Database Report

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Name: LAIBA A.

Semester & Section: 4th (B)
Student ID: BSE-22S-058
Course Coordinator: SIR AMEEN KHOWAJA
Course ID: CSC-102
Date Of Submission: 23rdNov-2023
Assignment Topic: Tender Evaluation System

Q:1)Discuss about the difference in website, webpage and mobileapp
Also discuss what is different in E commerce based web/mobile app/
marketing based web/ mobile app ?
• A website is a collection of related web pages.
• It can include various types of content such as text, images, videos, and
interactive elements.
• Websites are accessed through web browsers on desktop or mobile devices.
• A webpage is a single document or page within a website.
• It contains specific information and may include text, images, links, and
other multimedia elements.
• Users navigate through websites by moving from one webpage to another.
Mobile App:
• A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile devices,
such as smartphones or tablets.
• Apps are usually downloaded and installed directly onto the device from an
app store.
• They offer a more focused and optimized user experience compared to
E-commerce Based Web/Mobile App:
• An e-commerce website or mobile app is designed for buying and selling
goods or services online.
• It includes features like product catalogs, shopping carts, and secure
payment gateways.
• Users can browse products, make purchases, and manage their orders
through these platforms.
Marketing Based Web/Mobile App:

• A marketing website or mobile app is focused on promoting products,
services, or brands.
• It may include content such as promotional videos, advertisements, and
information about the company.
• The goal is to attract and engage users, often leading them to take a specific
action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
Q:2)Write the steps to work on mobile app ( basic steps from
installation to the first page certain?
 Download and install a text editor like Visual Studio Code.
 Install a toolkit for making mobile apps like React Native or Flutter.
 Use special commands from your toolkit to create a new project.
 Use your computer's command line to go into the folder where your
project is.
 Use a special command to start a server that helps you develop your
 Open your project's code files in the text editor.
 Make changes to the code to make your app look and work the way
you want.
 Use a pretend phone on your computer or connect a real phone to see
how your app is doing.
 If something is wrong, use tools provided by your toolkit to figure out
what's happening and fix it.
 Use a special command to turn your app into a version that can be
used by other people.
 Put your app on a real phone to make sure it works well.
 If everything is good, follow the rules for iPhone or Android to share
your app with others or put it in an app store.

 Regularly make your app better by adding new things and fixing any
problem bugs.
Q:3) Explore and find out the most economic site/provider for
business domain hosting also enlist that how many (at least -05)
providers are relabel and available to host your site/ page if you are
developing a mobile app for e-commerce transaction covers (domain
clark space and email service) check the cost of all for
at least or months?
Here are five reputable hosting providers for your mobile app's e-commerce needs:
• Bluehost: Starting at $2.95/month, includes a free domain for the first year.
• SiteGround: Plans start at $6.99/month, providing excellent performance
and customer support.
• HostGator: Offers plans from $2.75/month, with a user-friendly
interface and 45-day money-back guarantee.
• A2 Hosting: Plans begin at $2.99/month, emphasizing speed and reliability.
• InMotion Hosting: Starting at $5.99/month, it offers solid performance and
customer service.
Prices may vary based on specific features and promotional offers, so it's advisable
to check the providers' websites for the most up-to-date information.
Q:4)Write the steps to register the space in clouds/with rates and
specifications/and also enlist the other areas / space where you can
reserve the space instead clouds?
• Select a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft
Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
• Go to the website of your chosen cloud provider.
• Sign up for an account on the cloud provider's website.
• Explore the services section and locate the option for cloud storage or
compute resources, depending on your needs.

• Choose the type of space you need, whether it's storage for files or
computing resources for applications.
• Specify the amount of space, processing power, and other specifications
based on your requirements.
• Review the pricing details for the selected services to understand the cost
• Provide the necessary payment details to complete the registration process.
Other Spaces:
• Data Centers: Rent physical space in data centers to host your own servers.
• Web Hosting Services: Use web hosting providers to reserve space for
hosting websites.
• Colocation Services: Share space in a data center with other businesses.
• On-Premises Servers: Manage your own servers within your organization's

Q:5) Draw the structural diagrams of your own project - including -

(class diagram, activity diagram, sequential diagram , composite
diagram object diagram and the communication diagram?
Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Sequential Diagram:

Composite Diagram:

Object Diagram:

Communication Diagram:

Q:6) Write short intro of your all screen decided in the project-(5-6
times) in according to the structural diagrams?

1. Authentication Screen: Allows users (Government Officials, Bidders,

Evaluators) to log in securely.
2. Tender Posting Screen: Enables Government Officials to post new tenders
with details.
3. Bid Submission Screen: Allows Bidders to submit their bids for specific
4. Evaluation Screen: Provides Evaluators with tools to assess and score bids.
5. Results Screen: Displays the final results of the tender evaluation.

Q:7) Write about the main difference between ERP

and UML diagram?
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning):
 Integrated software suite for business process optimization.
 Focuses on real-world processes and data flow within an organization.
 Implementation-oriented, dealing with the deployment and configuration of
UML (Unified Modeling Language) Diagrams:
 Graphical tools for software design and documentation.
 Provide visual blueprints for system architecture, components, and
 Used during the design phase of software development.
 Operates at a lower level of abstraction compared to ERP.

Q:8) Write about the different categories ( covering all types -(2-3
points for each ) of UML diagram - include 03 tools which are very
useful to design UML diagram ?
Structural Diagrams:
 Class Diagrams:
o Show classes, attributes, and relationships in a system.
 Object Diagrams:
o Display instances of classes and their relationships at a specific moment.
 Component Diagrams:
o Illustrate the physical components of a system and their dependencies.

Behavioral Diagrams:
 Use Case Diagrams:
o Describe interactions between a system and external entities.
 Sequence Diagrams:
o Display interactions between objects, emphasizing time sequence.
 State Diagrams:
o Depict different states an object can be in and transitions.

Interaction Diagrams:
 Activity Diagrams:
o Illustrate the flow of activities in a system.
 Communication Diagrams:
o Show how objects interact through messages over time.
 Timing Diagrams:
o Focus on timing constraints between interactions and state changes.

Architectural Diagrams:
 Deployment Diagrams:
o Visualize the physical deployment of software components in a hardware
 Package Diagrams:
o Organize and structure elements of a system into cohesive packages.
 Each diagram serves a specific purpose in visualizing different aspects of a
system's structure, behavior, interaction, and architecture,
1. Lucidchart:

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a. Description: Web-based diagramming tool for UML diagrams.
b. Features: Collaboration features, drag-and-drop interface, real-time
2. Visual Paradigm:
a. Description: UML tool supporting the software development
b. Features: UML diagram creation, code generation, system modeling,
team collaboration.
3. Enterprise Architect:
a. Description: Powerful UML modeling tool for complex systems and
enterprise-level applications.
b. Features: Extensive UML support, model-driven architecture,
database modeling, team collaboration.
These tools are designed to facilitate the creation and collaboration of UML
diagrams, each offering unique features to support different aspects of software
development and system modeling.
Q:9) Write about all DB language with suitable example (03
queries for each )?
SQL (Structured Query Language):
Explanation: SQL is a standard language for managing and manipulating
relational databases. It is used to create, retrieve, update, and delete data.
Example Queries:
• Select: SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'IT';
• Insert: INSERT INTO customers (name, email) VALUES (‘Laiba',
• Update: UPDATE products SET price = price * 1.1 WHERE category =
NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB Query Language):
Explanation: NoSQL databases, like MongoDB, use different data models than
traditional relational databases.
Example Queries:

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• Find: db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } });
• Insert: db.products.insertOne({ name: 'Laptop', price: 1200 });
• Update: db.orders.updateOne({ _id:
ObjectId("5f8a4fb6c99b6c5a53b25d6f") }, { $set: { status: 'Shipped' } });
Cassandra Query Language (CQL):
Explanation: CQL is the query language for Apache Cassandra, a highly scalable
and distributed NoSQL database system
Example Queries:
• Insert a new row into the 'products' table: INSERT INTO products
(product_id, product_name, price) VALUES (301, 'Cassandra Database
Book', 29.99);
• Retrieve all columns from the 'users' table where the user_id is 101:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 101;
• Update the 'inventory' table, incrementing the stock_count by 10 where
the product_id is 201: UPDATE inventory SET stock_count = stock_count
+ 10 WHERE product_id = 201;

Q:10) Scenario: Draw the basic structure, structural diagram,

database structure, relational diagram, and the SQL commands
used for creating the database structure?

Relational Diagram:

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Structural Diagram:

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Database Structure:
1. GovernmentOfficial Table:
 Fields:
 govt_official_id (Primary Key, INT)
 name (VARCHAR)
 username (VARCHAR, Unique)
 password (VARCHAR)
 Relationships: None (No foreign key relationships for this example).
2. Bidder Table:
 Fields:
 bidder_id (Primary Key, INT)
 name (VARCHAR)
 username (VARCHAR, Unique)
 password (VARCHAR)
 Relationships: None (No foreign key relationships for this example).
3. Evaluator Table:
 Fields:
 evaluator_id (Primary Key, INT)
 name (VARCHAR)
 username (VARCHAR, Unique)
 password (VARCHAR)
 specialty (VARCHAR)
 Relationships: None (No foreign key relationships for this example).
4. Tender Table:

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 Fields:
 tender_id (Primary Key, INT)
 title (VARCHAR)
 description (TEXT)
 post_date (DATE)
 closing_date (DATE)
 govt_official_id (Foreign Key references GovernmentOfficial)
 Relationships:
 Foreign Key (govt_official_id) references
5. Bid Table:
 Fields:
 bid_id (Primary Key, INT)
 amount (DECIMAL)
 bid_date (DATE)
 bidder_id (Foreign Key references Bidder)
 tender_id (Foreign Key references Tender)
 Relationships:
 Foreign Key (bidder_id) references Bidder(bidder_id).
 Foreign Key (tender_id) references Tender(tender_id).
6. EvaluationCriteria Table:
 Fields:
 criteria_id (Primary Key, INT)
 description (VARCHAR)
 weight (DECIMAL)
 tender_id (Foreign Key references Tender)

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 Relationships:
 Foreign Key (tender_id) references Tender(tender_id).

SQL Commands:
-- Create GovernmentOfficial Table
CREATE TABLE GovernmentOfficial (
govt_official_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
name VARCHAR(255),
username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
password VARCHAR(50)

-- Create Bidder Table

bidder_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
name VARCHAR(255),
username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
password VARCHAR(50)

-- Create Evaluator Table

CREATE TABLE Evaluator (
evaluator_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
name VARCHAR(255),

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username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
password VARCHAR(50),
specialty VARCHAR(255)

-- Create Tender Table

tender_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
title VARCHAR(255),
description TEXT,
post_date DATE,
closing_date DATE,
govt_official_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY (govt_official_id) REFERENCES

-- Create Bid Table

amount DECIMAL,
bid_date DATE,
bidder_id INT,
tender_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY (bidder_id) REFERENCES Bidder(bidder_id),
FOREIGN KEY (tender_id) REFERENCES Tender(tender_id)

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-- Create EvaluationCriteria Table

CREATE TABLE EvaluationCriteria (
criteria_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
description VARCHAR(255),
weight DECIMAL,
tender_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY (tender_id) REFERENCES Tender(tender_id)

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