MDCVJ 17 02 145
MDCVJ 17 02 145
MDCVJ 17 02 145
ABSTRACT: Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a common complication in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), aggravating the natural
course of the underlying defect. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has a multifactorial etiology depending on the size and nature of the
cardiac defect as well as environmental factors. Although progress has been made in disease-targeting therapy using pulmonary vasodilators to
treat Eisenmenger syndrome, important gaps still exist in the evaluation and management of adult patients with CHD-associated PAH (PAH-CHD)
who have systemic-to-pulmonary shunts. The choice of interventional, medical, or both types of therapy is an ongoing dilemma that requires
further data. This review focuses on the evaluation and management of PAH-CHD in the contemporary era.
Pulmonary hypertension increases the all-cause mortality Eisenmenger syndrome (ES) is the most severe form of
rate by two-fold and morbidity such as heart failure and PAH-CHD. It is the result of unrepaired, unrestricted
arrhythmia by three-fold compared to patients without PAH. left-to-right shunting that leads to severe PAH. Large
It also increases resource utilization and admissions to unrestricted ventricular septal defects (VSDs) lead to ES
intensive care units. Clinical deterioration has even been more frequently than large atrial septal defects (ASDs).
reported after defect repair in some patients.4,5 Initially, the hemodynamics are characterized by a significant
left-to-right shunt that leads to a progressive increase in PAP
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY due to the combined effect of volume overload and shear
forces that elevate the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).
The mechanism behind the development of PAH-CHD is multi- As the PAP approaches the level of systemic pressure, the
factorial. The most frequent cause of PAH-CHD is unrepaired amount of the left-to-right shunt decreases. Once the PVR
shunts, which is the incomplete separation of the pulmonary equals the systemic vascular resistance (SVR), the shunt
and systemic circulation. This leads to unrestricted flow from becomes bidirectional. Finally, when the PVR is higher
the systemic to the pulmonary circulation, with pressure and/ than the SVR, the shunt reverses to right-to-left, leading
or volume overload of the pulmonary circulation that, in turn, to cyanosis and ES (Figure 1).11,12 Chronic cyanosis leads
induces irreversible changes in the medium and small arteries; to erythrocytosis, coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, and
this inevitably leads to vasoconstriction, endothelial proliferation, clubbing among other clinical features of ES. In these
The prevalence of ES has decreased by 50% in the Western OTHER CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH PAH
world due to advances in surgical care for CHD.6 Most
patients who develop ES reach adulthood, with reported In addition to simple shunts, other complex unrepaired conditions
survival between 25 to 75 years in population-based studies.13 are associated with PAH. Examples are unrepaired complete
atrioventricular canal, transposition of the great arteries with a
2. Left-to-Right Shunts VSD, single ventricle physiology with unrestricted pulmonary
flow, and unrepaired truncus arteriosus, among others.
Moderate-to-large, hemodynamically significant systemic-
to-pulmonary shunts may lead to PAH when they are Patients with Fontan Circulation
not repaired. These shunts can be intracardiac, such as
ASDs and VSDs, or extracardiac, such as patent ductus Patients with single ventricle physiology who have undergone
arteriosus (PDA) and aortopulmonary windows. There is a Fontan operation have passive circulation from the systemic
heterogeneity in the hemodynamic consequences depending veins to the pulmonary vasculature. This circulation system
on the location of the shunt, the size of the defect, and the relies on low PVR. Adverse pulmonary vascular remodeling
genetic predisposition. Traditionally, small-to-moderate might play a role in the worsening hemodynamics that patients
lesions are defined as ASD ≤ 2 cm and VSD/PDA ≤ 1 cm; with a Fontan operation experience over time.17 Even though the
large lesions are ASD > 2 cm and VSD/PDA > 1 cm. The PVR may not meet the definition of PAH in these patients, data
pathophysiology of PAH differs in patients with pre-tricuspid suggests that they benefit from treatment to lower the PVR.
such, catheterization should be performed by an experienced (Qp:Qs ≥ 1.5:1) is considered in patients with symptoms and
ACHD specialist.10 ventricular dilation provided that the systolic PAP is less than
50% of the systolic systemic pressure and the PVR is less than
MANAGEMENT OF PAH IN CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE one-third of the SVR.10 Closure of defects in the presence of
severe PAH (PAP > two-thirds systemic; PVR > two-thirds
Given that PAH-CHD is a very heterogeneous population that of the SVR in the AHA/ACC guidelines and PVR > 5 WU in
has been excluded from randomized clinical trials for pulmonary the European guidelines) and/or a net right-to-left shunt is
hypertension, the management guidelines are based mainly on contraindicated.9,10 This is based on the increased mortality
clinical expertise rather than a strong level of evidence.9,10,22,23 after closure in patients with the described hemodynamics.25
Supportive Management Patients who do not meet the hemodynamic cutoff for
intervention are in the “therapeutic gray zone” for defect repair.
It is recommended that patients with PAH-CHD be assessed The AHA/ACC guidelines recommend that these patients be
by a physician trained in ACHD. Pregnancy in this setting is evaluated by an ACHD and PAH team to treat PAH before
associated with high maternal and fetal mortality, thus reliable consideration for closure. The 2020 European Society of
contraception should be established to avoid pregnancy. Regular Cardiology guidelines for the management of ACHD have given
immunization with influenza and pneumococcal infections a class IIB indication for fenestrated closure of septal defects
should be ensured. Appropriate diuresis should be instituted in patients with severe PAH when the PVR falls below 5 WU
in patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of right heart failure. after targeted PAH treatment and a significant left-to-right shunt
Patients with indications for anticoagulation (those with atrial is present.9 However, given the lack of established markers of
fibrillation, mechanical valves, or pulmonary embolism) should favorable prognosis in this group, decisions should be based
receive it unless there are contraindications.23 Anticoagulation in on the patient's careful clinical and hemodynamic evaluation.
the absence of atrial arrhythmia, mechanical valves, or vascular Assessment of such patients should be performed in tertiary
prosthesis is not generally recommended in PAH-CHD and care centers with expertise in ACHD and PAH.23
should be decided on an individual basis.9 History of hemoptysis
should be carefully assessed before initiation of anticoagulation. Eisenmenger Syndrome
Figure 2.
Trials specific to pulmonary arterial hypertension therapy done in patients with congenital heart disease, specifically in those with Eisenmenger syndrome (ES)
and with single ventricle physiology and Fontan operation.28,29,35-38
suboptimal responses to bosentan and the pulmonary arteries in patients with (class IIa).10 Figure 2 shows clinical
has been shown in smaller trials to be single ventricle physiology without a trials evaluating PAP therapy in patients
beneficial for exercise capacity.29 subpulmonic ventricle. As such, the with congenital heart disease, including
There is limited data on prostanoids; circulation is passive and dependent ES, single ventricle physiology, and
typically, continuous intravenous on low pulmonary pressures. 23 Even Fontan operation.
infusions are not routinely prescribed due a slight rise in mPAP or PVR will
to the risk for infection and paradoxical lead to a failing Fontan circulation. 33 CONCLUSION
embolism.30 Other agents have not Because maintaining a low PVR is vital
shown consistent benefit.31 to the viability of Fontan circulation, Recent advances in diagnosis and
PDE-5 inhibitors have been viewed management have significantly improved
Most centers adopt a symptom-oriented as an appealing option for patients survival in the CHD population. Timely
care plan for ES, usually beginning with with high Fontan pressures and have repair of hemodynamically significant
an ERA or PDE-5 inhibitor and escalating been shown to improve cardiac output shunts remains the cornerstone of
to combination therapy for persistent and functional capacity in Fontan therapy. Patients with significant shunts
symptoms or in the event of clinical patients.34-36 In the FUEL (Fontan who have already developed PAH should
worsening. Patients with ES who receive Udenafil Exercise Longitudinal) trial, be evaluated and treated at a center with
disease-targeted therapy have better udenafil did not show an increase in ACHD and PAH expertise. Patients who
survival compared with those not on peak oxygen consumption but did show develop ES have increased morbidity
targeted therapies.32 improvement in measures of exercise and mortality. There is growing evidence
performance. 37 The use of ERAs has of the benefits of pulmonary vasoactive
Management of PAH in Fontan Patients shown benefit in exercise capacity. 38 agents in patients with ES and Fontan
The clinical guidelines recommend circulation. Pregnancy remains a high
A Fontan operation redirects the the use of pulmonary vasoactive risk in this patient population, and timely
superior and inferior vena cava flow to medications in Fontan patients contraception counseling is indicated.
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