Byzantine Weights
Byzantine Weights
Byzantine Weights
5 2,035
2 authors, including:
Andrew Meek
British Museum
All content following this page was uploaded by Andrew Meek on 15 December 2016.
weights: aspects of
180 pieces. Four distinct categories from within the overall corpus
have been chosen. In certain instances, some of these types can
emperors; others represent distinct regional types and secondary
production centres, perhaps under the control of different provincial
officials. They range in date from around ad 500 to the middle of
Chris Entwistle and Andrew Meek the seventh century. Some 44 of these glass weights were analysed
using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray
analysis and all were found to have been produced with soda-
lime-silica glasses made with a natron flux. The glasses could be
associated with previously established compositional types based
on minor variations in their chemical composition. ‘Strong’ HIMT,
Egypt I and Egypt II glasses were not found, adding evidence to
their suggested usage patterns during this period. Two common
glass types known to have been in circulation at this time, ‘weak’
HIMT and Levantine I, were both found in the assemblage. Some
other glass types that may result from variations in the recipes used
for these glass types, or the recycling of glass, were also found.
There are, however, few clear links between dating or provenance
and compositional type in this assemblage, suggesting that the
producers of these weights obtained their supplies of glass from
various sources.
Towards the end of the fifth century and during the first
decades of the sixth century ad, the Early Byzantine
Empire in the eastern Mediterranean witnessed a series
of widespread fiscal and administrative reforms initiated
by the emperor Anastasius (ad 491–518) and continued
by Justinian I (ad 527–565). These included, inter alia, a
revamping of the copper coinage that saw the introduction
of major denominations such as the follis and half follis,
and an increase in the number of mints, which subsequently
led to a proliferation in the circulation of the gold coinage,
exemplified by increased releases of the nomisma and its
divisions, the semissis and tremissis [1; p. 4]. Further inno-
vations included the introduction of the five-stamp system
on silver vessels, which utilized both imperial and officials’
busts and monograms as a means of validation. It is against
this background of monetary reform that the initial intro-
duction of glass as a material for commodity and coinage
weights may have taken place. Unlike their Arabic counter-
parts, issued in vast numbers by successive dynasties from the
Umayyads to the Ayyūbids [2], early Byzantine glass weights
have not been the subject of systematic study. Indeed many
questions relating to their function, origin and date remain
unresolved. This contribution, which presents the results of
compositional analyses on 44 dated examples in the British
Museum’s collection, touches tangentially on some of these
issues. Its main focus, however, is an attempt to determine
the geographic origin of the four types discussed in detail
below: types A and B, which have long been considered to be
Constantinopolitan in origin, and types C and D, which are
thought either to represent provincial officials, and therefore
made outside the capital, or to have been made in Egypt
between ad c.642 and 692 [3, 4].
Figure 1. Distribution map of Byzantine glass weights
Typology e f
Well over 20 different types of Byzantine glass weight have
survived, but only four categories are considered here. These
have been selected because of the relative ease with which they
can be dated, sometimes to the reigns of individual emperors
or the terms of office of particular prefects of the capital. In
addition, all four types are thought to derive from specific
locations within the wide area in southeastern Europe and the
eastern Mediterranean throughout which glass weights were
distributed, Figure 1. Figure 2. Six glass weights stamped with imperial images,
Constantinople, ad c.500–650: (a) 1920,1104.1; (b) 1980,0611.2; (c)
1986,0406.18; (d) 1987,0703.21; (e) 1990,0601.18; and (f) 1984,0108.2.
Type A: ‘imperial’ weights Not to scale
This category is loosely defined by the presence of one or more
nimbed imperial busts, sometimes in conjunction with other
busts (the prefects of Rome and Constantinople or Christ) or
a b
accompanied by inscriptions or monograms, Figure 2. Given
the rather worn condition of many of these weights, details
of portraiture and costume rarely survive, although in some
instances items of jewellery – such as diadems and pendilia – can
be discerned. The imperial busts and monograms that appear
on type A weights show close parallels with those that appear
as stamps on the reverses of sixth and seventh century ad
silver vessels and serve a similar function, lending the weights
an official character by suggesting governmental validation
through the use of the imperial image [17; tables I–III].
Figure 3. Two glass weights stamped with a bust of the prefect of
Constantinople holding a mappa, Constantinople, ad c.500–650: (a)
Type B: weights with the bust of an eparch 1884,0509.13; and (b) 1990,0601.20. Not to scale
and inscription
This category is normally represented by weights stamped
with the frontal bust of an eparch enclosed by an identifying by both Flavios Gerontios and Flavios Zimarchos fall into this
Greek inscription, Figure 3. The eparch is generally depicted category: Nos 21–23 in the appendix. Sometimes the honorific
holding a mappa – the linen handkerchief thrown to indicate ενδοξοτατου (most blessed) is included, with a superscript ‘s’ as a
the start of races in the circus games – or a sceptre, or occa- contraction for the last five letters. A final variant, represented
sionally both. As with the busts employed on weights of type A, by a rare group of weights, employs the phrase PWMHC
details of portraiture and clothing are rarely evident. Various (Ρωμης; ‘of [New] Rome’, i.e. Constantinople) in columnar
inscriptions are employed on this type of weight: the standard form in the field: No. 20 in the appendix.
formula is prefaced with the word Επι (in the time of) followed The names of 22 different eparchs have been recorded
by the eparch’s name and title in the genitive case. Occasionally on this category of weight. Of these six can reasonably be
the title is omitted, but is clearly to be inferred: weights issued identified with sixth-century eparchs: Demosthenos in the
Figure 6. Two glass weights stamped with diademed busts with Figure 7. Two glass weights stamped with the bust of an eparch
c d
crosses in the field, Egypt, ad c.650–700: (a) 1980,0611.61; and (b) enclosed by a pseudo-Cufic inscription, Egypt, ad c.650–700: (a)
1872,1201.9. Not to scale 1980,0611.51; and (b) 1980,0611.52. Not to scale
Table 1. Selected previously published compositional types of natron-based glass from the first millennium ad
Type Site Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 K2O CaO TiO2 MnO FeO
Levantine I Apollonia 15.2 0.63 3.05 70.6 0.71 8.07 <0.1 <0.1 0.35
Levantine II Bet Eli’ezer 12.1 0.63 3.32 74.9 0.46 7.16 <0.1 <0.1 0.52
Egypt I Wadi Natrun 21.4 0.90 2.70 66.5 0.34 3.70 0.27 <0.1 1.00
Egypt II Ashmunein 15.0 0.50 2.10 68.2 0.20 10.8 0.28 0.20 0.70
HIMT Carthage 18.7 1.29 3.18 64.8 0.44 5.24 0.68 2.66 2.07
Weak HIMT Bubastis 17.9 0.93 2.32 66.1 0.54 7.12 0.15 1.05 0.83
HIT Dichin 17.5 1.09 3.16 68.0 0.38 5.17 0.67 0.05 1.42
the reforming caliph Abd’ al Malik in ad 692, someone must whether these weights were imitating imperial or eparchal
have assumed administrative responsibilities for the produc- busts, but it is clear from a number of examples in the British
tion of weights. While Byzantine glass weights would have Museum’s collection that they were probably copying both.
remained in circulation for some time, eventually most would Examples of the former include two weights whose busts bear
have become unusable through a combination of breakage crude radiate crowns and pendilia, Figure 6. There are no iden-
and wear. Jungfleisch argued that this lacuna was filled by tifying inscriptions, but the busts are flanked by two crosses.
‘Coptic’ merchants issuing weights on their own authority, The latter type is represented by two very unusual weights,
but using as their prototypes the old Byzantine series. Balog both with a frontal bust holding up an object in either hand,
subsequently developed Jungfleisch’s thesis and proposed presumably a mappa and a sceptre (Figure 7: Nos 41–42 in the
three different categories of ‘arabe-byzantine’ weights with: appendix). Enclosing the bust is an inscription that is, unfor-
a debased monogram; a denominational mark; or with a bust tunately, very blurred but which might be in Greek, although
but no inscription [4]. there are hints that the letters are Cufic. If correct, this would
Of these three categories only the third merits serious con- be the clearest evidence for ‘arabe-byzantine’ glass weights.
sideration. The problem with Balog’s first type is that all the
examples of debased monograms cited by him are of the box Composition
rather than the cruciform type. It seems unlikely that Coptic
merchants would be copying a type of monogram which, if Introduction
the general consensus on its dating is correct, had been out of In recent years a large number of first millennium ad glass
widespread use for nearly 50 years. His argument would have assemblages has been analysed compositionally and published,
been more convincing had the debased monograms been of and compositional types have been defined based on various
the cruciform type.3 At the time of publication Balog knew of characteristics associated with the raw materials used to make
only one example of his suggested second category – weights the glass [24]. The major component of these glasses, and that
with a denominational mark – although many more examples most commonly used to differentiate between types, is sand,
have been published subsequently that include both commod- with impurities in the silica-rich sand sources giving rise to
ity and coinage weights. There seems no reason why weights the majority of the compositional differences seen in Table 1.
with a mark alone should be classified as ‘arabe-byzantine’ Some of the types have chronological or geographical limits
as they simply imitate the most common type of Byzantine that can be used to draw conclusions about the glass objects
metal weight. analysed. The glass weights analysed in this study date to the
A more compelling case can perhaps be made for Balog’s sixth and seventh centuries ad, with production attributed
third category – those weights stamped with a bust only. to Constantinople, the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt.
His examples are almost totally lacking in facial features or The most significant natron-based glass types in circula-
details of costume and insignia, very often representing a mere tion during this period, and at these locations, are termed
approximation of the human form. Balog does not discuss Levantine I, Levantine II, HIMT (with high manganese, iron
Note. The values are reported as percentages of oxides (except Cl) and are averages from analyses on more than one area: n = the number of areas analysed. Sb2O3 and NiO were not found above the detection limits for this
methodology in any of the objects analysed.
Table 4. Average VP-SEM-EDX data for each of the compositional types found
Type n Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 K2O CaO TiO2 MnO FeO
wHIMT (high Fe) 8 18.74 1.20 2.78 64.36 0.83 6.93 0.16 1.04 2.20
wHIMT 17 19.01 1.09 2.53 65.15 0.78 7.01 0.15 1.28 0.92
wHIMT (low Mn) 7 19.18 1.12 2.50 65.97 0.81 7.38 0.15 0.36 0.91
Levantine I / wHIMT 4 17.17 0.83 3.25 65.99 0.87 8.74 0.10 0.38 0.78
Levantine I 6 15.39 0.70 3.17 69.58 0.64 8.75 0.09 0.03 0.44
‘Decoloured’ 1 18.19 0.64 2.00 69.44 1.04 4.67 0.11 2.00 0.46
Note. The values are reported as percentages of oxides and are averages from analyses on more than one area:
n = the number of areas analysed.
Figure 10. Plot of wt% iron oxide against wt% manganese oxide
c d Colours
Green, blue-green, aqua and brown colours in glasses of the
types discussed in this study are normally associated with the
presence of iron and copper, Figure 11. Various shades can be
produced using these two metals by altering the furnace tem-
perature and adjusting the environment to make it more or less
reducing or oxidizing. In the samples analysed here, copper
is only present at levels above 0.1 wt% CuO in glasses that
are coloured a strong blue by the addition of cobalt. The four
e f
colours seen in this assemblage are, therefore, principally the
result of the presence of iron in the glasses. This contrasts with
the pendants analysed previously, where copper was present at
a level above 1 wt% CuO (and not associated with significant
cobalt levels) in six of the 38 pendants analysed [36; p. 180].
The majority of green or green-brown weights were pro-
duced from wHIMT glasses (Table 5); previous studies have
established that shades of green and brown are associated
with glasses of the HIMT compositional family [31; p. 189,
36; p. 183]. As some green weights were also found in the
g h Levantine I group, these colours are not exclusively associ-
ated with wHIMT glasses. Five of the six aqua or blue-green
weights were produced from Levantine I or Levantine I/
wHIMT glasses; the majority of Levantine I glasses analysed
previously were of a blue-green colour [31; p. 190]. The
single blue-green weight produced from wHIMT (low Mn)
glass – 1983,1108.1 – is significantly darker in colour than
the other five.
The blue weights were all produced from wHIMT glasses
Figure 11. Examples of glass colours found in the weights analysed:
(a) lightly coloured – 1981,0601.3; (b) aqua –1879,0522.49; (c) green
(Table 5); 12 of the 13 were coloured with cobalt and are a
– 1990,0601.16; (d) green-brown – 1986,0406.18; (e) dark blue – very dark blue, so dark as to appear almost opaque black. All
1884,0509.13; (f) translucent blue – 1882,0510.20; (g) purple – but one (1884,0509.13) also contain significant levels of lead
1987,0703.4; and (h) red-brown/black – 1990,0601.17. Not to scale (0.2–2.2 wt% PbO). The presence of lead and antimony in
translucent cobalt blue glasses of the post-Roman period is
of these two compositional types or the addition of a raw normally attributed to the use of lead-antimonite-opacified
material rich in manganese and iron to a Levantine I glass. cobalt-containing blue glasses as a raw material [32, 40, 41].
The calcium and aluminium contents and the colours In the case of the blue weights, antimony was not, however,
of these glasses correspond more closely to Levantine I detected at a significant level and previous studies have sug-
glasses than wHIMT, suggesting that the second of these gested that the presence of lead may be associated with the
two options is perhaps more likely. particular cobalt-rich raw material used to colour the glass
[42; pp. 240–242], which seems likely also to be the case in
The single object in the ‘decoloured’ compositional group these glass weights.
is a purple glass weight from the eastern Mediterranean One glass weight (1882,0510.20) is a more translucent
(1987,0703.4). Even though this glass is purple in appearance, blue and does not contain cobalt or copper at a detectable
it is of a compositional type associated with glasses decoloured level. The blue colouration may be due to the presence of
with manganese (see [31] and [39], type 2a). It has low levels very low levels of cobalt, below the detection levels of the
of iron, which discriminates it from all types of HIMT glass, analytical technique employed, but a contribution is likely to
and low calcium and aluminium, which differentiates it from be made by iron, which can produce a blue colour if the glass
Levantine I glass. This glass may have been produced by the is remelted in a particular environment. The difference in
colouration between this object and others with fairly similar
Green / green-brown 10 3 5 0 3 0
Lightly coloured 1 0 0 0 0 0
Red-brown / black 0 0 1 0 0 0
Purple 0 0 0 0 0 1
Aqua / blue-green 0 1 0 2 3 0
Blue 6 3 2 2 0 0
compositions is most likely to be the result of remelting in a B) are produced from wHIMT glass (24 of 28). The same can
reducing environment [43; p. 23]. also be said of weights attributed to Egypt (type D: Table 6).
The single red-brown/black weight (1990,0601.17) appears The two most likely explanations for this are that the produc-
to be a mixture of two different glasses, although its composi- ers in these areas were preferentially using wHIMT glass, or
tion is not significantly different from many of the other glasses that at the time of production this was the main glass type
analysed in this study. Previously, Freestone et al. analysed a available to them.
black glass mosaic tessera that contained streaks of red and The weights from the eastern Mediterranean (type C) show
found that the colouration was caused by the precipitation examples of each compositional type. The small number of
of copper sulphide in the black areas and metallic copper in eastern Mediterranean weights analysed in this assemblage
the red streaks [44; p. 274]. They suggested that variations does not allow any definite conclusions to be drawn about
in melting conditions were able to cause this colouration and the relative popularity of the different glass types, although it
it seems likely that this is also the case for the streaked glass seems that the producers used glasses that originated from a
analysed here [44]. variety of primary sources.
There are two weights that exhibit characteristics associ- Four of the type A weights from Constantinople were
ated with ‘decoloured’ glasses. First, the purple weight produced using the same die (1997,0218.4; 1980,0611.30;
(1987,0703.4), which is discussed in detail above, and second, 1893,0409.2; and 1990,0601.17), suggesting that they were
a pale coloured glass weight (1981,0601.3) produced from made in a single workshop. Weight 1997,0218.4 is produced
wHIMT glass. The most likely explanation for the lack of colour from red-brown/black glass and the other three from blue
is decolouration of the glass by the addition of manganese. As wHIMT glass. The compositions of these three blue glasses
discussed above in relation to the purple weight, manganese are so similar that they may have been produced from a single
can act as a decolourant by counteracting the green/brown glass source, Table 3. The only significant differences are in
colouration caused by iron oxide in the glass. As this weight is their lead and cobalt levels, suggesting that these components
not compositionally distinct from the other wHIMT glasses it may have been added separately to each of the glasses. The
seems likely that, as with weight 1882,0510.20, the environ- red-brown/black weight is produced from wHIMT (high iron)
ment in the furnace during remelting was responsible for the glass. The use of two different glass types in these four objects
difference in colouration [43; p. 35]. shows that the single workshop producing them used more
than one glass type glass to make weights.
Regional and workshop groups
The weights analysed in this study are from three produc- Chronological patterns
tion locations: Constantinople (‘imperial’ weights and weights The weights in this study date to the sixth and seventh centuries
with the bust of an eparch and inscription: types A and B), ad, Tables 3 and 7. There was no correlation between date and
the eastern Mediterranean (weights with a box or cruciform glass type, with every compositional type except ‘decoloured’
monogram: type C) and Egypt (‘Arab-Byzantine’: type D), found in each century; the only ‘decoloured’ glass dated to the
Table 6. The glass types used in these locations are not distinct sixth century ad. This lack of correlation limits the extent to
from each other, but some patterns can be observed. First, the which chronological patterns can be established in the glasses
majority of weights attributed to Constantinople (types A and that were analysed. However, because the weights are securely