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published: 20 November 2018

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00977

Complications of Decompressive
M. S. Gopalakrishnan 1 , Nagesh C. Shanbhag 2 , Dhaval P. Shukla 2 , Subhas K. Konar 2 ,
Dhananjaya I. Bhat 2 and B. Indira Devi 2,3*
Department of Neurosurgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, India,
Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India, 3 NIHR Global Health
Research Group on Neurotrauma, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Decompressive craniectomy (DC) has become the definitive surgical procedure to

manage medically intractable rise in intracranial pressure due to stroke and traumatic
brain injury. With incoming evidence from recent multi-centric randomized controlled
trials to support its use, we could expect a significant rise in the number of patients
who undergo this procedure. Although one would argue that the procedure reduces
mortality only at the expense of increasing the proportion of the severely disabled, what
is not contested is that patients face the risk of a large number of complications after the
operation and that can further compromise the quality of life. Decompressive craniectomy
(DC), which is designed to overcome the space constraints of the Monro Kellie
doctrine, perturbs the cerebral blood, and CSF flow dynamics. Resultant complications
occur days to months after the surgical procedure in a time pattern that can be
Edited by: anticipated with advantage in managing them. New or expanding hematomas that
Stephen Honeybul,
occur within the first few days can be life-threatening and we recommend CT scans
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
Australia at 24 and 48 h postoperatively to detect them. Surgeons should also be mindful of the
Reviewed by: myriad manifestations of peculiar complications like the syndrome of the trephined and
Corrado Iaccarino, neurological deterioration due to paradoxical herniation which may occur many months
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di
Parma, Italy
after the decompression. A sufficiently large frontotemporoparietal craniectomy, 15 cm in
Rita Formisano, diameter, increases the effectiveness of the procedure and reduces chances of external
Fondazione Santa Lucia (IRCCS), Italy
cerebral herniation. An early cranioplasty, as soon as the brain is lax, appears to be
a reasonable choice to mitigate many of the late complications. Complications, their
B. Indira Devi
bidevidr@gmail.com causes, consequences, and measures to manage them are described in this chapter.
Keywords: decompressive craniectomy, hemorrhage expansion, infections, cerebral herniation, seizures,
Specialty section: hydrocephalus, syndrome of the trephined
This article was submitted to
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Neurology
Received: 30 July 2018 In medicine, there is increasing awareness that outcome must be evaluated in terms of quality of life
Accepted: 30 October 2018 and cost effectiveness, rather than merely extending the survival of a patient. Such considerations
Published: 20 November 2018
are especially important in decompressive craniectomy (DC), which is performed in certain cases
Citation: of ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, and subarachnoid hemorrhage, to alleviate (ICP)
Gopalakrishnan MS, Shanbhag NC,
and massive brain swelling (1–3). ICP reduction can lead to improvements in cerebrovascular
Shukla DP, Konar SK, Bhat DI and
Devi BI (2018) Complications of
compliance, cerebral oxygenation, and cerebral perfusion (4). Though many studies have shown
Decompressive Craniectomy. long-term beneficial effects after DC (1, 5–7) it is still regarded as a salvage surgery. Long-term,
Front. Neurol. 9:977. deleterious neurocognitive, and psychosocial effects resulting in poor quality of life, and economical
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00977 burden are well known (6, 8).

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 1 November 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 977

Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

Anticipating a possible rise in the frequency with which TABLE 1 | Overview of complications associated with decompressive
decompressive craniectomies are likely to be carried out, craniectomy.

based on the strength of recent, strong, supportive, level-one Decompressive craniectomy

evidence in both traumatic brain injury (9) and stroke (10,
11), complication avoidance should become the new focus in Early • Hemorrhage (hematoma expansion)
surgical management and research. Currently, there is only • External cerebral herniation
low-quality evidence to choose the kind of interventions to • Wound complications
• CSF leak/fistulae
avoid complications. Understanding the type and burden of the • Postoperative infection
potential complications, the timeline of their appearance and the • Seizures/epilepsy
reasons why they develop will hold the key to designing good Late or • Subdural hygroma
quality randomized controlled trials in the future. delayed • Hydrocephalus
After DC, cranioplasty has to be done (7) using autologous • Syndrome of the Trephined
skull, or costly synthetic materials (12). Apart from its own
set of complications, cranioplasty creates serious economical
burden (13) in low-to-middle income countries (LMICs). They
are described in detail in another chapter. Risk Factors For Developing
In this chapter, we classify and describe the complications Complications
of DC and suggest management techniques that can reduce the Patient-specific risk factors for developing complications include
risks. poor neurological status and age. A low preoperative GCS (below
eight) has been shown to increase the possibility of all types of
complications (16). Age over 65 years is another risk factor (14).
COMPLICATIONS Though these risk factors are not modifiable, the surgical team
Decompressive Craniectomy should identify these risk groups to diligently look for emerging
Decompressive craniectomy has many known complications. complications.
The overall complication rates range up to 53.9% (14). An overview of the complications is provided in Table 1, 2
summarizes probable causes, consequences, and management
We suggest that complications be classified as those that
occur in the first 4 weeks (early) and those that manifest later
(late or delayed). Early complications, which occur in the EARLY COMPLICATIONS
first 4 weeks, are likely to happen while the patients is still Hemorrhage
at the hospital. Specific complications tend to occur during Expansion of conservatively managed contusions and other
particular time periods and awareness of that information helps bleeds are major issues that occur early after the DC (Figure 1).
anticipate and treat them efficiently. Kurland et al. classified Most expansions occur acutely after surgery and cause clinical
them as (i) hemorrhagic, (ii) infectious/inflammatory, and (iii) deterioration, prolonged hospital stay, and can even prove fatal.
disturbances of the CSF compartment (15). They tabulated the One theory is that the hemostatic (or tamponade) effect is
overall average frequency of each of the complications from lost when removing the bone, and that, along with reduction
a total of 142 eligible reports of thousands of patients who in ICP facilitates the expansion mostly on the ipsilateral side.
underwent decompressive procedures. They found that one (17–19). This hypothesis is supported by the report from
in ten patients who underwent DC develop a complication Flint et al. where the propensity was higher on the side of
that required additional medical and/or neurosurgical the decompression. In their series of 40 patients, new or
intervention. expanded hemorrhagic contusions were observed in 23 (58%)
of 40 patients and 80% of that occurred ipsilaterally (20).
Timeline of Various Complications Other kinds of hematomas like extradural hematomas and acute
Ban et al. reported, from their analysis of 89 patients, that subdural hematomas can either appear de novo or increase
specific complications occurred in a sequential fashion (14). in size. Expansion or evolution of new, remotely located
Complications like cerebral contusion expansion (2.2 ± 1.2 days), extradural hematomas, typically occur at a fracture site (21).
newly appearing subdural or epidural hematoma contralateral Expansion of hematoma contralateral or remote from the side
to the craniectomy defect (1.5 ± 0.9 days), epilepsy (2.7 ± of the craniectomy has not been commonly reported in stroke
1.5 days), CSF leakage through the scalp incision (7.0 ± 4.2 patients.
days), and external cerebral herniation (5.5 ± 3.3 days) occurred A contralateral hematoma developed an average of 2.1 days
early. Subdural effusion (10.8 ± 5.2 days) and postoperative after the primary decompression surgery (16) and an ipsilateral
infection (9.8 ± 3.1 days) developed between 1 and 4 weeks one happened after a mean of 1.5 days (14). In the multivariate
postoperatively. Syndrome of the trephined and post-traumatic analysis of the complications in 89 consecutive patients who
hydrocephalus developed after 1 month postoperatively (at 79.5 underwent DC, only contusion expansion led to poor outcome
± 23.6 and 49.2 ± 14.1 days, respectively). (14). Hemorrhagic progression of infarcts occur at a frequency

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 2 November 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 977

Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

TABLE 2 | Types, causes, consequences, and measures to avoid or treat complications.

Types of complications Causes Consequences Measures to avoid or mitigate the


Expansion of conservatively Loss of tamponade effect compounding Deterioration in sensorium, the need for Early and more frequent scans after
managed contusions and the natural tendency of contusions to evacuation decompressive craniectomies at 24 and
appearance of new bleed progress 48 h, especially in patients with contusions
and contralateral calvarial fractures
Extracranial cerebral herniation Brain edema, inadequate size of the Venous compromise at the edge of the Adequate size of decompressive
craniectomy craniectomy leading to further bulge and craniectomy, re-exploration to increase the
damage size of the decompression (rescue
decompression), inserting vascular
cushion at draining veins
Postoperative epilepsy Reduced threshold for seizures but not Increased metabolic demand, desaturation Adequate dose of antiepileptic agents,
known if the incidence is higher than if the early cranioplasty, as soon as possible
patient has not undergone (ASAP)
decompression. Possible effect of
stretching of the scar due to sinking scalp
CSF leakage Brain bulge and inability to perform Meningitis Early detection and resuturing, water tight
watertight dural closure duraplasty
Subdural effusion CSF flow abnormality Usually resolves on its own The superior and medial margin of the
craniotomy should not be closer than
2.5 cm from the midline, early
postoperative pressure dressing
Post-traumatic hydrocephalus CSF flow abnormality Deterioration, need for CSF diversion Superior and medial margin of the
craniotomy should not be closer than
2.5 cm from the midline; CSF diversion
Postoperative neurological Distortion of the white matter tracts Failure to achieve benefits of Excessively large decompression
deterioration due to decompression
Syndrome of the trephined Sinking scalp flap due to lack of support Multiple new symptoms, delayed Early cranioplasty (ASAP), pull up with
and sub-atmospheric pressure causes deterioration, and failure to hold the gains external fixator if cranioplasty cannot be
changes in blood flow and fluid shifts of initial improvement done
Postoperative infection Greater propensity for wound breakdown Greater mortality, increase in duration of Prophylactic antibiotics
and CSF leaks hospital stay, delay in cranioplasty
Paradoxical herniation Subatmospheric negative intracranial Deterioration in sensorium and new Intravenous hydration, Trendelenburg
pressure under the sinking flap and neurological deficits position, blood patch, and early (ASAP)
removal of CSF, typically by lumbar cranioplasty
A higher chance for injury with Unprotected cranial contents when Severe injuries or death Hinge cranioplasty, early cranioplasty
trivial trauma cranioplasty is delayed

of about 23.7% (123/519) of malignant stroke patients who large craniotomies and augmentative duraplasty avoid herniation
underwent DC (15). (14). The Brain Trauma Foundation recommends that a large
We suggest mandatory CT scan(s) in the first 48 h after frontotemporoparietal DC (not less than 12 × 15 or 15 cm
DC to help detect this complication quickly and limit the diameter) is needed over a small frontotemporoparietal DC for
damage. reduced mortality and improved neurologic outcomes in patients
with severe TBI (23). Placing two small gelfoam pledgets on
External Cerebral Herniation either side of drains at the craniectomy may prevent venous
External cerebral herniation appears during the first week after occlusion.
surgery (Figure 2). Yang defined it as more than 1.5 cm of Paradoxical herniation is an unusual complication that tends
herniated brain tissue through the center of the craniectomy to occur when there is negative, sub-atmospheric intracranial
defect (16). The incidence is up to 25%. It is thought to pressure under the caved-in scalp flap causing the brain to
be caused by the edema induced by cerebral re-perfusion herniate when procedures like lumbar puncture CSF removal
and increased hydrostatic gradient from the capillaries, after (24), ventriculoperitoneal shunt, subdural fluid drainage (25),
decompression (17). Brain edema causes bulging of the brain and or even making the patient assume a vertical position for
kinking of the draining veins at the edges of the craniectomy postoperative mobilization is done (26). Intravenous hydration
which in turn causes venous congestion, infarcts, further and Trendelenburg position has been used to successfully reverse
herniation, and brain parenchymal lacerations (22). Adequately the herniation.

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 3 November 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 977

Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

CSF Leak/Fistulae
The overall prevalence of CSF leak/fistulae due to DC has
been shown to be up to 6.3% (15). In patients undergoing
DC for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), it was
seen in 2.9% (29). It appears intuitive that a meticulous
augmentative duraplasty and watertight scalp closure would
prevent the exodus of CSF from the wound and reduce
infection risk. However, a recent randomized controlled trial
where watertight duraplasty was compared with rapid-closure
DC without watertight duraplasty, there was no statistically
significant difference in complications like CSF leak between the
two groups of 29 patients each (30). Rapid closure DC without
water tight duraplasty was on an average 31 min faster and hence
FIGURE 1 | Hematoma expansion. (A) A case of traumatic brain injury
cheaper. Though the authors claim that both procedures are
depicting subdural hematoma (B), hematoma expansion, and subdural equivalent, the trial was never powered or designed to prove non-
collection post craniectomy. inferiority of the test procedure and hence the results should be
taken with caution (31).

Postoperative Infections
Superficial wound infections including wound breakdown,
necrosis, surgical site infection, sub-galeal collections, and wound
breakdown occurred in about 10% of patients and incidence of
deeper infections like an epidural abscess, and subdural empyema
was just under 4% (15). Figure 3 shows a brain abscess which
developed 2 months after DC for CVST (Figure 3C).
The incidence of meningitis and ventriculitis is 4% probably
due to the higher chances of CSF leaks. Early detection by looking
for signs of meningeal irritation and guarded lumbar puncture
CSF analysis is warranted.
Apart from the scalp wound complications, wound
breakdown, and infection can occur when the bone flap is
FIGURE 2 | Cerebral herniation. (A) A case of traumatic brain injury depicting
preserved in an abdominal pouch (Figure 4).
cerebral herniation (B) from the craniectomy site.

Postoperative epilepsy has been documented in a varying
proportion of patients who have undergone DC (14, 32–
Wound Complications 36). Suggested mechanisms include graded increases in
Wound complications following DC or cranioplasty after DC hyperexcitability and a reduced epileptogenic threshold (14, 37).
have been classified as dehiscence, ulceration, or necrosis (27). Creutzfeldt et al. retrospectively assessed 55 patients who
The large size of the scalp flap and the increased probability underwent DC for malignant middle cerebral artery infarction.
of injury to the superficial temporal artery during emergency Of these, 49% of the patients developed seizures within the first
surgery predispose the wound edges to ischemia at the posterior week and 45% developed epilepsy within 1 year of surgery (32).
parietal and temporal areas. The pressure of the brain bulge Similarly, Santamarina et al. observed occurrence of seizures in
aggravates the ischemia. The underlying, exposed, injured, or 47.5% of all patients and in 53.7% of survivors undergoing DC
ischemic brain is especially vulnerable to infective complications for malignant MCA infarction. Logistic regression revealed that
once the wound breaks down. only prolonged delay from the onset of stroke to decompression
Meticulously preserving the superficial temporal artery and (>42 h) independently predicted the development of epilepsy
limiting the posterior extent of the flap to no more than (34). In another study, Brondani et al. reported the prevalence
5 cm behind the ear could reduce chance of ischemic flap of seizures in 61% (21 out of 36) of the patients with malignant
breakdown. A retrospective comparison of patients operated MCA infarction undergoing DC. Furthermore, 59% (19 out of
using an n-shaped incision with those who were operated using 34) patients developed epilepsy (33). Although a non-significant
the conventional question mark flap showed that the former difference existed between TBI patients with or without seizures
technique could accomplish greater bony decompression, allows (incidence of 10.8%), the hospital stay prolonged significantly
more brain protrusion and is faster to perform (28). We have in the former group (35). Identifying the key risk factors
noticed that making a retroauricular incision could also reduce predisposing to seizures and their effect on clinical outcomes
flap necrosis. needs more prospective studies.

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Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

FIGURE 3 | Infections. Computed tomography depicting (A) a case of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. (B) Post craniectomy showed a reduction in the midline
shift. (C) However, this patient developed brain abscess (asterisk) 2 months later.

FIGURE 4 | Abdominal wound infection. A partially exposed bone flap is seen

through the gaped abdominal storage site, predisposing to infections. FIGURE 5 | Hydrocephalus. Computed tomography depicting a case of
hydrocephalus after craniectomy.

In the case of TBI, Ban et al. reported that only about 3%

developed seizures despite the use of anticonvulsants. Seizures (16, 40, 41), Though there is a speculative relationship with
disappeared in all the patients after increasing the dosage or the development of hydrocephalus, subdural hygromas usually
after adding other antiepileptic drugs and that is a reasonable resolve spontaneously. But it has been shown to be associated
approach to follow in the first 2 weeks post injury (14). An early with a worse neurological outcome (42). Effusions are thought
cranioplasty might serve to mitigate their occurrence, however, to be reduced by a duraplasty.
studies addressing this issue are currently lacking. Phenytoin and Early pressure dressing applied 7–10 days after DC has
levetiracetam can be considered as antiepileptic drugs. been shown to reduce this complication in a small randomized
controlled trial (43). A tense collection of fluid can rarely cause
Late Complications pressure on the brain due to a ball valve effect and has been
Subdural Hygroma termed external brain tamponade and such hygromas require
Subdural hygroma formation is another widely encountered drainage (16, 44, 45).
complication after DC occurring in 27.4% (723/2,643) of patients
with TBI and 12.5% (42/336) of patients with malignant Hydrocephalus
infarction treated with DC in the total frequency calculation done Communicating hydrocephalus is another non-trivial
by Kurland et al. (15). The putative mechanisms seems to be complication of decompressive procedures because of the
due to CSF flow abnormalities that develop after decompression perturbation of CSF flow dynamics (Figure 5). Depending on
possibly because of a disruption of the subarachnoid CSF the diagnostic criteria the incidence ranges from 0.7 to 86% (42).
pathways either due to trauma or surgical manipulation (38), or Bonis et al. showed by logistic regression analysis that the only
due to increased cerebral perfusion pressure (39). The common factor that seemed to be associated with both subdural hygroma
locations are the subdural, subgaleal, or interhemispheric areas and hydrocephalus was if the superior margin of the craniectomy

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Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

FIGURE 6 | Sunken flap syndrome. Computed tomography depicting (A) malignant hemispheric infarction, (B) sunken flap syndrome after 6 months, which improved
(C) post cranioplasty. In a different patient (D), bilateral sunken flap syndrome was observed 25 months post DC, and (E) improved after cranioplasty.
DC, decompressive craniectomy.

was closer than 2.5 cm to the midline (42). Development of motor weakness (61.1%) followed by cognitive deficits (44.4%),
hydrocephalus is also known to predict an unfavorable outcome language deficits (29.6%), altered level of consciousness (27.8%),
(46). An early cranioplasty seems to mitigate the risk of post- headache (20.4%), psychosomatic disturbances (18.5%), seizures
traumatic hydrocephalus in a retrospective cohort study of or electroencephalographic changes (11.1%), and cranial nerve
91,583 patients <21 years with TBI, in whom 846 developed deficits (5.6%) (50). It manifests either as new symptoms causing
post-traumatic hydrocephalus (47). Craniectomy without early deterioration of the patient condition or as failure to retain the
cranioplasty was associated with markedly increased adjusted early gains. It could manifest as early as 3 days to as late as 7
odds of post-traumatic hydrocephalus (aOR 3.67, 95% CI years (with an average of 5 months). We must be mindful of
2.66–5.07), an effect not seen in those undergoing cranioplasty the fact that only motor symptoms are obvious and it is quite
within 30 days (aOR 1.19, 95% CI 0.75–1.89). easy to miss the diagnosis of syndrome of the trephined when
non-motor symptoms like cognitive alterations occur. These
Syndrome of the Trephined symptoms, as well as, cerebral blood flow abnormalities improve
Syndrome of trephined has an overall prevalence of 10% (15). dramatically after a cranioplasty. Yang has suggested it is safe
It was initially described by Grant and Norcross in 1939 to do early cranioplasty within 5–8 weeks to mitigate this risk
(48). The sinking of the scalp due to lack of bony support (51) and a recent meta-analysis of observational studies involving
(Figure 6) causes cerebral blood flow anomaly and dysfunction 528 patients seems to support the possibility that neurological
in the underlying cortex. Motor syndrome of the trephined improvement is better in that group (52). If cranioplasty cannot
is hypothesized to occur in patients who have had contusion be done due to a reason like infection and the patient is suffering
induced low-density parenchymal areas. Delayed fluid shifts from the effects of the sunken scalp flap, then a novel method
occur due to impaired CSF flow dynamics and this goes on to of long standing scalp retraction using an external frame can be
produce cerebral blood flow abnormalities and impaired motor tried as described by Kim et al. (53).
function in a previously unaffected limb many months later Undue delay in cranioplasty and resorption of the bone
(49). The syndrome can manifest in myriad ways and the most flap after cranioplasty causes unsightly depression of the
common symptoms identified in a recent systematic review were scalp. Temporal hollowing and chewing difficulty arises due

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 6 November 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 977

Gopalakrishnan et al. DC Complications

to extensive dissection of the temporalis muscle to get good postoperative period cannot be over emphasized. An early
decompression at the temporal base. A technique of en bloc cranioplasty, preferably within 12 weeks, as soon as the brain is
detachment and anteroinferiorly turning of the temporal muscle lax, is advisable to prevent long-term complications of DC.
using a clover leaf scalp incision has been described by Missori et
al., in 21 patients undergoing DC. They reported good aesthetic AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
results and all eligible patients reported normal chewing ability
(54). MG, NS prepared, edited, structured, revised, and critically
reviewed the manuscript. DS, SK, and DB critically reviewed
SUMMARY and accepted the final draft. BD edited, critically reviewed, and
accepted the final draft.
Decompressive craniectomy for intractable intracranial
hypertension due to stroke or traumatic brain injury is a FUNDING
proven treatment for reducing mortality and there is some
evidence, albeit controversial (55), that it improves the fraction BD and NS are supported by the NIHR Global Health Research
of good grade survivors. But the therapy is fraught with multiple, Group on Neurotrauma that was commissioned by the NIHR
non-trivial complications that need to be anticipated and treated using official development assistance (ODA) funding (Project
early (see Table 1 for an overview). Doing a sufficiently large 16/137/105). The views expressed in this publication are those of
cranioplasty to avoid cerebral herniation and having a low the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, NIHR or the
threshold diagnosing for progression of bleeds in the immediate Department of Health.

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