Reinforcement Learning: Pablo Zometa - Department of Mechatronics - GIU Berlin 1
Reinforcement Learning: Pablo Zometa - Department of Mechatronics - GIU Berlin 1
Reinforcement Learning: Pablo Zometa - Department of Mechatronics - GIU Berlin 1
action = f (state)
Agent Environment
reward, state+
Modern examples:
▶ Several RL examples that taught themselves how to play
games: RL: Atari , Super Mario Bros.
▶ AlphaZero: it has learned how to play Go and Chess without
human instruction, just data generated by playing against
itself. It has reached super-human playing capabilities.
▶ ChatGPT: has been fine-tuned (an approach to transfer
learning) using both supervised and reinforcement learning
techniques. (Source Wikipedia)