Missa Pro Defunctis
Missa Pro Defunctis
Missa Pro Defunctis
Performance instructions:
- all of the liquescents & quilismae are - quarter barline: quick break
observed as usual
- notes with lines over them are lengthened - half barline: quaver rest (approx.)
(approx. double)
- full barline: crotchet rest (approx.)
Solo Full
Rést * e - - - tér - - - - nal
gránt un - to thém, O Lórd:
and may líght per - pé - - tu - - al
shíne up - ón them.
Solo Group
Thóu, O Gód, art práis - ed in Sí - on; and
ún - to thée shall the vów be per - fórm - ed in Je - rú - sa - lem: thóu
D.C. al Fine (Full)
that héar - est the práyer, un - to thée shall all ésh come.
Kyrie Eleison
Repeat twice
1. Solo Group
2. Full
3. Solo Group
Ký - - ri - e e - - - lé - i - son.
Repeat twice
4. Full
5. Solo Group
6. Full
Chrí - - ste e - - - lé - i - son.
7. Solo Group
8. Full
Ký - - ri - e e - - - lé - i - son.
9. Solo Group
Ký - ri - e e - - lé - i - son.
Psalm 130
Odd verses: Solo voice
Even verses: Full
Gospel Acclamation
Solo Full
Hó - ly * Hó - ly Hó - ly Lórd Gód of hósts.
Héa - ven and éarth are fúll of thy gló - ry. Gló - ry be to thée, O Lórd most hígh.
Bléss - ed is hé that cóm - eth in the Náme of the Lórd. Ho - sán - na in the hígh - est.
Agnus Dei
Solo Full
Gód, * that tá - kest a - wáy the síns of the wórld:
O Lámb of gránt them rést.
O Lámb of Gód, that tá - kest a - wáy the síns of the wórld:
them rést.
O Lámb of Gód, that tá - kest a - wáy the síns of the wórld:
gránt them rést ev - er - lást - ing. Segue
Lux Aeterna
Solo Full
Let líght e - - nal - tér
shíne, O Lórd, up - ón them:
For énd - less á - ges with thy Sáints, for thóu art grá - cious.
Rést e - tér - nal gránt un - to thém, O Lórd:
and may líght
per - pé - tu - al shíne up - ón them.
For énd - less á - ges with thy Sáints, for thóu art grá - cious.