality
features High system resource usage can be
Offers a graphical user interface problematic on older or less powerful
and different modes for different machines
tasks to cater to all user levels Overwhelming with many features and
Active community continuously options, making it difficult to navigate and find
developing and sharing new specific settings or functions
features and packages
vim Powerful editing capabilities with The steep learning curve with an extensive
efficient shortcuts and commands command set can be challenging for beginners
Syntax highlighting for many Can be difficult to configure and customize for
programming languages and file some users
types Limited graphical user interface (GUI) options,
Large user community with many as vim is primarily used in a terminal window
customization options and plug-ins

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-2. (continued)

Editor Advantages Disadvantages

joe Beginner-friendly and easy to use Not as user-friendly as some other editors
Lightweight and efficient for low-­ Lacks some advanced features
resource systems Steeper learning curve and limited
Offers a range of useful features, documentation/support
including syntax highlighting and
macro recording
nano Simple and intuitive interface Limited functionality compared to more
for beginners with pre-installed advanced editors like vi or emacs
configuration Not suitable for handling large files or complex
Supports syntax highlighting for tasks
programming languages and Lacks powerful features and customization
mouse for navigation options of vi and emacs
Not as versatile or customizable
as other editors, lacking advanced
features and extensibility

The preceding table provides an overview of various text editors available on Linux
servers, highlighting only three key advantages and three disadvantages of each editor.
While there are many more features and nuances to each editor, this condensed list aims to
provide readers with a quick understanding of each Linux server text editor’s strengths and
weaknesses. This approach helps to improve readability and conserves space for the book’s
content. Also, gedit is a great text editor for Linux, but it is only available in a desktop-based
GUI environment, so it is not included in the table. When it comes to the easiest text editors
to learn and use, nano and joe with their pseudo-user interfaces are good options but have
some limitations. However, hands down, the most important, powerful, and versatile text
editor from the list is vi. This is an opinion shared by many Linux users.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


Practicing Linux on the Web

If you are unable to install WSL on your Windows PC, don’t worry; there are still
plenty of ways to learn Linux using online resources. The following are some
recommended websites that offer interactive Linux tutorials and exercises:
1. This website provides a
virtual Linux environment that runs in your web browser. You can
choose between Fedora 33 or Alpine Linux 3.12.0 and follow the
instructions to get started.
2. This website offers a virtual x86 machine
that runs Arch Linux. Use the Esc key to escape from the terminal
and access the menu. Follow the instructions provided to get
3. After logging in with your credentials,
look for the “Linux shell” in the search bar; an Ubuntu 18.04
version will be available for immediate practice. Follow the
instructions provided to get started.
Alternatively, if you want to install Linux on your computer, you can jump to Chapter 4
for instructions on how to do so. Once you have completed the installation, you can
come back to this chapter and Chapter 3 to continue your learning journey.

2.6 Practice Linux Commands

To familiarize new Linux users with the terminal and vi editor, we’ll begin with a set of
essential Linux commands selected by the authors. By practicing with these commands,
users can quickly adapt to working in the terminal environment and using the keyboard,
with minimal reliance on the mouse.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

The introductory session will be followed by a more in-depth exploration of each

command, with additional practice using different examples. While users are not
required to strictly follow the exercises, they must type the commands accurately to
achieve the desired response from the Linux OS terminal window. Even if you are a
seasoned Linux user, we recommend you follow the content and consolidate your Linux
commands skills in this chapter. Regardless of your experience with Linux, we highly
recommend that you review the content in this chapter to strengthen your command-­
line skills. Even experienced Linux users can benefit from revisiting essential commands
and exploring new examples and use cases. By consolidating your skills, you can become
more efficient and effective in your work with Linux.
Each exercise will include a set of commands, with new commands introduced and
described if they have not been previously covered. This will help users build their skills
and confidence in working with the Linux terminal and vi editor.


Chapter 2 is the longest chapter in this book!

This is one of the longest chapters in this book, so fasten your seatbelt and get
ready for a blast-off with Linux commands!
Completing all the tasks in this chapter and reading through it thoroughly will
give you the necessary foundation and mindset to tackle the tasks presented
throughout the entire book. By mastering the concepts and skills introduced in
this chapter, you will be better equipped to approach more complex tasks with
confidence and proficiency. This will set you up for success as you progress
through the rest of the book.

2.6.1 The Top Ten Essential Linux Commands

To help you quickly become proficient with Linux, we have carefully chosen a list of the
top ten essential Linux commands. These commands are commonly used by Linux users
daily and are essential for any Linux administrator’s toolkit. We highly recommend that
you review the table of Linux commands (Table 2-3) carefully before beginning each

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

exercise and then follow along with the hands-on exercises provided. Whether you are a
beginner or have some experience with Linux, mastering these ten essential commands
is crucial for your success.
By mastering these fundamental Linux commands, you will be well on your way to
becoming a proficient Linux user. So don’t hesitate, dive right in and start learning!

Table 2-3. The top ten essential Linux commands

# Command Description Example

1 pwd Display the current (present working) directory pwd

2 touch Create a new file touch my_file.txt
3 ls List all files in the current directory ls
4 mkdir Create a new directory mkdir my_dir
5 cd Change the current directory cd /home/user/my_dir
6 rm Remove a file or directory rm my_file
7 rmdir Remove an empty directory rmdir my_dir
8 cp Copy a file cp file
9 mv Move or rename a file mv file
10 grep Searches for a pattern in a file or stream of input grep “frog” leaping.txt

Information retention is the ability to remember and recall information over time.
This ability can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the information,
interest in the subject, time spent learning, and cognitive abilities. Simply reading
about Linux commands may not be sufficient for retaining the information. Therefore,
we recommend completing hands-on exercises to apply what you have learned and
increase retention. Studies suggest that the average person can remember up to 50% of
new information after one day, with the rate decreasing to around 25% after one week
(source: To improve retention,
it is recommended to engage with the material by taking notes, summarizing key points,
and practicing recall. Breaking down complex information into smaller chunks and
taking breaks can also be helpful to avoid information overload. Consistent effort and
effective learning strategies can improve information retention.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


Getting most out of this chapter

To effectively learn and master Linux commands, you must engage in a hands-
on approach. When you encounter a command displayed in bold with the
“$” symbol in the exercises, you are expected to input the Linux command
into the Linux console. This approach will allow you to learn by doing and
experimenting with the commands to truly internalize their function and power.
It’s important to note that each exercise contains a helpful explanation
embedded within gray-colored fonts, indicated by the # symbol. This
explanation is designed to provide you with additional context and insights into
the command being discussed and will help you to better understand how the
command works.
We strongly recommend that you carefully read through these explanations,
as they may contain important details or tips that will help you to complete the
exercise. By following this approach and engaging actively with the material, you’ll
be able to deepen your understanding of the Linux commands and improve your
overall proficiency as a Linux user.

Active engagement with the material can help you avoid the pitfall of passively
reading through the commands without truly understanding them. Therefore, take
the time to complete the exercises and discover how these essential Linux commands
work in practice. You can also personalize the exercise by changing the names of files,
contents, and topics to relate to your personal experiences. Doing so can increase
information retention, and there is a higher chance that the information will be
stored in your long-term memory. So make sure to actively engage with the exercises
and personalize them to your own experiences for maximum retention (source:
“Fundamental Neuroscience” 5th Edition, 2021, Larry Squire Darwin Berg, etc.)
Let’s begin by launching the Linux terminal on Ubuntu WSL, and then type in the
commands highlighted in bold to get started.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~$ pwd # print the current working directory

~$ touch my_file.txt # create an empty file named my_file.txt
~$ ls # list the files in the current directory
~$ mkdir ex1 # create a directory named ex1
~$ ls # list directory content
ex1  my_file.txt
~$ ls -lh # list directory content, long listing, and human-readable
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Mar 13 21:11 ex1
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Mar 13 21:10 my_file.txt
~$ cd ex1 # change the current working directory to ex1
~/ex1$ pwd # print the current working directory
~/ex1$ cd .. # move one directory up
~$ pwd # print the current working directory
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1  my_file.txt
$ rm my_file.txt # remove the file named my_file.txt. Enter "rm my_" and the
Tab key to use the auto-completion feature.
$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
~$ rmdir ex1# remove the directory named ex1
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
~$     # empty
~$ touch your_file.txt # create an empty file named your_file.txt
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
~$ mkdir ex1 # create a new directory named ex1 again
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1  your_file.txt
~$ cp your_file.txt my_file.txt # copy the file named your_file.txt to a new
file named my_file.txt

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory

ex1 my_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ touch his_file.txt her_file.txt # create two empty files named his_file.
txt and her_file.txt
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1 her_file.txt  his_file.txt  my_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ mv her_file.txt ex1/ # move the file named her_file.txt to the directory
named ex1
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1 his_file.txt  my_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ mv his_file.txt our_file.txt # rename the file named his_file.txt to our_
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1 my_file.txt  our_file.txt your_file.txt
~$ mv our_file.txt ex1/# move the file named our_file.txt to the directory
named ex1
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
ex1 my_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ mv *.txt ex1/# move all files ending in .txt to the directory named ex1
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
~$ ls ex1# list the files and directories in the directory named ex1
her_file.txt  my_file.txt  our_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ mv ex1 exercise1 # rename the directory named ex1 to exercise1
~$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
~$ ls exercise1/ # list the files and directories in the directory named
her_file.txt  my_file.txt  our_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ rmdir exercise1 # remove the directory named exercise1, directory is not
empty, so rmdir fails!
rmdir: failed to remove 'exercise1': Directory
~$ mv exercise1/* . # Move all files from exercise 1 to the current
directory. Watch out for the space between * and .
~$ ls
exercise1 her_file.txt  my_file.txt our_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ ls exercise1/ # List the contents of exercise1 directory (should be empty)
~$   # empty

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~$ rm exercise1/ # Attempt to remove the exercise1 directory (fails since it

is a directory and you are using the rm command)
rm: cannot remove 'exercise1': Is a directory
~$ rm -r exercise1 # recursively remove the exercise1 directory and its
contents. This should work.
~$ ls # List the files in the current directory (should not include .txt files)
her_file.txt  my_file.txt  our_file.txt  your_file.txt
~$ rm -r *.txt # Remove all .txt files in the current directory
~$ ls # List the files in the current directory (should be empty)
~$   # empty
~$ base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 100 > random.txt # creates random.txt file
with 100 bytes random data
~$ ls # list the content of current directory
~$ wc -c random.txt # count the bytes in random.txt
100 random.txt
~$ wc -m random.txt # count the characters in random.txt
100 random.txt
~$ cat random.txt # concatenate (display) content of random.txt. Your file
will contain randomly created 100-character data, so will be different from
the example shown here
~$ grep -o '[[:alpha:]]' random.txt # -o option to show only the matched
patterns, '[[:alpha:]]' matches any alphabets
[... omitted for brevity]
~$ grep -o '[[:digit:]]' random.txt # -o option to show only the matched
patterns, '[[:digit:]]' matches any number
[... omitted for brevity]
~$ grep -o '[[:alpha:]]' random.txt | tr -d '\n'; echo # same as above but
removes the newline character to output alphabet characters to a single line,
echo is used to print a newline at the end of the output
~$ grep -o '[[:digit:]]' random.txt | tr -d '\n' ; echo # same as above but
only prints digits

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~$ rm random.txt # remove random.txt file

~$ ls # list the content of the present working directory
~$ # empty
~$ clear # clears the screen, also use 'Ctrl+L' key combination to clear
the screen
~$ # empty screen

Wow, that was a great start, especially if you’re a first-time Linux user. It is normal to
feel overwhelmed by Exercise 1 at first, but do not worry – we’ve got you covered! Just
follow along and type the commands step by step while paying special attention to the
explanations that start with the “#” sign. This will help you to become more familiar
and comfortable with Linux commands, which is essential for mastering the system.
Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes or ask for help.
With time and patience, you’ll become a pro at using the Linux console.
Throughout the remainder of this chapter, we’ll be diving deeper into various Linux
commands through exercises. Our goal is to help you become proficient with these
commands so that you can use them for your daily tasks. We’ll not only be revisiting
some of the commands we covered in Exercise 1, but we’ll also introduce you to
new ones. By practicing with these commands, you’ll gain familiarity with the Linux
command line and build confidence in your ability to use it effectively. It’s normal to
feel intimidated by the Linux command line at first, but don’t worry – with practice
and patience, you’ll soon find that it’s a powerful tool that can help you accomplish a
wide range of tasks quickly and efficiently. So keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to
experiment with different commands and options. Who knows – you might just discover
something new and useful that can make your life easier. Let’s get started!


Viewing command options

Don’t worry about memorizing every Linux command and its options. Instead, you
can use the “--help” or “man” command to quickly get information about how to
use a specific command. It’s important to note that sometimes both commands will

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

work, while other times only one or the other will provide the necessary help pages.
For instance, to get help with the “cat” command, you can type either “cat --help”
or “man cat”.
~$ cat --help
~$ man cat
When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to consult the help and man pages for
guidance. These resources can provide you with valuable information on how
to use specific commands, as well as their options and syntax. By using these
resources, you can increase your efficiency and productivity when working in the
Linux environment.”

2.6.2 cat and tac

The “cat” command is a versatile tool that’s often considered essential for Linux users.
Although it could easily be included as one of the ten essential Linux commands in
Table 2-3, we’ve separated it to emphasize its relationship with “tac”. Its primary purpose
is to display the contents of one or more files on the console. It can also be used to
concatenate multiple files together or create new files by redirecting its output to a file.
By default, “cat” displays the file’s contents starting from the first line to the last line.
It’s worth noting that “cat” and “tac” are not only palindromes but also reversed
versions of each other. Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same backward
as they do forward. This adds an extra layer of symmetry to this linguistic coincidence. In
contrast, the “tac” command displays the contents of one or more files in reverse order,
starting from the last line and ending at the first line. Essentially, “tac” is the reverse
of “cat”. Understanding the functionality of both commands can help you efficiently
manipulate and display the contents of files in Linux.
In Table 2-4, you can find a comprehensive list of all the commands used in our
exercise. These commands are designed to help you practice and improve your skills in
using Linux. By familiarizing yourself with these commands and their functions, you can
become more proficient in navigating and manipulating files and directories in Linux.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-4. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 cat Display the contents of one or more files on the console cat file.txt
2 tac Display the contents of one or more files in reverse order (i.e., tac file.txt
from the last line to the first line) on the console
3 sudo Execute a command with administrative privileges sudo
4 apt-get A package management tool used to install, update, and apt-get install
remove software packages (older) tree
5 apt A package management tool used to install, update, and apt install
remove software packages (newer) tmux
6 cal Display a calendar cal
7 clear Clear the terminal screen. Alternatively use Ctrl + L keys clear
8 hostname Display or set the hostname of the system hostname
9 > Output to a file (overwrites the existing file with the same cal > file.txt
10 >> Appends content to the next line (does not overwrite) hostname >

To understand the difference between “cat” and “tac” commands in Linux, it’s
helpful to think about how they display the contents of a file. The “cat” command
displays a file in the same order that it appears in the file. For example, if you have a file
that contains a list of items, “cat” would display the list from the first item to the last item.
On the other hand, the “tac” command displays the file in reverse order, starting from
the last line and ending at the first line. So if you use “tac” on a file that contains a list
of items, it would display the list from the last item to the first item. By understanding
the differences between “cat” and “tac”, you can choose the appropriate command to
manipulate and display the contents of files in Linux.
Keep in mind that if you use a different date or year than the ones in the following
examples, your calendar outputs will naturally vary from those displayed.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~$ mkdir ex2 && cd ex2    # creates a new directory named ex2 & navigates to
the newly created ex2 directory
~/ex2$ ls       # lists the contents of the current directory (should
be empty)
~/ex2$ cal      # attempts to display the current month's calendar using the
'cal' command

Command ‘cal’ not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install ncal

~/ex2$ sudo apt-get update   # calendar program is not installed, first
updates the package list
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex2$ sudo apt install ncal # now, installs the 'ncal' package which
includes the 'cal' command
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex2$ cal      # you can now display the current month's calendar using
'cal' command
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~/ex2$ clear    # clears the console screen. Tip: you can also clear the
screen using the 'Ctrl + L' key combination.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex2$ cal > c1  # save the current month to c1 file, does not display
the output
~/ex2$ ls  # display the content of the current working directory
~/ex2$ cat c1  # print the contents of the file c1 on the console
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~/ex2$ hostname  # display the name of the current host computer

~/ex2$ hostname > h1  # save the name of the current host computer to a file
named h1
~/ex2$ cat h1  # display the contents of the file h1 on the console
~/ex2$ ls -lh  # list all files and directories in the current directory with
detailed information and in human-readable format
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 184 Mar 14 05:04 c1
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe  12 Mar 14 05:07 h1

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex2$ cat -n c1  # display the content of the file c1 on the console with
the line number reference
     1       March 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     3            1  2  3  4
     4   5  6  7  8  9 10 11
     5  12 13 14 15 16 17 18
     6  19 20 21 22 23 24 25
     7  26 27 28 29 30 31
~/ex2$ cat -b c1  # display the content of the file c1 on the console with
line numbers, but skip over blank lines
     1       March 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     3            1  2  3  4
     4   5  6  7  8  9 10 11
     5  12 13 14 15 16 17 18
     6  19 20 21 22 23 24 25
     7  26 27 28 29 30 31

~/ex2$ vi c1  # open the file c1 in the vi text editor for editing. Add empty
lines between each lines as shown below. Save the file.
~/ex2$ cat c1
     March 2023

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Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex2$ cat -n c1 # now run the cat command with the -n option again, and
review the output carefully.
     1       March 2023
     3  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     5            1  2  3  4
     7   5  6  7  8  9 10 11
     9  12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    11  19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    13  26 27 28 29 30 31
~/ex2$ cat -b c1 # now run the cat command with the -b option again and
compare the output with the previous output above.
     1       March 2023

     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

     3            1  2  3  4

     4   5  6  7  8  9 10 11

     5  12 13 14 15 16 17 18

     6  19 20 21 22 23 24 25

     7  26 27 28 29 30 31

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex2$ cal > c1 # overwrite the existing c1 file and save the current month's
output to a file named 'c1'.
~/ex2$ cat c1 # display the contents of file 'c1' on the console. Notice that
the content of the previous exercise has been overwritten.
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~/ex2$ cat c1 h1 # concatenate the contents of files 'c1' and 'h1' and
display the result on the console
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~/ex2$ cat c1 h1 > b1 # concatenate the contents of files 'c1' and 'h1' and
save the result to a new file named 'b1'
~/ex2$ ls # list the files and directories in the current directory
b1 c1 h1
~/ex2$ cat b1 # display the contents of file 'b1' on the console
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Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex2$ cat h1 # display the contents of file 'h1' on the console
~/ex2$ cat b1>> h1 # append the contents of file 'b1' to the end of file
'h1'. Note the use of double greater signs.
~/ex2$ cat h1 # display the contents of file 'h1' on the console again,
including the contents of file 'b1'
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~/ex2$ cat b1 # tac is a wordplay on cat and it reverses the content of

the file.
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~/ex2$ tac b1 # check b1 first using 'cat b1, then use 'tac b1'. Observe the
reversed output. Just like the cat command, you can also save the tac output
to a file using the 'tac > filename' command.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

26 27 28 29 30 31
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     March 2023


~/ex2$ cat # What if you simply use the cat command? Use cat to print on the
screen, and Ctrl+D to quit.
Tux # type this word
the # type this word
penguin # type this word
penguin # Use Ctrl+D to quit.
~/ex2$ cat - # You can also use "cat -", same as using "cat".
I # type this word
Love # type this word
Tux # type this word
Tux # Use Ctrl+D to quit.

If you want to create a new file with a few lines, use cat. This could be faster than using a
text editor.

~/ex2$ cat > a4 # Create a file name a4 and opens it for writing. Type in the
following using Enter keys.
Penguin # Use Ctrl+D to quit.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex2$ cat a4 # Display the content of a4.


Try the following exercise using the “cat” command to create your first Python script
called “”. Don’t worry if you don’t understand Python code; just follow along
for some fun and to get started on your Python journey. You are creating a small Python


~/ex2$ cat > # Create and open your first Python code
and add the lines as shown below.
name = input('What is your name? ')
print('Hello,', name) # Use Ctrl+D to quit.
~/ex2$ python3 # Run the Python code as shown.
What is your name? John # Enter a name to get a Hello return.
Hello, John

Let’s create your first bash shell script called using the cat command.
Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the syntax yet; just follow the following steps for
some fun. Hopefully, this will pique your interest in shell and PowerShell scripting as
well. You are creating a small bash shell program.


~/ex2$ cat > # Create and open your first bash shell code and add the lines as shown below.
read -p "What is your name? " name
echo "Hello, $name"
~/ex2$ source ./ # Run the shell script using a source command.
Alternatively, use 'bash ./' or '/bin/bash ./'.
What is your name? Sam # Enter a name to get a Hello return

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Hello, Sam
~/ex2$ chmod +x # Make file as an executable file.
~/ex2$ ls -lh sayhello* # List all files with sayhello. Notice the file color
change in, now this file is executable.
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 56 Mar 14 20:55
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jdoe jdoe 67 Mar 14 20:58
~/ex2$ ./ # Run the executable bash shell script from the working
folder"./" denotes the current working folder.
What is your name? Jane # Enter a name to get a Hello return.
Hello, Jane

Well done! You have completed the exercises related to the “cat” and “tac” commands.
Throughout the exercises, you have gained exposure to several other useful Linux
commands and created your first Python and Shell scripts using the “cat” command. In
summary, the “cat” command is a versatile tool that can display the contents of one or
more files from top to bottom, concatenate multiple files together, and create new files by
redirecting its output to a file. On the other hand, the “tac” command is useful for reversing
the order of a file’s contents by displaying them from bottom to top. Additionally, you can
use the “cat” command in combination with the greater than sign (>) to create a new file
quickly from the console, or even append a line to a file using two greater than signs (>>).
Keep up the good work and continue practicing and exploring more Linux
commands to improve your skills. Moving on, we’ll explore the “touch” command and
introduce you to the vi text editor.

2.6.3 touch
In Linux, the “touch” command has two purposes. Firstly, it is used to create an empty
file with a specified name or path. Secondly, it can update the access and modification
timestamps of an existing file. When used to create a new file, if the specified file name
does not exist, “touch” will create an empty file with that name. If the file already
exists, “touch” will update its access and modification timestamps to the current time
by default. However, the “-t” option can be used to set a specific timestamp. Overall,
the “touch” command is a useful utility for quickly creating new files or updating
file timestamps for various purposes. In Linux, there are several ways to create a
new file, and two of the most commonly used methods are using the touch and vi
commands as explained in Table 2-5.
Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-5. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 touch Creates an empty file or updates the modification time touch myfile.bak
of an existing file without changing its contents
2 vi vi text editor, commands explained per Table 2-1 vi myfile.bak

The best way to become proficient with the touch command and vi is through
practice. Let’s get started with some hands-on exercises.


~$ mkdir ex3 && cd ex3 / # create ex3_touch directory and changes directory
~/ex3 $
~/ex3$ touch myfile.txt  # create an empty file called "myfile.txt" in the
current directory
~/ex3$ ls -lh
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 16 00:44 myfile.txt

Take a break for one minute! Then run the same touch command again and observe the new
time stamp.

~/ex3$ touch myfile.txt  # update the modification timestamp of "myfile.txt"

to the current time
~/ex3$ ls -lh
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 16 00:45 myfile.txt # notice the time change
after the last touch command
~/ex3$ touch -t 202301241030 myfile.txt # you can use the -t option to change
the timestamp of a file. The timestamp is in the format "YYYYMMDDhhmm"
~/ex3$ ls -lh
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Jan 24 10:30 myfile.txt

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex3$ touch file1 file2 file3 # create three empty files in the current
~/ex3$ ls -lh
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 18 20:53 file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 18 20:53 file2
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 18 20:53 file3
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 0 Mar 18 20:46 myfile.txt


~/ex3$ vi myfile.txt  # vi can open the existing file "myfile.txt"

i  # switch to insert mode

You can't touch this! # add some text to the file. Here I have typed in "You
can't touch this!"

Esc  # switch back to command mode by pressing down on the Esc key.
:wq  # save the file and exit "vi", colon followed by w for write and q
for quit.

~/ex3$ cat myfile.txt # use the 'cat' command to view the content of
You can't touch this!

~/ex3$ vi yourfile.txt # vi opens a new file called yourfile.txt, vi can also

be used to open a new file.
:q  # simply quit without modifying the open file.
~/ex3$ ls # since we did not enter any data to yourfile.txt, the file was
not saved.
file1  file2  file3  myfile.txt

The touch command is a versatile tool that allows you to create one or multiple files
at once. It’s also useful for updating the timestamp of an existing file, as demonstrated
in Exercise 3-1. However, if you need more control over the content of the file, you

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

might prefer to use the vi editor. With vi, you can create a new file, similar to the touch
command, or open an existing file, as shown in Exercise 3.3. The vi editor offers many
advanced features, but for now, let’s focus on using it to create and open files. By
mastering these basic commands, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient
Linux user.

2.6.4 mkdir and rmdir

mkdir and rmdir Linux commands are used to create and remove directories,
respectively. Directories are also known as folders in Windows OS. The mkdir command
takes a single argument, which is the name of the directory to be created. You can
also specify a path to create a directory in a specific location. For example, to create a
directory named “ex4” in the “/home/jdoe/” directory, you would use the following

~$ mkdir /home/jdoe/ex4

On the other hand, the rmdir command is used to remove an empty directory. It
takes a single argument, which is the name of the directory to be removed. To remove an
empty directory, you can use the following command:

~$ rmdir ex4

If the directory contains any files or subdirectories, rmdir will fail and return an
error message. To remove a non-empty directory and all its contents, you can use the
rm command with the -r (recursive) option. For example, to remove a directory named
“ex4” and all its contents, you would use the following command:

~$ rm -r ex4

It’s essential to use these commands carefully to avoid deleting important data
or creating unnecessary directories. Always double-check the directory name and
its contents before running any of these commands. Additionally, you can use the
ls command to check the directory’s contents before removing it. To prompt for
confirmation before deleting the file “file.txt” using the “rm -r” command, you can add
the “-i” option to the command. As a Linux administrator, relying too heavily on the “-i”
option for prompts can hinder your efficiency in managing your system. It is crucial to
have a deep understanding of the commands you’re using and to exercise caution when

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

executing commands that modify or delete files. While it’s always better to err on the side
of caution, a skilled administrator should be familiar enough with command behavior to
execute them confidently.

~$ rm -ir ex4
rm: remove directory 'ex4'? y

Now, let’s have a look at the key commands in Table 2-6, which will be used in
Exercise 4.

Table 2-6. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 mkdir Used to create a new directory mkdir ex4

2 rmdir Used to remove an empty directory rmdir ex4
3 rm Remove command, removes directories and files rm -r ex4

We’ve discussed the theory, and now it’s time to put it into action. Let’s dive in and
get some practice.


~$ mkdir ex4 && cd ex4 # create and change working directory to ex4
~/ex4$ mkdir d1 # create a new directory, d1
~/ex4$ ls -al # -a option prints all information, including hidden files and
directories, -l option display the long listing
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 17:38 .  # the . reperesents current directory
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 17:37 .. # the .. represents parent directory
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 17:38 d1 # d1 is a new directory we've
just created
~/ex4$ ls -Al # if you do not want to see the all information use "-A"
option. Capped options usually carry the opposite meaning to the lower cased
option in Linux. Same applies in regular expression options.
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 17:38 d1

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex4$ mkdir d2 d3 d4 d5 # create four new directories

~/ex4$ ls
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
~/ex4$ mkdir dir{1..10} # use range option to create ten more directories
~/ex4$ ls
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 dir1 dir10 dir2 dir3 dir4 dir5 dir6 dir7 dir8 dir9
~/ex4$ rmdir * # for consistent directory naming let's remove all directories
in ex4 directory.
~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ mkdir d{1..100} # create 100 new directories starting with the
letter d
~/ex4$ ls
d1    d13 d18 d22 d27 d31 d36 d40 d45 d5  d54 d59 d63 d68 d72 d77 d81 d86 d90 d95
d10   d14 d19 d23 d28 d32 d37 d41 d46 d50 d55 d6  d64 d69 d73 d78 d82 d87 d91 d96
d100  d15 d2  d24 d29 d33 d38 d42 d47 d51 d56 d60 d65 d7 d74 d79 d83 d88 d92 d97
d11   d16 d20 d25 d3  d34 d39 d43 d48 d52 d57 d61 d66 d70 d75 d8  d84 d89 d93 d98
d12   d17 d21 d26 d30 d35 d4  d44 d49 d53 d58 d62 d67 d71 d76 d80 d85 d9  d94 d99
~/ex4$ rmdir d{1..100} # we changed our mind and no longer need these directories
~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ # emptied directory


~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ mkdir d1/d2 # try mkdir command without the -p option
mkdir: cannot create directory 'd1/d2': No such file or directory
~/ex4$ mkdir -p d1/d2 # -p stands for parents, try to create a nested
directory with -p
~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ ls d1/ # list content in directory, d1
~/ex4$ mkdir -p d1/d2/d3/d4/d5 # create multi-nested directories at once

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex4$ ls -R # use ls with '-R' option to view sub-directories








~/ex4$ tree # check if the tree is installed on your Ubuntu

Command 'tree' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install tree
~/ex4$ sudo apt install tree # install tree
[sudo] password for jdoe: *************** # enter your password
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex4$ tree --version # check the tree version
tree v2.0.2 (c) 1996 - 2022 by Steve Baker, Thomas Moore, Francesc Rocher,
Florian Sesser, Kyosuke Tokoro
~/ex4$ tree # run tree command, you can easily see the directories and file
└── d1
    └── d2
        └── d3
            └── d4
                └── d5

5 directories, 0 files

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex4$ rmdir -p d1/d2/d3/d4/d5 # removing nested directories are the reverse

of creating them
~/ex4$ tree

0 directories, 0 files
~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ # empty


~/ex4$ mkdir d1 # make a new directory d1

~/ex4$ cal > d1/c1 # create a file called c1
~/ex4$ cat d1/c1 # enter this month's calendar to c1
     April 2023
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~/ex4$ rmdir d1# 'rmdir' cannot delete a directory with contents inside.
rmdir: failed to remove 'd1': Directory not empty
~/ex4$ rmdir -r d1 # 'rmdir' command is not often used to delete a directory
with contents. It does not allow you to delete them.
rmdir: invalid option -- 'r'
Try 'rmdir --help' for more information.
~/ex4$ rm -r d1 # To delete a directory with contents, use 'rm -r' command.
This works!
~/ex4$ ls
~/ex4$ # empty

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Now that you have learned the following Linux commands: mkdir, rmdir, and rm,
you can create and delete directories with ease. Unlike using mouse clicks, where you
can only create one folder at a time, with these commands, you can create multiple
directories at once, even creating nested directories using the “-p” option. Additionally,
removing nested directories or directories with items is a breeze. To check the file
nesting, you can use the “ls -R” command, and if you want to see the directory structure
more clearly, you can install the “tree” package and use it to visualize the directories.

2.6.5 cp and rm
Before we dive into the exercise, let’s review some of the Linux commands
we’ll be using, including cp and rm, as well as their supplementary commands. Look at
Table 2-7 and take a moment to familiarize yourself with each command and study the
simple examples provided.

Table 2-7. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 cp Copy files and directories from one location to another cp file1 file2
2 rm Remove files or directories, does not prompt for rm file1
confirmation before deleting files. Use with care
3 tee Redirect and duplicate the output of a command to both ls | tee file3
a file and the terminal
4 alias Create a shortcut or alias for a command or series of alias ll=’ls -alF’
5 >/dev/null Discards the duplicate output that tee writes to the cp /etc/* . 2>/dev/
standard output null
6 ll Long listing command, short for “ls -l” command ll

Now is the perfect opportunity to gain some practices and see what the preceding
commands can do for you. Let’s get started.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~$ mkdir ex5 && cd ex5 # create a new directory name ex5 and change
directory to ex5
~/ex5$ pwd
~/ex5$ cp /etc/passwd .  # save /etc/passwd file here in the current working
directory with the same name
~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ cp /etc/passwd p1 #
~/ex5$ ls -lh
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1.4K Apr  2 21:52 p1
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1.4K Apr  2 21:51 passwd
~/ex5$ cp /etc/passwd p2 # copy /etc/passwd file as p2 in current working
~/ex5$ ll # long listing, shorthand for the 'ls -l'
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 21:52 ./
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  2 21:51 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1416 Apr  2 21:52 p1
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1416 Apr  2 21:52 p2
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1416 Apr  2 21:51 passwd
~/ex5$ rm p1 # remove p1 file immediately
~/ex5$ ls
p2  passwd
~/ex5$ rm -i p2 # remove p2 file interactively
rm: remove regular file 'p2'? y # yes, remove the file
~/ex5$ rm -i passwd # remove passwd file interactively
rm: remove regular file 'passwd'? n # no, keep the file
~/ex5$ ls # list current working directory content

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex5$ alias rm='rm -i' # create an alias so each time the rm command is
used, you are prompted to confirm file/directory deletion
~/ex5$ alias rm # check alias has been configured properly
alias rm='rm -i'
~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ cp passwd p3 p4 p5 # try to create three files from a single source
file passwd, this fails!
cp: target 'p5' is not a directory
~/ex5$ cp passwd >(tee p1 p2 p3 >/dev/null) # use cp  ~ tee command with
/dev/null to make multiple copies of the same file with different names. he
>/dev/null at the end of the command discards the duplicate output that tee
writes to standard output.
~/ex5$ ls # list and check the new files
p1  p2  p3  passwd
~/ex5$ rm p1 # run rm p1 command as a normal command, this will ask you for
delete confirmation
rm: remove regular file 'p1'? y # yes, delete file p1
~/ex5$ \rm p2 # "\" negates the alias and deletes file p2 without
~/ex5$ rm -f p3 # remove p3 file forcefully (without confirmation)
~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ rm passwd # remove passwd
rm: remove regular file 'passwd'? n # no, keep passwd file
~/ex5$ rm -f passwd # remove passwd file forcefully
~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ # empty
~/ex5$ unalias rm # unalias rm
~/ex5$ alias rm # check that alias for rm has been un-aliased
-bash: alias: rm: not found

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ pwd # present working directory
~/ex5$ mkdir subdir1 # make a subdirectory named subdir1
~/ex5$ cp /etc/a* subdir1/ # copy any files starting with letter, a in /etc/
to subdir1 directory
~/ex5$ sudo cp -r /etc/a* subdir1 # use sudo cp to copy all files starting
with a under /etc/ to subdir1 directory
[sudo] password for jdoe: *************** # enter sudoer password
~/ex5$ ls subdir1/ # check the copied files
adduser.conf  alternatives  apparmor  apparmor.d  apport  apt  at.deny
~/ex5$ rmdir subdir1/ # rmdir cannot delete a directory with items
rmdir: failed to remove 'subdir1/': Directory not empty
~/ex5$ rm -r subdir1/ # -r, the recursive option is not enough to remove some
rm: remove write-protected regular file 'subdir1/at.deny'?
rm: cannot remove 'subdir1/': Directory not empty
~/ex5$ rm -rf subdir1/ # use -r (recursive) and -f (force) options
combination to remove any directories, use with care as the directory or file
will be deleted without a prompt
~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ # empty


~/ex5$ ls
~/ex5$ sudo cp /etc/* . 2>/dev/null # copy all files under /etc/ to the
current working directory, and append "2>/dev/null" to the end of the command
to send the console messages to the null or a black hole. This command only
copies files, but you can use '-r' option to copy the directories as well
~/ex5$ ls # you will see the copies of all whole content of /etc/ directory
adduser.conf     fstab   mime.types   protocols    sudo.conf
[...ommitted for brevity]
ethertypes    manpath.config  profile        subuid-

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex5$ rm -f a* # remove files starting with a certain alphabet

~/ex5$ rm -f D* G* # alphabets are case sensitive
~/ex5$ rm -f b* c* d* # you cannot remove files this way using mouse clicks
on Windows OS
~/ex5$ rm -f [g-s]* # use [g-s] range command to be more efficient
~/ex5$ ls
e2scrub.conf  ethertypes  fuse.conf  ucf.conf  wgetrc      zsh_command_
environment   fstab       timezone   vtrgb    xattr.conf
~/ex5$ rm -f [^uvwx]* # remove all files except files starting with u,
v, w or x
~/ex5$ rm -f [!x]* # remove all files except files starting with x
~/ex5$ cd ..
~/$ rm -f * # remove all files

During our practice with Linux, we have not only covered the basic “cp” and “rm”
commands but also explored some other interesting and powerful commands. The
ability to copy and remove multiple files and directories with a single command is a
unique feature of Linux that sets it apart from GUI-based systems. While executing the
“rm” command, it is recommended to use the “-i” option for interactive deletion, which
can prevent the accidental deletion of important files. Additionally, creating aliases for
frequently used commands can enhance productivity by reducing errors and saving
time. It is crucial to exercise caution while removing directories by using the “-r” and
“-f” options to avoid unintentional deletions, especially when working as the root user.
The “cp” command makes it easy to copy files from one location to another, and the “rm”
command can be used to delete files starting with a particular alphabet. Consolidating
your learning through regular practice and paying attention to detail is vital to achieving
proficiency in using these commands effectively.

2.6.6 rename and mv
To ensure that you’re prepared for the upcoming exercise, let’s take a quick look at
some of the Linux commands we’ll be using, including rename and mv, and their
supplementary commands. Be sure to read the descriptions in Table 2-8 and study the
examples to get a better understanding.
Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-8. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 rename Renames files and directories rename ‘s/tadpole/frog/’ tadpole

2 mv Moves or renames files and directories mv file1 dir1/
mv file1.txt file3.txt
mv -i f1.cfg f3.cfg

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and start practicing what you’ve learned. Let’s jump
right in.


~/$ mkdir ex5 && cd ex6 # create a new directory ex6 and move to ex6
~/ex6$ sudo apt install rename # since rename is not a default application on
some Linux, you have to install the software.
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ mkdir dir1 # make a directory called 'dir1'
~/ex6$ ls
~/ex6$ rename 's/dir1/directory1/' dir1 # rename dir1 directory to directory1
~/ex6$ ls
~/ex6$ rm -r directory1/


~/ex6$ mkdir dir{1..10} # create ten directories starting from dir1 to dir10
~/ex6$ ls
dir1  dir10  dir2  dir3  dir4  dir5  dir6  dir7  dir8  dir9
~/ex6$ rename 's/^dir/directory/' dir* # rename directories starting with
'dir' to 'directory'

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex6$ ls
directory1  directory10  directory2  directory3  directory4  directory5  
directory6  directory7  directory8  directory9
~/ex6$ rmdir * # remove all directories (empty)


~/ex6$ touch f{1..100} # create 100 files starting with "f"

~/ex6$ ls
f1    f11  f14  f17  f2  
f22  f25  f28  f30  f33  f36  f39  f41  f44  f47  f5  
f52  f55  f58  f60  f63  f66  f69
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ rename 's/^f/file/' f* # use a regular expression to match all file
names starting with "f" (f*), and replace the first "f" with "file" using the
substitution command s/^f/file/. s/ denotes the substitution method.
~/ex6$ ls
file1    file12  file16  file2   file23  file27  file30  file34  file38  
file41  file45  file49  file52  file56  file6
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ rm -rf *  # remove all files and directories


~/ex6$ touch a{1..1000}.txt # create 1000 files starting with 'a'

~/ex6$ ls # list newly created files
a1.txt     a143.txt  a189.txt  a233.txt  a279.txt  a323.txt  a369.txt  a413.
txt  a459.txt  a503.txt  a549.txt  [... omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ rename 's/.txt$/.bak/' a* # rename extension .txt to .bak as these are
back-up files
~/ex6$ ls # check the changes
a1.bak     a143.bak  a189.bak  a233.bak  a279.bak  a323.bak  a369.bak  a413.
bak  a459.bak  a503.bak
[... omitted for brevity]

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex6$ rename 's/^a/acorn_/' a* # rename the file name this time, so update
'a' to 'acorn_'
~/ex6$ ls
acorn_1.bak     acorn_168.bak  acorn_237.bak  acorn_306.bak  acorn_376.
bak  acorn_445.bak
[... omitted for brevity]


~/ex6$ rename -v 's/acorn_/ACORN_/' a* # use the '-v' (verbose) option to

show the changes. In Linux, '-V' normally means version, but the small '-v'
option indicates verbose.
acorn_1.bak renamed as ACORN_1.bak
acorn_10.bak renamed as ACORN_10.bak
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ ls
~/ex6$ ls
ACORN_1.bak     ACORN_168.bak  ACORN_237.bak  ACORN_306.bak  ACORN_376.bak
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex6$ rm -rf * # remove all files


~/ex6$ mkdir dir6 # make a new directory dir6

~/ex6$ ls | grep di* #
~/ex6$ mv ACORN_* dir6
~/ex6$ ls
~/ex6$ ls dir6
ACORN_1.bak     ACORN_168.bak  ACORN_237.bak  ACORN_306.bak  ACORN_376.bak
[... omitted for brevity]

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex6$ ls
~/ex6$ cp /etc/passwd . # copy the passwd file to the current working
~/ex6$ ls
dir6  passwd
~/ex6$ cp /etc/passwd pwd # copy passwd file and save it as pwd in the
current working directory
~/ex6$ ls # check the files and directory
dir6  passwd  pwd
~/ex6$ mv pwd dir6/pwd300 # use mv to move the file and change the name while
moving the file
~/ex6$ ls dir6/pw* # check that the file has move to dir6. We still have 100
.bak files in this folder, so using string specific list command.
~/ex6$ rm -rf dir1/* # empty dir1 directory by removing all items


~/ex6$ ls
dir6  passwd
~/ex6$ mv dir6 /tmp # move the directory to /tmp directory
~/ex6$ ll /tmp # long listing of /tmp directory
total 48
drwxrwxrwt  4 root root  4096 Apr  3 20:39 ./
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root  4096 Apr  3 16:35 ../
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root    60 Apr  3 16:35 .X11-unix/
drwxr-xr-x  2 jdoe jdoe 36864 Apr  3 20:28 dir6/
~/ex6$ rm -r /tmp/dir6 # remove dir6 directory
~/ex6$ ll /tmp
total 8

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

drwxrwxrwt  3 root root 4096 Apr  3 20:39 ./

drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Apr  3 16:35 ../
drwxrwxrwx  2 root root   60 Apr  3 16:35 .X11-unix/
~/ex6$ rm passwd
~/ex6$ # empty

Great work on completing your learning on the rename and mv commands in Linux!
These commands offer powerful capabilities and flexibility when it comes to managing
files and directories on the command line. By now, you may have experienced the true
power of these commands when combined with regular expressions. This underscores
the importance of studying and understanding regular expressions when it comes to
searching for strings on the command line. Although you don’t have to fully understand
the syntax and usage of regular expressions just yet, it’s an essential skill set that you’ll
need to acquire at some point. So keep this in mind as you continue to learn and grow
your knowledge of Linux commands. It’s also important to note that if you’re working
with a Red Hat–based Linux distribution like Fedora or CentOS, the rename command
is already included in the default installation. However, it works slightly differently than
in other Linux distributions, and regular expressions may not always be necessary in
certain cases as you may have seen in the preceding examples.
Great job so far, and keep exploring the vast capabilities of Linux commands to
enhance your workflow! Next, let’s get some practice with head and tail commands.

2.6.7 head, tail, and shuf

Before we begin the exercise, it’s important to review the Linux commands that we’ll be
using, such as head, tail, and shuf. Take a few minutes to read through the descriptions
and study the examples provided in Table 2-9.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-9. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 head Views the first lines of a file, displaying the first ten lines by head greenfrogs.txt
default. Uses the -n option to specify the number of lines
2 tail Views the last lines of a file, displaying the last ten lines by Tail -n 3
default. Uses the -n option to specify the number of lines greenfrogs.txt
3 shuf Generates random permutations of input lines shuf -i 1-100

Practice makes perfect, so let’s not waste any more time. Let’s dive in and start
honing our skills.


~$ mkdir ex7 && cd ex7 # create ex7 directory and move to ex7
~/ex7$ cat > cities.txt # create a new file, cities.txt containing your top
10 cities around the world.
           # Don't forget to use Ctrl+D to save and exit!
~/ex7$ ls -lh # check the file has been saved with the data
total 4.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 88 Apr  3 21:15 cities.txt

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex7$ shuf cities.txt > random_cities.txt # use shuf to copy and create new
randome_cities.txt file
~/ex7$ shuf cities.txt >> random_cities.txt # append the 10 more lines to the
randome_cities.txt, so now it has 20 lines of random cities.
~/ex7$ ls -lh
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe  88 Apr  3 21:15 cities.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 176 Apr  3 21:21 random_cities.txt


~/ex7$ cat random_cities.txt # cat command will display all lines at once
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex7$ head random_cities.txt # head command displays the first 10 lines only
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex7$ tail random_cities.txt # tail command displays the last 10 lines
by default
[... omitted for brevity]

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex7$ head -n 3 random_cities.txt # use -n option to specify the number of

lines to display
~/ex7$ tail -n 3 random_cities.txt # tail works the same way but from the
last line


~/ex7$ head -n 3 cities.txt random_cities.txt # you can display multiple

files at once for comparison
==> cities.txt <==

==> random_cities.txt <==

~/ex7$ head -n 3 -q cities.txt random_cities.txt # use -q option to drop
the header

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex7$ shuf -i 1-100 > num1 # create random 100 numbers and save it as
num1 file
~/ex7$ head -n 30 num1 # display top 30 lines
[... omitted for brevity]
~/ex7$ rm -rf *
~$ rm -r ex7

In this practice run, we have gained proficiency in utilizing the head, tail, and shuf
commands. Unlike the cat command, head and tail commands offer greater control over
the amount of information displayed on the screen. Additionally, the shuf command
allows us to shuffle information, and when combined with the “>” symbol, we can save
the shuffled data to a file. Mastering these commands enables us to view and manipulate
information in a more organized and manageable manner.

2.6.8 less and more

Let’s take a moment to review the Linux commands that we’ll be using in this exercise,
particularly the less and more commands and other supplementary commands for Exercise
8. Make sure to review Table 2-10 and study the examples to prepare yourself for the exercise.

Table 2-10. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 less View and navigate through large files or outputs one less greenfrogs.txt
page at a time in the terminal
2 more View large files or outputs one page at a time in the more greenfrogs.txt
terminal, but with limited navigation options compared
to the “less” command
3 apt-get install apt-get is an older package manager for Debian-based apt-get install tmux
systems. Used to install new software

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

In the case of the less command, less is indeed more when it comes to Linux
commands. Now it’s time to put that theory into practice and start honing our skills. Let’s
dive in!


~$ mkdir ex8 && cd ex8

~/ex8$ sudo apt-get install wamerican # wamerican installs dict/words folder
which we need to create random words
[... omitted for brevity]

~/ex8$ shuf -n 300 /usr/share/dict/words > random_words.txt # creates random_

words.txt file using the dictionary words
~/ex8$ ls -lh
total 4.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 2.7K Apr  3 22:15 random_words.txt


~/ex8$ more random_words.txt # displays content per page

[... omitted for brevity]
# use space bar to scroll per page or enter key to scroll down per line

~/ex8$ { shuf -n 100 /usr/share/dict/words | tr '\n' ' ' && echo; } >
random_100_words.txt # this command creates random 100 words on the same line
and saves them to a new file
~/ex8$ more random_100_words.txt # Check the content of your 100 random words
fabrication's definition recur promotion categorized inpatient garlic
sheeting toxemia savoriest sound hur
[... omitted for brevity]
itchiness impetuosity Philistine servicewoman

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex8$ less random_words.txt # more functions than more command

'less' opens random_words.txt with above command. Now inside of less,
practice the following:

# To scroll through random_words.txt:

Press the space bar to scroll down one page.
Press the 'b' key to scroll up one page.
Use arrow keys to scroll up and down, one line at a time.

# To search a specific term:

Press the / key followed by the search word. Press Enter to start the search.
Press n to go to the next occurrence of the search word.
Press N to go to the previous occurrence of the search word.

# To quick 'less'
Press the 'q' key.
~/ex8$ cd ..
~$ rm -rf ex8 # remove ex8 directory

In Exercise 8, you gained valuable experience using powerful Linux commands

to manipulate files and install the software. By learning how to use “more” and “less”
commands, you can efficiently navigate long files with ease. Additionally, you discovered
how to use the “sudo apt-get install” command to install the necessary software, such as
a dictionary for generating 100 and 300 random words. By leveraging the shuf command,
you learned how to create random word files and save them as working files. Finally, you
gained proficiency in searching through files, a critical skill for any Linux user. These
fundamental commands should be committed to memory to help streamline your
workflow and improve your productivity.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Expand your knowledge:

What is the difference between less and more Linux commands?

In the Linux operating system, both the “less” and “more” commands are utilized
as command-line utilities for displaying the contents of a file in the terminal.
However, the primary difference between these two commands lies in the level
of their functionality and flexibility. Specifically, “less” is considered more robust
and adaptable than “more”. This distinction manifests in several areas such as the
Scrolling: When using “more”, you can only navigate forward in the file, one screen
at a time. In contrast, “less” allows you to scroll both forward and backward in the
file using the arrow keys or Page Up/Page Down keys.
Search: “less” facilitates the search of text within a file using the “/” command
followed by the search string. On the other hand, “more” does not possess this
Navigation: Apart from scrolling and searching, “less” provides additional
navigation options such as the ability to jump to a specific line number or
percentage of the file, as well as display the contents of multiple files concurrently.

2.6.9 ls and dir

Although we’ve already been introduced to the ls command, it’s time to practice using
it to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its functionality. Moreover, we’ll
be using the dir command, a ported Windows command, into our practice to further
expand our command repertoire (see Table 2-11).

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-11. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 ls A standard Unix command and is available in almost all Linux ls -lh

2 dir A Windows command that has been ported to Linux and is dir
available in some Linux distributions, usually as an alias to ls

It’s time to get our hands dirty and delve into practicing the many variants of the ls
command, with dir serving as a supplementary tool. Let’s not waste any more time and
begin the exercise.


~$ mkdir ex9 && cd ex9 # make a new exercise directory, ex9 and move to ex9
~/ex9$ date > date9
~/ex9$ mkdir dir9
~/ex9$ ls
date9  dir9
~/ex9$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9
~/ex9$ ls -l -a
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 .
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 22:50 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9
~/ex9$ touch .hidden # create a hidden file named .hidden
~/ex9$ ls
date9  dir9
~/ex9$ ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:16 .
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 22:50 ..

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden # with  the -al option, you
can see this file
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9
~/ex9$ ls -Al # with the -Al option you hide the . and .. directories
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9


~/ex9$ alias ll # check what ll aliased for

alias ll='ls -alF'
~/ex9$ ll # run ll and you will see the contents with / included
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:16 ./
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 22:50 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9/
~/ex9$ ll -h # with the -h option, the file sizes become more human readable,
i.e.) 4.0K
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x 3 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 23:16 ./
drwxr-x--- 3 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 22:50 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 23:15 dir9/
~/ex9$ alias lh='ls -Alh' # you can create your alias, but when you log off,
this is only session based
~/ex9$ lh
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 23:15 dir9
~/ex9$ lh -F # try your new alias lh with -F option and you see the / after dir9

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 23:15 dir9/


~/ex9$ lh -i # -i option displays the inode of files, inodes are unique file
numbers. Book has an ISBN, inode is the same concept as ISBN for books.
total 8.0K
29459 -rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe    0 Apr  3 23:16 .hidden
27106 -rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
29436 drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr  3 23:15 dir9


Try the following ls command with the -R option.

~/ex9$ ls -R /etc/ # list the contents of the "/etc" directory and all its
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex9$ tree /etc/
[...omitted for brevity]


~/ex9$ ls -Sl # the -S option checks the size and lists files from the
largest to smallest order
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
~/ex9$ ls -Slr # the -r option reverses the output of the files listed
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe   30 Apr  3 23:14 date9
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  3 23:15 dir9

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex9$ ls --help # Always refer to the help page


~/ex9$ ls # ls is the original UNIX command and was carried over to Linux
date9  dir9
~/ex9$ dir # dir is a Windows command carried over to Linux
date9  dir9
~/ex9$ cd ..
~$ rm -rf ex9 # remove ex9 directory

In Linux, ls is a standard Unix command and is available on all Linux distributions.

dir, a Windows command, has been adapted for Linux and is available on some
distributions, often as an alias to ls. ls offers a wider range of options and functionality
compared to dir, such as displaying file permissions, file size, and file timestamps. It
also provides various formatting options, including sorting, reversing, and filtering.
In contrast, dir has limited functionality and options. Overall, ls is a more versatile
and powerful command for listing files and directories in Linux, while dir is a simpler
command that provides basic functionality and is often used as an alias to ls.

2.6.10 sort
The next command we’ll be practicing is sort, which is used to sort the contents of a
file or standard input in ascending or descending order. For guidance, please refer to
Table 2-12 and study the commands used in Exercise 10 to begin your practice.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

Table 2-12. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 sort Sorts lines of text in a file or standard input in either sort file.txt
ascending or descending order based on various criteria
such as alphanumeric, numeric, and dictionary order
2 tee Reads input from a pipeline and writes it to both cat ex10.txt | tee
standard output and one or more files simultaneously exercise10.txt
3 paste Merges lines from multiple files or standard input and paste name age |
write them to standard output, separated by a delimiter tee userinfo

As we spend more time working with Linux commands, we’ll continue to improve
our skills at the keyboard. Our next exercise involves using the sort command, so let’s
dive right in.


~$ mkdir ex10 && cd ex10

~/ex10$ cat > math
~/ex10$ cat math
~/ex10$ sort math
~/ex10$ sort math -r
~/ex10$ sort math -u

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex10$ cat > math


~/ex10$ ls
~/ex10$ cat math
~/ex10$ cat > name
~/ex10$ ls
math  name
~/ex10$ paste name math | tee nm # use tee command to display and save the
output to a file
Lara    80
Peter   50
Bruce   90
~/ex10$ cat nm
Lara    80
Peter   50
Bruce   90
~/ex10$ sort -k 1 nm # use -k option to sort using field 1
Bruce   90
Lara    80
Peter   50

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex10$ sort -k 2 nm # use -k option to sort using field 2

Peter   50
Lara    80
Bruce   90


~/ex10$ sort nm -R # use the -R option to shuffle the items, at random.

Bruce   90
Peter   50
Lara    80
~/ex10$ sort nm -R # every time you run the command with the -R option, the
order changes
Peter   50
Bruce   90
Lara    80
~/ex10$ cd ..
~$ rm -rf ex10 # remove ex10 directory

You have learned the fundamental skill of using the “sort” command above, which
is a critical tool for sorting data in either ascending or descending order. Sorting data is
an essential aspect of computing, and it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of
it. During the lesson, you also demonstrated your proficiency with advanced commands
such as “sort -R” and “paste name math | tee nm”, which are valuable tools for working
with data. However, to fully comprehend the sorting functions, we recommend exploring
programming languages and the various data structures they use. For instance, in
Python, you can apply to sort different data types such as strings, lists, tuples, and
dictionaries. Although most data types in Python are ordered, it’s crucial to note that
sets of the data type are not. By exploring sorting functions across different data types,
you will gain a deeper understanding of how to manipulate and sort data, which is an
invaluable skill in the world of computing. Next, we will explore the Linux commands nl
and tee.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

2.6.11 tee and nl
The tee and nl commands are up next for us to learn, although we could have covered
them earlier. As we saw in a previous exercise, tee is a crucial command that every Linux
user should know by heart. So let’s review Table 2-13 to familiarize ourselves with the
commands used in Exercise 11 before we get started.

Table 2-13. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 tee Allows you to read input from a pipeline or file and echo “Hi Ansible!”
simultaneously write it to both the terminal and a file | tee hi.txt
2 nl Used to number lines in a file or input stream. Same as nl calendar
using “cat -b”

The tee and nl commands have some exciting use cases waiting for us to discover. So
without further ado, let’s dive right in and get some hands-on practice with them.


~$ mkdir ex11 && cd ex11

~/ex11$ cal > c1
~/ex11$ date > d1
~/ex11$ cat c1
     April 2023
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2  3  4  5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
~/ex11$ cat c1 > c2 # when you use > to concatenate and make another file, it
does not display the content of the file.
~/ex11$ ls
c1  c2  d1

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex11$ cat c2
     April 2023
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2  3  4  5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
~/ex11$ cat c1 | tee c3 # use the tee to display the content while saving the
output of the calendar to a file.
     April 2023
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2  3  4  5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
~/ex11$ ls
c1  c2  c3  d1


~/ex11$ ls
c1  c2  c3  d1
~/ex11$ ls | tee -a c3 # the -a option appends the command output to the
existing file
~/ex11$ cat c3

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

     April 2023
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2  3  4  5  6  7  8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29


~/ex11$ nl -w6 c1
     1       April 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     3                     1
     4   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
     5   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
     6  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
     7  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
     8  30
~/ex11$ nl -w10 c1 # use the nl -w10 to update the width. (Default is 6)
         1           April 2023
         2      Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
         3                         1
         4       2  3  4  5  6  7  8
         5       9 10 11 12 13 14 15
         6      16 17 18 19 20 21 22
         7      23 24 25 26 27 28 29
         8      30

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex11$ nl -i2 c1 # use the -i option for stepping (increment)

     1       April 2023
     3  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     5                     1
     7   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
     9   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    11  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    13  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    15  30
~/ex11$ nl -i3 c1 # the number reference stepping is now 3
     1       April 2023
     4  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     7                     1
    10   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
    13   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    19  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    22  30


~/ex11$ nl -i10 -v10 c1 # you can specify the beginning of the number with
the -v option
    10       April 2023
    20  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
    30                     1
    40   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
    50   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    60  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    70  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    80  30

~/ex11$ nl -i2 -v0 c1 # you can start from index 0 and increment by +2
     0       April 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     4                     1
     6   2  3  4  5  6  7  8

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

     8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    10  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    12  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    14  30


~/ex11$ nl c1 # compare this output to the next command output, the nl

command is identical to the cat -b command
     1       April 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     3                     1
     4   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
     5   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
     6  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
     7  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
     8  30
~/ex11$ cat -b c1 # note the two different commands but the same result
     1       April 2023
     2  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
     3                     1
     4   2  3  4  5  6  7  8
     5   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
     6  16 17 18 19 20 21 22
     7  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
     8  30


~/ex11$ nl --help # always check the --help page for further clarification
and extend your knowledge
~/ex11$ cd ~ # Change to user home directory
~$ rm -rf ex11 # remove exercise 11 working folder

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

In Exercise 11, you’ve gained the proficiency to utilize the tee and nl commands
efficiently. The tee command lets you exhibit the contents of a file while also conserving
it to another file, while the nl command offers several choices to showcase the content
with line references and enables the alteration of reference number behavior using
options such as -i and -v. Additionally, the “tee” command can be applied in network
device administration to replicate settings and instructions to another device. If you’ve
completed a Cisco CCNA course, you may remember executing a command like “show
ip interface brief | tee sh_ip_int_bri.txt” to save the “show” command’s output to a file
while simultaneously displaying the command information.

2.6.12 grep
We have reached the final stretch of this chapter, and it’s time to learn the last essential
Linux command: grep. This command is a favorite among Linux administrators and is
considered a must-have tool in their arsenal. Before we start with Exercise 12, let’s review
Table 2-14 to get a better understanding of the command.

Table 2-14. Linux commands in action

# Command Description Example

1 grep Searches for a specific pattern or regular expression grep -i “needle”

in a file or output haystack.txt
2 wc Counts the number of lines, words, and characters wc recipe.txt
in a file or output
3 awk A tool used for text processing and manipulation, awk -F’,’ ‘{print $1}’
allowing users to specify patterns and actions to students.txt
be performed on input data

If you’re looking for a tool that can help you search for information in Linux, look no
further than grep. This command is an indispensable tool for Linux users and is used
extensively for searching and filtering data. With grep, you can quickly and easily find the
information you need, every time.

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~$ mkdir ex12 && cd ex12 # create a new ex12 directory and change the working
~/ex12$ cp /etc/services s1
~/ex12$ wc -l s1
361 s1
~/ex12$ wc s1
361  1773 12813 s1
~/ex12$ wc -l s1 # -l option prints  the newline counts
361 s1
~/ex12$ wc -w s1 # -w option prints the word counts
1773 s1
~/ex12$ wc -c s1 # -c option prints the byte counts
12813 s1
~/ex12$ wc --help # always check help for more information


~/ex12$ grep http s1 # find the line containing the word "http", display them
in the terminal
# Updated from
service-names-port-numbers.xhtml .
http            80/tcp          www             # WorldWideWeb HTTP
https           443/tcp                       # http protocol over TLS/SSL
https           443/udp                       # HTTP/3
http-alt        8080/tcp        webcache        # WWW caching service
~/ex12$ grep "http" s1 # the search keyword can be wrapped or unwrapped
around the double quotation marks
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex12$ grep 'http' s1 # the search keyword can be wrapped or unwrapped
around the single quotation marks
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex12$ grep ssh s1 # find a service line containing the word ssh
ssh             22/tcp                          # SSH Remote Login Protocol
~/ex12$ grep ^ssh s1 # the following three commands will give the same output
but the carrot sign (^) denotes the start of the word character in regular
~/ex12$ grep "^ssh" s1
~/ex12$ grep '^ssh' s1
~/ex12$ grep 123/udp s1 # if you know the exact format, it can be used as a
search keyword
ntp             123/udp              # Network Time Protocol
~/ex12$ grep smtp s1 # find a service line containing the word smtp
smtp            25/tcp          mail
submissions     465/tcp      ssmtp smtps urd # Submission over TLS
~/ex12$ grep smtp s1 | nl # use the pipe (|) to combine with another command
     1  smtp            25/tcp          mail
     2  submissions     465/tcp         ssmtp smtps urd # Submission over TLS


~/ex12$ grep "^[^#;].*/tcp" s1 # using the regular expression, you can

significantly enhance the functionality of command-line tools such as grep,
awk, and sed, as well as programming languages.
tcpmux          1/tcp                   # TCP port service multiplexer
echo            7/tcp
[...omitted for brevity]
tfido           60177/tcp                     # fidonet EMSI over telnet
fido            60179/tcp            # fidonet EMSI over TCP
~/ex12$ grep "^[^#;].*/udp" s1 # to identify the UDP services currently in
use, simply substitute the word udp with tcp
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)


~/ex12$ grep "^[^#;].*/tcp" s1 | awk '{if ($2<1024) print $1, $2}' # to print
the service names using port numbers smaller than 1024, combine the command
with awk using the pipe (|).Combining the grep command with the awk command
results in a significant increase in accuracy and efficiency.
tcpmux 1/tcp
iso-tsap 102/tcp
zabbix-agent 10050/tcp
zabbix-trapper 10051/tcp
amanda 10080/tcp
webmin 10000/tcp
kamanda 10081/tcp
amandaidx 10082/tcp
amidxtape 10083/tcp
~/ex12$ grep "^[^#;].*/tcp" s1 | awk '{if ($2<1024) print $1}' # remove the
item reference $2 to print only the service names
[...omitted for brevity]


Please try the following grep commands to see how the printed output changes. In this
example, ‘-E’ option is enabling extended regular expressions, the ‘\b’ is the metacharacter
which represents a word boundary, and the ‘|’ represent alternation (i.e., “or”).

~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/tcp\b' ss # print services using

tcp ports smaller than 100
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|1000)/tcp\b' ss # print services
using tcp ports smaller than 1000
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/tcp\b' /etc/services # replace ss
with the path name on the Linux  to get the same result
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/udp\b' ss # print services using
udp ports smaller than 100
[...omitted for brevity]
Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/(tcp|udp)\b' ss # print both tcp &

udp services between 1-100
[...omitted for brevity]


To extract the desired information from the s1 (or /etc/services) file more accurately and
efficiently, we can combine the grep command with the awk command. Using awk allows us
to filter and manipulate the output of the grep command, making it easier to extract the exact
information we need.

~/ex12$grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/tcp\b' ss | awk -F/ '{print $1}'

# print the tcp services with the service name and port number in use by
combining with grep and awk commands.
[...omitted for brevity]
~/ex12$ grep -E '\b([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)/tcp\b' ss | awk '{printf "%s ", $1}
END {print ""}' # print the service names on a single line with a new line

tcpmux echo discard systat daytime netstat qotd chargen ftp-data ftp ssh telnet smtp time
whois tacacs domain gopher finger http kerberos

After working through the simple /etc/services file saved as s1, you’ve gained a solid
understanding of Linux’s grep command, including basic string searches as well as more
advanced techniques using regular expressions. By combining grep with other Linux
tools such as awk and sed, you can unlock even greater power and efficiency.

Expand your knowledge:

You want to practice more and learn even more Linux commands?
This chapter has been based on the Essential Linux Commands Guide, created to equip
my colleagues at work with fundamental Linux command skills. If you are interested in
delving deeper into even more Linux commands, we are providing a complementary
exercise book (Ch2_Linux_Essential_command_exercises_full.pdf), which can be
downloaded from the author’s GitHub page at

Chapter 2 Shall We Linux? (Part 1: The Linux Command Line)

The suggested extra resource is designed to help readers develop a deeper

understanding of these essential tools and become more proficient in their usage.
It also serves as reinforcement learning for this chapter.

Congratulations on completing all the exercises related to the Linux essential

commands in this chapter! As we move on to the next chapter (Chapter 3), we will
explore the practical side of the Linux operating system, starting with a brief overview
of its directories and file structures. We will then dive into practical Linux tools that
directly apply to the IT engineer’s work. By asking the relevant questions, working with
real-world scenarios, and applying key concepts to solve them, you will gain a deeper
understanding of how to use Linux in a professional context.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, the next chapter will provide
valuable insights and help you become more confident and efficient in your work. In
addition, we will explore and share more intricate features and information about the
Linux OS. So get ready to dive deeper into the Linux environment in the upcoming chapter!

2.7 Summary
In this chapter, we explored the importance of learning Linux, which served as the
cornerstone for learning Ansible and network automation. We learned that Linux was
an open source operating system that could be used on various devices, including
servers, desktops, mobile phones, and almost any computing device. We discussed that
installing WSL on Windows 11 was an easy and effective way to start learning Linux.
For those who did not want to install Linux on their PC or virtual machines, there
were alternative websites with 24/7 free Linux Web services. We also covered the use
of vi as the default text editor and discussed the top ten essential Linux commands,
including pwd, touch, ls, mkdir, cd, rm, rmdir, cp, mv, and grep. These commands were
everyday commands that Linux administrators used and loved, and mastering them was
necessary to become proficient in managing Linux servers. Moreover, we emphasized
the importance of hands-­on practice to learn Linux commands effectively. By mastering
commonly used Linux commands, users could navigate through the Linux environment
with ease and perform various tasks, such as creating directories, copying and moving
files, and searching for specific information in files. To give readers even more practice
on the Linux commands, we provided an exercise book that users could download and
complete the exercises end to end.


Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

In this chapter, we will be exploring a range of Linux utilities that will help us with Linux
administration in the future and also prepare us well for the Ansible learning from the
next chapter. We’ll start by diving into the Linux directory system and learning how to
extract system information. We’ll cover how to view and read Linux processes, run disk
space–related tools, and manage users on Linux. In addition, we’ll take a deep dive
into controlling access to files and directories in Linux, compressing files using various
tools, and downloading files from the Internet in Linux. We’ll also explore Linux network
utilities for troubleshooting and discuss the importance of keeping your Linux system
up to date. To help you start thinking about data handling, we’ve included a fun quiz
on regular expressions. We’ll show you how to convert a picture of a Jack Russell dog
into ASCII using regular expressions. We’ll also highlight the importance of regular
expressions in Ansible and programming in general. So get ready to learn and practice
your Linux administration and programming skills with us in this chapter!

Figure 3-1. Tux, a content penguin

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Chapter 2 and this chapter are designed to work with a single Linux environment,
allowing readers to focus on one server and become familiar with it. In Chapter 2,
we covered essential Linux commands and history of Linux, including the naming of
Tux the Linux Penguin (Figure 3-1), providing you with the skills to work confidently
in a terminal environment. In this chapter, we’ll delve deeper into Linux directories
to help you better understand how Linux operates. We’ll explore its intricacies and
ask important questions about the operating system, such as how to locate system
information, check processes, and troubleshoot network issues.
In Linux, many things are treated as files, including system resources such as devices,
network sockets, and processes. This design allows the operating system to access and
manipulate these resources using standard file system operations. For example, a hard
disk is treated as a file, and Linux can read from and write to it using standard file system
commands. Similarly, devices like a keyboard, a mouse, and printers are also treated
as files, allowing them to be managed using the same file system commands. Even
directories and symbolic links are treated as files, although they have slightly different
properties and behaviors compared to regular files. This design simplifies the overall
structure of the system, making it more accessible to users.
While this book is not a dedicated Linux textbook, our goal is to bring readers up
to speed quickly, bypassing the novice stage, and help them embark on an enjoyable
Ansible and network automation journey. We believe that mastering the fundamentals
is essential to successfully navigating the world of Ansible and network automation.
Therefore, we have designed this book to equip you with the skills needed to confidently
tackle the tasks at hand and set you on the path to becoming a proficient Linux user.
As promised in Chapter 2, we’ll begin by familiarizing ourselves with the Linux
directory structure, providing you with a solid foundation for the rest of the book.
We aim to make your journey into the world of Ansible and network automation as
enjoyable and stress-free as possible, and we believe that a strong understanding of
Linux is essential to achieving this goal.

3.1 Linux Directory
To explore the directory structure of Linux and gain a better understanding of how
the OS operates, you can use the tree program that we installed in Chapter 2. Start by
changing your directory to the root directory, denoted by /, using the Ubuntu terminal
on your WSL. Once you’re there, run the command “tree -x” to print all the immediate
directories contained under the root directory.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ cd /
/$ pwd
/$ tree -x
.                            # Root /
├── bin -> usr/bin          # User Binaries
├── boot                    # Boot Loader Files
├── dev                     # Device files
├── etc                     # Configuration Files
├── home                    # Home Directories
├── init                    # System Initialization Files
├── lib -> usr/lib          # System Libraries
├── lib32 -> usr/lib32      # 32-bit Shared Library Files
├── lib64 -> usr/lib64      # 64-bit Shared Library Files
├── libx32 -> usr/libx32    # 32-bit Compatible Libraries
├── lost+found              # file system checker (fsck) used to store
recovered files and directories
├── media                   # Removable Devices
├── mnt                     # Mount Directory
├── opt                     # Optional Add-on Apps
├── proc                    # Process Information
├── root                    # root user home directory
├── run                     # Contains temp files created by processes
during system runtime etc.
├── sbin -> usr/sbin        # System Binaries
├── snap                    # Store snap packages
├── srv                     # Service Data
├── sys                     # A virtual file system for system monitoring,
diagnostics & device mgt.
├── tmp                     # Temporary Files
├── usr                     # User Programs
└── var                     # Variable Files

23 directories, 1 file

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Most Linux operating systems will have a similar directory structure under the root
directory. Take a moment to compare the output of the “tree -x” command to Figure 3-2,
which shows the most used Linux directories. By studying the Linux directory structure,
you can learn what each directory stands for and what services it provides for OS
operations. This is an excellent starting point for your Linux extended studies and will
help you gain a better understanding of how the OS works.
While it may be tempting to delve deep into each directory and provide a full
explanation, we aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge to become proficient in
Linux without overwhelming you with too much information. Therefore, we will focus on
familiarizing you with some important directory names and their functions, which will
provide you with a solid foundation for the rest of the book. This approach will allow you
to quickly get up to speed with the basics of Linux and set you on the path to becoming
a proficient Linux user. Take your time to carefully study the directory structure and the
corresponding descriptions next to the directory names. It’s important to note that the
information in the preceding output and Table 3-2 may not be fully absorbed in one
sitting, and there’s no need to memorize everything. Instead, we recommend taking
a closer look at some of the identifiable directories that are crucial for vital system
operations and using the figure as a reference point for future use. By doing so, you’ll be
better equipped to navigate the Linux system and perform necessary tasks with ease.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


The root directory ("/") is the top-level directory in Linux file systems.
Contains essential system files and directories, and is the parent directory for all others.


Only the root user can modify its contents.
The "/root" directory is the root user's home directory.

/bin  Directory "/bin" contains essential system executable files.

(User Binaries)  E.G.) ls, ps, ping, grep, cp, and rm

 The "/boot" directory contains files related to the boot loader.

 Contains vmlinux, GRUB files, & kernel initrd responsible for managing the system's hardware resources.
(Boot Loader Files)  Ex.G.) initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic and vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

 The "/dev" directory contains device files representing physical and virtual devices.
 Examples of devices include hard drives, printers, USB devices, terminals, and peripherals.
(Device Files)  E.G.) /dev/tty1, /dev/usbmon0, /dev/stdin, and /dev/stdout

 The "/etc" directory contains configuration files for the system and installed applications.
 Contains start, shutdown, and shell scripts, among others.
(Configuration Files)  E.G.) /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/logrotate.conf

 The "/home" directory contains users' personal accounts.

 Contains user home directories where users can store their personal files and configurations.
(Home Directories)  E.G. /home/john, /home/jane, /home/hugh
 The "/lib" directory is the directory for system libraries.
/lib  Contains shared library files that are essential for running system programs.
(System Libraries)  Library files usually end with .ld*, .lib*, or .so*.
 E.G.) and
 The "/media" directory is the directory for external media/devices.
 Contains mount points for removable media devices.
(Removable Devices)  E.G.) /media/cdrom, /media/floppy, and /media/cdrecorder
 The "/mnt" directory is the directory for system administrators to mount temporary file systems.
/mnt  Contains mount points for temporarily mounted file systems, such as external hard drives and network
(Mount Directory) shares.
 E.G.) /mnt/c and /mnt/d
 The "/opt" directory is the directory for vendor application add-on files.
 Contains third-party software installations.
(Optional Add-on Apps)  E.G.) either /opt or /opt/sub_folder

 The "/proc" directory contains virtual files providing information about running processes and system
/proc resources.
(Process Information)  The directory for system processor information.
 E.G.) /proc/{pid}, /proc/uptime, and /proc/version

 Directory "/sbin" contains essential system commands.

 These commands are typically used by the root user.
(System Binaries)  E.G.) iptables, reboot, fdisk, ifconfig, and swapon

 The "/srv" directory is the directory for scheduled services and its related data.
 Contains data for services provided by the system.
(Service Data)  E.G.) /srv/cvs

 The "/tmp" directory is used for temporary files by the system and users.
 Temporary files can fill the directory during system boot.
(Temporary Files)  E.G.) /tmp/tmp_bv_n4y0/apt.conf

 The "/usr" directory contains files and directories not required for system boot, such as user programs
/usr and libraries.
(User Programs)  The directory for binary files, libraries, documents, and source codes for Layer 2 application use.
 E.G.) /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/lib, /usr/local, and /usr/local/apache2

 The "/var" directory contains files that change frequently during operation.
 Includes log files and spool directories for print and email services.
(Variable Files)  E.G.) /var/log, /var/lib, /var/mail, /var/spool, /var/lock, and /var/tmp

Figure 3-2. Linux directory structure

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Currently, you’re staring at the Ubuntu terminal window with a black background
and white-colored fonts. However, do you know much about the operating system
you’re using right now? In the upcoming section, we’ll delve into how to obtain
valuable information about our Linux operating system, helping readers become more
familiar with locating specific system information. This can be a crucial task for system
administrators, who may need to gather this information manually if monitoring tools or
Syslog servers aren’t available or don’t provide the necessary details.

3.2 Getting to Know Your Linux Better

Understanding your Linux server is essential to effectively manage it. If you’re using
Ubuntu on WSL, which is a virtual machine that operates on Microsoft Hyper-V, you
can use the lsb_release command to check the version of Ubuntu you’re using. This
command is simpler than using the cat /etc/*release command to obtain comprehensive
system information. lsb_release will display information such as the Ubuntu release
number, codename, and description.


lsb_release is a Linux command that displays distribution-specific information such as the

release number, codename, and description. It may not be installed by default on your system,
so you may need to install it before running the command. You can use your distribution
package manager to install it.

~$ lsb_release -v # check the version of lsb_release program

No LSB modules are available.

~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lsb-core -y # update package
manager and install lsb-core (for Ubuntu, Debian)
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ lsb_release  -v
LSB Version:    core-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch:security-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch
~$ lsb_release -d
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
~$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    core-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch:security-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release:        22.04
Codename:       jammy


uname is a command-line utility available in Linux that allows you to retrieve information
about the underlying system hardware and operating system. One of the most commonly
used options is -a, which displays all information available from uname, including the kernel
name, network hostname, kernel release, machine hardware name, processor type, and
operating system name. In addition to -a, uname provides other useful options for querying
system information. You can refer to the help page by typing uname --help or man uname in
the terminal to view a list of available options and their usage. By using these options, you can
easily access the information you need to diagnose issues, optimize performance, or perform
other system administration tasks.

~$ uname -a
Linux LP50BC #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC
2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Now, let’s try the cat /etc/*release command, which is a common way to check the Linux
distribution and version that your system is running on.

~$ cat /etc/*release # run the command and this will reveal much of your
system information
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ cat /etc/*release | grep DISTRIB_* # combine with the grep command to get
specific information.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ cat /etc/*release | awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' | tr -d '"' # combine with

awk to pin point the info
~$ cat /etc/*release | awk -F= '/^PRETTY_NAME/{print $2}' | tr -d '"'
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS


Apart from the cat /etc/*release command, there are other commands that you can use to
obtain information about your Linux system. One such command is env, which displays the
values of all the currently defined environment variables. Running this command can help you
understand the current environment of your Linux system.

~$ hostname # print the host name

~$ whoami # print logged-in username
~$ pwd # print present working directory
~$ echo $HOME # return the path of the home directory
~$ env | grep HOME # combine env and grep commands to get specific information
~$ env # this command will display tons of environment variables
[...omitted for brevity]


The following information is provided for your reference only and is specific to Fedora 38, a
Red Hat–based system. You do not need to run these commands, as they are only included to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Fedora output:
For Fedora: Run "sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install redhat-lsb-core -y"
For CentOS and Red Hat: Run "sudo yum update && sudo yum install redhat-
lsb-core -y"

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~]$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: Fedora
Description:    Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
Release:        38
Codename:       ThirtyEight
~]$ uname -a
Linux f38s1 6.2.8-300.fc38.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Mar 22 19:29:30
UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
~]$ cat /etc/*release
[...omitted for brevity]
~]$ cat /etc/*release | grep Fedora* # notice the difference in output
and keyword
Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
NAME="Fedora Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 38 (Server Edition Prerelease)"
Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
~]$ cat /etc/*release | awk -F= '/^PRETTY_NAME/{print $2}' | tr -d '"'
Fedora Linux 38 (Server Edition Prerelease)


To find where a program is installed in Linux, use the command followed by the name of
the program. For example, running python3 will show you where the Python 3 executable is
located. It’s also important to check the version of the program you are running, and you can
do so by using either the --version or -V option. However, not all programs support the -V
abbreviation, and vice versa, so it’s best to check the program’s documentation first. By
using these commands, you can stay up to date with your Linux system and get a better
understanding of the programs you have installed.

~$ which python3
~$ python3 --version
Python 3.10.6

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ python3 -V
Python 3.10.6

~$ which lsb_release
~$ lsb_release -V
Usage: lsb_release [options]

lsb_release: error: no such option: -V

~$ lsb_release --version
LSB Version:    core-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch:security-11.1.0ubuntu4-noarch


Drop the number 3 from the python3 command

If you’re a Linux user running Python in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL),
you may encounter the “Command not found” error when running the Python
command. To run Python in WSL, you need to use python3, which can be
inconvenient if you’re used to running the simpler Python command.
However, there’s an easy solution to this problem. You can create an alias that
allows you to use the Python command instead of python3. Here’s how:
1. Open the .bashrc file using the vi ~/.bashrc command.
2. Add the following line at the end of the file: alias python=python3.
3. Save the file and exit the editor.
4. Run the source ~/.bashrc command to apply the changes.
5. Now, you can use the Python command instead of python3 to run
your Python programs. For example, you can run python filename.
py instead of python3
By creating this alias, you can save time and avoid the hassle of typing the extra 3
every time you want to run Python in WSL. This same user setting applies to other
Linux operating systems too.
Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

As a Linux user, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the system you’re
working on. Luckily, there are several commands you can use to discover valuable
information about your environment. The lsb_release command displays Linux
Standard Base (LSB) and distribution-­specific information, including the version
number and codename. The uname command displays information about the system’s
kernel version and architecture. The cat /etc/*release command displays information
about the Linux distribution and version you are running. The env command displays
environment variables that are currently set, which can be useful for troubleshooting
or debugging. The command shows the location of an executable file associated with a
given command. Lastly, the --version or -V command option can be used with various
programs to display their version information. By using these commands, you can gain a
deeper understanding of your Linux system and confirm your running environment.

3.3 Getting Familiar with Linux Processes

Modern computers commonly support multiprocessing, which allows multiple processes
to run concurrently. A process is a running instance of a program in both Linux and
Windows. When you run a program, the operating system creates a new process to execute
it. Each process is allocated its own memory space, resources, and stack and is managed
by the kernel. As a Linux power user, it’s essential to be familiar with the tools that manage
processes in Linux. This knowledge is particularly important in troubleshooting issues such
as resource contention or high processor utilization. In this section, we’ll cover three essential
tools for managing Linux processes: top, free, and dmesg. While this book has a focus on
Ansible, it’s essential to understand the use cases for each of these tools. We recommend that
you take the time to expand your knowledge of the different Linux processes in use and learn
from your job if you’re administering Linux systems in production.
Let’s take a quick look at some examples of each tool.


The top command shown in Figure 3-3 is a widely used tool among Linux users for monitoring
system resources in real time. It provides valuable information on CPU and memory usage, as
well as a list of resources that each process is utilizing. With top, you can quickly identify any
resource-intensive processes that may be causing performance issues and take appropriate
action to optimize system performance. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature
set make it an essential tool for system administrators and power users alike.
Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ top

Figure 3-3. top command output (Ubuntu on WSL)

ID: Process ID number

USER: User who started the process

PR: Priority of the process

VIRT: Virtual memory used

RES: Physical memory used

%CPU: Percentage of CPU time used

SHR: Shared memory used by the process

%MEM: Percentage of physical memory used

COMMAND: Name of the command that started the process

While the preceding output from your WSL Ubuntu server represents just a few lines of
processes, it’s important to note that in a production environment, there can be hundreds or
thousands of processes running simultaneously. However, what matters most for you right
now is to become familiar with the information presented so that you know what to look
for the next time an issue arises. This will help you troubleshoot effectively and identify any
problematic processes that may be causing issues. So take your time to understand the
output and use it as a stepping stone to becoming more comfortable with managing server

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


The free command in Linux is a powerful tool for displaying information about memory usage
and available memory on your system. By default, running the free command will display
memory information in bytes. However, if you combine the command with the -h option, the
output becomes more human-readable, as the sizes are expressed in units like “GB” and “MB”
(see Figures 3-4 and 3-5).

~$ free

Figure 3-4. free command output (Ubuntu on WSL)

~$ free -h

Figure 3-5. free -h command output (Ubuntu on WSL)

total: Amount of memory in your system

used: Amount currently in use

free: Amount not in use

shared: Amount shared among processes

buff/cache: Amount used for file system buffering and caching

available: Amount available for new processes

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


A dmesg command is a tool used to show the kernel ring buffer, which contains information
about system events, including hardware and software events like system boot-up, device
driver messages, and error messages. It is an excellent tool for troubleshooting many system
issues (see Figures 3-6 and 3-7).

~$ dmesg | less

Figure 3-6. The dmesg | less command pipes the output of “dmesg” to “less”

~$ dmesg -T

Figure 3-7. dmesg -T output displays the timestamp in a human-readable format

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

By piping the output of dmesg to less, you can navigate through the messages by scrolling up
and down or moving one line at a time. Additionally, you can perform keyword searches within
the less environment. If you prefer a more human-friendly timestamp, you can use the -T
option with the dmesg command. This is a helpful starting point for troubleshooting any
boot-up or hardware-related issues since it displays valuable logs related to these events and

You now know where to locate critical information regarding processes, memory
usage, and events and processes-related logs for troubleshooting purposes. It is not
necessary to commit these commands to memory, but with frequent use, you will
become more familiar with them. The essential thing to remember at this point is that
these tools are widely available in almost every Linux OS, making it easier for you to
access the information you need.

3.4 Getting to Know Disk Space in Linux

To help readers quickly get up to speed with Linux, we won’t be covering custom disk
space allocation or manual LVM configuration during installation. These topics are
extensive and require separate studies beyond the scope of this book. However, we will
cover the df command, which is used to check disk utilization on the current Linux OS.


To make the output of the df command more easily understood, it is typically used with the -h
option, which displays sizes in a human-readable format (see Figure 3-8). With this option,
the output shows the size of the file system, as well as the used and available disk space, in
a format that is easy to interpret. The resulting output is much more user-friendly, making it
easier for even novice Linux users to understand the state of their system’s disk utilization. By
the way, the “df” stands for “disk free”.

~$ df -h

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Figure 3-8. df -h output


The following command shown in Figure 3-9 only displays the available disk space:

~$ df -h --output=avail /

Figure 3-9. df -h –output=avail / output

The df command provides valuable information about disk space usage, including
available and used disk space on your Linux system. By mastering this command,
readers will gain insight into their system’s disk usage and be better equipped to manage
their Linux environment.

3.5 Getting Started with Linux User Management

Managing user accounts on a Linux server through the terminal interface can be
challenging, particularly for novice Linux users and Windows users who are accustomed
to user administration via a graphical user interface. While the terminal interface may
not be as intuitive as user-friendly desktop GUIs, it is often the preferred method of
user administration in highly secure environments where desktop GUIs and KVMs
(Keyboard, Video, and Mouse) are not available. This ensures optimal system resource

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

utilization, increased security, and fewer system bugs. As such, IT professionals who
work in these environments should possess strong skills in terminal-based user
While APIs are becoming increasingly prevalent in machine-to-machine
communication, there are still manual tasks that cannot be effectively processed and
replaced by AI or ML. Until the AI can read an IT administrator’s mind and the keyboard
is removed from the equation, some tasks will remain manual. Despite the excellent
desktop GUIs available for Linux, IT professionals should understand how to manage
users through both the desktop GUI and the terminal console, with a preference for
the terminal. In this way, they can ensure they are equipped with the skills needed to
manage users on a Linux server effectively.
In this exercise, we will be practicing several tasks related to user management on
a Linux server. These tasks include adding a new user with a home directory, adding
another user without a home directory, creating a home directory for an existing user,
creating a new user with a home directory and setting /bin/bash as the default shell,
changing the default shell to /bin/bash for an existing user, logging in as a new user
using the su – username command, setting a user’s password expiry date using the
chage command, locking a user account, removing (revoking) a user’s password only,
deleting a user account only using the sudo userdel command, and deleting a user
account along with all their files and directories.
It is important to become proficient in these tasks as they are essential skills for any
IT professional working with Linux servers. By mastering these skills, you can ensure that
you can manage user accounts on a Linux server effectively and efficiently. These skills
will be valuable throughout your career and can help you achieve success in your role as
a system administrator or IT professional. So get ready and excited to practice these skills
and make them a part of your long-term skill set.


To add a new user with a home directory on Ubuntu, you can use the adduser command,
which is a Perl script that acts as a user-friendly wrapper around the useradd command.
This script guides you through the process of creating a new user in a wizard-like manner,
automatically configuring default settings such as the user’s home directory. By using the
adduser command, you can quickly and easily create new users with minimal effort.

~$ adduser jane

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

adduser: Only root may add a user or group to the system.

~$ sudo adduser jane

[sudo] password for jdoe: *************** # enter jdoe's (Administrator) sudo
Adding user `jane' ...
Adding new group `jane' (1001) ...
Adding new user `jane' (1001) with group `jane' ...
Creating home directory `/home/jane' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
New password: *************** # enter jane's new password
Retype new password: *************** # re-enter jane's new password
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for jane
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Full Name []: Jane Doe # Optionally enter the user's full name
        Room Number []:
        Work Phone []:
        Home Phone []:
        Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y # Y for yes
~$ ls /home/ # Check /home directory to see jane's home directory
jane  jdoe
~$ tail -n 2 /etc/passwd # run tail command to check the last 3 lines in the
passwd file
jane:x:1001:1001:Jane Doe,,,:/home/jane:/bin/bash # You can see the home
directory reference in passwd
~$ sudo tail -n 2 /etc/shadow

You have successfully created a user with the home directory and also set the new password
for the user. Compare that to the next exercise.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


To add another user without a home directory and make this user a sudo user:

~$ sudo useradd bob

[sudo] password for jdoe: *************** # if you are continuing from Ex.1,
no password will be prompted
~$ ls /home/
jane  jdoe
~$ tail -n 3 /etc/passwd
jane:x:1001:1001:Jane Doe,,,:/home/jane:/bin/bash
bob:x:1002:1002::/home/bob:/bin/sh # notice that the default shell is /bin/sh
~$ ls /home/ # the last output contains /home/bob but bob's home directory is
still missing
jane  jdoe
To create a home directory for an existing user, use the mkhomedir_helper
~$ sudo mkhomedir_helper bob # to instate the user's home directory, run
this command
~$ ls /home/
bob  jane  jdoe

To create a new user with a home directory and set /bin/bash as the default shell, use
the -m option for home directory creation and the -s option to set the user’s default shell to

~$ sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash leah

~$ tail -n 3 /etc/passwd
jane:x:1001:1001:Jane Doe,,,:/home/jane:/bin/bash
~$ ls /home/
bob  jane  jdoe  leah

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

To change the default shell to /bin/bash for an existing user, bob, you must use the
usermod command with the -s option.

~$ sudo usermod -s /bin/bash bob

~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep bob

With the useradd command, it does not create a password for the users as you can see from
the next command. You have to use the passwd command to create a new password; you can
also use the passwd command to update an existing user’s password.

~$ sudo tail -n 3 /etc/shadow

bob::19456:0:99999:7::: # no password for the user, bob, notice the
"!" symbol
leah:!:19456:0:99999:7::: # no password for the user, leah, notice the
"!" symbol

~$ sudo passwd bob # run this command to create or update a user password
New password: *************** # enter the password
Retype new password: *************** # re-enter the password
passwd: password updated successfully
~$ sudo tail -n 3 /etc/shadow #
A5tHmZFSXX8:19456:0:99999:7::: # bob's new password has been set
leah:!:19456:0:99999:7::: # user leah still does not have her password,
notice the "!" symbol


Use “su – username” to log in as the new user. It is important to avoid using the command
“su username” as it may result in logging into the wrong user’s home directory, such as “/
home/jdoe$”. To ensure that you log into the correct user’s home directory, it is recommended
to use the “su –” command.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

In this section, we will be adding the user “bob” to a sudoer group, granting him sudo
privileges. However, it is important to note that the process of escalating a user to the sudoer
group on Fedora is slightly different and will be covered in the next chapter, which will focus
on installing and configuring both Fedora and Ubuntu virtual machines for Ansible practical. For
now, we will focus on Ubuntu (Debian) user privilege escalation.

~$ su – bob # login as a user bob

Password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ ls
~$ pwd # always check your working directory
~$ sudo ls -la /root # run this command to check that if bob has the sudo
[sudo] password for bob: ***************
bob is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. # bob does
not have the sudoer privilege
~$ exit # exit to move back into jdoe's Admin account
~$ pwd
~$ sudo usermod -aG sudo bob # add bob to the sudo group using the -aG
option. -a stands for append, -G stands for groups. Linux options are called
flags and these terms are interchangeably used.
~$ su - bob
Password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
$ pwd
$ sudo ls -la /root # if this command gives an output, bob has the sudo
privileges and "Bob's your uncle."
[sudo] password for bob: ***************
total 16
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Jan  4 08:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Apr  9 10:12 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3106 Oct 15  2021 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  161 Jul  9  2019 .profile

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep bob # this command confirms that "everything
is all right" for bob
~$ exit


To set a user’s password expiry date, you have to use the chage command. Combine
the command with a number of options to set the correct password policy for the users.
One example is shown in the following. After setting the password expiry policy for a user,
it is recommended to compare the configuration with other users such as “jane,” “jdoe,” or
“leah” to ensure consistency and uniformity. This comparison will provide more insight into
the password expiry policy and help to identify any discrepancies or issues that may require
further attention.

~$ sudo chage -M 90 -m 0 -W 14 bob # "-M 90" sets the max days between
password changes to 90 days, "-m 0" means the user can change password at any
time, "-W 14" indicate that the password warning will be sent 14 days before
the password expiry.
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
$ sudo chage -l bob #
Last password change                               : Apr 09, 2023 # the last
password update
Password expires                                   : Jul 08, 2023 # expires
in 90 days
Password inactive                                  : never
Account expires                                    : never
Minimum number of days between password change     : 0
Maximum number of days between password change     : 90 # the days between
password change
Number of days of warning before password expires  : 14 # the password
expiry warning

~$ sudo passwd -S bob # some systems do not have chage command, then use
passwd with -S option
bob P 04/09/2023 0 90 14 -1

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ sudo passwd -S jane # notice the 90 in bob's output to 99999 in jane's

output. 99999 indicates that there is no password expiry set for the user,
jane. Also, the warndays changed from the default 7 days to 14 days in bob's
jane P 04/09/2023 0 99999 7 -1


Linux housekeeping 1: To lock a user account in Linux, utilize the “passwd” command with
the “-L” option. Conversely, to unlock the account, employ the “-U” option. This is a basic
housekeeping task in Linux system administration.

~$ sudo passwd -S bob

bob P 04/09/2023 0 90 14 -1
~$ sudo usermod -L bob # lock the user account
~$ sudo passwd -S bob
bob L 04/09/2023 0 90 14 -1
~$ su - bob
Password: ***************
su: Authentication failure
~$ sudo usermod -U bob # unlock the user account
~$ su – bob # always check the user login
Password: ***************
bob@LP50BC:~$ exit # exit to go back to the admin account


Linux housekeeping 2: To remove (revoke) the user password only. Exercise caution when
using this command as it enables users to log in without password prompts. Although the
command is available, it is not advisable to use it due to security concerns.

~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep bob # check bob's password exists

~$ sudo passwd -d bob # delete the password for user, bob
passwd: password expiry information changed.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep bob # check that the password has been removed
bob::19456:0:90:14::: # bob's password has been removed
~$ su – bob # login as bob, no password prompt here. You got a free pass.
~$ sudo ls -al /root # You can still run the sudo commands even if you logged
in with no password
total 16
drwx------  2 root root 4096 Jan  4 08:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Apr  9 10:12 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3106 Oct 15  2021 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  161 Jul  9  2019 .profile
~$ exit


Linux housekeeping 3: To delete user accounts only. Use “sudo userdel”. By default, this
command will only remove the user account but preserve the user’s home directory. Remove
the user’s home directory separately.

~$ ls /home/ # confirm jane's home directory

bob  jane  jdoe  leah
~$ tail -n 3 /etc/passwd # confirm jane's account
jane:x:1001:1001:Jane Doe,,,:/home/jane:/bin/bash
~$ sudo userdel jane # run userdel without options
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
~$ tail -n 3 /etc/passwd # check that jane's account has been deleted
~$ ls /home/ # check that jane's home directory is still available
bob  jane  jdoe  leah
~$ sudo rm -rf /home/jane # we no longer need jane's home directory, so
remove it
~$ ls /home/ # confirm the directory deletion
bob  jdoe  leah

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


Linux housekeeping 4: To delete a user account and all files and directories within the
user’s home directory

~$ sudo userdel -r bob # use userdel with -r option to remove bob's account
and home directory and files
userdel: bob mail spool (/var/mail/bob) not found
~$ ls /home/ # confirm the user's home directory deletion
jdoe  leah
~$ tail -n 3 /etc/passwd # confirm the account deletion

Expand your knowledge:

/bin/sh vs. /bin/bash

Exercises 1 and 2 demonstrated that different methods of creating a new user can
assign different types of shells. But what is the difference between the two types of
shells – /bin/sh and /bin/bash?
/bin/sh, also known as the Bourne shell, and /bin/bash are both Unix shell
interpreters that execute commands and scripts on Unix and Linux operating
systems. Linux, which is designed to mimic Unix, uses both shells. However, the
default shell for most Unix and Linux systems is /bin/sh, while /bin/bash is a more
advanced shell with additional features, functions, and capabilities. Wikipedia
explains that /bin/sh usually points to a minimal POSIX-compliant shell interpreter,
meaning that it conforms to a standardized set of features that are common to all
Unix-like systems, including Linux. It was designed to be simple and efficient, with
fewer built-in features. In contrast, /bin/bash is a more powerful shell that supports
advanced features such as command-line editing, history, tab completion, and
programmable command completion. It is typically used for interactive command-
line sessions and more complex scripts. To summarize, /bin/sh is a basic shell

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

interpreter used for simple tasks, while /bin/bash is a more advanced shell used
for interactive command-line sessions and more complex scripts. /bin/bash is
currently more popular due to its features and usefulness. Therefore, you now have
a clear understanding of the difference between /bin/sh and /bin/bash.

Great job on completing the user account management exercise! This topic can be
confusing at first, but you tackled it with focus and determination. By understanding the
underlying concepts and mastering the relevant commands, you now have the skills to
properly manage user accounts and enhance the security of your Linux environment. As
you move on to the next topic, which is files and directory access control, you will learn
how to control who can access and modify files and directories on your system. This
is another important aspect of Linux security, and mastering it will make you a more
effective Linux user. Keep up the good work!

3.6 Controlling Access to Files and Directories

in Linux
Create a new directory called “my_data” using the command mkdir my_data. After
creating this directory, use the command ls -l my_data to review the output and
understand the meanings behind each character relating to the my_data directory.
As you can observe, the default permissions for a new directory are drwxr-xr-x, which
stands for read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute
permissions for the group and others. For a regular file, the same permissions apply but
with the first character being replaced with -. Understanding these permissions is crucial
for managing files and directories in Unix-like systems, so take time to fully comprehend
the information presented in Figure 3-10 and Table 3-1.


~$ mkdir my_data
~$ ls -l | grep my_data
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  9 16:59 my_data

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Let’s zoom in and study each item in the output.

Figure 3-10. Breakdown of ls -l output of the my_data directory

Table 3-1. Breakdown of the output of “ls -l” for a directory named my_data
# Ref. Explanation

① d “d” indicates a directory. If “-” appears, it is a regular file

② rwx The next three characters specify the permissions for the file’s owner. “rwx”
indicates that the owner jdoe has read, write, and execute permissions
③ r-x The next three characters, “r-x”, indicate that the group, jdoe, has read and
execute permissions but no write permission. When a user is created, a
corresponding name group is created by default
④ r-x The last three characters, “r-x”, indicate that all other users’ permissions have
read and execute permissions but no write permission
⑤ 2 “2” indicates the number of hard links to this file
⑥ jdoe The file’s owner’s name
⑦ jdoe The file’s group name
⑧ 4096 The size of the file in bytes
⑨ Apr 9 16:59 The date and time when the file was last modified
⑩ my_data The name of the file

Now that we have a clear understanding of the meaning of each character in the
output of the directory (treated as a file) named “my_data”, let’s take a closer look and
comprehend the ten characters concerning the numeric codes used for modifying file/
directory modes. We can use a simple chmod command to observe the changes in
the mode.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


~$ ls -l | grep my_data
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  9 18:16 my_data
~$ chmod 775 my_data
~$ ls -l | grep my_data
drwxrwxr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr  9 18:16 my_data

Figure 3-11 shows file/directory permission changes. After running the “chmod 775
my_data”, you will notice that the second character in ③ or the third set has been updated
from “-” to “w”, meaning that this group (jdoe) has just gained write access to this file,
in this case, a directory. The ② or second set remained the same as before, meaning
that “rwx” is the highest permission value 7. Finally, ④ or the fourth set remained “r-x”,
meaning that “r-x” must be equal to numeric value 5.

Figure 3-11. File/directory permission change

Using the information we gathered from our simple chmod testing and referring
to Figure 3-11, we can match the numeric codes of the chmod command with the file
permissions set characters. In Linux, file and directory permissions are represented
by a series of three digits, with each digit indicating owner permissions, group
permissions, and other permissions. These digits are calculated by assigning values to
the corresponding permission types: read (4), write (2), and execute (1). Understanding
the numeric code that specifies permissions for files or directories is critical, as file-
related issues can arise in both lab and production environments. Troubleshooting
file permission problems on Linux is a valuable skill for both novice and experienced
Linux administrators. Therefore, let’s examine the numeric code in Table 3-2 and the
corresponding file permission characters.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Table 3-2. File permissions numeric codes

Numeric code Meaning Equivalent file permission

7 Full permissions (read, write, and rwx

6 Read and write permissions rw-
5 Read and execute permissions r-x
4 Read-only permissions r--
3 Write and execute permissions -wx
2 Write-only permissions -w-
1 Execute-only permissions --x
0 No permissions ---

Here are some of the commonly used Linux file/directory permissions code sets for
your reference. While you don’t have to memorize the values, it’s helpful to be familiar
with the most frequently used codes to save time. If you’re unsure, you can always refer
back to Table 3-3 for guidance.

Table 3-3. Commonly used Linux file/directory permission numeric code sets
Code set Owner Group Other users Explanation

744 rwx r-- r-- drwxr--r-- 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
7 4 4
To give the owner of a file read, write, and execute
permissions, but restrict all other users to only read
770 rwx rwx --- drwxrwx--- 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
7 7 0
To give the owner and group read, write, and execute
permissions but no permission to other users

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Table 3-3. (continued)

Code set Owner Group Other users Explanation

777 rwx rwx rwx drwxrwxrwx 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
7 7 7
Grants unrestricted access to everyone and is rarely
used in production. Full read, write, and execute
permissions to everyone. For public-facing files
755 rwx r-x r-x drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
7 5 5
The owner has full permissions; other users have
only read and execute permissions. Commonly
used for web services to allow execution but no
modification to the files
644 rw- r-- r-- drw-r--r-- 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
6 4 4
The owner has full read and write permissions; other
users have only read permissions. A very common
permission allows the owner to modify the file but
prevents others from modifying the file. For files that
are meant to be read-only for most users, such as
configuration files or documentation
600 rw- --- --- drw------- 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Apr 9 18:16 my_data
6 0 0
The owner has full permissions; others have no
permissions. A common setting for sensitive files,
to ensure only the owner can access the file. For
sensitive files that contain confidential data, such as
passwords or encryption keys


The significance of “d” and “-”

Please note that in the provided examples, the initial letter “d” signifies a directory.
If the file being referred to is a regular file, the ‘d’ will be replaced with a “-” symbol.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

It’s important to note that Table 3-2 serves as a general guideline for setting file and
directory permissions. However, it’s essential to evaluate your specific situation and
requirements to determine the appropriate permissions.
Now that you understand the meanings behind the “r”, “w”, “x”, and chmod code sets,
you may be wondering how this concept is applied in real-world scenarios. To gain a
better understanding, let’s explore a simple example of how file permissions can be used
in practical situations. We’ll use the following exercises to illustrate these concepts.


Change the working directory to the root directory (/) and create four users. We will assign
these test users to different groups with different permissions.

~$ pwd
~$ cd /
/$ pwd
/$ sudo adduser jane   # assign to no group
/$ sudo adduser bob # assign to group 1
/$ sudo adduser leah # assign to group 1 2
/$ sudo adduser tom # assign to group 1 2 3


Create group1, group2, and group3 and assign users to it according to our plan.

Create three groups and assign users according to the notes in step ③.

/$ sudo groupadd group1

/$ sudo usermod -aG group1 bob
/$ sudo groupadd group2
/$ sudo usermod -aG group1 leah && sudo usermod -aG group2 leah
/$ sudo groupadd group3
/$ sudo usermod -aG group1 tom && sudo usermod -aG group2 tom && sudo usermod -aG
group3 tom

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Get the group’s membership:

/$ getent group group1 group2 group3 # use 'getent group' command to check
the group membership

Check the user’s group membership:

/$ groups jane bob leah tom # use 'groups' command to check group membership
jane : jane
bob : bob group1
leah : leah group1 group2
tom : tom group1 group2 group3

Another way to check the user’s group membership:

/$ id jane bob leah tom # use 'id' command to check the user's group membership
uid=1001(jane) gid=1001(jane) groups=1001(jane)
uid=1002(bob) gid=1002(bob) groups=1002(bob),1005(group1)
uid=1003(leah) gid=1003(leah) groups=1003(leah),1005(group1),1006(group2)
uid=1004(tom) gid=1004(tom) groups=1004(tom),1005(group1),1006(group2),

To check sudo group membership:

/$ getent group sudo # check sudo group membership while you are here


Now, make three separate directories and assign different permission levels exactly
shown here:

/$ sudo mkdir L1_data L2_data L3_data

/$ ls
L1_data  bin   etc   lib    libx32      mnt   root  snap  tmp
L2_data  boot  home  lib32  lost+found  opt   run   srv   usr
L3_data  dev   init  lib64  media       proc  sbin  sys   var

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

/$ chmod 775 L1_data

/$ chgrp group1 L1_data # change the group ownership to group1, all other
users have read and execute permissions, but no write access.
/$ chmod 770 L2_data
/$ chgrp group2 L2_data # change the group ownership to group2, remove all
other users permissions
/$ chmod 770 L3_data
/$ chgrp group3 L3_data # change the group ownership to group2, remove all
other user permissions
/$ sudo ls -al L* # print the long listing of all files starting with an
upper case ‘L'
total 8
drwxrwxr-x  2 root group1 4096 Apr  9 22:13 . # group owner is group1 for
L1_data directory
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root   4096 Apr  9 22:13 ..

total 8
drwxrwx---  2 root group2 4096 Apr  9 22:13 . # group owner is group2 for
L2_data directory
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root   4096 Apr  9 22:13 ..

total 8
drwxrwx---  2 root group3 4096 Apr  9 22:13 . # group owner is group3 for
L3_data directory
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root   4096 Apr  9 22:13 ..


Since tom has access to all of the levels, we will log in as tom and create three secret files for
three directories.

/$ su - tom
tom@LP50BC:~$ sudo cat > /L1_data/L1_secret # use cat to create L1_
secret file

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

[sudo] password for tom: ***************

tom is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. # Since tom
is not part of the sudo group, he cannot use the sudo command.
tom@LP50BC:~$ cat > /L1_data/L1_secret # create L1_secret file
This is L1 secret!
tom@LP50BC:~$ cat > /L2_data/L2_secret # create L2_secret file
This is L2 secret!
tom@LP50BC:~$ cat > /L3_data/L3_secret # create L3_secret file
This is L3 secret!
tom@LP50BC:~$ exit # make sure you log out


Now log in as each user and test if you can open the secret files and compare the output.
If everything worked for you, you will see a similar result to the following commands and

/$ su – jane # login as jane

Password: ***************
jane@LP50BC:~$ more /L1_data/L1_secret # see if you can open L1_secret file
This is L1 secret!
jane@LP50BC:~$ more /L2_data/L2_secret
more: cannot open /L2_data/L2_secret: Permission denied # see if you can open
L2_secret file
jane@LP50BC:~$ more /L3_data/L3_secret
more: cannot open /L3_data/L3_secret: Permission denied # see if you can open
L3_secret file
/$ su – bob # login as bob
Password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
bob@LP50BC:~$ more /L1_data/L1_secret # see if you can open L1_secret file
This is L1 secret!
bob@LP50BC:~$ more /L2_data/L2_secret
more: cannot open /L2_data/L2_secret: Permission denied # see if you can open
L2_secret file
bob@LP50BC:~$ more /L3_data/L3_secret

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

more: cannot open /L3_data/L3_secret: Permission denied # see if you can open
L3_secret file
bob@LP50BC:~$ su – leah # login as leah
Password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
leah@LP50BC:~$ more /L1_data/L1_secret # see if you can open L1_secret file
This is L1 secret!
leah@LP50BC:~$ more /L2_data/L2_secret # see if you can open L2_secret file
This is L2 secret!
leah@LP50BC:~$ more /L3_data/L3_secret
more: cannot open /L3_data/L3_secret: Permission denied # see if you can open
L3_secret file
leah@LP50BC:~$ su – tom # login as tom
Password: ***************
tom@LP50BC:~$ more /L1_data/L1_secret # see if you can open L1_secret file
This is L1 secret!
tom@LP50BC:~$ more /L2_data/L2_secret # see if you can open L2_secret file
This is L2 secret!
tom@LP50BC:~$ more /L3_data/L3_secret # see if you can open L3_secret file
This is L3 secret!

The purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate that file/directory access doesn’t
need to be assigned to each user. By using groups, you can assign multiple users to
different groups based on their function and utilize it as a form of role-based access
control. At the enterprise level, role-based access control to various resources is the
preferred method over individual user-level access control due to the overhead involved
in managing individual user accounts. This overhead can be costly in terms of resources
and is often viewed as a waste of money, so it’s not a desirable activity from a financial
perspective. This is where the true power of groups in Linux comes into play. It allows for
efficient management of access control for multiple users while reducing administrative
overhead, making it an attractive solution for corporations.
Throughout this chapter, we have been demystifying several Linux topics, in this
part, the secret codes behind the ‘r’s, ‘w’s, and ‘x’s of file permissions in Linux, and we
have associated these characters with the chmod file permission codes. By practicing
these concepts hands-on, you have been gaining a deeper understanding of Linux’s file
and directory permissions and access control. We believe that this section is one of the
highlights of the chapter, as it will be invaluable to you when you have any questions

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

about Linux files and directory permissions in the future. This section will serve as an
excellent reference point for any future questions on Linux file/directory permissions.
To help you remember these topics, we suggest practicing on the computer and
using relatable examples that are relevant to your needs. If you felt that the naming
conventions or examples in this chapter were not relatable, feel free to update them as
you see fit and get more practice. Remember, practice makes perfect, and in this case,
it will help you to retain the information in your long-term memory as well as in your
muscle memory.
The last example we covered highlighted the importance of using groups for file and
directory ownership, as it can significantly lower operational overheads for you and your
organization. Next, we will lightly touch on compressing files, which involves zipping
and unzipping files.

3.7 Working with Zip Files in Linux

Working with files in Linux often involves compressing them to save disk space, speed
up file transfer, archive data, use less bandwidth, improve system performance, secure
data using encryption or password protection, and organize data for easier access and
management. There are several file compression utilities available in Linux, each with
its strengths and weaknesses. Your choice of tools will depend on your specific needs
and use cases. The most used compression tools in Linux are gzip and bzip2, which are
typically used in conjunction with tar, the file archiving tool. Additionally, there are 7-Zip
and zip tools that offer file compression and are an excellent choice when files need to
be shared or transferred between Linux and Windows systems.
Table 3-4 provides an overview of the file extension types, features, and base
algorithms used for compression in Linux. Consider the table when choosing the
appropriate compression tool for your needs.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Table 3-4. Common file compression tools for Linux

Name File ext. Features Algorithm

7-Zip .7z • File compression tool LZMA (Lempel-Ziv-Markov

• Similar to zip chain algorithm)
• Often creates smaller compressed files
than zip
• Compresses the entire directories
bzip2 .bz2 • File compression tool Burrows-Wheeler block
• Often used in combination with tar to sorting algorithm
create compressed tar files
• Creates smaller compressed files than gzip
• Compresses the entire directories
gzip .gz • File compression tool LZMA (Lempel-Ziv-Markov
• Often used in combination with tar to chain algorithm)
create compressed tar files
• Compresses the entire directories
tar .tar • File archiving utility None
• Does not compress files but is used in
conjunction with the gzip or bzip2 to
compress the archive
zip .zip • File compression tool DEFLATE (a combination of
• Widely used on Windows but also works Huffman coding and LZ77
on Linux algorithm)
• Compresses individual files
• Uses a lossless data compression

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the various compression tools available
in Linux, it’s time to put theory into practice. To truly understand their capabilities, we
need to get our hands dirty and learn how to use them effectively. In this section, we’ll
delve into practical examples of these tools in action, so you can start compressing files
right away. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the skills to compress files like a pro
and take your Linux productivity to the next level.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


Exercise preparation steps. Check the current working directory. Use the dd tool to create a
large file, say, 1 GB, with the file name “compress_me”. And make a new directory to save the
uncompressed files.

~$ pwd # check the current working directory

~$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=compress_me bs=1M count=1000 # create a 1GB binary
file using dd command. The content is not important here, only the size.
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB, 1000 MiB) copied, 3.65665 s, 287 MB/s
~$ mkdir uncompressed # create a new directory for output
(uncompressed) files
$ ls -lh # check the file and directory
total 1001M
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1000M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe  4.0K Apr 10 13:37 uncompressed

While a 1 GB file size may be considered large for some, we will keep the file size at 1 GB for
demonstration purposes in this book. However, feel free to reduce the file size to 100 MB,10
MB, or 1 MB if you want to save time or disk space.


To compress and uncompress the 1 GB test file named “compress_me” using the 7-Zip
software, please execute the following commands in your command prompt:

~$ sudo apt install p7zip-full # install 7-zip on Ubuntu

[...omitted for brevity]
~$ 7z a compress_me.7z compress_me # create compress_me.7z file in the
current directory
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ ls -l compress_me.7z
-total 2048068
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1048576000 Apr 10 13:33 compress_me

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1048631772 Apr 10 15:25 compress_me.7z # a newly

compressed file
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe       4096 Apr 10 13:37 uncompressed

~$ 7z x compress_me.7z -ouncompressed/ # extract the contents to the

uncompressed directory, you can use the -o option to specify the output
directory. Note, there is no space between the ‘-o' option and the directory
name ‘uncompressed', so you have to use ‘-ouncompressed/' to specify the
directory path.
~$ ls -l uncompressed/
total 1024004
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1048576000 Apr 10 13:33 compress_me

~$ 7z x compress_me.7z # if yo simply want to uncompress the file in the
current directory, use this simple command with the x option without the
directory path. If you already have an existing file, make an appropriate
selection from "(Y)es / (N)o / (A)lways / (S)kip all / A(u)to rename all /


To compress and uncompress the “compress_me” file using bzip2 software, execute
the provided commands. For faster practice, use files with smaller sizes such as 1 MB
or 10 MB. Keep in mind that bzip2 is known to be a slow software for compression and
uncompression processes.

~$ bzip2 -k compress_me # create compress_me.bz2 in the same directory, there

is no feedback from the program showing a percentage like 7-zip. The -k
option tells bzip2 to keep the original and make a compressed version. You
just have to wait patiently until the operation completes.
~$ ls -lh
total 3.0G
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1000M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1001M Apr 10 15:25 compress_me.7z
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1005M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me.bz2
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe  4.0K Apr 10 15:37 uncompressed

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ bzip2 -dc compress_me.bz2 > ./uncompressed/compress_me # extract the

contents of the compressed file to a new file named compress_me in the
directory, home/jdoe/uncompressed.

To decompress the file in the same directory, use the bzip2 with the -d option.

~$ ls -lh uncompressed/
total 1001M
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1000M Apr 10 16:20 compress_me

(Optional commands)
~$ bzip2 -d compress_me.bz2 # extract (decompress) the original file back
into the current working directory
~$ bzip2 compress_me

Be careful when using the “bzip2 file_name” command without the -k option. Forgetting to use
the “-k” option can result in the original file being overwritten by the compressed version. For
example, if you run the preceding command, the original file will be converted to “compress_
me.bz2”, potentially causing data loss. This is an important caveat to keep in mind, so be sure
to double-check your command before running it to avoid this common mistake.


To compress and uncompress the 1 GB test file named “compress_me” using the gzip
software, please execute the following commands. Usually, gzip is a lot faster than bzip2, so
use gzip for speed.

~$ gzip -k compress_me # create compress_me.gz in the same directory, with

the -k option, and keep the original file. Always use the -k option to keep
the original file intact.
~$ ls -lh
[...omitted for brevity]
~$  gzip -dc compress_me.gz > ./uncompressed/compress_me # extract the
contents of the compressed file to a new file named compress_me in the
directory specified by /path/to/uncompressed.
~$ ls -lh uncompressed/ # check the timestamp of compress_me file.
[...omitted for brevity]
~$  gzip -d compress_me.gz # extract the contents of the compressed file and
create a new file named compress_me in the same directory.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


To compress and uncompress the 1 GB test file named “compress_me” using the tar with
gzip and tar with bzip2, please execute the following commands.

Use the tar and gzip method to compress and uncompress the test file, compress_me.

~$ tar -czvf compress_me.tar.gz compress_me # To create a compressed tar

ball file named 'compress_me.tar.gz' in the same directory as the original
file, you can use the tar command with -czvf options. The original file will
remain unmodified and intact, while a compressed version will be created as a
separate file.
~$ tar -xzvf compress_me.tar.gz -C uncompressed # extract the contents
to a specific directory, you can use the -C option to specify the output
directory. For example, to extract the contents to a directory called
~$ tar -xzvf compress_me.tar.gz # extract the files in the same directory.

Similarly use the tar and bzip2 method to compress and uncompress the test file.

~$ tar -cjvf compress_me.tar.bz2 compress_me # create a compressed tar ball

file named compress_me.tar.bz2 in the same directory as the original file.
~$ tar -xjvf compress_me.tar.bz2 -C uncompressed # use the -C option to
specify the output directory.
~$ tar -xjvf compress_me.tar.bz2 #extract the compress_me.tar.bz2 file in the
same directory.


To compress and uncompress the 1 GB test file named “compress_me” using the zip
software, please execute the following commands:

~$ sudo apt install zip

~$ zip compress_me # reate a compressed zip file named in the same directory as the original file.
adding: compress_me (deflated 0%)

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ unzip -d uncompressed # extract the contents to a specific

directory, you can use the -d option to specify the output directory.
inflating: uncompressed/compress_me
~$ ls -lh uncompressed/
total 1001M
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1000M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me
~$ unzip # extract the contents of the compressed file in the
same directory.


To free up the disk space, delete all test files in the working directory.

~$ ls -lh
total 6.9G
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1000M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1001M Apr 10 15:25 compress_me.7z
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1005M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1001M Apr 10 13:33 compress_me.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1005M Apr 10 16:54 compress_me.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1001M Apr 10 17:02 compress_me.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 1001M Apr 10 17:09
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe  4.0K Apr 10 17:10 uncompressed
~$ rm -rf *
~$ ls -lh
total 0

You have learned about various Linux file compression utilities, including tar, gzip,
bzip2, zip, and 7-Zip. For each tool, you studied its features and file extensions. To
test these tools, you created a 1 GB test file called “compress_me” and used each tool
to compress and then uncompress the file. You discovered that tar is a file archiving
method, but when combined with gzip or bzip2, it can perform file compression and
decompression. Throughout your testing, you gained firsthand experience of the pros
and cons of each tool and noted the speed of each compression utility. Finally, you
deleted all the used files to free up disk space. In your next step, you plan to explore how
to download files from the Internet using curl, wget, and git while managing your system.
Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

3.8 Downloading Files from the Internet in Linux

Linux administration involves more than just managing the system; it also includes
downloading important system files and drivers. However, the essential skills of using
curl, wget, and git for file downloads are often overlooked. These tools can provide
efficient management of software packages, automation of tasks, enhanced security, and
accessibility to remote files, making them vital for any Linux administrator. Make sure
to keep the “jack.jpg” photo available as it will be used again in the final exercise on
regular expressions.
To truly understand the value of these tools, it’s important to install them and try
them out. Actions speak louder than words, after all. In the following sections, we’ll
explore how to install and use each of these file-downloading tools. You’ll learn how to
optimize their performance, take advantage of their features, and become a proficient
Linux administrator. Let’s get started!


First, make three new directories to save and hold the downloaded files.

~$ mkdir curl_download wget_download git_download

~$ tree
├── curl_download
├── git_download
└── wget_download

3 directories, 0 files


To download a file from the Internet, you can use the curl command. First, to download a file
and save it to the current directory, use the curl command with the -O option.

~$ curl -O
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  164k  100  164k    0     0   393k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  393k

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ ls -lh jack.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 165K Apr 10 21:00 jack.jpg

To download and save another file in a specific file location, use the curl command with the -o
option. You have to specify the name of the directory along with the name you want the file to
be saved as. We are renaming the original name putty_jack.png to young_jack.png and saving
it under the /home/joe/curl_download directory.

~$ curl -o ./curl_download/young_jack.png https://italchemy.files.wordpress.

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  435k  100  435k    0     0  1200k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1203k
$ ls -lh curl_download/
total 436K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 436K Apr 10 21:02 young_jack.png


To save a file in a specific directory, simply use the wget command with the -P option.

~$ wget -P ./wget_download/

[...omitted for brevity]
~$ ls -lh wget_download/ # check the file
total 436K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 436K Apr 10 20:53 puppy_jack.png

To download the same photo and save it in the current directory, simply type in wget, followed
by the URL of the file to download.

wget # file will

be saved in the current directory
~$ ls -lh *.jpg *.png # check the files
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 165K Apr 10 21:00 jack.jpg # a downloaded file from
the previous exercise
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 436K Apr 10 20:53 puppy_jack.png # just
downloaded file

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


To download files from the GitHub repository, “jackrussell”, use the “git clone” command. If
you want to save the files in a specific directory, append the path of the directory to where you
want to save the files to.

~$ git clone ./git_download/

Cloning into './git_download'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (10/10), 766.08 KiB | 6.28 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done.
~$ ls -lh git_download/ # check the downloaded files
total 684K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe  34K Apr 10 22:40 jack_black.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 171K Apr 10 22:40 jack_cartoon.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 473K Apr 10 22:40 puppy_jack_git.png

There are many options with even the git command; for a full list of options, please use the
“git --help”.

Now that you have learned three different ways to download files from the Internet,
you should be able to select the most appropriate method for downloading the file you
need on your Linux system, which will help you achieve your desired outcomes. Next,
we will delve into managing networks in Linux and explore a range of useful network
utilities that can be valuable in this regard.


Author’s IT Blog,

Brendan has been willingly sharing his IT expertise with the wider online
community since 2014. Over the years, he has authored a total of three informative
and insightful IT books, including the one you are currently reading. A lot of

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

the content used in my books is inspired by his blog posts. The download links
provided in this section are also posted in his blog. If you’re interested in learning
more about Brendan and staying up to date with his latest IT insights, be sure to
check out his engaging and informative WordPress blog and GitHub, where he
regularly posts on a wide range of IT-related topics for techies.

3.9 Linux Network Utilities for Troubleshooting

In this exercise, we will take a look at some of the most popular Linux network
troubleshooting tools. These tools include “ip address”, “ifconfig”, “netstat”, “ping”,
“traceroute”, “tcpdump”, “dig”, “nmap”, “route”, and “ss”. As a network or systems engineer,
it is important to master the use of these tools to effectively troubleshoot network issues.
To help you get started, we have provided example commands for each tool in
Table 3-5. You can access the example outputs for these commands from the following
We understand that going through each command output can be time-consuming
and consume a lot of paper space. Therefore, we have provided the link for your
convenience. You can review the outputs in your own time and at your own pace.
Please note that becoming proficient in using these tools takes time and practice. So
we encourage you to start today and slowly add these tools to your skill set. To run the
example commands, simply open your Ubuntu console and type in the commands as
shown in Table 3-5.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Table 3-5. Popular Linux network utilities

Utility name Description Example

ip address Display or configure IP addresses and network ip address show

ifconfig Configure and display network interfaces sudo ifconfig eth0 up/down
“sudo apt install net-tools” or “sudo apt install
iproute2” required
netstat Display active network connections. Has many netstat -a
ping Test network connectivity by sending ICMP packets ping -c 4
ping -c 4
traceroute Trace the route that packets travel through a traceroute
“sudo apt install inetutils-traceroute” required
tcpdump Capture and analyze network traffic on a network sudo tcpdump -i eth0
dig Perform DNS queries and lookups dig
nmap Scan a network and discover hosts and services sudo nmap -A
running on target hosts
“sudo apt install nmap” required
route Manipulate and display the network routing table sudo route -n
ss Display information about active sockets and sudo ss -t -a
network connections

Most of the tools mentioned in this exercise are straightforward to use, but there are
a couple of exceptions such as nmap and netstat. nmap is a powerful tool for remote host
scanning and is an essential tool for IT engineers. To help you get started with nmap, we
have provided syntax examples in Table 3-6. We encourage you to run each command
provided at your own time and pace and also visit the source and reference websites for
a more comprehensive understanding of the tool.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Table 3-6. Useful nmap commands to scan remote hosts

# Command Explanation

1 sudo nmap or nmap Scan a host or scan a web site
2* sudo nmap –p 1-65535 Scan specific ports

sudo nmap -p 22,69,80,443

3 sudo nmap Scan multiple Ips

sudo nmap,201,202
4 CIDR scanning Scan IP ranges
sudo nmap -p IP Range nmap -p
Entire C class IP range (256 Ips)
sudo nmap 8.8.8.* exclude an IP nmap -p
8.8.8.* --excluse
5* sudo nmap --top-ports 20 Scan the most popular ports using -Pn
sudo nmap --top-ports 20 -Pn option
6* sudo nmap -iL ip_addresses.txt -iL for Scan hosts in a text file -A for
sudo nmap -iL ./ip_addresses.txt -A Operating System info
7* sudo nmap - -oN scan_output1.txt #NAME?
sudo nmap -iL ./ip_addresses.txt -A -oN
8 sudo nmap -p 80 -n -n Disable DNS name resolution if using
only IP addresses
9 sudo nmap -A -A for OS scanning
10 sudo nmap -sV -sV for Service/Daemon detection
11 sudo nmap -sT -sT for TCP scan
sudo nmap -sU -sU for UDP scan
12 sudo nmap -Pn --script vuln NSE – full vulnerability testing
13 sudo nmap -sV --script=http-malware-host Detecting malware infections on remote hosts

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

netstat, on the other hand, is a local system tool that helps you audit, review, and
troubleshoot local and remote issues. Just for fun, one of my favorite commands,
‘netstat -tuna’, is depicted in Figure 3-12. In this exercise, we will focus on netstat and
provide some test-drive exercises. We will install OpenSSH and Nginx on our Ubuntu
on WSL, which will open up some ports to help you learn about netstat commands with
different options. By following these exercises, you will gain a better understanding of
how to use netstat effectively.

Figure 3-12. netstat -tuna output

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

It is important to note that becoming proficient in using these tools takes time and
practice. So we encourage you to take the time to learn and practice using these tools
regularly. As you become more comfortable with them, you will be better equipped to
troubleshoot network issues and excel in your career as a network engineer.
Let’s dive into some exercises using netstat and explore its various options. By
practicing these exercises, you’ll gain a better understanding of how to use netstat to
audit, review, and troubleshoot local and remote network issues. So let’s get started!


To perform some testing, we need to install the OpenSSH server on your Ubuntu instance
running in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Let’s set the SSH login port to 2022 and use
the Windows PuTTY SSH client to log in to the Ubuntu server. If you don’t have PuTTY installed,
please download and install it for this exercise. As demonstrated in Figure 3-13, from the host
PC, you will be logging into WSL using the local IP of with an open SSH port in 2022.

~$ sudo apt install openssh-server # install OpenSSH server on WSL

~$ sudo sed -i -E 's,^#?Port.*$,Port 2022,' /etc/ssh/sshd_config # change the
default SSH port from 22 to 2022, we will use the loopback IP of ''
with port 2222 to SSH into the Ubuntu server.
~$ sudo service ssh restart # restart the ssh service
~$ sudo sh -c "echo '${USER} ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service ssh
start' >/etc/sudoers.d/service-ssh-start" # Allow your WSL user to SSH into
the server
~$ sudo /usr/sbin/service ssh start # start and verify the SSH is working
correctly. If you get an OK, that means it is working.
~$ ip address show # check the IP and interface status.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Figure 3-13. SSH into with port 2022 using the PuTTY client on
your Windows


To open the standard HTTP port 80 on our Ubuntu machine, we should install a web service.
Follow the the following instructions step by step to install Nginx and start its services. Please
note that instead of using “sudo systemctl start Nginx”, which is not supported by Ubuntu on
WSL out of the box, use the command “sudo service nginx start” to manage the services.

~$ sudo apt install nginx -y

~$ whatis nginx
~$ whereis nginx
~$ sudo service nginx start # systemctl does not work, try to use "service
service_name start/stop/status"
* Starting nginx ngi
nx                                                                       [ OK ]

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to access the default Nginx page by
opening a web browser and navigating to “http://localhost/”, “”, or the IP of
your server, in our case, (see Figure 3-14).

Figure 3-14. Nginx welcome page at


For interface-related information, such as IP addresses, routing tables, and other configuration
details, you can use the following commands. After running them, carefully review their output
and note the differences between them.

~$ ip address show
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ sudo apt install net-tools # Run this command if you have not yet
installed the net-tools, alternatively, you can install the iproute2 tool as
this is newer, replacing older net-tools.
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ netstat -i
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ ifconfig
[...omitted for brevity]

By studying the output of these commands, you can gain a better understanding of your
network configuration and troubleshoot any network-related issues that you may encounter.


Now, execute the following netstat commands and carefully examine the different outputs
based on their options. This will help you gain a better understanding of how netstat works.

~$ netstat -i # display interface table

Kernel Interface table
eth0      1500     9308      0      0 0       3884      0      0      0 BMRU
lo       65536      121      0      0 0        121      0      0      0 LRU
~$ netstat -at # display active TCP connections
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ netstat -au # display active UDP connections
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
udp        0      0 localhost:323*
udp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:323       [::]:*
~$ netstat -l # display all listening connections
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
[...omitted for brevity]
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     19699    /tmp/dbus-Qj09VNRIeA

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ netstat -lt # display only TCP listening connections

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ netstat -lu # display only UDP listening connections
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
udp        0      0 localhost:323*
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ sudo netstat -ap # display IP Network port connections
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ sudo netstat -ap | grep ssh # narrow down to SSH protocol
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
tcp        0      0*              
LISTEN      1510/sshd: /usr/sbi
[...omitted for brevity]
~$ sudo netstat -pt # for PID or Process ID, sudo must be used to see the
detailed PID
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address    Foreign Address  State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 localhost:2022   localhost:38544  ESTABLISHED 1538/sshd: jdoe [pr
tcp        0      0 localhost:38544  localhost:2022   ESTABLISHED –

By carefully studying the output of these commands, you can learn more about the different
network connections and the state of your network.


For even more options and assistance with netstat, you can use the “netstat --help” command.
One of the most useful commands that I’ve found while working on Linux is “netstat -tuna”,
which is represented in Figure 3-12 with a swimming tuna.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

~$ netstat -tuna # -t for TCP, -u for UDP, -n for numeric (port number), and -a
for all connected sockets
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 :::2022               :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::80               :::*                    LISTEN
udp        0      0*
udp6       0      0 ::1:323               :::*

This command provides detailed information about all the active network connections,
including the protocol used, the state of the connection, and the IP addresses and port
numbers of the source and destination. By using this command, you can quickly identify any
unwanted or suspicious connections and take appropriate action.


Take some time to read and study the netstat help page, and try combining the different
options to come up with your favorite netstat commands. There are many options available
that can help you obtain specific information about your network connections and troubleshoot
any network-related issues.

~$ netstat --help

Why not experiment with some netstat commands yourself and see what results you get? You
may discover some powerful tools that you can use to enhance your understanding of your
network and improve its performance.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Expand your knowledge:

How do package managers differ in Red Hat, Arch Linux, Debian, SUSE, and

Package managers are essential tools for managing software packages on Linux
systems. While different Linux distributions may use different package managers,
their primary purpose is always the same: to provide an efficient and convenient
way to install, remove, and manage software packages.
Some common package managers used for popular Linux distributions include the
• Red Hat, Fedora, and CentOS use DNF (Dandified YUM), which is an
evolution of the original YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified).
• Arch Linux uses Pacman, a simple and fast package manager that
is easy to use.
• Debian and its derivatives, such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint, use
APT (Advanced Package Tool), a powerful package manager known
for its easy-­to-­use interface and robust dependency resolution
• SUSE uses Zypper, a package manager with functionality and
features similar to YUM and APT.
Regardless of which package manager you use, the primary goal remains the
same: to help you efficiently manage software packages on your Linux system.

3.10 Keeping Your Linux System Up to Date

Keeping your Linux systems up to date is crucial for several reasons, including system
stability, increased security, and optimal performance. When you update your Linux
systems, you can ensure that all the software and packages are running the latest version,
which can help to prevent crashes and improve system stability. In addition, updates

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities, making your system
less vulnerable to attacks. By keeping your Linux systems up to date, you can also ensure
that you are running the latest versions of software and packages, which can improve
system performance and efficiency.


To keep your Ubuntu system up to date, run the following command. This will update the
package list and install any available updates for your system.

~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]


For future reference, to update Fedora and all its installed packages and dependencies on your
system, run the following command:

~$ sudo dnf upgrade –y

Expand your knowledge:

What is the difference between “apt” and “apt-get” in Ubuntu Linux?

Both apt and apt-get are package managers commonly used in Ubuntu
Linux, but they differ in their design, syntax, and features. apt-get is the older
package manager that has been in use since the early days of Debian-based Linux
distributions. It is a command-line tool designed for system administrators and
advanced users, offering a wide range of options and features. In contrast, apt
is a newer, more user-friendly package manager that was introduced in Ubuntu
16.04 LTS. It provides a simpler and more streamlined interface suitable for both
system administrators and regular users. One key difference between apt and apt-
get is their syntax. apt-get commands are often longer and more complex, while
apt commands are generally shorter and easier to remember. Another notable
Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

difference is that apt automatically performs some operations that apt-get requires
additional options for, such as resolving dependencies and cleaning up after
package installations. Although both tools use the same dpkg packaging system
underneath, apt provides some additional features such as managing package
repositories and sources. On the other hand, apt-get offers greater control over
package management tasks and is better suited for advanced users who require
more flexibility and control.

Both Red Hat and Debian-based distributions offer easy ways to update and upgrade
your system. Ubuntu, for example, uses the “apt” package manager, while Fedora uses
the “dnf” (and “yum”) package manager. These package managers allow you to easily
download, install, and update software packages, as well as manage dependencies.
Regularly updating your Linux system is particularly important in production
environments where system uptime and stability are critical. With regular updates, you
can ensure that your system is running the latest software and patches, reducing the risk
of downtime and security breaches.

3.11 Jack, the Jack Russell: A Regular

Expression Quiz
In Chapter 2, you were unknowingly exposed to regular expressions while using the
grep and awk commands to search for strings. This section was not originally intended
for inclusion in this book, as the authors assumed that readers already had a good
understanding of regular expressions. However, we feel obligated to include a short
section on regular expressions to keep your interest alive, as we understand their value
in IT and DevOps jobs. While there are many GUI tools for data analytics, regular
expressions are at the heart of all data-wrangling techniques.
Regular expressions are a complex topic that can fill entire books, so we cannot
cover them in full detail in this discussion. However, we want to make learning about
regular expressions engaging and enjoyable so that you’ll stay interested and continue
exploring the topic. To deepen your understanding, we recommend referring to a variety
of resources such as ChatGPT, regular expression books, teaching websites, YouTube
videos, and blogs. Push yourself to become proficient in regular expressions. You don’t
need to memorize or recognize all the expressions, but it’s essential to become familiar

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

with the standard set of regular expressions so you can understand what’s happening in
a Linux command or programming languages like PowerShell, Python, JavaScript, Perl,
or others. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to read, write, and manipulate code,
which is vital in today’s tech-driven world.
Enhance your regular expression learning experience with a fun activity using
Linux’s image converter tool, “jp2a”, which converts your favorite pictures into an ASCII
art. Other Linux image-to-text tools for ASCII art creation include “img2txt”, “caca-utils”,
and “aa-lib”. Follow the following steps to transform an image into an ASCII art. In this
example, we will use a photo of a neighbor’s dog named “Jack, the Jack Russell,” which
has a black background and is saved in .jpg format (see Figure 3-15).

Figure 3-15. jack.jpg and jack.txt

We assume that you have kept the “jack.jpg” photo from Exercise 2 of section 3.8, as
we will be using it to create an ASCII art of Jack. After converting the photo, we will dive
into regular expressions. For a comprehensive understanding of regular expressions, we
recommend referring to dedicated books, YouTube videos, blogs, and web-based regex
engines. If you learn and practice the syntax of regular expressions every day, you will
gradually develop proficiency in this skill.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


First, install “jp2a” using the apt-get command on your Ubuntu.

~$ sudo apt-get install jp2a

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]


To get started, locate your favorite picture and place it in the Downloads folder on your
Windows PC. If you’re using WSL, your Windows C drive is usually mounted on the /mnt/ drive.
Navigate to the Downloads folder and make sure to replace “replace_username” with your PC
user name in the folder path.

Example command to convert an image to an ASCII art using jp2a:

~$ ls -lh jack.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 165K Apr 10 21:00 jack.jpg
~$ jp2a --width=80 jack.jpg

Tip For the best effect, choose a picture that has a contrasting background to
your main character.


After testing your ASCII art and ensuring that you are satisfied with the result, you can save it
to a file using the “>” symbol. Simply redirect the output to a new file by appending the “>”
symbol followed by the file name you wish to create. For example:

~$ jp2a --width=80 jack.jpg > jack_ascii.txt # save the image to a file

~$ cat jack_ascii.txt # Check the saved art quality

This will save your ASCII art to a new file named “jack_ascii.txt”. Remember to choose a
descriptive name for your file so that you can easily identify it later.

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)


As shown in Figure 3-16, finally, run the cat command to check the ASCII artwork.

~$ cat jack_ascii.txt

Figure 3-16. jack_ascii.txt file output

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for manipulating text data. While we
won’t cover all the details in this book, we recommend that you dedicate time to
studying them. Understanding how to manipulate and extract data is essential for any
programmer, and regular expressions are often the go-to solution. Even Ansible and
Linux rely on regular expressions for working with data.
To help you practice using regular expressions, we’ve included a file named “jack.
jpg” for you to work on. It’s important to learn regular expressions well, as they can make
your Ansible playbooks and other programming language-based applications more
versatile and robust. Once you master regular expressions, you can use them in a wide

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

range of other tools. Whether you’re already familiar with regular expressions or not, we
encourage you to take on the challenge of solving the quiz. You can try it now or after
you’ve completed this book, but be sure to make time for it.
If you’re new to regular expressions, don’t be discouraged. Learning them takes
time and practice, but the effort is worth it. With dedication and a keen interest, you’ll
become proficient in no time. Remember, regular expressions are a vital tool in any
programmer’s toolkit, so start early and keep building your skills.
Quiz 1
Use the grep command to read the jack_ascii.txt file and count the total number of
0-9s and print them. Come up with the correct grep command using the -o option and
regular expressions.
Quiz 2
Match any alphabetical character (upper- or lowercase) in the jack_ascii.txt file,
count their occurrences, and print them out.
Quiz 3
Use Python and its regular expression module, “re”, to read the jack_ascii.txt file and
print the output of the following:

1. All the instances of the letter “o”

2. All the instances of the word “ll”

3. All the instances of the word “dog”

4. All the instances of the letter “l” at the end of a word

5. All the instances of the letter “o” that are not followed by the
letter “l”

6. All the instances of the letter “o” or “O”

7. All the instances of a word that starts with “k” and ends with “l”

8. All the instances of a word that contains “x” followed by one or

more “o”

9. All the instances of “o” with “X”

10. All the instances of a word that starts with “d” and ends with “d”
with “***”

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

Answers to Quizzes 1–3

You can find the answers to the quiz questions at the following URL: https:// To view the answers, click on the “3.11 Jack
Russell Quiz Answers.txt” file.

Expand your knowledge:

Regular expressions used in computing

Learning regular expressions can be a challenging and time-­consuming
process that may take weeks or even months to master. This can cause many
individuals to struggle to push past the initial difficulties (pain barrier) and give
up on this important skill which so many technological domains rely on, such
as programming, system security, and networking administration. However, it is
important to recognize that the world of technology and computing is constantly
evolving with new buzzwords and innovations emerging all the time. From cloud
computing to networking, server administration, virtualization, security, UC (Unified
Communications and Collaboration), data centers, SD-WAN, Software-Defined
Networks (SDN), Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), Application Programming
Interface (API), and, of course, the Internet as a whole, all of these technologies
involve the processing of digitized data using various programming languages and
interface standards.
The very concept of computers has come a long way since Charles Babbage
created the first computer in 1822. Alan Turing, a pivotal figure in the history of
computing, is widely credited with inventing modern computer science between
the 1930s and 1940s. Today, two of the most powerful supercomputers such as
Frontier and Fugaku can perform incredibly complex calculations in the blink of
an eye, often using AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) to mimic
the human brain. Even the latest AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and
Google Bard, rely on these data processing machines to function and provide
services to millions of users worldwide. Despite the hype and complexity involved
in modern computing, the basics of chopping and cutting data using regular

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

expressions remain at the heart of it all. Regular expressions play a critical

role in every computer’s decision-making process that follows certain data
analytic algorithms, no matter how complex the program or which computer
language is used to process the data. Whether you’re utilizing a handheld
device like an iPhone, a personal computer, powerful supercomputers like Frontier
or Fugaku, or leveraging cloud-based platforms, the fundamental purpose of all
computing is to process data. Data processing is computing’s core strength and
remains the driving force behind technological innovation.
If you’re interested in learning about the history of computing, you can explore
the following Wikipedia articles about notable pioneers and cutting-edge
Charles Babbage, who is widely regarded as the father of computing: https://
Alan Turing, a key figure in developing the first electronic computers: https://
Frontier, a supercomputer developed by the US Department of Energy: https://
Fugaku, a Japanese supercomputer renowned for its high-performance computing
Each article provides fascinating insights into the evolution of computing, from its
origins to the present day.

3.12 Summary
This chapter has provided a comprehensive introduction to a range of Linux utilities
that are essential for efficient administration and programming. We’ve explored the
Linux directory system and learned how to extract system information, view and read
Linux processes, and run disk space-related tools. Additionally, we’ve covered managing
users on Linux and controlling access to files and directories. We’ve also delved into file
compression using various tools such as tar, gzip, bzip2, zip, and 7-Zip, and downloading

Chapter 3 Shall We Linux? (Part 2)

files from the Internet in Linux using curl, wget, and git. Linux network utilities for
troubleshooting have been covered, including ping, ifconfig, nmap, netstat, and more.
Keeping Linux systems up to date was also discussed, as well as the importance of
regular expressions in Ansible and programming in general. To help you practice your
skills, we included a fun quiz on regular expressions that involved converting a Jack
Russell dog picture into ASCII using regular expressions. Overall, this chapter has
equipped you with essential Linux administration and programming skills that will come
in handy for a wide range of tasks.


Setting Up an Ansible
Learning Environment
This chapter of the book is all about creating an effective learning environment for
Ansible. It begins by emphasizing the importance of proper planning before setting
up an Ansible lab and guides how to plan the lab topology to ensure the best results.
The chapter then offers detailed instructions on how to install VMware Workstation
on a PC and create Fedora and Ubuntu virtual machines on the Workstation. These
virtual machines will be customized by changing the hostname and assigning static IP
addresses, and the chapter provides a guide on updating them for lab use. The chapter
also presents two options for installing Ansible on the control node, and the reader is
taken through each option in detail, with step-by-step instructions provided. Lastly,
the chapter provides instructions on creating a new Ansible test account with sudoer
privileges, which will be used throughout the book. With these instructions, readers can
create an Ansible test account quickly and easily, allowing them to focus on learning the
intricacies of Linux sudo accounts and Ansible concepts without any distractions.

4.1 Planning the Ansible Lab Topology

Using an all-in-one Ansible learning environment on a single PC without any physical
hardware has several advantages. Firstly, it allows for hassle-free experimentation and
testing of Ansible playbooks and tasks, without the need for complex network setups or

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

physical hardware. This approach can help learners save both time and money while
also providing a safe environment for exploring concepts and testing scenarios.
Furthermore, consolidating all the virtual machines (VMs) on a single PC makes it
a convenient and easily accessible platform for practicing network configuration and
automation. This setup also enables easy scalability and customization, as new VMs can
be created and configured as needed. The topology of such a lab setup is illustrated in
Figure 4-1. Please note that for our initial Ansible learning purposes, we will be using
four Linux virtual machines. However, we may add virtualized network devices at a later
time for our Ansible Network Automation tasks.

Figure 4-1. A simple Ansible lab topology

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

To build this simple lab environment, you can use Desktop Virtualization (Type 2
hypervisor) software like VMware Workstation 17 or Oracle VirtualBox, which allows you
to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. In this guide, we will be
using VMware Workstation 17 as it offers more features and better supports virtualized
network devices. To get started, install VMware Workstation 17 on your PC and create a
new virtual machine by selecting the “New Virtual Machine” option from the File menu
and choosing “Custom” as the type of configuration. Follow the prompts to configure
the virtual machine settings, allocating at least 2 GB of RAM and 20 GB of minimum disk
space for the base Fedora 38 and Ubuntu 23.04 virtual machines.
While writing this chapter, the official versions of Fedora and Ubuntu were 37 and
22.04.2 LTS, respectively. However, since Fedora 38 and Ubuntu 23.04 beta versions
are available for testing purposes, we will be using them in this guide. Keep in mind
that if you’re deploying Linux servers in a production environment, it’s recommended
to use stable versions. But if you want to test the latest software releases, following this
book and using the latest beta versions should suffice. Regardless of which version you
choose, as long as you use Fedora 37 or newer and Ubuntu 22.04.01 or newer, you should
be able to complete all exercises and tasks outlined in this guide.
Once both Fedora and Ubuntu VMs are created, you can clone them by selecting
the VM and choosing “Clone” from the menu. Give the cloned VM a new name and
select the option to create a full clone. This will create an exact copy of the original VM,
including its configuration settings and network connectivity.
To configure the network, you can select the “Virtual Network Editor” from the Edit
menu and choose “NAT” as the type of network connection for VMnet8. Set the subnet
IP address to and the default gateway to to allow all the
VMs to communicate with each other and access the Internet.
After configuring the network, power on each VM and assign a static IP address to
each VM within the subnet, set the default gateway to,
and use the primary DNS address of, the secondary DNS address of, and the tertiary DNS address of Google’s public DNS,, where possible
for smooth lab operations. Once we add all the network devices later, our lab topology
will resemble the one shown in Figure 4-2.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Figure 4-2. A development lab topology example

Finally, you can install Ansible on the control node, which is the base Fedora 38
VM. Ansible can be installed using the package manager by running the command
“sudo yum install ansible”. Once installed, you can run Ansible ad hoc commands and
start creating and testing Ansible playbooks and tasks to automate various IT tasks on
different platforms. By following these steps, you can create a powerful and flexible
learning environment that can be used for a wide variety of IT tasks and projects.
Let’s proceed with the steps to create our four Linux VM lab topologies and configure
and update the servers for the subsequent chapters and the rest of the book. While
the installation process is simple for experienced Linux users, novices might require a
detailed step-by-step guide. Therefore, the installation guides are not included in this
book but are provided separately as downloadable PDFs. This approach helps to save
valuable book space, maintain readability, and ensure that the book is portable.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Expand your knowledge:

Upstream vs. Downstream Linux

The terms “upstream” and “downstream” are used in the Linux community to
describe the flow of software from its original source to the end users. In this
context, upstream refers to the original developers of a software package who
create and maintain the source code. Downstream, on the other hand, refers to
the distributors who take that package and package it in a specific form for end
users. For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a downstream distribution
of the upstream Linux distribution Fedora. As the downstream distributor, Red
Hat takes the source code from Fedora, adds its proprietary code and packaging,
and distributes it to users as a commercial product with long-term security and
maintenance updates. Red Hat also contributes heavily to the development of
Fedora, which acts as the upstream source for RHEL. This means that Red Hat
not only distributes a downstream product but also contributes to the upstream
development of Fedora, making it an upstream contributor as well. The upstream-­
downstream relationship is crucial for the development and distribution of Linux
operating systems as it enables collaboration and sharing of open source software
efficiently and collaboratively. It helps ensure that software is developed and
maintained in a way that benefits the entire community.

4.2 Installing VMware Workstation on Your PC

Installing VMware Workstation is a simple process and can be done by clicking next and
finishing. Therefore, we won’t be covering it in detail in this book. However, if you prefer
following detailed steps, you can download the installation guide from our GitHub page.
Once you have successfully installed VMware Workstation 17, you can create virtual
machines to build your learning environment. Although VirtualBox is another option,
VMware Workstation provides better features on Windows PC. If a newer version of
VMware Workstation is available, you can install it and build the Linux virtual machines
in the same manner as described in the guide.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment


4.3 Creating Fedora Virtual Machines

At the time of authoring this book, the latest Fedora version was version 38, and we are
using Fedora to replicate the inner workings of Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9. Fedora
38 was the latest version of the Fedora operating system, which is a community-­driven
and free Linux distribution that serves as a testing ground for technologies that may
eventually be integrated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). On the other hand, Red
Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a commercial enterprise operating system that is based on
the Fedora project but is intended for use in production environments and is supported
by Red Hat. For lab building and testing, Fedora will always offer the latest features and
can be used freely on any machine. For a production environment, RHEL is always the
recommended Linux of choice by many organizations for its great support and service.
To create a Fedora virtual machine and duplicate it to create additional VMs, you can
follow the user installation guide available at the specified URL. However, if you have
experience with Linux, you can build the VMs without the guide.
By the time you finish this task, you will have successfully created two Fedora virtual
machines: f38s1, which will serve as the Ansible control node, and f38c1, which will act
as the client node.

Expand your knowledge:

RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux relationships

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a commercially supported enterprise
Linux distribution based on open source Fedora, which is a community-driven

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

distribution sponsored by Red Hat. CentOS, a popular community-driven

distribution, was once a downstream version of RHEL but is now upstream of RHEL
development. AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux are community-driven distributions
created as a replacement for CentOS after its shift in focus. These distributions
aim to provide a free, stable, and reliable alternative to RHEL, with AlmaLinux being
led by CloudLinux and Rocky Linux by the original CentOS co-founder. All of these
distributions share a common ancestry and many similarities in terms of package
management and compatibility with enterprise software.

4.4 Creating Ubuntu Virtual Machines

As of the time of writing this book, the latest version of Ubuntu server available was
23.04. Ubuntu is an open source Linux distribution based on Debian, which is also a
community-driven and free Linux distribution. However, unlike Ubuntu, Debian is not
a downstream operating system; rather, it serves as an upstream source for other Linux
distributions, including Ubuntu. While other Debian-based Linux operating systems can
be used to replicate the inner workings of Debian, we recommend using Ubuntu, as it
provides the most features and system stability in our labs. You can use the latest version
of Ubuntu if available or stick with the same version mentioned in this book if you want
to follow it precisely.
If you want to create an Ubuntu virtual machine and duplicate it to create additional
VMs, you can follow the user installation guide available at the specified URL. However,
if you’re experienced with Linux, you can build the VMs without the guide.
By the time you finish this task, you will have successfully created two Ubuntu virtual
machines: u23c1 and u23c2, which will also act as the client nodes.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Figure 4-3. Take a snapshot

To ensure a smooth and seamless server management process, we highly

recommend taking the first snapshot for each machine before making any changes. This
precautionary step will allow us to easily revert to this point in time should we run into
any issues. Additionally, we advise taking snapshots regularly at each milestone to avoid
unnecessary time wastage and inconvenience. (See Figure 4-3.)
After taking the necessary snapshots, we can proceed with customizing the Linux
server, which involves fixing the hostnames, and IP addresses, and installing VMware tools
for optimal performance. These steps are crucial to ensure that the servers run smoothly
and efficiently, without any technical glitches. By following these procedures, we can avoid
any potential downtime and ensure that the servers operate at their best capacity.

Expand your knowledge:

Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, elementary OS, PoP!_OS, and Kali Linux

relationships explained
Debian is a well-known and widely used free and open source Linux distribution
that serves as the upstream source for many other popular Linux distributions.
Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Ubuntu, Linux Mint, elementary OS, and many others are all based on Debian.
Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions in use today, based on
Debian. It is user-friendly and has a wide range of pre-installed software, making
it an excellent choice for beginners who are new to Linux. Linux Mint is another
Debian-based distribution that has a more traditional desktop environment and
includes a set of pre-installed software, codecs, and drivers to make it easier for
users to get started. elementary OS is a beautiful and user-friendly distribution
based on Ubuntu, designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with a set of custom-built
applications. PoP!_OS is another Ubuntu-based distribution specifically optimized
for System76 hardware, which provides customizations and tweaks to enhance user
experience on their hardware. Kali Linux, a Debian-based distribution, is designed
for advanced penetration testing and security auditing, equipped with pre-installed
tools that are frequently used by security professionals and hackers. Also, MX Linux,
Deepin, Devuan, Tails, Parrot OS, and Raspbian are systems based on Debian.

4.5 Customizing and Updating Virtual Machines

To get started with learning Ansible and its concepts, we will need to power on each
machine in a specific order and customize our virtual machines accordingly. We’ll
begin with the Fedora VMs and then move on to the Ubuntu VMs. While you could
perform these steps as part of the 4.3 and 4.4 tasks on the base VMs first and then clone
the servers to create second copies, we want you to gain more hands-on experience.
Therefore, we recommend that you carry out these tasks individually on each machine.
This way, you can observe and learn firsthand what happens to each machine as you
perform these tasks, which will help you understand the inner workings of the Linux OS
and their behaviors better.

4.6 Changing Hostname on Fedora VMs

There are two ways to manage the Linux VM running on VMware Workstation: either
use the VMware Workstation terminal console within VMware or connect through an
SSH client such as PuTTY. However, if you are connecting via SSH from your host PC,

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

be aware that shutting down or bringing up the interface will result in a lost connection.
In such cases, you will need to recover the interface by using the Workstation terminal.
It’s worth noting that the SSH server is already installed and enabled by default during
Fedora installation.
To set the hostname, use the following command in the VMware Workstation
terminal. If prompted for a sudo password, enter it to proceed. After configuring the
server, we will use SSH to log in to the server(s).

[brendan@localhost ~]$ hostnamectl set-hostname f38s1

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.hostname1.set-hostname ====
Authentication is required to set the local hostname.
Authenticating as: Brendan Choi (brendan)
Password: ****************
[brendan@localhost ~]$ logout

After completing the hostname change, it’s important to verify that the changes have
taken effect. To do this, log out from the f38s1 server and quickly log back in. You should
see the updated hostname reflected immediately upon logging in. Once you’ve verified
that the change has taken effect, you can proceed with the next task of assigning a static
IP address.

[brendan@f38s1 ~]$

After completing the IP assignment task, you can power on the second Fedora server
and update its hostname using the same command used for the first server.

4.7 Assigning Static IP on Fedora VMs

Assigning a static IP address to enterprise servers provides several benefits. One of the
main advantages is increased stability and reliability. A static IP address ensures that the
server’s network address remains consistent, preventing any interruption in connectivity
that can occur when IP addresses change dynamically. In addition, it simplifies the
process of network administration, allowing network administrators to easily identify
and manage servers on the network. This can help to streamline maintenance tasks,
troubleshooting, and network management as a whole. Finally, static IP addresses are

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

generally more secure than dynamic ones, as they are less vulnerable to attacks that
attempt to hijack or impersonate network devices.
Before assigning a static IP address, you will need to check which interface is
currently being used. In the following output, we can see that the connected interface is
ens160, which is the one we will modify. Follow the following steps to assign a static IP
address to the ens160 interface of f38s1.

# Display network interfaces

$ nmcli device
DEVICE  TYPE      STATE                   CONNECTION
ens160  ethernet  connected               ens160
lo      loopback  connected (externally)  lo

# Set IPv4 Address to ens160

$ sudo nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.addresses
# Set default gateway
$ sudo nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.gateway
# Set DNS
$ sudo nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.dns,192.168.
# Optionally configures DNS configuration of your domain, here we will skip
this configuration
$ nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.dns-search
# Disable DHCP and set to static (manual) IP configuration
$ sudo nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.method manual
# reset the interface, bring down the interface and then bring it up.
$ sudo nmcli connection down ens160; nmcli connection up ens160

After bouncing the ens160 interface, all the configuration changes should have
been committed and applied to the server’s network settings. To confirm that the
changes have been successfully implemented, check the configuration settings and
validate them.

# Check the new configuration for the network interface ens160

$ nmcli device show ens160
GENERAL.DEVICE:               ens160
GENERAL.TYPE:                 ethernet
GENERAL.HWADDR:               00:0C:29:CF:39:E0
Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

GENERAL.MTU:                  1500
GENERAL.STATE:                100 (connected)
GENERAL.CONNECTION:           ens160
GENERAL.CON-PATH:             /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/
IP4.ROUTE[1]:                 dst =, nh =, mt = 100
IP4.ROUTE[2]:                 dst =, nh =, mt = 100
IP6.ADDRESS[1]:               fe80::20c:29ff:fecf:39e0/64
IP6.GATEWAY:                  --
IP6.ROUTE[1]:                 dst = fe80::/64, nh = ::, mt = 1024

# Check the IP address and interface status

$ ip address show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens160: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state
UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:0c:29:cf:39:e0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp3s0
    inet brd scope global
noprefixroute ens160
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fecf:39e0/64 scope link noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

SSH and PuTTY provide a robust and secure communication channel that
guarantees the privacy and authenticity of sensitive data during remote access. The
user-friendly interface of these protocols simplifies server management and remote
task execution, ultimately enhancing productivity and efficiency. By utilizing PuTTY
and SSH, accessing the f38s1 server from your Windows host PC is seamless and secure,
as demonstrated in Figure 4-4. Notably, SSH offers a streamlined server management
process, which not only improves security but also improves the overall efficiency of
server operations.

Figure 4-4. SSH login using PuTTY

To ensure that both Fedora VMs are correctly configured and can communicate with
each other, follow these steps:

1. Turn on the second Fedora VM, which has the hostname f38c1
and an IP address of

2. Verify that the default gateway and DNS settings are the same
as before.

3. Repeat tasks 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 to configure the second Fedora VM.

4. Once you have completed the configuration of the second Fedora

VM, proceed to step 4.5.3 as directed.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

By following these steps, you will be able to confirm that both Fedora VMs are
properly configured and can communicate with each other. This is an essential step in
ensuring that your system is set up correctly and functioning as intended.
From any Fedora VM, quickly perform the network connectivity test shown here:

[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3 # validate connection to

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.650 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.866 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.06 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.650/0.859/1.063/0.168 ms
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3 # validate connection to gateway
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.428 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.686 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=0.594 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2065ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.428/0.569/0.686/0.106 ms
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3 # validate connection to local
router gateway interface
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=1.70 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=1.93 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=2.11 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.695/1.913/2.111/0.170 ms
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3 # validate connection to google DNS
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=13.4 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=11.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=12.3 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.540/12.405/13.374/0.752 ms
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3 # validate that DNS is working
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128
time=14.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=128
time=12.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=128
time=12.6 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.575/13.160/14.144/0.699 ms

If you’ve received identical ICMP responses, it’s a good indication that your server is
ready for the next task. Perform the same ICMP test from f38c1. For now, we’ll hold off
on installing Ansible on f38s1 until a later time.

4.8 Updating Fedora Virtual Machines

Regularly updating your Fedora system is crucial for maintaining optimal security and
functionality, especially for production machines. To keep your Fedora installation up to
date with the latest software updates and security patches, follow these steps:

1. Open the terminal window in your VMware Workstation console.

2. Update the package manager responsible for downloading and

installing software packages by entering the following command:

$ sudo dnf update -y

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

This command will not only update the package manager but will also download
and install the latest software updates and security patches for your system, ensuring
that it is secure and running smoothly. Optionally, to automate this process, you can
configure your server with automatic updates, install third-party repositories, or install/
update VMware tools as required.
After updating the package manager, you should power on the second Fedora VM,
f38c1, and run the same command to bring it up to date. This will ensure that both VMs
are running on the latest software versions and that they are secure and functioning

4.9 Assigning Static IP on the First Ubuntu VM

When you installed the first Ubuntu server, you specified a hostname for it, which means
there is no need to change the hostname of that server, named u23c1. However, if you
have cloned that machine to create the second Ubuntu VM, named u23c2, then you
will need to update the hostname on the second VM. For now, let’s focus on u23c1 and
configure a static IP address on this server
To check the IP address of the interface currently in use on VMware Workstation’s
u23c1 terminal console, you can run the command for displaying network settings.
By doing this, you will see that the virtual network’s DHCP server has assigned the IP
address to the ens33 interface.

brendan@u23c1:~$ ip addr show

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens33: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state
UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:0c:29:ec:47:6e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp2s1

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

    inet metric 100 brd scope global

dynamic ens33
       valid_lft 1523sec preferred_lft 1523sec
    inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:feec:476e/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Before making any modifications to the network configuration file located in the /
etc/netplan directory, it is important to create a backup copy of the original file.

brendan@u23c1:~$ ls /etc/netplan/
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo cp /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml /etc/
[sudo] password for brendan: ****************
brendan@u23c1:~$ ls /etc/netplan/

After creating a backup of the network configuration file, use the vi editor to modify
the 00-installer-config.yaml file to configure a static IP address for your first Ubuntu
client, u23c1. Follow the instructions carefully, and make sure that the modified file
matches the desired configuration, which should look like this:

brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

brendan@u23c1:~$ cat /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      dhcp4: false # Disable DHCP and make this interface static
      addresses: [] # IP Address of this server
        - to: default
          via: # Default Gateway IP
          metric: 100 # Distance of this route
        addresses: [,,] # Multiple DNS
server configuration

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

        # search: [] # Optional domain name configuration

      dhcp6: false # Disable IPv6 for the lab
  version: 2 # Network version

After modifying the 00-installer-config.yaml file as described previously, you need to

apply the new configuration by running the command shown in the following. This will
activate the changes you have made. Keep in mind that if you are currently connected to
the server via SSH, your connection will be lost and you have to reconnect to the server.

brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo netplan apply

Next, proceed to Section 4.5.5 and power on the u23c2 server. Update its hostname
and assign the next available IP address, which is, to its ens33 interface.
Also, configure the default gateway and DNS addresses in the same manner as u23c1.

4.10 Changing Hostname and Static IP

on the Second Ubuntu VM
Upon powering on and logging into the second Ubuntu VM, u23c2, you may notice
that the server name is incorrect. In this case, you will need to update the hostname,
modify the hosts file, and assign a static IP address to the server’s ens33 interface.
Before proceeding, make sure to check the current hostname and follow the following
instructions carefully.

brendan@u23c1:~$ hostname
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo hostname u23c2
[sudo] password for brendan: ****************
brendan@u23c1:~$ hostname
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo cat /etc/hosts localhost u23c2
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
brendan@u23c1:~$ logout

After logging out and logging back in, you should notice that the hostname has been
successfully updated and is now displaying the correct value, which in this case is u23c2.


The next step is to configure a static IP address for the VM’s ens33 interface. The
process is similar to that used for u23c1, but with one key difference: the IP address
should be set to To complete the configuration, follow these steps to
assign a static IP address to the ens33 interface:

brendan@u23c2:~$ sudo cp /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml /etc/

brendan@u23c2:~$ sudo vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
brendan@u23c2:~$ sudo cat /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      dhcp4: false
      addresses: []
        - to: default
          metric: 100
        addresses: [,,]
        # search: []
      dhcp6: false
  version: 2
brendan@u23c2:~$ sudo netplan apply

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Congratulations on successfully updating the hostnames and assigning static IP

addresses to all of the VMs that will be used to learn Ansible fundamentals! Before diving
into Ansible, it is important to ensure that your Ubuntu VMs are fully up to date with the
latest packages and that they can communicate properly with other nodes, your local
host PC, and the Internet using their new IP addresses and DNS settings.
Before proceeding with the update and upgrade process described in Section 4.5.6,
it is important to test the network communication on your Ubuntu VMs. You can use
the following ping tests to check connectivity between the VMs, as well as with other
nodes, your local host PC, and the Internet. Once you have confirmed that network
communication is working properly, you can proceed with the update and upgrade process.

brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to u23c1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.19 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.669 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.669/0.930/1.192/0.261 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to Ansible Control node
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.20 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.711 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.711/0.953/1.195/0.242 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to f38c1 client node
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.656 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.705 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.656/0.680/0.705/0.024 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to default gateway
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.697 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.541 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1019ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.541/0.619/0.697/0.078 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to local gateway
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=1.63 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=1.77 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.634/1.701/1.769/0.067 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to Google's public DNS (internet)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=13.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=13.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.996/13.420/13.844/0.424 ms
brendan@u23c1:~$ ping -c 2 # to internet
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128
time=12.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=128
time=29.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.552/21.157/29.762/8.605 ms

If all ICMP tests have passed as demonstrated previously, it indicates that your
servers are in good condition. It is recommended to repeat the ICMP test from the
second Ubuntu server to ensure that it also meets the requirements. Before proceeding
with the installation of Ansible on the Ansible control node, f38s1, it is advised to quickly
update the Ubuntu VMs.

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

4.11 Updating Ubuntu Virtual Machines

To ensure that your Ubuntu system stays up to date, you can use the following command
in the terminal:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade –y

[sudo] password for brendan: ****************

This command updates the package list and upgrades any packages that have
available updates. Running this command regularly can help keep your system up to
date with the latest security patches and bug fixes.
To finish the system update and upgrades, you may be prompted with a “Package
configuration” message. In this case, select <OK> to restart the services. This will
ensure that all packages are running the latest versions on your Ubuntu servers. (See
Figure 4-5.)

Figure 4-5. Restarting outdated services on Fedora package configuration

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

4.12 Installing Ansible on Control Node

There are two primary ways to install Ansible. The first method is to install it directly
on the host virtual machine or operating system. The second method is to use Python
virtualenv. For the sake of simplicity, this book will use the first method. However, we
also provide detailed instructions for the second installation method in this section,
should you prefer that option.

4.12.1 Option 1: Installing Ansible Directly on the Host OS

Installing Ansible directly on the host OS has some advantages. First, it is a simpler setup
process, as Ansible is installed directly on the OS. Second, it can be more efficient in
terms of memory usage and processing power, as it is running natively on the OS. Third,
there are fewer dependencies to manage, as everything is installed system-wide.
However, there are also some disadvantages to installing Ansible directly on the host
OS. First, it can lead to conflicts with other system-level software. Second, it can be harder to
manage multiple versions of Ansible. Third, it may require administrator privileges to install.

[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ sudo dnf update -y # update the packages to the latest

[sudo] password for brendan: ****************
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$  sudo dnf install ansible -y # install ansible on OS
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$  ansible –version # check ansible version
ansible [core 2.14.3]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/brendan/.ansible/plugins/
modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.11/site-­
  ansible collection location = /home/brendan/.ansible/collections:/usr/
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.11.2 (main, Feb  8 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.0.1
20230208 (Red Hat 13.0.1-0)] (/usr/bin/python3)
  jinja version = 3.0.3
  libyaml = True

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

You have successfully installed Ansible on your control node. With Ansible at your
disposal, you now have the power to easily configure and automate tasks on multiple
devices. Get ready to streamline your operations and achieve greater efficiency in
managing your network infrastructure.

4.12.2 Option 2: Installing Ansible on Python virtualenv

Installing Ansible on Python virtualenv also has some advantages. First, it allows for
multiple versions of Ansible to be installed and managed simultaneously. Second, it is
isolated from the system-level software, reducing the risk of conflicts. Third, it can be
installed and managed without administrator privileges.
However, there are also some disadvantages to installing Ansible on Python
virtualenv. First, it requires a bit more setup as a Python virtualenv needs to be created
first. Second, it can be less efficient in terms of memory usage and processing power due
to the added layer of the virtualenv. Third, dependencies need to be managed separately
for each virtualenv. If you want to follow along, use f38c1 to install Python virtualenv and
Ansible in the virtual environment.

1. Update packages, check Python 3, and then install pip3.

$ dnf update –y
$ python3 -V
Python 3.11.2
$ sudo dnf install python3-pip

2. Install virtualenv using pip3.

$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

$ pip3 freeze | grep virtualenv

3. Create a new directory and then create a new Python virtual

environment for Ansible.

[brendan@f38c1 ~]$ mkdir ~/ansible-venv # create a new


Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

[brendan@f38c1 ~]$ cd ~/ansible-venv # change directory to

[brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ virtualenv ansible # Create
ansible virtualenv
created virtual environment in 1181ms
  creator CPython3Posix(dest=/home/brendan/ansible-venv/
ansible, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle,
setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_
    added seed packages: pip==23.0.1, setuptools==67.4.0,
  activators ­BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,
[brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$

4. Activate the virtual environment. When you activate the virtual

environment ansible, your line will start with (ansible).

[brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ source ansible/bin/

(ansible) [brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$

5. Install Ansible using the pip3 command.

(ansible) [brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ pip3 install


6. Verify that Ansible is installed and working.

(ansible) [brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ ansible –

(ansible) [brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ pip3 freeze | grep

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

7. When you’re done using Ansible in the virtual environment, you

can deactivate it.

(ansible) [brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$ deactivate

[brendan@f38c1 ansible-venv]$

Installing Ansible on the Fedora 38 server using a Python virtual environment is a

crucial step for anyone looking to streamline their testing process. By creating a virtual
environment, you can isolate different versions of packages, manage dependencies
more flexibly, and easily install and uninstall packages. To install Ansible on a virtual
environment, you can follow these simple steps: create a new virtual environment using
virtualenv, activate it using the source command, and install Ansible using pip. Once
done, you can use Ansible to automate your server configuration and deployment tasks.
With virtualenv, you can test different versions of Ansible and other software with ease.
Congratulations, you’ve made it this far! It’s time to dive into the heart of this book:
Ansible and its concepts. The next five chapters will be crucial to your success in network
automation. They catalyze making a strong start in your automation journey. Once
you’ve mastered Ansible in a Linux environment, you will be able to extend
your knowledge to enterprise network device automation. So make sure to focus on
Chapters 5 to 10, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your automation goals.

4.13 Setting Up a New Ansible Testing Account

with Sudo Access
To maximize your learning and testing experience with Ansible, we recommend creating
a new test user account named jdoe (John Doe) on all virtual Linux machines. This will
allow you to explore how Linux sudo accounts are created on both RHEL and Debian-­
based distributions while providing a fresh account to work with, free of any preexisting
configurations. From this point forward in the book, we will utilize this account.
To create the new user account, jdoe, please follow these simple steps on each virtual

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

4.13.1 Creating a Sudo Test Account on Fedora VMs

To create a new test user account, set a password, and assign sudoer privileges, please
execute the subsequent commands. It’s essential to create this account on both “f38s1”
( and “f38c1” (

1. Create a new user and assign a new password.

[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ sudo adduser jdoe # add new user jdoe

[sudo] password for brendan: *************** # enter your password
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ sudo tail -3 /etc/passwd # display the last
3 records
systemd-timesync:x:989:989:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/
brendan:x:1000:1000:Brendan Choi:/home/brendan:/bin/bash
jdoe:x:1001:1001::/home/jdoe:/bin/bash # new user jdoe has
been created
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ sudo passwd jdoe # set new password for
user jdoe
Changing password for user jdoe.
New password: *************** # enter password
Retype new password: *************** # reenter the same password
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ sudo tail -3 /etc/shadow # display the last
3 records
EJw5.BpIzWTlzsE/oMX/F4e1i6::0:99999:7::: # your password
NwSLYigEsZm4K96nzzTJ/K.g6McJlP6:19442:0:99999:7::: # user jdoe's

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

2. Update the user privileges by granting root access. Please refer to

Figure 4-6 and add the following line: “jdoe ALL=(ALL) ALL”.

[jdoe@f38s1 brendan]$ sudo visudo # (alternatively use "sudo vi

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[... omitted for brevity]
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)     ALL
jdoe    ALL=(ALL)     ALL
[... omitted for brevity]

Figure 4-6. Fedora – assign sudoer privileges to new user jdoe

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

3. To confirm the sudoer privileges, check the login status and

execute sudo commands. You can use the “su – username”
command to test sudo access for the user “jdoe”. If both
commands run without any issues, it indicates that the new user
has sudoer privileges.

[brendan@f38s1 ~]$ su jdoe

Password: ****************
[jdoe@f38s1 brendan]$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
## Sudoers allows particular users to run various commands as
## the root user, without needing the root password.
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 brendan]$ sudo ls -la /root

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
total 28
dr-xr-x---.  3 root root 142 Mar 26 13:14 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root root 235 Mar 19 15:56 ..
[... omitted for brevity]
-rw-------.  1 root root 841 Mar 26 13:14 .viminfo

4.13.2 Creating a Sudo Test Account on Ubuntu VMs

The process for creating a sudo user account on Ubuntu is slightly different from that
of Fedora. If you want to create identical test accounts on Ubuntu VMs like u23c1
( and u23c2 (, follow the steps outlined here:

1. Add a user with details.

brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo adduser jdoe

[sudo] password for brendan: *************** # Enter your password
Adding user `jdoe' ...
Adding new group `jdoe' (1001) ...
Adding new user `jdoe' (1001) with group `jdoe (1001)' ...
Creating home directory `/home/jdoe' ...

Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...

New password: **************** # Enter jdoe's new password
Retype new password: **************** # re-enter jdoe's new
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for jdoe
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Full Name []: John Doe
        Room Number []:
        Work Phone []:
        Home Phone []:
        Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y
Adding new user `jdoe' to supplemental / extra groups `users' ...
Adding user `jdoe' to group `users' ...
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo tail -3 /etc/passwd
brendan:x:1000:1000:Brendan Choi:/home/brendan:/bin/bash
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash
brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo tail -3 /etc/shadow

2. Modify the user account using the “usermod -ag” command.

brendan@u23c1:~$ sudo usermod -aG sudo jdoe

3. To confirm that the user “jdoe” has been granted sudo privileges,
first, log in to the system as the root user. Check if the “jdoe” user
has been created and granted sudo privileges. Then switch to the
“jdoe” user using the command “su jdoe” and run either of the
root user validation commands, such as “sudo cat /etc/sudoers”
or “sudo ls -la /root”. This will help you verify if the user “jdoe” has
been assigned the necessary sudo privileges.
Chapter 4 Setting Up an Ansible Learning Environment

brendan@u23c1:~$ su jdoe
Password: ***************

jdoe@u23c1:/home/brendan$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
jdoe@u23c1:/home/brendan$ sudo sudo ls -la /root
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************

Remember to keep a note of the username and password you created in this section,
as you will need them for the rest of the book. With these instructions, you can swiftly
and effortlessly set up a new Ansible test account. This will enable you to focus on the
complexities of Linux sudo accounts and Ansible concepts without any interruptions.

4.14 Summary
This chapter was dedicated to setting up a proper learning environment for Ansible.
The chapter offered detailed instructions on how to plan an Ansible lab topology and
create Fedora and Ubuntu virtual machines on VMware Workstation 17. It started by
highlighting the importance of planning before setting up an Ansible lab and guided
you on how to plan the lab topology to ensure the best results. Next, the chapter offered
a step-by-step guide on installing a VMware Workstation on a Windows PC, with the
reader taken through the process of downloading and installing a VMware Workstation
referencing a separate complementary PDF file. Once VMware Workstation was
installed, the chapter proceeded to guide the reader on creating virtual machines on
Fedora and Ubuntu operating systems. The virtual machines were then customized by
changing the hostname and assigning static IP addresses, with the chapter providing a
guide on updating the virtual machines for lab use. Furthermore, the chapter offered two
options for installing Ansible on the control node. Option 1 involved installing Ansible
directly on the host OS, while option 2 involved installing Ansible on Python virtualenv.
You have been taken through each option in detail, with step-by-step instructions
provided. Lastly, the chapter provided instructions on creating a new Ansible test
account with sudoer privileges, which will be used throughout the book.


The Concepts

Understanding Data
Types and File Formats
for Ansible
This chapter covers data and data types used in Ansible. It begins by explaining what
data is and its relationship with Ansible, followed by discussing Ansible’s dependency
on Python data types and providing examples of basic Python data types. The chapter
then delves into Ansible configuration files, including Ansible inventory in INI, JSON,
and YAML formats, inventory priority, and the ansible.cfg file. It also provides YAML
examples to familiarize readers with different data types. We will also talk about the
preferred playbook module names. Additionally, the chapter covers Ansible data
interchange and explores JSON and Jinja2 templates with simple examples. By the
end of the chapter, readers will have a broader understanding of data and data types
used in Ansible, how to use Ansible configuration files, and how to effectively read and
understand JSON and Jinja2 templates for data interchange and rendering files.

5.1 What Are Data and Data Types?

This chapter focuses on the topic of data and data types in Ansible. Data refers to any
information that a program can process or manipulate. Data types, on the other hand,
can vary depending on the programming language and may include numbers, strings,
© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Booleans, lists/arrays, dictionaries/objects/maps, tuples, and None/null. Programming

languages often use casting to convert data from one format to another.
For some readers, this chapter may come as a wake-up call that Ansible is
not entirely codeless or independent from other programming languages. While
Ansible offers a user-friendly interface, it still requires the Ansible user to have a basic
understanding of coding concepts and often integration with other programming
languages to complete more complex tasks. Even if you don’t plan on becoming a full-time
programmer or web developer, it’s important to understand programming languages and
data interchange methods such as JSON, YAML, and Jinja2 to use Ansible effectively. With
the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and ChatGPT, even
non-IT workers are encouraged to learn one or more programming languages. In the IT
industry, learning programming languages has become a current trend and craze.
This chapter is meant to be more of a reading and conceptual chapter than a
practical, hands-on chapter. While there are some parts of the chapter that you
can try in your lab environment, it’s best to use this chapter as a pure reading and
conceptual chapter to gain a better understanding of data and data types in Ansible and
programming languages in general.
We will start by discussing Ansible’s dependency on Python and its data types. To
help the reader understand, we will provide a brief introduction to Python data types.
Together, we will cover Ansible configuration files, inventory priority, and the ansible.
cfg file, as well as various data types, including YAML examples. Furthermore, we will
examine Ansible data interchange and JSON and Jinja2 templates with sample examples,
discussing their usage in data interchange and rendering files. The goal of this chapter is
to expose you to various data types and concepts about Ansible at its root. Overall, this
chapter will provide you with a foundation for understanding data types in Ansible and
programming languages in general.
There are many programming languages in use today, and each language defines
and uses data types differently. For example, Python and JavaScript have built-in support
for dictionaries/objects, whereas Shell Script does not have a dedicated data type for
maps, and C++ requires the use of third-party libraries. Python and C++ also use tuple
data types, while Shell Script and JavaScript do not. Table 5-1 shows the differences
in data types defined and used in each language. This is important to consider when
selecting a language for a particular task or when working with existing code bases.
For instance, Python has built-in support for tuples and dictionaries/objects, while
Shell Script does not have a dedicated data type for maps. C++ requires the use of third-­
party libraries for some data types, such as lists/arrays.
Table 5-1. Popular programming languages and data type examples
Prog. language Python Shell Script JavaScript C++
Data type

Numbers int(5), num=5; Number(5), int x = 5 ;

float(3.14), float=3.14 Number(3.14), float y = 3.14;
complex(2+3j) NaN (Not a Number) double z = 3.14159265
Strings "Hello, World!", STR="Hello, World!"; "Hello, World!", std::string str = "Hello,
'Python', STR2='ShellScript'; 'JavaScript', World!"; const char*
"""Multiline 'Template Literal' cstr = "C++";
Chapter 5

Booleans True, true, true, bool a = true;
False false false bool b = false;
Lists/arrays [1, 2, 3], ['a', arr=(1 2 3); [1, 2, 3], int arr[3] = {1, 2, 3};
'b', 'c'] letters=('a' 'b' 'c'); ['a', 'b', 'c'] char letters[3] = {'a',
'b', 'c'};

Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible
Table 5-1. (continued)

Prog. language Python Shell Script JavaScript C++
Chapter 5

Data type

Dictionaries {'name': 'John', declare -A my_ {name: 'John', std::map<std::string,

/objects/maps 'age': 40}, map=([name]="John" age: 40}, int> ages = {{"John",
{'id': 1, [age]=40); {id: 1, status: 40}, {"Jane", 30}};
'status': declare -A my_ 'active'}
'active'} map2=([id]=1
Tuples (1, 2, 3), N/A N/A std::tuple<int, int,
('a', 'b', 'c') int> tpl = {1, 2, 3};
None None ““ or 0 null nullptr
Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible
Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Note None/null is used to represent the absence of a value and is often used as

a default return value for functions that do not return an explicit value.

Although data types may seem irrelevant to some, they play a crucial role in network
automation. Ansible, an automation tool built using Python, relies on Python’s core
and libraries to perform various tasks such as SSH communication via paramiko,
configuration file parsing via PyYAML and config parser libraries, and executing
modules on remote hosts primarily using paramiko and pty Python libraries. Ansible
also supports the WinRM library for executing commands on Windows hosts and
the Docker API library for command execution in Docker containers. In network
automation, data types are used to store and manipulate network-related data such as
OS information, hardware information, IP addresses, network topologies, and device
configurations. Ansible is advertised as codeless, but a solid understanding of Python
is necessary to unlock its full potential. Python allows for advanced use cases and
customizations of tasks, modules, and plugins. Knowing programming concepts
such as data types, structures, control flow, and functions is crucial for efficient Ansible
playbooks. Learning and utilizing programming languages like Python can unlock
Ansible’s true power, despite its simplified syntax and abstraction layer.
Ansible uses configuration file formats such as INI and YAML files and a templating
language such as Jinja2 to manipulate and process data types to complete network
automation tasks such as adding new users, configuring devices, and monitoring
network performance. Understanding the various data types and file formats used in
Ansible is essential for effective network automation.

5.2 Ansible Dependency on Python Data Types

Ansible is a powerful tool for managing and automating network infrastructure,
and it utilizes a wide range of data types and formats to achieve its tasks. These data
types are crucial in representing various aspects of network data and carrying out
automation tasks effectively. The core of Ansible is written in Python, which means
that ­understanding Python data types is essential for working with Ansible effectively.
Although this book is not a comprehensive guide to Python, it is still important to
provide a brief explanation of Python data types and a brief hands-on introduction,
given the close relationship between Ansible and Python. By understanding Python

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

data types, you can better comprehend how Ansible uses them to carry out network
automation tasks. Python data types come in various forms, including numbers, strings,
lists, tuples, dictionaries, and more. These data types have their unique properties, and
understanding them is crucial for working with Ansible efficiently.
In Figure 5-1, you can see Python data types categories. Python has several built-­in
data types that allow you to store and manipulate different types of data. These data
types can be broadly categorized into different groups. The first Python data type group
is numeric, which includes integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, and
Boolean values. Boolean values are a subtype of integers and can be represented as
either 0 (False) or 1 (True). Numeric data types are useful for performing mathematical
operations and comparisons. The second group sequences include ordered collections
of items, such as strings, lists, and immutable sequences (tuples). Sequences are useful
for storing and manipulating data in a specific order. The third group is mapping, which
includes dictionaries, a collection of key-value pairs. Dictionaries are useful for mapping
keys to values and performing lookups based on keys. The fourth data type is sets,
which are unordered collections of unique elements. Sets are useful for performing set
operations such as union, intersection, and difference. The final data type is None, which
represents the absence of a value. None is often used to indicate that a variable has not
been assigned a value yet or that a function does not return anything.

Figure 5-1. Python Data Types

To enhance your comprehension of the data utilized in Ansible, we recommend

familiarizing yourself with the fundamental Python data types. To accomplish this,
we suggest utilizing the Fedora server 1 (f38s1). To simplify the exercise, you may SSH
into the device using the PuTTY tool on your Windows host PC with the IP address

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible While any of the Linux servers built in Chapter 4 can be used, we have
chosen a Fedora server to showcase Red Hat–based distribution, and this machine will
be the main machine that you will be performing most of your tasks in the second half of
the book. To begin your Python interpreter session on your Linux machine after logging
into the console via SSH, simply enter “python3” or “python” as demonstrated in the
following. Although we will not delve deep into Python data types here, it is crucial to
familiarize yourself with the various data types and their appearance. This will enable
you to explore Python’s built-in data types.

username: jdoe
jdoe@'s password: ***************
Last login: Sat Apr 15 11:41:39 2023 from
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ python3
Python 3.11.2 (main, Feb  8 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.0.1 20230208 (Red Hat
13.0.1-0)] on linux
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5.2.1 Integer and Float

In Python, integers and floats are two distinct data types used to represent numeric
values. An integer represents a whole number, meaning it does not have any fractional
or decimal component. Integers can be both positive and negative numbers, such as
1, 2, 3, -1, -2, and -3, and are represented using the int data type. A float, on the other
hand, represents a decimal or fractional number, meaning it has a fractional component.
Floats can also be positive or negative numbers, such as 1.5, 2.6, 3.14, -4.2, and -5.5, and
are represented using the float data type. When performing mathematical operations
involving an integer and a float, the result will always be a float. This is known as implicit
type conversion or coercion. If you need to convert a variable from one type to another,
you can use the int() and float() functions. To work with integers and floats in Python
from the Linux terminal, you can use the Python interactive shell.

>>> a = 5 # create a variable 'a' and assign the integer 5

>>> type(a) # check data type of variable 'a'
<class 'int'>

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

>>> b = 3.14 # create a variable 'b' and assign the float 3.14
>>> type(b) # check the data type of variable 'b'
<class 'float'>
>>> c = float(a) # convert integer to float
>>> print(c) # print what's assigned to variable 'c'
>>> d = int(b) # convert float to integer, this will drop .14 to bring the
number to a whole
>>> print(d) # print what's assigned to variable 'd'

5.2.2 Strings
A string in Python is simply a collection of one or more characters enclosed within
single or double quotes. These characters can be letters, numbers, symbols, or any other
characters that can be typed on a keyboard. For example, “John”, “Hello, World!”, “12345”,
and “!@#$%^&*()” are all examples of strings in Python because they are enclosed within
either single or double quotes. To work with strings in Python from the Linux terminal,
you can use the Python interactive shell as before.

>>> msg = "Hello, Ansible!"

>>> print(len(msg)) # prints the length of the string (15)
>>> print(msg.upper()) # prints the string in uppercase
>>> print(msg.lower()) # prints the string in lowercase
hello, ansible!
>>> print(msg.replace("Ansible", "Python")) # replaces "Ansible" with
Hello, Python!

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

5.2.3 Booleans
In Python, a Boolean is a data type that can have one of two possible values: True or
False. Booleans are used to represent the truth or falsity of a statement or condition.
They are often used in conditional statements, where the program flow depends on
whether a certain condition is true or false. In addition to True and False, Boolean
values can also be represented as 1 or 0. However, it is important to note that these
representations are not strictly Boolean and should be used with caution. Boolean values
are commonly used in programming to make decisions based on certain conditions.
For example, a program might check if a certain value is greater than another value and
execute different codes depending on whether this condition is true or false.

>>> x = 1 # create a variable x and assign 1 to x

>>> y = 3 # create a variable y and assign 3 to y
>>> print(x < y) # test if x is less than y
>>> print(x > y) # test is x is greater than y
>>> z = 2 # create a variable z and assign 2 to z
>>> if z < x: # conditional, if z is less than x
...     print("z is less than 1") # print “z is less than 1”
... else: # conditional, for all other cases
...     print("z is greater than or equal to 1") # print “z is greater or
equal to 1”
z is greater than or equal to 1

5.2.4 Lists
In Python, a list is a collection of items that are ordered and mutable (changeable). It is
one of the most commonly used data structures in Python and can hold any data type,
including integers, strings, lists, and dictionaries. To make data a list in Python, simply
enclose the data in square brackets [] and separate each item with commas.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

>>> list_01 = [1, 2, 3, "four", "five", [6, "seven"]] # create a new list

named list_01
>>> type(list_01) # check the data type of list_01
<class 'list'>
>>> print(list_01[0]) # print the data in index 0, index always starts at
0 in Python
>>> print(type(list_01[0])) # use the type and indexing to check the data
types of each indexed item.
<class 'int'>
>>> print(list_01[3])
>>> print(type(list_01[3]))
<class 'str'>
>>> print(list_01[5])
[6, 'seven']
>>> print(type(list_01[5])) # [6, “seven'] is a list inside another
list, list_01
<class 'list'>

5.2.5 Tuples
In Python, a tuple is an ordered and immutable (unchangeable) collection of items, like
a list. However, once a tuple is created, its contents cannot be modified, unlike a list. To
update an element in a tuple, you need to convert it into a list, modify the list, and then
convert it back to a tuple. To create a tuple in Python, use parentheses () and separate
the elements with commas.

>>> tuple_01 =(1, 2, "three", "four", [5, "six"], (7, "eight")) # create a

new tuple, tuple_01

>>> type(tuple_01) # check the data type of items
<class 'tuple'>
>>> type(tuple_01[5]) # check item data type using indexing, index always
starts at 0 in Python.
<class 'tuple'>

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

# Appending integer '9' to tuple_01 method 1.

>>> list_01 = list(tuple_01) # convert tuple_01 to a list
>>> list_01.append(9) # append the number 9 to the list
>>> tuple_01 = tuple(list_01) # convert the list back to a tuple
>>> print(tuple_01) # confirm the result
(1, 2, 'three', 'four', [5, 'six'], (7, 'eight'), 9)

# Appending integer '9' to tuple_01 method 2.

>>> tuple_01 =(1, 2, "three", "four", [5, "six"], (7, "eight")) # recreate
>>> tuple_01 = tuple_01 + (9,) # concatenate another tuple with integer '9'
as a single element
>>> print(tuple_01) # check the result
(1, 2, 'three', 'four', [5, 'six'], (7, 'eight'), 9)

5.2.6 Dictionaries
A dictionary is a fundamental data structure in Python that stores key-value pairs, much
like a real-world dictionary where words serve as keys and their meanings serve as
values. In Python, a dictionary is represented by a collection of key-value pairs enclosed
in curly braces {}. Each key in a Python dictionary must be unique, immutable, and
hashable, which means that it cannot be changed once it is created. The corresponding
value can be of any data type and can be changed or updated as needed. You can use
a dictionary to store and retrieve data efficiently, as accessing a value using its key is
much faster than searching for the same value in a list or tuple. Additionally, you can
add, remove, or modify key-value pairs in a dictionary dynamically using various built-in

>>> my_dict = {'a': 'apple', 'o': 'orange', 'b': 'banana', 'm': 'mango'} #
create a new dictionary named my_dict, starting from Python 3.7,
dictionaries are guaranteed to maintain the order in which the keys were

>>> my_dict['a'] # call out the value using the key
>>> my_dict['o']

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

If you are studying and using Ansible, it is essential to become familiar with Python
dictionaries as YAML and JSON have many similarities to a Python dictionary. In
Ansible, YAML is the primary format for writing playbooks and defining tasks, and it
uses a syntax that closely resembles a Python dictionary. Therefore, understanding how
to work with Python dictionaries will help you read and write Ansible playbooks more
In YAML, the same my_dict Python dictionary data will look like the following:

a: apple
o: orange
b: banana
m: mango

In JSON, the same Python dictionary data will look like this:

    "a": "apple",
    "o": "orange",
    "b": "banana",
    "m": "mango"

In the later second part of this chapter, we will delve deeper into YAML and JSON
file types. In the meantime, take a quick look at the preceding examples to familiarize
yourself with each format.

5.2.7 set
In Python, a set is a collection of unique items that are unordered and mutable
(changeable). It’s important to note that sets do not have a specific order, and you can
add, remove, or modify items in a set after it has been created. To create a set in Python,
you can enclose a list of items within curly braces {} or use the built-in set () function.
Sets use the same curly braces as Python dictionaries but behave more like an unordered
Python list with the condition that each item must be unique, meaning no two items can

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

overlap each other. Sets are commonly used to remove duplicates from a list or perform
set operations with built-in set methods such as add(), remove(), union(), intersection(),
difference(), and symmetric_difference().

>>> my_set = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

>>> my_set.add(11)
>>> my_set
{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
>>> my_set.remove(5)
>>> my_set
{1, 3, 7, 9, 11}
>>> type(my_set)
<class 'set'>
>>> my_set2 = set([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
>>> my_set2
{2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

5.2.8 None
Almost all programming languages used today have a representation for the absence
of a value in output or variable. In Python, this is represented by the keyword “None”,
which indicates that a variable or parameter has no value or that the data has not
been initialized. In Python, “None” is a singleton object, which means that only one
instance of it exists in memory. It can be useful in situations where you want to assign
a placeholder value that represents the absence of a meaningful value. For example,
you might use “None” to indicate that a function did not return a value or that a certain
condition has not been met.

>>> my_variable = None

>>> print(my_variable)

Now that you have gained some knowledge about Python data types, it is a good
opportunity to learn about the configuration file types and data interchange file formats
supported by Ansible.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

5.3 Ansible Configuration Files

Ansible uses two types of configuration files for its operation: INI and YAML files.
INI stands for “initialization,” and INI files are configuration file format types that are
commonly used on Windows operating systems but are also cross-platform supported,
so they can be used on Linux. The INI files are typically used to store configuration
settings for applications and system components. In Ansible, the INI file is used exactly
to store configuration settings for applications. INI files are simple text files that consist
of key-­value pair data for the application’s use. In Linux applications, the INI files
are replaced by YAML, JSON, or XML files, which add more features and flexibility to

5.3.1 INI Format
The INI format is a simple and widely used configuration file format that allows storing
data in key-value pair format. Ansible uses the INI format as a default configuration
file called inventory file to manage multiple servers or network devices and automate
repetitive tasks using a simple, declarative language. The Ansible inventory file contains
information about the systems or network devices that Ansible manages, grouped by
different categories like geographical location, function, or environment. Each category
is represented by a section heading in square brackets, followed by a list of key-value
pairs in the format of key=value.
Here is an example of an INI file used in the production environment as an Ansible
inventory file for an enterprise network device:

[all:vars]   # variables for all hosts

ansible_user=jdoe  # set "ansible_user" variable to "jdoe"

[ios_xe_routers_ny]  # "ios_xe_routers_ny" section for hosts in New York

running IOS XE routers  # hostname or IP address of a managed device  # hostname or IP address of a managed device

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

[ios_xe_routers_ca]  # "ios_xe_routers_ca" section for hosts in California

running IOS XE routers  # hostname or IP address of a managed device  # hostname or IP address of a managed device

[pa_os_firewalls_ny]  # "pa_os_firewalls_ny" section for hosts in New York

running Palo Alto firewalls  # hostname or IP address of a managed device  # hostname or IP address of a managed device

[pa_os_firewalls_ca]  # "pa_os_firewalls_ca" section for hosts in

California running Palo Alto firewalls  # hostname or IP address of a managed device  # hostname or IP address of a managed device

[ios_xe_routers:children]  # "ios_xe_routers:children" section to group

together the "ios_xe_routers_ny" and "ios_xe_routers_ca" devices
ios_xe_routers_ny  # Includes the "ios_xe_routers_ny" group as a
child group
ios_xe_routers_ca  # Includes the "ios_xe_routers_ca" group as a
child group

[pa_os_firewalls:children]  # "pa_os_firewalls:children" section to group

together the "pa_os_firewalls_ny" and "pa_os_firewalls_ca" sections
pa_os_firewalls_ny  # Includes the "pa_os_firewalls_ny" group as a child
group pa_os_firewalls_ca  # Includes the "pa_os_firewalls_ca" group as a
child group

The INI file in this example defines different sections representing various groups of
network devices, such as IOS-XE routers and Palo Alto firewalls grouped by geographical
location, NY, and CA. It sets the variable ansible_user to jdoe for all hosts and uses
the :children syntax to group multiple sections into a parent section. Additionally, the
[all:vars] section in this example defines variables that apply to all hosts in the inventory,
including the ansible_user variable. Overall, the inventory file has six sections specifying
the hosts that Ansible should manage: ios_xe_routers_ny, ios_xe_routers_ca, pa_os_
firewalls_ny, pa_os_firewalls_ca, ios_xe_routers, and pa_os_firewalls.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

To use the example shown previously, you will need a DNS-enabled environment.
However, if you prefer to operate independently from DNS services, you can create a
similar inventory file that specifies the IP addresses of the managed nodes. An example
of such an inventory file is shown in the following. It’s worth noting that the example
provided here is taken from a production environment, and the inventory file is used to
manage Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs). By creating your inventory file, you can tailor
your setup to meet your specific needs and requirements.

sydwlc01 ansible_host=
sydwlc02 ansible_host=

melwlc01 ansible_host=
melwlc02 ansible_host=

briwlc01 ansible_host=

adlwlc01 ansible_host=

perwlc01 ansible_host=


To illustrate the contents of the inventory file described previously, refer to

Figure 5-2.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Figure 5-2. Ansible inventory grouping uses

Australia has six federated states, each with its state capital city. Most of the
Australian population lives in cities along the southeast coast due to the harsh
conditions in the outback. In Figure 5-2, seven WLCs need to be controlled and
organized by state (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, and WA). By using inventory grouping
effectively, we can manage which devices we want to control. In the preceding example,
we demonstrated how we could control devices by state or control all devices using
the “wlc_all” inventory group name. For even more granular control, we can further
subdivide states into regions or cities. If you are managing infrastructure specific to
a particular country, it is recommended to apply the same inventory grouping as
demonstrated in the examples to your own country and region. On the other hand, if you
are managing devices globally, expand the same concept to the global level by grouping
devices based on countries and international regions. This will help you to effectively
manage your infrastructure and simplify the process of controlling and monitoring your

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

5.3.2 Ansible Inventory in INI, JSON, and YAML Formats

Ansible supports the inventory in three different data formats: INI, JSON, and
YAML. Although the INI format is the most straightforward, it’s crucial to become
familiar with the JSON and YAML formats, as the inventory file can be written in various
formats. For instance, the following is an example of a simple INI inventory file for Cisco
routers and switches that are commonly used in production environments. However,
it’s essential to note that the same information can also be written in JSON and YAML
formats, which have their differences and similarities compared to the INI format.
Therefore, let’s examine the following example and compare it to the JSON and YAML
formats to understand these differences and similarities more deeply.
Example 1: Cisco routers and switches inventory in INI format



c8kv01 ansible_host= ansible_network_os=ios
c8kv02 ansible_host= ansible_network_os=ios

c9300-sw01 ansible_host=
c9300-sw02 ansible_host=

In the case of JSON format, the preceding INI file can be converted to a JSON format
and saved in the JSON-formatted inventory file by saving the file with a .json extension;
for example, save the file as “inventory.json”. It’s important to ensure that the JSON
file is properly formatted, including the use of curly braces {} to represent objects,
square brackets [] to represent arrays, and commas to separate key-value pairs and
array elements. Once the file is saved, its contents should be viewed and checked for
accuracy; when we convert the preceding INI Example 1 to a JSON format, it will look
like Example 2:

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Example 2: Cisco routers and switches inventory in a JSON format

    "ios": {
        "vars": {
            "ansible_network_os": "ios"
        "children": [
    "routers": {
        "hosts": {
            "c8kv01": {
                "ansible_host": "",
                "ansible_network_os": "ios"
            "c8kv02": {
                "ansible_host": "",
                "ansible_network_os": "ios"
    "switches": {
        "hosts": {
            "c9300-sw01": {
                "ansible_host": ""
            "c9300-sw02": {
                "ansible_host": ""
Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Ansible provides the flexibility to use the YAML format for the inventory file as well.
After converting the original INI file for the Cisco routers and switches to a YAML format,
the resulting file may look like Example 3. You can save this file with either a .yml or
.yaml extension, for example, inventory.yml or inventory.yaml. It’s important to ensure
that the file is saved in a plain text format, without any extra formatting or encoding that
might cause issues when using it with Ansible.
Example 3: Cisco routers and switches inventory in a YAML format

    ansible_network_os: ios
      ansible_network_os: ios
      ansible_network_os: ios

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Now that we have explored the various data file options available for the Ansible
inventory (hosts) file, let’s dive into another important INI file: the ansible.cfg file.

5.3.3 Ansible Inventory Priority

As you may have noticed from the preceding examples, an inventory in Ansible refers to
a group of hosts that Ansible can manage. This inventory can be defined using various
file formats, such as INI, YAML, or even JSON. When running an Ansible playbook,
it uses the inventory to determine which hosts to target with the tasks defined in the
playbook. Ansible searches for target hosts in multiple places, and it has a system of
inventory priority in place to determine which inventory source to use when there are
conflicts or overlaps in the host definitions. By default, Ansible assigns inventory priority
based on the order of the inventory sources in the Ansible configuration file (ansible.cfg).
The first source has the highest priority, and subsequent sources have a lower priority.
It’s important to understand the order of inventory sources in Ansible, as this
determines which hosts Ansible targets when running a playbook. The order of
inventory sources, from highest to lowest priority, is as follows:

1. Command line: If you specify hosts or groups of hosts on the

command line when running the ansible-playbook command,
Ansible will prioritize these hosts, even if they are not defined in
the inventory.

2. Inventory files: These files define hosts and groups of hosts that
Ansible can manage. If a host or group is defined in multiple
inventory files, the definition in the highest-­priority inventory file
takes precedence.

3. Environment variables: If you define the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY

environment variable, Ansible will use the file specified by this
variable as the inventory file. However, this source has lower
priority than the inventory files themselves.

4. Configuration file defaults: If no other inventory sources

are specified, Ansible will use the defaults specified in the
configuration file (ansible.cfg).

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

By default, Ansible uses the inventory file located at /etc/ansible/hosts. However,

you can change this by specifying a different inventory file on the command line or in
the configuration file. Understanding Ansible’s inventory priority is crucial for effectively
targeting controlled nodes, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of how the
inventory is configured and which hosts are defined in different inventory sources.
While you don’t have to perform this task, it’s helpful to understand how Ansible
targets inventory files based on the priorities outlined earlier. In this section, we’ll walk
through a demonstration of this process. To do so, we’ll create some files. Note that this
demonstration assumes you’ve already completed the private key exchange between the
Ansible Control Machine and client nodes (web1, web2, and db1).
We need the following four files created and saved under a new directory path: “/
File 1: inventory.ini

web1 ansible_host=

db1 ansible_host=

File 2: production.ini

web2 ansible_host=

File 3: ansible.cfg

private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

File 4: playbook.yml

--- # a YAML directive that indicates the start of a new YAML document

- hosts: all

    - ping:

If we run the following command from the path, “/home/jdoe/ch05/”:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -l web_servers playbook.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [web1]

TASK [ping] ***************************************************************

ok: [web1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

web1      : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Ansible will target the web_servers group defined in the inventory.ini file and will
run the playbook on the web1 host.
If we run the following command instead:

$ ansible-playbook -i production.ini -l web_servers playbook.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [web2]

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

TASK [ping] ***************************************************************

ok: [web2]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

Web2      : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Ansible will target the web_servers group defined in the production.ini file and will
run the playbook on the web2 host.
If we want to target both web1 and web2, we can specify both inventory files on the
command line like this:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -i production.ini -l web_servers


PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [web1]
ok: [web2]

TASK [ping] ***************************************************************

ok: [web1]
ok: [web2]

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************

web1          : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0
web2          : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

In this case, Ansible will use the web_servers group from both inventory files and will
run the playbook on both web1 and web2.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Finally, if we define the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable in our

environment variable file (in Linux) like this:

$ export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=/home/jdoe/ch05/my_inventory/inventory.ini

$ pwd # check current working directory

$ mkdir test_inventory # make a new directory
$ mv inventory.ini ./test_inventory/ # move the inventory.ini file to the
newly created directory
$ ls my_inventory/ # confirm that the file exists
$ export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=/home/jdoe/ch05/test_inventory/inventory.ini #
run this command to enter the configuration to the environmental variable,
you can use 'env' to check. The default file path for the Ansible inventory
file is '/etc/ansible/hosts'.
$ echo $ANSIBLE_INVENTORY # confirm that the new Ansible inventory path
is correct

And then run the command without specifying an inventory file:

$ ansible-playbook -l web_servers playbook.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************

ok: [web1]

TASK [ping] ***************************************************************

ok: [web1]

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************

web1                       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Ansible relies on the inventory.ini file to manage groups of hosts, and you can specify
a custom inventory file by setting the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable.
In this case, Ansible will use the web_servers group defined in the specified inventory
file. The inventory priority determines the order in which Ansible uses host definitions.
This means that in all the examples, Ansible will use the most relevant host definitions
available based on the inventory priority.

$ export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=/etc/ansible/hosts

$ unset ANSIBLE_INVENTORY # To remove the default inventory from the host's

environmental variables, use the 'unset' command.

To verify that the system environment has been updated, you can use the env
command on your Ansible Control Machine. Now that we have completed the
demonstration, it’s important to restore the default settings for future use.

Expand your knowledge:

Visit Ansible inventory documentation.

To learn more about Ansible inventories, visit the official Ansible documentation site

5.3.4 ansible.cfg File
The “ansible.cfg” file is a frequently used INI file in Ansible that serves as a repository
for configuration options. It utilizes the same INI file format as the inventory file and
allows users to specify various options and settings to tailor the behavior of Ansible
to their specific needs and preferences. This file is particularly valuable in complex
environments with numerous configuration settings and options, as it consolidates all
configurations into a single file. As a result, administrators do not have to manage these
settings on each controlled node individually, making it simpler to manage and maintain
the Ansible setup.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

The following is an example of an ansible.cfg file from a production environment,

formatted in INI:

[defaults] # defines the default options for Ansible.

inventory = inventory  # sets the path to the inventory file.
host_key_checking=False  # disables SSH host key checking.
timeout = 10  # sets the timeout for connecting to remote hosts.
nocows = 1  # disables ASCII art when running Ansible.
deprecation_warnings = False  # disables deprecation warnings.
retry_files_enabled = False  # disables retry files for failed plays
and tasks.
log_path = ./ansible.log  # sets the path for the log file.
forks = 60  # sets the maximum number of parallel processes.
interpreter_python=auto_silent  # automatically selects the Python
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3  # sets the Python interpreter
to use for modules.

It’s not necessary to comprehend every option in the ansible.cfg file, and there
are numerous options that you may not need to memorize. Instead, you can always
refer to the various Ansible documentation and community forums. When you have
questions regarding specific settings, it’s crucial to begin your research from the official
Ansible documentation. However, it’s essential to ensure that you’re referencing the
documentation for your current version of Ansible since Ansible features and versions
can evolve quickly. Ansible and its modules are continuously improving and changing
based on the version of Ansible, making it crucial to keep your knowledge up to date. By
doing so, you can leverage more features and automate your environment with the most
up-to-date and dependable modules.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Expand your knowledge:

What is FQCN?
Throughout this book, we will strive to use Fully Qualified Collection Names (FQCNs)
for module names, as it represents the updated and maintained version. The
general consensus on best practices leans toward using FQCNs if you are using
Ansible version 2.9 or later. However, if you are working with an older version of
Ansible where the “ansible.builtin.service” module is unavailable, you may need
to resort to using the “service” module with short names. While using modules
with short names still functions in most cases and the use of FQCNs is not strictly
required in this sense, we will adhere to industry best practices. This doesn’t mean
everyone has to agree with the best practices. It's important to note that there is no
functional distinction between specifying “ansible.builtin.” in front of the “service”
and simply using “service” as in short name, as both methods will use the standard
Ansible modules and plug-ins available through ansible-base/ansible-core.
There are two sides to the argument for using Fully Qualified Collection Names
(FQCNs) in Ansible playbooks:
For: Namespace Clashes – In larger Ansible code bases or complex environments,
multiple modules with the same name may exist in different namespaces or
collections. By using FQCNs, you can precisely specify the intended module,
eliminating potential namespace clashes. This helps prevent ambiguity and
ensures the playbook references the desired module.
Against: Readability and Conciseness – Ansible playbooks are designed to be
human-readable and easy to understand. Using FQCNs can make the playbook
less readable and more verbose. The explicit specification of the entire module
path can make the code harder to follow, especially for individuals unfamiliar with
the specific structure of the code base. It can also result in longer lines of code,
potentially affecting readability and maintainability.
It's worth noting that the concept of Fully Qualified Collection Names (FQCNs) is typically
used in object-oriented programming languages to precisely specify the location of a
class within a namespace or package hierarchy. YAML, being a markup language, does

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

not directly employ FQCNs. Strictly speaking, YAML is not a programming language
itself. Therefore, enforcing FQCNs in Ansible playbooks may appear unnecessary. The
objective of using Ansible is to simplify tasks rather than increasing typing effort and
complexity. If we are allowed to treat YAML as a programming language and adopt
principles from programming languages, enforcing FQCNs contradicts the first two
key beliefs and principles associated with Python concepts: “Readability Counts” and
“Simplicity.” Enforcing FQCNs can introduce verbosity and complexity, undermining the
inherent readability and simplicity of playbooks.
The decision of whether to use FQCNs in Ansible playbooks should ultimately
depend on specific requirements, the complexity of the environment, and the
preferences of the team. Striking a balance between industry best practices and
maintaining readability and simplicity is essential when considering FQCN usage in
Ansible playbooks.
Here are some extra readings for you to decide on FQCN arguments and

5.3.5 YAML
Just like the INI file, YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is often used for
configuration files and data exchange between platforms and languages. YAML closely
resembles JSON and XML in many ways, but it is designed to be more human-friendly
and intuitive to use. It uses declarative language that reads like English sentences,
requiring very little training to bring someone up to speed with reading and writing

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

YAML files. Simple declarative statements could include statements such as “Water
freezes at 0 degrees Celsius,” “I am 35 years old,” and “My favorite color is blue.” If we
convert these declarations to system or service states on a Linux system, it would be
something like “Create a new user.”, “Create a directory new_dir and create a new file
my_file01.txt.”, “Restart OpenSSH server services.”, “Install Apache web server.”, “Stop the
Apache service.”, “Uninstall the Apache service.”, “Restart ens160 interface.”, “Run the
“show version” command on IOS-XE Router.” and so on.
Now, let’s review some specific examples of tasks written in YAML that demonstrate
the declarative nature of YAML files when used in Ansible. These examples will help
enhance our understanding of how YAML can be used to describe the desired state of
a system and how Ansible can use this information to automate complex tasks across
multiple hosts in a simple, efficient, and repeatable manner.
Example 1: “Create a new user.”

--- # a YAML directive that indicates the start of a new YAML document
- name: Create a new user with password # name for the task
  hosts: all # perform the task on hosts
  become: true # elevated privileges to root user
    - name: Add user # task name
      ansible.builtin.user: # Ansible's builtin module called 'user'
        name: sean # the user to be created
        password: {{ 'Super5ecret9assword' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
# generate a secure hashed password
        shell: /bin/bash # specify the user's default shell, /bin/bash is
newer and better than /bin/sh
        state: present # the user should be created if it does not exist

In the preceding example, the YAML code defines an Ansible playbook task that
creates a new user with a specified password using the latest Ansible Collection, ansible.
builtin.user module, and default shell on all hosts, with elevated privileges to the root
user. The password is securely hashed using the SHA-512 algorithm to ensure the user’s
credentials are protected. The task also specifies that the user should be created only if it
does not already exist.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Example 2: “Create a directory new_dir & create a new file test_file01.txt.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Create a directory and a file # main task name
hosts: all # perform the task on hosts
become: true  # the task runs with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Create a directory # task name
      ansible.builtin.file: # Ansible's builtin module called 'file'
        path: /home/jdoe/new_dir  # the path to the new directory
        state: directory       # ensure this is a directory

    - name: Create a file # task name

      ansible.builtin.copy: # Ansible's builtin module called 'copy'
        content: "This is Ansible file creation test only!\n"     # the
content of the file
        dest: /hme/jdoe/new_dir/test_file01.txt  # the path to the new file
        mode: '0644'  # Specify the file permissions (in this case,
rw-r--r--) # you already learned  about file permissions in
Chapter 3.

In Example 2, the YAML code defines an Ansible playbook task that creates a new
directory and file with specified content and permissions on all hosts, with elevated
privileges to the root/jdoe user. The task uses the latest Ansible’s builtin modules
“file” and “copy” to create the directory and file and set the permissions. The task also
specifies the path and content of the file to be created.
Example 3a: “Install Apache web server.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Install Apache web server
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

    - name: Install Apache web server
        name: httpd     # Apache web server package on Fedora
        state: present  # Ensure that the package is installed and

This YAML playbook installs the Apache web server on the Fedora host with the
name “f38c1” by using the latest “ansible.builtin.dnf” module in Ansible. The task is run
with elevated privileges using “become: true”. The “state: present” parameter ensures
that the package is installed and up to date.
Example 3b: “Start Apache web server.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Start Apache web server
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Start Apache web server
        name: httpd   # Apache web server service on Fedora
        state: started  # Ensure that the service is started

This YAML code starts the Apache web server on the host f38c1. It uses the ansible.
builtin.service module from the collection to start the httpd service and runs the task
with elevated privileges as root using the become option.
Example 3c: “Check if the Apache web server is started.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Check Apache web server status
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

    - name: Check Apache web server status

        name: httpd   # Apache web server service on Fedora
        state: started  # Ensure that the service is started
        register: apache_status  # Register the service status to a

    - name: Print Apache web server status

        msg: "httpd {{ 'started' if apache_status.changed else
'stopped' }}"  # Print a message based on the service status

This YAML file checks the status of the Apache web server on a Fedora host with the
name “f38c1”. It runs with elevated privileges and registers the status of the service to a
variable called “apache_status”. Then it prints a message stating whether the service is
started or stopped using the “debug” module.
Example 3d: “Stop the Apache service.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Stop Apache web server
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Stop Apache web server
        name: httpd   # Apache web server service on Fedora
        state: stopped  # Ensure that the service is stopped

This YAML script stops the Apache web server by running the ansible.builtin.service
module with the name parameter set to “httpd” and the state parameter set to “stopped”.
It is executed on hosts specified in the hosts field with elevated privileges as specified in
the become field. The task name is “Stop Apache web server”.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

Example 3e: “Uninstall the Apache service.”

x--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Uninstall Apache web server
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Uninstall Apache web server
        name: httpd   # Apache web server package on Fedora
        state: absent  # Ensure that the package is not installed

This YAML file describes an Ansible playbook that uninstalls the Apache web server
package from the hosts listed under the “hosts” directive. The “become” directive allows
the task to run with elevated privileges as root, and the “tasks” section includes a single
task named “Uninstall Apache web server,” which uses the ansible.builtin collection
module “dnf” to remove the “httpd” package from the target hosts.
Example 4: “Restart the ens160 interface.”

x--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Restart ens160 interface on f38c1
  hosts: f38c1
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Restart ens160 interface
        name: network   # network service on Fedora
        state: restarted  # Ensure that the service is restarted
        iface_name: ens160  # target interface to be restarted
      shell: |
        ifdown {{ iface_name }} && ifup {{ iface_name }}

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

This YAML playbook will restart the network interface named “ens160” on the host
“f38c1”. It uses the “service” module to restart the “network” service and then runs a shell
command that uses the “ifdown” and “ifup” commands to bring down and bring up the
“ens160” interface, respectively. The “become” parameter is set to true, which means the
task will be run with elevated privileges.
Example 5: “Restart OpenSSH server services.”

x--- # the start of a new YAML document

- name: Restart OpenSSH server services on all hosts
  hosts: all
  become: true   # Run the task with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Restart OpenSSH server
        name: sshd   # the OpenSSH server service on Fedora
        state: restarted  # Ensure that the service is restarted

This YAML playbook restarts the OpenSSH server service on all hosts in the
inventory using Ansible. The playbook uses the “service” module to manage the service
and sets the “state” parameter to “restarted” to ensure that the service is restarted. The
playbook also sets “become” to true, which allows the task to run with elevated privileges
as root.
Example 6: “Attention all users, please be advised that system maintenance will
begin in 30 minutes. Please save any unsaved work and log out of the system to avoid
any potential data loss. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.” to all logged-­
in users.

- name: Send a message to logged-in users and log them out from the
SSH session
  hosts: all

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

  # become: true   # Disable this as we are using private keys; this is
needed to run commands with elevated privileges (e.g. root/jdoe)

    - name: Send a message to all users
      ansible.builtin.command: > # '>' helps to enter multiple lines of
text; you can also use line separator '\'
        wall "Attention all users, please be advised that system
maintenance will begin in 30 minutes.
        Please save any unsaved work and log out of the system to avoid any
potential data loss.
        We apologize for any inconvenience caused."

      ignore_errors: yes # Ignore errors if there are no logged-in users

This YAML script sends a message to all logged-in users using the wall command,
notifying them of a maintenance event.
“Broadcast message from jdoe@u23c1 (somewhere) (Sun Apr 16 12:32:36 2023):
Attention all users, please be advised that system maintenance will begin in 30
minutes. Please save any unsaved work and log out of the system to avoid any potential
data loss. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.”
Example 7: “Run the “show version” command on IOS-XE Router.”

--- # The start of a new YAML document

- name: Run show version command on all routers and save to
individual files
  hosts: ny1rtr01,lon1rtr01,tky1rtr01,syd1rtr01,par1rtr01  # Define the
target hosts
  gather_facts: no  # Disable facts gathering for faster execution

    - name: Run show version command on each router and save to file
      ansible.netcommon.ios_command:  # Use the ios_command module to
execute the show version command
          - show version

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

        provider:  # Define the login credentials for the IOS devices

          username: jdoe
          password: Super5ecret8assword
        register: show_version_output  # Register the output of the command
to a variable

      - name: Save show version output to file

        ansible.builtin.copy:  # Use the copy module to save the output
to a file
          content: "{{ show_version_output.stdout[0] }}"  # Use the
registered variable to retrieve the output and save to file

          dest: "/home/jdoe/{{ inventory_hostname }}_{{ ansible_date_time.

date }}.txt"  # Save to file with the hostname and date as part
of the filename

This YAML playbook uses the ios_command module to run the “show version”
command on multiple IOS devices and saves the output to individual files using the
copy module. The register directive is used to capture the output of the command into a
variable, and then the copy module is used to save the output to a file with the hostname
and date as part of the file name. The playbook runs on a list of specified hosts, and
the login credentials are provided through the provider directive. The gather_facts
parameter is set to no to speed up the execution of the playbook.
In the final part of this chapter, we will explore Ansible’s data interchange
functionality, which allows for the exchange of data between different systems. This is
achieved using JSON, Jinja2, and YAML. We have been getting familiar with YAML, so in
this section, we will delve more into the world of JSON and Jinja2, comparing them with
XML and drawing parallels to Python dictionaries. With a clear understanding of these
concepts, you will be able to work with Ansible more effectively and have greater control
over the manipulation of data structures.

5.4 Ansible Data Interchange

Ansible uses JSON and XML for data interchange with external systems, while Jinja2
is a templating engine that generates configuration files and scripts dynamically.
Ansible commonly uses three methods for data interchange: JSON, Jinja2 templating,

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

and YAML. YAML is typically used for configuration files and Ansible playbook scripts
because it is human-readable and provides a standardized format for exchanging data
between different systems. JSON, on the other hand, is a lightweight data interchange
format that is easy for machines to parse.
Jinja2, however, is more of a templating engine that defines variables and templates
to create reusable configuration files, enabling easy sharing and exchange of data
between different systems. This approach allows for efficient management and
automation of IT infrastructure. While Ansible supports both JSON and XML, they are
primarily used for data interchange, whereas Jinja2 is used for dynamic templating.
By leveraging these data interchange methods, Ansible can streamline infrastructure
management and automation.

5.4.1 JSON (Why Not YANG?)

JSON and XML are markup languages used by Ansible for data interchange and
configuration of remote systems. JSON is lightweight and easy to read, while XML is
verbose and widely used in enterprise applications. Jinja2 is a templating language used
by Ansible for generating dynamic configuration files with conditional logic, loops,
and programming constructs. Jinja2 templates can be written in either JSON or YAML
format. YANG, on the other hand, is a data modeling language designed for network
configuration and management. It standardizes the configuration of network devices
and is used by NETCONF and RESTCONF. Although YANG and Ansible are both used for
network automation, they serve different purposes and operate at different layers of the
network stack. In summary, JSON and XML are used for data interchange and dynamic
templating in Ansible, while YANG is used for network configuration and management
in other tools.
Reading the JSON data from a file and using it in Ansible:

1. Create a file named jack_data.json with the following contents:

  "name": "jack",
  "age": 2,
  "sex": "male",
  "breed": "jack russell terrier",

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

  "a.k.a.": "Parson russell terrier",

  "origin": "Dartmouth, Devon, England",
  "first_born": 1795

2. Use the lookup plug-in to read the contents of the file and convert
it into an Ansible dictionary:

- name: Read data from JSON file
    my_data: "{{ lookup('file', 'jack_data.json') | from_json }}"
    var: dog_data

In this example, we use the lookup plug-in to read the contents of the jack_data.json
file and convert it into an Ansible dictionary using the from_json filter. We then print out
the contents of the dog_data variable using the debug module. Note that you can use the
dog_data variable in subsequent tasks as needed.
To write data to a JSON file in Ansible:

1. Define a variable with the data you want to write to the file:

- name: Define data to write to JSON file
      name: jack
      age: 2
      sex: male
      breed: jack russell terrier
      a.k.a.: Parson russell terrier
      origin: Dartmouth, Devon, England
                   first_born: 1795

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

In this example, we define a dictionary named dog_data that

contains the same data as in the original JSON file.

2. Use the copy module to write the my_data variable to a file in

JSON format:

- name: Write data to JSON file
    content: "{{ dog_data | to_json }}"
    dest: "/home/jdoe/ch05/dog_file.json"

In this example, we use the copy module to write the contents of the my_data
variable to a file named my_file.json located at /path/to/. We convert the my_data
variable to a JSON format using the to_json filter before writing it to the file. Note that the
content parameter can also accept a file path to read the data from another file, and the
dest parameter can be a relative or absolute path to the destination file.
Okay, we used a dog’s attribute as an example, but what do the contents of a real
working JSON file look like? Are there any actual working examples available? Here is
a simple example from a real production environment. This is the data in JSON format
returned from an API call to the IP Address Management (IPAM) application, NetBox.

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 266,
            "url": "­
            "display": "Catalyst 9300L-24P-4G",
            "manufacturer": {
                "id": 4,

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

                "url": "
                "display": "Cisco",
                "name": "Cisco",
                "slug": "cisco"
            "model": "Catalyst 9300L-24P-4G",
            "slug": "c9300l-24p-4g",
            "part_number": "C9300L-24P-4G",
            "u_height": 1.0,
            "is_full_depth": true,
            "subdevice_role": null,
            "airflow": null,
            "weight": null,
            "weight_unit": null,
            "front_image": null,
            "rear_image": null,
            "description": "",
            "comments": "",
            "tags": [],
            "custom_fields": {},
            "created": "2023-03-21T04:47:28.871973Z",
            "last_updated": "2023-03-21T04:47:28.871991Z",
            "device_count": 15

In the preceding example, we made an API query for information on a particular

Cisco device, the Catalyst 9300, using its slug, “c9300l-24p-4g”. Slugs are human-friendly
values stored in the database and can be used as search keywords using API calls. The
returned output is in the typical JSON format, and different systems use JSON-formatted
data for data interchange.

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

The preceding JSON content is from a query. However, if we want to make a POST
API call to add a device, the JSON format becomes a little simpler, as shown in the
following example:

        "name": "SYD-RTR-01",
        "device_type": 300,
        "device_role": 16,
        "tenant": 44,
        "platform": 5,
        "site": 11,
        "location": 11,
        "rack": 38,
        "position": 20.0,
        "face": "front",
        "status": "planned",
        "airflow": "front-to-rear"
The following JSON example is used to add manufacturers using POST API calls to
an IPAM server.

        "name": "Palo Alto",
        "slug": "palo-alto"
        "name": "Fortinet",
        "slug": "fortinet"

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

        "name": "Cisco",
        "slug": "cisco"
If you are reading this book, you have likely chosen it to avoid programming or web
development. However, it's ironic that the same excellent tool that you are trying to
master relies heavily on the same data types and file formats used by many popular
programming languages and web development tools. While Ansible attempts to
detach users from the actual programming as much as possible, anyone in your position
will inevitably have to bite the bullet and catch the coding bandwagon at some point in
your IT career.
But don’t let this discourage you! Learning a bit of programming can enhance your
understanding of Ansible and make it easier for you to utilize the tool to its full potential.
Even if you don’t have any previous programming experience, starting with basic
concepts such as data types, variables, and functions can go a long way in helping you
understand Ansible playbooks and modules. By expanding your knowledge, you can
take your skills to the next level and become a real asset to your team. So embrace the
challenge and let your curiosity guide you!
“If you’re interested in diving into network automation using Python, we highly
recommend checking out the prequel to this book: Introduction to Python Network
Automation: The First Journey by Apress. You can find it at ­https://link.springer.

5.4.2 Jinja2
Jinja2 is a powerful template engine that is used by Ansible to generate dynamic content.
It is written in Python and provides a simple and flexible way to create templates that can
be used to generate any kind of text-based format, such as configuration files, scripts,
or documentation. In Ansible, Jinja2 is used to create templates that are populated with
variables and other data from Ansible playbooks or inventory files. This allows you to
create highly customizable and reusable configuration files that can be tailored to the
specific needs of your infrastructure. Jinja2 templates in Ansible use a combination
of basic Python syntax and special template tags and filters that are specific to Jinja2.
These tags and filters allow you to perform complex data manipulation and logic within

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

your templates, making them highly flexible and powerful tools for generating dynamic
content in Ansible. Rendering JSON File Using Jinja2

Jinja2 is a template engine that Ansible uses to generate dynamic content. Let’s take
a closer look at how we can use it to render Jack’s attribute JSON file and gain a better
understanding of the rendering process.

1. First, let’s review the test JSON file to understand its structure and
prepare it for Jinja2 templating.

  "name": "jack",
  "age": 2,
  "sex": "male",
  "breed": "jack russell terrier",
  "a.k.a.": "Parson russell terrier",
  "origin": "Dartmouth, Devon, England",
  "first_born": 1795

2. Now, create a new file named dog_attributes.j2. Open a blank file

in a text editor and copy/paste the following code:

Here are some attributes of {{ name }}:

- Age: {{ age }}
- Sex: {{ sex }}
- Breed: {{ breed }}
- AKA: {{ a.k.a. }}
- Origin: {{ origin }}
- First born: {{ first_born }}

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

3. Save the file.

4. Now you can use this Jinja2 template in your Ansible playbook by
referencing the file name with the template module as shown in
the following example.

- name: Generate dog attributes

    src: dog_attributes.j2
    dest: /home/jdoe/ch05/dog_attributes.txt

This task will generate a file named dog_attributes.txt in the /home/jdoe/ch05

directory. The content of the file will be the result of rendering the Jinja2 template, where
the variables (name, age, sex, etc.) will be replaced with their corresponding values. Rendering YAML File Using Jinja2

Let’s now use a YAML file containing Jack’s attributes and render it using Jinja2.
Understanding this process will help you use YAML data as a Jinja2 template. To do so,
you can create a new Jinja2 file and use the variables defined in the YAML file.
The following process provides a guideline for creating a Jinja2 template file based
on the given YAML data:

1. First, create a new file named dog_info.yaml and copy/paste the

YAML data into it.

name: jack
age: 2
sex: male
breed: jack russell terrier
a.k.a.: Parson russell terrier
origin: Dartmouth, Devon, England
first_born: 1795

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

2. Create a new file named dog_info.j2. In the dog_info.j2 file, you

can use the YAML data as follows:

{{ name }} is a {{ age }} year old {{ sex }} {{ breed }}.

The dog is also known as {{ aka }} and originated in

{{ origin }} in {{ first_born }}.

3. In your Ansible playbook, you can use the YAML module to read
the data from the dog_info.yaml file and pass it as variables to the
Jinja2 template. For example:

- name: Render dog info template

  hosts: localhost
    - name: Read YAML data
        dog_info: "{{ lookup('file', 'dog_info.yaml') | from_
yaml }}"
        src: dog_info.j2
        dest: /home/jdoe/ch05/output/file.txt

The resulting output file will contain the rendered template based on the data
provided in dog_info.yaml. This approach demonstrates how to use Ansible to
dynamically generate configuration files using Jinja2 templates and data stored in
YAML files.
Congratulations on reaching the end of this chapter! This chapter has covered a wide
range of data-related topics in Ansible, and if you’re new to this area, you’ve covered a
lot of ground. Throughout this chapter, you’ve been introduced to many concepts and
examples, including an overview of Python data types. We discussed numerous data
types and file formats, and while it’s not necessary to fully grasp all of them at once, it’s
important to have a basic understanding of their uses.
As you continue to work with Ansible, you may find yourself returning to this chapter
as a reference. We suggest reading it at least three times to gain a solid grasp of the data
types used in Ansible. Keep in mind that understanding these concepts will help you

Chapter 5 Understanding Data Types and File Formats for Ansible

write more efficient and effective code in the long run. Great job on completing this
chapter, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors with Ansible!
In the next chapter, we will continue exploring Ansible ad hoc and dive deeper
into its concepts in subsequent chapters, which will help you further enhance your
understanding and practical implementation of Ansible.

5.5 Summary
This chapter of the book focused on data and data types used in Ansible. It covered
the basic concepts of data, how it is used in Ansible, and how to use data types in
Ansible. The chapter also discussed the dependency of Ansible on Python data types
and provided an overview of basic Python data types. The chapter went on to explore
Ansible configuration files, including Ansible inventory in INI, JSON, and YAML formats,
inventory priority, and the ansible.cfg file. It provided examples of YAML to illustrate
and familiarize readers with different data types. We also discussed about FQCNs best
practices for module names in our playbooks. The chapter also covered Ansible data
interchange and explored JSON and Jinja2 templates with simple examples. It discussed
why JSON is used in Ansible for data interchange and how to read and write JSON data
files in Ansible. The chapter also provided examples of JSON files used in production
and covered how Jinja2 can be used to render JSON and YAML files. By the end of the
chapter, readers gained a broader understanding of data and data types in Ansible, how
to use Ansible configuration files, and how to effectively read and understand JSON and
Jinja2 templates for data interchange and rendering files.


Learning Ansible
Basic Concepts I: SSH
and Ad Hoc Commands
This chapter of our Ansible guide covers running ad hoc commands using Ansible.
Ad hoc commands allow you to run a single command on multiple systems at once,
without the need for a playbook. Learning Ansible ad hoc commands is a great starting
point for understanding how Ansible works. It gives novice users a chance to understand
how ad hoc commands can transform into a playbook. The chapter begins with an
overview of SSH in Ansible, including how to set up and configure SSH connections for
your Ansible environment. This is followed by sections on running ad hoc commands
on Linux devices, routers, and switches. Finally, the chapter covers running elevated ad
hoc commands with Ansible, which allows you to perform tasks that require elevated
privileges on the target systems. This section explains how to use the --become option
for privilege escalation. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a solid understanding of
how to use Ansible to run ad hoc commands on a variety of systems and how to escalate
privileges when necessary.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

6.1 SSH Overview and Setup in Ansible

Secure Shell (SSH) is a highly secure network protocol used for remote access and
management of servers and network devices. It provides an encrypted channel for
communication between the client and server, making it ideal for sensitive data
transmission. SSH uses TCP port number 22 by default, but in a hardened environment,
the port number can be changed to something else to prevent unauthorized access
attempts. The default authentication method for SSH is password based, but using SSH
keys is more secure and recommended. Ansible, a popular configuration management
tool, uses SSH as its default transport mechanism, requiring OpenSSH to be installed on
Linux servers.
To use SSH from a PC, an SSH client such as PuTTY or SecureCRT is needed.
An OpenSSH server must be installed on the controlled (client) nodes to enable
secure remote access by the admin or admin machine. The OpenSSH server listens
for incoming connections on port 22 by default, and by TCP nature, the connection
is always connection oriented. In the context of Ansible, SSH is used as the default
transport mechanism to connect to remote hosts and perform tasks securely. The use of
SSH in Ansible ensures that any communication between the control machine and the
remote host is protected from security threats. Ansible is an essential tool in the DevOps
toolchain due to its use of SSH for secure communication between the control machine
and remote hosts. Thanks to the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, Ansible is able to operate
on remote hosts without the need for an agent to be installed on them. This eliminates
the additional step of agent installation and configuration, making Ansible more efficient
and easier to use for remote management and configuration tasks.

6.1.1 Configuring SSH for Ansible: General Steps

To configure SSH for use with Ansible, several steps need to be completed, which
include the following:

1. Install OpenSSH: Ansible requires OpenSSH to be installed on

both the control machine (the machine where you run Ansible
from) and the remote hosts you want to manage. Make sure that
OpenSSH is installed and properly configured on both the control
machine and the remote hosts.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

2. Configure SSH: You will need to configure SSH on both the

control machine and the remote hosts to enable password-less
authentication using public and private keys. This step is essential
for Ansible to function properly. You can follow the steps outlined
in this section to set up password-less authentication.

3. Create SSH keys: You will need to create SSH keys on the control
machine and then distribute the public key to the remote hosts
you want to manage. This will allow Ansible to communicate
securely with the remote hosts without the need for a password.
You can create SSH keys using the ssh-keygen command and then
copy the public key to the remote hosts using the ssh-copy-id

4. Test the SSH connection: Once SSH is configured and the keys are
in place, you can test the connection between the control machine
and the remote hosts using the SSH command. This step is
important to ensure that the SSH connection is working properly
before you start using Ansible. You can use the ssh command with
the -v flag to enable verbose mode and get more detailed output.
You will learn how to use the verbose mode in Chapter 8.

5. Set up Ansible to use SSH: Finally, you will need to configure

Ansible to use SSH as the default transport mechanism. Ansible
uses SSH by default, so you don’t need to do anything extra to
configure it. However, you can customize the SSH options that
Ansible uses by modifying the ssh_args setting in the Ansible
configuration file. You can also specify a different transport
mechanism, such as paramiko or local, by using the -c option
when running Ansible commands.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

6.1.2 Understanding the Ansible SSH Concept

Fully grasping the SSH concept in Ansible is important because without a clear
understanding of how SSH works and integrates with Ansible, users may encounter
connectivity, security, and performance issues. Such issues could then adversely impact
the effectiveness and reliability of their Ansible automation workflows.

1. Check the OpenSSH version: Ensure that the SSH server is

configured properly on each VM. If not installed, use either
the “sudo yum install openssh-server” command for RHEL
distributions or the “sudo apt install openssh-server” command
for Debian-­based distributions.

$ ssh -V

2. Configure SSH: To enable password-less authentication, you will

need to edit the SSH configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) on
the remote host to allow for public key authentication. You will
also need to edit the ~/.ssh/config file on the control machine to
specify the location of the private key.

3. Create SSH keys: You can create SSH keys on the control machine
using the following command:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

This will create a new SSH key pair in the ~/.ssh/ directory.
You can then copy the public key to the remote host using the
following command:

$ ssh-copy-id user@remote_host

4. Test the SSH connection: You can test the SSH connection using
the SSH command:

$ ssh user@remote_host

This should connect to the remote host without prompting for a


Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

5. Set up Ansible to use SSH: Finally, you will need to configure

Ansible to use SSH by specifying the transport method in the
ansible.cfg file:

transport = ssh

6.1.3 Practical Usage of SSH in Ansible

To make sure that OpenSSH is installed and functioning on your Linux servers, you can
use a couple of commands. Firstly, to check if OpenSSH is installed and to see its version
number, you can issue the “ssh -V” command. This will output the version information
if OpenSSH is installed on the server. Secondly, to check the status of the SSH service,
you can use the appropriate command based on your Linux distribution. For Fedora
and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, use the command “sudo systemctl status sshd”. If you’re
using an Ubuntu or Debian-based system, use the command “sudo systemctl status ssh”.
By running these commands, you will obtain the necessary information to confirm that
OpenSSH is properly installed and running on your servers. Remember to run the same
commands on the second set of servers, which are identified as f38c1 and u23c2. This
will ensure that OpenSSH is also installed and running properly on these servers and will
help ensure consistency across your entire infrastructure.

1. To check the status of the SSH server on your servers, log in to

them using the Ansible test account “jdoe” via PuTTY, and execute
the appropriate command based on your Linux distribution.
It’s important to note that successfully logging in to the server
indicates that the SSH service is up and running.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh -V # check ssh version Linux

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ sudo systemctl status sshd # check ssh status on
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ sudo ss -lt # check working ports on Fedora/RHEL

jdoe@u23c1:~$ ssh -V # check ssh version Linux

jdoe@u23c1:~$ sudo systemctl status ssh # check ssh status on
jdoe@u23c1:~$ sudo ss -lt # check working ports on Ubuntu/Debian

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

2. First, connect to each client node (f38c1, u23c1, and u23c2)

from the Ansible control server (f38s1) and answer “yes” to the
initial connection prompt. This is important as it confirms the
fingerprint and ensures Ansible runs smoothly. If you don’t accept
the prompt initially, Ansible may encounter issues. Although there
are other ways to accept the prompt, it’s easier for you to take care
of this step yourself to ensure a quick start.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh

The authenticity of host ' (' can't
be ­established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:A/eV+z5YeLFHQuzLSvXd4BU0YO0IVOnz
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/
[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list
of known hosts.
jdoe@'s password: ****************
Last login: Sun Mar 26 17:33:25 2023 from
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$

3. Repeat the preceding task to accept the ED25519 key

fingerprint for u23c1 ( and u23c2

4. After answering “yes” in step 2, the server’s keys were saved under
the known_hosts file. To verify this, we can check the known_hosts
file and confirm that the server’s keys are present.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ pwd

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls /home/jdoe/. -a

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

.  ..  .bash_history  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .ssh
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls /home/jdoe/.ssh
known_hosts  known_hosts.old
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-ed25519
EzLJPBLkKizWvXOXW ssh-rsa
U556NgiPHgqJHqxS0D9k5QcvtNMOW0Y4CAZCtJoZv7jaB2tvmyQH/8d//9d8= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAy
LlVFcxyI9xOjhH0b11 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDOtEebr

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdH

AR6uytxXMk2WvAOhTuNZNRqlTXcZy3KN1J04L8aPW3UIX9fulvo= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC4dS2kUbOQcU

5. To manage SSH keys in Ansible, it’s recommended to create an

SSH key pair with a passphrase for the Ansible test user account
on the Ansible Control Machine, using the ed25519 public/
private key pairing. While it’s not mandatory, it’s considered a
best practice. In this case, we will create a key pair for our use. To
generate the SSH key, simply follow the steps provided.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls -la .ssh # check the files under .ssh

total 8
drwx------. 2 jdoe jdoe   48 Mar 26 17:36 .
drwx------. 3 jdoe jdoe   95 Mar 26 17:35 ..
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe 1783 Mar 26 17:36 known_hosts
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe  940 Mar 26 17:36 known_hosts.old
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "jdoe default" #
generate keys
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): *************** #
Enter your passphrase
Enter same passphrase again: *************** # Enter your
passphrase again
Your identification has been saved in /home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519
Your public key has been saved in /home/jdoe/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:bd91HcIWYqDN88HfIR3fZQ2tGhdl8jyiYpzhseYyMyU jdoe default
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|         ..o .o=*|
|        + o o +*B|

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

|       . * o * B=|
|        o.B * B =|
|       ESXoo = .+|
|        *..... ..|
|       = .  . .  |
|        =        |
|                 |
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls -la .ssh # check the .ssh directory again
total 16
drwx------. 2 jdoe jdoe   88 Mar 26 18:04 .
drwx------. 3 jdoe jdoe   95 Mar 26 17:35 ..
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe  444 Mar 26 18:04 id_ed25519 # a private
key only for f38s1
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe   94 Mar 26 18:04 # a
public key for public sharing
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe 1783 Mar 26 17:36 known_hosts
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe  940 Mar 26 17:36 known_hosts.old
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat .ssh/ # check the public key
cM7AHZYG7Au+yuU jdoe default
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat .ssh/id_ed25519 # check the private key

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

6. To ensure that the public key is copied to all of the Ansible clients,
also referred to as controlled clients, please execute the following
command exactly as it is shown:

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new
key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if
you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
jdoe@'s password: ***************

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh ''"

and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

After performing the necessary actions, please navigate to and verify the contents of the directory on the
remote node. You should observe that f38s1’s public key has been
successfully stored in the .ssh/authorized_keys file on f38c1.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -la .ssh

total 4
drwx------. 2 jdoe jdoe 29 Mar 26 18:24 .
drwx------. 3 jdoe jdoe 95 Mar 26 18:24 ..
-rw-------. 1 jdoe jdoe 94 Mar 26 18:24 authorized_keys
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ cat .ssh/authorized_keys
cM7AHZYG7Au+yuU jdoe default # f38s1’s public key has been saved
to .ssh/authorized_keys.

7. Next, please repeat step 5 on the remaining clients, namely,

u23c1 and u23c2. Once the f38s1 SSH public key has been copied
to these clients, execute the same set of commands to confirm
that the keys are stored in the .ssh/authorized_keys directory. This
Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

validation step ensures that the SSH keys are correctly installed on
all the necessary clients.

8. To test the login, you will need to provide the passphrase for the
ssh-key used in this exercise. Please enter the passphrase when
prompted to ensure that the login process is successful.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh

Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':
Last login: Sun Mar 26 17:35:49 2023 from
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ logout
Connection to closed.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh
jdoe@'s password: ****************
Welcome to Ubuntu Lunar Lobster (development branch) (GNU/Linux
6.2.0-18-generic x86_64)
[... omitted for brevity]
Last login: Sun Mar 26 06:36:25 2023 from
jdoe@u23c1:~$ logout
Connection to closed.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh
jdoe@'s password: ****************
Welcome to Ubuntu Lunar Lobster (development branch) (GNU/Linux
6.2.0-18-generic x86_64)
[... omitted for brevity]
Last login: Sun Mar 26 06:36:42 2023 from
jdoe@u23c1:~$ logout
Connection to closed.

The keys were generated under the user account jdoe, and the
public key was manually added to test SSH key functionality
between the Ansible control node and Ansible Client nodes.
Another key will be created specifically for Ansible use.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

9. To ensure seamless authentication for Ansible, it’s recommended

to create a dedicated SSH key without a passphrase. This will
enable Ansible to authenticate without requiring a passphrase
each time. Please proceed to create the SSH key specifically for

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "ansible"

Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519):
/home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible # Change
the file name!, Important!
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):    
# No passphrase! Just
press <Enter> key
Enter same passphrase again:        # No passphrase! Just press
<Enter> key
Your identification has been saved in /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
Your public key has been saved in /home/jdoe/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:cRLllPOy5ZtfuMMvPj1FOyBOWvG/dIgOOVrVzPVXYWU ansible
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|        ..o.   oE|
|         +o.  ..o|
|        o ooo+ .o|
|         +.++o+ +|
|        S|
|         .*.o .*o|
|         o + +o.*|
|        .   + ==.|
|             o+=o|

10. Add the Ansible SSH key to all three Ansible clients – namely,
f38c1, u23c1, and u23c2. Note that this task will ask for the
passphrase of the first key to allow the addition of the new
(second) key into the same file.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new
key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if
you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':
*************** # This is asking for the passphrase of the first
key to allow the addition of the new key to the location!!!

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh ''"

and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: ­"/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new
key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if
you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
jdoe@'s password: ***************

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh ''"

and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new
key(s), to filter out any that are already installed

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if

you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
jdoe@'s password: ***************

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh ''"

and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

11. Ensure that only the key(s) you wanted has been added to the
.ssh/authorized_keys file on each client.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ cat .ssh/authorized_keys

cM7AHZYG7Au+yuU jdoe default
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+fdjFe
kSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible

jdoe@u23c1:~$ cat .ssh/authorized_keys

cM7AHZYG7Au+yuU jdoe default
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+fdjFe
kSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible

jdoe@u23c1:~$ cat .ssh/authorized_keys

cM7AHZYG7Au+yuU jdoe default
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+fdjFe
kSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible

12. Test automatic login to controlled clients using the Ansible

SSH key.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible

Last login: Sun Mar 26 18:37:11 2023 from
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ logout
Connection to closed.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible

Welcome to Ubuntu Lunar Lobster (development branch) (GNU/Linux
6.2.0-18-generic x86_64)
[... omitted for brevity]
Last login: Sun Mar 26 07:37:35 2023 from
jdoe@u23c1:~$ logout
Connection to closed.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ansible
Welcome to Ubuntu Lunar Lobster (development branch) (GNU/Linux
6.2.0-18-generic x86_64)
[... omitted for brevity]
Last login: Sun Mar 26 08:10:29 2023 from
jdoe@u23c1:~$ logout
Connection to closed.
[jdoe@f383s1 ~]$

When logging in, if you use the default key, the system will prompt you to enter the
associated passphrase. However, if you use the Ansible key, it will allow the Ansible
server to gain access without prompting for the passphrase. This is because the Ansible
key has been configured to allow password-less authentication, while the default key
requires manual authentication by entering the associated passphrase.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ssh

Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************

Well done! You have gained a better understanding of how SSH key sharing works
between servers in the context of Ansible. Now, it’s time to explore the exciting and
fun world of Ansible ad hoc commands. These commands allow you to perform quick
and one-time tasks on your servers, without the need to create a playbook or define a
set of tasks. With ad hoc commands, you can perform tasks such as checking system
status, installing packages, or running shell commands, all from the convenience of your
Ansible control node. So let’s dive in and explore the limitless possibilities of Ansible ad
hoc commands!

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

6.2 Running Ad Hoc Commands on Linux Devices

with Ansible
Ansible ad hoc commands are convenient, one-time commands that can be executed
against one or more target hosts without the need for a playbook. These commands are
especially useful for simple tasks that don’t require a complete playbook or for tasks
that need to be performed quickly. Becoming proficient in ad hoc commands can be a
valuable skill for both system and network administrators.
Keep this in mind while learning Ansible ad hoc commands: it is essential to
understand ad hoc commands and their use cases. Ad hoc commands help in
performing quick tasks on a few servers, but they can become complex and hard to
maintain. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to organize these tasks into a structured
format using Ansible playbooks. Ansible playbooks are text files that contain a series of
instructions or declarative statements to automate tasks. The ultimate goal is to reduce
the dependency on manual interventions by administrators, enabling them to focus
on more critical tasks. By converting ad hoc commands into Ansible playbooks, we can
achieve better control, consistency, and scalability in managing our infrastructure. In
short, learning Ansible ad hoc commands is just the first step toward building efficient
automation workflows. With Ansible playbooks, we can take automation to the next level
by organizing tasks, minimizing errors, and allowing administrators to focus on high-­
value activities.
Typically, an Ansible ad hoc command follows a structure similar to the following:

ansible <target_host> -m <module_name> -a "<arguments>"

Here, <target_host> refers to the name of the host or hosts that the command will
be run against, <module_name> specifies the name of the module that will be used to
perform the task, and <arguments> is any necessary arguments that are passed to the
module. By mastering ad hoc commands, you can take advantage of this powerful tool to
perform tasks quickly and efficiently on your target hosts.
We have not yet configured any host named “webserver” in Ansible’s host file.
However, let’s assume that we have. If you want to run the “ping” module against the
target host named “webserver”, you can use the following command as an example.
Please note that this is only an example for explanation purposes, and you do not need
to run this command.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

ansible webserver -m ping

This command executes the “ping” module against the “webserver” host. At a high
level, it sends an ICMP ping request to the host and returns a report on whether the host
responded or not. However, the Ansible “ping” module behaves differently from the
standard ICMP ping tests. We will explore these differences in greater depth later.
As another example, suppose you want to create a new file on the target host(s) and
add some content to it. You can achieve this using the “file” and “lineinfile” modules, as
shown here:

ansible <target_host> -m file -a "path=/path/to/file.txt state=touch"

ansible <target_host> -m lineinfile -a "path=/path/to/file.txt line='Hello,

In the first command, we use the “file” module to create an empty file at “/path/
to/file.txt” on the target host. The state=touch argument ensures that the file is created
even if it doesn’t exist yet. In the second command, we use the “lineinfile” module to
add the text “Hello, world!” to the file. The line argument specifies the text to add, and
the path argument specifies the file to add it to. Note that the arguments are enclosed in
quotation marks to ensure that any spaces or special characters are interpreted correctly
by Ansible.
To shut down a Fedora (RHEL-based) server using an Ansible ad hoc command, you
can leverage the “systemd” module with the “shutdown” command. The following is an
example command:

ansible <target_host> -m systemd -a "name=shutdown state=stopped"

Replace <target_host> with the hostname or IP address of the Fedora server you
want to shut down. The “systemd” module allows for the management of systemd
units, including the “shutdown” unit, which can be used to initiate a system shutdown.
The name argument specifies the name of the unit to manage, which, in this case, is
“shutdown”. The state argument specifies the desired state of the unit, which is “stopped”
in this case to initiate a system shutdown. It’s worth noting that this command will shut
down the server without any warning or confirmation prompt. As a result, use it with

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

caution, and if using the command on a production system, you have access to the out-
of-band system management tools. Additionally, the user executing this command must
have the necessary permissions to shut down the server.
To restart (reboot) a Fedora (RHEL-based) server using an Ansible ad hoc command,
you can use the “systemd” module with the “systemctl” command. Here’s an example

ansible <target_host> -m systemd -a "name=systemd-journald.service


Replace <target_host> with the hostname or IP address of the Fedora server you
want to restart. The “systemd” module can be used to manage systemd units, which
includes the various services that make up the operating system. The name argument
specifies the name of the service to manage, which, in this case, is “systemd-journald.
service”. The state argument specifies the desired state of the service, which is “restarted”
in this case to initiate a reboot. It’s worth noting that this command will restart the server
without any warning or confirmation prompt, so use it with caution. Also, the user
executing this command must have the necessary permissions to restart the server.
To shut down or restart an Ubuntu (Debian-based) server using an Ansible ad
hoc command, you can use the “command” module with the appropriate “shutdown”
command. For immediate server shutdown, you can use the following command:

ansible <target_host> -m command -a "shutdown -h now"

Replace <target_host> with the hostname or IP address of the Ubuntu server you
want to shut down. The “-h” option in the “shutdown” command specifies that the
server should be powered off immediately, and the “now” argument tells the command
to execute the shutdown immediately. It’s essential to understand ad hoc commands
and syntax, which will help you write good playbooks in YAML. Please note that this
command will shut down the server without any warning or confirmation prompt.
Hence, you should use it with caution in the production environment. Also, ensure that
the user running this command has the necessary permissions to shut down the server.
In the next chapter, we’ll cover ad hoc commands in more detail, which will help you
become comfortable with them and prepare you for writing playbooks.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

To restart (reboot) an Ubuntu (Debian-based) server using an Ansible ad hoc

command, you can use the “command” module with the appropriate “shutdown”
command. Here’s an example command:

ansible <target_host> -m command -a "shutdown -r now"

Replace <target_host> with the hostname or IP address of the Ubuntu server you
want to restart. The -r option in the “shutdown” command specifies that the server
should be rebooted, and the “now” argument tells the command to execute the restart
immediately. Note that this command will restart the server without any warning or
confirmation prompt, so be sure to use it with caution. Also, the user running this
command must have the necessary permissions to restart the server.

6.3 Running Ad Hoc Commands on Routers

and Switches with Ansible
Ansible provides a wide range of vendor-specific modules that can be used to run ad hoc
commands on network devices. These modules are tailored to specific operating systems
and vendors. For instance, Cisco IOS/IOS XE devices are commonly used in enterprise
environments. Therefore, we will use them as an example to explain this concept. The
“ios_command” module in Ansible is a useful tool to execute reload operations on
Cisco routers using ad hoc commands. By leveraging this module, you can easily issue
commands to network devices and perform actions like reloading a router. It is worth
noting that this module is specific to Cisco IOS/IOS XE devices.
For Cisco IOS/IOS XE devices, the “ios_command” module is a powerful tool
that can be used to perform various actions, such as reloading a router, via ad hoc

ansible <target_host> -m ios_command -a "commands='reload'"

ansible <target_host> -m ios_command -a "commands='shutdown'"

To shut down a virtual Cisco router or switch using Ansible, you can use the
“ios_command” module with the “shutdown” command. For example, the command
“ansible <target_host> -m ios_command -a “commands=‘shutdown’” will shut down the
router with the specified target host. The “commands” argument specifies the command
to send to the router, and the “ios_command” module is used to send IOS-style

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

commands to Cisco network devices. However, it’s important to use this command with
caution, as it will shut down the router without any warning or confirmation prompt. It’s
important to note that these commands will execute immediately without any warning
or confirmation prompt, so use them with caution. Additionally, the user running the
Ansible command must have the necessary permissions to perform the shutdown or
reload operations on the router. Learning ad hoc commands well is an essential part of
mastering Ansible concepts and getting ready for Ansible playbooks.
On the other hand, physical Cisco switches do not have a shutdown button and can
only be reloaded. Physical Cisco switches do not have a power button or a mechanism
to remotely power off the device. The only way to power off a physical Cisco switch is
to unplug it or turn off its power source. Therefore, the “shutdown” command with the
“ios_command” module cannot be used to physically power off a physical Cisco switch.
Similarly, you cannot shut down a physical Cisco router using the “ansible <target_
host> -m ios_command -a “commands=‘shutdown’” command. Physical Cisco routers
have an on/off switch, but as long as the power switch is in the On position, you cannot
shut down the router using the “shutdown” command. The “shutdown” command is not
designed to power off the device, but rather to gracefully stop the router’s IOS operating
system and bring the device into a standby mode. To power off a physical Cisco router,
you need to physically turn off the power switch or unplug the power cable.
To clarify, Ansible elevated ad hoc commands are used when running commands
or tasks that require elevated privileges or root access on the target hosts. This typically
involves using the “sudo” or “become” keyword in the Ansible playbook or ad hoc
command. In Chapter 7, we will dive deeper into Ansible ad hoc commands and explore
best practices for using them effectively. This includes understanding the different
modules available for ad hoc commands, using variables and loops, and troubleshooting
common issues. By understanding the concepts of elevated ad hoc commands and how
to use them effectively, you will be well equipped to take full advantage of Ansible’s
powerful automation capabilities.

6.4 Running Elevated Ad Hoc Commands

with Ansible
When using Ansible, an ad hoc command is a single command that you can run against
one or many hosts. By default, ad hoc commands are executed with the privileges of the
remote user, which may not have sufficient permissions to perform some tasks on the
Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

target system. However, you can elevate the privileges of ad hoc commands by using
the --become or -b option.
Here’s an example of an ad hoc command that uses the --become option to run a
command with elevated privileges:

ansible all -i inventory -m shell -a 'yum install httpd' –become

ansible all -i inventory -m shell -a 'apt install nginx' -b

The first command installs the Apache web server package (httpd) on all hosts
defined in the inventory file using the yum package manager. The -m shell option
specifies that the command should be executed using the shell module, and the -a
option passes the command to be executed (yum install httpd). All parameter specifies
that the command should be run against all hosts defined in the inventory file. Similarly,
the apt package manager is used to install the Nginx web server.
The -b option tells Ansible to become the “root” user (or another user specified by
the --become-user option) before executing the command. This allows the command
to perform tasks that require elevated privileges, such as installing software packages or
modifying system files.
Note that the --become option may prompt you for a password, depending on the
authentication method used by Ansible. You can avoid being prompted for a password
by using the --ask-become-pass option to provide the password on the command line.

ansible <target-host> -m shell -a "apt-get update" --ask-


If you need to execute a different command, replace apt-get update with the desired
command, and use the appropriate module for that command. However, keep in mind
that you need sudo access on the target host to use the --ask-become-pass option. If
you don’t have sudo access, you won’t be able to escalate your privileges and execute
commands with elevated permissions. When using Ansible to run elevated ad hoc
commands, you should use the --become option to escalate your privileges. This will
enable you to perform tasks that require elevated privileges on the target system. We
have dedicated Chapter 7 to Ansible ad hoc commands, where you can learn more about
their power and flexibility.

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

Simplify your workflow: manage multiple SSH sessions effortlessly with

When working with multiple devices over SSH/Telnet, it can be challenging to
manage multiple sessions at once. However, with SuperPuTTY, the tabbed version
of PuTTY, users can easily manage all their SSH/Telnet sessions from a single
window, as shown in Figure 6-1. You will still need to download the latest version
of PuTTY before installing SuperPuTTY on your PC.

Figure 6-1. SuperPuTTY in use

Chapter 6 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts I: SSH and Ad Hoc Commands

Download PuTTY from the official website:

Download the SuperPuTTY installer from the official website: https://github.
SuperPuTTY is a tabbed version of PuTTY that enables users to manage multiple
SSH/Telnet sessions from a single window. Its tabbed interface allows users
to switch between sessions seamlessly, and it has an automatic login feature
that can save time and effort. SuperPuTTY also provides users with a variety of
customizable settings, including fonts, colors, and key bindings. Additionally, it can
integrate with other tools like WinSCP to streamline the process of transferring
files between systems. Overall, SuperPuTTY is a powerful and efficient tool for
managing multiple sessions and enhancing productivity.

6.5 Summary
Chapter 6 of our Ansible guide focused on running ad hoc commands using Ansible.
Ad hoc commands allow users to run a single command on single or multiple systems
at once, without the need for a playbook. The chapter began with an overview of SSH
in Ansible, including instructions on how to set up and configure SSH connections for
the Ansible environment. Afterward, the chapter covered running ad hoc commands
on Linux devices, routers, and switches. The section on running ad hoc commands on
Linux devices covered the syntax for running ad hoc commands and provided examples
of common ad hoc commands used for managing Linux systems. The section on
routers and switches provided instructions for configuring Ansible for network devices
and examples of ad hoc commands for managing them. Finally, the chapter covered
running elevated ad hoc commands with Ansible, which allowed users to perform
tasks requiring elevated privileges on target systems. The --become option was used
for privilege escalation, and examples of elevated ad hoc commands were provided for
managing systems with escalated permissions. By the end of this chapter, readers had
a comprehensive understanding of how to use Ansible to run ad hoc commands on a
variety of systems and how to escalate privileges when necessary.


Learning Ansible Basic

Concepts II: Ad Hoc
Commands – A Beginner’s
This chapter will teach you how to work with Ansible ad hoc commands on multiple
machines. Throughout the chapter, you will learn the necessary steps to set up a
working directory for Ansible ad hoc commands and how to run the Ansible Ping ad
hoc command. You will also learn how to specify a user and prompt for their password
when running an ad hoc command. This chapter covers a range of ad hoc commands,
including testing the SSH connection to the managed nodes, checking the distribution
of the operating system, gathering facts from all servers, and checking the system uptime
of remote hosts. You will also learn how to create and delete users on Linux, create a
user group and assign a user, install and remove software, and reboot and shut down
Linux systems. In addition, you will learn the correct terminology for the Ansible Control
Machine and Ansible Managed Nodes. You will also understand the difference between
ICMP ping and Ansible ping test. By the end of the chapter, you will be able to convert
Ansible ad hoc commands into a working Ansible playbook. This chapter is an essential
step toward mastering Ansible, and the knowledge gained will help you automate your
IT infrastructure.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

In the previous chapter, we discussed the potential use cases of ad hoc commands,
but we didn’t have the opportunity to gain practical experience with them. In this
chapter, we’ll delve deeper into ad hoc commands and work with all four Linux services
in operation (as shown in Figure 7-1). Our goal is to use the Ansible Control Machine to
manage all Ansible Managed Nodes through Ansible ad hoc commands. All tasks will be
executed from the Ansible Control Machine, simulating a scenario where you’re based in
your headquarters, and the nodes represent three servers in different locations. You will
need Internet connection for this chapter. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have hands-­
on experience with ad hoc commands and will be able to use them effectively in real-­
world scenarios.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

Figure 7-1. Chapter 7 working topology

Practicing Ansible ad hoc commands with multiple machines can provide several
benefits and help you learn a lot about Ansible. Here are some of how you can benefit
from this practice: Firstly, it can help you learn the concepts and syntax of Ansible.
You can experiment with different modules, play with command-line arguments, and
explore various use cases, which can ultimately help you build your skills and confidence
with Ansible. Secondly, ad hoc commands are designed for quick and easy execution of
tasks on remote machines. You can use them to perform a wide range of actions, such as
installing packages, starting or stopping services, copying files, and more, without having
to write a playbook. This can save you a lot of time and effort. Thirdly, ad hoc commands
are ideal for testing and troubleshooting specific tasks or configurations on remote
machines. You can use them to check if a particular service is running, verify the version
of a package, or test connectivity to a specific port. This can help you identify issues
and debug problems quickly. Lastly, ad hoc commands are a useful tool to have in your
arsenal during emergencies. For instance, you can use them to quickly stop a service

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

that is causing problems or to check the status of a machine that is experiencing issues.
Overall, practicing Ansible ad hoc commands can provide you with valuable experience
and insights into the tool and help you become a more valuable IT professional.
To get started, we’ll need to log into our Fedora Ansible Control Machine, f38s1.
Once logged in, we should create a new working folder for this chapter, such as “ch07”.
This will help us stay organized and keep all our practice files in one convenient location.
With this simple step, we can ensure that we are ready to dive into the material and make
the most of our study time. It’s a good study habit to maintain attention to detail and
reduce chaos in your learning process. Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated while
studying by drinking plenty of water before and during your practice. Finally, take a
moment to check your sitting posture to ensure that you are comfortable and can remain
focused throughout the chapter. By following these simple steps, you can increase your
productivity and enjoy a sense of accomplishment as you complete the chapter.
To ensure that we can complete the exercises, let’s follow these instructions closely.
We’ll type in the commands in bold and carefully read through the instructions
to ensure that we’re executing them correctly. While the last command in the
following exercise may seem a bit lengthy, we must type it in as is to ensure that we
can successfully ping all three Ansible Managed Nodes. In the following section, we’ll
learn how to shorten the commands and make them more efficient. By taking the time
to carefully follow these instructions, we can maximize our learning and gain a deeper
understanding of Ansible ad hoc commands.

ansible all --key-file /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible -i inventory -m ping

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch07 && cd ch07 # create a new directory “ch07” and
change to ch07 directory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ cat > inventory # create a new file called inventory # enter the IP addresses of all three managed nodes
# Use Ctrl+D to save and exit
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all --list-hosts # this command lists all  nodes
  hosts (3):

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all --key-file /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible -i

inventory -m ping # this command performs ping test to all  nodes | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

To simplify our ad hoc commands, we can utilize the inventory (hosts) and ansible.
cfg files. These files allow us to store and manage information about our nodes, making
it much easier to execute commands across multiple machines. By using these files,
we can significantly shorten our ad hoc commands, making them more efficient and
easier to manage. Once you’ve set up your inventory and ansible.cfg files, you can run
the shortened ad hoc command with ease. This streamlined approach not only saves
time but also reduces the risk of errors and makes it easier to manage larger-scale
deployments. With this powerful tool at your disposal, you can take your Ansible skills to
the next level and become a more efficient and effective IT professional.
As we work through Ansible ad hoc commands, it’s important to note that the
responses generated by these commands can be quite large. To help keep our focus

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

on the most relevant information, this book will only display the initial portion of each
response output. Additionally, any lengthy or repetitive information will be omitted
for brevity with the comment “[... omitted for brevity]”.
By doing this, we can keep our attention on the most important information and
avoid getting bogged down by lengthy or irrelevant responses. This approach allows
us to quickly identify any issues or areas of interest and move on to the next step in
our learning journey. So as we work through the exercises and practice Ansible ad hoc
commands, we can rest assured that we are focusing on the most important information
and making the most of our study time.
Once you’ve created your “ansible.cfg” file, you can significantly shorten your ad hoc
commands. For example, the previous command “ansible all --key-file /home/jdoe/.
ssh/ansible -i inventory -m ping” can be shortened to simply “ansible all -m ping”.

ansible all -m ping + inventory file + ansible.cfg file

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ cat > ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m ping

SSH password: **************** | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
[... omitted for brevity]

ICMP ping is a useful tool for network admins to troubleshoot connectivity issues,
diagnose latency, identify packet loss, and verify performance. It operates at a lower level
than TCP and UDP, encapsulated within IP packets for network management functions.
Unlike TCP and UDP, ICMP doesn’t use ports as packets are addressed to a specific
IP. Ansible ping is different from ICMP ping as it tests remote host connectivity via SSH,

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

not network connectivity, so it can’t substitute ICMP ping for troubleshooting network
issues. Network admins should use ICMP ping in conjunction with other diagnostic
techniques for more comprehensive results. More tips on this soon.

Converting the ad hoc “ansible all -m ping” command into ping.yml

- hosts: all
- action: ping

To specify a user and prompt for their password when running an ad hoc
command, you can use the “--user” and “--ask-pass” options. If you haven’t already
installed “sshpass” on your Fedora system, you may encounter an error when running
the command. In that case, make sure to install “sshpass” on your Ansible Control
Machine before executing the command.

ansible all -m ping --user=jdoe --ask-pass

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m ping --user=jdoe --ask-pass

SSH password: **************** | FAILED! => {
    "msg": "to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords or pkcs11_
provider, you must install the sshpass program"
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ sudo dnf install sshpass -y

[sudo] password for jdoe: ****************
Fedora 38 - x86_64                               17 kB/s |  32 kB     00:01
Fedora 38 - x86_64                              433 kB/s | 2.9 MB     00:06
[... omitted for brevity]

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m ping --user=jdoe --ask-pass # run the

same command again, now command is successful
SSH password: **************** | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
[... omitted for brevity]

When using Ansible, it’s important to understand the difference between the regular
ICMP ping and Ansible’s ping. While the traditional ping command checks if the host
is reachable, Ansible’s ping tests connectivity between the Ansible Control Machine
and the remote host using a specialized Ansible module. This verifies if the target host
is properly configured and if Ansible can connect to the host using SSH or any other
configured method.
ICMP ping is best used for troubleshooting network connectivity issues, diagnosing
latency, identifying packet loss, and verifying network performance. Network admins
can determine the source of the problem by sending echo requests and analyzing
response time. However, it should be used alongside other diagnostic techniques for a
comprehensive analysis. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) operates at a lower
level than TCP and UDP, which transport data between applications. ICMP packets
are encapsulated within IP packets and used for network management functions, such
as testing connectivity. They are addressed to a specific IP address and not to a port
number, so there’s no need to specify a port number when using ICMP ping.
In contrast, the Ansible Ping module tests remote host connectivity via SSH before
executing Ansible modules or playbooks. It cannot substitute for ICMP ping when
troubleshooting network issues. Network admins should use ICMP ping in conjunction
with other diagnostic techniques for more comprehensive results.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide


Difference between ICMP ping, ping to IOS-XE, and Palo Alto PAN-OS
It’s important to understand the differences between ICMP ping and the Ansible
Ping module. While ICMP is used to test host reachability, the Ansible Ping module
uses SSH to check if the remote host is reachable and has the necessary Python
libraries installed. This provides more information about the host’s services and
Pinging different devices with Ansible may require different modules and receive
varying responses. For Linux servers, the “ping” module sends an ICMP echo
request and expects an ICMP echo reply response, while the “ios_ping” module
for Cisco IOS-XE routers allows for more versatile testing, including TCP, UDP, and
ARP packets. The “panos_ping” module for Palo Alto Firewalls sends an ICMP echo
request but may receive a different response due to security measures in place.
Additional parameters can be set for each module, such as source and destination
IP addresses and the number of packets to send. In short, understanding the
differences between ICMP and Ansible Ping module and the specific module used
for pinging devices based on their type and testing requirements is essential for
accurate testing and troubleshooting when using Ansible for network management.

You can test the SSH connection to the managed nodes by running a shell
command. This will confirm that the login was successful (as indicated by a return
code of zero) and that the “id” command was executed on the managed nodes as the
“root” user.

ansible all -m shell -a id

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a id | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=1001(jdoe) gid=1001(jdoe) groups=1001(jdoe),27(sudo),100(users) | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=1001(jdoe) gid=1001(jdoe) groups=1001(jdoe),27(sudo),100(users) | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

uid=1001(jdoe) gid=1001(jdoe) groups=1001(jdoe) context=unconfined_u:unconf


Extend your knowledge:

What if you do not explicitly define the shell in the ad hoc command?
In earlier Linux chapters, you learned that the default shell on most UNIX-based
systems, including Linux, is the bash shell (/bin/bash). However, some older
operating systems may use a different default shell, such as the Bourne shell (sh),
the Korn shell (ksh), or the C shell (csh). To check which shell you are using, use
the “echo $SHELL” or “ps -p $$” command.
For example:
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ echo $SHELL
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ps -p $$
1070 pts/0 00:00:00 bash

If you do not explicitly define the shell to use in your ad hoc commands, Ansible
will use the remote user’s default shell on the target host. So if the remote user’s
default shell is Bash, Ansible will use the bash shell by default when running the ad
hoc command. If the remote user’s default shell is a different shell, Ansible will use
that shell by default.
However, if you want to explicitly specify the shell to use in your ad hoc command,
you can use the “ansible_shell_type” variable. For example, if you want to use the
Bourne shell (sh) instead of the default shell (bash), you can run
$ ansible all -i inventory.ini -m shell -a 'command' -e

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

To check the distribution of the operating system running on the managed

nodes, you can use the Ansible setup module with the “filter” option set to “ansible_
distribution”. To do this, run the following command:

ansible all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution*"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m setup -a "filter=ansible_distribution*" | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu",
        "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,
        "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/os-release",
        "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "Debian",
        "ansible_distribution_major_version": "23",
        "ansible_distribution_release": "lunar",
        "ansible_distribution_version": "23.04",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu",
        "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,
        "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/os-release",
        "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "Debian",
        "ansible_distribution_major_version": "23",
        "ansible_distribution_release": "lunar",
        "ansible_distribution_version": "23.04",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_distribution": "Fedora",

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

        "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,
        "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/redhat-release",
        "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "RedHat",
        "ansible_distribution_major_version": "38",
        "ansible_distribution_release": "",
        "ansible_distribution_version": "38",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false

The ansible_distribution fact is one of the many facts that Ansible collects about the
managed nodes during a playbook run or an ad hoc command execution. By using the
setup module with the filter option set to ansible_distribution, we can retrieve the value
of this fact and use it to check the distribution of the operating system running on the
managed nodes.
Gathering facts from all servers can provide valuable information about their
configurations, such as hardware specifications, network settings, and installed software
packages. The “gather_facts” module is a powerful tool for collecting such information
and can help administrators quickly discover the ins and outs of each server.

ansible all -m gather_facts

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m gather_facts

[... omitted for brevity]

To gather facts from a specific server, you can use the ansible ad hoc command
with the gather_facts module and the --limit option. This allows you to limit the
execution to a specific host or a group of hosts. For example, to gather facts from all
Ansible Managed Nodes, you can run the command

ansible all -m gather_facts --limit

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m gather_facts --limit | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

        "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
        "ansible_apparmor": {
            "status": "enabled"
[... omitted for brevity]
    "changed": false,
    "deprecations": [],
    "warnings": []

Ansible ad hoc commands provide various ways to check the system uptime of
remote hosts. The following are three common methods to check the system uptime
using Ansible ad hoc commands:

ansible all -m command -a uptime

ansible all -m shell -a uptime
ansible all -a uptime

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m command -a uptime | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
12:59:36 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.17, 0.11 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
12:59:36 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.13 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:59:36 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.08, 0.14
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -a uptime | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
13:00:05 up  1:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.15, 0.10 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
13:00:05 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.13, 0.13 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
00:00:06 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.08, 0.14
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a uptime

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

12:59:52 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.12, 0.13 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
12:59:52 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.16, 0.11 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
23:59:53 up  1:15,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.07, 0.13

All three Ansible ad hoc commands you provided are used to execute the “uptime”
command on all hosts in the Ansible inventory. However, there is a difference in the way
the commands are executed.
ansible all -m command -a uptime: This command runs the “uptime” command
using the “command” module. The “command” module executes the command in a
non-interactive shell, which means that any environment variables, aliases, or shell
functions defined on the remote host will not be available. Also, the command’s output
will be returned as a string.
ansible all -a uptime: This command runs the “uptime” command using the default
module, which is the “command” module. This means that it will behave similarly to the
first command mentioned previously. The difference is that you do not need to specify
the module explicitly.
ansible all -m shell -a uptime: This command runs the “uptime” command using
the “shell” module. The “shell” module executes the command in a shell on the remote
host, which means that any environment variables, aliases, or shell functions defined
on the remote host will be available. Also, the command’s output will be returned as
a string.
Checking the free memory or memory usage of hosts is made easy with Ansible
ad hoc commands. This feature can significantly simplify an administrator’s workload,
allowing them to quickly check memory usage on multiple nodes without having to log
in to each one individually.

ansible all -a "free -m"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -a "free -m" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache available
Mem:           3906        442       3381         1         311       3464
Swap:          3881          0       3881 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache available
Mem:           3906        444       3373         1         317       3461
Swap:          3881          0       3881 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache available
Mem:           1953        231       1303         1         418       1575
Swap:          1952          0       1952

In addition to the free memory, you can also check the amount of total memory
allocated to the host. To target specific groups of servers with our Ansible ad hoc
command, we can use inventory grouping. In this example, we will run the command
twice, once for the Fedora node and another for the Ubuntu nodes. This grouping
concept can also be applied to playbooks, which we will cover in upcoming chapters.

ansible fedora -m shell -a "cat /proc/meminfo|head -2"

ansible ubuntu -m shell -a "cat /proc/meminfo|head -2"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ cat inventory
[fedora] # group server to the same OS types

[ubuntu] ] # group server to the same OS types

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a "cat /proc/meminfo|head -2" #

target fedora group only | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
MemTotal:        2000820 kB
MemFree:         1335172 kB
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a "cat /proc/meminfo|head -2" #
target ubuntu group only | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
MemTotal:        4000468 kB
MemFree:         3455808 kB

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

MemTotal:        4000468 kB
MemFree:         3462208 kB

When managing Linux systems with Ansible, some commands require root user
privileges to execute. Ansible’s --become-user option allows us to run commands with
escalated privileges by switching to the root user (using sudo) before executing the
command. This is useful for running commands that modify system files, which can only
be done as the root user. By default, Ansible connects to target hosts using the current
user’s credentials, but we can use the --become or --become-user option to execute
commands as a different user (in this case, the root user).

ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd |grep -i jdoe" --become-user


[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd |grep -i

jdoe" --become-user root | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

Expect includes the mkpasswd command by default. mkpasswd is a utility for

generating password hashes used in Linux systems, and it is commonly installed along
with Expect. When you install Expect on a Linux system, mkpasswd should be available
as part of the installation.
To complete our next exercise, we need to install Expect on our Ansible Control
Machine named f38s1. We need Expect to use the mkpasswd command on Fedora. Once
installed, we can use mkpasswd to generate password hashes for user accounts. After
installing Expect, we can then check whether the user account “jdoe” exists on the target
nodes we are managing with Ansible.

sudo dnf install expect -y

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ sudo dnf install expect -y

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd | grep -i jdoe" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

To ensure that the user “janedoe” exists on the Ansible Managed Nodes, check if
the user exists, and create the account without a password if it does not exist. The “-a”
argument specifies the shell command to be executed on the remote hosts, which, in
this case, is the command “cat /etc/passwd | grep -i janedoe”. This command searches
for the string “janedoe” (case-insensitive) in the “/etc/passwd” file. The second ad hoc
command will add the user “janedoe” to the nodes. We can combine two commands
using the “&&” sign, but in this case, we will run two separate commands. Please note
that this command creates the user without a password.

ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd | grep -i janedoe"

ansible all -m user -a "name=janedoe state=present" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd | grep -i

janedoe" | FAILED | rc=1 >>
non-zero return code | FAILED | rc=1 >>
non-zero return code | FAILED | rc=1 >>
non-zero return code

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m user -a "name=janedoe

state=present" -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

    "changed": true,
    "comment": "",
    "create_home": true,
    "group": 1002,
    "home": "/home/janedoe",
    "name": "janedoe",
    "shell": "/bin/sh",
    "state": "present",
    "system": false,
    "uid": 1002
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "cat /etc/passwd | grep -i

janedoe" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
janedoe:x:1002:1002::/home/janedoe:/bin/sh | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
janedoe:x:1002:1002::/home/janedoe:/bin/sh | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "tail /etc/passwd"

[... omitted for brevity]
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash
[... omitted for brevity]

To remove the user “janedoe” from all servers using Ansible, you can use the
following ad hoc command:

ansible all -b -K -m user -a "name=janedoe state=absent"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -b -K -m user -a "name=janedoe state=absent"

BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "force": false,
    "name": "janedoe",
    "remove": false,
    "state": "absent"
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "tail /etc/passwd"

[... omitted for brevity]
jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[... omitted for brevity]

This command uses the user module to remove the user “janedoe” from all servers.
The state=absent option specifies that the user should be removed. The -b and -K
options are used to run the command with elevated privileges (i.e., as a superuser) and
prompt for a password, if necessary.
The command “dnf whatprovides” is used to find which package provides a
particular file or command. In this specific case, the command is searching for the
package that provides the file or command called “mkpasswd” by using the wildcard
symbol “*” before it. The asterisk matches any characters that come before “mkpasswd”
in the file or command name. So when you run the command “dnf whatprovides
“*/mkpasswd””, it will search for the package that provides the “mkpasswd” file or
command, no matter where it is located within the file system. If a package provides
the “mkpasswd” file or command, then the output will show the name of the package,
its version, and the repository it is installed from. If no package provides the file or
command, then the output will be empty.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

We are using the Fedora server here, but if using Ubuntu, use mkpasswd to create a
sha256 password.

dnf whatprovides "*/mkpasswd"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ sudo dnf install expect -y # expect is already

installed, so nothing to do.
[sudo] password for jdoe:
Last metadata expiration check: 0:59:50 ago on Mon 27 Mar 2023 23:49:14.
Package expect-5.45.4-18.fc38.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ dnf whatprovides "*/mkpasswd" # search for all mkpasswd
package on your local system
Fedora 38 - x86_64                         4.9 MB/s |  83 MB     00:16
Fedora 38 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64   1.1 kB/s | 2.5 kB     00:02
Fedora Modular 38 - x86_64                 1.1 MB/s | 2.8 MB     00:02
Fedora 38 - x86_64 - Updates               119  B/s | 257  B     00:02
Fedora Modular 38 - x86_64 - Updates       228  B/s | 257  B     00:01
Fedora 38 - x86_64 - Test Updates          1.7 MB/s | 6.2 MB     00:03
Fedora Modular 38 - x86_64 - Test Updates  228  B/s | 257  B     00:01
cjdns-21.1-8.fc38.x86_64 : The privacy-friendly network without borders
Repo        : fedora
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/libexec/cjdns/mkpasswd

mkpasswd-5.5.15-3.fc38.x86_64 : Encrypt a password with crypt(3) function

using a salt
Repo        : fedora
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/mkpasswd
Filename    : /usr/share/doc/mkpasswd
Filename    : /usr/share/licenses/mkpasswd

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

If you are using a Red Hat–based Linux distribution, such as Fedora, CentOS,
AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux, you can create a salted password using Python. Python
provides a built-in module called “crypt” that can be used to generate a salted hash for
a given password. This can improve the security of your system by making it harder for
attackers to crack user passwords.

python3 -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("Ansible54321", crypt.


[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ python3 -V

Python 3.11.2
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ python3 -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.
crypt("Ansible54321", crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)))'
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'crypt' is deprecated and slated for
removal in Python 3.13

After generating the salted password using Python, you can create a new user
account on your Red Hat–based Linux distribution, such as Fedora, CentOS, AlmaLinux,
or Rocky Linux, using Ansible’s user module and argument name and password
parameters; take special attention to the use of the single and double quotations.

ansible all -m user -a 'name=jane password="$6$V1dA.5p.ZdpKmq8I$f/

ZjV4A.EtQ7DbeMpqxWi2u55VOT3UGlAdZ4DYMP8/lXmNRNjJbi9N1uPlK1"' -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m user -a 'name=jane

EtQ7DbeMpqxWi2u55VOT3UGlAdZ4DYMP8/lXmNRNjJbi9N1uPlK1"' -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "comment": "",
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

    "create_home": true,
    "group": 1002,
    "home": "/home/jane",
    "name": "jane",
    "password": "NOT_LOGGING_PASSWORD",
    "shell": "/bin/sh",
    "state": "present",
    "system": false,
    "uid": 1002
[... omitted for brevity]

After creating a new user account with the salted password, you can verify that
the password has been stored securely by checking the /etc/shadow file on your Red
Hat–based Linux distribution, such as Fedora, CentOS, AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux. The
/etc/shadow file stores password hashes for user accounts and is only accessible by the
root user.

ansible all -m shell -a "sudo tail /etc/shadow" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "sudo tail /etc/shadow" -b -K

BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

[... omitted for brevity]

To check if the salted password has been stored successfully, you can open the /etc/
shadow file using a text editor or a command-line utility, such as cat or less, and look for
the line corresponding to the user account you just created. The salted password will be
located in the second field of the line, between two consecutive colons (:), represented
by a long string of characters.
Now, to create a group called “dragonfly” using an Ansible ad hoc command, you
can run the following command:

ansible all -m group -a "name=dragonfly state=present" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m group -a "name=dragonfly

state=present" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "gid": 1003,
    "name": "dragonfly",
    "state": "present",
    "system": false
[... omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a "tail /etc/group -n 3" -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a "tail /etc/group -n 3" -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

dragonfly:x:1003: | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

To create a user named “hugh” on Fedora servers only, you can assign them to the
“dragonfly” group and create a home directory for them. To do this, run the following

ansible fedora -m user -a "name=hugh group=dragonfly

ansible fedora -m shell -a "tail /etc/passwd -n 2"
ansible fedora -m shell -a "ls /home/"
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m user -a "name=hugh group=dragonfly
createhome=yes" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "comment": "",
    "create_home": true,
    "group": 1003,
    "home": "/home/hugh",
    "name": "hugh",
    "shell": "/bin/bash",
    "state": "present",
    "system": false,
    "uid": 1003
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a "tail /etc/passwd -n 2" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a "ls /home/" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$

To create a directory called “tadpole” under the directory of the user “jdoe” on
Ubuntu nodes, you can use a similar method as before. Run the following command on
each Ubuntu node where you want to create the directory:

ansible ubuntu -m file -a "path=/home/jdoe/tadpole state=directory

mode=0755" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m file -a "path=/home/jdoe/tadpole

state=directory mode=0755" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "mode": "0755",
    "owner": "root",
    "path": "/home/jdoe/tadpole",
    "size": 4096,
    "state": "directory",
    "uid": 0
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a "ls -lh /home/jdoe/"

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 27 14:15 tadpole | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 27 14:15 tadpole

To create a file under the newly created directory on Ubuntu nodes, run the following
command, specifying the name and contents of the file as needed:

ansible ubuntu -m file -a "path=/home/jdoe/tadpole/frogeggs.txt

mode=0755" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m file -a "path=/home/jdoe/tadpole/

frogeggs.txt state=touch mode=0755" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "dest": "/home/jdoe/tadpole/frogeggs.txt",
    "gid": 0,
    "group": "root",
    "mode": "0755",
    "owner": "root",
    "size": 0,
    "state": "file",
    "uid": 0
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a "ls -lh /home/jdoe/tadpole/" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
total 0

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Mar 27 14:15 frogeggs.txt | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
total 0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Mar 27 14:15 frogeggs.txt

At this stage, we want to check the free disk space of servers to make sure that we
have enough space. To do this, you can use the following command:

ansible all -a "df -h"

ansible fedora -m shell -a 'free -m'

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -a "df -h" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                              391M  1.6M  390M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   29G  8.1G   19G  31% /
tmpfs                              2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sda2                          2.0G  296M  1.5G  17% /boot
tmpfs                              391M  4.0K  391M   1% /run/user/1001 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                              391M  1.6M  390M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   29G  8.1G   19G  31% /
tmpfs                              2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sda2                          2.0G  296M  1.5G  17% /boot
tmpfs                              391M  4.0K  391M   1% /run/user/1001 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                 4.0M     0  4.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs                    977M     0  977M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    391M  1.3M  390M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/fedora-root   15G  2.4G   13G  17% /
tmpfs                    977M   96K  977M   1% /tmp
/dev/nvme0n1p2           960M  282M  679M  30% /boot
tmpfs                    196M     0  196M   0% /run/user/1001
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a 'free -m' | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:           1953        247       1279         1         426       1558
Swap:          1952          0       1952
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a 'free -m' | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:           3906        493       3319         1         324       3413
Swap:          3881          0       3881 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
              total       used       free     shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:           3906        495       3317         1         323       3411
Swap:          3881          0       3881
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$

We want to install the “tree” package on our Linux servers, which will allow users
to view directory structures in a more organized and user-friendly way. To install this
package, you can use the “yum” module on Fedora servers and the “apt” module on
Ubuntu nodes.

ansible fedora -m yum -a name=tree -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m yum -a name=tree -b -K

BECOME password: **************** | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Nothing to do",
    "rc": 0,
    "results": []
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a 'tree' | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

0 directories, 0 files
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m apt -a "name=tree state=present" -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "cache_update_time": 1679802650,
    "cache_updated": false,
    "changed": true,
    "stderr": "",
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a 'tree' # run the tree command
using ansible ad hoc | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
└── tadpole
    └── frogeggs.txt

2 directories, 1 file | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
└── tadpole
    └── frogeggs.txt

2 directories, 1 file
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$

Please ensure that you are following the book’s guidelines while working on
your development environment on your PC. Let’s remove the software using the
“state=absent” parameter to remove the package tree and check the service status.

ansible fedora -m yum -a "name=tree state=absent" -b –K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m yum -a "name=tree state=absent" -b -K

BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "msg": "",
    "rc": 0,
    "results": [
        "Removed: tree-2.1.0-2.fc38.x86_64"
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m shell -a 'tree' | FAILED | rc=127 >>
/bin/sh: line 1: tree: command not foundnon-zero return code

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m apt -a "name=tree state=absent" -b -K

BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "stderr": "",
    "stderr_lines": [],
[... omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible ubuntu -m shell -a 'tree' | FAILED | rc=127 >>
/bin/sh: 1: tree: not foundnon-zero return code | FAILED | rc=127 >>
/bin/sh: 1: tree: not foundnon-zero return code

After issuing the command, open the VMware Workstation terminal console for all
nodes and see them rebooting. The rebooting will take some time, so your script looks
like it hung, but when the servers come back online, it will confirm the successful reboot
and complete the ad hoc command execution. Give a minute or two and you will see the
CHANGED message as shown here:

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

ansible all -m reboot -a reboot_timeout=600 -u jdoe -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m reboot -a reboot_timeout=600 -u

jdoe -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true,
    "elapsed": 51,
    "rebooted": true
} | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true,
    "elapsed": 61,
    "rebooted": true
} | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true,
    "elapsed": 62,
    "rebooted": true

Expand your knowledge:

A full breakdown of Ansible ad hoc command for better understanding

Let’s break down the command used previously to understand all parts of the
command; the command used previously was “ansible all -m reboot -a reboot_
timeout=600 -u jdoe -b -K”, and here is a full breakdown:
ansible: Ansible command that is used to manage infrastructure, automate tasks,
and deploy software.
all: Refers to the target hosts or inventory groups that the command will be applied
to. In this case, all refers to all hosts that are defined in our inventory file.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

-m reboot: reboot is an Ansible module that will be used to perform the task of
rebooting the target hosts.
-a reboot_timeout=600: This is an argument or option for an Ansible module
that will be passed to the reboot module. In this case, it sets the “reboot_timeout”
parameter to 600 seconds (10 minutes). This means that the target hosts will
wait for up to ten minutes for a reboot before timing out and resuming normal
operations. If you don’t define this value, the timeout value will default to 600
-u jdoe: jdoe is the remote user account that will be used to authenticate to the
target hosts.
-b: Specifies that the sudo (or equivalent) command should be used to execute the
task with elevated privileges.
-K: Prompts the user to enter the password for the remote user account specified
with the -u option.
In a single sentence, this command instructs Ansible to reboot all the hosts defined
in the inventory file, with a maximum wait time of ten minutes, and use the jdoe
user account with sudo privileges. Please increase the time in the production if you
believe that any server reboot will take more than ten minutes.

This command will shut down your systems immediately, so use it with care. If
you are running a such command on live production servers, you may need out-of-
band console access or admin access to the vCenter to manually start your servers. We
are performing everything in a safe lab environment, so run the command and see the
effects of the command.

ansible all -m shell -a "sudo shutdown now" -b -K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "sudo shutdown now" -b -K

BECOME password: **************** | UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Shared connection to closed.",

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

    "unreachable": true
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Shared connection to closed.",
    "unreachable": true
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Shared connection to closed.",
    "unreachable": true

Now, manually power on the nodes from the VMware Workstation console.
To check the system uptime using the shell module, you can use the “uptime”
argument. Make sure to enclose the argument in double quotation marks to ensure
proper execution. This command will display the current uptime of the system.

ansible all -m shell -a "uptime"

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "uptime" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
13:24:57 up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.25, 0.27, 0.11 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
13:24:57 up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.28, 0.35, 0.16 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
00:24:57 up 3 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.49, 0.52, 0.24

First, create a new file named “ymmysnails.txt”. Next, use the copy module to transfer
the file from the Control Machine to all the managed nodes. You can then check if the file
was successfully transferred by running a quick shell command on the managed nodes.
The ad hoc command for this task may be lengthy, but you can simplify the process by
using the cut-and-paste feature of your SSH.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

ansible all -m copy -a "src=/home/jdoe/ch07/yummysnails.txt dest=/home/

jdoe/yummysnails.txt owner=jdoe group=jdoe mode=0644" -b –K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ cat > yummysnails.txt

French cuisine includes yummy buttered snails.
Yummy buttery snails.
I love yummy snails.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ls
ansible.cfg  inventory  yummysnails.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m copy -a "src=/home/jdoe/ch07/yummysnails.
txt dest=/home/jdoe/yummysnails.txt owner=jdoe group=jdoe mode=0644" -b -K
BECOME password: **************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "checksum": "5d03a68ad64bf5397dd0efb6440d058b6349ff32",
    "dest": "/home/jdoe/yummysnails.txt",
    "gid": 1000,
    "group": "jdoe",
    "md5sum": "daa13fe86fdfc2154ee4b96cb4d84ac6",
    "mode": "0644",
    "owner": "jdoe",
    "size": 94,
    "src": "/home/jdoe/.ansible/tmp/ansible-­
    "state": "file",
    "uid": 1000
} | CHANGED => {
[... omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible all -m shell -a "cat /home/jdoe/yummysnails.txt" | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
French cuisine includes yummy buttered snails.

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

Yummy buttery snails.

I love yummy snails. | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[... omitted for brevity]

Install chrony to transition to Ansible-playbook Demo, and install the time

server using the yum or dnf package manager on Fedora, f38c1 only. chrony is a time
synchronization tool for Linux that offers fast synchronization, hardware timestamping,
and dual-server modes. It can synchronize time with remote servers or local hardware
clocks and is useful in unstable network situations or when strict timing is required. NTP
services usually use TCP port 123.

ansible fedora -m yum -a "name=chrony state=installed" -b –K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m yum -a "name=chrony

state=installed" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Nothing to do",
    "rc": 0,
    "results": []


Converting the ad hoc “ansible fedora -m yum -a “name=chrony

state=installed” -b -K” command into a YAML playbook

To convert the preceding Ansible ad hoc command into a YAML playbook, we
can create a file with a “.yml” or “.yaml” file extension and define the necessary
parameters in YAML format. For example, the playbook could look like this:
Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

- name: Install chrony package on Fedora hosts
  hosts: fedora
become: true
  become_method: sudo
    ansible_become_pass: Super5ecretPa55word!

    - name: Install chrony package
        name: chrony
        state: installed

This Ansible playbook is designed to install the “chrony” package on the hosts
in the “fedora” group. It has a descriptive name of “Install chrony package on
Fedora hosts” to indicate its purpose. The playbook includes one task to achieve its
The task is named “Install chrony package”. This task uses the “yum” module to
install the “chrony” package on each target host. The desired state of the package
is set to “installed” to ensure that the package is installed.
To execute this playbook, it targets the hosts in the “fedora” group. It also sets
the become parameter to true, which allows the playbook to run with escalated
privileges, and specifies the become_method as “sudo”. This is done to ensure
that the playbook has the necessary permissions to install the “chrony” package.
The playbook also defines a variable named ansible_become_pass and sets its
value to “Super5ecretPa55word!”, which is used as the password for privilege

Use the Ansible command to start the “chronyd” service on hosts that are members
of the “fedora” group, which only contains a single node, f38c1. In reverse, if you want to
stop the chronyd’s NTP service, then you simply need to change the “state=started” to

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

Converting the ad hoc “ansible fedora -m service -a “name=chronyd

state=started” -b -K” command into a YAML playbook

This Ansible playbook is designed to check whether the “chronyd” service is
running on the hosts in the “fedora” group. It has a descriptive name of “Check
if chronyd is running” to indicate its purpose. The playbook includes two tasks to
achieve its objective.
- name: Check if chronyd is running
  hosts: fedora
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
    ansible_become_pass: Super5ecretPa55word!

    - name: Check chronyd status
        name: chronyd
        state: started
      register: chronyd_status

    - name: Print chronyd status

        msg: "chronyd service is {{ chronyd_status.state }} on {{
inventory_hostname }}"

The first task is named “Check chronyd status”. This task uses the “service” module
to check the status of the “chronyd” service on each target host. The desired state of
the service is set to “started” to ensure that the service is running. The result of this
task is registered in a variable named chronyd_status for future use.
The second task is named “Print chronyd status”. This task uses the “debug”
module to print a message that includes the status of the “chronyd” service and

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

the hostname of the target host. The message is constructed using the value of
chronyd_status.state and the inventory_hostname variable, which refers to the
hostname of the current target host.
To execute this playbook, it targets the hosts in the “fedora” group. It also sets
the become parameter to true, which allows the playbook to run with escalated
privileges, and specifies the become_method as “sudo”. This is done to ensure
that the playbook has the necessary permissions to check the status of the
“chronyd” service. The playbook also defines a variable named ansible_become_
pass and sets its value to “Super5ecretPa55word!”, which is used as the password
for privilege escalation.

Use the Ansible command to stop the “chronyd” service on hosts that are members
of the “fedora” group, which only contains a single node, f38c1. In reverse, if you want to
start the chronyd’s NTP service, then you simply need to change the “state=stopped” to

ansible fedora -m service -a "name=chronyd state=stopped" -b –K

[jdoe@f38s1 ch07]$ ansible fedora -m service -a "name=chronyd

state=stopped" -b -K
BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": true,
    "name": "chronyd",
    "state": "stopped",
    "status": {
        "AccessSELinuxContext": "system_u:object_r:chronyd_unit_file_t:s0",
        "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2023-03-30 23:12:31 AEDT",
        "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "20346690",
        "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "0",
        "ActiveState": "active",
[... omitted for brevity]

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

In the previous example, we used an Ansible ad hoc command to check the status of
the chronyd service. However, we can create a more structured and reusable solution by
writing an Ansible playbook that achieves the same task. Here’s an example of a YAML
playbook that checks if the chronyd service is running.

Converting the ad hoc “ansible fedora -m service -a “name=chronyd

state=stopped” -b -K” command into a YAML playbook

The following Ansible playbook achieves the same objective as the previous
example, which was to manage the state of the “chronyd” service on target hosts.
However, this time the playbook sets the desired state to “stopped” using the same
service module. The YAML script is largely self-explanatory and easy to follow.
- name: Check if chronyd is running
  hosts: fedora
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
    ansible_become_pass: Super5ecretPa55word!
    - name: Check chronyd status
        name: chronyd
        state: stopped
      register: chronyd_status
    - name: Print chronyd status
        msg: "chronyd service is {{ chronyd_status.state }}
on {{ inventory_hostname }}"

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

This completes the Ansible ad hoc practice chapter.

Terminology confusion over Ansible Control Machine and Ansible Managed

To reduce confusion regarding the terminology used in Ansible, it is important to
understand that there are different terms used to refer to the same concept. In
Ansible, the machine used to manage the automation of tasks on remote hosts
is commonly referred to as the Ansible Control Machine or Ansible control node.
However, the more commonly used term in official documentation and certification
programs is “Ansible Control Machine.”
Similarly, the remote hosts that are being managed by Ansible are referred to as
Ansible Machines or Ansible Nodes. However, the more commonly used term is
“Ansible Managed Node,” which is used to refer to the machines or systems that
are being managed by Ansible.
To provide clarity and consistency throughout this book, we will consistently use
the terms “Ansible Control Machine” to refer to the server and “Ansible Managed
Node” to refer to remote nodes. This will help readers to better understand the
concepts being discussed and avoid any potential confusion that might arise from
using different terms interchangeably.

7.1 Summary
This chapter focused on teaching readers how to work with Ansible ad hoc commands
on multiple machines. Completing the last two chapters is fundamental to the success
to the rest of the book, to say the least. The chapter began by guiding readers through
setting up a working directory for Ansible ad hoc command practice and running the
Ansible ping ad hoc command. The chapter also covered how to specify a user and
prompt for their password when running an ad hoc command. Throughout the chapter,
readers practiced a range of ad hoc commands, including testing the SSH connection

Chapter 7 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts II: Ad Hoc Commands – A Beginner’s Guide

to the managed nodes, checking the distribution of the operating system, gathering
facts from all servers, and checking the system uptime of remote hosts. The chapter also
covered how to create and delete users on Linux, create a user group and assign a user,
install and remove software, and reboot and shut down Linux systems. Readers learned
the correct terminology for the Ansible Control Machine and Ansible Managed Nodes.
Additionally, the chapter helped readers understand the difference between ICMP ping
and Ansible ping test. By the end of the chapter, readers were able to convert Ansible ad
hoc commands into a simple working Ansible playbook. This chapter was a critical step
toward mastering Ansible, and the knowledge gained will help readers automate their IT


Learning Ansible Basic

Concepts II: Using when,
Improving Playbook,
and Targeting Nodes
In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the basics of Ansible by exploring topics such as
improving your playbook, using when conditionals, and targeting specific nodes. We will
first review the considerations you should make before writing your Ansible playbooks,
such as understanding idempotency, familiarizing yourself with Ansible error messages,
and using the verbose mode to gain more information about Ansible’s operation. We
will then discuss how to add more tasks to your existing playbook and keep packages
always up to date using “state: latest”. Additionally, we will cover how to use your existing
playbook to create an uninstall playbook and how to write a working playbook for
both Ubuntu and Fedora. Next, we will explore how to use “when” conditionals to add
another OS type to your playbook and how to target a specific host or group of hosts. We
will also discuss how to refactor an Ansible playbook to make it more efficient. Finally,
we will examine how to target specific nodes and check services from the control node.
We will also cover how to print output using Ansible’s debug module and how to use
“ignore_errors: yes” in your play to ignore errors and let your play complete. To apply
these concepts in practice, we will show you how to install Samba and create a Samba
user on a Fedora client using a playbook.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,

In the previous chapters, you’ve gained a solid understanding of Ansible ad hoc

commands and learned how to convert them into simple playbooks. With these
foundational skills in place, we can now dive into the next level of Ansible automation.
In this chapter, we will focus on writing Ansible playbooks, which allow us to automate
complex tasks and manage our infrastructure more efficiently. We’ll explore the
powerful “when” module, which enables us to add conditional statements to our
playbooks, making them more flexible and adaptable to different scenarios. Throughout
this chapter, we’ll gradually enhance our playbooks and learn how to target specific
nodes in our infrastructure. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a comprehensive
understanding of writing working Ansible playbooks and be able to apply these skills to
different scenarios. This chapter is one of the most important chapters in this book. So
let’s get started and take your Ansible automation skills to the next level!

8.1 Considerations Before Writing Your

Ansible Playbook
An Ansible playbook is an essential tool for automating infrastructure tasks. By
leveraging the YAML format, playbooks can effectively describe the desired state of a
system rather than focusing on the steps necessary to achieve that state. Writing an
Ansible playbook requires a combination of scripting and declarative statements. While
YAML is not a full-fledged programming language, it provides a series of declarative
statements to put your system in the desired state. Actual tasks are completed by
package managers, systemd, or service applications running on the operating system.
As we have discussed in previous chapters, mastering the skills required to create an
Ansible playbook can significantly improve your infrastructure automation. Playbooks
allow you to automate complex tasks and manage your infrastructure effortlessly. By
understanding YAML syntax and its unique features, you can create efficient, effective,
and robust playbooks that will streamline your processes and save valuable time
and effort.

Let’s take a closer look at the basic steps for writing an Ansible playbook using a
simple example playbook.
First, define the hosts: The initial step in writing an Ansible playbook is to identify
the hosts that the playbook will be executed against. You can specify a single host or a
group of hosts in the playbook’s header using the “hosts” keyword. You can also define a
group of hosts in the inventory file.
Second, define the tasks: Once you’ve identified the hosts, the next step is to define
the tasks that will be executed against them. Each task should have a name, a module,
and a set of arguments. Ansible offers a wide range of modules that you can use to
perform different tasks, such as installing a package, creating a file, or managing users.
In addition, you can use the “when” keyword to add conditional statements to your
tasks. This allows you to execute certain tasks only when specific conditions are met,
making your playbooks more flexible and adaptable.
Third, combine the hosts and tasks: Finally, you can combine the hosts and tasks to
define your playbook. This can be achieved by using the “hosts” and “tasks” keywords in
the playbook’s YAML syntax. You can also use additional keywords like “vars” and “roles”
to define variables and reusable sets of tasks, respectively.
In summary, writing an Ansible playbook involves identifying the hosts, defining the
tasks that will be executed against them, and combining the two to create the playbook.
By utilizing modules and conditional statements, you can create powerful and flexible
playbooks that can be easily customized and adapted to different scenarios.
Here’s an example of a simple Ansible playbook creation steps that installs the
Apache web server on a group of hosts:
Throughout this chapter, it is essential to note that only SSH access to the Ansible
Control Machine, f38s1, with an IP address of, is required. One of the
main advantages of using Ansible is the ability to control, manage, and orchestrate
multiple client nodes from a single control machine. By using the control machine as
the central point of administration, we eliminate the need to log into each client node
individually, saving time and effort.
By using Ansible, we can effectively manage a large number of hosts, automate
complex tasks, and ensure that our infrastructure is maintained in the desired state.
With the proper understanding of Ansible’s core concepts and tools, we can effectively
manage and orchestrate our infrastructure, streamline our processes, and improve our
overall efficiency.



Download playbooks from the authors’ GitHub page.

You can download all playbooks and files used in Chapter 8 from the authors’
GitHub page:

8.2 Creating and Running a New Playbook

in Ansible
To apply the basic steps for writing an Ansible playbook, let’s create a new playbook
in YAML and execute it. We will begin by creating a new working directory and then
creating a local inventory and ansible.cfg files for Ansible to read the information from.
In this example, we will demonstrate how to install the apache2 package on Ubuntu
client nodes, specifically u23c1 and u23c2. By following the YAML format and utilizing
the appropriate modules, we can easily execute this task and ensure that the desired
state is achieved on these nodes. By understanding the fundamentals of writing an
Ansible playbook, we can automate various tasks across multiple hosts, streamlining
our processes and saving valuable time and effort. Whether you are a seasoned
DevOps professional or a novice, mastering Ansible playbooks is an essential skill for
infrastructure automation.

$ mkdir ch08 && cd ch08

$ pwd

$ vi inventory
$ cat inventory

$ vi ansible.cfg
$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory # specify that you want to use the inventory file
in the present working location
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible    # for some OS, it is
important that you specify the full file path

$ ansible all -m ping # run a simple Ansible ping to test the connectivity | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

If the preceding Ansible ad hoc command worked, create the first playbook for this
chapter named “8.1_install_apache.yml”.

$ vi 8.2_install_apache.yml
$ cat 8.2_install_apache.yml

Once you have completed your playbook, it should resemble the following file and
be saved with a .yml extension:


- hosts: all
  become: true


  - name: Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers

      name: apache2

This playbook defines a single task that utilizes the apt module to install the apache2
package. The “hosts” keyword specifies that the task should be executed on all hosts, and
the “become” keyword instructs Ansible to elevate privileges before executing the task.
To execute this playbook, save the file and run the following command:

$ ansible-playbook 8.2_install_apache.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Missing sudo password"}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Missing sudo password"}

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************      : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0      : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

What happened in the preceding example? We forgot to include the “--ask-become-

pass” option. Let’s re-run the playbook with this option now.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.2_install_apache.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers] **************************

changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************     : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0     : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

You have now executed your playbook and successfully installed the Apache services
on your Ubuntu servers. To confirm that the packages have been installed correctly from
the control machine, f38s1, try the command in the following tip.

How can you verify whether the apache2 package has been installed

To check the installation history from the controlled nodes, you can navigate to
/var/log/apt/history.log. To do so, execute the following command:
$ ansible all -a "tail /var/log/apt/history.log"
Now, you have full control over the controlled nodes (f38c1, u23c1, and u23c2)
from the control machine (f38s1). You can run commands, check files, update
packages, reboot, and shut down the client nodes as needed.

After confirming that the apache2 packages are installed by checking the history.
log, you can verify the functionality of the Apache server by opening your favorite web
browser and entering the IP addresses of the client nodes. To check the operational
status, use HTTP and the host IPs. If the web services are working correctly, you should
see the working Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page, similar to the one shown in Figure 8-1.
Note that the services start automatically after installation on Ubuntu, so we don’t
need to start them. However, on Fedora or any Red Hat distributions, we need to start the
service manually after installation.


Figure 8-1. Apache2 Web services on u23c1 and u23c2

Let us now explore the concept of idempotency in Ansible and its crucial role in
configuration management.

8.3 Idempotency Is a Key Feature of Ansible Tasks

Idempotency guarantees the consistency and stability of system configurations and
administration tasks. Ansible’s idempotency ensures that executing a playbook or
task multiple times will not alter the system’s state unless there is a change in the
configuration. This means that running the same playbook or task repeatedly will
result in the same desired outcome, ensuring a consistent and predictable system
state. Ansible’s idempotency reduces the risk of human error and misconfiguration,
preventing unnecessary downtime or disruptions to the system. Maintaining the stability
of the system and avoiding unexpected or unnecessary changes help ensure the same

result each time the playbook or task is run (source:
When re-executing the same playbook, Ansible’s idempotency ensures that the
system remains unchanged unless there are changes in the configuration. Consequently,
the playbook’s output will display “changed=0”, indicating that no significant changes
have been made to the system. Let’s quickly verify this visually.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.2_install_apache.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers] **************************

ok: []
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The idempotency property is a critical feature of Ansible, as demonstrated by the

playbook run previously. It reduces the risk of unexpected or unnecessary changes
to the system, improving system stability and reducing the potential for downtime
or disruptions. By executing only the necessary tasks, Ansible helps maintain system
consistency and reliability. Ansible’s idempotency ensures that the system remains in
a consistent and desired state, regardless of how many times the playbook or task is
executed, providing a reliable and efficient means of configuration management.
To quickly refresh and improve your ad hoc command skills, try the following
commands from your Ansible Control Machine. You’ll be surprised at how quickly and
easily you can extract the desired system information from the client nodes. In Ansible,
the goal is to perform almost all tasks from the control machine, avoiding the need to log
into the client nodes, particularly when managing a large number of devices.


Expand your knowledge

More helpful Ansible ad hoc commands?

# Here are some more very helpful ansible ad hoc commands to get you
excited about Ansible. Give each one a try and find out what they can do
for you.
# to list all hosts content
$ ansible all --list-hosts
  hosts (2):

# to see all servers' facts using the gather_facts module

$ ansible all -m gather_facts
# to see specific server facts only
$ ansible all -m gather_facts --limit
# to see the Linux version using the 'gather_facts' module, 'filter',
and '-a' (arguments) option. '--ask-become-pass' will prompt you for the
server's sudo user password
$ ansible all -m gather_facts -a 'filter=ansible_distribution_version'
-b --ask-become-pass
# you can also use the 'setup' module in place of the 'gather_facts' module
$ ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution_version' -b
# use the wildcard character, *, to see more about your Linux system.
$ ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution*' -b --ask-

As we haven’t yet mastered how to use the Ansible Password Vault feature, we will
be using the --ask-become-pass option throughout the chapter. However, there is a way
to remove the hassle of entering longer commands and to avoid entering the password,
as shown in the following Warning. Keep in mind that saving a sudo user’s password in
a text file for an Ansible application is against best security practices. In a production
environment, taking the easy way out can pose a security risk, so following standard best
practices is always the recommended approach.



Simplifying your playbook command

If you prefer not to use the --ask-become-pass option when running the playbook,
you can add a [all:vars] variable for all nodes in the inventory file. This way, the
password will be automatically read and referenced from the inventory file under
the [all:vars] variable. However, it’s important to note that embedding a password
in a file like this is not considered the best security practice. We should always
exercise caution and follow security best practices. For now, we will continue using
the --ask-become-pass option until we discuss the Ansible Password Vault feature.
$ cat inventory


8.4 Getting Familiar with Ansible Error Messages

Did you know that if your playbook contains typos, incorrect spacing, or references
to non-existent packages, Ansible will alert you to the errors? Ansible is an incredibly
helpful program that will always let you know what went wrong so that you can correct
the issues. In this section, we will intentionally trigger Ansible errors to become familiar
with them and learn how to use Ansible’s verbose mode to diagnose errors.
Let’s begin by coming up with a fake package name, “dragonball”, and seeing what
error message Ansible returns when attempting to install it. Since the package name is
not recognized by the client system, we expect to receive a “No package matching” error.
To create this chapter’s second YAML playbook to install the fake package, simply
copy the first playbook to save time and reduce typing errors.

$ cp 8.2_install_apache.yml 8.4_install_dragonball.yml
$ vi 8.4_install_dragonball.yml
$ cat 8.4_install_dragonball.yml

Your second playbook will look like this:


- hosts: all
  become: true

  - name: Install dragonball package on Ubuntu servers
      name: dragonball

Now run the new playbook, 8.4_install_dragonball.yml.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.4_install_dragonball.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install dragonball package on Ubuntu servers] ***********************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package
matching 'dragonball' is available"}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package
matching 'dragonball' is available"}

PLAY RECAP **************************************************       : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

8.5 Getting More Information About Ansible
Operation Using the Verbose Mode
In Section 8.4, we deliberately caused an error to demonstrate an Ansible error. This is
an excellent opportunity to introduce you to the verbose mode feature in Ansible. When
running an Ansible playbook, you can use the -v option to activate the verbose mode,
which provides additional information about the tasks executed by Ansible. To use this
feature, you simply append -v at the end of the playbook command. By appending more
v’s to the -v option, you can increase the level of detail provided. Up to seven v’s can be
used to get the maximum level of information.
Refer to Table 8-1 for a summary of the different verbosity levels and their respective
levels of detail.

Table 8-1. Ansible verbose modes

Level # of v’s Explanation

0 None Verbose mode not in use

1 -v Displays the details of tasks being executed, including task results as
“succeeded” or “failed”
2 -vv Adds details about the variables being set within each task and values
3 -vvv Adds details about the connection and task execution
4 -vvvv Adds details about the playbook and its execution
5 -vvvvv Adds details about the inventory being used
6 -vvvvvv Adds details about the modules being executed and their parameters
7 -vvvvvvv Adds details about the Python API being used by Ansible

It is worth noting that using higher levels of verbosity can result in a substantial
amount of output. Therefore, it is advisable to redirect the output to a file or use a utility
such as the less command to browse through the output comfortably.
To observe the changes brought about by Ansible’s verbose mode, execute the
playbook from Section 8.4 and add the -v option to it.


$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.4_install_dragonball.yml –v

Using /home/jdoe/ch08/ansible.cfg as a config file
BECOME password: ***************
[Same output as before]
[... omitted for brevity]

To obtain even more detailed output, you can add an additional -v option to the
previous command and execute it again. This will provide a higher level of verbosity,
including information such as the exact commands being executed on the remote host
and any variables being set during the playbook run. This level of detail can be helpful
when troubleshooting complex issues or understanding the exact steps being taken
by Ansible during the playbook execution. However, it is important to note that with
increased verbosity comes increased output, so use this option judiciously and only
when necessary.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.4_install_dragonball.yml –vv

ansible-playbook [core 2.14.4]
  config file = /home/jdoe/ch08/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/jdoe/.ansible/plugins/modules',
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.11/site-
  ansible collection location = /home/jdoe/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.0.1
20230401 (Red Hat 13.0.1-0)] (/usr/bin/python3)
  jinja version = 3.0.3
libyaml = True
Using /home/jdoe/ch08/ansible.cfg as config file
BECOME password: ***************
Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.
PLAYBOOK: 8.3_install_dragonball.yml **************************************

1 plays in 8.3_install_dragonball.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

task path: /home/jdoe/ch08/8.3_install_dragonball.yml:3
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install dragonball package on Ubuntu servers] ***********************

task path: /home/jdoe/ch08/8.3_install_dragonball.yml:7
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package
matching 'dragonball' is available"}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package
matching 'dragonball' is available"}

Adding an extra -v to the command will provide you with even more detailed
information in the verbose output. This can be useful when troubleshooting issues or
trying to understand the exact steps that Ansible is taking during playbook execution.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.4_install_dragonball.yml –vvv

ansible-playbook [core 2.14.4]
  config file = /home/jdoe/ch08/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/jdoe/.ansible/plugins/modules',
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.11/site-
  ansible collection location = /home/jdoe/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.0.1
20230401 (Red Hat 13.0.1-0)] (/usr/bin/python3)
  jinja version = 3.0.3
libyaml = True
Using /home/jdoe/ch08/ansible.cfg as config file
BECOME password: ***************

host_list declined parsing /home/jdoe/ch08/inventory as it did not pass its
verify_file() method
script declined parsing /home/jdoe/ch08/inventory as it did not pass its
verify_file() method
auto declined parsing /home/jdoe/ch08/inventory as it did not pass its
verify_file() method
Parsed /home/jdoe/ch08/inventory inventory source with ini plugin
Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.
PLAYBOOK: 8.3_install_dragonball.yml **************************************
1 plays in 8.3_install_dragonball.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

task path: /home/jdoe/ch08/8.3_install_dragonball.yml:3
<> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o
ControlPersist=60s -o 'IdentityFile="/home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible"' -o
KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-
mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o
ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'ControlPath="/home/jdoe/.ansible/cp/68f4fa8f2e"' '/bin/sh -c '"'"'echo ~ && sleep 0'"'"''
[Output is too long ... omitted for brevity]

Experiment with all seven levels of verbosity at your leisure, but keep in mind that
the output size increases progressively with each additional -v option. If you want to
save the level 5 verbose output of a command to an external file named “output.log”, you
can use shell redirection. However, be sure to remove the “--ask-become-pass” option
from the command, as it will prevent the output from being saved to the file. Here’s the
command you should execute:


$ ansible-playbook 8.4_install_dragonball.yml -vvvvv > output.log 2>&1

$ ansible-playbook 8.4_install_dragonball.yml -vvvvv > output.log 2>&1

$ ls -lh output.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 80K Apr 20 22:53 output.log

In Chapters 2 and 3, you learned about the redirection and append features of
the Linux command line. In the provided command, the “>” symbol is used for shell
redirection, which redirects the standard output of the command to a file named output.
log. The “2>&1” portion redirects any error messages to the same file, ensuring that both
standard output and errors will be captured in output.log.
It’s important to note that when using shell redirection, if the specified file already
exists, it will be overwritten by the new output. If you want to append the output to an
existing file instead of overwriting it, you can use “>>” instead of “>” as the redirection
Additionally, it’s worth keeping in mind that if the command being redirected
generates a lot of output; the resulting file could be quite large and potentially consume
a lot of disk space. It’s a good practice to periodically check and clean up any such log
files to free up space on the system.

8.6 Disabling gather_facts to Speed

Up the Playbook
Here, we will learn how to speed up playbooks by disabling gather_facts, but before that,
let’s create a new playbook with two tasks and try to run it to observe how the changed=
status changes. We will be adding a new task to update the repository cache. To do
this, you can simply copy the first playbook, 8.2_install_apache.yml, and create a new
playbook called 8.6_update_repo_index.yml.

$ cp 8.2_install_apache.yml 8.6_update_repo_index.yml
$ vi 8.6_update_repo_index.yml
$ cat 8.6_update_repo_index.yml

Your new playbook, 8.6_update_repo_index.yml, should look like this:

- hosts: all # target all hosts
  become: true # run the playbook with an elevated privilege level

  - name: Update repository index # specify the name of the task
    ansible.builtin.apt: # Ansible module
      update_cache: yes # update the repository index

  - name: Install apache2 package

      name:  apache2

In Ansible, when running a task, the output will indicate whether changes were
made to the target system or not. The “changed=1” in the output indicates that the
task modified the state of the system, such as updating the repository index, installing
a package, modifying a configuration file, or restarting a service. When a task makes
changes, Ansible records those changes in a file on the managed host called the “fact
cache,” which allows Ansible to determine whether a task needs to be run again in future
On the other hand, “changed=0” means that the task did not make any changes
to the system, as it was already in the desired state. This can happen if the task is
idempotent, which means it will produce the same result regardless of how many times
it is run. An example of an idempotent task is checking if a package is installed
– if it is already installed, the task will report “changed=0” since no action was needed.
Idempotent tasks are important because they allow playbooks to be run repeatedly
without causing unintended changes to the system.
It’s worth noting that the “changed” value only reflects the state of the system
immediately after the task has run. Subsequent tasks in the playbook or future playbooks
may modify the system in a way that overrides the changes made by the current task.
Therefore, it’s important to carefully design and test playbooks to ensure that the desired
state of the system is achieved and maintained over time.


$ ansible-playbook –ask-become-pass 8.6_update_repo_index.yml

BECOME password: *****************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Update repository index] ********************************************

changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Install apache2 package] ********************************************

ok: []
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

It’s important to maintain the idempotence of playbooks in Ansible, ensuring that

they can be run multiple times without causing unintended changes or side effects to
the target system. Understanding whether a task has made changes or not is crucial to
achieving this. In Ansible, when running a task, the output indicates whether changes
were made to the target system or not. A “changed=1” in the output means that the task
modified the state of the system, while “changed=0” means that the task did not make
any changes to the system as it was already in the desired state.
By default, when running a playbook in Ansible, the gather_facts option is enabled,
meaning that facts about the target system are collected before executing any tasks. This
process can take some time, leading to longer playbook run times. To speed up playbook
runs, you can disable the gather_facts option by setting it to false, using “gather_facts:
false”. Disabling gather_facts can significantly improve the playbook’s speed, especially
in large and complex environments where gathering facts can be time-consuming.
Therefore, you can improve the performance of your last playbook by disabling gather_
facts and running it again to observe the improvement.


- hosts: all
  become: true
gather_facts: false # Disable gather_facts

  - name: Update repository index
      update_cache: yes

  - name: Install apache2 package

      name:  apache2

When you execute the playbook with “gather_facts: false”, the output response on the
screen will be quicker compared to the previous playbook run, where gather_facts were
enabled. By disabling gather_facts, you skip the step where Ansible collects information
about the target system, which saves time and can make a significant difference in
playbook execution time, especially in large-scale environments. Therefore, it’s a
good practice to disable gather_facts when you don’t need them, as it can significantly
improve the playbook’s performance.

ansible-playbook –ask-become-pass 8.6_update_repo_index.yml

BECOME password: *****************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

# No facts gathered message here!
TASK [Update repository index] ********************************************
changed: []
changed: []
[...output omitted for brevity]

However, keep in mind that gather_facts provides important system information that
some tasks may depend on, so disabling it may affect certain tasks. It’s recommended to
evaluate whether gather_facts are necessary for your playbook before disabling them.

8.7 Adding More Tasks to Your Existing Playbook
To make our playbook more useful, let’s add more tasks, this time to install PHP
packages. To save time, you can copy the last YAML file and create a new one to add
another play specifically for installing the PHP service.

$ cp 8.6_update_repo_index.yml 8.7_update_install_apache_php.yml
$ vi 8.7_update_install_apache_php.yml
$ cat 8.7_update_install_apache_php.yml

After successfully adding another task to install the PHP package, your playbook will
resemble the following YAML playbook:

- hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: false

  - name: update repository index
      update_cache: yes

  - name: install apache2 package

      name: apache2

  - name: add php support for apache2

      name: libapache2-mod-php

To observe the execution of the playbook, run it and pay close attention to the
output. This will allow you to see each task as it is executed and identify any errors or
issues that may arise during the process.

$ ansible-playbook  --ask-become-pass 8.7_update_install_apache_php.yml  
BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ***********************************************************

TASK [Update repository index] ******************************************

changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Install apache2 package] ******************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [add php support for apache2] **************************************

changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************       : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

If your playbook ran successfully, you would see an output similar to the one shown
previously. It’s important to observe that both the updating repository index and PHP
tasks were installed successfully, and the “changed” value is 2 for both clients. This
indicates that changes were made to the target system as desired. Now, let’s explore how
we can ensure that packages are updated to their latest version every time we run the

8.8 Keeping Packages Always Up to Date Using

“state: latest”
In Ansible, the “state” parameter is used to define the desired state of a resource. As
shown in Table 8-2, several different state values can be used in your playbook. The
specific state value to be used will depend on the task you want to perform and the
module you are using. To get you up to speed with Ansible’s state values, let’s quickly
cover some commonly used values. The table contains simple descriptions of each
value, along with examples for each one. By using these state values in your playbook,

you can ensure that the resources you manage are always in the desired state. This is
a key aspect of idempotence, which ensures that running the same playbook multiple
times has the same effect as running it once.

Table 8-2. Ansible state commonly used values

Value Description Example

present The default value. Used with resources, the - name: Install nginx package
specified resource should be present on the apt:
target system; if the specified resource is name: nginx
not present, Ansible will create it state: present
absent The specified resource should not be - name: Remove apache2 package
present on the host. If the resource is apt:
present, Ansible will remove it name: apache2
state: absent
started/ Used with services, starts (stops/reloads) - name: Start(Stop/Reload) nginx
stopped/ the service, or it continues to run service
reloaded service:
name: nginx
state: started(stopped/reloaded)
enabled Used with services and systemd units, the - name: Enable nginx service
service is enabled at boot time. This is like systemd:
auto-on at start-up name: nginx
enabled: yes
disabled Used with services and system units, the - name: Disable nginx service
service is disabled at boot time. This is like systemd:
auto-off at start-up name: nginx
enabled: no

Table 8-2. (continued)
Value Description Example

file Used with copy module, the file should be a - name: Ensure nginx.conf is a
regular file regular file
path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
state: file
directory Used with the file module, the file should be - name: Ensure html directory exists
a directory file:
path: /var/www/html
state: directory
hard Used with the file module, the file should be - name: Create a hard link for mylink
a hard link, a mirror copy of the original file file:
src: /home/jdoe/mylink
dest: /usr/local/bin/mylink
state: hard
link Used with the file module, the file should - name: Create a soft link for mylink
be a symbolic (soft) link, a special file that file:
points to another file src: /home/jdoe/mylink
dest: /usr/local/bin/mylink
state: link
mounted/ Used with the mount module, the file - name: (Un)Mount mydata file
unmounted system should be mounted system
path: /mnt/mydata
state: mounted (/unmounted)
latest Used with the yum or apt module, the latest - name: Install latest nginx package
package version should be installed yum:
name: nginx
state: latest

Table 8-2. (continued)
Value Description Example

present/ Used with the user module, the user should - name: User account exists or
absent be either present or absent on the system doesn’t exist
name: jdoe
state: present (/absent)

In a production environment, it is important to keep all software versions up to date

for various reasons. To accomplish this, you can add “state: latest” to your playbook,
which ensures that packages are always up to date every time the playbook is run.
To demonstrate the use of Ansible’s “state” parameter, let’s create another playbook
by copying the previous playbook and making a small modification. This will help us
see how we can use the “state” parameter to update packages to their latest version each
time we run the playbook.

$ cp 8.7_update_install_apache_php.yml  

$ vi 8.8_update_install_apache_php_latest.yml
$ cat 8.8_update_install_apache_php_latest.yml

To ensure that your software packages are up to date, you can simply add “state:
latest” to the relevant tasks in your playbook. This tells Ansible to update the packages
to their latest version each time the playbook is run. After modifying your playbook with
this parameter, it should look similar to the following:

- hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: false

  - name: update repository index
      update_cache: yes
  - name: install apache2 package
      name: apache2
      state: latest

  - name: add php support for apache2

      name: libapache2-mod-php
      state: latest

After modifying your playbook to include “state: latest” for updating packages,
save the changes and execute the playbook to apply the updates to the target systems.
As before, you can use the “ansible-playbook” command followed by the path to your
playbook file. Keep in mind that this task may take some time to complete, depending
on the number of packages that need to be updated and the speed of the network
connection between the Ansible control node and the target systems. Therefore, it’s
essential to be patient and wait for the playbook to finish executing before proceeding
with any further actions on the target systems.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass


[...output omitted for brevity]

Before we move on to the next section, let’s take a few minutes to learn about hard
links and soft links in Linux. Understanding the difference between these types of links is
essential to effectively managing files and directories in Linux.

Expand your knowledge:

The difference between the hard and symbolic links in layman’s terms
The decision to use either a hard link or a soft link depends on specific scenarios
and your requirements. While both types of links serve a similar purpose of
pointing to a file or directory, there are distinct differences between them that
make them suitable for different use cases. Therefore, it’s important for you to
carefully evaluate the situation and choose the appropriate type of link that best
fits the needs of the system.

If you’re interested in expanding your concept on file linking in Linux, we
recommend checking out this informative article on the Red Hat website:

8.9 Creating an Uninstall Playbook Using

the Existing Playbook
To create an uninstall playbook, you can leverage the existing playbook that you have
created in Section 8.8. This playbook will help you uninstall the software packages
that were previously installed using Ansible. Creating an uninstall playbook is
straightforward and can be done by following a few simple steps.
First, copy the previous playbook and create a new file called “8.9_uninstall.yml”.
Then, make a small modification to the playbook by replacing the “state: latest”
parameter with “state: absent”. This will ensure that the specified software packages are
removed from the target systems. With these changes, your uninstall playbook is now
ready to be executed.

$ cp 8.8_update_install_apache_php_latest.yml  8.9_uninstall.yml
$ vi 8.9_ uninstall.yml
$ cat 8.9_ uninstall.yml

Your new playbook should look similar to the following:

- hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: false

  - name: update repository index

      update_cache: yes

  - name: Remove apache2 package

      name: apache2
      state: absent

  - name: Remove php support for apache2

      name: libapache2-mod-php
      state: absent

Let’s execute the new playbook and observe how the software is uninstalled right in
front of our eyes.

$ ansible-playbook –ask-become-pass 8.9_uninstall.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Update repository index] ********************************************

changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Remove apache2 package] *********************************************

changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Remove php support for apache2] *************************************

changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=3    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

To confirm that the software has been successfully uninstalled, try accessing
the websites using your preferred web browser by entering the following URLs: and If you are using Google Chrome,
you will receive a “This site can’t be reached” message. Similarly, if you are using Firefox,
you will see a similar connection error message, as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2. Unable to connect error on u23c1 and u23c2

To reinstall the Apache2 and PHP services on the Ubuntu client nodes, simply
run the installation playbook again. It’s a straightforward process that can be done at
any time.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass

BECOME password: ****************

[...output omitted for brevity]

As you can see in Figure 8-3, the Apache2 service has been reinstalled and is
immediately available on the Firefox browser.


Figure 8-3. Working web services on u23c1 and u23c2

Let’s make things more interesting by adding the Fedora client node (f38c1) to our
playbook and seeing how we can manage two different types of Linux distributions.
In a production environment, you may not always work with a single device type and
operating system, so it’s important to learn how to manage multiple types of devices
simultaneously. This will increase productivity and allow us to use a single playbook to
manage multiple operating systems or device types.

8.10 Add Another OS Type and Use the “when”

Conditional in Your Playbook
Up until now, we’ve only worked with two client hosts running a single type of Linux
distribution, Ubuntu 23.04. This has helped to keep our explanations and understanding
simple. However, in a real production environment, you’ll need to manage a variety of
systems running different operating systems. To better prepare for this scenario and
make our playbooks more comprehensive, let’s power on a second virtual machine
running Fedora and add it to our inventory with the name “f38c1”, as shown here:

ch08]$  nano inventory
ch08]$ ansible all --list-hosts
  hosts (3):
Now, let’s execute the first installation playbook (8.1_install_apache.yml) and observe
the response from Ansible. It’s expected to see error messages due to the different package
managers used by different Linux distributions. For example, Ubuntu (Debian) derivatives
use apt (new)/apt-get (old), while Fedora (Red Hat/CentOS) uses dnf (new)/yum (old).

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.1_install_apache.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers] **************************

[WARNING]: Updating cache and auto-installing missing dependency: python3-apt
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "apt-get
update", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'apt-get'", "rc": 2,
"stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
ok: []
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

In an Ansible playbook, the “apt” module is designed to work only with Debian-
based distributions such as Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, and Linux Mint. However, package
managers used in Linux distributions can vary depending on the base distribution. For
instance, Red Hat–based distributions use yum or dnf, while Arch Linux uses pacman,
among others. Therefore, we cannot use Ansible’s apt module to install packages on
Fedora, and the error message we received is due to package manager incompatibility.
So how can we solve this problem?

To begin with, let’s first understand how Ansible reads the OS information by
running a simple Ansible ad hoc command, which we have learned in the earlier

$ ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution*' --ask-become-pass

BECOME password: *************** | SUCCESS => {

    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu",
        "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,
        "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/os-release",
        "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "Debian",
        "ansible_distribution_major_version": "23",
        "ansible_distribution_release": "lunar",
        "ansible_distribution_version": "23.04",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false
[... omitted for brevity] | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_distribution": "Fedora",
        "ansible_distribution_file_parsed": true,
        "ansible_distribution_file_path": "/etc/redhat-release",
        "ansible_distribution_file_variety": "RedHat",
        "ansible_distribution_major_version": "38",
        "ansible_distribution_release": "",
        "ansible_distribution_version": "38",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false

Now, let’s use another useful ad hoc command to check the installed package
managers on our client nodes. We can check the availability of the apt package manager
on the systems with the following command:

$ ansible all -a 'which apt' --ask-become-pass

BECOME password: *************** | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

/usr/bin/apt | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
/usr/bin/apt | FAILED | rc=1 >>
which: no apt in (/home/jdoe/.local/bin:/home/jdoe/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/
bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin)non-zero return code

Next, let’s check the availability of the yum package manager on our client nodes
using another useful ad hoc command:

$ ansible all -a 'which yum' --ask-become-pass

BECOME password: *************** | FAILED | rc=1 >>

non-zero return code | FAILED | rc=1 >>
non-zero return code | CHANGED | rc=0 >>

The “when” conditional in Ansible playbooks is a useful feature that allows you to
control whether a task should be executed based on a condition. The condition can be a
Jinja2 expression that evaluates to true or false. In our example, we will use the “when”
statement based on the gathered facts to run the “apt” command only if the distribution
is “Ubuntu”. The syntax for the “when” statement, in this case, would be “when: ansible_
distribution == ‘Ubuntu’”. You can modify this condition to match the names of other
distributions as required. If the operating system is not Ubuntu, the playbook will skip
the Fedora servers and execute only on the Ubuntu servers.


$ cp 8.1_install_apache.yml 8.10_when.yml
$ vi 8.10_when.yml
$ cat 8.10_when.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true

  - name: Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers
      name: apache2
    when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'

Once you have made the necessary modifications to your new playbook file, as
shown previously, you can run the playbook 8.9_when.yml and observe the output. You
will notice that the play will skip the task for installing the Apache2 server on the Fedora-
based client but will still run on the Ubuntu-based clients. This is because we have used
Ansible’s “when” conditional to control the execution of the task based on the operating
system type. As a result, the playbook will only run the “apt” command on the Ubuntu-
based clients and skip the Fedora-based client.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.10_when.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install apache2 package on Ubuntu servers] **************************

skipping: []
ok: []
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

If you have multiple systems based on the same base distribution, such as Debian,
Ubuntu, and Pop!_OS, which all use the same package manager, you can use a Python
list to shorten the YAML file. The “when” statement can be written as follows:

    when: ansible_distribution in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu', 'Pop!_OS']

This code simplifies the “when” statement by using a Python list to check whether
the value of “ansible_distribution” is present in the list of distributions specified in
the statement. If the value matches any of the distributions in the list, the task will be
executed. Otherwise, the task will be skipped. Using this approach can make the code
more maintainable, especially when dealing with multiple flavors of the same Linux

8.11 Targeting a Specific Host or Group of Hosts

When using Ansible to target a specific host or group of hosts, you can be very specific in
your playbook. Building upon the example from Section 8.9, let’s say you want to target a
particular distribution and version. You can achieve this by adding “when” conditionals
to your playbook. For instance, if you only want to update the package cache on servers
running Fedora 38, you can create a playbook with the following “when” conditionals:

$ vi 8.11_update_cache_fedora_38.yml

- name: Update package cache on Fedora 38 servers
  hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Update package cache
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' and ansible_distribution_
major_version == '38'

This playbook demonstrates how to target specific hosts based on their operating
system and version. It updates the package cache only on hosts in the “fedora38” group
running Fedora version 38, using the “dnf” module instead of “apt” for Debian-based
distributions. By checking if the operating system is Fedora and the major version is
38 before running the “dnf” module, the playbook ensures that the task is executed
only where it’s intended to. This approach allows for very targeted playbook execution,
performing only the necessary tasks on specific hosts.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.11_update_cache_fedora_38.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Update package cache on Fedora 38 servers] **************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Update package cache] ***********************************************

skipping: []
skipping: []
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************      : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0      : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0      : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

To update the package cache for both Ubuntu and Fedora systems using a single
playbook, copy the last YAML file and modify it as shown in the following. The updated
playbook uses the “when” conditional to execute the “apt” module for Ubuntu-based
systems and the “dnf” module for Fedora-based systems:

- name: Update package cache on all Debian or Red Hat based OS
  hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Update package cache on Red Hat distros
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora', 'Red Hat', 'CentOS']

    - name: Update package cache on Debian distros

        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian',  'Pop!_OS']

After modifying the YAML file as shown in the previous step, the playbook will
update the package cache on both Ubuntu and Fedora systems based on their respective
package managers. The “when” conditionals ensure that the playbook executes only
on the intended hosts, making it more efficient and targeted. With this single playbook,
you can target various distribution names with different package manager modules in a
single play. After modifying the YAML file, run the playbook and observe the outputs.
Note that the output has been removed from this book to keep it brief.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.11_update_cache_all.yml

BECOME password: ***************
PLAY [Update package cache on all Debian or Red Hat based OS]
[output omitted for brevity]

The “when” conditional in Ansible provides the ability to control when tasks should
be executed based on a specific condition. As mentioned earlier, this condition can be
a Jinja2 expression that evaluates to True or False. If the condition is True, the task will
be executed, and if the condition is False, the task will be skipped. It is worth noting that
the when conditional supports other Jinja2 expressions such as comparisons (>, >=, <,
<=, ==, !=) and Boolean operators (and, or, not). These expressions are written in Jinja2,
but the operators themselves are Python comparison operators, and True and False are
Boolean values in Python. Therefore, knowing Python can be beneficial when working
with Ansible. In short, the when conditional provides flexibility to your playbooks,
enabling you to avoid unnecessary tasks that could slow down automation. It is a
powerful tool that can help you to write more efficient and targeted playbooks.

8.12 Writing a Working Playbook for Both Ubuntu

and Fedora
Let’s use the playbook from Section 8.11 as a basis to create a new playbook that updates
the repository cache on all systems and installs web services on both Ubuntu and Fedora
clients. However, it’s essential to note that the Ansible modules and packages to be
installed are different for each distribution. For example, we’ll use the “apt” module to
install the “apache2” package on Ubuntu clients, while we’ll use the “dnf” module to
install the “httpd” package on Fedora clients.
After writing your playbook, it should look similar to the following example:

$ cp 8.11_update_cache_fedora_38.yml 8.12_update_install_http.yml
$ vi 8.12_update_install_http.yml
$ cat 8.12_update_install_http.yml
- hosts: all
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

    - name: Update package cache on Red Hat distros
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution in ['Fedora', 'Red Hat', 'CentOS']

    - name: Update package cache on Debian distros

        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian',  'Pop!_OS']

    - name: Install apache2 package on Ubuntu

        name: apache2
      when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

    - name: Install httpd package on Fedora

        name: httpd # The package name is different
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

To execute the latest playbook, run the following command in the terminal:

$ ansible-playbook –ask-become-pass 8.12_update_install_http.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Install httpd package on Fedora] ************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0

Upon reviewing the PLAY RECAP, we can see that all tasks have been completed
successfully, as indicated by the “ok=3” status for all client nodes. We have
already confirmed that the web services are working on the Ubuntu servers, so
this time, let’s check the web service on the Fedora server (f38c1) using the URL However, as you can see in Figure 8-4, we encountered a
connection timed-out error from the server. What could have caused this issue? For Red
Hat–based distributions using the httpd package, we need to perform additional steps to
enable the web services. Specifically, we need to open the correct port using systemctl.

Figure 8-4. Connection timed-out error on f38c1

If you’re manually performing this task on f38c1, you would need to run the
following commands in sequence. However, if you had to perform this task on 30 servers,
you would likely need to write a simple shell/Python/Perl script to automate the process.
Now that you know about Ansible, you can achieve the same result without having to
learn or touch a programming language.

# This is a reference only. Please DO NOT run these commands.
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ systemctl status httpd # check the HTTP service
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo systemctl enable httpd # Start service at system
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo systemctl start httpd # Start HTTP service
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ systemctl status httpd # check the HTTP service
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ su – # login as the root user
Password: ***************
[root@f38c1 ~]$ firewall-cmd –add-service=http # open http port using the
service name
[root@f38c1 ~]$ firewall-cmd –add-port=80/tcp # open http port using the
port number &      protocol type

We will now update the previous playbook by adding a task to enable the HTTP
service at startup and open the firewall port for port 80.

$ cp 8.12_update_install_http.yml 8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml
$ vi 8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml
$ cat 8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

    - name: Install httpd package on Fedora
        name: httpd # the package name is different
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

    - name: Ensure httpd is running on Fedora

        name: httpd # the package name is different
        state: started # ensure the service is running
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

    - name: Open http port 80 on Fedora
      firewalld: # Ansible module
        service: http
        permanent: true # make this a permanent setting
        state: enabled # ensure the service starts at start-up
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

    - name: Restart firewalld service for new service to kick-in

        name: firewalld # service name
        state: restarted # restart firewalld service
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

After running the aforementioned playbook, the output on f38c1 should resemble
this, indicating that all tasks have been completed:

$ ansible-playbook –ask-become-pass 8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [Ensure httpd is running on Fedora] **********************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Open http port 80 on Fedora] ****************************************

skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Restart firewalld service for new service to kick-in] ***************

skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************       : ok=6    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=5    rescued=0    ignored=0       : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=5    rescued=0    ignored=0

If everything goes as planned, you should now be able to refresh the web page,
and it will display a working Fedora Webserver Test Page, similar to the one shown in
Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5. Working web page on f38c1

At this stage, all three client nodes are providing the web services and are working
fine. However, upon reviewing the last playbook, it appears to be quite lengthy.
Therefore, we should ask ourselves whether there is any way to simplify or shorten it.
Our last playbook was quite lengthy. Let’s simplify and shorten it by refactoring.

8.13 Refactoring a Playbook
Refactoring in programming refers to the process of restructuring and improving
existing code without changing its original functionality. It involves simplifying the
code, improving its readability and maintainability, and reducing its complexity.
Refactoring techniques include renaming variables and functions, improving code
organization, eliminating code duplication, and improving error handling. Refactoring
is done regularly in software development to ensure that the code remains flexible and
maintainable over time. It helps to improve the quality of the code and makes it easier to
maintain and modify. Even though an Ansible playbook written in YAML is not exactly
code, we can still apply the concept of refactoring from programming to improve our
inefficient and unappealing playbook.
When writing Ansible playbooks, there are several ways to enhance readability,
maintainability, and performance, such as utilizing variables, roles, and tags. By
following these best practices, playbooks can become more flexible, modular, and
maintainable, ultimately saving time and effort. Although we’ll cover these concepts in
depth later, for now, we’ll use a gradual refactoring approach to simplify the previous
playbook. This will demonstrate the significant changes and performance improvements
that refactoring can bring to playbooks.
Before we start the refactoring process, a simple way to simplify the plays is to break
the YAML playbook into multiple functional files. In our case, we can break the original
8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml into two files: one file to update the cache and
install software and another file to enable, start, and open the HTTP port on Fedora
servers as a separate playbook.
When breaking the 8.12_update_install_enable_http.yml file into two files, 8.13_
install_main.yml and 8.13_enable_http_on_fedora.yml, we will also clean up the files to
make them easy to understand. We will be using 8.13_install_main.yml to demonstrate
the refactoring concept in the next section.


$ cat 8.13_install_main.yml

- hosts: all
become: true
    - ansible.builtin

    - name: Update package cache on Ubuntu
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'

    - name: Install apache2 package on Ubuntu

        name: apache2
      when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

    - name: Update package cache on Fedora

        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_distribution=='Fedora'

    - name: Install httpd package on Fedora

        name: httpd
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

cat 8.13_enable_http_on_fedora.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true
    - community.general

    - name: Ensure httpd is running on Fedora
        name: httpd
        state: started
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

    - name: Open http port 80 on Fedora

      community.general.firewalld: # Ansible module
        service: http
        permanent: true
        state: enabled
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

    - name: Restart firewalld service for new service to kick-in

        name: firewalld
        state: restarted
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

Let’s begin the refactoring process by making a simple improvement that involves
utilizing a list. Ansible provides a list in the form of a dash, which allows for installing
multiple packages in a single statement by looping through the list of package names.


8.13_install_main.yml (original) Refactoring 1: 8.13_install_main_rf1.yml

--- ---
- hosts: all - hosts: all
become: true become: true
collections: collections:
- ansible.builtin - ansible.builtin

tasks: tasks:
- name: Update package cache - name: Update package cache on Ubuntu
on Ubuntu apt:
apt: update_cache: yes
update_cache: yes when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'
when: ansible_
- name: Install packages on Ubuntu
- name: Install apache2 name:
package on Ubuntu - apache2
apt: - libapache2-mod-php
name: apache2 - tmux
when: ansible_distribution - tree
== "Ubuntu" state: latest
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
- name: Update package cache
on Fedora - name: Update package cache on Fedora
dnf: dnf:
update_cache: yes update_cache: yes
when: ansible_ when: ansible_distribution=='Fedora'
- name: Install packages on Fedora
- name: Install httpd package dnf:
on Fedora name:
dnf: - httpd
name: httpd - php
when: ansible_distribution - tmux
== "Fedora" - tree
state: latest
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

The Ansible playbook “8.13_install_main_rf1.yml” has undergone refactoring in the
“install packages” section using a list of package names. This enables the installation of
multiple packages in a single play by looping through the list using either the “apt” or
“dnf” package manager.
When you execute the refactored playbook, you can observe the changes in the
output and learn the intricacies of refactoring. The process involves iterating over the
previous script to make it more concise and easier to understand.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.13_install_main_rf1.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

It’s worth noting that Ansible supports two types of YAML list syntax. The first
method uses a hyphen followed by the item name, while the second method uses a
Python-like syntax that encloses the items in square brackets. Both methods are valid
and can be used interchangeably, depending on personal preference or organizational


8.13_install_main_rf1.yml Refactoring 1: 8.13_install_main_rf2.yml

--- ---
- hosts: all - hosts: all
become: true become: true
collections: collections:
- ansible.builtin - ansible.builtin

tasks: tasks:
- name: Update package cache on Ubuntu - name: Update package cache
apt: on Ubuntu
update_cache: yes apt:
when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu' update_cache: yes
w hen: ansible_
- name: Install packages on Ubuntu
name: - name: Install packages on Ubuntu
- apache2 apt:
- libapache2-mod-php n ame: [apache2, libapache2-
- tmux mod-php, tmux, tree]
- tree state: latest
state: latest w hen: ansible_distribution ==
w hen: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" "Ubuntu"

- name: Update package cache on Fedora - name: Update package cache

dnf: on Fedora
update_cache: yes dnf:
when: ansible_distribution=='Fedora' update_cache: yes
w hen: ansible_
- name: Install packages on Fedora
name: - name: Install packages on Fedora
- httpd dnf:
- php n ame: [httpd, php, tmux,
- tmux tree]
- tree state: latest
state: latest w hen: ansible_distribution ==
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" "Fedora"

By executing the refactored playbook, you can observe the changes and learn the
intricacies of refactoring. This process involves iterating over the previous script to make
it more concise and easier to understand. So run the playbook and analyze the output
to see how the use of variables and other refactoring techniques has simplified the

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.13_install_main_rf2.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

The third refactoring involves simplifying the playbook even further by using the
“update_cache: yes” option. This option is used to update the package cache before
installing packages, which eliminates the need for a separate task to update the cache.
This makes the playbook more concise and efficient, as it combines two tasks into one.
By implementing this change, the playbook becomes more streamlined and easier to
read, making it more manageable for future modifications.


8.13_install_main_rf2.yml Refactoring 2: 8.13_install_main_rf3.


--- ---
- hosts: all - hosts: all
become: true become: true
collections: collections:
- ansible.builtin - ansible.builtin
tasks: tasks:
- name: Update package cache on Ubuntu - name: Install packages on
apt: Ubuntu
update_cache: yes
when: ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu'
n ame: [apache2, libapache2-
- name: Install packages on Ubuntu mod-php, tmux, tree]
apt: state: latest
n ame: [apache2, libapache2-mod-php, update_cache: yes
tmux, tree] w hen: ansible_distribution
state: latest == "Ubuntu"
when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
- name: Install packages on
- name: Update package cache on Fedora Fedora
dnf: dnf:
update_cache: yes n ame: [httpd, php, tmux,
when: ansible_distribution=='Fedora' tree]
state: latest
- name: Install packages on Fedora
update_cache: yes
w hen: ansible_distribution
name: [httpd, php, tmux, tree]
== "Fedora"
state: latest
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

In the previous example, we demonstrated how a play consisting of four lines of

YAML code could be simplified to a single “update_cache: yes” option. If you understand
the parameters available under specific circumstances, you can optimize your playbook.
In the refactored example on the right, “update_cache: yes” is used with the apt/dnf
module to indicate that Ansible should update the local package cache on the target

machine before installing the specified packages. When “update_cache” is set to “yes”,
Ansible runs the “apt/dnf update” command on the target machine to ensure that the
local package cache is up to date with the latest package versions available from the
configured repositories. This ensures that the apt/dnf module can install the latest
versions of the specified packages.
To observe the changes and learn the intricacies of refactoring, execute the
refactored playbook, and examine the output. This process involves iterating over the
previous script to make it more concise and easier to understand.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.13_install_main_rf3.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Fourth and final refactoring: To reduce the play into a single play, use variables
and move them into the inventory file. Change the playbook as shown in the following,
replacing “apt” or “dnf” with “package”. Ansible’s package module enables the playbook
to use whichever package manager the underlying OS is using. First, declare the
variables inside the inventory. See the following:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch08]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch08]$ cat inventory apache_package=apache2 php_package=libapache2-mod-php tmux_
package=tmux tree_package=tree apache_package=apache2 php_package=libapache2-mod-php tmux_
package=tmux tree_package=tree apache_package=httpd php_package=php tmux_package=tmux

In the preceding inventory file, four variables have been defined: apache_package,
php_package, tmux_package, and tree_package. The correct package names must be
specified for each variable based on the package manager being used by the server. By
defining the variables in the inventory file, the playbook becomes less convoluted.
After refactoring the 8.13_install_main_rf3.yml file and restructuring it as shown in
8.13_install_main_rf4.yml, a single, amazingly efficient playbook will be left. Comparing
the final version to the original playbook created, it is evident that the concept of
refactoring pays off when working with Ansible YAML playbooks.


8.13_install_main_rf3.yml Refactoring 3: 8.13_install_main_rf4.yml

--- ---
- hosts: all - hosts: all
become: true become: true
collections: collections:
- ansible.builtin - ansible.builtin

tasks: tasks:
- name: Install packages on Ubuntu - name: Install packages on Linux
apt: p ackage: # package is an
n ame: [apache2, libapache2-mod- Ansible Module
php, tmux, tree] name:
state: latest - "{{ apache_package }}" # a
update_cache: yes variable
w hen: ansible_distribution == - "{{ php_package }}" # a
"Ubuntu" variable
- "{{ tmux_package }}" # a
- name: Install packages on Fedora
- "{{ tree_package }}" # a
name: [httpd, php, tmux, tree]
state: latest
state: latest
update_cache: yes
update_cache: yes
w hen: ansible_distribution ==

To make a script more concise and easier to understand, you can use the process of
refactoring. By executing the refactored playbook and examining the output, you can
observe the changes and learn about the intricacies of refactoring.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.13_install_main_rf4.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

To prepare for the next exercise, it is necessary to uninstall the packages that
were previously installed. This can be achieved by running the appropriate uninstall
commands for each package. Once the packages have been successfully uninstalled, the
system will be ready for the next task.

$ cp 8.13_install_main_rf4.yml 8.13_uninstall_main_rf4.yml
$ vi 8.13_uninstall_main_rf4.yml
$ cat 8.13_uninstall_main_rf4.yml
- hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Uninstall packages on Linux
      Ansible.builtin.package: # package is an Ansible Module
          - "{{ apache_package }}"  # a variable
          - "{{ php_package }}"  # a variable
          - "{{ tmux_package }}" # a variable
          - "{{ tree_package }}" # a variable
        state: absent
        update_cache: yes

The installation playbook can be easily transformed into an uninstallation playbook.

Simply modify the playbook to remove the packages instead of installing them. By
running the uninstall playbook, we can remove the installed packages and prepare for
the next exercise.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.13_uninstall_main_rf4.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Great work on mastering the concept of refactoring in Ansible playbooks! Refactoring

helps simplify code, improves its readability and maintainability, and reduces its
complexity. The goal is to make playbooks easily understandable and optimized for
performance. In addition to simplification, there are several techniques you can use to

refactor your Ansible playbooks, such as extracting common tasks into separate roles,
reducing duplicate code, and using variables and loops effectively.
When refactoring Ansible playbooks, testing is also crucial. Regular testing ensures
that your playbook runs smoothly and without errors. You can use tools like Molecule to
test your playbooks in isolated environments. In summary, refactoring is a critical step in
creating efficient and maintainable Ansible playbooks. By applying various refactoring
techniques and testing regularly, you can create playbooks that are easy to understand
and maintain over time.

Expand your knowledge:

Documentation on package module

Referring to Red Hat’s official Ansible documentation is an excellent idea, as it
provides a plethora of useful information. However, with so many topics to cover,
it’s easy to get lost in the vast amount of information, leading to days of reading,
studying, and testing to grasp Ansible concepts based on the documentation. To
simplify this process, here’s a link to the package module that we used in the
previous playbook to refactor and simplify our code:

8.14 Ansible, Targeting Specific Nodes

Let’s explore how to target specific nodes by modifying the inventory file to focus on
different servers based on their roles. Building upon the previous exercise, we can create
functional groups of client hosts in the inventory file as follows:

$ vi inventory
$ cat inventory




In this exercise, we’ll create a new playbook that installs three useful Linux command
tools: htop (a process viewer), nmon (a system monitor, tuner, and benchmark tool),
and iftop (a network traffic and bandwidth usage tool). You can choose between two
methods to create the playbook: the YAML folded block scalar method or the simpler
YAML inline sequence method. In the “hosts” section, we’ll specify the “file_server”
group only, which will target the client node with the IP address
Although there are differences between the two file creation methods, you only need to
create one playbook file named 8.14_install_tools.yml. In this book, we’ll stick to the first
method, which is the more commonly used list method.

$ vi 8.14_install_tools.yml

#YAML folded block scalar

- name: Install useful Linux tools
  hosts: file_server
  become: true

    - name: Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages
          - htop
          - nmon
          - iftop
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes

As mentioned earlier, optionally, the YAML folded block scalar method can be
simplified by using the YAML inline sequence method, which makes the playbook more
concise and reduces the line length.


$ vi 8.14_install_tools.yml

# YAML inline sequence

- name: Install useful Linux tools
  hosts: file_server
  become: true

    - name: Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages
        name: ['htop', 'nmon', 'iftop']
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes

When running the playbook, only the specified packages will be installed on the
“file_server” client group. This is because the playbook has been configured to target a
specific node within that group, which happens to be the Fedora client server. The other
Ubuntu nodes will not have these packages installed unless they are also members of the
“file_server” group.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.14_install_tools.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Install useful Linux tools] *****************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []

TASK [Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages] *****************************

changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************            : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Expanding the scope of the installation to other nodes or groups is easy. Simply
modify the playbook to target the desired groups or nodes. If you want to install the
packages on all nodes, regardless of their group or operating system, you can change the
“hosts” section to “all”. Alternatively, you can target multiple groups by appending them

after the comma separator, like this: “hosts: file_server, web_server”. This will install the
packages on all nodes belonging to both groups.
By making these changes, the playbook becomes more versatile and can be used
to install packages on a wide range of nodes and groups. However, keep in mind that
installing packages on all nodes could potentially have unintended consequences, so it’s
important to carefully consider the scope of the installation before making any changes
to the playbook.

$ vi 8.14_install_tools.yml

#YAML folded block scalar

- name: Install useful Linux tools
  hosts: file_server, web_server
  become: true

    - name: Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages
          - htop
          - nmon
          - iftop
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes

After updating the playbook to target the “file_server” and “web_server” groups,
execute the playbook to install the Linux tools on all nodes within those groups. You will
be able to observe the installation process on each node and verify that the tools have
been successfully installed by running their respective commands.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.14_install_tools.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Creating a new playbook that includes the “pre_tasks” section is easy. Simply make a
copy of the existing playbook and modify it as needed. When you run the new playbook,
the tasks specified under “pre_tasks” will be executed before the main playbook tasks.

This feature is particularly useful for ensuring that your system repository is up to date
before installing new packages.
By using “pre_tasks” in your playbook, you can ensure that any necessary updates
are applied before proceeding with the rest of the tasks. This helps to avoid potential
conflicts or errors that might occur if the system repository is not updated before
package installation.
Overall, “pre_tasks” can be a valuable tool in your Ansible playbook arsenal,
providing a way to perform important setup tasks before executing the main
playbook tasks.

$ cp 8.14_install_tools.yml 8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml
$ vi 8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml
$ cat 8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml
- hosts: all
  become: true
  pre_tasks: # mandates this play to run with priority.
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)

      upgrade: dist
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: install updates (Fedora)

      update_only: yes
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

#YAML folded block scalar

- name: Install useful Linux tools
  hosts: file_server
  become: true

    - name: Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages
          - htop
          - nmon
          - iftop
        state: latest

The playbook “8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml” consists of two plays, each with

a set of tasks to be executed on the target hosts. The first play targets all hosts and runs
with elevated privileges using become: true. It also includes a pre_tasks section that
ensures the target systems are up to date before proceeding with the rest of the playbook
tasks. This section has two tasks: one for Ubuntu and one for Fedora, which updates
the system’s package cache and applies any available upgrades using their respective
package managers.
The second play targets hosts belonging to the file_server group and also runs
with become: true. It installs three useful Linux tools, htop, nmon, and iftop, using the
package manager.
Make sure to run the playbook and verify that it’s working as expected.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Now, we want to make f38c1 ( and u23c1 ( database

servers running MariaDB.

$ vi inventory
$ cat inventory




Instead of creating the playbook from scratch, let’s use the last playbook as a base
and create our playbook to install MariaDB. This will save us time and reduce the risk
of typos.

$ cp  8.14_install_tools_w_pre_tasks.yml  8.14_install_mariadb.yml
$ vi 8.14_install_mariadb.yml
$ cat 8.14_install_mariadb.yml
- hosts: db_server # specify target group here
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

  pre_tasks: # mandates this play to run with priority.

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)

      upgrade: dist
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: install updates (Fedora)

      update_only: yes
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

#YAML folded block scalar

- name: Install useful Linux tools
  hosts: db_server # specify target group here
  become: true

    - name: Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages
          - htop
          - nmon
          - iftop
        state: latest

    - name: install mariadb package (Ubuntu) # install maridDB on

Ubuntu nodes
        name: mariadb-server # be careful with the package name
        state: latest
      when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

    - name: install mariadb package (Fedora) # install maridDB on

Fedora nodes
          - mariadb # be careful with the package names
          - mariadb-server # be careful with the package names
        state: latest
      when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

After executing the playbook, if your output is similar to or the same as the following
output, then your MariaDB installation on your DB servers has been completed

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.14_install_mariadb.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [db_server] **********************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [install updates (Ubuntu)] *******************************************
skipping: []
ok: []

TASK [install updates (Fedora)] *******************************************

skipping: []
ok: []

PLAY [Install useful Linux tools] *****************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install htop, nmon, and iftop packages] *****************************

ok: []
ok: []

TASK [install mariadb package (Ubuntu)] ***********************************

skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [install mariadb package (Fedora)] ***********************************

skipping: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************            : ok=5    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0            : ok=5    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0

8.15 Check Services from the Control Node

To check the newly installed DB service, you can go to the u20sn2 node and run the
“systemctl status” MariaDB command. However, if you want to check this from the
control machine (f38s1), you can create a simple Ansible playbook.

To create a new YAML playbook to start and check the status of the service, follow
these steps:

$ 8.15_check_db_service.yml

- hosts: db_server
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Start MariaDB service
    systemd: # Ansible module for Red Hat distros
      name: mariadb
      state: started
      enabled: true
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

  - name: Start MariaDB service

    service: # Ansible module for Debian distros
      name: mariadb
      state: started
      enabled: true
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: Check the status of the MariaDB service

    service_facts: # Ansible module
    register: service_state # Use register and debug to print out the
result on the screen
  - debug:

It is essential to learn how to write YAML playbooks, but it is equally important to

write them in a way that is suitable for you and your team. When writing playbooks, it’s
a good practice to add comments using the # symbol to explain tasks or provide context.
This can help you and your team better understand the playbook’s purpose and make
modifications or updates more manageable in the future.

Execute the playbook and observe for any errors or alerts to ensure that the service is
started successfully.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.15_check_db_service.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [db_server] **********************************************************

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [debug] **************************************************************
ok: [] => {
ok: [] => {

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************        : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0        : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

By now, you should be familiar with the various outputs provided by Ansible and
what each item value in the PLAY RECAP section means. Understanding these outputs is
always helpful in troubleshooting any issues that may arise while running your playbook.

8.16 Printing Output Using Ansible Debug Module

In Ansible, the ability to print output using the debug module is extremely useful for
troubleshooting playbook runs and ensuring optimal performance without errors. The
register and debug modules can also be used to check services from an Ansible playbook
by storing the output in a variable and then printing it using the debug module. This
allows for valuable information to be obtained during playbook runs, which can help in
maintaining and improving the performance of your playbook.

Let’s create a playbook to check the services running on the Fedora client node
belonging to the “db_server” group.

$ vi 8.16_check_fedora_services.yml

- hosts: db_server
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Checking service status
    command: systemctl status "{{ item }}"
    - sshd # service name is sshd for fedora
    - mariadb
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"
    register: service_state
    ignore_errors: yes # allows the playbook to continue executing even if
a task fails.

  - name: Display service state

     var: service_state

Run the playbook and observe the output you receive. You may notice some errors
for services that are not currently running on the servers.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.16_check_fedora_services.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Create a new playbook to check services running on the Ubuntu servers only by
using the first playbook as a base. Simply copy the file “8.16_check_fedora_services.yml”
and name it “8.16_check_ubuntu_services.yml” using the command “cp 8.16_check_
fedora_services.yml 8.16_check_ubuntu_services.yml”. Take special care with the service
names for Ubuntu as the OpenSSH service name is “ssh” instead of “sshd”.

$ cp 8.16_check_fedora_services.yml 8.16_check_ubuntu_services.yml
$ vi 8.16_check_ubuntu_services.yml
$ cat 8.16_check_ubuntu_services.yml
- hosts: db_server
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Checking service status
    command: systemctl status "{{ item }}"
    - ssh # service name changed to ssh for Ubuntu
    - mariadb # service name is the same as fedora
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
    register: service_state
    ignore_errors: yes # allows the playbook to continue executing even if
a task fails

  - name: Display service state

     var: service_state

Execute the playbook and verify that there are no unexpected errors or alerts.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.17_test_ignore_errors.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

We only have two more sections left in this chapter, and you deserve a well-deserved
break from your computer. It’s essential to take breaks in between your reading and lab
sessions and get plenty of water, fresh air, and sometimes a new perspective in life to
make the most of your pursuit of IT greatness.

8.17 Using “ignore_errors: yes” to Allow Playbook

Completion Despite Errors
In Ansible, the “ignore_errors” parameter is a helpful feature that allows a playbook to
continue executing even if some tasks encounter errors. This can be beneficial when you
expect certain errors to occur or when there are transient issues that do not need to stop
the playbook from running. Similar to Python’s “continue” syntax, this feature enables
the program to skip over errors and continue with execution.
For example, let’s say you have a task that tries to delete a file that may not exist.
Typically, this task would fail and interrupt the playbook execution. However, if
you specify “ignore_errors: yes” for that task, the playbook will proceed and finish
successfully. The “ignore_errors: yes” parameter in Ansible works similarly to the
continue statement in Python, which allows you to skip over an iteration in a loop if a
particular condition is met without stopping the loop itself.
It’s important to exercise caution when using “ignore_errors” because ignoring
errors can have unexpected consequences and create problems in the long run. It’s
recommended to use this feature only when necessary and to thoroughly test the
playbook after implementing it. It’s essential to assess the scenario and determine if
using this feature is appropriate based on the usage.

$ 8.17_test_ignore_errors.yml

- name: Test playbook for ignore_errors
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  become: true

    - name: Failing task
      ansible.builtin.command: /bin/DodgyApp

#      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Non-failing task

        msg: "Work hard, play hard, and always keep at school!"

To proceed, you can first execute the playbook without the “ignore_errors”
parameter by commenting it out with the “#” symbol. This will disable the line in the
YAML playbook. Then, carefully observe the output. You should encounter an error, and
your playbook will be interrupted without completely running the plays.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.17_test_ignore_errors.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Test playbook for ignore_errors] ************************************

TASK [Failing task] *******************************************************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

TARGETING NODES            : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0            : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0            : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

To activate the “ignore_errors” feature, simply remove the “#” symbol that was used
to comment it out in the previous step. The updated code should look like the example
shown here:

$ 8.17_test_ignore_errors.yml

- name: Test playbook for ignore_errors
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  become: true

    - name: Failing task
      ansible.builtin.command: /bin/DodgyApp
      ignore_errors: yes

    - name: Non-failing task

        msg: "Work hard, play hard, and always keep at school!"

If you run the same playbook again with the “ignore_errors” parameter activated,
any errors encountered will be ignored, and the playbook will continue to execute all the
tasks in the play.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.17_test_ignore_errors.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Test playbook for ignore_errors] ************************************

TASK [Failing task] *******************************************************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_
interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/
DodgyApp", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/bin/DodgyApp'",
"rc": 2, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_
lines": []}

TASK [Non-failing task] ***************************************************

ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Work hard, play hard and always keep at school!"
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Work hard, play hard and always keep at school!"
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Work hard, play hard and always keep at school!"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************            : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=1            : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=1            : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=1

Congratulations, now you have learned how to use “ignore_errors” to your advantage
in Ansible playbooks. However, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before using this
feature in your playbook. Ignoring errors can have unintended consequences and create
problems in the long run, so it’s recommended to use this feature only when necessary
and to thoroughly test the playbook after implementing it.

8.18 Install Samba and Create a Samba User

on the Fedora Client Using a Playbook
Samba is a fantastic software that facilitates sharing of files and printers between Linux
and Windows systems on a network. On Fedora Linux, Samba can be installed as a file
server, allowing Samba users to access shared files and directories. It should be noted
that the Samba user accounts are separate from the Linux user accounts. It supports
multiple protocols such as SMB, CIFS, and FTP and can integrate with authentication
systems like Active Directory. Samba promotes easy file sharing and collaboration
among network users, making it ideal for personal and some business applications. For
full functioning, the typical ports used for Samba file sharing – 137, 138, 139, and 445 –
must be open in any firewalls running on the server or client machines.
Here, let’s complete our chapter by installing the Samba package on f38c1 (a
member of the file_server group). The package name is Samba, and we also need to add
the task of creating a SambaShare group, a Samba user, and a password. Please create
the following playbook:

$ vi 8.18_install_samba.yml
$ cat 8.18_install_samba.yml

- name: Install and enable Samba on Fedora and create a Samba user account

  hosts: file_server
  become: true
    - community.general

    - name: Install Samba packages
        name: [samba, samba-client] # Note, we are using the list method
        state: present

    - name: Enable Samba service

      ansible.builtin.systemd: # We need systemd module for Fedora
        name: smb # service name is smb
        state: started # Ensure that the service is started
        enabled: yes # start at start-up

    - name: Ensure sambashare group exists
        name: sambashare
        state: present

    - name: Create Samba user account

      ansible.builtin.user: # 'user' is an Ansible module
        name: sambajdoe
        password: "{{ 'Super5cretPassw0rd' | password_hash('sha512_crypt',
'SaltyFish') }}"
        shell: /sbin/nologin
        groups: sambashare
        append: yes

    - name: Add sambajdoe to smbpasswd file

      ansible.builtin.command: echo -ne "Super5cretPassw0rd\
nSuper5cretPassw0rd\n" | smbpasswd -a -s sambajdoe

When you execute the preceding playbook, you may notice an annoying
[DEPRECATION WARNING] message. Ansible kindly informs us of what to do to
suppress this message.


$  ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.18_install_samba.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [Create Samba user account] ******************************************
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Encryption using the Python crypt module is
deprecated. The Python crypt module is
deprecated and will be removed from Python 3.13. Install the passlib
library for continued encryption
functionality. This feature will be removed in version 2.17. Deprecation
warnings can be disabled by setting
deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
changed: []

TASK [Add sambajdoe to smbpasswd file] ************************************

changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************            : ok=6    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

To open the “ansible.cfg” file and add the last line as shown here, use a text editor
such as vi or any other preferred editor:

$ vi ansible.cfg
$ cat ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
deprecation_warnings=False # Suppress any deprecation warnings in the play

To confirm that the deprecation message no longer appears, execute the “8.18_
install_samba.yml” playbook one last time in this chapter. If the “ignore_warnings”
parameter was correctly set in the “ansible.cfg” file, you should not see the deprecation
message anymore.


$  ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 8.18_install_samba.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [Create Samba user account] ******************************************
ok: []

TASK [Add sambajdoe to smbpasswd file] ************************************

changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************            : ok=6    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Configuring the Samba server is beyond the scope of this lesson, as this was a simple
demonstration of how to install different packages using groups. You have now learned
how to install services and check their status, all from the comfort of the control node.
If you are interested in configuring the Samba server on Ubuntu, feel free to read the
next TIP.

Bring your old or neglected PC/laptop/NUC back to life.

Give it a purpose as a Samba server for efficient file sharing and storage.
The issue of overconsumption and e-waste is becoming more pressing as
technology advances at a rapid pace. Most people buy new devices, such as laptops
or phones, when their old ones are still in good condition. This behavior results in an
enormous amount of electronic waste that is harmful to the environment. Instead of
contributing to this problem, repurposing old computers can be a solution.
In the IT industry, it is well known that technology has a life span, which means
that certain devices become obsolete within a few years. However, there are still
people who appreciate the value of old technology and collect vintage laptops or
computers. Instead of letting these devices gather dust in a corner, why not put
them to good use?
One way to repurpose old computers is to turn them into home file servers. A
file server is a computer that stores files, such as photos or documents, and
allows them to be accessed by other devices on a network. With the help of some
simple steps, it is easy to set up a Samba server on an old PC, laptop, Next Unit of
Computing (NUC, see Figure 8-6), or Raspberry Pi.
Both Fedora and Ubuntu are Linux-based operating systems that are commonly
used in servers. The main author’s blog provides an excellent guide on how to
install Ubuntu and set up a Samba server. The Samba server allows you to transfer
files from your phone or computer and store them safely on the old device. With
the prices of SSDs at an all-time low, you can create a very quiet and energy-
efficient file server system that runs in the background, waiting for you to upload
and share files. Why pay for public cloud storage when you can build your own
at home?

Figure 8-6. Repurpose an old Intel NUC as a Samba server
Setting up a file server from an old computer can be an exciting weekend project
that not only repurposes a device that would otherwise be discarded but also
provides a useful and practical solution for storing important files. Moreover, it can
also be a fun learning experience that introduces you to the world of Linux and
server administration.

8.19 Summary
In this chapter, you have expanded your knowledge of Ansible by learning how to
improve your playbook, add more tasks, and target specific nodes. You have discussed
the importance of idempotency, familiarized yourself with Ansible error messages,
and used the verbose mode. Additionally, you have covered conditional statements,
playbook refactoring, and error handling to ensure your plays are complete. This chapter
is one of the most significant chapters, and it is expected that you grasp and comprehend
as much as possible. If you are struggling with any part of the chapter, take your time to
understand it.
To put these concepts into practice, we have demonstrated how to install Samba
and create a Samba user on a Fedora client using a playbook. By understanding these
concepts, you can create efficient and effective playbooks that can automate various
tasks on multiple hosts. With this knowledge, you can streamline your processes and
save valuable time and effort.


Learning Ansible
Basic Concepts III: Git,
Tags, Managing Files,
and Services
In this chapter, we delve into some more basic concepts in Ansible, including using
GitHub to upload and share your playbooks or backing up your important work files. You
will start with a step-by-step guide on how to get started with GitHub, create and upload
playbooks, and utilize the cowsay feature. Next, we explore the Ansible tag concept,
which allows you to selectively run specific tasks in a playbook, saving you time and
improving performance. We then move on to managing files and services with Ansible,
demonstrating how to create and update text files and configure services like Apache
HTTP Server. Finally, we round off the chapter by illustrating how to copy and update
text files with an Ansible playbook, which makes it easier to manage multiple servers.
This chapter is dynamite as it also introduces you to some more Linux applications, such
as neofetch, and exposes you to write a simple Python application to be integrated and
used with an Ansible playbook at the end of this chapter. Whether you’re new to Ansible
or an experienced user, this chapter provides valuable insights and techniques to help
you better manage your infrastructure.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

When working with programming languages, it’s essential to have a strategy for
version controlling your files. This becomes even more critical when working in a team
environment. Version control tools enable developers to track changes to source code
over time, collaborate with other developers, and manage different versions of their
code. In 2005, Linus Torvalds created Git, a distributed version control system designed
to replace the proprietary BitKeeper system. Git has become the most widely used
version control tool for source code management. Popular platforms such as GitHub,
GitLab, Bitbucket, GitKraken, SourceForge, AWS CodeCommit, and Azure DevOps are all
built on top of Git.
While this book is not primarily focused on software development, it’s important to
be familiar with at least one version control tool. GitHub is one of the most popular tools
and offers free access after account registration. It allows developers to upload, store,
and practice version control on a free account. With GitHub, you can create repositories,
manage branches, commit changes, and collaborate with others through pull requests.
By familiarizing yourself with Git and GitHub, you can easily manage your code,
collaborate with others, and ensure the integrity of your code over time.

Getting Started with GitHub

GitHub is a powerful tool that can be used to upload, download, and version control
your code using its web interface. However, you can also use Git commands from the
command line to manage your repositories. Table 9-1 shows some Git commands that
you can use to interact with your GitHub repository.

Table 9-1. Basic Git commands

Git command Description

git clone Clones a Git directory from the remote GitHub repository onto your
local machine
git status Displays the status of the files in your local repository, showing any
uncommitted changes
git diff file_name Displays the differences between the current version of the file in
your local repository and the most recent commit to the repository

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Table 9-1. (continued)

Git command Description

git add file_name Adds a file to the staging area in your local repository, which
prepares it for committing
git commit -m “message” Commits the changes in the staging area to your local repository
with a descriptive commit message
git push origin main Sends the changes from your local repository to the remote GitHub
repository on the main branch
git pull Pulls the most recent changes from the remote GitHub repository
down to your local repository

By using these Git commands in Table 9-1, you can perform the basic GitHub
repository management from the command line. Whether you’re working on a team
project or just want to keep track of changes to your code, Git and GitHub provide
powerful tools for version control and collaboration.
The first step to getting started with GitHub is to create an account using your email
address. Here’s a quick guide to help you create your account and start using GitHub:
Step 1: If you don’t already have a GitHub account, go to
and create one by providing your email address, username, and password.
Step 2: Once you’ve successfully created your account, you can log in using your
credentials and begin exploring the platform’s many features. To create your first repository
on GitHub, navigate to the top right corner of the page and click on the “+” icon, as shown in
Figure 9-1. From the drop-down menu, select “New repository” to begin the setup process.
This will allow you to define the repository’s name, description, and other important details.

Figure 9-1. Create a new GitHub repository 1

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 3: As shown in Figure 9-2, provide a name and brief description for your
repository, and select whether you want it to be public or private. This choice will
determine who can view and contribute to your repository.

Figure 9-2. Create a new GitHub repository 2

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

We have selected “public” for full visibility, as we plan to share this project with our
readers. However, it’s important to take the time to consider the nature of your project
and the level of access you want to grant to others before making your decision. By
selecting the appropriate visibility setting, you can ensure that your code is accessible to
the right audience and protected from unwanted access.

9.1 Creating and Uploading Playbooks to GitHub,

Featuring cowsay
Now that we have a GitHub account and a brand-new repository to store our playbooks
and other files, it’s time to create two directories for this exercise. We’ll create a “ch09”
directory as our working directory and a “repo1” directory to be used as our GitHub
base directory. In this exercise, we’ll create a base directory with the same name as
the GitHub repository to keep things simple. We’ll also create a few files along the way,
starting with the installation of cowsay on our control machine (f38s1) and the creation
of a cowsay01.txt file. Next, we’ll create a new ansible.cfg, inventory, and playbook files
before executing the playbook to create three extra files that gather system information
about our client nodes’ OS using neofetch.
The grand plan for this section is to have some fun with cowsay, neofetch, and
GitHub. You can pick up on different components of GitHub and make this exercise
more visible and interesting.
Step 1: Create new directories named “ch09” and “repo1” on your Ansible Control
Machine (f38s1) and enter the commands provided to follow along with the exercise.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch09 repo1

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd ch09
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ pwd

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ sudo dnf install cowsay -y

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cowsay "Learning Ansible is fun!" > cowsay01.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cowsay "Learning Ansible is fun!"

You will need to install cowsay on your control machine to see Figure 9-3 on your
screen. The same package will be used to display the ASCII art when you execute your
playbooks in Ansible.

Figure 9-3. cowsay learning Ansible is fun!

Step 2: Create a new ansible.cfg file and a new inventory file, as shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cat ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
# nocows = 1 # The default is 0 or enabled. Remove ‘#’ to disable cowsay,
cow_selection = random # the cowsay ASCII art characters will randomly change
forks=30 # The default parallel forked processes is 5. The maximum number
of parallel processes

Step 3: Create a new inventory file and simplify the servers based on their OS
distribution type. Add them under the parent group “Linux”.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cat inventory


Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[fedora] # a client node group for Fedora

f38c1 ansible_host= # When the ansible_host parameter is
used, we can specify the hostname, when the playbook runs, the hostname is
displayed. If DNS is available, we can also use DNS or another option is to
use Linux host files, but this is a lot easier.

[ubuntu] # a client node group for Ubuntu

u23c1 ansible_host=
u23c2 ansible_host=

[linux:children] # Assign children groups under this main group


Step 4: Create a simple playbook named “9.1_install_neofetch.yml” to install a

system information tool, neofetch.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.1_install_neofetch.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls
9.1_install_neofetch.yml  ansible.cfg  inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.1_install_neofetch.yml
- name: Install and run neofetch command # Playbook name
  hosts: all # Target hosts
  gather_facts: false # Disable fact gathering
  become: true # Become root user to run tasks
    - ansible.builtin

    - name: Install neofetch package # Task name
      package: # Ansible package module
        name: neofetch # Package name to install
        state: present # Ensure the package is installed

    - name: Run neofetch command and save output # Task name
      shell: neofetch # Run neofetch command
      register: neofetch_output # Capture the output of the command

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

      delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" # Delegate the task to each

host individually

    - name: Save neofetch output to file on Control Machine # Task name
      local_action: # Run action on the control machine, not the
target hosts
        module: copy # Ansible copy module
        content: "{{ neofetch_output.stdout }}" # Copy the output of the
neofetch command
        dest: "./neofetch_output_{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt" # Save the
output to a file, appending the hostname of each client node to the
filename in the current working directory

In the preceding playbook, we are simplifying module names with the “collections”
keyword, which lets us to define a list of collections that our playbook should search for
unqualified module and action names. In our case, it is the “ansible.builtin” collection
which is part of ansible-core, so you can use the collections keyword and then simply
refer to short-form names of modules throughout our playbook (source: https://
If you need to save the output of the preceding playbook on each client node instead
of the Ansible Control Machine, please refer to the following tip.


Do you want to save the output on the client nodes?

In the “9.1_install_neofetch.yml” playbook, we used “delegate_to:” and “local_
action:” to copy the output and save it in the control machine’s local directory.
However, if you want to save the files on each client machine as well, you can
append the following playbook. After executing the playbook once again, it will
also save the output from the neofetch command to the /tmp/ directory. The main
difference between the two playbooks is the use of a different module.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

    - name: Save neofetch output to file on client nodes

      copy: # runs the copy on the client node, not on Control Machine
        content: "{{ neofetch_output.stdout | trim }}"
        dest: "/tmp/neofetch_output{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt"

Step 5: Execute the playbook to create three additional files with information about
the client nodes’ system using the neofetch tool.

$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.1_install_neofetch.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...output omitted for brevity]

Step 6: Check the number of files in the /home/jdoe/ch09/ directory. After running
the last playbook successfully, you should now have seven files: ansible.cfg, inventory,
the 9.1_install_neofetch.yml playbook, cowsay01.txt, and three files with system
information for each client node created by the playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ll –lt

total 28
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2291 Apr 29 15:32 neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2451 Apr 29 15:32 neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2451 Apr 29 15:32 neofetch_output_u23c2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  756 Apr 29 15:31 9.1_install_neofetch.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  168 Apr 29 15:30 inventory
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  150 Apr 29 15:30 ansible.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  210 Apr 29 15:30 cowsay01.txt

Step 7: On your Ansible Control Machine, f38s1, retrieve your public key for id_ and copy it to the clipboard.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls
ch08  ch09
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls -a

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

.  ..  .ansible  .bash_history  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .
bashrc  ch08  .config  repo1  .ssh  .viminfo
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls .ssh
ansible  id_ed25519  known_hosts  known_
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat .ssh/
u+yuU jdoe default

Step 8: Navigate to GitHub and click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the
page. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”. Next, select “SSH and GPG keys” from
the menu on the left. Click on the “New SSH Key” button and add your SSH key, making
sure to include a descriptive title and the key itself, starting with “ssh-ed25519” or “ssh-
rsa”. See Figure 9-4 for an example.

Figure 9-4. Adding a new SSH key on GitHub

Step 9: Clone the Git repository onto your Ansible Control Machine by going to
the repository directory on GitHub and copying the SSH URL address, as shown in
Figure 9-5.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Figure 9-5. Copy the SSH URL address on GitHub

Step 10: Navigate to the home directory of jdoe and attempt to run the “git clone”
command. You will be prompted with a “command not found” error as git is not installed
by default on Fedora. Install the latest version of git using the command “sudo dnf install
git -y”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ pwd

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls
ch08  ch09
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ git clone
-bash: git: command not found
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ sudo dnf install git -y
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[...installation output omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ git --version
git version 2.40.1

Step 11: Now, run the “git clone” command again using the SSH URL copied in step
9. Make sure the passphrase for your id_ed25519 key, created in an earlier chapter, is
correct and functioning. If you have forgotten the passphrase you entered, then you will
need to reset it by referring to Chapter 6.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ git clone

Cloning into 'repo1'...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:+DiY3wvvV6TuJJhbpZisF/
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of
known hosts.
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ll
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr 28 18:31 ch08
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 4096 Apr 29 15:32 ch09
drwxr-xr-x. 3 jdoe jdoe   35 Apr 29 16:09 repo1
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ll repo1/
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 38 Apr 29 16:09

Since we have a file in our repository, it will be downloaded from the
GitHub server in the cloud.
Step 12: Let’s quickly modify the file and update it from our Ansible
Control Machine. Your file should look like Figure 9-6.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cowsay "ANSIBLE IS AWESOME!" > repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat repo1/

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Figure 9-6. Update

Step 13: Use the “git diff” command to check the difference between the original file and the updated file on the local machine. Your output should look
similar to Figure 9-7 below.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git diff

Figure 9-7. Check the file difference

Step 14: Check the status using the “git status” command.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Changes not staged for commit:

  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Step 15: Use the “git add” command to add a single file. Note that the change will not
take place until we use the “git commit” command.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git add

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "My First git commit"

Author identity unknown

*** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global ""

  git config --global "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity.

Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'jdoe@f38s1.(none)')

Step 16: Git expects us to complete the missing configuration for the user email and
name. Please add your details carefully by following the commands:

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git config --global

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git config --global "John Doe"
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "My First git commit"

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[main 38a0a18] My First git commit

1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git push origin main
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 336 bytes | 336.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
   9c7ee95..38a0a18  main -> main

Step 17: Go to your GitHub page, refresh the browser, and check the
file, as shown in Figure 9-8.

Figure 9-8. Check the updated file

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 18: Move the ch09 directory to the repo1 directory and use the “git add .”
command to add all the files and directories. Don’t forget the “. ” or the period after the
git add command.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ mv ../ch09 .

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ ls
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git add .
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   ch09/9.1_install_neofetch.yml
        new file:   ch09/ansible.cfg
        new file:   ch09/cowsay01.txt
        new file:   ch09/inventory
        new file:   ch09/neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
        new file:   ch09/neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
        new file:   ch09/neofetch_output_u23c2.txt

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "My second git commit"

[main 591a800] My second git commit
7 files changed, 178 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 ch09/9.1_install_neofetch.yml
create mode 100644 ch09/ansible.cfg
create mode 100644 ch09/cowsay01.txt
create mode 100644 ch09/inventory
create mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
create mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
create mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_u23c2.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git push origin main
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************
Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.

Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 2.49 KiB | 510.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 10 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done.
   38a0a18..591a800  main -> main

Step 19: Go back to your GitHub page and verify that all the files in the ch09
directory have been successfully uploaded, as shown in Figure 9-9.

Figure 9-9. The GitHub repo1/ch09 directory

Step 20: Optionally, repeat the previous steps for the ch08 directory and upload it
to GitHub. The ch08 directory has already been moved under the /home/jdoe/repo1/
directory, and the last processes have been repeated to upload the ch08 directory with
all the playbooks and files from the previous chapter, as shown in Figure 9-10.

Figure 9-10. GitHub after uploading the ch08 directory and files

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 21: Here, you will learn how to delete files on GitHub. First, you need to remove
the three output files under the ch09 directory. Then, run the following Git commands:

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cd ch09

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls
9.1_install_neofetch.yml  ansible.cfg  cowsay01.txt  inventory  neofetch_
output_f38c1.txt  neofetch_output_u23c1.txt  neofetch_output_u23c2.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ rm -rf neofetch_output_* # Remove 3 system
information files
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls
9.1_install_neofetch.yml  ansible.cfg  cowsay01.txt  inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:

  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_u23c2.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git add ch09

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
        deleted:    ch09/neofetch_output_u23c2.txt

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "Fourth git commit, delete 3 files"

[main 48d01b2] Fourth git commit, delete 3 files
3 files changed, 124 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_f38c1.txt
delete mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_u23c1.txt
delete mode 100644 ch09/neofetch_output_u23c2.txt

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git push origin main

Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 292 bytes | 292.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
   33c842e..48d01b2  main -> main

Step 22: Check if the files have been deleted from your GitHub account, as shown in
Figure 9-11.

Figure 9-11. GitHub – after removing three system information files

Step 23: Create a file on GitHub and perform a pull action to confirm that the base
directory is in sync with the GitHub directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git pull

Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519': ***************
Already up to date.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 24: To ensure that the cowsay feature doesn’t interfere with your work, it’s
important to disable it. You can do this by removing the “#” from your inventory file.
Disabling cowsay will allow you to focus solely on the task at hand and ensure that your
progress is not impeded by unnecessary distractions. Your inventory file should look like
the following example:

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
nocows = 1 # Disable cowsay
# cow_selection = random # Redundant configuration, disabled

Congratulations on completing the mini GitHub basic training that featured cowsay!
Remember to save your files frequently to ensure that you always have the latest valid
copies on GitHub. This will help you avoid potential setbacks or loss of work. If you
have more time, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the extensive Git and
GitHub learning resources page available at the following URL: https://docs.github.
com/en/get-started/quickstart/git-and-github-learning-resources. By exploring
these resources, you can expand your knowledge of Git and GitHub and become more
proficient in using these powerful tools. With a deeper understanding of version control
and collaboration, you’ll be better equipped to manage your projects efficiently and
effectively. Keep up the good work!


What is neofetch?
Neofetch is a command-line utility that provides a wealth of information about
a Linux system in a single command. It displays details such as the Linux
distribution, kernel version, desktop environment, window manager, theme, and
icon set, as well as CPU and GPU information. Neofetch is highly customizable,
allowing users to modify its display options and add custom ASCII art or logos to

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

their output. It supports a variety of operating systems, including Linux, macOS,

and BSD, and is available in the repositories of many Linux distributions. With its
ease of use and comprehensive system information, Neofetch is a popular tool
among Linux users and system administrators. See Figure 9-12.

Figure 9-12. Neofetch system information example

9.2 Ansible Tags Explained

Every time you execute an Ansible playbook, you have to run it against all nodes. If you
use tags, you can specifically run the playbook on tagged (targeted) nodes. Tags add
some more flexibility to how the playbook is used in our plays, and this feature saves
time as you only need to run the set of playbooks at specific targets. In Ansible, tags are
used to selectively run specific tasks or plays within a playbook. Tags can be used to filter
tasks or plays by a particular label or name, making it easier to run specific parts of a
playbook or exclude certain tasks from being executed. Using tags in Ansible can help
you selectively run specific tasks or plays within a playbook, making it easier to manage
and maintain your automation workflows.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

To add a tag to a task or play, you simply add the “tags” parameter to the task or play
definition in your playbook. Here’s an example:

$ vi 9.2_tags.yml
$ cat 9.2_tags.yml

- hosts: all # Set hosts to target and become the root user
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)

    tags: always
      upgrade: dist # Upgrade all packages to the latest version
      update_cache: yes # Update the local package cache
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" # Only run on Ubuntu

  - name: install updates (Fedora)

    tags: always
      update_only: yes # Only update packages, don't install new ones
      update_cache: yes # Update the local package cache
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" # Only run on Fedora

- hosts: linux # Set hosts to target and become the root user
become: true

  - name: install apache2 & PHP packages for Ubuntu

    tags: ubuntu,apache  # Add tags for easy identification
        - apache2
        - libapache2-mod-php # Install Apache2 and PHP packages
      state: latest # Install the latest available version
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" # Only run on Ubuntu

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

  - name: install httpd & php packages for Fedora/CentOS

    tags: fedora,httpd  # Add tags for easy identification
        - httpd
        - php # Install HTTPD and PHP packages
      state: latest # Install the latest available version
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" # Only run on Fedora

This playbook is an example of using Ansible tags to selectively run specific tasks in
a playbook based on the tags defined for those tasks. Tags allow for better organization,
filtering, and selective execution of tasks in a playbook. The playbook has two plays: one
for updating packages and another for installing Apache2 and PHP packages on different
Linux distributions. The tasks in each play are tagged with specific tags, which enable
the selection and execution of only the tasks that have those tags. For instance, the first
play has tasks tagged with always, which means that these tasks will always be executed
regardless of any tag filters applied. The second play has tasks tagged with apache,
apache2, ubuntu, fedora, and httpd for easy identification and filtering.
During playbook execution, tags can be used to filter which tasks should be executed
based on their assigned tags. For example, executing only tasks tagged with ubuntu
will ensure that only tasks relevant to Ubuntu will be executed. This selective execution
feature is useful in cases where only a subset of tasks needs to be run, such as when
updating specific packages on certain hosts, without running other unrelated tasks.
Ansible tags in Ansible allow for better organization, filtering, and selective execution of
tasks in a playbook. The use of tags in this playbook enables the selection and execution
of only the relevant tasks based on their assigned tags.
To see the tags defined in an Ansible playbook, you can run the command “ansible-
playbook --list-tags <playbook.yml>”. This will list all the tags used in the playbook, along
with their description. You can also use tags to run a specific set of tasks in the playbook
by specifying the tags with the “--tags” option. For example, if you only want to run
tasks with the “apache” tag, you can use the command “ansible-playbook <playbook.
yml> --tags apache”. This can be useful when you want to run a subset of tasks in a
large playbook or when you want to skip certain tasks. Additionally, using tags in your
playbook can make it easier to organize and understand the tasks, especially when
dealing with complex playbooks.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

$ ansible-playbook --list-tags 9.2_tags.yml

playbook: 9.2_tags.yml

  play #1 (all): all        TAGS: []

      TASK TAGS: [always]

  play #2 (linux): linux        TAGS: []

      TASK TAGS: [apache, fedora, httpd, ubuntu]

To run specific tasks in an Ansible playbook, you can use tags. The “--tags” option is
used to run only the tasks with specific tags when running the playbook. For example,
if you want to run only the tasks with the “fedora” tag, you would use the following

$ ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml --tags fedora

This command would run only the tasks with the “fedora” tag and skip any other
tasks in the playbook.
You can also use the “--skip-tags” option to skip tasks with a specific tag. For
example, to skip tasks with the “apache” tag, you would use the following command:

$ ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml --skip-tags apache

Furthermore, you can add multiple tags to a task or play and use multiple tags when
running the playbook to execute only the tasks that have any of the specified tags. This
can help you to quickly and easily execute specific parts of your playbook based on
their tags.
Use the tag name “--tags fedora” to only run the playbook on Fedora servers.

$ ansible-playbook –tags fedora --ask-become-pass 9.2_tags.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

< TASK [install httpd & php packages for Fedora/CentOS] >
skipping: [u23c1] # skipped Ubuntu server
skipping: [u23c2] # skipped Ubuntu server

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

changed: [f38c1] # Executed on Fedora server only

[...omitted for brevity]

The preceding execution has two plays; the first play will execute on all servers with
the always tag, and the second play will only execute on the servers with the tag, fedora
only, and skip the Ubuntu servers which do not contain the specified tag.
Target more than single controlled nodes by using multiple tags separated by a
comma and enclosed in quotation marks, for example, “--tags “apache, httpd””.

$ ansible-playbook --tags "apache, httpd" --ask-become-pass 9.2_tags.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

< TASK [install apache2 & PHP packages for Ubuntu] >

skipping: [f38c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [u23c1]
< TASK [install httpd & php packages for Fedora/CentOS] >

skipping: [u23c1]
skipping: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

[...omitted for brevity]

Automating repetitive tasks with Ansible can save a significant amount of time and
effort in managing IT infrastructure. As you work with Ansible, take note of tasks that are
performed repeatedly, as they are prime candidates for automation. In this playbook, we
saw how tags could be used to run specific tasks on targeted nodes only, making it easier
to manage a large infrastructure with many nodes.
By automating repetitive tasks and using tags effectively, you can streamline your IT
operations, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of errors. Ansible also provides other
features like roles, templates, and modules that can help you automate more complex
tasks and manage infrastructure more effectively.
Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Moving on to managing files, you will learn how to use Ansible to copy, move, and
delete files and directories, as well as change their ownership and permissions. This will
further enhance your ability to automate infrastructure management and increase the
speed and efficiency of your IT operations.

9.3 Managing Files
When it comes to administering servers and network devices, file management is a
crucial aspect of the job. Often, IT professionals need to transfer files between different
nodes, whether it’s to update software, transfer data, or make backups. Fortunately,
Ansible playbooks can simplify this process by providing a streamlined method for
copying, uploading, and downloading files. There are several file management tasks that
Ansible can handle, including copying files to a server, uploading files to specific nodes,
and downloading files from the Internet.
To copy a file to a server, an IT professional can use Ansible to transfer the file to
a designated storage space on the target node. This allows for efficient and secure file
management across different nodes. Uploading files to controlled nodes can also be
done using Ansible. In this case, the IT professional can use the playbook to upload a file
to specific nodes, such as f38c1, u23c1, and u23c2, from the control node f38s1.
Finally, Ansible can also be used to download a zip file from the Internet, unpack
it, and install Terraform using a playbook. This can save time and streamline the
installation process for IT professionals who need to install Terraform on multiple
nodes. Overall, Ansible is a powerful tool for managing files between different nodes in a
network, making file management more efficient and less time-consuming.
Step 1: Create a directory to store files and then create a simple HTML file in the “/
home/jdoe/repo1/ch09/files” directory. The directory must be named “files” as Ansible
will be searching for this directory name by default. In other words, if you do not specify
the file storage path, Ansible will look for a directory named “files”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ mkdir files # Important! Name the directory as 'files'.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cd files

[jdoe@f38s1 files]$ pwd
/home/jdoe/repo1/ch09/files # take a note of the present working directory
[jdoe@f38s1 files]$ vi default_site.html

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[jdoe@f38s1 files]$ cat default_site.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <p>You're on a roll!</p>
        <p>Stay the course!</p>
        <p>Keep your nose to the grindstone!</p>

Step 2: Let’s copy and reuse the previous playbook to create a new one for this
section. You will append a new task to copy the HTML file and run the Ansible playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 files]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ pwd
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cp 9.2_tags.yml 9.3_copy_file.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.3_copy_file.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.3_copy_file.yml
[...omitted for brevity]

  - name: copy default html file to web servers

    tags: apache,httpd
      src: default_site.html # Ansible assumes source files are under the
"files" directory
      dest: /var/www/html/index.html # The file name does not have to be
the same
      owner: root # owner
      group: root # group
      mode: 0644 # permission

- hosts: fedora # target only fedora for this play

  become: true # run as the root user
  gather_facts: false # disable gather_facts to save time

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

  - name: Restart web services
    service: # use Ansible service module
      name: httpd # target service to restart
      state: restarted # restart the service

Step 3: Execute the Ansible playbook named 9.3_copy_file.yml to transfer the files
to the designated client nodes. Ensure that you have properly configured the playbook
to include the correct source and destination paths for the files you want to copy. Once
the playbook has been executed, you can verify that the files have been successfully
transferred by logging into the client nodes or web servers and checking the specified
destination directories.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.3_copy_file.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [copy default html file to web servers]

changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

f38c1   : ok=5   changed=1   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=2   
rescued=0   ignored=0
u23c1   : ok=5   changed=1   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=2   
rescued=0   ignored=0
u23c2   : ok=5   changed=1   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=2   
rescued=0   ignored=0

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 4: Create a new playbook to check whether the files have been successfully
uploaded to the client nodes or web servers.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.3_check_files.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.3_check_files.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: get contents of a file
    command: cat /var/www/html/index.html # command to run
    register: file_output # register read content
    become: true

  - name: View the file contents

    debug: # debug captuere message
      msg: "{{file_output.stdout .split('\n') }}" # by adding .split(‘\n’)
reads the output line by line

Step 5: Now, run the playbook with the -l option to target a specific group. Here, we
only want to run the playbook against the servers under the “fedora” device group. Since
we only have one server, f38c1, the play will only target this single device.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook -l fedora --ask-become-pass 9.3_check_

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all]

TASK [get contents of file]

changed: [f38c1]

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

TASK [View the file contents]

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "msg": [
        "<!DOCTYPE html>",
        "    <body>",
        "        <h1>ANSIBLE LEARNING DEFAULT PAGE</h1>",
        "        <p>You're on a roll!</p>",
        "        <p>Stay the course!</p>",
        "        <p>Keep your nose to the grindstone!</p>",
        "    </body>",

f38c1    : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Now run the “ansible-playbook -l ubuntu --ask-become-pass 9.3_check_files.yml”

command to check the files on Ubuntu Web Servers too.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook -l ubuntu --ask-become-pass 9.3_check_

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: Open your favorite web browser and check the new default web
page at the following URLs:,, and If you have followed each step, you should see a similar default
page to Figure 9-13.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Figure 9-13. Updated web page for testing

Step 7: If you restart the Fedora web server (f38c1) for any reason, the service will
stop because we have not yet enabled the service in our script. This is because we have
not yet issued the “systemctl enable httpd” command on the affected web server. Let’s
quickly write a reboot playbook and test our theory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.3_reboot.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.3_reboot.yml

- hosts: fedora  # target host group named fedora

become: yes  # run the playbook with superuser privileges
gather_facts: false
    - ansible.builtin

    - name: Reboot Fedora server
      reboot:  # The Ansible module
        reboot_timeout: 600  # The time in seconds to wait for the system
to reboot
        test_command: uptime  # test whether the system has rebooted

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

        connect_timeout: 60  # The timeout for establishing the SSH

connection to client nodes

After waiting for the server reboot to complete, as shown in Figure 9-14, the page is
not displayed correctly because the service is not enabled at startup. To fix this issue, we
need to enable the service. We will cover how to do this in the services section. For now,
let’s leave this issue as is and move on to the next step quickly.

Figure 9-14. The f38c1 web page after a system reboot

Step 8: Terraform is an open source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables
users to define, provision, and manage cloud infrastructure using a high-level
configuration language in a declarative manner. We want to explore Terraform’s
features, so we will install it on one of our client machines, f38c1, and assign it as the
Terraform server.
We have chosen Terraform installation because we need to download the source files
from HashiCorp’s official download page and install them on our machine. This can be
considered a type of file handling in Ansible. Let’s quickly create a playbook to install the
latest version of Terraform on our server. You don’t have to use the same version used
here (Terraform 15.5), but if a newer version is available, update the source address to
pull the files from the correct location to ensure you install the latest Terraform version.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.3_install_terraform.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.3_install_terraform.yml

- hosts: f38c1
  become: true

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

  gather_facts: false
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Install unzip
      name: unzip # Install unzip on f38c1

  - name: Install Terraform

      dest: /usr/local/bin # File destination directory
      remote_src: yes # Tell Ansible that this is a remote source
      owner: root
      group: root

As this book is not solely focused on Terraform, we will not go beyond the package
installation. However, if you have the time and resources to learn Terraform, it’s a
good idea to start from their official documentation site at
Step 9: Now execute the installation playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.3_install_

BECOME password: **************

PLAY [f38c1]

TASK [Install unzip]

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Install Terraform]


Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

changed: [f38c1]
[...ommitted for brevity]

f38c1   : ok=5   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

By successfully downloading and installing Terraform on your client nodes, you

have demonstrated the importance of Linux knowledge when working with Ansible.
As we have seen in Chapter 3, downloading files from the Internet is a common task in
automation, and this knowledge is critical when writing playbooks and testing Ansible.
These concepts are also essential when automating network devices.
By utilizing Ansible to automate tasks, we can apply the same principles of copying
files and installing software to our network infrastructure. In this way, we can manage
our network devices and cloud infrastructure consistently and reliably. The ability
to automate network infrastructure can improve network uptime, reduce errors, and
improve overall efficiency.
As you continue to explore Ansible and automation, you will see that the same core
principles apply to a variety of systems and technologies. By building your knowledge
of Linux and, by extension, automation strategies, you can create powerful, reliable, and
scalable automation solutions that can simplify complex tasks and help you to manage
your IT infrastructure more effectively.

9.4 Managing Services
Instead of manually logging into each client node and running individual commands,
our goal is to perform all administration tasks using Ansible playbooks. This approach
allows us to execute versatile ad hoc commands or write a playbook to accomplish the
desired task from the terminal console of the control server, f38s1. However, some tasks
may still require manual login to check the system or service status, and this particular
task is one such example. When SSHing into f38c1, we can see that the httpd service is in
a “disabled” state, which prevents the successful execution of the “systemctl status httpd”

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

In step 7 of Section 9.3, we left the web service broken after the system reboots, and
we will continue troubleshooting the issue here. Computer systems, whether running
on hardware, virtual machines, or the cloud, all function in a similar manner. The
differences between them lie in the services they provide to users. For our example, we
turned all three client nodes into web service servers in the previous section. However,
we noticed different behaviors between the two different OS types. Ubuntu runs and
enables the Apache web service automatically, but Fedora requires manual intervention.
Therefore, we had to add a section to start the services in our playbook, “9.3_copy_
Step 1: We will write a simple playbook that uses the command module in Ansible to
run a Linux command. By default, Ansible uses the client machine’s default shell when
executing commands.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.4_check_status_httpd.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.4_check_status_httpd.yml

- name: Check httpd status
  hosts: fedora
  become: true
  gather_facts: true # This is the default setting but only a
declarative line
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Run systemctl status command and store output in a variable
    command: systemctl status httpd # The command we want to run
    register: apache_status_output # save the output of the command saved
in a variable

  - name: Print httpd status

    debug: # prints the value of a variable
      var: apache_status_output.stdout_lines # specifies the variable to
be printed

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 2: Execute the playbook and review the output, paying attention to any errors
that may occur. In this case, the error message indicates that the “systemctl status httpd”
command returned a nonzero return code, specifically code 3, which indicates that the
httpd service is not currently active on the target host. When working with Ansible and
playbooks, it is common to encounter errors related to various issues. It is important
to get used to seeing errors from Ansible and be prepared to troubleshoot them to
successfully manage your infrastructure with Ansible.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.4_check_status_

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Check httpd status]


TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Run systemctl status command and store output in variable]

fatal: [f38c1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["systemctl",
"status", "httpd"], "delta": "0:00:00.033170", "end": "2023-04-30
14:15:56.811688", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 3, "start":
"2023-04-30 14:15:56.778518", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout":
"○ httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server\n     Loaded: loaded (/usr/
lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; preset: disabled)\n    Drop-
In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d\n             └─10-timeout-
abort.conf\n             /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.
service.d\n             └─php-fpm.conf\n     Active: inactive (dead)\n     
Docs: man:httpd.service(8)", "stdout_lines": ["○ httpd.service - The
Apache HTTP Server", "     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.
service; disabled; preset: disabled)", "    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/
system/service.d", "             └─10-timeout-abort.conf", "             /
usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d", "             └─php-fpm.conf",
"     Active: inactive (dead)", "       Docs: man:httpd.service(8)"]}

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

f38c1   : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 3: Before running the playbook again to check its status, you can try starting
the httpd service using the “systemctl start httpd” command. To ensure that the service
starts before running the playbook, let’s modify the code to include a task that starts the
service, followed by our original task to check its status.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.4_check_status_httpd.yml

- name: Check httpd status
  hosts: fedora
  become: true
  gather_facts: true # This is the default setting but only a
declarative line
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Start httpd service
      name: httpd
      state: started # httpd service must be started so you can run the
‘systemctl status httpd’ command

  - name: Run systemctl status command and store output in a variable
    command: systemctl status httpd # The command we want to run
    register: httpd_status_output # save the output of the command saved in
a variable

  - name: Print httpd status

    debug: # prints the value of a variable
      var: httpd_status_output.stdout_lines # specifies the variable to
be printed

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 4: After executing the preceding playbook, the service status changes to
“Active: active (running)”. However, the service “enabled” status remains “disabled”.
Consequently, if there is a reboot of the server, the service will not start automatically.
Optionally, you can log in to the “f38c1” client node and run “systemctl stop httpd”,
followed by “systemctl status httpd”. This will change the “Active: active (running)” status
to “Active: inactive (dead)”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.4_check_status_

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Check httpd status]


TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Start httpd service]

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Run systemctl status command and store output in variable]

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Print httpd status]

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "httpd_status_output.stdout_lines": [
        "● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server",
        "     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service;
disabled; preset: disabled)",
        "    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d",
        "             └─10-timeout-abort.conf",
        "             /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d",
        "             └─php-fpm.conf",

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

        "     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-04-30 14:26:46 AEST;

1s ago",
        "       Docs: man:httpd.service(8)",
        "   Main PID: 5415 (httpd)",
        "     Status: \"Started, listening on: port 80\"",
        "      Tasks: 177 (limit: 2296)",
        "     Memory: 13.5M",
        "        CPU: 107ms",
        "     CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.service",
        "             ├─5415 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5416 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5417 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5418 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             └─5419 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "Apr 30 14:26:45 f38c1 systemd[1]: Starting httpd.service - The
Apache HTTP Server...",
        "Apr 30 14:26:45 f38c1 httpd[5415]: AH00558: httpd: Could not
reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using
fe80::20c:29ff:fe45:a9db%ens160. Set the 'ServerName' directive
globally to suppress this message",
        "Apr 30 14:26:46 f38c1 systemd[1]: Started httpd.service - The
Apache HTTP Server.",
        "Apr 30 14:26:46 f38c1 httpd[5415]: Server configured, listening
on: port 80"

f38c1    : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 5: To ensure that the httpd service starts automatically at boot time, we can
add the parameter “enabled: yes” to our playbook. This will enable the service to start
automatically whenever the system reboots. The following is the updated version of the
9.4_check_status_httpd.yml playbook with the “enabled: yes” parameter:

$ vi 9.4_check_status_httpd.yml
$ cat 9.4_check_status_httpd.yml

- name: Check httpd status
  hosts: fedora
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: Start httpd service
      name: httpd
      state: started  # Ensure the service is in started state
      enabled: yes # the service or daemon is enabled to start
automatically at boot time

  - name: Run systemctl status command and store output in a variable
    command: systemctl status httpd
    register: httpd_status_output

  - name: Print httpd status

      var: httpd_status_output.stdout_lines

By adding “enabled: yes”, we are ensuring that the httpd service is not only started
but also enabled at boot time. This will ensure that the service is automatically started
whenever the system reboots without requiring any manual intervention.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 6: Execute the 9.4_enable_httpd.yml playbook, and you can verify that the
service has been enabled. Even after the system reboots, the httpd service will always
start at boot time. Carefully examine the output of the command. Note that the
“disabled” status for the httpd service may not be updated in the printout.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.4_check_status_

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Check httpd status]


TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Start httpd service]

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Run systemctl status command and store output in variable]

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Print httpd status]

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "httpd_status_output.stdout_lines": [
        "● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server",
        "     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service;
enabled; preset: disabled)",
        "    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d",
        "             └─10-timeout-abort.conf",
        "             /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d",
        "             └─php-fpm.conf",
        "     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-04-30 14:26:46 AEST;
1h 36min ago",
        "       Docs: man:httpd.service(8)",

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

        "   Main PID: 5415 (httpd)",

        "     Status: \"Total requests: 0; Idle/Busy workers
100/0;Requests/sec: 0; Bytes served/sec:   0 B/sec\"",
        "      Tasks: 177 (limit: 2296)",
        "     Memory: 13.5M",
        "        CPU: 2.932s",
        "     CGroup: /system.slice/httpd.service",
        "             ├─5415 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5416 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5417 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             ├─5418 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "             └─5419 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND",
        "Apr 30 14:26:45 f38c1 systemd[1]: Starting httpd.service - The
Apache HTTP Server...",
        "Apr 30 14:26:45 f38c1 httpd[5415]: AH00558: httpd: Could not
reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using
fe80::20c:29ff:fe45:a9db%ens160. Set the 'ServerName' directive
globally to suppress this message",
        "Apr 30 14:26:46 f38c1 systemd[1]: Started httpd.service - The
Apache HTTP Server.",
        "Apr 30 14:26:46 f38c1 httpd[5415]: Server configured, listening
on: port 80"

f38c1   : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Ansible’s service modules, including systemd, service, upstart, launchctl, openrc,

rcng, runit, system-analyze, system-journal, and initctl, are not only crucial for
managing server infrastructure but also play a vital role in network device configuration
management and administration. Many vendors, including Cisco, Palo Alto, Fortinet,
and others, provide Ansible modules for their network devices, allowing for automated

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

management and configuration. Ansible’s service modules enable the automation of

service management tasks that would otherwise require manual intervention, saving
time and reducing human error. The modules allow for the management of services in
different states, such as started, stopped, enabled, and disabled, ensuring consistency
across multiple devices.
In addition to service management, Ansible’s automation capabilities extend to
network device configuration management and administration, making it a versatile
tool for network infrastructure management. Ansible’s network modules enable the
automation of device configuration, enabling quick and efficient configuration changes
across multiple devices. By using Ansible for network infrastructure management,
network administrators can ensure consistency across their devices, reduce errors, and
increase the efficiency of their operations. The importance of understanding the various
states of services and device configuration management cannot be overstated, as it helps
maintain the uptime of network infrastructure and prevents disruptions.

9.5 Copying and Updating Text Files

with Ansible Playbook
In this section, we’ll explore how Ansible can be used to automate the process of
updating a text file on a single client node (f38c1). Manually updating configuration
files on multiple systems can be a tedious and time-consuming task, which is why
automation is a critical component in system administration. With Ansible, we can
leverage the line module with regular expressions to search for and update specific text
within a file.
In this example, we’ll update the ServerAdmin email address in the httpd.conf
file and restart the service to implement the change. While we’ll be working with a
single server for this demonstration, imagine having to update 50 web servers httpd.
conf files with the same information – the time savings and reduction in workload for
administrators can be significant.
To begin, we’ll create a playbook to fetch the httpd.conf file from the client node
(f38c1) and identify the line in the text file that we want to update. Our playbook will
copy the httpd.conf file from the client machine’s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf directory
and save it on our Ansible Control Machine.
Step 1: Create a new playbook to copy a file from the client node. To begin, we need
to create an Ansible playbook that will copy the target file from the client node to our
Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Ansible Control Machine. This playbook will use the fetch module to copy the file and
save it in the current working directory of the control machine. With this playbook, we
can easily make a copy of the target file from any number of client nodes without having
to manually copy the file from each server.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.5_copy_file.yml

- name: Copy httpd.conf file from edora to a local directory

  hosts: fedora # fedora group devices
gather_facts: false
  - ansible.builtin

    - name: Copy httpd.conf file
      fetch: # Ansible module
        src: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # file to copy
        dest: ./ # copy the file to the current working directory
        flat: yes # copy the file to the destination directory on the
control node without creating a directory structure

Step 2: Run the “9.5_copy_file.yml” playbook to copy the file from the client node to
the control machine.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.5_copy_file.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Copy httpd.conf file from fedora to local directory]


TASK [Copy httpd.conf file]

changed: [f38c1]

f38c1    : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0
Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 3: Now that we have the file in our Ansible Control Machine, f38s1, let’s open it
using the “set number” option in vi, which will provide us with line numbers. This will
help us locate the ServerAdmin email address and observe what the line looks like. Our
goal is to update this information on the client node, f38c1.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls -lh httpd.conf

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 12K Apr 30 17:25 httpd.conf
[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi -c "set number" httpd.conf
[...omitted for brevity]
87 # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
88 # e-mailed.  This address appears on some server-generated pages, such
89 # as error documents.  e.g.
90 #
91 ServerAdmin root@localhost # Target text to update, want to update the
email address
93 #
94 # ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to
identify itself.
95 # This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend
you specify
96 # it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
97 #
98 # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP
address here.
99 #
100 #ServerName
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: Now that we have located our target text to replace, let’s write another
playbook to update the email address of ServerAdmin. After updating the text, we need
to restart the service to make the changes take effect. We will add the necessary lines to
restart the httpd service on the client node.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.5_update_email.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.5_update_email.yml

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

- hosts: fedora  # Run only on hosts in the fedora group

  become: true  # Run tasks with privilege escalation to become root
    - ansible.builtin

  - name: change the e-mail address for httpd admin  # Task name
    tags: apache,fedora,httpd  # Tags for task
      path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  # Path of file to update
      regexp: '^ServerAdmin'  # Regular expression to locate line beginning
with "ServerAdmin"
      line: ServerAdmin  # Replacing line
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"  # Only run this task if the OS
is Fedora
    register: httpd  # Register this task's result as "httpd"

  - name: restart httpd for Fedora  # Task name

    tags: apache,fedora,httpd # Tags for task
      name: httpd  # Name of the service to restart
      state: restarted  # Restart the service
    when: httpd.changed  # Only run this task if the "httpd" task changed
the file

The regular expression used here is “^ServerAdmin”. This pattern matches any line
that begins with the string “ServerAdmin”, where the ^ (caret) symbol is used to match
the beginning of a line that starts with the string “ServerAdmin”. Since this is running on
Linux, the string search is case-sensitive. However, if you need to do a case-insensitive
regular expression search in Ansible, you can use the “(?i)” option key. For example,
“(?i)^ServerAdmin”. But this is not necessary for our use case since after reviewing the
contents of our file, we found that there is only a single line that begins with the string
“ServerAdmin”. The “line” module’s parameter will replace the matched line with the
new information.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

It’s important to note that if you’re new to regular expressions, it may take some time
to get used to the syntax and meanings behind their metacharacters. Learning regular
expressions can be challenging, but it’s a valuable skill to have. As the saying goes, “No
pain, no gain.” To become proficient in using regular expressions, you’ll need to put in
many hours of practice and study. Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut or easy way to learn
it. You are the only person who can put in the effort and dedication required to master
this skill.
Step 5: Execute the playbook named 9.5_update_email.yml to update the email alias
of the ServerAdmin.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.5_update_email.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all]

PLAY [fedora]

TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [change e-mail address for httpd admin]

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [restart httpd for Fedora]

changed: [f38c1]

f38c1     : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 6: Use the “mv” command to rename the httpd.conf file to httpd.conf.back
to mark it as a backup or redundant file. This is done in case we want to compare the
original file with the updated file of the same name, so the original file does not get
overwritten with the new file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ mv httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls -lh httpd*

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 12K Apr 30 17:25 httpd.conf.bak

Step 7: Run playbook 9.5_copy_file.yml one more time to copy the updated file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.5_copy_file.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Copy httpd.conf file from f38c1 to local directory]


TASK [Copy httpd.conf file]

changed: [f38c1]

f38c1     : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 8: If you check the files starting with the word httpd, now we should have two
files as shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls -lh httpd*

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 12K Apr 30 18:01 httpd.conf

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 12K Apr 30 17:25 httpd.conf.bak

Step 9: To do a final check, run a simple diff command to compare the old file
(httpd.conf.bak) and the new file (httpd.conf ). If the result is the same as shown in the
following, it indicates that the email update has been successful.

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ diff httpd.conf.bak httpd.conf

< ServerAdmin root@localhost
> ServerAdmin

Step 10: To verify the changes made to line 91, run the command “vi -c “set number”
httpd.conf” once again and confirm that the line number is updated as expected. See
Figure 9-15.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi -c "set number" httpd.conf

Figure 9-15. Email updated httpd.conf on f38c1

The following exercise is an optional component, but it will teach you how to create
an external script and integrate it with an Ansible playbook to increase the capabilities
of Ansible. When we combine Ansible with other applications written in programming
languages, it becomes an even more powerful tool. In step 9, we saw the Linux diff in

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

action, and the result was rather boring. Here, we will create a Python application that
compares the same two files and outputs the result to an HTML file, which compares the
output side by side for easy comparison. This Python application will use Python’s difflib
to turn the comparison result into a single HTML file to be opened in your web browser.
The Python script used here will be reused during our network automation
playbooks in later chapters, so please follow along to learn how to run an external
Python application from a playbook and double the power of Ansible.
Step 11: Let’s create a Python application called “” that will compare
two files and output the result to an HTML file. Even if you don’t understand Python,
please follow along, as you ought to learn it in the near future. The code explanation is
embedded in the script, and you can either download “” from the author’s
GitHub page or write each line in a text editor such as vi. The choice is yours.


Use this command to download “” to save time:

curl -O

You can also create this Python application by typing them in vi and saving the file
with a .py extension, like this:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat

import difflib

# File names variables

file01 = "httpd.conf.bak"
file02 = "httpd.conf"

# Read the contents of the first file

with open(f'./{file01}', 'r') as f1:
    file1_contents = f1.readlines()

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

# Read the contents of the second file

with open(f'./{file02}', 'r') as f2:
    file2_contents = f2.readlines()

# Compute the differences between the files with PEP8 column with of 79
differences = difflib.HtmlDiff(wrapcolumn=79).make_file(file1_contents,

# Write the differences to an HTML file

with open(f'./{file01}_{file02}_compared.html', 'w') as html_file:

Step 12: Python 3 is already installed on your Fedora 38 server (f38s1), and the
Python 3 difflib library is included in the Python 3 standard library, so there’s no need
to install it separately with pip. Let’s create an Ansible playbook to run the preceding
Python application,, from the local machine. While you could simply
run “python3” in this case, our goal is to teach you how to execute an
external application written in another programming language. This knowledge will
allow you to integrate external tools to trigger tasks that cannot be achieved by Ansible
alone. Although Ansible is a highly versatile tool, it is not always perfect or completely
customizable for any scenario.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ vi 9.5_diff2html.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cat 9.5_diff2html.yml

- name: Run
  hosts: localhost # run on the local machine (f38s1)
  become: true
    - ansible.builtin

    - name: Run
      command: python3 ./ # runs script to compare two
files and output the result to an HTML file

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

Step 13: Execute the playbook. Ensure that all of the files are in the same directory as
we are using the ./ directory; you can change the file paths as you wish if you want to be
more specific with the location of the file paths.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass 9.5_diff2html.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Run]


TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [localhost]

TASK [Run]

changed: [localhost]

localhost     : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 14: After successfully executing the playbook, you should find an additional file
that starts with “httpd” and is named “httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_compared.html”. This
file contains the comparison output of the two files in HTML format.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ ls -lh httpd*

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  12K Apr 30 18:01 httpd.conf

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe  12K Apr 30 17:25 httpd.conf.bak
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 122K May  1 22:24 httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_

Step 15: To transfer the output file of the comparison, “httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_

compared.html”, from the Fedora server to your Windows 11 host machine, you can use
the SFTP protocol via a file transfer client like WinSCP. If you don’t have it installed yet,

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

you can download the latest version of WinSCP from their website (https://winscp.
net/eng/downloads.php) and install it on your PC. After that, you can use WinSCP to log
into the server with the credentials of the “jdoe” user and navigate to the directory where
the compared.html file is located. Finally, simply drag and drop the file to a local folder
on your Windows machine, as shown in Figure 9-16.

Figure 9-16. WinSCP drag and drop httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_compared.html

Step 16: Open the httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_compared.html file in your web

browser to view the differences. Python’s difflib library is simple yet powerful, producing
an easily identifiable cross-checking method, as shown in Figure 9-17.

Figure 9-17. Open httpd.conf.bak_httpd.conf_compared.html on the web browser

The purpose of the preceding exercise was to introduce the concept of writing
an external application in another programming language to complement Ansible’s
features. Although Ansible is a powerful tool, it has some limitations when it comes to
customization for certain scenarios. It is not intended to be used for the automation of
every task, and there will be situations where Ansible’s capabilities may fall short of the
user’s expectations, requiring the use of an external application.
Ansible’s limitations in customization stem from the fact that it is a high-level tool
designed to simplify the process of managing IT infrastructure. However, this comes at

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

the cost of not being the most customizable and comprehensive solution. There may
be scenarios where Ansible cannot cover 100% of the system and network automation
requirements, leaving the need for an external tool.
Therefore, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Ansible
when considering it for automation. While Ansible is great for repetitive, predictable
tasks, it may not be the best solution for more complex or customized automation. In
such cases, writing an external tool or using other automation tools may be necessary to
achieve the desired level of automation.

9.6 Use GitHub to Back Up Your Files

Use what you have learned in the section “Getting Started with GitHub” and make
backups of all your files to your GitHub repository. This will give you another practice
run and consolidate what you have learned in this chapter.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch09]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ pwd
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
[...omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git add .
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "Upload ch09"
[...omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git push origin main
[...omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Congratulations on completing part 3 of Ansible basic concepts in this book! There

is only one more chapter left on Ansible’s basic concepts, and then we will dive right into
the practicals of network automation. If you have made it this far and have completed
all of the tasks, you are almost there! Now it’s time to start working on simple network
automation using Ansible. However, we would like to remind you that automation is

Chapter 9 Learning Ansible Basic Concepts III: Git, Tags, Managing Files, and Services

easier said than done, especially when dealing with a mix of legacy and new products
coexisting in the production network. To add to the complexity, there is an urgency to
move everything into the cloud, and the tools required for automation in different cloud
environments can vary. In these changing times, it is important to learn the concepts of
automation and how to apply your ideas using different tools. As they say, the tools are
only as good as the handyman. We have a plethora of different automation tools, but
there is no single tool that fits all bills. Therefore, you need to be willing to learn and be
equipped with several tools, including learning a couple of programming languages,
so that you can write, decode, and use them in real production environments. You
have gained essential knowledge and techniques that will enable you to manage your
infrastructure more efficiently. By completing Ansible’s basic concepts III and moving
on to Chapter 10, you will be one step closer to becoming an Ansible expert who can
automate complex tasks and manage infrastructure more effectively. So keep going and
enhance your skills!

9.7 Summary
This chapter covered a variety of key concepts related to Ansible playbooks, equipping
you with the essential knowledge to manage your infrastructure more effectively. We
started with an exploration of GitHub, learning how to create a repository to store your
Ansible playbooks. From there, we moved on to the use of the cowsay tool to create a
simple playbook and upload it to GitHub. We then delved into the topic of Ansible tags
and their usefulness in organizing and executing specific tasks within a playbook. We
also discussed how to manage files and services with Ansible, exploring the copy and
template modules for copying and updating file contents, as well as the service module
for managing system services. Furthermore, we demonstrated how to integrate an
external Python application into an Ansible playbook to compare two files containing
similar information and output the results to an HTML file for easier viewing and
comparison. Lastly, we provided a brief recap on using GitHub to back up your Ansible
files, ensuring a secure and easily accessible repository for your playbooks. By mastering
the concepts covered in this chapter, you will have a solid foundation for managing your
infrastructure more efficiently with Ansible.


Learning Ansible Basic

Concepts IV: Users, Roles,
Host Variables, Templates,
and Password Vault
This chapter concludes the Ansible concepts series in this book, and we will soon
move on to the Network Automation Practical Primer Labs. In this chapter, we will
cover intermediate topics such as creating users, bootstrapping a Linux server, using
roles, exploring variable options and handlers, working with templates, and managing
passwords in Ansible using the password vault. Additionally, you will learn how to
install, configure, and test FTP and SFTP servers on Linux. This chapter may be the most
challenging one, but it’s packed with valuable information, so grab a cup of coffee or an
energy drink and dive right in.

Welcome to the final chapter of Ansible concepts! Congratulations on reaching

this point – you’ve already completed half point of the book! You’ve learned how to
build an Ansible learning lab with four virtual machines, each running either Fedora
(RHEL/CentOS) or Ubuntu (Debian) Linux distribution. We hope you’ve found the
learning experience enjoyable and easy to master various Ansible basic concepts.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
However, it’s important to keep in mind that automation is not a silver bullet for all
enterprise challenges and problems, despite what IT evangelists and gurus may claim.
Implementing enterprise IT automation requires specific skills, and effective execution
of the plan requires clear communication with stakeholders. As the person doing the
work, you must possess the necessary skills to execute the plan.
In this chapter, we’ll focus on the remaining fundamental concepts of Ansible that
are crucial for efficiently automating IT infrastructure. You will explore users, roles, host
variables, templates, and password management in Ansible, which provides a scalable
and maintainable approach to infrastructure automation by organizing and structuring
Ansible playbooks. Users and roles help define access control and implement role-
based permissions across multiple systems. Host variables enable dynamic and flexible
inventory management, while templates offer a powerful mechanism for generating
configuration files and other resources. As always, this chapter includes hands-on
exercises so that you can follow along and learn as you go. Get ready to dive into the final
chapter of Ansible concepts and learn the remaining essential concepts to efficiently
automate your IT infrastructure!
In the last three chapters, we’ve executed Ansible playbooks using the command
“ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass <playbook_name>”. While we demonstrated
how to pre-configure the password in the inventory file to save time and typing, storing
passwords and sensitive data in clear text files is not considered a best industry practice.
Instead, we encourage readers to use the full command for each execution to become
familiar with the Ansible command syntax. This approach will also give new readers a
true sense of working with Ansible every day.
When we think about the current enterprise IT buzzwords related to network
programmability, key terms such as network programmability, network automation
and orchestration, SDN (software-defined networking), intent-based networking
(IBN), NetDevOps (Network DevOps), API (Application Programming Interface), IaC
(infrastructure as code), and ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure) come to mind.
However, behind all these glorified buzzwords, there are hundreds and thousands
of programmers and IT engineers working day and night behind their keyboards to
keep everything afloat and operational. The actual jobs are not as glamorous as these
buzzwords may suggest, and we will explore this topic further in the upcoming chapters.

Now that you have experienced the drills, let’s focus on simplifying our daily tasks
and save time. One easy way to achieve this is by creating aliases for long ansible
commands. You can create simple aliases under the “~/.bashrc” file as outlined in the
following tip. This will help you save time and reduce the number of keystrokes
needed to execute your commands. We encourage you to set up your aliases as soon as
possible to streamline your workflow.

Creating an alias for “ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass” to

save time
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ pwd
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ls –a
.   .ansible       .bash_logout   .bashrc  .gitconfig  .
python_history  .ssh      .wget-hsts
..  .bash_history  .bash_profile  .config  .
lesshst    repo1            .viminfo
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ vi ~/.bashrc
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat .bashrc
# .bashrc
[...omitted for brevity]
unset rc
alias anp='ansible-playbook' # shortened to anp
alias anpap='ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass' # shortend
to anpap
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ source .bashrc # apply the change to take effect on .bashrc

If you can spare ten minutes, we highly recommend reading the following thread
on Stack Overflow. It contains valuable information that can help you extend your
knowledge and improve your understanding of the topic. We encourage you to take the
time to read it before moving on, as it may help you in your current or future projects.


Expand your knowledge:

Difference between OS and network/security device bootstrapping
Bootstrapping is the process of setting up a basic working environment that
enables further configuration and management. In the context of OS system
deployment, it involves initializing and configuring the system with a set of basic
settings and packages required for the system to function properly. Network/
security device deployments involve configuring the device with basic network
settings, access control settings, and management settings to allow remote access
and management. The process of bootstrapping helps to establish a common
starting point that can be used to build and customize the environment to meet
specific requirements.
Read this Stack Overflow discussion:

10.1 Users
Ansible’s user modules enable you to manage users on remote systems by creating,
modifying, and deleting users, as well as managing user attributes such as passwords,
home directories, and SSH keys. Automating these tasks with Ansible ensures that your
systems are consistently configured and secure, saving time and effort by avoiding
manual configuration on each system individually.
To add users to your Ansible-managed systems and prepare a playbook for
bootstrapping, you can use Ansible’s user modules to manage users on multiple systems
simultaneously, ensuring consistency across your entire infrastructure. This knowledge
is essential for efficiently managing a large number of systems and streamlining your
workflow, as it enables you to ensure consistent management across your entire
By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to create and
manage users on multiple systems using Ansible. You will also learn how to automate
the process of preparing these systems for future management by Ansible. It’s important

to note that the Ansible concepts used in a Linux environment can be extended to
network and security automation. Therefore, novice Ansible users must start their
journey from Linux OS system automation.
Knowledge is power, and as a network engineer, if you’re trying to automate your
network infrastructure without understanding how Linux works or how Ansible works
with various Linux OS, your efforts will only go so far. In this book, we cover all the
necessary grounds to guide you on the right path to network automation in the mid-
to-long term. If you start taking shortcuts, you’ll miss out on asking and answering
important questions, which will hinder your journey.
Let’s get started and learn how to add users and prepare for bootstrapping with
Step 1: Before creating an Ansible playbook to add a new user, it is important to
verify the current user configurations on each client node. To do so, we can use Ansible’s
register and debug modules to check the last three lines of the /etc/passwd file on
each client node. In Linux, user configurations are stored in the /etc/passwd file, and
passwords are stored in the /etc/shadow file. To avoid duplicating effort, we can copy
and reuse the ansible.cfg and inventory files from the previous chapter.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ mkdir ch10
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cp ch09/inventory ch10/ && cp ch09/ansible.cfg ch10/
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cd ch10/
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ ls
ansible.cfg  inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_read_passwd.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_read_passwd.yml
- hosts: all # run against all client nodes
  become: true
  gather_facts: false # do not gather facts to speed up playbook run

  - name: Read file content
    ansible.builtin.command: cat /etc/passwd # shell command to run
    register: file_output # output container/holder

  - name: View the last three lines of the file
    ansible.builtin.debug: # print the contents of the file_output variable
      msg: "{{ file_output.stdout_lines[-3:] }}" # -3 is negative indexing,
means the last three lines

Step 2: After creating the Ansible playbook, execute the playbook and observe the
last line of the output. Then proceed to the next step, where we will add a new user using
another Ansible playbook and observe how it affects the output. Remember to note the
last lines in each output.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_read_passwd.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "msg": [
        "nginx:x:988:988:Nginx web server:/var/lib/nginx:/sbin/nologin",
        "mysql:x:27:27:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/sbin/nologin",
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 3: Here, we will create a new playbook to add a new sudo user named “jsmith”
on each client node. We have briefly covered this topic in a previous chapter, so you
should already be familiar with the code.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_add_user.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_add_user.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

  - name: create a new user
    ansible.builtin.user: # Ansible user module

      name: jsmith # new user name
      group: root # make this user a sudoer

Step 4: To add the new user, we need to execute the 10.1_add_user.yml

playbook now.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_add_user.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 5: If your playbook is completed without errors, use the 10.1_read_passwd.yml

playbook to verify the changes in the /etc/passwd file. If you encountered any errors in
step 4, you will need to check for typos in the inventory or ansible.cfg file or review your

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_read_passwd.yml

BECOME password: ***************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [View the last three lines of the file] ******************************
ok: [f38c1] => {
    "msg": [
        "mysql:x:27:27:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/sbin/nologin",
        "jsmith:x:1005:0::/home/jsmith:/bin/bash" # new user jsmith added
to f38c1
ok: [u23c1] => {
    "msg": [
        "mysql:x:109:116:MySQL Server,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false",
        "jsmith:x:1003:0::/home/jsmith:/bin/sh" # new user jsmith added
to u23c1

ok: [u23c2] => {
    "msg": [
        "jdoe:x:1001:1001:John Doe,,,:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash",
        "jsmith:x:1003:0::/home/jsmith:/bin/sh" # new user jsmith added
to u23c2
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: In previous chapters, you learned how to create a new user named jdoe and
grant him the sudoer privileges by adding him to the wheel group on Fedora and the
sudo group for Ubuntu. Another approach to grant a user sudoer privileges on Linux
is by using a sudoer file tailored to that user’s profile. The first step in doing this is to
create a sudoer_jsmith file that can be uploaded to the client nodes. Follow the following
steps to create the sudoer_jsmith file for uploading, making sure to first create the files
directory and then create the sudoer_jsmith file under the files directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir files # the new directory name has to be named,

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi files/sudoer_jsmith # create a new sudoer file for
user jsmith
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat files/sudoer_jsmith

Step 7: On Linux systems, when you add a sudoer file for a user, you can control
their sudo access permissions by adding or removing files from their specific sudoers
directory. Each user’s sudoer files are stored in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory. If you
run the “sudo ls -l /etc/sudoers.d” command, you will see an empty directory on a
Fedora server or only a README file on an Ubuntu server. To verify this, quickly create a
playbook to check the directory and execute it against the three client nodes.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_ls_sudoers.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_ls_sudoers.yml

- name: Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command and output to screen

  hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command ls -l /etc/sudoers.d # shell command to run
      register: sudoers_output # capture output

    - name: Output result to screen

        var: sudoers_output.stdout_lines # print output

If you execute the preceding playbook successfully, you should see the same or
similar output to what is shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_ls_sudoers.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command and output to screen] **************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command] ***********************************

changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Output result to screen] ********************************************

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 0"
ok: [u23c1] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 4",

        "-r--r----- 1 root root 1096 Feb 18 12:03 README"
ok: [u23c2] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 4",
        "-r--r----- 1 root root 1096 Feb 18 12:03 README"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 8: Now, let’s add the public SSH key for the new user jsmith and assign
ownership of the directory to him. First, let’s copy the Ansible public SSH key and add
it to the playbook. We will be using the public key that we created for the Ansible user,
which is located in the file “~/.ssh/”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat ~/.ssh/

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+fdjFekSPx
9E4bnbPl0b ansible

The preceding key is unique to this demonstration only, and your key will be
different. Therefore, make sure to use your key and include it in step 9 of your next
Step 9: Copy the base Ansible playbook, the 10.1_add_user.yml file, and create a
new playbook called 10.1_enable_user.yml. This playbook will create the user, add the
SSH public key for jsmith, and copy the sudoer_jsmith file that we created in the ./files/
directory. The new YAML text should be highlighted in bold, and you need to append it
to the existing playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp 10.1_add_user.yml 10.1_enable_user.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_enable_user.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_enable_user.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

  - name: create a new user
      name: jsmith
      group: root

  - name: add ssh key for jsmith

    tags: always
    ansible.posix.authorized_key: # Ansible authorized_key module
      user: jsmith
      key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+
fdjFekSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible"

  - name: add sudoers file for jsmith

    tags: always
    ansible.builtin.copy: # uses Ansible copy module
      src: sudoer_jsmith # source file under /files/
      dest: /etc/sudoers.d/jsmith # file destination on the client node
      owner: root # owner
      group: root # user permission
      mode: 0440 # file permission, the file owner has read permission and
the file group has read permission, but neither has write or execute
permission. This means that only the owner and members of the file
group can read the file, but they cannot modify or execute it.

Step 10: Now, it’s time to execute the playbook to upload the file and grant sudoer
privileges to the new user, jsmith. Please ensure that you are running the playbook from
the correct directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_enable_user.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [create a new user] **************************************************
ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [add ssh key for jsmith] *********************************************

changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [add sudoers file for jsmith] ****************************************

changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 11: Time to check if the sudoer file for jsmith has been uploaded correctly. You
can use the same playbook used in step 7, 10.1_ls_sudoers.yml.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_ls_sudoers.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command and output to screen] **************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Run ls -l /etc/sudoers.d command] ***********************************

changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Output result to screen] ********************************************
ok: [f38c1] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 4",
        "-r--r-----. 1 root root 31 May  3 22:31 jsmith"
ok: [u23c1] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 8",
        "-r--r----- 1 root root   31 May  3 12:31 jsmith",
        "-r--r----- 1 root root 1096 Feb 18 12:03 README"
ok: [u23c2] => {
    "sudoers_output.stdout_lines": [
        "total 8",
        "-r--r----- 1 root root   31 May  3 12:31 jsmith",
        "-r--r----- 1 root root 1096 Feb 18 12:03 README"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=3  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=3  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=3  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 12: As a shortcut, let’s use an Ansible ad hoc command as the user jsmith and
use the private key located at /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible to ping all client nodes. If we
receive a successful response of “ping”: “pong”, then the user can log into each server
successfully. It is important to remember how to run ad hoc Ansible commands. If
you discover exemplary ad hoc commands, make sure to save them to your notepad,
OneNote, or blog for future reference to save time.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ ansible all -u jsmith --private-key=/home/jdoe/.ssh/

ansible -m ping

u23c2 | SUCCESS => {

    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong" # SSH is working fine
u23c1 | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong" # SSH is working fine
f38c1 | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong" # SSH is working fine

Step 13: Simplify the ansible-playbook executions by modifying the ansible.cfg

file, and add the “remote_user=jsmith” configuration. This will specify the Ansible
management user account and make the process more streamlined.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp ansible.cfg ansible.cfg.bak # always make a back up

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible

nocows = 1
# cow_selection = random
remote_user = jsmith # we define the remote_user here in ansible.cfg file

Step 14: If you re-run the last playbook without the “--ask-become-pass” option, it
will run automatically using the private and public SSH key pairs. Remember that the
shorthand “anp” command stands for “ansible-playbook”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.1_enable_user.yml

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [create a new user] **************************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [add ssh key for jsmith] *********************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [add sudoers file for jsmith] ****************************************

ok: [u23c2]
ok: [u23c1]
ok: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=3  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=3  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=3  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

A successful playbook run without errors or password prompts indicates that you
have correctly followed along, and your playbook ran as written declaratively.
Step 15: Let’s apply everything we’ve learned so far by creating a new playbook
called 10.1_bootstrap.yml that incorporates the playbooks we have worked with
previously. By modifying the copied file, we can ensure that each server is updated and

provisioned with a new user, SSH key, and sudoer file that is copied across to each node
before managing the controlled nodes from your Ansible control node. As you’re already
familiar with these playbooks, there isn’t a need for many embedded explanation lines.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_bootstrap.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_bootstrap.yml


- hosts: all
  become: true

  pre_tasks: # a list of tasks to be executed before the main tasks

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)
    tags: always
      upgrade: dist
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: install updates (Fedora)

    tags: always
      update_only: yes
      update_cache: yes
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

- hosts: all
  become: true

  - name: create a new user - jsmith

    tags: always
      name: jsmith
      groups: root

  - name: add ssh key for jsmith
    tags: always
      user: jsmith
      key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+
fdjFekSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible"

  - name: add sudoers file for jsmith

    tags: always
      src: sudoer_jsmith
      dest: /etc/sudoers.d/jsmith
      owner: root
      group: root
      mode: 0440

Once you have completed the user bootstrap playbook mentioned previously, run
the playbook using the shortened command “anpap” (ansible-playbook --ask-become-
pass). If the playbook runs successfully, you can proceed to the next step.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anpap 10.1_bootstrap.yml

BECOME password: *****************

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [create new user - jsmith] *******************************************
changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [add ssh key for jsmith] *********************************************

ok: [u23c2]
ok: [u23c1]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [add sudoers file for jsmith] ****************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************
f38c1  : ok=6  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=6  changed=2  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=6  changed=2  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 16: After you have completed the process of bootstrapping the servers, which
involves updating packages and creating a new sudo user (in this case, jsmith), you can
proceed to run a provisioning playbook to install the software of your choice. In this
example, we will create a simple playbook named “10.1_bootstrap_post_install.yml”. This
playbook will install nmap for network scanning and troubleshooting, as well as vsftp to
turn all three client nodes into FTP servers. Please note that we will not be configuring
the FTP user or user settings in this section. We leave this task for you to complete
at your own pace and to your satisfaction. Additionally, if necessary, the playbooks
10.1_bootstrap.yml and 10.1_bootstrap_post_install.yml can be combined into a single

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.1_bootstrap_post_install.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.1_bootstrap_post_install.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: install packages
      ansible.builtin.package: # Notice the simplification here
        state: latest
          - nmap
          - vsftpd
      when: ansible_distribution in ["Fedora", "Ubuntu"] # Notice the

In the preceding playbook, we simplified it by using the package module, which

eliminates the need for two different modules. The package module automatically uses
the OS native package manager, such as dnf or apt, to install packages based on the OS
type. Also, notice the use of a list for OS types. What could have been a long, winding
code becomes simpler, as you learned in the refactoring exercise earlier.

Now, you can run the preceding playbook without a sudoer password, as the
sudo user and SSH key exchange have already been completed with the run of the
10.1_bootstrap.yml playbook. This time, run the simplified playbook with the “anp”
(ansible-playbook) command. Don’t forget that we have already configured “remote_
user=jsmith” under our inventory file, so this user is used in this play.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.1_bootstrap_post_install.yml

BECOME password: *****************

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [u23c2]
ok: [u23c1]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [install packages] ***************************************************

changed: [f38c1]
changed: [u23c2]
changed: [u23c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

If your playbook has been executed successfully, your output should resemble the
example shown previously. Now, it’s time to move on and learn about the concept of
roles in Ansible.

10.2 Roles
Roles in Ansible are used to organize and modularize playbooks and related files in a
way that simplifies the management of complex configurations across multiple systems.
A role is a collection of tasks, handlers, variables, files, templates, and defaults, all of
which are stored in structured directories. Using roles enables teams to collaborate
more effectively, improve code reuse, and make playbooks more flexible, scalable, and

Roles are extensively used in Ansible playbooks to group related tasks, handlers, files,
templates, and variables into reusable and self-contained units. They can be included
or imported as needed to build up a larger set of tasks and configurations. In addition to
playbooks, roles are a core concept in the Ansible Automation Platform, where they can
be easily managed, versioned, and shared through the platform’s web UI and API. Since
this book’s main focus is on Ansible Engine, after completing this book, we hope your
interest will extend to the Ansible Automation Platform and you will be able to provision
a GUI-based general tool for your teams in your organizations.
Creating a role for configuring a specific software stack, such as a web server or a
database server, is a good use case for roles. This role could include all the necessary
tasks, files, and variables to install, configure, and manage the software stack. The role
could then be reused across different projects and environments, reducing duplication
and manual effort. Roles also allow for the efficient organization of tasks by breaking
them down and assigning them to each functional role. Instead of having all plays in a
single YAML file, roles disperse the functions and assign different tasks based on their
roles. Typically, roles are structured in a tree-like directory path.
To practice and learn how roles work in Ansible, you can follow these steps.
Step 1: We have previously installed the “tree” package on our Ansible Control
Machine. If you haven’t installed it yet, you can use the “sudo dnf install tree” command
to install it. Though this tool is not mandatory, it can help explain roles and templates
better. Therefore, if you haven’t installed it on your server already, please proceed
to do so.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ tree –version

tree v2.1.0 © 1996 - 2022 by Steve Baker, Thomas Moore, Francesc Rocher,
Florian Sesser, Kyosuke Tokoro

Step 2: Create a subdirectory for each role you want to define within the “roles”
directory. Name each subdirectory after the role it represents. Take special care so you
don’t make typos.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir roles

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cd roles/ # Ensure that you move to the roles
directory here!
[jdoe@f38s1 roles]$ mkdir base db_servers file_servers web_servers

[jdoe@f38s1 roles]$ mkdir base/tasks db_servers/tasks file_servers/tasks
[jdoe@f38s1 roles]$ cd .. # Move up to parent directory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ tree roles # Check directory structure under the ‘roles’
├── base
│   └── tasks
├── db_servers
│   └── tasks
├── file_servers
│   └── tasks
└── web_servers
    └── tasks

9 directories, 0 files

As you can see, we have created five roles, including the base role, and for each role,
we have created a subdirectory called “tasks” within its respective directory.
Step 3: Next, navigate to the ../roles/base/tasks directory and create a task file named
main.yml. Unlike playbooks, YAML files used in roles are configured as task files, so it is
unnecessary to specify the target nodes in roles; also putting the three hypens, “---”, at
the beginning of the YAML file is optional.
For base role:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi roles/base/tasks/main.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat roles/base/tasks/main.yml

- name: add ssh key for jsmith

  tags: always
    user: jsmith
    key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFvayxHfA8pjZTldlXQdVPEK+
fdjFekSPx9E4bnbPl0b ansible"

For db_server role:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi roles/db_servers/tasks/main.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat roles/db_servers/tasks/main.yml

- name: install mariadb package

    name: "{{ 'mariadb-server' if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' else
'mariadb' }}"
    state: latest
  tags: mariadb

For file_server role:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi roles/file_servers/tasks/main.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat roles/file_servers/tasks/main.yml

- name: install samba package

  tags: samba
    name: samba
    state: latest

For web_server role: If you do not want to type all the directives, use the
downloaded copy from the author’s GitHub site.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi roles/web_servers/tasks/main.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat roles/web_servers/tasks/main.yml

- name: install httpd and PHP packages

      - "{{ 'apache2' if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' else 'httpd' }}"
      - "{{ 'libapache2-mod-php' if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' else
'php' }}"
    state: latest
  tags: [apache, httpd, ubuntu, fedora]

- name: start httpd for Fedora/CentOS/Red Hat
  tags: [apache, httpd, fedora]
    name: "{{ 'httpd' if ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' else omit }}"
    state: started
    enabled: yes
  when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

- name: change e-mail address for httpd admin

  tags: [apache, httpd, fedora]
    path: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    regexp: '^ServerAdmin'
    line: ServerAdmin
  when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"
  register: httpd

- name: restart httpd for Fedora

  tags: [apache, httpd, fedora]
    name: httpd
    state: restarted
  when: httpd.changed

- name: copy default html file from site

  tags: [apache, httpd, apache2]
    src: default_site.html
    dest: /var/www/html/index.html
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: '0644'

Step 4: To use the default_site.html file in the web-servers role, it needs to be copied
from the Chapter 9 exercise. First, check if the default_site.html file still exists under the
ch09/files directory. Then, in the ch10 directory, execute the command cp ../ch09/files/
default_site.html files/ to copy the file to the /home/jdoe/repo1/ch10/files/ directory.


[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ tree ../ch09/files

└── default_site.html

1 directory, 1 file

Create a new directory called “files” under the “roles/web_servers/” directory, and
then copy the “default_site.html” file from the Chapter 9 exercise to this newly created
“files” directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir roles/web_servers/files

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp ../ch09/files/default_site.html roles/web_
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ tree roles/web_servers/
├── files
│   └── default_site.html
└── tasks
    └── main.yml

3 directories, 2 files

At the end of the Roles assignment, the file structure under the “roles” directory
should look similar to the following tree output. Each role should have a “tasks” directory
with a “main.yml” file, and the “web_servers” role should have a “files” directory
containing the “default_site.html” file. Your directory structure should resemble this:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ tree roles

├── base
│   └── tasks
│       └── main.yml
├── db_servers
│   └── tasks
│       └── main.yml

├── file_servers
│   └── tasks
│       └── main.yml
└── web_servers
    ├── files
    │   └── default_site.html
    └── tasks
        └── main.yml

10 directories, 5 files

Step 5: To begin, let’s create a backup of the current inventory file used in the
Chapter 10 exercises. After that, we can create a new inventory file based on the roles of
our servers for this exercise. Please follow the example provided here:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp inventory inventory.bak

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat inventory
u23c1 ansible_host=

f38c1 ansible_host=

u23c1 ansible_host=
u23c2 ansible_host=

Step 6: Now that we have properly structured our roles, we can create the main
playbook file and run the “ansible-playbook” command. If you have organized your roles
correctly, the playbook should run smoothly without errors. The name of the playbook
file here is “10.2a_provision_roles.yml”, which is the longer version of the provisioning
playbook before refactoring. In step 8, we will refactor this playbook and compare its
effects with the original version.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.2a_provision_roles.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.2a_provision_roles.yml

- hosts: all
become: true

  - name: install updates (Ubuntu)
    tags: always
      update_cache: yes
    changed_when: false
    when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

  - name: install updates (Fedora)

    tags: always
      update_cache: yes
    changed_when: false
    when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora"

- hosts: all
  become: true
  roles: # Define all servers and assign a "base" role
    - base  # role to perform base configuration on all servers

- hosts: db_servers
  become: true
  roles: # Assign "db_servers" role to database servers
    - db_servers  # role to configure database servers

- hosts: file_servers
  become: true
  roles: # Assign "file_servers" role to file servers
    - file_servers  # role to configure file servers

- hosts: web_servers
  become: true
  roles: # Assign "web_servers" role to web servers
    - web_servers  # role to configure web servers

Step 7: After creating the playbook, ensure to run it to verify that it runs without

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.2a_provision_roles.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 8: Now it’s time to refactor the 10.2a_provision_roles.yml playbook and create
a shorter version named 10.2b_provision_roles.yml. The refactored playbook should
achieve the same outcome as the longer version did.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp 10.2a_provision_roles.yml 10.2b_provision_roles.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.2b_provision_roles.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.2b_provision_roles.yml
- hosts: all # Target all hosts in the inventory
  become: true # Run tasks with elevated privileges
    - name: update package cache # Task name
      ansible.builtin.package: # Use the package module
        update_cache: yes # Update the package cache
      changed_when: false # Consider the task successful even if no changes
were made
      tags: [always, update] # Assign tags to the task

- hosts: all
  become: true
  roles: # notice the use of the list to shorten the roles
    - base
    - db_servers
    - file_servers
    - web_servers

Step 9: Execute the refactored version of the provisioning playbook, 10.2b_

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.2b_provision_roles.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

If your refactored roles playbook has been executed successfully without any
errors, you can move on to the next concepts: variables, host_vars, and handlers. These
concepts will allow you to define reusable values with variables, host-specific variables
with host_vars, and execute tasks with handlers that are triggered by notifications. Using
these concepts can make your playbooks more modular and save time. Let’s see how
they work at the base level.

10.3 Variable Options in Ansible

Ansible, although not a fully fledged programming language like Python, JavaScript,
Perl, or even Shell Scripting, utilizes YAML to make declarative statements that take
advantage of OS-specific and built-in tools. While learning Ansible and its playbook
features, you will quickly notice that programming concepts remain relevant and extend
to Ansible. It cannot be stressed enough that Ansible alone cannot be the ultimate
automation and orchestration tool; one must use it wisely with other programming
languages to achieve the best results. Therefore, our recommendation is to use Python as
Ansible’s supporting tool since Ansible is built on top of Python. Python is an excellent
complement to Ansible because it offers a wide range of modules and libraries that one
can use to extend Ansible’s capabilities. With Python, one can create custom modules,
perform complex tasks, and manipulate data more efficiently. Additionally, it has a vast
and active community that shares solutions to various automation challenges, making it
easier to find answers to problems one may encounter.
In this section, we will explore the concept of variables in Ansible and delve into
four different use cases to help extend your understanding of how variables can be used
in playbooks. Imagine that you are a network engineer who recently joined a company
and has been tasked by your manager to deploy some FTP servers on three Linux
machines. One machine is based on the Red Hat distribution, and the other two are
based on the Debian distribution. However, before installing them on the production
servers, you want to test them in your POC (proof-of-concept) environment using the

Red Hat distribution. In our case, it is the Fedora 38 server (f38c1). In this scenario, we
can leverage Ansible’s variable features to build the necessary scripts. Using variables in
Ansible provides a way to store and reuse values across different parts of your playbook,
making your automation more flexible and maintainable. For example, you can define
variables to specify the package names, versions, directories, and other configuration
settings for your FTP servers. By using variables, you can make your playbook more
dynamic and adaptable to different environments or scenarios. This flexibility allows
you to reuse your playbook for other use cases or even scale it up to manage hundreds
or thousands of servers. Here, we will look at different ways of using variables in Ansible
and how they can be applied to various tasks and scenarios. By the end of this section,
you will have a solid understanding of how to use variables effectively in your Ansible

Expand your knowledge:

Exploring Variable Precedence: Understanding Ansible's Vars

Understanding variable precedence is essential in Ansible as it plays a crucial
role in determining which variable takes precedence over others. When the same
variable is defined at multiple levels with the same name, a defined order of
precedence is followed. Here is a tabulated overview of variable precedence as
shown in Table 10-1, listed from highest to lowest.

Table 10-1. Ansible vars precedence
Precedence Source Example

1 Extra Variables (-e) ansible-playbook hi_ken.yml -e “my_variable=Barbie”

2 Role Variables In a role: roles/my_role/vars/main.yml defining my_variable:
3 Play Variables In a playbook: vars: section defining my_variable: Barbie
4 Block Variables Within a block: block: section defining my_variable: Barbie
5 Task Variables Within a task: vars: parameter defining my_variable: Barbie
6 Host Variables In the inventory or host_vars directory: my_host.yml file defining
my_variable: Barbie
7 Facts Variables Automatically gathered facts about the remote system, such as
8 Role Default In a role: roles/my_role/defaults/main.yml defining my_variable:
Variables Barbie

Take an active approach to learning by physically typing out and practicing each of
the given examples.
Precedence 1: Extra Variables (-e)
Execute the Ansible command with the “-e” flag to override other variables with
the same variable name; the -e option takes the highest precedence.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir vars_precedence && cd vars_precedence
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken1 && cd ken1
[jdoe@f38s1 ken1]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken1.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken1]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken1.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!

        msg: "Hello, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken1]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken1.yml -e "my_variable=Jane"

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hello, World!] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Jane!"
[...omitted for brevity]

[jdoe@f38s1 ken1]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken1.yml # If you execute playbook

without -e flag, it will print "Hi, Ken!" by default.
[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hello, World!] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Ken!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Precedence 2: Role Variables

Create the roles/my_role/var directory and create a main.yml file with “my_
variable: ‘Barbie’”; then create the 10.3_hi_ken2.yml file and include roles in the
playbook; this will take precedence over the default variable value, Ken, and will
output “Hi, Barbie!”.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken1]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken2 && cd ken2
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ mkdir -p roles/my_role/vars
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ vi roles/my_role/vars/main.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ cat roles/my_role/vars/main.yml
my_variable: 'Barbie'
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken2.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken2.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - my_role
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken2.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Precedence 3: Play Variables

The variable defined under the vars module will take third precedence, and in this
example, my_variable will override the default value “Ken”.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken2]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken3 && cd ken3
[jdoe@f38s1 ken3]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken3.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken3]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken3.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    my_variable: 'Barbie'
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken3]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken3.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ***************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {

    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Precedence 4: Block Variables

You can also use the block module to set the precedence and override the default
variable “Ken”. In this example, the variable was set using the set_fact module.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken3]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken4 && cd ken4
[jdoe@f38s1 ken4]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken4.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken4]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken4.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - block:
        - name: Set my_variable within the block
            my_variable: 'Barbie'
        - name: Print Hi, Ken!
            msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken4]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken4.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Precedence 5: Task Variables
You can also configure the variable under a task variable, and it will overwrite the
default variable.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken4]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken5 && cd ken5
[jdoe@f38s1 ken5]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken5.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken5]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken5.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"
        my_variable: 'Barbie'

[jdoe@f38s1 ken5]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken5.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ***************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

In above playbook execution, you will get [WARNING] messages, you can ignore the
Precedence 6: Host Variables
Create an inventory.ini file and also a localhost.yml file under the host_vars
directory; then use the “-I inventory” when executing the new playbook.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken5]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken6 && cd ken6
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ vi inventory.ini

[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ cat inventory.ini
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ mkdir -p host_vars
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ vi host_vars/localhost.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ cat host_vars/localhost.yml
my_variable: 'Barbie'
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken6.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken6.yml
- hosts: my_hosts
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ anp -i inventory.ini 10.3_hi_ken6.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ***************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Precedence 7: Facts Variables

You can also use the set_fact to override the default value.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken6]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken7 && cd ken7
[jdoe@f38s1 ken7]$ mkdir ken7 && cd ken7
[jdoe@f38s1 ken7]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken7.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Set my_variable fact
        my_variable: 'Barbie'
    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken7]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken7.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ***************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

In above playbook execution, you will get [WARNING] messages, you can ignore the
Precedence 8: Role Default Variables
Lastly, you can use the role default variable. Immerse yourself in the learning
process by actively typing and practicing each of the given examples to enhance
your understanding.
[jdoe@f38s1 ken7]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 vars_precedence]$ mkdir ken8 && cd ken8
[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ mkdir -p roles/my_role/defaults
[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ vi roles/my_role/defaults/main.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ cat roles/my_role/defaults/main.yml
my_variable: 'Barbie'
[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ vi 10.3_hi_ken8.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ cat 10.3_hi_ken8.yml
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - my_role

    - name: Print Hi, Ken!
        msg: "Hi, {{ my_variable | default('Ken') }}!"

[jdoe@f38s1 ken8]$ anp 10.3_hi_ken8.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [Print Hi, Ken!] ***************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hi, Barbie!"
[...omitted for brevity]

In the preceding playbook execution, you will get [WARNING] messages; you can
ignore the messages.
Now that we have explored each of the examples, it's time to put the precedence
to the test. You can now experiment with two or three of the methods mentioned
previously to witness the precedence in action firsthand and confirm its behavior.
I encourage you to try out different scenarios at your own pace and observe how
the variables are prioritized. Take your time to conduct these tests and gain a
deeper understanding of how precedence works in practice. Enjoy exploring and

Let us use the vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) server installation on a Fedora
server as an example. The examples shown here are for explanatory purposes only, and
you do not have to execute these playbooks. Read along to understand the different ways
you can use variables in Ansible playbooks. At the end of this section, we have included
a quick exercise. Additionally, the next section contains another exercise related to host_
vars and handlers.
Using Variables in Ansible 1 – Declaration in Playbooks: The first way to use
variables in an Ansible playbook is by defining them within the main playbook itself,
using the “vars” keyword followed by the variable declarations. You can study variable
declaration in playbooks using the following playbook as an example. In this playbook,
the variables “ftp_users”, “ftp_root_dir”, and “ftp_port” are declared and initialized to

their respective values. These variables are then used in the subsequent tasks to install
and configure the vsftpd server. You will be able to see the full playbook in action at the
end of this section.

[...omitted for brevity]

      - name: jsparrow
        password: LizSwann2003
      - name: ppan
        password: TinkerBell1902
    ftp_root_dir: /var/ftp
    ftp_port: 21
[...omitted for brevity]

If we examine the variables shown previously, we can see that they take the form of
a nested dictionary in Python, where the outermost key is “vars”, and its value is another
dictionary containing the variables declared in the YAML code. The “ftp_users” key has
a value of a list of two dictionaries, each representing an FTP user with a “name” and
“password” key-value pair. The “ftp_root_dir” and “ftp_port” keys have string values. You
can compare these variables to the following Python nested dictionary with the variable
name “vars”.

vars = { "ftp_users": [{"name": "jsparrow", "password": "LizSwann2003"},

        {"name": "ppan", "password": "TinkerBell1902"}],
    "ftp_root_dir": "/var/ftp",
    "ftp_port": 21}

Using Variables in Ansible 2 – Variable Declaration in Inventory: As you have seen

in previous exercises, variables can also be declared in the inventory file. Using the same
FTP server installation example, we can move these variables to the inventory file, as
shown in the following example. In this example, the variables ftp_port and ftp_root_dir
are declared and initialized for each host in the ftp_servers group. These variables are
then used in subsequent tasks to install and configure the vsftpd server.

ftp1 ansible_host= ftp_port=2121 ftp_root_dir=/var/ftp
ftp2 ansible_host= ftp_port=21 ftp_root_dir=/var/ftp

Using Variables in Ansible 3 – Variable Declaration in External Files: The third
way to use variables is to declare them in an external YAML file under a separate
directory, such as group_vars, and reference that information in your playbooks. As you
may have guessed, the information is typically stored in the form of dictionaries with
their respective keys and values. In the following example, we have nested dictionaries.
The ftp_users, ftp_root_dir, and ftp_port variables are declared and initialized in a
file called ftp_servers.yml under the group_vars directory. These variables are then
automatically applied to all hosts in the ftp_servers group.

# group_vars/ftp_servers.yml
  - name: barbie
    password: barbie12345
  - name: ken
    password: ken67890
ftp_root_dir: /var/ftp
ftp_port: 21

If we convert the preceding information into Python variables and data types, we will
end up with three variables with corresponding values. The first variable would be a list
of dictionaries, while the other two variables would be simple one-to-one variables.
“/var/ftp” is a string data type, and 21 is a digit data type.

ftp_users = [{"name": "jsparrow", "password": "LizSwann2003"}, {"name":

"ppan", "password": "TinkerBell1902"}]
ftp_root_dir = "/var/ftp"
ftp_port = 21

Using Variables in Ansible 4 – Variable Declaration on the Command Line: You

may have encountered this form of a variable while practicing ad hoc commands. It
involves declaring variables through a command line using arguments. In the following
example, the ftp_port variable is overridden with a value of 2121 for the current
execution of the install_ftp.yml playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml install_ftp.yml -e "ftp_port=2121"

Having seen four examples of variables in Ansible, it is time to put them into practice
by writing a playbook that installs an FTP server on our file servers. Let’s include only the
f38c1 ( client node in the group and turn it into a functional FTP server
for now.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi 10.3_install_config_ftp_server.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat 10.3_install_config_ftp_server.yml
- name: Install and configure vsftpd server
  hosts: file_servers
  become: true

  vars: # Define variables at the beginning

      - name: jsparrow
        password: LizSwann2003
      - name: ppan
        password: TinkerBell1902
    ftp_root_dir: /var/ftp
    ftp_port: 21

    - name: Install vsftpd server
      ansible.builtin.yum: # Use yum package manager to install vsftpd on
the Fedora machine
        name: vsftpd
        state: present

    - name: Create vsftpd.conf file

      ansible.builtin.file: # create file module to create vsftpd.conf
configuration file
        path: /etc/vsftpd.conf
        state: touch

    - name: Configure vsftpd server

      ansible.builtin.lineinfile: # Use lineinfile to write information to
vsftpd.conf file

        path: /etc/vsftpd.conf
        line: "{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}"
      with_dict: # loop through and use the key:value pairs to write lines
        - anonymous_enable: 'NO'
          local_enable: 'YES'
          write_enable: 'YES'
          local_umask: '022'
          secure_chroot_dir: '/var/run/vsftpd/empty'
          pam_service_name: 'vsftpd'
          rsa_cert_file: “'/etc/pkillow_writeable_chroot' 'YES'”

    - name: Create FTP Users

      ansible.builtin.user: # Use user module to create FTP users, since we
have two users, we have to use the variable substitution or variable
interpolation, that is using "{{ }}"
        name: "{{ }}" # name of new FTP user
        password: "{{ item.password | password_hash('sha512') }}" #
password of new FTP user
        createhome: yes # create user’s folder to upload/download files
        home: "{{ ftp_root_dir }}/{{ }}" # creates /var/ftp/
jsparrow and /var/ftp/ppan
        shell: /bin/bash # specify bash shell as the default shell
      loop: "{{ ftp_users }}" # ftp_users point to the vars on the top of
this playbook

    - name: Configure FTP Directory Permissions

        path: "{{ ftp_root_dir }}/{{ }}" # variables are recalled
and used multiple times
        state: directory
        mode: '2775' # The 2 in 2775 indicates that the setgid bit is set,
which causes new files and directories created within the directory
to inherit the group ownership of the parent directory (ftp in this
case). This ensures that all files and directories created by the
FTP users have the correct group ownership, allowing both the FTP
user and the FTP group to read, write, and execute them.

        owner: "{{ }}" # variables are recalled and used
multiple times
        group: "{{ }}" # variables are recalled and used
multiple times
      loop: "{{ ftp_users }}" # variables are recalled and used
multiple times

    - name: Allow FTP through Firewall

      ansible.posix.firewalld: # need port 21 to be opened and in
listening state
        service: ftp
        permanent: yes
        state: enabled # service is enabled so automatically starts at OS
        immediate: yes

    - name: Restart vsftpd service

        name: vsftpd
        state: restarted # restart vsftpd service, equivalent to ‘systemctl
restart vsftpd’

With your newfound knowledge of variables in playbooks, you can now confidently
run the playbook and quickly test it to ensure everything is working as expected.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.3_install_config_ftp_server.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

After running the playbook successfully, you may wonder how to verify if the FTP
server is functioning correctly. Fortunately, there are two simple ways to test the FTP
server’s functionality. The first and easiest method involves using a Windows host PC,
as shown in Figures 10-1 and 10-2. You can use WinSCP with the FTP protocol and log in
using one of the FTP users you created in your playbook.


Figure 10-1. WinSCP FTP login

Figure 10-2. WinSCP FTP file transfers

Another method to test the FTP functionality, which may be new to some people,
is also easy and can be done from your Ansible Control Machine. Follow the following
steps to test FTP from your Ansible Control Machine. If you choose this method, you
will need to install the FTP client by running “sudo yum install ftp -y” on your Ansible
Control Machine.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ sudo yum install ftp -y # ftp is ftp client package,
vsftp is the ftp server package
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat > testfile.txt # Create a new testfile.txt with the
following content
[Press Ctrl +D to save and exit]
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat testfile.txt # Display the file content
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ ftp
Connected to (
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.5)
Name ( jsparrow # Enter your ftp user name
331 Please specify the password.
Password: LizSwann2003 # Enter your password
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> pwd # Check the present working directory
257 "/var/ftp/jsparrow" is the current directory
ftp> mkdir my_dir01 # Make a new directory
257 "/var/ftp/jsparrow/my_dir01" created
ftp> put testfile.txt # Upload testfile.txt to the FTP server
local: testfile.txt remote: testfile.txt
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,127,151,221,215).
150 Ok to send data.
226 Transfer complete.
28 bytes sent in 0.000127 secs (220.47 Kbytes/sec)
ftp> ls

227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,127,151,196,91).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-sr-x    2 1006     1006            6 May 07 11:12 my_dir01
-rw-r--r--    1 1006     1006         28 May 07 11:12 testfile.txt
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> rename testfile.txt ftpfile.bak # change the name of the test.txt file
to ftpfile.bak
350 Ready for RNTO.
250 Rename successful.
ftp> ls # list items in /var/ftp/jsparrow directory
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,127,151,44,146).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r--    1 1006     1006         28 May 07 11:18 ftpfile.bak
drwxr-sr-x    2 1006     1006            6 May 07 11:18 my_dir01
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> get ftpfile.bak # download the renamed ftpfile.bak onto Ansible
Control machine
local: ftpfile.bak remote: ftpfile.bak
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,127,151,56,213).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ftpfile.bak (28 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
28 bytes received in 5.8e-05 secs (482.76 Kbytes/sec)
ftp> rmdir my_dir01 # delete my_dir01
250 Remove directory operation successful.
ftp> delete ftpfile.bak.txt # delete ftpfile.bak
250 Delete operation successful.
ftp> ls # list empty directory /var/ftp/jsparrow
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,127,151,59,101).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> bye # exit FTP session
221 Goodbye.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ ls -lh ftpfile.bak
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 28 May  7 21:20 ftpfile.bak

If you’re encountering issues with your FTP server, there exist a few troubleshooting
tips you can try before seeking further assistance. These tips may help you resolve the
issue without requiring external help. However, if you continue to experience issues, you
can always search the Internet for additional troubleshooting resources.

Extend your knowledge:

Still having trouble uploading/downloading files from your FTP server?

Step 1. To manually allow FTP traffic through port 21 on a Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS
Linux system, you can execute a sequence of commands that involves opening
the port and reloading the firewall-cmd service. Port 21 is commonly used for File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) traffic. First, use the command to add a rule to the firewall
configuration that permits incoming TCP traffic on port 21. The “--permanent”
option ensures that the change is permanent across reboots. Next, reload the
firewall configuration with the command to apply the changes made with the
previous command. Finally, use the command to list the open ports on the system,
confirming that port 21 is now open for TCP traffic.
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=21/tcp
[sudo] password for jdoe:***************
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd –reload
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports

Step 2. If step 1 does not resolve the issue, you can try the following step to grant
the FTP user access to create, delete, and modify files and directories in /var/ftp/.
Linux is known for its secure operating system, where ports are closed by default,
and access to specific services and directories is regulated by SELinux (Security-
Enhanced Linux). SELinux is a mandatory access control system that uses the
setsebool command to set SELinux Boolean values. It offers an additional layer
of security beyond conventional file permissions by implementing a system-wide
security policy that governs which actions are authorized or denied. It labels files

and system resources with security contexts that determine their sensitivity and
integrity. Policies control the processes that can access resources based on their
labels and specify the actions they can perform. Developed by the NSA, SELinux
is now a standard feature of many Linux distributions, adding an extra layer of
protection to the operating system that can be tailored to meet specific security
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo yum install -y policycoreutils-python selinux-
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo setsebool -P ftpd_full_access on
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart vsftpd

Visit the following URLs to extend your SELinux information:

10.4 host_vars and handler

In the previous exercise, we explored four different ways to use variables in Ansible, and
we practiced using variables in a playbook. Additionally, we learned how to set up an
FTP server and validate FTP services on a Fedora server, which is a Red Hat–based Linux
distribution. Moving forward, let’s delve into two crucial Ansible concepts: host_vars and
handlers. Host_vars are variables that apply to a specific host or group of hosts, while
handlers are tasks that execute only if one or more notified tasks report a changed state.
You can define host_vars in YAML files named after the target hosts or target groups, and
Ansible applies them to the relevant hosts or groups when running a playbook.
Using host_vars and handlers can significantly improve the efficiency and flexibility
of your Ansible workflows. Host_vars enable you to define variables on a per-host or
per-group basis, allowing you to apply specific configurations and settings to different
hosts or groups. Meanwhile, handlers ensure that only necessary actions are executed,

improving the speed and reliability of your playbook runs. Implementing host_vars
and handlers can also make your automation workflows more organized and easier
to maintain, especially when dealing with complex infrastructure. As responsible
engineers, our job is to provide reliable and honest solutions to our clients. While
honesty is always the best policy, in the world of sales and marketing, it may not always
be possible to reveal the whole truth to customers. This creates a dilemma for engineers
who want to provide the best solutions possible while also being transparent with their
clients. However, by continuing to learn, grow, and improve our skills, we can provide
the best possible solutions while still being honest and transparent.
In this example, we will only scratch the surface of the host_vars and handler
concepts, and we encourage readers to extend their knowledge of these concepts as
they work on more complex automation projects. On-the-job training and applying the
concepts learned from resources like this book to real-world production playbooks or
scripts are essential for mastering Ansible and maximizing its potential in managing
Let’s dive into an exercise to better understand the Ansible concept of host_vars and
Step 1: To utilize host variables in Ansible, it is necessary to create a dedicated file for
the variables to be used by each host or group of hosts. This file should be named after
the target host or group and stored in the host_vars directory within your Ansible project.
By structuring your variables in this manner, you can easily apply specific configurations
and settings to different hosts or groups, which can enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of your infrastructure management.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir host_vars

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cd host_vars/
[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ pwd
[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ vi f38c1.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ vi u23c1.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ cp u23c1.yml u23c2.yml

As you are aware, package names for installing Apache web servers may differ
between various Linux distributions, such as Fedora and Ubuntu. To account for this
difference, we will create three separate YAML files under the host_vars directory, each

containing the package names for a specific Linux distribution. By doing so, we can
ensure that the correct package names are used for each server based on its operating
system. The three YAML files we will create are

[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ cat f38c1.yml

http_package_name: httpd
http_service: httpd
php_package_name: php

[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ cat u23c1.yml

http_package_name: apache2
http_service: apache2
php_package_name: libapache2-mod-php

[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ cat u23c2.yml

http_package_name: apache2
http_service: apache2
php_package_name: libapache2-mod-php

Step 2: To streamline the web_servers playbook, it is recommended to refactor

the primary script (found at roles/web_servers/tasks/main.yml) using the package
module. Additionally, it is suggested to use variable names that match the package
names specified in the host_vars directory. This approach simplifies the playbook and
facilitates maintenance, allowing for quick package installation and configuration on the
designated servers.

[jdoe@f38s1 host_vars]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ vi roles/web_servers/tasks/main.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cat roles/web_servers/tasks/main.yml

- name: install httpd and PHP packages

      - "{{ http_package_name }}" # Only change the highlighted
      - "{{ php_package_name }}" # Only change the highlighted
    state: latest
  tags: [apache, httpd, ubuntu, fedora]

[...omitted for brevity] # Leave the entire playbook as is, only change the
highlighted. 507
Step 3: Let’s now use the playbook from exercise 10.3 (10.3b_provision_roles.
yml) and run it with the host_vars files we just created. Although the output may not
appear different, the playbook is now retrieving the host variables from the host_vars/
directory and utilizing them in the play. This enables finer control over variables and
configurations while also making the playbook more concise and manageable.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ anp 10.3b_provision_roles.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Now that you have practiced and seen the concept of host_vars in action, let’s move
on to understanding the handler concept in Ansible.

10.4.1 Concept of the Handler in Ansible

Ansible handlers ensure idempotency by executing only when triggered by the notify
directive and when there is a change in the state of the task. Handlers run in the order
defined in the handlers section and execute only if there is a state change. It’s crucial
to name them uniquely to avoid duplicate names. Handlers are useful for restarting,
reloading, starting, or stopping services on target nodes and help ensure the playbook
runs efficiently by avoiding unnecessary restarts. To define a handler, use the notify and
handlers directives. Handlers are typically grouped using the listen keyword and called
using a single notify statement. By default, handlers run at the end of the play once all
regular tasks have been executed. If you want handlers to run before the end of the play
or between tasks, add a meta task to flush them using the meta module.
Overall, handlers are tasks that execute only if one or more notified tasks report a
changed state. This concept is particularly useful for actions that should execute only
once at the end of a playbook or when a change has occurred, such as restarting a service
or reloading a configuration file. By using handlers, you can ensure that these actions are
only executed when needed, improving the efficiency and reliability of your playbook
executions. Despite the significance of this concept, most available materials on Ansible
handlers are carbon copies of the official documentation’s examples, which mostly rely
on high-level explanations and standard HTTPD, Apache, or Nginx examples. Hence, we
spent a week creating better explanations for the Ansible handler concept with practical
examples that allow you to learn and practice the concept. This simplified approach will
help you grasp the fundamental concept of the handler more easily using only two Linux
servers: the Ansible Control Machine (f38s1) and Fedora client node (f38c1).
Step 1: Create a new directory called “10.4_handler” for Section 10.4. Change your
working directory to the newly created directory and create a new inventory file that
only includes “f38c1”. Additionally, create an “ansible.cfg” file with the exact information
shown in this exercise. If you’re feeling tired, you can copy both files from “/home/jdoe/

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir 10.4_handler # create a new working

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cd 10.4_handler # change the working directory
[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ vi inventory # create inventory file and add a
single target host
[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ cat inventory
f38c1 ansible_host= # only contains a single client node

Ensure that your ansible.cfg file is configured properly.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cp ../ansible.cfg . # copy the ansible.cfg file from the

parent directory
[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ vi ansible.cfg # modify the file as shown below
[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ cat ansible.cfg # display the content of
the file
inventory = ./inventory # use the inventory in the working directory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible # use the private key in this
nocows = 1 # disable cowsay

Step 2: To proceed, create a new Ansible playbook as shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ vi 10.4_top5_handler.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ cat 10.4_top5_handler.yml

- hosts: f38c1 # target host
  become: true # run as root user
  gather_facts: false

    file_path: "./top5.txt" # specify the file name and path, will use /
    file_contents: | # file contents variable to be entered into top5.
txt file
      New York

    - name: check if the file exists
      ansible.builtin.stat: # stat module is used to check the file exists
        path: "{{ file_path }}"
      register: file_info

    - name: create the file if it does not exist

      ansible.builtin.file: # file module to create a new file if it does
not exist (using when)
        path: "{{ file_path }}"
        state: touch
        mode: "0666" # the file is readable and writable by all, including
the owner, group, & others.
      when: not file_info.stat.exists # only create file, top5.txt if file
does not exist

    - name: ensure the file has specific contents

        dest: "{{ file_path }}" # destination of the file
        content: "{{ file_contents }}" # make sure the top 5 cities are
all intact
      notify: file_changed # if the content is different, notify will
trigger the handler to run

    - name: file_changed # this name must be exactly the same as the
parameter used in notify
      ansible.builtin.command: echo "Your file has been changed!"

The preceding playbook creates a text file named “top5.txt” that contains my top five
secret cities around the world. It checks whether the file exists, and if it doesn’t, it creates
a new file. Additionally, it uses the copy and content modules to verify if the file’s content
has changed. If the content hasn’t changed, the handler won’t run. However, if it detects
a change in the file’s content, the handler will overwrite the modified information.
This mechanism is particularly useful when you need to keep some configuration files
with specific information that other users cannot modify for a good reason. By running
this playbook, you ensure that the file always contains your favorite five cities, and not
someone else’s.
Step 3: Create a second playbook that removes the first line of the “top5.txt” file. This
will allow us to modify the content and test the concept of handlers. When you run this
playbook, it will remove the first line (which contains London as the city in the first line)
from the file. This, in turn, triggers the handler action, which notifies the “ensure file has
specific contents” task. Simply create the second playbook, and then we’ll execute both
playbooks in different orders to go through the sequence.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ vi 10.4_top5_remove_one.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ cat 10.4_top5_remove_one.yml

- hosts: f38c1
  become: true
    file_path: "./top5.txt"

    - name: remove first line from file "tail -n +2 {{ file_path }} > {{ file_path }}
.tmp && mv {{ file_path }}.tmp {{ file_path }}" # shell tail command
is run to remove the first line of the top5.txt

    - name: read file

      become: true
      register: file_contents # hold the content from the command run cat {{ file_path }} # run the concatenate
command to display the content
      check_mode: no

    - name: display file contents

      ansible.builtin.debug: # display the content of the command run
        var: file_contents.stdout_lines

Step 4: Execute the “10.4_top5_handler.yml” playbook for the first time and observe
the output. You will notice that the handler is triggered and the message “RUNNING
HANDLER [file_changed]” is executed, as highlighted in the following output:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ anpap 10.4_top5_handler.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [f38c1] **************************************************************

TASK [check if file exists] ***********************************************

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [create file if it does not exist] ***********************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [ensure the file has specific contents] ******************************

changed: [f38c1]

RUNNING HANDLER [file_changed] ********************************************

changed: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=4  changed=3  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 5: Run the same playbook again, and you will notice that the handler is not
executed because the file created during the first run remains unchanged. This proves
our theory that as long as the file “top5.txt” remains unchanged, the handler will not


[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ anpap 10.4_top5_handler.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [f38c1] **************************************************************

TASK [check if file exists] ***********************************************

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [create file if it does not exist] ***********************************

skipping: [f38c1]

TASK [ensure the file has specific contents] ******************************

ok: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=2  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 6: Go to the client node f38c1, and check the file top5.txt located under /home/
jdoe. You will see that the file contains the expected five cities.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ cat top5.txt

New York

Step 7: Now back at the Ansible control node, f38s1, run the playbook (10.4_
top5_remove_one.yml), which removes the first line or the first city from the file. This
playbook will print the remaining cities after removing the first city, as you can see from
the output:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ anpap 10.4_top5_remove_one.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [f38c1] **************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [remove first line from file] ****************************************
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [read file] **********************************************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [display file contents] **********************************************

ok: [f38c1] => {
    "file_contents.stdout_lines": [
        "New York",

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=4  changed=2  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 8: If you insist on checking the same information from the client node, f38c1,
run the concatenate or more command to view the contents of the file, top5.txt.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ cat top5.txt

New York

Step 9: Go back to the control node and run the handler playbook, 10.4_top5_
handler.yml, again. You will see the handler execute in front of your eyes. If it works
correctly, then it will rewrite the top five cities as before, with London reinstated, as seen
in step 6.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.4_handler]$ anpap 10.4_top5_handler.yml

BECOME password: ****************

PLAY [f38c1] **************************************************************

TASK [check if file exists] ***********************************************
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [create file if it does not exist] ***********************************

skipping: [f38c1]

TASK [ensure the file has specific contents] ******************************

changed: [f38c1]

RUNNING HANDLER [file_changed] ********************************************

changed: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=3  changed=2  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 10: Now, back at the client node, f38c1, check the top5.txt file again. Voila!
London is back at the top of the list of the other four favorite cities. Thus, we have
successfully demonstrated that the handler worked by using the notify directive in our

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ cat top5.txt

New York

The preceding example provided a simple demonstration of using Ansible host_vars

and handlers. However, to effectively apply these concepts to real-world production
environments, it’s crucial to continue learning and extending your knowledge.
Remember that skills that are not practiced are only as good as skills learned solely from
books. Staying engaged with the IT field and practicing what you have learned will help
you level up your skills and become a better engineer.
To extend the concept of handlers, there are several other aspects to consider.
For instance, multiple tasks in a playbook might require multiple handlers, and it’s
important to name them uniquely to avoid duplicate names. In such cases, you can
group handlers using the “listen” keyword and call them using a single notify statement.

You should also understand when handlers run. By default, handlers run at the end of
the play after all regular tasks have been executed. However, if you want handlers to run
before the end of the play or between tasks, you can add a meta task to flush them using
the meta module.
Additionally, it’s crucial to handle task errors that may arise during playbook
execution with notify directives. You can use the failed_when parameter to specify the
conditions under which a task should fail, and the ignore_errors parameter to ignore
errors and continue playbook execution. Finally, it’s important to note that handlers are
like other tasks in a playbook, but they are only run when triggered by the notify directive
and when there is a change of state. They help ensure idempotency and efficient
playbook execution by avoiding unnecessary restarts or other actions.
To learn more about handlers and these additional aspects, explore Ansible’s official
documentation and practice with practical examples.

10.5 Templates
In Ansible, templates are used to generate dynamic configuration files based on
variables and data from the playbook or inventory. Templates are written in the Jinja2
template language, which allows for the use of variables, loops, conditionals, and
other dynamic constructs. Templates are important as they provide a way to generate
dynamic configuration files or scripts based on variables or other dynamic data. Using
templates can simplify the process of managing and configuring large numbers of hosts.
They allow for the use of variables, loops, conditionals, and other dynamic constructs,
making it easy to standardize the configuration of the same or similar systems. Without
templates, you would need to manually create and maintain multiple versions of your
configuration files for different servers or environments, which can be time-consuming
and error-prone.
By using templates, you can define a single source file with placeholders for variables
and then use Ansible to render the file for each target server or environment with the
appropriate values. This helps to ensure consistency and accuracy in your configuration
management process.
Here, we will use a simple example to practice using templates while configuring
f38c1 as a new SFTP server. As the target server already has OpenSSH-server installed,
there is no need to install it again. The SFTP server uses the same services and port
number as the OpenSSH server, making it unnecessary to install any additional software.

Step 1: Create a new working directory named 10.5_template. This will help us
isolate our new files for this exercise and enhance your understanding with less clutter.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir 10.5_template

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cd 10.5_template
[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ pwd

Step 2: After changing your directory, create a simple list of controlled nodes like this
to control the nodes in your environment:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ cat inventory

f38c1 ansible_host=

Step 3: You can create the ansible.cfg file from scratch or copy it from the previous
exercise. For this exercise, we will create it from scratch.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ cat ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
nocows = 1

Step 4: Now, this is the most critical part of this section, and it requires your full
attention while creating this template. However, if you want to save time, you can use the
downloaded copy of the Jinja2 template file named “sshd_config.j2”.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ vi sshd_config.j2

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ cat sshd_config.j2

# Original settings # These were the original configurations or enabled

Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf # Include additional configuration
files from this directory
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys # Specify the file containing
authorized public keys for user authentication
Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server # Define the SFTP subsystem
and specify the path to the SFTP server binary

### ADDED BY Network Automation ADMIN ### # New configurations to

enable SFTP
Match User {{sftp_user}} # Apply the following settings only to the
specified user
ForceCommand internal-sftp # Force the use of SFTP and prevent shell access
PasswordAuthentication yes # Allow password authentication for the
specified user
ChrootDirectory {{sftp_dir}} # Set the root directory for the specified
user to the specified directory
PermitTunnel no # Disable tunneling
AllowAgentForwarding no # Disable agent forwarding
AllowTcpForwarding no # Disable TCP forwarding
X11Forwarding no # Disable X11 forwarding

Step 5: One of the author’s blogs ( shares how to

install, configure, and test an SFTP server manually on Linux. You can read about the
manual SFTP server configuration from the following URL:
post/ Additionally, there are many interesting topics
on the same blog page.
The following Ansible playbook is an attempt to replicate the SFTP server
installation, configuration, and verification steps shared on the author’s WordPress site.
With the help of Ansible, setting up a new SFTP server on a single server or ten servers
becomes easy. If you are a serious network or systems engineer, you must understand
how files can be transferred between different systems on your network and also have a
full grasp of how to set up and fine-tune each file-sharing server. This will add flexibility
to your work and help others in your organization too. With a good working knowledge
of file sharing in an enterprise network environment, you will always have an edge over
your peers and shine like a northern star.
Since this playbook is quite lengthy, it’s important to focus your attention when
writing and understanding the following YAML codes to ensure accuracy and
completeness. If you want to save time typing, you can find the same code on the
authors’ GitHub page at

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ vi 10.5_install_sftp_server.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ cat 10.5_install_sftp_server.yml

- name: Install SFTP server on Fedora/CentOS/Red Hat/EC2 Linux
  hosts: all
  become: true
  vars: # add your variables here
    sftp_user: sftpuser # username is sftpuser
    sftp_dir: /var/sftp # this is where all sftp directories will reside
    sftp_data_dir: /var/sftp/sftpdata # this is where all the data will be
shared for sftpuser

    - name: Add a new user and set the password
        name: "{{ sftp_user }}"
        password: "{{ 'B3llaVita!@#' | password_hash('sha512') }}" #
Remember your password
        update_password: always

    - name: Create the SFTP directory

        path: "{{ sftp_dir }}"
        state: directory

    - name: Create the SFTP data directory

        path: "{{ sftp_data_dir }}"
        state: directory

    - name: Set ownership of SFTP directories

        path: "{{ item.path }}"
        owner: "{{ item.owner }}"
        group: "{{ }}"
        mode: "{{ item.mode }}"

      loop: # use the loop to read the dictionaries below to set correct
directory ownership
        - { path: "{{ sftp_dir }}", owner: "root", group: "root",
mode: "0755" } # for root user
        - { path: "{{ sftp_data_dir }}", owner: "{{ sftp_user }}", group:
"{{ sftp_user }}", mode: "0700" } # for sftp_user

    - name: Copy sshd_config.j2 file from current working directory to /

        src: sshd_config.j2
        dest: /etc/ssh/
        mode: '0600'
        owner: root
        group: root

    - name: Modify sshd_config file # use jinja2 template file to update
the sshd_config file
        src: sshd_config.j2
        dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: '0600'
      notify: restart sshd # did you notice that we are suing a
handler here

    - name: Check sshd_config file syntax

      ansible.builtin.command: sshd -t
      register: sshd_config_syntax
      ignore_errors: yes

  handlers: # we are using handler to restart the sshd service

    - name: restart sshd
        name: sshd
        state: restarted

      when: sshd_config_syntax.rc == 0 # execute if the previous task
returned an rc value of 0, which indicates that the syntax of the
sshd_config file is correct

Step 6: After creating and verifying all the necessary files, you are now ready to
execute your playbook and transform your Linux server into a fully functioning SFTP
server. Since we are working with an existing SSH server to add the SFTP service and
user, it's recommended to take a snapshot of your virtual machines using VMware
Workstation's snapshot feature, if you have been following the book step-by-step.
This will allow you to easily restore to the working state in case of any issues during the
execution of the playbook.
Once you are ready, run the playbook and check the output. If your output matches
the example provided in the book, then everything is working correctly. However, if you
encounter any errors, you can troubleshoot the issue and re-run the playbook until it
executes successfully.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ anpap 10.5_install_sftp_server.yml

BECOME password: ***************

PLAY [Install SFTP server on Fedora/CentOS/Red Hat/EC2 Linux] *************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Add a new user and set the password] ********************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Create the SFTP directory] ******************************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Create the SFTP data directory] *************************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Set ownership of SFTP directories] **********************************

ok: [f38c1] => (item={'path': '/var/sftp', 'owner': 'root', 'group':
'root', 'mode': '0755'})
changed: [f38c1] => (item={'path': '/var/sftp/sftpdata', 'owner':
'sftpuser', 'group': 'sftpuser', 'mode': '0700'})

TASK [Copy sshd_config.j2 file from current working directory to /etc/ssh/]
changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Modify sshd_config file] ********************************************

changed: [f38c1]

TASK [Check sshd_config file syntax] **************************************

changed: [f38c1]

RUNNING HANDLER [restart sshd] ********************************************

changed: [f38c1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1   : ok=9  changed=8  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 7: After successfully running your playbook, it is important to conduct a

verification test to ensure that your new SFTP user is unable to log in to the server
using the SSH protocol. It is a best security practice to keep the administration account
separate from the application user account, such as the one created here. If you attempt
to log in to the server using sftpuser’s credentials, it should fail. A failed login attempt is
expected by design and indicates that the configuration is working as intended.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ ssh sftpuser@

sftpuser@'s password: B3llaVita!@#

This service allows sftp connections only.

Connection to closed.

Step 8: On the other hand, if you use the SFTP protocol or command, you will be
able to log in and perform general administrative tasks, including file and directory
housekeeping. You will be logging into your SFTP root directory, as shown in the
following, and will be allowed to move to the data sharing directory “sftpdata”. Voila! We
confirmed that our SFTP server is working properly; we should be able to use this SFTP
server in our future Ansible networking labs.


[jdoe@f38s1 10.5_template]$ sftp sftpuser@

sftpuser@'s password: B3llaVita!@#

Connected to
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /
sftp> ls
sftp> cd sftpdata/
sftp> # Use Ctrl+Z to stop the SFTP session.

Step 9: Like the FTP server that we configured and tested earlier, the newly
configured SFTP server can also be accessed, and files can be transferred between the
Windows host PC and Linux server using the WinSCP SFTP client. This is particularly
useful when transferring image files and log files between two different systems. When
logging into WinSCP, refer to Figures 10-3 and 10-4 for guidance.

Figure 10-3. SFTP server login


Figure 10-4. SFTP server – accept to add the host key

Step 10: As shown in Figure 10-5, test the functionality of the SFTP server to ensure
that it allows you to create, transfer, and remove files and folders as desired. If everything
works properly, you can conclude this section and proceed to the final section of this
chapter on password vault.

Figure 10-5. SFTP server – test file creation and file transfers

Congratulations! By completing this tutorial, you have gained a solid understanding
of how to use Ansible and Ansible templates to install and configure an SFTP server
on Linux. You have also become proficient in testing the functionality of your newly
configured SFTP server. An SFTP server is an essential component of any Network,
Systems, and Security domain for day-to-day operations, as well as a critical tool for
engineers dealing with system administration at a large scale. With the knowledge you
have gained, you can now confidently deploy and manage SFTP servers to support your
organization’s needs.
While the previous example was a simple demonstration of using templates in
Ansible, the real challenge lies in applying Ansible concepts to complex production
scenarios that meet business requirements and achieve business objectives to a
high standard. To become an expert in network automation, it’s crucial to connect the
dots between different Ansible concepts and apply them effectively to your work needs.
Continuously practicing and exploring the vast capabilities of Ansible is the key to
improving your automation skills and becoming proficient in network automation.

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new heights (B.C. May 2023).

10.6 Managing Password on Ansible

As you become more familiar with Ansible, you’ll notice that there are multiple ways
to handle and use passwords within the Ansible Control Machine. So far, we’ve used
the “--ask-become-pass” option, which has worked well for us during our journey
through learning Ansible. However, in a production environment, your organization
will likely follow one of several information security standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001,

NIST SP800-53, CIS Controls, PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR. While there’s no need to delve
into the details of each standard, the IT industry recognizes that information security,
including password management in the enterprise IT infrastructure ecosystem, is a
critical and long-standing issue.
Up until now, we’ve tediously used the “--ask-become-pass” option on the
command line to familiarize readers with other Ansible concepts instead of focusing
solely on password management. This option prompts the Ansible playbook to request
a password for privilege escalation when executing commands requiring “sudo” or “su”
commands on client (target) nodes. By default, Ansible executes commands with the
current user’s password, but in some cases, the user may lack sufficient privileges to run
specific commands, and thus, the “--ask-become-pass” option is used. It’s important to
take special care when manually entering passwords on the command line as they may
be recorded in shell history or logs. To mitigate this risk, it’s recommended that you store
your passwords securely using Ansible Vault or an external password store. Remember,
when it comes to password management, more security is always better than less.
Now, let’s explore other ways of using passwords in Ansible, deepen our
understanding, and gain the knowledge and experience required to use them effectively
in our playbooks. We have tabulated multiple ways how passwords are used in Table 10-2
for your reference.

Table 10-2. Multiple ways to use passwords in Ansible
No. Passwd method Option used Explanation

1 Remote user ansible_ssh_ To establish an SSH connection, the user needs

password pass to provide the password for the remote user. This
password can be set by using the “ansible_ssh_pass”
variable in either the inventory or playbook
2 Become password ansible_ When you provide a become password, you can
become_pass escalate privileges on a remote host to the “sudo” or
“su” level. You can set the “ansible_become_pass”
variable in either the inventory or playbook to specify
this password. This has the same effect as using the
“--ask-become-pass” option
3 Vault password --ask-vault-pass Ansible Vault is a feature that enables the encryption
of sensitive data, such as passwords, API keys, and
certificates. To use Ansible Vault, you can encrypt the
data using the “ansible-vault” command-line tool or
the “vault” keyword in the playbook and provide the
vault password when running the playbook using the
“--ask-vault-pass” option
4 Privilege escalation ansible_ You can set a privilege escalation password for
password password specific tasks using the “ansible_password” variable.
This variable can be used in addition to the “ansible_
become_pass” option for privilege escalation
5 Password lookup password lookup Passwords can be retrieved from external sources
plug-in plug-ins such as password managers, credential stores, or
external services using password lookup plug-ins.
To use these plug-ins, you can specify them in your
playbook or inventory as required

This is the last topic that we will cover on basic Ansible concepts. As you are already
somewhat familiar with the first two methods, we will focus on the encrypt and decrypt
password methods, using two Ansible Vault examples. An API-key example will be
demonstrated in one of the upcoming Palo Alto Security labs.

10.6.1 Password Vault
Ansible Vault is a feature that enables file encryption using AES256 and password file
encryption. This eliminates the need to use plain text–based passwords, enhancing
security. With Ansible Vault, you can create a new vault file with the “ansible-vault
create” command, check encryption using the “cat” command, view the content of
the file with “ansible-vault view”, update the password using “ansible-vault rekey”, and
change the content of the file using “ansible-vault edit”. Using Ansible Vault to store
passwords can significantly reduce security risks associated with storing passwords in
plain text, making it a vital component of any organization’s password management
Here is a quick list of the ansible-vault commands you will be using in the next
exercise for encryption and decryption of your password. Please read the commands
and explanations in Table 10-3 before moving to the next task.

Table 10-3. Working with ansible-vault

Ansible-vault command Explanation

ansible-vault create vault_pass.yml Create a new vault file called “vault_pass.yml”

cat vault_pass.yml Check encryption used
ansible-vault view vault_pass.yml Display/view the content of the file
ansible-vault rekey vault_pass.yml Update the password to open the vault_pass.yml file
ansible-vault edit vault_pass.yml Change the content of the file

Extend your knowledge:

Ensure security of sensitive data using the vault-id feature.

Ansible Vault-id is a popular feature that allows you to specify the source of
encryption keys or passwords for decrypting sensitive data. By separating this
information from playbooks and storing it in external files or plug-ins, it ensures
the security of sensitive data. The vault-id option enables you to precisely define
the location or method of retrieving the decryption keys or passwords. This

approach provides a robust and secure mechanism for handling confidential
information within Ansible playbooks and configurations, safeguarding against
unauthorized access and ensuring the privacy of sensitive data.
Let's say you have an encrypted Ansible Vault file named my_secrets.yml that
contains sensitive data. You can create a vault password file named my_vault_
pass.txt with the decryption password stored in it.
To run a playbook using the vault password file, you can use the --vault-id option:
ansible-playbook --vault-id @my_vault_pass.txt my_
In this example, @my_vault_pass.txt specifies the vault password file location.
Ansible will read the decryption password from the my_vault_pass.txt file and use
it to decrypt the vaulted data in my_secrets.yml during playbook execution. Encrypting ansible_become_pass Only Using

Let’s practice using ansible-vault by following this exercise. It’s a simple example that
focuses on encrypting the ansible_become_pass only. So go ahead and give your fingers
some practice!
Step 1: Begin by creating a new working directory specifically for practicing
password vault, and then change your current working directory to this newly created

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ pwd

[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ mkdir 10.6_password_vault
[jdoe@f38s1 ch10]$ cd 10.6_password_vault/
[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$

Step 2: Create a vault_pass.yaml file by executing the command “ansible-vault create



[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-vault create vault_pass.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************  # Don’t forget this password!
ansible_become_pass: SuperSecretPassword

After executing the “ansible-vault create vault_pass.yml” command in the previous

step, a new file named “vault_pass.yml” will be created in your working directory. This
file will be encrypted using the Ansible Vault and will require a password to be decrypted
and accessed.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ls


Step 3: To verify the encryption, check that ansible-vault is using AES256 to encrypt
data. The password you provided when creating the vault is used to generate the private
key for password encryption. If you see a bunch of numbers, that’s exactly what we
expect to see from the cat command output.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat vault_pass.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: To view the content of the vault_pass.yml file, use the ansible-vault view
command. This will display the actual content of the file in the terminal.

[jdoe@ansible-server ~]$ ansible-vault view vault_pass.yml

Vault password: **********

ansible_become_pass: SuperSecretPassword

# Optionally, if you want to assign passwords individually, you can do so

like this.
# f38c1_become_password: SuperSecret123 # optional, so hashed out

# u23c1_become_password: SuperSecret234 # optional, so hashed out
# u23c2_become_password: SuperSecret456 # optional, so hashed out

Step 5: Practice updating the key by using the ansible-vault rekey command. This
will allow you to change the password used to unlock the vault_pass.yml file.

jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-vault rekey vault_pass.yml

Vault password: ***************

New Vault password: ********
Confirm New Vault password: ********
Rekey successful

Step 6: If you wish to update the actual password stored in the vault_pass.yml file,
you can use the ansible-vault edit command. Let’s update our password using this

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-vault edit vault_pass.yml

Vault password: ********

ansible_become_pass: 5uper5ecret8assword!@# # updated password

Step 7: Now, let’s create a basic ansible.cfg file. You can carefully create the file by
following the explanations provided in gray.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory # Don’t forget the ./
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible # get private key from this path
nocows = 1 # 1 disables cowsay
forks=30 # default folks are 5

Step 8: Let’s create a new inventory file. It should look like the example shown in the
following. We will include the ansible_become_pass inside the inventory file. Modify the
inventory file to retrieve the password from the vault_pass.yml file. The variable name in
the inventory file should match the one in the vault_pass.yml file word for word.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat inventory

ansible_become_pass='{{ ansible_become_pass }}' # take special care, type
in word-by-word
# ansible_user='{{ user_name }}' # optional, so hashed out
# ansible_become=yes                  # optional, so hashed out
# ansible_become_method=sudo  # optional, so hashed out

f38c1 ansible_host=
u23c1 ansible_host=
u23c2 ansible_host=

Step 9: To perform a system reboot on all client nodes using Ansible, you can
create a basic playbook. However, note that this playbook will initiate the reboot
process without user confirmation. Therefore, if this playbook is going to be used in a
production environment, it’s crucial to inform the business well in advance and disable
any monitoring systems to prevent unnecessary alerts and notifications. It is highly
recommended that any system reboots in a production environment should be
carried out under an approved change window, following the ITIL 4.0 framework.
ITIL processes are a set of best practices for IT service management (ITSM), which
help organizations achieve their IT service objectives efficiently. To ensure minimal
disruption, the engineer should exercise caution when executing service-interrupting
playbooks and follow the relevant ITIL processes.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi 10.6_reboot.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat 10.6_reboot.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: reboot all nodes

Step 10: Execute the ansible-playbook with the –ask-vault-pass option as
shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-playbook 10.6_reboot.yml --ask-

vault-pass -e@./vault_pass.yml
Vault password: ********

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [reboot all nodes] ***************************************************

changed: [f38c1]
changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

It’s important to note that the “Gathering Facts” module, also known as “gather_
facts,” is enabled by default in our playbook. While this module may slow down the
playbook’s speed, it is recommended to keep it enabled, especially in cases where
there may be errors or typos in the playbook, ansible.cfg, or inventory file. Enabling this
module can help check the sanity of your files and stop the play before running the main
tasks, which can save time and prevent potential errors.
Step 11: During the reboot process, you will notice that all client nodes are rebooting
on the VMware Workstation consoles as shown in Figure 10-6. The servers should reboot
in sequence, but it is so quick that it may appear as if they are all rebooting in parallel.
Please wait until the server reboots are completed before proceeding. Once the reboot is
finished, you should see the same output as in step 10.


Figure 10-6. f38c1 rebooting screen example


All playbooks and files are available from the following GitHub site: Encrypting vars.yml with Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault is a powerful tool that enables the encryption of sensitive information in
your playbooks, adding an extra layer of security to your infrastructure. When dealing
with confidential data, we can create a separate vars.yml file and encrypt it with Ansible
Vault. Subsequently, we can refer to this file in our playbook using the vars_files option,
which loads the encrypted parameters. This approach not only protects the sensitive
data but also enables the creation of clean and concise playbooks, with specific
information, which can aid in the event of a playbook failure. It is a recommended
practice to use Ansible Vault to encrypt sensitive information in playbooks, especially
when dealing with production systems.

Step 1: Use the same ansible.cfg file as before.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat ansible.cfg

inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
nocows = 1

Step 2: You need to update the inventory file to ensure that it only contains the hosts
listed under the [all] group.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi inventory

f38c1 ansible_host=
u23c1 ansible_host=
u23c2 ansible_host=

Step 3: Create a vars.yml file and specify the variables that you want to use in your
playbook in dictionary format.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi vars.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat vars.yml

ansible_user: jdoe
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: sudo
ansible_become_pass: 5uper5ecret8assword!@#

Step 4: To encrypt the vars.yml file using Ansible Vault, run the following command:

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-vault encrypt vars.

New Vault password: ********
Confirm New Vault password: ********
Encryption successful

If you try to view the encrypted file, it will output as a long string of numbers.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat vars.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Optionally, you may choose to decrypt the vars.yml file, but it’s not necessary for the
next steps of creating and executing the playbook. If you did decrypt the file, remember
to encrypt it again before moving to the next step.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ ansible-vault decrypt vars.yml

Vault password: ********

Decryption successful

Check the content of the file using the concatenate command.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat vars.yml

ansible_user: jdoe
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: sudo
ansible_become_pass: 5uper5ecret8assword!@#

Step 5: To create the new reboot playbook, use the “vars_files” option, which loads
information from “vars.yml”. If you have more than one variable file to load, you can add
them to the list. However, in our case, we only have one variable file, so you only need to
specify that particular file.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ vi 10.6_reboot_vars.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cat 10.6_reboot_vars.yml

- name: Reboot servers

  hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo

    - vars.yml
    - name: Reboot servers

Step 6: It’s time to execute your playbook with the --ask-vault-pass option. Since
we’re using specific parameters read from the encrypted vars.yml, we’ll run the
command “ansible-playbook” (or “anp”) followed by the playbook name and the --ask-
vault-pass option. This command will prompt you to enter the Ansible Vault password
that was used to encrypt the vars.yml file.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ anp 10.6_reboot_vars.yml --ask-vault-

Vault password: ********

PLAY [Reboot servers] *****************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************

ok: [u23c1]
ok: [u23c2]
ok: [f38c1]

TASK [Reboot servers] *****************************************************
changed: [f38c1]
changed: [u23c1]
changed: [u23c2]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

f38c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c1  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
u23c2  : ok=2  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Ansible Vault is an effective way to securely store sensitive data alongside your
regular playbooks in source control. Encrypting your data offers minimal risk, as long as
you use a strong password. It is also recommended to rotate the encryption password
frequently to enhance security, as with any shared secret. Additionally, Ansible provides
advanced features for Vaults, such as the ability to use different passwords for different
Vaults. Exploring Ansible’s documentation can help you leverage its native capabilities
and secure your secrets effectively.
Furthermore, you can use an API key for authentication to make the process more
user-friendly. During the playbook execution in interactive mode, you can prompt the
user to enter the API key. If your organization already uses an enterprise password
manager with custom modules for interaction, you can integrate it with Ansible to
secure sensitive data. Some popular enterprise password managers include HashiCorp
Vault, CyberArk Vault, Thycotic Secret Server, LastPass Enterprise, and Keeper Security.
However, integrating with a custom password manager is beyond the scope of this book,
as every organization has its security tools and policies.

Extend your knowledge:

Dive deeper to extend your knowledge and use Ansible’s official

To extend your knowledge and deepen your understanding of Ansible Vault, it”s
recommended to use Ansible”s official documentation. While it can be confusing
for beginners, it”s still a valuable learning resource that”s available for free. Here
are some links you can visit to learn more about Ansible Vault and password

Official Ansible Vault documentation:
Handling secrets in your Ansible playbooks:
By leveraging these resources, you can further enhance your Ansible skills and
develop a better understanding of how to manage sensitive information in your

In preparation for Chapter 11 and your Network Automation lab, it is highly

recommended to back up your data using your GitHub account. It is crucial to regularly
and frequently back up both your source code and data to avoid the risk of data loss. As a
reminder, let’s take a quick look at an example of the GitHub data backup process. Later
in the book, we will demonstrate the use of API keys in action, but for now, let’s conclude
this chapter.

[jdoe@f38s1 10.6_password_vault]$ cd ../..

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git status
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git add .
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git commit -m "Upload Ch10"
[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ git push origin main

The Ansible concepts covered in the previous four chapters are essential building
blocks for automating tasks and managing infrastructure with Ansible. While these
concepts are not all-inclusive, they provide a solid foundation for readers to build upon.
With Chapter 10 now complete, you have gained valuable knowledge on intermediate
topics such as creating users, bootstrapping servers, using roles, exploring variables
and handlers, templates, and password management. If you are new to Ansible, it
is recommended to practice these concepts on a Linux OS first before expanding to
network and security automation. In the next chapters, you will dive into practical
examples of Ansible Network Automation using enterprise networking devices and apply
the concepts you have learned in this book to real-world scenarios. So get ready to have
some fun and put your newfound skills into action.

10.7 Summary
This chapter marks the end of the Ansible concepts series in this book, covering
intermediate topics such as user creation, Linux server bootstrapping, role usage,
variable options and handlers, template, and password management with Ansible Vault.
The chapter also provided instructions on installing, configuring, and testing FTP and
SFTP servers on Linux using Ansible playbooks. While these concepts are essential
for automating complex tasks and managing large-scale infrastructure, it’s important
to remember that they build on the foundational knowledge from previous chapters.
If you’re new to Ansible, it’s recommended to practice different Ansible concepts on
a Linux OS first before expanding out to network and security automation. With this
chapter completed, the Ansible basics series has concluded. The next chapters will focus
on practical Network Automation labs using enterprise networking devices and applying
the concepts learned in this book to Ansible Network Automation.


Building an Ansible
Learning Environment
for Network Automation
In this chapter, we will guide you through the process of constructing a powerful Ansible
learning environment for network automation. Our focus will be on key components
such as Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) with routing and switch focus, Palo Alto and
Fortinet firewalls installed on GNS3 with a security focus, and the configuration and
connection testing of Palo Alto PA-VM and Fortinet FortiGate firewalls. Additionally,
we will create Cisco c8000v edge router virtual machines on VMware Workstation with
a patch management focus and a Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) VM on ESXi 7
with wireless and patch management purposes. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have
a robust learning environment consisting of routers, switches, firewalls, edge routers,
and a WLC. This comprehensive setup will empower you to embark on your network
automation journey with Ansible. Get ready to unlock the full potential of Ansible
and transform your network automation capabilities. Prepare to unlock the immense
potential of Ansible in network automation!

Welcome to the Network Automation Lab Preparation chapter, where we will embark
on a journey of hands-on experience and practical exploration. In this chapter, we will
shift our focus from Linux OS-related networking topics to the next level of learning:
­setting up major network devices in our virtual lab for Ansible Network Automation.
© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Brace yourself, as this chapter is a true powerhouse when it comes to building labs
and gaining valuable experience. Our primary objective is to guide you through the
process of constructing a functional virtualized lab environment that specifically caters
to Ansible Network Automation. While we continue to create small testing playbooks
to ensure smooth login and connectivity, the main goal here is to provide you with a
valuable resource for learning Ansible and network automation. Additionally, this lab
environment will also serve as a fertile ground for exploring the initialization of routers,
switches, firewalls, Wireless LAN Controllers, and other crucial IT concepts. Throughout
this chapter, you can expect to encounter a wide range of technologies, including
wired and wireless LAN, as well as security. You will also dive into numerous files and
integration tasks, leveraging both open source and proprietary software. Get ready to
embark on an exciting journey of lab building and practical exploration as we equip you
with the necessary skills for network automation and beyond!
Building a lab environment like this is highly involved and requires special attention
to detail to ensure both open source and proprietary software work seamlessly on a
single PC/laptop. It’s important to note that most of the components will be installed on
a single laptop, but the Cisco virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC) will be installed on
an external ESXi 7 server due to software compatibility issues. Although we aimed to keep
everything within a single PC setup, due to software compatibility, unsolved software
bugs, and licensing protection issues, labs for Cisco WLC and Palo Alto PAN-OS upgrading
chapters will be demonstrated on external platforms. For the most part, you will be
installing routers, switches, and firewalls on GNS3, as well as edge router VMs running on
VMware Workstation 17 Pro. We could have chosen to exclude these topics, but we believe
that exposing our readers to a real production-like environment is important and still
better than no exposure. Given the breadth of the topics covered in this chapter and the
effort required to complete a full lab environment, we have assigned a difficulty rating
of five out of five for this chapter.
To provide you with more information about what this chapter has to offer, we will
begin by installing Cisco’s CML (Cisco Modeling Labs) routers and switches. The CML
IOSv image provides the functionality of an L3 routing device with all the Cisco IOS-XE
features, commonly used in many of Cisco’s enterprise routing devices. On the other
hand, the CML IOSvl2 image will provide the functionality of managed L2 (and L3)
switching device features that are found on Cisco IOS-XE enterprise switches. These
CML routers and switches will be used for simple routing and switching Ansible labs.
­After that, we will guide you through installing Palo Alto’s PA-VM and Fortinet’s FortiGate

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

on GNS3 for our security Ansible labs. Next, we will install Cisco Catalyst 8000V routers
as a regular virtual machine on VMware Workstation. The first router will be cloned to
make the second virtual router, and these two routers will be used in IOS-XE upgrading
Ansible lab in Chapter 15. Finally, we will install the Cisco vWLC in VMware ESXi 7.0 for
WLC upgrading Ansible lab in Chapter 16. These installations will give you access to a
diverse range of networking platforms to effectively test and learn network automation
using Ansible.
By the end of this chapter, you will have several networking devices ready for testing
Ansible playbooks in the upcoming chapters. Additionally, you will be able to add
various major vendor virtual machines to both GNS3 and VMware Workstation for your
future learning. Let’s dive into the lab preparation processes for our Ansible Network
Automation endeavors. If you have already read the prequel, Introduction to Python
Network Automation: The First Journey by Brendan Choi (2021), you will already be
familiar with the process of installing virtual Cisco networking devices on the VMware
Workstation environment. Even without prior experience in building virtual routers
or switches, you will be able to follow the instructions provided in the accompanying
installation guidelines and the book. Be sure to refer to the guidelines provided in this
book to successfully set up our network testing lab.


Your key to unlocking the next ten chapters

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of readers completing this chapter
for their success. This particular chapter holds significant importance within
the book as it serves as the glue that connects the first half and second half of
the book. The success of the upcoming practical labs heavily depends on your
comprehension and completion of this chapter in its entirety.
To optimize your time, we recommend downloading all four installation guides from
the authors’ GitHub page and reviewing them in advance. Building a working IT lab
yourself requires some project management skills. Careful planning is essential
to effectively complete this chapter, making it essentially another book within
the book. Some software is open source, while others are highly proprietary with
limited access to the public. Completing all the required tasks within one to two

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

days would be exceptional, but for most readers, it may take more time as they
locate and download various software and files throughout this chapter.
For your convenience, the installation guides are divided into four parts. You may
choose to approach this chapter in four separate parts, following each guide for a
step-by-step progression. Alternatively, if you are eager to tackle the entire chapter
at once, that option is also available to you.
As a helpful tip, we recommend first downloading and reviewing all installation
guides for Chapter 11. This will allow you to better understand what software and
files are required and how to tackle each part. By doing so, you can plan and ensure
successful installation and integration. Completion of Chapter 11 acts as a key
(Figure 11-1) to unlocking the next ten chapters, which build upon the knowledge
gained in this pivotal chapter. Consider this chapter as your key to unlocking the
upcoming chapters and expanding your understanding of the subject matter.

Figure 11-1. Your key to the next ten chapters

Visit the authors’ GitHub site and download the installation guides and a config file:
[GitHub Link:]

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

To condense the chapter length, we have provided all the installation guides
as downloadable supplementary PDF files. It is crucial that you thoroughly read
and diligently follow the instructions outlined in these guides to complete all tasks
successfully. This ensures that your environment is properly prepared and ready for
the ten subsequent practical chapters. Please note that completing this chapter is
mandatory if you wish to engage in the practical labs. However, if you prefer a more
casual approach without participating in hands-on labs, you have the option to skip
this chapter. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that this decision may limit your
learning experience and the knowledge you acquire. It is widely acknowledged that
the most effective way to learn is through practical application – learning by doing.
Engaging in hands-on ­activities allows you to truly grasp the concepts and understand
their practical implications. If you aspire to become a Subject Matter Expert (SME), there
is no substitute for actively engaging in practical tasks. This approach offers the most
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Now, let’s proceed with the installation of Cisco routers and switches on GNS3.

11.1 Cisco CML (Cisco Modeling Labs) Router

and Switch Installation on GNS3
Familiarizing yourself with building network labs using network emulators is a crucial
aspect of IT learning, whether you are a student or a professional aiming to obtain
certifications from major network vendors such as Cisco, Juniper, HPE, Palo Alto,
Fortinet, and others. Throughout your career as an IT engineer, this skill will remain
essential, particularly if your work involves closely managing enterprise IT infrastructure.
The traditional reliance on physical hardware or paying significant fees for renting
pre-built lab racks from leasing providers is no longer the preferred choice for many
students. Thanks to advancements in personal computing and emulator technology,
anyone can now build a personalized and customized IT lab environment using various
software to thoroughly test vendor products. The only thing that may be missing is a true
passion for exploring and learning different technologies, which can significantly expand
one’s horizons and open new opportunities. If you are truly passionate about your work,
especially in the field of IT, success tends to favor dedicated learners. So it is important
to consistently invest your time and effort into learning and improving your skills if you
aspire to excel as an IT engineer.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

For example, Cisco offers subscriptions for Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) and provides
access to Cisco dCloud (, which offers pre-built lab
scenarios. However, before diving into these options, it’s important to consider a few
factors. One drawback of relying solely on Cisco’s pre-built labs is the lack of knowledge
about their construction and the individuals who built them. By relying exclusively
on these pre-built labs, you may miss out on gaining a deep understanding of the
intricate details involved in setting up and configuring lab environments. It’s like being a
mechanic who can only perform basic maintenance tasks without truly comprehending
how all the components of a car work together. Furthermore, it’s essential to note
that CML is a yearly subscription service that comes at a cost. While it offers excellent
materials at an affordable price for those focusing on Cisco technology, it may not
provide the same value for young job-seeking future network engineers.
On the other hand, using pre-built labs does save time and effort in setting up
the lab infrastructure. You can focus more on the content and exercises provided by
Cisco, delving into the specific topics and technologies covered by certification exams.
However, without knowledge of how the lab is built, you may lack a comprehensive
understanding of how the various network components interact and operate. To truly
grasp the intricacies of network operations, it is highly recommended to learn how
to build and configure your lab environments. Just like a skilled mechanic who can
disassemble and rebuild an entire engine, being able to create your network lab from
the ground up grants you a deeper understanding of networking concepts. It provides
an opportunity to experiment, troubleshoot, and explore different scenarios, ultimately
enhancing your overall knowledge and skills. Consider investing your time into building
a proper networking or IT lab, as it’s akin to learning how to fish rather than solely relying
on pre-prepared meals.
By utilizing network emulators like GNS3 and EVE-NG, you can create your own
virtualized lab environments. These emulators offer a wide range of flexibility, allowing
you to design complex topologies and experiment with various technologies. This
approach eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions or leasing rack hours, and
it empowers you to fully control and customize your lab experience. By the way, the
topologies used throughout this book use one of the simplest topologies as the focus is
teaching the readers how to master managing various devices using Ansible plays; once
you have mastered the Ansible basics, you can re-apply the concepts and skills learned
to more complex topologies and production environment to your heart’s content.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Our current objective is to integrate Cisco’s CML switch and router images with
GNS3. To begin, please visit the authors’ GitHub page at
ansnetauto/appress_ansnetauto and locate the integration guide titled “Ch11_Pre-­
task1_Cisco_CML_Router_Switch_Installation_on_GNS3.pdf”. This guide is part of the
prequel book, Introduction to Python Network Automation: The First Journey by Brendan
Choi (2021). It is important to carefully follow the instructions provided in the guide, as
it will guide you through the process of installing GNS3 and integrating the CML router
and switch images on the GNS3 VM running on VMware Workstation. The steps involved
in setting up CML with the newer version of GNS3 have slightly changed and require
careful attention.
For a successful installation of CML routers and switches on GNS3, you will need the
essential files listed in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1. Required files for CML router and switch installation on GNS3
Description File name File size

Cisco CML L2 Switch vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SSA.152-4.0.55.E 92.3 MB

Cisco CML L3 Router vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.157-3.M3.qcow2 127 MB
IOSv_startup_config 1 MB
JunOS L2 Switch JunOS Olive-disk1.vmdk 272 MB

Assuming you have completed the GNS3 CML and VMware integration using the
first installation guide for Chapter 11, you are now ready to begin a new GNS3 project.
The focus of this task is to create a simple network topology that connects our Ansible
Control Machine to the routers and switches running on GNS3 VM. Although this task
is relatively straightforward, it requires attention to detail. To establish the connection,
we will use the NAT1 cloud to connect to the VMnet8 interface of VMware Workstation,
which is configured on the subnet. Our goal is to power on f38s1
( and establish communication with the topology we will be creating on
GNS3’s topology canvas.
Now let’s dive right in and get started!
Step 1: To begin a new project in GNS3, navigate to File ➤ New Blank Project (or
use the shortcut Ctrl + N). Alternatively, you can close and restart GNS3, and you will be
prompted to start at the new Project screen. Give your new project a meaningful name,

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

considering that it will serve as the foundation for our lab and encompass most of the
exercises. Let’s keep it simple and name this project “ansnetauto_lab01”. Once you have
selected a suitable name for your project, click the [OK] button. Refer to Figure 11-2 for a
visual representation.

Figure 11-2. Starting a new GNS3 project

Step 2: Next, go to the left icon menus and click “All devices” to display the available
devices. Locate the NAT icon and drag it onto the workspace. When you drop the NAT
icon, a prompt will appear asking you to select the server to run on. Make sure to choose
your local host PC name as the server. This ensures proper communication between
the topology and the virtual machines running on VMware Workstation 17 Pro. Keep in
mind that your server’s name will be different and should match the name of your host
PC. As shown in Figure 11-3, our hostname is LP50BC, but your server name will be

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-3. Selecting your hostname as the server for NAT1

Step 3: Drag and drop GNS3’s built-in Ethernetswitch (Switch1) to the center of
the canvas. In the device settings, choose GNS3 VM as the server to host this device, as
illustrated in Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4. Selecting GNS3 VM as the server for the Ethernet switch (Switch1)

Step 4: Drag and drop two Cisco IOSv routers from the “All devices” section to the
left of Switch1 and two Cisco IOSvL2 switches to the right. To rename the devices, simply
place your mouse over a device, right-click, and select “Rename hostname” from the
menu, as shown in Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-5. Connecting two routers and two switches to the GNS3 topology

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 5: To power on the devices, begin by placing your mouse over “r1” and right-­
clicking. From the menu, select the “Start” option as shown in Figure 11-6. Allow a few
seconds for the device to power on. Repeat this process for “r2,” “sw1,” and “sw2” to ensure
that all four devices are powered on. Please be patient as it may take a few minutes for all
devices to complete the startup process. Once all devices are powered on, we can proceed
to configure their IP addresses and create a brief Ansible playbook for connectivity testing.

Figure 11-6. Powering on one device at a time

Step 6: Once all four devices have successfully powered on, as indicated in
Figure 11-7, double-click on the Cisco router and switch icons to open the console. The
console should open in PuTTY, as depicted in Figure 11-8.

Figure 11-7. All devices powered on

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-8. Opening terminal console on PuTTY

Step 7: Proceed to the main window of the VMware Workstation and power on the
Ansible Control Machine, f38s1 ( This step is necessary to test the
internal connectivity between this node and the powered-on Cisco devices, as depicted
in Figure 11-9.

Figure 11-9. Powering on Ansible Control Machine, f38s1

Step 8: Refer to Figure 11-10 for initial router and switch configurations. Let’s change
the hostnames, assign IP addresses and unshut the connected interfaces, and test
connectivity between each device to the Ansible control node. Also, we will create a local
user account, jdoe, with a secret and then save the running configuration to the startup

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-10. Connected devices

As our readers are Cisco students or experienced professionals in the field, we

assume that you have a basic understanding of Cisco router and switch operations.
However, if you are new to these commands, don’t worry! You can still follow along and
learn how to establish communication between our Ansible control node and network
To begin, please double-click on the router and switch icons to open the Console
sessions in PuTTY. We will guide you through the process of initializing the configuration
for each network device using the provided settings, ensuring they are ready for our labs.
Take care to enter the configuration accurately and avoid any typos.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Once the configuration is complete, we will proceed to write a simple Ansible

playbook on the Ansible Control Machine and test our connectivity. Let’s get started!

Note We encourage you to manually configure your Cisco devices, as it provides

valuable hands-on experience. However, if you’re a seasoned network engineer
well versed in the commands, we understand that time is valuable. In that case,
to expedite the process, we have shared the initialization configuration file on
the authors’ GitHub page. Visit the GitHub site at
ansnetauto/appress_ansnetauto and locate a text file named “Ch11_r1_r2_


!Configure hostname, interface Gi0/0, assign IP, unshut Gi0/0 interface

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#hostname r1
r1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
r1(config-if)#ip address
r1(config-if)#no shut
!Test connectivity to the Ansible Control node, f38s1 at
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/6 ms
!Configure user jdoe with secret
r1#config t
r1(config)#username jdoe pri 15 secret 5uper5cret9assw0rd
! Configure SSH lines and enable SSH 2.0 server
r1(config)#line vty 0 15
r1(config-line)#login local
r1(config-line)#transport input ssh
r1(config)#ip domain-name

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

r1(config)#crypto key generate rsa

The name for the keys will be:
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for your
  General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
  a few minutes.

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 1 seconds)

*May 28 05:25:58.934: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled

r1(config)#ip ssh time-out 60
r1(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2
! Configure default gateway
r1(config)#ip route
! To allow domain lookup, enable DNS lookup and configure DNS server
r1(config)#ip domain-lookup
r1(config)#ip name-server ! Default Gateway IP of VMnet 8
r1(config)#do ping ! Test connection to
Translating ""...domain server ( [OK]

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 13/15/21 ms
r1(config)#do ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 13/18/25 ms
! Save the configuration to the startup-config
r1#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation


Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname r2
r2(config)#int GigabitEthernet 0/0
r2(config-if)#ip add
r2(config-if)#no shut
[... Refer to the r1 configuration above and repeat the same
configuration for r2]


!Configure hostname, interface vlan 1, assign IP, unshut vlan 1 interface

Switch#config t
Switch(config)#hostname sw1
sw1(config)#int vlan 1
sw1(config-if)#ip add
sw1(config-if)#no shut
!Test connection to f38s1 at
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/7/15 ms
!Configure user jdoe with secret
sw1#config t
sw1(config)#username jdoe pri 15 secret 5uper5cret9assw0rd
! Configure SSH lines and enable SSH 2.0 server
sw1(config)#line vty 0 15
sw1(config-line)#login local
sw1(config-line)#transport input ssh
sw1(config)#ip domain-name
sw1(config)#crypto key generate rsa

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

The name for the keys will be:

Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for your
  General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
  a few minutes.

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 0 seconds)

*May 28 06:22:11.395: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled

sw1(config)#ip ssh time-out 60
sw1(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2
! Disable IP Routing on the switch to make this device strictly L2 switch and
configure the default gateway using the ip default-gateway command
sw1(config)#no ip routing
sw1(config)#ip default-gateway
! To allow domain lookup, enable DNS lookup and configure DNS server
r1(config)#ip domain-lookup
r1(config)#ip name-server ! Default Gateway IP of VMnet 8
sw1(config)#do ping
Translating ""...domain server ( [OK]
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 7/14/28 ms
! Save the configuration to the startup-config
sw1#copy run start
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

  Compressed configuration from 3794 bytes to 1780 bytes[OK]

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation


Switch#conf t
Switch(config)#hostname sw2
sw2(config)#int vlan 1
sw2(config-if)#ip add
sw2(config-if)#no shut
[... Refer to the sw1 configuration above and repeat the same configuration
for sw2]

You have completed the initial configuration for routers r1 and r2 and switches
sw1 and sw2. Now, let’s SSH into our Ansible Control Machine (f38s1) and create a few
simple Ansible playbooks to test the end-to-end functionality.


SSH login from one Cisco device to another

sw2#ssh -l jdoe -p 22
[...omitted for brevity]
Password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd
[...omitted for brevity]
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
sw2#ssh -l jdoe -p 22
[...omitted for brevity]
sw2#ssh -l jdoe -p 22
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 9: Move to the repo1 directory and create a new subdirectory named ana_lab,
which stands for Ansible Network Automation Lab. Then create a new ansible.cfg file
shown in this example. Notice that we are not using host key checking and also disabled

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ mkdir ana_lab && cd ana_lab
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat ansible.cfg
nocows = 1

Step 10: Create a new inventory file as shown in the following. We will hard-code
or specify OS type, user, password, and connection type under the inventory’s variable
section so we can write a cleaner main playbook later.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat inventory


r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=


Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 11: Let’s create a simple show clock playbook to test the connectivity to our
network devices.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi 11.1_show_clock.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat 11.1_show_clock.yml


- name: Cisco show clock example

  hosts: ios_devices
  gather_facts: false

    - name: run show clock on the routers
        commands: show clock
      register: output

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

Step 12: Execute the show clock playbook and observe the output.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.1_show_clock.yml

PLAY [Cisco show clock example]


TASK [run show clock on the routers]

fatal: [r2]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ssh connection failed:
ssh connect failed: kex error : no match for method kex algos: server
[diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1], client

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

fatal: [r1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ssh connection failed:
ssh connect failed: kex error : no match for
[...omitted for brevity]

Oops! An error message indicates a failure to establish an SSH connection to

all network devices. The specific issue identified is a key exchange (kex) algorithm
mismatch between the server (r1, r2, sw1, and sw2) and the client (f38s1), where the
Ansible control node is acting as the client. Before proceeding with the playbook
execution, it’s crucial to troubleshoot and resolve this problem.
Step 13: We can troubleshoot this issue by adding a single KexAlgorithms
configuration line to the ssh_config file located in the /etc/ssh/ directory. The server or
Cisco network devices specifically request the diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 and
diffie-­hellman-­group14-sha1 key exchange algorithms. Therefore, we need to add a line
at the top of the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file using sudo privileges to modify it. Go ahead and
add the first line highlighted in gray.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat ansible.cfg
KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-­
#       $OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.35 2020/07/17 03:43:42 dtucker Exp $

# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file.  See

# ssh_config(5) for more information.  This file provides defaults for

Step 14: Execute the “show clock” playbook again and closely observe the output.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.1_show_clock.yml

PLAY [Cisco show clock example]


TASK [run show clock on the routers]

[WARNING]: ansible-pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko
[WARNING]: ansible-pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko
[WARNING]: ansible-pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

[WARNING]: ansible-pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko

ok: [r2]
ok: [r1]
ok: [sw2]
ok: [sw1]
TASK [print output]
ok: [r2] => {
    "output.stdout_lines": [
            "*10:26:04.759 UTC Sun May 28 2023"
[...omitted for brevity]
r1    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
r2    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
sw1   : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
sw2   : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0

You can observe that initially, Ansible attempts to use the ansible-pylibssh library.
However, since it fails to locate the package, Ansible automatically switches to using
Python’s paramiko SSH library. Now, let’s explore the implications of installing the
ansible-­pylibssh library.
Step 15: If you prefer to utilize ansible-pylibssh as the SSH transport library, you can
install it by executing the following command. Pip serves as the package installation
manager for Python. Run the provided pip command here to complete the installation

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ pip install ansible-pylibssh

efaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not

Collecting ansible-pylibssh

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Downloading ansible_pylibssh-1.1.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl
(2.3 MB)
----------------------------------------   2.3/2.3 MB 5.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: ansible-pylibssh
Successfully installed ansible-pylibssh-1.1.0

After the installation, you can utilize the pip freeze command to check the installed
packages. If you wish to remove the ansible-pylibssh package, you can run pip uninstall
ansible-pylibssh as an optional step.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ pip freeze

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 16: Now, on the third attempt, luck is on our side. Let’s run the “show clock”
playbook once more and carefully observe the output.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.1_show_clock.yml

PLAY [Cisco show clock example]


TASK [run show clock on the routers]

ok: [r1]
ok: [r2]
ok: [sw2]
ok: [sw1]
TASK [print output]

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

ok: [r1] => {

    "output.stdout_lines": [
            "*10:59:50.842 UTC Sun May 28 2023"
[...omitted for brevity]
r1    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
r2    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
sw1   : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0
sw2   : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   rescued=0   ignored=0

Step 17: This exercise is optional, but if you want to be prompted for the username
and password when executing the playbook, you can try the following.
First, create a backup of your existing inventory file. Then, remove the ansible_user
and ansible_password lines in the inventory file, resulting in a new inventory file that
looks like this:

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cp inventory inventory_bak

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat inventory

r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation


Step 18: To prompt the user for input when executing this playbook, utilize the vars_
prompt module. Start by copying the 11.1_show_clock.yml file and creating a new file
called 11.1_show_clock2.yml. Modify the new file as follows. Additionally, take note that
we have changed the host from “ios_devices” to “routers,switches” to demonstrate that
this format is also supported.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cp 11.1_show_clock.yml 11.1_show_clock2.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat 11.1_show_clock2.yml

- name: Cisco show version example
  hosts: routers,switches
  gather_facts: false

    - name: ansible_user
      prompt: "Enter the ansible_user name:"
      private: no

    - name: ansible_password

      prompt: "Enter the ansible_password:"
      private: yes

    - name: run show clock on the routers
        commands: show clock
      register: output

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 19: Now, execute the new playbook, and it will prompt you for the username
and password before proceeding with the playbook execution. Enter both pieces of
information and press the [Enter] key.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.1_show_clock2.yml

Enter the ansible_user name:: jdoe
Enter the ansible_password::***************
PLAY [Cisco show version example] *****************************************

TASK [run show clock on the routers] **************************************

ok: [r1]
ok: [r2]
ok: [sw2]
ok: [sw1]
[...omitted for brevity]

Congratulations! You’ve accomplished a significant milestone by completing all the

exercises and reaching this point. You have successfully installed Cisco CML routers
and switches, configuring them to establish communication with the Ansible control
node and the Internet. SSH services have been enabled on all four network devices, and
you have verified connectivity and SSH logins between each device. Furthermore, you
have developed a simple “show clock” playbook, along with ansible.cfg and a structured
inventory file, to test login functionality and manage all four network devices.
While this lab is conducted on a single laptop, utilizing two routers and two switches
for demonstration purposes, it’s crucial to recognize that the same playbooks can be
­executed on a larger scale of 20, 200, or even 2000 devices of the same type in a production
environment. When creating your playbook, always bear scalability in mind. The two
routers and two switches utilized in this lab serve as a valuable learning experience,
providing a training ground to enhance your skills as a confident Ansible network engineer.

11.2 Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall

Installation on GNS3
When it comes to enterprise security, several prominent vendor names come to mind,
including Palo Alto, Check Point, Fortinet, and Cisco. These companies have established
themselves as market leaders in traditional hard-based firewalls and, more recently,

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

cloud security virtual devices that protect enterprise networks from malicious actors.
Security has become a critical aspect of the entire enterprise IT ecosystem, and if
you work in an IT-related field and are involved in enterprise networking, security
technologies are talked about every day and all day long. As they say, it only takes one
security breach to compromise the hardware that your company’s security team has
worked hard to implement over the years. As an IT engineer, it is essential to have an
interest in security technologies, gain the right exposure and experience, and implement
the best enterprise security solutions offered by these vendors. If you haven’t taken
enterprise security seriously, then perhaps it’s time to dip your toes into it by exploring
Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls.
Although this book is not solely focused on enterprise security, we will cover some
basics of working with firewalls from the most popular vendors in the market as of 2023:
Palo Alto and Fortinet. Additionally, we will run some Ansible labs against their operating
systems to get a feel for handling different OS from different security vendors. While we
won’t delve into the full range of security concepts and applications in this book, readers
will be exposed to some Ansible applications in enterprise firewall scenarios. If you are an
enterprise security engineer, learn the basics by reading Chapters 17 to 21 and apply your
experience to a real production environment.
In the later part of this book, we have chosen to focus on Palo Alto and Fortinet
firewalls for several reasons using Ansible playbooks. Firstly, Palo Alto has emerged as
one of the largest players in the enterprise firewall market in recent times, renowned for
providing top-notch performance and security. On the other hand, Fortinet, although a
market follower until recent years, has gained significant market share in the enterprise
security market. To stay ahead in their careers, many network engineers are now
­recommended to study either Palo Alto or Fortinet security certification tracks, or even
both, to gain a comprehensive understanding of these industry-leading solutions.
What’s more, both Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet have recognized the true power
of Red Hat’s Ansible, and their development teams have been creating and contributing
to the development of various vendor-specific Ansible modules. These modules make it
easier to manage and automate tasks supported by Palo Alto and Fortinet devices using
the Ansible Automation Platform and Ansible Engine. To delve deeper into the latest
modules supported for Ansible regarding Palo Alto and Fortinet products, you can visit
the following links for further reading:
Ansible and Palo Alto Networks:
Ansible and Fortinet:
Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

While Check Point and Cisco Firepower are also excellent security products, Palo
Alto and Fortinet have gained more popularity among most enterprise CTOs and IT
managers. So if you are new to the IT industry, you will hear more about Palo Alto
and Fortinet in the years to come. Studying market-leading vendor products and
understanding their capabilities will provide valuable insights and enhance the skill set
of network engineers in the dynamic field of enterprise security. In the last decade, IT
professionals like us have been told to study network security, and in the next ten years,
we have been warned about the importance security plays in corporate networks. It is
crucial to keep up to date on the subject of security, which includes cyber security.
The files required to complete your Palo Alto (PA-VM) and Fortinet (FortiGate)
firewall installations are listed in Table 11-2.”

Table 11-2. Required files for Palo Alto and Fortinet firewall installation on GNS3
Description File name File size

Palo Alto PA-VM Pan-vm-fw.gns3a 8 KB

PA-VM-KVM-10.1.0.qcow2 3.4 GB
Fortinet Fortigate.gns3a 22 KB
FortiGate empty30G.qcow2 192.5 KB
FGT_VM64_KVM-v7.2.4.F-build1396-FORTINET.out.kvm.qcow2 90.8 MB

Let’s begin by installing the latest Palo Alto and Fortinet virtual firewalls on our GNS3
network emulator to learn and test with Ansible.

11.2.1 Palo Alto PA-VM Initial Configuration

and Connection Test
Step 1: To proceed with the installation of Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls on GNS3, you
should visit the authors’ GitHub site and download the installation guide. The guide you
need to download and follow is titled “Ch11_Pre-­task2_PaloAlto_and_Fortinet_Firewall_
Installation_on_GNS3.pdf”. This file provides detailed instructions for the installation
After downloading the guide from the following URL ( https://, carefully follow each step outlined in the
guide. This will help you install the required image and create your virtual firewalls.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 2: At this point, we will assume that you have successfully followed the
instructions and completed the installation for Palo Alto PA-VM 10.1.0 and FortiGate
7.2.4 on your GNS3. Now that you have both virtual devices available in your GNS3’s All
devices, let’s drag and drop each firewall onto the Topology canvas to continue building
our lab, ansnetauto_lab01 project. After connecting and powering on both firewalls, your
GNS3 topology should resemble Figure 11-11.

Figure 11-11. Powering on all GNS3 devices example


Ensuring the smooth operation of the GNS3 labs

If your laptop is struggling to run all the VMs and GNS3 devices simultaneously, it is
advisable to keep only the relevant devices powered on. This approach will ensure
smooth lab operation and conserve processing power. It is not necessary to run
all VMs on VMware Workstation and all networking devices on GNS3 at the
same time. Depending on your laptop’s specifications, available memory, and CPU

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

capability, you should exercise discretion in running the lab based on your available
resources. If your laptop has lower specifications, limited memory, or a lower-­
grade CPU, it becomes even more important to manage your resources wisely
to optimize performance and prevent any system issues. By selectively running
the necessary devices, you can still achieve effective hands-on practice without
overburdening your laptop’s capabilities.

Step 3: Please refer to Figure 11-12 to focus on the relevant devices. In this section,
we will be using the host PC, f38s1, u23c2, r1, Switch1, fw1, and fw2, as depicted in
Figure 11-12. This means you can keep the rest of the unused devices such as sw1, sw2,
and r2. It’s worth noting that this setup allows you to run your lab effectively using a
single laptop and leverage multiple cutting-edge technologies simultaneously.

Figure 11-12. Building Ansible learning lab

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Expand your knowledge:

Installing GUI on the Ubuntu 23.04 server (Gnome Desktop)

In preparation for testing HTTPS login to PA-VM (fw1) and FortiGate (fw2), let’s
install the Gnome Desktop on our Ubuntu client node, u23c1 (
We will use this virtual machine to verify the web page functionalities of each
firewall and ensure they are working correctly (see Figure 11-13). If you have a
support contract associated with your vendor’s web account, you can download
the .ova file and install it as a virtual machine. Ultimately, these firewalls are Linux
based and repurposed to support enterprise network security features, so the
installation and running of the VMs are no different from any other Linux VMs on
All it takes to install a working Desktop (GUI) on your Ubuntu 23.04 Linux is three
lines of commands. The installation of the GUI interface will take some time, so
you need to issue the install command and let it run in the background for a while.
After the Desktop has been successfully installed, reboot u23c2.
Update your repository. When prompted for Y/n, select Y to continue.
jdoe@u23c2:$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
jdoe@u23c2:$ sudo apt -y install ubuntu-desktop task-gnome-desktop
jdoe@u23c2:~$ sudo reboot
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************

Broadcast message from root@u23c2 on pts/1 (Mon 2023-05-29

06:30:34 UTC):

The system will reboot now!

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-13. Ubuntu Gnome Desktop on u23c2

An alternative way to test HTTPS connection is to use the host PC’s Windows 11.
However, this requires the use of the Microsoft Loopback interface to connect
to one of the routers and establish a connection via GNS3’s Cloud connection.
A complete installation and configuration guide will be provided on the authors’
GitHub page as a complementary guide. You can find the file named “Ch11_Pre-
task5_Host_PC_Loopback_GNS3_Installation_Optional.pdf”. This guide will enable
you to SSH or HTTP into the virtual devices running on GNS3 VM. Adding flexibility
is key to successful lab building and IT study. The knowledge gained through
practice and proof of concept extends to the quality of your actual work. So please
take the time to build proper proof-of-concept labs and practice, practice, and

Step 4: To initialize our Palo Alto PA-VM, we need to configure the device from the
command line. You can refer to the official documentation provided here for detailed

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Official documentation:

Here is the initial configuration for our PA-VM to establish communication on our
network within the current topology. After following the installation guide, you have
reset the factory default admin password (admin/admin). However, if you wish to
update your password, you can do so by executing the “set mgt-config users admin
password” command to reset your password.

admin@PA-VM> configure
admin@PA-VM# set deviceconfig system type static
admin@PA-VM# set deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway dns-setting servers primary

admin@PA-VM# set mgt-config users admin password

Enter password   : ***************
Confirm password : ***************

admin@PA-VM# commit
Commit job 2 is in progress. Use Ctrl+C to return to command prompt
75%........98%.............[ 3871.852828] netlink: 12 bytes leftover after
parsing attributes in process `ip'.
Configuration committed successfully

Step 5: To ensure a successful lab experience in the later part of this book, it is
important to validate the reachability of various nodes and addresses. First, validate
the reachability to the Ansible control node, f38s1 (, and the client
node with GUI, u23c1 ( Additionally, confirm the reachability of the
Google DNS IP,, and the Google URL, All these addresses must
be reachable from your Palo Alto PA-VM. Verifying the reachability of these nodes and
addresses ensures that your lab setup is functional and ready for the subsequent sections
of this book.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

admin@PA-VM# exit
admin@PA-VM> ping host
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.59 ms
[...omitted for brevity]
admin@PA-VM> ping host
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.12 ms
[...omitted for brevity]
admin@PA-VM> ping host
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=17.5 ms
[...omitted for brevity]
admin@PA-VM> ping host
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128
time=13.0 ms
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: Go to the u23c2 client node on VMware Workstation’s main window, log in
with your credentials, and open the Firefox web browser. Navigate to the Palo Alto PA-­
VM web page at If the page loads without errors, you are now
ready to tackle the Palo Alto Ansible labs later in this book (see Figure 11-14).

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-14. Opening a PAN-OS login page on the Firefox browser running
on u23c2

We will reserve the first PAN-OS playbook for Chapter 17. Now that you have
confirmed the reachability of your PA-VM and successfully accessed the Web Admin
page, you can proceed with the initial configuration of Fortinet’s FortiGate. This
configuration is similar to the process followed for Palo Alto PA-VM. Let’s proceed and
complete this step to ensure we can utilize FortiGate for our Ansible learning labs.

11.2.2 Fortinet FortiGate Initial Configuration

and Connection Test
This section provides a step-by-step guide to configuring your FortiGate’s network
settings for the first time using the CLI. For more detailed information about each
command, please refer to Fortinet’s official FortiOS CLI reference. The factory default
password for FortiGate is “admin” with a blank password. Let’s swiftly configure the
device by setting the static IP address, DNS, and default gateway and perform simple
ICMP ping tests for connection validation.
Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

FortiOS CLI reference:

Step 1: To start the task, log in and set your password for the first time.

FortiGate-VM64-KVM login: admin

Password: blank
You are forced to change your password. Please input a new password.
New Password:***************
Confirm Password: :***************

Step 2: Now enter the configuration mode and configure your new FortiGate firewall.

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # config system interface

FortiGate-VM64-KVM (interface) # edit port1
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (port1) # set mode static
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (port1) # set ip
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (port1) # set allowaccess https ping ssh
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (port1) # end
FortiGate-VM64-KVM # config system dns
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (dns) # set primary
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (dns) # set secondary
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (dns) # end
FortiGate-VM64-KVM # execute ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=7.3 ms
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 3: Configure the default gateway for port1.

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # config router static

FortiGate-VM64-KVM (static) # edit 1
new entry '1' added
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (1) # set device port1
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (1) # set gateway
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (1) # next
The destination is set to which means all IP addresses.
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (static) # end

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # execute ping

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=12.0 ms
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: Save the configuration to prevent any loss of settings and ensure that the
device boots up with the correct configurations.

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # config system global

FortiGate-VM64-KVM (global) # set cfg-save automatic
FortiGate-VM64-KVM (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64-KVM # exit

Step 5: Run the “show system interface” command to check the current
configurations. Additionally, refer to the vendor-provided Administration Guide to
explore FortiOS and learn about the various features of FortiGate’s command lines. You
can access the guide at

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # show system interface

config system interface
    edit "port1"
        set vdom "root"
        set ip
        set allowaccess ping https ssh http telnet
        set type physical
        set snmp-index 1
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: If all configurations and ping tests have been successful, proceed to u23c2 in
VMware Workstation. Open the URL and verify if the page
loads correctly. Additionally, you can try logging in using your credentials (refer to
Figure 11-15) to ensure proper access.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-15. FortiGate Web Login page from Firefox running on u23c2

Now that you have completed the initial configuration and connectivity tests for
Fortinet’s FortiGate VM, you are ready to dive into writing some playbooks to interact
with a Fortinet firewall. We will leave the first FortiGate playbook for a later chapter.
Next, we will proceed with the installation of the Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge router
virtual machine, which will be used for an IOS-XE upgrade lab in the future. While the
GNS3 images are excellent, certain features may not be fully supported in this setup.
Therefore, we need to create a new virtual machine specifically for our lab testing,
including OS upgrades. Let’s get started!

11.3 Cisco c8000v Edge Router VM Creation

on VMware Workstation
In today’s rapidly evolving cyber-security landscape, securing enterprise networks has
become paramount due to the constant stream of security vulnerabilities in vendor
products. IT engineers are facing increased workloads, encompassing tasks such as

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

auditing, planning, and executing security measures to address these gaps. With threats
emerging from both external and internal sources, teams of engineers are responsible
for protecting hundreds, if not thousands, of network devices and safeguarding valuable
assets from malicious actors. Neglecting security vulnerabilities can lead to quick
exposure, emphasizing the importance of proactive patch management. In this section,
we will install a Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge router as a VM to facilitate the development
of a router OS upgrade playbook. Creating a virtual router from an ISO image allows
for realistic testing and validation. We will create one virtual router and clone the first
VM to create a second VM. Although Cisco CSR 1000v is comparable to the newer
Cisco Catalyst 8000V and available as a GNS3 image, it does not support the required
upgrading task, necessitating the use of a genuine virtual machine with proper disk
space for file upload and reboot into new images.
The file required to complete your Cisco Catalyst 8000V router installation is listed in
Table 11-3.

Table 11-3. Required file for Cisco Catalyst 8000V installation on GNS3
Description File name File size

Catalyst 8000V c8000v-universalk9.17.06.03a.ova 844.25 MB

(for creating VM) (MD5: 09b8f40158f79b793690bad8a534ad0e)

Please note that the Cisco Catalyst 8000V images are proprietary software and
you will need to source the software through the genuine channel or find a suitable
alternative to proceed with the virtual router creations. If you encounter difficulties in
obtaining the proprietary software used, you can still use the GNS3 to test parts of the
upgrade playbooks. However, for now, let’s focus on installing the Cisco Catalyst 8000V
image and creating two routers directly on VMware Workstation 17 Pro.
Step 1: Before you begin, visit the authors’ GitHub site and download the “Ch11_Pre-­
task3_Cisco_c8kv_Router_VM_Creation_on_VMware_WS.pdf”, which is the installation
guide for the Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge router.
GitHub link:
Step 2: Please review the downloaded document carefully and complete the
installation. The guide provides detailed instructions for the installation process. Once
the download is complete, follow each step outlined in the guide meticulously to install
the required image and create your virtual routers.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 3: Once you have completed the router installation and cloning processes, you
will have two fully functional Cisco Catalyst 8000V routers: c8kv01 with an IP address
of and c8kv02 with an IP address of Please refer to
Figure 11-16.

Figure 11-16. Two Cisco Catalyst 8000V routers installed

Step 4: Power on the virtual machines f38s1, c8kv01, and c8kv02.

Step 5: We have already configured the management IP addresses on c8kv01 and
c8kv02, so technically, we should be able to ping these routers from f38s1 if all of the
interface configurations have been strictly followed according to the installation guide.
Since these are all running on a flat network of, as long as the routers’
interfaces are correctly configured, the Ansible Control Machine (f38s1) should be able
to communicate with these two routers.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.689 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=7.22 ms

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33.3333% packet loss, time 2015ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.689/3.953/7.218/3.264 ms

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ping -c 3

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.450 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.587 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33.3333% packet loss, time 2028ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.450/0.518/0.587/0.068 ms

The first packet loss in a ping command should not be a major concern since it is
typically a result of ARP resolution. In networking, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is
utilized to discover the MAC address associated with an IP address on a local network.
When you initiate a ping, the source device sends an ARP request to determine the MAC
address of the destination device. The destination device then responds with its MAC
address, enabling subsequent packets to be transmitted without the need for further ARP
resolution. It is normal for the first packet to be dropped due to ARP resolution, and this
occurrence does not indicate any issues with the network. However, if you re-execute
the same command, the first packet will not be dropped because the MAC address has
already been learned from the previous ICMP communication.

Step 6: With the connectivity between the Ansible control node and the two routers
verified, proceed to SSH into f38s1. Once logged in, create a new directory named “ch11”,
and within it, create three essential files: ansible.cfg, inventory, and 11.1_icmp.yml.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ cd ana_lab
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat ansible.cfg
nocows = 1

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 7: Using the previous inventory file from the “show clock” playbook for GNS3
routers and switches, we will modify the inventory slightly to group different types of
routers into different groups and then add both router types as ios_device’s children.
Use the provided example here as your reference. Separating the routers into different
models or types can help you to target only the devices which are of the same model.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat inventory


r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=

c8kv01 ansible_host=
c8kv02 ansible_host=

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=


Step 8: Let’s create an ICMP (ping) test playbook for the routers using the
ping module.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi 11.3_icmp1.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat 11.3_icmp1.yml


Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

- hosts: router_type2
  gather_facts: true # we want gather_fact to execute, so specified true

  - name: Test reachability to Cisco IOS XE Routers

Step 9: Execute the ICMP playbook and observe the output. Since we already
installed the ansible-pylibssh or Python SSH Library on the Ansible control node, it will
use the same SSH library. In other words, it will not give us the “[WARNING]: ansible-­
pylibssh not installed, falling back to paramiko” message and we are expecting a clean
playbook run.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.3_icmp1.yml

PLAY [router_type2]

TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: [c8kv01]
ok: [c8kv02]

TASK [Test reachability to Cisco IOS XE Routers]

ok: [c8kv01]
ok: [c8kv02]

c8kv01    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   
rescued=0   ignored=0
c8kv02    : ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0   failed=0   skipped=0   
rescued=0   ignored=0

Step 10: Let’s proceed to create the second connectivity test playbook, which will
utilize the net_ping module. Name the file as “11.3_icmp2.yml”. In this playbook, we will
be using the Ansible net_ping module and specify the destination parameter.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi 11.3_icmp2.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat 11.3_icmp2.yml

- hosts: router_type2
  gather_facts: true # by default gather_facts is on, but want to be
specific, so added a statement

  - name: Test reachability to Cisco IOS XE Routers
      dest: "{{ ansible_host }}"

Step 11: Execute the playbook “11.3_icmp2.yml” to perform a test on the login and
connectivity from the Ansible Control Machine.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.3_icmp2.yml

[The result should be the same as in Step 8.] [...omitted for brevity]

Step 12: Now, let’s utilize the playbook “11.1_show_clock.yml” as the foundation for
creating another playbook that will be used to check the IOS-XE versions. We will name
this new playbook “11.3_show_version.yml”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cp  11.1_show_clock.yml  11.3_show_version.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ vi 11.3_show_version.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ cat 11.3_show_version.yml

- name: Display Cisco IOS versions

  hosts: router_type2
  gather_facts: true # specifying true to run gather_facts

    - name: run show version on target devices
        commands: show version | incl IOS XE Software
      register: output

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

Step 13: Execute the aforementioned playbook and carefully observe the resulting

[jdoe@f38s1 ana_lab]$ anp 11.3_show_version.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

TASK [print output]
ok: [c8kv01] => {
    "output.stdout_lines": [
            "Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.06.03a"
ok: [c8kv02] => {
    "output.stdout_lines": [
            "Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.06.03a"
[...omitted for brevity]

If you have completed the tasks successfully, now you are ready to perform the
configuration management and task automation on Cisco routers from our Ansible
control node.
Congratulations on successfully learning how to write connection-testing playbooks
and utilize Ansible to check the IOS-XE version. Through this process, you have gained
valuable knowledge on using different Ansible modules to ensure connectivity between
target nodes (c8kv01 and c8kv02) and the Ansible control node (f38s1).

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

The steps involved in setting up ansible.cfg, creating an inventory with flexibility,

and composing functional Ansible playbooks are similar to those covered in previous
chapters for Linux playbooks. We encourage readers to start their journey by
comprehensively understanding Ansible Linux automation, as the concepts you have
mastered can now be effectively applied to a wide range of network and security devices.
By leveraging the knowledge acquired in Ansible Linux automation, you have
established a strong foundation for automating tasks across various systems. Whether
it entails managing Linux servers, routers, switches, firewalls, or other devices, the
principles you have learned can be readily applied. Proficiency in Ansible empowers
you to streamline and standardize configuration management, provisioning, and
deployment processes, resulting in enhanced efficiency, consistency, and scalability in
managing diverse systems within your infrastructure.
Next, we will explore the process of creating a Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLAN)
on a VMware Workstation, following a similar approach as the one demonstrated for the
Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge router VM creation mentioned earlier.

11.4 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) VM

Creation on VMware ESXi 7
In our opinion, Cisco stands out as one of the industry leaders in providing robust and
high-performance enterprise-level wireless solutions and hardware. Their products
seamlessly connect wireless and mobile devices to enterprise networks. While there are
competitors in the enterprise wireless market, such as Aruba Networks (a subsidiary of
HP), Ruckus Wireless, Juniper Networks, Extreme Networks, Huawei Technologies, and
Meraki (a subsidiary of Cisco), Cisco has maintained its market leadership in WAN, LAN,
and WLAN technologies.
Cisco’s expertise in LAN technology translates well to their wireless solutions, giving
them a competitive edge over their rivals. Cisco’s wireless products are renowned for
their reliability and performance, making them a preferred choice for enterprises,
governments, the military, and organizations that require robust and secure wireless
networks. Cisco’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support for their wireless devices is
highly regarded and known for its exceptional quality.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Cisco vWLC (virtual Wireless LAN Controller) is a software-based version of popular

Cisco hardware-based Wireless LAN Controllers. It is designed to provide centralized
management and control for wireless networks. The vWLC is typically deployed as a
virtual machine and can be run on various hypervisors such as VMware ESXi, Microsoft
Hyper-V, or KVM. At the core of Cisco’s wireless technology is its WLCs, which serve
as a central management system for wireless networks. Whenever there is a field
notice or security vulnerability alert related to Cisco WLCs, wireless engineers must
prioritize patching the WLC to safeguard their organization’s wireless network from
potential security threats and malicious actors. In recent times, Cisco has introduced
Cisco Catalyst 9800 WLAN Controller running on IOS-XE, which is marketed for small-
medium businesses; this software is geared toward smaller offices and buildings. The
software that will be installed in this section is the enterprise-level virtual WLC, which
has been replacing the aging Cisco 5500’s and 2500’s WLCs in the production network.
We have been trying to integrate all software to run on VMware Workstation, but
this installation is one of the two exceptions in this book, that you have to install Type I
hypervisors (or bare metal) for our testing. We are forced to install the virtual WLC on
VMware’s ESXi environment due to VMware Workstation (a Type 2 or hosted hypervisor)
and WLC software compatibility. The authors have been testing the vWLC software
installation on VMware Workstation 17 Pro with partial success, meaning the software
can be installed and pingable; however, the management web GUI and SSH access were
inaccessible while spending a whole day discovering and troubleshooting the issue;
this is an old known issue on the VMware workstations, and the students have to fall
back onto the Type 1 hypervisor for the testing. If you have access to any of the Type 1
hypervisors such as ESXi, Hyper-V, or KVM, use those platforms to import the virtual
machine files. If you have one of the AWS, Azure, or GCP accounts, you can install Cisco’s
vWLC there and execute your Ansible playbooks. As an alternative, we could have
used the 9800 WLC, but the OS is based on the IOS-XE catalyst OS, which works in the
same way as the Catalyst switches. If you want to give it a try, you should be looking for
Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller for Cloud on Cisco’s download page and look for a
file with a file name similar to C9800-CL-universalk9.17.06.05.ova.
In this context, we will be creating a working Cisco WLC on my vCenter and ESXi
7.0.3 environment using the VMware .ova file, which has been downloaded from Cisco’s
website. Later on, in subsequent chapters, we will update the software using the .aes file.
You only need a single .aes file to upgrade a running Cisco WLC. We understand that this
snag of software compatibility issue is a little drawback for some of our readers; however,

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

this also gives the readers the opportunity to expand and study more on the Type I
hypervisors as well as the offerings of the Public Cloud service providers capabilities to
support Cisco’s appliance-based wireless devices.
The file required to complete your Cisco Wireless LAN Controller installation is listed
in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4. Required files for Cisco WLC installation on vSphere 6.7 or above
Description File name File size

Cisco WLC AIR_CTVM-K9_8_8_130_0.ova 357.71 MB

(for creating VM) (MD5: 2e3754fb18230b897fe4074c60028944)

Let’s proceed with creating the vWLC in preparation for Chapter 16. This is the final
task that you need to accomplish. Let’s get started!
Step 1: As always, start by visiting the authors’ GitHub site and downloading the
installation guide for Pre-task 4 from the provided link.
GitHub link:
This file provides comprehensive instructions for the installation process. After
downloading it, carefully follow each step outlined in the guide to install the required
image and create your virtual Wireless LAN Controller.
Please keep in mind that the installation needs to be performed on an ESXi
environment or a Public/Private cloud platform.
Step 2: For our installation, we have used the following information to create a vWLC
on ESXi 7.0.3. Keep your wireless server-related information handy for later tasks in
Chapter 16.

WLC name: wlc01

Username: admin
Password: Super5cret9assw0rd <<< Meet minimum requirements
Management interface: Management interface
Mgt interface IP: <<< Same subnet as others
Default Gateway:
Service interface IP: <<< This is only a placeholder
Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Step 3: To ensure future access if needed, make use of PuTTY to establish SSH
sessions and verify their functionality (refer to Figure 11-17). This step allows you to log
in securely and guarantees smooth remote connections. By utilizing PuTTY, you can
maintain a reliable SSH setup for future use, providing convenience and accessibility
whenever required.

Figure 11-17. SSH login to Cisco vWLC

Step 4: Take a moment to sign in to the Web Administration page and explore
the various menu options. For wireless engineers, this will be a familiar territory – a
playground for you to navigate with ease. However, if you are new to Cisco Wireless and
haven’t studied it before, this will be an exhilarating and novel experience for you (refer
to Figure 11-18). Embrace the opportunity to dive into this new domain and discover the
exciting possibilities it holds.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

Figure 11-18. Cisco vWLC Web login – Summary page

If you are new to Cisco Wireless Technology and have never had a serious interest
in wireless technology, now is the perfect time to explore and delve into this exciting
field. Just by looking at the vWLC Web interface, you can already appreciate why Cisco
has been the market leader in this space. The interface is incredibly intuitive and user-­
friendly. However, it’s important to note that GUI interfaces are gradually being replaced
by APIs. As IT professionals often say, APIs are the new GUI for administrators. While
GUIs are fantastic, they have a major limitation when it comes to running batch or
custom jobs at a large scale.
Congratulations on reaching this point in the chapter! You’ve truly earned your
key to unlocking the next ten chapters. Although this chapter may not be the longest, it
involved a multitude of moving parts, including installation guides and various software
for integration and setup. If this is your first experience building such a lab, welcome to
the world of IT engineers! We warmly welcome you and wish you a fantastic journey in
your IT career in this field. It has been an incredible ride to reach this milestone, and
now you have an exciting opportunity to delve into the next ten chapters. Brace yourself
for practical fun with Ansible as you dive deeper into its world.

Chapter 11 Building an Ansible Learning Environment for Network Automation

In the upcoming chapters, you’ll gain valuable insights and hands-on experiences
that will further enhance your network automation skills. Embrace the remaining
chapters with enthusiasm as you continue to unlock the potential of Ansible and
transform your abilities. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of practical knowledge
and enjoy the exciting journey that lies ahead!

11.5 Summary
In this chapter, we guided you through the process of building a robust learning
environment for Ansible Network Automation. Our focus revolved around key
components such as Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) for routing and switching, Palo Alto
and Fortinet firewalls on GNS3 for security, and Cisco c8000v edge routers on VMware
Workstation for patch management. We also explored the setup of a Cisco Wireless
LAN Controller (WLC) on ESXi 7 for wireless and patch management purposes. By the
end of this chapter, you acquired a comprehensive learning environment consisting
of enterprise-level routers, switches, firewalls, edge routers, and a WLC. This setup
empowers you to embark on your network automation journey with Ansible and IT in
general. Prepare to unlock the immense potential of Ansible in network automation and
elevate your capabilities in managing and automating your network infrastructure.


The Practical

Cisco Router and Switch

Configuration with
In this chapter, we will explore Cisco router and switch configuration using Ansible, an
efficient configuration management and automation tool. Through hands-on labs, you
will gain practical experience in deploying Ansible playbooks to configure Cisco IOS-XE
routers and switches. You will build all GNS3-based labs from the ground up, starting with
initial device configurations and then using Ansible to perform tasks that are typically
done manually. These labs offer both manual and Ansible automated configuration tasks
while also teaching the configuration validation processes along the way. Lab 1 focuses
on creating an EIGRP lab topology from scratch and configuring routers with EIGRP
routing enabled using Ansible playbooks. Lab 2 builds an OSPF lab from the ground up,
configuring routers with OSPF dynamic routing using Ansible playbooks. By leveraging
Ansible’s “when” module, we can target specific hosts for configuration. In Lab 3, we dive
into Cisco L2 switch configuration, exploring VLAN, VTP, and trunking configurations
using a single Ansible playbook. Ansible-vault is utilized to protect user credentials. Lab
4 is an optional challenge lab for those eager to configure five Cisco routers and have a
go at configuring Access Control Lists (ACL) with Ansible. Throughout the chapter, we
will apply Ansible concepts to streamline network management, enhance efficiency and
scalability, and free up your time to focus on more value-adding work.
Welcome to the first of our ten chapters on Ansible Network Automation Practical
Primer Labs! We’re thrilled to have you here and can’t wait for you to dive into the
practical side of the book. Each chapter will cover basic to intermediate networking
topics, with a strong emphasis on the interaction between the Ansible Control Machine
and the enterprise-level networking devices in our labs.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

In this particular chapter, we’ll begin each section by presenting you with a lab
topology for your review. You’ll then set up the topology in GNS3 to initialize the lab
environment. As our primary focus is on Ansible and its communication to other
devices, we won’t delve into an in-depth discussion of networking concepts. Rest
assured, there are numerous networking books, training videos, YouTube channels, and
blogs available to study those concepts. Our goal here is to equip you with the skills to
effectively use Ansible to interact with networking devices in action, in particular Cisco
IOS-XE-based routers and switches.
To enrich your learning experience, we have methodically chosen two labs dedicated
to basic router configuration: one lab focused on basic switch configuration and one
hands-on lab for you to try yourself, specifically designed for router ACL configuration.
While these labs only scratch the surface of the vast field of networking, they serve as a
solid starting point. After all, taking the first step is essential in any learning process.
It’s better to begin with a solid foundation than to postpone indefinitely. Remember,
action speaks louder than words, and we’re here to help you take the first step. Now,
without further ado, let’s dive right in and get started on this exciting journey!


Be advised, all labs in this book are using a /24 subnet.

Please take note that all labs are using a /24 subnet configuration, following the
principle of simplicity and effectiveness. If the IP addressing scheme used in
this book clashes with your existing network, you should consider changing the
third portion of the subnet. For example, for the VM network, you can update the
address from to Similarly, for the home
network, if you are not using the subnet, you should update it
to match your current LAN IP addressing scheme. It’s worth acknowledging that
sometimes, embracing a straightforward and uncomplicated approach yields the
best results!

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

12.1 Configuring EIGRP Using Ansible

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) is a powerful routing protocol
developed by Cisco, commonly taught to students during CCNA certification studies.
It is often categorized as an advanced distance vector or hybrid routing protocol,
incorporating the strengths of both distance vector and link-state protocols. Notably,
EIGRP utilizes the Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL), enhancing routing efficiency
and stability. Compared to RIP (Routing Information Protocol), EIGRP surpasses it by
offering advanced features and capabilities. One significant advantage is its support
for unequal cost load balancing, setting it apart from protocols like RIP or OSPF
(Open Shortest Path First). This means that EIGRP can optimize network links by
simultaneously utilizing multiple paths with varying metric values, effectively utilizing
backup router bandwidth when needed. Unlike OSPF, EIGRP does not employ a specific
protocol number in the IP header, such as OSPF’s protocol number 89. Instead, EIGRP
uses its proprietary encapsulation method and does not rely on a predefined protocol
number assignment. It’s important to recognize that EIGRP is a proprietary routing
protocol exclusive to Cisco devices and is not an industry standard. Consequently,
compatibility with non-Cisco routers and networking equipment may be limited.
However, due to its robustness and advanced capabilities, EIGRP remains a popular
choice in Cisco-centric network environments, serving as a valuable tool for network
administrators. While a network designer selects a routing protocol, this selection is
entirely dependent on the specific requirements of the company. While there is much
more to learn about EIGRP, our focus in this context is on Ansible Network Automation,
so we won’t delve into further details about EIGRP.
Let’s go through the steps to set up, configure, write, and execute Ansible playbooks
together. Specifically for this EIGRP lab, we will provide detailed, step-by-step
instructions to help you get started. In OSPF and switch configuration labs, we will first
present the network topology and then provide the corresponding instructions. Let’s
dive in and explore EIGRP configuration with Ansible playbooks.
Step 1: To kick-start the process, open GNS3 and wait for the GNS3 VM to power on
in VMware Workstation. Allow a few minutes for the process to complete. Create a new
project with a name that holds personal significance, or if you prefer to follow the book,
name your project “ch12.1_lab1_eigrp”, as exemplified in Figure 12-1. A meaningful
name is needed for easier identification of your lab for future reference.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-1. Creating a GNS3 project for an EIGRP lab

Step 2: Before you start, take a moment to thoroughly examine the provided lab
topology, Figure 12-2. Pay close attention to the IP addressing scheme depicted in the
diagram, recalling the concepts and steps outlined in the previous chapter that guided
you in setting up the lab environment. It is crucial to accurately configure this topology
on the GNS3 topology canvas and initialize the devices before proceeding to write your
Ansible playbook.
In this EIGRP configuration lab, you will work with three interconnected routers.
These routers are linked via their GigabitEthernet interfaces. It’s important to note
that the GigabitEthernet 0/0 (Gi0/0) interfaces on each router will connect to the network, serving as the out-of-band management subnet. This subnet
facilitates communication between the Ansible control node and the networking devices
for control and management purposes. Throughout this book, we will utilize this same
management network configuration to manage our target devices whenever possible.
The remaining GigabitEthernet ports on the routers are interconnected following a
precise IP addressing scheme, as illustrated in Figure 12-2.
Take approximately ten minutes to thoroughly examine the following topology,
refreshing your memory about the setup process outlined in Chapter 11. By recalling
the configuration steps performed to establish the lab environment, you will ensure a
seamless transition from the topology to GNS3, or vice versa if you prefer to set up this
lab in reverse.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-2. EIGRP lab topology

Lab 1: EIGRP Lab Topology

Step 3: Now, head over to GNS3 and drag and drop, and then arrange the devices
on the blank canvas, replicating the lab topology. It’s crucial to refer to the previous
chapter for guidance and instructions on how to configure the devices accurately. As
mentioned before, Chapter 11 holds the key to all the labs in this book. By reviewing and
implementing the knowledge gained from Chapter 11, you’ll be ready to proceed with
confidence and successfully prepare the foundation for writing your Ansible playbook.
To enable communication between the Ansible control node (f38s1,
and the three routers, we need to establish a connection through the NAT1 cloud. This
cloud resides on the host PC/laptop and is connected to the unmanaged Switch1 within
the GNS3 VM. This setup enables seamless communication between the Linux virtual
machines and any routers and switches present in the GNS3 topology. The highlighted
rectangle in Figure 12-3 represents the replicated network topology depicted in
Figure 12-2.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Additionally, VPCs (Virtual PCs) are used as endpoint devices to provide dummy
connectivity to the configured interfaces. In the switch lab, we will show you how to use
VPCs for testing purposes. In this lab, the VPCs are only placeholders to provide the
dummy connections. Take a moment to carefully analyze the connections and interfaces
displayed and configure your GNS3 topology accordingly.
By understanding and implementing these connections, you’ll enable
communication between the Ansible control node and the routers running within your
GNS3 environment (GNS3 VM and other VMs).

Figure 12-3. EIGRP GNS3 topology

Lab 1: GNS3 Device Connections

Step 4: In GNS3, power on all devices, allowing them enough time to undergo the
Power-On Self-Test (POST) processes. It’s important to ensure that your routers have
successfully loaded the IOS-XE image and become stable before proceeding. Once

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

the devices have completed the boot process and are ready, proceed by opening the
terminal consoles. Simply double-click on the icons representing routers r1, r2, and r3
to access their command-line interface (CLI). Opening these consoles will grant you the
necessary access to execute commands and interact with the routers effectively.
Step 5: To configure the routers, start with r1 and reference the provided
configuration. You can utilize the same information when configuring r2 and r3,
except for hostnames and IP addresses for the GigabitEthernet 0/0 interface on each
router. This configuration aligns with the setup used during the testing of our GNS3 lab
environment build. By implementing this configuration, you will establish the crucial
connectivity required between the Ansible Machine and the routers, facilitating control
and management functionalities.


Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname r1
r1(config)#ip domain name
r1(config)#ip name-server
r1(config)#username jdoe privilege 15 secret 5uper5cret9assw0rd
r1(config)#no ip http server
r1(config)#no ip http secure-server
r1(config)#ip route
r1(config)#line vty 0 15
r1(config-line)#login local
r1(config-line)#transport input ssh
r1(config-line)#logging synchronous
r1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
r1(config-if)#ip address
r1(config-if)#no shut
r1(config)#crypto key generate rsa
The name for the keys will be:
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for your
  General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
  a few minutes.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 2 seconds)

r1(config)#ip ssh time-out 60

r1(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2
r1#copy running-config startup-config

Referring to the aforementioned instructions, proceed with the configuration of

r2. The only differences between the configurations of r1 and r2 are the hostname and
the last digit of the IP address. Ensure that the hostname and IP address are correctly
configured, maintaining consistency with the naming and IP addressing scheme. A well-­
defined host naming convention and a consistent IP addressing scheme are always
beneficial as they ensure everyone is on the same page. This becomes even more
crucial in a production environment where clear communication and uniformity are

Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname r2
[...omitted for brevity]
r2(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
r2(config-if)#ip address
[...omitted for brevity]

Similarly, configure r3 following the same guidelines as before. Make sure to adjust
the hostname to reflect r3 and modify the IP address accordingly, considering the
established addressing scheme.

Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname r3
[...omitted for brevity]
r3(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
r3(config-if)#ip address
[...omitted for brevity]

If you want to save time, you can use the initialization file.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


Make your router initialization easy.

To save time, you have the option to download the ch12.1_r1_r2_r3_Initialization.
txt file from the authors’ GitHub site. By doing so, you can simply perform a cut-
and-paste operation to complete the configuration in one go:

Step 6: Proceed to the Ansible control node, f38s1 ( Here, you need
to create new ansible.cfg and inventory files. While you can work from any directory,
for the sake of simplicity, we will create a new directory called ch12 under /home/jdoe/
repo1. Within this directory, you will further create subdirectories for each lab. For
instance, for this lab, you will create the directory /home/jdoe/repo1/ch12/1_eigrp.
This directory structure will aid in organizing your Ansible-related files and ensure a
systematic approach throughout the book.


nocows = 1



r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=
r3 ansible_host=
Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Step 7: In this router configuration lab, we will use one file per each router’s
configuration. In your working directory, create individual configuration files for each
router (r1.yml, r2.yml, r3.yml) with the following structure. If you are configuring
additional routers of the same type, you can replicate this process by creating more
router configuration variable files and saving them accordingly. Consider the scenario
where you are involved in a new router deployment or refresh project, tasked with
configuring 50 routers of the same model and type. In such cases, Ansible configuration
management becomes even more beneficial, providing efficient and streamlined
management for you and your company. You no longer have to SSH into each device to
configure all 50 routers; instead Ansible serves as the centralized configuration manager.


  description: "To r2"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

  description: "To r3 "
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

  description: "To r1 local"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""


  description: "To r1"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

  description: "To r3 "
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

  description: "To r2 local"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""


  description: "To r1"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

  description: "To r2 "
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

  description: "To r3 local"
  ip_address: ""
  subnet_mask: ""

Step 8: Now, let the drum rolls commence as we present our primary Cisco IOS-XE
router interface configuration Ansible playbook. This playbook is designed to configure
the interfaces (GigabitEthernet0/1, GigabitEthernet0/2, GigabitEthernet0/3) of three
Cisco IOS-XE routers (r1, r2, r3) by reading router-specific configuration files. If you are
configuring different interfaces, feel free to modify the playbook accordingly to meet
your specific requirements.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


- name: Configure Cisco IOS-XE routers' interfaces
  hosts: router_type1 # group of hosts
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Load config files # Load config variables from each router config
YAML files
      include_vars: # Assign .yml file to the variable r_config
        file: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml" # the inventory_hostname must
match the router name
        name: r_config

    - name: Configure GigabitEthernet interfaces 0/1-0/3

      cisco.ios.ios_command: # Execute a series of IOS commands to
target nodes
        commands: # A series of IOS commands to run on target nodes
          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/1"
          - "description {{ r_config.interface1.description }}" # Insert
description on Gi0/1
          - "ip address {{ r_config.interface1.ip_address }} {{ r_config.
interface1.subnet_mask }}" # Insert ip and subnet mask on Gi0/1
          - "no shutdown" # Enable interface Gi0/1
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/2"
          - "description {{ r_config.interface2.description }}"
          - "ip address {{ r_config.interface2.ip_address }} {{ r_config.
interface2.subnet_mask }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/3"
          - "description {{ r_config.interface3.description }}"
          - "ip address {{ r_config.interface3.ip_address }} {{ r_config.
interface3.subnet_mask }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "end"

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

In the preceding playbook, the “hosts” parameter is defined in our inventory file,
which contains the hostnames or IP addresses of the three routers. Also, note that
“ansible_connection=network_cli” has been configured under inventory to apply it to
all targeted nodes. We completed this task in step 6. Additionally, the “username” and
“password” are also defined in the same inventory file, although this approach raises
some security concerns. However, rest assured, we will address this concern in the
switch lab by implementing the password vault feature we have learned from Chapter 10.
Step 9: Now, let’s copy the 11.1_show_clock.yml playbook from Chapter 11, located
in the ana_lab directory, and update the “hosts” parameter to “router_type1”. We will
rename the file to 12.1_show_clock.yml using the command “cp /home/jdoe/repo1/
ana_lab/11.1_show_clock.yml ./12.1_show_clock.yml”. As you have become more
familiar with Linux commands and many of the Ansible playbook modules by now, we
will gradually reduce the need to provide step-by-step instructions or explanations for
every line, assuming you are getting accustomed to working with Ansible on Linux OS.


- name: Cisco show clock example
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: run show clock on the routers
        commands: show clock
      register: output

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

Step 10: Execute the 12.1_show_clock.yml playbook and verify its successful
execution. If the playbook runs without any errors, you can proceed to the next step
and run the 12.1_config_int.yml playbook. However, if you encounter an error message
during the execution of the show clock playbook, it is essential to troubleshoot the error
before moving forward. Ensure that all necessary configurations and dependencies are

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

in place and address any issues or inconsistencies that may have caused the error. If all
went well as planned, go to the next step to execute the 12.1_config_int.yml playbook.
Executing non-configuration-related and non-impacting playbook such as this to probe
for any communication issues or system errors is a good DevOps and production work
habit to adopt.

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_show_clock.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 11: This is the first of the main playbooks in this lab; execute the
12.1_config_int.yml playbook and carefully observe the output. This playbook was
designed to configure the specified interfaces on the routers based on the predefined
parameters. As the playbook runs, pay close attention to the displayed output, which
will provide valuable information about the execution process and any potential errors
or warnings encountered. If you want more feedback from the plays, enable the verbose
mode by adding the “-v”, up to seven v’s. By closely monitoring the output, you can
ensure that the interface configurations are applied correctly and troubleshoot any
issues that may arise during the execution of the playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_config_int.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 12: If the execution of your interface configuration playbook was successful,
proceed to create a playbook that displays the configured interfaces. This playbook will
allow you to verify all the interfaces to check the status from a single playbook. We have
named this playbook 12.1_show_ip_int_bri.yml. By executing this playbook, you will be
able to review the outputs and confirm the status of the interfaces on all three routers,
ensuring that they are functioning as expected.


- name: Run show ip interface brief
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

    - name: Execute show ip interface brief
          - show ip interface brief
      register: show_output

    - name: Print show ip interface brief output

        var: show_output.stdout_lines

Once again, imagine if you had 100 routers to configure, imagine running the show
ip interface brief command manually 100 times. You can add any show commands to
this playbook to run and check the different aspects of your routers, and this is all via
SSH connection and no agent software needs to be installed on your platform.
If your playbook is executed successfully, you should observe interface information
similar to the output provided here:

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_show_ip_int_bri.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print show ip interface brief output] *******************************
ok: [r1] => {
    "show_output.stdout_lines": [
          "Interface           IP-Address      OK? Method Status  Protocol",
          "GigabitEthernet0/0  YES NVRAM  up      up      ",
          "GigabitEthernet0/1        YES manual up      up      ",
          "GigabitEthernet0/2        YES manual up      up      ",
          "GigabitEthernet0/3        YES manual up      up       "
[...omitted for brevity]

This simple playbook was designed to check the interface status of all three routers.
However, if you still have doubts or would like to further validate the results, you can
open the GNS3 terminal consoles for each router and manually run the “show ip
interface brief” command. This manual verification method has been the preferred
method of confirming the status of the interfaces for traditional command-line warriors

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

and ensure that the configuration changes have taken effect as expected. Trust your eyes,
but feel free to validate the results through direct examination if desired.
Step 13: Before enabling EIGRP routing, it is crucial to validate the routing tables
on the routers. To achieve this, modify the previous playbook and execute the following
playbook to check the routing table on the routers. By running the playbook, you will
be able to inspect the routing tables and ensure that the expected routes are present
or absent. This validation step provides an opportunity to verify the correctness of the
routing configurations before enabling the EIGRP routing on our routers.


- name: Run show ip route
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Execute show ip route
          - show ip route
      register: show_output

    - name: Print show ip route output

        var: show_output.stdout_lines

Step 14: Execute the preceding playbook to validate the routing tables on the routers.

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_show_ip_route.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print show ip route output] *****************************************
ok: [r1] => {
    "show_output.stdout_lines": [

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

[...omitted for brevity]

            "Gateway of last resort is to network",
            "S* [1/0] via",
            " is variably subnetted, 6 subnets, 2 masks",
            "C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/3",
            "L is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/3",
            "C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/1",
            "L is directly connected, ­GigabitEthernet0/1",
            "C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/2",
            "L is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/2",
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 15: At this stage, we have successfully configured all relevant interfaces, and
they are in an up/up state. However, if you test connectivity between routers, you will
only be able to reach the directly connected interfaces. From the perspective of router
r1, this means that it can only communicate with the interfaces,, and All other interfaces are currently unreachable since we have not yet enabled
dynamic routing, such as EIGRP, in our lab environment.
To test the communication between the interfaces of routers r1, r2, and r3 from the
perspective of r1, you can use the ICMP (ping) commands provided in the following.
Please note that if you perform similar ICMP tests from routers r2 and r3, you can expect
to see an identical output pattern. This will allow you to verify the connectivity between
the interfaces of the routers and ensure that the necessary communication paths are


Let’s proceed with enabling EIGRP to establish communication between all routers
and other parts of the network.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Step 16: This is the second of the main playbooks in this lab. To simplify the process,
we will create a single eigrp_config file that contains the configuration for all three
routers. This will make the configuration management more efficient. For demonstration
purposes, we will create this configuration playbook using no variables and will not
refactor it, so this gives the users the rawness of a draft playbook. Write and execute
the main playbook, named 12.1_enable_eigrp.yml (feel free to rename it to something
meaningful to you), to enable EIGRP on routers r1, r2, and r3. This playbook will ensure
that EIGRP is properly configured and activated on each router, allowing for seamless
communication within the network. By executing this playbook, you will enable EIGRP
and pave the way for effective routing across your network infrastructure.


- name: Enable EIGRP on routers
  hosts: router_type1
gather_facts: false

    - name: Configure EIGRP on r1
      when: inventory_hostname == 'r1'
          - "conf t"
          - "router eigrp 1"
          - "network"
          - "network"
          - "network"
          - "end"

    - name: Configure EIGRP on r2

      when: inventory_hostname == 'r2'
          - "conf t"
          - "router eigrp 1"
          - "network"

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

          - "network"

          - "network"
          - "end"

    - name: Configure EIGRP on r3

      when: inventory_hostname == 'r3'
          - "conf t"
          - "router eigrp 1"
          - "network"
          - "network"
          - "network"
          - "end"

Notice the use of the “when” module in the playbook to specifically target individual
devices. Execute the preceding command, and if your playbook runs as expected without
any errors or issues, proceed to the verification step.

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_config_eigrp.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Verification is an essential part of the configuration process to ensure that the desired
configuration changes have taken place in the desired service state. By proceeding to the
next step, you will be able to confirm whether EIGRP has been enabled correctly on the
specified routers and validate the functionality of the network.
Step 17: To verify the changes made to the IP routing table after enabling EIGRP, you
can use the previously used playbook, 12.1_show_ip_route.yml. Execute this playbook
again and compare the output with the previous routing table information obtained
before running the playbook.
By comparing the outputs, you will be able to observe any changes in the routing
table entries. Specifically, you should see new routes added or modified routes reflecting
the EIGRP routing protocol. This step allows you to confirm that the routing changes
have been successfully applied and that the routers are now utilizing EIGRP for dynamic
routing within the network.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ anp 12.1_show_ip_route.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print show ip route output] *****************************************
ok: [r1] => {
[...omitted for brevity]
            "L is directly connected,
            "D [90/3072] via, 00:02:58,
            "D [90/3072] via, 00:02:58,
            "                     [90/3072] via, 00:02:58,
            "D [90/3072] via, 00:02:58,
            " is variably subnetted, 2 subnets,
2 masks",
[...omitted for brevity]

At this point, we haven’t saved the configuration changes made to the routers. If you
wish to practice this lab one more time, do not save the running-config, you can simply
reload the routers. However, if you would like to save the current configuration and
proceed to the next lab, you can manually run the “write memory” or “copy running-
config startup-config” command. Alternatively, you can execute the following playbook,
which will automatically save the configuration for you before powering down your
Please note that we are not using the “copy running-config startup-config” command
in the following playbook to avoid any user confirmation prompts. Instead, we are using
the “write memory” command to go around the prompt problem. If you know the exact
prompt and responses you want to give, you could use the “copy running-config startup-
config” command.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


- name: Copy running-config to startup-config
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Copy running-config to startup-config
          - "write memory"

Congratulations on successfully completing the EIGRP configuration Ansible

lab! By working through this lab, you have acquired valuable hands-on experience in
configuring Cisco routers using Ansible and implementing EIGRP routing within a
network. Your meticulous step-by-step approach has ensured that you started off on the
right foot and gained a solid understanding of the concepts involved.
Now, let’s transition to the OSPF lab. This lab will be relatively quick and
straightforward since the overall process is similar to what you have just learned.
However, please note that the lab will feature a different topology, providing you with
a fresh challenge and an opportunity to expand your knowledge. By continuing with
the OSPF lab, you will further enhance your skills in network configuration and Ansible
playbook development. So let’s dive right in and explore the power of OSPF dynamic
routing using Ansible.


Looking for ansible-core cisco collections?

If you have followed along the book, your Ansible control node already has most of
the required collections as cisco.iso collection gets installed as part of the ansible
package in ansible-core. To check the installed collection list, you can run the
“ansible-galaxy collection list” command as shown here:

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ansible –version

ansible [core 2.14.4]
[...omitted for brevity]
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection list
# /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible_collections
Collection                    Version
----------------------------- -------
[...omitted for brevity – only cisco collections shown]
cisco.aci                     2.4.0
cascaras                      4.0.0
cisco.dnac                    6.6.4
cisco.intersight              1.0.24
cisco.ios                     4.4.0
cisco.iosxr                   4.1.0
cisco.ise                     2.5.12
cisco.meraki                  2.15.1
cisco.mso                     2.2.1
cisco.nso                     1.0.3
cisco.nxos                    4.1.0
cisco.ucs                     1.8.0
[...omitted for brevity – only cisco collections shown]

Collection Index/Collections in the Cisco Namespace/Cisco.Ios


12.2 Configuring OSPF Using Ansible

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a link-state routing protocol. It advertises necessary
information to determine the overall network configuration of other routers. Unlike
distance vector routing protocols, OSPF does not support split horizon or automatic
summarization. The most commonly used OSPF version is OSPFv2, specified in RFC
2328. OSPF uses protocol number 89 in IP packets to transmit routing information. It is
a standard protocol widely supported by most vendors, making it the most used Interior

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Gateway Protocol (IGP). It is supported by leading vendors including Cisco, Juniper,

Arista Networks, Extreme Networks, and Huawei. This widespread support ensures
interoperability and seamless integration in multi-vendor network environments. It’s
important to note that OSPF is a standard protocol, while specific implementations
and features may vary among vendors. OSPF operates using areas, allowing for stable
operation even in large-scale networks. By dividing the network into multiple areas, such
as a backbone area and several branch areas, OSPF prevents network changes occurring
in a specific area from being propagated to other areas through appropriate settings. This
ensures the stability and scalability of the network. For example, OSPF routers exchange
Link State Advertisements (LSAs) to share information about their directly connected
networks, such as network topology, link costs, and available bandwidth. This enables
routers to build a complete map of the network and calculate the shortest paths to reach
different destinations. Compared to distance vector routing protocols like RIP and IGRP,
OSPF offers advantages such as fast convergence, reduced routing loops, scalability,
support for Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSM), and hierarchical design.
Although OSPF offers a wealth of additional interesting topics to explore and is
usually discussed over a couple of chapters in traditional networking books, our current
focus within the context of Ansible Network Automation does not involve delving into
further details about OSPF. So let’s begin our lab by reviewing the lab topology and GNS3
device connections first.

Lab 2: OSPF Lab Topology

The OSPF lab topology presented in Figure 12-4 and the Ansible Control Machine,
f38s1, have access to all four routers through the management network. We have used
a GNS3’s built-in unmanaged layer 2 switch in the middle to connect r1, r2, and r3, so
you have to configure the devices according to the diagrams shown in GNS3 topology
canvas. The OSPF areas have been specified in two separate ovals to give you reference.
All IP addresses are as shown in the diagram. The subnets and
represent the local networks for routers r1 and r4, respectively.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-4. OSPF lab topology

In GNS3, you would configure the preceding OSPF topology as shown in Figure 12-5.
Drag and drop the devices, make the connections according to the figure, and power on
all devices to begin the configuration processes. The only caveat to be mindful of is that
while all devices are running on the GNS3 VM, the NAT1 cloud must be configured to
run on your host PC. The highlighted rectangle represents our OSPF testing topology,
and the connection to NAT1 connects the network to; hence, f38s1
can control the routers while running on VMware Workstation. Note that the initial
management IP configuration will have to be completed manually in step 2.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-5. GNS3 OSPF topology

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Lab 2: GNS3 Device Connections

Step 1: Let’s create a new GNS3 project for the Ansible OSPF lab as shown in Figure 12-6.

Figure 12-6. Creating a GNS3 project for the OSPF lab

Step 2: To ensure centralized control and management, we need to configure the

management interfaces of each device on their GigabitEthernet0/0 (Gi0/0) interfaces.
This will allow us to control all four routers (r1, r2, r3, and r4) from the Ansible control
node, which has the IP address (f38s1). If you haven’t done so already,
please download the Ch12.2_r1_r2_r3_r4_Initialization_configs.txt file from the
authors’ GitHub repository. Once downloaded, open the console of each router by
double-­clicking on their respective icons in GNS3. Then, initialize r1, r2, r3, and r4 using
the cut-and-paste method, pasting the configuration from the downloaded file.
You can access the authors’ GitHub repository via the following link (GitHub link):
Step 3: Before creating the main playbook, let’s create a new ICMP playbook that
will help you to test the connectivity to each router’s management IP addresses from
the Ansible Control Machine (local). We will write the playbook to ping routers and save
the output to a file. This will allow you to effectively assess the connectivity between the
Ansible Control Machine and the management IP addresses of the routers, confirming
the readiness of the OSPF lab.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

[jdoe@f38s1 1_eigrp]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 ch12]$ mkdir 2_ospf && cd 2_ospf
[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ vi 12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cat 12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml
- name: Ping hosts and save output  # playbook name
  hosts: localhost  # this machine
  gather_facts: false  # no gathering facts

    - name: Ping hosts  # task name
      ansible.builtin.raw: ping -c 4 192.168.127.{{ item }}  # ping 4 times
to each IP address
      register: ping_output  # Stores the command output in the 'ping_
output' variable
      with_sequence: start=11 end=14  # Iterates from 11 to 14, using each
value as an 'item'
      changed_when: false  # task is not considered 'changed' if executed
      failed_when: false  # task is not considered 'failed' even if runs
into errors

    - name: Save output to file  # task name

        content: "{{ ping_output.results | map(attribute='stdout') |
join('\n') }}"  # Extracts the 'stdout' attribute from each item in
'ping_output.results' and joins them with newlines
        dest: 12.2_icmp_output.txt  # save the output to current directory

Step 4: To test and validate the connectivity between the control node and routers,
execute the 12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml playbook. Alternatively, you can utilize the show
clock or ICMP playbooks that were developed in earlier chapters. As an added twist,
we are testing communication from the local Linux server to multiple network devices;
by modifying your playbooks slightly, you can create a simple yet extremely effective
playbook capable of testing connectivity to hundreds or even thousands of devices
in a single execution. This is the advantage of transitioning from manual tasks to
infrastructure as code (IaC) and adopting DevOps practices. By automating repetitive
tasks through scripted automation, we achieve enhanced efficiency and scalability.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

This approach facilitates seamless testing and validation of connectivity throughout our
network. However, it is important to consider that in certain environments such as DMZ
or highly secure corporate networks, ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) may be
disabled by network administrators for valid reasons.
Execute the playbook to check the management network connectivity.

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ anp 12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

If your playbook ran successfully, you will find an output file named 12.2_icmp_
output.txt in your current working directory. This file will contain the results of the ICMP
test conducted on your routers’ management interfaces. It provides valuable information
regarding the connectivity status leading up to device configuration.

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ ls
12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml  12.2_icmp_output.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cat 12.2_icmp_output.txt
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=4.07 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=4.41 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=6.78 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=4.70 ms
[..omitted for brevity]

Step 5: Having verified the reachability of the management interfaces from the
Ansible Control Machine (f38s1), proceed to copy the ansible.cfg and inventory files
from the previous lab. Simply add the relevant information for r4 in the inventory file,
and you can use both files immediately. This allows you to save time and effort in setting
up the Ansible environment for your OSPF lab.

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cp ../1_eigrp/ansible.cfg . && cp ../1_eigrp/

inventory .
[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ vi inventory
jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cat inventory

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=
r3 ansible_host=
r4 ansible_host=

Step 6: Now, let’s revisit Figure 12-4 to examine the configurations that need to be
applied to each router. Take some time to analyze the pattern and devise your strategy.
Thoroughly review the following configurations, as they must be implemented on the
routers before proceeding to the next step. It is important to approach this task with
care and attention to detail. Analyzing the configuration of a single critical network
device is important, but when it comes to automation, analyzing the configuration
for multiple critical devices becomes even more crucial. In other words, the power of
automation, when entrusted to underprepared and inexperienced individuals, can
potentially cause significantly more damage than one can envision.
Outlined here is the necessary configuration for r1.


interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
ip address
no shutdown

The subsequent configuration is essential for r2.


interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
no shutdown
Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ip address
no shutdown

In the following, you will find the required configuration for r3.


interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ip address
no shutdown

Please refer to the following mandatory configuration for r4.


interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ip address
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
ip address
no shutdown

Step 7: Starting from step 6, we have reviewed the configuration patterns mentioned
earlier and identified the necessary steps to configure the interfaces with the specific
information provided. Given that the routers’ names correspond to the last digit of the IP
addressing scheme, we can leverage this information to our advantage and incorporate it

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

into our playbook. By utilizing the last digit information, we can accurately configure the
interfaces as required.
Task 1: Configure the Gi0/1 interfaces of r1, r2, and r3 on the subnet.
Task 2: Configure the Gi0/2 interface of r2 on the subnet.
Task 3: Configure the Gi0/1 interface of r4 on the subnet.
Task 4: Configure the Gi0/2 interfaces of r3 and r4 on the subnet.
Task 5: Configure the G0/3 interface of r1 on the subnet and the G0/3
interface of r4 on the subnet.
Step 8: If we convert the plays from step 7 into a working Ansible playbook, it may
look similar to the example provided. However, there are different ways to structure
YAML playbooks, and it is ultimately up to the administrator to decide the length and
complexity of their playbook. There is no right or wrong answer in terms of playbook
length; some playbooks may be more efficient or concise than others, depending on the
specific requirements and preferences of the administrator.


- name: Configure Cisco IOS-XE routers in group router_type1
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Configure r1, r2, and r3’s Gi0/1 interfaces on
# Task 1
          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/1"
          - "ip address 1.1.123.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "end"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r1', 'r2', 'r3']

    - name: Configure r2’s Gi0/2 interface on # Task 2


Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/2"
          - "ip address 1.1.24.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "end"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'r2'

    - name: Configure r4’s Gi0/1 interface on # Task 3

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/1"
          - "ip address 1.1.24.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "end"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'r4'

    - name: Configure r3 and r4’s Gi0/2 interfaces on # Task 4

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/2"
          - "ip address 1.1.34.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "no shutdown"
          - "end"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r3', 'r4']

    - name: Configure r1’s G0/3 on and r4’s G0/3 interfaces on # Task 5
          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface GigabitEthernet0/3"
          - "ip address 1.1.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}0.{{ inventory_
hostname[-1] }}"
          - "no shutdown"

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

          - "end"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r1', 'r4']

Did you notice something interesting? As mentioned before, we are using the last
digit of the hostname in our playbook by using the expression {{ inventory_hostname[-1]
}}. This allows us to dynamically incorporate the last digit as a parameter in the playbook.
Additionally, you may have noticed that we are judiciously using the when parameter to
control the execution of commands. This ensures that specific commands are only run
on the intended target nodes.
Step 9: Once your playbook has been executed successfully, you can proceed to
copy the “show ip interface brief” playbook from the previous EIGRP lab and execute it.
This will allow you to verify the status of the interfaces and ensure that all the expected
interfaces are in the desired “up/up” state.

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cp ../1_eigrp/12.1_show_ip_int_bri.yml ./12.2_show_ip_

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ anp 12.2_show_ip_int_bri.yml
[...omitted for brevity]
ok: [r4] => {
    "show_output.stdout_lines": [
         "Interface          IP-Address      OK? Method  Status Protocol",
         "GigabitEthernet0/0  YES NVRAM   up     up      ",
         "GigabitEthernet0/1        YES manual  up    up      ",
         "GigabitEthernet0/2        YES manual  up    up      ",
         "GigabitEthernet0/3        YES manual  up     up      "
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 10: Instead of appending all the OSPF configuration in a single lengthy
playbook in the previous playbook, we have chosen to separate this playbook from the
interface configuration playbook. The objective is to configure OSPF 1 on all routers,
facilitating end-to-end communication between devices. This configuration ensures that
r1, for example, can successfully ping r4’s local network with IP address, and

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

likewise, r4 can ping r1’s local network with IP address By setting up OSPF, we
establish a dynamic routing protocol that enables efficient and reliable routing within
our network using industry standard routers.
Here is our OSPF configuration for r1.

R1 (# TASK 1)

router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0

In the following, you will find the OSPF configuration we have set up for r2.

R2 (# TASK 2)

router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 1

Provided here is the OSPF configuration we’ve established for r3.

R3 (# TASK 3)

router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 1

Presented here is the OSPF configuration we have for r4.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

R4 (# TASK 4)

router ospf 1
network area 1
network area 1
network area 1

Each router has its own unique networks to configure, and we will utilize the router’s
last digit as a differentiator to ensure uniqueness. To achieve this, we will treat each
router as a separate play in our playbook. Consequently, there will be a total of four plays
in our playbook, which are outlined in the following.
Step 11: Now, we will proceed to write the main playbook and leverage the fact
that the hostnames contain the last digit of the corresponding IP address. By using the
expression “{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}” within our playbook, we can dynamically
access and utilize this information. This approach allows us to streamline our
configuration process and make it more efficient. The following playbook strategy
builds upon the interface configuration playbook and incorporates the use of “when”
parameters as well as the hostname’s last digit as a variable in our plays.


- name: Configure OSPF 1 on Cisco IOS-XE routers
  hosts: router_type1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Configure OSPF on routers # Task 1
          - "router ospf 1"
          - "router-id {{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1]
}}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "network 1.1.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}0.{{ inventory_
hostname[-1] }} area 0"
Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

          - "network 1.1.123.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 0"

      when: inventory_hostname in ['r1']

    - name: Configure OSPF on routers # Task 2

          - "router ospf 1"
          - "router-id {{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1]
}}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "network 1.1.123.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 0"
          - "network 1.1.24.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 1"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r2']

    - name: Configure OSPF on routers # Task 3

          - "router ospf 1"
          - "router-id {{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1]
}}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "network 1.1.123.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 0"
          - "network 1.1.34.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 1"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r3']

    - name: Configure OSPF on routers # Task 4

          - "router ospf 1"
          - "router-id {{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.
{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}"
          - "network 1.1.24.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 1"
          - "network 1.1.34.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }} area 1"
          - "network 1.1.{{ inventory_hostname[-1] }}0.{{ inventory_
hostname[-1] }} area 1"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['r4']

Step 12: Give a couple of minutes for the OSPF neighborship to be formed between
the four routers. Then, execute the 12.2_show_ip_route.yml playbook to verify the OSPF
routes formed in the routing tables of each router. This playbook will provide valuable

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

information regarding the directly connected connections and dynamically learned

routes through OSPF.

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ cp ../1_eigrp/12.1_show_ip_route.yml ./12.2_show_ip_

[jdoe@f38s1 2_ospf]$ anp ./12.2_show_ip_route.yml
[...omitted for brevity]
ok: [r3] => {
[...omitted for brevity]
            "Gateway of last resort is to network",
            "S* [1/0] via",
            " is variably subnetted, 7 subnets, 2 masks",
            "O [110/2] via, 00:00:27,
            "O [110/2] via, 00:42:00,
            "C is directly connected,
            "L is directly connected,
            "O [110/2] via, 00:42:00,
            "C is directly connected,
            "L is directly connected,
            " is variably subnetted, 2 subnets,
2 masks",
            "C is directly connected,
            "L is directly connected,
} [...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Step 13: Finally, perform the ping test between all four routers. While we are only
showing the ping test results between r1 and r4, feel free to test the communication
between different devices at your convenience.


Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 10/15/28 ms


Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 7/13/24 ms

Now that you have completed the Ansible OSPF configuration lab, let’s quickly
move onto the last lab of this chapter, which involves a simple Switch VLAN and VTP
configuration. This lab will provide you with hands-on experience in configuring VLANs
on switches using Ansible playbook.

12.3 Switch VLAN Configuration Lab

VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) in Cisco IOS and IOS-XE switches are used to
logically segment a network into separate virtual LANs. VLANs provide numerous
benefits in enterprise networks. They enable traffic isolation by grouping devices
based on logical requirements, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized access
to sensitive data or systems. VLANs create distinct broadcast domains, reducing the
volume of broadcast traffic and improving network performance. Moreover, VLANs
improve network efficiency by grouping devices with similar traffic patterns, optimizing
communication, and minimizing unnecessary network traffic. VLAN trunking allows
VLANs to extend across multiple switches, ensuring VLAN continuity by enabling the

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

transmission of VLAN-tagged packets between switches. Inter-VLAN routing, performed

by layer 3 devices like routers or layer 3 switches (a.k.a. srouter), is necessary for devices
in different VLANs to communicate with each other by routing traffic between VLANs.
Overall, VLANs in enterprise networks provide traffic isolation, control over broadcast
domains, improved network performance, VLAN continuity across switches via
trunking, and inter-VLAN communication facilitated by routing. In the case of the CML
IOS-XE switch images used here, the IP routing feature is enabled by default, and we
need to disable it to make them function solely as layer 2 switches. You can verify the IP
routing status by executing the “show ip protocols” command.
In this switching lab, we will configure end-to-end VLANs in the network using
Ansible playbooks. The goal is to enable communication between PC1 with IP address in VLAN 10 and PC2 with IP address in VLAN 20, with the default
gateway being r1. In this topology, r1 acts as the only routing device used to route
between two disparate logical local area networks, while all four switches operate at layer
2 and have IP routing disabled. This means that even though PC1 and PC2 are physically
connected on the adjacent ports on the same switch, they belong to different logical
local area networks due to their respective VLAN assignments.
To get started, let’s manually configure the lab settings on the Ansible Control
Machine, allowing it to communicate with all devices through the management network Then, we can proceed with the switch configurations using Ansible.
You will need to use the provided information in VLAN lab topology and GNS3 device
connections to complete your configuration tasks. IP addresses and VLAN details
have been provided to ensure the successful configuration of end-to-end VLAN in the
network, enabling PC1 and PC2 to communicate via r1’s G0/3 trunking interface.
First, take a moment to study the VLAN lab topology depicted in Figure 12-7.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-7. VLAN lab topology

Lab 3: VLAN Lab Topology

After visualizing the tasks in your mind, let’s review Figure 12-8, GNS3 device
connections, and begin constructing the VLAN lab from the ground up. Rest assured,
each step will be provided as a guideline, so you just need to focus and follow along

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-8. GNS3 VLAN device connections

Lab 3: GNS3 Device Connections

Refer to the figures as you go through the steps to build the VLAN lab from scratch. Each
step will guide you on what needs to be done. Just stay focused and follow along.
Follow these steps to complete the end-to-end VLAN configuration lab:
Step 1: Open GNS3 and wait for the GNS3 VM to power on in VMware Workstation.
Allow a moment for the process to complete. Once the VM is up and running, create
a new GNS3 project for your switch lab. As shown in Figure 12-9, we have given this
project an intuitive name, “ch12.3_lab3_vlan”. Give the project a meaningful name that is
relevant to you.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-9. Creating a GNS3 project for the VLAN lab

Step 2: Refer to Figures 12-7 and 12-8 to drag and drop Cisco CML switches and a
router to establish the device connections in GNS3. Ensure that all devices are correctly
connected per diagram and powered on. Allow approximately three to five minutes for
the devices to complete the POST process and settle down.
Step 3: Next, configure the management interfaces on r1, sw1, sw2, sw3, and sw4 as
depicted in Figure 12-7. Assign the IP address to r1’s G0/0 interface.
For the switches, use VLAN 1 as the management interface and assign the following IP
addresses: for sw1, for sw2, for sw3, and for sw4. Please note that this task needs to be done manually as it cannot
be automated using the Ansible Control Machine.
If you want to speed up this process, locate the file named “Ch12.3_r1_sw_1-­4_
initialization_configs.txt” and use the cut-and-paste function to complete the device


configure terminal
hostname r1
username jdoe privilege 15 secret 5uper5cret9assw0rd
ip domain-name
crypto key generate rsa

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

line vty 0 15
login local
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
interface Gi0/0
ip address
no shutdown


configure terminal
hostname sw1
username jdoe privilege 15 secret 5uper5cret9assw0rd
no ip routing #disable ip routing
ip domain-name
crypto key generate rsa
line vty 0 15
login local
transport input ssh
logging synchronous
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown


configure terminal
hostname sw2
[...omitted for brevity, refer to sw1]
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


configure terminal
hostname sw3
[...omitted for brevity, refer to sw1]
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown


configure terminal
hostname sw4
[...omitted for brevity, refer to sw1]
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown

Step 4: Proceed to your Ansible Control Machine, f38s1, to verify the connection to
each device simultaneously using the 12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml playbook. Execute the
playbook from your local machine. Make a copy of the playbook and rename it as 12.3_
icmp_mgt_int.yml. Then, make slight modifications to the playbook by incorporating a
loop since the IP address of the router does not follow the same pattern as the rest of the
switches’ IPs.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch12]$ mkdir 3_vlan && cd 3_vlan

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cp ../2_ospf/12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml ./12.3_icmp_
[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ vi 12.3_icmp_mgt_int.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat 12.3_icmp_mgt_int.yml
- name: Ping r1, sw1-sw4 and save output to a file
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

    - name: Ping hosts
      ansible.builtin.raw: ping -c 4 {{ item }}
      register: ping_output
      failed_when: false
    - name: Save output to file
        content: "{{ ping_output.results | map(attribute='stdout') |
join('\n') }}"
        dest: 12.3_icmp_output.txt

You should not need any additional files to run this playbook as the playbook is ran
by the f38s1. Execute the modified ping test playbook. Please note that if you don’t have
the ansible.cfg file in the directory, and if you have cowsay installed, you might see the
cows appearing during the playbook execution. The default ansible.cfg file will be used,
which is located under /etc/ansible/.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ anp 12.3_icmp_mgt_int.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

If your playbook is executed successfully, you will find a new output file in your
working directory. Open this file to validate the communication between your Ansible
control node and all network devices.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat 12.3_icmp_output.txt

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.82 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.76 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=3.77 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=3.39 ms

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.759/3.183/3.767/0.416 ms
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 5: Copy the ansible.cfg and inventory files from the previous lab and make slight
modifications to the inventory file.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cp ../2_ospf/ansible.cfg ./ && cp ../2_ospf/

inventory ./
[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ ls
12.3_icmp_mgt_int.yml  12.3_icmp_output.txt  ansible.cfg  inventory

In the following inventory file, both devices are using the same IOS-XE software, and
the username and password used are the same as the router_type1 devices. The switches
have been placed in their group named switch_type1, and then the router and switch
groups are grouped under the ios_xe_devices group as child groups. This grouping is
done to simplify the playbooks and is an important concept to master.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat inventory
ansible_user=jdoe # to be password vaulted in step 6
ansible_password=5uper5cret9assw0rd # to be password vaulted in step 6

r1 ansible_host=

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=
sw3 ansible_host=
sw4 ansible_host=


Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

In the next step, we will enhance the security of our inventory file by removing the
username and password information and using a password vault instead.
To accomplish this, we’ll utilize the good old show clock playbook that we used in
Lab 12.1 to validate the SSH connections to all five devices before proceeding further.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cp ../1_eigrp/12.1_show_clock.yml ./12.3_show_clock.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat 12.3_show_clock.yml

- name: Cisco show clock example

  hosts: router_type1,switch_type1 # note, you can replace this with ios_
  gather_facts: false

    - name: run show clock on the routers
        commands: show clock
      register: output

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

Run the show clock playbook to validate the login credentials and ensure that the
SSH connections are established successfully. The playbook must run without any SSH
connection errors, such as “ssh connection failed: Failed to authenticate public key”. If
the operation is successful, it means that your Ansible playbook now has full control over
these devices through SSH connections.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ anp 12.3_show_clock.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: To enhance security and adhere to industry best practices, it is important to

remove the embedded username and password from the inventory file. This eliminates
the risk of exposing sensitive information. In Chapter 10, we learned about the password
vault and its importance. If you need a refresher, please revisit the section on the
password vault.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

In this step, we will use the encrypted vars_files method, which is the easiest
approach to secure our credentials.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat inventory
ansible_connection=network_cli #removed the ansible_user and ansible_
password from here

r1 ansible_host=

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=
sw3 ansible_host=
sw4 ansible_host=


Next, we will create an encrypted vars.yml file using the ansible-vault create
command. This will ensure that the information we enter in this file is encrypted and
protected. In this file, we want to safeguard our username and password. It is important
to note that the data format for the user should be a list. Pay close attention to this detail,
as it is crucial for the successful execution of the playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ ansible-vault create vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
ansible_user: jdoe # Note, a colon is used to make this into a dictionary
ansible_password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd # Note, a colon is used to make this
into a dictionary

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Now, for testing purposes, let’s add the vars_files module to our playbook and specify
the encrypted vars.yml file. This will allow us to access the encrypted variables during
playbook execution.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ vi 12.3_show_clock.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ cat 12.3_show_clock.yml

- name: Cisco show clock example

  hosts: router_type1,switch_type1
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: # Don't forget to add these two lines to your testing

    - vars.yml

    - name: run show clock on the routers
        commands: show clock
      register: output

    - name: print output

        var: output.stdout_lines

To execute the test playbook with the encrypted vars.yml file, use the --ask-vault-pass
option to unlock the file during playbook execution. If your playbook runs successfully
without any errors, it’s time to write and test the playbooks for automating the
configuration of VLAN-related tasks on multiple switches.

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ anp 12.3_show_clock.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]

If the preceding playbook executed successfully and you have confirmed all the
system times on all devices, you are ready to move to the next step.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Step 7: Now, let’s enable the router, r1’s Gi0/3 interface, and configure it as a
trunking interface, as used in the router-on-a-stick configuration. To achieve this, we
need to create sub-interfaces on Gi0/3 and assign IP addresses to each sub-interface.
If you prefer to configure a single device using the same router configuration playbook
used in previous labs, you can do so. However, to save time, we will configure it manually
in this lab.


r1#conf t
r1(config)#int Gi0/3
r1(config-if)#no shutdown
r1(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 10
r1(config-subif)#ip address
r1(config-subif)#interface g0/3.20
r1(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 20
r1(config-subif)#ip address

Step 8: Now, let’s configure the two VPCs in GNS3, which will be used as our
endpoint testing devices. While using two routers to replace two VPCs is an option,
it requires a significant amount of processing power, so you can use VPCs. It is
­recommended that you familiarize yourself with using VPCs on GNS3 to optimize your
lab experience with this tool.
For this lab, we will configure PC1 and PC2 as follows:

• Assign the IP address to PC1’s Ethernet 0 interface, with

the default gateway set to (r1’s dot1Q 10 IP address).

• Assign the IP address to PC2’s Ethernet 0 interface, with

the default gateway set to (r1’s dot1Q 20 IP address).


PC1> ip

Checking for duplicate address...
PC1 : gateway

PC1> show ip

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

NAME        : PC1[1]
IP/MASK     :
DNS         :
MAC         : 00:50:79:66:68:00
LPORT       : 20129
MTU         : 1500

Now, out of curiosity, let’s configure PC2 with the IP address and perform
a quick connectivity test to If the connectivity is successful, we can proceed
to assign PC2 the actual IP address of However, it’s important to note that
once PC2 is assigned to the subnet, PC1 and PC2 will no longer be able to
communicate with each other. This is because they will be on different subnets; even
though they are connected to adjacent ports on the same switch, they are connected to
the different logical connections, which requires L3 routing devices such as a router or
L3 switch.


PC2> ip

Checking for duplicate address...
PC2 : gateway

PC2> ping

84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=11.422 ms

84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=16.059 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=12.582 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=15.869 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=49.163 ms

PC2> ip

Checking for duplicate address...
PC2 : gateway

PC2> ping

host ( not reachable

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

PC2> show ip

NAME        : PC2[1]
IP/MASK     :
DNS         :
MAC         : 00:50:79:66:68:01
LPORT       : 20163
MTU         : 1500

Now that the setup is complete, we can use the Ansible playbook to configure the
four switches according to the provided network topology.
To enable communication between PC1 and PC2 via end-to-end VLAN
implementation and the router-on-a-stick using r1’s Gi0/3 interface, we need to perform
the following tasks:

• Configure trunk ports on sw1, sw2, sw3, and sw4.

• Configure the VTP domain as a best practice.

• Create VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 on sw1 and assign VLAN 10 to r4’s

interface Gi1/1 and VLAN 20 to r4’s interface Gi1/2.

Step 9: For trunk port configuration on all four switches, you will need to configure
the following interfaces to allow traffic to travel through VLAN 10 and VLAN 20. Pay
close attention to the port numbers and try to determine how many plays are needed to
configure these trunk ports. Finding the common denominator is key to writing a precise
Ansible playbook. Also, make sure to include interface Gi3/3 in the configuration for sw1.


interface range g0/1, g0/2, g3/3

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


interface range g0/1, g0/2

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20


interface range g0/2, g0/3

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20


interface range g0/2, g0/3

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20

Since the trunks between sw1 and sw2 are connected through Gi0/1 and Gi0/2, they
can be configured in a single play. Similarly, for sw3 and sw4, their trunks are connected
using Gi0/2 and Gi0/3, so they can also be configured in a single play. However, we
need to configure sw1’s Gi3/3, which connects to r1’s trunking ports, separately as the
port naming is unique to this port only. To target specific switches based on their device
names, we can make use of the “when” module.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

SW1, SW2, SW3 AND SW4 (TASKS 1, 2 AND 3)

    - name: Configure trunk ports on sw1's Gi3/3 # Task 1

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface g3/3"
          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname=='sw1'

    - name: Configure trunk ports on sw1 and sw2 # Task 2

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface range g0/1, g0/2"
          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['sw1', 'sw2']

    - name: Configure trunk ports on sw3 and sw4 # Task 3

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface range g0/2, g0/3"
          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname in [sw3', 'sw4']

Step 10: Configuring the VTP domain and password is relatively straightforward in
this playbook, as all four switches will be configured with the same information. This
simplifies the configuration process and ensures consistency across the switches.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


vtp domain ansible-vtp01

vtp password ansible

Adding the VTP domain and password to all four switches can be accomplished with
just one play. This play will ensure that the VTP settings are applied uniformly across the
switches, making the configuration process efficient and consistent.

SW1, SW2, SW3 AND SW4 (TASK 4)

    - name: Configure VTP on all switches # Task 4

          - "configure terminal"
          - "vtp domain ansible-vtp01"
          - "vtp password ansible"

Step 11: To configure VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 on sw1, we need to address the trunk
port G0/3 on r1, which is connected to sw1’s G3/3. This specific configuration task will
be handled in a separate play within our playbook.


vlan 10
name VLAN-10
vlan 20
name VLAN-20

PC1 and PC2 are currently connected to sw4’s Gi1/1 and Gi1/2 ports, respectively,
and these ports need to be configured as access switchports. We will assign VLAN 10 to
Gi1/1 and VLAN 20 to Gi1/2. This configuration task will be included as another play in
our Ansible playbook.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible


interface Gi1/1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
interface Gi1/2
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20

If we write the preceding two plays into our YAML file, they will look similar to the
following plays:


    - name: Configure VLANs on sw1 # Task 5

          - "configure terminal"
          - "vlan 10"
          - "name VLAN-10"
          - "vlan 20"
          - "name VLAN-20"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'sw1'

    - name: Configure access ports on sw4 # Task 6

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface Gi1/1"
          - "switchport mode access"
          - "switchport access vlan 10"
          - "interface Gi1/2"
          - "switchport mode access"
          - "switchport access vlan 20"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'sw4'

These plays will configure VLAN 10 and 20 on sw1 and set the access ports on sw4 to
use the appropriate VLANs for PC1 and PC2.
Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Step 12: Let’s combine all the plays into a single YAML file and execute our playbook.
Make sure to include the vars_files parameter to reference the encrypted vars.yml file.
Here’s an example of how the playbook file may look like:


- name: Configure IOS-XE switches
  hosts: switch_type1
  gather_facts: no

    - vars.yml

    - name: Configure trunk port on sw1’s Gi3/3
          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface g3/3"
          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname=='sw1'

    - name: Configure trunk ports on sw1, sw2

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface range g0/1,g0/2"
          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['sw1', 'sw2']

    - name: Configure trunk ports on sw3, sw4

          - "configure terminal"

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

          - "interface range g0/2,g0/3"

          - "switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q"
          - "switchport mode trunk"
          - "switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20"
      when: inventory_hostname in ['sw3', 'sw4']

    - name: Configure VTP on all switches

          - "configure terminal"
          - "vtp domain ansible-vtp01"
          - "vtp password ansible"
      register: output3

    - name: Configure VLANs on sw1

          - "configure terminal"
          - "vlan 10"
          - "name VLAN-10"
          - "vlan 20"
          - "name VLAN-20"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'sw1'

    - name: Configure access ports on sw4

          - "configure terminal"
          - "interface Gi1/1"
          - "switchport mode access"
          - "switchport access vlan 10"
          - "interface Gi1/2"
          - "switchport mode access"
          - "switchport access vlan 20"
      when: inventory_hostname == 'sw4'

You may have noticed that we have consistently used the “ios_command” Ansible
module in all three of our labs. However, if you prefer, there is another useful module
called “ios_config”. The advantage of using this module is that it automatically escalates

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

the privilege level to the configuration mode, eliminating the need for users to run the
“configure terminal” command explicitly. Nonetheless, the choice of which module to
use and how you structure your playbook is entirely up to you, as long as your work is
executed efficiently.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that while automation has flourished in the world
of systems engineering, it has traditionally faced resistance in the realm of network
engineering. However, the tide is slowly turning, and now is the time to wholeheartedly
embrace automation. Automating the manual tasks that traditional network engineers
have been performing for over 50 years will bring tremendous benefits and significantly
improves overall efficiency.
Step 13: Once you have assembled the playbook, execute it using the following
command, providing the vault password when prompted:

[jdoe@f38s1 3_vlan]$ anp 10.3_config_switches.yml--ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [Configure IOS-XE switches] ******************************************

TASK [Configure trunk port on sw1's Gi3/3] ********************************

skipping: [sw2]
skipping: [sw3]
skipping: [sw4]
ok: [sw1]

TASK [Configure trunk ports on sw1, sw2] **********************************

skipping: [sw3]
skipping: [sw4]
ok: [sw2]
ok: [sw1]

TASK [Configure trunk ports on sw3, sw4] **********************************

skipping: [sw1]
skipping: [sw2]
ok: [sw3]
ok: [sw4]

TASK [Configure VTP on all switches] **************************************

ok: [sw2]

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

ok: [sw1]
ok: [sw4]
ok: [sw3]

TASK [Configure VLANs on sw1] *********************************************

skipping: [sw2]
skipping: [sw3]
skipping: [sw4]
ok: [sw1]

TASK [Configure access ports on sw4] **************************************

skipping: [sw1]
skipping: [sw2]
skipping: [sw3]
ok: [sw4]

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************

sw1                        :
ok=4   changed=0   unreachable=0  failed=0   skipped=2  rescued=0  ignored=0
sw2                      :
ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0  failed=0   skipped=4  rescued=0  ignored=0
sw3                      :
ok=2   changed=0   unreachable=0  failed=0   skipped=4  rescued=0  ignored=0
sw4                      :
ok=3   changed=0   unreachable=0  failed=0   skipped=3  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 14: To close out this lab, perform a manual ping test and traceroute from PC1
( and PC2 ( This will help verify if there is successful communication
between PC1 and PC2 after the VLAN configuration.
On PC1, open a command prompt and execute the following commands:


PC1> ping

84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=152.194 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=96.122 ms

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=111.680 ms

84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=101.526 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=104.935 ms

PC1> trace

trace to, 8 hops max, press Ctrl+C to stop
1   90.944 ms  54.665 ms  34.507 ms
2   *   73.080 ms (ICMP type:3, code:3, Destination port unreachable)

On PC2, open a command prompt and execute the following commands:


PC2> ping

84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=97.333 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=90.749 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=116.250 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=99.555 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=81.174 ms

PC2> trace

trace to, 8 hops max, press Ctrl+C to stop
1   45.123 ms  38.847 ms  58.702 ms
2   *   90.906 ms (ICMP type:3, code:3, Destination port

Step 15: Optionally, you can run the following commands to validate the changes:
On the switches:
• Run show interface trunk to verify the trunk ports and their
associated VLANs.
• Run show vtp status to check the VTP domain configuration and
verify that it matches the desired settings.
• Run show cdp neighbors to see the neighboring devices and confirm
the connectivity between switches and other devices.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

These commands provide additional information about the trunking, VTP

configuration, and neighboring devices. They can help you ensure that the VLAN
configuration and connectivity are correctly applied.
Congratulations on successfully completing all three recommended labs in Chapter 12!
You’ve gained valuable hands-on experience in configuring various aspects of router and
switch configuration using Ansible. As an additional challenge, we have prepared an extra
lab for you to explore at your leisure and put your skills to the test. Take your time and
enjoy the opportunity to further enhance your knowledge and expertise. If you think you
have learned enough and are ready to give it a go, that is fantastic! However, if you feel like
you need a little bit more preparation, you can always come back to this challenge later.
Well done to everyone who has reached this page after completing all of the tasks.

12.4 Lab 4 Challenge: Configure New Routers

and Access Control List (ACL)
Challenge Scenario: You work as a senior network engineer in the IT department of a
rapidly growing international pharmaceutical company. Initially, the company chose
Huawei routers for cost-cutting purposes when it was new to the market. However,
with an increase in customers signing significant contracts and the need for superior
Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support, the company has decided to upgrade its
aging fleet of edge routers to top-of-the-line routers. This decision is also influenced by
security announcements and changes in Federal laws. Moreover, the Huawei routers are
nearing their End-of-Life (EoL) in six months, and there are security concerns regarding
certain models potentially containing chipsets capable of sniffing traffic and sending it
back to China, which cannot be undetectable by end users.
To determine the replacement routers, your IT department has planned to test
products from various vendors. Additionally, in line with recent developments, a
dedicated SRE/DevOps team has been formed in your department to restructure
IT operations. This team, composed of highly skilled engineers, aims to adopt an
automation framework and automate tasks to initiate the company’s automation

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Both the CTO and VP of your company are enthusiastic about systems and
networking automation. They have been informed, through their connections in the
business community, that adopting an automation framework along with tools like the
Ansible Automation Platform offers numerous benefits for IT departments. As a result,
your bosses want to explore Ansible as a tool and its ability to manage configurations
and automate tasks across the company’s network, which includes hundreds of network
routers and switches. Your task is to develop a proof-of-concept lab that demonstrates
the power of Ansible. This lab will serve as a preliminary step before the company fully
commits to implementing automation and orchestration tools within the IT department.
Furthermore, you have been instructed to demonstrate the lab environment using Cisco
IOS-XE virtual routers, which will replace the old Huawei routers.
The Challenge: Originally, your network architect was assigned the task of creating
the demo. However, since they come from a traditional networking background and are
unfamiliar with Ansible, you have been asked to assist in creating a proof-of-concept
(POC) lab for routing. The lab should consist of five routers. The specific requirements
for the demo are outlined here, and it is crucial to meet all these requirements before the
Demo Lab Requirements:
• The IP addressing must strictly adhere to the Lab network topology as
depicted in Figure 12-10.
• Configure the management interfaces on GigabitEthernet 0/0
interfaces to allow the Ansible Control Machine (f38s1, IP: to control all five routers.
• Use an Ansible playbook to configure all interfaces.

• Use an Ansible playbook to enable dynamic routing using OSPF 99.

• Use an Ansible playbook to assign OSPF router IDs, where the ID

consists of the last digit of the hostname (e.g., for r3, the ID is,
and for r5, the ID is
• Use an Ansible playbook to configure an Access Control List (ACL) on
the G0/2 interface of r2, allowing inbound traffic from r3 with source
IP addresses of,, and

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Lab 4: ACL Network Topology

Please refer to Figure 12-10, which depicts the network topology provided by your
architect. The information presented in this figure should be consulted.

Figure 12-10. ACL topology

Lab 4: GNS3 Device Connections

To assist you in configuring the ACL POC on your GNS3 environment, the GNS3 network
topology is also depicted in Figure 12-11.

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

Figure 12-11. GNS3 ACL topology

Please note that there is no right or wrong playbook for this challenge; the goal is
to create more efficient playbooks. Once you have written your initial set of playbooks,
attempt to refactor them to reduce the number of lines to a minimum. Enjoy the
challenges as you carry them out.
In the upcoming chapter, Chapter 13, we will dive deep into the process of creating
network device configuration backups for Cisco routers and switches. You’ll have the
opportunity to learn how to handcraft an Ansible application that will efficiently back up
the configurations for you and your team. This promises to be an exciting chapter, as you
gain valuable insights and practical skills to enhance your configuration management
practices. Get ready to embark on this thrilling journey that will empower you to
safeguard critical network settings with confidence!

Chapter 12 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration with Ansible

12.5 Summary
In this chapter, we explored Cisco router and switch configuration using Ansible, an
efficient configuration management and automation tool. Through hands-on labs,
we gained practical experience in deploying Ansible playbooks to configure Cisco
IOS-XE routers and switches. Lab 1 focused on creating a lab topology from scratch,
configuring routers with EIGRP routing enabled using Ansible playbooks. Lab 2 built a
lab from the ground up, configuring routers with OSPF dynamic routing enabled using
Ansible playbooks. Leveraging Ansible’s “when” module, we targeted specific hosts for
configuration. Lab 3 delved into Cisco L2 switch configuration, exploring VLAN and VTP
settings, including trunking and VLAN configuration using Ansible playbooks. Ansible-­
vault was utilized to protect the administrator’s sensitive security credentials. Lab 4
offered a challenge lab for those eager to test their Cisco router and ACL configuration
skills using the Ansible playbook. Throughout the chapter, we applied Ansible concepts
to streamline network management, enhancing efficiency and scalability and freeing
up time for higher-value network design and optimization work. By mastering Ansible
and its integration with Cisco devices, we gained a powerful toolset to manage and scale
network configurations effectively. This knowledge will be invaluable in our pursuit
of automation and orchestration, enabling us to build robust and efficient network


Network Device Backup

Ansible Playbook
Chapter 13 of our book, titled “Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook,” highlights the
importance of critical network device configuration backups, such as routers, switches,
WLCs, and firewalls, for all organizations. We emphasize the significance of disaster
recovery and troubleshooting by having a reference of these backups. The chapter begins
with instructions on setting up the lab environment in GNS3 and configuring the initial
routers and switches. We then delve into the process of securely backing up the Cisco
router and switch configurations to an SCP file server. While showcasing the capabilities
of Ansible as a network device configuration backup tool, we also discuss its limitations.
Additionally, we explore the application of ansible-vault encryption for enhanced
security and address challenges related to key exchange and cipher compatibility
when working with new servers and legacy network devices. Lastly, we demonstrate
the backup synchronization to a single SCP server initially and then expand it to three
SCP servers, ensuring the protection of critical running-config information for efficient
disaster recovery and easy referencing. Join us in Chapter 13 to gain valuable insights
and practical implementation guidance for network device backups using Ansible

In the ever-evolving world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), IT

engineers and their teams rely on a wide range of tools to perform specific tasks. These
tools come in various forms, including proprietary, free, and open source solutions.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

One of the most important tools for network engineers at work is network device
configuration management, which includes device backup tools as a subset of the device
configuration management tool. When it comes to backing up critical network devices,
network engineers and their IT teams have several options to choose from based on their
IT budget and disaster recovery strategies.
One common interest for all network engineers is how the network devices’
configurations are backed up and managed. Many network device configuration
management tools, such as SolarWinds, Cacti, RANCID, Kiwi CatTools, and Oxidized,
have emerged to address this need. Most of these tools offer configuration change
tracking and version control of the device backups. Although the terminology used
by each of these tools may vary, they essentially perform the backup by running an
automated script using a scheduler such as a cron job or Windows scheduler. The
scheduled automatic backups run at specific intervals, with the option to save the
running, startup, or both configurations to FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SFTP (Secure
File Transfer Protocol), or SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) servers. Some of these tools
also provide configuration comparison tools using a type of diff tool usually written in
any one of the programming languages of the vendor’s choice. These tools are used for
comparing and finding differences between text in two different files. Most often, these
tools provide a user-friendly GUI for user interaction and are an essential tool in the
network engineers’ arsenal.
At the true business end of all these tools, they are used to store network device
configurations as files in a safe place. When the hardware fails, the system’s OS is
attacked or runs into a bug and becomes unrecoverable, or an engineer performs a
change that brings down a device, and hence the whole network, these backed-up files
serve as the last known good configuration to recover the system in the shortest time
possible. Device backup is one of the least interesting topics of current networking
technologies, and not everyone wants to know about it, but they must know how to make
backups of critical networking devices as it is a mandatory task, not an option for any
network engineer.
While we may not be full-time developers of these tools, the purpose of this lab
is to explore and challenge ourselves to see if we can build a simple tool using an
Ansible playbook. It presents an interesting challenge as Ansible is not a fully fledged
configuration management tool and will not be as good as some of the product sets
mentioned previously. However, by understanding the concept of file backup and seeing
some of the tools in action, we can enhance our ability to safeguard critical network

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

device configurations. Moreover, once we have written something in YAML, it becomes

an application that we can reuse over and over, and since this is written by you, you
understand the fine details of your tool.
Hence, in this lab, we will focus on exploring the Cisco router and switch
configuration backup using the simple “show running-config” command and then
save the file to the Ansible control node as the primary place to store the running
configurations of all our network devices. Once the files are saved to our backup
directory, we will then send the file to the SCP file server, which will act as the primary
network device configuration server. If you want to build more redundancies to prevent
data loss due to a system failure, we can use another SCP file server to share the backed-­
up configurations, making this solution amazingly scalable. The good thing about
Ansible is that the provided module keeps the files synchronized, so there is little danger
of duplicating the same files. We will also delve into the automation of backup jobs using
cron jobs in Chapter 14, a scheduling utility commonly found in Unix-like operating
systems. By automating the backup jobs using cron jobs, we can streamline the process,
ensuring regular and reliable backups without manual intervention. Throughout this
lab, we will uncover valuable insights and best practices for securing network device
configurations. We will learn how to leverage the power of technology to minimize the
risk of configuration loss, improve disaster recovery capabilities, and maintain network
stability by always keeping the up-to-date known good running configuration.
In production network and data center operations, the gathering of running
configuration backups plays a vital role as it provides snapshots of critical network
devices. These backups are crucial for network troubleshooting purposes, serving
as a valuable point of reference. They allow for easy comparison and analysis of
configurations, aiding in the identification and resolution of issues within the network
infrastructure. By maintaining an up-to-date collection of running configuration
backups, network administrators and engineers can ensure a more efficient and effective
troubleshooting process, leading to improved network performance and reliability.
Let’s embark on this chapter to learn how to effectively protect network
configurations, automate backup processes, and ensure stability by regularly making
backups of all our devices.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

13.1 Setting Up Network Device Configuration

Backup Lab
The proposed study flows for this lab include the following tasks in which you
will engage:

1. Set up a new GNS3 project specifically for the router and switch
configuration backup lab.
2. Verify the connectivity between devices.

3. Write Ansible playbook part 1 to run the “show running-config”

command and save the file to the backup directory. If no backup
directory exists, detect it and create one.

4. Write Ansible playbook part 2 to test file upload to the SCP file
server at and test the synchronization.

5. Add two more SCP file servers and synchronize the backup
directory and backup files on three different servers.

6. Validate the backed-up configuration files to ensure their accuracy

and completeness.

To provide a clear overview of the lab setup, here is a simple topology for your
reference. Additionally, we will provide suggestions on how to connect devices within
GNS3 to prepare for this lab. Let’s commence our journey.

13.1.1 Network Device Configuration Backup Lab

Topology and Connections
In this chapter, we have a single lab, and our emphasis will be on the backup of the
running configuration. As our main focus is on the backup process, the devices will only
require minimal configurations. This will enable the Ansible control node to execute the
backup playbook, utilizing the backup module on each network device and saving the
configurations with a timestamp to the local directory named “backup.” Therefore, there
is no need to establish connections between networking devices; we only require the
management plane to be operational for our testing and development lab.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Follow these instructions to set up the GNS3 lab according to Figures 13-1 and 13-2:

Figure 13-1. Device backup lab topology

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Figure 13-2. GNS3 topology

Step 1: Start VMware Workstation and power on the Ansible Control Machine (f38s1)
with the IP address, as well as the SCP file server (f38c1) with the IP
Step 2: Refer to Figure 13-1 for a comprehensive overview of the hostnames and IP
Step 3: Launch GNS3 and create a new lab topology by referencing Figure 13-2.
Step 4: Download and open the Chapter 13 device initialization file (Ch13_routers_
switches_initialization_configs.txt). This file contains the necessary configurations for
the management interfaces of all devices, as well as the SSH configuration to enable
communication between the Ansible Control Machine and the three routers and three
switches. Please note that it may take some time for the network devices to boot up and
stabilize, so allow approximately five to ten minutes for this process. If you are practicing

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

these labs on a PC/laptop with lower specifications, you can reduce the number of
powered-on devices to two routers and two switches.
You can download the files used in this chapter from the following URL: https://
At this stage, both Linux servers and the four to six network devices should be
powered on and connected to the same network. You are now ready to proceed with the
router and switch backup lab.

13.2 Cisco Router and Switch Configuration

Backup to File Server (SCP)
SCP (Secure Copy) is a protocol based on SSH (Secure Shell) that provides secure file
transfers between a client and a server. It offers authentication and encryption, making
it a reliable alternative to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for secure file management and
transfer. SCP operates on port 22, the same port used by SSH, eliminating the need for
additional configuration. FTP, although widely used, has security vulnerabilities as it
transmits data in plain text, making it susceptible to interception. To enhance security,
alternative protocols like SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and FTPS (FTP Secure) have
been introduced. SFTP incorporates SSL/TLS encryption for secure control and data
connections, while FTPS also provides encryption for secure file transfers.
In the context of backing up Cisco networking device configurations, using FTP
or SFTP can pose challenges due to the limitations of out-of-the-box Ansible modules
and the handling of various prompts. It is important to note that backing up Cisco
networking devices using FTP or SFTP can sometimes be challenging or even impossible
with the current out-of-the-box Ansible modules. Additional configuration is required to
ensure that Cisco IOS and IOS-XE devices use the same SSH Kex Algorithms and handle
all possible prompts correctly. The Ansible official documentation suggests using the
ansible.netcommon.cli_command module to handle the command output and prompts,
but this module is still a work in progress. Users may encounter issues when dealing
with the details of key exchange algorithms and newer Linux servers that do not support
smaller RSA key sizes. These are areas where further support from Red Hat Ansible
is needed.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Read about ansible-netcommon-cli-command-module here:
Cisco IOS and IOS-XE devices require additional configuration and handling of
specific prompts to enable FTP or SFTP backups. As a workaround, many network
engineers who work with Ansible have discovered a workaround solution to back up
router and switch configurations by running the “show run” command and saving
the output to the Ansible control node’s directory. We adopt the same approach and
demonstrate how to make backups of running configurations, but we will go one step
beyond just making the backup.
In this lab, we will recreate the playbook to save the running configurations of each
device to our directory. Additionally, we will create a separate playbook to send these
files to our file server, f38c1, using the Secure Copy (SCP) protocol. Since SCP operates
over SSH and utilizes port 22, there is no need for further configuration. Once we have
written and confirmed that both playbooks are functioning properly, we can combine
them into a single playbook for a more streamlined backup process.
Step 1: To proceed with Chapter 13, create a new working directory. Start by
copying the ping playbook from the previous lab, Lab 12.2. Once you have copied the
playbook, make the necessary modifications to test the reachability of all management
IP addresses from the Ansible Control Machine.

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ mkdir ch13 && cd ch13

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ cp /home/jdoe/repo1/ch12/2_ospf/12.2_icmp_mgt_int.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ vi 13_icmp_mgt_int.yml
- name: Ping hosts and display output
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Ping hosts
      ansible.builtin.raw: ping -c 4 {{ item }}
      register: ping_output

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

        - # SCP server

        - # r1
        - # r2
        - # r13
        - # sw1
        - # sw2
        - # sw23
      changed_when: false # Important setting to let the failed message
display on the screen

    - name: Display output

        var: ping_output.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list #
Modify the last line

Step 2: Execute the 13_icmp_mgt_int.yml playbook by its name. This playbook will
display the ping results on your screen, instead of saving the output as before. Check
if all devices are reachable from the control node. If all devices are reachable, you can
proceed to the next step.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ anp 13_icmp_mgt_int.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Display output] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "ping_output.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list": [
            "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.",
            "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms",
            "64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.042 ms",
            "64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.111 ms",
            "64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.056 ms",
            "--- ping statistics ---",
            "4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3104ms",
            "rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.038/0.061/0.111/0.029 ms"
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Step 3: While attempting to SSH into other servers from your Ansible server, you
might encounter key exchange errors. To save time during the initial stages of this lab,
let’s include the KexAlgorithms options for all three SCP servers. If you come across
additional key exchange messages requiring you to add different cipher types, you can
add them at the end after a comma without a space.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ cat ~/.ssh/config

    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Before proceeding to step 4, I hope you can spare a few minutes to read this
helpful tip.

Do you want to SSH into Cisco Legacy routers or switches from Ansible

Control Machine?
When it comes to cipher and encryption for SSH, Cisco devices are not always up
to the latest and greatest. However, the newer Linux and Windows systems are
usually one or two steps ahead of Cisco in this area. Therefore, if you are using
newer operating systems like RHEL 9.1–based systems or any of the newer Debian
distributions, you may encounter difficulties when logging into Cisco routers and
switches via SSH on port 22. This can be attributed to the key exchange algorithm
settings and RSA key size supported by these newer systems.
To enable SSH login from your Ansible server, please add the following
configuration to the "~/.ssh/config" file:
    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

    PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    RequiredRSASize 1024

This configuration addition ensures that the correct key exchange algorithm and
RSA key size are used when establishing SSH connections between your Ansible
server and Cisco devices.
When you attempt to SSH without the aforementioned settings, you will encounter
an "ssh-rsa” message or a similar error message.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ssh jdoe@

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found.
Their offer: ssh-rsa
By adding the key exchange algorithm settings to the configuration file of your
devices, you will be able to establish an SSH connection between your Cisco
devices and the Ansible Control Machine, as depicted in Figure 13-3.

Figure 13-3. SSH login to router r1

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Step 4: Now, let’s prepare the vars.yml, ansible.cfg, and inventory files to be used
for this lab. Start by creating an encrypted vars.yml file in the current working directory.
This file will contain the same information as the vars.yml file used in lab 12.3, but let’s
make slight modifications to enable the Ansible control node to send files to our SCP
server using a passphrase_response. Make sure you use the colon when entering the
passphrase_response. Don’t forget the Vault password as this will be used to run the
playbook later.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ansible-vault create vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
ansible_user: jdoe # Using the same user name for both network devices and
SCP servers
ansible_password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd # Network device password/secret
passphrase_response: Secur3P@ssw0rd # SCP server password

Next, let’s copy and reuse the ansible.cfg file from the last lab of Chapter 12. You can
either copy the ansible.cfg file used in Chapter 12 or create a brand-new one for practice.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ cp ../ch12/3_vlan/ansible.cfg ./ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ vi ansible.cfg
nocows = 1

Similarly, you have the option to either duplicate and modify the inventory file from
the previous lab in Chapter 12 or create a new inventory file from scratch. However,
please keep in mind that with the increased number of devices, some adjustments will
be necessary for the inventory file. Additionally, since we will be utilizing the actual
IP addresses of the SCP servers for file copying, there is no requirement to include the
SCP servers in the inventory file. One important consideration is to increase the
default timeout value for ansible_command_timeout to ensure that sufficient time
is provided for the network devices to respond to the command. The default timeout
value is 30 seconds, but in our lab environment, we may require more than 30 seconds
for all six devices to respond promptly.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ cp ../ch12/3_vlan/inventory ./inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ vi inventory
ansible_command_timeout=300 # Default timeout value is only 30 secs,
increase to 5 mins

r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=
r13 ansible_host= # r13 is the correct hostname

sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=
sw23 ansible_host=  # sw23 is the correct hostname

[ios_xe_devices:children] # The OS is the same IOS-XE, so group similar

devices together

Step 5: Now let’s write the main Ansible playbook to create backups of the currently
running configuration on the Ansible Control Machine’s local storage. First, we will
check if a directory named “backup” exists in the current working directory. If the
directory does not exist, we will create it. Next, we will use the ios_config module with
backup_options to create a backup of the running configuration. During this process,
we will save the running-config files in timestamped directories using the format
“yyyymmdd-hh-mm”. This approach ensures that the files within each directory are
easily identifiable based on the time they were initially created, even if the directories are
copied and moved across different systems. Later on, you have the flexibility to modify
this format according to your preference.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook


- name: Check and create a backup directory on the Ansible Control Machine
  hosts: localhost # Run on Ansible Control Machine, f38s1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Check if the backup directory exists
        path: ./backup
      register: backup_dir

    - name: Create backup directory

        path: ./backup
        state: directory
      when: not backup_dir.stat.exists

- name: Backup Cisco IOS-XE Router and Switch configurations

  hosts: ios_xe_devices  # Targeted devices
  gather_facts: false

    - vars.yml

    timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"

    - name: Run show run and save to a file
       backup: yes
         filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-running-config.cfg"
         dir_path: ./backup/{{ timestamp }}_backup

    - name: Print message when completed

      ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname }} - Backup to local
storage completed"

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Step 6: Now execute the preceding playbook, “13.2_save_sh_run_to_f38s1.yml”, and

ensure that the playbook functions correctly. If your playbook does not work, you must
troubleshoot the issue before proceeding to the next step.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ anp 13.2_backup_running_config_to_acm.yml --ask-­

Vault password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]

After successfully backing up the files, check them. Since the playbook ran with the
default forks parameter of 5 and also ran for over one minute, the configuration backups
have been saved in two separate directories. One backup directory was created at 5:09
pm, which contains five backup configurations. The last device backup was performed
at 5:10 pm, and the corresponding directory only contains a single file. The Ansible
forks parameter determines the number of parallel tasks that Ansible can perform
simultaneously. In other words, when running a playbook, Ansible can execute up to
five tasks concurrently by default. Note that increasing the number of forks also requires
more system resources, such as CPU and memory power.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ls -lh backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 154 Jun  7 17:10 20230607-1709_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe  37 Jun  7 17:10 20230607-1710_backup

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ls -lh backup/20230607-1709_backup

total 20K
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun  7 17:10 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun  7 17:10 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun  7 17:10 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  7 17:10 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  7 17:10 sw2-running-config.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ls -lh backup/20230607-1710_backup
total 4.0K
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  7 17:10 sw23-running-config.cfg

This could pose a problem for us because we want to save all files in the same
directory. The number of forks supported by Ansible depends on the CPU and
memory size of the Ansible control node, as well as the specific use case. For your

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

information, in an Ansible Automation Platform environment, as a general guideline,

the recommendation is to have approximately 100 forks per 4 GB of memory usage and
a baseline value of 4 forks per CPU core. The same recommendation might not apply to
our ansible-playbook using command line. However, it’s important to refer to Ansible’s
official documentation for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding fork
values and their implications in your specific environment. If you need to increase the
level of parallelism, you can adjust the “forks” value to a higher number. It’s crucial to
consider the capacity of your system and the available resources when adjusting the
“forks” value. Setting it too high can strain system resources and lead to performance
issues, while setting it too low may result in slower task execution.
To correct this problem, since we are operating in our lab environment, we will be
generous and increase the fork number to 50 in our ansible.cfg file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ vi ansible.cfg

nocows = 1
forks = 50 # Add this line to change the default fork value from 5 to 50

Step 7: Now that the files are stored in the backup directory on the Ansible Control
Machine, we want to synchronize them with our SCP server. This will allow us to store
the files semi-permanently and retrieve the information whenever necessary.
In most IT organizations, the general rule for retaining backup files or information
is around seven years or thereabouts. However, this duration can vary depending on
the organization’s IT budget and recovery strategy. In some cases, router and switch
configuration files may be kept for as little as 14 days before the information is purged.
Let’s quickly write a simple playbook to copy and move the files across our
SCP server.


- name: Run SCP command with automated passphrase
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

  - vars.yml

    - name: Run SCP command
        command: scp -r ./backup jdoe@
          "Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':": "{{
passphrase_response }}"
      register: scp_output

    - name: Display SCP command output

        var: scp_output.stdout_lines

The preceding playbook is using the ansible.builtin.expect module with the usual
suspect, scp command with -r option. The -r flag is used to enable recursive copying,
ensuring that all files and directories within the “backup” directory are included in
the transfer. The playbook is executing an SCP command to copy the backup files
from the local directory “./backup” to a remote server. The command is being run
using the ansible.builtin.expect module, which allows for interactive commands that
require user input. Additionally, the task includes a responses section that responds
to a specific prompt during the SCP command execution. In this case, if the prompt
“Enter passphrase for key ‘/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519’:” appears, the value of the
variable passphrase_response will be provided as the response. The output of this task
is registered in the variable scp_output, which can be used for further processing or
debugging if needed.
Execute the playbook “13.2_move_files_to_scp_server.yml” with the “--ask-vault-­
pass” option to decrypt the “vars.yaml” file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ anp 13.2_move_files_to_scp_server.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]

Go to the SCP file server, f38c1, and check the backed-up running-config files. These
files are synchronized with the backup directory on f38s1. Even if you delete a file or
the backup directory on f38s1, the files on f38c1 will remain unaffected and will not be
removed. This makes it a simple and effective solution for companies in need of free
Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

network device backup solutions. It protects critical network devices such as firewalls,
routers, switches, and Wireless LAN Controllers while also offering Linux and Windows
file backup capabilities. It’s important to remember that Ansible was initially created
with Linux OS in mind, and the support for network devices was an extension of
Ansible’s preexisting features. Hence, we embarked on our journey by studying the
basics of Linux and Ansible concepts in a Linux environment. We should consider
ourselves fortunate to have such a powerful tool available for network engineering work.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ll backup/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 154 Jun  7 17:29 20230607-1709_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe  37 Jun  7 17:29 20230607-1710_backup
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ll backup/20230607-1709_backup
total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3435 Jun  7 17:29 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3432 Jun  7 17:29 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3371 Jun  7 17:29 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3853 Jun  7 17:29 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3853 Jun  7 17:29 sw2-running-config.cfg
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ll backup/20230607-1710_backup
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3855 Jun  7 17:29 sw23-running-config.cfg

Step 8: If everything worked as planned, you can now combine the two playbooks
into one. This consolidated playbook consists of multiple plays and various tasks. Please
review the playbook carefully and pay attention to the details. Try to analyze each play
and task to understand their respective objectives and actions. Since we have already
discussed the previous two playbooks, this consolidation is simply merging them into
one, so there isn’t a lot of explanation to provide. You can refer to the name section of
each play to understand what each play is aiming to accomplish.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook


- name: Check and create a backup directory on the Ansible Control Machine
  hosts: localhost # Run on Ansible Control Machine, f38s1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Check if the backup directory exists
        path: ./backup
      register: backup_dir

    - name: Create backup directory

        path: ./backup
        state: directory
      when: not backup_dir.stat.exists

- name: Backup Cisco IOS-XE Router and Switch configurations

  hosts: ios_xe_devices  # Targeted devices
  gather_facts: false
    - vars.yml

    timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"

    - name: Run show run and save to a file
       backup: yes
         filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-running-config.cfg"
         dir_path: ./backup/{{ timestamp }}_backup

    - name: Print message when completed

      ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname }} - Backup to local
storage completed"

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

- name: Copy backup files to the SCP server

  hosts: localhost  # Run locally
  gather_facts: false

    - vars.yml

    - name: Run SCP command
        command: scp -r ./backup jdoe@
          "Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':": "{{
passphrase_response }}"
      register: scp_output

    - name: Print message when completed

      ansible.builtin.debug: msg="Device backup file transfer to SCP
completed" # Simplified a little here

Step 9: It is time to execute the playbook mentioned previously and observe

the result.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ anp 13.2_backup_running_config.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password:
[...omitted for brevity]

After successfully executing the playbook, if you check the primary backup folder
on the Ansible Control Machine, you will notice a single directory that contains all six
backup files. This outcome aligns with the expected result achieved by changing the
forks parameter from 5 to 50.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ll backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 154 Jun  7 17:10 20230607-1709_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe  37 Jun  7 17:10 20230607-1710_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun  7 17:59 20230607-1758_backup

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Now, swiftly navigate to the SCP file server and verify whether the backup directory
has been synchronized and the latest running-config files are stored and accessible from
the SCP server.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ll backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 154 Jun  7 17:29 20230607-1709_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe  37 Jun  7 17:29 20230607-1710_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun  7 17:59 20230607-1758_backup
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ll backup/20230607-1758_backup
total 24
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3435 Jun  7 17:59 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3432 Jun  7 17:59 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3371 Jun  7 17:59 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3853 Jun  7 17:59 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3855 Jun  7 17:59 sw23-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3853 Jun  7 17:59 sw2-running-config.cfg

Apparently, with the execution of the preceding playbook, we encounter two

underlying issues. Firstly, the Ansible control node shouldn’t function as a file storage
server, particularly in a production environment where multiple administrators will
be sharing the same system to manage network devices and servers. Keeping sensitive
running-config files on a busy server like this is not recommended. Therefore, it is
crucial to promptly remove the files from the Ansible control node once the playbook
has been successfully executed.
This brings us to the second problem. Currently, we only have a single SCP server
to store the important running-config files for network device system failures or system
recovery. However, if this server goes offline, it becomes a single point of failure. To
address this, we can easily add more SCP servers by including additional IP addresses in
our playbook, as long as the Ansible Control Machine has control over those machines.
To tackle these two issues, let’s modify our previous playbook so that it copies the
running configuration backup files of all our network devices to three different servers.
Once the task SSH into Cisco Legacy routers or switches is completed, the backup
folder and its contents on the Ansible Control Machine will be automatically deleted.
Step 10: Power on u23c1 ( and u23c2 ( Ubuntu
servers. As these servers were utilized in earlier chapters, we are aware that Ansible can

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

establish SSH access to these machines. In case you encounter any difficulties with this
exercise, you may need to revert to your last known good running configuration using
VMware Workstation snapshots.
Step 11: While the two Ubuntu servers are powering up in the background, let’s
promptly modify our playbook to address the two problems mentioned in step 10. You’ll
observe that there are only a few changes toward the end of this playbook. Additionally,
we will retain the “backup” directory check play to create a new directory if it doesn’t
already exist. However, at the end of the playbook, the “backup” directory and its
contents will always be deleted automatically.


- name: Check and create a backup directory on the Ansible Control Machine
  hosts: localhost # Run on Ansible Control Machine, f38s1
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Check if the backup directory exists
        path: ./backup
      register: backup_dir

    - name: Create backup directory

        path: ./backup
        state: directory
      when: not backup_dir.stat.exists

- name: Backup Cisco IOS-XE Router and Switch configurations

  hosts: ios_xe_devices  # Targeted devices
  gather_facts: false

    - vars.yml
    timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

    - name: Run show run and save to a file
       backup: yes
         filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-running-config.cfg"
         dir_path: ./backup/{{ timestamp }}_backup

    - name: Print message when completed

      ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname }} - Backup to local
storage completed"

- name: Copy backup files to the SCP server

  hosts: localhost  # Run locally
  gather_facts: false

    - vars.yml

      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"

    - name: Run SCP command
        command: "scp -r ./backup jdoe@{{ item.ip }}:{{ item.path }}"
          "Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':": "{{
passphrase_response }}"
      register: scp_output
      loop: "{{ scp_servers }}"

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

    - name: Print message when completed

      ansible.builtin.debug: msg="Device backup file transfer to SCP

    - name: Remove "backup" directory on Ansible Control Machine

        path: "./backup/"
        state: absent

Step 12: Let’s delete the backup directory from f38s1 and f38c1 before executing the
preceding playbook.
Delete the backup directory from f38s1.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ rm -rf backup

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ls -lh backup
ls: cannot access 'backup': No such file or directory

Also, delete the backup directory from f38c1.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ rm -rf backup

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -lh backup
ls: cannot access 'backup': No such file or directory

Step 13: Execute the latest playbook with the --ask-vault-pass option.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ anp 13.2_backup_running_config_multiple_SCP_clean.yml

Vault password:
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 14: If you check the Ansible control node for the backup directory, it has been
deleted after the playbook run. But if you check the other servers, you will be able to
confirm that all three servers now have the same set of files.
On Ansible control node, f38s1:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch13]$ ls -lh backup

ls: cannot access 'backup': No such file or directory

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

SCP file server 1, f38c1:

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -lh /home/jdoe/backup/20230608-0041_backup

total 24K
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun  8 00:42 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun  8 00:42 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun  8 00:42 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  8 00:42 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  8 00:42 sw23-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun  8 00:42 sw2-running-config.cfg

SCP file server 2, u23c1:

jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh /home/jdoe/backup/20230608-0041_backup

[...omitted for brevity]

SCP file server 3, u23c2:

jdoe@u23c2:~$ ls -lh /home/jdoe/backup/20230608-0041_backup

[...omitted for brevity]

While all servers may be in the same time zone, it’s crucial to acknowledge that
the date and time settings on Ubuntu and Fedora servers can vary. This distinction
underscores the importance of incorporating date and time information into directories
or file names to prevent any confusion. To address potential issues related to system
time drift and time zones, deploying an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server and
synchronizing the server times to a reliable time source with the correct stratum
becomes essential. In a previous chapter, we covered the installation of the chrony
server, which functions as a Linux NTP server. However, due to the focus on other
significant topics, NTP will not be further discussed in this book.
To ensure the correct time zone is set on Linux servers, you can employ the
“timedatectl” commands. These commands offer a convenient means to manage
and configure the system’s date and time settings. By utilizing “timedatectl”, you can
accurately set the time zone and avoid any discrepancies across your servers.

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

Changing the time zone on Linux
The following is an example of how to change the time zone on an Ubuntu server,
but it's worth noting that the same command can be used for Fedora servers
as well:
jdoe@u23c2:~$ date
Wed Jun  7 03:55:28 PM UTC 2023
jdoe@u23c2:~$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney
[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
jdoe@u23c2:~$ date
Thu Jun  8 01:55:51 AM AEST 2023

Now that you have completed all the tasks in this chapter, you have gained valuable
knowledge and skills. Throughout the process, you have learned how to construct a
configuration backup lab using GNS3, develop an Ansible playbook for critical network
devices running configuration backups on the Ansible Control Machine, and securely
store the backup files on multiple file servers for disaster recovery and troubleshooting
Moving forward into Chapter 14, we will continue working with the same topology.
In the upcoming chapter, you will delve into the concept of cron, which serves as a task
scheduler. By combining the playbooks developed in this chapter with cron, you will
be able to automate the execution of the playbook without any user interaction. This
means that the backup of running configurations in your production environment will
be autonomously backed up in the background of your network operations, eliminating
the need for manual intervention.
The combination of Ansible playbooks and cron scheduling will empower you
to streamline and automate critical backup processes, enhancing the efficiency
and reliability of your network operations. Get ready to explore the power of cron in
Chapter 14!

Chapter 13 Network Device Backup Ansible Playbook

13.3 Summary
In conclusion, this chapter has provided valuable insights into network device backup
using Ansible playbooks. We have stressed the importance of critical configuration
backups for routers, switches, and firewalls, emphasizing their role in disaster recovery
and operational fault troubleshooting. By setting up a lab environment in GNS3 and
configuring the initial devices, readers have gained hands-on experience in preparing
for the backup process. We explored the secure transfer of Cisco router and switch
configurations to an SCP file server, addressing limitations and highlighting the power of
Ansible as a network backup tool. The application of ansible-vault encryption has further
enhanced security measures, while overcoming key exchange and cipher compatibility
challenges has showcased adaptability. Finally, our demonstration of backup
synchronization to multiple SCP servers ensures the safeguarding of vital running-config
information. This chapter has equipped readers with the knowledge and practical skills
to effectively implement network device backups, promoting efficient disaster recovery
and serving as a valuable reference in network operations.


Ansible Playbook
Scheduling with Cron
In this chapter, we explore Ansible playbook scheduling with cron, providing a quick
introduction to cron and its application to the Ansible playbook application. We delve
into a practical lab environment, learning how to schedule playbooks using cron and
gaining hands-on experience in operating and troubleshooting cron jobs. We also
emphasize the importance of best security practices according to ISO 27001 and the
SIEM model. The chapter highlights scheduling a cron job to test-drive the device
backup playbook developed in Chapter 13 and setting up the system environment
for seamless playbook execution. Additionally, we delve into two methods of Ansible
playbook scheduling with a vaulted password: using a Shell script and a Python script.
By understanding these techniques, you can safeguard playbooks and protect sensitive
information. By the end of this chapter, you will have the knowledge and skills to
efficiently schedule Ansible playbooks with cron, automate routine operations, and
enhance infrastructure security. Join us as we explore the practical applications of cron
and Ansible playbooks, empowering you to optimize your IT operations.

In this chapter, our focus is on automating the execution of Ansible playbooks from
your Ansible Control Machine using the Linux job scheduler: cron. While hiring system
administrators around the clock is an option if feasible, it can be dehumanizing and
costly. Ansible relies on the underlying task scheduling mechanisms of the operating
system, such as crontab and cron jobs, for managing and configuring scheduled tasks

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

on target systems. This approach ensures consistency and facilitates easy modification
of tasks across multiple systems, combining the familiar cron syntax with Ansible’s
configuration management and automation capabilities.
To enable autonomous operation and maximize efficiency, we rely on built-in
mechanisms like cron for task scheduling. In our case, we will schedule the backup
application developed in Chapter 13. Linux cron, introduced in Version 7 Unix and
developed by Brian Kernighan, has been a prominent job scheduler for Unix-like
systems, including Linux. It has been widely adopted due to its ability to automate
routine operations through the scheduling of recurring tasks. Notably, when Linus
Torvalds developed Linux in the early 1990s, he incorporated many Unix principles,
including the inclusion of the cron utility for task scheduling.
Cron utilizes the crontab configuration file to store schedule information and
associated commands. Although cron operates through the command-line interface,
it offers valuable capabilities once mastered. This chapter is a practical guide for
scheduling Ansible playbooks and aims to demonstrate the effective utilization of cron
for scheduling Ansible playbooks, empowering efficient task automation. Specifically,
we will focus on scheduling the router and switch backup playbook at regular intervals,
providing a reliable tool for your work and organization. While high-level scripted
programming languages like JavaScript, Shell, Perl, or Python can also be used to
develop similar network device configuration backup tools, we will emphasize the
use of the Ansible playbook for this purpose. We will address the security challenges
posed by embedding user credentials by employing an ansible-vault encrypted vars.
yml file. Although not 100% secure, this approach offers improved security compared to
embedding passwords directly into scripts. Further details on this topic will be discussed
later in this chapter.
To facilitate your initial steps, we will begin with a simple Ansible playbook and cron,
allowing you to familiarize yourself with the intricacies and features of task scheduling
with cron. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of

14.1 Ansible Playbook Cron Lab Network Topology

We will continue using the same topology as in Chapter 13. However, for the final part of
our lab, as depicted in Figure 14-1, you will need to power on two additional SCP servers:
u23c1 ( and u23c2 (

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Figure 14-1. Ansible cron lab network topology

If you are using an older laptop with a previous-generation CPU and less than 16 GB
of memory, it may struggle to run this lab. In such cases, you can run only four virtual
devices: f38s1 (Ansible Control Machine), f38c1 (primary SCP file server), r1, and sw1.
However, if your laptop meets the requirements, we encourage you to run the full lab to
fully experience the power of the backup tool developed in Chapter 13, combined with
the cron task scheduler.
Please note that the GNS3 topology remains unchanged from Chapter 13. Please take
time to review the topology before moving on to the lab tasks.

14.2 Learning About Cron with a Simple

Ansible Playbook
In the opening paragraphs, we briefly mentioned cron, recognizing that not everyone
may be interested in delving into intricate details. Our main objective is to help you
effectively utilize cron and provide practical training on scheduling tasks in real-world
scenarios. To achieve this, we believe it’s important to focus on hands-on experience
with the tool, taking a more practical approach rather than purely theoretical. However,
some theoretical aspects are inevitable and will be discussed as necessary.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

To enhance your understanding further, we will present a simple example and

guide you through the steps of using the cron tool specifically on Fedora/CentOS/Red
Hat distributions. By the end of this chapter, you will have successfully implemented a
schedule to regularly back up the router and switch configurations using the Ansible
application. This scheduled backup process will help secure the running configuration
daily or at any other desired interval, ensuring data integrity and easy restoration
when needed.
To begin your practical journey, please follow the step-by-step instructions
provided. Throughout the process, we will also discuss other useful cron and Linux
commands, allowing you to expand your knowledge and gain familiarity with related
tools. Make sure to power on your lab environment and follow along for a hands-on
learning experience that will empower you to effectively utilize cron and automate your
tasks. Let’s embark on this exciting journey and enhance your skills in scheduling and
Step 1: Let’s create a simple playbook called hello_ansible.yml to perform a basic
test and learn the practical side of cron. To simplify the paths, we will create the ch14
directory under /home/jdoe and work within that directory. Create another directory
called learn_cron, and that’s where you will have to practice and learn cron features.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch14 && mkdir ch14/learn_cron && cd ch14/learn_cron

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ vi hello_ansible.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ cat hello_ansible.yml
- name: Ansible Playbook for printing "Hello, Ansible!"
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Print "Hello, Ansible!"
        msg: "Hello, Ansible!"

Step 2: Since we want to use the default or global ansible.cfg file, let’s locate the
default ansible.cfg under /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and disable cowsay (nocows).

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ find /etc/ansible/ -name ansible.cfg


Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ sudo nano /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

[sudo] password for jdoe: *****************
[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ sudo cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
[...omitted for brevity]

Optionally, you can uninstall the cowsay from your system altogether using the
“sudo dnf remove cowsay” command. But we will leave it for the rest of the book as it
can sometimes help you to troubleshoot playbooks and where the playbooks reference
information from which ansible.cfg.
Step 3: Run the playbook to confirm that “Hello, Ansible!” prints on the screen.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ anp hello_ansible.yml

[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note
that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
[...omitted for brevity]
    "msg": "Hello, Ansible!"
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: Now, let’s expand on the idea and create another playbook named “save_


- name: Hello Ansible Playbook for printing and appending to a file
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Check if file exists
        path: "hello_ansible.txt"
      register: file_stat

    - name: Create the file if it doesn't exist


Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

        path: "hello_ansible.txt"
        state: touch
      when: file_stat.stat.exists == false

    - name: Get the current date and time

      ansible.builtin.command: date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
      register: current_datetime
      changed_when: false

    - name: Append to file

        path: "hello_ansible.txt"
        line: "Hello Ansible! {{ current_datetime.stdout }}"
        insertafter: EOF
      delegate_to: localhost

The preceding playbook will perform the following actions: first, it will check if the
file “hello_ansible.txt” exists in the current working directory. If the file doesn’t exist,
it will create a new file named “hello_ansible.txt” and append the line “Hello, Ansible!
[date_time_stamp]” as the first entry. If the file already exists, the playbook will append
“Hello, Ansible! [date_time_stamp]” as a new line at the end of the file (EOF).
The primary function of this playbook is monitoring cron service status, and it is
also used for testing. By doing so, it ensures that our scheduled cron jobs are running
smoothly. This approach provides an intuitive and straightforward way to determine if
the cron service is in a good operational state with specific file types, thus saving us time
in troubleshooting cron-related issues when scheduling script-based applications like
our playbooks; the same idea can be applied to Python, Shell, JavaScript, and Perl file
types. By constantly executing this playbook in the background through cron, we can
verify that our scheduled tasks are functioning correctly. It serves as an effective method
to monitor and validate the operational status of the cron service. By implementing this
playbook in conjunction with cron, we can have confidence in the reliable execution of
our scheduled tasks, thereby enhancing our automation processes and saving valuable
troubleshooting time for any cron-related issues that may arise.
Step 5: On Fedora and most Linux distributions, cron is a pre-installed application.
Let’s utilize cron to schedule the execution of save_hello_ansible.yml every minute. To
do this, you need to use the crontab -e command. We will soon delve into the meaning
of the five stars/asterisks (* * * * *), but for now, think of it as representing every minute.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

We will explore the details and significance of each star to gain a deeper understanding
of the cron schedule.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -e

* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_

Congratulations! You have successfully scheduled save_hello_ansible.yml to run

every minute on your Ansible Control Machine. It’s that simple! Enjoy the convenience
of automated execution at regular intervals.
By default, the crontab file will open in the editor specified by the EDITOR
environment variable, which is usually set to vi or vim. If you prefer to use a different text
editor permanently, you can follow the following tip to change your text editor preference.

Changing the default text editor on your Linux server
If you prefer to use a different text editor, such as nano or any other of your choice,
you can specify it by appending “EDITOR=nano” before the command to open the
crontab file. This way, the file will open in your preferred text editor.
Here’s an example:
[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ sudo dnf install nano –y
[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ EDITOR=nano crontab –e
* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_

In the preceding example, the crontab -e command is used with the EDITOR=nano
prefix to open the crontab file in the nano editor.
If you want to make nano your default editor permanently, you can add the line
“export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano” to either ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. After adding
the line, you will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.
Throughout this book, you have mastered the usage of the vi text editor. However,
if you are interested in learning nano as your secondary editor, it can prove to be
helpful rather than causing any harm. Switching to a different text editor, like nano,

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

can bring benefits if you find it more user-friendly or if you are more comfortable with
its features and commands. Each editor has its unique interface and functionality,
and selecting the one that aligns with your preferences can enhance your overall
editing experience and boost productivity.

Step 6: To view the scheduled tasks, you can use the crontab -l command, which will
list all the scheduled tasks.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -l

* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_

It’s important to note that both Fedora (RHEL-based) and Ubuntu (Debian-based)
systems provide consistent functionality for managing cron jobs using the crontab
command. The -e option is used to edit cron jobs, while the -l option is used to list cron
jobs. This consistency allows users to manage their scheduled tasks similarly regardless
of the Linux distribution they are using.
If you need to view the scheduled cron tasks of a specific user, you can use the same
crontab command with the -u option, as demonstrated here:

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ sudo crontab -u jdoe -l

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_

By replacing “jdoe” with your username, you can view the cron tasks specific to that
user. This feature comes in handy when you want to inspect and manage the cron jobs of
individual users on your system.
Step 7: To effectively manage the crond services in Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL, you
can utilize the following service management commands (systemctl). Most of these
commands are self-explanatory, but for those that may require additional clarification,
comments have been appended to the command lines. If you are using Debian or
Ubuntu, simply drop the last letter “d” and use “cron” instead of “crond”. Familiarizing
yourself with these service management commands is crucial for troubleshooting any
cron-related issues.

sudo systemctl disable crond # disable crond on system boot

sudo systemctl enable crond # enable crond on system boot

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

sudo systemctl reload crond # reload crond without interrupting

running jobs
sudo systemctl restart crond
sudo systemctl stop crond
sudo systemctl start crond
sudo systemctl status crond # check the status of crond
● crond.service - Command Scheduler
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled;
preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-06-09 10:54:53 AEST; 1h
29min ago
   Main PID: 953 (crond)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 4591)
     Memory: 2.2M
        CPU: 351ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
             └─953 /usr/sbin/crond -n

The output of the “sudo systemctl status crond” command shown previously
indicates that cron is enabled and running correctly. These commands offer essential
control over the crond services, enabling effective configuration and management
according to your specific requirements.


You can check the cron logs under /var/log/cron!

If you want to access all the cron job logs, they can be found at /var/log/cron. You
can use the grep command to filter and print specific cron jobs. This powerful
command allows you to search for particular keywords or patterns within the log
files, helping you extract the relevant information you’re interested in.
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ sudo tail /var/log/cron
sudo] password for jdoe: ***************

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

[...omitted for brevity]

Jun  9 18:01:01 f38c1 run-parts[1615]: (/etc/cron.hourly) finished 0anacron
Jun  9 18:01:01 f38c1 CROND[1614]: (root) CMDEND (run-parts /etc/
Jun  9 18:19:01 f38c1 crond[817]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ sudo grep "save_hello_ansible.yml" /var/log/cron

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
Jun  9 19:00:03 f38s1 CROND[30550]: (jdoe) CMDEND (ansible-playbook /
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 8: If your cron is running correctly, it will automatically generate the hello_
ansible.txt file in the current working directory and append “Hello, Ansible! [date_time_
stamp]” to the end of each line.
After one-minute mark:

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ cat hello_ansible.txt

Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:30:03

After three-minute mark:

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ cat hello_ansible.txt

Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:30:03
Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:31:02
Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:32:03

Unless you cancel the cron job by using crontab -e again and removing the
corresponding entry, the playbook will continue to run every minute indefinitely.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ cat hello_ansible.txt

Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:30:03
Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:31:02
Hello, Ansible! 2023-06-09 13:32:03

To cancel the task, you can simply use the # symbol to comment out the line in the
cron table or delete the line completely. Here, we are demonstrating the method of
commenting out the line to deactivate the task.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -l

# * * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_

To remove the crontab for the current user, jdoe, use the -r option.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -r

no crontab for jdoe

Step 9: You can also redirect or append the output to a file to track the specific
cron job.
Redirecting output:
By default, the output of a cron job is sent via email to the owner of the crontab.
However, you can redirect the output to a file by using the > symbol. For instance, to
redirect the output to a file named hello_output.txt, you can use the following command:

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -e

* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_ansible.
yml > /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/hello_output.txt

When using the > symbol, the output of a command will overwrite the existing
content in the file. This means that only the most recent output will be visible and
previous outputs will be lost. If you wish to preserve the history of outputs, you can use
the >> symbol instead, which appends the output to the file without overwriting it. This
way, each output will be added to the file, allowing you to maintain a record of all the
outputs over time.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ cat hello_output.txt

PLAY [Ansible Playbook for printing and appending to a file]
[...omitted for brevity]
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3  changed=1  unreachable=0  failed=0  
skipped=1  rescued=0  ignored=0

This is useful if you are only interested in the output of the last cron job execution.
The output size will remain constant and minimal.
Appending output:

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

To append the output of a cron job to a file without overwriting the existing content,
you can use the >> symbol. This allows you to add the output to the end of the file
without deleting any previous content. For example, to redirect the output to a file
named hello_output.txt, you can use the following syntax:

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -e

* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_ansible.
yml >> ­/home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/hello_output.txt

By using the >> symbol, the output will be appended to the file, ensuring that the
previous content remains intact while adding the new output at the end of the file. This is
particularly useful during the troubleshooting of cron services as it allows you to keep a
history of the outputs. Unlike redirecting the output, which overwrites the existing content,
appending the output immediately follows the last output, providing a convenient way to
track the progress and results of your cron jobs over time. The output size will grow over
time and requires administrators to delete old data from the output file.
Step 10: We have not set up email for the owner in our lab, but by default, cron
sends email notifications for the output of each cron job to the owner. To disable email
notifications, redirect the output to /dev/null.

[jdoe@f38s1 learn_cron]$ crontab -e

* * * * * ansible-playbook /home/jdoe/ch14/learn_cron/save_hello_ansible.
yml > /dev/null 2>&1

Step 11: Now is a good time to delve into the meaning behind the five asterisks (* * *
* *) in the cron syntax. By understanding each position’s significance, you can effectively
schedule your cron jobs. Refer to Table 14-1 for a detailed breakdown of each position
and study the examples provided. While it’s not necessary to memorize each example,
familiarizing yourself with the format will help you comprehend the purpose of each
asterisk in the cron schedule.
In Table 14-1, you can find the meanings of each asterisk.

Table 14-1. Meanings behind the five asterisks

* * * * *

Minute: any Hour: any Day of the month: any Month: any Day of the week: any
0–59 0–23 1–31 1–12 0–7
(both 0 and 7 represent Sunday)

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Review the examples of crontab time configuration in Table 14-2 and try to
familiarize yourself with the five values used in crontab time. The more you use it, the
easier it becomes, but there are also many online tools available to assist with crontab
time configuration.

Table 14-2. Examples of crontab time configurations

Crontab time Explanation

***** Every minute

0**** At the top of every hour
00*** Once a day at midnight
00**0 Once a week on Sunday at midnight
001** Once a month on the first day at midnight
0011* Runs once a year on January 1 at midnight
*/5 * * * * Every 5 minutes
*/30 * * * * Every 30 minutes
0 */3 * * * At minute 0 past every 3rd hour
0 */12 * * * At minute 0 past every 12th hour
01*** At 01:00 every day
30 5 * * 0 At 05:30 on Sunday
59 6 * 3 1 At 06:59 on Monday in March
0 2 * * 0/2 At 02:00 on every 2nd day of the week from Sunday through Sunday
0 0 28-31 * * At 00:00 on every day of the month from 28 through 31
0 0 1 */3 * At 00:00 on day-of-month 1 in every 3rd month
0 0 1 */6 * At 00:00 on day-of-month 1 in every 6th month
0011* At 00:00 on day-of-month 1 in January

We have covered the basics of cron using a real example playbook. To delve deeper
and practice creating different cron schedules, I recommend visiting the Crontab Guru
website ( This site offers a user-friendly interface where you
can experiment with specific values or utilize the * wildcard to create customized cron
schedules. It provides a valuable resource for understanding cron syntax and generating
Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

the desired timing configurations for your cron jobs. By leveraging this tool and
configuring the cron positions accordingly, you can create schedules that align perfectly
with your specific timing requirements.

14.3 Ansible Playbook Scheduling Using Cron

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you schedule your backup
playbook using cron. By doing so, you can test your playbook with cron and transform
it into a powerful configuration backup application. With this setup, your critical device
configurations can be automatically backed up every night, eliminating the need for
manual intervention from administrators. As mentioned in the previous chapter, while
there are numerous proprietary configuration management tools available in the market,
creating your tool has its advantages. Not only does it allow for customization, but it also
enhances your development skills and deepens your understanding of the underlying
technologies involved in device configuration management. So let’s begin by creating a
simple cron job without the use of encrypted vars password files.
Step 1: We will begin by copying the last working script from exercise 13.2, the “13.2_
backup_running_config_multiple_SCP_clean.yml” playbook. However, we will simplify
and modify it for our purposes. Let’s give the new playbook a simpler name, “14_run_
In this modified playbook, we will make some adjustments and embed the
credentials as variables to facilitate cron testing. After copying the file and modifying the
necessary information, here is the reworked version of the YAML playbook:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cd ..
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$
cp ../repo1/ch13/13.2_backup_running_config_multiple_SCP_clean.yml ./14_
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi 14_run_backup.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat 14_run_backup.yml
- name: Check and create a backup directory on Ansible Control machine
# Play 1
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

    - name: Check if backup directory exists # Play 1, task 1
        path: ./backup
      register: backup_dir

    - name: Create backup directory # Play 1, task 2

        path: ./backup
        state: directory
      when: not backup_dir.stat.exists

- name: Backup Cisco IOS-XE Router and Switch configurations # Play 2

  hosts: ios_xe_devices
  gather_facts: false

    ansible_user: jdoe # login name for routers and switches
    ansible_password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd # password for routers and
    timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"
    - name: Run show run and save to a file # Play 2, task 1
       backup: yes
         filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-running-config.cfg"
         dir_path: /home/jdoe/ch14/backup/{{ timestamp }}_backup # be very
specific with dir_path

- name: Copy backup files to SCP server # Play 3

  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    remote_user: jdoe # login name for SCP server login
    passphrase_response: Secur3P@ssw0rd # password for SCP server login

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

      - ip: ""

        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"

    - name: Run SCP command # Play 3, task 1
        command: "scp -r ./backup jdoe@{{ item.ip }}:{{ item.path }}"
          "Enter passphrase for key '/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519':": "{{
passphrase_response }}"
      register: scp_output
      loop: "{{ scp_servers }}"

- name: Remove the backup directory on Ansible Control Machine for security
# Play 4
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Remove backup directory # Play 4, task 1
        path: "./backup/"
        state: absent

Pay special attention to the bold letters and highlighted sections mentioned
previously. Additionally, ensure that you maintain proper spacing and follow the correct
order when working with YAML files. Working with longer YAML files can be prone to
typos and mistakes, so it’s important to be diligent in reviewing your work for accuracy.
Take your time to carefully check for any errors or inconsistencies to ensure the smooth
functioning of your YAML files.
Step 2: Simplify the inventory file as shown here:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat inventory


Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron


r1 ansible_host=
r2 ansible_host=
r13 ansible_host=
sw1 ansible_host=
sw2 ansible_host=
sw23 ansible_host=

Step 3: We are going to use the global settings for the default Ansible configuration
under /etc/ansible/. Change the global default settings in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ sudo vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

[sudo] password for jdoe: ***************
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ sudo cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
inventory = /home/jdoe/cronjob1/inventory # Be specific with the
inventory file
host_key_checking = False # Disable host key checking, this is important
nocows = 1

Step 4: This is one of the most important steps to allow communication between
the Ansible Control Machine and the rest of the devices on the network. Ensure that you
have corrected the SSH config file for the local user jdoe, as this will be used for the key
exchanges and cipher negotiations during our playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat ~/.ssh/config

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no


Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Step 5: Now, you are ready to schedule the configuration backup task using cron,
using the “crontab -e” command. If you have any directory named “backup” under the /
home/jdoe/ directory, remove them for this testing.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
*/5 * * * * ansible-playbook -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/
ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1

The cron job expression “*/5 * * * *” indicates that the job will run every five minutes.
Within this cron job, the command “ansible-playbook” is used to execute a specific
playbook. The playbook being executed is “14_run_backup.yml” located at “/home/
jdoe/ch14/”. Additionally, the “-i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory” option specifies the
inventory file for Ansible to determine the target hosts. To capture the output and any
errors generated by the command, the expression “>> /home/jdoe/ch14/cron_log.txt

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

2>&1” is used. The “>>” redirects the standard output to the file “/home/jdoe/ch14/
cron_log.txt” without overwriting the existing content. The “2>&1” redirects the standard
error to the same location as the standard output. In short, this cron job executes the
“14_run_backup.yml” playbook every five minutes using the specified inventory file.
The output and any errors generated during execution are appended to the “cron_log.
txt” file.
Step 6: Wait for five minutes to allow the cron job to run. After that, you can use the
following commands to check the status of the crond and access the cron logs:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ systemctl status crond

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ls
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat cron_log.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ sudo grep "14_run_backup.yml" /var/log/cron
[...omitted for brevity]
Jun  9 23:50:01 f38s1 CROND[220064]: (jdoe) CMD (ansible-playbook -i /home/
jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/
cron_log.txt 2>&1)
Jun  9 23:51:07 f38s1 CROND[220062]: (jdoe) CMDEND (ansible-playbook -i /
home/jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/
ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1)
Jun  9 23:55:01 f38s1 CROND[221219]: (jdoe) CMD (ansible-playbook -i /home/
jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/
cron_log.txt 2>&1)
Jun  9 23:56:05 f38s1 CROND[221217]: (jdoe) CMDEND (ansible-playbook -i /
home/jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/
ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1)
Jun 10 00:00:01 f38s1 CROND[222354]: (jdoe) CMD (ansible-playbook -i /home/
jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/
cron_log.txt 2>&1)
Jun 10 00:01:09 f38s1 CROND[222351]: (jdoe) CMDEND (ansible-playbook -i /
home/jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/
ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1)

The provided log displays the execution of the cron job at 23:50, 23:55, and 00:01.
This indicates that the playbook ran every five minutes as scheduled, resulting in a total
of three routers and three switches running configuration backups being stored in the
SCP file servers.
Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Furthermore, when the cron job runs, it creates a directory named “backup” in the
current working directory. The contents of this directory are then copied to the SCP
file servers and synchronized across all three SCP servers. Once the Ansible backup
playbook completes its task, the “backup” directory is automatically deleted.
In case you encounter any interruptions or errors during the execution of the playbook,
you can refer to the “cron_log.txt” file for troubleshooting purposes. This log file provides
valuable information that can assist in diagnosing and resolving any issues that may arise.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ls
14_run_backup.yml  backup        inventory   cron_log.txt  ...

Step 7: To stop the cron job, you can comment out the task line by adding a hash (#)
symbol in front of it. This deactivates the task and prevents it from running. Once you
have commented out the task line, save the changes and exit the editor.
After stopping the cron job, take a moment to review what has happened. By
commenting out the task line, you have effectively deactivated the cron job, preventing it
from executing as scheduled.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
#*/5 * * * * ansible-playbook -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory /home/jdoe/
ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1

Step 8: Let’s quickly check if the cron playbook executions have been successful by
checking all three SCP files. The following are the ls command outputs on the second
SCP server, u23c1. As you can see, we have three sets of configuration backups from the
three routers and three switches.


jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun  9 23:51 20230609-2350_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun  9 23:56 20230609-2355_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 00:01 20230610-0000_backup

jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/20230610-0000_backup

total 24K

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 00:01 r13-running-config.cfg

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 00:01 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun 10 00:01 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 00:01 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 00:01 sw23-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 00:01 sw2-running-config.cfg

The output on the third SCP file server, u23c2, is the same but has been omitted for


jdoe@u23c2:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun  9 23:51 20230609-2350_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun  9 23:56 20230609-2355_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 00:01 20230610-0000_backup
[...omitted for brevity]

The output on the first SCP file server also is the same as the second server. Now
you have three copies of the critical network devices’ running configurations in three
different locations.


[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -lh backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun  9 23:51 20230609-2350_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun  9 23:56 20230609-2355_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 00:01 20230610-0000_backup
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Imagine if your company had infrastructure or cloud services spread across three
different locations. In such a scenario, it becomes paramount to ensure location
redundancy by storing critical files in multiple locations, aligning with the principles
of ISO 27001 for information security management. This approach aims to proactively
prepare for potential disasters, such as network device failures or natural calamities,
ensuring continuous data availability and business continuity. By leveraging the
playbook, you can conveniently schedule regular backups of your device running
configurations at your preferred time and securely store them across multiple platforms
and more than two locations, thereby adhering to ISO 27001’s emphasis on data
protection, redundancy, and risk mitigation.
However, it’s imperative to address a significant security concern. As mentioned
earlier, the current practice of embedding usernames and passwords as variables in
the playbook poses a notable security threat, particularly considering that the Ansible
control node may be accessed by multiple users for various administrative tasks in a
production environment. This approach does not comply with ISO 27001 security audit
requirements, which necessitate a more robust and secure approach.
To bolster our security posture and ensure adherence to ISO 27001 guidelines, we
must explore alternative methods that protect sensitive credentials and maintain the
integrity of our information systems.

14.4 Ansible Playbook Scheduling Using Cron

with a Vaulted Password
Maintaining the integrity of username and password protection is vital in enterprise
infrastructure management, particularly when adhering to ISO 27001 compliance.
Organizations must prioritize the safeguarding of administrative credentials to ensure
the security of systems and data, protecting both company assets and customer
information. In this context, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
plays a crucial role. SIEM is a comprehensive approach to security management that
involves collecting, monitoring, and analyzing security events and logs from various
sources within an IT infrastructure. By implementing a SIEM solution, organizations can
effectively detect and respond to security incidents, identify vulnerabilities, and ensure
compliance with ISO 27001 requirements. Especially if you work for an organization

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

that adheres to ISO 27001 security standards, safeguarding administrative usernames

and passwords becomes of utmost importance. These credentials must be handled and
protected from unauthorized access to ensure the security of your systems and data.
By doing so, you can effectively shield your company’s and your customers’ assets from
malicious attacks.
In Section 14.3, we utilized embedded passwords in the playbook to test our cron job
and tried to understand how to handle a working playbook in the job scheduler, cron.
However, from the standpoint of security best practices, this approach falls well short
of the required standards in any enterprise IT operations and production environment.
To address this concern, we will create an encrypted vars.yml file to store the user
credentials using ansible-vault; then this file will be utilized for scheduling the backup
playbook. We will explore two methods: using a Shell script and a Python script to run
the backup playbook with an encrypted vars.yml file. Although these methods may
not provide the highest level of security for running the cron job, they introduce an
additional layer of protection by encrypting and safeguarding the Ansible usernames
and passwords using ansible-vault.
By implementing a combination of secure practices, including proper username
and password protection, along with adopting SIEM best practices, organizations can
significantly enhance their security posture, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with
ISO 27001 requirements.
Let’s encrypt the usernames and passwords using ansible-vault and explore how we
can schedule the playbook to run in our testing environment.

14.4.1 Shell Script Method

To run an Ansible playbook as a cron job using Shell and access the vars.yml file with a
password, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: To create the vars.yml file and encrypt it using ansible-vault, use the following
command. If you already have an unencrypted vars.yml file in the working folder, use
the “ansible-vault encrypt vars.yml” command. If you already have an encrypted vars.
yml file, use the “ansible-vault edit vars.yml” command. Since we don’t have one, we will
create a new encrypted vars.yml file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ansible-vault create vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Confirm New Vault password: ***************

ansible_user: jdoe # login name for routers and switches
ansible_password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd # password for routers and switches
remote_user: jdoe # login name for SCP server login
passphrase_response: Secur3P@ssw0rd # password for SCP server login

This will prompt you to set a password for encrypting the file. It is important to
remember this password for future use.
Step 2: Now open the 14_run_backup.yml and update the playbook to remove the
usernames and passwords.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi 14_run_backup.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat 14_run_backup.yml
[...omitted for brevity]
- name: Backup Cisco IOS-XE Router and Switch configurations # Play 2
  hosts: ios_xe_devices
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: vars.yml # Update here

  vars: # Update (remove) here

    timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"

    - name: Run show run and save to a file # Play 2, task 1
       backup: yes
         filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}-running-config.cfg"
         dir_path: /home/jdoe/ch14/backup/{{ timestamp }}_backup # be very
specific with dir_path

- name: Copy backup files to SCP server # Play 3

  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: vars.yml # Update here

  vars: # Update (remove) here

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
      - ip: ""
        path: "/home/jdoe/"
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 3: Create a file named “sh_password.txt” in the “/home/jdoe/ch14/” directory.

For demonstration purposes, we are creating this file in the same directory, but you
can choose to place it in another directory in the system or hide it within the hidden
directory “/home/jdoe/ch14/”. In the Python example, we will utilize the hidden

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi sh_password.txt

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat sh_password.txt

Step 4: Next, you will need to create a Shell script that runs the backup playbook and
provides the password to decrypt the vars.yml file. Create a new file, such as run_backup.
sh, and include the following content:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat

ansible-playbook -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory --vault-password-file /home/

jdoe/ch14/sh_password.txt /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/
ch14/run_backup_log.txt 2>&1

It is crucial to avoid any typos in the preceding Shell script. Please exercise caution
and double-check your script for accuracy before executing it.
The following is a quick breakdown of the previous “” file:

• #!/bin/bash: The line at the beginning of the file is called the

shebang; it specifies the interpreter to be used to execute the script,
which is, in this case, the bash shell.

• ansible-playbook: Ansible command to execute a playbook.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

• -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory: Specifies the inventory file to be

used for the playbook. It tells Ansible where to find the list of hosts to
operate on.

• --vault-password-file /home/jdoe/ch14/sh_password.txt: The path

to the file containing the password required to decrypt the encrypted
variables (vault) in the playbook. It ensures that the playbook can
access the encrypted variables securely.

• /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml: The path to the playbook file,

which will be executed by Ansible.

• >> /home/jdoe/ch14/run_backup_log.txt 2>&1: Redirects the

standard output (stdout) of the playbook execution to the file “/
home/jdoe/ch14/run_backup_log.txt”. The “2>&1” part redirects any
error output (stderr) to the same file as well, so both standard output
and error output are captured in the log file.

In short, the “” script executes the Ansible playbook “14_run_backup.

yml” using the specified inventory file, vault password file, and captures the output (both
stdout and stderr) to a log file.
Step 5: To make the Shell script executable, use the command “chmod +x run_”. This grants permission to execute the script as a program, allowing you to
run it by typing its name without specifying the interpreter explicitly. The script should
include the program pointer, typically “#!/bin/bash”, to indicate it should be interpreted
using the bash shell.
Before running the “chmod +x” command, check the file permissions of your file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ls -lh

-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe   5 Jun 10 13:24

After running the “chmod +x” command, the file permission changes to an
executable, and the file color changes to green.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ chmod +x

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ls -lh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 jdoe jdoe 111 Jun 10 13:20

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron


Check if /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg has been updated per recommendation.

inventory = /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory
host_key_checking = False
nocows = 1

Step 6: Add the following line to schedule the Shell script to run as a cron job:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
*/5 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/

Step 7: To temporarily disable the playbook, comment out the cron table entry, and
then verify that the configuration backups have been successfully created on all SCP

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
# */5 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/

Step 8: To verify the success of your cron job for automated device configuration
backups, log into the SCP server and check for the presence of directories containing the
configuration files. If you find these directories with the config files inside, it indicates
that your cron job was successful.


jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:11 20230610-1410_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:16 20230610-1415_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:21 20230610-1420_backup
[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -lh backup/20230610-1420_backup

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

total 24K
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 14:21 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 14:21 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun 10 14:21 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 14:21 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 14:21 sw23-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 14:21 sw2-running-config.cfg


jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 12K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:11 20230610-1410_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:15 20230610-1415_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:21 20230610-1420_backup
[...omitted for brevity]


jdoe@u23c2:~$ ls -lh backup/

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 9: In our lab environment, we have configured the task to run every five
minutes to thoroughly test its functionality. Once we have successfully validated its
performance, we can proceed to replicate these settings in the production environment.
In a busy production environment, it is recommended to schedule the cron job twice
a day to ensure frequent backups of critical data. However, in a less active or nonbusy
environment, scheduling the cron job once a day would be sufficient to meet the backup
requirements. It is important to adapt the frequency of the cron job based on the specific
needs and workload of your environment, ensuring that crucial data is backed up
regularly without causing unnecessary strain on the system resources.
Run once at 00:00 (midnight):

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l

0 0 * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Run twice a day, once at 05:00 am and once at 10:00 pm:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l

0 5 * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/
0 22 * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/

Congratulations! You have completed the scheduling of Ansible playbooks using

an encrypted vars.yml file with the help of a Shell script. To ensure transparency and
avoid creating a single point of failure, it is important to document the setup of cron
jobs on your server and share this information with your team. Sharing knowledge
and information with others is not only caring but also a virtue in the ICT world. By
documenting and sharing your findings, you not only solidify your knowledge but
also make the information official, allowing others to benefit from your expertise.
Additionally, documenting your IT learnings and insights on a blog can be a great way
to consolidate your knowledge and serve as a reference for future endeavors. If you find
that your memory isn’t the best, maintaining a blog can help you retain the information,
and you can revisit your learnings at any time.

Extend your knowledge:

Unleash your IT passion and foster growth through sharing with others!
If you’re interested, you can visit the author Brendan’s blog by clicking here:

ITalchemy – Pick my brain, share the love for IT.

Brendan has been blogging since 2014 after reading one of the articles on the Web
about why you should blog, documenting his learnings and sharing them with the
wider audience. Over the years, he has accumulated valuable knowledge, leading
to the publication of his first, second, and third books. Remember, writing and
sharing your passion is akin to maintaining a weekly diary. It allows you to reflect
on your experiences, share insights, and contribute to the collective knowledge
of the IT community. So don’t hesitate to document and share your journey – it’s
Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Writing technical books may not make you
instantly rich, but it offers numerous valuable rewards. It can establish you as an
authority in your IT domain, inspiring upcoming IT engineers and opening up better
job opportunities in the market. Most importantly, it provides a sense of self-
fulfillment and satisfaction that cannot be measured solely in monetary terms.

Next, we will explore how to schedule the cron job for the same playbook using a
Python script. The overall process will be almost identical, with the only difference being
the use of a Python script instead of a Shell script. This is the final section of this chapter
and will be a quick one.

14.4.2 Python Method
This will be the final topic of this chapter, and it will be a complementary section to
further our understanding. If you prefer using Python instead of a Shell script, you can
follow these steps to execute the Ansible playbook as a cron job and access the vars.yml
file with a password using Since we will be using the same playbook
and vars.yml file, we will focus on the main differences, as the overall process of
preparing for playbook scheduling using cron and a Python script is similar to the Shell
script case discussed earlier.
Step 1: To create or edit the vars.yml file using ansible-vault, use the following

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ansible-vault edit vars.yml

Vault password: **************
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 2: In contrast to the previous example, let’s create a hidden file named .py_
password.txt to enhance security and make it less obvious to others. Although you can
create a new directory to store this file, for the sake of simplicity in this demonstration,
we will create it in the same directory (./) or, in our case, /home/jdoe/ch14/.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ touch ./.py_password.txt

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi ./.py_password.txt
[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat ./.py_password.txt

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

Step 3: Create a Python script named “” and include the following
content. In this script, Python utilizes the shell command, similar to running a Shell
script. However, the language used here is Python while still relying on the underlying
bash shell for execution.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ vi

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import subprocess

with open("/home/jdoe/ch14/.py_password.txt", "r") as file:

    password =

command = f"ansible-playbook -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory --vault-password-

file <(echo {password}) /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/
ch14/cron_log.txt 2>&1", shell=True)

You can find the breakdown of the Python code here:

• #!/usr/bin/env python3 – A shebang line that specifies the interpreter

to be used for running the script (in this case, Python). Python code is
easily recognizable as it always ends with the file extension .py.

• import subprocess – Imports the subprocess module, which allows

you to run external commands from within Python. The subprocess
module borrows the power of the underlying OS’s processes.

• with open(“/home/jdoe/ch14/.py_password.txt”, “r”) as file: – Opens

the “.py_password.txt” file located at “/home/jdoe/ch14/” in read
mode. The with statement ensures that the file is automatically
closed after reading its contents.

• password = – Reads the contents of the file and

assigns it to the password variable. The strip() method is used to
remove any leading or trailing whitespace.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

• command = f” ansible-playbook -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory --

vault-password-file /home/jdoe/ch14/password.txt /home/jdoe/
ch14/14_run_backup.yml >> /home/jdoe/ch14/cron_log.txt
2>&1” – Defines the command to be executed. It uses the ansible-
playbook command to run a playbook, passing the inventory file,
vault password file, and playbook file and redirecting the output to a
log file.

•, shell=True) – Runs the command

specified in the command variable using the
function. The shell=True argument allows the command to be
executed in a shell environment.

Ultimately, this code reads the password from the “.password.txt” file, constructs
the command to run the Ansible playbook, and then executes the command using the function.
Step 4: Make the Python script executable using the chmod +x command.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ chmod +x

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ ls -lh
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 jdoe jdoe 361 Jun 10 19:31

Now, the cron job will execute the Python script, which in turn runs the Ansible
playbook by providing the password inline via the --vault-password-file option. This
allows the playbook to access and decrypt the vars.yml file securely. Make sure that the
Python script has the necessary permissions to access the required files and directories
and that the password is handled securely.
Step 5: Set up the cron job by editing the crontab file with the following command.
This time, we will schedule the cron job to run every three minutes.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
*/3 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/ # Just activated Python script
cron job
#*/5 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/ # Deactivated Shell script
cron job

Step 6: Run the Python cron job for approximately ten minutes, and you will have
three copies of the same configuration files backed up to all three SCP file servers.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron


[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ ls -lh backup/

total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 14:11 20230610-1410_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 14:15 20230610-1415_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 14:21 20230610-1420_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 20:00 20230610-2000_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 20:03 20230610-2003_backup
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jdoe jdoe 185 Jun 10 20:06 20230610-2006_backup


jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 24K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:11 20230610-1410_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:15 20230610-1415_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:21 20230610-1420_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:00 20230610-2000_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:03 20230610-2003_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:06 20230610-2006_backup
jdoe@u23c1:~$ ls -lh backup/20230610-2006_backup
total 24K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 20:06 r13-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.3K Jun 10 20:06 r1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.4K Jun 10 20:06 r2-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 20:06 sw1-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 20:06 sw23-running-config.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 3.8K Jun 10 20:06 sw2-running-config.cfg

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron


jdoe@u23c2:~$ ls -lh backup/

total 24K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:11 20230610-1410_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:16 20230610-1415_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 14:21 20230610-1420_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:00 20230610-2000_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:03 20230610-2003_backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe 4.0K Jun 10 20:06 20230610-2006_backup

Step 7: To complete this task, stop the Python cron job.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -e

[jdoe@f38s1 ch14]$ crontab -l
# */3 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/
#*/5 * * * * /home/jdoe/ch14/

Congratulations on completing all the tasks and reaching this point! By completing
the steps outlined in this chapter, you have successfully scheduled a cron job for your
network device configuration backup playbook using the Python method. Once you
have finalized your development in the lab environment and documented the necessary
information to share with your team, you can proceed to implement this solution within
your organization.
While it is true that many enterprises already utilize commercial tools for similar
purposes, the beauty of Chapters 13 and 14 is that you have learned how to build a
network running configuration backup tool for Cisco routers and switches from scratch
using Ansible, cron, Shell, and Python code. This knowledge gives you the flexibility to
tailor the solution to your specific needs and requirements.
Now is the time to start thinking about other areas where you can leverage cron jobs
to automate mundane tasks. By conceptualizing a storyline and jotting down your ideas
in a text file or on paper, you can identify additional opportunities to streamline and
optimize your work processes, benefiting both you and your organization. Remember
that Ansible, while not a programming language itself, can become even more powerful
when combined with one or two interpreted scripting languages such as Python, Shell,
JavaScript, or Perl.

Chapter 14 Ansible Playbook Scheduling with Cron

As you continue your learning journey, consider exploring and expanding your
knowledge in these scripting languages. Acquiring proficiency in scripting languages
will greatly enhance your ability to leverage the full potential of Ansible, enabling you to
accomplish even more in your automation endeavors.

14.5 Summary
In this chapter, we explore Ansible playbook scheduling with cron, providing a practical
introduction to cron and its use cases with Ansible. We delve into a practical lab
environment, learning how to schedule playbooks using cron and gaining hands-on
experience in operating and troubleshooting cron jobs. Emphasizing the significance
of best security practices according to ISO 27001 and the SIEM model, we highlight
the scheduling of a cron job to test-drive the device backup playbook developed in
Chapter 13 and the setup of the system environment for seamless playbook execution
with cron and Ansible playbook. Additionally, we delve into two methods of Ansible
playbook scheduling with a vaulted password: using a Shell script and a Python script.
By understanding these techniques, engineers can safeguard playbooks and protect
sensitive information. By the end of this chapter, you have gained the knowledge and
skills to efficiently schedule Ansible playbooks with cron, automate routine operations,
and enhance infrastructure security best practices.
As a reader, you have explored the practical applications of cron and Ansible,
empowering you to develop skills in cron and optimize your IT operations. With this
newfound expertise, you can streamline workflows, strengthen security measures,
and unlock new levels of efficiency in your infrastructure management. The chapter
concludes with a reflection on the transformative power of cron and Ansible playbooks,
enabling you to propel your team’s IT capabilities to new heights.


Cisco Router
Upgrading Playbook
This chapter focuses on the Cisco IOS-XE router Upgrading Ansible Playbook.
With security being a top priority, the chapter highlights the importance of patch
management and OS upgrades. The lab network topology includes Cisco routers, an
SFTP server, and an Ansible control node. The workflow of upgrading Cisco IOS-XE
router in bundle mode is explained, along with the benefits of using Ansible in network
operations. The step-­by-­step Cisco IOS-XE Router Upgrade Lab guides readers through
building the application using code snippets. The chapter concludes with the complete
lab playbook in a single file, enabling readers to understand and modify it as needed.
By following the guidelines, readers can enhance their Cisco network administration
skills and can adopt automation in their critical network infrastructure upgrades,
strengthening network security and performance.

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the stability of network infrastructure

plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of businesses. Network service
stability is crucial for a company, directly impacting its day-to-day operations and overall
business longevity. However, network operational outages often stem from changes
performed by internal engineers or, externally, the Internet service provider (ISP)
due to poor planning or unforeseen issues during network changes for maintenance
work. While the stance of “if it is not broken, then don’t fix it” may seem appealing for
network stability, this approach cannot be adopted when it comes to network security.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Network and systems engineers in the Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) industry face significant pressure to keep their systems up to date with the latest
technologies, reducing security vulnerabilities and minimizing the attack surface to
protect both company and customer assets from malicious actors. Upgrading and
patching enterprise network devices has become essential due to the heightened
focus on enterprise network security. Even a single incident of a security breach can
have irreversible consequences, damaging an organization’s reputation and exposing
both the company’s and customers’ confidential information. Therefore, reputable
companies invest significant time and effort into performing system upgrades and patch
A substantial portion of a network engineer’s time is dedicated to applying patches
and upgrading aging infrastructures, ensuring increased security in critical devices such
as firewalls, routers, switches, wireless controllers, access points, and any appliance
servers. Patch management and system upgrades have now become the industry norm
due to the constantly evolving landscape of cloud, data center, and enterprise network
security threats. Recent high-profile security breaches and data compromises have
significantly increased organizations’ awareness of the importance of network security.
The sharing of information through Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
has become crucial in proactively protecting against security vulnerabilities. Leading
enterprise network vendors, including Cisco, Palo Alto, Check Point, Fortinet, and
others, along with reputable endpoint protection software vendors like CrowdStrike,
SentinelOne, Cylance, Carbon Black, and more, rely on and reference the same CVE and
CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) databases. Regular releases of patches
and updates address vulnerabilities and enhance overall security measures. Neglecting
these upgrades and patches can leave critical network devices vulnerable to exploits and
potential breaches.
The recent Log4j virus outbreak in December 2021 serves as an example that
highlights the risks associated with outdated software and vulnerabilities. In Log4j 1.x’s
JMSSink component, attackers with write access to the configuration or accessible
LDAP service can exploit a vulnerability to execute remote code using a configuration.
It’s important to note that this issue specifically affects Log4j 1.x when using JMSSink,
not the default setting. Upgrading to Log4j 2 is crucial as it addresses this vulnerability
and other issues from previous versions. Hackers also target servers and services,
demanding ransom payments from organizations. Numerous cases involving major
financial institutions demonstrate the significant loss of customer data and trust caused

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

by network security compromises. Even a minor security breach can severely impact an
organization’s operations, underscoring the criticality of maintaining up-to-date patches
and robust security measures to safeguard network infrastructure from malicious actors.
To maintain network stability and security, upgrading and patching critical
devices is crucial. Network engineers prioritize system upgrades and effective
patch management to protect organizations from breaches. Timely upgrades and
proactive patching enhance network security, safeguard assets, and preserve sensitive
information. This chapter focuses on upgrading Cisco IOS-XE router, traditionally a
manual task performed by network engineers after hours. While Cisco aims to become
more software-friendly, its proprietary tools for upgrades and patch management
don’t scale well for larger environments. In many cases, Ansible outperforms Cisco’s
tools in configuration and patch management. Despite this, network engineers remain
responsible for patching and upgrading Cisco network devices due to the company’s
industry leadership. Cisco’s network devices are extensively deployed in public, private,
and hybrid networks, including the Internet itself. Although this chapter cannot cover
all insights into upgrading and patching critical networks, it demonstrates how to
upgrade Cisco IOS-XE routers using Ansible. Exploring Ansible’s features here provides
opportunities to apply them in other work areas.

15.1 Router Upgrade Lab Network Topology

The lab topology is illustrated in Figure 15-1. In this lab, we will control the devices from
the Ansible Control Machine, f38s1 (IP:, and attempt to upgrade two
Cisco virtual c8000v routers directly on VMware Workstation. The routers are named
c8kv01 (IP: and c8kv02 (IP: They currently run
on IOS-XE 17.06.03a and will be upgraded to version 17.06.05 using the new IOS-XE
router image named c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin. This image is stored in the
SFTP server, f38c1 (IP:

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Figure 15-1. Cisco IOS-XE router upgrade playbook lab topology

The SFTP server, f38c1, functions as an all-in-one network file sharing server,
combining FTP, SFTP, and SFTP services all in a single server. Therefore, you can select
the File Transfer Protocol that suits your testing requirements. The workflow for this
process will be discussed in the following section.

Expand your knowledge:

Cisco IOS-XE bundle vs. install mode

Cisco IOS-XE supports two modes: Install mode and Bundle mode. In Bundle mode,
the router or switch boots directly from the .bin file, which contains the complete
software image. This results in faster boot-up times as there is no need to unpack
the firmware. Install mode involves booting the package files compressed within
the .bin file, which takes longer to unpack and can contribute to longer boot-up
times. Bundle mode offers faster boot times and simpler software management
with a single .bin file. Install mode provides more flexibility and control over
individual package files, allowing for independent software upgrades and feature
management. The choice between the modes depends on specific requirements
and preferences. The “show version” command can be used to determine the

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

current mode of operation by displaying the output, including the mode (Install or
Bundle) in which the IOS-XE software is running.
Refer to the following document for more information:

15.2 Cisco IOS-XE Router Upgrade Workflow in

Bundle Mode
We mentioned in the previous chapter that if we can document our tasks and processes
on paper or in a text file, we can automate them. As a network engineer, if you can write
down your tasks and specify the steps involved, automation becomes possible for many
of those tasks, though not necessarily all of them. In our case, we use YAML to write
Ansible playbooks. In this chapter, we will break down the actual tasks and discuss
whether they can be automated using Ansible.
When upgrading an IOS-XE on a Cisco router, the procedures described in Table 15-1
outline a simplified version of the steps to upgrade from an earlier version to a new
version (minor upgrade) using an SFTP file server. It is important to note that while
the pre-­check and post-check steps are simplified here, in actual upgrading scenarios,
engineers dedicate their time to thoroughly perform these checks. Although we can
demonstrate the pre-check and post-check process, for the sake of simplicity in this
book, we will focus more on the actual upgrading of the target devices.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Table 15-1. General IOS-XE router upgrading task breakdown

# Task description Automation?

1 SSH into the router and check the current IOS-XE by running “show version”. For Yes
this lab, we are using IOS-XE version 17.06.03a.
2 Log into the Cisco website and check the latest Gold image (the one with the No
star) and choose which version you will upgrade your system to.
3 Download the latest IOS-XE software image from the Cisco website with your No
CCO associated with an active support contract. For the upgrade, you need to
download the file ending with .bin, that is, c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin.
4 SSH verifies that the router’s flash has enough space for a new IOS-XE image. Yes
5 Set up an SFTP server on a server that is accessible from the router. Yes
6 Copy the downloaded IOS-XE software image file to the SFTP server directory. Yes
7 Create a backup of the router's current configuration using the copy running-­ Yes
config startup-config command. This step ensures that you can restore the
configuration in case any issues arise during the upgrade process.
8 Enter the copy SFTP: command to initiate the file transfer from the SFTP server. Yes
Provide the SFTP server's IP address, the file name of the IOS-XE software
image, and the destination file name on the router.
9 Enter the password when prompted to authenticate and start the file transfer Yes
10 Wait for the file transfer to complete. This may take some time depending on the Yes
size of the software image.
11 Once the file transfer is successful, enter the configure terminal command to Yes
enter global configuration mode.
12 Update the boot system configuration to point to the newly transferred IOS-XE Yes
software image. Use the following command:
boot system flash:cisco-ios-xe-17.06.05.bin
13 Save the configuration changes by entering the copy running-config startup-­ Yes
config command.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Table 15-1. (continued)

# Task description Automation?

14 Verify that the new boot system configuration is set correctly by issuing the show Yes
bootvar command.
15 Restart the router to begin the upgrade process. Use the reload command and Yes
confirm the reload when prompted.
16 Wait for the router to reboot and complete the upgrade process. During this time, Yes
do not interrupt the router or perform any configuration changes.
17 After the reboot, log in to the router and enter the show version command to Yes
verify that the upgrade was successful. The output should display the newly
installed version of the IOS-XE software.

Note that these steps provide a general overview, and it is crucial for each engineer
to perform all the due diligence while preparing for their IOS-XE upgrade; it is
recommended that if there is any clarification required, you reference Cisco’s official
documentation or open a Cisco TAC case for assistance. While the provided steps are
comprehensive, it is important to highlight that the capturing of the pre-upgrade and
post-upgrade running-config, interfaces, and IP routing information is among the most
critical tasks. These verifications ensure that the network remains stable and continues
to provide the same or enhanced services to the users after the upgrade.
In other words, performing an IOS-XE upgrade requires careful and thorough
planning, as well as the know-how to best utilize Cisco’s official documentation and
Cisco TAC support. A well-thought-out, careful change planning and preparation
provide engineers with piece of mind, avoiding potential pitfalls and traps that could
result in catastrophic network outages. Even for an experienced engineer, it is essential
to approach IOS-XE patching with caution and pay attention to every detail.

Humans pretend to be a computer.
In our honest opinion, a significant majority of network engineers in today’s
industry secure their positions based on their exceptional troubleshooting and
patch management skills rather than relying on their physical appearance,
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

charisma, or personal connections with managers. The nature of IT work often

leads engineers to exhibit introverted traits. This stereotype has been prevalent
for years, often ridiculed in movies and dramas, and is expected to persist as
long as the IT industry thrives. To a large extent, this stereotype holds. While
some IT technicians may possess extroverted characteristics, we wonder if you
have encountered many individuals with similar traits in the field. It’s important
to note that this statement reflects our personal opinion and is part of a general
When working with computers and their languages (such as protocols), you will
realize that they are human creations, with computing concepts and operations
rooted in the human mind. Interestingly, IT technicians must assume the role
of a computer and mimic its behavior during training and study. For example,
understanding how enterprise routers make routing decisions based on their
configuration and responses to different scenarios requires embodying the essence
of a router. Therefore, when preparing for Cisco routers and switches, more
experienced engineers strive to understand things from the device’s perspective
rather than relying solely on their viewpoint.
The term “cosplay” originates from combining the words “costume” and “play.”
In this sense, we can apply the cosplay analogy to network engineers. Just as
cosplayers dress up as fictional characters, skilled network engineers “cosplay” as
routers, switches, firewalls, or any other devices they manage in their environment.
They immerse themselves in the role of the device, understanding its behavior,
configurations, and decision-­making processes.

In the upcoming sections, we will guide you through the development of an Ansible
YAML playbook that incorporates the aforementioned steps. By leveraging Ansible’s
powerful automation capabilities, you can streamline the IOS-XE upgrade process and

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

unlock several key benefits for your network infrastructure administration. These are
some key benefits of using Ansible in your network operation:

• Streamlined and efficient upgrades

• Consistency and standardization across devices and environments

• Increased scalability for handling upgrades on a larger scale

• Empowerment of less experienced engineers to confidently perform


• Cost-effective solution leveraging Ansible’s open source capabilities

By automating the Cisco IOS-XE upgrade process using Ansible, you can achieve
consistent, efficient, and scalable upgrades while empowering engineers at various skill
levels. It’s a valuable investment that can streamline operations, reduce downtime, and
ensure the reliability of your network infrastructure.
Let’s dive in and begin designing and writing small, functional playbooks. Afterward,
we can integrate them into a cohesive application.


Before you begin the lab, take snapshots of your routers, c8kv01 and c8kv02.

To do this, navigate to your VMware Workstation 17 Pro and take snapshots of your
routers. This will enable you to practice your scripts in different scenarios. It is
recommended to take snapshots regularly at important milestones to prevent any
potential issues (see Figure 15-2).

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Figure 15-2. Taking a snapshot before starting the IOS upgrading lab

15.3 Cisco IOS-XE Router Upgrade Lab

To ensure simplicity and ease of understanding throughout the lab, we will develop an
IOS upgrading playbook using two files: vars.yml and 15_ios_upgrade.yml. By saving
most of the variables in the vars.yml file, the playbook will become cleaner and more
comprehensible from the student’s perspective. Understanding the usage of variables at
different points in the playbook is crucial, and once you grasp this concept, you can choose
to embed the information as desired. However, for our demonstration, let’s keep it simple.
This approach will help us focus on the core concepts without unnecessary complexity.

All files used in this book and chapters are available from the authors’

GitHub site.
Download link:

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

15.3.1 Lab Setup

Step 1: Power on the following machines on VMware Workstation: f38s1
(, f38c1 (, c8kv01 (, and c8kv02
( For this chapter, we will exclusively utilize VMware Workstation and
won’t require GNS3. Please ensure that all four VMs are up and running.
Step 2: Referencing Figure 15-3, utilize WinSCP on your host PC to copy the new IOS
file to the SFTP file server, f38c1, with the IP address Create a directory
named “ios_files” under the /home/jdoe/ directory. In this example, we will be copying
the “c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin” file to /home/jdoe/ios_files. Once copied, the
file will be accessible from the /ios_files directory within the SFTP perspective, as you
will observe shortly.

Figure 15-3. Copying the new IOS image to the SFTP server, f38c1

Step 3: Now, let’s include c8kv01 ( and c8kv02 ( to

~/.ssh/config for smooth key exchange between our Ansible Control Machine and two
new routers.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ vi ~/.ssh/config

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cat ~/.ssh/config

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

[...omitted for brevity]

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

    HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: In Chapters 13 and 14, we utilized the “jdoe” account for SSH authentication
between the Ansible Control Machine and the SFTP servers. This required providing
the passphrase “Enter passphrase for key ‘/home/jdoe/.ssh/id_ed25519’:”, which we
addressed by using the passphrase_response workaround.
In this chapter, we will simplify the process by utilizing the “ansible” user’s private_
key_file, which we created in Chapter 10. Follow the steps here to copy and modify the
necessary files for this chapter’s usage:

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch15 && cd ch15

[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ cp ../repo1/ch10/ansible.cfg ./
[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory
private_key_file = /home/jdoe/.ssh/ansible
nocows = 1

Ensure that the “ansible” account was created without the id_ed25519 passphrase
and has been shared with the other servers. With this configuration, there is no need to
manually provide the passphrase, unlike with the “jdoe” account.
Step 5: Now, let’s add the host information for our two IOS-XE routers. Open
the “inventory” file using a text editor and add the following lines to specify the host

[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ cp ../repo1/ch10/inventory ./

[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ vi inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ cat inventory

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

f38c1 ansible_host= # SFTP Server

c8kv01 ansible_host= # Router 1
c8kv02 ansible_host= # Router 2

Save the file after adding the host information. This step ensures that Ansible knows
the IP addresses of our two routers and can establish communication with them during
the playbook execution.
Step 6: Before we proceed with writing a simple IOS upgrade playbook, let’s save all
our variables to the vars.yml file. This will allow our playbook to access the necessary
data efficiently.
Open the “vars.yml” file using a text editor and add the relevant variables and
their values.
For example:


ansible_user: jdoe # Router user ID

ansible_password: 5uper5cret9assw0rd # Router password
sudoer_name: jdoe # f38c1, server sudo user
ansible_become_pass: Secure5cret9assw0rd # f38c1, sudo user password
sftp_server_ip: # SFTP server IP
sftp_username: jdoe # SFTP user name
sftp_password: Secure5cret9assw0rd # SFTP password
ios_file_md5: f3dc5681ac6b66d807a36b3830569344 # New IOS file MD5 value
ios_file_name: c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin # New IOS file name
new_ios_version: 17.06.05 # New IOS version number

Step 7: Either on your VMware Workstation console or SSH session to your routers,
check the current IOS by running the command “show version” for your reference, as
shown in Figure 15-4.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Figure 15-4. Cisco IOS-XE version before the upgrade

Now that you have completed the preparation work for this lab, let’s write the main
IOS upgrade playbook. This task requires your full attention, as the playbook is lengthy
and involves numerous moving parts.

15.3.2 Writing the Main Playbook for Router Upgrade

The playbooks have been divided into 11 parts for a better explanation, with each part
being explained first. Additionally, a complete version of the playbook will be provided
at the end of this chapter, including brief explanations. To save time, please download
the playbook from the authors’ GitHub page.
Step 1: Let’s begin with the IOS check and validation to determine if our current IOS
version is older and requires an upgrade to a newer version. In this example, we will be
upgrading from version 17.06.03a to 17.06.05, which is a minor version upgrade operating
in Bundle mode. If you are planning an upgrade using Install mode, please refer to Cisco’s
documentation and plan accordingly using Ansible. Check the current IOS version and
compare it with the new IOS version to ensure that the current IOS is up to date.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

- name: Upgrade Cisco IOS-XE Routers
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: true # By default true but specifying this to show our

  vars_files: vars.yml # read vars.yml for variables.

  max_fail_percentage: 0 # If any host fails, the application will exit, in


    - name: Check current IOS-XE version from gathered IOS facts # Task 1

    - name: Debug current and new IOS versions # Task 2

          - "Current version: {{ ansible_net_version }}" # Informational
          - "New version    : {{ new_ios_version }}" # Informational

    - name: Quit playbook if ansible_net_version equals new_ios_version

# Task 3
        - name: Fail if versions are equal or current IOS is newer

            msg: "Current IOS version is already up to date."
          when: ansible_net_version >= new_ios_version

        - name: Debug Message

            msg: "Continuing with the playbook, upgrading IOS version..."
          ignore_errors: true

The Ansible playbook provided previously is designed for upgrading Cisco IOS-
XE routers. It begins by specifying the playbook name and the target hosts. Facts are
gathered from the hosts to obtain information, and variables are loaded from a file
named vars.yml. The playbook sets the maximum failure percentage to 0, meaning any
host failure will cause the playbook to stop.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

The tasks section consists of several steps: checking the current IOS-XE version using
the ios_facts module, displaying the current and new versions with the debug module,
and then a block that fails the playbook if the versions are equal or if the current IOS
version is newer. If the conditions are not met, a debug message is displayed, and errors
in this task are ignored.
Step 2: Create a backup directory for configurations on the SFTP server.

# Confinuing from previous step

- name: Create directories on the SFTP server
  hosts: f38c1

    - name: Get ansible date/time facts # Task 1
        filter: "ansible_date_time"
        gather_subset: "!all"

    - name: Store DTG as a fact # Task 2

        DTG: "{{ }}"

    - name: Create Directory for backup # Task 3

        path: "~/ch15/{{ DTG }}" # e.g.) /home/jdoe/ch15/2023-06-14
        state: directory
        mode: "0775"
      run_once: true

The Ansible playbook provided previously is responsible for creating directories

on our SFTP server, specifically under the name “f38c1”. The playbook consists of three
tasks. The first task, “Get Ansible date/time facts,” utilizes the setup module to gather
date and time facts from the Ansible controller. It filters the facts to retrieve only the
“ansible_date_time” subset. The second task, “Store DTG as a fact,” employs the set_fact
module to store the current date in the “DTG” variable. This information is extracted
from the previously gathered Ansible date/time facts. The third task, “Create Directory
for backup,” utilizes the file module to generate a directory path on the SFTP server.
The path is constructed using the format “~/ch15/{{ DTG }}”, where the “DTG” variable
represents the stored date. Additionally, the task sets the directory’s permissions to

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

“0775” to allow read, write, and execute access. The task is executed only once using
the run_once parameter. These tasks collectively enable the creation of directories with
dynamic names based on the current date on the SFTP server.
Step 3: Next, we will proceed to create backups of the running-config for each router
using the “copy run-config sftp” command. Please ensure accuracy in your typing and
spacing when executing this step.

# Confinuing from previous step

- name: Copy the running configuration
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: vars.yml

    file_name: "ch15/{{ hostvars['f38c1'].DTG }}/{{ inventory_hostname
    command_timeout: 600

    - name: Copy running configuration # Task 1
        command: "copy running-config sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_
password }}@{{ sftp_server_ip }}/{{ file_name }}"
        check_all: True
          - 'Address or name of remote host'
          - 'Destination username'
          - 'Destination filename'
          - '{{ sftp_server_ip }}'
          - '{{ sftp_username }}'
          - '{{ file_name }}'
      register: copy_result

    - name: Display copy result # Task 2

        var: copy_result

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

The preceding Ansible playbook is designed to copy the running configuration from
Cisco IOS-XE routers to an SFTP server. It starts with the playbook name and specifies
the target hosts as “ios_xe_routers”. The playbook disables gathering facts by setting the
“gather_facts” parameter to false. Variables are loaded from the “vars.yml” file, which
includes the “file_name” variable representing the destination path on the SFTP server.
This path is constructed based on the current date and the inventory hostname. Another
variable, “command_timeout”, is set to limit the maximum execution time for commands
to 600 seconds. The playbook consists of two tasks. The first task utilizes the “ansible.
netcommon.cli_command” module to execute a CLI command on the routers. This
command copies the running configuration to the SFTP server, using the provided SFTP
credentials and dynamically generated file paths. It handles prompts interactively and
stores the result in the “copy_result” variable. The second task, “Display copy result,”
uses the “debug” module to print the value of the “copy_result” variable, providing
information about the success or failure of the previous task.
Step 4: Before making any changes to the routers, save the running configuration.

# Confinuing from previous step

   - name: Save running-config to startup-config # Task 1
        save_when: always

The task “Save running-config to startup-config” utilizes the “ios_config” module. It

is responsible for saving the running configuration to the startup configuration on Cisco
IOS devices, ensuring persistence even after a reboot. The “save_when” parameter is set
to “always,” ensuring unconditional saving.
Step 5: In this step, we will extend the SSH session timer and copy the new IOS
file to the routers’ flash drive. As the files are being uploaded to the Cisco routers, you
can monitor the progress of the file upload by using the “show flash: | in 17.06.05”

# Confinuing from previous step

   - name: Extend SSH timer to 99 mins # Task 1
          - line vty 0 15
          - exec-timeout 99 0

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Copy new IOS from SFTP server # Task 2
         command: 'copy sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_password }}@{{
sftp_server_ip }}/{{ ios_file_name }} flash:/{{ ios_file_name }}'
         check_all: True
           - 'Destination filename'
           - '{{ ios_file_name }}'

The preceding Ansible playbook consists of two tasks. The first task, named
“Extend SSH timer to 99 minutes,” utilizes the “ios_config” module. It executes a set
of commands on the IOS device to extend the SSH session timer to 99 minutes. The
commands executed are “line vty 0 15” and “exec-timeout 99 0”. This task ensures
that SSH connections remain active for an extended duration, providing convenience
and uninterrupted access. The second task, named “Copy new IOS from SFTP server,” uses the “cli_command” module. It executes a CLI command on the
IOS device to copy a new IOS image from an SFTP server. The command incorporates
the provided SFTP credentials, server IP address, and the specified “ios_file_name”. The
task handles prompts encountered during the execution, particularly the “Destination
filename” prompt, and provides the answer as “{{ ios_file_name }}”. This task facilitates
the seamless update of IOS images on the device from the designated SFTP server.
These tasks collectively ensure an extended SSH session timer and enable the effortless
retrieval of the latest IOS image from an SFTP server, enhancing the performance and
functionality of the IOS device.

Comparing FTP, SFTP, and SCP router file upload methods
If you are interested in learning more about file uploading and downloading
methods, the primary author has shared information on all three methods on his
blog. You can visit the following links for further details:

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

1. Ansible IOS-XE File Upload – FTP Method

2. Ansible IOS-XE File Upload – SFTP Method
3. Ansible IOS-XE File Upload – SCP Method
These resources will provide you with in-depth insights into the different file-
uploading methods and help you understand the nuances and benefits of each
approach. Feel free to explore the links and expand your knowledge of file
management in Ansible for IOS-XE routers.

Step 6: After the file upload finishes, verify the integrity of the new IOS file.

# Confinuing from previous step

   - name: Verify MD5 value on the flash # Task 1
        commands: verify /md5 flash:{{ ios_file_name }} {{ios_file_md5 }}
      register: ios_file_md5_flash_result

    - ansible.builtin.debug: # Task 2

        var: ios_file_md5_flash_result.stdout

    - name: Locate MD5 value of new IOS on router flash # Task 3
        ios_file_md5_flash: "{{ ios_file_md5_flash_result.stdout[0] |
regex_search('[a-f0-9]{32}') }}"

    - ansible.builtin.debug: # Task 4

          - "ios_file_md5 [flash:/]          : {{ ios_file_md5_flash }}"
          - "ios_file_md5 [Correct Value]    : {{ ios_file_md5 }}"

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Fail if MD5 Values are different # Task 5 msg="Failed, flash IOS MD5 value DOES NOT MATCH
the correct IOS file MD5 value. "
      when: ios_file_md5_flash != ios_file_md5 or 'Verified' not in ios_

    - name: Pass if MD5 values are the same # Task 6

        msg: Passed, flash IOS MD5 MATCH provided IOS file MD5.
      when: ios_file_md5_flash == ios_file_md5 and 'Verified' in ios_file_

The provided Ansible playbook focuses on verifying MD5 values on a router’s flash
memory as a means to halt the upgrade process in case of file corruption during the
file transfer. The first task utilizes the “ios_command” module to verify the MD5 value
of a specified file on the flash memory, storing the result. The second task displays the
MD5 verification result obtained from the previous task. In the third task, the MD5 value
is extracted from the result and assigned to a variable. Subsequently, the fourth task
compares and displays the MD5 values from the router’s flash memory and the correct
MD5 value for comparison. To signal a failure, the fifth task uses the “fail” module,
generating an error message if the MD5 values do not match or if the verification result
does not contain the string “Verified”. Conversely, the sixth task utilizes the “debug”
module to present a success message if the MD5 values match and the verification result
contains the string “Verified”. This playbook ensures the detection of file corruption
during the upgrade process by verifying MD5 values.
Step 7: Change the routers’ boot variables so that they boot into the new IOS image.

# Confinuing from previous step

    - name: Clear the old boot variable # Task 1
          - "no boot system"
        save_when: always

    - name: Change the boot variable to a new IOS image (.bin) # Task 2
          - "boot system flash:{{ ios_file_name }}"
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

        save_when: always

    - name: Run show boot command # Task 3

        commands: show boot
          - result[0] contains "{{ new_ios_version }}"
      register: show_boot1

    - ansible.builtin.debug: # Task 4

       var: show_boot1.stdout_lines

The given Ansible playbook consists of four tasks that focus on managing the boot
variables and verifying the boot configuration on a Cisco IOS device. The first task,
“Clear the old boot variable,” utilizes the “ios_config” module to execute the command
“no boot system” and remove any existing boot system configurations. The second
task, “Change the boot variable to the new IOS image,” uses the “ios_config” module to
set the boot system configuration to the new IOS image file. It executes the command
“boot system flash:{{ ios_file_name }}” to accomplish this. The third task, “Run the show
boot command,” employs the “ios_command” module to execute the command “show
boot” and waits for the result to contain the string “{{ new_ios_version }}”. The output
of this command is stored in the variable “show_boot1” using the “register” keyword.
The fourth task, “debug,” displays the contents of the “show_boot1” variable, specifically
the “stdout_lines” attribute. This provides visibility into the output of the “show boot”
Step 8: Save the configuration once more and issue the reload command.

# Confinuing from previous step

    - name: Save running-config to startup-config # Task 1
        save_when: always

   - name: Reload the device # Task 2

          - command: "reload\r"
            prompt: 'Proceed with reload? [confirm]'
            answer: "\r"

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

The preceding Ansible playbook consists of two tasks related to saving the running
configuration to the startup configuration and reloading a Cisco IOS device. The first task,
“Save running-config to startup-config”, utilizes the “ios_config” module with the “save_
when” parameter set to “always”. This ensures that the running configuration is saved to
the startup configuration, persisting any changes made. The second task, “Reload the
device,” uses the “ios_command” module to execute the command “reload” on the device.
It provides a prompt pattern to match the confirmation message of reloading and specifies
the answer as “\r” (carriage return) to proceed with the reload. These tasks collectively
enable the saving of the running configuration and perform a device reload, ensuring that
any configuration changes take effect and the device is reloaded safely.
Step 9a: Although the recommended method to wait for the router to reload and
detect open port 22 was attempted, it encountered some issues.

      - name: Wait for the device to come back online. # Task 1
          host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
          port: 22
          delay: 120
          timeout: 600
          state: started
        delegate_to: localhost

The preceding playbook presents the recommended approach for waiting until a
device is back online. The task specifically waits for port 22 to become available after
a 120-second delay. In our lab environment, where routers typically take around 3
minutes and 30 seconds to reboot, the probing begins at the 2-minute mark. This task
utilizes the “wait_for” module to define the waiting conditions. Parameters such as the
“host” parameter are set to “{{ inventory_hostname }}” to identify the specific host, while
the “port” parameter is configured as 22 for establishing an SSH connection. The task
incorporates a 120-second initial delay and a 600-second timeout for the maximum
waiting duration. The “state” parameter is set to “started” to ensure the device is fully
operational before proceeding. By delegating the task to the “localhost” machine, the
device’s status can be monitored. It’s important to note that while this method may not
work universally due to platform and Ansible version variations, alternative solutions
can be employed to address specific issues. It’s crucial to thoroughly test the “wait_for”
module in your lab environment to determine its effectiveness. Since step 9a did not
work in our lab, we are resorting to step 9b as a workaround.
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Step 9b: If you are familiar with the booting-up time of your devices, you can
estimate it and introduce a delay in your playbook accordingly.

# Confinuing from previous step

- name: Sleep for 5 minutes # Task 1
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Pause for 5 minutes
        seconds: 300
      run_once: true

The playbook serves the purpose of pausing the playbook execution for 5 minutes
(300 seconds). It targets the “localhost” host and does not gather facts. The single
task in the playbook is named “Pause for 5 minutes” and utilizes the “pause” module.
The module is configured with the “seconds” parameter set to 300, representing the
duration of the pause in seconds. Since my routers typically take between 3 minutes
30 seconds and 3 minutes 40 seconds before they come online, this deliberate pause
allows for the necessary waiting time. The “run_once” parameter ensures that the task is
executed only once, regardless of the number of hosts. By using this playbook, you can
introduce a deliberate delay in the playbook execution, accommodating specific timing
requirements or synchronization with external processes.
Step 10: After the five-minute wait, restore the SSH session times to the default ten

# Confinuing from previous step

- name: Copy the running configuration
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: vars.yml

    file_name: "ch15/{{ hostvars['f38c1'].DTG }}/{{ inventory_hostname
    command_timeout: 600

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Restore SSH timer to default value, 10 mins # Task 1
          - line vty 0 15
          - exec-timeout 10 0
        save_when: modified

    - name: Copy running configuration # Task 2

        command: "copy running-config sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_
password }}@{{ sftp_server_ip }}/{{ file_name }}"
        check_all: True
          - 'Address or name of remote host'
          - 'Destination username'
          - 'Destination filename'
          - '{{ sftp_server_ip }}'
          - '{{ sftp_username }}'
          - '{{ file_name }}'
      register: copy_result

    - name: Display copy result # Task 3

        var: copy_result

The preceding Ansible playbook is designed to copy the running configuration from
IOS-XE routers to an SFTP server. Let’s break down each component of the playbook.
The playbook starts with the task named “Copy running configuration,” which specifies
the hosts as “ios_xe_routers” and sets “gather_facts” to false, indicating that no fact-­
gathering is required. The playbook includes the “vars_files” directive, which imports
variables from the “vars.yml” file containing additional configuration data. In the “vars”
section, two variables are defined: “file_name” and “command_timeout”. “file_name”
is constructed using the values of “hostvars[‘f38c1’].DTG” and “inventory_hostname”
to form the file path for the copied configuration. “command_timeout” is set to 600
seconds. Task 1, named “Restore SSH timer to default value, 10 mins,” uses the “ios_

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

config” module to execute commands that restore the SSH timer to its default value of
ten minutes. The “save_when” parameter is set to “modified” to save the configuration
when it is modified. Task 2, named “Copy running configuration,” uses the “ansible.
netcommon.cli_command” module to run the command that copies the running
configuration to the specified SFTP server. The command includes variables for the SFTP
username, password, server IP, and the constructed “file_name” variable. The “check_
all” parameter is set to true to ensure all prompts are checked. Task 3, named “Display
copy result,” uses the “debug” module to print the value of the “copy_result” variable,
which contains the output of the previous task. By executing this playbook, the running
configuration of the IOS-XE routers will be copied to the designated SFTP server, and the
playbook will provide information about the result of the copy operation.
Step 11: Verify that the new IOS version is correct.

# Confinuing from previous step

   - name: Check the new IOS version. # Task 1

    - ansible.builtin.debug: # Task 2

          - "Current version is {{ ansible_net_version }}"

    - name: Assert that the new ios version is correct. # Task 3
        NEW_IOS_VERSION: "{{ new_ios_version }}"
          - NEW_IOS_VERSION == ansible_net_version

    - ansible.builtin.debug: # Task 4

          - "Cisco IOS-XE upgrade has been completed successfully."

The provided Ansible playbook includes multiple tasks that focus on checking
and verifying the new IOS version. Task 1, titled “Check the new IOS version,” employs
the “ios_facts” module to gather information about the network devices, specifically
their IOS versions. Task 2, labeled as “Debug,” utilizes the “debug” module to display
a message containing the current IOS version. It accesses the “ansible_net_version”
variable to retrieve the version information. Task 3, named “Assert that the new IOS

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

version is correct,” defines a variable called “NEW_IOS_VERSION” with the desired

new IOS version as its value, utilizing the “assert” module, and validates whether the
“NEW_IOS_VERSION” matches the “ansible_net_version” variable. If the assertion fails,
an error will be raised, indicating an incorrect new IOS version. Task 4, also utilizing
the “debug” module, prints a success message confirming the successful completion
of the Cisco IOS-XE upgrade. By executing this playbook, you can verify the current
IOS version, compare it to the desired version, and ensure a successful upgrade. This
playbook is designed to maintain consistency and accuracy in managing IOS versions
across network devices.
Step 12: Now execute the “15_upgrade_router.yml” file. This process will take
approximately 20 minutes from start to finish to upgrade the two routers in our lab
environment. It is crucial to ensure that you have followed the chapter’s instructions
carefully and that your playbook reaches the final message, indicating a successful
upgrade. If you need to refer to the complete playbook, it is included at the end of this
chapter before the summary. Additionally, a copy of the playbook is available on GitHub
to expedite the testing process (
ch15). However, it is essential to focus on understanding the end-to-end playbook for a
comprehensive understanding of the process.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ anp 15_upgrade_router.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Assert that the new ios version is correct.] ************************
ok: [c8kv01] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [c8kv02] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [debug] **************************************************************

ok: [c8kv01] => {
    "msg": [
        "Cisco IOS-XE upgrade has been completed successfully."
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

ok: [c8kv02] => {

    "msg": [
        "Cisco IOS-XE upgrade has been completed successfully."

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

c8kv01                     :
ok=27   changed=6  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=2  rescued=0  ignored=0
c8kv02                   :
ok=27   changed=6  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=2  rescued=0  ignored=0
f38c1                    :
ok=4    changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0
localhost               :
ok=1    changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Step 13: Either on your VMware Workstation console or SSH session to your routers,
confirm the current IOS by running the command “show version” for your reference, as
shown in Figure 15-5.

Figure 15-5. Cisco IOS-XE version after the upgrade

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Step 14 [Optional]: You can make your playbook interactive using “vars_prompt”.
Create a new working directory called “Chapter 15” or “ch15”. In this directory,
we will create a playbook that interacts with the user to collect important data. These
collected values can then be used as variables in our Cisco IOS-XE upgrading playbook.
By making the playbook interactive, we can add a level of engagement to the process,
making it more interesting for the user.


- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

  # Collect credentials & new IOS file info to run on the local server
  vars_prompt: # Collect sudoer name, ansible become password, IOS-XE file
MD5 and name
    - name: "sudoer_name"
      prompt: "Sudoer name"
      private: no
    - name: "ansible_become_pass"
      prompt: "Sudo Password"
      private: yes # input will be hidden
      confirm: yes # Confirm by retyping the password
    - name: "ios_file_md5"
      prompt: "New IOS MD5 value"
      private: no # input will be visible
    - name: "ios_file_name"
      prompt: "New IOS File name (.bin)"
      private: no

    - name: Print User Entered Information # confirm your input after
the typing
        msg: |
          Sudoer name: {{ sudoer_name }}

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

          Sudo Password: {{ ansible_become_pass }}

          New IOS MD5 value: {{ ios_file_md5 }}
          New IOS File name (.bin): {{ ios_file_name }}

Execute the playbook created and enter the information and confirm that your user
interactive playbook is working as designed.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch15]$ anp 15a_collect_data.yml

Sudoer name: jdoe
Sudo Password: ********
confirm Sudo Password: ********
New IOS MD5 value: f3dc5681ac6b66d807a36b3830569344
New IOS File name (.bin): c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin

PLAY [localhost] **********************************************************

TASK [Print User Entered Information] *************************************

ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Sudoer name: jdoe\nSudo Password: cisco123\nNew IOS MD5 value:
f3dc5681ac6b66d807a36b3830569344\nNew IOS File name (.bin): c8000v-­

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

localhost                  :
ok=1    changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Now that you have completed the development of a user interactive data collection
tool using Ansible’s vars_prompt module, you can use it to collect the administrator’s
credentials, as well as the IOS-XE file name and its MD5 information. This collected
data will be utilized in our playbook. By incorporating this tool, the playbook becomes
a versatile upgrade tool that can be used for different models with the same IOS-XE
software, benefiting the entire team.
Step 15 [Optional]: You can also extract specific parts of a string using regular
expression extraction. Here’s an example demonstrating the extraction of the IOS
version, such as “17.06.05” or “17.06.03a”.

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

Create an Ansible playbook to extract the IOS version from the new IOS file (ios_


- name: Extract version from the file name

  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    ios_file_name: "c8000v-universalk9.17.06.05.SPA.bin"  # Provide the file
name here

    - name: Extract version from the file name
        new_ios_version: "{{ ios_file_name | regex_search('\\d{2}\\.\\
d{2}\\.\\d{2}[a-z]?') }}"

    - name: Print extracted version

        var: new_ios_version

Execute the playbook and you will get the extracted IOS version from the ios_file_
name string.

[jdoe@f38s1 rp]$ anp 2_extract_version.yml

[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Print extracted version] ********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "new_ios_version": "17.06.05"
[...omitted for brevity]

Finally, presented here is the complete playbook for upgrading IOS-XE routers.
It is highly recommended to dedicate time to thoroughly understand each play and
its associated tasks. This playbook serves as a valuable resource for further study,
providing a comprehensive understanding of the upgrade process. It is essential to
grasp both the individual components and the overall flow of the script to gain a deep
understanding of its functionality. By comprehending the various code segments and

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

studying the playbook as a whole, you will develop profound insights into the upgrade
process and enhance your ability to modify or adapt the playbook to meet your specific
requirements. If desired, you can also refer to Chapter 10, specifically the “Roles”
section, to break down this playbook into different roles and apply the concepts learned
in the Ansible concept chapters.


# 1
- name: Upgrade Cisco IOS-XE Routers # Playbook to upgrade IOS-XE routers
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: true # Gather facts about hosts

  vars_files: vars.yml # Include variables from vars.yml

  max_fail_percentage: 0 # Maximum failure percentage

    - name: Check current IOS-XE version from gathered ios facts # Task to
check current IOS-XE version

    - name: Debug current and new IOS versions # Task to debug current and
new IOS versions
          - "Current version: {{ ansible_net_version }}" # Print
current version
          - "New version    : {{ new_ios_version }}" # Print new version

    - name: Quit playbook if ansible_net_version equals new_ios_version

# Task to quit if versions are equal
        - name: Fail if versions are equal # Fail task if versions are equal

            msg: "Current IOS version is already up to date." # Error message
          when: ansible_net_version >= new_ios_version # Condition to check

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

        - name: Debug Message # Task to debug message

msg: "Continuing with the playbook, upgrading IOS version..."
# Print debug message
          ignore_errors: true # Ignore errors
# 2
- name: Create directories on SFTP server # Playbook to create directories on
SFTP server
  hosts: f38c1
    - name: Get ansible date/time facts # Task to get ansible date/time facts
        filter: "ansible_date_time" # Filter facts
        gather_subset: "!all" # Gather only necessary facts

    - name: Store DTG as a fact # Task to store DTG as a fact

        DTG: "{{ }}" # Store DTG from ansible facts

    - name: Create Directory for backup # Task to create a directory

for backup
        path: "~/ch15/{{ DTG }}" # Path for the directory
        state: directory # Create a directory
        mode: "0775" # Set directory permissions
      run_once: true # Run the task once
# 3
- name: Copy running configuration # Playbook to copy the running
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: false # Disable facts gathering

  vars_files: vars.yml # Include variables from vars.yml

    file_name: "ch15/{{ hostvars['f38c1'].DTG }}/{{ inventory_hostname
}}-confg-0" # Define the file name for the copied configuration
    command_timeout: 600 # Set the command timeout

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Copy running configuration # Task to copy the running

        command: "copy running-config sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_
password }}@{{ sftp_server_ip }}/{{ file_name }}" # Command to copy
running configuration using SFTP
        check_all: True # Check all prompts
          - 'Address or name of remote host' # Prompt for remote host
address or name
          - 'Destination username' # Prompt for destination username
          - 'Destination filename' # Prompt for destination filename
          - '{{ sftp_server_ip }}' # Answer for remote host address or name
          - '{{ sftp_username }}' # Answer for destination username
          - '{{ file_name }}' # Answer for destination filename
      register: copy_result # Register the result of the copy operation

    - name: Display copy result # Task to display the copy result
        var: copy_result # Print the copy result
# 4
    - name: Save running-config to startup-config # Task to save running
configuration to startup configuration
        save_when: always # Save the configuration always
# 5
    - name: Extend SSH timer to 99 mins # Task to extend SSH timer
          - line vty 0 15 # Configure line VTY
          - exec-timeout 99 0 # Set exec-timeout to 99 minutes

    - name: Copy new IOS to SFTP server ( # Task to copy new
IOS to SFTP server
         command: 'copy sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_password }}@{{
sftp_server_ip }}/{{ ios_file_name }} flash:/{{ ios_file_name }}'
# Command to copy IOS using SFTP

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

         check_all: True # Check all prompts

           - 'Destination filename' # Prompt for destination filename
           - '{{ ios_file_name }}' # Answer for destination filename
# 6
    - name: Verify MD5 value on the flash # Task to verify MD5 value on flash
        commands: verify /md5 flash:{{ ios_file_name }} {{ios_file_md5 }}
# Command to verify MD5 value on flash
      register: ios_file_md5_flash_result # Register the result of
the command

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: ios_file_md5_flash_result.stdout # Print the stdout of
the command

    - name: Locate MD5 value of new IOS on router flash # Task to locate MD5
value of new IOS on flash
        ios_file_md5_flash: "{{ ios_file_md5_flash_result.stdout[0] | regex_
search('[a-f0-9]{32}') }}" # Extract MD5 value using regex

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
          - "ios_file_md5 [flash:/]          : {{ ios_file_md5_flash }}"
# Print the MD5 value on flash
          - "ios_file_md5 [Correct Value]    : {{ ios_file_md5 }}" # Print
the correct MD5 value

    - name: Fail if MD5 Values are different # Task to fail if MD5 values are
different msg="Failed, flash IOS MD5 value DOES NOT MATCH
the correct IOS file MD5 value." # Fail with an error message
      when: ios_file_md5_flash != ios_file_md5 or 'Verified' not in ios_file_
md5_flash_result.stdout[0] # Condition to trigger the failure

    - name: Pass if MD5 values are the same # Task to pass if MD5 values are
the same

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

        msg: Passed, flash IOS MD5 MATCH provided IOS file MD5. # Print a
success message
      when: ios_file_md5_flash == ios_file_md5 and 'Verified' in ios_file_
md5_flash_result.stdout[0] # Condition to trigger the success
# 7
    - name: Clear the old boot variable # Task to clear the old boot variable
          - "no boot system" # Command to clear boot system
        save_when: always # Save the configuration always

    - name: Change the boot variable to new IOS image (.bin) # Task to change
the boot variable to new IOS
          - "boot system flash:{{ ios_file_name }}" # Command to set boot
system to new IOS image
        save_when: always # Save the configuration always

    - name: Run show boot command # Task to run the show boot command
        commands: show boot # Command to show boot information
          - result[0] contains "{{ new_ios_version }}" # Wait for the output
to contain the new IOS version
      register: show_boot1 # Register the output

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
       var: show_boot1.stdout_lines # Print the stdout_lines of the command
# 8
    - name: Save running-config to startup-config # Task to save running
configuration to startup configuration
        save_when: always # Save the configuration always

    - name: Reload the device # Task to reload the device

          - command: "reload\r" # Command to reload the device

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

prompt: 'Proceed with reload? [confirm]' # Prompt for reload
            answer: "\r" # Answer to confirm the reload
# 9
- name: Sleep for 5 minutes # Task to pause execution for 5 minutes
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Pause for 5 minutes # Pause task for a specified duration
        seconds: 300
      run_once: true
# 10
- name: Copy running configuration # Task to copy the running configuration
  hosts: ios_xe_routers
  gather_facts: false

  vars_files: vars.yml

    file_name: "ch15/{{ hostvars['f38c1'].DTG }}/{{ inventory_hostname
}}-confg-1" # Define file name using variables
    command_timeout: 600

    - name: Restore SSH timer to default value, 10 mins # Task to restore
SSH timer
          - line vty 0 15
          - exec-timeout 10 0
        save_when: modified

    - name: Copy running configuration # Task to copy the running

        command: "copy running-config sftp://{{ sftp_username }}:{{ sftp_
password }}@{{ sftp_server_ip }}/{{ file_name }}" # Command to copy
running configuration
        check_all: True

Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

          - 'Address or name of remote host'
          - 'Destination username'
          - 'Destination filename'
          - '{{ sftp_server_ip }}'
          - '{{ sftp_username }}'
          - '{{ file_name }}'
      register: copy_result # Register the result of the copy operation
    - name: Display copy result # Task to display copy result
        var: copy_result
# 11
     - name: Check the new IOS version. # Task to check new IOS version

    - debug:
          - "Current version is {{ ansible_net_version }}" # Print current
IOS version

    - name: Assert that the new IOS version is correct. # Task to assert new
IOS version
        new_IOS_version: "{{ new_ios_version }}"

          - new_IOS_version == ansible_net_version # Assert the equality of
new and current IOS versions

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
          - "Software upgrade has been completed successfully." # Print
success message for software upgrade

Congratulations on reaching this page! You're making excellent progress, and your
dedication is commendable. Keep up the good work as you continue through the rest
of the book. In the upcoming chapter, we will delve into Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
(WLC) upgrade procedures using the Ansible playbook. This chapter is especially
Chapter 15 Cisco Router Upgrading Playbook

valuable for those with a keen interest in enterprise wireless technologies. By exploring
WLC upgrade procedures with Ansible, you will gain valuable insights into managing
and upgrading wireless networks more efficiently. The Ansible playbook will provide a
structured approach, enabling you to streamline the upgrade process and ensure smooth
transitions for your wireless infrastructure. Stay motivated and eager to learn as we delve
into the exciting world of Cisco Wireless LAN Controller upgrades. Your commitment to
expanding your knowledge and skills will undoubtedly pay off in the realm of enterprise
wireless technologies.
Get ready to fasten your seatbelt! In Chapter 16, we’ll dive into the exciting world of
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller’s OS upgrade.

15.4 Summary
This chapter emphasized the significance of security in today’s organizations. With the
rise of computer viruses and security vulnerabilities added to the list of CVEs, vendors
are collaborating with each other to safeguard enterprise infrastructure by sharing
information. The chapter highlighted the importance of patch management and OS
upgrades as essential measures for maintaining a secure network environment. The
lab network topology, consisting of two Cisco c8000v routers, an SFTP server, and an
Ansible control node, served as the foundation for exploring the Cisco IOS-XE router
upgrade workflow in bundle mode. A breakdown of the general tasks involved in IOS-
XE upgrading is provided, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the process.
Moreover, the chapter highlighted the key benefits of incorporating Ansible into network
operations. By automating repetitive tasks, Ansible streamlines network management,
improves efficiency, and reduces the likelihood of human error. The Cisco IOS-XE
router Upgrade Lab offered a step-by-step guide for constructing the application. With
detailed explanations and code snippets, readers can grasp the implementation process
and gain the knowledge necessary to modify the playbook according to their specific
requirements. To enhance comprehension, the chapter concluded with the provision
of the Cisco IOS-XE Upgrade Lab playbook in a single file, enabling readers to study the
playbook as a whole and facilitating easier customization. We demonstrated IOS-XE
upgrades on two devices only, but in the real production environment, the number of
devices could be exponential and the same script can be modified and tuned to upgrade
tens and hundreds of IOS/IOS-XE routers to make your enterprise network devices
more secure.


Cisco Wireless LAN

Controller Upgrading
This chapter looks at Ansible playbook development for Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
(WLC) upgrade in enterprise networks and the important role a WLC plays in
enterprise networks. The WLC plays a pivotal role in managing wireless networks,
ensuring seamless connectivity, and enabling secure and efficient data transmission.
Regular upgrades are essential to keep the WLC protected against emerging security
vulnerabilities and to leverage the latest features and enhancements offered by Cisco.
We will explore the development of a simple WLC upgrading playbook, which automates
the upgrade tasks, such as gathering inventory information, uploading new image files,
and verifying the success of the upgrade. Executing and testing the playbook ensures
the quality of our work while working on multiple devices and can reduce human error
and downtime. Additionally, we will look at an example of a well-thought-out inventory
file for managing multiple sites across a country, simplifying administration tasks, and
enabling easier configuration management and upgrades. At the end of this chapter, you
will have a solid understanding of the importance of the WLC upgrade in the enterprise
network, the process of upgrading it using a playbook, and efficient inventory file
management techniques for multi-site and multi-device environments.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Wireless networks play a vital role in modern enterprises, providing seamless

communication and access to end users and endpoints. These networks have
advanced through technologies such as Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.x, and Zigbee
3.x. Wi-Fi 6 offers improved performance, capacity, and efficiency in high-density
environments, while Wi-Fi 6E takes these capabilities to the next level by operating
in the 6 GHz frequency band, providing higher connection speeds and lower latency.
Bluetooth 5 extends the range, enhances data transfer speeds, and supports emerging
IoT applications. Zigbee 3.0 provides reliable connectivity for low-powered and local
applications, offering enhanced security and scalability for home automation and sensor
Cisco provides comprehensive wireless solutions, including controllers and
lightweight APs, enabling enhanced connectivity, mobility, and flexibility for users.
Cisco WLCs play a key role in servicing access points for mobile devices within the
LAN. They are widely deployed in medium-to-large enterprises to manage hundreds
and thousands of wireless network access points (APs). Wireless networks are typically
an extension of the Local Area Network (LAN), necessitating the same security practices
as wired networks. The Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller also supports
cloud integration. However, wireless networks are susceptible to security threats, such
as unauthorized access, data interception, and denial-of-service attacks. Regularly
upgrading and patching Cisco WLCs and APs is crucial to address vulnerabilities and
maintain network integrity. Securing mobile devices that connect to enterprise wireless
networks presents unique challenges, requiring robust security measures to prevent
unauthorized access, defend against malware, and enforce strong authentication.
Keeping Cisco WLCs up to date is essential to protect against vulnerabilities and external
threats. To emphasize the importance of securing enterprise wireless networks, consider
the risk of unauthorized access and data manipulation through compromised access
points. Such incidents can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational
damage. Protecting wireless networks requires implementing comprehensive security
measures. This includes regular firmware upgrades, strong encryption, network
segmentation, intrusion detection and prevention, and robust authentication
This chapter focuses on upgrading a Cisco WLC running on VMware ESXi 7 lab,
but you can also run the same lab on a public or private cloud environment for testing
purposes. You will learn how to write an Ansible playbook to upgrade an enterprise-­
level Cisco virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC) run by AireOS. Traditionally, much

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

of the Cisco WLC upgrades are performed through GUI or CLI by wireless engineers
using the keyboard and mouse. This chapter serves as a playground for writing a Cisco
WLC upgrading playbook in YAML format, which facilitates infrastructure as code (IaC).
The chapter emphasizes the importance of transitioning from the manual keyboard
and mouse approach to scripting and declarative statements in YAML format within
a playbook. Developing an efficient and consistent upgrading process for critical
wireless networks is extremely important for any organization. By implementing
necessary security measures, organizations can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of wireless network resources while mitigating risks associated with wireless

This WLC upgrade lab was installed on ESXi 7 due to software
Due to a software compatibility issue between the latest Cisco virtual Wireless LAN
Controller and VMware Workstation 17 Pro, the development environment was
set up in the VMware ESXi 7 environment. If you choose to install the latest Cisco
WLC software using VMware Workstation, please note that the installation will be
completed, but the administrator GUI may not function as expected. As a result, the
steps and results described in this chapter may differ from those in the book.
If you are unable to set up a development environment as shown in this chapter,
you can read this chapter as a future reference until you can build a proper testing
environment for your playbook development.

Before we proceed, go to the following Cisco link, and study the general process to
upgrade WLC manually and then let’s first examine the lab topology.
Upgrade Process for AireOS Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs):

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

16.1 WLC Lab Network Topology

Figure 16-1. Cisco WLC upgrading lab topology

As you can see in Figure 16-1, we have the opportunity to work with virtual machines
running on both Type 1 and Type 2 hypervisors in this lab. There are two types of
hypervisors: Type 1 includes VMware ESXi 7, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer,
and Proxmox VE. These hypervisors are designed to run directly on the hardware
of a physical server, providing high-performance virtualization capabilities. On the
other hand, Type 2 hypervisors include VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion, Oracle
VirtualBox, and Parallels Desktop. These software applications are installed on an
existing operating system and enable virtualization on a desktop or laptop computer.
We have configured a single Cisco vWLC (wlc01, on an ESXi 7.03
bare-metal server and connected the server to a typical home network with a subnet. Depending on your ISP and the home router/modem being
used, your default home network IP could also be on the subnet. The
SFTP server f38c1 has been migrated to the ESXi 7 environment using the VMware

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Converter, and the IP address has been updated to with the default
gateway of Optionally, you can also install a brand-new server and follow
the integration steps discussed in the earlier chapters. My laptop, which runs VMware
Workstation 17 Pro, is connected to a natted subnet of The Ansible
Control Machine (f38s1) on my laptop can communicate with wlc01, which has an IP
address of
This setup is similar to other labs, but we have introduced a bare-metal ESXi 7 server
on the local network to run the Cisco vWLC. If you wish to have the f38s1 server on
the ESXi server, you can utilize VMware Converter to migrate these servers to the ESXi
environment. After the migration is complete, make sure to adjust the IP address to align
with the subnet.

To install the latest Cisco WLC on an ESXi environment, please access the
supplementary software installation guide provided on the authors’ GitHub page.

Now let’s look at the required files for this lab. Table 16-1 provides a list of files
and software used for the preparation of this lab. The first virtual machine file, AIR_
CTVM-­K9_8_8_130_0.ova, was utilized to perform the initial installation of the software
on VMware ESXi 7. However, for upgrading the Cisco WLC, the .ova (Open Virtual
Appliance) file is not required. Instead, we only need the actual Cisco WLC software,
which is packaged in an encrypted format with the .aes (Advanced Encryption
Standard) file extension. The .aes file serves as an encrypted container for the Cisco
WLC software, ensuring secure distribution and installation.

Table 16-1. Cisco WLC software

File name MD5 values File size

AIR_CTVM-K9_8_8_130_0.ova 2e3754fb18230b897fe4074c60028944 357.71 MB

AIR-CTVM-K9-8-10-185-0.aes 671ee89cdde98d9b86f124623468bdc0 494.02 MB

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

To obtain both files, you can download them from the official Cisco website after
logging in with a valid software support contract. If you are affiliated with a Cisco
Partner, you also have the option to participate in Cisco’s NFR (Not for Resale) program.
By paying the necessary subscription fees for your team, you can gain access to the NFR
program, which provides the required files.
As emphasized in Chapter 1, it’s important to note that these software files are
proprietary to Cisco. Regrettably, the authors are unable to share any of the proprietary
files with the readers due to licensing and intellectual property restrictions.

16.2 Preparing the Lab by Creating ansible.cfg

and Inventory Files
It is always beneficial to write and prepare the necessary supplementary files in advance
to run our main Ansible playbooks. Therefore, let’s complete this task first so that we can
concentrate solely on the WLC upgrading playbook afterward.
Step 1: As a standard procedure, let’s create a new ansible.cfg file after setting up a
new working directory named ch16.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch16 && cd ch16

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory   # Specifies the inventory file
host_key_checking=False   # Disables SSH host key checking for easier
nocows = 1   # Disables cow ASCII art
deprecation_warnings = False   # Disables deprecation warnings
log_path = ./ansible.log   # Specifies the log file path for Ansible output
forks = 30   # Sets the maximum number of parallel processes to execute
interpreter_python=auto_silent   # Automatically detects & uses the
appropriate Python interpreter

Note that the log_path option has been enabled for troubleshooting purposes; you
can review the output from the ansible-playbook executions by reviewing ansible.log.

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Step 2: After creating the new working directory named ch16, the next step is to
create a new inventory file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat inventory
ansible_connection=network_cli   # Specifies the connection type as
ansible_network_os=aireos   # Specifies the network OS as aireos for Cisco
AireOS devices
ansible_command_timeout=180   # Increases the default command timeout from
30 to 180 s

wlc01 ansible_host=   # Defines the wlc01 host with its
IP address

Let’s discuss the preceding file briefly. The ansible_network_os type is no longer
“ios” for AireOS-based devices. Instead, it should be updated to “aireos” to accurately
reflect the specific network operating system used by Cisco AireOS devices. AireOS
has its roots in Aironet Communication, which Cisco acquired in February 1999. This
acquisition played a vital role in enhancing Cisco’s portfolio in wireless networking
technology and expanding its offerings in the enterprise networking market. Following
the acquisition, Aironet’s products seamlessly integrated into Cisco’s wireless solutions.
Over the years, the brand name “Aironet” has remained associated with Cisco’s
WLAN product line, showcasing the strong reputation and established market presence
of Aironet Communication. Therefore, when working with AireOS devices in Ansible, it
is important to set the ansible_network_os variable to “aireos” to align with the network
operating system’s specific requirements and functionalities. Additionally, make sure to
specify the ansible_connection type as network_cli.
Step 3: Now, create a vars.yml file using the “ansible-vault create” command.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ ansible-vault create vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
ansible_user: admin # Used to log into target WLC
ansible_ssh_pass: S3cr3tP4ssw0rd # WLC admin password

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

sftp_server: # SFTP server

sftp_user: jdoe # SFTP user name
sftp_password: Secure9assw0rd # SFTP user password
aes_file_name: AIR-CTVM-K9-8-10-185-0.aes # upgrading file name

These are the three essential files required to execute our main playbook. Now, let’s
focus on developing the actual playbook(s).

16.3 Writing an Ansible Playbook for Cisco WLC

Upgrading Ansible Playbook
In this example, we will keep our playbooks relatively simple to focus on discussing the
inventory file later in this chapter. Therefore, let’s create small playbooks for verification,
uploading, and rebooting in three separate files.


Take snapshots of your WLC now!

If you haven’t already taken any snapshots of your WLC, now is an opportune
moment to create a snapshot of your currently functioning virtual WLC. It is
advisable to have snapshots for practice purposes, allowing you to iterate and
refine your playbooks. Take a moment to capture a snapshot in your ESXi Web
Console to ensure you have a stable starting point for further experimentation and
playbook testing.

Step 1: Let’s write a playbook to check the boot information and hence the software

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi 16_aireos_show_boot.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat 16_aireos_show_boot.yml
- hosts: wlc
  gather_facts: no

  vars_files: vars.yml

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

  wlc_version: # New AireOS version

    - name: Execute show boot command
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
        commands: show boot
          - result[0] not contains '{{ wlc_version }}' # not contains fails
the playbook if the same version is found in the output.
      register: output1

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: output1.stdout_lines

The preceding playbook runs and checks the wlc_version in the show boot output;
if the same version is found, it will fail. If different version, then the playbook execution
will be completed.
Let’s quickly verify if the preceding playbook executes properly. When we execute
this playbook, we can check the WLC version.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ anp 16_aireos_show_boot.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [wlc] ****************************************************************

TASK [Execute show boot command] ******************************************

ok: [wlc01]

TASK [debug] **************************************************************

ok: [wlc01] => {
    "output1.stdout_lines": [
            "Primary Boot Image............. (default) (active)",
            "Backup Boot Image.............."
Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

wlc01  : ok=2  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

If you receive an output similar to the one shown previously, it indicates that your
playbook has been executed successfully. This confirms that your Ansible control node
is capable of managing the lab vWLC using playbooks through an SSH connection.
As you can see in Figure 16-2, upon accessing your Wireless LAN Controller’s
(WLC) web GUI and navigating to the “Config Boot” section under COMMANDS, you
will encounter a screen displaying the Primary Image and Backup Image. In our case,
both images initially have the same version number, which is It is crucial to
remember these values as we will compare them with the updated versions later on.

Figure 16-2. WLC images before the upgrade

Step 2: To gain further insights about our Wireless LAN Controller (WLC), let’s refer
to the Ansible documentation and incorporate some playbook snippets. This will allow
us to gather more information before proceeding with the file upload and WLC reboot.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi 16_aireos_show_sysinfo_int.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat 16_aireos_show_sysinfo_int.yml
- hosts: wlc
  gather_facts: no

  vars_files: vars.yml

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

  - name: Run show sysinfo and check to see if the output contains Cisco
      commands: show sysinfo
      wait_for: result[0] contains 'Cisco Controller'
    register: check_sysinfo_output

  - name: Display check sysinfo output

      var: check_sysinfo_output.stdout_lines

  - name: Run multiple commands on remote nodes
        - show interface summary
    register: multiple_commands_output

  - name: Display multiple commands output

      var: multiple_commands_output.stdout_lines

In the module mentioned previously, the

module is being used instead of aireos_command. These two modules, aireos_command
and, have distinct differences. While ­aireos_
command is a module provided by Ansible, is
a community-driven version that offers more frequent updates and enhancements.
By opting for, you can leverage the benefits of
an actively maintained and community-supported module that provides improved
functionality and more timely updates compared to the standard Ansible module,
Execute the preceding playbook and you will be able to view all of the system
information; this will help us to design our playbooks properly as we can turn the output
information into variables.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ anp 16_aireos_show_sysinfo_int.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

ok: [wlc01] => {

    "check_sysinfo_output.stdout_lines": [
            "Manufacturer's Name...................... Cisco Systems Inc.",
            "Product Name............................. Cisco Controller",
            "Product Version..........................",
            "RTOS Version.............................",
            "Bootloader Version.......................",
            "Emergency Image Version..................",
[...omitted for brevity]
            "Number of Interfaces..................... 3",
            "Interface Name   Port Vlan Id  IP Address      Type    Ap Mgr Guest",
            "---------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----",
            "management       1    untagged   Static  Yes    N/A",
            "service-port     N/A  N/A Static  No     N/A",
            "virtual          N/A  N/A         Static  No     N/A"
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 3: To initiate the upgrade process, follow the steps depicted in Figure 16-3. Use
WinSCP from your Windows host PC to upload the “AIR-­CTVM-­K9-8-10-185-0.aes” file
to the SFTP server, f38c1, at the IP address In this scenario, we will employ
WinSCP and log in with the SFTP user “jdoe” that was created in one of the earlier

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Figure 16-3. Upload the new WLC .aes file onto the SFTP server’s user directory

Once the file has been successfully uploaded, you can verify the MD5 value using
the following steps. This value must match the one provided by Cisco when you initially
downloaded the file.

[jdoe@f38c1 ~]$ md5sum /home/jdoe/AIR-CTVM-K9-8-10-185-0.aes

671ee89cdde98d9b86f124623468bdc0  /home/jdoe/AIR-CTVM-K9-8-10-185-0.aes

Step 4: Let’s create the File Upload Playbook, which will facilitate the uploading of
the new WLC image file with the .aes extension. This playbook will execute the “show
boot” command and analyze the results to compare the “wlc_version.” If the version
string matches, the playbook will report failure. However, if the software version does not
match, the playbook will proceed with uploading the new WLC file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi 16_aireos_file_download.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat 16_aireos_file_download.yml
- name: Cisco vWLC File upload playbook
  hosts: wlc
  gather_facts: no

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

    - vars.yml

    total_host_count: "{{ ansible_play_hosts | length }}" # Calculates
number of hosts
    file_download_time_estimation: "{{ total_host_count | int * 30 + 300
}}" # Calculate download time, base time is 5 minutes and for every
host, add 30 seconds more.

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: total_host_count

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: file_download_time_estimation # Turns download time into a

    - name: Execute show boot command
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
        commands: show boot
          - result[0] not contains '{{ wlc_version }}'
      register: output1

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: output1.stdout_lines

    - name: Change WLC transfer settings # Changes setting for file
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
        timeout: 30

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

          - transfer download mode ftp
          - transfer download username "{{ sftp_user }}"
          - transfer download password "{{ sftp_password }}"
          - transfer download serverip "{{ sftp_server }}"
          - transfer download path /home/jdoe/
          - transfer download filename "{{ aes_file_name }}"

    - name: Start new aireos file transfer # Transfers .aes file
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
        timeout: "{{ file_download_time_estimation | int }}"
          - command: 'transfer download start'
            prompt: '(y/N)'
            answer: 'y'
        wait_for: result[0] contains "File transfer is successful"

    - name: Execute show boot command after file upload
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
          - show boot
      register: output2

    - name: Image versions after the reload

        var: output2.stdout_lines

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Now, let’s execute the aforementioned playbook to observe the changes in settings
and upgrade our WLC with the new file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ anp 16_aireos_file_download.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [Cisco vWLC File upload playbook] ************************************
[...omitted for brevity]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************
wlc01  : ok=8  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

When the playbook executes the “Change WLC transfer settings” task, what you
need to do is update the Download file set with the appropriate configuration for the
new WLC software upload. This can be achieved by following the example illustrated in
Figure 16-4, ensuring that the settings are correctly configured.

Figure 16-4. WLC file transfer settings change the task

Once the file downloading process from the SFTP server is complete, navigate to the
COMMANDS menu and select “Config Boot” from the left-hand side. In doing so, you
will observe that the Primary Image now reflects the newly downloaded version, which is (default). However, the Backup Image remains the currently running version,
which is (active). This signifies that after the system reboots, it will boot into the
default version, transforming (default) into (default) (active). We
will verify this in the next step (see Figure 16-5).

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Figure 16-5. Config Boot Image after file download

Note that if you have prior experience with upgrading the WLC using the GUI, you
are likely aware that Cisco WLC has its built-in file verification mechanism. Therefore,
the MD5 verification and downloaded file integrity check are performed automatically.
The WLC will only proceed with the upgrade if the file transfer was completed, and the
file remains uncorrupted. Consequently, there is no need for us to manually verify the
MD5 checksum during our upgrade process.
Optionally, if you wish to conduct additional testing, you can revert to the last
snapshot to restore your image to the desired settings. This will enable you to execute the
aforementioned playbook once again. However, if you are satisfied with your progress
thus far, please proceed to step 5.
Step 5: Now, let’s create the WLC Reset playbook. This playbook executes the “reset
system” command on the WLCs. It is specifically designed to be used for resetting the
system after the transfer of the new WLC file, regardless of whether it is for an upgrade or
a downgrade.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi 16_aireos_reset.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat 16_aireos_reset.yml
- name: Hard reload (reboot) WLCs
  hosts: wlc
  gather_facts: no

  vars_files: vars.yml

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Execute reset command
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
          - command: 'reset system'
            prompt: '(y/N)'
            answer: 'y'
        timeout: 120
        ignore_errors: yes # When WLC is rebooted, the connection is lost,
so we will simply ignore errors to complete our playbook.

If you access the terminal console of your WLC during the reboot, you will be able to
see the WLC booting into the new image as seen in Figure 16-6.

Figure 16-6. The WLC booting process to complete the upgrade

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

Figure 16-7 illustrates the Config Boot Image page within the COMMANDS menu
on the rebooted WLC. It now displays the upgraded image, which is (default)
(active). It is worth noting that Cisco WLC always maintains two copies of the images in
its flash. The previous version serves as the Backup Image, acting as a safeguard in case
the Primary Image becomes corrupted or encounters issues.

Figure 16-7. WLC Config Boot Image information after the upgrade

Step 6: At this stage, it is recommended to revert to your previous snapshot for

further testing. In the next step, you will apply the final upgrade playbook and execute it
once more to validate that all the playbook tasks are functioning as intended.
Step 7: Now combine 16_aireos_file_download.yml and 16_aireos_reset.yml files to
create 16_aireos_upgrade.yml.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ vi 16_aireos_upgrade.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ cat 16_aireos_upgrade.yml
- name: Cisco vWLC File upload playbook
  hosts: wlc
  gather_facts: no

    - vars.yml

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

    total_host_count: "{{ ansible_play_hosts | length }}"
    file_download_time_estimation: "{{ total_host_count | int * 30 + 300 }}"

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: total_host_count

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: file_download_time_estimation # Turns download time to a

    - name: Execute show boot command
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
        commands: show boot
          - result[0] not contains '{{ wlc_version }}'
      register: output1

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: output1.stdout_lines

    - name: Change WLC transfer settings
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
        timeout: 30
          - transfer download mode ftp
          - transfer download username "{{ sftp_user }}"
          - transfer download password "{{ sftp_password }}"
          - transfer download serverip "{{ sftp_server }}"
          - transfer download path /home/jdoe/
          - transfer download filename "{{ aes_file_name }}"

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

    - name: Start new aireos file transfer # Transfers .aes file
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
        timeout: "{{ file_download_time_estimation | int }}"
          - command: 'transfer download start'
            prompt: '(y/N)'
            answer: 'y'
        wait_for: result[0] contains "File transfer is successful"

    - name: Execute show boot command after file upload
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
          - show boot
      register: output2

    - name: Image versions after the reload

        var: output2.stdout_lines

    - name: Execute reset command
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
          - command: 'reset system'
            prompt: '(y/N)'
            answer: 'y'
        timeout: 120
        ignore_errors: yes

Step 8: If your playbook executed as intended, you should have encountered no

errors and successfully reached the end of the playbook. However, it is possible to
receive an “action failed” error message, as shown in the following. This is an expected

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

behavior, and to ensure the completion of the playbook despite the error, we have
enabled the ignore_errors directive, set to “yes”. This allows the playbook to continue
executing even if there are failures along the way.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ anp 16_aireos_upgrade.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: **************
PLAY [Cisco vWLC File upload playbook] ************************************

TASK [debug] **************************************************************

ok: [wlc01] => {
    "total_host_count": "1"
[...omitted for brevity]
TASK [Image versions after the reload] ************************************
ok: [wlc01] => {
    "output2.stdout_lines": [
            "Primary Boot Image..................... (default)",
            "Backup Boot Image...................... (active)"

TASK [Execute reset command] **********************************************

fatal: [wlc01]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The aireos_command
action failed to execute in the expected time frame (120) and was

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

wlc01  : ok=9  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=0  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=1

Step 9: In Ansible, idempotency is a crucial feature. However, in this particular

scenario, we cannot rely solely on Ansible’s idempotency, so we have implemented our
circuit breaker mechanism to prevent unnecessary upgrades. To achieve this, we have
utilized the wait_for directive along with the condition – result[0] not contains

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

‘{{ wlc_version }}’. This combination ensures that the playbook is halted if the new
IOS version is already present in the output of the show boot command. This circuit
breaker acts as a safeguard, preventing unnecessary upgrades on WLCs that already
have the same WLC versions. Execute the upgrade playbook again and confirm that no
unnecessary files are uploaded to the WLC.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch16]$ anp 16_aireos_upgrade.yml --ask-vault-pass

Vault password: **************
PLAY [Cisco vWLC File upload playbook] ************************************

TASK [debug] **************************************************************

ok: [wlc01] => {
    "total_host_count": "1"

TASK [debug] **************************************************************

ok: [wlc01] => {
    "file_download_time_estimation": "330"

TASK [Execute show boot command] ******************************************

fatal: [wlc01]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed_conditions":
["result[0] not contains ''"], "msg": "One or more conditional
statements have not been satisfied"}

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

wlc01  : ok=2  changed=0  unreachable=0  failed=1  skipped=0  rescued=0  ignored=0

Congratulations on completing the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller upgrade

playbook! Well done to all of you for reaching this point in the chapter. As a reward for
your progress, let’s delve into an interesting discussion on designing your inventory file
to facilitate easier site or region management of dispersed locations. It is recommended
that you read the remainder of the chapter before proceeding to the security labs starting
from Chapter 17.

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

16.4 Ansible Inventory Configuration for Cisco WLC

Enterprise Network
The Ansible inventory file holds significant importance in our playbooks. In Figure 16-8,
we are presented with an enterprise wireless network consisting of five vWLCs spread
across five cities in the United States. Each location has a WLC that serves both the local
wireless network and acts as a secondary controller for the closest city. To streamline
the configuration and patch management of these devices, you have been tasked with
devising an inventory file design that allows for managing all devices collectively or
organizing them based on regions or states. Now, let’s dissect the inventory and examine
the details of your new inventory file.

Figure 16-8. US map with five major cities

Let’s take a quick look at our example inventory design. Following the inventory file,
you will find a detailed explanation of its structure and organization.

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook


ansible_user="{{ wlc_admin_user }}"
ansible_ssh_pass="{{ wlc_admin_password }}"

ansible_user="{{ wlc_admin_user77 }}"
ansible_ssh_pass="{{ wlc_admin_password77 }}"

ny-slc10 ansible_host=

mia-wlc33 ansible_host=

hou-wlc77 ansible_host=

sj-wlc94 ansible_host=
la-wlc90 ansible_host=

ny-slc10 ansible_host=
mia-wlc33 ansible_host=
hou-wlc77 ansible_host=

sj-wlc94 ansible_host=
la-wlc90 ansible_host=


1. [all:vars]: This section defines variables that apply to all hosts

in the inventory. It sets the ansible_user and ansible_ssh_pass
variables to the values of wlc_admin_user and wlc_admin_
password, respectively.

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

2. [wlc_tx:vars]: This section defines variables specific to the hosts

in the wlc_tx group. It sets the ansible_user and ansible_ssh_pass
variables to the values of wlc_admin_user77 and wlc_admin_
password77, respectively.

3. [wlc_ny]: This section defines a group named wlc_ny with a

single host. The host is labeled as ny-slc10 and has the IP address

4. [wlc_fl]: This section defines a group named wlc_fl with a single

host. The host is labeled as mia-wlc33 and has the IP address

5. [wlc_tx]: This section defines a group named wlc_tx with a single

host. The host is labeled as hou-wlc77 and has the IP address

6. [wlc_ca]: This section defines a group named wlc_ca with two

hosts. The first host is labeled as sj-wlc94 and has the IP address The second host is labeled as la-wlc90 and has the IP

7. [wlc_ec:children]: This section defines a group named wlc_ec that

includes hosts from the wlc_ny, wlc_fl, and wlc_tx groups.

8. [wlc_wc:children]: This section defines a group named wlc_wc

that includes hosts from the wlc_ca group.

9. [wlc_us:children]: This section defines a group named wlc_us that

includes hosts from the wlc_ec and wlc_wc groups.

The inventory is organized based on geographical locations and functional

groupings of the hosts. The [all:vars] section sets variables applicable to all hosts, while
specific variables for individual groups are defined under [wlc_tx:vars]. The hosts are
grouped by their respective state capital cities, such as New York (wlc_ny), Florida
(wlc_fl), Texas (wlc_tx), and California (wlc_ca). Additionally, there are parent-child
relationships defined between groups (wlc_ec, wlc_wc) and a higher-level group
(wlc_us) that includes both child groups.

Chapter 16 Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Upgrading Playbook

In the upcoming chapters (Chapters 17–21), we will focus on enterprise firewalls,

specifically Palo Alto and Fortinet, two leading vendors in 2023. Through practical
examples, we will explore how Ansible playbooks interact with these firewall platforms.
With Ansible’s capabilities, we’ll discover the practical applications of network security
automation. From simplifying firewall management to automating configurations and
enhancing security policies, Ansible enables streamlined administration, improved
efficiency, and robust firewall operations. Get ready for an engaging and hands-on
experience as we dive into the world of network security automation with Palo Alto and
Fortinet firewalls. Prepare to harness the power of Ansible and transform your firewall
management and operations.

16.5 Summary
This chapter emphasized the importance of regular upgrades for the Cisco Wireless
LAN Controller (WLC) in enterprise networks. Upgrading the WLC ensures wireless
network security, unlocks advanced features, and maintains seamless connectivity for
efficient data transmission. By utilizing an Ansible playbook, organizations benefit in
multiple ways when upgrading the Cisco WLC. The playbook streamlines the upgrade
process, automates tasks, and reduces errors. It enhances scalability and simplifies
management across multiple devices, enabling coordinated upgrades. Ansible provides
better control and visibility with validation steps and detailed logs for troubleshooting.
Throughout the chapter, we explored the development of a WLC upgrading playbook
and discussed efficient inventory file management techniques for multi-site and multi-­
device environments. Following these practices results in standardized upgrades,
improved network security, optimized performance, and the ability to leverage the latest
features from Cisco. By the end of this chapter, readers will have a solid understanding
of the WLC’s importance, the upgrade process using an Ansible playbook, and efficient
inventory file management techniques.


Creating User Accounts

on Palo Alto and Fortinet
In this chapter, we will take a look at creating an administrator account using an Ansible
playbook. We will also practice using ansible-vault. In today’s digital landscape, securing
sensitive data is of utmost importance, and ansible-vault provides a quick and easy
way to encrypt and decrypt sensitive user information. Throughout the chapter, we
will provide a guide that covers the entire thought process, starting from manual user
creation and extending to writing an Ansible playbook for user creations. Detailed
explanations of each section of Ansible snippets and outputs will be provided to help
you understand the automation thought processes. Our goal is to equip you with the
knowledge to confidently apply these concepts to secure your firewalls.

In Chapter 10, we explored the Ansible Vault, and in Chapters 12, 13, 14, and 16,
we utilized the vault feature while managing Cisco devices. Now, in this chapter, we
will leverage this feature to create user accounts on Palo Alto and FortiGate firewalls.
Here, we delve into the automation of Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall Administrator
account creation using the Ansible playbook with ansible-vault. We begin by introducing
ansible-­vault as a tool for encrypting sensitive information and ensuring its security.
Step-by-­step, we guide you through the process of transitioning from manual account

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

setup to automated provisioning. You will learn how to develop a customized YAML
playbook for creating administrator accounts on both firewall platforms. With practical
examples and clear instructions, you will gain hands-on experience in crafting YAML
code and incorporating ansible-vault for secure variable storage. The chapter culminates
with the execution of the YAML playbook, showcasing the efficiency of automation in
streamlining account creation. By the end of the chapter, you will have enough practice
with ansible-vault, YAML playbook development, and the practical implementation of
automation for managing administrator accounts.
For this chapter, our lab topology is simple, as depicted in Figure 17-1. We only
require three virtual machines: the Ansible Control Machine, f38s1 (,
Palo Alto PAN-OS Firewall (, and Fortinet FortiGate Firewall
( For the remainder of this book, you will only work with two to three

Figure 17-1. Devices in use for this lab

To replicate the topology on GNS3, follow these steps:

1. Open the GNS3 topology canvas.

2. Drag and drop the NAT cloud onto the canvas.

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

3. Place two Palo Alto firewalls and one Fortinet firewall onto
the canvas.

4. Connect the firewalls using the GNS3 connection tool, as shown

in Figure 17-2.

5. Take note of the following IP addresses for each firewall:

• FW1: Palo Alto firewall with IP address

• FW2: Fortinet firewall with IP address

• FW3: Another Palo Alto firewall with IP address

We will be utilizing this GNS3 topology from Chapters 17 through 20. However, in
each chapter, you will only need to power on one to two firewalls and will not need
all three.
For this specific chapter, please ensure you have Palo Alto FW1 ( and
Fortinet FW2 ( set up in your lab, as depicted in Figure 17-2 before you

Figure 17-2. GNS3 firewall lab topology

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

17.1 Use Ansible Vault to Encrypt

Sensitive Information
Ansible Vault is a feature in Ansible that allows you to encrypt sensitive data and store it
securely. With Ansible Vault, you can encrypt variables, files, or even an entire playbook,
ensuring that sensitive information is kept confidential. By using Ansible Vault, you can
take your configuration management to the next level and safely store your sensitive
information without worrying about unauthorized access. This is one of the most
powerful features of Ansible, as it provides native content encryption capabilities. It also
allows you to encrypt and decrypt arbitrary variables and files, making it a powerful tool
for protecting sensitive information in your Ansible playbooks. With Ansible Vault, you
can encrypt variable files that contain secrets or even an entire sensitive configuration
file. This will provide an additional layer of security for your infrastructure. Ansible Vault
offers many advanced features, but this section will focus on the basics.
To encrypt a standard YAML file containing plain text secrets, you can use the
“ansible-vault encrypt” command. This will encrypt the file and prompt you for a
password, which you will need to enter each time you want to use or decrypt the file.
We will use the “vars.yml” file as an example of using Ansible Vault. We will then use
the “vars.yml” file in our playbook example later in this chapter. The “vars.yml” file
contains the username and password to be used to log in to the Palo Alto firewall and
execute the tasks. The file also includes username and password key and value pairs of
administrators that we will use as variables to configure administrators in the Palo Alto
and Fortinet firewalls later in our playbook.
Step 1: First, let’s create a working folder for Chapter 17 on our Ansible Control
Machine, f38s1. Next, let’s create the vars.yml file, which is not encrypted (in plain text).

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ cd repo1/

[jdoe@f38s1 repo1]$ mkdir ch17 && cd ch17
[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi vars.yml
[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat vars.yml
  ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  username: admin
  password: Palo123!

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

    pan_username: deon
    pan_password: qwer@sed
    pan_username: jenny
    pan_password: dflgj#wl
    pan_username: owen
    pan_password: Asdf@sew
    pan_username: jachie
    pan_password: Wq@esdf
    pan_username: reeva
    pan_password: Jkhu!kdfd

Step 2: Now, to encrypt the vars.yml file containing plain text passwords, we will use
the “ansible-vault encrypt” command. This command will encrypt the file and prompt
us for a password, which we will need to enter and use each time we access or decrypt
the file. After encrypting the file, Ansible Vault will create a new version of the file with a
.vault extension, which is encrypted.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault encrypt vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
Encryption successful

Step 3: Let’s verify and use the “cat” command to view the file and check if it is

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat vars.yml

[...omitted for brevity]

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 4: We will then use the “ansible-vault view” command to see the content of the
encrypted file, and we will be prompted to enter our Vault password.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault view vars.yml

Vault password: ***************
[...omitted for brevity]

Step 5: To edit the encrypted file, we can use the “ansible-vault edit” command.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault edit vars.yml

Vault password: ***************
  ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  username: admin
  password: Palo123!

    pan_username: deon
    pan_password: qwer@sed
[...omitted for brevity]
"~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-281187e8g5eq/tmpf9_u3be1.yml" 27L, 474C

Step 6: Lastly, to decrypt the encrypted file, we can use the “ansible-vault decrypt”

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault decrypt vars.yml

Vault password: ***************
Decryption successful

Step 7: Let’s encrypt it again since we’ll be using it in our examples.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault encrypt vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
Encryption successful

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Having defined and provided examples of using ansible-vault, let’s now explore how
we can use it to create Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall Administrators, transitioning from
manual to automation. By employing ansible-vault, we can securely store confidential
information alongside our regular playbooks in source control. The beauty of this
approach lies in the fact that the encrypted data mitigates risks as long as a strong
password is chosen. To further bolster security, it is recommended to periodically rotate
the encryption password, treating it as any other shared secret. Exploring Ansible’s
documentation can unveil additional ways to leverage its native capabilities and
effectively safeguard your secrets.

17.2 Administrator Account Creation on Palo Alto

Firewalls: From Manual to Automation
Before writing our playbook, let’s quickly review the required fields for creating an
account on the Palo Alto firewall. This step is crucial as it allows us to plan and gather
the necessary information for our variables. By gaining a comprehensive understanding
of how to manually administer the firewall interfaces, we can develop a relevant and
effective Ansible playbook. If you don’t possess complete knowledge in this area, it
is always recommended to read the vendor’s documentation and consult with your
colleagues to obtain the assistance you require. Taking these steps ensures that you are
well equipped to create a successful playbook and achieve your desired outcomes.
Step 1: To create an administrator account, go to Device ➤ Administrators ➤ Add.
In the resulting window, fill out the required fields, such as the administrator’s name,
choose either an authentication profile or a password, and specify the administrator type
as shown in Figure 17-3.

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 17-3. Administrator account creation

Additionally, you have the option to add a password profile to configure specific
password settings, as demonstrated in Figure 17-4.

Figure 17-4. Administrator account password profile

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls


Uninstall cowsay to keep things clean.

To keep things simple, we recommend you remove the cowsay so you do not have
to disable it by specifying “nocows=1” in your ansible.cfg. For the rest of the book,
cowsay will not be used.
[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ sudo dnf remove cowsay -y

17.3 Writing a YAML Playbook to Create an

Administrator Account on a Palo Alto Firewall
Before diving into writing the YAML playbook, let’s take a moment to perform a few
preliminary steps. We will create the local ansible.cfg file, the inventory file, install
paloaltonetworks.panos from ansible-galaxy, and install pan-os-python using the
Python pip command. To ensure a smooth process, please follow the step-by-step
instructions provided here:
Step 1: The ansible.cfg file is a configuration file to customize the behavior and
settings in Ansible. The file is normally located in “/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg”, and
you would be able to see the default values when you read the file. However, to keep
it simple, we will store all components in the same directory where our playbooks are
stored. When Ansible runs, it will look for the ansible.cfg file to load any configuration
settings specified within it. If there are no configuration settings defined, it will use
its defaults. In this case, we have specified that our inventory, or what we call hosts, is
named inventory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi ansible.cfg

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat ansible.cfg

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 2: The inventory file is a file that contains the list of target hosts and groups.
The file is normally located in “/etc/ansible/hosts”, and you would be able to see
examples of how you can build your inventory list when you read the file. In this case,
we will define and name our host file as inventory as we have configured in the ansible.
cfg file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat inventory

Step 3: The Roles is a collection of modules that automates the configuration and
operational tasks. For the Palo Alto firewall, we will need to install the role with the
command “ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltonetworks.panos”. It uses API calls
using the Ansible framework.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltonetworks.panos

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 4: The SDK – software development kit which is the Palo Alto Networks PAN-
OS SDK for Python, is a package to help interact with Palo Alto Networks devices.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ pip3 install pan-os-python

[...omitted for brevity]

Also, install the xmltodict using the pip3 command to properly print out the output
on your screen.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ pip3 install xmltodict

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 5: The playbook, named “17_create_pan_admins.yml”, serves as our playbook

written in YAML format. It defines and executes tasks targeted at specific hosts, as
defined in our inventory file.
Before delving into the main playbook, let’s create and test a simple playbook to
ensure successful connectivity with the Palo Alto firewall. This preliminary playbook
includes a script that runs the “show system info” operational command on the Palo Alto
firewall and prints the resulting output.

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

By running this test playbook, we can verify the connectivity and ensure that the
necessary prerequisites are in place before proceeding further.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi 17_show_system_info.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat 17_show_system_info.yml
- name: run the show command
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

   - name: show system info
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       cmd: 'show system info'
     register: show_info

   - name: Print info

       var: show_info.stdout

In the context of the playbook, the paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_op task requires a

provider parameter to establish a connection with the device and execute the specified
command (in this case, show system info). The provider variable is defined using
the Ansible variable syntax {{ provider }}. Typically, the provider variable is defined
elsewhere in the playbook, such as in the vars.yml file referenced in the vars_files
section. It contains essential connection information, such as the device’s IP address
or hostname, username, password, and other authentication details. By passing the
provider variable to the paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_op task, the task utilizes the
provided connection details to establish a connection to the Palo Alto device and
execute the specified command. The output of the command is then stored in the
show_info variable, which can be accessed and printed using the debug task. Remember
to appropriately define the provider variable in your playbook to establish a successful
connection to your Palo Alto device.

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 6: Now, let’s execute the playbook and observe the successful execution of the

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ anp --ask-vault-pass 17_show_system_info.yml

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [run show command] ***************************************************

TASK [show system info] ***************************************************

ok: []

TASK [Print info] *********************************************************

ok: [] => {
    "show_info.stdout": {
        "response": {
            "@status": "success",
            "result": {
                "system": {
                    "app-version": "8402-6681",
                    "av-version": "0",
                    "cloud-mode": "non-cloud",
                    "default-gateway": "",
                    "device-certificate-status": "None",
                    "device-dictionary-release-date": "2022/01/07
17:25:38 AEDT",
                    "device-dictionary-version": "40-305",
                    "devicename": "PA-VM",
                    "family": "vm",
                    "global-protect-client-package-version": "0.0.0",
                    "global-protect-clientless-vpn-version": "0",
                    "global-protect-datafile-release-date": "unknown",
                    "global-protect-datafile-version": "unknown",
                    "hostname": "PA-VM",
                    "ip-address": "",
                    "ipv6-address": "unknown",
                    "ipv6-link-local-address": "fe80::20c:29ff:fe2c:
                    "is-dhcp": "no",

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

                    "logdb-version": "10.1.2",
                    "mac-address": "00:0c:29:2c:41:f4",
                    "model": "PA-VM",
                    "multi-vsys": "off",
                    "netmask": "",
                    "operational-mode": "normal",
[...omitted for brevity]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************             : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Moving on to our practical examples, in this scenario, you will come across an
Ansible YAML script named “17_create_pan_admins.yml”. It is essential to understand
the contents of the YAML file to comprehend the objectives and execution of this
playbook. The “17_create_pan_admins.yml” serves as an Ansible playbook specifically
designed to create multiple administrator accounts. To ensure enhanced security,
the administrator’s username and password will be securely stored in an encrypted
file called “vars.yml” using ansible-vault. This is an opportunity for you to thoroughly
understand the significance of each line within the playbook, enabling you to readily
grasp its meaning whenever you encounter similar lines in other playbooks.
As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

- name: Create Palo Alto Administrators

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “palo”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Palo Alto VM with
IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “palo”.

  hosts: palo

By default, the gather_facts module in Ansible is always enabled. However, if you

don’t require information from facts, you have the option to disable this module.
Disabling gather_facts can help conserve processor resources and accelerate the

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

execution of your playbook. When gather_facts is disabled, Ansible won’t collect

information about the target host(s) such as their IP address, operating system, installed
packages, and other details. It’s worth noting that the information gathered from the
gather_facts module can be valuable as variables, allowing you to modify the behavior
of your Ansible playbook. However, if you don’t need this information for your specific
use case, it’s recommended to disable the gather_facts module to optimize the overall
performance of your playbook.

  gather_facts: false

The connection: local parameter in an Ansible playbook indicates that the playbook
should be executed locally on the machine where Ansible is running, as opposed to
being executed remotely on the target host(s). As a result, any tasks defined within the
playbook will be executed on the Ansible control node itself instead of the target hosts.
This feature proves advantageous for tasks that don’t require remote execution or for
conducting tests and validations.

  connection: local

The vars_files: vars.yml parameter is utilized in the playbook 17_create_pan_admins.

yml to specify the location of a YAML dictionary file that contains the required variables.
These variables are crucial for acquiring the login credentials and administrator
information, such as the username and password. By using a separate YAML dictionary
file, the contents can be securely stored and encrypted, ensuring the protection of
sensitive information.

  vars_files: vars.yml

The Ansible task utilizes the “paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_administrator” module

to create administrators on the Palo Alto firewall by providing their usernames and
passwords. The values for the “pan_username” and “pan_password” parameters are
obtained from the dictionary of admins defined in the vars.yml file. Additionally, the
“superuser” parameter is set to “yes”, granting the admin full access rights to the firewall.
The “commit” flag is set to False, ensuring that the changes made by this task remain as a
candidate configuration and are not immediately committed.

  - name: Create admins

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

      provider: '{{ provider }}'

      admin_username: '{{ item.value.pan_username }}'
      admin_password: '{{ item.value.pan_password }}'
      superuser: 'yes'
      commit: 'False'
    loop: "{{ lookup('dict', admins) }}"
    no_log: 'True'

To iterate over the dictionary of admins, the task employs a loop. To conceal the
username and password values from the output when executing the playbook, the “no_
log” parameter is set to “True”. This provides an extra layer of security by preventing the
visibility of the username and password in plain text.
Once you have gained a comprehensive understanding of the YAML playbook, you
can execute the “17_create_pan_admins.yml” playbook to verify the successful execution
of the Ansible YAML script. Assuming there are no syntax errors or typos, you should
observe output similar to the example provided in the following text. The playbook
comprises a single task dedicated to creating administrators using the dictionary stored
in the vars.yml file. The output provides a detailed explanation of each step involved in
the playbook’s execution.

17.4 Running the YAML Playbook to Create an

Administrator Account on a Palo Alto
Network Firewall
Before executing the playbook, it is evident that the administrators have not yet been
configured on our designated Palo Alto Network firewall, which has an IP address of (refer to Figure 17-5).

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 17-5. PA-VM administrators before the configuration

Step 1: For illustration and to gain a better understanding of the playbook, let’s revisit
the encrypted vars.yml file to examine the variables and the dictionary administrators
created. We will utilize the ansible-vault view command, which will prompt us for the
previously set Ansible Vault password. To log in to the Palo Alto firewall, the playbook
will utilize the defined provider variables. The admins dictionary is populated with key-­
value pairs for each administrator.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault view vars.yml

Vault password: ***************
  ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  username: admin
  password: Palo123!

    pan_username: deon
    pan_password: qwer@sed
    pan_username: jenny
    pan_password: dflgj#wl
    pan_username: owen
    pan_password: Asdf@sew
    pan_username: jachie
    pan_password: Wq@esdf

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

    pan_username: reeva
    pan_password: Jkhu!kdfd

Step 2: We will proceed to execute an Ansible playbook named “17_create_pan_

admins.yml”. To obtain the variables from the vars.yml file and utilize them within the
playbook, we will use the “--ask-vault-pass” command. This command will decrypt the
encrypted vars.yml file and retrieve the necessary variables for playbook execution.
Ansible will prompt for the Vault password, ensuring that the entered password remains
concealed for security purposes.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the
tasks executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is The output shows that there is one task executed on this host, and it was
successful (ok=1). With this task, one change made a change to the system (changed=1),
while 0 tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0).
Finally, no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-playbook 17_create_pan_admins.yml --ask-

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [Create Palo Alto Administrators] ************************************

TASK [Create admins] ******************************************************

changed: [] => (item=None)
changed: [] => (item=None)
changed: [] => (item=None)
changed: [] => (item=None)
changed: [] => (item=None)
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************             : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 3: In Figure 17-6, it is evident that the administrators have been successfully
configured according to the specifications defined in the admins dictionary. This
configuration is now reflected in the candidate configuration of the Palo Alto Network
firewall. As mentioned earlier, we have set each task with the “commit” parameter set

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

to “False”. This setting enables us to review the configuration before committing the
changes. However, if desired, the parameter can be changed to “True” to automatically
commit the configuration.

Figure 17-6. PA-VM administrators after the configuration

Here is the complete playbook of the “17_create_pan_admins.yml” file for your


[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi 17_create_pan_admins.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat 17_create_pan_admins.yml
- name: Create Palo Alto Administrators
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

  - name: Create admins
    paloaltonetworks.panos .panos_administrator:
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      admin_username: '{{ item.value.pan_username }}'
      admin_password: '{{ item.value.pan_password }}'
      superuser: 'yes'
      commit: 'False'
    loop: "{{ lookup('dict', admins) }}"
    no_log: 'True'

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

We have practiced encrypting data using ansible-vault and have also examined a
simple playbook for creating users on the Palo Alto firewall. Throughout this process,
we analyzed each line of the playbook to comprehend the significance of every line in
our code.

17.5 Administrator Account Creation on Fortinet

Firewalls: From Manual to Automation
Let’s quickly check how to create an administrator account manually through GUI, and
you would follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to System ➤ Administrators ➤ Create New ➤ Administrator.
Step 2: In the resulting window, fill in the required fields, including the Username,
Password, and Administration profile, as shown in Figure 17-7.
Step 3: Optionally, you can enable Two-factor Authentication, Restrict login to
trusted hosts, and Restrict admin to guest account provisioning only.

Figure 17-7. Administrator account creation

Now let’s see how this is replicated and created using the Ansible playbook.
Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

17.6 Writing a YAML Playbook to Create an

Administrator Account on a Fortinet Firewall
We already have the ansible.cfg file in the same directory from the previous exercise. We
will update our inventory and add the Fortinet device information. We will update the
vars.yml file, the dictionary of admins and, lastly, the necessary installation needed to
run our playbook on a Fortinet firewall.
Step 1: The ansible.cfg file is where we specify the name of our inventory, which we
refer to as “hosts” in this case.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat ansible.cfg


Step 2: The inventory file is where we update and add the necessary information for
the Fortinet firewall in this case. Additionally, we will encrypt it to ensure the security of
sensitive information.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat inventory
[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault encrypt inventory

Forti01 ansible_host= ansible_user="admin" ansible_


Step 3: The vars.yml file with the new dictionary of admins:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault edit vars.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault view vars.yml
   forti_username: lifeng

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

   forti_password: qwer@sed
   forti_username: shannon
   forti_password: dflgj#wl
   forti_username: osman
   forti_password: Asdf@sew
   forti_username: colin
   forti_password: Wq@esdf

Step 4: For the Role for the Fortinet firewall, we will need to install the role with the
command “ansible-galaxy collection install fortinet.fortios”.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-galaxy collection install fortinet.fortios

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 5: The python library for FortiGates/FortiOS devices, which, in this case, is the

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ pip3 install fortiosapi

[...omitted for brevity]

Step 6: The playbook, which is our application that is written in YAML format that
defines and executes our tasks to our targeted hosts defined in our inventory file. In this
case, our playbook is named “17_create_forti_admins.yml”.
Again, before we go straight in, let’s create and test a simple playbook to see if we
can connect to the Fortinet firewall. We have a script to check the system status of the
Fortinet firewall and print the output.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ vi 17_get_system_status.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ cat 17_ get_system_status.yml
- name: run get commands
  hosts: forti
  gather_facts: false
  connection: httpapi

  vars_files: vars.yml

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: no
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
    ansible_httpapi_port: 80

  - name: get system status
      vdom:  "root"
        - selector: system_status
    register: system_info

  - name: print

      msg: '{{ system_info }}'

Step 7: Now, let’s run the playbook and observe the successful execution of the

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ anp --ask-vault-pass 17_get_system_status.yml

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [run get commands] ***************************************************

TASK [get system status] **************************************************

ok: [Forti01]

TASK [print] **************************************************************

ok: [Forti01] => {
    "msg": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "meta": [
                "action": "",
                "build": 157,
                "http_method": "GET",
                "name": "status",
                "path": "system",
Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

                "results": {
                    "hostname": "FortiGate-VM64",
                    "log_disk_status": "available",
                    "model": "FGVM64",
                    "model_name": "FortiGate",
                    "model_number": "VM64"
                "serial": "FGVMEVN35J1GBZ53",
                "status": "success",
                "vdom": "root",
                "version": "v7.0.1"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

Forti01  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Moving on to our practicals, in this example, you will find a comprehensive Ansible
YAML script named “17_create_forti_admins.yml”. The “17_create_forti_admins.yml”
serves as an Ansible playbook designed to create multiple administrator accounts. The
usernames and passwords of the administrators will be stored in an encrypted file called
vars.yml using ansible-vault. Here is a brief explanation of each line in the playbook.
As with all YAML files, the three dashes “---” indicate the beginning of a new


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

- name: Create Fortinet Administrators

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “forti”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Fortinet VM with IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “forti”.

  hosts: forti
Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

By default, Ansible’s gather_facts module is enabled, but it can be disabled to

conserve processor resources and speed up playbook execution. Disabling this module
means that Ansible won’t collect information about the target host(s), such as IP
address, operating system, and installed packages. Although the gathered facts can be
useful as variables to modify the Ansible playbook’s flow, it’s advisable to disable gather_
facts if this information is not needed, thus optimizing playbook performance.

  gather_facts: false

The connection: httpapi parameter in an Ansible playbook is a plug-in that offers

methods for establishing a connection to a Fortinet FortiOS appliance or VM using the

  connection: httpapi

The vars_files: vars.yml parameter defines variables stored in a YAML dictionary that
are accessed by the playbook “17_create_forti_admins.yml” to retrieve administrator
information, including the username and password. In this scenario, the YAML
dictionary is created separately to ensure the security and encryption of its contents.

  vars_files: vars.yml

The variables are configured here to establish a connection with the Fortinet firewall.
Since we are using a VM evaluation license, we have set ansible_httpapi_use_ssl to “no”,
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs to “no”, and ansible_httpapi_port to “80”, which is not
secure. If we have a valid license, we will set the SSL and certificate checks to “yes” and
the port to “443”.

    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: no
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
    ansible_httpapi_port: 80

The Ansible task employs the “fortinet.fortios.fortios_system_admin” module to

create administrators on the Fortinet firewall, providing the administrator’s username
and password. The vdom parameter is set to “root”, and the state parameter is set to
“present” to create the admin. The system_admin is a dictionary that retrieves the admin
variables. The accprofile represents the administrator profile, which is set to “super_
admin”. The values of the forti_username and forti_password parameters are fetched

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

from the dictionary of admins defined in the vars.yml file. The task loops through the
module against the defined dictionary of admins. The no_log parameter is set to “True”
to conceal the username and password values from the output when the playbook is
executed. This ensures the security of the username and password by preventing them
from being displayed in plain text.

  - name: Create admins
      vdom:  "root"
      state: "present"
        accprofile: "super_admin"
        name: "{{ item.value.forti_username }}"
        password: "{{ item.value.forti_password }}"
    loop: "{{ lookup('dict',admins) }}"
    no_log: "True"

After gaining a thorough understanding of the YAML playbook, you can proceed to
execute the “17_create_forti_admins.yml” playbook and verify the successful execution
of the Ansible YAML script. If there are no syntax errors or typos, you should observe a
similar output as shown in the following example. The playbook consists of a single task
that creates administrators based on the dictionary stored in the vars.yml file. The output
provides a detailed explanation of each step executed in the playbook.

17.7 Running the YAML Playbook to Create an

Administrator Account on a Fortinet Firewall
Before executing the playbook, it is apparent that the administrators have not been set
up on the target Fortinet firewall. The firewall, identified by the IP address
(see Figure 17-8), does not currently have the necessary configurations in place for the

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 17-8. Forti-VM administrators before the configuration

Step 1: Firstly, let’s take a look at the encrypted inventory file that contains the host
information, including the username and password required for logging into the Fortinet
firewall. Additionally, we have configured the network_os parameter as fortinet.fortios.
fortios to enable the usage of modules and plug-ins specific to the Fortinet firewall.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault view inventory

Vault password: ***************
Forti01 ansible_host= ansible_user="admin" ansible_


Step 2: Next, let’s examine the encrypted vars.yml file to review the variables and the
dictionary of admins that were created. We can use the ansible-vault view command,
which will prompt us to enter the previously set Ansible Vault password. The playbook
will utilize the provider variables to establish a login connection with the Fortinet
firewall. The admins dictionary contains the respective keys and values for each admin.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ ansible-vault view vars.yml

Vault password: ***************
   forti_username: lifeng
   forti_password: qwer@sed

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

   forti_username: shannon
   forti_password: dflgj#wl
   forti_username: osman
   forti_password: Asdf@sew
   forti_username: colin
   forti_password: Wq@esdf

Step 3: Now, let’s proceed to run the Ansible playbook named “17_create_forti_
admins.yml”. To execute the playbook successfully, we need to retrieve the variables
from the vars.yml file. We can achieve this by using the “--ask-vault-pass” command,
which will prompt us to provide the vault password for decrypting the encrypted vars.
yml file and accessing the required variables. For security purposes, when entering the
password, it will not be displayed on the screen.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output provides a summary of the task
statuses on each target host. In this particular example, the target host is Forti01. The
output reveals that a single task was executed successfully on this host (ok=1). Among
the tasks, one change was made to the system (changed=1), while no tasks were
unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Furthermore, no
tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).

[jdoe@f38s1 ch17]$ anp --ask-vault-pass 17_create_forti_admins.yml

Vault password: ***************
PLAY [Create Fortinet Administrators] *************************************

TASK [Create admins] ******************************************************

changed: [Forti01] => (item=None)
changed: [Forti01] => (item=None)
changed: [Forti01] => (item=None)
changed: [Forti01] => (item=None)
changed: [Forti01]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

Forti01  : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 4: In Figure 17-9, a login test was conducted using one of the admin accounts
named “lifeng”. The test results indicate a successful login, confirming that the
administrators have been configured according to the specifications outlined in the
admins dictionary.

Figure 17-9. Forti-VM administrators after the configuration

Here is the completed 17_create_forti_admins.yml file for your reference:


- name: Create Fortinet Administrators
  hosts: forti
  gather_facts: false
  connection: httpapi
  vars_files: vars.yml

    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: no
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
    ansible_httpapi_port: 80

  - name: Create admins
      vdom:  "root"

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

      state: "present"
        accprofile: "super_admin"
        name: "{{ item.value.forti_username }}"
        password: "{{ item.value.forti_password }}"
    loop: "{{ lookup('dict',admins) }}"
    no_log: "True"

We have explored the process of manually creating an administrator account

on a FortiGate firewall, as well as how to accomplish the same task using an Ansible
playbook. When comparing the user creation procedures for Palo Alto and FortiGate,
we find both similarities and differences. While the module names may vary, the overall
process remains quite similar. It is crucial to start automating the smaller tasks first and
thoroughly understand the manual process to effectively translate it into YAML code
lines within an Ansible playbook. In the upcoming chapter, we will focus on creating
security policies for both Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls.


All playbooks available from the authors’ GitHub page

To save time, you have the option to download the playbook from the authors’
GitHub page.

17.8 Summary
This chapter focused on automating the creation of Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall
Administrator accounts using ansible-vault. The chapter introduced ansible-vault
as a tool for encrypting sensitive information and provided a step-by-step guide on
transitioning from manual account setup to automated provisioning. Readers learned
how to develop a customized YAML playbook tailored for creating administrator
accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls. Through practical examples and

Chapter 17 Creating User Accounts on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

instructions, they gained hands-on experience in crafting YAML code and incorporating
ansible-vault for secure variable storage. The chapter concluded by demonstrating
the execution of the YAML playbook, showcasing the efficiency of automation in
streamlining the creation of Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall Administrator accounts.
This practical playbook solidified readers’ understanding of ansible-vault usage, YAML
playbook development, and the automation process. Overall, the chapter equipped
readers with a comprehensive understanding of ansible-vault’s role in securing sensitive
data, the intricacies of YAML playbook development, and the practical implementation
of automation for managing Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewall Administrator accounts.
With this knowledge, readers are well prepared to utilize ansible-vault and harness
Ansible’s capabilities for efficient network administration.


Creating Security Policy

Rules on Palo Alto
and Fortinet Firewalls
This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive guide on automating the process of
creating security policy rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls using YAML code
and playbooks. The primary focus will be on developing a well-defined strategy and
structured approach to rule creation, which is crucial for enhancing an organization’s
security posture. We will begin by defining what a security policy rule is and guide
you through the configuration process. Throughout the chapter, we have included the
complete thought processes, starting from manual security policy rule creation and
extending to automated rule creation using playbooks. Each section of Ansible snippets
and outputs will be thoroughly explained to ensure a clear understanding. Our objective
is to share detailed information about the entire automation process, enabling you to
easily apply these concepts to your network infrastructure.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

18.1 Protecting the Network with Security Policies

The main responsibility of network security engineers is to maintain a strong security
posture through consistent security policies using standardized configurations, thereby
safeguarding the network from unauthorized access and potential security breaches.
Maintaining a secure perimeter is of paramount importance in any enterprise network
as it forms the first line of defense against attacks such as denial-of-service (DoS) and
man-in-the-middle attacks. In segmented networks, firewalls are deployed at the
borders to secure the underlying infrastructure. To close security gaps in the firewall
that may serve as an entry point for attackers, the team managing the configuration
must follow a well-defined strategy that translates into security policies. For example,
human errors, such as setting a parameter to “any,” can prove catastrophic and must be
avoided. With more organizations switching to next-generation firewalls, it’s important
to utilize their full capabilities. One commonly overlooked aspect during the migration
from a traditional firewall to the next-generation firewall is transitioning from a port-­
based (layer 4) inspection firewall to an application-identification-based (layer 7)
inspection firewall. Every parameter in a security policy rule plays a crucial role and
must be fully understood by the security engineer who is implementing the policy, as
misconfigurations may have severe implications. Therefore, network security engineers
must be meticulous and thorough in their approach to maintaining network security.
A security policy rule is a crucial component of all firewalls, such as Palo Alto
and Fortinet firewalls that regulate incoming and outgoing traffic based on specific
parameters and security policies. It serves as the heart and soul of a firewall, controlling
the flow of traffic passing through it. In the firewall’s operation, the rule is only applied if
the incoming/outgoing session meets all the set parameters. If a match is not found, the
firewall will continue to search (from top to bottom) until it reaches the catch-all-deny
rule at the bottom. A security policy can be defined to block traffic from known malicious
or high-risk external IPs or to allow traffic from internal networks to the outside Internet
while only permitting specific applications such as SSL and web browsing. It can also be
configured to allow traffic between zones and more. Ultimately, the set of rules defined
by the security policy determines how the firewall manages the traffic that passes
through it. Therefore, a good quality vendor firewall selection, firewall features, and
well-thought-out security policy rules are critical elements of an organization’s security
strategy, providing visibility, control, and protection against potential threats.

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

18.2 Security Policy Rule Creation on Palo

Alto Network Firewalls: From Manual
to Automation
Before we write our playbook to create a security policy rule using an Ansible playbook,
let’s quickly review how we can create the rules using the standard GUI. To manually
create a security policy on Palo Alto through the GUI, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to Policies ➤ Security ➤ Add.
Step 2: In the resulting window, fill out the required fields, such as Name, Source,
Destination, Application, Service/URL Category, and Actions, as demonstrated in
Figure 18-1.

Figure 18-1. Security Policy Rule creation

18.3 Writing a YAML Application to Create

a Security Policy Rule on a Palo Alto
Network Firewall
The lab topology for this chapter is the same as in Chapter 17, and the IP addressing
remains unchanged, as illustrated in Figure 18-2. Please use the same GNS3 topology for
this lab.

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 18-2. Devices in use for this lab

As in the previous chapter, we will build a playbook line by line, providing

explanations along the way. Understanding the contents of the YAML file in this security
policy creation playbook is crucial to grasp our objective when running the script.
The Ansible playbook that you are about to create and execute will allow you to create
a security policy rule on a Palo Alto firewall using parameters specified in another
file called “security_policy.csv”. The playbook excludes undefined variables from the
configuration, and required parameters with undefined variables will default to preset
values. You can access the complete playbook “18_create_pan_security_policy.yml” at
the end of this section.
Step 1: To better manage the files used in each chapter, we will create a directory
named ch18 and work in the chapter directory. As a result, we will keep all files in a
single directory. Thus, the main playbook, as well as ansible.cfg and inventory files, will
be created under the same directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch18 && cd ch18

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ cat ansible.cfg

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 2: Let’s create our inventory file.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ cat inventory

Step 3: We will need to install the community.general module for us to be able to use
community.general.read_csv in our playbook to read the security policy list stored in a
csv file, which contains the variables to configure our security policies.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

[…omitted for brevity]

Step 4: Let’s now create a new playbook named “18_create_pan_security_


[jdoe@f38s1 ch18$ vi 18_create_pan_security_policy.yml

Here’s a breakdown of the YAML file with an explanation to help you

understand better.
As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

  - name: Create Security Policy Rule from csv

The hosts line specifies the target host(s) where the playbook will be executed. In
this case, the playbook will run on a Palo Alto VM with the IP address,
which is defined in our inventory as a member of the group named “palo”. It’s important
to ensure that the target host is reachable and that the appropriate authentication
credentials are set up for the playbook to run successfully.

  hosts: palo

The gather_facts module is an essential Ansible feature, as it collects information

about the target host(s), such as their IP address, operating system, installed packages,
and much more. By default, this module is always enabled, but in cases where you do not
require information from facts, you can choose to disable it to save processor resources

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

and speed up playbook execution. However, it’s important to note that disabling gather_
facts means that you will lose the opportunity to use this information as a variable,
which can be useful to change the flow of your Ansible application. Therefore, before
disabling gather_facts, it’s important to evaluate if the facts gathered are required for
your playbook execution or not. In general, if you don’t need this information, disabling
the gather_facts module is a good way to optimize the performance of your playbook.

  gather_facts: false

The connection: local parameter in an Ansible playbook is a configuration setting

that instructs Ansible to run the playbook locally on the machine running Ansible rather
than remotely on the target host(s). This means that any tasks defined in the playbook
will be executed on the Ansible control node rather than on the target hosts, which can
be useful for tasks that do not require remote execution or testing purposes. By running
the playbook locally, it can save network resources and speed up the execution of the
playbook. However, it’s important to note that this parameter should only be used when
necessary and that most playbooks should be executed remotely on the target host(s) to
perform the desired tasks.

  connection: local

This code block defines a variable named “provider” that contains subparameters
for the IP address, username, and password of the firewall. The IP address is dynamically
set to the inventory_hostname, which refers to the hostname of the target host(s). The
username and password are left blank and will be prompted later in the playbook using
the vars_prompt module. This is a good practice for security as it ensures that sensitive
information, such as credentials, is not stored in plain text in the playbook. By defining
these variables, we can easily reuse them throughout the playbook to configure the
firewall without having to hard-code the values.

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

The following YAML code utilizes the vars_prompt module to prompt the user
running the playbook to enter a username and password for the firewall. The private
flag on the password prompt indicates that the user’s input should not be displayed
on the screen for security reasons. These inputs will be stored as variables to be used
later in the playbook when connecting to the firewall using SSH. By prompting the
user for the firewall credentials, we ensure that the playbook remains secure and can
only be executed by authorized users. It’s important to note that these variables can
be encrypted using ansible-vault in a separate file and called upon using the vars_files
module in the main playbook. Additionally, if your company utilizes an enterprise
password manager, you can leverage the appropriate API or integration provided by
the password management system to read a password in an Ansible playbook. For now,
we will make this into an interactive playbook to collect the PAN-OS username and

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

This Ansible task uses the “community.general.read_csv” module to retrieve

information from the csv file named security_policy.csv. The path to the file is specified
as security_policy.csv, indicating that the file is located in the same directory as the
playbook. After the csv file is read, its contents are stored as a list in the variable named
policy_list. This variable can then be used throughout the playbook to configure the
firewall security policy according to the parameters defined in the csv file.

  - name: Read the csv file

       path: security_policy.csv
    register: policy_list

This Ansible task uses the debug module to output the contents of the policy_list
variable that was created earlier. The msg parameter will print the policy_list as a list.
This is useful for debugging purposes, as it allows us to ensure that the csv file has been

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

read correctly and that the information stored in policy_list is accurate. Additionally, this
task can be used to verify that any modifications made to the playbook have not altered
the expected output.

  - name: display security policy list

     msg: "{{ policy_list.list }}"

The following Ansible task is the core of our playbook, using the “panos_security_
rule” module to create a security policy rule with parameters stored in the list named
policy_list. The loop keyword is used to configure the security policy rule in each row
of the list. The task creates the security policy rule with the parameters rule_name,
description, source_zone, destination_zone, source_ip, source_user, destination_ip,
application, service, action, and location. In this task, the “default” filter is used to
provide a default value for a variable if it is not defined or if its value is empty. The “omit”
keyword is used by default to instruct Ansible to omit the variable altogether if the
default value is used. The commit flag is set to False, indicating that the changes made
by this task will not be committed immediately. By using this task, the playbook can
automate the creation of security policy rules on a Palo Alto Network Firewall based on
the parameters filled in the security_policy.csv file, with flexibility for default values and
the option to commit changes manually.

- name: Create Security Policy Rule

    provider: '{{ provider }}'  # Firewall connection provider
    rule_name: '{{ item.rule_name }}'  # Rule name for the security policy
    description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'  # Optional
    source_zone: '{{ item.source_zone | default(omit) }}'  # Source zone
for the traffic
    destination_zone: '{{ item.destination_zone | default(omit) }}'  
# Destination zone for traffic
    source_ip: '{{ item.source_ip | default(omit) }}'  # Source IP address
    source_user: '{{ item.source_user | default(omit) }}'  # Source user
    destination_ip: '{{ item.destination_ip | default(omit) }}'  
# Destination IP address

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

    application: '{{ item.application | default(omit) }}'  # Application

for the traffic
    service: '{{ item.service | default(omit) }}'  # Service for
the traffic
    action: '{{ item.action | default(omit) }}'  # Action for the traffic
    location: '{{ item.location | default(omit) }}'  # Location of the
security policy
    commit: 'False'  # Skip immediate commit
  loop: "{{ policy_list.list }}"  # Loop through policy_list

Now that we have a good understanding of how our playbook works, it is time to
check the PA-VM GUI interface and execute our playbook.


The ansible-playbook command abbreviated to anp

Note: The ansible-playbook command was abbreviated in Bash shell aliases in the
~/.bashrc ($HOME/.bashrc) file.
[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ vi ~/.bashrc
# .bashrc
[...omitted for brevity]
alias anp='ansible-playbook'
alias anpap='ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass'

18.4 Running the YAML Playbook to Create Security

Policy Rules on a Palo Alto Network Firewall
Before executing the playbook, go to your PA-VM web interface and log in, then navigate
to the POLICIES and check the security policies. As you can see in Figure 18-3, you can
see that the security policy rules have not yet been configured on the targeted Palo Alto
Network Firewall, which has an IP address of

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 18-3. PA-VM security policy rule before the configuration

Figure 18-4 shows the contents of the security_policy.csv file that we created,
which includes the necessary parameters for configuring the security policy rules. The
file includes columns for rule_name, description, tag_name, source_zone, source_ip,
source_user, destination_ip, category, application, service, action, destination_zone, and
location. Any undefined variables in the file will not be configured.

Figure 18-4. security_policy.csv

Note that the csv file shown in the figure needs to be uploaded to the “/home/jdoe/
ch18” directory before running the playbook. The source_ip and destination_ip fields
can be any object-address, object-address-group, region, or external dynamic list. For
this example, we will use a custom external dynamic list named Spamhaus-DROP,
which contains an IP list from as shown in
Figure 18-5. You can add an EDL in Objects ➤ External Dynamic List ➤ Add.

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 18-5. External Dynamic List. Spamhaus-DROP

Step 1: This is an example of running an Ansible playbook named “18_create_

pan_security_policy.yml” (refer to Figure 18-4 for an example csv file). When executed,
Ansible will prompt for the firewall username and password, which are required to
authenticate and access the device for configuration. The entered password will not
be displayed for security reasons. To confirm that the Ansible YAML script is running
successfully, you can execute the “18_create_pan_security_policy.yml” playbook.
Assuming that there are no syntax errors or typos in the playbook, you should see an
output similar to the following example. The playbook consists of three tasks that create
security policy rules based on the data in the security_policy.csv file. The output explains
each step in the playbook execution.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ anp 18_create_pan_security_policy.yml

login as: admin
Password: ***************
PLAY [Create Security Policy Rule from csv] *******************************

TASK [Read the csv file] **************************************************

ok: []

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

TASK [Display security policy list] ***************************************

ok: [] => {
    "msg": [
            "action": "deny",
            "application": "any",
            "category": "any",
            "description": "",
            "destination_ip": "Spamhaus-DROP",
            "destination_zone": "Internet",
            "location": "top",
            "rule_name": "Block-Outbound-Malicious-IPs",
            "service": "any",
            "source_ip": "any",
            "source_user": "any",
            "source_zone": "any",
            "tag_name": ""
            "action": "deny",
            "application": "any",
            "category": "any",
            "description": "",
            "destination_ip": "any",
            "destination_zone": "any",
            "location": "top",
            "rule_name": "Block-Inbound-Malicious-IPs",
            "service": "any",
            "source_ip": "Spamhaus-DROP",
            "source_user": "any",
            "source_zone": "Internet",
            "tag_name": ""

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

TASK [Create Security Policy Rule] ****************************************

changed: [] => (item={'rule_name': 'Block-Outbound-Malicious-­
IPs', 'description': '', 'tag_name': '', 'source_zone': 'any', 'source_ip':
'any', 'source_user': 'any', 'destination_ip': 'Spamhaus-DROP', 'category':
'any', 'application': 'any', 'service': 'any', 'action': 'deny',
'destination_zone': 'Internet', 'location': 'top'})
changed: [] => (item={'rule_name': 'Block-Inbound-Malicious-­
IPs', 'description': '', 'tag_name': '', 'source_zone': 'Internet',
'source_ip': 'Spamhaus-DROP', 'source_user': 'any', 'destination_ip':
'any', 'category': 'any', 'application': 'any', 'service': 'any', 'action':
'deny', 'destination_zone': 'any', 'location': 'top'})

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************             : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output provides a summary of the tasks
that were executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is, and the output shows that three tasks were executed on this host, all
of which were successful (ok=3). Out of those three tasks, one task made changes to
the system (changed=1), indicating that a new security policy rule was successfully
configured, while the other task did not make any changes (changed=0). The output
also indicates that there were no tasks that were unreachable, failed, or skipped
(unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Finally, no tasks required being rescued or
ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0). Overall, the “PLAY RECAP” section provides a quick
overview of the success or failure of the tasks executed in the playbook on the target host.
Step 2: As you can see in Figure 18-6, after executing the Ansible playbook, we can
confirm that the security policy rules have been successfully configured based on the
parameters defined in the security_policy.csv file. This can be verified by reviewing the
candidate configuration of the Palo Alto Network Firewall, where the rules should be
reflected. It is worth noting that we set the “commit” parameter to “False” in each task,
allowing us to review the configuration before committing the change to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of the configuration.

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Figure 18-6. PA-VM security policy rules after the configuration

Step 3: Here is the completed playbook, 18_create_pan_security_policy.yml, for your


[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ cat 18_create_pan_security_policy.yml

- name: Create Security Policy Rule from csv
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

   - name: Read the csv file
       path: security_policy.csv
     register: policy_list

   - name: Display security policy list

      msg: "{{ policy_list.list }}"
   - name: Create Security Policy Rule
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       rule_name: '{{ item.rule_name }}'
       description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'
       source_zone: '{{ item.source_zone | default(omit) }}'
       destination_zone: '{{ item.destination_zone | default(omit) }}'
       source_ip: '{{ item.source_ip | default(omit) }}'
       source_user: '{{ item.source_user | default(omit) }}'
       destination_ip: '{{ item.destination_ip | default(omit) }}'
       application: '{{ item.application | default(omit) }}'
       service: '{{ item.service | default(omit) }}'
       action: '{{ item.action | default(omit) }}'
       location: '{{ item.location | default(omit) }}'
       commit: 'False'
     loop: "{{ policy_list.list }}"

Now that you have learned how to create a firewall policy on a Palo Alto firewall, let’s
move on to creating a firewall policy rule on a Fortinet firewall.

18.5 Firewall Policy Rule Creation on Fortinet

Firewalls: From Manual to Automation
To successfully write an Ansible playbook for a Fortinet firewall, it is essential to
understand the necessary information required. This can be achieved by carefully
studying the New Policy window and its information requirements. By doing so, we will
be equipped to incorporate this knowledge into our Ansible playbook writing process.
Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Step 1: To create a security policy, go to Policy & Objects ➤ Firewall Policy ➤

Create New.
Step 2: In the resulting window, complete the required fields such as Name,
Incoming Interface, Outgoing Interface, Source, Destination, Schedule, Service, and
Action, as demonstrated in Figure 18-7.

Figure 18-7. Security Policy Rule creation

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

18.6 Writing a YAML Application to Create

a Firewall Policy Rule on a Fortinet Firewall
For this exercise, you can access a complete Ansible YAML script named “18_create_
forti_firewall_policy.yml”. It is essential to understand the YAML file contents to grasp
what we aim to achieve. The “18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml” is an Ansible playbook
that creates a security policy rule on a Fortinet firewall. Here’s a brief explanation of each
line of the playbook to help you understand it better.
Step 1: We already have the ansible.cfg in the directory. The only thing we need to
update is the inventory and add the details of our target Fortinet firewall.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ cat inventory

Forti01 ansible_host= ansible_user="admin" ansible_


Step 2: We can now create the 18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml file. Let’s go over

the playbook section by section.
First, create a new playbook named 18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml in vi or your
favorite text editor.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18$ vi 18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml

As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

  - name: Create Firewall Policy Rule

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “palo”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Fortinet VM with IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “forti”.

  hosts: forti

By default, Ansible’s gather_facts module is always enabled, but if you do not

require information from facts, you can choose to disable this module to save processor
resources and speed up playbook execution. Disabling gather_facts means that Ansible
will not collect information about the target host(s), such as their IP address, operating
system, installed packages, etc. It’s important to note that the information collected from
the gather_facts module can be useful as variables, which can be used to change the
flow of your Ansible application. However, if you don’t need this information, it’s best to
disable the gather_facts module to optimize the performance of your playbook.

  gather_facts: false

The connection: httpapi parameter in an Ansible playbook is a plug-in that provides

methods to connect to a Fortinet FortiOS appliance or VM via REST API.

  connection: httpapi

The variables are set to be able to connect to the Fortinet firewall. As we are using a
VM evaluation license, we’ve set the ansible_httpapi_use_ssl to “no”, ansible_httpapi_
validate_certs to “no”, and ansible_httpapi_port to “80”, which is not secure. If we have a
valid license, then we set the SSL and cert checks to “yes” with the port set to “443”.

    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: no
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
    ansible_httpapi_port: 80

The Ansible task uses the “fortinet.fortios.fortios_firewall_policy” module to

configure a firewall policy rule on the Fortinet firewall. The tasks create the firewall
policy rule with the parameters vdom, state, name, policyid (required), action, srcaddr,
srcintf, dstaddr, dstintf, service, nat, status, and schedule.

  - name: Configure firewall policy

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

      vdom: "root"
      state: "present"
        name: "Internal-to-Internet Rule"
        policyid: "10"
        action: "accept"
            name: "Internal_Subnet"
            name: "port1"
            name: "all"
            name: "port2"
            name: "HTTPS"
        nat: "enable"
        status: "enable"
        schedule: "always"

To confirm that the Ansible playbook is running successfully, you can execute the
“18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml” playbook. Assuming that there are no syntax errors
or typos in the playbook, you should see an output similar to the following example. The
playbook consists of one task to create the firewall policy. The output explains each step
in the playbook execution.

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

18.7 Running the YAML Application to Create a

Firewall Policy Rule on a Fortinet Firewall
Step 1: For illustration purposes, let’s first create an object address that we will use in our
firewall policy. We will name it “Internal_Subnet”. Go to Policy & Objects ➤ Addresses
➤ Create New Address as shown in Figure 18-8.

Figure 18-8. Create an object address named Internal_Subnet.

Before executing the playbook, as shown in Figure 18-9, the firewall policy rules
have not yet been configured on the targeted Fortinet firewall, which has an IP of

Figure 18-9. Forti-VM firewall policy rule before the configuration

Step 2: Once you have completed the “18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml” playbook

file in your working directory, execute your playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch18]$ anp 18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml

PLAY [Create Firewall Policy Rule] ****************************************

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

TASK [Create firewall policy] *********************************************

changed: [Forti01]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************

Forti01                 : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output provides a summary of the tasks
that were executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is, and the output shows that one task was executed on this host, which
is successful (ok=1). The task made a change to the system (changed=1), indicating
the new firewall policy rule was successfully configured. The output also indicates that
there were no tasks that were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0,
skipped=0). Finally, no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).
Overall, the “PLAY RECAP” section provides a quick overview of the success or failure of
the tasks executed in the playbook on the target host.
Step 3: As you can see in Figure 18-10, after executing the Ansible playbook, we can
confirm that the firewall policy rules have been successfully configured based on the
parameters defined in the script.

Figure 18-10. Forti-VM firewall policy after the configuration

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

Here is the completed 18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml playbook for your



- name: Create Firewall Policy Rule
  hosts: forti
  gather_facts: false
  connection: httpapi

   ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: no
   ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
   ansible_httpapi_port: 80

  - name: Create firewall policy
      vdom: "root"
      state: "present"
        name: "Internal-to-Internet Rule"
        policyid: "10"
        action: "accept"
            name: "Internal_Subnet"
            name: "port1"
            name: "all"
            name: "port2"

Chapter 18 Creating Security Policy Rules on Palo Alto and Fortinet Firewalls

            name: "HTTPS"
        nat: "enable"
        status: "enable"
        schedule: "always"

In this chapter, you have acquired knowledge on creating security policies for both
Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls using simple playbooks. From Chapters 19 to 21,
our emphasis will be on the Palo Alto firewall. As we have demonstrated that the
fundamental concepts and processes are similar in both vendors’ firewalls, we will
continue focusing exclusively on the Palo Alto firewall for the rest of the book. It’s
important to note that if you understand the processes for the Fortinet firewall, you
can apply the same principles. In the upcoming chapter, let’s explore the creation of an
IPSec tunnel.

18.8 Summary
In this chapter, our focus was on automating the creation of security rules for Palo Alto
and Fortinet firewalls. We highlighted the significance of effective security rule creation
in safeguarding the underlying network. The chapter provided a step-by-step guideline
for transitioning from manual rule creation to automated rule creation using Ansible
playbooks. It included examples of automated security policy rule creations for both
firewall vendors. The key takeaway from this chapter should be the process of moving
away from the graphical user interface (GUI) and transitioning to writing tasks in YAML
scripts. This allows for the execution of repetitive tasks through scripted applications,
such as the playbooks we created in this chapter. Network automation should not
be seen as an end in itself but rather as the beginning of a new journey for you and
your team.


Creating IPSec Tunnels

on Palo Alto Firewalls
This chapter aims to provide a guide on automating the creation of IPSec tunnels on
Palo Alto firewalls using an Ansible playbook. We will start by exploring the practical
usage of IPSec tunnels in production environments and discussing their advantages and
disadvantages. Next, we will demonstrate the manual process of creating IPSec tunnels
on Palo Alto firewalls, laying the groundwork for developing an Ansible playbook to
automate these tasks. Throughout this chapter, we will cover the entire thought process
involved in transitioning from manual configuration to an automated approach using
an Ansible YAML file. Each section will include detailed explanations of the Ansible
snippets and outputs, providing a step-by-step walkthrough of the automation process.
Our goal is to ensure that readers have a good understanding of the actual automation
process, helping them transition from manual-driven tasks to scripted applications and
apply these concepts to their network infrastructure.

19.1 Enhancing Network Security with

IPSec Tunnels
Network security engineers are responsible for managing various security devices
and VPN technologies, with IPSec being one of the most commonly administered
technologies. An IPSec tunnel is a security protocol that enables the establishment
of a secure connection between two networks over an untrusted network, such as
© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

the Internet. By encrypting the traffic flowing through the tunnel, IPSec ensures data
confidentiality, integrity, and authentication (CIA). Numerous security appliance
vendors offer IPSec tunnel services, and Palo Alto firewalls are among the most widely
used products for securing enterprise networks. These firewalls incorporate VPN
capabilities, including the ability to create IPSec tunnels.
By configuring IPSec tunnels on Palo Alto firewalls, organizations can establish
secure connections between remote offices, partners, or cloud services, enabling users
to access corporate network resources as if they were physically on-site. Additionally,
IPSec tunnels contribute to preventing unauthorized network access by providing
an encrypted and authenticated connection. Leveraging IPSec tunnels on Palo Alto
firewalls ensures the protection of sensitive data and resources against security threats.
Before delving into the actual IPSec tunnel configuration on Palo Alto firewalls, let’s
take a moment to review the advantages and disadvantages of IPSec tunnels. We will
examine these aspects in Table 19-1.

Table 19-1. Advantages and disadvantages of IPSec tunnels

Advantages of IPSec tunnels Disadvantages of IPSec tunnels

• Provides robust security features, • Requires configuration and management of

including data confidentiality, integrity, and IPSec endpoints on both ends of the tunnel
authentication • May introduce additional overhead and latency
• Enables connectivity between various network to traffic, depending on the encryption and
types, such as site-to-site, remote access, and authentication methods used
cloud-based networks • Not always suitable for high-bandwidth or
• Widely adopted and standardized technology high-performance applications due to potential
supported by multiple vendors overhead and latency
• Protects traffic across a wide range of • Vulnerable to attacks on the endpoints,
protocols and applications such as man-in-the-middle attacks, key
compromises, or configuration errors

Additionally, let’s discuss other security connection methods commonly used today
and compare them to IPSec tunnel connections. This comparison is briefly discussed in
Table 19-2.

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

Table 19-2. Other security connection methods

Connection method Description

SSL/TLS VPN Offers similar security features to IPSec tunnels but operates at the
application layer rather than the network layer. It may be easier to manage
and configure but could have lower performance and be more susceptible
to application-level attacks.
MPLS VPN Establishes a secure and reliable network connection by utilizing a private
MPLS network instead of the public Internet. Provides better performance
and reliability compared to IPSec tunnels but may come with higher costs
and reduced flexibility.
Direct Connect Establishes a direct physical connection between two networks, such
as a leased line or dedicated fiber connection. Offers the highest level
of performance and security, but it can be expensive and challenging to

Now that we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of IPSec tunnels
as well as other secure connection methods, let’s delve into how a security engineer
configures an IPSec tunnel on the renowned Palo Alto firewall.


Review your lab parameters to optimize your lab outcomes!

In this lab, we assume that you have followed every step specified in the
complementary lab installation guide. The guide can be found at the following link,
and you should refer to the installation guide titled “Ch11_Pre-­task2_PaloAlto_

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

19.2 IPSec Tunnel Configuration on

Palo Alto Firewalls
To create an IPSec tunnel on a Palo Alto firewall, a security engineer must follow several
tasks sequentially to complete the required tasks:

1. Create a tunnel interface with its corresponding zone: This will be

used for routing the traffic securely through the IPSec tunnel.
2. Create the phase I settings, which is the IKE crypto profile: The
profile defines the encryption algorithm, hash algorithm, DH key
exchange, and the key lifetime.

3. Create the phase II settings, which is the IPSec crypto profile: The
profile defines the encryption algorithm, hash algorithm, perfect
forward secrecy, and the key lifetime.

4. Create an IKE gateway: This gateway defines the Internet Key

Exchange (IKE) parameters for establishing the phase I tunnel,
such as the ikev version, local IP address and interface, peer IP
address, pre-shared key, IKE crypto profile to be used, liveness
check, and other options to enable/disable such as passive mode
and NAT traversal.

5. Create an IPSec tunnel: This defines the parameters to be used to

build the IPSec tunnel using the parameters built for both phase
I and phase II. The parameters include the IPSec tunnel name,
tunnel interface, IKE gateway, IPSec crypto profile, and Proxy IDs
or otherwise called traffic selectors.

6. Configure static routes: If necessary, static routes may need to be

configured to direct traffic through the IPSec tunnel.

While the task of creating an IPSec tunnel in Palo Alto may initially be easy and
even enjoyable, it can quickly become laborious and prone to errors when manually
configuring more than ten tunnels. When this task becomes repetitive and frequently
occurs throughout the year, engineers may find themselves investing countless hours
in IPSec tunnel creation without yielding any significant benefits for the organization
or themselves. Thankfully, there are automation tools available to alleviate this burden,

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

such as SaltStack, Ansible, Octopus Deploy, and HashiCorp Terraform. By leveraging

these tools, security engineers can automate the process of creating IPSec tunnels,
resulting in substantial time and effort savings.
This book focuses on Ansible, which provides a comprehensive range of modules
and parameters designed to configure IPSec tunnels across multiple vendor products.
Through automation, engineers can ensure the accurate establishment of IPSec tunnels
and the secure flow of traffic between remote networks. This not only delivers immediate
time and effort savings but also helps to secure the organization’s network with
standardized configurations, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency.

19.3 Palo Alto IPSec Tunnel Creation Lab Topology

In this chapter, you only need to power on two devices in your virtual environment:
the Ansible control node, f38s1 (, and two Palo Alto firewalls, FW1
( and FW3 (, as shown in Figure 19-1.

Figure 19-1. Palo Alto IPSec lab topology

As shown in Figure 19-2, for the lab discussed in this chapter, you will only need
two Palo Alto firewalls, FW1 and FW3, connected in GNS3. Ensure that both devices are
connected via Ethernet 1/1 and powered on and that you can log into the Admin pages
using your preferred web browser.

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 19-2. Palo Alto IPSec Lab GNS3 topology

19.4 Writing Palo Alto IPSec Tunnel

Creation Playbook
At the end of this chapter, a completed Ansible playbook named “19_create_ipsec_
tunnel.yml” will be provided. However, in this section, we will carefully examine each
segment to enhance our comprehension of the playbook and its assigned tasks. It is
imperative to thoroughly analyze the YAML file’s contents to grasp the objectives behind
writing and executing this playbook. Essentially, the primary goal of the 19_create_
ipsec_tunnel.yml playbook is to establish an IPSec tunnel on a Palo Alto firewall using
predefined variables.
Step 1: Again, since we are creating directories for each chapter, we aim to keep it
simple by having all the components in a single directory. Therefore, we will create the
main components, namely, the ansible.cfg file, the inventory file, and the playbook in the
same directory.

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch19 && cd ch19

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch19]$ cat ansible.cfg

Step 2: Let’s create an inventory file to include our Palo Alto firewall. We will use its
IP address in our inventory to make our playbook simple.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19]$ cat inventory

Step 3: Next, create the 19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19$ vi 19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19$ cat 19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml

Here’s an explanation of the sections in our playbook. If you’re following along on

your Linux Ansible Control Machine, let’s assemble the playbook. It is crucial that you
physically type these YAML codes into your text editor to become more acquainted with
Ansible playbooks.
As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

- name: Create IPSec Tunne with defined variables

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “palo”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Palo Alto VM with
IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “palo”.

hosts: palo

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

By default, Ansible’s gather_facts module is always enabled. However, in this case,

we want to specifically turn it off. To do so, add “false” next to “gather_facts:” in the

gather_facts: false

The connection: local parameter in an Ansible playbook specifies that the playbook
should be executed locally on the machine running Ansible rather than remotely on the
target host(s). This means that any tasks defined in the playbook will be executed on the
Ansible control node rather than on the target hosts. This can be useful for tasks that do
not require remote execution or for testing purposes.

connection: local

The following snippet defines a parameter named “provider” that contains

subparameters for the IP address, username, and password of the firewall. The IP
address is dynamically set to the inventory_hostname, which refers to the hostname of
the target host(s). The username and password are left blank and will be prompted later
in the playbook using the vars_prompt module. By defining these variables, we can use
them throughout the playbook to configure the firewall.

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

This line prompts the user running the playbook to enter a username and password
for the firewall. The private flag on the password prompt indicates that the user’s input
should not be displayed on the screen for security reasons. These inputs will be stored as
variables to be used later in the playbook when connecting to the firewall using SSH.

  - name: "pan_username"
    prompt: "login as"
      private: no

  - name: "pan_password"

    prompt: "Password"
    private: yes
Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

This Ansible task uses the “panos_tunnel” module to create the tunnel interface
named “tunnel.1” with a virtual router named “default” and a zone named “VPN_Test”
on a Palo Alto firewall. This tunnel interface will be used to route the traffic securely
through the IPSec tunnel. The “commit” flag is set to False, which means that the
changes made by this task will not be committed immediately and will stay as a
candidate configuration.

  - name: Create tunnel.1
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      if_name: "tunnel.1"
      vr_name: 'default'
      zone_name: 'VPN_Test'
      commit: 'False'

This Ansible task creates an IKE (Internet Key Exchange) crypto profile named
“ike-profile-test” with Diffie-Hellman group 20, SHA-512 authentication, AES-256-CBC
encryption, and a lifetime of eight hours using the “panos_ike_crypto_profile” module.
The task sets the specified provider and sets the name, DH group, authentication,
encryption, lifetime, and commit values for the profile. The commit flag is set to False,
indicating that the changes made by this task will not be committed immediately.
These algorithms are the strongest we can use on a Palo Alto firewall; however, for IKE
establishment, these parameters must match on both ends.

- name: Create IKE crypto profile

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'ike-profile-test'
      dh_group: ['group20']
      authentication: ['sha512']
      encryption: ['aes-256-cbc']
      lifetime_hours: '8'
      commit: 'False'

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

The following task creates an IPSec crypto profile on a Palo Alto firewall. The
“panos_ipsec_profile” module is used to configure the profile with specific parameters
such as the provider, profile name, DH group, encryption and authentication algorithms,
and lifetime. The “commit” parameter is set to “False” to prevent the changes from being
committed automatically. This task will create an IPSec crypto profile named “ipsec-­
profile-­test” on the specified device. These algorithms are the strongest we can use on
a Palo Alto firewall; however, for IPSec establishment, these parameters must match on
both ends.

- name: Create IPSec crypto profile

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'ipsec-profile-test'
      dh_group: 'group20'
      esp_authentication: ['sha512']
      esp_encryption: ['aes-256-gcm']
      lifetime_hours: '1'
      commit: 'False'

This YAML code is an Ansible task that creates an IKE gateway on a Palo Alto
firewall. The “panos_ike_gateway” module is used to configure the gateway with specific
parameters such as the provider, gateway name, version, interface, local IP address type,
local IP address, peer IP address, pre-shared key, IKE crypto profile, enable/disable
features like liveness check, NAT traversal, and passive mode. We will need to enable
NAT traversal if a NAT device is between the VPN terminating points. The “commit”
parameter is set to “False” to prevent the changes from being committed automatically.
When executed, this task will create an IKE gateway named “IKEGW-TEST” on the
specified Palo Alto firewall.

- name: Create IKE Gateway

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'IKEGW-TEST'
      version: 'ikev2'
      interface: 'ethernet1/1'
      local_ip_address_type: 'ip'
      local_ip_address: ''

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

      enable_passive_mode: False
      enable_nat_traversal: True
      enable_liveness_check: True
      liveness_check_interval: '5'
      peer_ip_value: '
      pre_shared_key: 'secretkey'
      ikev2_crypto_profile: 'ike-profile-test'
      commit: 'False'

This Ansible YAML code creates an IPSec tunnel on a Palo Alto firewall using the
“panos_ipsec_tunnel” module. The module is configured with specific parameters,
including the provider, tunnel name, tunnel interface, IKE gateway name, and IPSec
crypto profile name. The “commit” parameter is set to “False” to prevent the changes
from being committed automatically. When executed, this task creates an IPSec tunnel
named “IPSecTunnel-Test” on the specified Palo Alto device. For troubleshooting
purposes, you will be able to see the status of both phase I and phase II tunnels within
the IPSec tunnels tab on the Palo Alto firewall, and you will have options to be able
to restart or refresh these tunnels. For the IPSec tunnel to establish, you will need to
generate interesting traffic, which will be demonstrated later in this chapter.

  - name: Create IPSec tunnel

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'IPSecTunnel-Test'
      tunnel_interface: 'tunnel.1'
      ak_ike_gateway: 'IKEGW-TEST'
      ak_ipsec_crypto_profile: 'ipsec-profile-test
      commit: 'False'

This YAML code is an Ansible task that creates the Proxy IDs on the Palo Alto
firewall. The “panos_ipsec_ipv4_proxyid” module is used to configure the specific
parameters, including the provider, name, proxy ID name, tunnel_name, and local
and remote networks to be allowed to communicate within the tunnel. The “commit”
parameter is set to “False” to prevent the changes from being committed automatically.
When executed, this task will create the Proxy IDs within the IPSec tunnel named

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

“‘IPSecTunnel-Test’”, which includes the local and remote subnets. The Proxy ID is also
known as traffic selectors on route-based VPNs, and they will have to match on both
ends of the VPN terminations to establish phase II communication.

  - name: Add IPSec IPv4 Proxy ID

        provider: '{{ provider }}'
        name: 'Id1'
        tunnel_name: 'IPSecTunnel-Test'
        local: ''
        remote: ''
        commit: 'False'

This YAML code is an Ansible task that creates a static route on a Palo Alto firewall
device. The “panos_static_route” module is used to configure the route with specific
parameters such as the provider, route name, destination network, egress interface,
and next-hop type. The “nexthop_type” parameter is set to “none” to indicate that the
route has no next-hop IP address. The “commit” parameter is set to “False” to prevent
the changes from being committed automatically. When executed, this task will create a
static route named “route_10.10.30.0-24” for the destination network “” on
the specified Palo Alto device.

  - name: Create Static route

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'TESTroute_10.10.30.0-24'
      destination: ''
      interface: 'tunnel.1'
      nexthop_type: 'none'
      commit: 'False'

Once you have thoroughly understood the YAML playbook, you can run the 19_
create_ipsec_tunnel.yml playbook to confirm that the Ansible YAML script is running
successfully. If there are no syntax errors or typos, your playbook will run successfully.
If you have managed to follow along and type the playbook yourself, that’s fantastic.
However, if you prefer to use our playbook, you will find it in your downloaded folder
named “ch19.”

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

19.5 Running IPSec Tunnel Creation Playbook

In this section, our focus will be to check the current configuration of the PA-VM IPSec
tunnel, run the playbook, and then validate the creation and functionality of our
IPSec tunnel.
Step 1: Before running the playbook, log into your PA-VM web page and navigate
to Network ➤ IPSec Tunnels. As shown in Figure 19-3, you will notice that the IPSec
tunnel has not been configured yet on the target Palo Alto firewall with the IP address

Figure 19-3. PA-VM Network IPSec Tunnel before the configuration

Step 2: Go to your SSH session on the Ansible Control Machine, f38s1, and execute
the “19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml” playbook. Ansible will prompt you for the firewall
username and password. These credentials are necessary to authenticate and access
the device for configuration. It is important to note that the entered password will not be
displayed for security reasons.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch19]$ anp 19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml

login as: admin
Password: ***************
PLAY [Create IPSec Tunnel with defined variables] *************************

TASK [Create tunnel.1] ****************************************************

changed: []

TASK [Create IKE crypto profile] ******************************************

ok: []
TASK [Create IPSec crypto profile] ****************************************
ok: []

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

TASK [Create IKE Gateway] *************************************************

changed: []

TASK [Create IPSec tunnel] ************************************************

changed: []

TASK [Add IPSec IPv4 Proxy ID] ********************************************

ok: []

TASK [Create Static route] ************************************************

changed: []

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************             : ok=7    changed=7    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output shown previously provides a
summary of the task statuses executed on each target host. In this example, the target
host has an IP address of The output indicates that seven tasks were
executed on this host, and all of them were successful (ok=7). Out of those seven tasks,
seven tasks made changes to the system (changed=7), while there were no tasks that
were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Additionally,
no tasks required rescue or were ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).
Step 3: Now go back to the PA-VM Admin Web page; as you can see in Figure 19-4,
the IPSec tunnel has been successfully configured and is now reflected in the candidate
configuration of the Palo Alto firewall.

Figure 19-4. PA-VM Network IPSec Tunnel after the configuration

As mentioned earlier, we set each task with the “commit” parameter set to “False”,
enabling us to review the configuration before committing the change. Figure 19-5
visually shows this process.

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 19-5. PA-VM Change Summary before commit

Step 4: To showcase the IPSec tunnel’s functionality, we have configured the Peer
device (FW3) based on the lab preparation guide, which is another Palo Alto firewall.
As mentioned earlier, the IPSec tunnel requires the generation of interesting traffic.
To initiate the tunnel, SSH into FW1 and use the provided commands shown here to
generate ICMP traffic on the point-to-point connection between FW1 and FW3. For this
process to succeed, it is crucial that you have diligently prepared this lab and allowed
ping traffic on the Ethernet 1/1 interfaces of both firewalls.

admin@PA-VM> ping source host

PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=161 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.14 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=3.25 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=2.89 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 4003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.140/26.611/161.117/54.948 ms

admin@PA-VM> ping source host

PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=45.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=3.00 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=3.54 ms

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=8.93 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 3 received, 25% packet loss, time 5053ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.002/8.295/45.493/12.521 ms

Step 5: Now check the IPSec tunnel as shown in Figure 19-6; you can see that the
PA-VM’s IPSec tunnel has detected the traffic and has been established. The Tunnel Info
and IKE Info STATUS indicators have both turned green, indicating that the IPSec tunnel
is fully functional. Additionally, the port status has also turned green, which further
confirms that the IPSec tunnel has been established successfully and is operational.

Figure 19-6. PA-VM Network IPSec Tunnels before the configuration

Now that you have completed the IPSec tunnel configuration using an Ansible
playbook, it’s crucial to target repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as configuring
IPSec tunnels, when considering workplace automation. These tasks are prime
candidates for full automation. When initiating an automation initiative within your
team or organization, it’s important to start with repetitive and easily achievable tasks.
By automating these tasks, engineers can free up their time to focus on more valuable
work and cultivate strong client relationships. Ultimately, the work of engineers directly
impacts end users and services since we serve people, not machines or computers.
Despite the advent of the fourth industrial revolution and technological advancements
like AI, ML, and ChatGPT, the market remains driven by human needs and desires, not
Here is the completed 19_create_ipsec_tunnel.yml playbook.

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls


- name: Create IPSec Tunnel with defined variables
  hosts: palo  # Targeting the Palo Alto device
  gather_facts: false  # Skipping gathering facts
  connection: local

    provider:  # Connection parameters for the Palo Alto device
      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'  # IP address of the device
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'  # Prompted username
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'  # Prompted password

  vars_prompt:  # Prompting for username and password

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"  # Prompt message for username
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"  # Prompt message for password
      private: yes

  - name: Create tunnel.1  # Creating a tunnel
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      if_name: "tunnel.1"
      vr_name: 'default'
      zone_name: 'VPN_Test'
      commit: 'False'  # Skipping immediate commit

  - name: Create IKE crypto profile  # Creating IKE crypto profile
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'ike-profile-test'
      dh_group: ['group20']
      authentication: ['sha512']
      encryption: ['aes-256-cbc']
      lifetime_hours: '8'

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

      commit: 'False'

  - name: Create IPSec crypto profile  # Creating IPSec crypto profile
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'ipsec-profile-test'
      dh_group: 'group20'
      esp_authentication: ['sha512']
      esp_encryption: ['aes-256-gcm']
      lifetime_hours: '1'
      commit: 'False'

  - name: Create IKE Gateway  # Creating IKE gateway

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'IKEGW-TEST'
      version: 'ikev2'
      interface: 'ethernet1/1'
      local_ip_address_type: 'ip'
      local_ip_address: ''
      enable_passive_mode: False
      enable_nat_traversal: True
      enable_liveness_check: True
      liveness_check_interval: '5'
      peer_ip_value: ''
      pre_shared_key: 'secretkey'
      ikev2_crypto_profile: 'ike-profile-test'
      commit: 'False'

  - name: Create IPSec tunnel  # Creating IPSec tunnel

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'IPSecTunnel-Test'
      tunnel_interface: 'tunnel.1'
      ak_ike_gateway: 'IKEGW-TEST'
      ak_ipsec_crypto_profile: 'ipsec-profile-test'
      commit: 'False'

  - name: Add IPSec IPv4 Proxy ID  # Adding IPSec IPv4 Proxy ID

Chapter 19 Creating IPSec Tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls

      provider: '{{ provider }}'

      name: 'Id1'
      tunnel_name: 'IPSecTunnel-Test'
      local: ''
      remote: ''
      commit: 'False'

  - name: Create Static route  # Creating a static route

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      name: 'TESTroute_10.10.30.0-24'
      destination: ''
      interface: 'tunnel.1'
      nexthop_type: 'none'

19.6 Summary
This chapter explored automating IPSec tunnel creation on Palo Alto firewalls using
the Ansible playbook. We discussed the practical usage, advantages, and disadvantages
of IPSec tunnels. Understanding the manual setup laid the foundation for developing
an Ansible playbook to automate these tasks. We provided detailed explanations and
examples of Ansible snippets, guiding readers through the automation process. Our
goal was to empower readers with a comprehensive understanding of IPSec tunnel
automation for their network infrastructure. Automating IPSec tunnels saves time,
improves consistency, and enhances scalability. It enables faster deployment, reduces
errors, and efficiently manages tunnels across multiple firewalls.


Object Addresses and

Object Address Groups
Creation Playbook for
Palo Alto Firewall
This chapter serves as a comprehensive guide to automate the creation of object
addresses and object address groups on Palo Alto firewalls using Ansible playbooks. We
will delve into their usage and configuration, defining their purpose and explaining the
setup process. Throughout the chapter, we will follow a step-by-step approach, starting
with the manual configuration of object addresses and object address groups and
gradually transitioning to an automated approach using Ansible playbooks. Each section
of the playbook snippets and playbook outputs will be thoroughly explained, ensuring
a clear understanding of the automation process. Our primary objective is to equip
readers with a comprehensive knowledge of automation techniques, enabling them to
apply these principles to their specific network infrastructure and address their unique

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
20.1 Enhancing Firewall Policies with the Use of
Object Addresses and Object Address Groups
Network security engineers are responsible for changing Palo Alto firewalls’
configurations, which include adds, changes, or deletions of objects on a day-to-day
basis as the requests from the customers come through. For the firewall policies to be
efficient, object addresses and object address groups are recommended to be used
rather than static values directly on the policies. This way, it is easier to manage the
objects and policies when there are changes in the existing static or dynamic entries.
Requirements could be to whitelist or blacklist a range of IPs or subnets and use them
in a policy for functionality or even to strengthen the rules to only allow or deny specific
objects. Another example could be whitelisting of IPs or subnets to allow traffic to
only the trusted IPs or subnets of third parties like AWS, O365, Azure, or even to Cloud
security providers like Zscaler, Netskope, and even private internal objects, and the
list could go on. Creating objects in a Palo Alto firewall is remarkably simple and easy.
However, once there is the need to configure multiple objects, it becomes tedious to
manually create them – more even, creating address object groups and adding members
and eventually using them in the firewall’s security policies, NAT policies, and the like.
As we felt the agony of manually configuring multiple entries on multiple firewalls and
spending the entire day and more, we decided to automate it and make it reusable, as
this is a common task that we always get from the business or customer. In the end,
saving time and effort means more time for other tasks with higher priority.
Moving forward, let us define what object addresses and object address groups are
in a Palo Alto firewall. An object address in a Palo Alto firewall is defined to be a single
IP or range of IPs, which can either be an IPv4 or IPv6. They can also be defined as an
FQDN. Object addresses defined can be used in the firewall’s rules within the Security,
NAT, QoS, PBF, Decryption, Tunnel Inspection, Application Override, Authentication,
DoS Protection, and SD-WAN Policies as a source and/or destination address. There are
four types of object addresses, as enumerated here:

1. IP Netmask: This is an IPv4 or IPv6 address that can be defined as

a single IP ( or an IP subnet (

2. IP Range: This is an IPv4 or IPv6 address range defining the start

and end of the IP subnet (–

3. IP Wildcard Mask: This is an IPv4 address that can be defined
as a wildcard ( that can only be used in a
security policy.

4. FQDN: This is defined as a domain name (

An object address group, on the other hand, in a Palo Alto firewall is defined as a
group of one or more address objects to simplify the firewall’s policies instead of adding
a list of individual address objects. Object address groups defined can be used in the
firewall’s rules within the Security, NAT, QoS, PBF, Decryption, Tunnel Inspection,
Application Override, Authentication, DoS Protection, and SD-WAN Policies as a
source and/or destination address. There are two types of object address groups
enumerated here:

1. Dynamic: This is a group of object addresses that matches certain

criteria like tags and groups them.

2. Static: This is a group of object addresses that can include

individual object addresses and/or dynamic object
address groups.

20.2 Object Addresses and Object Address Groups

Creation on a Palo Alto Firewall
In this section, we will look at the creation of object addresses and object address groups
on a Palo Alto firewall. Open the PA-VM Admin page in your preferred web browser.
Step 1: To create an object address, go to Objects ➤ Addresses ➤ Add, and you’ll
need to fill in the Name, Description (optional), Type, Value, and Tags (optional) as
shown in Figure 20-1.


Figure 20-1. Object address creation

Step 2: To create an object address group, go to Objects ➤ Address Groups ➤ Add,

and you’ll need to fill in the Name, Description (optional), Type (Dynamic or Static),
Addresses or match criteria, and tags (optional) as shown in Figure 20-2.

Figure 20-2. Object address group creation

20.3 Writing a Playbook to Create Object Addresses
on a Palo Alto Firewall
The lab topology is the same as the last chapter; however, you will only need the
Ansible Control Machine, f38s1 (, and one Palo Alto firewall, FW1
(, in action. Optionally, if you want to work with two Palo Alto firewalls,
you can do so by adding the second IP address in the inventory file, but here we are only
demonstrating using a single firewall for simplicity.
Let’s write a new playbook named “20_create_object_address.yml”. It is important to
go over the sections of our playbook in detail to gain a better understanding of what we
are trying to achieve by writing and running this script. The playbook will create object
addresses on a Palo Alto firewall based on parameters filled with the variables defined
on a csv file named objects.csv. Undefined variables on a parameter will be omitted from
the configuration. These variables in the parameter are optional.
Step 1: As we are creating directories for every chapter, we will keep it consistent and
create a new working directory, ch20, and work from the directory. We will create a local
ansible.cfg and inventory file in the directory.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch20 && cd ch20

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ cat ansible.cfg

Step 2: Let’s quickly create an inventory file for our lab.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ cat inventory

Step 3: Let’s create a new playbook named 20_create_object_address.yml.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20$ vi 20_create_object_address.yml

Let’s follow the instructions and write our playbook one line at a time.
As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

- name: Create object addresses from csv file

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “palo”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Palo Alto VM with
IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “palo”.

hosts: palo

By default, Ansible’s gather_facts module is enabled, but it can be disabled to save

resources and improve playbook execution speed. Disabling gather_facts means that
Ansible will not collect information about the target host(s) like IP address, operating
system, and installed packages. While this information can be helpful as variables to
modify playbook flow, disabling the module optimizes playbook performance if you
don’t require this data.

gather_facts: false

The “connection: local” parameter in an Ansible playbook indicates local execution

on the Ansible control node instead of remote execution on target hosts. Tasks defined in
the playbook are executed on the control node itself. This is beneficial for tasks that don’t
need remote execution or for testing purposes.

connection: local

The “provider” parameter contains subparameters for the firewall’s IP address,

username, and password. The IP address is dynamically set to the inventory_hostname,
representing the target host(s) hostname. The username and password fields are left
blank and will be prompted later in the playbook using the vars_prompt module. These
variables allow us to configure the firewall throughout the playbook.

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

The line prompts the user for a username and password for the firewall, with the
password input hidden for security (private flag). The entered values are stored as
variables for later use in the playbook when establishing an SSH connection with the

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

This Ansible task uses the “community.general.read_csv” module to read the csv
file named objects.csv. The path is objects.csv which states that the file is locally stored
where the playbook is stored. Once the csv file is read, it will store it as a list in a variable
named objects_list.

- name: Read the csv file

    delegate_to: locahost
       path: objects.csv
    register: objects_list

This Ansible task uses the “panos_address_object” module to create the object
addresses stored in the list named objects_list with the loop keyword at the end and
configure the address object in each row in the list. The task will create the object
address from each row with the parameter name, value, and description in the list. As
you can see, the parameter named description is defined with “default(omit)”. This
means that the parameter named description will not be configured if it is undefined in
the list. The commit flag is set to False, indicating that the changes made by this task will
not be committed immediately.

- name: Create object addresses from the csv file

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_address_object:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: '{{ }}'

       value: '{{ item.value }}'
       description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'
       commit: False
     loop: '{{ objects_list.list }}'

Once you have thoroughly understood the YAML playbook, you can run the 20_
create_object_address.yml playbook to confirm that the Ansible YAML script is running
successfully. If there are no syntax errors or typos, you should see similar output to the
following example; the playbook has two tasks to create the object addresses based on
the list in the objects.csv file, and the output contains the explanation of each output.

20.4 Running the Playbook to Create Object

Addresses on a Palo Alto Firewall
Before running the playbook, we can see that the object addresses have not been
configured yet on our target Palo Alto firewall with an IP address of (see
Figure 20-3).

Figure 20-3. PA-VM object addresses before executing the playbook

Figure 20-4 shows the objects.csv file that we created, which includes the parameter
name, value, and description (optional). The description will not be configured for those
rows with an undefined value.


Figure 20-4. objects.csv

Step 1: This is an example of running an Ansible playbook named “20_create_

object_address.yml”. When executed, Ansible will prompt for the firewall username and
password, which are required to authenticate and access the device for configuration.
The entered password will not be displayed for security reasons.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ anp 20_create_object_address.yml

login as: admin
Password: ***************
PLAY [Create object addresses from csv file] ******************************

TASK [Read the csv file] **************************************************

ok: [ -> locahost]

TASK [Read the csv file] **************************************************
TASK [Create object addresses from the csv file] **************************
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-1', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject1'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-2', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject2'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-3', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-4', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject4'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-5', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject5'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-6', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-7', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-8', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-9', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-10', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-11', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-12', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject12'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-13', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject13'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-14', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject14'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-15', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject15'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-16', 'value': '',
'description': ''})

changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-17', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-18', 'value': '',
'description': ''})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-19', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject19'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-20', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject20'})

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************     : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the
tasks executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is The output shows that there were two tasks executed on this host, and
all of them were successful (ok=2). Out of those two tasks, one made changes to the
system (changed=1), while 0 tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0,
failed=0, skipped=0). Finally, no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0,
Step 2: In Figure 20-5, it is evident that the object addresses have been successfully
configured as what we have defined in the objects.csv file and are now reflected in
the candidate configuration of the Palo Alto firewall. As previously mentioned, we set
each task with the “commit” parameter set to “False”, which allows us to review the
configuration before committing the change.


Figure 20-5. PA-VM object addresses after executing the playbook

Step 3: Here is the complete 20_create_object_address.yml for your reference:

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ vi 20_create_object_address.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ cat 20_create_object_address.yml
- name: Create object addresses from csv file
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"
      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

   - name: Read the csv file
     delegate_to: locahost
       path: objects.csv
     register: objects_list

   - name: Create object addresses from the csv file

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_address_object:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: '{{ }}'
       value: '{{ item.value }}'
       description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'
       commit: False
     loop: '{{ objects_list.list }}'

20.5 Writing a Playbook to Create Object Address

Groups on a Palo Alto Firewall
In this playbook, you can find a complete Ansible YAML script named “20_create_
object_address_group.yml”. However, it’s important to go over the contents of the YAML
file in detail to gain a better understanding of what we are trying to achieve by writing
and running this script. The “20_create_object_address_group.yml” is an Ansible
playbook that creates a tag, object addresses with the tag defined, and, eventually, the
object address group on a Palo Alto firewall. The object addresses will be created based
on parameters filled with the variables defined on a csv file named objects_address.
csv. Undefined variables on a parameter will be omitted from the configuration. These
variables in the parameter are optional.
Here’s a brief explanation of each line of the playbook.

As in all YAML files, the three dashes indicate the start of a new document.


With the use of - name, we can describe what this YAML file does or intends to do.

  - name: Create object addresses from csv file

This specifies the target host(s) on which this playbook will run. In this case, it will
run on a host named “palo”. For this playbook, we will run it on a Palo Alto VM with
IP This IP is defined in our inventory as a member of the group-name
named “palo”.

  hosts: palo

By default, Ansible’s gather_facts module is always enabled, but if you do not

require information from facts, you can choose to disable this module to save processor
resources and speed up playbook execution. Disabling gather_facts means that Ansible
will not collect information about the target host(s), such as their IP address, operating
system, installed packages, etc. It’s important to note that the information collected from
the gather_facts module can be useful as variables, which can be used to change the flow
of your Ansible playbook. However, if you don’t need this information, it’s best to disable
the gather_facts module to optimize the performance of your playbook.

  gather_facts: false

The connection: local parameter in an Ansible playbook specifies that the playbook
should be executed locally on the machine running Ansible rather than remotely on the
target host(s). This means that any tasks defined in the playbook will be executed on the
Ansible control node rather than on the target hosts. This can be useful for tasks that do
not require remote execution or for testing purposes.

  connection: local

This defines a parameter named “provider” that contains subparameters for the IP
address, username, and password of the firewall. The IP address is dynamically set to the
inventory_hostname, which refers to the hostname of the target host(s). The username
and password are left blank and will be prompted later in the playbook using the vars_
prompt module. By defining these variables, we can use them throughout the playbook
to configure the firewall.

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

This line prompts the user running the playbook to enter a username and password
for the firewall. The private flag on the password prompt indicates that the user’s input
should not be displayed on the screen for security reasons. These inputs will be stored as
variables to be used later in the playbook when connecting to the firewall using SSH.

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

This Ansible task uses the “community.general.read_csv” module to read the csv file
named objects_address.csv. The path is objects_address.csv which states that the file is
locally stored where the playbook is stored. Once the csv file is read, it will store it as a list
in a variable named objects_address_list.

  - name: Read the csv file

    delegate_to: locahost
       path: objects_address.csv
    register: objects_address_list

This Ansible task uses the “panos_tag_object” module to create a tag named
“test_object” with the color red. This tag will later be used to tag object addresses to be
grouped. The commit flag is set to False, indicating that the changes made by this task
will not be committed immediately.

  - name: Create a tag with color

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_tag_object:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'

       name: 'test_object'
       color: 'red'
       commit: False

This Ansible task uses the “panos_address_object” module to create the object
addresses stored in the list named objects_address_list with the loop keyword at the end
and configure the address object in each row in the list. The task will create the object
address from each row with the parameter name, value, tag, and description in the list.
As you can see, the parameter named description is defined with “default(omit)”. This
means that the parameter named description will not be configured if it is undefined in
the list. The commit flag is set to False, indicating that the changes made by this task will
not be committed immediately.

  - name: Create object address with tag

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_address_object:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: '{{ }}'
       value: '{{ item.value }}'
       tag: '{{ item.tag }}'
       description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'
       commit: False
     loop: '{{ objects_address_list.list }}'

This Ansible task uses the “panos_address_group” module to create the address
group named test_object_group. The type of the object address group is dynamic with
the match criteria of test_object. All of the object addresses that were tagged with
test_object that we created earlier will be a member of the object address group named

  - name: Create object address group

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_address_group:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: 'test_object_group'
       dynamic_value: 'test_object'
       commit: False

20.6 Running the Playbook to Create Object
Address Groups on a Palo Alto Firewall
Before we continue with the next example in this chapter, we’ll have to revert the
configuration to the running configuration to clear out the candidate configuration from
our previous example. Go to Device ➤ Setup ➤ Operations ➤ Revert to the running
Now, we can see that the object addresses and object address group have not been
configured yet on our target Palo Alto firewall with an IP address of (see
Figures 20-6 and 20-7).

Figure 20-6. PA-VM object addresses before executing the playbook

Figure 20-7. PA-VM object address group before executing the playbook

Figure 20-8 shows the objects_address.csv file that we created, which includes the
parameter name, value and description (optional), and tag. The description will not be
configured for those rows with an undefined value.

Figure 20-8. objects_address.csv

Step 1: This is an example of running an Ansible playbook named “20_create_

object_address_group.yml”. When executed, Ansible will prompt for the firewall
username and password, which are required to authenticate and access the device for
configuration. The entered password will not be displayed for security reasons.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the
tasks executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is The output shows that there were four tasks executed on this host, and

all of them were successful (ok=4). Out of those four tasks, three made changes to the
system (changed=3), while 0 tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0,
failed=0, skipped=0). Finally, no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0,

[jdoe@f38s1 ch20]$ anp 20_create_object_address_group.yml

login as: admin
Password: ***************
PLAY [Create object address group] ****************************************

TASK [Read the csv file] **************************************************

ok: [ -> locahost]

TASK [Create tag with color] **********************************************

changed: []
TASK [Create object address with tag] *************************************
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-1', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject1', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-2', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject2', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-3', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject3', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-4', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject4', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-5', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject5', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-6', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-7', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-8', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-9', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-10', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})

changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-11', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject11', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-12', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject12', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-13', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject13', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-14', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject14', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-15', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-16', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-17', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-18', 'value': '',
'description': '', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-19', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject19', 'tag': 'test_object'})
changed: [] => (item={'name': 'test-20', 'value': '',
'description': 'testobject20', 'tag': 'test_object'})

TASK [Create object address group] ****************************************

changed: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************     : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 2: In Figure 20-9, it is evident that the object addresses have been successfully
configured as what we have defined in the objects_address.csv file with the tag and
colored red. Figure 20-10 shows the object address group created. Figure 20-11 shows the
dynamic members associated with the address group and now reflected in the candidate
configuration of the Palo Alto firewall. As previously mentioned, we set each task with
the “commit” parameter set to “False”, which allows us to review the configuration before
committing the change.


Figure 20-9. PA-VM object addresses with tag and colored red after executing the

Figure 20-10. PA-VM object address group with a dynamic member after
executing the playbook


Figure 20-11. PA-VM object addresses group dynamic members

This chapter marks the penultimate section of the book, with only the final chapter
remaining for your enjoyment. Congratulations on reaching this far and pushing yourself
to the limit. From Chapters 1 to 20, we hope you have acquired valuable lessons and skill
sets that are unique to this medium. Take a break, get some fresh air, and return to complete
your reading with the last chapter. In the upcoming chapter, Chapter 21, we will delve into
the topic of PAN-OS upgrading. It is important to note that a licensed version of PA-VM in
your environment or the actual physical PA-VM will be required for the demonstrations due
to feature restrictions imposed by the demo license. To actively follow the upgrade process,
ensure that you have a working firewall with a working license. However, if you do not have
a license, you can still follow along and envision the steps involved in upgrading a Palo
Alto firewall. Stay engaged and continue your reading with the final chapter, where we will
explore the exciting task of creating a playbook to upgrade Palo Alto’s PAN-OS.
Here is the complete 20_create_object_address_group.yml file for your reference:


- name: Create object address group
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

      ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
      username: '{{ pan_username }}'
      password: '{{ pan_password }}'

    - name: "pan_username"
      prompt: "login as"
      private: no

    - name: "pan_password"

      prompt: "Password"
      private: yes

   - name: read csv
     delegate_to: locahost
       path: objects_address.csv
     register: objects_address_list

   - name: Create tag with color

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_tag_object:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: 'test_object'
       color: 'red'
       commit: False

   - name: Create object address with tag

       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: '{{ }}'
       value: '{{ item.value }}'
       tag: '{{ item.tag }}'
       description: '{{ item.description | default(omit) }}'
       commit: False
     loop: '{{ objects_address_list.list }}'

   - name: Create object address group

     paloaltonetworks.panos panos_address_group:
       provider: '{{ provider }}'
       name: 'test_object_group'
       dynamic_value: 'test_object'
       commit: False

20.7 Summary
This chapter serves as a comprehensive guide, emphasizing the significance of
automation in simplifying and accelerating the creation of object addresses and
object address groups on Palo Alto firewalls. It enables network engineers to optimize
their firewall configurations and enhance security policies in an automated manner.
The chapter explores the usage and configuration of object addresses, defining their
purpose and explaining the setup process. It follows a step-by-step approach, starting
with manual configuration and gradually transitioning to automation using Ansible
playbooks. The primary objective of the chapter is to help readers move away from
mundane manual tasks and learn the steps to automate their work by translating them
into lines of YAML code. This empowers them to apply automation principles to their
specific network infrastructure and address their unique requirements. The specific
focus is on automating the creation of object addresses and object address groups on
Palo Alto firewalls. Through detailed guidance and practical examples, readers gain
the necessary skills to effectively implement automation and enhance their network
management efficiency.


Upgrading Palo Alto

In this concluding chapter, we delve into the crucial topic of upgrading Palo Alto’s
PAN-OS Firewall. For security engineers, upgrading firewalls that are actively deployed
in a production environment is an essential task. Throughout this chapter, we aim to
provide you with valuable insights into the PAN-OS upgrade process by exploring both
manual procedures and the advantages of leveraging automated Ansible playbooks.
By examining the manual upgrade process, we will gain a deeper understanding of the
intricacies involved in upgrading PAN-OS firewalls. Furthermore, we will showcase
the power and efficiency of utilizing Ansible playbooks to automate the upgrade
process. This approach allows us to break down the various components of the upgrade
into manageable snippets of YAML code, enabling a precise comprehension of the
automation workflow. Ultimately, we will consolidate these code snippets into a single
playbook, transforming them into a practical application. Through this chapter, you will
not only acquire practical knowledge of Palo Alto’s PAN-OS Firewall upgrade but will
also gain hands-on experience in working with YAML codes and leveraging Ansible for
automation. As we reach the end of this journey, let’s seize the chance to dig deep one
more time in this book.

© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,
Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

21.1 Maintaining Palo Alto Network Firewall

PAN-OS to the Latest Preferred Version
Organizations invest significant time and resources in maintaining their security devices,
and among them, firewalls, particularly Palo Alto firewalls, hold a crucial position at
the edge of the enterprise network. In light of this, ensuring that the PAN-OS version is
consistently updated becomes paramount for several compelling reasons. Of course,
the foremost reason is security. Upgrading to the latest versions ensures the protection
of your company’s network against the most recent threats and vulnerabilities.
Additionally, each upgrade incorporates bug fixes from previous versions. Furthermore,
newer PAN-OS versions offer essential features that help organizations stay up to
date with emerging technologies and advancements. The updates generally enhance
performance as well as increase stability while minimizing disruptions caused by known
bugs. However, before proceeding with a firewall upgrade, it is vital to adhere to the
vendor’s recommended best practices and upgrade path. This requires careful planning
to achieve a successful upgrade. Compatibility between the hardware and firmware to
be upgraded is a crucial consideration. Reviewing the release notes becomes essential
as they provide valuable information about bug fixes and known issues, assisting us in
determining the appropriate version to upgrade to. Once the target version is identified,
we can begin planning the step-by-step upgrade process. Although the process may
appear straightforward, it demands a significant amount of time and thorough fact-­
checking. Moreover, a corporate firewall upgrade often involves reboots and can
impact all network services that rely on the firewall. Therefore, it is essential to ensure
meticulous preparation. Seeking a peer review from colleagues and obtaining approval
through the CAB (Change Approval Board) meeting are additional steps to ensure the
integrity of the change. It is worth noting that, typically, the planning and preparation
phase for a firewall upgrade takes more time than the actual upgrade process itself.
At the time of writing this book, the responsibility for reviewing and making decisions
regarding the upgrade path still lies with security engineers, architects, and IT operations
managers. However, looking ahead to the future, as AI, ML, and ChatGPT continue to
advance, it is foreseeable that vendors will start to develop bots capable of replacing the
engineers’ decision-making processes and hence the tasks. These AI-­driven bots will
autonomously determine the most secure and optimal upgrade path and version for each
organization. However, until that day arrives, a significant portion of the decision-making
and upgrade work will continue to rest with the engineering staff themselves.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Let’s quickly walk through Palo Alto’s PAN-OS upgrade processes. Firstly, it is
essential to create a backup of the configuration to ensure we have a copy in case of any
hardware or software issues that might hinder firewall recovery. This backup can be
imported into the firewall being recovered. Next, it is crucial to ensure that we have the
latest content update to keep the content up to date with the new PAN-OS version we are
transitioning to. To achieve this, we can use the “check now” functionality, which queries
the Palo Alto updates server and retrieves the latest available versions. Subsequently, we
can download and install the most recent application and threat updates. With the initial
steps completed, we can proceed to the actual upgrade process. Firstly, we download
the base version, which, in this case, is version 10.2.0. Then, we download and install the
firmware version we are upgrading to, specifically version 10.2.4. After this, the device
will reboot, and it is important to wait for the device to be ready. This can be confirmed
by using the “show chassis-ready” command. Once the device is ready, we can verify
if the firewall has completed the upgrade to the instructed version. By following these
steps, we ensure a smooth and effective PAN-OS upgrade process.

This chapter uses a physical firewall, Palo Alto PA-220.
In this chapter, you have the flexibility to choose between using a hardware-based
and using a virtual firewall. However, it’s important to note that Palo Alto imposes
restrictions on PAN-OS upgrades and Dynamic Updates when using a trial license.
The duration of the demo license period may vary based on Palo Alto’s specific
terms and conditions. For instance, the VM-Series offers a 30-day trial period in
ESXi and KVM environments, but it does not include upgrade support. Therefore, to
effectively follow along with this chapter, it is necessary to have a licensed version
of either a hardware-based or virtual firewall.

Figure 21-1. Palo Alto PA-220 firewall

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

The initial setup process for a hardware-based Palo Alto firewall (PA-220) is
identical to that of the virtual PA-VM. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend
following the PA-VM instructions provided in Chapter 11 to initialize your PA-
VM before continuing with this chapter. This will ensure that you have a solid
foundation and are familiar with the basic setup steps, which will apply to both
hardware-based and virtual firewalls. Once you have completed the PA-VM
initialization process, you can proceed with confidence to the next sections in this

21.2 Palo Alto Firewall PAN-OS Upgrade to Major

Version: Manual Method
In this section, we will present a step-by-step manual process for the PAN-OS upgrade.
However, it’s important to note that you do not need to perform this task, as we will be
developing an Ansible playbook to automate the upgrade. So feel free to read along and
familiarize yourself with the upgrade process.
For the upgrade demonstration, we will be using a licensed physical Palo Alto
firewall model PA-220, as shown in Figure 21-1. While we couldn’t obtain a functional
license for the virtual PA-VM firewall, it’s worth mentioning that if you have a valid PA-
VM firewall license, the procedures outlined here remain consistent, allowing you to
follow the same steps.
Throughout this chapter, our primary focus will be on upgrading a stand-alone Palo
Alto PA-220 physical firewall, adhering to the vendor’s recommended procedures as
documented in their best upgrading practices.
Please refer to Figure 21-2 for our test lab topology, which showcases the slight
changes in IP addresses due to the introduction of a physical firewall. To provide you
with a better understanding, here is the network topology of our Home Lab. The Ansible
control node, identified as f38s1, is operating on the Windows host PC and connected to
the natted address of On the local network, the physical firewall named
FW4 (Palo Alto PA-220) is connected to the home router/modem. We have assigned the
IP address to FW4. This configuration will serve as the foundation for
the forthcoming steps and discussions in this chapter, aiding in your comprehension of
the setup and facilitating the upgrade process.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-2. PAN-OS Upgrade Lab Network Topology

Step 1: First, log into PAN-OS administrator’s login page at

Let’s save a backup of the running configuration. Go to Device ➤ Setup ➤ Operations
➤ Export named configuration snapshot and export the running-config.xml file as
shown in Figures 21-3 and 21-4.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-3. Export named configuration snapshot

After entering the file name, click on the “OK” button to save the running
configuration as an XML file.

Figure 21-4. Export Named Configuration running-config.xml

Step 2: Next, we will ensure that the Palo Alto firewall is running the latest content
release version. We will go to Device ➤ Dynamic Updates and click Check Now at the
bottom of the page to retrieve the latest updates, as shown in Figure 21-5.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-5. Check Now to retrieve the latest updates

We will then download and install the latest content update, as shown in Figures 21-6
and 21-7.

Figure 21-6. Download the latest update

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-7. Install the latest update

Step 3: Let’s determine the upgrade path to the next major version. In Figure 21-8,
you can see that the currently installed PAN-OS version is 10.1.9.

Figure 21-8. Check the current PAN-OS version

Expand your knowledge:

Palo Alto PAN-OS Best Upgrade Practice

In PAN-OS versions prior to 10.0, the recommended upgrade path involved a two-
step process. First, you would download the base version without performing the
installation or rebooting. Next, you would proceed to download and install the latest
preferred release of the version you intend to upgrade to. After the installation of
the latest preferred release, a reboot prompt would appear. It is crucial to always
consult the Palo Alto Documentation for the specific upgrade path relevant to the
version you are upgrading to, as these paths may change with newer versions.
In this chapter, we will demonstrate the process of downloading the base version
and subsequently downloading and installing the latest preferred version at the
time of writing. This approach will be particularly beneficial for users who have
Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

yet to transition from older versions predating version 10, which are nearing their
end-of-life phase. This methodology has been our standard practice before the
introduction of newer versions beyond 10.0.

For this example, we will download the base version of 10.2.0, as shown in
Figure 21-9.

Figure 21-9. Download base version 10.2.0

Download and install version release 10.2.4 as shown in Figure 21-10.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-10. Install major version 10.2.4.

Step 4: Once the installation is completed, we will be prompted with a reboot

for the Palo Alto firewall to boot up with the new PAN-OS version 10.2.4, as shown in
Figure 21-11. Reboot the device.

Figure 21-11. Palo Alto firewall reboot prompt

Step 5: Once the reboot is completed, log back into the administrator page to
observe the successful boot-up of our Palo Alto firewall with the new PAN-OS version
10.2.4, as depicted in Figure 21-12.

Figure 21-12. Palo Alto firewall with the new PAN-OS version 10.2.4

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Having examined the manual upgrade processes from Palo Alto versions 10.1.9
to 10.2.4, let’s now explore how we can transform this task into an Ansible playbook,
enabling us to execute the upgrade as an automated script.

21.3 Writing a Palo Alto Firewall Upgrade Playbook:

Automated Method
Now we have fully understood the PAN-OS upgrade process using Dynamic updates, let’s
create our basic set of files before writing our main PAN-OS upgrading playbook.
Step 1: In the same drill, we have been creating a chapter-specific working directory
for each chapter, and we wanted to keep it simple and have all the components in a
single directory. We will work in the ch21 directory.
Let’s create the standard set of files, namely, ansible.cfg, inventory, and vars.yml files
in sequence.

[jdoe@f38s1 ~]$ mkdir ch21 && cd ch21

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi ansible.cfg
[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat ansible.cfg

For the last time, we will create a simple inventory file for our final lab.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi inventory

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat inventory

Let’s create an unencrypted vars.yml file for now. The backup_config variable will be
discussed in Section 21.4 on how it was derived.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi vars.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat vars.yml
  ip_address: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  username: admin
  password: Palo123!
Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls


Step 2: After creating the file, let’s proceed to encrypt it to secure sensitive

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ ansible-vault encrypt vars.yml

New Vault password: ***************
Confirm New Vault password: ***************
Encryption successful

21.4 Writing a Playbook to Back Up the Running

Configuration of a Palo Alto Firewall
In our first playbook, we will create a configuration backup using a combination
of Ansible and Palo Alto’s XML API. It is considered a best practice to back up the
configuration before making any significant changes to our firewall. This allows us to
recover easily in case any issues arise.
To begin, we will obtain the API key for the Palo Alto firewall, which will be used
for authentication. Next, we will use the XML API syntax to export the configuration. To
automate this process, we will store the XML API syntax in a vars.yml file. Then, we will
use Ansible’s ansible.builtin.get_url module to retrieve the configuration and store it
in the specified destination directory (/home/jdoe/repo1/ch21/config_backup/). The
configuration file will be named PAN01_backup_<date>_<time>.xml, incorporating the
date and time of storage.
This approach ensures that we have a secure and automated backup of the
configuration, providing peace of mind and enabling easy restoration if required.
Step 1: To begin the lab, create the “config_backup” directory under your working

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ mkdir config_backup

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ ls config_backup
[blank directory]

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Step 2: Let’s look at the Palo Alto XML API component. To be able to use the Palo
Alto XML API, we need to generate the API key from our browser as follows:!

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with
it. The document tree is shown here:

<response status="success">
<key> LUFRPT1mQXdpSUNwUitBMFRSYm5DMU84cm0zUmZudmc9OGNxN0ZhQitGamJtcm

Step 3: We will then use the XML API Url with the API key to export the running
configuration. To get the XML API Url, from your browser, go to
api. We will then be redirected to the XML API page (Figure 21-13), where we can get the
XML API Url ( that we will need to export the configuration.

Figure 21-13. XML API page

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-14. XML API Url to export the running configuration

Step 4: Now, to extract the configuration, we will use the following syntax that
includes the firewall’s IP,, the XML API Url, and the API key.

Step 5: Now that we have the components ready, we will now write our first playbook
named “config_backup_palo.yml”, which will export the running configuration of our
Palo Alto firewall.
Our first playbook has a PLAY named “Palo Alto FW config backup”. The playbook
only has one task named “backup configuration”. The task uses the “ansible.builtin.get_
url” module to download the file from HTTPS to the remote server. The URL is defined
in a variable named backup_config from our vars.yml file previously. The dest keyword
is the absolute path where the file will be downloaded to. Lastly, the file will be named
PAN01_backup_date_time.xml. We have used the parameter validate_certs and set it to
false for the SSL certificates not to be validated when our Ansible control node sends the
API request call to export the configuration.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi 21_config_backup_palo.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat 21_config_backup_palo.yml
- name: Palo Alto FW config backup

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: true
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

- name: backup configuration
    url:  "{{ backup_config}}"
    dest: /home/jdoe/repo1/ch21/config_backup/PAN01_backup_{{ ansible_date_ }}_{{ ansible_date_time.time }}.xml
    validate_certs: false

21.5 Writing a Playbook Task to Update the Content

(Applications and Threats) of a Palo
Alto Firewall
Moving on to our second playbook, named update_content.yml, we will discuss only the
tasks of the playbook for brevity. The tasks include a content check, downloading the
latest content update, checking the content download status, installing the latest content
update, and checking the content install status.
The first task is to request a content check for the Palo Alto firewall’s application and
threat update to be able to pull the updated and latest ones from the Palo Alto Networks
update server. The task is named Request content check. The Ansible task uses the
panos_op module to execute an operational command to the firewall. The parameter
provider contains the credentials to log in to the firewall as defined in our vars.yml file.
We will use an XML command by setting the parameter cmd_is_xml as true and use the
XML syntax to execute the command.
Step 1: For us to be able to get the XML command, we will need to go back to the
XML API page. This time, we will go to the operational commands section, as shown in
Figure 21-15.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

Figure 21-15. XML API operational command

Step 2: Now, let’s begin to write the 21_update_content.yml playbook.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi 21_update_content.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat 21_update_content.yml
- name: App and Threat Update
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

- name: Request content check
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: <request><content><upgrade><check></check></upgrade></content></
      cmd_is_xml: true

The second task is to download the latest content update. The task is named
Download latest content update. The Ansible task uses the panos_op module to execute
an operational command to the firewall. The parameter provider contains the credentials
to log in to the firewall as defined in our vars.yml file. We will use an XML command
by setting the parameter cmd_is_xml as true and use the XML syntax to execute the
command. We will then record the value in a new variable named download_content.
Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

- name: Download the latest content update

    provider: '{{ provider }}'
    cmd: <request><content><upgrade><download><latest></latest></
    cmd_is_xml: true
    register: download_content

The third task is to check the content download status for it to finish before
proceeding to the next task. The task is named Check content download status. The
Ansible task uses the panos_op module to execute an ­operational command to the
firewall. The command is “show jobs id <job>” where the value of the “job” will be
gathered using the from_json filter and get the value of the key named “job” from the
variable download_content registered in the previous task. The command will run every
60 seconds until the status is FIN (finished). The maximum retry value is set to 30, which
will equate to a 30-minute task or less and will stop the playbook if it is not finished
within the number of retries.

  - name: Check content download status

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show jobs id {{ (download_content.stdout | from_json).response.
result.job }}'
    register: download_job
    until: download_job is not failed and (download_job.stdout | from_
json).response.result.job.status == 'FIN'
    retries: 30
    delay: 60

For better understanding of the syntax, we will show the json output of the registered
variables “download_content” and “download_job”. This is for illustration purposes only,
and we will not include this print output/task in our playbook.

[print download_content] **************************************************

ok: [] => {
    "download_content.stdout": {
        "response": {

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

            "@code": "19",
            "@status": "success",
            "result": {
                "job": "11",
                "msg": {
                    "line": "Download job enqueued with jobid 11"

[print download_job] ******************************************************

ok: [] => {
    "download_job.stdout": {
        "response": {
            "@status": "success",
            "result": {
                "job": {
                    "description": null,
                    "details": {
                        "line": "File successfully downloaded"
                    "id": "11",
                    "positionInQ": "0",
                    "progress": "2023/05/08 22:36:37",
                    "queued": "NO",
                    "result": "OK",
                    "status": "FIN",
                    "stoppable": "no",
                    "tdeq": "22:36:20",
                    "tenq": "2023/05/08 22:36:20",
                    "tfin": "2023/05/08 22:36:37",
                    "type": "Downld",
                    "user": null,

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

                    "warnings": null

The fourth task is to install the latest content update, which we have downloaded
in the previous task. The task is named Install the latest content update. The Ansible
task uses the panos_op module to execute an operational command to the firewall. The
parameter provider contains the ­credentials to log in to the firewall as defined in our
vars.yml file. We will use an XML command by setting the parameter cmd_is_xml as true
and use the XML syntax to execute the command. We will then register the value in a
new variable named install_content.

- name: Install latest content update

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: <request><content><upgrade><install><version>latest</version></
      cmd_is_xml: true
    register: install_content

Lastly, the fifth and final task of the content_update.yml playbook is to check the
content install status. The task is named Check content install status. The Ansible task
uses the panos_op module to execute an operational command to the firewall. The
command is “show jobs id <job>” where the value of the “job” will be gathered using
the from_json filter and get the value of the key named “job” from the variable install_
content registered in the previous task. The command will run every 60 seconds until
the status is FIN (finished). The maximum retry value is set to 30, which will equate to a
30-minute task or less and will stop the playbook if it is not finished within the number of

  - name: Check content install status

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show jobs id {{ (install_content.stdout | from_json).response.
result.job }}'
    register: install_job

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

    until: install_job is not failed and (install_job.stdout | from_json).

response.result.job.status == 'FIN'
    retries: 30
    delay: 60

21.6 Writing a Playbook Task to Upgrade the

PAN-OS of a Palo Alto Firewall
And now, for our final playbook named update_panos.yml, we will upgrade the firmware
to the next major version. The tasks include a download of the PAN-OS base version, a
download of the PAN-OS desired version, installation of the PAN-OS desired version with
a reboot, pause for restart checks, and checking if the device is ready.
The first task is to download the base version of the next major version. The task is
named “Download PAN-OS base version”. The Ansible task uses the paloaltonetworks.
panos.panos_software module to download the base version. The parameter provider
contains the credentials to log in to the firewall as defined in our vars.yml file. The
parameter version is configured to call a variable named base_version, which we have
defined in the vars section with a value of 10.2.0. The parameter install is set to false. The
parameter restart is set to false as well.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ vi 21_update_panos.yml

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cat 21_ update_panos.yml
- name: PANOS Upgrade
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

    base_version: '10.2.0'
    desired_version: '10.2.4'

  - name: Download PAN-OS base version

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

      provider: '{{ provider }}'

      version: '{{ base_version }}'
      install: false
      restart: false

The second task is to download the desired PAN-OS version. The task is named
“Download PAN-OS desired version”. The Ansible task uses the paloaltonetworks.panos.
panos_software module to download the desired version. The parameter provider
contains the credentials to log in to the firewall as defined in our vars.yml file. The
parameter version is configured to call a variable named desired_version, which we have
defined in the vars section with a value of 10.2.4. The parameter install is set to false. The
parameter restart is set to false as well.

  - name: Download PAN-OS desired version

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      version: '{{ desired_version }}'
      install: false
      restart: false

The third task is to install the desired PAN-OS version. The task is named Install PAN-­
OS version and Reboot. The Ansible task uses the panos_software module to install the
desired version. The parameter provider contains the credentials to log in to the firewall
as defined in our vars.yml file. The parameter version is configured to call a variable
named desired_version, which was downloaded in the previous task. This time, the
parameter install is set to true, and the parameter restart is set to true as well.

  - name: Install PAN-OS version and Reboot

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      version: '{{ desired_version }}'
      install: true
      restart: true

The fourth task is to use the Ansible pause module to pause before proceeding to the
next while the firewall is rebooting. You can vary the time based on how long you need
for the remaining tasks to continue. The module will prompt you to continue or abort.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

This module can be very helpful if you would want an interactive response in between
tasks or when you need to wait within a specific time frame before proceeding with the
next tasks.

  - name: Pause for Restart Checks

      minutes: 10

Finally, the last task is to check if the device is ready. The task is named Check if the
device is ready. The Ansible task uses the panos_op module to execute the command
show chassis-ready. The parameter provider contains the credentials to log in to the
firewall as defined in our vars.yml file. The command to be executed when the Ansible
control node can access the Palo Alto firewall is “show chassis-ready”. The conditional
statement changed_when is set to false for Ansible not to report the status as changed
in the play recap as there was no change in this task. The parameter register will store
the output of the command in the variable named chassis. The conditional statement is
set to check that the output of the variable chassis is not failed and that the result of the
show chassis-ready is yes before it stops running the task. It will run the task within 60
retries every 60 seconds.

  - name: Check if the device is ready

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show chassis-ready'
    changed_when: false
    register: chassis
    until: chassis is not failed and (chassis.stdout | from_json).response.
result == 'yes'
    retries: 60
    delay: 60

21.7 Running the Playbook to Back Up the Running

Configuration on a Palo Alto Firewall
We can now execute our first playbook, named “21_config_backup_palo.yml”. Before
running it, let’s verify the contents of the /home/jdoe/repo1/ch21/config_backup

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

directory and check for any existing files. Once we have confirmed the current files in the
directory, we can proceed with running our playbook to back up the configuration and
store it in the specified location. Finally, we will perform a verification step to ensure that
the backup configuration has been successfully stored.
Step 1: Our first playbook, “21_config_backup_palo.yml”, is to back up the running
configuration. Let’s check files in /home/jdoe/repo1/ch21/config_backup directory, and
we can see we have a configuration backup saved on May 2.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21 config_backup]$ ls -l

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:13 PAN01_backup_2023-05-02.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:01 PAN01_
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:16 PAN01_
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:16 PAN01_

Step 2: Now, let’s run the 21_config_backup_palo.yml playbook. We will execute

the playbook and query the variables from the vars.yml file to be used in the playbook
with the –ask-vault-pass command to decrypt the encrypted file and grab the variables
needed to execute the playbook.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the tasks
executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is
The output shows that there are two tasks executed on this host, and it was successful
(ok=2). With this task, one change made a change to the system (changed=1), while 0
tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Finally,
no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass 21_config_backup_

Vault password:*******
PLAY [Palo Alto FW

TASK [Gathering Fac

ok: []

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

TASK [backup
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************              : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 3: After running the 21_config_backup_palo.yml playbook, let’s check our

config_backup directory. We can now see that we have a new configuration file stored
dated May 12 with the specific time. The date and time were gathered from the facts of
our target node.

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ cd config_backup/

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21 config_backup]$ ls -l
total 260
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:13 PAN01_backup_2023-05-02.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:01 PAN01_backup_2023-­05-­02_
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:16 PAN01_backup_2023-­05-­02_
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May  2 21:16 PAN01_backup_2023-­05-­02_
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 50679 May 12 21:54 PAN01_backup_2023-­05-­12_

21.8 Running the Playbook to Update

the Application and Threats Content of a Palo
Alto Firewall
Our second playbook, 21_update_content.yml, is to update the application and threat
content of the Palo Alto firewall. It is recommended to update to the latest release before
upgrading to the next PAN-OS version.
Step 1: Let’s first check the current content update we have. As you can see, we have
version 8703-8017 currently installed.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

admin@PAN01> request content upgrade info

Version         Size     Released on Downloaded   Installed
8696-7977       64MB 2023/04/12 06:08:12 AEST         no         no
8706-8028       65MB 2023/05/09 09:52:56 AEST        yes         no
8698-7988       64MB 2023/04/18 12:02:31 AEST         no         no
8699-7991       65MB 2023/04/19 13:13:16 AEST        yes         no
8697-7981       64MB 2023/04/14 12:18:35 AEST         no         no
8701-8008       65MB 2023/04/27 01:34:19 AEST         no         no
8705-8026       65MB 2023/05/05 11:13:23 AEST        yes         no
8704-8021       65MB 2023/05/03 10:42:24 AEST         no         no
8702-8011       65MB 2023/04/28 09:45:16 AEST        yes         no
8703-8017       65MB 2023/05/02 11:18:37 AEST        yes    current
8700-7994       65MB 2023/04/25 06:56:55 AEST         no         no

Step 2: Now, let’s run the 21_update_content.yml playbook. We will execute the
playbook and query the variables from the vars.yml file to be used in the playbook
with the –ask-vault-pass command to decrypt the encrypted file and grab the variables
needed to execute the playbook.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the tasks
executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is
The output shows that there are five tasks executed on this host, and it was successful
(ok=5). With this task, three changes made a change to the system (changed=3), while 0
tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Finally,
no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass 21_update_content.yml

Vault password:*******
PLAY [App and Threat Update] **********************************************

TASK [Request content check] **********************************************

changed: []

TASK [Download latest content update***************************************

changed: []

TASK [Check content download status] **************************************

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

FAILED - RETRYING: Check content download status (30 retries left).

FAILED - RETRYING: Check content download status (29 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content download status (28 retries left).
ok: []

TASK [Install latest content update] **************************************

changed: []

TASK [Check content install status] ***************************************

FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (30 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (29 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (28 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (27 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (26 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (25 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (24 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (23 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (22 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (21 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (20 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (19 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (18 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check content install status (17 retries left).
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************              : ok=5    changed=3    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 3: Lastly, let’s confirm that we have the latest content update installed. We now
have version 8709-8047 as the current one, whereas we have version 8703-8017 as the
previous one.

admin@PAN01> request content upgrade info

Version      Size Released on Downloaded  Installed
8707-8033    65MB 2023/05/10 01:50:32 AEST    no     no
8708-8036    65MB 2023/05/11 04:19:35 AEST    no     no

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

8696-7977    64MB 2023/04/12 06:08:12 AEST    no     no

8706-8028    65MB 2023/05/09 09:52:56 AEST    yes    no
8698-7988    64MB 2023/04/18 12:02:31 AEST    no     no
8699-7991    65MB 2023/04/19 13:13:16 AEST    no     no
8697-7981    64MB 2023/04/14 12:18:35 AEST    no     no
8709-8047    65MB 2023/05/12 09:25:02 AEST    yes  current
8701-8008    65MB 2023/04/27 01:34:19 AEST    no     no
8705-8026    65MB 2023/05/05 11:13:23 AEST    yes    no
8704-8021    65MB 2023/05/03 10:42:24 AEST    no     no
8702-8011    65MB 2023/04/28 09:45:16 AEST    yes    no
8703-8017    65MB 2023/05/02 11:18:37 AEST    yes   previous
8700-7994    65MB 2023/04/25 06:56:55 AEST    no     no

21.9 Running the Playbook to Update the PAN-OS

Version of a Palo Alto Firewall
Our third and final playbook for this chapter, update_panos.yml, is to upgrade the
PAN-OS version of the Palo Alto firewall from version 10.1.9 to 10.2.4.
Step 1: Now, let’s check the current PAN-OS version. As you can see, we have sw-­
version 10.1.9.

admin@PAN01> show system info | match time\|sw-version

time: Sun May 14 11:30:30 2023
uptime: 0 days, 0:37:59
sw-version: 10.1.9

Step 2: We can now run our 21_update_panos.yml playbook. We will execute the
playbook and query the variables from the vars.yml file to be used in the playbook
with the –ask-vault-pass command to decrypt the encrypted file and grab the variables
needed to execute the playbook. In this playbook, we have set the variable base_version
as 10.2.0 and the variable desired_version as 10.2.4.
The “PLAY RECAP” section in the Ansible output summarizes the status of the tasks
executed on each target host. In this example, the target host’s IP address is
The output shows that there are five tasks executed on this host, and it was successful

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

(ok=5). With this task, one change made a change to the system (changed=1), while 0
tasks were unreachable, failed, or skipped (unreachable=0, failed=0, skipped=0). Finally,
no tasks required being rescued or ignored (rescued=0, ignored=0).

[jdoe@f38s1 ch21]$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass 21_update_panos.yml

Vault password:*******
PLAY [PANOS Upgrade] ******************************************************

TASK [Download PAN-OS base version] ***************************************

changed: []

TASK [Download PAN-OS desired version] ************************************

changed: []

TASK [Install PAN-OS version and Reboot] **********************************

changed: []

TASK [Pause for Restart Checks] *******************************************

Pausing for 600 seconds
(ctrl+C then 'C' = continue early, ctrl+C then 'A' = abort)
ok: []

TASK [Check if device is ready] *******************************************

FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (60 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (59 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (58 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (57 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (56 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Check if device is ready (55 retries left).
ok: []

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************              : ok=5    changed=1    unreachable=0    
failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 3: Since the device is ready, we can check if the firewall has booted up with the
new software, which is now 10.2.4.

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

admin@PAN01> show system info | match time\|sw-version

time: Sun May 14 13:52:50 2023
uptime: 0 days, 0:40:49
sw-version: 10.2.4

Congratulations! You have completed the PAN-OS upgrade. In this chapter, we have
covered the manual upgrade processes in detail and then transformed these tasks into
scripted playbooks using YAML. By breaking down the tasks into three playbooks, we
have eliminated the need for manual mouse clicks on the GUI. By understanding the
procedures from end to end and mastering each step, you can now convert them into
Ansible plays and tasks within your playbooks. With this knowledge, you can continue
your journey into network automation using Ansible playbooks.
Here are our three playbooks for your reference:


- name: Palo Alto FW config backup
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: true
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml


  - name: backup configuration

      url:  "{{ backup_config}}"
      dest: /home/jdoe/repo1/ch21/ PAN01_backup_{{
}}_{{ ansible_date_time.time }}.xml
      validate_certs: false


- name: App and Threat Update

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

  - name: Request content check
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: <request><content><upgrade><check></check></upgrade></content>
      cmd_is_xml: true

  - name: Download latest content update

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: <request><content><upgrade><download><latest></latest>
      cmd_is_xml: true
    register: download_content

  - name: Check content download status

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show jobs id {{ (download_content.stdout | from_json).response.
result.job }}'
    register: download_job
    until: download_job is not failed and (download_job.stdout | from_json).
response.result.job.status == 'FIN'
    retries: 30
    delay: 60

  - name: Install latest content update

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: <request><content><upgrade><install><version>latest</version></
      cmd_is_xml: true
    register: install_content

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

  - name: Check content install status

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show jobs id {{ (install_content.stdout | from_json).response.
result.job }}'
    register: install_job
    until: install_job is not failed and (install_job.stdout | from_json).
response.result.job.status == 'FIN'
    retries: 30
    delay: 60


- name: PANOS Upgrade
  hosts: palo
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  vars_files: vars.yml

    base_version: '10.2.0'
    desired_version: '10.2.4'

  - name: Download PAN-OS base version
      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      version: '{{ base_version }}'
      install: false
      restart: false

  - name: Download PAN-OS desired version

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      version: '{{ desired_version }}'
      install: false
      restart: false
    register: download_desired
Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

  - name: Install PAN-OS version and Reboot

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      version: '{{ desired_version }}'
      install: true
      restart: true

  - name: Pause for Restart Checks

      minutes: 10

  - name: Check if device is ready

      provider: '{{ provider }}'
      cmd: 'show chassis-ready'
    changed_when: false
    register: chassis
    until: chassis is not failed and (chassis.stdout | from_json).response.
result == 'yes'
    retries: 60
    delay: 60

21.10 Summary
In conclusion, this chapter has provided an exploration of upgrading Palo Alto’s PAN-OS
Firewall, a critical task for security engineers working with production firewalls in the
real world. We have covered manual upgrade procedures and reviewed a transition
to an automated upgrade approach using Ansible playbooks. If the work is mundane,
repeatable, and predictable, it is a good target for Ansible automation. By breaking down
the manual upgrade processes, you have gained valuable insights into the intricate
aspects involved in upgrading PAN-OS firewalls. Additionally, we have demonstrated the
effectiveness and efficiency of leveraging Ansible playbooks to automate the upgrade
process. This approach has allowed us to break down the upgrade components into
manageable YAML code snippets, facilitating an end-to-end understanding of the
full automation workflow. Ultimately, we can consolidate all playbooks into a single
playbook to transform it into an application, transitioning the traditional and manual
processes into lines of YAML code in an Ansible playbook. Through this chapter, you

Chapter 21 Upgrading Palo Alto Firewalls

have acquired not only practical knowledge of upgrading Palo Alto’s PAN-OS Firewall but
also gained hands-on experience in working with YAML codes, leveraging the power of
Ansible automation capabilities. This knowledge equips you with the skills sought after
in today’s job market to successfully navigate the intricacies of firewall upgrades and
harness the power of automation in your production network.
Regrettably, our book comes to a close, and we must bid our farewells. Remember,
network automation is an everlasting expedition; it begins but never truly concludes.
May your future network automation expeditions be filled with triumph and satisfaction!

A TCP and UDP, 288
“AIR-CTVM-K9-8-10-185-0.aes” file, 776
Access Control Lists (ACL),
AireOS, 766, 771
595, 596, 656–660
Aironet Communications, 771
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 291, 582
Aironet’s products, 771
Ad hoc commands, 180, 257, 259, 273, 283,
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 32, 33, 404,
285, 326, 333, 357, 436, 471, 497
588, 656, 868
with Ansible, 278–281
Ansible, 31, 111, 112, 121, 171, 283, 462
ansible.cfg files, 287
ad hoc commands, 274–281, 285
ansible uptime command, 296, 297
automation platform, 12
chrony installation, 317–320
automation tool, 9, 10
combining, commands, 299–301
Chef, 10
command-line arguments, 285
clients, 268
cut-and-paste feature, 315–317
“code-free” tool, 5
directory structures, 310, 311
concepts, 22
dnf whatprovides, 301
configuration management/
/etc/shadow file, 304, 305
automation capabilities, 690
free disk space, 309–311
Control Machine, 553, 736, 769
gathering facts, 294
control node, 574, 603, 774
group creation, 305–307
cron lab network topology, 691
grouping concept, 297, 298
debug module, 389–392
inventory (hosts), 287
documentation, 774
larger-scale deployments, 287
enterprise network automation, 20, 21
on Linux devices, 274–278
error messages, 325, 335–337
mkpasswd, 301–303
hardware requirements, 24–26
password, 289
inventory configuration, 788, 790, 791
remote hosts, 295, 296
inventory priority, 231–236
routers and switches, 277, 278
key points, 7, 8
single and double quotations, 303, 304
learning environment
“state=absent” parameter, 311, 312
control node, 199–202
system shut down, 314
Fedora VMs, 182, 183
target hosts, 298
hostname, Fedora VMs, 185, 186
target nodes, 298
© Brendan Choi and Erwin Medina 2023
B. Choi and E. Medina, Introduction to Ansible Network Automation,

Ansible (cont.) Ansible configuration files

lab topology, 177–181 ansible.cfg, 236–239
static IP address, 186–191 INI format, 224–228
Ubuntu VMs, 183–185 INI, JSON and YAML, 228–231
VMs customizing, 185 inventory priority, 231–236
VMware workstation, 181, 182 Ansible data interchange
learning lab, 459 Jinja2, 253–257
Linux, 33–35 JSON, 248–253
managed nodes, 284, 286 ansible_distribution command, 293, 294
and network automation, 37 Ansible net_ping module, 584
network automation tools, 5, 6, 14, 15 ansible_password lines, 565
network configuration/orchestration Ansible playbook, See also Playbooks
tools, 4, 15 and cron scheduling, 686
in network operations, 725 Palo Alto IPSec Tunnels, 852–855
open source automation, 6 ansible-pylibssh library, 563
PC/laptop requirements, 3 ansible_user, 565
ping tests, 290 Ansible Vault, 529, 530, 711, 796
playbook modules, 607 ansible_become_pass only, 530–535
practical applications, 22–24 configuration management, 796
primer, 21 Encrypting vars.yml, 535–541
remote management protocols, 7 “ansible-vault decrypt” command, 798
role-based permissions, 460 “ansible-vault edit” command, 798
snippets and outputs, 823 “ansible-vault view” command, 798
software requirements, 26, 27 Apache2 Web services, 332, 425
source codes, 29–31 apache_status, 243, 438
system administrators, 6 Apache web server, 240–244, 327, 425,
tags, 423–428 437, 506
templates, 516–526 Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI),
tool, 18–20 173, 460
uptime command, 296, 297 Application-identification-based (layer 7)
user modules, 462–477 inspection firewall, 824
variable options, 486–505 Application Override, 868, 869
vars precedence, 488 Application Programming Interface (API),
workflow, 17, 18 7, 36, 37, 127, 173, 460, 591
YAML-based syntax, 10 Arch Linux, 35, 49, 166, 355
YAML code development, 6 Aruba Networks, 587
ansible.cfg file, 236–239, 287, 288, 407, Authentication algorithms, 856
408, 463, 472, 509, 532, 560 Authentication mechanisms, 766


B company’s industry leadership, 727

“copy_result” variable, 750
bare-metal ESXi 7 server, 769
Copy running configuration, 750
Bluetooth 5, 766
“debug” module, 750
Bluetooth 5.x, 766
device’s perspective, 732
Bootstrapping, 22, 459, 463, 476, 540
exceptional troubleshooting, 731
Extract version, file name, 755
C “15_upgrade_router.yml” file, 751
Cache, 342, 360, 361, 374 Install mode, 728
Cacti, 662 interactive playbook, 754
Carbon Black, 726 “ios_config” module, 746
cat and tac command, 57–67 lab network topology, 725
CentOS, 33, 35, 84, 182, 303, 304, 696 lab topology, 727, 728
Change Approval Board (CAB), 892 network operation, 733
“Change WLC transfer settings” task, 780 “no boot system”, 746
Check Point, 26, 567, 569, 726 patch management skills, 731
Chef, 10, 11, 14, 15 playbook execution, 748
chrony package, 318–321 powerful automation capabilities, 732
Cisco, 34, 104, 277, 278, 444, 525, 726 routers, 756–762
c8000v Edge Router, 579–587 “save_when” parameter, 750
Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller, 766 task breakdown, 730
dCloud, 548 user interactive data collection tool, 754
IOS and IOS-XE devices, 668 version, 738, 752
network administration skills, 725 “wait_for” module, 747
networking device, 667 Cisco Modeling Labs (CML), 543, 547–567
Cisco IOS-XE Upgrade Lab, 734 Ansible playbook, 552
Ansible playbook, 739, 740, 742, 743 certifications, 547
backup directory for configurations, 740 Cisco IOSv routers, 551
playbooks, 738 clock playbook, 561, 562
“Save running-config to configuration, 553
startup-­config”, 742 connectivity, 555–559, 561
set up, 735–737 end-to-end functionality, 559
Cisco IOS-XE upgrading /etc/ssh/ssh_config file, 562, 563
“ansible.netcommon.cli_command”, 750 GNS3 and EVE-NG, 548–550
Ansible playbook, 747, 750 inventory’s variable, 560
bundle vs. install mode, 728 ios_devices, 566
code segments, 755 IT lab environment, 547
code snippets, 725 knowledge and skills, 548


Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) (cont.) configuration management and

playbook, 560 upgrades, 765
pre-built labs, 548 enterprise networks, 765
router and switch configurations, 553 file transfer settings, 780
router and switch installation, 549 financial losses, and reputational
subdirectory, 560 damage, 766
switch operations, 554 gathering inventory information, 765
username and password, 565, 567 idempotency, 786
Cisco Modeling Labs-Personal Edition image files, uploading, 765
(CML-PE), 27 lab topology, 768–770
Cisco router, 554 log_path option, 770
bundle mode, 729, 731 playbook, upgrading
communication issues, 608 16_aireos_upgrade.yml, 783
configuration lab, 604, 605 ESXi 7 due to software
drum rolls, 605, 606 compatibility, 767
EIGRP configuring, 595, 597, 598 primary Image, 774, 783
error message, 607 security measures, 766
IOS-XE routers, 595 security vulnerabilities, 765
lab topology, 596 servicing access points, mobile
OSPF configuring (see Open Shortest devices, 766
Path First (OSPF)) “show boot” command, 777
security concerns, 607 unauthorized access, 766
switch configuration, 596 upgrades, 762, 763
user credentials, 595 vars.yml file, 771
verbose mode, 608 VMware Workstation 17 Pro, 767
YouTube channels, 596 vulnerabilities and external threats, 766
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC), vulnerabilities and maintain network
587–592, 769 integrity, 766
“action failed” error message, 785 wireless solutions, 766
ansible.cfg file, 770 wlc_version, 773, 777
ansible_network_os type, 771 YAML format, 767
Backup Image, 774 Client node, 182, 232, 264, 327, 331, 333,
boot information, 772 357, 445, 508, 575
booting, 782 Cloud computing, 7, 173
built-in file verification Cloud integration, 766
mechanism, 781 Cloud security providers, 868
communication and access to end Command-line interface (CLI), 35–37, 43,
users and endpoints, 766 601, 690


Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures “/home/jdoe/ch14/”, 713

(CVEs), 726, 763 /home/jdoe/ch14/14_run_backup.
Common Vulnerability Scoring System yml, 714
(CVSS) databases, 726 “/home/jdoe/ch14/.py_password.txt”,, 775 “r”, 719
Config Boot Image, 781, 783 /home/jdoe/ch14/run_backup_log.txt
Configuration management database 2>&1, 714
(CMDB), 9, 444, 445, 516 -i /home/jdoe/ch14/inventory, 714
Control node, Ansible, 177, 180, 269, 273, import subprocess, 719
325, 350, 387–389, 428, 474, 513, integrity of username/password
514, 725, 763 protection, 710
host, 199, 200 job execution, 699
Python, 200–202 jobs, 689
Cosplay analogy, 732 network device configuration backup
Cost savings, 19 playbook, Python method, 722
cp and rm commands, 75–79 “.password.txt” file, 720
Critical network devices, 662, 663, 686 practical training, scheduling tasks, 691
Critical wireless networks, 767 .py_password.txt, 718
Cron “” script, 714
Ansible Playbook Scheduling, 702–710 “”, 719
automated device configuration security posture, 711
backups, 715 Shell script, 715
#!/bin/bash, 713, 714,
compliance, ISO 27001 shell=True), 720
requirements, 711 “sudo dnf remove cowsay”
crontab, 690, 699 command, 693
crontab-e, 698 “sudo systemctl status crond”
crontab-l command, 696 command, 697
crontab time configuration, 701 task automation, 690
data integrity /easy restoration, 692 task scheduling, 690
default ansible.cfg, 692 unencrypted vars.yml file, 711
email notifications, 700 username and password protection, 711
encrypted vars.yml file, 711 #!/usr/bin/env python3, 719
“14_run_backup.yml”, 714 vars.yml file, 718
on Fedora/CentOS/Red Hat --vault-password-file, 714
distributions, 692 Crond services, 696, 697
“hello_ansible.txt”, 694, 698 Cron Lab Network Topology, 690–691
high-level scripted programming, 690 Crontab, 689, 690, 695, 701, 720


CrowdStrike, 726 lab topology, 599–601

Cyber-attacks, 15 Enterprise infrastructure management, 710
Cyber-security landscape, 579 Enterprise IT operations and production
Cylance, 726 environment, 711
Enterprise network, 4, 15, 20, 33, 518, 572,
726, 824
D Enterprise network devices, 202, 224,
Data breaches, 766 726, 763
Data manipulation, compromised access Enterprise wireless networks, 766
points, 766 Error messages, 335–337, 438, 562, 607, 745
Data protection, 710 ESXi, 588, 589, 769, 772, 893
Data types, 98, 497 Ethernetswitch, 551
Ansible dependency, 212, 215–223
and data interchange methods, 212
description, 211 F
network automation, 215 Fedora, 35, 84, 179, 191, 217, 243, 263, 275,
programming languages, 212, 213 276, 286, 302, 304, 325, 454, 466,
user-friendly interface, 212 694, 696, See also Virtual
Data-wrangling techniques, 168 machines (VMs)
Debian, 33, 35, 131, 166, 184, 360, 486, hostname changing, 185, 186
670, 696 node, 297
Debug module, 243, 319, 389–392, 463, playbooks, 362–368
740, 750 Samba, 396–400
Decryption, 529, 530, 868, 869 servers, 216, 364, 487
De Haan, M., 16, 17 static IP address, 186–191
DevOps, 7, 17, 168, 260, 328, 404, 460, 656 sudo test account, 203–205
Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL), 597 updating, 191, 192
Disaster recovery capabilities, 663 File-downloading tools, 153–157
Disk space in Linux, 125–126 File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 500–505, 662,
DoS Protection, 868, 869 667, 668, 744
Dual-server modes, 317 File Upload Playbook, 777
Firewall operations, 791
Firewall Policies, 868–869
E FortiGate 7.2.4, 570
End-of-Life (EoL), 656, 899 Fortinet, 23, 444, 543, 547, 568, 726, 791
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Fortinet firewall, 791
Protocol (EIGRP) administrator account creation, 793,
GNS3 device connections, 600, 601 811, 812


administrator account, YAML GitHub, 403, 480, 540, 734, 751

Playbook, 817–821 account creation, 405
ansible.cfg file, 812 Ansible tags, 423–428
“ansible-galaxy collection install back up files, 456, 457
fortinet.fortios”, 813 commands, 404
“fortinet.fortios.fortios_system_ control machine, 408
admin” module, 816 copying and updating text files, 445–456
gather_facts: false, 816 drop-down menu, 405
inventory file, 812 managing files, 428–436
name: Create Fortinet managing services, 436–445
Administrators, 815 playbook, creation and
playbook, in YAML format, 813 uploading, 407–423
REST API, 816 system information, 407
security policy rules, 837, 839–843, 845 visibility setting, 407
“17_create_forti_admins.yml”, 815, 817 web interface, 404
vars_files: vars.yml parameter, 816 GNS3, 547–567, 661, 686, 794
vars.yml file, 812, 815 GNS3 device connections, 600–616,
Fortinet Firewall installation 658, 659
Ansible playbooks, 568 config backup Lab, 666, 667
configuration mode, 577 lab network topology, 658
configurations and ping, 578 OSPF, 620–632
default gateway, 577, 578 topology, 666
FortiOS, 576, 578 VLANs, 635–656
GNS3, 569, 579 Google Chrome, 353
step-by-step guide, 576 Google Cloud, 32, 33
Fortinet FW2 ( set up, 795 Google Cloud Platform (GCP), 33
Forti-VM firewall policy, 842, 843 Graphical user interface (GUI), 35, 36, 42,
FQDN, 868, 869 43, 48, 478
FTP Secure (FTPS), 667
Fully Qualified Collection Names
(FQCNs), 238–239 H
Hardware timestamping, 317
HashiCorp Configuration Language
G (HCL), 11, 14
gather_facts, 247, 294, 341–344, 534, 749, High-profile security breaches and data
805, 816 compromises, 726
GigabitEthernet interfaces, 598, 601, 657 Home automation and sensor
git clone, 155, 404, 413 networks, 766


I network infrastructure, 865

security devices/VPN
Idempotence, 18, 343, 347
technologies, 847
Idempotency, 332–335, 508, 516, 786
troubleshooting purposes, 857
ignore_errors’ parameter, 392–396
vendor products, 851
IKE crypto profile, 850, 855, 856
IPSec Tunnel Creation
playbook, 859–865
Information and Communication
IPSec tunnels on Palo Alto Firewalls, 847,
Technology (ICT), 3, 661, 726
848, 850–862, 864
Infrastructure as code (IaC), 11, 16, 434,
IPv4, 868, 869
460, 621, 767
IPv6, 868
INI format, 224–231
IP Wildcard Mask, 869
Intent-based networking (IBN), 460
ISO 27001 compliance, 710
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), 616
IT service management (ITSM), 533
Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP), 157, 191, 275, 288–291,
582, 611, 861 J
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) parameters,
JavaScript, 5, 169, 212, 486, 722
850, 855–857
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 6,
Internet service provider (ISP), 725, 768
228–231, 248–253
Intrusion detection and prevention, 766
Jinja2, 247, 253–257, 516, 517
Inventory file, 224, 408, 422, 460, 477, 496,
534, 536
Inventory file management techniques, K
765, 791 KexAlgorithms, 562, 670
“ios_command” module, 745 Kiwi CatTools, 662
IOS versions, network devices, 751 KVM environments, 893
IP Netmask, 868
IP Range, 868
IPSec crypto profile, 850, 856, 857 L
ipsec-profile-test, 856 Lab network topology, 558, 690–691,
IPSec tunnel automation 727–729, 768–770
advantages, 848, 849 Lab topology, 794
“commit” parameter, 857 Ansible, 177–181, 727, 728
configuration, 850 IPSec tunnel creation, 851, 852
disadvantages, 848, 849 object addresses, 871–874
lab parameters, 849 Learnability, 14, 15
local/remote networks, 857 learn_cron, 692


LinkedIn, 19, 20 Linux commands

Link State Advertisements (LSAs), 617 active engagement, 52
Linux, 24, 32, 116–121, 177, 179, 182, 217, cat and tac, 57–67
240, 283, 292, 298, 310, 350, 403, commands, 50–57
425, 451 cp and rm, 75–79
acquiring knowledge, 34 grep, 104–109
ad hoc commands, 274–278 hands-on exercises, 51
administration skills, 37 head, tail, and shuf, 84–88
administrators, 37 less and more, 88–91
for Ansible, 33–35 ls and dir, 91–95
command-line skills, 37 mkdir and rmdir, 70–75
commands, 112 and options, 56
directory structure, 112–116 rename and mv, 79–84
disk space, 125, 126 sorting, 95–98
distribution, 35, 84 tee and nl, 99–105
downloading files, tools, 380
internet, 153–157 touch, 67–70
files and directories access Ubuntu WSL, 52–56
chmod code, 141 Linux distributions, 35, 95, 166, 263, 355,
chmod command, 138 425, 505, 694
default permissions, 136 Linux Standard Base (LSB), 121
my_data directory, 137–147 Local Area
numeric codes, 137, 139, 140 Network (LAN), 632, 633, 766
permissions, 136, 138, 139 Log4j 1.x, 726
secret codes, 145 Log4j 2, 726
GUI/CLI, 36 Log4j virus outbreak, 726
network automation, 33–35
network utilities, 111, 156–166
operating system, 35, 112 M
OS system automation, 463 Machine-to-machine
processes, 121–125 communication, 36, 127
regular expressions, 168–174 macOS, 24, 35, 423
text editor features, 46, 47 Managed nodes, 283, 284, 286, 291, 293,
troubleshooting, 156–166 294, 323
up to date, 166–168 Minor security breach, 727
user management, 126–136 mkdir and rmdir command, 70–75
WSL installation, 38–43 mkpasswd command, 298
zip files, 146–152 Mobile devices, 33, 587, 766


N Network security, 19, 462, 569, 725–727,

791, 824, 847–849
NAT, 179, 550, 797, 868, 869
Network segmentation, 766
NAT policies, 868
Network services, 892
net_ping module, 584
Network service stability, 725
Netskope, 868
Network stability and security, 663, 727
netstat, 108, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163–165
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, 685
Network administrators, 34, 186, 274, 445,
Network utilities, 111, 155–166, 175
597, 622, 663
Network vendors, 547, 726
Network and data center operations, 663
Network automation, 202, 456, 460
Next-generation firewalls, 824
Ansible, 4, 543
Nginx, 159, 161, 162, 279, 347, 348, 508
capabilities, 543
nmap commands, 158
casual approach, 547
NTT Communications, 19
data types, 215
lab preparation processes, 545
learning, 543 O
Linux, 33–35
Object addresses, 24, 868–874, 883, 888,
mid-to-long term, 463
See also Object address group
playbooks, 544
Object address group
requirements, 456
definition, 869
skills, 592
dynamic, 869
tasks, 216
objects_address.csv file, 884, 886
tools, 14, 15
Palo Alto firewall, 869, 870
Network device
“panos_address_group” module, 882
configuration backups, 661
static, 869
automation of, 663
test_object_group, 882
control node, 669
types, 869
lab, 664, 665
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), 597
routers, 661
configuring, 616, 617
configuration management, 662
GNS3 device connections, 620–632
system failures/system recovery, 681
lab topology, 617–620
Network DevOps (NetDevOps), 460
OpenSSH, 159, 240, 245, 260, 263, 391, 516
Network infrastructure, 19, 37, 200, 215,
openSUSE, 35
436, 445, 592, 612, 725, 847
Oracle VirtualBox, 179, 768
Networking technologies, 662, 771
Orchestration, 3, 4, 10, 17, 28, 460,
Network programmability, 4, 460
486, 657
Network protection, 824
Oxidized, 662


P “paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_
administrator”, 806
Palo Alto, 444, 543, 544, 726, 791
account creation
task, 803
check Point, 569
PAN-OS version 10.2.4, 900
connection test, 569–576
provider variable, 803
cutting-edge technologies, 571
reboot prompt, 900
enterprise networking, 568
documentation, 898
802, 805, 807
enterprise security, 568
transitioning process, 794
hard-based firewalls, 567
initial configuration, 569–576
ansible.builtin.get_url, 904
learning lab, 571
backup configuration, 913, 914
market-leading vendor products, 569
backup_config variable, 901
networks update server, 905
chapter-specific working
PA-220 firewall, 893, 894
directory, 901
PAN-OS upgrade processes, 893, 898–900
“config_backup” directory, 902
security, 568
content_update.yml playbook, 909
security policy rules, 825–835, 837, 845
enterprise network, 892
top-notch performance, 568
firewall recovery, 893
unused devices, 571
FW4 (Palo Alto PA-220), 894
vendor-specific Ansible modules, 568
XML API component, 903
firewall, 893
Palo Alto firewalls, 868
installation/rebooting, 898
Administrator Account Creation, 799,
lab topology, 894
800, 807–811
name: Palo Alto FW config
ansible.cfg file, 801
backup, 904
Ansible Vault, 796–799
PAN-OS Upgrade Lab Network
devices in use for this lab, 794
Topology, 894, 895
feature restrictions, 889
Palo Alto FW config backup, 904
gather_facts module, 806
PAN01_backup_date_time.xml, 904
inventory file, 802
panos_op module, 909
IPSec Lab GNS3 topology, 852
PAN-OS versions, 898
IPSec tunnels, 847, 848, 850–860, 862–864
threat content, 914–917
object addresses, 868, 869,
variable download_content, 907
871–882, 884–890
virtual firewall, 893
object address groups,
XML API page, 903
868–870, 879–890
XML API syntax, 902
PA-220, 894

Palo Alto firewalls (cont.) Application and Threats content, Palo

XML API Url, 903, 904 Alto Firewall, 914–916
XML command, 905 configuration, Palo Alto
vars_files: vars.yml parameter, 806 Firewall, 912–914
“vars.yml” using ansible-vault, 805 debug module, 389–392
YAML playbook, 794, 801–803, 805–807 directory, creation and running, 328–332
Palo Alto FW1 (, 795 gather_facts disabling, 341–344
Palo Alto’s PAN-OS, 889 GitHub, 407–423
Palo Alto PAN-OS Best Upgrade idempotency property, 333–336
Practice, 898 ‘ignore_errors’ parameter, 392–396
paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_software knowledge and experience, 527
module, 910, 911 object addresses, Palo Alto
PAN-OS Firewall, 874–882
firewalls, 891 “community.general.read_csv”
upgrade process, Dynamic updates, 901 module, 881
versions, 892, 893, 910–912 “connection: local” parameter,
“panos_ipsec_profile” module, 856 872, 880
“panos_security_rule” module, 830 default(omit), 873
Password, Ansible, 526 gather_facts: false, 872
ansible_become_pass, 530–535 hosts: palo, 872, 880
multiple ways, 528 lab topology, 871
vault, 529, 530 name: Create object addresses from
Password vault, 334, 459, 529–530, 607, 641 csv file, 872
Palo Alto virtual-machine (PA-VM) objects_address.csv, 879, 881
Change Summary, 861 objects.csv, 875
GUI interface, 831 “panos_address_object” module, 873
web interface, 831 20_create_object_address.yml, 871
PBF, 868, 869 undefined variables, 871
Peer device (FW3) based on the lab vars_prompt module, 872
preparation guide, 861 OS type, 354–359
Perl, 5, 127, 169, 364, 486, 722 PAN-OS, 576
pip freeze command, 564 Palo Alto Firewall, 910–912
Playbooks, 6, 18, 33, 171, 177, 180, 211, 222, refactoring, 368–379
240, 247, 259, 274, 276, 281, 290, Vversion of a Palo Alto
318, 319, 321, 326–328, 403, 725, Firewall, 917–922
See also Cisco IOS-XE Upgrading refactoring, 368–379
adding tasks, 345–347 roles, Ansible, 477–486
Ansible control node, 474 Samba, 396–400


specific host/group targeting, 359–362 Q

state values, 346–351
QoS, 868, 869
targeting specific nodes, 379–387
Ubuntu and Fedora, 362–368
uninstall, 351–354 R
verbose mode, 337–341 RANCID, 662
Port-based (layer 4) inspection firewall, 824 Red Hat, 19, 31, 165, 168, 182, 217, 263, 303,
Power-On Self-Test (POST) processes, 252, 304, 331, 355, 364, 487, 505, 667
600, 636 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), 33, 35,
PowerShell, 66, 169 181, 182, 696
Pre-installed software packages, 46, 185 Red Star, 35
Proof-of-concept (POC), 6, 486, 657 rename and mv commands, 79–84
Protecting wireless networks, 766 Risk mitigation, 710
Provider variable, 803, 808, 818 Role-based access control (RBAC),
Puppet, 10, 11, 14, 15 8, 10, 145
PuTTY, 189, 216, 260, 552–554 Role default variable, 488, 494, 495
Python, 4, 5, 11, 33, 66, 98, 120, 169, 172, Roles, Ansible, 477–486
211, 291, 303, 392, 403, 452, 453, Routers, 277, 278, 583, 584
457, 486, 497, 563, 584, 813
control node, 200–202
virtualenv, 199 S
Python data types, See also Data types SaltStack, 11, 14–16
Ansible configuration files, 224–248 Samba, 325, 396–400
Boolean, 219 command, 66
built-in data types, 217 Scalability, 14, 16, 19, 32, 178, 274, 587,
categories, 216 617, 766
dictionaries, 221, 222 Scheduled automatic backups, 662
integers and floats, 217, 218 Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), 662, 663,
lists, 219, 220 667, 744
none, 223 Scripting languages, 36, 722, 723
numeric group, 216 SD-WAN Policies, 868, 869
sequences, 216 Secure Copy (SCP) protocol, 668
set, 222, 223 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP),
strings, 218 662, 667
tuple, 220, 221 data sharing directory, 522
Python library, 813 host key, 524
Python method, 718–722 Linux, 459
Python script, 66, 452, 689, 711, 718–720 method, 744


Secure File Transfer Protocol Shell Script Method, 711–718

(SFTP) (cont.) “Show clock” playbook, 564, 565
OpenSSH-server, 516 Snapshots, 184, 521, 663, 733, 772, 895
server, 729 Software-defined networking (SDN),
test file creation/file transfers, 524 173, 460
username, 750 Software development kit (SDK), 802
Secure Shell (SSH), 263, 667, See SolarWinds, 662
also SSH key Sorting, 95–98
Cisco Legacy routers/switches, Spamhaus-DROP, 832, 833
670–682, 684 SSH Kex algorithms, 667
concept, 262, 263 SSH key, 17, 189, 216, 268, 270, 412, 462
configuration, 260–262 SSL/TLS encryption, 667
login, 590 SSL/web browsing, 824
network protocol, 260 State values, 349–354
practical usage, 263–273 String, 46, 98, 168, 213, 218, 299, 448, 746
Security connection Subject Matter Expert (SME), 547
methods, 848, 849 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), 33
Security-Enhanced Linux Switches, 3, 23, 228, 277, 278, 543–545,
(SELinux), 504 551, 565–567, 640, 666, 726
Security Information and Event System failure, 663, 681
Management (SIEM), 689, 710, 711
Security Policy Rules
creation, 838 T
“18_create_forti_firewall_policy.yml” Target specific nodes, 22, 325,
playbook, 841 326, 379–387
on Fortinet Firewalls, 837, 839–845 Technical Assistance Center (TAC),
on Palo Alto, 823–828, 830–833, 587, 656
835, 837 tee and nl commands, 99–104
processor resources and speed up Templates, 22, 248, 427, 478, 516–526
playbook execution, 840 Terraform, 11, 15, 16, 428, 434, 436
VM evaluation license, 840 Text editor, 43–49, 398, 452, 736
Security posture, security policies, 824 Text files, 224, 274, 403, 445–456
Segmented networks, 824 touch command, 67–70
SentinelOne, 726 Traffic, specific parameters/security
Service management commands policies, 824
(systemctl), 696 Troubleshooting, 33, 38, 40, 285, 290, 338,
Shell, 690, 694, 722 389, 437, 476, 504, 588
Shell Scripting, 5, 66, 67, 486 Tunnel Inspection, 868, 869


U vars_prompt module, 566, 753, 754, 828,

829, 854, 880
Ubuntu, 33, 35, 116, 168, 179, 263, 277,
vars.yml file, 535, 642, 690, 720, 749,
302, 331, 425, 437, 506, 573, 696
796, 797
client nodes, 328
Verbose mode, 261, 325, 335, 337–341, 608
and Fedora, 325
Very Secure FTP Daemon (vsftpd)
Linux distribution, 459
server, 495
from Microsoft Store, 41
Virtual machines (VMs), 35, 109, 177, 178,
nodes, 307–309
354, 437, 459
playbooks, 362–368
ansible.cfg, 587
README file, 466
Cisco c8000v edge router, 543, 579–587
servers, 682
connection-testing, 586
static IP and hostname, 192–197
customizing, 185
sudo test account, 205–207
essential files, 582, 583
VMs, 183–185
Fedora, 182, 183
WSL, 40, 52–56
hostname, 185, 186
User modules, 462–477
updating, 191, 192
learning environment (see Ansible)
V playbooks, 585, 586
proficiency, 587
Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSM), 617
single physical machine, 179
Variable options, Ansible
SSH library, 584
block, 491
sudo test account
Fedora, 203–205
command line, 497–500
Ubuntu, 205–207
external files, 497
Ubuntu, 183–185
inventory, 496
static IP and hostname, 192–197
in playbooks, 495, 496
updating, 198–200
extra variables, 488, 489
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)
facts, 493, 494
Cisco IOS and IOS-XE, 632
FTP server, 500–505
GNS3 device connections, 635–656
host, 492, 493
lab topology, 634, 635
play, 490
Virtual Network Editor, 179
Python, 486
Virtual PCs (VPCs), 600
role default variable, 494, 495
Virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC),
role variables, 490, 491
544, 588, 589, 591, 766, 767
Shell Scripting, 486
vi text editor, 43–49
task, 492
VMware ESXi 7 lab, 766


VMware Workstation 17, 179, 185, 207 X

Cisco virtual c8000v routers, 727
XML API operational command, 906
console/SSH session, 752
installation, 181, 182
on PC, 177 Y
17 Pro, 733 YAML, 796
u23c1 terminal console, 192 Ain’t Markup Language, 5, 6, 15, 18, 31,
vSphere 6.7, 589 212, 228–231, 276, 317, 321, 326,
328, 375, 478
Ansible configuration files, 239–247
W Ansible playbooks, 729
Webserver, 274, 275, 367 declarative statements, 486
Wi-Fi 6, 766 host_vars directory, 506
Wi-Fi 6E, 766 and INI format, 215
Windows Remote Management and JSON, 222
(WinRM), 7 package cache, 361
Windows scheduler, 662 playbooks, 479
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), scalar method, 380
31, 32, 39, 40, 42, 112, 116, syntax, 326
120, 159 Application, security policy rule on Palo
installation, Windows 11, 38–43 Alto Network Firewall, 825–831
Wired networks, 766 YAML code, 858
Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs), 226, playbook development, 822
227, 587, 762, See also Cisco playbook, security policy rule, 794,
Wireless LAN controller (WLC) 831–835, 837
.aes file, 777
booting process, 782
Config Boot Image information, 783 Z
reset playbook, 781 Zigbee 3.x, 766
Wireless network access Zip files, Linux, 147–152, 428
points (APs), 766 file compression tools, 147
Wireless networks, 587, 588, 763, gzip and bzip2, 146
766, 767 Zscaler, 868


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