Co Teaching Training
Co Teaching Training
Co Teaching Training
Defined as two teachers (mentor and intern) working together with groups of students – sharing
planning, organization, delivery and assessment of instruction as well as the physical space
Both teachers are actively involved and engaged in all aspects of instructions.
Co-teaching Strategies
One Teach, One Assist – one has primary instructional responsibility while other assists students’
with their work, monitors behaviors, or corrects assignments. Beneficial in beginning of
One Teach, One Observe – One teacher has primary instructional responsibility while the other
gathers specific observational information on students or the (instructing) teacher. Watching for
something intentional and purposeful. Ex. How many times do I say uhm, how many students
do I call on during a period, student engagement at stations, etc.
Supplemental teaching
Parallel teaching
Alternative teaching
Team teaching
Station Teaching
Solo teaching – teacher candidates must have opportunities to teach all alone. The amount of time a
candidate is left totally alone varies and is based on their skills in the classroom.
Mentor teacher will leave the classroom for a brief periods of time, leaving the intern in charge.
Trust is critical to any relationship. It takes time. Trust makes a relationship work more effectively.
Tony Dungy “The personal, one-on-one aspect to mentoring is something our society desperately needs.”
Day 2
Intern Development
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance.
It’s helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
Coaching Tools
Paraphrasing communicates that you
o Have heard what the speaker said,
o Understand what the speaker meant,
o Care about the speaker
o What paraphrasing is
Restating and attending fully
Listening to understand
Capturing the essence
Reflection the essence of voice tone
Making the info shorter than the original statement
Posing a question after the paraphrasing
o What is not
Autobiographical comments
Inquisitive, frivolous question
Easy-fix solutions
Reflective Questioning
o What’s another way you might….?
o What might you see happening in our classroom if…?
o What options might you consider when…?
o How was… different from or similar to….?
o What criteria do you use to…?
o Open-ended
o Promote a nonjudgmental process.
o Encourage self-directed learning and problem solving.
o Help the intern
HYPOTHESIZE what might happen
ANALYZE what did or did not work
IMAGINE possibilities
EXTRAPOLATE from one situation to another
EVALUATE the impact
Eliminate “why”
Have a specific intention for the question
Avoid do you, can you, will you, have you
“IF you know the answer to the question you are about to ask, you are not coaching.”
Judgment statements
Conclusions are interpretations based on the mentor’s observations.
Don’t interject judgment statements into the coaching sessions.