Allotment Letter by Authority
Allotment Letter by Authority
Allotment Letter by Authority
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No. NOIDA/GH/ 2022/ ........ I ..
Dated: .... \-t1·~·l·f
Sub: Acceptance of bid/E-Auction for Event ID:18342 and allotment of Group Housing Plot No. GH-
01/B, Sector-146, Noida, Scheme Code: 2022-23 (I).
Dear Sir,
With reference to your bid/E-Auction dated 11" November 2022, we are pleased to inform
you that your bid has been accepted by the competent authority & Plot No. GH-01/B, Sector-146,
Noida is being allotted to you as per details given below: -
You are requested to deposit allotment money (100 Percent of the total premium ofthe plot)
Rs. 1,78,45,75,380/- through challan available at NOIDA Authority website i.e,
www.noidaa uthorityonline .com within 90 days from the date of issue of this letter, failing which action
shall be taken as per terms and conditions of the brochure. The other terms and conditions as specified
in the brochure shall be a part of this allotment letter and shall be binding on the allottee. In case the
due premium as mentioned above is not deposited within the stipulated period, no time Extension
shall be allowed for the deposit of the allotment money. In case of default of payment, the allotment
e cancelled and money deposited as earnest money and registration money shall be ~ e'
of plots haII b . ,..-
forfeited in the interest of the Authont_Y·
You are also required to submit the stamp paper and execute the lease deed within 30 days
Copy to: -
1. Sr. Finance and Account Officer, NOIDA.
2. Chief Architect Planner, NOIDA.
3. Sr. Project Engineer - WC-10, NOIDA for information & necessary action.
Manager (GH)