Lifting & Ringing Operations Procedure For Workplace: Joint Engineering Services (PVT) LTD Proc. # JES-HSE-10

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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc.

# JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace
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Lifting & Ringing Operations Procedure for Workplace

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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
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1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Target audience .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Objective ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Site Survey .................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 5
2. Classifications of Lifts Types ............................................................................ 6
2.1 Routine Lifts ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Non-Routine Lifts......................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Flow Chart for Identification of Routine or Non-Routine Lifting Activities ..................... 9
2.4 Planning and Execution of Routine and Non-Routine Lifts ......................................... 11

3. Roles & Responsibilities .................................................................................. 11

3.1 Directors, Operation Managers, and Project Managers ............................................. 11
3.2 Competent Person(s) ................................................................................................ 12
3.3 Supervisors ............................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Operators /Riggers /Signalmen ................................................................................. 13
4. Description of Load(s) to be Lifted ................................................................. 14
4.1 Details of Load(s) to be Lifted .................................................................................... 14
4.2 Load Crucial Information. .......................................................................................... 14
4.3 Load(s) Weight(s) Including Lifting Gear.................................................................... 16
4.4 Centre of Gravity (CG) of the load ............................................................................. 16
5. Crane Selection................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Details of the Crane ................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Bearing Capacity ....................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Used Crane Capacity ................................................................................................ 21
6. Ground and Surrounding Conditions. ............................................................ 21
6.1 Ground & Outriggers ................................................................................................. 23
6.2 Access & Lifting Location .......................................................................................... 24
6.3 Excavations ............................................................................................................... 24

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

6.4 Overhead Structure ................................................................................................... 24

7. Crane(s) Sitting & Lifting Study....................................................................... 25
7.1 Boom Clearance........................................................................................................ 26
7.2 Boom Height & Angle ................................................................................................ 26
7.3 Pick Up & Place Down Radius ................................................................................... 27
7.4 Unit of Measurement Used in Drawing ...................................................................... 28
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8. Creating a Rigging Study/Plan ........................................................................ 29

8.1 Centre of Gravity of the Lift ........................................................................................ 30
8.2 Lifting Lugs/Pad-Eyes................................................................................................ 33
8.3 Type of Rigging and Lifting Capacity ......................................................................... 34
8.4 Sling Angles/lengths/SWL ......................................................................................... 35
8.5 Shackles/Beams/Links/SWL ...................................................................................... 36
9. Method Statement............................................................................................. 36
10. Personnel & Training .................................................................................... 37
11. Operational Requirements ............................................................................ 37
12. Weather Conditions....................................................................................... 37

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

1. Introduction
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Lifting of objects generally takes place at construction sites, shipyards, factories and other
industrial situations such as offloading with a forklift truck, containers at a warehouse or at a
commercial area. Good practice and correct lifting methods can move large objects efficiently,
safely and reduce manual handling operations. Incorrect lifting methods however, can lead to
major accidents and fatalities. The process of carrying out correct and safe lifting operations
involves a range of requirements which must be considered during the planning of any lifting

This set of guidelines must be read in conjunction with the Code of Practice (CP) on Safe Lifting
Operations in the Workplaces which act as an overarching document regarding lifting
operations and the use of lifting equipment.

1.1 Scope

Besides reiterating the key responsibilities of those involved in a lifting operating, these set of
guidelines offer further guidance for the organization, assessment, planning, implementation,
and management of change and the development of safe systems of work for lifting operations.
It is not a definitive document and does not describe in any detail the individual requirements
of a particular lifting operation or piece of lifting equipment.

In order to assist stakeholders in the development of a comprehensive lifting plan, the

guidelines should be used as a reference, to aide managers, competent personnel responsible
for lifting operations, lifting equipment and employees to consider the safety factors when they
assess, plan, supervise and carry out lifting activities. Managers who use or hire in lifting
equipment must ensure their service specific procedures regarding lifting operations and lifting
equipment links to and follows the requirements as outlined in these guidelines.

1.2 Target audience

The guidelines serve to assist key stakeholders, Responsible Persons, Appointed Persons,
Competent Persons, Project Managers, Crane Supplier Management, Lifting Supervisors etc.,
in the process of planning lifting operations and help ensure the transfer of vital safety, health
& environmental information required within the development of lift planning.

The provisions of these guidelines should be applied separately for all industry sectors that
require a crane or lifting equipment to lift / hoist any objects, regardless of whether above or

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

below ground level. Similarly, the provisions of these guidelines should be applied separately
for each differing sites in a multi-site project.
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1.3 Objective

Planning is an essential component in every lifting operation at all workplaces. In line with the
Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSH Act), reducing risk at source is one of the components
to improving workplace and worksite safety. To address risk at source, there is a need to look
at whom and what creates the risks, every effort should then be made to eliminate or minimize
such risks to the lowest possible levels.

While the WSH Act imposes a duty on the occupiers, employers and principals of a workplace,
the risks inherent in the planning of all lifting activities are required to be addressed, with
mitigating actions identified and implemented. Additionally, accidents are often as a result of
either poor planning or lack of communication between or among stakeholders, this sometimes
resulting in loss of vital information that is fundamental to the safety of the operation. The
process to ensure transfer and communication of all relevant information and documents is
therefore recorded in the Lifting Plan. Essentially, No Plan - No Lift!

Appendix 1 outlines various stakeholders’ involvement in planning a safe lifting operation.

1.4 Site Survey

It is essential that a survey be conducted to establish what the load to be lifted is, what all the
characteristics are, weight, size, type of lifting lugs etc., what the ground conditions are, where
it has to be lifted from and to, what the access route is like, etc. The survey must be completed
by a competent person(s).

1.5 Risk Assessment

The site survey is an ideal time to begin a risk assessment of the proposed lifting operations
that will be carried out. The aim of the risk assessment is to prevent incidents and/or accidents
that arise from hazards* during the lifting operations. With the identified hazards, the risks^
posed by these hazards can be reduced to as low as reasonably practical through the
implementation of control measures, using the principle of the hierarchy of controls.

*hazards A hazard is anything that with a potential to cause harm.

^risks Risk is the likelihood that an accident can occur due to a hazard and as a result,
how badly someone is hurt. This largely depends on the implementation of control
measures, the working conditions of the control measures and site conditions. For

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

example, a control measure that is higher up on the hierarchy of control (such as

engineering controls) would result in a lower risk.

Other potential hazards that may present a risk to the lifting operation from other activities in
the vicinity should also be considered. This can be easily done during the site survey.
Examples of other hazards and associated risks include, narrow access, excavations, pipe-
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racks, overhead structures, other plant operating in the vicinity of the lifting area etc.

A sample of a risk assessment for lifting operations can be found in Appendix 2.

It is essential that the information within the risk assessment is translated into implementation
on-site. Checks should be done to ensure that control measures are in place and in good
working condition.

As site conditions may change, the following table may be used to check that control measures
indicated in the risk assessments are put in place and that they remain applicable to the actual
site conditions.

Step No. Task Control Measures Suitable and

(to  if it is a
yes answer

2. Classifications of Lifts Types

There are generally two types of lift, Routine and Non-Routine. Categorising the type of lifts
before planning the lift and documenting in a lifting plan is critical because it allows for the
proper assessment of the amount of risk present in the lifting operation and the level of control
required in mitigating the risks involved.

2.1 Routine Lifts

Routine lifting operations may be executed under a basic lift plan. These plans must clearly
define the limitations on the loads, lifting methods and areas of operation. A Risk Assessment
will be required in each case, and authorized prior to commencement. A Non-Routine may also
be completed using similar documents but will require greater detail. Prior to any lifting
operation commencing, a review of the lift plan must be conducted.

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace
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Example: Routine Lifts - Example: Routine Lifts –

Bundle of rebars / I-Beam Receptacle

A Routine Lift is a lift which conforms to the following factors:

• Within the normal operating parameters of the crane

• Lifting over non-sensitive areas
• Suitable environmental conditions
• Load has known and evaluated weight, shape and centre of gravity
• Standard rigging arrangements
• Routine repetitive lifting operations using the same equipment
• Load has pre-determined weight, shape and centre of gravity
• Single function or series of functions repeated manually or automatically
• Order of function repeated
• Same equipment
• Same competent Crane Operators
• Load under 75% of rated load of the load chart
• Equipment specifically installed by a competent operator/ installer
• Load has known and evaluated weight
• Centre of gravity below the lifting hook
• Use of a certified lifting point
• Ample headroom
• Not within sensitive, difficult or restricted areas
• Single lifting machine
• Unlikely to be affected by changing environmental conditions
• Standard rigging arrangements
• Suitable lay-down area available

Note: Routine lifting operations require the above factors to be considered but this list is not
exhaustive. The risk of each individual lift should be separately considered prior to
classifying the lifting operation as a routine one.

2.2 Non-Routine Lifts

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

Non- Routine lifting operations will require a more detailed Lifting Plan containing all of the
elements as described within these guidelines. The plan will have to be approved by a
Responsible Person prior to commencement of any Lifting Operation and any deviation
requirement identified from the plan, must also get the approval of the Responsible Person
prior to commencement of the lifting operation.
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Example: Non-Routine Example: Non-Routine Lift Example: Non-Routine Lift -

Lifts - Heavy Lift Tandem Lift Complex Lift

A Non-Routine Lift is a lift which conforms to the following factors:

• Use of two or more Lifting Appliances, including tallying pipe using winch and crane
(tandem lift)
• With sensitive, difficult or restricted areas
• Lifts from one offshore vessel to another
• Continuation of a lifting operation with different people
• Lifting of machinery without lifting points
• In environmental conditions likely to affect equipment performance
• Load with unknown / difficult to estimate weight and/or centre of gravity
• Non-standard rigging arrangements
• Load lowered into or lifted from a confined space
• Weight of load in excess of 75% rated load of the load chart

Note: Non-Routine lifting operations require the above factors to be considered but
this list is not exhaustive

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

2.3 Flow Chart for Identification of Routine or Non-Routine Lifting Activities

Lifting more Yes
than 50Ton
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Requires Tandem Lift or Yes

Special Crane
Configuration (Fly Jib etc)


Operating over or near Yes

other building, sensitive,
difficult or restricted areas

No Non -
Routine Lift
Use of Special
Equipment, Man Yes
Basket, etc


Lifting of Machinery without Yes

known lifting points


Lifting more than 75% Yes

of rated load chart

Irregular shape / difficult Yes
to estimate weight and
Center of Gravity

Routine Lift

Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace
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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

2.4 Planning and Execution of Routine and Non-Routine Lifts

3. Roles & Responsibilities

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3.1 Directors, Operation Managers, and Project Managers

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

These appointment holders must be aware of this guidance and understand their
responsibilities with regard to lifting operations, lifting equipment and the links to the relevant
health and safety legislation around lifting operations, ensuring that all lifting equipment used
for lifting operations is appropriate for the task, used correctly and that employees involved in
the organising, planning and use of lifting equipment are suitably trained.

In addition, Operation Managers must ensure in all cases where lifting equipment is being
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used, that:

• All risks arising from operations involving lifting equipment are suitably and sufficiently
assessed by a competent person and appropriate control measures implemented.
• All lifting operations are suitably planned, supervised and carried out in a safe
• Planning of a single lift or series of lifts must address the risks identified by the risk
assessment and that appropriate control measures have been implemented (safe
systems of work, lifting plans etc.)
• All relevant information, training and instruction are given to users of lifting equipment
and they are competent to carry out those tasks.
• All persons using lifting equipment must work within the agreed safe working
practices, reference information, instruction and training given.
• Systems exist for the reporting of and removing from use lifting equipment that has
developed a fault or defect.

3.2 Competent Person(s)

Persons who have been appointed or been given the responsibility for planning lifting
operations should have sufficient technical, practical and theoretical training, knowledge and
experience of the work they are likely to safely plan /assess the lift.

They shall:

• Be capable of identifying the hazards and risks associated to lifting operations within
their area of work or the environment where the lifting operation will take place.
• Be able to select the correct lifting equipment for the work. Understand the
characteristics of the lifting equipment they are selecting and the nature of the work
it will be carrying out.
• Carry out and document risk assessments (lifting operation) or site surveys; have
the ability to communicate their findings to those involved in and affected by the
lifting operations.
• Be able to create method statements or lifting plans and implement safe systems of
work for lifting operations.
• Where appropriate seek additional support and expertise including the use of
external specialists to assist them with the planning of lifting operations.

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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

3.3 Supervisors

The appropriate supervision of lifting operations should be proportionate to

the level of risk and take into account those involved in a particular lifting
operation. Levels of supervision will be determined by the nature or
complexity of the work and the competence of those involved in using lifting
equipment and assisting with the lifting operation.
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Persons who have been authorised to supervise lifting operations shall:

• Have sufficient technical, practical and theoretical training, knowledge and experience
of the work being carried out.
• Be briefed and instructed on the outcomes of the risk assessment and fully understand
the requirements of the safe system of work or lifting plan for the lifting operation to be
carried out and an understanding of all those involved in the task.
• Supervise all complex or unusual lifting operations.
• Monitor a sufficient number of lifting operations to ensure correct working practices are
being followed.
• Where appropriate direct lifting operations, offering clear instructions to those involved.
• Be able to assess changes in circumstances e.g. ground conditions, and where
appropriate stop a lifting operation if the risk is unacceptable or if it is considered unsafe
to carry on. Referring the concerns to their manager, competent person or person
responsible for planning lifting operations.

3.4 Operators /Riggers /Signalmen

They shall:

• Not attempt any lifting operation or use lifting equipment,

without prior training/assessment, guidance and
appropriate supervision or which is beyond the level of
their competency.
• Ensure that both routine and complex lifting operations
are not undertaken without a suitable and sufficient risk assessment being carried
out by a competent person.
• Ensure they fully understand the lifting equipment, be familiar with how it operates
and the proposed lifting operation(s) they have been authorised to do and that safe
systems of work, training, guidance and advice are followed at all times.
• Carry out pre-use checks of lifting equipment prior to use, to ensure there are no
obvious visual defects.
• Remove faulty or defective equipment from use, clearly record fault or defect on the
appropriate documents and report the issue to their manager or person in charge as
soon as is reasonably practicable. This includes reporting concerns they may have
regarding a lift operation to their supervisor or manager in the first instance and not
continuing with the operation.
• Have an understanding of the emergency procedures relating to lifting equipment in
use and take part in training and periodic drills, where appropriate.
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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

Details of a Lifting Plan

4. Description of Load(s) to be Lifted

Sufficient information must be provided to give a clear, but brief, description that will clearly
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identify the lift(s) to be undertaken. A separate risk assessment form will need to be
completed for every time the crane is moved to a new position, unless the risk assessment
has taken into account the hazards associated with all positions.

4.1 Details of Load(s) to be Lifted

It is extremely important that as many details as possible are gathered about the load/loads
to be lifted. The customer or client requiring the lift must provide the Competent Person with
full details of all loads to be lifted. Details of each load to be lifted must be entered on the risk
assessment form. The Competent Person must carefully consider all the loads to be lifted and
ensure that sufficient information is provided and recorded to enable other persons to see
how the lifts are to be performed in a safe manner.

4.2 Load Crucial Information.

No load must be lifted without the following crucial information:

- the load weight

- the overall dimensions (length, width and depth).
- indication of the position of centre of gravity.
- the lifting/slinging points
- the pickup radius
- the final location radius
- the height to which the load has to be lifted.
- the overall weight (load + all lifting accessories)

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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace
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Example of description of loads for a Routine Lift

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace
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Example of description of loads for a Non-Routine Lift

4.3 Load(s) Weight(s) Including Lifting Gear

The most important thing that you require to know is the weight of the load. This information
should be given at the earliest point in the planning stage, it is from this information that your
crane selection will be made and all the planning around it. The weight of the load must be

It is also important that the load dimensions are recorded, this will also help in the planning of
the lift, particularly to establish boom clearance, calculate required clearances when in
restricted and confined areas, it also allows calculation to be completed on wind sail area giving
a maximum wind speed that crane can operate in.

The weight of the load must include every piece of lifting gear involved in the lift from the hook
block downwards, ropes, beams, shackles, frames, slings etc.

A crane is not designed to be nor is it a weighing machine; weights must be known by other
means. However, every load lifted should in the first instance be lifted slowly from the ground,
should it start to exceed the given weight it must be placed back on the ground and the
Responsible Person / Competent Person must then take whatever actions are required to re-
plan the lifting operation.

4.4 Centre of Gravity (CG) of the load

To ensure that every lifting operation is under control and free of unplanned movement, the
CG must be known. In simple lifting terms with balanced loads the CG is generally in the
middle, this point will always be directly below the centre line of the crane hook block when

5. Crane Selection

Using the previously gathered information in conjunction with crane manufactures duty charts
it will allow the selection of a crane that is suitable with sufficient capacity to safely execute the
lifting operation.

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Joint Engineering Services ( Pvt ) Ltd Proc. # JES-HSE-10
DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

5.1 Details of the Crane

Details of the preferred crane(s) to be used must be recorded within the Method Statement
and must include:
- the make and model;
- capacity
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- jib length ( plus fly/luffer jib with offset where required );

- outrigger spread;
- outrigger load;
- maximum ground bearing capacity
- counterweight/super-lift counterweight required; -
- weight of the crane.

C. Crane Details:

Crane AC-100 (100TON)

Configuration Main Boom

Boom Length 33.7 M

Working Radius: 14 M

Corresponding SWL: 18000 KG

Example of Simple description of Lifting Equipment

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
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Example of load chart identification for SWL

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
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Note: *For lifting old machinery or equipment as load, to add 25% buffer due to unknown
substances resided in the machinery or equipment (such as Oil, residue etc) to be lifted

Example of description of Lifting Equipment and Load Calculations

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

5.2 Bearing Capacity

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This must be the permissible load bearing capability of the ground at every position where
the crane is to be stood, as provided by an appropriate authority with knowledge of the site.
The Competent Person will need to determine the area of the outrigger supports/crawler
tracks/wheels etc. required to ensure that the maximum given ground pressure is not
exceeded. Details of the required supports must be recorded in the Method Statement.

Where the crane is supported by its outriggers during a lifting operation the maximum outrigger
load for the specific configuration, whilst lifting the load, will also need to be entered within the
Method Statement. These loadings can be obtained from the manufacturer’s outrigger load

Example of Identifying highest outrigger force with Load

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DOI: 25-05-2016
Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
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Example of Calculation for Ground Bearing Capacity

5.3 Used Crane Capacity

After crane selection has been made it is important that it is known how much spare capacity
there is left within the crane duty chart, this should be recorded within the plan. This is also at
times referred to as the “Safety Margin”. It should be remembered that many user, depending
on who they might be, will only use 75, 80 or maybe 90% of a rated duty chart. It may well be
necessary to select a larger capacity crane.

6. Ground and Surrounding Conditions.

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Procedure for Workplace

The responsibility for ensuring that the ground beneath the crane can withstand the loads
imposed by the crane during lifting should always rest with the user. However the customer
may well not have sufficient expertise to carry out an assessment of the ground, therefore
the Competent Person should ensure that the customer has consulted an appropriate
specialist such as specialist professional engineer in geotechnical engineering (P.E,
Geotechnical) to ensure that the ground will sustain the loads imposed by the crane. A typical
ground pressure chart in given below.
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A Typical Ground Pressure Chart

Where the Competent Person has any concerns or doubts about ground conditions it should
be noted by the Responsible Person and no lifting should commence until all issues have
been satisfactorily resolved.

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Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

All Crane Hire/Contracting organizations such as occupiers of work sites or factories must
provide their user with the worst case scenarios of pressures that can be applied during a lifting
operation with a specific crane type lifting a known load weight.

6.1 Ground & Outriggers

When lifting on outriggers the outrigger beams and jacks must be extended in accordance
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with the manufacturer’s instructions for the crane. The Competent Person must ensure that
there is sufficient space at the crane siting location for this to be achieved. The crane rated
capacity indicator must be set in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

It is important to realise that ground that has been backfilled without any means of
compaction will present a danger and must not be used to support a crane. Sufficient load
spreading materials, of adequate size and strength, must be used under each outrigger.
Ensure that the crane lifting area has been checked for voids and underground services.

Example of Poor Outrigger Set Up

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Lifting & Ringing Operations Rev. 01
Procedure for Workplace

All normal routine & non-routine lifting

operations with hydraulic mobile cranes must
have outriggers fully blocked out using
appropriate load bearing mats.

Crawler Cranes are designed to walk but careful

and particular attention must be given to the
ground conditions. At the time of the survey
Load Bearing Mat
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ground conditions should be

established. In many cases it will be necessary to lay down large wooden or steel mats for
the crawlers to move around a site. During heavy lifting it will always be necessary for the
use of large load spreading mats as shown.

6.2 Access & Lifting Location

The Competent Person during his survey should take particular note and record the site
ground surface conditions on at least 2 occasions, the first relates to access for the crane
and transport vehicles (boom/ballast/counterweight carriers) to the site location and the
second being the actual location where the crane will be located when lifting the load/s. It is
important to discuss with the user the route to be used, as it is their responsibility to ensure
that the ground can support the loads that will be applied. The Competent Person must be
satisfied with the space provided and the access route to be used, also the nature of the
surface (e.g. blacktop, hard-core, concrete). For clarity, the route can be shown on the site

6.3 Excavations

Excavations can be a real hazard to lifting operations. During any survey all excavations in
close vicinity to a where a lifting operation will take place must be noted. Also on the day of a
lifting operation the area should be re-checked, many times on construction sites excavations
get dug without any communication to the lifting team.

a) Where the ground is compact and non-crumbling, the

distance of any part of the crane support timbers from
D the excavation should be at least equal to the depth of
the excavation.

b) Where the ground is loose or crumbling, the distance

H of any part of the crane support timbers from the
excavation should be at least twice the depth of the
Relationship of Safe distance D with excavation.
Excavation Depth H
Note: Figures 4,5 & 6 of SS536:2008 provides further
guidance on Safe distance D from a slope with depth H
for various situations

6.4 Overhead Structure

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Procedure for Workplace

Many serious injuries and fatalities within the Lifting Industry are as a result of crane booms
and hoisting ropes coming in contact with overhead structure such as MRT Tracks, building,
trees etc. All overhead structures must be noted during the initial survey and provisions made
to avoid them during the lifting operation.

7. Crane(s) Sitting & Lifting Study

All crane/lifting operations must have some form of documents, from the simple lifting
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operations where all analysis and information may be recorded on a Lifting plan in conjunction
with a Permit to Work, all the way up to the very complex lifting operation which will require a
very detailed and comprehensive Lifting Study.

The sitting plan can be in the form of a hand drawn sketch for the simple operations, with a
detailed engineered drawing for the more difficult and complex operations. In each case the
idea of having a sitting plan is to ensure that the crane or lifting machine is positioned on the
correct location to safely complete the intended operation. Margins as low as 1m can be the
difference between success and failure, it is recommended that a water based spray paint is
used to mark out where the crane will be sited for all complex lifting situations. Examples are
given below:

Example of Sitting Plan of Crane at Site

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Example of Siting Plan of Crane at Site

7.1 Boom Clearance

It is always necessary to know that there is sufficient boom clearance during any lifting
operation, particularly when working in restricted and confined areas. This should be
determined during the planning stage and recorded within the lifting plan. Equally the tail swing
should be determined.

7.2 Boom Height & Angle

Boom angle and height are pieces of important information that must be recorded within the
Lifting Plan. Not only do they help in the correct selection of a suitable crane, they also allow
calculation of clearances of buildings and other possible obstructions.

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Example of boom height and angle of load chart

7.3 Pick Up & Place Down Radius

Radius, like all other pieces of information is extremely important and fundamental to safe lifting
practices. When measuring radius, which again is part of requirements in the selection of a
suitable crane type, ensure that both the “Pick Up and Lay Down” measurements are taken
and recorded within the plan.

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Example of pick up and place down position

7.4 Unit of Measurement Used in Drawing

Where detailed drawings are being used it is important to mark the drawing with the correct
information, such as the unit of weight and dimension being used. Drawings must be of same
unit of measurement. All drawings must be signed by the originator and approved by a
Responsible Person / Competent Person. Always ensure that drawings are latest and final
versions. An example is shown below:

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Example of drawing with dimension and standard unit of measurement

8. Creating a Rigging Study/Plan

Along with all the content of Risk Assessments, Sitting Study and, Drawings which all come
together to form the Lifting Plan it is also necessary to complete the Lifting Plan by adding a
Rigging Study or Rigging Plan.

Essentially the Rigging study, particularly when planning non-routine and complex lifts, is a
detailed drawing showing the rigging configuration of all lifting points on the load and details of
all slings, beams, shackles, ropes, blocks etc. by size and SWL. It is designed to show all the
connection points, the forces applied to each and how it will be slung together.

Normal routine lifting where a Lifting Plan is used the drawing may be a hand drawn sketch
showing the rigging configuration. An example of a Rigging plan is show below:

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An example of a Rigging plan

8.1 Centre of Gravity of the Lift

When preparing the lift and attaching the rigging it is important to follow the Rigging Study and
ensure that the CG is directly under the hook block of the lifting crane.

When a load is lifted by a crane the CG always hangs vertically beneath the hook. If the CG is
not under the hook when it is first lifted, then the load will tilt until it is. (see Figure below).

This can be a useful way of locating the CG of a load in the field. We know that the CG is
located somewhere along the vertical line through the hook. (See Figure blow again.) We all
know this exercise: the load is lifted and does not stay horizontal. To make sure that the load
stays horizontal when lifted, we either change the lift point position of one of the slings or
lengthen or shorten one of the slings in such a way that the CG is exactly under the hook when
we lilt the load.

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Figure : CG Beneath the Hook

With larger and off-set/off balanced loads the CG is more difficult to determine. Below is an
example of a load with an off-set CG. Normally this is the case at non symmetric elements.
Note the slinging arrangements and how a load becomes unstable when the CG is not directly
below the hook block.

Example of Center of Gravity (CG)

Note: For large objects which are being lifted, the CG. will have to be determined via
engineering method. The lifting lugs will also need to be designed for to ensure safe
lifting. Specific lifting gear can also be used to ensure that the hook is always above the
CG during the lifting operation.

When the CG is not equally spaced between the rigging points, the slings and fittings will not
carry an equal share of the load. The sling connected closest to the center of gravity will carry
the greatest share of the load.

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Sample Calculation:

Sling 2 is connected closer to the CG, therefore it will carry the greater share of the load:
Tension in/Load carried by Sling 2 = 5 x 2.43 / 3.04 = 4.0 tons
Tension in/Load carried by Sling 1 = 5 x 0.61 / 3.04 = 1.0 tons

Similarly, for two legged slings joined to the hook,

Sample Calculation:

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Tension in/Load carried by Sling 1 = 5 x 0.61 x 3.44 / (2.43(2.43+0.61)) = 1.42 tons Tension
in/Load carried by Sling 2 = 5 x 2.43 x 2.5 / (2.43(2.43+0.61)) = 4.11 tons

8.2 Lifting Lugs/Pad-Eyes

Attention must be paid to the lifting lugs or pad-eyes on any load that is about to be lifted. In
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many cases they may be manufactured as an integral part of the load which will be covered by
calculation certification as part of item being lifted.

The following example illustrates the design of lifting lugs for lifting of concrete precast element:

The design of the lifting lugs, pad-eyes and similar items shall be based on the concept of
global safety factors. The safety factor requires that the action E does not exceed the
admissible value of the resistance R. It shall be shown as:

E: Action
R: Admissable load (resistance)

The minimum concrete strength at time of lifting is 15 N/mm².

Lifting lugs, pad-eyes and similar items which are intended to be used to lift precast elements
have to be considered as lifting anchors or lifting systems. The provisions therefore have to be
fulfilled even and especially if the lifting items become integral part of the load.

Ductility is a very important item, which means ripped rebars protruding from the precast
element are not covered from these provisions. Smooth bars and prestressing strands have to
be ductile to avoid brittle behaviour.

Cast-in lifting anchor with fulfilled provisions:

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Example of lifting anchors as an integral part of the load

There will be cases where lifting lugs/pad-eyes will not be provided separately, but self-
produced in the precast yard. In such cases the Engineer / Competent Person must be sure
that they have current certification and are of sufficiently designed and verifiable proven to
cope with the lifting effects.
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Cast-in lifting anchor – self-produced in precast yard:

Example of Certified lifting lugs/pad-eyes that are

provided separately

To avoid any risks for human life and health and safety of employees in the precast yard and
construction site all lifting anchor systems and motions therewith have to be checked,
calculated and proven by an constructional engineer e.g. as consultant or technical engineer
in the precast yard. The resistance comes from supplier. In case of a given recommendation
provided by supplier, the responsible engineer has to check the complete situation of handling

8.3 Type of Rigging and Lifting Capacity

Lifting gears or slings generally carry their loads in one of three primary sling hitches. Most
slings can be used in all three sling hitches, but some slings are designed for use in only one
hitch. Slings have the largest Work Load Limit when used in a basket hitch. The vertical hitch
Work Load Limit is 50% of the basket hitch (i.e. WLL of basket hitch = 2 x SWL). The synthetic
choker hitch Work Load Limit is a maximum of 80% (typically 70-75%) of the vertical hitch Work
Load Limit. Slings must be securely attached to the load and rigged in a manner to provide for
load control to prevent slipping, sliding and/or loss of the load. A trained, qualified and
knowledgeable user must determine the most appropriate method of rigging to help ensure
load control and a safe lift. The manual or the tag on the sling should be referred to for more
information on the actual ratings for each hitch type.

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Different type of Rigging

Example of tag on polyester

webbing sling showing the WLL

8.4 Sling Angles/lengths/SWL

In any lifting operation the rigging equipment will be selected based on the weight of the load
to be lifted. However, there are times when the angle of the slings gets overlooked and what
appears as the SWL on the tag or certificate is not sufficient to do the job. Every rigging study
where slings are part of the lifting gear must be checked to ensure that angles do not reduce
the lifting capacity below that of the weight of the load. A simple calculation can be done as

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W = weight of load = 5 tons

Share of load on each leg = 2.5 tons
L = Length of sling = 4m
H = Height between hook and load = 3m
T = Tension in each sling = 4/3 x 2.5 = 1.333 x 2.5 = 3.33 tons
The total tension in the slings adds up to 6.66 tons which is much more than the actual weight
of load at 5 tons!

Note: Rigging is advised to proceed at 60° as far as possible. Slings should also be selected
with at least a 20% extra SWL as lifting is typically carried out at 60° sling angles.
When the rigging exceeds this sling angle, detailed calculations should be done to
determine the actual load on each leg of sling.

8.5 Shackles/Beams/Links/SWL

The Competent Person must ensure that all lifting gear has current and valid certification prior
to the commencement of any lifting operation. Any shackles or links being used to join slings
together should also be sized to take into account the actual load that each section will be

9. Method Statement

When writing a Method Statement it is beneficial to write it in such a manner that it follows the
sequence of the events and actions required as the lifting operation progresses. This include
about personnel, about wind and several other items that are key to successful lifting.
Therefore the user is to ensure that all other items that are essential to successful lifting are
included in the method statement. If in doubt, consult a Competent Person.

The actual sequence and order of events should be described within the plan in simple easy
to read and understand in “one line bullet point style”. A Lifting Plan (as shown in Appendix 3
for a Routine Lift sample) is an attachment to the Method Statement.

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10. Personnel & Training

All personnel involved in any lifting operation must be trained, skilled and competent in their
role and have certificated evidence of proof. The Competent Person must ensure that all
members of the Lifting Team have the relevant qualifications and certification.

Always ensure that there are sufficient numbers in manpower resources to carry out the work
comfortably and without putting undue pressure on any member of the team. In the event that
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there may be a trainee within the team, the Competent Person must ensure that they are under
constant supervision and not allowed to undertake unfamiliar tasks on their own.

11. Operational Requirements

Each Lifting Operation must be planned taking into consideration the operational
requirements of the site. In general when lifting operations are taking place there are others
involved and other work activities going on in the close vicinity of the lift.

To ensure that the lifting area is secure and free from unauthorized persons the area must
be cordoned or barricaded off. During the lift lookouts must be posted to prevent entry into
the lifting area, normally these people would be employees of the customer/client as the
Lifting Team have sufficient to do taking care of the lift.

12. Weather Conditions

Weather has a major impact on any Lifting Operation. Wind is a major hazard that can disrupt
and put a lifting operation at risk. Cranes must never lift at wind speeds beyond those
recommended in the crane manufacturer’s instructions.

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