Chemistry Interview Questions Segregated

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Chemistry Interview Questions

1. What is responsible for ozone layer depletion?

Answer - 1- Ozone layer is a region of earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
2- The ozone layer is mainly found in the lower portion of the stratosphere.
3 -Absorbs 97-99% of sun’s UV rays.
4 -Ozone layer is also called ozonosphere
5 -Ozone layer acts as a filter for harmful UV rays from sun.
Depletion of Ozone layer causes skin cancer.
Depletion of Ozone layer is caused by use of (CFC’s)
CFC means Chlorofluoro carbons
CFCs are formed in aerosol spray case and refrigerants.
From 2020, ships will be using HFC’s (Hydro fluoro carbons)
Tip: A very common question, read thoroughly about it and don’t confuse with Global warming.

2. Explain Charles’s Law ,Boyle’s Law , Avogadro’s Law, Ideal Gas law , Pascal’s law and their applications ?
Answer –
Boyle’s Law- At constant Temperature, pressure is inversely proportional to volume. Example using a
syringe, sucking out blood from our veins.
Charles’s law – At constant Pressure , Volume is directly proportional to Temperature . Example boiling of
water in an open container.
Pascal’s law – In a confined space filled with incompressible fluid, when pressure is transmitted through the
fluid, then the same pressure acts everywhere. Example Hydraulic lifts or Hydraulic jacks for lifting a car or a
Gay Lussac’s law – At constant Volume, Pressure is directly proportional to temperature. Example boiling of
water in pressure cooker, where volume is constant so with increase in pressure inside the pressure cooker the
boiling point of water increases.
Ideal Gas Law – An ideal gas is defined as one in which all the collisions between atoms or molecules are
perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular forces. PV =n RT

3. What is isomerism?
Answer - Isomerism is the existence of molecules that have the same numbers of the same kinds of atoms and
hence same formula but differ in chemical and physical properties.
Tip: Know some examples of Isomerism as well.

4. What is evaporation, boiling, sublimation, condensation and distillation?

Answer –
(1) Evaporation-Process in which liquid converts into vapour state.
(2) Boiling – Process in which liquid converts into vapour state when heated to a certain temperature called
Boiling point.
Difference between Evaporation and Boiling?
Evaporation is a slow process where as Boiling is a fast process. Evaporation takes place only at the surface
where as Boiling takes place throughout the volume of liquid. Evaporation takes place at all temperatures
where as Boiling takes place only at Boiling point.
(3) Condensation – Process in which vapours changes into liquid state. The gas has to be cooled, like if you
cool steam, it converts back into water,
Dew point – The temperature at which water vapour present in air starts getting condensed.
(4) Distillation – Method of purification or separation of impurity from a liquid.
Distillation is a process of Evaporation followed by Condensation. A process to make drinking water by sea
Fractional Distillation: Separating a mixture of liquids with separate boiling points. This is how we get
Aviation oil, diesel oil, petrol etc from crude oil extracted from Earth.
5) Sublimation – Transition from solid state to gaseous state (no involvement of liquid state)
Ex- Naphthalene balls, camphor balls
5. What is endothermic and exothermic reaction?
Answer –

Exothermic Endothermic
1- An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction An endothermic process is any process which
that releases energy through light or heat. requires or absorb energy from its surrounding.
2- It can be for physical OR chemical change.
- Ex Chemical change It can be for physical OR chemical changes.
Reactant gives Product + Energy - EX Chemical changes
Eg Acid + Alkali form Reactant + Energy gives product
Water + Salt Eg Electrolysis
Respiration Photosynthesis
Physical changes Physical changes
Water – ice – gas gas – ice – water
Energy release absorb Energy

6. What are isotopes?

Answer - Elements with same atomic no. but different mass number.
Mass no = no of Protons + no of neutrons
Example 1 C- 12, C-13, C- 14
Example 2 U– 234, U- 235, U – 238

7. How do you make a saturated and a super saturated solution?

Answer –
A saturated solution is one containing as much solute as possible without forming a precipitate
There are 3 ways to make saturated solution
1- Add solute to a liquid until no more will dissolve
2- We can also make a saturated solution by evaporation of the solvent from an unsaturated solution.
ii) An unsaturated solution is a chemical solution in which the solute concentration is lower than its
equilibrium stability that means more solute can be added without forming precipitate.
For example:
Take a glass of water and add sugar to it, here sugar is solute and water is solvent.
Initially it is an unsaturated solution because we can easily add sugar to it in fully dissolved condition. Now
one stage comes that no more sugar can be easily dissolved. This condition is called saturated solution. Now if
you increase the temperature of water, you can easily add more sugar to it – this is called super saturated
Example of super saturated solution – Gulab jamun syrup.

8. Why evaporation gives cooling effect?

Answer - Evaporation causes cooling because the process requires heat energy. The energy is taken away by
the molecules when they convert from liquid into gas, thus breaking the liquid bonds and causes cooling.

9. What are isomers?

Answer - Isomers are the chemical compounds that have chemical formula but different chemical structure
resulting in different chemical properties.
Tip: Know a few examples.

10. What are alkanes, alkenes and alkynes?

Answer - They are simple hydrocarbon compounds with no functional group.
Alkane: Carbon-Carbon single bond.
Alkene: Carbon-Carbon double bond.
Alkene: Carbon-Carbon triple bond.
Tip: A few examples are always good to know by name like methane, ethane etc.

11. What will you prefer, to pour acid into water or water into acid?
Answer - I will prefer to pour acid into water instead of water into acid because if water is poured into acid its
a massive exothermic reaction that may splash acid out of container, therefore always add acid into water
slowly and steadily to cover up the heat produced in the process.
12. How can we produce or liberate Hydrogen gas?
Answer - We can liberate hydrogen gas by reacting an acid with an active metal, for example reaction of
hydrochloric acid with zinc produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas can be detected by
burning splint test.
13. How will you recognize H2S gas?
Answer - Hydrogen sulphide has a characteristic foul odour of rotten eggs.
14. Chemical used for Artificial Rain?
Answer - The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding i.e. making artificial rain include silver iodide,
potassium iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide).
15. Bone contains what elements?
Answer - Major elements in bone are Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sulphur and trace elements are
Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Cadmium.
16. Cigarette lighter contain which gas?
Answer - Cigarette lighter contain flammable gas such as propane or butane.
17. What causes Acid Rain?
Answer - Acid rain results when Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide are emitted into atmosphere which
then react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulphuric and nitric acids.
18. Which is most malleable metal?
Answer - Gold is the most malleable of all metals.
19. Difference between Electrovalent Bond and Covalent Bond?
Answer - In Electrovalent bond there is complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom.
Electrovalent compounds are more soluble in polar solvents like water.
In Covalent bond there is mutual sharing of electrons between the atoms. Covalent compounds are more
Soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene.
20. Difference between atom & molecule?
Answer - Atoms are single neutral particles. Molecules are neutral particles made of two or more atoms
bonded together.
21. Which gas is soluble in water at room temperature? NH4, Cl, O2, CO2
Answer - Carbon dioxide is readily soluble in water at room temperature. Co2 is soluble because water
molecules are attracted to Co2 because of its polar nature. Carbonated drinks are one such example.
22. Which has highest density? Water, C6H6, CCl4
Answer - CCl4(1.5g/ml) has highest density then H20(1.0g/ml) and least dense is C6H6(0.874g/ml).
23. Maximum percentage of which gas is present in air? N2, O2, CO2
Answer - The air in Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent Nitrogen,21 percent Oxygen
and 0.04 percent Carbon dioxide.
24. Lemon contains which acid?
Answer - Lemon contains citic acid.

25. Why do aromatic compounds give sooty flame?

Answer - Aromatic compound burn with sooty flame because they have ring structure of carbon atom. This
causes incomplete combustion of the carbon chain. Thus they give sooty flame.
27. Oxidation
28. What is metallurgy
29. What is ore of iron & aluminium
30. Ideal Gas equation

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