Wind Mill

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Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Production Engineering


1. ABHIMANYU B (Roll No.: B230122PE)

2. ABHINAV (Roll No.: B230736PE)
4. ADAPA VIKAS NAIDU (Roll No.: B230748PE)
5. VISHAL RAJAK (Roll No.: B230614PE)
6. VIJAY KRISHNA (Roll No.: B230714PE)
7. VIGNESHWAR S (Roll No.: B231326PE)
9. THOTA NAGESWARI (Roll No.: B231298PE)
10. TEJAVATH RAKSHITHA (Roll No.: B231289PE)
11. TEJAVATH VARMA (Roll No.: B231288PE)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

April 2024
This is to certify that the report entitled “WINDMILL” is a bonafide record of the Project
done by ABHIMANYU B (Roll No.: B230122PE ) ,ABHINAV (Roll No.: B230736PE )
VIKAS NAIDU (Roll No.: B230748PE) ,VISHAL RAJAK (Roll No.: B230614PE)
,VIJAY KRISHNA(Roll No.: B230714PE) ,VIGNESHWAR S (Roll No.: B231326PE)
B231289PE) ,TEJAVATH VARMA (Roll No.: B231288PE)under my supervision, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Calicut, and this work
has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of a degree.

Dr. Sumer Dirbude

Asst. Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Professor & Head

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Place : NIT Calicut
Date : 12 April 2024

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Sumer Bharat, Head of the
Mechanical Engineering Department, for his invaluable guidance, encouragement, and
support throughout the course of this project. His deep understanding of the subject matter,
insightful feedback, and unwavering commitment to academic excellence have been
instrumental in shaping this report.
We are also grateful to the faculty members of the Mechanical Engineering Department for
their valuable feedback, constructive criticism, and academic guidance, which have
significantly enriched the quality of this work.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our classmates for their cooperation, assistance, and
stimulating discussions, which have greatly contributed to the development and refinement of
our ideas.
Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the support and understanding of our friends,
whose encouragement, patience, and belief in us has been a constant source of strength and
motivation throughout this endeavor.
In conclusion, we are deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed, directly or indirectly,
to the completion of this project. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable, and
We are truly thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow through this experience.

S.No Title

1 Introduction
1.1 Aim
1.2 Working Principle
2 Apparatus Required for Model

3 Procedure

4 Analysis

5 Forces

6 Conclusion

The main aim of the project is to understand the working principles of a windmill and learn
how it can be applied to improve the quality of life. We will learn about fluids and their
properties, which help in operating the windmill.
Windmills rely on the aerodynamic properties of fluids (air) to generate power (AC).
The design of the blades is crucial to efficiently capture the wind's energy and convert it into
rotational motion.Understanding fluid dynamics helps in designing windmill blades to
minimise the effects of turbulence, which can reduce efficiency and increase wear and
tear. The properties of fluids, such as wind speed and density, directly impact the power
output of a windmill. Higher wind speeds and denser air result in greater energy capture.
The methodology of doing this project is by combining DC motors, LED bulbs,
Propellers, and wires to demonstrate the most realistic operation of a real windmill.
Strategically choosing the design of the windmill in such a way that it produces
maximum efficiency is a key role in creating an effective windmill.
This project's significance lies in gaining a deeper, more practical understanding of fluids and
their properties, providing insights into renewable energy technology.
1. Introduction
1.1 Aim:

The main aim of the project is to understand the working principles of a windmill and
learn how it can be applied to improve the quality of life. We will learn about fluids and their
properties, which help in operating the windmill.

1.2 Working Principle:

Windmills rely on the aerodynamic properties of fluids (air) to generate power (AC). The design
of the blades is crucial to efficiently capture the wind's energy and convert it into rotational
motion. Understanding fluid dynamics helps in designing windmill blades to minimize the effects of

turbulence, which can reduce efficiency and increase wear and tear. The properties of fluids, such as
wind speed and density, directly impact the power output of a windmill. Higher wind speeds and
denser air result in greater energy capture.
The methodology of doing this project is by combining DC motors, LED bulbs, Propellers, and
wires to demonstrate the most realistic operation of a real windmill.
Strategically choosing the design of the windmill in such a way that it produces maximum efficiency is
a key role in creating an effective windmill.
This project's significance lies in gaining a deeper, more practical understanding of fluids and
their properties, providing insights into renewable energy technology.
1.3 Apparatus Required for Model:
• DC Motors
• Electrical Wires
• Rotating Blades
• LED Bulbs
• Batteries (Only for Model, Prototype does not require)

2. Procedure
1. Connect one DC motor to a battery using electrical wires.
2. Use a bigger blade in this motor to reproduce the “Wind” effect.
3. Take the second motor and connect it to a LED bulb using electrical wires.
4. The secondary motor should have a smaller blade than the Wind producing DC
5. Now turn on the supply to the primary Wind producing DC motor.
6. This should start rotating the blades of the secondary DC motor due to the air flow
3. Analysis:

Axial induction factor a Rotational induction factor a’

U = (1-a)*V0 Cθ = a’*ω*r

Power: Power:

P = ½*ρ*A*V0^3*Cp P = ∫$# 4 ∗ 𝑝𝑖 ∗ 𝑟ℎ𝑜 ∗ 𝑎! ∗ (1 − 𝑎) ∗ 𝑉0 ∗ 𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑔𝑎" 𝑑𝑟

Cp= 4a(1-a)^2 Cp= (8/λ^2)*∫$ 𝑥 ! ∗ 𝑎" ∗ (1 − 𝑎)𝑑𝑥

Cp,opt = 4/3*(2/3) = 0.59 λ= ω*R/V0 ; x = ω*r/V0

4. Forces:
5. Conclusion:

In conclusion, this project aims to delve into the intricate workings of windmills,
emphasizing the role of fluid dynamics in optimizing their performance. By exploring the
principles governing windmill operation and designing efficient blade structures, we aim to
showcase the potential of renewable energy sources. Through the integration of DC motors,
LED bulbs, propellers, and wires, we simulate a realistic windmill setup, highlighting the
practical application of our theoretical knowledge. This project not only enhances our
understanding of fluid properties but also underscores the significance of renewable energy
technologies in shaping a sustainable future.
List of Abbreviations

a = axial induction factor

ω = Angular velocity

ρ = Density of the air

V0 = Flow velocity

Cp = Power coefficient

Λ = Tip speed

P = Power

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