Topic 4 - Nodal Analysis (Notes)
Topic 4 - Nodal Analysis (Notes)
Topic 4 - Nodal Analysis (Notes)
applying KVL and KCL. As a result, we can predict the voltages and currents
around an electrical circuit. This is a short lecture, but the content is
important and fundamental to understanding the basic of electrical
engineering as applied to Design Engineering.
Consider this circuit here. There is a voltage source providing power to a
electrical network consisting of six resistors. This circuit has give nodes
labelled A to E. Let us pick node E to be the reference node, so we put a
ground symbol on it. You could have picked one of the other nodes as
reference. All calculations will give the same results. However, it is often
easiest if you pick the –ve node of a voltage source (e.g. a battery) as the
reference node) – it usually makes the calculations simpler. Each pair of
nodes is connected to the two ends of a component. We call this a branch
of the network.
The first law I want you to learn here is the Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (or
KVL). It says: If you sum the voltage around ANY closed loop, the
sum is always zero. This is analogous to potential energy in
gravitational system we talked about in Lecture 1. Starting from one
location on a mountain, you can pick any route up or down. If you return
to the place you started from, the potential energy is unchanged. In this
case, image you are walking through the network from a node (say A) and
go round some branches (component) on the network, and add up all the
voltage potential along the way before returning to node A, then the total
voltage (or electrical potential energy) will always sum to zero.
Let us consider a loop around the outside of this network as shown in
RED. KVL states that summing all the voltages on this loop is zero. The
same is true if you take the loop formed by nodes C, D and E. You must
be careful with the direction of the arrow. For example, VBD, is voltage at
node B relative to node D, the arrow for the voltage is pointing towards B.
The current through the branch (i.e. the resistor) is from B to D, i.e.
flowing INTO the resistor.
Remember in Lecture one, we considered how like charges
(i.e. sample polarity) repel? The consequence of that is
charge generally will NOT accumulate. Therefore if charges
are free to move around, neutrally will always be maintained.
This leads to Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL) which is
complementary to KVL. It says: Current going into ANY
close region a circuit MUST sum to zero, otherwise
charge will accumulate.
Consider the same network again.
Let us consider a region being a component, say the voltage
source (GREEN). Current going in is I7. This must be the
same as current coming out, which is I1.
The BLUE region is a circuit node. Current going in is I1 and
current coming out is I2 + I5.
Finally, let us consider the GRAY region, which consists of two
registers and three nodes. Current going IN = I2 + I6, and
current coming OUT = I4 + I7.
We have been considering circuits with only resistors, voltage
sources and current sources. Such circuits are called “Linear
Circuits” because the relationship between currents and
voltages in such circuits obey a proportional relationship. We
will consider the formal definition of linearity in a later lecture.
For now, remember that all currents and voltages in such
linear circuits can be determined using KVL, KCL and Ohm’s
Let us consider the circuit shown here. The unknown current
I can be derived easily using KCL because the current IN and
OUT of the gray region sums to zero. Therefore I must be
-2A. It is negative because in fact the current is flowing INTO
the region, which is the opposite direction as indicated by the
In this lecture, you will learn about a technical known as
“nodal analysis”. If you want to calculate (i.e. predict)
voltages and currents in different part of an electrical circuit,
you could manipulate the circuits through simplification via
substituting components with their equivalent etc. However
such approach does not always work.
Nodal analysis is a systematic way of analysing a circuit
using KCL or KVL, and it always works.
You need to remember what are nodes, KCL, KVL, Ohm’s Law
and that all interconnections (nodes) have zero resistance.
Let us consider a simple circuit as shown here. We need to
find voltages at all nodes.
First we pick a node to be reference (or Ground). This is our
Identify all fixed voltage sources and label these with the
voltage values. What remains is one node unlabelled, which
we label as X.
Next we apply KCL to each node – i.e. all current at a node
sum to zero. A circuit with N nodes and S sources, there will
be N-S-1 different unlabelled nodes (S source nodes labelled
with fixed voltages, and the 1 is for the 0v reference).
For this circuit we only have one unknown X. Sum all current
flowing OUT of X. And we get X (i.e. voltage at node X
relative to 0 node) = 4V.
Let us replace one of the voltage source with a current
source. We can use the same method to analyse this circuit.
Pick the reference node and label this.
Label the other nodes 8, X and Y.
Now use KCL at X and Y, and we get the equations shown.
Since all resistors are in kilo ohms, and all currents are in mA,
with Ohm’s Law, V=IR, therefore k x m = 1. We can ignore
the multipliers – it will work.
Solving the simultaneous equation gives us X = 6 and Y = 9
(both in V).
So far the voltage sources have been connected to 0V
reference at one end. That makes the calculation easy
because both end of the source have known voltages.
If the voltage source do not have either end connected to a
known voltage, it is called a floating voltage source.
Handling such a source is easy. Simply label one end as an
unknown voltage, say X, and the other end is related to X.
In the example shown here, the negative end of the source is
labelled X. The positive end is simply X+2.
When apply KCL to analyse the circuit, instead of summing
current at a node, apply KCL to the entire source shown in
gray. This region is treated as a super node. Applying this
method results in having only one equation for this circuit.
Consider another example circuit. This one is very useful
because it produces a WEIGHTED AVERAGE of a number of
voltage sources.
The algebraic manipulation produces an output X, which is the
average of V1, V2 and V3 weighted by the conductance of
each branch.
𝑋=𝑉↓1 𝐺↓1 /𝐺↓1 +𝐺↓2 +𝐺↓3 +𝑉↓2 𝐺↓2 /𝐺↓1 +𝐺↓2 +𝐺↓3 +𝑉↓3 𝐺↓4 /
𝐺↓1 +𝐺↓2 +𝐺↓3
This simple circuit can be used to produce a simple digital-to-
analogue converter (DAC). Consider the circuit shown above.
The three digital switches are controlled by three binary bits:
𝑏↓2 𝑏↓1 𝑏↓0 . When the digital bit is high 𝑏↓𝑖 (‘1’), the switch
SWi is connected to 5v voltage source, otherwise it is connect
to ground.
Using the results from last slide, we can see that the voltage
X is given by:
𝑋=1/2 𝑉↓2 +1/4 𝑉↓1 +1/8 𝑉↓0 /1/2 +1/4 +1/8 =1/7 (4𝑉↓2 +2𝑉↓1 +
𝑉↓0 )
Here is a new component known as DEPENDENT source
(voltage or current). Instead of having a fixed voltage or
current value, its output value is determined by voltage or
current elsewhere in a circuit. This is often used to model
the behaviour of more complicated circuits such as an
amplifier or even an entire system. We will come back to
modeling and amplification in a later lecture.
Each dependent source has a defining equation which provide
the relationship between the source value and the causal
parameter. In the circuit shown, the current source IS is
controlled by the voltage W across the 10k resistor.
Applying KCL at X and Y. We have three equations (the
defining equation for the current source and two KCL
equations) and four unknowns: U, IS, X and Y. Solving the
three equations provides a solution in terms of U, the voltage
source value, which is assumed to be known.
Here is a more complex example with dependent voltage
sources. The dependent voltage source VS is governed by the
current J. Remember, we generally use units of mA for
currents, k ohms for resistors and V for voltages.
First we write an equation for the dependent voltage source in
terms of node voltage in step 3).
Next we create a “super-node” that includes the floating
voltage source AND all components connected to the source
VS. The two nodes of the source are X and X+VS. Here we
include the 3V fixed source and the 10k resistor because
including these components do not add any new unknown
Now apply KCL to this super-node (or region) and produces
one equation in terms of X and VS only. Two equations, two
unknowns, we have our solution.
Let me recap. Here are the steps in nodal analysis. You would
have realized that we have only used KCL in this example.
You could have used KVL (summing voltages in a closed loop
equals zero) and have the same results. However, generally
you will find that using KCL and summing current is slightly
easier to compute.
Doing nodal analysis is actually easier than it first appears.
However it requires practice. I have provided a large number
of example questions in the tutorial problem sheet 2 for you
to try. The trick is to “see” the circuit in a way that makes
the circuit as simple as possible. Then work out how many
unknowns there are, and which are the simplest equations to
produce in order to solve the unknowns.