Project Report

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Group Project Report





Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Tools/Technique Used ............................................................................................................................ 3
Tools used ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Packages Used .................................................................................................................................... 3
Techniques Used ................................................................................................................................. 3
System Design / Models ......................................................................................................................... 8
System Design .................................................................................................................................... 8
Dataset .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Image Classification.......................................................................................................................... 11
Dress Generation............................................................................................................................... 11
System Performance ............................................................................................................................. 12
Pattern Classification ........................................................................................................................ 12
Base Model-1 ................................................................................................................................ 12
Base Model-2 ................................................................................................................................ 13
Base Model-3 ................................................................................................................................ 14
Base Model-4 ................................................................................................................................ 16
Base Model-5 ................................................................................................................................ 18
Ensemble model ............................................................................................................................ 18
Sleeve length Classification .............................................................................................................. 19
Dress Length Classification .............................................................................................................. 20
Neckline Classification ..................................................................................................................... 21
Color Prediction ................................................................................................................................ 22
Dress Generation............................................................................................................................... 23
GAN .............................................................................................................................................. 23
DCGAN ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Findings and Discussions ...................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................
In today’s competitive fashion industry, designers are looking for newer and
better ways for designing apparel and launching them into the market.
Designing new garments as per the preferences of the designer can pose a
big challenge as the designer may run of out of new ideas for ready to
market garment designs.
Due to rapid pace of change in fashion trends, automated generation of
apparel design has become popular.
Using the generative adversarial network, we train the model with large
garment dataset with which we expect to receive new garment designs.

Tools/Technique Used
Tools used
• Jupyter Notebook/Colab
• Pycharm
• VS Code

Packages Used
• Tensorflow/Keras
• CV2
• Pytorch
• Scikit

Techniques Used
• Convolutional Neural Network
• VGG16
• ResNet
• Inception Resnet V2
• Stacked Ensemble model
• Color Detection using OpenCV
Convolutional Neural Networks

CNNs are widely used for image classification. Each image is passed
through a series of convolutional layers with filters, MaxPooling,
flattening and dense layer. The extraction of features and learning is
done in the initial few layers.

Fig - Convolutional Neural Network


A deep neural network is difficult to train because of the vanishing

gradient problem and performance gets saturated or even starts
degrading. A deeper network is ideally expected to work at least as
good as a shallow network if we assume many layers have not learnt
features, we could simply stack identity mappings. Researchers
hypothesize that letting the stacked layers fit a residual mapping is
easier than letting them directly fit the desired underlaying mapping.
The residual block below explicitly allows it to do precisely that by
introducing skip connections.
Fig – ResNet Block

Inception Resnet V2

Choosing right kernel size for convolution becomes tough, deep

networks is prone to overfitting and randomly stacking convolution
layers comes with a heavy cost. Hence the idea of inception net was
born to utilize filters of multiple size operating on the same level,
which drastically reduces the computation cost. Inception network
combined with the concept of residual connections was introduced
which helps in boosting the performance.

Fig – Inception ResNet - A

VGG net

The used VGG 16 is much deeper which consists of 16 weight layers

including thirteen convolutional layers with filter size of 3 X 3, and fully
connected layers with filter size of 3 X 3, and fully connected layers.
The stride and padding of all convolutional layers are fixed to 1 pixel.
All convolutional layers are divided into 5 groups and each group is
followed by a max-pooling layer.

Fig – VGG net


GAN comprises of two neural networks, the discriminator and the

generator. The purpose of the discriminator is to identify if the given
image is from the original dataset or if it is newly generated image,
and the generator generates new images in order to cheat the
discriminator while the discriminator tries to increase the
performance of guessing it right. The two components work hand in
hand to give out more realistic images as output.
DCGAN is a simple variation of GAN where there is use of
convolutional and transpose convolutional layers in discriminator and

The difference between GAN and DCGAN is as follows –

• Use of convolutional stride instead of MaxPooling
• Use of transposed convolution for upsampling
• Eliminating fully connected layers
• Use of BatchNorm except the output layer for the generator and
the input layer of the discriminator
• Use of ReLU in the generator except for the output which uses tanh
• Use LeakyReLU in the discriminator

Fig – Generator block of DCGAN

System Design / Models
System Design

Fig – System Design for Apparel Generation

Fig – System Design for Apparel Classification

The system architecture is mainly divided into two parts:

• DCGAN – Apparel generation
• Stacked Ensemble Model – Apparel classification

We have used the DCGAN for apparel generation during the training phase.
The API will in turn call the DCGAN model. This model uses a combination of
GAN generator along with a series of convolutional layers. The CNN model is
used as a discriminator that will classify the apparel as fake or real image.

In the testing and validation phase with the help of the user interface, we
can call the apparel generator API. The generated garments are then sent as
output to the fashion designer who can then verify the designs that have
been auto generated.

The second part of the system architecture is the stacked ensemble model.
The fashion designer can select any apparel of his/her choice and find out the
features he/she would like to know about the garment. This will help him/her
analyze the data and help in making quick decisions.

The garment is fed to different models for classification. There are five models
which are used as weak learners and stacked against each other to extract
• 2 CNN models
• Resnet
• Resnet-Inception

Some of the features extracted are:

• Sleeve length
• Cloth pattern
• Dress length
• Neckline
• Color

Each model will perform a separate classification on the pre-trained model

weights. The pre-trained model weights are obtained from training a separate
CNN model for pattern recognition, sleeve length recognition etc.

For the cloth pattern attribute classification each weak learner model has
distinct features and different accuracy and loss values which when stacked
together will contribute to provide an enhanced accuracy.
The output of all the models is added together and provided as an input to
the stacked ensemble model which is tasked with the classification of the

The classified output from the ensemble model is provided to be used in the
The dataset contains around 15k images with details of dress patters.
The dataset was taken from the following

Our project consists of 2 modules, the first being the classification of

clothes based on pattern on the dress and the second is the
generation of garments.

Image Classification
In the first module we have developed classifier model to detect
various attributes from a given image(256x256). The following are the
few attributes we obtain from the image –
1. Pattern
2. Sleeve Length
3. Length
4. Color
5. Fit
6. Neckline

Dress Generation
We have used GAN and DCGAN to generate new dress by training on
a wide range of different dress images. The training was done on colab
with nearly 2k different dress images of resolution (256x256) and
(64x64) respectively for both the models.
System Performance

Pattern Classification
There are 6 output classes for the design patterns of the clothes. We
developed multiple CNN models as base models over which a stacked
ensemble model is built for classification. The distribution of data in
the class is ununiform.

Class No. of image data

Floral 2591
Lace 1018
Polkadots 428
Print 1220
Stripes 1010
Unicolors 6098

Base Model-1
We have trained the dataset on a sequential Convolutional neural
network with the following architecture and observed a validation
accuracy of 78.01%.

The hyper parameters set were RMSprop optimizer with a learning

rate of 0.0001, there are many dropout layers with 25% rate and 50%
in one of the last layers. Two convolution layers before the dense
layers were set to L2 kernel regularization of penalty 0.001.
The following is the plot for training and test set loss and accuracy over
50 epochs.

The architecture of all the models are in Appendix and results of

individual base models are as follows.
Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 1 – loss and accuracy evolution over
50 epochs.
The following is the confusion matrix for the above trained model.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 1 – Classification Report

Base Model-2
We have trained the dataset on a VGG Net (VGG 16) and observed a
validation accuracy of 79.66%.

The hyper parameters set were Adam optimizer with a learning rate
of 0.00005. The following is the plot for training and test set loss :
Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 2 – loss evolution over 5 epochs.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 2 – Classification Report

Base Model-3

The third CNN model used in ensemble model is Residual Networks,

we have used 3 residual blocks containing 3 sub-blocks of multiple
residual layers with the setting of Adam optimizer and he_normal for
initializing weight matrix. There are no Maxpooling and Dropout
layers, only layers of Convolution, BatchNorm, Activation and
AveragePooling was used in the architecture. This model was trained
on 4000 images (30 epochs) and 15K images (10 epochs) separately
and showed similar results with an accuracy of around 76.58% and
75.16% respectively. The architecture (in Appendix) and results are
shown below.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 3 – loss and accuracy evolution over
30 epochs with dataset of 4000 images.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 3 Classification Report

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 3 – loss and accuracy evolution over
30 epochs with dataset of 15k images.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 3 – Classification Report

Base Model-4

The fourth model used for ensemble is a simpler version of

InceptionResNet V2, where only Inception ResNet-A was used for
training due to system constraints. This model was trained on 4000
images (10 epochs) and 15K images (5 epochs) separately and showed
similar results with an accuracy of around 77.87% and 74.84%
respectively. The architecture and results are shown below.
Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 4 – loss and accuracy evolution over
10 epochs with dataset of 4k images.

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 4 – Classification Report

Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 4 – loss and accuracy evolution over
5 epochs with dataset of 15k images.
Fig – Pattern Classification Base Model 4 – Classification Report

Base Model-5
A sequential convolutional neural network was trained, and we
observed an accuracy of 79.81%.

The hyper parameters that were set with many dropout layers with
25% rate in all the layers. Two convolution layers before the dense
layers were set to L2 kernel regularization of penalty 0.001. In this
base model we also used an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
0.0001 which gave a better accuracy than the base model 1.

Ensemble model

The above models were concatenated together in a stacked ensemble

model method and trained, which gave the following accuracy.

Fig – Pattern Classification Ensemble Model – loss and accuracy evolution

over 20 epochs
Fig – Pattern Classification Ensemble model – Classification Report

Fig – Ensemble Model – Confusion Matrix

Sleeve length Classification

There are 4 output classes for the sleeve length of the clothes dataset.
We have developed CNN models for classification of same. The data
used for training and test has the following distribution.

Class No. of image data

Half 1500
Long 1500
Short 1500
Sleeveless 1500
There are 4 classes, the dataset used for training the CNN is around
1500 images per class.

Fig – Sleeve length Classification CNN Model – loss and accuracy evolution
over 20 epochs

Fig – Sleeve length Classification CNN model – Classification Report

Dress Length Classification

There are 5 classes used for the classification of dress length in the
dataset. We preprocessed the data to have a balanced dataset. Each
class must have equal data. For classification, we added a CNN
model. The distribution of data for each class is as follows.
Class No. of image data
3-4 1200
knee 1200
long 1200
normal 1200
short 1200

We have also plotted the training accuracy and loss.

Fig – Sleeve length Classification CNN Model – loss and accuracy evolution
over 20 epochs

Neckline Classification
There are 6 output classes for the neckline of the clothes dataset that
are named as neckline-round, neckline-v, neckline-deep, neckline-
wide, neckline-lined and neckline-back. We have incorporated VGG
Net (VGG 16) model for classification of the same. Trained the model
on 9319 images belonging to the above mentioned 6 classes.

Accuracy achieved on test set is: 78.8%

The accuracy and loss plots are as shown below:
Fig – Neckline Classification VGG Net Model – loss and accuracy evolution
over 2 epochs

Color Prediction
Using CV2 we have extracted the hex-code of predominant color in
the image using k-means color cluster with number of clusters as 2
and the most predominant color is taken as the color of the dress.

Extraction of color is obtained based on the k means clustering of the

pixel intensities of the given RGB Image, the number of clusters is set
as 2 and the most frequent is taken the color of the dress. The nearest
color name is also calculated using Euclidean distance from the
smaller list of hex-codes and name.

Fig – Color detection

Dress Generation

Generation of new dress was achieved by training the Generative

Adversarial Network where the generator has multiple dense layers
with tanh activation function in the final dense layer and discriminator
also has multiple dense layers with sigmoid activation function in the
final dense layer. The training was done for 200 epochs and received
the following output:

Fig – GAN 256x256 Images generated

Fig – GAN 256x256 Images generated


Generation of new dress was achieved by training the deep

convolutional Generative Adversarial Network where there are 5
convolution layers in discriminator and 5 transpose convolution layers
in the generator block. The training was done for 100 epochs and the
generator and discriminator loss are as follows.
Fig – DCGAN Generator and Discriminator Loss over 100 epochs, the graphs
show for every batch over 100 epochs

Fig – DCGAN 64x64 Images generated

Findings and Discussions
The shape and dynamics of a learning curve can be used to diagnose
the behaviour of a machine learning model. The training and
validation accuracy and loss indicate fitting of the model in the training
and testing phase. Close curves of the training and accuracy loss show
that the training was fairing good like in the case of CNN model used
in pattern prediction. But for models like Resnet and Inception Resnet
the curve seems to diverge after few epochs, indicating poorly fit
model, where the model training should be stopped after reaching
point of inflation. Also models like Resnet require lesser training
because ResNet architecture is for reducing the complexity and
solving the degradation while keeping good performance. By reducing
complexity, a smaller number of parameters need to be trained and
spending less time on training as well.
Models used for Pattern Classification Model Accuracy

CNN-1 78.01%
CNN-2 79.81%
ResNet 76.58%
Inception Resnet 77.87%
VGG Net 79.66%

As it can be seen in the table above, we were able to achieve highest

accuracy for CNN-2 model. The hyperparameters were optimized to
accommodate the changes. Instead of using the RMSprop optimizer
which was used in CNN-1 model we used the Adam optimizer as it is
computationally efficient even with large datasets and works well on
problems with normal or sparse gradients where the dataset could be
sparse. We also maintained a learning rate of 0.0001 % which helped
us in increasing the accuracy even further. With the help of the
learning rate the gradients did not explode.

We also maintained a constant dropout rate of 25% in all the

convolutional layers which as compared to the dropout rate of 50%
maintained in the last layers of CNN-1 model. This helped us in
removing only those weights which did not actually contribute to
increasing the overall accuracy of the model.

We had additional convolutional layers which included having a batch

normalization layer, max pooling layer and a dropout layer which
refined our accuracy by a factor of 0.12%.

We also used an L1 regularization kernel instead of the L2

regularization kernel used in the CNN-1 model. This also helped us as
L1 is computationally

The overall accuracy of the pattern classification model has improved

with the use of stacked ensemble model. We used a concatenate layer
and two dense layers as a secondary meta learner giving weighted
contribution of each sub models. The Precision and recall values for all
the model for the class Lace seems to be low and therefore it is
observed that the models are unable to decipher these patterns to the
best compared to the other classes. This inability to identify this class
has also taken a toll on the ensemble classification this is probably
because of merge amount of data available in the dataset for these
classes especially for lace.

Data augmentation and pre-processing of images was not required for

classification of Pattern, Sleeve-Length, Length and Neckline as we
have considered on the front view of the dress images and without
and human model posing with the apparel. Cropping the input image
for finding the colour of the dress was adopted as the background of
the dress was also considered as one of the major colour contributors
in the dress, therefore the centre of the image was considered for
obtaining the colour. Here clustering was performed with cluster size
as 2, although any number of clusters can be implemented, to get the
major colour in the dress the most frequent is considered. To get the
names of the colour from hex-code, we have taken a list of colour
names and the corresponding hex-code and performed Euclidean
distance between the two hex-codes. The accuracy of getting the
names correct is not high because the code, colour name considered
is very less compared to the number of hex-codes present in each
channel (16*16).

The results for GAN trained on 256x256 are found to be a little spotty
compared to that of the results produced by DCGAN. The use of
convolutional layers and transpose convolutional layers instead of
fully connected layers has helped in improving the image clarity. Use
of convnet tries to find the areas of correlation within the images
looking for spatial correlations.

Transfer Learning (TL) is a concept related to machine learning (ML)

which focuses on saving or storing the knowledge gained while solving
for one problem and then applying it to a new but related problem.
For example, the knowledge that is gained while learning to identify
or recognize cars can be applied when trying to recognize buses and
trucks. Using transfer learning, instead of starting the learning or
training process from scratch, we can start from patterns that have
already been learned when solving a different problem. In this way we
can leverage earlier learnings and avoid beginning from scratch again.
From the practical perspective, reusing information from previously
learned tasks in order to the learn new tasks has the potential to highly
improve the efficiency of a reinforcement learning agent.

Fig – Base Model 1 – CNN Pattern Prediction Architecture

Fig – Base Model 2 – VGG Pattern Prediction Architecture


Fig – Base Model 3 – Pattern Prediction Architecture Resnet


Fig – Base Model 4 – Pattern Prediction Architecture Inception Resnet V2

Ensemble Model.png

Fig – 5 Pattern Prediction Stacked Ensemble Model


Fig – 6 – CNN Architecture for Sleeve length Prediction

**Note – Images are too large to be displayed. We have embedded the images
in the icons. Please double click on the icons to view the image properly.
Fig – 8 – DCGAN Architecture for Discriminator

Fig – 9 – DCGAN Architecture for Generator


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