Intronduction To Philippine Criminal Justice System

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Absent - when the whereabout are unknown or cannot be determine with due Diligence.
Accusatorial – A system of criminal procedure where the accusation is exercised by every citizen
or by a member of the group to which the injured party belongs. As the action is a combat
between the parties, the supposed offender has the right to be confronted by the accuser. The
battle in the form of a public trial is judged by a magistrate who renders a verdict. the essence
of the accusatorial system is the right to be presumed, the innocent. To Defeat this
presumption, the prosecution must establish proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt (moral
certainty). in the Philippines the judicial system is accusatorial or adversary in nature. It
contemplates two contending parties before the court, which hear them impartially and renders
judgement only after trial.
Acquittal – pagpapawalang -sala absuwelto
A judgement After due hearing and consideration of the evidence against the accused the court is of
opinion that his guilt has no be proven. a judgement that is always based on the metric. The accused is
acquittal because the evidence does not show guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

Adherence oof jurisdiction – It mean that once jurisdiction is vested in the court, is retained up to the
End of litigation. It remains with the court until the case is finally terminated. The exception to this is
where a subsequent statute changing the jurisdiction of a court is given retroactive effect, it can divest a
court of jurisdiction over case already pending before it before the effectivity of statute.

Affiant - a person who constructs and signs an affidavit

Affidavit of desistance - the complainant state that he did not really intend to institute the case and that
he is no longer interested in testifying or prosecuting. It

Affidavit - declaration in writing made upon oath before an authorized magistrate or officer
Affirmative Defense –

Allegation - Assertion without proof but advocate proposes to support with the evidence.

Amend - to add change, substitute or omit something from a pleading or instrument.

Amendment of complaint –

Ante Litem Motan - before the institution of the action of the commencement of litigation.

Appeal –

Appellant - the party who takes on appeal from an inferior court to superior one.

Anatomy of Crime - for any crime to happen there are three elements or ingredients that most present
at the same time and place the combination of these include 1 motivation on desire 2 instrumentally /
skill, and tree opportunity as a rule eliminate at least one anatomy of crime and the Crime will not be
Arrest - it is the taking of a person into custody So that he may be pound to answer for the
Commission of an offence. The following are the two kinds of arrest; (1) by virtue of a warrant of arrest
issued by a judge on the basic of evidence submitted by them and to under circumstances justifying a
warrantless arrest/citizen’s arrest.

Assisting Counsel - any lawyer except those directly affected by the case those charging we conducting
preliminary investigation or those charged with the prosecution of crimes.

Barangay - it is no as the “smallest political unit is a community the barangay through the respecting
barangay captains and other barangay leaders are involving in law enforcement tasks and also others
aspect of the criminal justice system.

created in each barangay a body to be known as “Lupong tagapayapa” (Barangay court) which should
constitution a system at

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