Company Law 2 Module
Company Law 2 Module
Company Law 2 Module
[CIN 2106]
Liability clause
Association clause
Provisions as to articles
Allotment of shares
The prospectus
Transfer of shares
Quorum of meeting
Voting at meetings
Company resolutions
6. Shares and Share Define shares
Capital Shares And The Share Capital List the different types of
General Evaluate the importance
of capital in relation to
The nature of shares shares and to companies
at large
Effects of shareholding Assess maintenance of
share capital
Types of shares Explore the similarities
and differences between
Allotment and issue of shares debenture holders and
Maintenance of capital
Share certificates
Appointment of directors
1. The Companies Act Chapter 24:03.
2. Companies and Associations Trustees Act Chapter 24:04.
3. Labour Act Chapter 28:01.
II. It should have limited liability (in case of private companies) which is
either limited by shares or by guarantee.
Essentially there are two types of companies In terms of the companies act
i.e. the public and the private company. Besides being public and private,
companies can be limited either by shares or guarantee. A person may also
choose to operate a business as a sole trader without forming a company
or as a partnership or he may register his business activities as a private
business corporation.
the company.
NB: A private company must in terms of S34 of the Companies Act comply
with these provisions or lose its status as a private company along with
certain advantages and exemptions with private companies enjoy over
public companies.
N.B. because a public company is entitled to offer its shares to the public,
the need for protection of investors is at its greatest. Consequently the
exemptions given to the private companies are not enjoyed by public
The former is a guarantee company in its pure form whereas the latter is
something of a mixture hybrid.
NB: This means to say that, the members’ liability to contribute towards
the company`s debts is limited to the nominal value of shares which they
have subscribed and once the shares have been paid up liability is
extinguished i.e. the members will be under no further liability.
NB: in terms of this section there are two conductions precedent to the
formation of a company i.e.
After these two requirements are met it brings about the incorporation of
the company.
The proposed name of a particular company must not be identical with that
of another company. S 24 of the CA prohibits the use of an undesirable
NB: a trader who feels aggrieved by the use of a deceptive name can find
recourse under the common law remedy of ‘passing off’ in the law of delict.
This was attempted in the case of Pick and Pay v Pick and Pay stores in
1974 (1) SA 597 (RA). In that case Pick and Pay stores SA sought an
interdict against Pick and Pay Rhodesia on the bases of the use of its
name; however the court declined to grant the interdict that ruled that the
requirements of passing off were not satisfied.
A person who is aggrieved by the use of a deceptive name can get relief
i.t.o. S24 (7) of the companies` act which empowers the Registrar to
compel the offending company to change its name. A company which fails
to comply with the Registrars` directive to change its name becomes
criminally liable and can be penalized (fine). However, the principle of
natural justice namely and alter an pertain rule, which simply means “hear
the other party” should be complied with in dealing with rogue companies
What is clear from this case is that once a company is properly registered it
exists on its own as a separate entity from those who incorporate it.
has to act through human agents. Where it incurs debts, the members are
only liable to the extent of their shares of liability if limited by shares or to
the extent of their guarantee if limited by guarantee.
separate legal persona from its members who are not as such liable for
its debts. In the absence of express provision to contrary members will
be completely free from personal liability. Liability can either be limited
by shares or guarantee S7 [already done].
NB: This means that when obligations are incurred on behalf of the
company the company is liable and the members are only liable to the
extent of their liability.
The company is a legal persona which can take legal action to enforce
its rights or to be sued for breach of its legal duties.
by illness, mentally or physical problems that does not have any allotted
span of life. Put differently, company is an immortal being. This
therefore means that the death or illness of its members does not result
in the dissolution of a company.
The company almost immediately ran into difficulties and only a year later
the then holder of debentures appointed a receiver and company went into
liquidation. Its assets were sufficient to discharge the debentures but
nothing was left for the unsecured creditors.
The Salomon decision has been criticized by several critics. The main basis
for the criticism is that it can allow a dishonest or an unscrupulous person
to register a company merely for the purposes of fleecing creditors by
hiding behind corporate personality.
However, the decision does not mean that a promoter can defraud the
company which he forms or swindle his existing creditors. In the Salomon
case it was argued that the company was entitled to rescind in view of the
overvaluation of the business sold to it.
However, the House of Lords differed with that view and held that there
was no fraud at all since the shareholders were fully conversant with what
was being done. Had Salomon made a secret profit which he concealed
from his fellow shareholders the question would have been different. There
was no fraud on Salomon`s existing creditors, all of whom were paid out of
purchase price.
Not only did the decision establish the legality of the one–man company
but it also showed that incorporation was readily available to a Sole trader
to enable him to benefit from limited liability. The decision further shows
that one can avoid serious risk in the event of a company’s liquidation by
subscribing for debentures rather than shares.
The other justification for the Salomon decision is that, the public deal with
limited companies at their own peril and should know what to expect, be
cautions and prudent.
Generally the experienced business man with is trade protection antics, can
care of himself but the little man, whom the law should particularly protect
rarely has any idea of the risk he is involved in when he grants credit to a
company with a high surrounding name and impressive nominal capital
which is not paid up in cash.
Since the Salomon case, the complete separation of the company and its
members has never been doubted. For instance the principle of corporate
legal persona was observed Dadoo ltd. v Krugerstorp Municipality Council
1920 ad 53, which is a case about ownership of property in an area
specifically designated for certain races of people in apartheid SA.
In case the court ruled that Dadoo Ltd was a separate legal persona from
the Dadoo the human being and hence the former could own property in
Transvaal despite the prohibition which applied to the latter because the
company had no race.
Although the Salomon case set had undoubted principle of corporate legal
personality which is still applicable to date, there are some instances,
however, where the courts have cracked the corporate shell by lifting the
veil of incorporation.
The company as an artificial persona can only act through human agents.
This could have serious consequences in that the directors could do
anything wrong in the name of the company and still be free from liability
as agents because the company as the principal will be the curiously be
liable. Thus, the directors could commit any crime; evade any tax law and
commit any administrative misconduct in the name of the company
because the company will be liable.
Lifting of the corporate veil was defined in Cape Pacific Ltd v Lubner
Controlling Investments and Others 1995(4) SA 791 as follows:
However, general factors which the court takes into consideration before
lifting the corporate were stated in the case of Mukombachoto v CBZ and
Another 2002 (1) ZLR 21 (H), where the court ruled that the corporate veil
and separate legal personality of a company may only be disregarded in
limited in circumstances such as fraud or manifest injustice. [However, in
that case the court refused to lift the corporate veil].
Also In OrKin Broilers Ltd v Bell 1921 TPD 92, the court remarked that -
“courts are prepared to disregard the notion of a legal entity where it is
used to defeat public convenience, justify wrong or protect fraud”.
Thus in the case of Cattle Breeders Farm (Pvt) Ltd v Veldman 1974 (1) SA
169. The court lifted the corporate veil due to the grossly unjust nature of
the facts at hand.
Facts briefly: Veldman was owner of Cattle Breeders Farm Ltd and had a
wife and a company house where they lived as their matrimonial home.
Due to matrimonial squabbles Veldman decided to evict his wife from the
company house. The wife objected that, it was her matrimonial home and
the husband at common law had a duty to provide suitable accommodation
for his matrimonial wife.
Veldman, alternatively used the company to try and evict her wife on the
grounds that, it was not his (as a husband) house, but the company`s
house, therefore the company was the one evicting her.
Bear in mind that the company was owned by Veldman. On going to court,
the court held that: the company was nothing more than the husband`s
alter ego (face or façade behind which the husband had control) and
possessed no greater rights to reject the respondent than the husband
This case clearly shows the attitude of the court in wanting to reach a fair
and just solution; it shows that from a practical point of view the existence
of a company as a distinct entity may often be immaterial.
Having failed to find any traditionally recognized bases for lifting the veil, it
follows that, the only valid reason on which the judge could lift the veil was
on policy and justice grounds.
no members for more than 6 months, any person who knowingly causes
it to do so will be liable jointly and severely with the company for all
debts incurred by it after 6 months have elapsed.
eligible form, then that official may be held liable personally to the
injured third part if the company fails to meet its obligations.
may apply to the court arguing that, the company affairs are handled in
an oppressive or prejudicial manner (manifest injustice).
7. If the Master of the HC makes a report that in his opinion a fraud has
NB: The corporate veil is also lifted in terms of other statutes other than
the company’s act such as:
(Cp 24.27) - which imposes liability on people who are knowingly part to
reckless or negligent management of the companies.
9. S16 of the Labour Act also lifts the corporate veil to protect employees
b. Where the veil is being used to run away from a contractual or legal
obligation,-Veldman case.
Anything that the articles propose or say that does not conform to the
memorandum is invalid. It is the memorandum that must definitely be
registered when forming a company. It is optional to register the articles
of association. However, in practice the memorandum and the articles are
registered pasi pasu (i.e. simultaneously).
This is set out in S27 and 28 of the CA. Section 27 creates a three
pronged relationship i.e.
iii. The memorandum and the articles bind the company and its
members and members among themselves inter se.
3) Liability clause
4) Shareholding clause
5) Association clause
The Registrar also makes sure that the names are not misleading S24 (3),
e.g. the name that does not suit the business that you intend to carry out
or that is offensive and offends public morality.
It is only after the name search that you can then submit the consent
forms which would show the name and place of the business, names of the
shareholders and the directors stating how many shares they have
subscribed to. The name protects the company from the delict of passing
off besides its vitality as to company identity.
These are the things that the company is set out to do and as a general
rule, the company cannot do anything outside these objects. Of course the
objects must be within the law.
This clause in the memorandum states to what extent the person`s liability
is limited. Liability may either be limited by shares in which case the clause
states the number of shares that an individual has or by guarantee in
which case the person guarantees the extent of his limitation. Liability also
connotes/ means that the memorandum should show whether the liability
is limited or not.
This clause provides for nominal arbitrary amount that is given just to
show some respect or allegiance to the concept of limited liability or the
fact that a shareholder will contribute to the share capital. It enables
members to divide shares for administrative purposes e.g. the payment of
It is the clause that actually forms the company. It spells the intention of
subscribers to form the company.
It symbolizes that each member has read, understood and agrees to the
provisions and undertakes to abide by them. The caveat subscriptor rule
comes into play. In terms of the S19 of the CA, articles must be in English
language, printed, typed and divided into paragraphs.
S27 of the CA provides for the effect of the memorandum and articles. The
members are binding themselves. By signing members acknowledge
awareness and that they will bound by the contents thereof and by so
signing they are entering into a multilateral contract.
The critical question is whether the general and strict principles of contract
should apply to the interpretation of articles of association. Generally, it
has appeared that, courts do not want to usurp the powers of the company
and interfere in the internal administration of the companies.
This was illustrated in the case of; Matanda and Others v CMC
Packaging (Pvt) Ltd and Others HH 113/03, where the court said,
In light of that hands off approach, there are reasons for the argument that
articles of association do not constitute a contract.
b. Articles are not legal documents like contracts and therefore the strict
These two reasons are supported by the case of Holmes v Keyes [1958]
2 ALL ER 129 (Per Jenkins L.J.) where it was stated that;
The doctrine utres magis valeat quam pereat (i.e. it is better to give life to
the contract than allow it to perish) as per Chikons v Mukweza becomes
Once registered, a company can alter its articles. A company cannot make
it impossible to alter its articles. It is required that there must e a clause in
the articles giving the company powers to alter it articles.
A company does not have unfettered discretion to alter its articles. Any
alteration must not bring into effect an illegal provision. In terms of S18 of
the CA a fraud should not be committed to the minority shareholders in the
alteration process.
The alteration must be in the best interest of the company. However, there
is no clear cut definition of what is in the best interest of the company. In
the event of a prejudicial alteration of the articles an aggrieved party, may
have recourse in terms of S196 of the CA. Alteration of the articles
requires a simple majority vote whereas alteration of the memorandum
normally requires not less than 90% votes.
The memorandum of association sets out the objects of the company and
when the company does acts which are beyond the objects as defined in
the objects clause, such acts are deemed ultra vies and therefore not
binding and void.
This position however has now been altered by the recent changes made to
the companies Act. S9 of the CA gives the company the power and the
capacity “of a natural person of full capacity in so far as a body corporate is
capable of exercising those powers”. This means that a company, although
an artificial person has now the powers of a natural person and therefore
all its acts will be intra vires as long as it is allowed by law to exercise
those powers.
However the reason why the Companies Act insists that the memorandum
of association must state the objects of the company, meaning it must
specify and identify the objects, is that it enables a member to identify the
field of industry within which the company activities could be classified. The
purpose of this is that the intending investor will know exactly within what
field his capital is to be put to risk.
The justification of the ultra vires doctrine is found in the case of Cotman v
Broughman 1918 AC 514 (HL), where it is stated that;
The argument for holding that any contract entered with a third party on
behalf of the company which exceeds what is provided for in the objects
The Turquand Rule has now been crystallized into a statutory provision by
S11 of the CA which states that no person shall be deemed to have
knowledge of the contents of a company’s memorandum, articles of
association or any other documents by reason only of the fact that, the
memorandum, articles or any other documents has been registered with
the Registrar or is available for inspection at the company registered office.
of that company, has been duly appointed and has the authority to
exercise the functions customarily exercised by an officer or agent of
the kind concerned.
c. That the secretary of the company and other officer or agent of the
NB: S12 of the CA, the company and anyone deriving title from it shall be
estopped from denying their truth. Doctrine of estoppel is evoked when the
company purports renegade or to disown liability resulting from anyone
who has misrepresented in acting for the company.
S13 of the CA states that a company shall be bound in terms of S12 not
withstanding that the officer or agent concerned acted fraudulently forged
a document purporting to be sealed or signed on behalf of the company i.e.
liability not affected by fraud.
S7 of the CA, anyone is capable of being a member and the term anyone
denotes any person whether natural or artificial. [Of course mental
incapacitated natural persons cannot be members].
If one does not appear in the register it is difficult to say that one is a
member. Once one is registered he remains a member until his name is
removed from the register – Browns v Nanco 1976 (3) SA 832.
2. The allotment of shares to that person. Once you subscribe shares are
A person must sign the memorandum in terms of S14 of the CA i.e. you
put your surname and the first name- also S7 of the CA.
There has to be transfer and payment for the shares, so that the
shareholding process becomes complete. The process of allotment normally
takes place at the public instance. This normally happens with public
companies i.e. those listed on the stock exchange.
The company will prepare the prospects offering shares and the public will
take forms and fill in the application for shares and submit the form to the
company. The company will decide whether or not to give shares. When
the company gives shares to the public thus allotment.
If the company refuses to sell the shares to the prospective member, that
member cannot insist on allotment. The company will accept the offer by
allotting shares to the prospective member.
In terms of S65 of the CA, shares may not be allotted unless the minimum
subscription is received – this is a pre condition to get shares. The money
that is advanced for the shares must be received by the company and it
must be in cash.
and there must be a specific time limit or a reasonable period within which
shares must be transferred.
Thus the primary rights of a member may be seen as the right to payment
of a dividend when declared. A dividend is a proportion of the distributed
profits of the company payable to shareholders when declared. Thus the
dividend received by a shareholder is share of a company profits legally
available for and distributable among members.
NB: the shares which one has are incorporeal property and one has all the
rights which an owner has under property law. The most important of
these rights is to attend all meetings of the company and vote at such
When voting however, the number of shares that one has determines his
At the end of a day it is a person who has the majority of shares who has
to final say in the running of the company and the majority decision in a
meeting is binding.
The basic rules of a company are decided in the GM. The GM tackles or
deals with major issues regarding strategy and structure of the company.
2. Reduction of Capital.
a. Statutory Meetings;
It is the mind of the company, enabling the co to decide on issues like the
mergers and acquisitions. In the case of, Meyer Constables & Company of
Staple England v Governor of England (1888) 21 QB 160. It was said that,
meeting must be held within 18months from the date of incorporation. The
period within which to hold an AGM is longer than the period for the
The AGM will also consider reports of auditors and directors. Some
directors will step down at the AGM. Directors are required to call for the
AGM. If directors fail to call for the AGM, a member can apply that the AGM
be held i.t.o. S125 (5).
It is provided for in terms of S126 of the CA. The EGM is a meeting which
is held upon request i.e. it is optional whereas the other two meetings are
mandatory. The EGM may be held upon request of not less than 1/20 of
members or not less than 5% of members with paid-up capital of the
company. Where the request is made by the members, the directors must
not be seen to frustrate the process.
A notice must always precede the holding of a meeting, S127 of CA. This is
in compliance with the fundamental principle of natural justice i.e. the qud
alteram partem rule [right to be heard, hear the other party]. Notice can
categorize business to be dealt with in a company as ordinary business or
special. Notice periods of meetings differ in accordance with the type of
meeting to be held. A company’s AGM must be held after 21 days notice
The chairperson of the meeting must raise the issue of inadequate notice
of the meeting promptly like this, “Ladies and gentleman; welcome to the
meeting held at short notice”. If there are no objections the meeting, it
must proceed.
In the case of In re Hartley Bard 1955 CH 143. The court ruled that a
quorum need only to be present at the beginning of that meeting-to
validate the business of the meeting. If a meeting does not have a quorum
it cannot pass a valid decision.
sends him. When a company is calling for a meeting it must always give an
option to appoint a proxy.
N.B. A member who sends a proxy cannot allege that he was absent and is
bound by the decision of that proxy. S129 of the CA – where a company is
a shareholder it must send a person with authority to represent the
All members who attend the meeting have a right to vote on a decision.
Usually the number of votes equals the number of shares. S128 – every
member shall have one vote in respect of each share. The company can
accept votes by show of hands but under common law the only way of
disposing of an issue is by poll.
N.B. Where a vote by a show of hands differs from the vote by poll, the
vote by poll will prevail. The consideration is to what extent members are
influenced by others. If there is an deadlock / stalemate on a issue the
chairman has a casting vote i.e. he can vote twice to tilt the decision.
NB: members must be informed prior to the meeting of the desire to pass
a special resolution. This means that there must be adequate notice that
whatever is going to be discussed pertains to a special resolution.
A special resolution can be passed for various important reasons such as,
to remove a director from office, to vary class rights of a group of certain
shareholders; amending the memorandum of association, appointing a
What is a Share?
A share is a form of property. It simply means that the holder of that share
has a claim to part of the share capital of the company and it does not
mean that the shareholder is entitled to any part of net assets of the
a. A right to vote.
DELTA- authorized and issued share capital of $10 000 divided into $ 1
share, and shareholder A owns 1000 shares, he owns 10% of the company
and will on poll, command 10% of the vote.
a. Ordinary Shares - under this type of share each member shall have one
vote on a show of hands and one vote per share on a poll. The dividend
on this share is that recommended by the directors and the amount
payable on a distribution of assets on winding up is proportional to the
nominal value of the shares. These only come into consideration for a
dividend after provision for the dividend on preferred shares has
already been made.
b. Preference Shares - these can only exist in the presence of other classes
of shares over which these are preferred. Usually this type of shares
entities the holders to a dividend of a fixed amount per share to be paid
in priority to other shareholders. These may be;
exception. These are shares that are issued with a provision that they
may be bought by the company at a later date, at the option either of
the company or the shareholder.
d. Deferred Shares – these are now rare. They are also called founders
shares. Generally these are shares taken by promoters and they do not
qualify for a dividend until ordinary shareholders have received one.
Usually deferred shares are issued by way of remuneration to promoters
for services rendered in the formation of the company and to persons
who have sold assets to the company. Deferred shares are usually
issued for consideration other than cash.
1. First, shares may not be issued at a discount, unless the procedure laid
paid into a share premium account which may be reduced only by going
through the procedure for reduction of capital.
The fund rule for the protection of the issued capital is that dividends to
shareholders, creditors by preserving the issued capitals as a fund to which
they can look for payment. However the protection may prove illusory
because the fund so presented may lose its value in circumstances which
the law cannot prevent e.g. land value, may reduce due to economic
depression, buildings may be destroyed by fire when in adequately insured,
machinery may wear out, and money may be lost by unprofitable trading
or the purchase of unsuitable assets.
Normally the court will issue a rule nisi calling on objectors to show cause
why the reduction should not be confirmed, but in special circumstances a
final order may be issued without a rule nisi.
In the broad sense of the word a company’s capital includes its land,
buildings, plants, machinery and basic stock of money – everything in fact
which makes up what has been described as its “income – producing
machine” – New State Areas Ltd v CIR 1946 AD 610.
The main sources from which the company can build up this machine are
the proceeds of issuing shares (share capital), borrowing (loan capital) and
ploughing the profits back into the business (capitalized profits).
The promoter must declare his intentions for the company’s share capital
by stating in the memorandum its capital and the division of the capital
into shares.
A company within two months of issuing any share prepare for delivery to
the shareholder a certificate.
The document may also specify a rate of interest and repayment date as
well as conditions of repayment. A company may only issue a debenture if
authorized by the memorandum and articles of association.
4. Company may not give financial assistance for purchase for its own
However theses being general rules, there are also exceptions to some of
ii. The special resolution must specify the maximum rate of discount at
which the shares are to be issued.
iii. Issue must be done by a company which has been operational not for
less than a year from the date of commencement of business.
78 (3) a company shall not purchase its own shares if as a result of the
purchase they would be no longer be any member holding any shares
other than redeemable shares.
1. A company shall not purchase its own shares unless the purchase has
been authorized in the advance by the company in a general meeting.
i. The price – minimum and maximum price - at which the shares may
be acquired;
ii. The maximum number of shares which may be acquired and the class
c. Either or without reducing liability on any of its shares, pay off any paid
S93 - where accompany has passed a resolution for reducing share capital
it may apply to the court for an order confirming the reduction.
S76 (2) – No redeemable shares shall be issued at a time when there are
no issued shares of the company which are not redeemable.
S76 (3) Redeemable shares may not be redeemed unless they are fully
The directors are empowered in terms of the law to exercise all their
powers except those which had to be exercised by a company in the
General Meeting. As a rule non-executive directors attend and vote at the
meetings of the board but do not work full-time for the company and have
no service contract. Executive directors have a service contract and they
work full time for the company - run day to day events.
2. They can monitor and review the performance of the management more
4. They can act as checks and balances against the executive directors.
Directors are merely agents of the company. What a director does can only
bind the company to the extent of that director’s authority.
This is a subject to the Turquand Rule and S11 and 12 of the CA which say
that there is no constructive knowledge to the company’s documents and
therefore using the presumption of regulatory. When dealing with
outsiders, the directors bind the company e.g. when a director signs a
In terms of S169 (3) of the CA - every person who signs the memorandum
at its inception assumes the position of a director until other directors are
c. Unrehabilitated insolvent.