Mnya Article p1 - 1
Mnya Article p1 - 1
Mnya Article p1 - 1
The growing body of literature on LL The five papers in this proposal are student
comprises studies from around the world, papers from a graduate course I taught in
including Asia (e.g., Japan: Backhaus the English as an International Language
2007, Kallen and Dhonnacha 2010, (EIL) Program at Chulalongkorn
Rowland 2016; China: Wang 2013, Xia University in the 2015 academic year.
and Li 2016; Korea: Malinowski 2010; Several of the enrollees were first year
Taiwan Curtin 2009; Hong Kong: graduate students and most had little or no
Jaworski and Yeung 2010, Lai 2013). formal training in linguistics. As a course
ASEAN countries where LL studies have project, each student had to conduct a
been conducted include Singapore (Teng small study of some aspect of LL that they
2016), Cambodia (Kasanga 2012), were familiar with and curious about.
Malaysia (Manan 2015, Coluzzi and While the five short papers included here
Kitade 2015), and Indonesia (Macalister may not contain profound implications for
2012), among others. In Thailand, the on- a theory of LL or for innovative research
going Isan Culture Maintenance and methodologies, they do begin a dialog
Revitalization Project (ICMRP; Draper about the implication of language in the
2010, 2013, 2016) is an example of action public sphere and the kinds of research
research using, in part, the LL to that can be conducted at various levels of
(re)introduce the local dialect into the academic maturity. Each incorporates both
community as a part of a larger project quantitative and qualitative data. And each
addressing issues of identity and cultural offers some insight into the LL of the area
pride in the face of language shift and investigated.
ethnic discrimination. In addition to the
work of the ICMRP, several unpublished Huebner (2006) describes a phenomenon
studies have been conducted of the LL in he calls “hybridity,” the mixing of Thai
up-country provinces. A study of language and English lexicon, syntax and
of the Thai “cyberspace” (Troyer 2012) orthography. In her study of the Si Yan
was published in English Today. My own market in Bangkok, Prapobratanakul looks
study of the LL in several Bangkok into whether that kind of hybrid language
neighborhoods (Huebner 2006) introduces is found in a very Thai neighborhood, and
a number of themes that could be explored if so whether shop owners and customers
in the very dense and data-rich LL of are aware that it is a hybrid of Thai and
Bangkok: language and genre variation, English, and if aware of it, what if
anything do they think of it. The study of already be doing LL research to submit
the LL of Bangkok’s Chinatown their findings for publication. For those
represents a collaboration between Wu, a who may not have been familiar with
student from China who is not literate in linguistic landscape research, perhaps this
Thai, and Techasan, a Thai with close volume will provide some initial
associations to Chinatown, but who is not orientation to the field and stimulate
literate in Chinese. Together they researchers and educators to incorporate
investigate the LL of Chinatown as a the study of LL in their research and
reflection of the negotiation of identities of language teaching agendas.
second and third generation Thai-Chinese
there. Thongtong shifts the study of LL to References
Chiang Mai, where she briefly recounts
the history of Nimmanhaemin Road and Abousnnouga, G. and d. Machin. 2011.
describes it’s current state as a tourist War monuments and the changing
destination. In the process, she identifies discourses of nation and soldiery. In A.
many of the linguistic and rhetorical Jaworski and C. Thurlow, eds., pp.
devices found in the public signage that 219-240.
contribute to its more recent status. Back
in Bangkok, Suthinaraphan looks at the Backhaus, Peter. 2007. Linguistic
state of multilingualism displayed in ads Landscape: A Comparative Study of
found on the Bangkok Transport System’s Urban Multilingualism in Tokyo.
SkyTrain. The ads are almost exclusively Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
in Thai and/or English, and exhibit a
variety of code switching and blending Ben-Rafael, Eliezer. 2009. A
strategies. Finally, Siricharoen asks the sociolinguistic approach to the study of
extent to which a university’s Faculty of linguistic landscapes. In Shohamy &
Arts promotes multilingualism through its Gorter, eds., pp. 40-54.
LL. She finds that while Thai-English
bilingualism is promoted through the Blackwood, Robert. 2015. LL explorations
Faculty’s LL, the other languages taught in and methodological challenges:
the Faculty are all but invisible in the LL. Analysing France’s regional languages.
Most often when they do appear, it is only Linguistic Landscape 1:1/2 38-53.
in the form of “bilingual winks” meant to
lend an air of authenticity but which carry Blommaert, Jan. 2013. Ethnography,
virtually no informational weight. An Superdiversity and Linguistic
alum of the EIL program and regular Landscapes: Chronicles of Complexity.
contributor to the literature on LL, Robert Bristol, Burralo & Toronto:
Troyer provides a detailed review of the Multilingual Matters.
edited volume by Robert Blackwood,
Elizabeth Lansa, and Hirut Woldemariam, Bolton, K. 2012. World Englishes and
Negotiating and Contesting Identities in linguistic landscapes. World Englishes
Linguistic Landscapes (Bloomsbury 31.1, 30-33.
Publishing, 2016).
Cenos, Jasone. and Durk Gorter. 2008.
It is hoped that this humble special issue The linguistic landscape as an
of Manuysa will encourage those who are additional source of input in second
Draper, John. 2010. Inferring ethnolinguistic Hanauer, David. 2009. Science and the
vitality in a community of Northeast Linguistic Landscape: A genre analysis
Thailand. Journal of Multilingual and of representational wall space in a
Multicultural Development. 31:2: 135-147. microbiology laboratory. In Elana
Shohamy and Durk Gorter, eds., pp.
__________. 2013. The Isan Culture 287-301.
Maintenance and Revitalization Projects’
multilingual and signage attitude survey: Hėlot, C., M. Barni, R. Janssens, & C.
Phase I. Journal of Multilingual and Bagna, eds. 2012. Linguistic
Multicultural Development 34.7: 617-635. Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social
Change: Diversité des Approaches.
__________. 2016. The Isan Culture Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Maintenance and Revitalization Projects’
multilingual and signage attitude survey: Hult, Francis M. 2009. Language ecology
Phase II. Journal of Multilingual and and linguistic landscape analysis. In
Multicultural Development 35.1: 1-17. Shohamy & Gorter, eds., pp.88-104.
landscapes. In Shohamy & Gorter, eds., Lai, Mee Ling. 2013. The linguistic
pp. 70-87. landscape of Hong Kong after the
change of sovereignty. International
Ivkovic, D. and Lotherington, H. 2009. Journal of Multilingualism 10.3: 251-
Multilingualism in cyberspace: 272.
Conceptualising the virtual linguistic
landscape. International Journal of Landry, R. and R. Y. Bourhis. 1997.
Multilingualism 6.1, 17-36. Linguistic landscape and ethnolinguistic
vitality: An empirical study. Journal of
Jaworski, Adam. 2010. Linguistic Language and Social Psychology 16.1:
landscapes on postcards: Tourist 23-49.
mediation and the sociolinguistic
communities of contact. Sociolinguistic Lou, Jia Jackie. 2010. Chinese on the side:
Studies 4.3: 569-594. The marginalization of Chinese in the
linguistic and social landscapes of
Jaworski, Adam and Simone Yeung. 2010. Chinatown, in Washington, DC. In
Life in the Garden of Eden: The naming Shohamy, Ben-Rafael & Barni, eds., pp.
and imagery of residential Hong Kong. 96-114.
In Shohamy, Ben-Rafael and Barni,
eds., pp. 153-181. Macalister, John. 2012. Language policies,
language planning and linguistic
Jaworski, Adam and Crispin Thurlow, eds. landscapes in Timor-Leste. Language
2011. Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Problems and Language Planning 36.1:
Image, Space. New York & London: 25-45.
Malinowski, David. 2009. Authorship in
Jones, Rodney H. 2011. Cyberspace and the linguistic landscape. In Shohamy &
physical space: Attention structures in Gorter, eds., pp. 107-125.
computer mediated communication. In
Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow, __________. 2010. Showing seeing in the
eds., pp. 151-167. Korean linguistic cityscape. In
Shohamy, Ben-Rafael and Barni, eds.,
pp. 199-215.
Kasanga, L. A. 2012. Mapping the __________. 2015a. Opening spaces of
linguistic landscape of a commercial learning in the linguistic landscape.
neighbourhood in Central Phnom Penh. Linguistic Landscape 1:1/2.95-113.
Journal of Multilingual and
Multicultural development 33.6: 553- __________. 2015b. Opening spaces of
567. learning in the linguistic landscape: A
resource document for language
Kallen, Jeffrey and Ester Ní Dhonnacha. learning ideas, resources, and projects in
2010. Language and interlanguage in the LL. Unpublished paper, Yale Center
urban Irish and Japanese linguistic for Language Study, New Haven.
landscapes. N Shohamy, Ben-Rafael [
and Barni, eds., 19-36. d/1J6Zw55g5JukHe1OeLJPbfhw9k