Quality Assessment of Selected: June 2020
Quality Assessment of Selected: June 2020
Quality Assessment of Selected: June 2020
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1 author:
Adebowale Adegola
Federal University of Technology, Akure
All content following this page was uploaded by Adebowale Adegola on 24 June 2020.
Sachet water in Nigeria, popularly called pure water is the most ubiquitous commercially
packaged water in the country. As a result, they are cheaper and vended in several locations
such as motor parks, markets, hospitals road sides, outskirt of schools and streets. Given the
threat of potential health risk, there is therefore need to periodically ascertain its water safety
qualities (physical, chemical and microbial) to protect public health. This study focuses on
ascertaining the quality of selected Sachet water brands in 3 major areas of Ondo State namely
Akure, Owo and Ondo metropolis. Sampling 100 retail outlets to inquire about the top 5 most
consumed sachet water brands from each area which were subjected to analysis. The results
showed that the sachet water samples had good aesthetic value as all the brands of sachet
water evaluated met the recommended WHO standard for appearance, colour, odour and
turbidity. Thirteen of the sachet water samples had pH values between 6.5 - 7.6 which met the
limit described by WHO while the other three samples had pH value below 6.5 and did not fall
within WHO drinking water standard. Other physico-chemical characteristics of all the brands
of water evaluated such as electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, chloride, magnesium,
calcium and Nitrate were within the acceptable limits recommended by WHO for quality
drinking water except for their chemical oxygen demand properties which was >10mg/L
described by WHO. Two samples had values higher than the recommended 100mg/L for total
alkalinity. The concentration of metals; Pb, As, Cr and Mn was not detected in all the water
samples, however, Zn, Fe, Cd and Cu were found in some samples in values slightly higher
than the value described by WHO for quality water in all the 3 locations. Results of the
microbiological analyses further shows that all the brands of water had zero MPN/100mL
count for coliforms except for only three brands with values higher than the 0 MPN/100 mL
maximum limits recommended by WHO. Only two brands of the sachet water samples had
value (113CFU/mL) above the 102 CFU/mL described by WHO for aerobic mesophilic count.
This study suggests that maximum and effective treatment technique/method should be adopted
by the water manufacturing industries to reduce or totally eradicate water-borne diseases.
KEYWORDS: Sachet Water; Ondo State; Water Quality; Physical properties; Chemical
Properties; Microbiological Properties.
1. Introduction
agricultural production, industrial production as well as domestic use (Akoteyon et al., 2011;
Nwankwoala and Nwagbogwu, 2012; Subramani et al., 2012). However, the availability of
water for these different purposes has been a major concern throughout the world especially in
developing countries, where water resources are poorly managed. In developing countries, the
portability and availability of drinking water is a far cry from world accepted standard. For
instance, (WHO/UNICEF, 2004) reasonable access to quality water means at least 20
liters/person/day accessibility within 1 km to individual homes. This is however far from reality
as about one-sixth of human population on earth does not have access to safe drinking water
(Amoo and Akinbode, 2005). Also, report by WHO (2004), indicates about 1.1 billion
individuals do not have access to improved water supply in 2002 and about 2.3 billion people
suffer from water-borne disease.
Thus, the need for safe and accessible drinking water becomes a priority for the global world.
Most urban-rural communities in the developing countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa have
access to surface waters (rivers, streams, and lakes among others) which is the most available
sources of water used for domestic purposes. Water from these sources is often contaminated
by domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities and likely to cause water related diseases
(Ojekunle, 2000; Ayeni et al., 2009; Dimowo, 2013). Depending on the source of water and
level of unhealthy anthropogenic activities, biological contaminants such as bacteria, virus,
protozoa; chemical contaminants such as heavy metal, pesticide residue, organic matter etc.
varies in composition. Today, research reveals that polluted water kills more people than
cancer, AIDS, wars, terrorism or accidents. It is therefore pertinent that the water meant for
human consumption be free of disease-causing agents and toxic chemicals, which are capable
of posing threat to human health (Hughes and Koplan, 2005; Prasanna and Reddy, 2009).
Worsening this situation, treated drinking water in Nigeria (popularly sold in sachet and bottled
water) (Yusuf et al., 2015) are not spared from these contaminations. The production of these
water requires two important raw materials; water source (which is usually borehole) and the
packaging materials usually nylon and PET bottles. And are popularly referred to as “pure
water” and “ragolis water” respectively by the general public. This water products, although
commercially treated, packaged and distributed for sale to the public, are unsafe (Denloye,
2004). They are often sold in car parks, road sides, markets and various supermarkets and drink
stores. However, there are number of reported cases of typhoid, diarrhea and other water borne
diseases arising from consumption of sachet water (Ogamba, 2004). Water-borne diseases such
as cholera, typhoid fever and hepatitis have been reported, some of which had led to acute
health conditions and even death. The integrity of these sachet waters is therefore doubtful and
many report abounds of how most vendors do not adhere to national regulations (NAFDAC)
on sachet waters hygiene and production before sales to the public (Oladipo et al., 2009). This
has however raised the concern for public health workers, governmental agencies and
concerned individual (Oladipo et al., 2009) within the Country. Everyday more cases of water-
borne disease is also being constantly reported and treated and the more the growing concerns
about its purity (Oladipo et al., 2009).
Following the public concerns raised as a result of the poor qualities of drinking water in Ondo
state, Nigeria, in light of the increasing number of people in the urban and suburban part of the
IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development Page 9
Research Journal of Pure Science and Technology E-ISSN 2579-0536 P-ISSN 2695-2696,
Vol 3. No. 1 2020 www.iiardpub.org
state tending to consume more of sachet “pure water” as it was seen to be the best treated water
they can access for drinking. As a result, this research seeks to assess the drinking water quality
and characteristics of sachet water manufactured in Ondo state with case studies of Akure, Owo
and Ondo town. These will be done by assessing the physical, physicochemical, heavy metal
composition and microbiological properties of sachet water for human consumption within
Ondo state.
Figure 1: Map of Ondo state Showing Study Areas 1(Owo), 2 (Akure) and 3 (Ondo)
Source: Ondo State Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Akure (2015)
2.2 Sample Collection
A total of 15 sachet water brands were sampled with 5 from each of the three locations (Owo,
Akure, Ondo). Each of the brands was selected based on a survey of 100 randomly selected
retailers from each study area. From this survey, the first five (5) most patronized sachet water
products were selected for study from each area. The samples were analyzed for their physical,
chemical (including heavy metals) and microbiological properties. Samples for metal analysis
were preserved with few drops of HNO3 likewise samples for microbiological analysis were
collected in a sterile autoclave bottle (temperature between 0-100C).
Sample Code Brand Name Sample Code Brand Name Sample Code Brand Name
alkaline (Alexander et al., 2019). From the result in Table 3, all the samples analyzed has values
within the recommended limit (6.5-8.5) described by the WHO standard for quality drinking
water except for samples A5 (6.40), C3 (6.20) and C5 (6.20) which has pH values slightly
below the recommended limit and there is a slight significant difference in the means of the
samples between and within study areas i.e. p>0.05. More generally, the pH values reported
for Owo, Akure and Ondo lies between 6.60 – 7.60, 6.40 – 7.60 and 6.20 – 7.00 respectively.
This implies that the underground soil in the study areas specifically Ondo is slightly acidic
and as such the packaging and/or the treatment process may alter the water pH slightly. Their
acidic nature may be due to poor sanitation and domestic effluent discharge that percolates into
the ground of the area. They are also likely to be associated with the erosion of loamy and
clayey soils from cultivated fields that increase the concentration of ions.
Conductivity is a faster and reliable method of controlling and monitoring water treatment. It
gives the idea about ionisable materials in water (Alexander et al., 2019). It affects all aspects
of water treatment and suitability of specific application (Ogundipe, 2015). The result in Table
3 reveals that all the analyzed sachet water brands possesses EC values ranging from
60.8µmho/cm to 353.0µmho/cm which is within the acceptable limit of 1000µmho/cm
described in the manual for quality drinking water by WHO. There is a huge significant
difference in the means of the samples between and within study areas i.e. p>0.05. However,
literature has it that long term consumption of treated sample water with EC > 40µmho/cm can
lead to high probability of fracture in children, pregnancy disorder, diuresis and increased tooth
decay (Guler 2007).
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) is a measure of the total amount of dissolved substances in the
water sample. According to Olusiji and Adeyinka, (2011), high levels of TDS can lead to
gastro-intestinal irritation and stains to fabric. Drinking water containing TDS levels above
500mg/L usually has a disagreeably strong taste (Apau et al., 2014) and generally indicates
hard water, which can cause scale buildup in pipes, valves and filters (Nsiah and Boakye,
2015). As seen in Table 3, the TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) obtained for the analyzed samples
ranges from (42.0 – 247.0 mg/L) which are within the WHO reference standards. However,
there is a huge significant difference between and within the means of samples in the study
areas i.e. p>0.05.
Alkalinity is a measure of the acid-neutralizing capacity of water. In most natural waters, it is
due to the presence of carbonate (CO3-), bicarbonate (HCO3-), and hydroxyl (OH-) anions.
However, borates, phosphates, silicates, and other bases also contribute to alkalinity if present
(Wilson, 2010). The result obtained for all the sample are within the WHO acceptable limit
except for sample A3 and B5 with values (128.8 mg/L) and (114.5 mg/L) respectively which
are slightly above the recommended limit (100 mg/L). The high TA values observed in B5 may
be due to deposits or contamination during treatment. However, the values observed in samples
from Akure are between 86.5 – 128.8 mg/L which may be due to the basic nature of the soil in
the area. There is no significant difference in the means of the samples between and within the
study areas i.e. p<0.05.
Total hardness which measure the concentration of multivalent metallic cations (majorly Ca2+,
Mg2+) in water; can serve as source of dietary Calcium and Magnesium to the body (Alexander
et al., 2019). As indicated in Table 3. Sample A3 has the highest TH value (122 mg/L) which
is above the recommended limit prescribed by WHO and correlates well with the high value
(247mg/L) observed in TDS of the sample which is could cause clogging in pipes and rusting
for plants. However, all other samples have values which are within the 100mg/L
recommended by WHO. There is no significant difference in the means of the samples between
and within the study areas i.e. p<0.05.
IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development Page 13
Research Journal of Pure Science and Technology E-ISSN 2579-0536 P-ISSN 2695-2696,
Vol 3. No. 1 2020 www.iiardpub.org
Chlorides are found naturally in the environment, but elevated levels of chloride can also be
associated with septic system effluent, storm water runoff, brine water, cleaning solutions, and
other industrial solutions (Mandal et al ,2011; WHO, 2006). Increase in chloride concentration
in conventional water treatment plant is due to the amount of free chloride after chlorination.
The result shown in Table 3 depicts that the values (14 – 56 mg/L) obtained in all the samples
met the requirement of 100mg/L described by WHO for chloride concentration in drinking
water. However, Nitrate was not detected in all the sample except for B3, B4, C1 and C3 whose
values are also within the 50 mg/L described by WHO for Nitrate concentration in drinking
water. The presence of nitrates in a water sample could be due to inorganic fertilizers, plants
and animal decomposition and wastes which may have percolated the soils over time
(Ademoroti, 1996). The low values of nitrate and chloride as shown in Table 3 could be due to
the fact that soluble particles that are chemical in nature could be well distributed in the body
of the water and possibly interact with the water molecules in a form that storage for one week
may not have significantly affected the concentration in the body of water. However, no
significant difference was observed in the means of the samples between and within the study
areas i.e. p<0.05.
The values obtained for magnesium for all the samples analyzed ranged from 3.2 mg/L to 12.8
mg/L which are within the limit (30mg/L) described by WHO for quality drinking water. A
slight significant difference was observed in the means of the samples between and within the
study areas i.e. p<0.05. However, high concentrations of Mg can cause consumer
unacceptability when used in productions.
The Chemical Oxygen demand for all the sachet water brands studied in all the three areas are
observed to be above WHO standard of 10mg/L except for some few cases of A1, A4, A5, C3
and C4 in which COD was not detected. As a result of high value of COD, samples from the 3
studied areas might have a lower shelf life as there are more chemicals in sample competing
for oxygen (Oko et al., 2015).
For this study, four (4) essential micronutrient nutrients (Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) with significant
nutritional value (Alexander et al., 2019) was studied alongside four (4) toxic heavy metals (As,
Cr, Pb and Cd). Large dose of these metals is known to have adverse contribute to the taste of
water and further lead to acute or chronic health condition (Ibrahim et al., 2015).
As shown in Table 4, metals such as manganese, chromium, arsenic and lead were not detected
in all the sachet water brands across all the three areas of study, which further indicate that the
water samples in those areas are free from heavy metal contamination capable of causing chronic
health challenges. Significantly the Cadmium concentration (0.036 – 0.199 mg/L) for all water
brands in Akure is alarming exceeding the 0.003 mg/L allowance limit described WHO for quality
drinking water and as a result, consumers in Akure are exposed to chronic health risk from
cadmium toxicity. However, cadmium was not detected in water brands from Ondo and Owo
except for B5 (0.111 mg/L) which could pose danger to consumers as a result of health risk due
to cadmium toxicity.
Other common metals like Iron, Zinc and Copper are found and can serve as dietary supplement
given that they are significantly present in nutritionally significant concentration in packaging
plant. Iron is found at lower concentration ranging from 0.01 mg/L to 0.04 mg/L less than the
recommended 0.3mg/L described by WHO for samples A1, A5, B1, B2, and C1 but not detectable
in other samples. This implies that there is no significant health risk in the samples in comparison
to permissible standard used. The concentrations detected for Cu and Zn in some of the samples
from the three study areas shown in Table 4 are less than 1 mg/L and 3 mg/L for copper and zinc
respectively, as prescribed by WHO for quality drinking water. This implies that the samples are
acceptable as they pose no risk to human health. However, water containing zinc at concentrations
in excess of 3–5 mg/L may appear opalescent and develop a greasy film on boiling. Although
drinking-water seldom contains zinc at concentrations above 0.1 mg/L, levels in tap water can be
considerably higher because of the zinc used in older galvanized plumbing materials (Gordon et
al., 1996).
High concentrations of Iron, Zinc, and Copper can affect the acceptability of drinking water, and
should be given adequate priority during processing (WHO, 2006). Ibrahim et al., (2015) and
Alexander et al., (2019) reported that large doses of the aforementioned metals causes diseases
such as kidney damage, liver cirrhosis, lethargy, gastrointestinal disorder, headache,
sleeplessness, and leg weakness.
A3 0 60 --NR
A4 0 14 --NR
A5 0 9 --NR
B1 0 11 --NR
B2 0 7 --NR
B3 8 113 +LR
B4 0 11 --NR
B5 0 11 --NR
C1 0 14 --NR
C2 6 113 +LR
C3 0 11 --NR
C4 15 15 ++MR
C5 0 0 --NR
† Key: A1 – C5 (Different Samples); MR = Moderate Risk; NR= No Risk; LR= Low Risk;
WHO 2006.
The authors are most grateful to Almighty God for His blessings, mercies, protection and
unmerited favour throughout this research work.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
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