Prolactin - A Pleiotropic Factor in Health and Disease
Prolactin - A Pleiotropic Factor in Health and Disease
Prolactin - A Pleiotropic Factor in Health and Disease
Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone that is mainly syn- is similar in both sexes and does not change significantly
thesized and secreted by lactotroph cells of the anterior with age6. The secretion of prolactin by lactotrophs drives
pituitary gland. The actions of prolactin are mediated a range of responses that are crucial for the feeding of
by its transmembrane receptor, PRL-R1. This receptor offspring, including mammary epithelial cell prolifera
is widespread and belongs to the haematopoietic type 1 tion and differentiation as well as neurogenesis7, which
cytokine receptor superfamily, and its full structure was is essential for maternal behaviour in both mammals and
elucidated in 2016 (ref.2). The principal role attributed to nonmammalian species8.
prolactin is to stimulate the proliferation and differen- Cell proliferation is very low in the healthy adult
tiation of the mammary cells required for lactation, but pituitary gland, and most cells positive for proliferation
studies in animal models have assigned more than 300 markers in this gland do not express markers of the
separate actions to this hormone in multiple species1,3,4. hormone-producing lineages. However, genetic lineage
We discussed insights into the functions of prolactin and tracing studies showed little cell differentiation from
its receptor in an earlier article5, but much progress in progenitors9. Another study showed that lactotrophs
our understanding has been made in the past few years. are arranged as a network in the pituitary, permitting
This new Review focuses on the implications of prol- functional adaptation of hormone release following
actin in metabolic homeostasis, including body weight repeat stimulation10. During pregnancy and subsequent
control and its role in adipose tissue and the pancreas. lactation, lactotroph hyperplasia can be observed pre-
Inserm U1185, Faculté de The role of prolactin in skin and hair follicles, phospho- sumably as a result of lactotroph proliferation, transdif-
Médecine Paris Sud,
calcic metabolism, maternal behaviour and the adre- ferentiation of somatotrophs and expansion from a stem
Université Paris-Saclay,
Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France.
nal response to stress is also addressed. Novel findings cell population11. This hyperplasia stops within several
Hôpital Saint Antoine, Service
regarding the regulation of prolactin secretion and lac- months after delivery, although breastfeeding slows
d’Endocrinologie et des totroph homeostasis are presented. Finally, data enabling this process12.
Maladies de la Reproduction, an improved understanding of the causes and conse- Prolactin binds to its cell surface receptor (PRL-R)
Paris, France. quences of the pathological states of hypoprolactinaemia and initiates an intracellular signalling cascade5. The
Hôpital Bicêtre, Service and hyperprolactinaemia in humans are discussed. PRL-R consists of an extracellular domain for ligand
d’Endocrinologie et des binding, a helical transmembrane portion and an intra-
Maladies de la Reproduction,
Paris, France.
Prolactin and the PRL-R cellular region. Multiple isoforms of membrane-bound
Prolactin is produced by the pituitary lactotroph cells PRL-R that result from alternative splicing of the pri-
*e-mail: nadine.binart@ (referred to as lactotrophs). In healthy human pituitary mary mRNA transcript have been identified in rodents glands, lactotrophs account for approximately 15–25% and humans1,13–15. These isoforms have identical extracel-
s41574-019-0194-6 of the total number of cells. The number of lactotrophs lular domains but differ in the size and sequence of the
Ligand-binding domain
WS motif
Box 1
Box 2
Lipid interaction
Fig. 1 | Topology of the human PRL-R. The active complex of the prolactin receptor (PRL-R) is formed by one molecule
of ligand and two molecules of receptor, each containing the extracellular domain, the transmembrane domain and the
intracellular domain. The membrane-embedded part of the receptor is coloured light pink and the water-soluble
extracellular and intracellular domains are dark blue. Two conserved sequence motifs, box 1 and box 2, are shown in red
and green, respectively, and three recently identified lipid interaction domains are shown in light blue. The WS motif is
shown in light green. Adapted from ref.2, CC-BY-4.0.
receptor between human and mouse β-cells have been both the loss of ions and the excessive uptake of water41.
reported34–36. Further studies are needed to clarify the Therefore, prolactin seems to mediate epidermal
potential role of prolactin in human metabolism. adaptation to environmental stress, at least in fish.
Maternal adaptations to pregnancy include changes Interestingly, prolactin has been shown to have a
in glucose metabolism and development of insulin direct effect on thermoregulation and hair morphology
resistance as a physiological response shunting nutrients phenotypes in dairy cattle42,43. A truncated autosomal
to the fetus. Both human and animal studies have shown dominant mutation, located in the tenth exon of PRLR,
that the presence of gestational diabetes increases the was shown to contribute to heat tolerance adaptation
risk of abnormal glucose homeostasis in the offspring37. in Senepol cattle and resulted in short hair known as
A 2016 study showed that mice lacking PRL-R in pan- slick43. Some associations between prolactin and ther-
creatic β-cells developed hallmark features of gestational mal stress have been observed in humans43, but a direct
diabetes mellitus38. The results of these studies contribute modulatory role for prolactin in human thermoregu-
to establish the important role of the PRL-R in β-cells lation has remained unproven44. Given the key role of
for modulating the expression of genes necessary for prolactin signalling in hair follicle growth and cycling
proliferation of β-cells during pregnancy. in mice40, the identification of the mutation shown to
contribute to heat tolerance in cattle was in agreement
Prolactin in skin and hair follicles. Prolactin is produced with its impact on hair development and homeothermy.
in both human skin and hair follicles and is now known This mutation might have been increased through natu
to have an important role in human cutaneous biol ral selection because of the advantage conferred in hot
ogy, ranging from the regulation of keratin expression tropical environments45.
via hair growth modulation to the control of epithelial
stem cell function39. Specifically, prolactin promotes hair Osteoporosis, phosphocalcic metabolism and prolactin.
growth in human hair follicle organ culture, upregulates Numerous lines of evidence suggest that abnormalities
expression of keratin 15 in adult human epithelial stem in prolactin levels are frequently associated with abnor-
cells ex vivo and stimulates epidermal keratinocyte pro- mal bone metabolism46. Although no particular growth
liferation in cell culture39. In mice, prolactin has been phenotype was observed in Prlr−/− animals, examina-
shown to modulate the seasonally independent hair tion of the calvariae of Prlr−/− mouse embryos indicates
follicle cycling40. Indeed, analysis of Prlr−/− mice showed lower ossification than in controls47. Histomorphometric
a striking hair phenotype characterized by longer and analysis showed that Prlr−/− adult mice had decreased
coarser hair, premature fur moulting and premature bone formation rate and reduced BMD47. A direct effect
entry of hair follicles into the next hair40. of prolactin on osteoblasts might be required for nor-
Sweat glands have an important role in thermoregula- mal bone formation and maintenance of bone mass in
tion and osmoregulation. Ideas about the possible role of mice47. However, low sex steroid levels in these animals
prolactin in human sweat gland regulation can be drawn also account for low BMD. A 2018 paper highlights the
from nonmammals. In fish skin, for example, prolactin role of both cytokines and prolactin as key regulators of
has an important role in osmoregulation by preventing bone resorption during lactation and as local receptor
Hair cycle
Pituitary Maternal nursing behaviour. A role for prolactin in
gland the induction of maternal behaviour in female rats was
demonstrated in the 1980s56. Furthermore, treatment
of hypophysectomized female rats with anterior pitui-
tary gland grafts, mimicking prolactin administration,
Behaviour resulted in rapid induction of maternal care towards fos-
• Food intake Prolactin ter young56. Prolactin is present in the milk of lactating
• Maternal nursing
rodents, and when ingested by the pups, the prolactin
Lactotroph goes into their systemic circulation57. Prolactin defi-
homeostasis ciency during the early postpartum period can affect the
normal activity of the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic
Stress and
adrenal function (TIDA) system58.
Metabolism Studies in mice further support a role for prolac-
• β-Cells
• White and brown tin and the PRL-R in maternal behaviour59. Over the
adipocytes course of pregnancy, the maternal brain is exposed to
elevated concentrations of a range of lactogens and
prolactin, proteins that have the capacity to stimulate
Bone homeostasis maternal behaviour60. The PRL-R present in the cho-
roid plexus was previously thought to be involved in the
transport of prolactin into the brain61, but a more recent
study characterized the transport of prolactin from the
blood into the brain of female mice, and the authors
proposed that the PRL-R is not required for transport
of prolactin into the brain62. This finding suggests that
prolactin transport involves another as yet unidentified
transporter molecule. Using a Prlr−/− mouse model,
virgin females were shown to have deficits in their
responses to foster young59. The most notable deficits
were present in homozygous animals, and intermedi-
ate responses were present in heterozygotes relative to
Fig. 2 | New acceptance of prolactin physiological roles. In addition to its crucial role wild-type controls59.
in lactation, many other functions have been attributed to prolactin in multiple species,
Prolactin helps establish a nurturing link between
including implications in metabolism, hair cycle regulation, bone homeostasis, behaviour,
adrenal response to stress and lactotroph homeostasis.
the mother and her newborn baby. A 2017 study using
conditional knockout of the Prlr in medial preoptic area
neurons in mice showed for the first time that prolactin
activators of the nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL)– establishes and maintains the normal parental care that
osteoprotegerin (OPG; also known as TNFRSF11B) ensures offspring survival63. Indeed, these female mice
system in mice48. were able to become pregnant and give birth normally
Several clinical studies indicate that hyperprolactin but abandoned their litters 1 day after birth. The develop-
aemia (Box 1) is associated with deleterious effects on ment of maternal behaviour in female rats is also depend-
bone in humans. Women and men with hyperprolactin ent on prolactin64. When prolactin secretion is reduced
aemia and hypogonadism have decreased BMD and in lactating rats, their offspring later display deficits in
increased risk of vertebral fractures49–52. Dopaminergic their latencies to respond to foster pups. The exposure to
agonist therapy suppresses prolactin excess and leads to prolactin in the mother’s milk might facilitate maternal
improvements in BMD53. Of note, women with hyper- care when the young reach adulthood64. This study sup-
prolactinaemia who have regular menstrual cycles ports the hypothesis that prolactin is able to influence the
also have normal BMD54. These data are most con- development of the neuronal system of the offspring that
sistent with the hypothesis that sex steroid deficiency underlies the control of maternal behaviour.
induced by prolactin, but not prolactin excess per se, The effect of prolactin exposure after and perhaps
causes the development of low BMD in patients with before birth might result in long-term developmen-
hyperprolactinaemia54. tal programming affecting the expression of maternal
A case of hypercalcaemia has been described sec- behaviour. Unfortunately, less is known on the potential
ondary to prolactin-induced mammary gland produc- role of the prolactin system in maternal care in primates
tion of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and humans, although the possibility that the situation
during pregnancy, a physiological state of hyperpro is similar certainly deserves consideration. For instance,
lactinaemia55. In this very rare context, treatment with studying the maternal behaviour of women presenting
dopamine agonists to decrease prolactin levels led to with a deficit of pituitary prolactin after Sheehan syn-
complete remission of hypercalcaemia and resulted in a drome (postpartum hypopituitarism) could be interest-
pregnancy carried to full term without complications55. ing. To date, no consequence on maternal care has been
Box 1 | Definition of hyperprolactinaemia hyperprolactinaemia71, but these data are not concordant
with other study findings72,73. Increases in testosterone
• Hyperprolactinaemia is defined as any situation in levels can also occur in some patients as a consequence
which circulating prolactin levels are higher than those of conversion from androgenic precursors. Hirsutism
in the reference population arises in some women with high prolactin levels, but
• In clinical practice, the term hyperprolactinaemia is it is not clear whether increased DHEA-S concentra-
typically used when the prolactin level is chronically tion is also associated with hirsutism74. Treatment with
bromocriptine, which is able to suppress prolactin
• Values >20–25 ng per ml (420–500 mIU per L) are excess, can lead to a decrease in DHEA-S levels75.
considered pathological, but the threshold value
depends on the type of assay used
Regulation of prolactin secretion
Role of prolactin in lactotroph homeostasis. As noted
reported in this patient population. It is possible that above, lactotroph cell secretion and proliferation are under
the defects in pituitary prolactin in these women could the control of dopamine, which is synthesized by hypotha-
be compensated by lactogenic actions in the brain pro- lamic TIDA neurons and secreted into the pituitary portal
vided by placental lactogens, as these are a major ligand blood76. The inhibitory effects of dopamine on prolactin
for PRL-R during the peripartum period65. A study has secretion are exerted via dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs)
tested this hypothesis in female mice66. Prolactin activity located on the surface of lactotroph cells. Conversely, pro-
patterns in female mice and their variation throughout lactin stimulates hypothalamic dopamine secretion via
pregnancy and lactation were characterized by analysing PRL-Rs located on TIDA membranes, exerting a negative
the brain immunoreactivity of a key molecule in the sig- feedback effect on its own secretion. Both Drd2−/− mice
nalling cascade of PRL-R66. Nonhypophyseal lactogenic and Prlr−/− mice develop hyperprolactinaemia and lacto
activity during pregnancy was also evaluated by admin- troph adenomas, also called prolactinomas, confirm
istering bromocriptine, which suppresses pituitary pro ing the importance of hypothalamic dopaminergic
lactin release. Late-pregnant and lactating females showed tone in the regulation of lactotroph homeostasis77–80.
significantly increased brain immunoreactivity compared The molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways
with nonpregnant mice. During late pregnancy, this pat- involved in the development of pituitary lactotroph
tern was not affected by the administration of bromocrip- tumours and prolactin hypersecretion in Prlr−/− mice
tine, suggesting that it is elicited mostly by circulating have now been studied80. Gene-set enrichment analy-
PRL-R ligands such as placental lactogens66. sis suggested that dysregulation of several signalling
pathways results in the late development of lactotroph
Stress and adrenal function. Prolactin secretion is pri- adenomas in mice80. Gene-set enrichment analysis aims
marily regulated by a negative feedback loop. Prolactin to identify candidate genes that could be involved in
activates TIDA neurons, increasing their release of prolactin pituitary tumour initiation. Examples of can-
dopamine, which accesses the pituitary via the median didate genes that remain to be evaluated in human pro
eminence and the hypothalamic–pituitary blood system lactinoma pathophysiology include Brd4, which encodes
to suppress further prolactin secretion67. Circulating a member of the BET family of nuclear proteins carrying
prolactin is secreted in response to stress, although the bromodomains that are implicated in chromatin interac-
mechanism by which this is achieved, or its cellular tions, and Erbb4, which encodes a member of the ERBB/
targets, remains unknown68. EGFR tyrosine kinase receptor family. These candidate
A brief period of restraint stress in male mice has genes could constitute interesting therapeutic targets for
been shown to cause an increase in circulating prolactin lactotroph tumours resistant to dopaminergic agonists.
concentration69. This stress-induced increase in prolac- Indeed, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have already
tin interacts with both central targets (the arcuate nucleus demonstrated their efficacy in the targeted treatment
and median eminence) and peripheral targets (the zona of various tumours81. In particular, lapatinib, a TKI that
fasciculata of the adrenal cortex). On the other hand, inhibits both EGFR and HER2 signalling, demonstrated
restraint stress resulted in reduced prolactin signalling in its efficacy in vivo in the treatment of ERBB receptor-
the TIDA neurons, which suggests that there might be a driven prolactinomas in female transgenic mice82. JQ1,
decline in their inhibitory influence on prolactin secretion a BRD4 inhibitor, has been shown in vivo to reduce
under these conditions, suggesting a potential mechanism pituitary tumour growth in mice83. To our knowledge,
by which stress can elevate prolactin secretion69. no study has yet evaluated the effect of JQ1 in human
In humans, numerous links have been reported dopamine-agonist-resistant prolactinoma.
between prolactin, the environment and psychologi- In addition to its role in increasing dopaminergic
cal stress (including diseases, pharmacological hypo- tone, prolactin has also been shown to exert auto-
glycaemia, acute experimental prolactin responses to crine or paracrine actions on lactotroph cells in vivo84.
psychological stress and chronic hyperprolactinaemia Conditional deletion of the Prlr in lactotroph cells was
associated with states, traits or coping strategies)70. described in mice: females exhibited normal prolactin
The effect of prolactin on the secretion of andro- levels and did not develop pituitary lactotroph adeno-
gens by the human adrenal gland is highly debated. mas, even at 20 months of age. Nevertheless, they showed
Hyperandrogenism of adrenal origin (measured by increased dopaminergic inhibitory tone compared with
elevated dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) control mice, confirming the presence of autocrine or
concentrations) has been reported in women with paracrine feedback of prolactin in lactotroph cells in vivo
that can be fully compensated by an intact hypothalamic Box 2 | Main causes of hypoprolactinaemia
feedback system84. In physiological situations in which
dopamine output is impaired, such as during lactation or • Abnormal lactotroph cell development (genetic causes)
ageing10,85,86, pituitary autoregulation might be important -- POU1F1, PROP1, LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, OTX2 and
for minimizing the occurrence of adenomas. IGSF1 loss-of-function mutations
• Destruction of pituitary tissue
Human models of neuroendocrine regulation of pro -- Sheehan syndrome
-- Inflammation or hypophysitis (or autoimmune
lactin secretion. Prolactin is the sole pituitary hormone
lactotroph damage)
for which release is controlled by hypothalamic inhibi- -- Tumour or surgery
tory tone. Classically, other factors such as oestrogens, -- Infection (tuberculosis)
TSH-releasing hormone (TRH) or vasoactive intestinal • Pseudohypoparathyroidism
peptide might have some role in stimulating prolactin
• Idiopathic prolactin deficiency
secretion75. Under physiological conditions, dopamine
• Medications
is the most important inhibitor of prolactin secretion,
-- Dopamine agonists (cabergoline, bromocriptine,
but other inhibitors of prolactin secretion have been quinagolide and pergolide)
proposed, including gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH)-associated peptide (GAP) in experimental para
digms75, but the relevance of the findings in rodents and after delivery (puerperal alactogenesis)96. Alactogenesis
humans is unclear. Indeed, GAP, encoded by GNRH1, due to prolactin deficiency has been successfully treated
was reported to be a potent inhibitor of prolactin secre- by the administration of recombinant human prolac-
tion in cultures of rat pituitary cells87. Notably, humans tin97. Following treatment, circulating prolactin levels
carrying GNRH1 homozygous frameshift mutations increased and milk volume increased. Patients with pro
have been shown to have normal or even low plasma lactin deficiency represent a good model for studying the
prolactin levels, although these patients lack the GAP possible role of prolactin in ovulation and pregnancy.
peptide sequence, indicating that in the physiological Published data indicate that ovulation and pregnancy are
state, GAP does not act on the pituitary gland to regu possible in women with severe prolactin deficiency,
late prolactin secretion in humans88. By contrast, in the which excludes a crucial role of prolactin in female phys-
Hpg mouse model lacking the Gnrh1 gene, the absence iological ovulation, contrary to the situation described
of GAP is associated with a sharp decrease in pituitary in rodents98. In men, as in nonlactating and nonpreg-
prolactin content in Hpg females89,90, a finding that argues nant women, prolactin deficiency has no reported clin-
against a major physiological role for GnRH and GAP in ical consequence96. Some patients with lactation failure
regulating prolactin secretion. In the same way, we can caused by prolactin deficiency have very low or even
say that the TRH receptor does not have a relevant stimu undetectable serum prolactin concentrations when
latory physiological role in prolactin secretion, given that measured with the available immunoassays94,95. Some
the TRHR loss-of-function mutation in humans and authors have suggested that an increase in prolactin
mice is associated with normal (not decreased) prolactin secretion in response to infant suckling is compromised
levels91,92. Therefore, TRH action is not required for pitu- in obese women and could explain a relative increased
itary development, nor is it required for expression of the risk of failure to initiate breastfeeding and a delayed
PRL gene, meaning that TRH does not have a major role onset of lactogenesis in this patient group99–102.
as a prolactin-releasing factor under normal conditions. Prolactin deficiency has multiple causes (Box 2), but
all are associated with alteration of pituitary lactotroph
Abnormal prolactin levels cells preventing the physiological secretion of prolactin,
The main role of prolactin in mammalian physiology is particularly during pregnancy and lactation, or medica-
to stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of the tions such as dopamine agonists that inhibit secretion
mammary cells required for lactation. Prolactin exerts of prolactin95. Some prolactin deficiencies are the con-
minor effects on morphological changes occurring in the sequence of genetic abnormalities (POU1F1, PROP1,
mammary gland during fetal, neonatal and peripubertal LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, OTX2 and IGSF1 loss-of-function
life, but it is greatly involved in most stages of lactation, mutations) that prevent the normal development of the
including mammogenesis (lobuloalveolar differen pituitary lactotroph cell line and other anterior pituitary
tiation), lactogenesis (achievement of the capacity to pro- cell lineages such as somatotrophs or thyrotrophs103,104,
duce milk), galactopoiesis (maintenance of milk secretion) which explains the deficiency in other pituitary hor-
and involution (a return to a nonlactating state)4,93. mones that commonly occurs with prolactin deficiency.
In patients with a genetic cause of prolactin deficiency, no
Prolactin deficiency. Unlike hyperprolactinaemia, pro- specific clinical complaint related to low prolactin levels
lactin deficiency is a very rare condition, with approxi- has been reported during childhood. Prolactin defi-
mately a few dozen cases reported in the literature since ciency can be clearly detectable in women only when
1975 (refs94,95). The main causes of hypoprolactinaemia pregnancy occurs. In pregnant women with a PROP1
are summarized (Box 2) . Clinical manifestations of loss-of-function mutation, serum prolactin levels are
abnormal prolactin levels are also presented (Fig. 3). much lower than the elevated levels observed in pregnant
Most described cases of severe prolactin deficiency have women without this mutation105. As with other causes of
been in women, and in the majority of reported cases prolactin deficiency, puerperal alactogenesis occurs after
the condition was revealed by the absence of lactation delivery in women with PROP1 mutations105.
Box 3 | Main causes of hyperprolactinaemia the two patient groups could be caused by the fact that
large prolactinomas induce direct effects on secretion
• Physiological from pituitary gonadotropic cells. From these findings,
-- Pregnancy the pattern of gonadotropin secretion in patients with
-- Lactation
hyperprolactinaemia might be useful for predicting the
-- Nipple stimulation
aetiology of hyperprolactinaemia123.
• Analytical Another interesting area of investigation emerging is
-- Macroprolactinaemia (hyperprolactinaemia with a
the relationship between hyperprolactinaemia and hot
predominance of macroprolactin)
flushes. Most prolactinomas in females are diagnosed
• Pathological
during the reproductive age124. Prolactinomas can also be
-- Prolactinomas and mixed secreting adenomas
-- Hypothalamic and pituitary stalk disorders
detected in the postmenopausal period, although this sce-
(compressive macroadenoma, hypophysitis, nario is less common125. In menopausal women, hyperpro-
granulomatous disease, Rathke cleft cyst, irradiation lactinaemia might also inhibit the secretion of kisspeptin
and/or trauma, and tumours including cranio and GnRH and explain the observed blunting of pituitary
pharyngiomas, germinomas and metastases) LH and FSH levels. Correction of hyperprolactinaemia
• Medications with dopamine agonists restores normal high gonadotro-
-- Dopamine antagonists (antipsychotics, anti-emetics pin levels, possibly by restoring endogenous kisspeptin
and α-methyldopa antihypertensives) and GnRH levels126. An interesting clinical observation is
-- Other (antidepressants, oestrogens and opiates) that normalization of prolactin levels in postmenopausal
• Chronic renal failure women with hyperprolactinaemia is accompanied by a
• Ectopic prolactin secretion recurrence of hot flushes126. A growing body of evidence
-- Ovarian dermoids implicates the hypothalamic neuropeptide neurokinin B
-- Hypernephroma (secreted by kisspeptin, neurokinin and dynorphin neu-
-- Bronchogenic carcinoma rons, the so-called KNDy neurons) together with its recep-
• Genetic tor signalling in the aetiology of menopausal hot flushes127.
-- PRLR loss-of-function mutation An interesting hypothesis proposed by the authors could
• Idiopathic be that hyperprolactinaemia might reduce hot flushes by
-- Unknown inhibiting neurokinin secretion through KNDy neurons.
Reproduced from ref.5, Springer Nature Limited. The correction of hyperprolactinaemia by restoring the
exaggerated secretion of neurokinin B in postmenopausal
women might explain the reappearance of hot flushes in
activity in women with hyperprolactinaemia caused by these women. Validation of this hypothesis would require
cabergoline-resistant prolactin microadenomas122. These intervention studies using human recombinant prolactin
data suggest that, as in rodents, GnRH deficiency and in postmenopausal women95.
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in women with hyper-
prolactinaemia could also be mediated by impairments Conclusions
in hypothalamic kisspeptin secretion122. In the past 10 years, major progress in our knowledge
In agreement with the idea that prolactin has an of the mechanisms of action of prolactin and in its roles
inhibitory effect on hypothalamic kisspeptin secretion, in human health and disease has emerged. Our under-
a study reported a particular pattern of gonadotropin standing of the role of prolactin in metabolic homeo-
secretion in men and women with hyperprolactinae- stasis has improved. The newly described effects of
mia caused by microprolactinoma or antidopaminer- prolactin in bone remodelling and in long-term devel-
gic drugs123. In these patients, rising prolactin level was opmental programming affecting the expression of
associated with a relative increase in circulating levels maternal behaviour extend the functional scope of this
of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and a relative hormone. In addition, prolactin has now been shown to
decrease in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, a finding exert autocrine or paracrine actions on lactotroph cells
that could be related to a reduction in hypothalamic in vivo, and novel findings have emerged concerning
GnRH secretion, which would itself be caused by the the neuroendocrine regulation of prolactin secretion.
hyperprolactinaemia-induced decrease in hypotha- Finally, major advances have emerged concerning our
lamic kisspeptin secretion. This specific gonadotropic understanding of the impact of hyperprolactinaemia on
profile was different from that observed in patients with the gonadotroph axis.
prolactin macroadenomas, in whom both FSH and LH
levels were decreased. The different endocrine profile in Published online 21 March 2019
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