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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Original Article

Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment

of Obesity
Ania M. Jastreboff, M.D., Ph.D., Louis J. Aronne, M.D.,
Nadia N. Ahmad, M.D., M.P.H., Sean Wharton, M.D., Pharm.D.,
Lisa Connery, M.D., Breno Alves, M.D., Arihiro Kiyosue, M.D., Ph.D.,
Shuyu Zhang, M.S., Bing Liu, Ph.D., Mathijs C. Bunck, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Adam Stefanski, M.D., Ph.D., for the SURMOUNT-1 Investigators*​​


Obesity is a chronic disease that results in substantial global morbidity and mor- From the Section of Endocrinology and
tality. The efficacy and safety of tirzepatide, a novel glucose-dependent insulino- Metabolism, Department of Medicine,
and the Section of Pediatric Endocrinol-
tropic polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, in people with ogy, Department of Pediatrics, Yale Uni-
obesity are not known. versity School of Medicine, New Haven,
CT (A.M.J.); the Comprehensive Weight
METHODS Control Center, Division of Endocrinolo-
In this phase 3 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial, we assigned 2539 gy, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Weill Cor-
adults with a body-mass index (BMI; the weight in kilograms divided by the square nell Medicine, New York (L.J.A.); Eli Lilly,
Indianapolis (N.N.A., S.Z., B.L., M.C.B.,
of the height in meters) of 30 or more, or 27 or more and at least one weight-re- A.S.); York University, McMaster Univer-
lated complication, excluding diabetes, in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to receive once-weekly, sity, and Wharton Weight Management
subcutaneous tirzepatide (5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg) or placebo for 72 weeks, includ- Clinic — all in Toronto (S.W.); Intend Re-
search, Norman, OK (L.C.); Centro Pau-
ing a 20-week dose-escalation period. Coprimary end points were the percentage lista De Investigação Clínica (Cepic), Sao
change in weight from baseline and a weight reduction of 5% or more. The Paulo (B.A.); and Tokyo-Eki Center-Build-
treatment-regimen estimand assessed effects regardless of treatment discontinua- ing Clinic, Tokyo (A.K.). Dr. Jastreboff can
be contacted at ­ania​.­jastreboff@​­yale​.­edu
tion in the intention-to-treat population. or at Yale University School of Medicine,
Endocrinology and Metabolism, 333 Ce-
dar St., P.O. Box 208020, New Haven, CT
At baseline, the mean body weight was 104.8 kg, the mean BMI was 38.0, and 06520.
94.5% of participants had a BMI of 30 or higher. The mean percentage change in
*The SURMOUNT-1 Investigators are
weight at week 72 was −15.0% (95% confidence interval [CI], −15.9 to −14.2) with listed in the Supplementary Appendix,
5-mg weekly doses of tirzepatide, −19.5% (95% CI, −20.4 to −18.5) with 10-mg available at
doses, and −20.9% (95% CI, −21.8 to −19.9) with 15-mg doses and −3.1% (95% CI, This article was published on June 4,
−4.3 to −1.9) with placebo (P<0.001 for all comparisons with placebo). The per- 2022, at
centage of participants who had weight reduction of 5% or more was 85% (95% DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2206038
CI, 82 to 89), 89% (95% CI, 86 to 92), and 91% (95% CI, 88 to 94) with 5 mg, 10 Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.
mg, and 15 mg of tirzepatide, respectively, and 35% (95% CI, 30 to 39) with pla-
cebo; 50% (95% CI, 46 to 54) and 57% (95% CI, 53 to 61) of participants in the
10-mg and 15-mg groups had a reduction in body weight of 20% or more, as
compared with 3% (95% CI, 1 to 5) in the placebo group (P<0.001 for all com-
parisons with placebo). Improvements in all prespecified cardiometabolic mea-
sures were observed with tirzepatide. The most common adverse events with
tirzepatide were gastrointestinal, and most were mild to moderate in severity,
occurring primarily during dose escalation. Adverse events caused treatment dis-
continuation in 4.3%, 7.1%, 6.2%, and 2.6% of participants receiving 5-mg, 10-mg,
and 15-mg tirzepatide doses and placebo, respectively.
In this 72-week trial in participants with obesity, 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg of tir­
zepatide once weekly provided substantial and sustained reductions in body weight.
(Supported by Eli Lilly; SURMOUNT-1 number, NCT04184622.)
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

besity is the most prevalent people with type 2 diabetes, tirzepatide induced
chronic disease worldwide, affecting clinically relevant weight reduction, warranting
approximately 650 million adults.1 Excess further investigation for the treatment of obesity.
adiposity and its numerous complications, includ- The present trial, SURMOUNT-1, evaluated the
ing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, efficacy and safety of tirzepatide in adults with
impose a considerable economic burden and obesity or overweight who did not have diabetes.
constitute major contributors to global morbid-
ity and mortality.2-4 Treatments that result in Me thods
substantial weight reductions may improve out-
comes for people living with obesity. Trial Design
Historically, the treatment of obesity focused This phase 3 multicenter, double-blind, random-
almost exclusively on lifestyle-based approaches. ized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at
However, evidence that diet and exercise prompt 119 sites in nine countries (Fig. S1 in the Supple-
physiological counterregulatory mechanisms that mentary Appendix, available with the full text of
limit weight reduction and impede weight main- this article at The protocol is avail-
tenance has led to the realization that obesity is able at The trial was conducted in
a complex, multicomponent metabolic disease of accordance with the principles of the Declara-
energy homeostasis involving central and periph- tion of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice
eral mechanisms.5 Once obesity is present, those guidelines and was approved by an independent
mechanisms render a return to lower weight ethics committee or institutional review board at
difficult.6 Accordingly, several clinical guide- each trial site. All the participants provided writ-
lines now recommend treatment with antiobesity ten, informed consent before participation. The
medications for people with obesity or for those sponsor (Eli Lilly) designed and oversaw the
with overweight and weight-related complica- conduct of the trial; trial site investigators were
tions.7,8 Recent studies with long-acting glucagon- responsible for data collection, and the sponsor
like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists demon- undertook site monitoring, data collation, and data
strated that greater efficacy with acceptable analysis. All the authors participated in interpre-
safety could be achieved by targeting the path- tation of the data and in critical review of the
ways of endogenous nutrient-stimulated hor- manuscript. The investigators worked under con-
mones.9,10 Glucose-dependent insulinotropic fidentiality agreements with the sponsor; all the
polypeptide (GIP), another nutrient-stimulated hor- authors had full access to the trial data and
mone, regulates energy balance through cell- vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the
surface receptor signaling in the brain and adi- data and for the fidelity of the trial to the protocol.
pose tissue.11 A molecule that combines both
GIP and GLP receptor agonism theoretically may Participants
lead to greater efficacy in weight reduction. Adults who were 18 years of age or older, with a
Tirzepatide is a once-weekly subcutaneous body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms
injectable peptide (approved by the Food and divided by the square of the height in meters) of
Drug Administration [FDA] for type 2 diabetes) 30 or more, or a BMI of 27 or more and at least
engineered from the native GIP sequence, with one weight-related complication (e.g., hyperten-
agonist activity at both the GIP and GLP-1 recep- sion, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea, or
tors.12 Preclinical data demonstrated that the cardiovascular disease), and who reported one
affinity of tirzepatide for GIP receptors was or more unsuccessful dietary effort to lose weight
equal to the affinity of native GIP for GIP recep- were eligible to participate. Key exclusion criteria
tors, whereas tirzepatide bound GLP-1 receptors were diabetes, a change in body weight of more
with affinity approximately five times weaker than 5 kg within 90 days before screening, pre-
than native GLP-1 bound GLP-1 receptors.12 GIP vious or planned surgical treatment for obesity,
activation appeared to act synergistically with and treatment with a medication that promotes
GLP-1 receptor activation to allow greater weight weight loss within 90 days before screening. A
reduction in mice than that achieved with GLP-1 full list of eligibility criteria is provided in the
receptor monoagonism.12 In phase 2 studies in Supplementary Appendix.

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Tirzepatide Once Weekly for Obesity

Procedures Safety assessments included adverse events

After a 2-week screening period, participants were and serious adverse events that occurred during
randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to receive the reporting period. Laboratory assessments
tirzepatide at a dose of 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg or were conducted according to the protocol (see
placebo, administered subcutaneously once week- the Supplementary Appendix).
ly for 72 weeks as an adjunct to lifestyle interven-
tion. Lifestyle intervention included regular life- Statistical Analysis
style counseling sessions, delivered by a dietitian We calculated that a sample size of 2400 par-
or a qualified health care professional, to help ticipants would provide an effective power of
the participants adhere to healthful, balanced greater than 90% to demonstrate the superiority
meals, with a deficit of 500 calories per day, and of tirzepatide (10 mg, 15 mg, or both) to placebo,
at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. relative to the coprimary end points, each at a
Treatment randomization was stratified by two-sided significance level of 0.025. The sam-
country, sex, and the presence or absence of ple-size calculation assumed at least an 11-per-
prediabetes, as defined by the 2019 American centage-point difference in the mean percentage
Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care weight reduction from baseline at 72 weeks for
in Diabetes13 (see the Supplementary Appendix). tirzepatide (10 mg, 15 mg, or both) as compared
All randomly assigned participants were to under- with placebo, a common standard deviation of
go a planned 72-week treatment period that in- 10%, and a dropout rate of 25%.
cluded a dose-escalation period of up to 20 weeks. Both efficacy and safety end points were ana-
Tirzepatide was initiated at a dose of 2.5 mg lyzed with data from all randomly assigned
once weekly (or matching placebo) and was in- participants (intention-to-treat population). Two
creased by 2.5 mg every 4 weeks during the estimands were used to assess treatment effica-
dose-escalation period to reach a maintenance cy from different perspectives and accounted for
dose of up to 15 mg once weekly by week 20 intercurrent events differently: first, the “treat-
(Fig. S1). After the 72-week treatment period, ment regimen” estimand, for which we used the
participants who had been without prediabetes treatment policy strategy in the ICH E9 (Interna-
at randomization proceeded to a 4-week safety tional Council on Harmonisation of Technical
follow-up period; those with prediabetes at ran- Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuti-
domization continued in their original treatment cals for Human Use [ICH] Statistical Principles
group for an additional 2-year trial treatment for Clinical Trials [E9]) addendum on estimands
period. This article reports findings from the and sensitivity analysis in clinical trials (R1)14),
72-week treatment phase (the primary trial pe- representing the average treatment effect of
riod) and the 4-week safety follow-up. tirzepatide relative to placebo for all participants
who had undergone randomization, regardless
End Points and Assessments of treatment discontinuation, and second, the
The coprimary end points were the percentage “efficacy” estimand, representing the average
change in body weight from baseline to week 72 treatment effect of tirzepatide relative to placebo
and a weight reduction of 5% or more at week for all participants who had undergone random-
72. Key secondary end points included weight ization, if the treatment was administered as
reduction of 10% or more, 15% or more, and intended (according to the hypothetical strategy
20% or more at week 72; the change in weight in the ICH E9 [R1] addendum14).
from baseline to week 20; and the change from Details on estimands, handling of missing
baseline to week 72 in waist circumference, sys- values, and statistical analysis methods are pro-
tolic blood pressure, fasting insulin and lipid vided in the Supplementary Appendix. All re-
levels, and the physical function score on the ported results are for the treatment-regimen es-
36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), ver- timand unless stated otherwise. The type I error
sion 2, acute form. The percentage change in rate was strongly controlled within each esti-
total body-fat mass from baseline to week 72 mand independently for evaluation of coprimary
was assessed in a subgroup of 255 participants and key secondary end points with a graphical
who underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. approach.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

R e sult s ed in a significantly greater weight reduction

than that with placebo (Table 3).
Participants For the efficacy estimand, the mean change
The trial was conducted from December 2019 in weight at week 72 with tirzepatide was
through April 2022 and included 2539 partici- −16.0% (95% CI, −16.8 to −15.2), a weight reduc-
pants (Table 1). Overall, 86.0% of participants tion of 16.1 kg (35.5 lb), with the 5-mg dose;
completed the primary trial treatment period −21.4% (95% CI, −22.2 to −20.6), a reduction of
(88.4% to 89.8% across the tirzepatide groups 22.2 kg (48.9 lb), with the 10-mg dose; and
and 77.0% in the placebo group) and 81.9% ad- −22.5% (95% CI, −23.3 to −21.7), a reduction of
hered to the treatment or placebo as assigned 23.6 kg (52.0 lb) with the 15-mg dose, and the
(83.5% to 85.7% across the tirzepatide groups mean change with placebo was −2.4% (95% CI,
and 73.6% in the placebo group) (Fig. S2). Treat- −3.2 to−1.6), a reduction of 2.4 kg (5.3 lb)
ment discontinuations due to adverse events (Fig. 1B). The corresponding estimated treat-
were 4.3%, 7.1%, and 6.2% with 5 mg, 10 mg, ment differences with tirzepatide relative to
and 15 mg of tirzepatide, respectively, and 2.6% placebo were −13.5 percentage points (95% CI,
with placebo. −14.6 to −12.5), −18.9 percentage points (95%
Demographic and clinical baseline character- CI, −20.0 to −17.8), and −20.1 percentage points
istics were generally similar across treatment (95% CI, −21.2 to −19.0) for the 5-mg, 10-mg,
groups (Table 1). The mean age of the partici- and 15-mg doses, respectively (Fig. 1B and Figs.
pants was 44.9 years; most were female (67.5%) S3, S4, and S5).
and White (70.6%); the mean body weight was With the treatment-regimen estimand, 85%
104.8 kg, the mean BMI was 38.0, and the mean (95% CI, 82 to 89), 89% (95% CI, 86 to 92), and
waist circumference was 114.1 cm; 94.5% of the 91% (95% CI, 88 to 94) of participants in the
participants had a BMI of 30 or higher. Partici- 5-mg, 10-mg, and 15-mg tirzepatide groups, re-
pants reported an average duration of obesity of spectively, had a body weight reduction of 5% or
14.4 years; 40.6% had prediabetes at baseline, more at 72 weeks, as compared with 35% (95%
and nearly two thirds had one or more weight- CI, 30 to 39) of participants in the placebo group
related complications (Table 1 and Table S1). (P<0.001 for all comparisons with placebo).
Enrollment data according to country, U.S.-spe- With use of the efficacy estimand, the respective
cific demographic data, and information on the percentages were 89% (95% CI, 87 to 92), 96%
representativeness of the trial participants are (95% CI, 95 to 98), 96% (95% CI, 95 to 98), and
presented in Tables S1, S2, and S3, respectively. 28% (95% CI, 24 to 31).
At week 72, more participants in the tirzepa-
Change in Body Weight tide groups had reductions in body weight of
For the treatment-regimen estimand, the mean 10% or more, 15% or more, and 20% or more
change in weight at week 72 was −15.0% (95% from baseline than participants in the placebo
CI, −15.9 to −14.2) with a 5-mg weekly dose of group (P<0.001) (Fig. 1C and 1D). In addition,
tirzepatide, −19.5% (95% CI, −20.4 to −18.5) for the prespecified exploratory end point of a
with a 10-mg dose, and −20.9% (95% CI, −21.8 reduction in body weight of 25% or more, 15%
to −19.9) with a 15-mg dose and −3.1% (95% CI, (95% CI, 12 to 18), 32% (95% CI, 29 to 36), and
−4.3 to −1.9) with placebo (Fig. 1A and Table 2). 36% (95% CI, 32 to 40) of participants in the
All three tirzepatide doses were superior to pla- 5-mg, 10-mg, and 15-mg tirzepatide groups, re-
cebo, with estimated treatment differences rela- spectively, met this target, as compared with
tive to placebo of −11.9 percentage points (95% 1.5% (95% CI, 0 to 3) of participants in the
CI, −13.4 to −10.4) for the 5-mg dose, −16.4 placebo group (Table 2).
percentage points (95% CI, −17.9 to −14.8) for
the 10-mg dose, and −17.8 percentage points Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Physical
(95% CI, −19.3 to −16.3) for the 15-mg dose Function
(P<0.001 for all comparisons). At 20 weeks after Benefits with tirzepatide were noted with respect
randomization, treatment with tirzepatide result- to changes in waist circumference, systolic and

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Tirzepatide Once Weekly for Obesity

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Participants at Baseline.*

Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide,

5 mg 10 mg 15 mg Placebo Total
Characteristic (N = 630) (N = 636) (N = 630) (N = 643) (N = 2539)
Age — yr 45.6±12.7 44.7±12.4 44.9±12.3 44.4±12.5 44.9±12.5
Female sex — no. (%) 426 (67.6) 427 (67.1) 425 (67.5) 436 (67.8) 1714 (67.5)
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)†
American Indian or Alaska Native 56 (8.9) 58 (9.1) 59 (9.4) 58 (9.0) 231 (9.1)
Asian 68 (10.8) 71 (11.2) 66 (10.5) 71 (11.0) 276 (10.9)
Black or African American 48 (7.6) 47 (7.4) 51 (8.1) 55 (8.6) 201 (7.9)
White 447 (71.0) 452 (71.1) 443 (70.3) 450 (70.0) 1792 (70.6)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 3 (0.5) 2 (0.3) 9 (0.4)
Multiple 9 (1.4) 6 (0.9) 8 (1.3) 7 (1.1) 30 (1.2)
Hispanic or Latino — no. (%) 308 (48.9) 297 (46.7) 299 (47.5) 310 (48.2) 1214 (47.8)
Duration of obesity — yr 14.0±10.81 14.7±11.05 14.8±10.75 14.0±10.71 14.4±10.83
Body weight — kg 102.9±20.71 105.8±23.32 105.6±22.92 104.8±21.37 104.8±22.12
Mean body-mass index 37.4±6.63 38.2±7.01 38.1±6.69 38.2±6.89 38.0±6.81
Body-mass index category — no. (%)
<30 38 (6.0) 38 (6.0) 40 (6.3) 24 (3.7) 140 (5.5)
≥30 to <35 241 (38.3) 209 (32.9) 199 (31.6) 227 (35.3) 876 (34.5)
≥35 to <40 174 (27.6) 187 (29.4) 179 (28.4) 180 (28.0) 720 (28.4)
≥40 177 (28.1) 202 (31.8) 212 (33.7) 212 (33.0) 803 (31.6)
Waist circumference — cm 113.2±14.25 114.8±15.80 114.4±15.59 114.0±14.92 114.1±15.16
Blood pressure — mm Hg
Systolic 123.6±12.45 123.8±12.77 123.0±12.94 122.9±12.77 123.3±12.73
Diastolic 79.3±8.14 79.9±8.32 79.3±8.23 79.6±7.95 79.5±8.16
Pulse — beats per min 72.3±9.60 71.8±9.57 72.5±9.95 72.9±9.27 72.4±9.60
Lipid levels — geometric mean mg/dl (coef-
ficient of variation, %)
Total cholesterol 187.1 (21.1) 190.7 (19.9) 187.4 (19.9) 186.4 (20.3) 187.9 (20.3)
HDL cholesterol 47.6 (26.6) 47.5 (26.1) 47.5 (25.5) 46.5 (26.9) 47.3 (26.3)
LDL cholesterol 108.7 (30.2) 111.5 (30.3) 109.5 (30.0) 108.4 (30.5) 109.5 (30.2)
Triglycerides 128.9 (51.7) 126.5 (51.5) 127.9 (47.5) 130.5 (49.2) 128.4 (50.0)
Estimated GFR — ml/min/1.73 m2 ‡ 97.6±17.87 98.3±18.26 98.2±17.67 98.1±18.28 98.1±18.02
Prediabetes, n (%) 247 (39.2) 262 (41.2) 253 (40.2) 270 (42.0) 1032 (40.6)
Glycated hemoglobin — % 5.6±0.36 5.6±0.37 5.6±0.41 5.6±0.38 5.6±0.38
Fasting glucose — mg/dl 95.4±9.7 95.5±10.7 95.3±10.3 95.7±9.5 95.5±10.1
Fasting insulin — mIU/liter 13.6±10.0 14.1±12.2 14.4±9.3 14.3±9.9 14.1±10.4
SF-36 physical function score 49.6±8.3 49.6±7.5 49.6±7.8 49.7±7.7 49.6±7.8

* Plus–minus values are mean±SD. GFR denotes glomerular filtration rate, HDL high-density lipoprotein, LDL low-density lipoprotein, and
SF-36 Short Form Health Survey, version 2, acute form.
† Race or ethnic group was reported by the participants.
‡ The estimated GFR was calculated with use of the serum creatinine–based Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Tirzepatide, 5 mg Tirzepatide, 10 mg Tirzepatide, 15 mg Placebo

A Overall Percent Change in Body Weight from Baseline B Percent Change in Body Weight by Week (efficacy estimand)
(treatment-regimen estimand)
0.0 Overall mean baseline weight=104.8 kg

−4.0 −2.4
Percent Change in Body Weight

Percent Change in Body Weight

−3.1 −4 Placebo

−16.0 5 mg
−15.0 −15.0
−16 −16.0

−20.0 Tirzepatide,
−19.5 10 mg −19.5
−20 Tirzepatide,
−20.9 −21.4 −20.9
−24.0 15 mg
5 e,

10 de,

15 de,









0 4 8 12 16 20 24 36 48 60 72 TRE








Weeks since Randomization

C Participants Who Met Weight-Reduction Targets D Participants Who Met Weight-Reduction Targets (efficacy estimand)
(treatment-regimen estimand)

100 100 96.296.3

90.9 90.1
88.9 89.4
85.1 83.5 85.9
78.1 78.2
80 80 73.4 73.6
Percentage of Participants

Percentage of Participants

56.7 55.5
60 60
50.1 50.2

34.5 36.2 35.0
40 32.3 40 31.6

20 15.3 20 13.5
1.5 1.3 0.3
0 0
≥5 ≥10 ≥15 ≥20 ≥25 ≥5 ≥10 ≥15 ≥20 ≥25
Body Weight–Reduction Target (%) Body Weight–Reduction Target (%)

Figure 1. Effect of Once-Weekly Tirzepatide, as Compared with Placebo, on Body Weight.

Least-squares means are presented, unless otherwise noted. Panel A shows the percent change in body weight from baseline to week
72, derived from an analysis of covariance model for the treatment-regimen estimand (TRE). Panel B shows the percent change in body
weight according to weeks since randomization, derived from a mixed model for repeated measures (MMRM) analysis for the efficacy
estimand; week 72 estimates for the treatment-regimen estimand are also shown. Panels C and D show the percentages of participants
who had weight reductions of at least 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% from baseline to week 72. For Panel C, the percentage was calculated
with the use of Rubin’s rules by combining the percentages of participants who met the target in imputed data sets. Missing values at
week 72 were imputed with MMRM if the missingness was due solely to Covid-19 and with multiple imputation if the missingness was
not due to Covid-19. For Panel D, the percentage of participants who met weight-reduction targets was obtained by dividing the number
of participants reaching respective goals at week 72 by the number of participants with a baseline value and at least one nonmissing
postbaseline value. Missing values at week 72 were imputed from MMRM analysis. I bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

diastolic blood pressure, fasting insulin level, tirzepatide groups had reverted to normoglyce-
and lipid levels (Table 2, Table 3, and Figs. S6 mia, as compared with 61.9% of participants in
and S7). At week 72, most (95.3%) of the par- the placebo group.
ticipants with prediabetes at baseline in the The SF-36 physical function scores increased

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Tirzepatide Once Weekly for Obesity

Table 2. Primary and Secondary End Points for the Treatment-Regimen Estimand.*

Tirzepatide, 5 mg Tirzepatide, 10 mg Tirzepatide, 15 mg Placebo

End Points (N = 630) (N = 636) (N = 630) (N = 643)
least-squares mean (95% CI)
Coprimary end points†
Percentage change in body weight‡ −15.0 (−15.9 to −14.2) −19.5 (−20.4 to −18.5) −20.9 (−21.8 to −19.9) −3.1 (−4.3 to −1.9)
Difference from placebo in percentage change −11.9 (−13.4 to −10.4) −16.4 (−17.9 to −14.8) −17.8 (−19.3 to −16.3) —
in body weight — percentage points‡
Weight reduction of 5% or more at week 72 85.1 (81.6 to 88.6) 88.9 (85.9 to 91.9) 90.9 (88.0 to 93.8) 34.5 (29.8 to 39.2)
— percentage of participants‡§
Key secondary end points†
Weight reduction of 10% or more at week 72 68.5 (64.5 to 72.5) 78.1 (74.4 to 81.7) 83.5 (80.0 to 86.9) 18.8 (14.9 to 22.7)
— percentage of participants§¶
Weight reduction of 15% or more at week 72 48.0 (43.9 to 52.1) 66.6 (62.6 to 70.6) 70.6 (66.7 to 74.5) 8.8 (5.9 to 11.7)
— percentage of participants§¶
Weight reduction of 20% or more at week 72 30.0 (26.4 to 33.6) 50.1 (46.0 to 54.2) 56.7 (52.6 to 60.8) 3.1 (1.1 to 5.1)
— percentage of participants§¶
Change in waist circumference — cm¶ −14.0 (−14.9 to −13.1) −17.7 (−18.7 to −16.8) −18.5 (−19.3 to −17.6) −4.0 (−5.1 to −2.8)
Difference from placebo in change in waist −10.1 (−1.6 to −8.6) −13.8 (−15.2 to −12.3) −14.5 (−15.9 to −13.0) —
circumference — cm ¶
Additional secondary end point
Weight reduction of 25% or more at week 72 15.3 (12.5 to 18.1) 32.3 (28.5 to 36.1) 36.2 (32.3 to 40.1) 1.5 (0.1 to 2.9)
— percentage of participants §∥

* All changes are from baseline to week 72.

† The primary and key secondary end points were tested under a type 1 error–control procedure, and all comparisons with placebo were sig-
nificant at P<0.001.
‡ The change in body weight in the tirzepatide 5-mg group was not a coprimary end point and was analyzed as a key secondary end point.
§ The percentage was calculated with the use of Rubin’s rules by combining the percentages of participants who met the target in imputed
data sets.
¶ The specified weight-reduction targets and the change in waist circumference in the tirzepatide 5-mg group were not key secondary end
points and were analyzed as additional secondary end points. Hypothesis testing was not conducted; confidence intervals were not adjusted
for multiplicity, and no definite conclusions can be drawn.
‖ This was an exploratory end point not controlled for type 1 error; therefore, hypothesis testing was not conducted. Confidence intervals were
not adjusted for multiplicity, and no definite conclusions can be drawn.

more with tirzepatide than with placebo, an in- the 160 of 255 participants in the subgroup who
dication that participants’ perspective on their had evaluable data at both baseline and week 72)
physical functioning was more likely to improve (Fig. S8). The ratio of total fat mass to total lean
with tirzepatide (Table 3). mass decreased more with tirzepatide (from 0.93
Treatment with tirzepatide was associated at baseline to 0.70 at week 72) than with placebo
with greater improvements from baseline than (from 0.95 to 0.88).
that with placebo in all key secondary end points
(Table 2 and Table 3). Additional efficacy data Safety
for the efficacy estimand are presented in Table S4. Overall, 78.9 to 81.8% of participants treated
with tirzepatide reported at least one adverse
Change in Body Composition event that emerged during the treatment period,
The mean reduction in total body fat mass was as compared with 72.0% of participants in the
33.9% with tirzepatide, as compared with 8.2% placebo group (Table 4). The most frequently
with placebo, for an estimated treatment differ- reported adverse events were gastrointestinal
ence relative to placebo of −25.7 percentage (nausea, diarrhea, and constipation). These ad-
points (95% CI, −31.4 to −20.0) in the subgroup verse events occurred in more participants in the
of participants who underwent dual-energy x-ray tirzepatide groups than in the placebo group,
absorptiometry (efficacy estimand that included were transient and mild to moderate in severity,

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Table 3. Key Secondary and Additional Secondary End Points for Pooled Tirzepatide Dose Groups (Treatment-Regimen Estimand).*

Estimated Treatment
Pooled Tirzepatide Placebo Difference from Placebo
End Points Groups† (N = 643) (95% CI)
least-squares mean (95% CI)
Key secondary end points‡
Change from baseline to week 20 in body weight — kg§ −12.8 (−13.1 to −12.5) −2.7 (−3.2 to −2.2) −10.1 (−10.7 to −9.6)
Change in measure
SF-36 physical function score§¶ 3.6 (3.2 to 4.0) 1.7 (0.8 to 2.6) 1.9 (1.0 to 2. 9)
Systolic blood pressure — mm Hg −7.2 (−7.8 to −6.7) −1.0 (−2.3 to −0.3) −6.2 (−7.7 to −4.8)
Percentage change in level∥
Triglycerides — mg/dl −24.8 (−26.3 to −23.1) −5.6 (−10.0 to −1.2) −20.3 (−24.3 to −16.1)
Non-HDL cholesterol — mg/dl −9.7 (−10.7 to −8.6) −2.3 (−4.9 to −0.2) −7.5 (−10.1 to −4.9)
HDL cholesterol — mg/dl 8.0 (6.9 to 9.1) −0.7 (−2.9 to 1.5) 8.8 (6.1 to 11.5)
Fasting insulin — mIU/liter** −42.9 (−44.9 to −40.9) −6.6 (−15.3 to 2.2) −38.9 (−44.8 to −32.4)
Additional secondary end points††
Change in diastolic blood pressure — mm Hg −4.8 (−5.2 to −4.4) −0.8 (−1.6 to 0.0) −4.0 (−4.9 to −3.1)
Percentage change in level∥
Total cholesterol — mg/dl −4.8 (−5.6 to −4.0) −1.8 (−3.7 to 0.1) −3.1 (−5.2 to −1.0)
LDL cholesterol — mg/dl −5.8 (−6.9 to −4.6) −1.7 (−4.6 to 1.3) −4.2 (−7.2 to −1.0)
VLDL cholesterol — mg/dl −24.4 (−25.9 to −22.9) −4.8 (−9.2 to −0.4) −20.6 (−24.6 to −16.4)
Free fatty acids — mmol/liter −7.5 (−10.7 to −4.3) 9.5 (3.8 to 15.3) −15.6 (−20.8 to −9.9)

* All changes are from baseline to week 72, unless otherwise indicated. VLDL denotes very-low-density lipoprotein.
† “Pooled tirzepatide groups” refers to pooled data for the 5-mg, 10-mg, and 15-mg groups unless otherwise indicated.
‡ The key secondary end points were tested under type 1 error–control procedure, and all tests had P<0.001 versus placebo.
§ Data are for the pooled 10-mg and 15-mg tirzepatide groups.
¶ The change from baseline in the SF-36 physical function score was assessed with use of an analysis of covariance model, with terms for
baseline SF-36 physical function score, treatment, and stratification factors.
‖ The estimated treatment differences from placebo in the percentage changes in levels are expressed as percentage-points. Lipid and fast-
ing insulin levels were analyzed with the use of log transformation. Data shown represent model-based estimates and 95% confidence
** Results of absolute values for the change in fasting insulin, fasting glucose, and glycated hemoglobin are included in Table S4.
†† For additional secondary end points, the widths of confidence intervals were not adjusted for multiplicity, and these may not be used in
place of hypothesis tests.

and occurred primarily during the dose-escala- across treatment groups, including the placebo
tion period (Fig. S9). group (Table 4). None were adjudicated as se-
Serious adverse events were reported by 160 vere. No cases of medullary thyroid cancer were
participants (6.3%) overall. Similar percentages reported. The reported incidence of cholelithia-
of participants in the tirzepatide and placebo sis was similar among the tirzepatide and placebo
groups reported serious adverse events (Table 4). groups. Cholecystitis and acute cholecystitis were
Overall, approximately 21% of serious adverse reported more frequently in the tirzepatide
events were considered to be related to corona- groups than in the placebo group, although the
virus disease 2019 (Covid-19), which affected incidences were low (≤0.6%) (Table 4). Addi-
participants in all treatment groups (Table S5). tional safety variables are described in Table 4
Eleven deaths were reported: 4 (0.6%) in the and Table S7.
5-mg tirzepatide group, 2 (0.3%) in the 10-mg
group, 1 (0.2%) in the 15-mg group, and 4 Discussion
(0.6%) in the placebo group (Table S6).
There were four reported cases of adjudica- In the present trial, adults with obesity had aver-
tion-confirmed pancreatitis, evenly distributed age weight reductions of 19.5% and 20.9% with

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Tirzepatide Once Weekly for Obesity

10-mg and 15-mg doses of tirzepatide, respec- The 10-mg and 15-mg tirzepatide groups were
tively, as compared with a 3.1% weight reduction similar in mean percentage weight reduction, yet
with placebo (treatment-regimen estimand). This a higher proportion of participants in the 15-mg
is an unusually substantial degree of weight re- group met the 10% or more, 15% or more, and
duction in response to an antiobesity medication 20% or more weight-loss targets. The incidence
as compared with findings reported in other of adverse events was similar in the 10-mg and
phase 3 clinical trials. Given that tirzepatide is 15-mg groups. This finding suggests that the
both a GIP receptor and GLP-1 receptor agonist, 15-mg dose may confer additional benefits in
we speculate that there may be additive benefit some patients, without added safety concerns.
in targeting multiple endogenous nutrient-stim- It will be important to identify which patients
ulated hormone pathways that have been impli- may garner the greatest degree of benefit from
cated in energy homeostasis. various doses of tirzepatide.
A body-weight reduction of 5% or more has In the present trial, weight reduction with
long been considered the threshold for clinically tirzepatide was accompanied by greater im-
meaningful effect on the basis of improvement provements with respect to all measured cardio-
in metabolic health.15 It is remarkable that in this vascular and metabolic risk factors, including
trial, the majority (89% to 91%) of participants waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood
receiving 10-mg or 15-mg doses of tirzepatide pressure, and fasting insulin, lipid, and aspar-
achieved this benchmark. Weight reductions of 10% tate aminotransferase levels, than placebo. Par-
or more, 15% or more, and 20% or more yield ticipants treated with tirzepatide had a percent
additional clinical benefits,15,16 may be required reduction in fat mass approximately three times
for improvement in certain weight-related com- greater than the reduction in lean mass, result-
plications,17 and are often more desired therapeu- ing in an overall improvement in body composi-
tic goals in clinical practice. The majority of par- tion. The ratio of fat-mass loss to lean-mass loss
ticipants reached these three higher weight-loss was similar to that reported with lifestyle-based
targets (78–84%, 67–71%, and 50–57%, respec- and surgical treatments for obesity.21 In addi-
tively), across the 10-mg and 15-mg dose groups. tion, nearly all participants (>95%) treated with
For perspective: the average placebo-adjusted tirzepatide who had prediabetes at baseline had
weight reductions with older antiobesity medica- converted to normoglycemia by the end of the
tions that are currently approved by the FDA for primary trial period, as compared with 62% of
the treatment of obesity are approximately 3.0 to participants who received placebo. These im-
8.6%,18 whereas a recently introduced antiobesity provements may translate to reduced risk of
medication, semaglutide (2.4 mg), resulted in a cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease,
placebo-adjusted weight reduction of 12.4%, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and type 2 dia-
with nearly one third of persons having a weight betes, among other outcomes.15,16,22 Future trials
reduction of 20% or more.10 In the current trial, are needed to test this hypothesis.
participants receiving the lowest maintenance The safety profile of tirzepatide was consis-
dose of tirzepatide (5 mg) had a mean placebo- tent with previous findings in the SURPASS
adjusted weight reduction of 11.9% from base- clinical trials in patients with type 2 diabe-
line, with 30% of participants reaching the tes,23-27 and similar to other incretin-based thera-
weight-loss target of 20% or more. It is impor- pies for the treatment of obesity.9,10,28-30 As typi-
tant to note that no direct comparison of these cally observed with these medications, transient,
trials can be made, since trial populations and mostly mild-to-moderate gastrointestinal events
designs differed. Finally, bariatric surgery re- were the most frequently reported adverse
sults in weight reduction of approximately 25 to events, occurring primarily during the dose-
30% at 1 to 2 years.19,20 In the current trial, escalation period.
36.2% of participants in the 15-mg tirzepatide Although there was no difference observed
group met the prespecified exploratory end point in reported cholelithiasis between recipients of
of weight reduction of 25% or more. With sub- tirzepatide and placebo, cholecystitis was ob-
stantial observed weight reductions at all three served more frequently with tirzepatide. Overall,
doses, tirzepatide may serve as an important the incidence in the current trial was low
tool in the medical management of obesity. (≤0.6%), making causal conclusions difficult.

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Table 4. Adverse Events and Safety.

Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide,

5 mg 10 mg 15 mg Placebo
Variable (N = 630) (N = 636) (N = 630) (N = 643)

number (percent)
Participants with ≥1 adverse event during treatment 510 (81.0) 520 (81.8) 497 (78.9) 463 (72.0)
Serious adverse events 40 (6.3) 44 (6.9) 32 (5.1) 44 (6.8)
Death* 4 (0.6) 2 (0.3) 1 (0.2) 4 (0.6)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation of trial drug 27 (4.3) 45 (7.1) 39 (6.2) 17 (2.6)
or placebo†
Nausea 6 (1.0) 7 (1.1) 12 (1.9) 2 (0.3)
Diarrhea 2 (0.3) 5 (0.8) 3 (0.5) 0
Abdominal pain 0 2 (0.3) 3 (0.5) 0
Vomiting 0 4 (0.6) 0 0
Adverse events occurring in at least 5% of participants
in any treatment group†
Nausea 155 (24.6) 212 (33.3) 195 (31.0) 61 (9.5)
Diarrhea 118 (18.7) 135 (21.2) 145 (23.0) 47 (7.3)
Covid-19 94 (14.9) 98 (15.4) 82 (13.0) 90 (14.0)
Constipation 106 (16.8) 109 (17.1) 74 (11.7) 37 (5.8)
Dyspepsia 56 (8.9) 62 (9.7) 71 (11.3) 27 (4.2)
Vomiting 52 (8.3) 68 (10.7) 77 (12.2) 11 (1.7)
Decreased appetite 59 (9.4) 73 (11.5) 54 (8.6) 21 (3.3)
Headache 41 (6.5) 43 (6.8) 41 (6.5) 42 (6.5)
Abdominal pain 31 (4.9) 34 (5.3) 31 (4.9) 21 (3.3)
Alopecia 32 (5.1) 31 (4.9) 36 (5.7) 6 (0.9)
Dizziness 26 (4.1) 35 (5.5) 26 (4.1) 15 (2.3)
Eructation 24 (3.8) 33 (5.2) 35 (5.6) 4 (0.6)
Injection-site reaction‡ 18 (2.9) 36 (5.7) 29 (4.6) 2 (0.3)
Adverse events of special interest
Hepatic events§ 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 0 0
Cancer 9 (1.4) 3 (0.5) 5 (0.8) 7 (1.1)
Pancreatitis (adjudication-confirmed) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2)
Major adverse cardiovascular events (adjudication- 4 (0.6) 5 (0.8) 0 5 (0.8)
Cardiac disorders¶ 0 1 (0.2) 2 (0.3) 1 (0.2)
Severe or serious gastrointestinal events 11 (1.7) 20 (3.1) 21 (3.3) 7 (1.1)
Gallbladder disease§ 5 (0.8) 11 (1.7) 6 (1.0) 5 (0.8)
Renal events§ 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 1 (0.2)
Major depressive disorder or suicidal ideation§ 1 (0.2) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.3) 0
Hypersensitivity∥ 0 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 0
Hypoglycemia (blood glucose <54 mg/dl) 9 (1.4) 10 (1.6) 10 (1.6) 1 (0.2)

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Tirzepatide Once Weekly for Obesity

Table 4. (Continued.)

Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide, Tirzepatide,

5 mg 10 mg 15 mg Placebo
Variable (N = 630) (N = 636) (N = 630) (N = 643)

number (percent)
Other adverse events of interest that emerged during
treatment period†
Cholelithiasis 7 (1.1) 9 (1.4) 4 (0.6) 6 (0.9)
Cholecystitis 4 (0.6) 3 (0.5) 0 0
Acute cholecystitis 1 (0.2) 4 (0.6) 1 (0.2) 0
Chronic cholecystitis 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.5) 3 (0.5)

* All deaths were adjudicated by an external committee of physicians, who determined whether the death was cardiovascular-related.
† Adverse events are listed according to Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities, version 24.1, preferred terms.
‡ None of the events were reported as severe or serious.
§ Events were classified as severe or serious adverse events.
¶ Events were classified as severe or serious supraventricular arrhythmias and cardiac conduction disorders.
‖ Hypersensitivity includes immediate (≤24 hours after administration of tirzepatide or placebo) and nonimmediate (>24 hours after adminis-
tration of tirzepatide or placebo) severe or serious hypersensitivity events.

Gallbladder-related events have been reported to trials and is likely to reflect a similar level of
increase in persons with considerable weight adherence to the lifestyle intervention.9,10 Finally,
reduction and are also observed with other obe- the duration of the trial (72 weeks) enabled par-
sity therapies, such as bariatric surgery and ticipants to reach a weight plateau in the 5-mg
treatment with GLP-1 receptor agonists.9,10,31 group and near-plateaus in the 10-mg and 15-mg
Because the present trial was initiated in De- groups; the additional 2-year treatment period
cember 2019 and conducted almost entirely dur- for participants with prediabetes should provide
ing the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an ex- further insight into the maximum and long-term
pected impact on the incidence of adverse events. weight-lowering effect of tirzepatide in people
Close to 20% of participants tested positive for with prediabetes.
infection with the severe acute respiratory syn- This trial had certain limitations. The enrolled
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or had symp- participants with obesity and overweight may
tomatic Covid-19 during the reporting period. represent a subpopulation with a greater com-
There were 160 participants with serious adverse mitment to weight-management efforts than the
events in this trial. More than 20% of these par- general population with obesity. Furthermore,
ticipants had serious adverse events judged to the measured baseline cardiometabolic risk fac-
be related to Covid-19. Nearly one third of the tors in the trial population, such as blood pres-
11 deaths were directly attributed to Covid-19 sure and lipids, were relatively normal, possibly
(Table S5). attenuating the potential to show improvement,
Our trial had several strengths. Its global though meaningful changes in these variables
nature, large sample size, and overall high were observed. Overall, only 5.5% of trial par-
completion rate make the findings relatively ticipants with overweight (BMI of 27 to <30)
generalizable. Overall, 86% (approximately 90% were included; further studies would be needed
across the tirzepatide groups) of the participants in such patients.
completed the trial, despite the Covid-19 pan- In the present trial, all three doses of once-
demic. The weight reduction in the placebo weekly tirzepatide demonstrated substantial
group was similar to results observed with pla- and sustained weight reduction in adults with
cebo in other recent obesity pharmacotherapy obesity.

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Supported by Eli Lilly. We thank the participants and the study coordinators who
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with cared for them, Wei Fan (Eli Lilly) for her contributions to the
the full text of this article at data preparation and analysis, and Farai Chigutsa (Eli Lilly) for
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available medical writing and editorial assistance with an earlier version
with the full text of this article at of the manuscript.

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