Internship Report

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Abay Bank 2022/2023

First of all my deepest thanks goes to the Almighty God for his endless help and make me to
stay in life to this day and enables me to complete my internship. I also would like to express
my deepest gratitude to Mr. Maschal (manager) for his enthusiastic support from the preparation
until the final discussion of this internship with frequent follow up my activities and guide me. I
am greatly thanks for my family they had been assisted my schooling life and to give advice how
can I goes with my planning activity to finish my academic schooling in this university. Finally I
would like to acknowledge all individual and institutions that have helped me materially and
morally during the preparation of this paper.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Generally, the objective of this practical attachment is to assess the performance of Abay bank
Debre Eba branch. The extent to which Abay bank Debre Eba branch is realizing its vision and
mission and performance of the organization in relation to its objectives. The intention of
summer practical attachment was to increase student’s knowledge and enable student to
compare what have learnt so far in class and what have experienced in summer practical. To
produce well qualified, self-reliant, active, change agent and real problem solver student. In
addition, the other objective is to investigate equal participation of Abay Bank with other bank
to it realizes to its visions, mission and objective. Not only limited to this but also emphasis the
problems faced by me while I was performing summer practical attachment. Thus, practical
attachment suggests solutions and some of policy implication toward reducing the problems
based on finding.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Abay Bank 2022/2023


Abay Bank 2022/2023

Part one organizational report

1.1 Back ground of the organization
Abay bank is the one of commercial bank and established by more than 4100 shareholders on
July 14, 2010. It started operation in November 2010. Abay Banks business has expanded
over the years. In currently paid up capital of banks is birr 4,196,000,000 the number of
banks shareholders also increased to 4317. Currently the bank has over 530 branches across
the country. Among the branches of the bank, Debre Eba is one of the newly opened
branches. Abay bank Debre Eba was established on JULY 30, 2021.As the time of its
establishment it has three (3) total staff. Abay bank Debre Eba branch is located in Debire
Birhan Atse Zeryaeqob sub city town. It is found 130 km far away from Addis Ababa. Know
the branch has 10 employees and also having different staff professional and work
experience. Out of them seven is females and the others are male. Among those employees
has bachelor degree.

Each department of the organization has their own duties and responsibilities. Manager is
responsible to supervise all activities in bank including supervising employees, assisting
customers and providing excellent customer service. Cashier is responsible to all cash
transaction of the organization, checking daily cash accounts, and maintaining monthly,
weekly and daily report of transaction. Accountant is responsible to assists during
preparation of financial statements. The statements prepared include the balance sheet,
income statement, a statement of retained earnings and cash flow statement.. The accountant
also holds the responsibility of closing the books of accounts of a branch at the end of every
month. In case mistakes occur, he/she is prepares and post the adjustment entries. Customer
service officer is responsible for banks answer customer questions about basic banking
services, such as account balances and interest rates and fees. Resource Manager is
someone who is just responsible to open account numbers, organize and direct employees of
the bank to open an account numbers.
In general, the bank is responsible to deliver service to its customer by transferring funds,
taking deposits, giving loan, transferring foreign currency into domestic currency and
opening an account number.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

1.2 CARDINAL ISSUES (Mission, vision, value and objective)

1.2.1 Vision of the organization
"To Become the First Bank of Choice"

1.2.2 Mission of the organization

 "Providing the best- in-class banking services and adding value for

1.2.3 Values
 Customer - Centricity
 Accountability
 Teamwork
 Employee - Centricity
 Innovation

1.2.4 Objectives of the organization

Every organization is established for their own objectives. To achieve they have to work hard
and follow up effectively.

Abay Bank Debre Eba Branch has the following objectives.

 To implement management information system

 To maximize customer satisfaction
 To develop competence with other private banks
 To build change for all bank staffs
 To establish performance base incentives
 To deposit mobilization service
 To enhance and facilitate the development of the country
 To maximize profit of the bank by creating difference

1.3 Organizational Structure

How the organization is organized to achieve objectives and mission?

All departments in this organization are related to each other. The other department can control
the activity of other. Also on their daily activities they must report to the body which controls
each department. Also they control each other to minimize the problem on job, to be fair and

Abay Bank 2022/2023

acceptable by every department. To achieve the objective and vision they obey responsibility for
the job given to all departments. Let we see to how they control each other;

The customer service officer reports the daily activity to the A/senior customer service officer.
Also pass all physical tickets done on transaction daily to the branch controller to ensure their
activity by comparing the recorded transaction on the system. A/senior customer service reports
his or her activity to the customer service manager. Customer service manager reports to branch
manager. Branch controller passes all tickets to senior branch controller after ensured the balance
on physical counted tickets and on system became equal. Then senior branch controller again
checks and report to branch manager. So finally all activity in bank is controlled by the manager
of the bank.

Organizational structure is the most important part for office to achieve its objectives and





F. g 1.3 organizational structure of Abay Bank of Debre Eba branch

1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its visions and missions and
performance of the organization in relation to its objectives.
The Abay Bank Debre Eba branch was well organized to realize its cardinal issues. It improves
banking service from time to time and innovate new technology to give satisfaction for customer.
Abay bank is nurturing like the river.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Workers of the organization are accountable to their customer and good information for every
sector Abay Bank Debre Eba branch its mission and vision through giving the above service

1.5 Strength, weakness, opportunity and treat (SWOT) analysis of the

The Abay Bank Debre Eba branch is private organization has its strength and weakness side
there are also have good opportunities and treats that speed up and fast the bank over all work
process respectively.

1.5.1 Strength of the organization.

 Respecting the law of the organization.
 Good efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs
 It’s give training for its employees to improve their profession.
 It gives excellence service for its customer which most of its customers get
satisfaction in proper manner.
 They respect each other and also they give priority for their work

1.5.2 Weakness of the organization

 There not enough employees.
 Weak information and file management of some workers
 There is no punctuality( being on time)
 There is some inefficiency material like chair tables and computers for trailing

1.5.3 Opportunity of the organization

 Have a good location .
 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for increase bank
 Availability of educated man power in the town.
 Development of information technology

1.5.4 Treat of the organization

If the organization follows the current organizational structure for the future may face the
following challenges.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

 Volatility of currency
 Electrical power
 Poor credit culture and know how about banking and its service within the society
 Most people are having less knowledge about taking loan from bank.
 Connection problems
 Economic condition of the country

1.6 problems observed that affect the organizational at current time and its
critical issues Abay Bank Debre Eba branch
The primary problem regarding the historical back ground of the organization. This problem
rises due to lack of organized and return document in the organization.

 Lack of sufficient written document about the organization.

 Lack of use time properly.
 File management and documentation improperly among some workers.
 Not enough employees in the branch this case there is work load on the employees .
 Connection problem
 Communication problem
 Electrical problem

1.7 suggested solution (measure) taken to solve or at least minimize problems

The possible solution I suggested for such problems are the following.

 It should full fill all the necessary materials which are technologically improved to
facilitate its service
 They should be creating good & formal communication.
 To solve the problem a lack of data about historical back ground of the organization, I
gather some information from head office and try to document with the help of my
 It should have to arrange its document in proper manner.
 It should have increased its customer through promotion and customer attractive

Abay Bank 2022/2023

Part two activity report
2.1 Back ground of the department/division where you working
Customer service officer department is one of the sectors of Abay Bank Debre Eba branch. It
performs its duties and responsibility by setting specific and feasible goals and objectives which
support to speed up customer satisfaction and profit maximization of the bank.

2.2 Objectives and major responsibilities as well as activities of the

department or division.
2.2.1 Objective of the department
 To ensure standardization and uniformity in the customer service process.
 To smoothly implement integrated banking solutions in customer service process.
 To have single source of reference to perform.
 To determine duties and responsibilities that each employee at all level in the
customer service process.
 To provide efficient and quality service to its customer.

2.2.2 Objective and major responsibilities as well as activities of the department /division

1 Account opening: - there are many types of accounts those are:-

 Demand deposit account – shall mean an interest bearing account opened only by
customers who are literate.
 Saving account – is interest bearing deposit opened by legal and physical persons,
organization and association.
 Special demand account – means a non interest bearing account that is opened to full
fill the request of customer who for one not wants interest for their deposit.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

 Fixed time deposits – a type of account deposit is received at certain period of time
without movement a minimum of three month and attracts higher interest rate than
 Earmarked account – means account opened with other description after the name of
the account holders such as club, business n and work shop account.

2 Duties related to customer service

 Opening account
 Pay cash& receive cash

3Telegram – that means send outgoing message and receive incoming message from other

4 To improve deposit mobilization key Strateges

Thoes strategeis are

1. Enhance excellent Service Excellence: - meet customer expectation

Service Excellency Initiatives

1. Develop and Implement Service Standard

2. Make SE to be organizational culture
3. Standardized the layout of the bank
4. Provide appropriate and continuous training for all employees

5. Continuously measure the service quality

6. Introduce formal and informal customer feedback channel
7. Introduce Call Center or Help Desk
8. Introduce Premium branch in the bank

2. Aggressive Awareness Creation: - employee awareness creation by Training,

Customer awareness Creation
a. training and coach employees
b. aware to focus on private and individual customer rather than
focusing only corporate customer
3. Enhance Banking Accessibility: - By Branch expansion (600) Branch’s at the
end of Plan period), sub branch and multi-channel banking
a. Enhance full-fledged Branch Expansion
b. Enhance expanding Sub-branch

Abay Bank 2022/2023

c. Expand Multichannel Banking service

d. Introduce agency Banking in Rural area
4. Use Aggressive and Innovative Promotional Practice: - Personal selling
promotional tools, advertising by Brand ‘Ambassador” Giru Ermias
a. Use aggressive Personal selling promotional tools
5. Introduce new and enhance the existing Deposit products e.g IFB and
Diaspora Banking
6. Expanding Customer base of the Bank e.g paying salary to Organizations,
College University Fee and Shifting edir and equb to bank and retaining
existing Customers
7. Identifying and Approaching Stakeholders and Collaborators e.g Relation
with shareholders e.g. Abay Bank has Coffee Ceremony with a Quarter
8. Enhance Money tracking activity:- ability effecting large payment of
Domestic transfer at Branches , Privet expenditure , remittance payment ,Large
9. Enhance relationship with multipurpose unions and cooperatives of ANRS.
E.g. ACSI and Various Cooperatives
5. To improve customer satisfaction
By enhance Abay Bank Service Excellence Standards. Those are
 Treating customers as a “King”
 Embracing the noble idea of “Customer Is Always Right”
 Having a Positive Attitude towards Customer
 Making a Good First Impression
 Making Effective Face to Face Communication
 Applying Appropriate and Positive Body Language
 Using Polite Way of expression and Right Words
 Handling telephone calls in a courteous & professional manner
 Handling Customer Compliant Effectively & Professionally
 Serving Different Type of Customers as per their Personality
 Having the Required Customer Handling Skill and ability
 Having a Good Work Place Ethics
 Maintaining the Cleanliness of Working Environment

Abay Bank 2022/2023

2.4 The responsibilities and major activities me as a member of department.

As department member I also have the responsibilities of performing the activities of the
department. Based on those general activities, I perform the following specific activities as an
apprentice, when I was participating at Abay Bank Debre Eba branch.

 I opened account for customers supporting employees

 I check the name, date and signature of the customer to be filled properly.
 I participated in different writing and typing activities that help for customer service.
 I accomplish a given work punctual and honestly by obeying the rules and regulation of
the organization.
 Protecting the office resource from damage.
 I gave different service for department and customers.
 I fill different forms by helping customers.

2.5 Performance Evaluation of my activities

From the first day that I have started practical work on Customer service department;

 I could understand how to deliver bank service to customers.

 Basically I learned practically how to treat customers politely.
 I could understand the different type of communications in the organization at all.
 I have good communication with others at work place.
 To ask necessary data I could communicate with my manager from time to time etc…

2.6 Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures

There are some problems which affect me on my activities of one month. Some of these
problems are from the organization and some are from customers. As organization some the
problems are lack of seats, lack of user (access) for me and other problem not access of some
materials those hinder my activities to not serve customer properly. From customers some
customers don’t care about criteria’s to be fulfilled properly rather than looking only about the

Abay Bank 2022/2023

- Some of them don’t sign on the ticket and some signature on the ticket and on the book are

- No correct order of sender name which is difficult to serve customer

- Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read

Remedial solution I have taken

- By using the user of my friend I have done my activities with my friend

- I worked my works more time by standing for the lack of seat

- I have told to branch manager these problems to be minimized

- Through customer I have told to them to fill criteria properly

2.7 Problem division or department or suggested solutions

The major problems that face the department are the following..

 There is a big internet connection problem or network problem, especially in the

first two weeks I started my practical attachment.
 There is inefficiency of some materials like chair, table and so on.
 Some workers have problems on their behavior and didn’t give proper service to

2.8 Suggested solutions for the problems

 Asking concerned body to get enough networks that help to provide proper service
for customer.
 To solve the problems of inefficiency of materials by asking additional budget for the
department and purchasing this materials and make available for the department
 The office should have hire authors employees as additional.

Abay Bank 2022/2023


Part three attachment evaluation

3.1 Rationales of Practical Attachment

Rationales of the practical attachment are the practical reason to decide how to act on the
attachments some of the following listed is reason of practical attachment.

- It is for the case that the apprentice to realize the theory in class to real world through practice.

- It is for that the apprentice should compare and contrast the economic thought with practical

- It is that how the problem is identified and the solution is found

- It is for that the apprentice to check the relation he/she has with others on work etc.

3.2 Significance of practical attachment

Since the main objective of this practical attachment course is producing qualified, confident and
competent students, it has the following major significances.

 Benefiting students, by improving their skill and knowledge, increasing problem solving
capacity, changing attitude and for preparing graduation paper
 It will minimize training cost incurred by employers
 Benefiting university in such a way that can produce well trend man power, gathering
information for problem solving researches

Abay Bank 2022/2023

3.3 Relevance of organization with my study

From starting date of my practical attachment as the general with the branch and particularly
with the department there is good connection with my study in foreign remittance transaction.
Theoretically since I have studied about foreign remittance in class and in my practical study
how to make transaction of that remittance this organization is relevant with my practical study.
In other way as general as organization there is also good connection with my study that for that
foreign transaction is the department of the organization and my study is related with it that has
relation with Economics again the organization and my study has good connection.

3.4 Applicability of the theories and other in class on the real world or
practical work environment
Applicability of theories in practical work environment is very interesting and important. In
management field there are many theories that applied on real world. Some theories which
are applicable when I conduct this practical attachment are the following.

The main activity of bank is accepting, depositing and lending money to its customers
which really related to financial management and principles of accounting .

 The theories of microeconomics for showing how to maximize profit and creating
customer satisfaction.
 The theories of principle accounting used to prepare workers payroll .
 The theories of economics used to show exchange of currency.
 From point of principle of marketing view how to create awareness to customers,how to
satisfy their needs .

3.5 Major problems that I faced during the attachment

I faced many problems, during I work this practical attachment the major ones are
mentioned as follow as:-

 At the beginning time they didn’t give me full freedom to do activities independently.
 The transportation system is very crowded, because of this it is difficult to me reach
work place on time.
 Shortage of some extra or additional working materials like chair and computers for

Abay Bank 2022/2023

 Some employees are not interested for sharing their experience.

3.6 Suggested solution and way forward for attachment

The problem mentioned above are solved by:-

 I was try to adapt new environment and working condition gradually by studding
behavior of department member and sharing experience among them.
 To solve transportation problem I try to wake up early
 The organization should have to buy additional materials like chair and computers that
help for training
 The organization should give the opportunity for students to participate in a given
activities freely in order to improve their knowledge and producing self-confident

4.1 Conclusion

This practical attachment contains information; include Introduction, background of the

organization, cardinal issues, goals of the organization, organization’s structure, etc. It covers

Abay Bank 2022/2023

background of Abay Bank Debre Eba Branch. The office is standing to satisfy its customers,
women empowerment and respecting women and child right. I observed some issues like the
professional status of the staff members, punctuality of the staff members and gender in the

Generally, I gained some experience due to this practical attachment such as how to work in
cooperation with other, etc. The main problem I found, society have low information about
banking system, negative attitude of society toward the term bank and department. Lack of
information and lack of enough time are other problems; however, I tried to do my best in order
to overcome or give related solution to those challenges.

4.2 Recommendation
While I doing my practical attachment, I observe some issue in lens of my eyes. Therefore, I
would like to suggest on some issues that I observed during accomplish my practical attachment
in Gondar district at Abay Bank Debre Eba branch .

Firstly, the Abay Bank should have to select the appropriate place in order to get potential

Secondly, I would like to suggest on the effort toward promoting development of bank system
study area. Banking system is the process of treating every banking activity and is also way
creating relationship with customer. It is the development issues that recognize the involvement
(participation) of both man and women in development process.

However, the office is lag behind in order to promote growth which is the backbone of
development. This is due to lack of enough information in the organization which play a great
role in order to meet its objective. The organization needs to change this situation by looking for
bank expert which play a great role in order to promote banking system.

Finally, I would like to suggest to Abay Bank of Debre Eba branch have to work properly to
achieve their goals and also to address other problems by working in cooperation with other
organization, especially non-governmental organization.

Abay Bank 2022/2023

 The annual report of the company by the march 31 of 2022
 The manual of the organization.
 The interview; information from the employers of the organization.


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