Possible Questions Britain OCR
Possible Questions Britain OCR
Possible Questions Britain OCR
Many of these have been approved by OCR. If there is any title/ question in the Mike Wells
textbook that you are interested in doing then it is likely that it would be approved.
1. How successfully did the Conservative government deal with the problems that it faced at
home and abroad from 1899 to 1905?
2. Assess the reasons for why the Liberals won the 1906 election with such a large majority
3. ‘Balfour’s failures as Prime Minister was the primary cause of the Liberal landslide in 1906.’
How far do you agree?
4. How successful was Labour in the period from 1906 to 1914?
5. Assess the reasons for why there was so much industrial unrest between 1900 to 1914
6. Assess the reasons why social reforms were introduced from 1906 to 1914?
7. How important was the debate about national efficiency in bringing about changes in social
policy from 1902 to 1918?
8. How important were the ideas of new Liberalism in bringing about changes in social policy
from 1902 to 1918?
9. Assess the reasons why the Liberal Party’s influence politically had declined by 1931?
10. Assess the reasons why women gained the suffrage in 1918?
11. Assess the view that the militancy of the Suffragettes was the main reason for the partial
franchise of women in 1918.
12. Assess the view that the work of the Suffragettes was the main reason for why women got the
vote in 1918.
13. Assess the reasons for the creation of the Welfare State in Great Britain.
14. Women gained the vote because of the work of the suffragettes.' How far do you agree?
15. How far was World War One the most important reason for the enfranchisement of women in
16. ‘Women’s involvement in war was the most important factor in them gaining the vote in 1918’.
How far do you agree with this statement?
17. Assess how well British governments dealt with affairs in Ireland from1902 to 1923? (dates
can change)
18. Evaluate the achievements of Lloyd George as Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922.
19. How effective was Lloyd George as Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922?
20. To what extent do Lloyd George’s successes outweigh his failures as a politician from 1914 to
21. Consider the achievements and limitations of Baldwin as Conservative Party leader.
22. How effective was Ramsay MacDonald as a Prime Minster?
23. Assess the reasons for the growth of political extremism in Britain between the wars and the
extent to which it posed a threat to political stability?
24. Assess the reasons why Labour became an influential political force between 1906 to 1924?
25. Assess the reasons for the development of Conservative political hegemony by 1940 after its
crushing electoral defeat in 1906.
26. Assess the reasons for the origins of the General Strike
27. Assess the outcomes of the General Strike
28. Assess the record of Labour’s first two minority governments.
29. Assess the reasons for Lloyd George’s political decline after 1922.
30. Assess the reasons for the formation of the National Government in 1931?
31. How successfully did the National Government deal with the problems it faced?
32. Evaluate the impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939.
33. How ‘socialist’ was Labour Party from 1906 to 1951?
34. How well did the National government respond to the economic, social and political problems
it faced from 1931 to 1939?
35. Assess the view that the National Government was simply Conservative rule by another name.
36. Assess Churchill’s political career from 1918 to 1940. (dates are variable)
37. Assess Churchill’s record as a wartime leader. (can be broken down even further )
38. Assess the reasons for the economic recovery after 1931?
39. Assess the reasons why unemployment was such a persistent problem between the wars.
40. How effective was Baldwin as Prime Minister?
41. Assess the reasons for the formation of the Welfare State under Labour from 1945 to 1951.
42. Assess the impact of World War Two on the formation of the Welfare State.
43. To what extent was the Labour government of 1945-51 an innovator in social policy?
44. How ‘socialist’ were the policies of the Attlee governments?
45. Assess the impact of the Beveridge Report on the formation of the Welfare State.
46. How radical were Labour’s post-war reforms from 1945 to 1951?
47. Assess the domestic record of `the Labour government from 1945 to 1951.
48. To what extent did the Second World War bring political, social and economic change to
49. Assess the reasons for the Conservative victory in the 1951 general election?
50. Evaluate the progress of the Labour Party from 1931 to 1945
51. How ‘national’ was the National Government?
52. Assess the view that interwar Britain was a period of mediocrity and failure, dominated in
Mowat’s words, by the ‘rule of pygmies’.
53. Assess the reasons why the Conservative Party dominated the interwar period.
54. Evaluate the development of the trade union movement from 1918 to 1939.
55. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the trade union movement in Britain from 1918 to
1927 (or 1939).
56. How important was Atlee’s role in Labour’s election victory of 1945?
57. How effective was Baldwin as leader of the Conservative Party?
58. Assess the reasons for the Liberal landslide in 1906?
59. How radical were Labour as a government between 1945-51?
60. How successful were Labour's economic and social policies between1945 to 1951?
61. How successful was Labour’s social policy from 1945-51?
62. How well did the National Government deal with the social and political problems it faced from
63. How successful were the economic policies of the Labour government from 1945 to 1951?
64. Evaluate the achievements and limitations of Baldwin as Conservative Party leader.
65. Assess the reasons for the decline of the Liberal Party by 1924.
66. Assess the reasons for the decline of the Liberal Party by 1931.
67. Assess the reasons for the decline of the Liberal Party by 1935.
68. How successful was Ramsay MacDonald's leadership of the Labour party?
69. How effective was MacDonald as a leader of the Labour Party?
70. Evaluate the political, economic and social impact of the Great Depression on Britain from
1929 to 1939.
71. Evaluate the economic and social impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939.
72. Evaluate the political impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939.
73. Evaluate the economic impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939
74. Evaluate the social impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939
75. Evaluate the social and political impact of the Great Depression on Britain from 1929 to 1939.