Eca Q 2
Eca Q 2
Eca Q 2
4.a) Draw the block diagram of current shunt feedback amplifier and derive the expression
for Rif and Rof.
b) An amplifier has an input resistance of 200 KΩ, with a certain negative feedback
introduced in the above amplifier the input resistance is found to be 20 MΩ and overall
gain is found to be 1000. Calculate the loop gain and feedback factor. [9+6]
5.a) Explain the factors effecting the stability of oscillators.
b) Draw and derive the expression for frequency of oscillation for Wien bridge oscillator.
6.a) Derive the frequency of oscillation of Colpitts oscillator.
b) What is the equivalent circuit of a crystal? Derive the expressions for series and parallel
resonances. [9+6]
7.a) Explain the operation of class-AB power amplifier. Why we use class-AB over class-B.
b) Draw and explain the operation of single tuned amplifier. [8+7]
8.a) With the help of circuit diagram, and necessary derivations show that a collector coupled
astable multivibrator can function as a voltage to frequency converter.
b) Explain the operation of a Monostable multivibrator. [8+7]