Logistic PP Sol
Logistic PP Sol
Logistic PP Sol
1. (a) There were no females over 50. Any comparisons for older people must be based on
the assumption that the model still holds and this cannot be verified with these data.
Extrapolation is a problem for logistic regression, just as it is for linear regression.
(b) Males and females might have different tasks and survival could be associated with task.
(c) i. 3.2 − 0.078age − 1.6Imale
ii. Same equation but with all coefficients negative.
(d) Estimated probabilities for women are
π̂ =
1 + e1.6−.078age+1.6
and for men are
π̂ =
1 + e1.6−.078age
So estimated survival probabilities for males are 0.41 at age 25 and 0.091 at age 50. For
females, the estimates are 0.78 at age 25 and 0.33 at age 50.
(e) Set the estimated log-odds to zero and solve for age. For females, the age of 50% survival
is 41.0 years; for males it is 20.5 years.
(f) Since females are coded as 1 and males as −1, females versus males corresponds to a
change of 2 in the explanatory variable sex. So the odds ratio for females versus males
(of the same age) is found by exponentiating 2 times the estimated coefficient for sex.
(g) The test statistic is 13.326 − 10.127 = 3.199. Under the null hypothesis that the reduced
model adequately fits the data, this is an observation from a chi-square distribution with
1 degree of freedom (since there is 1 less parameter in the reduced model), giving an
estimated p-value between 0.05 and 0.1. So there is weak evidence that the reduced
model is not adequate; that is, there is weak evidence that 30 is not the age at which
the probability of survival for females is 0.5.
(h) i. The deviance for the model with the interaction term is 47.346 and for the model
without the interaction term the deviance is 51.256. The LRT with null hypothesis
that the coefficient of the interaction term is zero has test statistic 51.256−47.346 =
3.91. Under the null hypothesis this is an observation from a chi-square distribution
with 1 degree of freedom. From tables, we can estimate the p-value as 0.025 < p <
0.05. So there is moderate evidence that the coefficient of the interaction term is
not 0.
ii. (1) The estimated odds ratio is e−.0325(10)−0.1616(10) = 0.14.
(2) The estimated odds ratio is e6.9267−0.1616age . Note that it differs with the age.
iii. No. If there is no interaction term, exp(β1 ) is the odds ratio for a person that is 1
year older than another person, but in the presence of an interaction term, the odds
ratio must be adjusted for gender. With an interaction, exp(β1 ) is the odds ratio
for a 1 year change in age for males only.
Explanatory variables Rank by Rank by
in model AIC AIC SC SC
age, sex, age*sex 55.346 1 62.573 1
age, sex, age*sex, age 2 55.830 2 64.863 3
age, sex 57.256 3 62.676 2
2 2
age, sex, age*sex, age , age ∗ sex 57.361 4 68.201 4
Both AIC and SC choose the model with age, sex and their interaction as the model that
best fits the data. This is not surprising, considering that all of these have coefficients
that are statistically significantly different from 0 (using the likelihood ratio test for the
interaction term). Both AIC and SC least favour the most complicated model. The other
models are ranked differently, reflecting that SC penalizes more complicated models more
severely than AIC. As a rule-of-thumb, a difference of 2 or less in AIC indicates no real
difference in the fit of the model (a difference in AIC greater than 10 is considered an
important difference), so there is no overwhelming evidence from AIC in favour of any
of these models. A parsimonious approach would be to select the simplest model.
2. log 1−Y i
is undefined if Yi = 1 or 0.
3. (a) Maximum likelihood estimates are: β̂0 = −4.7393, βˆ1 = 0.0677, and β̂2 = 0.5986. The
fitted response function is logit(π̂) = −4.74 + 0.068 income + 0.60 age.
(b) exp(β̂1 ) = 1.07 so an increase of $1000 in income is associated with a 7% increase in the
odds of purchasing a new car in the next year.
exp(β̂2 ) = 1.82 so an increase of 1 year in the age of the oldest family automobile is
associated with an 82% increase in the odds of purchasing a new car in the next year.
(c) π̂ = 1+exp(−4.74+0.068(50)+0.60(3)) = 0.61
(d) The 0.005 quantile from a standard normal distribution is 2.576. An approximate 99%
confidence interval for the coefficient of income is 0.0677±2.576(0.0281) = (−0.0047, 0.14).
An approximate 99% confidence interval for the odds ratio for families whose incomes
differ by $20 thousand is (e−0.0047(20) , e0.14(20) ) = (0.91, 16.5).
(e) H0 : β2 = 0 versus Ha : β2 6= 0.
The test statistic is (0.5986/0.3901)2 = 2.35. Under the null hypothesis, this is approx-
imately an observation from a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom. R gives
the p-value as 0.1249. From a chi-square table we can say that 0.1 < p < 0.9. We can
get a more accurate estimate of the p-value by using the fact that 0.5986/0.3901 = 1.53
is approximately an observation from a standard normal distribution. The p-value is
then 2(1 − 0.9370) = 0.126. So the data are consistent with the coefficient of age being
(f) The models to be compared are logit(π) = β0 + β1 income + β2 age and
logit(π) = β0 + β1 income. The likelihood ratio test statistic is 39.305 − 36.690 = 2.615.
The estimated p-value from the chi-square table with 1 degree of freedom is 0.1 < p < 0.9.
The conclusion is consistent with the Wald test.
(g) The test statistic is 36.690 − 34.253 = 2.437. Under the null hypothesis that the coeffi-
cients of all the second-order terms are zero, this is approximately an observation from a
chi-square distribution with 3 degrees of freedom. From the chi-square table, the p-value
is between 0.1 and 0.9 we conclude that no significant contribution to the model is being
made by the 3 second-order terms.
4. (a) The R output warns us that “algorithm did not converge” and “fitted probabilities
numerically 0 or 1 occurred.”
(b) Separation occurs because a straight line can be drawn in the bottom versus diagonal
plot that completely separates the banknotes into genuine and counterfeit. So a linear
function of bottom and diagonal perfectly classifies the banknotes.