CoC Participants

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Code of Conduct for Participants in the 32nd National Selection Conference of the European

Youth Parliament Croatia – Zagreb 2022

Event: 32nd National Session of EYP Croatia – Zagreb 2022

Location & Dates: Zagreb, October 26th – October 30th, 2022

Applicability: Participants includes everyone attending the event, besides guests. For sessions that
means delegates and teachers. For all other EYP events beyond sessions it means everyone that is
not covered by the Code of Conduct for officials.

Commitment to integrity
1. Participants are obliged to behave in a way that does not reflect negatively on the EYP, the
National Committee and other participants at the event.
2. Participants are obliged to behave in a way that does not reflect negatively on the
Organising Committee, and should therefore respect all rules established by the organising
team, including, but not limited to:
a. participating in all mandatory items of the programme in a timely manner;
b. respecting the venues where the event is taking place, and their respective rules;
c. not abandoning the group or premises of the event without explicit permission to
do so;
d. behaving as a representative of the organisation at all stages of the event, even
outside the official programme elements.
Behaviour and non-discrimination
3. Participants must behave respectfully towards other session participants. Expected
behaviour includes: Organising Committee, and should therefore respect all rules
established by the organising team, including, but not limited to:
a. maintaining a positive and welcoming environment for all participants;
b. not engaging in conduct that is unfair or abusive towards others;
c. respecting cultural, religious, and personal differences;
d. not discriminating any other participant on the basis of their age, sex, gender
identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disabilities, religion, national or
ethnic origin, family status, marital status, or any other status.
4. Bullying or harassment of any kind – whether, verbal, non-verbal, physical aggression,
sexual or emotional is not tolerated at any events connected with our organisation.
Sexual conduct and relationships
5. Session participants must respect national laws setting the age of sexual consent.
6. The EYP operates under a clear consent culture. Everything that is not a yes is a no.
7. Participants are expected to promote a safe environment free from sexual misconduct.
8. Session participants cannot engage in any romantic or intimate activity with people in a
position of trust towards them. This rule applies in addition to the Policy on Safe and
Dignified EYP and the Participant Welfare Policy
Alcohol consumption and drug abuse
9. The EYP respects national law and limits the use of alcohol and tobacco accordingly.
10. No Session participant should put themselves in a position in which they are unable to fulfil
their duties or participate in the session programme due to overindulgence.
11. The consumption or use of any drugs is strictly forbidden at all EYP events.
Criminal conduct
12. Session participants are obliged to comply with the national law of the country where the
event is taking place.
Duties and responsibilities
13. Any person who has agreed to chaperone a delegation is responsible for the well-being and
good behaviour of said delegation during a session.
14. Every individual should intervene to stop an inappropriate behaviour when observed (be it
bullying, harassment or other harmful or dangerous behaviour). Serious and grave incidents
should be reported to the Safe Person in accordance with the procedure set out in the Policy
for a Safe and Dignified EYP.
15. Every participant must confirm that they have read and understood the Code of Conduct,
the Welfare Policy and the Policy for a Safe and Dignified EYP.
16. Violation of this Code of Conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action at the
discretion of the Event Safe Person (in consultation with the session leadership and NC
board) including, but not limited to:
a. reprimands;
b. expulsion from the event at the participant’s own expense (access to any of the
program elements or venue is forbidden from then on);
c. mention of the behaviour in the participant’s evaluation;
d. ‘’Inability’’ to be selected for International Sessions or events organised with the
support or involvement of the International Office/Governing Body for a certain
amount of time;
e. legal action in case of unlawful behaviour;
f. indefinite expulsion from the national organisation, either temporary or permanent;
g. expulsion from all EYP events, both national and international, either temporary or
17. Complaints in case of serious breach of the policy can lead to further consequences being
imposed by the Governing Body, following complaints submitted to the Safe Core Team.
By signing this document, I confirm that I read, understood, and accepted the Code of Conduct
and the applicable policies of the EYP.
During the event, the Media Team may carry out media projects that involve recording event
elements. By signing below, I consent to the capturing and use of my image by EYP Croatia for
the purpose of documenting and publicising the event.

Name of the participant: Signature of the participant:

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Name of the parent/legal guardian Signature of the parent/legal guardian

(if participant is under 18 years of age): (if participant is under 18 years of age):


___________________________________ ___________________________________

Nationality: Date and location:

___________________________________ 17.10.2022. Dubrovnik

Event Safe Person(s):

Julijana Živković

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