Propagators For Molecular Dynamics in A Magnetic Field
Propagators For Molecular Dynamics in A Magnetic Field
Propagators For Molecular Dynamics in A Magnetic Field
To cite this article: Laurens D. M. Peters, Erik I. Tellgren & Trygve Helgaker (2024) Propagators
for molecular dynamics in a magnetic field, Molecular Physics, 122:5, e2259008, DOI:
CONTACT Laurens D. M. Peters Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University
of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, Oslo N-0315, Norway
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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requires a modification of the velocity Verlet scheme [14]. properties, such as their behaviour in the zero-field
Their algorithm, which relies on a Taylor expansion, case [see Equation (1)], in the zero-shielding case [see
has been incorporated into well-known software pack- Equation (2)], and in the cyclotron limit [only the Lorentz
ages [15,16] and has been employed in diverse applica- force in Equation (2)]. We use simulations of a HeH+
tions [17–19]. model system to corroborate our theoretical findings and
Taking into account the electrons as quantum par- test schemes to further reduce the computational cost.
ticles within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, Having established the equations of motion, their
the energy becomes dependent on the magnetic propagation, and the weak-field limit for the step size
field [20–26], while the velocity-dependent force assumes in Sections 2.1–2.3, respectively, we derive the working
a more general form [27–29]: equations of propagators in the absence of a field as well as
the ACM, TAJ, and EXP propagators in Sections 2.4–2.7
dE(x, B)
and compare them in Section 2.8. Computational details
mI ẍI = − + AIJ (x, B) ẋJ . (3) for the HeH+ simulations are given in Section 3, while the
dxI J=1
results of these simulations are presented and discussed
Here, the last term contains not only the bare Lorentz in Section 4. Conclusions and an outlook are given in
force acting on the nuclei [see Equation (2)], but also a Section 5.
contribution from the Berry curvature [30,31], reflecting
the shielding of the nuclei by the electrons [32,33] and 2. Theory
introducing a coupling between the motion of different
2.1. Equations of motion
nuclei [34,35].
While the form and the implications of Equation (3) Within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the
were discussed more than three decades ago [27,36,37], equations of motion of a molecule in a magnetic field are
there are only a few examples where it has been actu- given by [27–29]
ally solved for a molecular system in a magnetic field.
∂E(R, B) nucN
Ceresoli and coworkers simulated an H2 model sys- MI R̈I = − + IJ (R, B) − δIJ ZI B̃ ṘJ .
tem in 2007, integrating the equations of motion with a ∂RI
Runge–Kutta scheme [28]. In 2021, Peters and coworkers (5)
were the first to conduct accurate dynamics of H2 using
the auxiliary-coordinates-and-momenta (ACM) propa- Here, we use indices I, J, . . . for the Nnuc nuclei. RI , ZI ,
gator [29], which is derived from a general scheme for MI , and ṘI are the position, charge, mass, and velocity of
propagating nonseparable Hamiltonians by Tao [38]. A nucleus I, while the 3Nnuc -dimensional column vector R
more extensive study was conducted by Monzel and denotes the collective nuclear coordinates:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
coworkers [39] in 2022, studying H2 and LiH with R1 RIx
⎜ .. ⎟
the Tajima (TAJ) propagator, originating from particle R = ⎝ . ⎠ , RI = ⎝RIy ⎠ (6)
physics [40]. R
RNnuc Iz
In this work, we introduce a new propagator that we
refer to as the exponential (EXP) propagator. It is inspired We represent the uniform magnetic field B of strength B
by the fact that equations of type by the 3 × 3 antisymmetric matrix B̃ in the manner
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 −Bz By Bx
ċ(t) = −iH(t) c(t), c(t0 ) = c0 , (4) ⎝
B̃ = Bz 0 −Bx , B = By ⎠ , B = |B|
⎠ ⎝
can, for a sufficiently small time interval [t0 , t], be solved −By Bx 0 Bz
exactly using the Magnus expansion [41] and approx- (7)
imated using matrix exponential(s) of −iH [42]. Such so that
equations appear, for example, in time propagations in
B̃ṘI = B × ṘI . (8)
time-dependent Kohn–Sham theory [43] and in surface-
hopping algorithms [44], where c corresponds to a vec- The first term in Equation (5) is the gradient of the
tor of state amplitudes, while H is the Hamiltonian Born–Oppenheimer electronic energy, obtained at some
matrix containing energies of and couplings between ab initio level of theory,
the states. Here, we compare the EXP propagator to the
E(R, B) = φ(R, B)|Hel (R, B)|φ(R, B) , (9)
previously published ACM and TAJ propagators, regard-
ing their theoretical foundation, their time-step require- where Hel (r, R, B) and φ(r; R, B) are the electronic
ments, their performance during actual simulations, and Hamiltonian and wave function, respectively, both of
which depend on the electronic coordinates r [over which be integrated efficiently using different propagators.
the integration is performed in Equation (9)]. The second We denote by
term in Equation (5) is the Lorentz force arising from the
nuclear charge screened by the surrounding electrons. xa = R(t + at), (15)
This shielding is represented by the Berry curvature, π a = MṘ(t + at), (16)
whose IJ blocks,
the position and momentum, respectively, of the system
⎛ ⎞
IxJx (R, B) IxJy (R, B) IxJz (R, B) at time a relative to time t in units of the time step t.
IJ (R, B) = ⎝IyJx (R, B) IyJy (R, B) IyJz (R, B)⎠, Introducing the notation
IzJx (R, B) IzJy (R, B) IzJz (R, B)
fa = F(xa , B), (17)
wa = W(xa , B), (18)
are Cartesian matrices whose elements (here we only we may now express the equations of motion in terms of
show the xy-element), differentials with respect to the factor a
∂φ(R, B) ∂φ(R, B) ∂π a
IxJy (R, B) = −2 | , (11) π̇ a = t −1 = fa + wa π a , (19)
∂RIx ∂RJy ∂a
are determined from derivatives of the electronic wave ẋa = t −1 = M−1 π a . (20)
function with respect to the corresponding nuclear coor-
The choice of the step length t, here appearing as a
dinates. For more details on the calculation (at the
prefactor, will be discussed in the next subsection.
Hartree–Fock level of theory) and interpretation of the
In this notation, a propagator is defined as a scheme
Berry curvature, see Refs. [30–33].
that updates the coordinates (x0 → x1 ) and momenta
With M being the 3Nnuc × 3Nnuc -dimensional matrix
(π 0 → π 1 ) for a given t. Since Equations (19) and (20)
with the nuclear masses MI on the diagonal, we can define
depend on each other, they are usually solved alternately
the kinetic momenta of the nuclei as
for a series of substeps. To ease their reading, we will
only derive working equations for a single set of those
= MṘ. (12)
We may now rewrite the nuclear equations of motion in a
The corresponding statements are not guaranteed to hold in some matrix norm · . Consequently, Equation (29)
for vector-valued functions; however, we will at one point holds when
rely on them as approximations. Specifically, we use the
forms t < ωa−1 . (32)
a a
This weak-field limit, as defined by Spreiter and Wal-
ϕ(α) dα ≈ ϕ(b) dα = aϕ(b), (25)
0 0 ter [14], means that the time step is small enough to
resolve the cyclotronic motion. For a neutral molecule,
and the charge–mass ratio is roughly on the order of 10−4 a.u.,
a b so that
ψ(α)ϕ(α) dα ≈ ψ(α)ϕ(0) dα
0 0 ωa ∼ 10−4 B. (33)
+ ψ(α)ϕ(a) dα, (26) Time steps of up to 100 a.u. (2.4 fs) therefore allow for
simulations in field strengths up to about 10 B0 , cover-
to approximate integrals over two vectors of continuous ing the entire range of field strengths from the (particu-
functions ϕ(α) and ψ(α). Note that both the midpoint larly interesting) intermediate regime (< 1 B0 ) up to the
rule and the trapezoidal rule can be derived from these Landau regime.
mean-value approximations by choosing b = a/2 and, in
case of latter, ψ(α) = 1:
2.4. Propagators in the absence of a field
a a
ϕ(α) dα ≈ ϕ(a/2) dα = aϕ(a/2) (27) For the field-free case, w is zero so that we can directly
0 0 apply the mean-value approximation Equation (25) to
a a/2 Equations (21) and (22):
ϕ(α) dα ≈ ϕ(0) dα
0 0 a
a a π a = t fα dα + π 0 ≈ at fb + π 0 (34)
+ ϕ(1) dα = [ϕ(0) + ϕ(1)] 0
a/2 2 b
(28) xb = t M−1 π β dβ + x0 ≈ bt M−1 π a + x0
2.3. Choice of step size
As shown in Algorithm 1, both equations are solved alter-
The error introduced by a given propagator depends on nately using the current forces and momenta as mean
the applied step size t. Before considering the differ- values to propagate the momenta and positions, respec-
ent propagators, we discuss briefly in this subsection the tively. The remaining task is now to come up with a series
restriction on the time step imposed by an external mag- of a’s and b’s (denoted by the vectors a and b) to approx-
netic field. As in field-free simulations, we demand that imate the mean values. The lengths of a and b (K + 1 and
the time step t is significantly smaller than the fastest K) reflect the order K of the scheme.
molecular vibration. In addition, we demand that the In the standard velocity Verlet scheme (K = 1)
matrix t wa is convergent for all a, meaning that [10,11], we set a = [0.5, 0.5] and b = [1.0], so that we
lim [twa ]n = 0 (29)
π VV
0.5 = 0.5t f0 + π 0 (36)
Introducing the spectral radius ρ
x1VV = t M−1 π VV0.5 + x0 (37)
ρ waT wa = ωa , (30) π VV
1 = 0.5t f1 + π VV
0.5 (38)
which we loosely interpret as a cyclotron frequency, we Note that this quadrature corresponds to solving the full
have integral (a = 1) in Equation (34) with the trapezoidal
[see Equation (28)] and the full integral in Equation (35)
lim [twa ]n (b = 1) with the midpoint rule [see Equation (27)]. As
n→∞ a consequence of this the velocity Verlet algorithm is
symplectic, time-reversible, and of second-order accu-
∝ lim t n ρ waT wa = lim (tωa )n (31)
n→∞ n→∞ racy. However, it has been shown that higher-order
Algorithm 1 General algorithm for a propagator of order and the propagation of π in terms of π and x
K, in the absence of a field. See Equations (15)–(18) for
π b ≈ bt fa + wa π a + π 0 , (42)
definitions of the variables. a and b are predefined vectors
of length K + 1 and K, respectively. In case of velocity xa ≈ at M−1 π b + x0 , (43)
Verlet, a = [0.5, 0.5] and b = [1.0].
k = 0; a = 0; b = 0 The only remaining step is the coupling of coordinates
while k ≤ K do and momenta, which is done when all quantities x, π , x ,
a = a[k] and π are at the same time step by carrying out, for a
π a +a = atfb + π a given coupling constant s, the transformation [29]
a =a +a ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
xc xc
if k < K then ⎜ xc ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ s ⎜ xc ⎟
b = b[k] ⎝M−1 π c ⎠ → sb ⎝M−1 π c ⎠ (44)
xb +b = bt M−1 π a + xb
M−1 π c M−1 π c
b =b +b
Calculate fb with the coupling matrix
end if ⎛ ⎞
k=k+1 1 + cos χ 1 − cos χ s−1 sin χ −s−1 sin χ
1 ⎜1 − cos χ 1 + cos χ −s−1 sin χ s−1 sin χ ⎟
end while ssb = ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝ s sin χ −s sin χ 1 + cos χ 1 − cos χ ⎠
−s sin χ s sin χ 1 − cos χ 1 + cos χ
schemes [12,13], can significantly increase the stability of (45)
the dynamics.
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward expansion where
of the upper scheme towards systems with velocity-
χ = sbt (46)
dependent forces since, taking the velocity Verlet
algorithm as an example, the step of Equation (38) Setting s = 0 reduces the coupling matrix to the unity
becomes matrix, while setting it to s = π/(ct) leads to a com-
plete exchange of x and π with x and π and vice versa.
π 1 ≈ 0.5t (f1 + w1 π 1 ) + π 0.5 (39)
The pseudo code for a general ACM propagator of order
The mismatch between the required (π 1 ) and the avail- K is given in Algorithm 2.
able (π 0.5 ) momenta for the propagation leads to a
systematic error in the integration of the equations of 2.6. Tajima propagator
motion [29]. Clearly, there is a need to develop alter-
native propagators, which will be done in the following An alternative to the ACM propagator is the Tajima
subsections. (TAJ) propagator. Initially used in particle physics [40],
it was rewritten for molecular applications by Monzel
et al. [39]. Here, we present a slightly different deriva-
2.5. Auxiliary-coordinates-and-momenta tion of the working equations that starts with applying the
propagator mean-value approximations [Equations (25) and (26)] to
The auxiliary-coordinates-and-momenta (ACM) prop- Equation (21):
agator method was proposed by Tao for general non- c
separable Hamiltonians [38] and adapted by Peters π a ≈ at fb + t wα π 0 dα
and coworkers for molecular simulations in a magnetic a
field [29]. The idea is to circumvent the mismatch in + t wα π a dα + π 0 (47)
Equation (39), by introducing an additional pair of coor- c
dinates and momenta (x , π ) that are kept close to the Assuming that c = a/2 and that both integrals have the
original pair (x, π ) during the dynamics (x ≈ x and π ≈ same mean value wb , we obtain:
π ). If this coupling is sufficiently strong, we can write the
a a
propagation of π in terms of π and x 1 − t wb π a ≈ at fb + 1 + t wb π 0 (48)
2 2
π a ≈ at fb + wb π b + π 0 , (40) Introducing the inverted matrix
xb ≈ bt M−1 π a + x0 . (41) vbc = [1 − ctwb ]−1 , (49)
Algorithm 2 General algorithm for the auxiliary coor- Algorithm 3 General algorithm for the Tajima (TAJ)
dinates and momenta (ACM) method of order K. See method of order K. See Equations (15)–(18) for defini-
Equations (15)–(18) for definitions of the variables. a and tions of the variables. a and b are predefined vectors of
b are predefined vectors of length K + 1 and K, respec- length K + 1 and K, respectively. In the velocity Verlet
tively. In the velocity Verlet variant, a = [0.5, 0.5] and variant, a = [0.5, 0.5] and b = [1.0].
b = [1.0]. k = 0; a = 0; b = 0
k = 0; a = 0; b = 0 while k ≤ K do
while k ≤ K do a = a[k]
a = a[k] π a +a = vb
atfb + 1 + twb π a
π a +a = at fb + wb π b + π a 2
a =a +a
xa +a = at M−1 π b + xa
if k < K then
a =a +a b = b[k]
if k < K then
xb +b = bt M−1 π a + xb
b = b[k] b =b +b
Calculate fa and wa Calculate fb and wb
π a = (a − b )t fa + wa π a + π b end if
xa = (a − b )t M−1 π a + xb k=k+1
Apply ssb end while
Calculate fa and wa
b =b +b
π b = (b − a )t fa + wa π a + π a where γ is chosen so that the Magnus series [41],
xb = (b − a )t M−1 π a + xa a
Calculate fb and wb yγ ,a = t dα wα
end if α
1 a
k=k+1 + (t)2 dα dβ wα , wβ + · · · , (53)
end while 2 γ γ
Algorithm 4 General algorithm for the Exponential Table 1. Comparison of the auxiliary coordinates and momenta
(ACM), Tajima (TAJ), and exponential (EXP) propagator.
(EXP) method of order K. See Equations (15)–(18) for
definitions of the variables. a and b are predefined vec- Criterion ACM TAJ EXP
tors of length K + 1 and K, respectively. In the velocity Forces calculations per step 3K K K
Parameter-free? No Yes Yes
Verlet variant, a = [0.5, 0.5] and b = [1.0]. Correct zero-field limit? No Yes Yes
k = 0; a = 0; b = 0 Correct zero-shielding, No Yes Yes
velocity Verlet limit?
while k ≤ K do Exact cyclotron limit? No No Yes
a = a[k]
π a +a = atub fb + uab π a
a =a +a external force f and a magnetic field of strength Bz in the
if k < K then z-direction. In this particular case, w and thus ua and va
b = b[k] are constants
⎛ ⎞
xb +b = bt M−1 π a + xb 0 ω 0
Bz Z1
b =b +b w = ⎝−ω 0 0⎠ ω = , (60)
Calculate fb and wb 0 0 0
end if and the velocity Verlet variants of the EXP and TAJ
k=k+1 propagator reduce to
end while
1 = u0.25 f1 + u0.75 f0 + u1 π 0 , (61)
as the exponential propagator (EXP) for the nuclear
t t
momenta in magnetic fields; see Algorithm 4. The matrix π TAJ
1 = 0.25
v f1 + v 0.25
1+ w v f0 0.25
2 4
exponential can be expanded as
t t
∞ + v0.25 1 + w v0.25 1 + w π 0 , (62)
1 n 4 4
ucb = ctwb
n! respectively. Expanding ua and va up to second order
1 n ua = 1 + atw + a2 (t)2 w2 + O [t]3 (63)
= ctwb + O [tω]N /N! . (59) 2
n=0 va = 1 + atw + a2 (t)2 w2 + O [t]3 (64)
In contrast to the Neumann series, this series converges and using the Taylor expansion of the forces in
unconditionally, for all step sizes. y-direction
y y df0
2.8. Comparison of the propagators f1 = f0 + t + O [t]2 , (65)
We close this section by discussing a few properties of the we obtain, for both EXP and TAJ, an expression that is
introduced propagators. The results are summarised in identical to those obtained by Spreiter and Walter via
Table 1. From Algorithms 2–4, we see that the ACM prop- inversion [see Equation (16) in Ref. [14]] and via Taylor
agator is about three times more expensive than the other expansion [see Equation (39) in Ref. [14]]:
schemes, requiring 3K instead of K forces and Berry cur- t x y
vature calculations per step. In addition, it depends on the π1x = π0x + f0 + f1x + 2ωπ0
definition of a parameter (s), which has an influence on 1
the stability of the dynamics. Moreover, unlike the ACM + (t)2 2ωf0 − 2ω2 π0x + O [t]3 (66)
propagator, TAJ and EXP propagators converge to the
correct zero-field solution when setting B and therefore Their difference, however, becomes obvious when addi-
wb to zero. tionally setting the forces in Equations (61) and (62) to
As the correct zero-shielding limit, we define the prop- zero:
agators derived by Spreiter and Walter, which were con- π EXP
1 = u1 π 0 (67)
structed for the special case where the Berry curvature
t t
is zero. While their working equations clearly differ from π TAJ
1 = v 0.25
1 + w v 0.25
1 + w π0 (68)
the ACM propagator, we can compare them to the TAJ 4 4
and EXP propagators by assuming a single particle with In this cyclotron limit, the EXP propagator collapses to the
charge Z1 and mass M1 , experiencing a time-dependent exact result for the cyclotron motion of a single, charged
Figure 1. Bond-length (dHeH ) dependent energies (a) and charges (b) derived from the Berry curvature of HeH+ at the HF/lu-aug-cc-
pVTZ level of theory perpendicular to a field of B = 0.1 B0 . We consistently use atomic units.
Figure 3. Centre-of-mass motion (a) and vibrational spectra of He (b) obtained from the simulations of the HeH+ model system at B =
10 B0 using different propagators with K = 1 (Velocity Verlet): Auxiliary coordinates and momenta (ACM), Tajima (TAJ), and exponential
(EXP) propagator.
Table 3. Orders (o) and prefactors (p) of the auxiliary coordi- from the couplings between the different modes. Select-
nates and momenta (ACM), Tajima (TAJ), and exponential (EXP) ing one set of simulations at low (B = 0.1 B0 ) and one at
propagator at two different field strenghts (B). high field strengths (B = 100 B0 ), we list the order o and
εtot ∼ to p prefactor p of εtot with respect to t in Table 3. It clearly
Propagator K B [B0 ] o p shows that all propagators with K = 1 are, just like VV
ACM 1 0.1 2.01 10−4.82 in the field-free case, of second order in both regimes.
ACM 1 100 2.00 10−3.76 Therefore, the trends of εtot in Figure 2 solely arise from
TAJ 1 0.1 2.01 10−5.10
TAJ 1 100 2.02 10−4.89 p. Note that, while o is approximately constant, p might
EXP 1 0.1 2.01 10−5.10 change for a different system.
EXP 1 100 2.04 10−5.02
EXP 4 0.1 3.96 10−7.49
Since the EXP propagator is the most stable propa-
EXP 4 100 2.05 10−5.51 gator, we restrict our attention to this propagator when
EXP 6 0.1 3.94 10−8.53 investigating dependence on the propagator order K and
EXP 6 100 2.00 10−6.25
on the truncation level N in the exponential series; see
Note: For EXP, we also list o and p of the higher-order schemes (K = 4, 6).
Figure 4. Influence of the order of the EXP propagator (K, a) and the truncation of the exponential series (N, b) on the standard deviation
of the total energy (εtot ) during simulations of the HeH+ model system using different magnetic field strengths. The reference (exact
exponential with K = 1) is shown as a dashed black line in both plots.
Figure 4(a,b), respectively. We expect the TAJ propaga- propagator might be useful for cases where the energy
tor to show a similar behaviour, while an investigation and/or the electron shielding depend on the nuclear
of the influence of K on the ACM propagator can be momenta.
found in Ref. [29]. At low field strengths, the higher- In the study of molecules in strong magnetic fields, we
order schemes (i.e. OM with K = 4 and RK4 with K = 6) are usually interested in field strengths below 1 B0 and
improve the stability of the EXP propagator by up to two apply time steps of t = 0.1 fs to resolve the molecular
orders of magnitude; see Figure 4(a). These higher-order vibrations. In practice, these time steps are small enough
schemes therefore allow for a significantly larger effective to resolve the cyclotronic motion (weak field limit), while,
time step t/K (constant in Figure 4), reducing the com- additionally, allowing for the use of higher-order schemes
putational cost of the dynamics. Perhaps surprisingly, and truncation of the exponential series to reduce the
the OM and RK4 schemes become less stable than the computational cost of the EXP propagator.
lower-order VV scheme as the velocity-dependent forces
become dominant in the Landau regime (beyond 10 B0 ). Acknowledgments
Both observations are in line with the behaviour of o and
We thank Tanner Culpitt for helpful discussions.
p listed in Table 3. At 0.1 B0 , both OM and RK4 are of
fourth order and show a significantly smaller p, while
at 100 B0 only p is smaller when comparing to the VV Disclosure statement
scheme with K = 1. Since the latter is not enough to com- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
pensate the increasing number of calculations per time
step, the higher-order schemes become more expensive. Funding
Both Figure 4(a) and Table 3 prove that the coefficients a
This work was supported by the Research Council of Nor-
and b (see Algorithm 4) need to be adjusted at high field way [Norges Forskningsråd] through ‘Magnetic Chemistry’
strengths to obtain o > 2 in the Landau regime. [grant number 287950] and CoE Hylleraas Centre for Quan-
Simulations with a truncated exponential series at tum Molecular Sciences [grant number 262695]. The work also
N = 2 in Equation (59) reproduce the results obtained received support from the UNINETT Sigma2, the National
with the exact matrix exponential for field strengths up Infrastructure for High Performance Computing and Data
Storage, through a grant of computer time [grant number
10 B0 ; see Figure 4. Since calculating a matrix exponential
is (comparably) expensive, replacing it with a series will
reduce the computation time. For N = 2 at higher field ORCID
strengths, the truncation error exceeds O([ωt]2 ) =
Laurens D. M. Peters
10−5 , giving unstable dynamics. This indicates that N
Erik I. Tellgren
must be chosen with care.
Trygve Helgaker
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