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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for under mentioned posts. The eligibility and qualification criteria are given below:-
Sl. Post Existing Mandatory Qualification Desirable Qualification Age Limit
No. Pay &
 Senior Secondary with Nursery Teachers Training  Knowledge of computer
diploma or diploma in Nursery/Montessori/ Pre- applications, especially MS Office.
NTT (Regular) Primary Teachers Training from a Govt recognised  Should be able to read/
for selection 12500 + institution. write/communicate in Hindi.
panel 2023-24 13% DA  Candidates with higher qualifications may also  Experience in art, craft, cartoon,
only. apply. caricature, puppet making, dance,  Should be in the
 Should be able to read, write and communicate etc. age group of 21 to
fluently in English. 50 years as on 01
 A Bachelor’s Degree from any University July 2023.
recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE, with
a minimum marks of 50% in the aggregate.  Women
PRT (Regular)
 A Bachelor of Education Degree (B Ed) or its candidates and
for selection 21500 + physically
2. equivalent from a college/university recognised by
panel 2023-24 13% DA
Govt of India/UGC/AICTE/national Council of challenged
Teachers Education. candidates will be
 Should be able to read, write and communicate given age
fluently in English. relaxation upto a
 A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any maximum of five
University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ years.
AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the
subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including  Ex-servicemen
electives and languages, in the combination of candidates who
TGT (Sanskrit) subjects as Sanskrit as an elective subject at have put in not
25000 less than six
3. (Contractual) Degree level.
(fixed) months of
 A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent
from a college/ university recognised by Govt of continuous service
India/AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers in the Army, Navy
Education. or the Air Force
 Should be able to read, write and communicate shall be allowed to
fluently in English. deduct the period
 A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any of such service
University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ from their actual
AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the age and if the
subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including resultant age does
electives and languages, in the combination of not exceed the
subjects as English as an elective subject at maximum age limit
TGT (English)
25000 prescribed for the
4. (Contractual) Degree level.
(fixed) post by more than
 A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent
three years, they
from a college/ university recognised by Govt of
shall be deemed
India/AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers
Education.  Knowledge of computer
have satisfied the
 Should be able to read, write and communicate applications, especially MS Office.
fluently in English.
regarding age
 A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any  Ability to read/write/communicate in
limit. Such ex-
University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ Hindi.
AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the candidates, if
subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including  CTET / STET qualified candidates selected for the
electives and languages, in the combination of will be given additional weightage post, will also
subjects as Maths with any two out of Physics, during selection. retire from the
TGT (Maths)
25000 Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science or School as per
5. (Contractual)
(fixed) Statistics. rules of the
 A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent Society.
from a college/ university recognised by Govt of
India/AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers  Candidates with at
Education. least two years
 Should be able to read, write and communicate continuous service
fluently in English. in any Air Force
 A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any School but
University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ presently not
AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the working in an Air
subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including Force School, will
electives and languages, in the combination of be given age
TGT (Social subjects as under: Any two out of History, relaxation upto the
Studies) 25000 Geography, Economics or Political Science, of extent of such
(Contractual) (fixed) which one must be either History or Geography. service rendered
 A Bachelor of Education Degree or its equivalent in Air Force
from a college/ university recognised by Govt of School, subject to
India/AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers a maximum of two
Education. years. Serving
 Should be able to read, write and communicate staff of the School
fluently in English. who apply for the
 A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any post will also be
University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ eligible for the
AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the same.
TGT (Computer subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including
Science) 25000 electives and languages.
(Contractual) (fixed)  PCDA / MCA / BE from a college/ university
recognised by Govt of India/AICTE/ UGC/ National
Council of Teachers Education.
 Should be able to read, write and communicate
fluently in English.
Sl. Post Existing Mandatory Qualification Desirable Qualification Age Limit
No. Pay &
8. TGT (Health 25000 +  A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any  Knowledge of computer  Should be in the
Wellness) 13% DA) University recognised by the Govt of India/ UGC/ applications, especially MS Office. age group of 21 to
(Regular) AICTE with a minimum marks of 50 percent in the 50 years as on 01
subject and 50 percent in the aggregate, including  Ability to read/write/communicate July 2023.
electives and languages, in the combination of in Hindi.
subjects as under :-  Women candidates
 Diploma in Counselling from a Teacher  CTET / STET qualified candidates and physically
recognised University will be given additional weightage challenged
OR during selection. candidates will be
 BA/ BSc Psychology with Educational given age
Psychology/ Counselling Psychology from a relaxation upto a
recognised University. maximum of five
OR years.
 MA/ MSc in Counselling Psychology or MA
MSc Psychology with Counselling Psychology  Ex-servicemen
as specialisation candidates who
OR have put in not less
 MA/MSc in Applied Psychology with than six months of
Counselling Psychology from a recognised continuous service
University. in the Army, Navy
 Should be able to read, write and communicate or the Air Force
fluently in English. shall be allowed to
deduct the period of
such service from
their actual age and
if the resultant age
does not exceed
the maximum age
limit prescribed for
the post by more
than three years,
they shall be
deemed to
have satisfied the
condition regarding
age limit. Such ex-
candidates, if
selected for the
post, will also retire
from the School as
per rules of the

 Candidates with at
least two years
continuous service
in any Air Force
School but
presently not
working in an Air
Force School, will
be given age
relaxation upto the
extent of such
service rendered in
Air Force School,
subject to a
maximum of two
years. Serving staff
of the School who
apply for the post
will also be eligible
for the same.
1. Air Force School Gandhinagar is an unaided CBSE School functioning under the aegis of Indian Air Force Education and Cultural Society, New Delhi.

2. This is not a Government job and there is no transfer liability.

3. EPF Contribution will be as per Govt of India statutory rules.

4. The following are not applicable for the employees of Air Force Schools:-

(a) Accommodation / HRA.

(b) Travelling Allowance.
(c) DA on contractual post.
(d) LTA / LTC.
(e) TA-DA for written test and interview.
(f) Canteen/Medical facilities.
(g) Any other perks/allowance.

5. Tentative date for selection process will be informed on school website.

6. In the selection process there will be written test, Teaching Aptitude Test and Interview.
7. Format of application is available at Air Force School Gandhinagar website

8. All interested eligible candidates are to:-

(a) Apply online using the link available at Recruitment tab of school website.

(b) After successful submission of online applications, candidates are requested to submit the hard copy of application in prescribed format (available
in recruitment tab of school web site) along with self-attested copies of Aadhar Card, academic qualifications and experience certificate latest by
1400hrs on 21 Jan 2023 in a closed cover super scribing as under by Hand or through Registered Post / Speed Post / Courier only.

Post Applied for: ……………………………………….

The Executive Director,
Air Force School Gandhinagar,
Near Police Station, Sector-9,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382007

Name of Applicant.
Full Address.
Mobile No.

9. Incomplete application in any respect will not be considered.

10. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the School well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any delay due to
other unforeseen events or circumstances. The School shall not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.

11. The applicants must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility conditions for the post applying for.

12. The School Management shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at any time, at the time of appointment or during the
tenure of service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates have undesirable clandestine antecedents /
background and have suppressed the said information, his / her services shall be liable to be terminated.

13. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the School
reserves the right to modify / withdraw / cancel any communication made to the candidates.

14. The School reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for Written Test/ Teaching Aptitude Test / Interview to a reasonable number on the
basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed as decided by duly constituted Screening Committee(s) and approved by the
competent authority. Call letters for attending Written Test/ Teaching Aptitude Test / Interview will be sent only to the short-listed candidates by E-mail. No
correspondence will be entertained with the applicants who are not short-listed to be called for Written Test/ Teaching Aptitude Test / Interview.

15. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any candidate will disqualify him / her from being considered.

16. The School reserves the right:

(a) To withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect.
(b) To fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever.
(c) To increase / decrease the number of posts after due procedure as per directions of UGC from time to time.

17. The School will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail, loss of any communication due to wrong address provided by the candidates.

18. Call letters and other correspondence for attending the Examination / Interview, etc.,will be sent only to the eligible candidates by email only.

19. Candidates in their own interest are advised to remain in touch with the School They should also regularly check their email account for

20. The originals of all documents attached along with application to be brought while reporting for interview (if called for).

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