RDL-3000 XP Family User - Manual v3.2

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Virtual Fiber™

Outdoor Wireless TCP/IP Transport

RDL-3000 Family
Universal Wireless Transport™

Ellipse RDL-3000 UHP Enterprise

Edge Elte Connect

RAS-Elite RAS-Extend

User Manual
Software v3.xx
1 Important Notices ................................................................. 18

2 Functional Description ......................................................... 24

3 Web Interface ........................................................................ 42

4 CLI Interface ........................................................................ 120

5 Diagnostics & Troubleshooting ......................................... 149

6 Security ............................................................................... 162

7 Technical Reference ........................................................... 182

8 Deployment Information..................................................... 188

9 Connect-OWS / IWS Serial Gateway .................................. 250

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Copyright Information
All rights reserved June 9, 2016. The information in this document is proprietary to
Redline Communications Inc. This document may not in whole or in part be copied,
reproduced, or reduced to any medium without prior consent, in writing, from Redline
Communications Incorporated.

Contact Information:
Redline Communications Inc.
302 Town Centre Blvd.
Markham, ON
Canada L3R 0E8
Web site:
Inquiries: info@rdlcom.com
Support: support@rdlcom.com
Training: training@rdlcom.com
Document Control:

The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document
are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied
warranty. Additionally, Redline makes no representations or warranties, either expressed
or implied, regarding the contents of this product. Redline Communications shall not be
liable for any misuse regarding this product. The information in this document is subject
to change without notice. No part of this document shall be deemed to be part of any
warranty or contract unless specifically referenced to be part of such warranty or
contract within this document.
Software Versions
RDL-3000 family products are designed to address a wide base of applications and
operate in extreme environmental requirements. To facilitate ease of use by the
operator, a common user interface is provided across all RDL-3000 family platforms:
Ellipse and RDL-3000 UHP base station systems and Enterprise, Edge, eLTE-MT, RAS-
Elite, RAS-Extend Series and Connect series remote wireless terminals.
This manual describes operation using the RDL-3000 software release v3.2 and the
Connect serial gateway V1.3.0 software releases. This manual may include features that
are different or unavailable in previous software releases.
A number of RDL-3000 features are controlled by options keys ( ) and availability is
restricted by regional regulations, model type, software version and dependent
purchased product options. Refer to the individual product Release Notes for the latest
information about required software and feature availability.

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Revision Log
Date Item Description of Change(s)
20130707 Many Passive and active GPS antenna support:
3.5.1: Web control 'GPS Antenna Type'
4.3: CLI control 'gpsantenna active | passive'
Rescan no longer started automatically when saving configuration.
4.3: Added CLI support for forcing rescan (apply rescan).
DHCP discovery behavior modified
3.5.1: DHCP Enable description updated.
20130709 3.5.4 Updated table 19: Polarization of Systems with Integrated Antennas to include 2 GHz
20130716 3.6.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE:
3.6.3 Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
4.3 Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to
all wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
Added new section 7.1 Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for Services on STID Links.
20130730 many 2.3.4 Pass through mode - removed Q-in-Q example
Entire manual - Inserted branding in all illustrations.
20130813 3.5.6 Clarify that SC MAC address is updated only if new address is entered in the correct
3.4.7 Add Long Reset message to system log
3.5.4 Add Target RSSI Enabled and ATPC Level fields to sector controller
4.2 Correct syntax of CLI command 'set optionskey'.
Add sector controller CLI commands targetrssilevel and targetrssimode
20130903 3.7.1 Spectrum Sweep: Step size is 2.5 MHz for all 5 GHz systems. Use a maximum of
500 acquisitions for each spectrum sweep.
20130904 3.3 Remove reference to LED blinking when current modulation/coding is too low to meet
the minimum required UBR.
20130924 4.3 Add CLI command 'set atpcss <off|on>' to disable or enable (default) ATPC on
individual wireless terminals. Includes reference note in field Target RSSI Enabled
(Web section 3.5.4 Wireless: Advanced Wireless Configuration).
20131002 All Change 'RDL-3000 SC' to 'Ellipse' and 'RDL-3000 SU' to 'Edge'.
The Ellipse sector controller and Edge wireless terminal are the latest generation
systems of RDL-3000 family.
20131024 2.2 Table 7: Clarify identification for RDL-3000 SC/SU and Ellipse/Edge
8.1 Region 11: Updated maximum power levels
Region 16: Default frequency is 2310 MHz
20131031 2.2 Add Connect-OW
20131111 1.3-4, Update FCC and IC regulatory notice information
20131118 3.5.3 Add reference to SNMPv3 context name 'contextPMP'
20131216 7 Add regions 25, 26 and 27
20140220 7 Add regions 20-24, adjust max power for region 13 to 28 dBm.
3.6.2, 4.3 Add note: reboot required after changing SS-to-SS mode (hairpinning).
20140306 7 Update region 9 to include 3675-3700 MHz.
20140319 2 Update RDL-3000 SU/Edge S/N prefix, add eLTE-MT Zone 2 units
20140326 2, 3 Add table of Redline products (2.1), Noise Level reading (3.4), Network Topology List

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Revision Log
Date Item Description of Change(s)
20141006 General Coverage for Update 9 features.
20141126 3.5.1 LLDP setting in System Configuration screen
8.1 Add Region 29: Argentina 3.4-3.7 GHz, Add 5.1 GHz to regions 6 & 7
20141204 9 Add Connect Serial Gateway information. CLI commands: encautomode, webtimeout
20150113 7.6 Update description of auto frequency scanning
20150119 8.7 Add FCC RF power tables for 5.2 GHz
20150204 3.5.4, Updated Auto Frequency Scan information to use center frequency (Update 10)
20150211 3.4.2 Update synchronization references re fixed frame operation
20150217 8.6.7 Update RSS-192 & RSS-197 description and power settings table.
20150311 Many Updates for v3.00: new channel sizes, ECDSA authentication, Rapid Path, 256QAM,
250 KHz frequency step for all radios, UBR table.
20150618 5, 8 Update Long Reset description; updated region 28 and add regions 14, 30 and 31.
20150812 3.5.4 v3.00/3.05 Update 1 updates: Add TMA Enable, Roaming SC Enable GeoFencing to
wireless configuration page, update PPPs, expanded UBR table to include all 24
MCS settings, add RDL-3000 UHP, add region 32, new RAS-Extend fields,
Connect v1.1 updates.
20150922 8 Increase tx power upper limit for external antennas to +22 dBm for regions 5, and 7.
20150928 2 Update Connect-OW-ER PPPs.
20151006 3.5.5 Update description of WSDB configuration and operation.
20151113 7 Update description of link recovery time. Add regions 33 and 34.
20151202 9.6.8 Update description of password recovery (add CON port details).
20151211 2 Add RDL-3000 UHP to table of products. Updated regions table with HAZ settings.
Update product table (PPPs).
20160114 8.1 Update regions 18 & 19 to max power of 22 dBm.
20160122 Add Secure Mode operation (includes FIPS-140-2), VLAN filtering
20160225 2 Added Enterprise-XR to the product identification table.
3 Clarify use of Test command (equivalent to Apply - wait 300 seconds - reboot).
8 Clarify chart to indicate Region 6 does not required DFS from 5725 to 5850 MHz.
20160315 9 Update connect serial gateway to v1.3.0.
20160426 62 Update to identify support for TLS 1.2 (software v3.1 and higher)

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1 Important Notices ................................................................. 18
1.1 Service & Safety ............................................................................................... 18
General Warnings ........................................................................................ 18
Safety Warnings ........................................................................................... 18
Warning Symbols ......................................................................................... 19
1.2 Installation Safety ............................................................................................ 19
Professional Installation / Installations Professionnel ................................... 19
Safety Precautions ....................................................................................... 19
Electrocution Hazard / Risque D’électrocution.............................................. 19
Radio Frequency Safety / Sécurité des Fréquences Radio .......................... 20
Personal Safety ............................................................................................ 20
Electrical Safety ........................................................................................... 20
Electrical Safety Compliance / Conformité à la Sécurité Electrique .............. 20
UL Information ............................................................................................. 21
Lightning Protection / Protection Contre la Foudre ....................................... 21
1.3 WEEE Product Return Process ....................................................................... 22
1.4 Service & Warranty Information ...................................................................... 23

2 Functional Description ......................................................... 24

2.1 System Features .............................................................................................. 24
2.2 Overview ........................................................................................................... 24
2.3 Unit Type Identification ................................................................................... 24
2.4 PMP Mode......................................................................................................... 27
Classification ................................................................................................ 27
Links and Services ....................................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Wireless Links ................................................................................................. 28
2.4.2 Services and Service Groups .......................................................................... 29
Overview ...................................................................................................... 29
Services ....................................................................................................... 29
Service Groups ............................................................................................ 31
2.4.3 Setting Wireless Rates .................................................................................... 32
2.4.4 Pass through Mode ......................................................................................... 33
2.4.5 Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic ...................................................................... 34
2.4.6 VLAN Tagged Management ............................................................................ 35
2.4.7 PMP Configurations ........................................................................................ 36
VLAN Services ............................................................................................. 36
Transparent LAN Services (TLS) ................................................................. 39
2.5 PTP Mode ......................................................................................................... 41

3 Web Interface ........................................................................ 42

3.1 System Menus .................................................................................................. 42
3.2 Network Connection ........................................................................................ 43
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3.3 Dashboard Display .......................................................................................... 44

General Information ..................................................................................... 44
3.4 Status Screens ................................................................................................. 46
3.4.1 General Information ........................................................................................ 46
System ......................................................................................................... 46
Ethernet ....................................................................................................... 47
3.4.2 System Status ................................................................................................. 48
Controls ....................................................................................................... 48
Wireless System .......................................................................................... 48
Wireless Summary ....................................................................................... 51
Wireless Ethernet Statistics .......................................................................... 51
Ethernet Port Statistics ................................................................................. 51
3.4.3 Subscriber Links Summary ............................................................................. 53
Advanced Link Summary Statistics (RAS-Elite SS only)............................... 54
3.4.4 Subscriber Link Status .................................................................................... 55
General ........................................................................................................ 55
Wireless ....................................................................................................... 56
Wireless Packets.......................................................................................... 56
3.4.5 Services Summary (SS only) .......................................................................... 57
3.4.6 WSDB Status .................................................................................................. 58
WSDB Status ............................................................................................... 58
Channel List ................................................................................................. 59
3.4.7 System Messages (Log) ................................................................................. 60
3.5 Configuration Screens..................................................................................... 63
3.5.1 System ............................................................................................................ 63
System Identification .................................................................................... 64
Basic Ethernet Configuration ........................................................................ 64
Advanced Ethernet Configuration ................................................................. 67
3.5.2 RADIUS .......................................................................................................... 69
3.5.3 SNMP ............................................................................................................. 70
SNMP Communities ..................................................................................... 70
SNMP v2: Trap Destination Settings ............................................................ 71
SNMP v3: Trap Destination Settings ............................................................ 72
SNMP Trap Configuration ............................................................................ 73
3.5.4 Wireless .......................................................................................................... 74
Basic Wireless Configuration........................................................................ 75
Advanced Wireless Configuration ................................................................ 79
Redundancy Configuration: Redundant Base Station (1+1) Option .............. 82
Frequency Management Screen .................................................................. 84
3.5.5 WSDB Configuration/Control........................................................................... 87
Registration Information ............................................................................... 88
3.5.6 Security ........................................................................................................... 89
3.5.7 Network Topology ........................................................................................... 91
Network Topology File Formats .................................................................... 92
3.6 Provisioning Screens ...................................................................................... 95
3.6.1 Subscriber Links ............................................................................................. 95
Subscriber Link Configuration ...................................................................... 97
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3.6.2 Service Groups ............................................................................................. 102

Service Group Status ................................................................................. 103
Service Group Configuration ...................................................................... 104
3.6.3 Subscriber Services ...................................................................................... 106
Subscriber Service Status .......................................................................... 106
Subscriber Service Configuration ............................................................... 107
3.7 Utilities Screens ............................................................................................. 109
3.7.1 Spectrum Sweep ........................................................................................... 109
Spectrum Sweep Configuration .................................................................. 109
Spectrum Sweep Chart .............................................................................. 109
Performing a Sweep................................................................................... 109
3.7.2 Users Management ....................................................................................... 111
System Users ............................................................................................. 111
Manage User Settings ................................................................................ 111
New User ................................................................................................... 112
Main Menu Access Permissions ................................................................. 113
3.7.3 Product Options ............................................................................................ 115
3.8 Options Keyed Features ................................................................................ 116
3.8.1 Antenna Alignment Screen............................................................................ 117
3.8.2 Firmware Management Screen ..................................................................... 118
Firmware Version ....................................................................................... 118
Firmware Upgrade ..................................................................................... 118

4 CLI Interface ........................................................................ 120

4.1 Quick Reference............................................................................................. 120
4.2 Telnet Access ................................................................................................. 121
4.3 Command Set ................................................................................................. 121
apply .......................................................................................................... 121
arp.............................................................................................................. 121
chgver ........................................................................................................ 122
clear ........................................................................................................... 122
del .............................................................................................................. 122
disable ....................................................................................................... 123
enable ........................................................................................................ 123
freq............................................................................................................. 123
genecckeys ................................................................................................ 124
generate sshkey <dsa | rsa> ...................................................................... 124
get .............................................................................................................. 124
load ............................................................................................................ 128
logout ......................................................................................................... 129
new ............................................................................................................ 129
ping ............................................................................................................ 130
reboot......................................................................................................... 130
reset ........................................................................................................... 130
save ........................................................................................................... 130
script .......................................................................................................... 131

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set .............................................................................................................. 131

show .......................................................................................................... 144
snmpcommunity ......................................................................................... 145
snmptrap .................................................................................................... 146
spectrum .................................................................................................... 146
upgrade ...................................................................................................... 147
user ............................................................................................................ 147
whoami ...................................................................................................... 148

5 Diagnostics & Troubleshooting ......................................... 149

5.1 Interface Connection Issues ......................................................................... 149
5.2 Testing Configuration Changes .................................................................... 149
5.3 Status Code Definitions................................................................................. 150
5.4 Working with System Parameters................................................................. 151
Parameters Overview ................................................................................. 151
Restore Factory Configuration.................................................................... 152
Factory Default Settings ............................................................................. 153
5.5 Recover from Lost Password or IP ............................................................... 155
5.5.1 Long Reset ................................................................................................... 155
Long Reset Using Telnet ............................................................................ 155
5.5.2 DHCP - Recover Lost IP Address (Link-Local IP).......................................... 156
5.6 Classification: Services and Service Groups .............................................. 158
Packet Classification at the Sector Controller ............................................. 158
Packet Classification at the Subscriber ...................................................... 160
VLAN (802.1Q) Field Definitions ................................................................ 161

6 Security ............................................................................... 162

6.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 162
Authentication ............................................................................................ 162
Management Security ................................................................................ 162
Data Security ............................................................................................. 162
Physical Security ........................................................................................ 162
Important Security Guidelines: ................................................................... 162
6.2 AES Encryption .............................................................................................. 163
Out of Box Operation ................................................................................. 163
Step 1: Before You Start ............................................................................ 163
Step 2: Enable Encryption on Remote Terminals (Auto Mode) ................... 163
Step 3: Enable Encryption on Sector Controller ......................................... 164
6.3 Wireless Authentication ................................................................................ 165
Out-of-Box Operation ................................................................................. 165
Step 1: Before You Start ............................................................................ 165
Step 1: Obtaining ECDSA-Enabled Options Key ........................................ 166
Step 2: Creating an ECDSA Certificate Request File ................................. 166
Step 4: Install ECDSA Authentication Options Key ..................................... 167
Step 5: Load ECDSA Response File .......................................................... 167

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Step 6: Enable ECDSA Authentication ....................................................... 168

6.4 SSH for Secure CLI ........................................................................................ 169
Out-of-Box Operation ................................................................................. 169
Enabling SSH ............................................................................................. 169
6.5 HTTPS (SSL) for Secure Web ........................................................................ 171
Out-of-Box Operation ................................................................................. 171
Enabling HTTPS (SSL) .............................................................................. 171
6.6 Secure Mode Setup........................................................................................ 173
Secure Mode Overview .............................................................................. 173
Secure Mode Out-of-Box Operation ........................................................... 173
Step 1: Before You Start ............................................................................ 174
Step 2: Prepare Security Settings .............................................................. 174
Step 3: Enable/Save/Activate Secure Mode ............................................... 175
Step 4: Setup Additional Security (As Required) ........................................ 176
6.7 FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode Setup ..................................................... 177
FIPS-140-2 Secure Mode Overview ........................................................... 177
FIPS-140-2 Secure Mode Out-of-Box Operation ........................................ 178
Step 1: Before You Start ............................................................................ 178
Step 2: Prepare Security Settings .............................................................. 179
Step 3: Enable/Save/Activate FIPS-140-2 certified Secure Mode ............... 180
Step 4: Setup Additional Security (As Required) ........................................ 180

7 Technical Reference ........................................................... 182

7.1 Modify CIR/PIR Settings for Services on STID Links................................... 182
7.1.1 Modify STID CIR / PIR Silently (No Reboot) .................................................. 182
7.1.2 Modify CIR / PIR Settings in a Maintenance Window .................................... 183
7.2 ID Mapping ..................................................................................................... 183
7.3 Radio Types ................................................................................................... 183
7.4 Frequency Scanning Modes.......................................................................... 184
7.5 Auto Frequency Scan .................................................................................... 185
Typical Link Connection Time .................................................................... 186
7.6 Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Support ........................................... 187

8 Deployment Information..................................................... 188

8.1 Regional Codes .............................................................................................. 188
8.2 Regulatory Notice: Deployment in Mexico ................................................... 194
8.3 Operation in 480 - 690 MHz Bands ................................................................ 195
8.3.1 Deployment in the United States ................................................................... 195
FCC Notices............................................................................................... 196
Antenna + Power Settings .......................................................................... 197
8.3.2 Deployment in Canada.................................................................................. 197
Industry Canada Notices ............................................................................ 198
Antenna + Power Settings .......................................................................... 200
8.4 Operation in 2305 - 2360 & 2400 - 2483.5 MHz Bands.................................. 201
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8.4.1 Deployment in Canada.................................................................................. 202

Industry Canada Notices ............................................................................ 202
Antenna + Power Settings .......................................................................... 204
8.5 Operation in 3450 - 3700 MHz Bands ............................................................ 209
8.6 Deployment in the United States .................................................................. 209
8.6.1 Frequency Bands .......................................................................................... 209
8.6.2 Antenna Use and Transmit Power................................................................. 209
8.6.3 Certified Antennas ........................................................................................ 209
8.6.4 Operation in the 3675-3700 MHz Band ......................................................... 210
8.6.5 FCC Notices ................................................................................................. 214
8.6.6 Deployment in Canada.................................................................................. 215
Industry Canada Notices ............................................................................ 215
8.6.7 Antenna + Power Settings............................................................................. 216
8.7 Operation in 4900 - 5800 MHz Bands ............................................................ 217
8.7.1 Deployment in Brazil ..................................................................................... 217
8.7.2 Deployment in the United States ................................................................... 217
FCC Notices............................................................................................... 217
Antenna + Power Settings .......................................................................... 220
8.7.3 Deployment in Canada.................................................................................. 236
Industry Canada Notices ............................................................................ 236
Antenna + Power Settings .......................................................................... 237

9 Connect-OWS / IWS Serial Gateway .................................. 250

9.1 System Menus ................................................................................................ 250
9.2 Connect Overview .......................................................................................... 251
9.3 Network Connection ...................................................................................... 252
Ethernet Connection .................................................................................. 253
Serial Connection ....................................................................................... 253
9.4 Dashboard Display ........................................................................................ 254
General Information ................................................................................... 254
9.5 Status Screen ................................................................................................. 255
9.5.1 General Information ...................................................................................... 255
System Information .................................................................................... 255
Management Interface Settings.................................................................. 255
9.5.2 Trace Log...................................................................................................... 256
9.6 Configuration Screens................................................................................... 257
9.6.1 System Settings ............................................................................................ 257
System Information .................................................................................... 257
Time Settings ............................................................................................. 257
Syslog Settings .......................................................................................... 257
9.6.2 Network Settings ........................................................................................... 258
Management Interface ............................................................................... 258
Sub-interface 1/2 ........................................................................................ 259
9.6.3 Switch Settings ............................................................................................. 260
Switch Settings .......................................................................................... 260

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Management Interface ............................................................................... 261

ETH 1/2 Interface (VLAN Aware enabled) .................................................. 261
VLAN Frame Processing ............................................................................ 262
9.6.4 Sleep Control Settings .................................................................................. 265
Sleep Mode Entry Settings ......................................................................... 265
Sleep Mode Exit (Wake-up) Settings .......................................................... 266
9.6.5 Radio Management ....................................................................................... 267
Radio Information ....................................................................................... 267
Radio Management Settings ...................................................................... 267
9.6.6 Gateway Settings .......................................................................................... 268
Serial Gateway [1,2] Settings ..................................................................... 268
Serial Gateway [1,2] Modbus TCP Server Settings .................................... 268
Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Client Settings ........................................... 269
Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Server Settings .......................................... 269
Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Server/Client Data Packing ....................... 270
9.6.7 Serial Port Settings ....................................................................................... 271
DATA [1,2] Port Settings ............................................................................ 271
9.6.8 Firmware Management ................................................................................. 272
Firmware Server Configuration................................................................... 272
Firmware Images ....................................................................................... 272
Firmware Upload ........................................................................................ 272
9.6.9 Change Password ......................................................................................... 274
Change Password ...................................................................................... 274
9.7 Serial Gateway CLI Interface ......................................................................... 275
9.7.1 Quick Reference ........................................................................................... 275
9.7.2 Command Set ............................................................................................... 276
apply .......................................................................................................... 276
chgver ........................................................................................................ 276
get .............................................................................................................. 276
load ............................................................................................................ 277
reset ........................................................................................................... 277
restart......................................................................................................... 277
save ........................................................................................................... 277
set .............................................................................................................. 278
show .......................................................................................................... 283
upgrade ...................................................................................................... 283
user ............................................................................................................ 283

Table 1: Notice - Electrical Safety Specifications ........................................................... 21
Table 2: Avis - Spécifications de sécurité électrique ...................................................... 21
Table 3: Functional Desc. - Redline RDL-3000 Product Family Applications ................. 24
Table 4: Functional Desc.- Wireless Base Stations........................................................ 25
Table 5: Functional Desc.- Portable/Mobile Terminals ................................................... 25
Table 6: Functional Desc.- Fixed Wireless Terminals .................................................... 25
Table 7: Web - Operation - Traffic Classification ............................................................ 29
Table 8: Web - Operation - Wireless Rates ................................................................... 32

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Table 9: Web - Sector Controller and Subscriber Menus ............................................... 42

Table 10: Web - Wireless LED Indications ..................................................................... 44
Table 11: Web - Ethernet LED Indications ..................................................................... 44
Table 12: Web - System Log Messages ........................................................................ 60
Table 13: Web - Required FreeRadius Files .................................................................. 69
Table 14: Web - Radio Enable - RF Port Settings .......................................................... 81
Table 15: Web - Configure - Network Topology List Fields ............................................ 92
Table 16: Web - RF Mode - RF Port Settings for Wireless Link ................................... 101
Table 17: Web - Screens and User Access ................................................................. 113
Table 18: Web - Defaults With No Options Key Installed ............................................. 116
Table 19: CLI - Command Summary ........................................................................... 120
Table 20: CLI - Root Mode Commands ....................................................................... 121
Table 21: Diag. - Web Interface Diagnostics ................................................................ 149
Table 22: Diag. - Status Code Bits (Binary/Hex) .......................................................... 150
Table 23: Diag. - Status Codes .................................................................................... 150
Table 24: Diag. - Parameters Overview ....................................................................... 151
Table 25: Diag. - Factory Default Settings ................................................................... 153
Table 26: Diag. - Calculating Local Link IP Addresses................................................. 157
Table 27: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SC Ethernet Port ....................... 158
Table 28: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SC Wireless Interface ................ 159
Table 29: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SS Ethernet Port ....................... 160
Table 30: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SS Wireless Interface ................ 160
Table 31: Diag. - 802.1Q Tag Field.............................................................................. 161
Table 32: Ref. - RDL-3000 ID Ranges ......................................................................... 183
Table 33: Ref. -RDL-3000 Radio Types ....................................................................... 183
Table 34: Ref. - 802.1Q Tag Field ............................................................................... 184
Table 35: Ref. - Typical Maximum Time to Register Terminal ...................................... 186
Table 36: Ref. - Examples of Maximum Time to Register Terminal ............................. 186
Table 37: Ref. – Redline LLDP Data Unit (Frame) TLVs .............................................. 187
Table 38: Ref. - Redline-Specific LLDP TLV ................................................................ 187
Table 39: Ref. - LLDP TLV Channel Size Index ........................................................... 187
Table 40: Ref. - Regional Identification Codes ............................................................. 188
Table 41: 470-698 MHz Approved Antennas ............................................................... 195
Table 42: 470-690 MHz White Space Channel Definitions for USA ............................. 196
Table 43: 470-690 MHz Transmit Power in the United States ...................................... 197
Table 44: 470-690 MHz RRBS Channel Definitions for Canada .................................. 197
Table 45: 470-698 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada ............................ 198
Table 46: 470-698 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada .............. 199
Table 47: 470-690 MHz Sector controller Transmit Power for Canada ........................ 200
Table 48: 470-690 MHz Wireless Terminal Transmit Power for Canada ...................... 200
Table 49: 2305-2360 MHz Approved Antennas ........................................................... 201
Table 50: 2305-2360 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada......................... 202
Table 51: 2305-2360 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada .......... 203
Table 52: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC ..... 204
Table 53: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC ........ 204
Table 54: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC ........ 205
Table 55: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ........ 205
Table 56: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC ... 206
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 12 of 284 June 9, 2016

Table 57: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC ...... 206
Table 58: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC ...... 206
Table 59: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ...... 207
Table 60: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC .. 207
Table 61: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ..... 207
Table 62: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC 207
Table 63: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ... 207
Table 64: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC 207
Table 65: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ... 208
Table 66: FCC - Approved Antennas ........................................................................... 209
Table 67: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 5 MHz ............................. 210
Table 68: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 5 MHz ..................... 211
Table 69: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 10 MHz ........................... 212
Table 70: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 10 MHz ................... 213
Table 71: FCC - RDL-3000 Recommended Safe Distances ........................................ 214
Table 72: 3450-2675 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada......................... 215
Table 73: 3450-2675 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada .......... 216
Table 74: 3650-3675 MHz Power & EIRP Results for Canada .................................... 216
Table 75: 4900-5875 MHz Approved Antennas ........................................................... 217
Table 76: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances for USA ............................ 217
Table 77: 4900-5875 MHz TDWR System Locations in USA ....................................... 219
Table 78: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 79: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 80: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 81: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 82: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 83: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 84: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 223
Table 85: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC........... 223
Table 86: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 223
Table 87: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 88: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 89: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 90: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 91: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 92: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 93: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 94: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 95: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 96: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Antenna for FCC .................. 227
Table 97: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......................... 227
Table 98: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......................... 227
Table 99: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 228
Table 100: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 228
Table 101: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 228
Table 102: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
Table 103: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
Table 104: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
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Table 105: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 106: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 107: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 108: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 109: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 110: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 111: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 112: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 113: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 114: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC........... 233
Table 115: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 233
Table 116: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 233
Table 117: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 118: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 119: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 120: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 121: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 122: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 123: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada....................... 236
Table 124: 4900-5875 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada ........ 237
Table 125: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 126: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 127: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 128: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 129: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 130: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 131: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 132: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 133: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 134: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 135: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 136: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 137: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 138: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 139: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 140: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 141: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 142: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 143: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 144: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 145: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 146: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 147: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 148: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 149: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 150: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 151: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 152: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
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Table 153: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
Table 154: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
Table 155: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 156: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 157: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 158: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 159: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 160: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 161: Connect Gateway - Main Menu .................................................................. 250
Table 162: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Enabled ............................ 262
Table 163: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled ........................... 263
Table 164: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode Enable (Q-in-Q) Enabled .................. 263
Table 165: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled.............................. 264
Table 166: Serial Gateway CLI - Command Summary ................................................ 275
Table 167: Serial Gateway CLI - General Commands ................................................. 275

Fig. 1: Notice - WEEE Logo ........................................................................................... 22
Fig. 2: Functional Desc. - Distributed L2 VLAN-Aware Wireless Switch ......................... 27
Fig. 3: Functional Desc. - Wireless Subscriber Links ..................................................... 28
Fig. 4: Functional Desc. - Services and Service Groups ................................................ 29
Fig. 5: Functional Desc. - Services (Subscriber) ............................................................ 30
Fig. 6: Functional Desc. - Service Groups (Sector Controller) ........................................ 31
Fig. 7: Functional Desc. - Wireless Rates ...................................................................... 32
Fig. 8: Functional Desc. - Pass through Mode ............................................................... 33
Fig. 9: Functional Desc. - Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic ............................................ 34
Fig. 10: Functional Desc. - VLAN Tagged Management ................................................ 35
Fig. 11: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: Default Groups and Services ..................... 36
Fig. 12: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: VLAN Mapping .......................................... 37
Fig. 13: Functional Desc. - Strict VLAN Tagging ............................................................ 38
Fig. 14: Functional Desc. - TLS - Extended TLS and Double Tagging ........................... 39
Fig. 15: Functional Desc. - Tagged Traffic - Port-by-Port Tagging ................................. 40
Fig. 16: Functional Desc. - PTP Mode Configuration ..................................................... 41
Fig. 17: Web - Connecting the Ethernet Port to a PC..................................................... 43
Fig. 18: Web - Dashboard Display ................................................................................. 44
Fig. 19: Web - General Information Screen ................................................................... 46
Fig. 20: Web - Sector Controller System Status Screen ................................................ 48
Fig. 21: Web - GPS Statistics Screen ............................................................................ 49
Fig. 22: Web - GPS MAP Screen................................................................................... 50
Fig. 23: Web - Subscriber System Status Screen .......................................................... 52
Fig. 24: Web - Sector Controller: Subscriber Links Summary Screen ............................ 53
Fig. 25: Web - Sector Controller: Advanced Stat. - Links Summary (RAS-Elite Only) .... 54
Fig. 26: Web - Subscriber Link Status Screen ............................................................... 55
Fig. 27: Web - Services Summary Screen ..................................................................... 57
Fig. 28: Web - WSDB Status Screen ............................................................................. 58
Fig. 29: Web - PMP SC/SS System Configuration Screen ............................................. 63
Fig. 30: Web - Using DHCP to acquire IP, Network Mask, and Gateway ....................... 64

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Fig. 31: Web - VLAN Tagged Management ................................................................... 66

Fig. 32: Web - VLAN Tagged Management Example .................................................... 66
Fig. 33: Web - RADIUS Configuration Screen ............................................................... 69
Fig. 34: Web - SNMP v2 Configuration Screen .............................................................. 70
Fig. 35: Web - SNMP v2: Community Configuration Screen .......................................... 71
Fig. 36: Web - SNMP v2: Trap Destinations Screen ...................................................... 71
Fig. 37: Web - SNMP v2: Trap Configuration Screen..................................................... 72
Fig. 38: Web - SNMP v3: Trap Destinations Screen ...................................................... 72
Fig. 39: Web - SNMP v3: Trap Configuration Screen..................................................... 73
Fig. 40: Web - Wireless Configuration Screen -- Sector Controller ................................ 74
Fig. 41: Web - Wireless Configuration Screen -- Subscriber .......................................... 77
Fig. 42: Web - Subscriber: RAS Advanced Stat. - Auto Frequency Scan Status ............ 77
Fig. 43: Web - Redundancy Configuration ..................................................................... 82
Fig. 44: Web - Frequency Management Screen ............................................................ 84
Fig. 45: Web - Auto Frequency Scan: Configuration Setting .......................................... 85
Fig. 46: Web - WSDB Configuration/Control Screen ...................................................... 87
Fig. 47: Web - Wireless Security Screen - Sector Controller .......................................... 89
Fig. 48: Web - Wireless Security Screen - Subscriber ................................................... 89
Fig. 49: Web - Sector Controller Network Toplology Table ............................................ 91
Fig. 50: Web - Sector Controller Identification (SC ID) ................................................... 92
Fig. 51: Web - Example Text File of Network Topology ................................................. 93
Fig. 52: Web - Example XML File of Network Topology ................................................. 94
Fig. 53: Web - Subscriber Links Screen......................................................................... 95
Fig. 54: Web - Subscriber Link Configuration Screen .................................................... 97
Fig. 55: Web - STID Subscriber Template Configuration Screen ................................... 98
Fig. 56: Web - Scan Threshold: Threshold Timer Example .......................................... 100
Fig. 57: Web - Stickiness Timer Example .................................................................... 101
Fig. 58: Web - Service Groups Screen ........................................................................ 102
Fig. 59: Web - Service Group Status Screen ............................................................... 103
Fig. 60: Web - Service Group Configuration Screen .................................................... 104
Fig. 61: Web - Subscriber Service Status Screen ........................................................ 106
Fig. 62: Web - Subscriber Service Configuration Screen ............................................. 107
Fig. 63: Web - Spectrum Sweep Screen ...................................................................... 109
Fig. 64: Web - Users Management Screen .................................................................. 111
Fig. 65: Web - Product Options Screen ....................................................................... 115
Fig. 66: Web - Antenna Alignment Tool Screen ........................................................... 117
Fig. 67: Web - Firmware Management Screen ............................................................ 118
Fig. 68: Diag: - Saving Parameters in Non Volatile RAM ............................................. 151
Fig. 69: Diag. - Recovering Lost IP Address ................................................................ 155
Fig. 70: Diag. - DHCP Discovery Timing Diagram........................................................ 156
Fig. 71: Connect Gateway - Product Overview ............................................................ 251
Fig. 72: Connect Gateway - Communications Block Diagram ...................................... 251
Fig. 73: Connect Gateway - Connect-OWS/IWS Configuration Using Ethernet Port .... 252
Fig. 74: Connect Gateway - Connect-OWS/IWS Configuration Using Console Port .... 252
Fig. 75: Connect Gateway - Login Screen ................................................................... 253
Fig. 76: Connect Gateway - Dashboard Display .......................................................... 254
Fig. 77: Connect Gateway - System Information Screen ............................................. 255
Fig. 78: Connect Gateway - Trace Log Screen (Example) ........................................... 256
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Fig. 79: Connect Gateway - System Information Screen ............................................. 257

Fig. 80: Connect Gateway - Network Settings Screen ................................................. 258
Fig. 81: Connect Gateway - Switch Settings Screen .................................................... 260
Fig. 82: Connect Gateway - Sleep Configuration Screen ............................................. 265
Fig. 83: Connect Gateway - Radio Configuration Screen ............................................. 267
Fig. 84: Connect Gateway - Serial Gateway [1,2] Settings Screen .............................. 268
Fig. 85: Connect Gateway - Raw TCP Client Settings ................................................. 269
Fig. 86: Connect Gateway - Raw TCP Server Settings ................................................ 270
Fig. 87: Connect Gateway - Serial Port Settings Screen .............................................. 271
Fig. 88: Connect Gateway - Firmware Management Screen ........................................ 272
Fig. 89: Connect Gateway - Change Password Screen ............................................... 274

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Chapter 1

1 Important Notices
1.1 Service & Safety
General Warnings
Redline recommendations for maximum safety include the following:
 Do not operate microwave equipment without first having proper training or
knowledge of microwave radio operation.
 Do not operate the microwave equipment without an appropriate antenna port
termination, or antenna.
 Check to ensure that the area around the antenna is clear of personnel prior to
turning the transmitter on.
 Do not look into or stand in front of an antenna.
 Do not swing or aim an antenna at nearby persons while the equipment is operating.
 Where a structure or rooftop has existing antennas installed, do not proceed with an
installation without first determining the RF/µW exposure risk. Where necessary
have the relevant transmitters turned off or wear a protective suit for the duration of
the installation.
Safety Warnings
 Installation of the system must be contracted to a professional installer.

 PoE power adapter caution:

Warning to Service Personnel: 48 VDC

Customer equipment including personal computers, routers, etc., must be connected
only to the INPUT (DATA) port on the PoE unit.
Only the outdoors Ethernet interface cable connecting to the unit can be safely
connected to the OUTPUT (DATA & POWER) connector. Connecting customer
premises Ethernet equipment directly to the OUTPUT (DATA & POWER) connector
on the Power-over-Ethernet power adapter may damage customer equipment.

 Read this manual and follow all operating and safety instructions.
 Keep all product information for future reference.
 The power requirements are indicated on the product-marking label. Do not exceed
the described limits.
 The unit must not be located near power lines or other electrical power circuits.
 Disconnect the power before cleaning, or when the unit is not be in-use for an
extended period.
 The system must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. The user is responsible for installing this device in
accordance with the local electrical codes: correct installation procedures for
grounding the unit, mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit, location of discharge unit,
size of grounding conductors and connection requirements for grounding electrodes.

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Warning Symbols
These symbols may be encountered during installation or troubleshooting. These
warning symbols mean danger. Bodily injury may result if you are not aware of the safety
hazards involved in working with electrical equipment and radio transmitters. Familiarize
yourself with standard safety practices before continuing.


1.2 Installation Safety

Professional Installation / Installations Professionnel
Redline RDL-3000 systems require professional installation. The user is responsible to
ensure all building and safety codes are met and the installation is complete and
The RDL-3000 system shall be installed according to local Electrical Safety Codes.
For Canadian installations, the entire equipment installation must comply with the
Canadian Electrical Code. For installations in the United States, the entire equipment
installation must be in accordance with Article 810 of the United States National
Electrical Code.
Les appareils RDL-3000 de Redline doivent être installés par un personnel
professionnel. Le personnel responsable doit s’assurer que l’installation est bien
achevée, et qu’elle répond aux exigences de tous les codes de sécurité.
Le RDL-3000 doit être installé conformément aux codes locaux de sécurité électrique.
Pour les installations Canadiennes, l'installation de l'équipement au complet doit se
conformer au Code Canadien de l'électricité. Pour les installations aux États-Unis,
l'installation de l'équipement au complet doit être en conformité avec l'article 810 du
Code des États-Unis National Electrical.
Safety Precautions
Installation and service must be done by personnel having technical training and
experience necessary to be aware of hazards during installation and/or service of
outdoors RF equipment. The installation and/or service must be done using procedures
designed to minimize any danger to technical personnel or any other person.
Use safety devices when working on or around the mast. Be aware of the risk of falling
objects. Use provided safety catches when hoisting antennas and radios.
Do not use any components (screws, nuts, etc.) other than those delivered together with
the Redline microwave radio equipment or those recommended by Redline.
Electrocution Hazard / Risque D’électrocution

Warning to Service Personnel: 48 VDC

This product is intended to be connected to a power source as per IEEE 802.3at (42.5
- 57.0 VDC), which must be electrically isolated from any AC sources and reliably
connected to Earth ground. Do not install Redline products near any type of power line.
Should the antenna or related hardware come in contact with power lines, severe bodily
harm or death could result!

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Attention au personnel du service: 48V CD

Ce produit est destiné à être connecté à une source d'énergie selon la norme IEEE
802.3at (42,5 à 57,0 VDC), qui doit être isolé électriquement de toutes les sources de
courant alternatif et fiable relié à la masse de la Terre. Ne pas installer les produits
Redline près n'importe quel type de ligne électrique. Si votre antenne ou du matériel
connexe entrer en contact avec des lignes électriques, des blessures graves ou la mort
pourraient en résulter!
Radio Frequency Safety / Sécurité des Fréquences Radio
The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed
such that the antenna does not emit RF fields in excess of the general population limits
as defined by:
 FCC CFR 47, Part 2.1091
 FCC OET Bulletin 65, Radio frequency radiation exposure evaluation for fixed
 Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable
from Health Canada’s website:

 Santé Canada limite pour la population générale; consulter le Code de sécurité 6,

disponible sur le site Web de Santé Canada:
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/radiation/radio_guide-lignes_direct-fra.php .

Personal Safety


The radio platform is rated for operation at extreme ambient temperatures. When
operating in high temperature conditions, the chassis surface area can be higher than
the ambient temperature and personal thermal protection should be employed for any
maintenance or inspection activity.
Electrical Safety
The equipment meets the requirements for class I EN 60950-1 (protection against
electric shock).
1. All external circuits are TNV-1 (as defined in EN 60950-1).
2. All equipment must be grounded before the power cable is connected.
3. For electrical safety the DC power supply shall have reinforced insulation to the
mains supply.
Electrical Safety Compliance / Conformité à la Sécurité Electrique
The RDL-3000 system hardware has been tested for compliance to the electrical safety
specifications listed in the following table.

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Table 1: Notice - Electrical Safety Specifications

Class I EN 60950-1
All External Circuits TNV-1 as defined in EN 60950-1
All equipment must be grounded

Le RDL-3000 du matériel a été testé pour la conformité aux normes de sécurité

électriques indiquées dans le tableau suivant:
Table 2: Avis - Spécifications de sécurité électrique
Classe I EN 60950-1
TRT-1 tel que défini dans la norme EN
Tous les circuits externes
Tous les équipements doivent être mis à la terre

UL Information
 The suitability of the supplied Ethernet cable is subject to the approval of Authority
Having Jurisdiction and must comply with the local electrical code.
 The equipment must be properly grounded according with NEC and other local
safety code and building code requirements.
 Reminder to all the BWA system installers: Attention to Section 820-40 of the NEC
which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the
cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to
the point of cable entry as is practical.
 RDL-3000 system must be installed in compliance with relevant articles in National
Electrical Code-NEC (and equivalent Canadian Code-CEC) including referenced
articles 725, 800 and 810 in NEC.
 RF coaxial cable connecting an antenna to the RDL-3000 system must comply with
the local electrical code.
 To meet the over-voltage safety requirements on the telecommunications cables, a
minimum 26 AWG telecommunication line cord must be used.
Pour être en conformance avec les exigences finies de sûreté de sur-tension sur les
câbles de télécommunications un fil de télécommunication ayant un calibre minimum
de 26 AWG doit être utilisé.
Lightning Protection / Protection Contre la Foudre
When installed, this equipment is to be connected to a Lightning/Surge Protection
Device that meets all applicable national safety requirements. Before Ethernet cables
enter buildings, voltages shall be clamped down to SELV by approved type primary
WARNING: The information provide in this user manual consists of general
recommendations for installation the system equipment. The wireless equipment must
be installed by a qualified professional installer who is knowledgeable of the
requirements of installing outdoor radio equipment and follows local and national codes
for electrical grounding and safety. Failure to meet safety requirements and/or use of
non-standard practices and procedures may result in personal injury and/or damage to
The system must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. The user is responsible to install this device in accordance
with the local electrical codes: correct installation procedures for grounding the unit,
mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit, location of discharge unit, size of grounding
conductors and connection requirements for grounding electrodes.
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All outdoor wireless equipment is susceptible to surge damage from a direct hit or
current induced from a near strike. A direct lightning strike may cause serious damage
even if recommended guidelines are followed. Installing surge protection and following
grounding practices detailed in local and national electrical codes can minimize
equipment damage, service outages, and chance of serious injury.
The major reasons for surge damage can be summarized as:
 Poorly grounded antenna sites
 Improperly installed surge protection equipment
A lighting protection system provides a means by which the energy may enter earth
without passing through and causing damage to parts of a structure. A good grounding
system disperses most of the surge energy from a lightning strike away from the building
and equipment. Improperly grounded connections are a source of noise that can cause
malfunctions in sensitive equipment. The remaining energy on the Ethernet cable shield
and conductors can be directed safely to ground by installing a surge arrestor in series
with the cable. A surge protection system does not prevent lightning strikes, but protects
equipment by providing a low resistance path for the discharge of energy safely to
ground. If surge protection is required for the system, the following general industry
practices are provided as a guideline only:
 The AC wall outlet ground for the indoor POE adapter should be connected to the
building grounding system.
 Install a surge arrestor in series with the Ethernet cable at the point of entry to the
building. The grounding wire should be connected to the same termination point
used for the tower or mast.
 Provide direct grounding connections from the RDL-3000 system, the mounting
bracket, and the antenna to the common building ground bus. Use the grounding
screws provided for terminating the ground wires.
L’installation exige aussi que l’appareil soit branché à un parafoudre qui répond à
toutes les normes nationales de sécurité.

1.3 WEEE Product Return Process

In accordance with the WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
directive, 2002/96/EC, Redline Communications equipment is marked with the logo
shown below. The WEEE directive seeks to increase recycling and re-use of electrical
and electronic equipment. This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed
of as part of the local municipal waste program. Contact the local sales representative
for additional information.

Fig. 1: Notice - WEEE Logo

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1.4 Service & Warranty Information

 Refer all repairs to qualified Service personnel. Removing the cover panel or
modifying any part of this device will void the factory warranty.
 Locate the serial numbers and record these for future reference. Use the space
below to affix serial number stickers. Also, record the MAC address identified on the
unit product label.
 Redline does not endorse or support the use of outdoor cable assemblies: i) not
supplied by Redline, ii) third-party products that do not meet Redline's cable and
connector assembly specifications, or iii) cables not installed and weatherproofed as
specified in the RDL-3000 Installation Guidelines manual for each product model.
Refer to the Redline Limited Standard Warranty and RedCare Service agreements.
 WEEE Product Return Process
In accordance with the WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
directive, 2002/96/EC, Redline Communications equipment is marked with the logo
shown above. The WEEE directive seeks to increase recycling and re-use of
electrical and electronic equipment. This symbol indicates that this product should
not be disposed of as part of the local municipal waste program. Contact the local
sales representative for additional information.

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Chapter 2

2 Functional Description
2.1 System Features
The RDL-3000 system features a broad range of purpose-built systems. The RDL-3000 Family
User Manual describes only the user interfaces and operating features. Refer to the individual
Installation Guidelines manual for each system for detailed information about dimensions, ports,
connector types and pinouts, etc for each system.

2.2 Overview
The RDL-3000 systems can operate in PMP or PTP mode. To facilitate ease of use by
the operator, a common user interface is provided across all RDL-3000 family platforms.
Table 3: Functional Desc. - Redline RDL-3000 Product Family Applications
Sector Remote Terminal
High Power RDL-3000 UHP
Transport / Industrial Edge HAZ
Backhaul Ellipse HAZ
Zone 2
Explosive Endurance
Ellipse Carrier Enterprise
Auto Portable RAS-Elite
Acquire Mobile RAS Extend LV / M / L
TCP/IP All Outdoor Connect-OW
Split Connect-OW / HAZ
SCADA TCP/IP + Architecture Connect-OWS / HAZ
Serial Bus Connect-IWS
Connect-IWS HAZ

2.3 Unit Type Identification

Locate the RDL-3000 system model and radio type (S/N prefix) in the following table. Install only
the software that matches the product type. Systems will reject the incorrect software. The SN
Prefix is the first three numbers of the product serial number (e.g., S/N: 100AB01234567).
Model Serial Number
Web Top left General Information
corner of screen
web screen
Telnet First line on RDL-3000:
system login show stats
get serialnumber
1. Refer to the v2.2x/20.2x version of the RDL-3000 Family User Manual for operating information about
RDL-3000 systems not listed in the following tables.
2. FIPS-140-2 certified software (v3.01) support is available only for Ellipse, Edge and eLTE-MT systems
with serial number prefixes from 157 - 265.

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Table 4: Functional Desc.- Wireless Base Stations

Picture Label SN Prefix Web/CLI Display
Ellipse 5 GHz 157
Ellipse 3.5 GHz 158
Ellipse 2.5 GHz 159
Ellipse 600 MHz 160
Ellipse Ellipse 2.1 GHz 209
Ellipse 600 MHz Hi-Pwr 213
Ellipse 600 MHz TMA 229
Ellipse 600 MHz Hi-Pwr
Circular Ethernet Connector
Ellipse 5 GHz HAZ 293
Ellipse 3.5 GHz HAZ 294
Ellipse 2.5 GHz HAZ 295
Ellipse HAZ
Ellipse 2.1 GHz HAZ 296
Ellipse 600 MHz HAZ 297
RDL-3000 UHP

RDL-3000 UHP 3.5 GHz 276 UHP

Table 5: Functional Desc.- Portable/Mobile Terminals

Picture Label SN Prefix Web/CLI Display
RAS-Elite 5.4 - 5.8 GHz 18" IA 173

RAS-Elite 4.9 - 5.4 GHz 18" IA 174

RAS-Extend RAS-Extend 600 MHz 252

(M/L) RAS-Extend 2.5 GHz 253
RAS-Extend 3.5 GHz 254 RAS-Extend
RAS-Extend 5 GHz 255
RAS-Extend 2.1 GHz 256
RAS-Extend RAS-Extend LV 5 GHz 8" IA 196
RAS-Extend LV 3.5 GHz 8" IA 197
RAS-Extend LV 2.5 GHz 8" IA 198 RAS-Extend

RAS-Extend LV 600 MHz 14" IA 233

Table 6: Functional Desc.- Fixed Wireless Terminals

Picture Label SN Prefix Web/CLI Display
Edge 5 GHz 161
Edge 3.5 GHz 162
Edge 2.5 GHz 163
Edge 600 MHz 164
Edge Edge 600 MHz Hi-Pwr 214 Edge
Edge 2.1 GHz 227
Edge 600 MHz Hi-Pwr
Circular Ethernet Connector
Edge 5 GHz HAZ 263
Edge 3.5 GHz HAZ 264
Edge 2.5 GHz HAZ 265
Edge HAZ
Edge 2.1 GHz HAZ 291
Edge 600 MHz HAZ 292

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Table 6: Functional Desc.- Fixed Wireless Terminals

Picture Label SN Prefix Web/CLI Display
eLTE-MT 5 GHz 8" IA 165
eLTE MT 3.5 GHz 8" IA 166
eLTE-MT eLTE MT 2.5 GHz 8" IA 167
eLTE MT 600 MHz 8" IA 168
eLTE MT 2.1 GHz 18 dBi 18" GPS 199
eLTE MT 2.1 GHz Hi-Pwr 8" IA 225
eLTE MT 600 MHz 8 dBi 14" Ext-IA 257
eLTE-MT 2.0-2.3GHz Hi-Pwr 18 dBi 14" Ext-IA 287
eLTE-MT 5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 192
eLTE-MT 3.5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 193
eLTE MT 2.5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 195
eLTE-MT 2.0-2.3 GHz 14 dBi 8" IA HAZ 288
eLTE-MT 600 MHz 8dBi 14" Ext-IA w/GPS HAZ 289
eLTE-MT 600 MHz 8dBi 14" Ext-IA HAZ 290
Enterprise ENTERPRISE 5 GHz 8" IA 169
ENTERPRISE 3.5 GHz 8" IA 170
ENTERPRISE 2.5 GHz 8" IA 171
ENTERPRISE-XR 5 GHz 22 dBi 14.5" ext-IA 323
ENTERPRISE-XR 3.5 GHz 24 dBi 14.5" ext-IA 325

Connect-OW 5 GHz 8" IA 215

Connect-OW 3.5 GHz 8" IA 216
Connect-OW 2.5 GHz 8" IA 218
Connect-OW Connect-OW 2.1 GHz 8" IA 262
Connect-OW 2.1 GHz 14"Ext-IA 285
Connect-OW 600 MHz 8" IA 234
Connect-OW 600 MHz 14" Ext-IA GPS 283
Connect-OW 600 MHz Hi-Pwr 18" Ext-IA 286
Connect-OW 5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 278
Connect-OW 3.5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 279
Connect-OW 2.5 GHz 8" IA HAZ 280
Connect HAZ
Connect-OW 2.1 GHz 8" IA HAZ 281
Connect-OW 600 MHz 14" Ext-IA HAZ 282
Connect-OW 600 MHz 14" Ext-IA GPS HAZ 284
Connect-OW-ER 600 MHz 219
Connect-OW- Connect-OW-ER 2.5 GHz 235
ER Connect-OW-ER 3.5 GHz 236 Connect
Connect-OW-ER 5 GHz 237
Connect-OW-ER 2.1 GHz 238
Connect-OW-ER 5 GHz HAZ 298
Connect-OW-ER 3.5 GHz HAZ 299
Connect-OW-ER 2.5 GH HAZ 300 Connect HAZ
Connect-OW-ER 2.1 GHz HAZ 301
Connect-OW-ER 600 MHz HAZ 302
Connect-OWS Connect-OWS 212 Connect-OWS

Connect-OWS HAZ 269 Connect-OWS HAZ

Connect-IWS 5 GHz 205
Connect-IWS Connect-IWS 3.5 GHz 206 Connect-IWS
Connect-IWS 2.5 GHz 207
Connect-IWS 5 GHz HAZ 266
Connect-IWS 3.5 GHz HAZ 267
Connect-IWS 2.5 GHz HAZ 268

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2.4 PMP Mode

This section describes the parameters required to configure PMP support and an
overview of supported VLAN functions. Operation in PMP mode is controlled by the
options key ( ). Separate options keys are required for the sector controller and
each subscriber. Enter the options keys before deploying and configuring the RDL-3000
The basic operation of the RDL-3000 is to operate as a point-to-multipoint (PMP) VLAN-
aware wireless L2 switch. Traffic is classified and processed by creating Service and
Service Group profiles to be applied to all packets received and being transmitted on the
Ethernet port of each RDL-3000. The sector controller and subscriber are configured
separately for use with VLAN tagged traffic, untagged traffic, or a combination these two
types. Multiple VLAN IDs can be configured for each port.
Each ingress and egress Ethernet packet is examined and classified according to the
VLAN ID. The matching profile and data direction determines if a VID should be added
or removed, if the packet should be forwarded unmodified (pass through mode), or if the
packet is discarded. Additional traffic controls include CIR/PIR settings to guarantee
required bandwidth.

Fig. 2: Functional Desc. - Distributed L2 VLAN-Aware Wireless Switch

Links and Services
Ethernet data traffic can not be transmitted over the wireless interface until at least one
Link, Service, and Service Group have been provisioned. All provisioning is performed
on the sector controller:
Link: Configure the wireless link settings including the uplink and downlink uncoded
burst rates (UBR).
Service: Define how packets are classified and processed at the subscriber Ethernet
port. Set traffic parameters for subscriber (unicast) traffic.
Service Group: Define how packets are classified and processed at the sector
controller Ethernet port. Set traffic parameters for broadcast/multicast groups.

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2.4.1 Wireless Links

A Link is the wireless connection between a sector controller and subscriber. Each link
definition is uniquely identified using a link name and the subscriber MAC address, or by
a link template (STID). The Link definition sets the uplink and downlink rates (UBR).

Fig. 3: Functional Desc. - Wireless Subscriber Links

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2.4.2 Services and Service Groups

The RDL-3000 operates as a VLAN-aware wireless L2 switch, classifying and forwarding
traffic based on the packet VID. Ethernet ingress packets containing a VLAN (802.1Q)
field are first compared to the tagged-type Services or Service Groups defined for that
Ethernet port.
When a VID is matched to a classifier, the packet is processed according to the settings
for that Service or Service Group. Packets with a unicast address are forwarded based
on destination address. Packets with a multicast/broadcast address, and unicast
addresses with unknown destinations, are forwarded to all Service Group members.
A Service or Service Group set to 'Pass through' mode forwards (unmodified) packets
that are not matched to the classifier for any tagged Service or Service Group (e.g.,
unclassified VID or packet without 802.1Q tag). Non VLAN packets are discarded if no
pass through classifier is defined.
Table 7: Web - Operation - Traffic Classification
Type Function Settings
Service Classify and forward ingress and Tagging Mode (VLAN ID/Pass through)
egress traffic at the subscriber Ethernet VLAN ID (tag)
port. Default Priority
Service Classify and forward ingress and Tagging Mode (VLAN ID/Pass through)
Group egress traffic at the sector controller VLAN ID (tag)
Ethernet port. Default Priority

Fig. 4: Functional Desc. - Services and Service Groups

Services define classification (filtering) for ingress and egress packets at the subscriber
Ethernet port, and set the uplink and downlink rates for unicast traffic associated with

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this service. Service settings include VLAN ID (tag), default priority, parent Link, and
parent Service Group (see Setting Wireless Rates).

Fig. 5: Functional Desc. - Services (Subscriber)

1. Each Service must belong to a Service Group and a Link.
2. Packet priority is preserved. A default priority may be used when a priority was not
specified in the original packet.
3. Ethernet port ingress packets with VLAN tags matching a Service/Service Group
definition have the VLAN tag removed (Q-in-Q) before being forwarded over the
wireless interface. Forwarding is based on the packet address.
Unicast packets addressed to a known address, and where the host is a member of
the same Service Group, are forwarded to that host through the sector controller or
subscriber (hairpinning).
Broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast packets are forwarded to all members of
the Service Group to which this Service is a member.
4. Ethernet port ingress packets with VLAN tags matching a Service/Service Group
definition have the VLAN tag added (Q-in-Q) before being forwarded over the local
Ethernet segment.
5. When a 'Pass through' template is defined, non VLAN packets and VLAN packets
not matching any defined VLAN ID, are forwarded without modification.
6. When no 'Pass through' template is defined, unclassified packets are discarded.

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Service Groups
Service Groups define classification for ingress and egress packets at the sector
controller Ethernet port, and set the uplink and downlink rates (per Service Group) for
broadcast and multicast traffic associated with this service group. Service Group settings
include VLAN ID (tag), default priority, and broadcast rates (see Setting Wireless Rates).

Fig. 6: Functional Desc. - Service Groups (Sector Controller)

1. Service Group must be associated with a Link.
2. Packet priority is preserved. Default priority may be specified when priority was not
specified in the original packet.
3. Ethernet port ingress packets with VLAN tags matching a Service Group definition
have the VLAN tag removed (Q-in-Q), and are forwarded over the wireless interface.
Forwarding is based on the packet address:
Unicast packets addressed to a known address are forwarded to that host.
Broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast packets are forwarded to all members of
the Service Group.
4. Ethernet port egress packets (received over the wireless interface) have the
associated VLAN tag added (Q-in-Q) and are forwarded on the Ethernet segment.
5. Unclassified ingress/egress packets are forwarded unmodified if a 'Pass through'
template is defined. This includes packets that do not match any defined VLAN ID or
do not have a VLAN tag.
6. Packets that do not match any classification are discarded.

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2.4.3 Setting Wireless Rates

The wireless bandwidth is shared between all wireless terminals in a sector. Use the
following settings to control traffic rates over the wireless interface.
Table 8: Web - Operation - Wireless Rates
Type Function Wireless Settings
Link Set the Uncoded Burst Rates (UBR) Downlink UBR
for uplink and downlink traffic to and Uplink UBR
from this subscriber. This rate is Adaptive modulation mode
shared across all Services and
Service Groups.
Service Set the uplink and downlink rates (per Downlink CIR / PIR
Service) for unicast traffic to and from Uplink CIR / PIR
this subscriber.
Service Set the downlink rates (per Service Downlink Burst rate
Group Group) for multicast and broadcast Downlink CIR / PIR
traffic sent to members of this group.

Fig. 7: Functional Desc. - Wireless Rates

1. Unicast traffic with an unknown destination (all RDL-3000 systems maintain a
forwarding table) is transmitted two modulation steps below the lowest rate currently
in-use across all active Services.

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2.4.4 Pass through Mode

A Service or Service Group set to 'Pass through' mode forwards ingress and egress
packets not matched to the classifier for any other tagged Service or Service Group.
This includes any packet with an unclassified VID or without an 802.1Q VLAN tag.
These packets are forwarded without modification. Each Ethernet port may have only
one classifier designated as pass through.
For example, the service group (sector controller) and service (subscriber) are both set
to 'Pass though'. All unclassified packets are passed unmodified in both directions
between the subscriber and sector controller.

Fig. 8: Functional Desc. - Pass through Mode

1. Only one Service Group (sector controller) may be set to 'Pass though' mode.
2. Only one Service on each subscriber may be set to 'Pass though' mode.
3. Unclassified packets are discarded when no 'Pass through' filter is defined.

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2.4.5 Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic

Subscriber-to-subscriber traffic (hairpinning) refers to forwarding a packet received on
the subscriber Ethernet port to another subscriber in the same sector. Subscribers do
not communicate directly and all communication is controlled by the sector controller.
Unicast packets received from wireless terminals are always forwarded (reflected)
unmodified by the sector controller. Multicast or broadcast packets from wireless
terminals are forwarded (reflected) by the sector controller unmodified only if the 'SS to
SS Broadcast/Multicast Enable' is enabled in the associated Service Group.

Fig. 9: Functional Desc. - Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic

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2.4.6 VLAN Tagged Management

When the Management VLAN Tagging feature is enabled, the RDL-3000 recognizes
only management commands received in packets with the specified VLAN ID.
Local Management
A Service Group and Services are not required for local access through the Ethernet
port. Ingress packets received on the Ethernet port are checked for a VLAN tag with the
management VID before performing classification, and matching packets are forwarded
directly to the management application.
Managing wireless terminals over the wireless interface requires creating a management
Service Group and adding a Service for each subscriber. The CIR and priority settings
must provide sufficient bandwidth and priority to perform the required administrative

Fig. 10: Functional Desc. - VLAN Tagged Management

1. For initial installation and setup, Redline recommends using 'Pass through' mode for
the management Service Group and member Services. Connectivity issues with
VLAN services may cause the management function to be unreachable and require
a site visit and/or long reset operation to recover control of the unit.
2. The sector controller can not be managed over the air (security restriction).

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2.4.7 PMP Configurations

This section describes basic configurations for an RDL-3000 PMP system.
VLAN Services
Default Groups and Services
The RDL-3000 may be configured to use VLAN to manage separate services.
In the following example, all voice traffic is separated from data traffic, allowing specific
CIR and PIR value to be set for this traffic. All traffic not classified to the Voice Service
Group is processed by the Data Group (Pass through mode). The Voice Group and
member Services are configured for tagged traffic. The VLAN tag (VID=3) is removed
from packets received from the wired network and restored when the packet is
forwarded on the remote wired network (both directions). The Data Group and Services
are configured for Pass-through mode and packets are forwarded unmodified to the
destination port.

Fig. 11: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: Default Groups and Services
1. This configuration does not enforce a Service Group to have a Service on every
2. The private network may be isolated by disabling the Ethernet port (SC Ethernet Port
Enable ) on the sector controller.

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VLAN Mapping
The RDL-3000 may be configured to perform VLAN mapping between selected ports.
This function is comparable to Label Switch Router (LSR) in Multi-protocol Label
Switching (MPLS). VLAN tagging is assigned independently for each Service Group
(sector controller port) and Service (subscriber port).
In the following example, ingress packets with VID=3 received on the sector controller
Ethernet port are classified to the 'Voice Group' and forwarded over the wireless
interface based on packet destination address. Packets forwarded by subscriber A and
B are re-tagged with VID=3, while packets forwarded by subscriber C are tagged with

Fig. 12: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: VLAN Mapping

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Strict VLAN Tagging

The RDL-3000 may be configured to forward only defined VLAN traffic and discard all
unclassified traffic.
In this example, only identified VLAN traffic is forwarded across the wireless interface.
All unclassified packets are discarded (no pass though Service or Service Group).

Fig. 13: Functional Desc. - Strict VLAN Tagging

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Transparent LAN Services (TLS)

Extended TLS and Double Tagging
The RDL-3000 may be configured to support combinations of double tagging and pass
In this example, TLS traffic is extended across the wireless interface to remote locations.
The TLS packets are segregated from other traffic by creating a TLS Group specifying
the reserved VID. This solution allows unmodified traffic to be exchanged between
Network B and Network C (both Services are pass though). Tagged traffic from Network
B or Network C addressed to the TLS Network is double-tagged (Q-in-Q) and forwarded
to the TLS Network. Double-tagged packets from the TLS network that are addressed to
Network B or Network C have the outer tag removed when the packet is forwarded by
Network B or Network C.

Fig. 14: Functional Desc. - TLS - Extended TLS and Double Tagging

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Port-by-Port Tagging
The RDL-3000 can be used to classify VLAN traffic only on specific ports. A typical
example is to add or remove outermost VLAN tag (Q-in-Q) based on the traffic to and
from a network segment.
For example, if the service (subscriber) classifier is set to tagged (VLAN ID) and the
service group (sector controller) classifier is set to 'Pass though'. Ingress traffic packets
with the specified VID have the outer VLAN tag removed before being passed to the
sector controller. Unclassified packets received over the wireless interface from the
sector controller have the VLAN tag added before they are forwarded over the
subscriber Ethernet port.

Fig. 15: Functional Desc. - Tagged Traffic - Port-by-Port Tagging

1. A tagged port may be defined on the sector controller (service group) or subscriber
2. Tagged traffic from the sector controller exits the sector controller port double-

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2.5 PTP Mode

The RDL-3000 can be configured to operate as a point-to-point (PTP) VLAN-aware
wireless L2 switch, with traffic being classified and forwarded based on the packet VID.
Each classification includes CIR/PIR settings to guarantee required bandwidth. The
RDL-3000 also provides a 'Pass through' classification to forward traffic not matched to
any classifier.
PTP mode is enabled by the options key ( ). Enter a PTP-enabled options key before
deploying and configuring the RDL-3000 systems. The options key enables specific PTP
options, including restricting operation to a single remote subscriber and a PTP-specific
range of RF power settings. One unit must be configured as a sector controller (PMP
SC) and the second unit as a remote (PMP SS).

Fig. 16: Functional Desc. - PTP Mode Configuration

1. Service Group and Service CIR and PIR settings should be set to enable the
maximum throughput.
2. The remote unit (SS) can be managed over the air from the sector controller (SC),
but the SC can only be managed using the local Ethernet port (security restriction).

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Chapter 3

3 Web Interface
3.1 System Menus
The main menu items are different for the sector controller and subscriber functions.
Table 9: Web - Sector Controller and Subscriber Menus
Sector Controller Subscriber
Status Status
General Information General Information
System Status System Status
Links Summary Links Status
Services Summary
System Log System Log
Configuration Configuration
System System
Wireless Wireless
Frequencies Frequencies
WSDB Security
Security Factory Defaults
Factory Defaults
Network Topology
Subscriber Links
Service Groups
New Link
New Service Group
New Service
Clear All
Utilities Utilities
Reboot Reboot
Spectrum Sweep Spectrum Sweep
Users Management Users Management
Firmware Firmware
Test Test
Antenna Alignment
Product Options Product Options
Misc. Misc.
Save All Save All
Log Out Log Out

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3.2 Network Connection

The RDL-3000 can be configured and monitored using a PC equipped with a standard
Ethernet port and a Web browser (Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher) or Telnet client. Refer
to the following diagram for basic connections. The following diagram applies to all RDL-
3000 family products.

Fig. 17: Web - Connecting the Ethernet Port to a PC

1. This diagram does not illustrate the surge protection required for outdoors
installation of the RDL-3000 equipment. The system must be properly grounded to
protect against power surges and accumulated static electricity. Refer to the RDL-
3000 Installation Guidelines manual.
2. Do not disconnect any RF cable while the RDL-3000 is powered-on.
Failure to follow these requirements may damage the RDL-3000 unit, requiring that
the unit be returned for factory repair.
3. Both RF ports must always be electrically terminated to an antenna or other RF
terminator device when the RDL-3000 is powered-on. When operating using a
single RF port, the unused RF port must be electrically terminated.
Use the following steps to establish a Web session with the RDL-3000.
1. The IP address and subnet mask of the PC must be on the same subnet as the RDL-
3000. For example:
Test PC RDL-3000 default)
IP Address:
Net Mask:
Note: If the system does not respond to the last known or default IP address, refer to
the Diagnostics & Troubleshooting section -- Recover from Lost Password or IP.
2. On the test PC, open a browser and enter the unit RDL-3000 IP address.
3. When the dialog screen is displayed, enter the username and password to login. The
factory default username is 'admin', and the default password is 'admin'.
4. If the login was successful, the General Information screen is displayed in the Web
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3.3 Dashboard Display

General Information
The dashboard is displayed at the top of all Web screens.

Fig. 18: Web - Dashboard Display

Title Bar
System Name: Operator entered name for this RDL-3000 device.
IP Address: IP address of this unit.
Wireless Frequency: RF frequency in-use by this unit.
Date/Time: Local time obtained from the Web browser (not the RDL-3000 clock time).
Wireless LEDs
The Wireless LED indicators indicate the status of the wireless link.
Table 10: Web - Wireless LED Indications
LED Adaptive Mod. Function
Link N/A Not implemented in the current software release.
Signal Off: Wireless link has not been established.
Enabled remote end may be powered off.
On: Current modulation/coding meets or exceeds the minimum
required UBR.
Off: Wireless link has not been established. The remote end may
Disabled be powered off or the link can not be established at the
required modulation/coding.
On: Wireless link has been established at the modulation/coding
required for the requested UBR.
Ethernet LEDs
These LED indicators provide a summary of the Ethernet port status.
Table 11: Web - Ethernet LED Indications
Link Off: Ethernet is not detected (e.g., Ethernet cable faulty / disconnected).
On: Ethernet link is detected.
100 Off: Ethernet port is 10 Mb/s.
On: Ethernet port is 100 Mb/s.
FD Off: Ethernet connection is half-duplex mode.
On: Ethernet connection is full-duplex mode.
System Information
Test time: Visible only when the Test function is active. Click Save All in the main menu
at any time to cancel the timer and permanently save the running configuration. The last
saved configuration is restored when the counter reaches zero (unit is not rebooted).
Unsaved Data: Indicates if the configuration has been modified.
No: There are no differences between the running and saved configurations.
Saving: The system is saving the runtime parameters to non-volatile RAM.
Yes: There are unsaved changes to the configuration. Click Save All in the main menu
to permanently save the current running configuration. Unsaved settings are discarded
when the system is power-cycled or rebooted.

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Radio Temperature: Internal temperature of the radio. The normal internal operating
temperature is between -35° C and 70° C.
Fips Status: Status of FIPS certified secure mode feature. This field is displayed only
when a FIPS-140-2 enabled options key is installed and active in the system. Refer to
the Security section of this manual.
Secured: System is operating in secure mode.
Not Secured: At least one security setting is not configured correctly for secure
mode operation. This status also results following changes to any of
the parameters enforced by secure mode. Reboot is required to
restore Secured status.
SW Ver.: Version of the active software.
Active Links: Number of active wireless links to wireless terminals.

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3.4 Status Screens

3.4.1 General Information
The General Information screen displays system and the Ethernet interface details.

Fig. 19: Web - General Information Screen

System Name: Operator assigned name identifying this unit.
System Details: Additional operator-entered details describing this unit.
System Location: Information about the location of this unit.
Contact: Operator-entered contact information for this unit.
System S/N: Serial number of this unit. Also identifies the unit type.
Radio Type: Type of radio installed.
Radio Type Frequency Range (MHz)*
T072x 470 - 698
T212x 2100 - 2300
T202x 2300 - 2800
T352x 3300 - 3800
T502x 4940 - 5875
* Range is restricted by regional regulations (options key).
System Mode: The system modes are enabled by the active options key.
The operator MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after making changes to this parameter.
PMP SC: This unit is configured as a sector controller. The unit automatically begins
transmitting poll messages to locate and register remote wireless terminals.
PMP SS: This unit is configured to operate as a subscriber. The unit monitors the
selected RF channel(s) for poll messages from a sector controller.
SC ID: (SC only) Unique identification number of this sector controller.
Software Version: Firmware version in use.
Time Since System Start: Elapsed time since the last system reboot/power-cycle.
Start Up Time: Date and time of the last system reboot/powered-cycle. Available only
when SNTP feature is enabled.

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Current Time: Current time on the internal clock. Available only when SNTP is enabled.
Ethernet MAC Address: MAC address of this unit.
IP Address: The active network IP address for this unit. The network IP address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration->System).
IP Subnet Mask: The active network address mask for this unit. The network address
mask may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration->System).
Default Gateway Address: The active default router/gateway for this unit.
DNS Server 1: Primary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
DNS Server 2: Secondary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.

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3.4.2 System Status

Click System Status in the main menu to view information about the wireless interface
and Ethernet port.

Fig. 20: Web - Sector Controller System Status Screen

Stop Refresh: Click to stop the automatic (one second) updates to the statistics and GPS
information on this screen.
Reset Statistics: Click to reset all statistics on this screen.
Wireless System
Current Tx Power: Transmit output power level.
Note: When ATPC is enabled on the sector controller, wireless terminals may display a
Tx Power setting different from that set in the System Configuration screen.
Channel Frequency: RF channel (center frequency) in-use.
Wireless Security: Status of the wireless security selection.
Off - No wireless security.
On - Data sent over the wireless interface is encrypted.
FIPS Certification: Status of the Secure Mode function. This field is displayed only when
a FIPS-140-2 enabled options key is installed and active in the system. Refer to the
Security section of this manual.
Secured: The unit is running a FIPS-140-2 certified version of
software and is operating securely.
Uncertified Software: The unit is not running a FIPS-140-2 certified version of
Operating Unsecurely: The unit is running a FIPS-140-2 certified version of
software but is not operating securely. (e.g., telnet or http
ports are enabled).
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 48 of 284 June 9, 2016

DFS: Status of the DFS function.

Off: The DFS function is disabled.
On: DFS function is activated. See DFS Action below.
DFS Action: The avoidance action to be taken when radar signals are detected. All DFS
actions are recorded in the event log.
None: The DFS feature is disabled.
Tx Off: Radio transmitter is disabled for 30 minutes.
Chg Freq: Radio transmitter is changed to a different RF frequency.
Status Code: Code indicating the status of the RDL-3000 system. Code '0000 0000'
indicates normal operation. Refer to the troubleshooting section of this manual.
Enhanced Video Buffer: Status of the enhanced video feature.
This feature allows the use of multiple high-definition cameras on a wireless link.
Off - There are no wireless terminals with the enhanced video feature enabled.
On - One or more wireless terminals have the enhanced video feature enabled.
GPS Status: Display the status of the internal GPS unit.
N/A: No GPS hardware detected.
Acquiring: GPS module is present and is currently acquiring a satellite fix.
No Signal: No signal detected on the PPS port.
Locked: GPS synchronization is established.
Holdover: GPS synchronization has been lost and system is running on internal
clock. Holdover time is 10 minutes (see synchronized mode of operation).
Click on the blue GPS status (right of screen) text to launch the pop-up screen.

Fig. 21: Web - GPS Statistics Screen

Note: When enabled the RDL-3000 system uses the GPS signal to synchronize the
system DCXO (variable frame mode).

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Fig. 22: Web - GPS MAP Screen

GPS Position: Display the position coordinates of the sector controller. The GPS
coordinates format is in degrees, minutes and seconds (to four decimal places) with
North / South or East / West. Click on the blue GPS position text when displayed (right of
screen) to launch the pop-up map screen.
Current CIR Subscription Ratio: (SC only) Calculated aggregate committed bandwidth
for the sector. This statistic provides an indication if the bandwidth has been over-
subscribed. The value is calculated by comparing available bandwidth to committed
bandwidth for all links in the sector.
0-100%: Current scheduling commitments can be achieved under the present
operating conditions (e.g., surplus bandwidth is available).
>100%: unit is oversubscribed (aggregate CIR exceeds available bandwidth).
Redundancy Status: (SC only) Status of the redundancy feature.
Refer to 1+1 Device Redundancy Configuration (SC only). The redundancy fields are
visible only when enabled by the options key.
Off - Redundancy feature is disabled on this unit.
Primary Active - This unit is Primary and is controlling the sector (RF active).
Primary Inactive - This unit is Primary and is in standby mode (RF disabled).
Backup Active - This unit is Backup and is controlling the sector (RF active).
Backup Inactive - This unit is Backup and is in standby mode (RF disabled).
Redundancy Peer Status: (SC only) Status of the redundancy feature on the peer. Refer
to 1+1 Device Redundancy Configuration (SC only). The redundancy fields are visible only
when enabled by the options key.
Off - This unit can not synchronize status with peer. Possible reasons include:
1. Peer redundancy is disabled or is not available (options key)
2. Peer IP address is not correct (wireless configuration)
3. No IP connectivity to peer (cables or routing)
Primary Active - The peer is Primary and is controlling the sector (RF active).
Primary Inactive - The peer is Primary and is in standby mode (RF disabled).
Backup Active - The peer is Backup and is controlling the sector (RF active).
Backup Inactive - The peer is Backup and is in standby mode (RF disabled).
Noise Level 1: (SC only) Noise floor measurement for RF port 1.
Noise Level 2: (SC only) Noise floor measurement for RF port 2.

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Stickiness Timer: Period the subscriber continues to monitor the RF channel for an
opportunity to re-establish a link with the same sector controller. If the wireless link is not
restored within the specified period, (e.g., 300 seconds), the subscriber starts a new
frequency scan. This timer is active only when Auto Frequency Scan is enabled.
This timer can be set locally on the subscriber Wireless settings screen. If the connected
sector controller supports Stickiness Timer settings, the value is downloaded and
overrides the local setting. Updates to the sector controller are automatically forwarded
to connected RAS-Elite platforms. The subscriber reverts to the local setting when a
rescan in started (e.g., Stickiness Timer expired). The System Status screen displays
the active Stickiness Timer value.
For more information, refer to the Stickiness Timer setting on the following screens:
Subscriber: Wireless Configuration screen
Sector Controller: Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Wireless Summary
Subscriber Links: Status of the wireless links to wireless terminals.
Configured: Number of provisioned Subscriber Links (the subscriber always
indicates a value of 1).
Active: Number of wireless terminals that are online (registered with sector
Subscriber Services: (SS only) Status of the Services for this subscriber.
Configured: Number of provisioned Services.
Active: Blank - field is not applicable.
Total IDs: (SS only) Total of all active Links, Services, and Service Groups for this
Services: (SS only) Status of the Services on this subscriber.
Configured: This field is not applicable (empty/blank).
Active: Total of configured and active Links and Services. Total does not include
disabled items.
Wireless Ethernet Statistics
Buffered Packets: Number of packets successfully transmitted and received over the
wireless interface, excluding discarded packets and packets with errors.
Rx: Wireless packets received.
Tx: Wireless packets transmitted.
Discarded Packets: Number of packets discarded by this unit.
Rx: Received wireless packets that have been discarded (e.g., Rx buffer overflow).
Tx: Transmitted wireless packets that have been discarded (e.g., Tx buffer overflow or
packets not acknowledged by the remote end unit).
Lost Packets: Total number of packets containing errors.
Rx: Received wireless packets with errors (e.g., CRC).
Tx: Transmitted wireless packets with errors (reported by remote end unit).
Ethernet Port Statistics
Buffered Packets: Ingress and egress packets processed through the Ethernet port. Total
does not include discarded or errored packets.
Rx: Number of packets received on the Ethernet port.

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Tx: Number of packets transmitted on the Ethernet port.

Discarded Packets: Total number of discarded Ethernet packets.
Rx: Received packets discarded due to errors (e.g., CRC or buffer overflow).

Fig. 23: Web - Subscriber System Status Screen

Selected Antenna Beam: (RAS-Elite only) Current beam setting of the RAS-Elite
antenna. The antenna will be in one of the following state:
N/A: RAS-Elite antenna is not connected or hardware is not installed.
Auto: Automatically search all sectors during a frequency scan.
Searching: Channel scan is in progress.
1-n: Antenna is set for the specified sector. The center of sector '1' is marked
on the antenna. The remaining sectors are arranged sequentially
counter-clockwise around the antenna.
Note: The RAS-Elite fields are updated only when the hardware is present and
enabled by the options key.
Compass Heading: (RAS-Extend only) Calculated orientation of the antenna positioner
Bearing to SC: (RAS-Extend only) Calculated bearing to connected sector controller.
Distance to SC: Calculated distance to connected sector controller.
Velocity: (RAS-Extend only) Calculated speed of this wireless terminal.
Tracker State: (RAS-Extend only) Current state of the tracking algorithm for this
wireless terminal.
Unknown: Tracker is not active (e.g. GPS not connected)
Searching: Tracker is attempting to locate a sector controller.
Locked: Tracker is locked to sector controller (e.g. link established)

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3.4.3 Subscriber Links Summary

Click Links Summary in the main menu (SC only) to view the status of all wireless links.

Fig. 24: Web - Sector Controller: Subscriber Links Summary Screen

Name: Operator-assigned name for wireless Links and related Services. Click an entry
in the Name field (e.g., link-171) to display the Link Configuration screen for that item.
ID/Status: Subscriber Link identifier and status indicator.
ID: A unique identifier (4 to 127) assigned to each subscriber Link. This value is
required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Status: Status of this link or Service.
Link/Service is available. Click to display the Subscriber Link Status screen.
Link/Service is unavailable (offline or disabled).
SINADR [dB]: Ratio of the average RF signal strength to interference, noise, and distortion.
RF 1: Signal level for RF port 1.
DL: RF port 1 signal level reported by the remote end unit.
UL: RF port 1 signal level measured by this unit.
RF 2: Signal level for RF port 2.
DL: RF port 2 signal level reported by the remote end unit.
UL: RF port 2 signal level measured by this unit.
RSSI [dBm]: Received signal strength indicator.
RF 1: Signal level for RF port 1.
DL: RF port 1 signal reported by the remote end unit.
UL: RF port 1 signal measured by this unit.
RF 2: Signal level for RF port 2.
DL: RF port 2 signal strength reported by the remote end unit.
UL: RF port 2 signal strength measured by this unit.
Burst Rate [Mb/s]: The current uplink and downlink uncoded burst rate for the link.
DL: Current downlink uncoded burst rate.
UL: Current uplink uncoded burst rate.
Total Wireless Packets: Total packets successfully processed over the wireless interface
(does not include discarded or errored packets).
DL: Total packets transmitted over the wireless interface.
UL: Total packets received over the wireless interface.
Retransmitted Wireless Packets: Total number of wireless packets that have been
retransmitted over the wireless interface.
DL: Total packets retransmitted over the wireless interface.
UL: Total packets reported retransmitted by the remote end.

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Advanced Link Summary Statistics (RAS-Elite SS only)

When operating the RAS-Elite subscriber, the operator can access the results of the last
frequency scan. This includes each the channel, RSSI, and SNR for each discovered sector
Important: This screen is provided for advanced users to diagnose system operation in
challenging environments.
This screen is not available on the standard Web interface. The diagnostic URL must be entered
manually by the operator.

Fig. 25: Web - Sector Controller: Advanced Stat. - Links Summary (RAS-Elite Only)
The following statistics are available in addition to those listed above under Subscriber
Links Summary.
Lost Wireless Packets: Number of packets containing unrecoverable errors.
Lost Frames: Number of frames containing unrecoverable errors.
Dist: Calculated distance to the subscriber (km).
Rst Sts: Click to reset the statistics for that wireless link.

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3.4.4 Subscriber Link Status

To view this page on the sector controller click Links Summary to view all wireless links
and click on the Link status symbol (e.g., or ) to view data for a specific subscriber.
On the subscriber, click Links Status in the main menu.

Fig. 26: Web - Subscriber Link Status Screen

Subscriber Link Name: Operator assigned name for this unit.
Subscriber Link ID: A unique identifier (4 to 127) automatically assigned to identify
each subscriber Link (required when using the CLI interface to modify Link settings).
Subscriber IP: (SC only) IP address of this subscriber.
Subscriber MAC: MAC address of this subscriber.
Active: Indicates the status of the wireless link.
No: Wireless link is not active (e.g., the remote end unit may be powered off).
Yes: subscriber has registered and the wireless link is active. Refer to the Data Link
Condition field on this screen to determine if data can be exchanged across the
wireless interface.
Link Up Time: Time elapsed since the wireless link has been established. This value is
zeroed each time the link becomes inactive.
Link Lost Count: Number of times this link has been inactive (out of service) since the
sector controller was last powered-on or reset. This value is zeroed each time the sector
controller is reset.
Status Code: Coded (hexadecimal) indicator for status of this unit. A code of '0x000'
indicates normal operation. See Status Code Definitions for further information.
Active Subscriber Services: The number of Services active on this link.
Data Link Condition: Indicates if data can be transmitted across the wireless link. There
are some conditions where the subscriber can be registered but data can not be

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exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber. For example, the signal is
marginal, or encryption is enabled but the keys do not match.
Off: Data can not be exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber.
On: Data can be exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber.
The following statistics are displayed for the downlink and uplink.
Burst Rate [Mb/s]: The current uplink and downlink uncoded burst rate for the link.
Downlink: Current downlink burst rate.
Uplink: Current uplink burst rate.
A letter is displayed adjacent to the uplink and downlink burst rates indicating the RF
scheme in-use: A=MIMO-A, B=MIMO-B.
For example, 108 Mb/s B indicates 108 Megabits per second using MIMO-B.
RSSI RF1: Received signal strength indicator for RF port 1.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
RSSI RF2: Received signal strength indicator for RF port 2.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
SINADR RF1: Ratio of the average RF signal strength to interference, noise, and distortion
for RF port 1.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
SINADR RF2: Ratio of the average RF signal strength to interference, noise, and distortion
for RF port 2.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
Lost Frames: Number of frames lost.
PIR: Operator-assigned Peak Information Rate (PIR) for this wireless link. Refer to
Subscriber Link Configuration.
Downlink: Operator-assigned downlink PIR for this link.
Uplink: Operator-assigned uplink PIR for this link.
Wireless Packets
Summary of wireless packet activity on the downlink and uplink.
Total: Total number of packets processed over the wireless interface. Total does not include
discarded and errored packets.
Retransmitted: Total number of wireless packets retransmitted over the wireless interface.
Lost: Total number of wireless packets discarded by this unit due to errors.
Refresh: Click to update displayed statistics counters.
Reset: Click to reset displayed statistics counters.

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3.4.5 Services Summary (SS only)

Click Services Summary in the main menu (SS only) to view the status of all Services
on this subscriber. This screen is available only on the subscriber unit.

Fig. 27: Web - Services Summary Screen

Name: Name assigned to this Service.
ID/Status: Service ID number and status indicator.
ID: A unique identifier (160 to 511) assigned to each Service. This value is required
when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Status: Status of this Link or Service:
Link or Service is available.
Link or Service is unavailable (offline or disabled).
Click the status icon (e.g., ) to display the Subscriber Service Status screen.
Discarded Packets: Total number of packets discarded by this unit due to errors.
UL: Received wireless packets that have been discarded.
DL: Transmitted wireless packets discarded by the sector controller.
Tx Packets: Total number of packets successfully transmitted over the wireless interface.
Total does not include discarded packets or packets with errors.
DL: Number of packets the sector controller has transmitted to this subscriber.
UL: Number of packets the subscriber has transmitted to the sector controller.
Rx Packets: Total packets successfully received over the wireless interface. Total does not
include discarded or errored packets.
DL: Number of packets received from the sector controller.
UL: Number of packets the sector controller has received from this subscriber.

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3.4.6 WSDB Status

Click Status->WSDB Status to display the WSDB (TV Whitespaces Database) status
screen. This screen is displayed only if WSDB support is enabled by the options key (US
This screen displays the status of the WSDB registration process. The RDL-3000 may
only transmit on channels indicated as 'available' by the WSDB database. In congested
areas, the number of available channels may be zero. Channel assignments are
temporary and the RDL-3000 must periodically contact the WSDB to refresh the channel
list. Following each status update, the RDL-3000 must vacate a channel in-use
immediately when a WSDB database status indicates the channel is no longer available.
Registration information is entered in the WSDB Configuration/Control screen
(Configuration->Control). Channel selection is entered in the Wireless Configuration

Fig. 28: Web - WSDB Status Screen

WSDB Status
FCC ID: FCC Wireless ID for this RDL-3000 Ellipse.
WSDB URL: URL used to contact the WSDB server.
Location: Location where the Ellipse is installed.
Server Connectivity Status: Status of the most recent attempt to contact the WSDB
Registration Response Timestamp: Time and date of the most recent registration
response from the WSDB server.
Registration Status: Status of the most recent attempt to register with the WSDB

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Channel List Response Timestamp: Time and date of the most recent channel list was
downloaded from the WSDB server.
Channel List Response Status: Status of the Ellipses most recent request for a list of
available channels.
Number of Available Channels: Available channels reported by the WSDB server.
Refresh Time: Time remaining before an updated available channel list must be
obtained from the WSDB server.
Expiry Time: Time remaining before the current available channel list will expire. If this
timer expires, the system must immediately stop transmitting on any WSDB channel.
Channel List
The channel list displays all channels in the TV Whitespaces database. Available
channels are displayed in blue. The channel in-use is displayed in green. The wireless
system is not allowed to transmit on channels displayed in red.
Channel are configured using the Wireless Configuration screen. The channel selection
is entered as a center frequency and channel size (e.g., 6 MHz) using the Web interface
(Wireless Configuration Screen) or by Telnet. Refer to the Deployment Information
section to determine the center frequency/bandwidth of each channel.

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3.4.7 System Messages (Log)

Click System Log in the main menu to view the system event messages recorded by
the Ellipse.
Clear Log: Click to remove all messages from the system log file.
Event Messages
The following table lists the RDL-3000 system event messages. Event messages
containing % have specific values or statements added when the message is generated.
Table 12: Web - System Log Messages
Number Event Description
1001 System Configuration Load: OK,
1002 System Configuration Save: OK,
1003 EEPROM Directory Load: OK,
1004 EEPROM Directory Save: OK,
1005 User Configuration Load: OK,
1006 User Configuration Save: OK,
1007 Network Configuration Load: OK,
1008 Network Configuration Save: OK,
1009 Network Configuration: OK,
1010 Version Ctrl Data Load: OK,
1011 Version Ctrl Data Save: OK,
1012 System Description Load: OK,
1013 System Description Save: OK,
1014 Options Key Load: OK,
1015 Options Key Save: OK,
1016 Options Key Properties Load: OK,
1017 Options Key Properties Save: OK,
1018 Options Key %i Activated: OK,
1019 Data server started: OK,
1021 Upgrade: OK,
1023 Firmware configuration: OK,
1029 HTTP(User Mgm): Chg User Attributes: OK,
1030 SNMP Configuration Load: OK,
1031 SNMP Configuration Save: OK,
1032 SNTP: Time received: OK,
1033 DFS Event Detected: %7.1f MHz,
1034 DFS Event Detected: %7.1f MHz,
1035 ID \"%s\"%d) deleted: OK,
1036 Restart freq scanRSSI),
1037 Restart freq scanTimeOut),
1038 Reg Reqstep 1),
1039 Reg Reqstep 2 - resent),
1040 Reg Reqstep 2),
1041 Restart freq scan!act links),
1042 ID tables saved: OK,
1043 ID \"%s\"%d) defined: OK,
1044 ID tables not changed: OK,
1045 ID \"%s\"%d) modified: OK,
1046 RF frequency range validation: OK,
1047 MAC Initialization: OK,
1048 ID automatic naming: OK,
1049 Radio Enabled,
1050 Radio Disabled,
1051 Static ARP added: %s %s,
1052 ID tables cleared: OK,
1053 GPS unit not detected,
1054 System Configuration not changed: OK,
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 60 of 284 June 9, 2016

Table 12: Web - System Log Messages

Number Event Description
1055 HTTP(User Mgm): Add new User \"%s\": OK,
1056 HTTP(User Mgm): Delete User \"%s\": OK,
1057 ID %i relocated to %i,
1058 User Configuration Applied: OK,
1059 ID \"%s\"%d) enabled: OK,
1060 ID \"%s\"%d) disabled: OK,
1061 GPS unit detected: OK,
1062 RAS Smart Antenna detected: OK,
1063 RAS Smart Antenna disconnected.
1064 Multiple Primary peers detected (redundancy).
1065 Multiple backup peers detected (redundancy).
1074 Link (%d) [%s]: UP
1075 Link (%d) [%s]: DOWN"}
1076 Software Version: %s"}
1077 GPS number of satellites used: Low"}
1078 GPS number of satellites used: OK
1079 Average number of used GPS satellites: Low
1080 Synchronization signal detected!
1081 Frame synchronization acquired!
1082 System Time set from GPS
1084 TV channel list from WSDB has expired. Tx is OFF.
1085 WSDB status messages:
WSDB[CHANNEL_LIST]: connecting.
WSDB[CHANNEL_LIST]: sending channel list request.
WSDB[CHANNEL_LIST]: sending channel list response.
WSDB[CHANNEL_LIST]: processing channel list response.
WSDB[CHANNEL_LIST]: channel list update successful.
1088 WSDB [REGISTRATION_CHECK]:registration information incomplete
2004 EEPROM Directory Save: ERROR,
2005 User Configuration Load: ERROR,
2006 User Configuration Save: ERROR,
2007 Network Configuration Load: ERROR,
2008 Network Configuration Save: ERROR,
2009 Network Configuration: ERROR,
2010 Version Ctrl Data Load: ERROR,
2011 Version Ctrl Data Save: ERROR,
2012 System Description Load: ERROR,
2013 System Description Save: ERROR,
2014 Options Key Load: ERROR,
2015 Options Key Save: ERROR,
2016 Options Key Properties Load: ERROR,
2017 Options Key Properties Save: ERROR,
2018 Options Key Activated: ERROR,
2019 No Options Key,
2023 Upgrade client start: ERROR,
2024 Upgrade in progress,
2025 Upgrade: FAIL,
2026 Upgrade: ERROR - Timeout,
2028 Factory Data Corrupted use fallback values),
2029 Firmware configuration: ERROR,
2030 Invalid Options Key,
2032 Radio Calibration Checksum: ERROR,
2033 Radio Calibration Saving: ERROR,
2034 HTTP(User Mgm): Invalid password,

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Table 12: Web - System Log Messages

Number Event Description
2035 HTTP(User Mgm): Invalid User,
2036 HTTP(User Mgm): Chg User Attributes: ERROR,
2037 SNMP Configuration Load: ERROR,
2038 SNMP Configuration Save: ERROR,
2039 SNTP: Time received: ERROR,
2040 MAC Initialization: ERROR,
2041 MAC Busy,
2042 ID database corrupted,
2043 Invalid ID %d,
2044 Max. ID number reached,
2045 Int Procs programming: ERROR,
2046 Int Procs start: ERROR,
2047 ID action not possible,
2048 ID \"%s\"%d) validation%d): ERROR,
2049 HW validation: ERROR,
2050 FTP: ERROR,
2051 RF frequency range validation: ERROR,
2052 RF validation table initialized,
2053 ID name validation: ERROR,
2054 Max. links number reached,
2059 System critical error %08X!,
2060 Options Key expired,
2061 special msg: %d %s,
2062 Firmware programming: ERROR,
2064 SSH DSA KEY missing, using default key,
2065 SSL Certificate missing, using default one,
2066 SSL KEY missing, using default one,
2070 Pre-Shared Key ERROR,
2071 Authentication Packet Validation ERROR,
2072 Encryption Key Validation ERROR,
2073 Signature Validation ERROR,
2074 Certificate Validation ERROR,
2075 RNG self-test ERROR,
2076 DSA pairwise test failed,
2085 Link: ERROR,
2086 Upgrade image validation: ERROR,
2087 Upgrade ERROR: image save,
2089 SSH DSA KEY missing, using generated key,
2091 The options key expires within 45 days,
2092 SSL Certificate missing, HTTPS disabled,
2093 Wireless Security Certificates missing,
2094 Firmware validation: ERROR%s %d),
2095 Inactive Image validation: ERROR,
2096 Pre-Shared Secret ERROR,
2097 HTTP(User Mgm): Add new User \"%s\": ERROR,
2098 HTTP(User Mgm): Delete User \"%s\": ERROR,
2100 ID \"%s\"%d) PIR validation%d): ERROR,
2102 Long Reset Detected!
System configuration restored!
2103 Synchronization signal not available!
2104 Frame synchronization lost!

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3.5 Configuration Screens

3.5.1 System
Click Configuration-> System in the main menu to view and adjust the system
identification and Ethernet settings.

Fig. 29: Web - PMP SC/SS System Configuration Screen

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System Identification
System Name: Enter the name for this unit. The system name may be up to thirty alpha-
numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
System Details: Enter descriptive details about this unit. The system details may be up
to thirty alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
System Location: Enter descriptive details about the location of this unit. The system
location information may be up to thirty alphanumeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_).
Contact: Enter descriptive details about the operational/technical contact for this unit.
The contact information may be up to thirty alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z,
0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Basic Ethernet Configuration
DHCP Enable: Check this box to use a DHCP server to automatically configure the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway address. The assigned addresses and
network mask are displayed on the System Status screen. DHCP option 12 and
hostname RFC952 compliant.

Important: The subscriber IP address is disabled immediately when the link to the
sector controller is lost.

When DHCP is disabled, the IP address, network mask and default gateway must be
manually assigned to each radio. The default fixed IP address is
(Configuration->System: IP Address). This IP address must be updated before
deployment to avoid network issues such as duplicate IP addresses.

Fig. 30: Web - Using DHCP to acquire IP, Network Mask, and Gateway
When DHCP is enabled, a DHCP server is contacted to configure the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway address. At reboot, the system has no IP address until the
server is contacted using DHCP discovery. The subscriber IP address is disabled
immediately when the link to the sector controller is lost.
When a link is established, the subscriber performs a DHCP discovery by broadcasting a
series of requests to contact a DHCP server. The RDL-3000 has no addressable IP
while the DHCP discovery process is active. The aggregate timeout for the request
sequence is approximately 520 seconds.
If DHCP discovery can not contact a DHCP server within the timeout period, the local
link IP is activated for 300 seconds. This period allows an operator to login and change
system settings. At the end of 300 seconds, the IP address is disabled and the discovery
function is restarted. This cycle repeats until a DHCP discovery is successful.

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1. RDL-3000 units are shipped from the factory with DHCP disabled.
2. Before enabling DHCP, position the cursor over the DHCP enable field. The popup
help text lists the three default IP addresses that become active when the local link
IP is active
3. Using DHCP for remote units does not require DHCP to be enabled on the SC.
4. To ensure the granted IP address is routable from the sector controller, remote units
with DHCP enabled must obtain an IP addresses from a DHCP server located
upstream of the sector controller (e.g., over the wireless interface to a DHCP server
reachable from the sector controller Ethernet port).
5. If the remote unit obtains an IP from a DHCP server on its local network (e.g., via the
Ethernet port): a) the IP may not be routable from the sector controller, b) the
recovery Link Local IP addresses will not be active, and c) it may be difficult to
identify the responding DHCP server to obtain the required address information.
6. When enabled, Management VLAN Tagging is enforced for Link Local IP address.
7. A DHCP Renew function is available (Web/CLI) to generate an 'on-demand' DHCP
renewal request message.
DHCP Renew: Click this button to send a DHCP renew message to the DHCP server.
This function is available only when an IP lease is active.
IP Address: Manually enter the IP address for this unit.
The IP address is routable through the Ethernet port and over the wireless interface.
This field is active only when DHCP is disabled.
Note: This is not the default address when DHCP is enabled and the DHCP server is
unavailable. See the DHCP Enable field.
IP Subnet Mask: Enter the IP subnet mask.
Note: This is not the default IP subnet mask when DHCP is enabled and the DHCP
server is unavailable. See the DHCP Enable field.
Default Gateway Address: Enter the IP address of the default gateway or router on the
Ethernet segment connected to the RDL-3000 Ethernet port.
DNS Server 1: Enter the primary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
DNS Server 2: Enter the secondary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
Management VLAN Tagging Enable: Control the VLAN tagged management function.
Disabled ( ): There are no restrictions for management traffic.
Enabled ( ): This unit can be managed only using VLAN traffic tagged with the value
specified in the Mgmt. VID field.
On all PMP systems, over-the-air management is possible only after creating a Service
Group for device management and adding a Service for each subscriber.
For initial installation and setup, it is recommended to use Pass Through settings for this
group and member Service for each subscriber. Set CIR and priority values to ensure
management traffic has sufficient priority and bandwidth available.
When Management VLAN Tagging is enabled, the following field is visible:
Management 802.1Q VLAN ID [0...4095]: Enter the management VLAN ID. When
Management VLAN Tagging Enable is selected, the system recognizes only
management commands where the Ethernet packet has the matching VLAN ID.

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Fig. 31: Web - VLAN Tagged Management

In the following example, the network management VLAN ID=600. Identical settings are
used on the Service Group and each subscriber Service. Click to display the Services
associated with each Service Group.

Fig. 32: Web - VLAN Tagged Management Example

Ethernet Mode: Select the operating mode of the Ethernet port.
Auto - Automatically negotiate the connection speed and duplex. This selection does
not detect the speed and duplex of external Ethernet equipment operating at a fixed
speed and duplex. The 'Auto' selection operates successfully only when the RDL-
3000 and the connected Ethernet device are both set to auto-negotiate.
10Mbps HD - Operate at 10Base-T half-duplex only.
10Mbps FD - Operate at 10Base-T full duplex only.
100Mbps HD -.Operate at 100Base-T half-duplex only.
100Mbps FD - Operate at 100Base-T full duplex only.

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Advanced Ethernet Configuration

Secure Mode Enable: Check this box to enable secure mode.
IMPORTANT: Enabling this setting with incorrect parameters can result in loss of
wireless connectivity and/or user lockout from the unit management interface. Refer
to the Security section of this manual for further information about this feature.

SNTP Enable: Check this box to enable the SNTP protocol support. This feature
allows RDL-3000 systems to time-stamp system event messages using a network time
server. When enabled, enter the network address of the SNTP server in the SNTP
Server IP Address field. When SNTP is enabled, the following fields are visible:
SNTP Server IP Address: Enter the network IP address of the SNTP server.
SNTP Polling Interval [hours]: Enter the SNTP polling interval (hours).
Time Zone (GMT) [hh:mm]: Enter the offset (hours) from GMT for this time zone.
Syslog Enable: Check this box to enable saving event messages on a remote server.
When Syslog Enable is selected, the following field is visible:
Syslog Server IP Address: Enter the network address of the Syslog server.
HTTP Enable: Check this box to enable the HTTP (Web) interface.
HTTPS Enable: Check this box to enable HTTPS operation for secure/encrypted Web
session (see Security).
Telnet Enable: Check this box to enable the Telnet interface (CLI).
When Telnet is enabled, the following additional configuration field is visible:
Telnet Port: Enter Telnet port address (reboot required).
SSH Enable: Check this box to enable SSH operation for secure/encrypted CLI (see
SNMP Enable: Select the version of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
The SNMP protocol allows an application to poll a device for information and change
data stored in the RDL-3000 Management Information Base (MIB).
none: SNMP is disabled.
v2: Supports SNMP v1 and v2c commands.
v3: Supports SNMP v3 exclusively. SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c commands not
accepted and an authorization policy is enforced.
Click Configuration->System->SNMP to display the SNMP Configuration screen.
User Authentication: The RDL-3000 supports a local authorization policy and secure
centralized authentication management using a RADIUS server. At least one policy is
always enabled, and both may be enabled to operate together.
The RDL-3000 can be configured for the following authentication modes:
Local Only: User name and password authentication is managed by the RDL-3000.
RADIUS Only: User name and password authentication is managed exclusively by a
RADIUS server. Feature also supports a redundant RADIUS server.
Local + RADIUS: Local and RADIUS methods of user authentication are enforced.
1. When RADIUS Only or Local + RADIUS is selected, click on the main menu item
RADIUS to display the RADIUS Configuration screen.

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2. Note: Authorization data is retrieved from the RADIUS server at 10-minute intervals.
If a user's authorization is changed on the RADIUS server, the server may require up
to ten minutes before the Redline radio is updated with the new information.
Wireless LLDP packet filtering: Check this box to block LLDP packets from being
transmitted over the wireless interface.
Rapid path: Check this box to enable the Rapid path feature.
This feature is designed for networks where packet source and destination is changing
from an uplink/downlink perspective. With Rapid Path enabled, the RDL-3000 system
quickly adapts its classification and switching engines to manage these changes.
rapidpath <off | on> Disable or enable the Rapid Path feature
off Rapid Path feature is disabled.
on system will respond to changes in traffic flow.
This feature is can be employed where hosts/CPEs connect to the network using one of
several available wireless terminals and for redundancy scenarios:
Ring Redundancy: An RDL-3000 system (typically PTP) is deployed as a segment in a
redundant ring where alternative data paths are provided. A failure on the primary path
may result in reversed traffic flow through the ring (from the RDL-3000 perspective).
Redundant Remote Terminals: Two co-located RDL-3000 wireless terminals
communicating with the same base station and network path convergence is controlled
by one of several available switching protocols (e.g. PRP or RSTP).
Redundant Base Station: Rapid Path transitions packet switching from the master to
the slave sector controller within seconds of a failover event. It is recommended to
always deploy Rapid Path with the Base Station Redundancy solution.
VLAN Filtering: Check this box to enable filtering of VLANs on this system.
This feature allows up to 64 VLANS transparently across an untagged service. Can be
enabled/disabled independently on the sector controller and any wireless terminal.
Packets with unlisted VLANs are discarded. See Allowed VLAN List following for details.
Allowed VLAN List: Enter the list of VLAN IDs allowed across the Ethernet port and
wireless interface.
 Enter a comma-separated list of individual VLAN IDs and/or ID ranges with no
spaces (e.g., 1,2-4,8-10).
 The highest VLAN ID is 4094. Duplication and range intersection is not allowed.
 List can specify a maximum of 64 VLAN IDs (including up to two VLAN IDs that may
be reserved based on system configuration).
 Enter VLAN ID '0' to filter selected VLANS and pass all non VLAN packets across
the Ethernet and wireless interface (e.g., 0,1,2-4,8-10).
1. A wireless terminal has management via the Ethernet port blocked when VLAN
Management is enabled AND the management ID is not entered in the list. The
terminal can managed over-the-air from the sector controller.
2. If required, a wireless terminals LLDP table can be accessed over the wireless
interface to determine its management VLAN ID. The sector controller must have '0'
in the allowed VLAN list to receive LLDP packets over the air.
3. Management via the sector controller Ethernet port can not be disabled.

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3.5.2 RADIUS
When Radius or Local + RADIUS is checked , click Configuration->RADIUS in the
main menu to display the RADIUS Configuration screen. Support includes RADIUS-
based two-factor user-management authentication (e.g., RSA’s SecureID platform).

Fig. 33: Web - RADIUS Configuration Screen

The following fields are provided for configuring the RADIUS server:
Server Enable: Control the RADIUS server mode.
Disabled ( ):.Do not use the RADIUS server for user authentication. This unit
uses only local user authentication (Utilities->Users Management).
Enabled ( ): Use the RADIUS server for user authentication.
Server IP Address: RADIUS server IP address.
Server Auth-port: Listening port address on RADIUS server (default port is 1812).
Shared secret: Password for RADIUS server. The password must conform to the
security policy (see Users Management).
Request retries: Maximum number for attempts to contact the RADIUS server.
Request time-out: Time to wait for response from the RADIUS server (seconds).
Table 13: Web - Required FreeRadius Files
Action File Command
Define a clients.conf client {secret = secret shortname = RDL3000}
Add admin users.conf admuser Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "abc"
account Service-Type = Administrative-User
Add user users.conf usrjoe: Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "pass"
account Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
Reject an users.conf lameuser: Auth-Type := Reject
account. Reply-Message = "Account has been disabled."
Note: When using FreeRadius server, the following files on the server platform must be
modified. See the RADIUS documentation for additional operating details.

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3.5.3 SNMP
Click Configuration->SNMP to display the SNMP Configuration screen. The RDL-3000
supports SNMP v2 and v3 operation. Click Configuration->System to disable SNMP or
enable SNMP and to choose the required version.

Fig. 34: Web - SNMP v2 Configuration Screen

SNMP Communities
This portion of the screen is common for SNMP v2 and v3. The RDL-3000 supports up
to eight separate community strings. Each community string is assigned a unique name
and specific access rights (read/write). The 'public' and 'private' community strings are
default access values and should be changed to ensure secure access.
SNMP v3 supports authentication and privacy settings to provide secure management
access. Security methods are associated with RDL-3000 user accounts.
Community Name: Name assigned to this SNMP community string.
Access: Access permissions for external SNMP client using this entry.
None: Deny read and write for this entry.
Read: Grant only read access for this entry.
Write: Grant only write access for this entry.
Read&Write: Grant read and write access for this entry.
Change: Click to modify this SNMP community string.
To delete a community string: click Change adjacent to the entry, delete all characters in
the Community name' field and click Change Community to complete the operation.
Add: Click to create a new SNMP community string (maximum eight).
Apply: Click to activate the SNMP Community settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the SNMP Community
settings on this screen.

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SNMPv2: Edit SNMP Community Settings

Click Change or Add in the SNMP Communities section of the screen to modify existing
community strings or add a new community string.

Fig. 35: Web - SNMP v2: Community Configuration Screen

Index: Display the index reference number for this entry. This value is required when
using the CLI interface to modify SNMP Community settings.
Community Name: Enter or modify the SNMP community name for this entry.
To delete a community string, clear the field (blank) and click Change Community.
Access: Access permissions for external SNMP client using this entry.
None: Deny read and write for this entry.
Read: Grant only read access for this entry.
Write: Grant only write access for this entry.
Read&Write: Grant read and write access for this entry.
Change Community: Click to accept changes and close this dialog.
SNMP v2: Trap Destination Settings
This section of the SNMP Configuration screen is modified when SNMP v2 is enabled.
This section displays the SNMP trap destination settings. SNMP trap messages inform
network management devices of status changes on the RDL-3000.

Fig. 36: Web - SNMP v2: Trap Destinations Screen

IP Address (IPv4): IP address of this trap listener. A copy of each SNMP trap message
is transmitted to this address.
Port: Destination port address of this trap listener.
Community String: Community string associated with this trap listener.
Change: Click to modify (or delete) the existing SNMP community string.
Add: Click to create a new SNMP community string (max. 8 strings).

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SNMP v2: Edit Trap Destinations

The following screen is displayed when SNMP v2 is selected. Click Change or Add in
the SNMP Trap Destinations section of the screen to modify the list of trap listeners. The
following popup dialog is displayed:

Fig. 37: Web - SNMP v2: Trap Configuration Screen

Index: Display the unique reference number for this entry. This value is required when
using the CLI interface to modify SNMP trap settings.
IP Address: Enter the IP address (IPv4) associated with this SNMP trap alarm. If this
field is set to '' when Change Trap is clicked, this entry is deleted.
Port: Enter the destination port address associated with this SNMP trap alarm.
Community Name: Enter the community name for this trap destination.
Change Trap: Click to accept changes and close this dialog.
Delete Trap: Click to remove this trap.
SNMP v3: Trap Destination Settings
This section displays the SNMP trap destination settings. SNMP trap messages inform
network management devices of status changes on the RDL-3000.
Note: When using SNMPv3 the context name for all RDL-3000 family systems is:

When SNMP v3 is enabled, RDL-3000 user accounts are used to control SNMP access
(see Users Management).

Fig. 38: Web - SNMP v3: Trap Destinations Screen

IP Address (IPv4): IP address of this trap listener. A copy of each SNMP trap message
is transmitted to this address.
Port: Destination port address of this trap listener.
User Name: User account associated with this trap listener.
Change: Click Change to modify the existing SNMP community string.
Add: Click Change to create a new SNMP user name (max. 8 strings).

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SNMP v3: Edit Trap Configuration

The following screen is displayed when SNMP v3 is selected. Click Change or Add in
the SNMP Trap Destinations section of the screen to modify the list of trap listeners. The
following popup dialog is displayed:

Fig. 39: Web - SNMP v3: Trap Configuration Screen

Index: Display the unique reference number for this entry. This value is required when
using the CLI interface to modify SNMP trap settings.
IP Address: Enter the IP address (IPv4) associated with this SNMP trap alarm.
Port: Enter the destination port address associated with this SNMP trap alarm.
User Name: Enter the user account associated with this trap destination.
Change Trap: Click to accept changes and close this dialog.
Delete Trap: Click to remove this trap.
SNMP Trap Configuration
This portion of the screen is common for SNMP v2 and v3.
SNMP Traps Enabled: Control the SNMP trap message function.
Disabled ( ): The RDL-3000 does not send SNMP trap messages.
Enabled ( ): The RDL-3000 sends SNMP trap messages.
Link Up/Down Trap Enabled: Control SNMP trap messages for the link status.
Disabled ( ): The RDL-3000 does not send SNMP trap messages based on
changes to the wireless link status.
Enabled ( ): A trap message is sent for each change to the wireless link status.
Apply: Click to activate the displayed SNMP Trap Destinations and SNMP Trap
Configuration settings.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the SNMP Trap Destinations
and SNMP Trap Configuration settings displayed on this screen.
Note: Unsaved changes on the current screen are discarded when changing to another
screen before clicking Apply or Apply & Save All.

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3.5.4 Wireless
Click Configuration->Wireless to display the Wireless Configuration screen. Use these
settings to configure the RDL-3000 wireless interface. Some fields are unique to the
sector controller or subscriber.

Fig. 40: Web - Wireless Configuration Screen -- Sector Controller

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Important: The operator MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after making changes to any of the
following settings. Failure to reboot the system after making these changes may result in
loss of communications.
 System Mode  GPS Antenna Type  Active options key and
 Channel Size  SS-to-SS Messaging activation changes:
 RF Frequency (hairpinning)  Region Code
 Cyclic Prefix  Fixed/Variable Frame  Number of services
 Scheduling Cycle Mode  Enables new features
 Frame Size  Management VLAN ID (e.g. Rapid Path)
 Downlink Ratio  Encryption (SC)
Basic Wireless Configuration
System Mode: One unit must be configured as a sector controller to control the bi-
directional data link with remote wireless terminals.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
PMP SC: This unit is configured as a sector controller (sector controller). The unit
automatically begins transmitting poll messages to locate and register remote
wireless terminals. Enabled by Options Key.
PMP SS: This unit is configured to operate as a subscriber. The unit monitors the
selected RF channel(s) for poll poll messages from a sector controller.
Channel Size [MHz]: Select the channel bandwidth. Available channel sizes are based
on the options key, radio type and frame mode. The radio type information is displayed
in the General Information screen.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.

RF Frequency [MHz]: Enter the center frequency for the RF channel.

Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
Available channel frequencies are based on the region code and radio type. Refer to
section 8.1: Regional Codes on page 188. The radio type information is displayed in the
General Information screen. On wireless terminals, this setting is disabled when Auto
Frequency Scan is enabled.
IMPORTANT: To minimize interference between RDL-3000 links operating in close
proximity, RF frequency settings should be separated by a guard interval equal or
greater than the channel size. For example, when using a 10 MHz channel, the RF
frequencies should be separated by >10 MHz.
Channel: (UHF band only) Select the RF channel. This field is displayed only when
enabled by an options key ( ) for systems operating in areas using TV Whitespaces
channels (US and Canada only). See WSDB Control for requirements when operating in
the US.
Tx Power: Enter the transmit power level in dBm measured at each RDL-3000 RF port.
Tx power settings are controlled by options key ( ). Factory default and operation
with no options key is -5 dBm. All units require upgraded options keys to activate higher
TX power settings. Maximum power is limited by regional regulations and the
(integrated) antenna type. When DFS is enabled, the subscriber Tx power may be
adjusted automatically to avoid false triggering.
Note: To minimize potential RF interference, operator changes to the Tx Power setting
are applied in steps over a time interval (dB/s).
Important -- EIRP Levels: Where required by local regulations, the maximum

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operational power per channel for a specific antenna must not exceed the maximum
allowable EIRP levels, The RF output power settings must be professionally
programmed by the manufacturer or a trained professional installer. Refer to the
notices in Section 1 and Section 7 of this manual.
TMA Enable: Check this box to enable the sector controller TMA output port. When
active, this port will issue a 1 PPS signal to synchronize the operation of remote TMA
tower RF amplifier transmit and receive cycle. The RSSI and Tx power settings are
automatically adjusted for splitter losses and TMA gain. This feature is enabled only
when the System Mode is selected as Roaming_SC (enabled by the options key ).
Important -- The TMA function requires GPS synchronization.

Auto Frequency Scan: (SS only) Check this box to enable the the frequency
scanning feature.
When Auto Frequency Scan is disabled ( ), the subscriber wireless link can be
established only at the frequency specified in the RF Freq. [MHz] field.
When enabled, the Auto Frequency Scan (AFS) feature reduces registration time by
limiting the subscriber channel search to a list of frequencies specified by the operator.
Click on the main menu item Configuration -> Frequencies to display the Frequency
Management Screen. A scan is started following power-up/reboot, loss of the wireless
link, by the Scan Threshold feature or by clicking the Rescan button on this screen.
When Auto Frequency Scan is enabled, a 'stickiness' timer can be set. This is the period
a subscriber will attempt to reconnect with the same sector controller following loss of
the wireless link. Refer to the Stickiness Timer settings on the following screens:
Subscriber: Wireless Configuration screen
Sector Controller: Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Rescan: (SS only) Click this button to deregister the subscriber and start a scan.
The Rescan function is available only when Auto Frequency Scanning is enabled and
the subscriber is registered with a sector controller. When the subscriber is registered,
clicking Rescan immediately terminates the active wireless link to a sector controller and
frequency scanning is performed as described in the Auto Frequency Scan field above.
Also see the Scan threshold Enable feature on the Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Note: When the subscriber is not registered and Auto Frequency Scan is enabled, the
scanning process cycles continuously without operator intervention. The scanning
process can not be interrupted and clicking Rescan has no effect.

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Fig. 41: Web - Wireless Configuration Screen -- Subscriber

Advanced Auto Frequency Scan Results
When operating the RAS-Elite subscriber, the operator can access the results of the last
frequency scan. This includes each the channel, RSSI, and SNR for each discovered sector
Important: This screen is provided for advanced users to diagnose system operation in
challenging environments.
This screen is not available from the Web interface. The diagnostic URL must be entered
manually by the operator.

Fig. 42: Web - Subscriber: RAS Advanced Stat. - Auto Frequency Scan Status

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Auto Frequency Scan Status Fields

Frequency: Channel (center) frequency in-use by the detected sector controller.
Beam #: The beam (direction) of the sector conroller signal.
RSSI [dBn]: Received signal strength indicator measured from this sector controller.
SNR [dB]: Signal to noise ratio measured from this sector controller.
SC ID: Unique sector controller identification (see SC General Information screen).
Registration Attempts: The number of times the subscriber has attempted to
register with the listed sector controller.
STID: (SS only) Enter the name of the link template to use when registering with the
sector controller.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing the CIR and/or PIR for
any active STID template:
System operators can use STID to pre-provision wireless links on the sector controller
without specifying a remote unit MAC address. This allows the wireless link configuration
to be pre-specified for quick deployment and the wireless terminals can automatically
establish a wireless link to any sector controller containing an STID with matching
Using STID requires two steps:
Step 1: Create STID link templates in each sector controller where automatic connection
is to be supported (e.g., sectors supporting roaming RAS systems). Each template
includes the normal wireless link definition (Service Group for broadcast/multicast traffic
and one or more Services for exchanging data), except the MAC address is replaced
with an STID name and STID password.
Step 2: Configure each remote unit requiring automatic connection with the template
name and password of the STID with the required wireless profile. To register
successfully the credentials presented by the subscriber unit must match an STID
template defined on the communicating sector controller.
1. Multiple wireless terminals may register using the same STID template.
2. The subscriber security setting 'SC MAC' must allow registration with any sector
controller (e.g., MAC address = 00:00:00:00:00).
3. The remote unit will not be registered if the requested STID name does not exist in
the sector controller or the password is incorrect.
4. STID links/services are identified in Web GUI displays by appending the last six
numbers of the registered subscriber MAC address to the template name (e.g., link-
5. Each sector controller may be configured with up to 16 unique STID templates.

STID Password: (SS only) Enter the password for this link template.
The subscriber must present this password when registering with the sector controller.
The password may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_). See STID field above for a description of this feature.

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Advanced Wireless Configuration

Max. Distance: (SC only) Enter the km/miles to the subscriber located the farthest
distance from the sector controller. The distance is required to calculate the longest wait
time for subscriber registration requests and reject subscriber signals received from
other sectors (frequency re-use). If the distance is set too close, distant wireless
terminals may be unable to register.
km: Enter the distance in kilometers.
miles: Enter the distance in miles.
DFS Action: (SC only) When DFS is enabled the sector controller monitors for
interference from radar devices and other equipment using the active channel.
When interference is detected, the unit performs the selected action:
None: The DFS function is disabled. Where DFS is required by regional regulations,
this feature is permanently enabled at the factory and can not be disabled by the
installer or end-user.
Tx Off: When radar signals are detected, the transmitter is immediately switched off,
an event message is logged, and configured SNMP trap messages are sent. After
thirty minutes the unit begins monitoring the RF channel for one minute. If radar
signals are detected, the transmitter remains disabled and the unit waits an
additional thirty minutes before repeating the monitoring cycle. Normal operation
resumes only when no radar signals are detected during the monitoring period.
Chg Freq: When radar signals are detected the transmitter is immediately switched
off, an event message is logged, and configured SNMP trap messages are sent. The
radio changes frequency and monitors the new channel for one minute. If radar
signals are detected during the monitoring period, the transmitter switches to the
next available channel and repeats the monitoring process. Normal operation
resumes only when no radar signals are detected on a monitored channel.
Antenna Gain: Enter the manufacturers specified gain (dBm) for the system antenna.
If this field is set higher than the true gain the sensitivity will be too low and the RDL-
3000 will not be operating in compliance with the UK/ETSI standard. If this field is set
lower than the true gain, the RDL-3000 is highly sensitive to interference and may
experience false triggers.
Target RSSI Enabled: (SC only) Check this box to enable the Automatic Transmit
Power Control (ATPC) feature.
When enabled, the sector controller continuously monitors the received signal strength
of each subscriber. Commands are sent to adjust the transmit power level of each
remote system to achieve (approximately) the common target RSSI set in the ATPC
Level field. Notes:
1. When DFS is enabled, the subscriber transmit power may be automatically adjusted
(regardless of ATPC setting) to avoid false DFS triggering.
2. Use the CLI command 'set atpcss <off|on>' to individually disable/enable the ATPC
function on a subscriber. Subscriber ATPC support is 'on' by default.
ATPC Level (dBm): (SC only) Set the target received signal level (dBm) from wireless
terminals when ATPC is enabled (Target RSSI Enabled).

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Link Stickiness Time (Seconds): (SS Only) Period the subscriber continues to monitor
the RF channel for an opportunity to re-establish a link with the same sector controller. If
the wireless link is not restored within the specified period of 0 - 600 seconds, the
subscriber starts a new frequency scan.
This timer is active only when Auto Frequency Scan is enabled. This timer can be set
locally on the subscriber Wireless settings screen. If the connected sector controller
supports Stickiness Timer settings, the value is downloaded and overrides the local
setting. Updates to the sector controller are automatically forwarded to connected RAS-
Elite platforms. The subscriber reverts to the local setting when a rescan in started (e.g.,
Link Stickiness Timer expired). The System Status screen displays the active Link
Stickiness Timer value.
Antenna Beam: (RAS-Elite enabled units only) The RAS-Elite antenna is comprised of
multiple high-gain fast switching directional beams for full coverage across 360° in
Auto: Antenna is aimed automatically.
1-n: Manually set the antenna beam direction (1-10).
Note: The RAS-Elite antenna support is a factory-installed option. The System Status
screen field Selected Antenna Beam indicates N/A if this optional hardware is not
Antenna Beam: (RAS-Elite enabled units only) The RAS-Elite antenna is comprised of
multiple high-gain fast switching directional beams for full coverage across 360° in
Registration Period [frames]: (SC only) Specify the number of wireless frames to wait
between transmitting polling messages. The sector controller provides opportunities for
unregistered wireless terminals to contact the sector controller and attempt to establish a
wireless data link.
Note: Restricted to '1' in firmware versions 2.23/2.25 and higher.
Scheduling Cycle: Enter the period of the traffic scheduling cycle.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
As a general guide, a short scheduling cycle provides lower latency and a long
scheduling cycle provides greater efficiency for packet processing. Latency and
efficiency are also affected by other factors (packet rate, packet size, etc).
Fixed Frame: Enable or disable fixed frame mode for synchronized operation of multiple
geographically collocated sector controllers.
Disabled ( ): System automatically adjusts the wireless frame size.
Enabled ( ): Wireless frame size is fixed at operator selection.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
Fixed frame operation requires the Ellipse internal GPS system to be active and
synchronized. If during operation the GPS system becomes unsynchronized with the
satellites the holdover time is approximately 10 minutes. When the 10 minute period
expires, the Ellipse sector controller RF output is disabled to avoid introducing
interference to collocated and nearby sectors. Operation will resume automatically when
the GPS regains synchronization with the satellites.
When Fixed Frame mode is disabled, the RDL-3000 operates in variable frame mode
and the GPS system (if enabled) synchronizes the system DCXO.

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Frame Size [ms]: (SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted to
10 ms. System requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
Downlink Ratio [%]: (SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted
to 50%. System requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
GPS Antenna Type: Set the mode of operation for the GPS antenna.
Passive: The GPS antenna port is configured for a passive type GPS antenna (does
not require a bias voltage).
Active: The GPS antenna post is configured for an active type GPS antenna (e.g.,
antenna enclosure includes a built-in amplifier). A bias voltage is supplied on the
center conductor of the GPS antenna connector.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
1. Use the 'Passive' setting for deployments where the sector antennas and systems
include integrated GPS antennas.
i) Sector antenna with integrated GPS antenna (check antenna datasheet).
ii) RAS-Elite series nomadic platform (integrated GPS antenna).
2. Use the 'Active' setting for deployments where a stand-alone GPS antenna kit is
used (e.g., 3K-GPS-ANT):
i) Sector antennas that do not include integrated GPS (check antenna datasheet).
ii) Redline RAS B-100 series nomadic platform.
Antenna Alignment Buzzer Enable: (SS only) Audible antenna alignment tool.
Disabled ( ): The antenna alignment tool is disabled (no sound).
Enabled ( ): The antenna alignment tool is active. Faster repetition rates of the
sound indicate a stronger signal is being received from the remote-end transmitter.
Cyclic Prefix: Select the cyclic prefix size (1/4 or 1/8) for this sector. This setting must
match on the sector controller and all wireless terminals in the sector. Refer to the
following tables.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
Important: Cyclic prefix 1/8 is recommended for use only with 10 and 20 MHz channels.
Radio Mode: Select the operational mode for the RF transmitters.
This control is used to completely disable the radio (e.g. safety), limit operation to a
single antenna or enable dual stream operation. Each wireless link can be configured
Table 14: Web - Radio Enable - RF Port Settings
Radio Mode RF 1 RF 2 Subscriber Link Mode Wireless Link Operation
Off X X N/A None
RF Port 1&2
* MIMO A/B-enabled options key ( ) must be installed and active.

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Roaming_SC: This unit is configured as a movable sector controller (base station). The
sector controller equipment may be installed on a vessel or floating platform that
changes location (see section on Network Topology). The unit automatically begins
transmitting poll messages to locate and register remote wireless terminals. This feature
must be enabled by the options key ( ).
Geo Fencing Threshold (meters): Select the distance in meters the roaming sector
controller (Roaming_SC) must move to trigger a Network Topology List update. See the
Network Topology section for details. This feature must be enabled by the options key
( ).
Note: A setting of 20 meters is recommended for marine applications. Lower values are
needed only where remote RAS-X terminals are typically operating within a few hundred
meters of the sector controller.
Compass Override: (RAS-Extend only) When enabled the orientation of the antenna
positioner is set manually by the operator (Compass Heading).
Compass Heading (degree): (RAS-Extend only) when Compass Override is enabled,
use this setting to define the orientation of the antenna positioner base.
Redundancy Configuration: Redundant Base Station (1+1) Option
Use the following settings to configure the 1+1 link redundancy option for the sector
controller. This feature must be enabled by the options key ( ).
Note: Rapid Path introduces enhanced functionality to the Redundant Base Station
solution that transitions packet switching from the master to the slave sector controller
within seconds of a failover event. It is recommended to always deploy Rapid Path with
the Base Station Redundancy solution.

Fig. 43: Web - Redundancy Configuration

Redundancy Role: Choose the role for this sector controller.
None: Redundancy mode is disabled.
Primary: This is the Primary sector controller. The primary unit is normally active and
controls the sector (RF enabled).
Backup: This is the backup sector controller. This unit is normally inactive (standby)
with the RF disabled. The backup unit monitors the status of the primary unit and
assumes control of the sector if the primary unit does not respond to status inquiries.
Peer IP Address: Enter the IP address of the peer sector controller (Primary/Backup).
The primary and backup sector controllers must be capable of exchanging status
messages over the local network. Switchover from the active to standby unit is initiated
by a loss of communications between the units (device failure).

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Timeouts[s]: Enter the period (seconds) to wait for a response from the peer unit.
The primary and backup units issue periodic status requests to determine if: the peer is
present; the operational setting (primary/backup); and the current status (active/inactive)
Apply: Click to accept and activate the wireless settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to permanently save the wireless settings displayed on this
screen. Saved settings are restored on power-up, reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.

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Frequency Management Screen

Click Configuration->Frequencies to display the Frequency Management screen.
The Auto Frequency Scan (AFS) feature simplifies provisioning and reduces registration
time by limiting the channel search to a list of frequencies specified by the operator. The
subscriber AFS scanning begins automatically following a reboot, de-registration, or the
link throughput rate drops below an operator-set threshold. An adjustable threshold timer
(Threshold Timer Enable) is available to keep the subscriber locked on channel during
periods of transient interference or fading.

Fig. 44: Web - Frequency Management Screen

Enter a new scanning range in the Local Frequency Ranges table. Enter the center
frequency of the first and last channel to be scanned. Specify a single channel by
entering an identical begin and end frequency.
Begin Frequency (MHz): Center frequency of lowest channel to scan.
End Frequency (MHz): Center frequency of highest channel to scan.
Add: Click to add this range in the Local Frequency Range table. Invalid ranges are
rejected with an error message.
1. If the Local Frequency Ranges list is empty, scanning begin at the lowest available
channel for active frequency range (set by options key).
2. Frequency scanning starts with the table entry containing the lowest Begin
Frequency and continues with the lowest of the remaining entries.
3. Channels are restricted by the active frequency range (set by options key). If the
frequency range for the Begin Frequency channel exceeds the low band edge this
channel is ignored and scanning proceeds with the next adjacent channel based on
the current channel size. Scanning continues until the high band edge would be
4. When the Channel Size is 0.875 MHz, scanning uses a 1.0 MHz step size.
5. Each channel frequency is monitored for approximately 0.5 seconds. For example,
10 channels x 0.5 s/channel = 5 s
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Use the Del button to remove entries from the Local Frequency Range table. Choose
the table index from the drop-down list and click Del to remove the table entry.
Index: Choose the index of the frequency range to be deleted.
Del: Click to remove the selected frequency range.
Local Frequency Ranges
The table displays a list of list of preferred frequencies for wireless terminals to
quickly locate and register with a sector controller. Ranges are added by specifying
the center frequencies of the lowest and highest channel to be checked.
Index: Index of this entry in the Local Frequency Range table.
Begin: Lowest (first) channel to be scanned.
End: Highest (last) channel to be scanned.
Apply: Check the current frequency range settings in the Local Frequency Range
list. Invalid entries (e.g., out of range) are deleted. Valid settings are activated in the
runtime configuration.
Apply and Save All: Check the current frequency range settings in the Local
Frequency Range list. Invalid entries (e.g., out of range) are deleted. Valid settings
are activated in the runtime configuration and saved permanently.
Using Auto Frequency Scan
Each AFS entry specifies the center frequency for a lower and upper channel. Best
results are obtained by specifying each range as a single discrete channel (lower
frequency and upper frequency entries are identical). Each subscriber may be
programmed with up to 32 separate frequency ranges.

Fig. 45: Web - Auto Frequency Scan: Configuration Setting

Refer to section

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Auto Frequency Scan on page 185 for additional information.

1. To force a new scan when a subscriber is already registered, click the Rescan button
(Wireless Configuration screen).
IMPORTANT: The subscriber will be deregistered from the sector controller.
2. To interrupt a scan in progress, disable and then enable the radio interface. This
forces an immediate re-scan.
3. Depending on availability and RF conditions, forcing a rescan may result in the
subscriber registering with the same sector controller.
4. Scan results are discarded immediately following a successful registration.
5. Remote terminals may be unable to register with sector controller due to the
following configuration issues:
- Remote unit security SC MAC field does not match SC MAC address
- Remote unit security SC MAC field not set to '00:00:00:00:00:00' (any SC)
6. Sector controllers may not accept a subscriber registration request due to the
following configuration issues:
- SC does not have a Normal Link definition matching the remote unit MAC address.
- SC does not contain an STID Template with the requested name.
- SC contains the named STID Template, but the password does not match.
- SC and remote unit wireless encryption settings are not identical.
- SC and remote unit Cyclic Prefix settings are not identical.
- SC and remote unit Channel Size settings are not identical.

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3.5.5 WSDB Configuration/Control

Click Configuration->WSDB Control to display the WSDB (TV Whitespaces Database)
configuration and control screen. This screen is displayed only if FCC WSDB support is
enabled by the options key ( ) (US only).

Fig. 46: Web - WSDB Configuration/Control Screen

To operate in the TV Whitespaces frequency range, each RDL-3000 sector controller
and wireless terminal (subscriber) must be capable of contacting and registering with the
WSDB database server. The server URL is programmed into each RDL-3000 system
(DNS server IP address must be provided in Configuration-> System).
The WSDB registration form must be complete with all required device type, contact and
location information prior to contacting the WSDB server. The registration process will
fail if a form is submitted with any blank/empty field. Form fields may be configured using
the the Web interface or Telnet.
A successful registration request to the WSDB server returns a list of available channels.
The RDL-3000 may transmit only on channels indicated as 'available' by the WSDB
database. In congested areas, the number of available channels may be zero. Channel
assignments are temporary and the RDL-3000 must renew its registration before the
expiry time to receive an updated channel list. The RDL-3000 must immediately vacate
any in-use channel that is designated 'not available in a received list of available
channels, or when the expiry time is reached.
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Channel are configured using the Wireless Configuration screen. The channel selection
is entered as a center frequency and channel size (e.g., 6 MHz) using the Web interface
(Wireless Configuration Screen) or by Telnet. Refer to the Deployment Information
section to determine the center frequency/bandwidth of each channel.
The RDL-3000 is not allowed to transmit on any channel before registering with the
WSDB server. Following registration, the operator should review the channel list to
confirm the sector controller is configured to operate on an 'available' channel (WSDB
Status Screen).If the configured channel is 'not available' the operator must select an
'available' channel from the channel list.
The RDL-3000 wireless terminal (subscriber) transmits only in response to messages
received from a sector controller that has completed WSDB registration. The subscriber
is allowed to establish a wireless connection with a sector controller to enable
registration with the WSDB server. If the WSDB channel list for the wireless terminal
location indicates the channel in-use is 'available' operation may commence normal
operation using this channel. If the channel in-use is not available, the wireless terminal
immediately notifies the sector controller and stops transmitting on that channel. If
required, this process is repeated once each hour.
Registration Information
FCC Identifier: (read only) The FCC assigned identifier for the radio type. This field is
supplied directly by the RDL-3000 system.
Serial Number: (read only) The unique serial number for this RDL-3000 system. This
field is supplied directly by the RDL-3000 system.
Device Type: (read only) The device type is always 'fixed'. This field is supplied directly
by the RDL-3000 system.
Use GPS: Check this field to read the location information directly from the internal GPS.
(available only where GPS hardware is installed).
Latitude: Enter the latitude of this RDL-3000 installation. Not required if the Use GPS
feature is enabled and synchronized.
Longitude: Enter the longitude of this RDL-3000 installation. Not required if the Use
GPS feature is enabled and synchronized.
Antenna Height: Enter the height of the installed RDL-3000 antenna system. Enter the
height in feet or meters above local ground level (not sea level).
Owner Name: Enter the name of the registration owner of this RDL-3000 system.
Contact Name: Enter the name of the registration contact person responsible for
operation of the RDL-3000 system.
Contact Street Address: Enter the contact street address.
Contact City: Enter the contact city.
Contact State/Province: Enter the contact state.
Contact Postal Code: Enter the contact zip code.
Contact Country: Enter the contact country.
Contact Email: Enter the contact email address.
Contact Phone: Enter the contact phone number.
Apply: Click to activate the settings displayed on this screen. The form is transmitted to
the WSDB server.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the settings on this screen.
The form is transmitted to the WSDB server. Saved settings are restored on power-up,
reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.

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3.5.6 Security
Click Configuration->Security to display the Security Configuration screen.
AES 128/256 encryption is supplied standard on all RDL-3000 family products (where
permitted). Authentication using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
certificates must be enabled by the options key ( ). See Security.

Fig. 47: Web - Wireless Security Screen - Sector Controller

Encryption Type: Select the encryption type to use for data transmitted over the
wireless interface. When AES encryption is enabled, the identical setting must be made
on both communicating units before Ethernet packets can be transferred over-the-air. To
use encryption, a shared key must be entered or an ECDSA certificate must be loaded
on the wireless terminal.
None: Encryption is disabled. Unused fields are hidden.
AES 128: Advanced Encryption Standard using 128-bit encryption.
AES 256: Advanced Encryption Standard using 256-bit encryption.
Shared key: Enter the encryption key. This is the common key for all communicating
systems. The Shared Key is not required when using ECDSA certificates.
Note: The shared key entry field is hidden when 'ECDSA Authentication Enable' or 'enc
Auto-mode enable' (wireless terminal only) is checked.
Shared key confirmation: Re-enter the same value in the Shared Key field.

Fig. 48: Web - Wireless Security Screen - Subscriber

Enc Auto Mode Enable: (SS only) Check this box to have the wireless terminal
encryption type settings controlled by the sector controller. The Encryption Type, Shared
Key and ECDSA fields are hidden when this field is checked.
Important: To use encryption, a shared key must be entered or ECDSA certificate must
be loaded on the wireless terminal. Enter the Shared Key or load the ECDSA certificates
before enabling Auto Mode.

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Use the following steps to load the shared key in the wireless terminal:
1. Uncheck Enc Auto Mode
2. Select Encryption Mode = AES 128 or AES 256
3. Enter the key information in the Shared Key fields. This must be the same 32 to 64
bit hexadecimal key entered in the sector controller.
4. Select Encryption Mode = None
5. Check Enc Auto Mode
6. Click Apply & Save
ECDSA Authentication Enable: (SC only) Check this box to require authentication
using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) certificates and keys.
Wireless authentication using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is an
optional feature. All Ellipse systems are pre-populated with signed trusted ECDSA keys.
Certificates for these keys can be purchased directly from Redline. End-users can also
load specific ECDSA certificate/key files.
This feature is enabled by installing an options key enabled for ECDSA authentication,
loading ECDSA certificates/key files and enabling AES encryption. Wireless
authentication is disabled by default.
Important: When authentication is enabled, the base station and all wireless terminals
must use compatible settings. To enable the authentication, AES encryption must be
enabled and the unit certificate, authority certificate and keys must be loaded on the
terminal. See Security.
Note: Beginning with v3.00, ECDSA is the supported authentication method for RDL-
3000 wireless systems (replaces X.509).
SC MAC: (SS only) Use this security feature to restrict the remote terminal to registering
only with a single specified sector controller. Enter the MAC address of the sector
controller. The MAC address entered must be of the correct form using colon (:) or dash
(-) as separators. Entering a blank field or using an invalid format retains the last setting.
Enter 00:00:00:00:00:00 to allow the remote unit to connect to any available sector
controller (e.g., allows wireless terminals using STID template to connect to any pre-
configured sector controller).
Apply: Click to activate the security settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the security settings on this
screen. Saved settings are restored on power-up, reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.

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3.5.7 Network Topology

Click Configuration->Network Topology to display the Network Topology List screen
to view the Network Topology List table and to load new settings. This feature is enabled
by a purchased options key.
The RAS series of auto-acquire wireless terminals may use built-in GPS location
services to identify nearby sector controllers. To support this function, system operators
must compile a Network Topology List that identifies the GPS location coordinates and
RF information about sector controllers configured to communicate with RAS systems.
The information file may be in XML or plain text (described later in this section). When a
RAS system connects to a participating sector controller, the network topology
information is transferred automatically to the RAS.
When a RAS is first powered-up and following an unsuccessful re-connection attempt,
the network topology information is used to calculate the coverage areas of compatible
sector controllers (channel included in Local Frequency Ranges table). This allows the
RAS to immediately align its antenna and attempt connection with known sector
controllers without initiating a 360 degree scan.
Note: The RAS is compatible only with sector controllers operating at channels listed in
the RAS Local Frequency Ranges table (as a discrete channel or included in a range).
Important: The Network Topology feature does not provide a 'hitless' network
connection (e.g., handover). The RAS remains connected to a sector controller until the
wireless link is lost and then attempts to re-establish the same wireless connection
before searching for an alternate sector controller.

Fig. 49: Web - Sector Controller Network Toplology Table

Frequency (MHz): RF frequency in-use (MHz).
Channel Size: Channel size (MHz).
Latitude: Sector controller lattitude in degrees decimal.
Longitude: Sector controller longitude in degrees (decimal).
Antenna Height: Antenna height in feet.
Antenna Gain: Antenna gain in dBi.
Antenna Beamwidth: Antenna beamwith in degrees.
Antenna Azimuth: Antenna orientation in degrees.
Antenna Tilt: Antenna elevation tilt in degrees (use '-' for downtilt).
SCID: Sector controller identification number.
System Name: Name assigned to this sector controller
Network Topology List Import: Enter the name of the file containing the network
topology information to be loaded into the sector controller, or click Browse to select
from a file directory.

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Import File: Click this button to upload the specified network topology file.
Network Topology File Formats
The file may be in plain text or XML format and contain information for up to 20 sector
controllers. The network topology list must use the format specified in this document.
The following table describes the fields in the network topologylist that describe a sector
controller. The '.n' designation (0-19) uniquely identifies up to 20 sector controllers.
Table 15: Web - Configure - Network Topology List Fields
freq.n RF frequency in-use (MHz).
channelsize.n Channel size (MHz).
latitude.n Positional lattitude in degrees decimal.
longitude.n Positional longitue in degrees (decimal).
antennaheight.n Antenna height in meters.
antennagain.n Antenna gain in dBi.
antennabeamwidth.n Antenna beamwith in degrees.
antennaAzimuth.n Antenna orientation in degrees (decimal).
antennatilt.n Antenna elevation tilt in degrees.
bsid.n Sector controller identification number (SCID on screen).
systemName.n Name assigned to this sector controller

The BSID (SCID) field is a unique identifier for a sector controller. This value is available
on the General Information page of the sector controller Web interface.

Fig. 50: Web - Sector Controller Identification (SC ID)

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Text Format
# Network Topology List
systemName.0="Sector controller L1P3W

Fig. 51: Web - Example Text File of Network Topology

1. Lines started with '#' are comments.
2. Enter only one parameter per line.
3. Parameter settings use the following format: <parameter_name>.<reference #> = <value>.
4. The parameter name is case insensitive.
5. The reference # may be 0 to 19.
6. Values containing spaces must be double quoted:
(e.g., systemName.1="Sector controller L1P3W"

XML Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Sample Network Topologylist file
<!DOCTYPE table [
<!ELEMENT table (SC*)>
<!ATTLIST table version_major CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST table version_minor CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT SC (freq, channelSize, latitude, longitude, antenna, systemName?)>
<!ELEMENT channelSize (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT latitude (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT longitude (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT antenna (height, gain, beamwidth?, tilt?, azimuth)>
<!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT beamwidth (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT azimuth (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT systemName (#PCDATA)>

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UHF Sector - Redline

Fig. 52: Web - Example XML File of Network Topology

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3.6 Provisioning Screens

This section describes monitoring and configuring Links, Service Groups, and Services.

3.6.1 Subscriber Links

The Subscriber Links screen provides a summary view of configuration settings for all
Subscriber Links and provisioned Services. Click Provisioning->Subscriber Links in
the main menu to display operating statistics for all subscriber wireless links. Click to
expand or to hide Service names.

Fig. 53: Web - Subscriber Links Screen

Name: Operator-assigned name for wireless Subscriber Links and associated Services.
Click the Link name (e.g., Link1) to display the Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Click the Service Name (e.g., Service1-1) to display the Subscriber Service Status
Click on the trashcan symbol ( ) to delete this Link or Service.
ID/Status: Subscriber Link or Service identifier and status indicator.
ID: A unique identifier (4 to 127) assigned to each subscriber Link. This value is
required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Status: Status of this Link or Service.
Subscriber Link/Service is available (online).
Subscriber Link/Service is unavailable (offline or disabled).
Click the Link status icon (e.g., ) to display the Subscriber Link Status screen
Click the Service status icon to display the Subscriber Service Status screen.
Parent Group: The Service is a member of this Service Group.
VLAN: VLAN tagging settings.
SC: VLAN classification for this Service Group. This Service Group processes only
ingress packets (sector controller Ethernet port) having this VID. This VID is removed
before the packet is forwarded over the wireless interface.
Each egress packet belonging to this Service Group has this VID added (Q-in-Q) before
the packet is forwarded over the sector controller Ethernet port.
SS: VLAN classification for this Service.
This Service processes only ingress packets (subscriber Ethernet port) having this VID.
This VID is removed before the packet is forwarded over the wireless interface. Each
egress packet belonging to this Service has this VID added (Q-in-Q) before the packet is
forwarded over the subscriber Ethernet port.
DL Broadcast (Kbps): Broadcast traffic downlink rates.
CIR: Requested minimum committed information rate for downlink bandwidth.
OIR: Available downlink bandwidth (calculated).
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DL Unicast (Kbps): Unicast traffic downlink rates.

CIR: Requested minimum committed downlink bandwidth.
OIR: Available downlink bandwidth (calculated).
UL Unicast (Kbps): Unicast traffic uplink rates.
CIR: Requested minimum committed uplink bandwidth.
OIR: Available uplink bandwidth (calculated).
On/Off: Enable or disable Link or Service.
: Click icon to disable Link or Service.
: Click icon to enable Link or Service.
1. Incorrect CIR settings may result in excessive latency or dropped packets (e.g.,
buffer full condition).
2. OIR has the following characteristics:
i) OIR is calculated based on the Link UBR, Link/Service PIR, and the current
scheduled traffic.
ii) OIR is displayed as zero when the wireless link is down.
iii) OIR will be equal to the PIR (Link or Service) when there is no traffic on the link.

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Subscriber Link Configuration

Use this screen to display and modify settings for a Subscriber Link. Click Provisioning-
> New Subscriber Link in the main menu to add a new Subscriber Link. To edit an
existing Subscriber Link, click Provisioning-> Subscriber Links in the main menu and
click on the name of the subscriber Link.

Fig. 54: Web - Subscriber Link Configuration Screen

Basic Subscriber Link Configuration
Link Type: Select the type of Link configuration.
Normal Link: Link configuration is valid only for the subscriber with the network address
entered in the Subscriber MAC field.
Template: Link configuration is valid for any subscriber connection request using the
specified template name (STID) and password (STID Password).
The STID feature allows an RDL-3000 wireless terminal (SS) to establish a wireless
link with a sector controller (SC) without pre-registering the MAC address.
Create a Subscriber Template ID (STID) template on the sector controller and enter
the wireless link settings to be used for this subscriber. Create a Service linked to
this template to enable data exchange between the sector controller and subscriber.
The SS provides the name and password of an STID template during registration
and this profile and Service are used to configure the wireless link.

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Multiple wireless terminals may specify the same template. If the subscriber must
connect to multiple sector controllers, the Sector Controller MAC field must be set to
00:00:00:00:00:00 in the Security screen (CLI command 'bsmac').
Also see STID field in section 3.5.4 Wireless on page 74.
Subscriber Link Name: Enter a name to identify this wireless link. This identifier is
displayed on configuration and statistics screens. The name may contain up to fifteen
alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Link ID: (Read only) A unique identifier (4 to 127) assigned to each subscriber Link. This
value is required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Subscriber MAC: This security feature can restrict the subscriber to registering only
with a single specified sector controller. The sector controller will establish a wireless link
only to the subscriber with the MAC address entered in this field.

Fig. 55: Web - STID Subscriber Template Configuration Screen

STID: Enter the name for this Link template.
The name may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _). See
Link Type: Template.
STID Password: Enter a password for this Link template.
The password may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _) or
be blank (no characters). See Link Type: Template.
Advanced Subscriber Link Configuration
Adaptive Modulation: Check ( ) this field to enable an adaptive modulation.
Disabled ( ): The operator must select only the maximum uncoded burst rate (UBR) for
the uplink and downlink. Identical settings must be used for all in a sector.
Enabled ( ): The uplink and downlink modulation/coding settings are adjusted
automatically to provide hitless link operation during periods of transient interference,
power variations (fade), and reflection. Adaptive modulation can be enabled or disabled
individually for each wireless link.
When Adaptive modulation is enabled, the uplink and downlink modulation and coding
settings are adjusted automatically to provide the highest allowed throughput for the
wireless link. The automatic adjustments are based on the measured Packet Error Rates
(PER). If the PER exceeds a pre-defined threshold, the modulation/code combination is
adjusted downward to maintain a stable connection with fewer errors. The unit
periodically samples higher modulation/coding schemes to restore higher settings when
the interference has cleared.
The maximum settings limit the modulation and coding, while the minimum settings are
used to provide a visual indicator of low throughput (Link Status Screen) and can act as
a trigger for the Rescan Interval timer available with the Auto Frequency Scan feature.
See Scan Threshold Enable on this screen.
The available burst rate selection is dependent on the radio mode of operation (MIMO-A
or MIMO-A/MIMO-B). Adjustments to modulation and coding cause temporary changes
to the PIR of all connections on that wireless link (dlrate and ulrate settings are modified
automatically based on current minrate and maxrate settings). These automatic
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adjustments ensure interference on a wireless link does not affect the throughput of
other links in that sector. When the uplink or downlink modulation/coding settings are
automatically adjusted below the desired Minimum DL/UL Burst Rate setting, the
downlink PIR for all Services and Service Groups on that link are reduced proportionally
until the condition clears.
For example, in a link operating at 16 QAM 3/4, transient interference may result in a
temporary change to 16 QAM 1/2 to maintain the required PER, and restore the higher
modulation setting after the interference has cleared.
DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation disabled) Set the downlink rate for unicast traffic.
The wireless link will be established only at the specified rate. Communicating systems
must be set to operate at the same rate. This rate sets the maximum CIR for the link.
UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation disabled) Set the uplink rate for unicast traffic. The
wireless link will be established only at the specified rate. Communicating systems must
be set to operate at the same rate. This rate sets the maximum CIR for the link.
Max. DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select maximum downlink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic to this subscriber. This setting sets the upper limit for downlink
modulation and coding.
Max. UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select maximum uplink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic from this subscriber. This setting sets the upper limit for uplink
modulation and coding.
Min. DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select the minimum downlink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic when adaptive modulation is enabled. This setting is also used
as a threshold setting when Auto Frequency Scan and Scan Threshold are enabled.
Note: When the link is unable to achieve the requested DL burst rate, the DL Unicast
CIR statistics are displayed in red on the Subscriber Links screen.
Min UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select the minimum uplink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic when adaptive modulation is enabled. This setting is also used
as a threshold setting when Auto Frequency Scan and Scan Threshold are enabled.
Note: When the link is unable to achieve the requested UL burst rate, the UL Unicast
CIR statistics are displayed in red on the Subscriber Links screen.
Downlink PIR: Enter the downlink peak information rate (PIR) for the aggregate
downlink traffic for all Services and Service Groups. When adaptive modulation is
enabled, automatic adjustments to the modulation/coding result in relative changes to
the PIR. The maximum available PIR setting is controlled by the installed options
Uplink PIR: Enter the uplink peak information rate (PIR) for aggregate uplink traffic for
all Services and Service Groups. When adaptive modulation is enabled, automatic
adjustments to the modulation/coding result in relative changes to the PIR. The
maximum available PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
Traffic statistics are reset at the beginning of each common one-second clock tick. If the
maximum throughput is reached before the end of the current interval, that link is
excluded from scheduling additional traffic until the next clock tick.
For example, if a Link transmits its full data allocation in the first 800 ms of the current
metering interval, the Link will not receive any additional bandwidth allocation until the
beginning of the next interval (enforced pause of 200 ms).
Scan Threshold Enable: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Check ( ) the Scan Threshold
Enable field to trigger a frequency scan if the wireless uplink or downlink UBR drops
below the Min. DL Burst Rate or Min UL Burst Rate settings. Use the Re-scan interval

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field below to enter the maximum time (seconds) to remain connected when operating
below the threshold.
Re-scan Interval: (Scan Threshold enabled) Enter the maximum time (seconds) to
remain connected when operating at a UBR below the threshold settings. The timer is
reset if the UBR recovers to a level equal or greater than the threshold. See Scan
Threshold Enable above.
Using the Scan Threshold Feature
After the RDL-3000 has established a wireless link, the sector controller monitors the
uplink and downlink burst rates. The Rescan Interval timer is started if either the uplink
or downlink burst rate drops below the minimum burst rate set in the Subscriber Link
Configuration. If the burst rate recovers to a level equal or higher than the threshold
before the timer expires, the Rescan Interval timer is stopped and the counter is reset.
Otherwise, if the burst rate remains below the threshold for the full Rescan Interval time,
the subscriber drops the link and the RDL-3000 starts a new frequency scan.
In this example, the subscriber requires 1 Mbps (3 Mbps peak) throughput. There are 10
pre-defined channels. Other relevant settings are described.
Subscriber Link Configuration
Max. DL Burst Rate: 54 Min. UL Burst Rate: 36
Max. UL Burst Rate: 54 Threshold Timer Enable:
Min. DL Burst Rate: 36 Re-scan Interval: 45

Fig. 56: Web - Scan Threshold: Threshold Timer Example

1. The subscriber is connected to a sector controller and operating normally at 54 Mb/s.
2. No action is taken when the UBR drops briefly and recovers (above threshold).
3. The Rescan timer is started when the UBR drops below the 9 Mbps threshold value.
4. When the UBR remains below 9 Mbps and the Re-scan Timer expires after 45
seconds, the subscriber drops the wireless connection and immediately starts a new
frequency scan.
Stickiness Timer (Seconds): Period the subscriber continues to monitor the RF
channel for an opportunity to re-establish a link with the same sector controller. If the
wireless link is not restored within the specified period of 0 - 600 seconds, the subscriber
starts a new frequency scan.
This timer is active only when Auto Frequency Scan is enabled. This timer can be set
locally on the subscriber Wireless settings screen. This value is downloaded and
overrides the local setting on the subscriber. Updates to the sector controller setting are
automatically forwarded to connected RAS platforms. The subscriber reverts to the local
setting when a rescan in started (e.g., Stickiness Timer expired). The System Status
screen displays the active Stickiness Timer value.
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Fig. 57: Web - Stickiness Timer Example

Operating Mode: Choose the mode of operation for this wireless link.
The available operating modes are controlled by the installed options key. For
example, the radio may be restricted to MIMO A operation.
MIMO A: Operate in MIMO-A mode (based on link conditions).
MIMO A/B: Operate in MIMO-A/B mode (based on link conditions).
RF Mode: Select the mode of operation for this link.
The available RF modes are controlled by the installed options key. For example,
the radio may be restricted to MIMO-A operation.
Table 16: Web - RF Mode - RF Port Settings for Wireless Link
Settings Operation
RF Mode Setting Operating Mode RF Port 1 RF Port 2 Op. Mode
RF Port 1 X MIMO-A
RF Port 1&2 MIMO-A
Auto Auto Auto Automatic
RF Port 1 X MIMO-A
RF Port 1&2 MIMO-A / B
Auto Auto Auto Automatic
1. Equivalent to RF Port 1 & 2.
2. Only single stream is available.

Apply: Click to accept and activate displayed settings.

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3.6.2 Service Groups

The Service Groups screen provides a summary view of configuration settings for all
Service Groups and provisioned Services. Click Provisioning->Service Groups in the
main menu to display the Service Groups screen.

Fig. 58: Web - Service Groups Screen

Name: Identifies Service Groups and member Services.
Click the Service Group name to display the Service Group Configuration screen.
Click the Service name to display the Subscriber Service Configuration screen.
ID/Status: Identifier and status for the subscriber Link or Service.
ID: A unique identifier assigned to each Service Group (128 to 159) and Service (160
to 511). This value is required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Status: The status of this Service or Service Group.
Service or Service Group is available.
Service or Service Group is unavailable (down/offline).
Click the Service Group status icon (e.g., ) to display the Service Group Status
screen. Click the Service status icon to display the Subscriber Service Status screen.
Parent Link: The Service is assigned to this Subscriber Link.
VLAN: VLAN classification settings.
SC: VLAN classification setting at the sector controller (Service Group).
SS: VLAN classification setting at the subscriber (Service).
DL Broadcast (Kbps): Minimum rate for downlink broadcast traffic.
CIR: Operator requested bandwidth.
OIR: Available bandwidth (calculated).
UL Unicast (Kbps): Minimum rate for uplink unicast traffic.
CIR: Operator requested bandwidth.
OIR: Available bandwidth (calculated).
DL Unicast (Kbps): Minimum rate for downlink unicast traffic.
CIR: Operator requested bandwidth.
OIR: Available bandwidth (calculated).

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Service Group Status

Use this screen to monitor the status of all Service Groups. Click Provisioning-
>Service Groups in the main menu to display the Service Groups screen. Click on the
status symbol (e.g., ) to display the Service Group Status screen.

Fig. 59: Web - Service Group Status Screen

Service Group Name: Name of the Service Group.
Service Group ID: A unique identifier assigned to each Service Group (128 to 159).
This value is required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Broadcast Ethernet packets
Discarded Packets: Total packets discarded by this unit due to errors.
Transmitted Packets: Total broadcast (or multicast) packets successfully transmitted
over the wireless interface (does not include discarded or errored packets).
Reset: Click to reset displayed statistics counters.
Refresh: Click to update displayed statistics counters.

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 103 of 284 June 9, 2016

Service Group Configuration

Use this screen to create new Service Groups or view/modify existing Service Groups.
Click Service Groups in the main menu, locate the desired Service Group in the table,
and click on the Service Group name (Name column) to display this screen.

Fig. 60: Web - Service Group Configuration Screen

Basic Service Group Configuration
Service Group Name: Enter a unique name to identify this Service group. This identifier
is displayed on configuration and statistics screens. The name may contain up to fifteen
(15) alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Service Group ID: (Read only) A unique identifier assigned to each Service Group (128
to 159). This value is required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
VLAN Tagging: Select the classification mode for this Service Group.
Tagged: Select tagged to associate a unique VID with this Group.
Pass-through: Classify all packets that do not have a VLAN ID, or where the
outermost VLAN ID tag does not match the VLAN ID for any tagged Group. Ethernet
ingress port are discarded.
802.1q VLAN ID [0-4095]: Enter the VID associated with this Group definition.
This field is active only when 'Tagged' is selected in the Group Tagging Mode field.
Default 802.1p Priority: Enter the default 802.1p priority setting.
The default priority value is applied when a Service Group set to Tagged mode (add
VLAN tag) receives a packet with no priority information.
Advanced Service Group Configuration
SC Ethernet Port Enable: Controls the function of the sector controller Ethernet port for
group multicast traffic.

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Enabled ( ): Broadcast and multicast traffic received from wireless terminals is

forwarded over the sector controller Ethernet port.
Disabled ( ): Broadcast and multicast traffic received from wireless terminals is not
forwarded over the sector controller Ethernet port.
SS To SS Broadcast/Multicast Enable
Enable or disable the routing packets between wireless terminals (hairpinning).
IMPORTANT: Sector controller must be rebooted after changing this parameter.
Enabled ( ): Broadcast and multicast traffic received from wireless terminals is
forwarded over the wireless interface to all wireless terminals associated with the
Disabled ( ): Broadcast and multicast traffic received from wireless terminals is not
forward over the wireless interface (default setting).
Burst Rate: Enter the uncoded burst rate for downlink broadcast and multicast traffic
belonging to this Group. Use the 'Auto' setting (recommended) to have the rate selected
automatically based on the current operating conditions. To set this to a fixed value, first
identify the group member having the lowest Max DL Burst Rate setting, and then
calculate the rate using the formula:
Burst_Rate = Max DL Burst Rate - 1
The available burst rate selection depends on the wireless mode of operation (e.g.,
MIMO-A or MIMO-A/MIMO-B). Applications requiring a higher broadcast or multicast
rate (e.g., video) may use a higher setting at the risk of less reliable retransmissions.
DL Bcast/Mcast CIR [50..50000 Kbps]: Set the CIR for downlink broadcast and
multicast traffic belonging to this group.
DL Bcast/Mcast PIR [50..100000 Kbps]: Set the PIR for downlink broadcast and
multicast traffic belonging to this group.
Operating Mode: Choose the wireless mode of operation when sending broadcast or
multicast traffic for this service group.
MIMO A: Operate only in MIMO-A mode.
MIMO A/MIMO B: Operate in MIMO-A/B mode.
Note: Traffic transmitted over the wireless interface is monitored to enforce CIR/PIR
settings. Traffic statistics are reset at the beginning of each common one-second clock
tick. When adaptive modulation is enabled, automatic adjustments to the
modulation/coding will result in relative changes to the CIR/PIR of that wireless link.
QoS Group Configuration
802.1p Prioritization Enable: Check this box to enable mapping packets containing
802.1p priority tags to one of four prioritized transmit queues. Each 802.1p priority level
can be mapped to a specific transmit queue. Packets without a priority tag are mapped
to queue '0' (lowest priority).
Important: For best operation, it is recommended to use the factory default settings
when enabling 802.1p prioritization. These settings should be changed only by
advanced network administrators after evaluating the predicted effects on network and
wireless traffic.
Priority for 802.1 = [0-7]: Select the queue to assign each packet containing an 802.1p
priority tag (0-7).
Apply: Click to accept and activate displayed settings.

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3.6.3 Subscriber Services

Subscriber Service Status
Services status and configuration screens can not be displayed directly. Select the
Subscriber Links, Services Summary (SS only), or Service Groups screen and choose
the Service from the list.

Fig. 61: Web - Subscriber Service Status Screen

Service Name: Operator-assigned name for this Service.
Service ID: A unique identifier assigned to each Service (160 to 511). This value is
required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Ethernet Packets
Packets: Discarded: Total number of packets discarded by this unit due to errors.
Rx: Received wireless packets discarded.
Tx: Transmitted wireless packets discarded by remote end unit.
Packets Transmitted: Total packets successfully processed over the wireless interface.
Total does not include discarded or errored packets.
Rx: Total received wireless packets.
Tx: Total transmitted wireless packets.
Packets Received: Total packets successfully processed over the wireless interface. Total
does not include discarded or errored packets.
Rx: Total received wireless packets.
Tx: Total transmitted wireless packets.
Reset: Click to zero all displayed statistics counters.
Refresh: Click to update displayed statistics counters.

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Subscriber Service Configuration

To display the Services status and configuration screens, select a Subscriber Link or
Service Group, and then choose the Service from the list. Refer to the following screens:
Services Summary (SS only), Subscriber Links, Service Groups.
To add a new Service, click New Service in the main menu. To edit existing Services,
click Subscriber Links in the main menu, click to expand the Link hosting this Service,
and then click the Service name (Name field). The Service Configuration screen is
displayed and the fields can be updated.

Fig. 62: Web - Subscriber Service Configuration Screen

Basic Service Configuration
Service Name: Enter a name for this Service (15 characters maximum). The Service
name is displayed on configuration and statistics screens.
Parent Subscriber Link: Each Service must be associated with a Link (subscriber). Use
the drop-down menu to choose the subscriber Link for this service.
Parent Service Group: Each Service must be associated with a Service Group to
manage broadcast and multicast traffic. Use the drop-down menu to choose the Service
Group for this service.
VLAN Tagging: Select the classification mode for this Service.
Tagged: Select tagged to associate a unique VID with this Group.
Pass-through: Classify all packets that do not have a VLAN tag, or where the
outermost VLAN ID tag does not match the VLAN ID for any tagged Group.
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802.1Q VLAN ID [0-4095]: Enter the VID associated with this Group definition.
This field is applied only when 'Tagged' is selected in the Group Tagging Mode field.
Default Priority: Enter the default 802.1p priority setting.
The default priority value is applied when a Service Group set to Tagged mode (add
VLAN tag) receives a packet with no priority information.
Advanced Service Configuration
The traffic each Service transmits over the wireless interface is monitored to enforce PIR
settings (50 - 100000 Kbps). Traffic statistics are reset at the beginning of each common
one-second clock tick. If the maximum throughput is reached on any Service before the
end of the current interval, that Service is excluded from sending additional traffic until
after the next clock tick.
For example, if a Service transmits its full data allocation in the first 650 ms of the
current metering interval, that Service will not receive any additional bandwidth allocation
until the beginning of the next interval (enforced pause of 350 ms).
When adaptive modulation is enabled, automatic adjustments to the modulation/coding
will result in relative changes to the PIR of all Services and Service Groups using that
wireless link. Incorrect PIR settings may result in excessive latency or dropped packets
(buffer full condition).
Important: The available UL and DL PIR is controlled by the options key.
DL CIR: Enter the committed information rate for downlink unicast traffic.
UL CIR: Enter the committed information rate for uplink unicast traffic.
DL PIR: Enter the peak information rate for downlink unicast traffic.
The maximum available DL PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
UL PIR: Enter the peak information rate for uplink unicast traffic
The maximum available UL PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services associated
with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all wireless terminals on
the sector controller. To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use
only the approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.

QoS Configuration
The RDL-3000 can prioritize wireless traffic based on the 802.1p priority tag.
802.1p Prioritization Enable: Check this box to enable mapping packets containing
802.1p priority tags to one of four prioritized transmit queues. Each 802.1p priority level
can be mapped to a specific transmit queue. Packets with no priority tag are mapped to
queue '0' (lowest priority).
Priority for 802.1 = [0-7]: Select the queue to assign each packet containing an 802.1p
priority tag.
Important: For best operation, it is recommended to use the factory default settings
when enabling 802.1p prioritization. These settings should be changed only by
advanced network administrators after evaluating the predicted effects on network and
wireless traffic.
Apply: Click to accept and activate displayed settings.

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3.7 Utilities Screens

3.7.1 Spectrum Sweep
Use the RDL-3000 Spectrum Sweep feature to determine if RF spectrum is clear of
interference. Click Utilities -> Spectrum Sweep in the left hand menu to display the
Spectrum Sweep configuration screen.
Configurable survey settings permit scanning a limited frequency range. Configurable
survey parameters include the high and low frequency limits, the step size, and the
number of samples at each step. Channel size is selected automatically based on the
current channel setting. The output graph displays the average (dark green) and
maximum (light green) RSSI measured at each step for RF port 1 & 2.

Fig. 63: Web - Spectrum Sweep Screen

Spectrum Sweep Configuration
Start Frequency (MHz): Enter center frequency of the lowest channel to be scanned.
End Frequency (MHz): Enter center frequency of the highest channel to be scanned.
Step (MHz): Enter the frequency step (MHz) to use when scanning. Minimum step size
is 0.250 MHz for all radios.
No. of acquisitions: Enter the number of times the frequency is sampled at each step.
IMPORTANT: Use a maximum of 100 acquisitions for each spectrum sweep.
Start: Click to begin the scan (changes to Stop while sweep is active).
Spectrum Sweep Chart
Frequency (MHz): Center frequency of the scanned channel.
Ave1 (dBm): Average of all samples on RF Port 1.
Max1 (dBm): Maximum of all samples on RF Port 1.
Ave2 (dBm): Average of all samples on RF Port 2.
Max2 (dBm): Maximum of all samples on RF Port 2.
Bar Graph: Graph of average (dark green) and maximum (light green) results.
Performing a Sweep
1. Before you start:
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 109 of 284 June 9, 2016

Schedule a maintenance period if a sweep is required for an in-service system.

When performing a sweep from a subscriber, the sector controller transmitter
must be disabled during the sweep.
 When performing a sweep on the sector controller, the wireless terminals will not
transmit during the sweep (no polling).
 The channel size is selected automatically to achieve the finest resolution when
performing the sweep.
2. Setup and Start the Sweep:
 Click Wireless Spectrum Sweep in the main menu.
 Enter the start and end frequency for the range to be examined.
It is recommended to begin with a large step size and small sample size (No. of
acquisitions) to obtain an overview of the spectrum usage.
For example, to scan for a free 10 MHz channel in the 5735 - 5830 MHz range:
Start/Stop = 5735 / 5830
Step [MHz] = 5
No. of Acquisitions = 50
 Click the Start button to begin the sweep. The sweep begins at the lowest (Start)
frequency and ends at the highest (Stop) frequency.
 To end the sweep before the Stop frequency is reached , click the Stop button.
3. Review the Results:
A channel is 'clear' when free of interference for at least +/- one-half the channel
bandwidth from the desired center frequency. For example, a 10 MHz channel
should register no interference +/- 5 MHz from the center frequency.
When a potential clear channel is identified, adjust the settings to increase the
resolution of the results:
 Adjust the frequency range to the area of interest
 Increase the sample size
 Reduce the step size

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3.7.2 Users Management

Use the Users Management screen to create and manage up to five user accounts on
the RDL-3000. Click Utilities -> Users Management in the left hand menu to display the
System Password screen.
The RDL-3000 supports up to five (5) administrator and user accounts. See later in this
section for a table of permissions associated with each group. Administrators can add
new user accounts and modify passwords. Also see RADIUS.
SNMP v3 supports authentication and privacy settings to provide secure access for
SNMP-based management systems. SNMP v3 security methods are associated with
RDL-3000 user accounts (see SNMP Configuration).

Fig. 64: Web - Users Management Screen

System Users
User Name: Operator-assigned login name for this user.
Group: Select a group for the new user account. See Table 17: Web - Screens and User
Access table.
Authentication: Authorization method for SNMP v3 access using this account.
Privacy: Privacy method for SNMP v3 access using this account.
Manage User Settings
Use these controls to change the settings for an existing account.
User name: Select the existing user account to be modified.
Group: Select the group to be associated with this username (optional).

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 111 of 284 June 9, 2016

Authentication: Authorization method for the SNMP v3 account. When SNMP v3 is

enabled, an authentication method can be selected to control access from an SNMP-
based network management system.
MD5: MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a cryptographic hash function with a
128-bit hash value (RFC 1321).
SHA: SHA (secure Hash Algorithm) is a set of cryptographic hash functions.
Privacy: Privacy method for this account. When SNMP v3 is enabled, a privacy method
can be selected to encrypt messages exchanged with any SNMP-based network
management system.
None: No encryption.
DES: DES (Data Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
AES: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
New Password: Enter the user password for this account. The operator may enter the
existing password or create a new password. New passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-
numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Confirm Password: Re-enter new user password (if changing user password).
Admin User: Enter the name of the administrator authorizing this change.
Admin Password: Enter the administrator password.
Change: Click to activate and permanently save changes.
Delete: Click to permanently remove the selected account.
IMPORTANT: There must always be at least one active 'administrator' account. User
management does not allow and administrators to modify other administrator
accounts. Delete the account and re-create with the required parameter changes.
New User
User name: Enter the user name for the new account. Usernames may be 1 to 19
alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Group: Select the group to be associated with this username.
Authentication: (SNMPv3 only). When SNMP v3 is enabled, an authentication method
can be selected to control access from an SNMP-based network management system.
None: Authentication is not enabled for this account.
MD5: MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a cryptographic hash function with a
128-bit hash value (RFC 1321).
SHA: SHA (secure Hash Algorithm) is a set of cryptographic hash functions.
Privacy: (SNMPv3 only). When SNMP v3 is enabled, a privacy method can be selected
to encrypt messages exchanged with any SNMP-based network management system.
None: Privacy is not enabled for this account.
DES: DES (Data Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
AES: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
New Password: Enter the password for this account. Passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-
numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Confirm Password: Re-enter the new password.
Admin User: Enter the name of the administrator authorizing this change.
Admin Password: Enter the administrator password.
Add: Click to save changes and activate the new account.

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Main Menu Access Permissions

The following table lists all menu commands, the associated Web GUI screens, and the
required access permissions.
Table 17: Web - Screens and User Access
Menu Command Screen Title Admin User Description
General General View general identification
Information Information and configuration.
System Status System Status View system, Ethernet, and
wireless statistics.
Links Summary Subscriber View all wireless links.
Links N/A N/A
WSDB Status WSDB Status View White Spaces Database
Services Summary Subscriber View all wireless links.
Services N/A N/A
System Log System View system status
Events messages.
System System View and adjust system, and
Configuration network settings.
RADIUS View and adjust RADIUS
Configuration X X server settings.
SNMP View and adjust SNMP
Configuration X X settings.
Wireless Wireless View and adjust RF settings.
Frequency View and adjust RF scanning
Management X X lists.
WSDB View and adjust White
WSDB Configuration/ X X Spaces Database settings.
Security Security View and adjust security
Configuration settings.
Factory N/A Restore factory default
X X settings.
Subscriber Links Subscriber N/A N/A Display all Subscriber Links.
-> Link Subscriber Configure selected Link.
Configuration Link X N/A N/A
-> Link Status Subscriber N/A N/A Display status of selected
Link Status link.
Service Groups Service N/A N/A Display all Service Groups.
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 113 of 284 June 9, 2016

Table 17: Web - Screens and User Access

Menu Command Screen Title Admin User Description
-> Group Service Group N/A N/A View/edit the configuration of
Configuration X the selected Service Group.
-> Group Status Service Group N/A N/A Display the status of the
Status selected Service Group.
-> Service Service N/A N/A View/edit the configuration of
Configuration X the selected Service.
-> Service Status Service Status N/A N/A Display the status of the
selected Service.
New Link Subscriber Create a new Link.
Link X N/A N/A
New Service Group Service Group N/A N/A Create a new Service Group.
New Service Service N/A N/A Create a new Service.
Clear All N/A N/A N/A Delete all Links, Service
Groups and Services.
Reboot N/A X X Reboot the RDL-3000.
Spectrum Sweep Spectrum Scan for interference.
Users Users Manage user accounts and
Management Management passwords.
Firmware Firmware Upload new firmware.
Test N/A Test for 5 minutes, and then
X X restore the last saved
configuration (no reboot).
Antenna Alignment Antenna Display RSSI readings.
Product Options Product View / change the product
Options options key.
Save All N/A Save all configuration
1. Menu items beginning with '->' are displayed only on the screen of the parent item.
For example, click Subscriber Links to access the Subscriber Configuration screen.
2. The following settings are not affected when using the Factory Defaults function:
system name, location, details and contact, frequency list, SNMP configuration,
Idtable. Refer to Diagnostics & Troubleshooting for a comprehensive list of
parameters and default settings.

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3.7.3 Product Options

Click Utilities -> Product Options in the left hand menu to display the Product Options
screen. The options keys (a string of numbers, letters, and dashes) enable RDL-3000
features including the maximum UL/DL PIR and frequency ranges. Options keys are
based MAC address, making each key unique to a specific RDL-3000.
IMPORTANT: Always enter and activate a purchased permanent options key before
testing temporary keys -- otherwise a Service outage will occur on the wireless link
when the temporary key expires.

At least one valid permanent options key must be purchased and installed before the
RDL-3000 is placed in-Service. A second permanent or temporary options key may be
added to trial new options. The options key limits the transmit power, operating
frequency range, and channel bandwidth per the regulatory domain governing the
location where the radio will be deployed. The operator does not have the option to
select the country or regulatory region of operation.

Fig. 65: Web - Product Options Screen

Options Key 1: Enter a valid permanent key. A permanent Options Key must be entered
for in-Service operation. The temporary options key shipped with the RDL-3000 will
expire and service is interrupted.
Options Key 2: Enter a second valid permanent or temporary options key (optional).
Active Options Key: The Active Options Key field selects the preferred key. If valid, the
selected key is activated immediately when the Activate button is clicked. This selection
is not affected by switching firmware versions.
When a temporary options key is active, during the last 45 days before the key expires,
an expiry notice is displayed in this screen, an event message is logged daily, and an
SNMP trap is generated every six hours.
If the (temporary) active key expires, the RDL-3000 will attempt to remain operational by
automatically switching to the other key (e.g., permanent key).
Activate: Click to validate and activate options key(s). Invalid keys are discarded and an
error message is recorded in the event log. If two keys are entered in the same session
(before clicking Activate), keys are saved only if both keys are valid.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after activating an options key that changes
the Region Code. Refer to section 8.1: Regional Codes on page 188.

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3.8 Options Keyed Features

Many device operations are controlled by the options keys. Separate options keys are
required for the sector controller and each wireless terminal. Enter the options keys
before deploying and configuring the RDL-3000 systems.
The RDL-3000 has the following default settings when operating with no option key:
Table 18: Web - Defaults With No Options Key Installed
VLAN for Data (Classification) Disabled
VLAN for Management Disabled
System Mode PMP SS Only
Channel Size 10 MHz
RF Frequency Entire range of radio
Auto Frequency Scan Disabled
Tx Power -5 dBm max.
DFS Disabled
AES Disabled
Secure Management:
ECDSA Authentication Disabled
No of Subscribers 0
Max UL/DL UBR 3 Mbps

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3.8.1 Antenna Alignment Screen

Click Utilities -> Antenna Alignment in the main menu to display the Antenna
Alignment Tool screen. This screen is provided to assist aligning the subscriber antenna.
The most reliable method for obtaining optimum performance from a wireless link is by
fine alignment of the antenna to the position providing the highest RSSI (Received
Signal Strength Indication). This web page assists alignment by providing continuous
updates of the current measured RSSI value.

Fig. 66: Web - Antenna Alignment Tool Screen

If Wi-Fi service is available, the following URL may be used to access the web alignment
page directly from a laptop computer or web-enabled handheld device.
http:// [RDL-3000 IP Address] / usr / aa.html
For example: http:// / usr / aa.html

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3.8.2 Firmware Management Screen

Click Utilities -> Firmware in the main menu to display the Firmware Management
screen. Use this screen to upgrade the RDL-3000 with new firmware. The RDL-3000
contains non-volatile storage for two versions of the firmware. The upload overwrites the
Alternative (inactive) version.

Fig. 67: Web - Firmware Management Screen

Firmware Version
Active: This is the firmware currently in use by the RDL-3000.
Alternative: This is the inactive firmware. Firmware downloaded to the RDL-3000 will
overwrite this version.
Change Version: Click to switch the Active and Alternative firmware versions and
reboot the RDL-3000.
U-Boot Version: This is the bootstrap firmware currently in use by the RDL-3000.
Firmware Upgrade
Transfer Protocol: Select the type of file server:
TFTP: Use Trivial File Transfer Protocol for file upload.
FTP: Use File Transfer Protocol for file upload.
Server IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer with the firmware upgrade file.
The designated computer must be running a TFTP/FTP server.
Firmware File Name: Name of the firmware binary file (including file extension).
FTP User Name: Enter the user account name (FTP only).
FTP Password: Enter the user account password (FTP only).

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Upgrade Steps
Important; The RDL-3000 firmware binary file must be located in the default upload
directory of the TFTP/FTP server.
1. Login to the RDL-3000 Web interface and click Utilities -> Firmware in the main
2. Select TFTP or FTP, enter the IP Address of the server, and enter the full name of
the binary file (including the .bin extension). If FTP is selected, enter account name
and password.
3. Click Upload File to begin the file transfer. The transfer may require up to eight
minutes based on the data transfer rate. Do not interrupt the transfer process.
When the transfer is complete, the RDL-3000 checks the integrity of the uploaded file
and registers a status message in the event log. If errors were introduced during the
transfer process, the firmware file is discarded and the upload must be repeated.
4. When the transfer has completed successfully, click Change Version to reboot the
system loading the version listed as Alternate.

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Chapter 4

4 CLI Interface
This section describes the procedures for configuring and operating the RDL-3000 using
CLI over a Telnet connection.
Note: Do not logout or issue new commands until the previous CLI command has
finished processing. For 'save config' or 'script' commands this may be approximately
three seconds. When writing script files, insert pauses after these commands.

4.1 Quick Reference

Online help is available for all commands. Use the Tab key for auto-complete functions.
The following table lists all RDL-3000 commands available from root mode (default
mode at login).
Table 19: CLI - Command Summary
Command Description
apply Activate changes without overwriting saved configuration.
arp Add a static ARP definition to the RDL-3000 ARP table.
chgver Change default version of firmware and reboot.
clear Clear commands.
del Delete an ID.
disable Disable an ID.
enable Enable an ID.
freq Enter frequency ranges for autoscan and DFS.
generate Create DSA key for SSH locally on RDL-3000.
get Display the value of a statistic or parameter.
load Load commands.
logout End the current Telnet session.
new Create a new ID.
ping Send a ping message from the RDL-3000 system.
reboot Reboot the RDL-3000.
reset Reset the RDL-3000 statistics values.
save Save the selected configuration settings.
script Generate a configuration script.
set View/modify a system parameter value.
show View system compound objects (e.g., configuration).
snmpcommunity View/modify the SNMP community settings.
snmptrap View/modify the SNMP trap settings.
spectrum Spectrum sweep commands.
upgrade Upload a firmware binary image to the RDL-3000.
user View/modify the user/password configuration.
whoami Display login name for this Telnet session.

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4.2 Telnet Access

Use the following steps to establish a Telnet session with the RDL-3000.
1. On the PC, open a Telnet client and enter the unit IP address. The factory default IP
is ''.
2. Login to the RDL-3000 using the assigned username and password. The default
username is 'admin', and the default password is 'admin'.
For example,
username: admin
password: admin

Table 20: CLI - Root Mode Commands

Command Description
Tab When entering a command, hit the Tab key at any time to perform auto-
complete or view available options.
? Use the '?' character to display help for any command or mode.
Example: From the root directory, enter the following command to list all
parameters that can be changed using the 'set' command:
set ?
CTRL-Z Return to root mode.
Cancel command entry (alternative to backspace delete).
exit Return to parent node / mode.
all (exit all) Return to root mode.
logout Terminate this telnet session. May be entered from any mode.

4.3 Command Set

Use the apply command to activate changes to the configuration without overwriting the
last saved configuration. This is equivalent to clicking the Apply button in the
configuration screens.
apply <config><rescan>
Activate all changes to the configuration, but do not save changes permanently in
the non volatile RAM. Use this command in combination with reboot to temporarily
test changes.
Initiate a frequency scan. Valid only if Auto Frequency Scan is enabled.
Use the arp command to manually create entries in the arp table (e.g., for wireless link
aggregation). A maximum of two static (persistent) entries can be added to the table.
Use the 'save config' command to permanently save changes to the static entries in the
ARP table. Static entries loaded at boot time are recorded in the RDL-3000 system log.
arp <add> <del> <print>
add <Host> <MAC>

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Add a new static entry in the RDL-3000 ARP table. Use 'save config' to save these
entries permanently. A maximum of two static entries can be added to the
Host Host IP address. Must be same subnet as RDL-3000 unit.
MAC Host MAC address (e.g., 01-02-03-04-05-06)
del <Host>
Delete a static or dynamic entry from the ARP table. Also refer to command 'clear
Host: Host IP address of ARP entry to be deleted
ARP table. The * indicates manually entered values.
For example: arp print at 00:05:5d:e0:5b:10 at 11:22:33:44:55:66 *
Persistent MACs: at 11:22:33:44:55:66 at 01:02:03:04:05:06
Use the chgver command to change the firmware version loaded when the RDL-3000 is
chgver (no options)
Switch to the binary saved in the alternate version of firmware.
IMPORTANT: This command works silently (no operator confirmation) and the RDL-
3000 reboots immediately. Use 'get swver' to list the active and alternate versions of
Use the clear command to delete all entries in a table.
clear <arptable> <freqlist> <idtable> <log>
Delete all static entries in the ARP table (refer to arp).
Delete all frequency ranges from list (refer to freq).
Delete all IDs from the idtable.
Delete all messages from the log.
Use the del command to delete a specific ID or security key/certificate.
del <file> <folder> <id>
file <name> <mode>
Remove a file from runtime memory and non volatile RAM.
name <filename>
File name must be of the following format:
dsa_key_<mac>.pem DSA key used for SSH.
SSL_cert_<mac>.pem SSL Certificate.
SSL_key_<mac>.pem SSL Key.
ecc_cert.ecc ECDSA certificate from SA authority.
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ecc_keypair.ecc ECDSA public and private keys from SA authority.

ecc_keypairT.ecc ECDSA locally generated public and private key.
The <mac> portion is the MAC address of the wireless system.
For example: dsa_key_00-09-02-00-01-02.pem
mode <usr | factory>
Specify the type of information to display.
usr User entered files (default if type is not specified). Non secure
mode operation.
factory Factory default files (requires hardware jumper selection).
fips Secure Mode files (including FIPS-140-2 certified mode). This field
is accessible only when operating in Secure Mode.
folder <usr | factory>
Remove all files from the specified table.
usr - User entered files (default). Non secure mode operation.
fips - Secure Mode files (including FIPS-140-2 certified mode). This field is
accessible only when operating in Secure Mode.
id <id>
Remove a Service Group, Service, or Link table entry.
id Unique number for Service Group, Service, or Link.
Use the disable command to disable a Service or Link (not applicable to Service
disable <id>
Disable a specific ID.
id Unique number for Service or Link.
Use the enable command to enable a Service Group, Service, or Link).
enable <id>
Enable a specific ID.
id Unique number for Service Group, Service, or Link.
Use the freq command to configure frequency ranges when using autoscan or DFS.
freq <add> <clearall> <del> <print> <reload>
add <begin> <end>
Add a frequency range (up to 32 ranges).
begin - start frequency (MHz)
end - end frequency (MHz)
Delete all entries from the frequency list.
del <idx>
Delete a frequency validation range
idx - Frequency validation range index. Use 'print' to display IDs.
Exit from the current mode (also CTRL-Z).

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list of frequency ranges.
Local frequency ranges:
index begin end
0 5810.0 5820.0
1 5830.0 5835.0
Reload the active list of frequency validation ranges.
Use the genecckeys command to self-generate public/private keys and generate a
'certificate request' file. The key file is saved permanently in the user (usr) table
(ecc_keypairT.ecc) and the 'certificate request' file is automatically downloaded to the ftp
genecckeys <tftpserver_IP><cert-req-name>
ftpserver_IP IP address for the destination TFTP server.
cert-req-name Filename for the certificate request file.
generate sshkey <dsa | rsa>
Use the generate command to generate a key for use with SSH. The RDL-3000
generates a key using its internal encryption module. The generated key is saved in the
usr file table. Generating this key disables the self-generated key created at reboot.
dsa Generate DSA key
rsa Generate RSA key
Important: A system reboot is required to activate the new key.
Use the get command to view system parameters. Use the following general format to
view a parameter.
get <parameter>
Number of active IDs (Services, Service Groups, and Links).
Number of active Links.
Display the current RSSI values for RF 1 & RF 2 to assist antenna alignment.
Current CIR Subscription Ratio %.
Number of downlink discarded packets.
dloir <id>
Get the downlink offered information rate for the service.
Number of downlink Rx packets.
Downlink Tx packets.

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Number of Ethernet packets received.
Number of Ethernet packets received that were discarded.
Speed and duplex settings for the Ethernet port.
Number of Ethernet packets transmitted.
Exit from the current mode (also CTRL-Z).
Display the position coordinates of the sector controller. The GPS coordinates format
is in degrees, minutes and seconds (to 4 decimal places) with North / South or East /
West. For example: Longitude: 43° 51' 35.2770" North
Latitude: 79° 20' 24.7956" West
Display status information about the GPS.
gpsstatus = No Valid Signal
grpoir <id>
Get the Offered Information Rate (OIR) for the specified service Group.
id Index value of the Service Group
idenable <id>
Check the status of a Link, Service, or Service Group.
lactive <id>
Link active status.
Downlink total blocks.
Downlink burst rate.
Downlink discarded blocks.
Downlink lost frames.
Downlink retransmitted blocks.
Downlink RSSI for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Downlink RSSI for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.

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Downlink SINADR for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Downlink SINADR for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Number of times the connection to the subscriber has been lost.
Number of Services provisioned on this subscriber.
Number of links with registered service connections.
Link status code for this subscriber.
lssip <id>
Display the subscriber IP address for this link id.
Uplink total blocks.
Uplink burst rate.
Uplink discarded blocks.
Uplink lost frames.
Uplink retransmitted blocks.
Uplink RSSI for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active RF
Uplink RSSI for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active RF
Uplink SINADR for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Uplink SINADR for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Link up-time.
RDL-3000 MAC address.

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Noise floor reference measured on RF 1 port and RF 2 port.

Radio type:
T072: 470 - 698 MHz
T212: 2000 - 2300 MHz
T202: 2300 - 2800 MHz
T352x: 3300 - 3800 MHz
T502x: 4940 - 5875 MHz
Number of configured connections. (?)
Number of configured Services.
Number of configured stations.
rffreq [rf1 | rf2] <freq>
RF frequency setting. Refer to section 8.1: Regional Codes on page 188.
Status RF transmitter.
List the downloaded firmware versions.
Synchronization status.
Time when the system started.
Time elapsed from reboot.
Internal temperature of the radio.
Current Tx power setting.
Uplink discarded packets.
uloir <id>
Get the uplink Offered Information Rate (OIR) for the service.
Uplink Rx packets.
Uplink Tx packets.
Wireless Eth Rx packets.
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Wireless Eth Rx discarded packets.

Wireless Eth Rx packets with errors.
Wireless Eth Tx packets.
Wireless Eth Tx discarded packets.
Wireless Eth Tx packets with errors.
Whitespaces database registration information.
wsdb - Prints the WSDB status.
chanavail - Available Channels
channumav - Number of Available Channels
chanrsptime - Channel List Response Timestamp
chanstatus - Channel List Response Status
chanstatustxt - Channel List Response Status detailed text
chanunavail - Not Available Channels
connstatus - Server Connectivity Status
connstatustxt - Server Connectivity Status detailed text
expirytime - Expiry Time
fccid - FCC Identifier
latitude - The latitude coordinate used in WSDB registration
longitude - The longitude coordinate used in WSDB registration
refreshtime - Refresh Time
regrsptime - Registration Response Timestamp
regstatus - Registration Status
regstatustxt - Registration Status detailed text
url - The WSDB server Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Use the load command to install encryption keys into the RDL-3000.
load <file> <idtable> <script>
file <server IP> <filename> <usr | factory> <tftp | sftp> <user> <password>
Load a key or certificate file from FTP server. The file is saved in non volatile RAM
area. A reboot is required to activate changes to security data. The filename must be
one of the following:
dsa_key_<mac>.pem DSA key used for SSH.
SSL_cert_<mac>.pem SSL (X.509) Certificate.
SSL_key_<mac>.pem SSL private key.
ecc_cert.ecc ECDSA certificate from SA authority.
ecc_keypair.ecc ECDSA public and private keys from SA authority.

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ecc_keypairT.ecc ECDSA locally generated public and private key.

The <mac> portion is the MAC address of the wireless system.
For example: dsa_key_00-09-02-00-01-02.pem
Specify where to store the security information.
usr User entered files (default if type is not specified). Non secure mode
factory Default files.
fips Secure Mode files (including FIPS-140-2 certified mode). This field is
accessible only when operating in Secure Mode.
Specify the server type.
tftp Trivial file transfer server.
sftp Secure Trivial file transfer server.
Specify the server type. Default is tftp is field is not entered.
tftp Trivial file transfer server.
sftp Secure Trivial file transfer server.
Specify the account name and password when using sftp.
user Enter the account user name.
password Enter the account password.
For example:
load file SSL_key_00-09-02-00-b2-73.pem usr tftp
idtable (no parameters)
Load all IDs from the last saved configuration.
script <server IP> <filename>
Use this command to load an RDL-3000 configuration file created using script
command (or equivalent). The file must be located in the TFTP default directory.
When the load operation is complete, use 'apply' to activate the loaded configuration,
or 'save config' to activate and save the loaded configuration.
For example:
load script RDL3000-Unit035-091121.cfg
save config
Use the logout command to terminate the current Telnet session.
logout (no parameters)
Terminate the current Telnet session.
Use the new command to create a new Service Group, Service, or Link. See ID
Mapping for the valid ID ranges for each type. Note that new Links, Service
Groups, and Services created using CLI (manually or using 'load script') do not
appear on the Web interface until they are set to 'enabled'.
new <conn> <group> <link> <service>
conn <id>
Create a new Service. Equivalent to 'new service <id>' This command is provided to
support migration from RDL-3000 systems.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new service.

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group <id>
Create a new Service Group.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Service Group.
link <id>
Create a new Link.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Link.
service <id>
Create a new Service.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Service.
tplink <id>
Create a new link template for use with the STID feature. Use the same commands
applicable to configuring a standard link.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new link template.
Use the ping command to initiate an ICMP ping command from the RDL-3000. This can
be used to confirm network access to FTP/TFTP servers, syslog servers, etc.
ping <IP address> <Number of Packets> <Length>
IP address IP address of target.
Number of Packets Number of ICMP packets to send (1 to 16).
Length Not supported in this software release.
Use the reboot command to reboot the RDL-3000 firmware.
reboot <delay>
delay Number of seconds to wait before rebooting (60 max.).Enter 'reboot 0'
(zero) to cancel a pending reboot.
Note: Use this command in combination with Apply to temporarily test changes to the
configuration. For example:
reboot 60 Schedule reboot in 1 minutes
apply Activate configuration changes (without saving)
{ test changes}
reboot 0 Cancel reboot
Use the reset command to zero the RDL-3000 statistics or ID table.
reset <stats>
Clear statistics counters.
stats <id>
Reset statistics for a Service Group, Service, or Link.
id - Specify an ID to reset statistics only for that Service Group, Service, or
Link. Default is to reset all statistics.
Use the save command to copy edited parameter settings into non-volatile memory.
save [option] <Enter>
save <config> <defaultconfig> <idtable> <snmp>
Save Ethernet, wireless, and user configuration settings.
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Overwrite parameters with the factory default settings. The following settings are not
affected: system name, location, details and contact, frequency list, SNMP
configuration, and idtable.
Save current idtable settings (e.g., Service Group, Service, or Link).
Save current SNMP settings.
Use the script command to save a file containing a string of CLI commands that can be
used to restore the current active configuration of the RDL-3000. The command uses a
TFTP server and the script file is saved in the TFTP default directory. The filename may
be any name and extension valid for the TFTP server platform. Use the 'load script'
command to restore a saved configuration.
script <server> <filename>
server - TFTP server IP address
filename - Script file name
IdPwdClearText - Specify if ID template password to be sent in clear text (default).
Note: User account groups, usernames and passwords are not saved by the script
command. Accounts must be created manually by a user using Telnet or a Web
browser. The 'user' set of commands are interactive and can not be automated.
Use the set command to view and/or change a parameter. Use the apply command to
activate changes made using the set command. Use the 'save' command to copy the
changes to non volatile RAM.
set <parameter>
activekey <actkey>
Select the active options key (position 1 or 2). Also see ' set optionskey'.
actkey - Optionally enter a new key value.
adaptmod <id><mode>
Enable or disable adaptive modulation for the link
id Specify a unique ID for this connection.
mode Enable or disable adaptive modulation for the link.
off - Disable
on - Enable
antbeam <0-n>
Set the operating mode for the RAS-Elite antenna.
0: RAS-Elite antenna automatically scans 360° in azimuth to locate signals
from Redline sector controllers. Refer to the 'lautoscan'.
1-n: Manually set the RAS-Elite antenna beam to the specified sector. The
center of sector '1' is marked on the antenna. The remaining sectors are
arranged sequentially counter-clockwise around the antenna.
antgain <gain>
Set the antenna gain (used for DFS).
<gain> Enter gain in dBi.
atpcss <off | on>
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 131 of 284 June 9, 2016

Disable or enable the Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) function on this
subscriber. When enabled (on: default), the subscriber responds to control requests
from the sector controller to change the transmit power level.
off - ATPC is disabled.
on - ATPC is enabled.
autoscan <off | on>
Enable or disable the Autoscan function. When enabled, the Subscriber
automatically scans available channels to locate the current operating frequency.
off - Autoscan function disabled.
on - Autoscan function is enabled.
bsmac <mac_address | 00:00:00:00:00:00>
Enter the sector controller MAC address to allow this subscriber to register only with
that device. Enter 00:00:00:00:00:00 to allow the subscriber to connect to any
available sector controller (e.g., when using the optional STID template feature).
bsporten <id> <off | on>
Enable and disable sector controller Ethernet port for a Service Group.
id - ID of Service Group.
off - Disabled
on - Enabled
buzzer <off | on>
Enable or disable the audible alignment buzzer. When enabled, the rate of the tone
is proportional to the receive signal strength (faster rate = stronger signal).
off - Disable
on - Enable
chsize <bandwidth>
Set the channel bandwidth (enabled by options key ).
bandwidth - Enter bandwidth in MHz (e.g., 20).
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
chwidth <bandwidth>
Set the channel bandwidth (enabled by options key ).
bandwidth - Enter bandwidth in MHz (e.g., 20).
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
congid <id> <gid>
Set a Service Group to this Service.
id - Service ID number.
gid - Service Group ID number.
conlid <id> <lid>
Set a Link to this Service connection.
id - Service ID number.
lid - Link ID number.
conpri <id> <0 - 7>
Set a VLAN default priority for this Service or Service Group connection.
convid <id> <vlan>
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Set the VLAN address for this Service or Service Group connection.
id - Service reference ID number.
vlan - VLAN ID (1-4095).
conviden <id> <off | on>
Enable or disable VLAN for this Service or Service Group connection.
id - Service ID number.
off - VLAN is disabled.
on - VLAN is enabled.
cp < 0 | 1>
Select the cyclic prefix.
0: 1/4
1: 1/8
Important: Cyclic prefix 1/8 is recommended for use only with 10 and 20 MHz channels.
dfsaction <none | txoff | chgfreq>
Select the mode of operation for DFS. Enter only the text or the number.
none: The DFS function is disabled.
txoff: Transmission is immediately disabled when radar signals are detected.
This action is recorded in the message log and an SNMP trap message is
sent (if SNMP enabled).
chgfreq: Relocate transmission to an alternative frequency immediately
when radar signals are detected. This action is recorded in the message log
and a trap message is sent (if SNMP enabled).
dhcp <off | on>
Enable or disable DHCP.
off - DHCP is disabled.
on - DHCP is enabled.
dlcir <id> <rate>
Set the Service downlink Committed Information Rate (CIR).
id - Service ID number.
rate - Enter the rate (50 - 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.

dlminrate <id> <rate>

Set the Link minimum uplink uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id - Link ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink MCS (modulation coding scheme).
dlpir <id> <rate>
Set the Service downlink Peak Information Rate (PIR).
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id - Service ID number.
rate - Peak Information Rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.

dlrate <id> <rate>

Link maximum downlink uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id = Link ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink MCS (modulation coding scheme).
dlratio <50>
(SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode enabled. Restricted to 50%. System
requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
encdsauth <ON | OFF>
Enable this setting (on) to have the system use ECDSA certificates for authentication.
Ecryption must be enabled.
on - Subscriber adjusts encryption setting to match sector controller.
off - Encryption settings must be set manually.
encautomode <ON | OFF>
(SS only) Enable this setting (on) to have the subscriber encryption type be set automatically
to match the encryption type in-use by the sector controller.
on - Subscriber adjusts encryption setting to match sector controller.
off - Encryption settings must be set manually.
encmode <0 - 3>
Set the encryption mode. The same encryption level must be selected on
communicating systems.
0 - Disable
1 - AES 128
2- AES 256
ethmode <auto | 10hd | 10fd | 100 fd | 100hd>
Set the Ethernet speed and duplex.
auto - Auto-negotiate
10hd - 10Base-T Half Duplex
10fd - 10Base-T Full Duplex
100hd - 100Base-T Half Duplex
100fd - 100Base-T Full Duplex
Exit from set mode.
fixframe <off|on>

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(SC only) Enable or disable fixed frame mode. System requires reboot following
changes to this parameter.
framesize <10>
(SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted to 10 ms. System
requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
gateway <ip>
Set the IP address of the default gateway on this segment.
gmt <value>
Set the time offset from GMT (e.g., -5 for EST).
gpsantenna <mode>
Display information or change the GPS antenna mode.
passive - The GPS antenna port is configured for a passive type GPS antenna (does not
require a bias voltage).
active - The GPS antenna post is configured for an active type GPS antenna (e.g.,
antenna enclosure includes a built-in amplifier). A bias voltage is supplied on
the center conductor of the GPS antenna connector.
groupmode <id> <mode>
Set the wireless mode of operation when sending broadcast or multicast traffic for
this service group.
id - Service Group ID number. Use 'show idtable' to view all IDs.
mode - Assign service group mode:
sisomimoa: Operate in MIMO-A mode.
mimoab: Operate in MIMO-A/B mode.
Note: v3.xx and higher does not operate in SISO mode.
grpcir <id> <rate>
Set the Service Group Committed Information Rate (CIR) for downlink broadcast and
multicast traffic.
id - Group ID number.
rate - Committed information rate (50 to 50000 Mbps)
grpdot1p0 <id> <queue> ... grpdot1p7 <id> <queue>
When 802.1p priority is enabled for this group (id), assign a priority queue for
Ethernet packets with priority 0 through 7.
id - Group ID number.
queue - Assign queue 0-3 (default is 0).
grpdot1pena <id> <mode>
Enable or disable 802.1p services for this Group.
id - Group id number
mode - Enter the mode:
off - Disable
on -Enable
grppir <id> <50 - 100000>
Set the Service Group peak information rate (PIR) (Kbps). Applies to uplink and
downlink traffic.
id - Group ID number.

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rate - Peak information rate (50 to 100000 Mbps)

grppri <id> <pri>
Set the Service Group default priority.
id - Group reference ID number.
pri - Group 802.1p priority setting (0-7).
grprate <id> <rate>
Set the Service Group maximum uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id - Group reference ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink rates in MCS (modulation coding scheme).
grpvid <id> <vid>
Enter the VLAN ID for this Service Group (if tagging enabled).
id - [id number]
vid - VLAN ID
grpviden <id> <off | on>
Enable or disable this Service Group.
id - [id number]
off - Disabled
on -Enabled
http <off | on>
Enable or disable the HTTP (Web) interface.
off - Disable
on - Enable
HTTPS <off | on>
Enable or disable the HTTPS (SSL Web) function.
off - Disable
on - Enable
idname <id> <name>
Enter the name associated with an ID.
id - ID for Link, Service, or Service Group.
name - Name (maximum 15 text characters).
ipaddr <ip> <mask>
Enter the IP address and subnet mask of the RDL-3000. Confirmation is required.
set ipaddr ip mask
lautoscan <off | on>
Enable or disable the frequency link autoscan function. The Auto Frequency Scan
(AFS) feature reduces registration time by limiting the subscriber channel search to a
list of channels specified by the operator.
off - Disable
on - Enable
ldlpir <id> <rate>
Set the Link downlink PIR.
id - Group ID number.
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rate - Peak information rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)

linkmode <id> <mode>
Set the mode associated with each link.
id - Link ID number.
mode - Specify the mode for this link:
sisomimoa - MIMO-A
mimoab - MIMO-A/B
Note: v3.xx and higher does not operate in SISO mode.
ldpfilter <off | on>
Enable or disable the LLDP filtering function.
off - Disable
on - Enable
lrfmode <id> <mode>
Set the wireless mode of operation for the specified link.
id - Service Group ID number. Use 'show idtable' to view all IDs.
mode - Assign RF mode:
rf1: Operate in MIMO A using RF port 1.
rf2: Operate in MIMO A using RF port 2.
rf1rf2: Operate in MIMO A or MIMO B mode using both RF ports.
auto: Equivalent to rf1rf2.
lstickytime <id><0-600>
(SC only) The time, following a link loss condition, the subscriber will attempt to
reconnect with the same sector controller (0 - 600 sec).Specify for each link
configuration or link profile. Value is downloaded to subscriber at registration.
Active only when Auto Rescan is enabled.
<id> Link template ID.
<0-600> Enter the time in seconds.
lstid <id> <stid>
Set the name for an STID link template (SC only).
<id> Link template ID.
<stid> template name may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters
including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
lstidpwd <id> <stidpwd>
Set the password for an STID link template (SC only). Passwords may be blank.
<id> Link template ID.
<stidpwd> template password may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric
characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
ltimeautoscan <id> <interval>
Set the maximum period to operate below the threshold settings when the scan
threshold is enabled (lautoscan). The timer is reset if the UBR recovers to a level
equal or greater than the threshold.
id - Service Group ID number. Use 'show idtable' to view all IDs.
interval - Period to trigger re-scan (0..600 seconds).

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lulpir <id> <rate>

Set the Link uplink PIR.
id - Group ID number.
rate - Peak information rate (50 to 100000 Mbps)
maxdst <distance>
Set the maximum distance to a subscriber.
value - Distance (Km) to farthest subscriber.
maxtxpower <value>
Set the Tx power level (dBm). This setting is for the transceiver output only. The
actual EIRP depends on the gain of the connected antenna. The maximum value is
controlled by the options key.
value - Enter the Tx power (from -40 to maximum allowed by options key.
mgmmcs <rate>
Set the management PHY rate setting. Used for all DL/UL management and
communication channel messages.
bpsk 1/2 - Default rate
qpsk 1/2 - Accellerated rate.
mgmtag <off | on>
Enable or disable the HTTPS function. See also mgmvid.
off - Do not use VLAN to identify management traffic.
on - Enable VLAN tagged management traffic. See mgmvid.
mgmvid <1 - 4095>
Enter the Management VLAN ID. See also mgmtag.
vlan_id - Management VLAN ID.
netmask <mask>
RDL-3000 IP netmask in standard format.
For example: set netmask
optionskey <1 |2> <options_key_text>
Enter the key position (0 or 1) followed by the options key string. This command
works silently to validate, save, and activate the key. Event messages are logged for
each of these operations. Advance notice is provided when a temporary options key
is about to expire.
text - Options key (alphanumeric text).
peermac <MAC>
MAC address of the communicating RDL-3000. Required for wireless encryption
(e.g., 00:05:5d:e0:5b:10
pskey <key>
Enter the shared key for AES encryption. The same key must be entered on all AES-
enabled communicating units.
radio <off | rf1 | rf2 | rf1rf2>
Enable or disable the radio transmitter.
off - Disable both radios
rf1: Use only radio 1 (MIMO-A mode).
rf2: Use only radio 2 (MIMO-A mode).
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rf1rf2: Use radio 1 and radio 2 (MIMO A/B mode).

radius <ip | mode | port | retries | secret | timeout>
Configure the RADIUS server. The first parameter for all commands must be the
radius server identifier (1 or 2):
ip <1 | 2> <IP address>
IP address of RADIUS server.
1 - Primary RADIUS server.
2 - Secondary RADIUS server.
For example: Set the primary RADIUS server IP address and then set the
secondary RADIUS server IP address:
set radius ip 1
set radius ip 2
mode <1 | 2> <off | on>
Mode of RADIUS server.
off - Disable RADIUS server.
on - Enable RADIUS server.
port <1 | 2> < 1-9999 >
Listening port address on RADIUS server (default port is 1812).
retries <1 | 2> < 1-999 >
Maximum number for attempts to contact target RADIUS server.
secret <1 | 2> < text >
Password for RADIUS server. Must conform to security policy.
timeout<1 | 2> < 1- 90 >
Time to wait for response from RADIUS server (seconds).
rapidpath <off | on> Disable or enable the Rapid Path feature
off Rapid Path feature is disabled.
on system will respond to changes in traffic flow.
redundancy <peerip> <role> <timeout>
Use the following settings to configure the 1+1 redundancy option for the sector
controller. This feature is enabled by the options key ( ).
peerip: Enter the IP address of the other sector controller:
role: Define the function of this sector controller:
none: Redundancy mode is disabled.
primary: This unit is Backup and peer Primary SC is active.
backup: This unit is Primary and peer Backup SC is active.
timeout: Enter the period (5 - 60 s) to wait when no response is received from
the peer SC.
regper <4 - 100>
The number of frames between registrations.
rffreq <frequency>
Center frequency (MHz) for the RF channel. Sites operating in close proximity should
minimize interference by using a factor of the channel size for separation. For
example, 20 MHz channels should have >20 MHz separation.
frequency - Enter the Tx frequency (4940 - 5875).
schcycle <1-20>
Set the scheduling cycle. The period determines the amount of data to be sent on a
Service or Service Group during each scheduling cycle. Enter scheduling cycle (ms).
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Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
snmp < none | v2 | v3 >
Select the mode of the SNMP agent and the version. This selection is exclusive
(e.g., selecting v3 excludes support of v2c).
none - Disable the SNMP agent.
v2 - Enable SNMP v2c support.
v3 - Enable SNMP v3 support.
snmptraplink < off | on>
Enable or disable sending an SNMP trap message for Link-up and Link-down
off - Disable sending the SNMP trap message.
on - Enable sending the SNMP trap message.
snmptraps < off | on>
Enable or disable sending all SNMP traps.
off - Disable sending SNMP trap messages.
on - Enable sending SNMP trap messages.
sntp < off | on>
Enable or disable use of an external a network time service.
off - Disable SNTP protocol support.
on - Enable SNTP protocol support.
sntpip <ip>
Enter the SNTP server IP address. Valid only if SNTP is enabled.
sntppoll <1 - 24>
Enter the SNTP polling interval in hours. Enter period in hours.
srvdot1p0 <id> <queue> ...srvdot1p7 <id> <queue>
When 802.1p priority is enabled for this service (id), assign a priority queue for
Ethernet packets with priority 0 to 7.
id - Service ID number.
queue - Assign queue 0-3 (default is 0).
srvdot1pena <id> <mode>
Enable or disable 802.1p services for this Service (id).
id - Group id number
mode - Enter the mode:
off - Disable
on -Enable
srvgid <id> <gid>
Assign a Service Group to this Service.
id - Service ID number.
gid - Service Group ID number.
srvlid <id> <lid>
Assign a Link to this Service.
id - Service ID number.

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lid - Link ID number.

srvpri <id> <0 - 7>
Service default priority.
srvvid <id> <1 - 4095>
Set the Service VLAN ID
id - Service reference ID number.
srvviden <id> <off | on>
Enable or disable VLAN connections.
id - Service ID number.
on - VLAN is enabled.
off - VLAN is disabled.
SSH <off | on>
Enable or disable the SSH function (secure telnet for CLI).
off - Disable
on - Enable
sstoss <id> <off | on>
Enable or disable the routing packets between wireless terminals (hairpinning).
id - Link ID number.
off - Disable forwarding broadcast packets from SS to SS (default setting).
on - Enable forwarding broadcast packets from SS to SS.
IMPORTANT: Sector controller must be rebooted after changing this parameter.
stickytime <0-600>
(SS only) The time, following a link loss condition, the subscriber will attempt to
reconnect with the same sector controller (0 - 600 sec).
stid <stid>
Set the name for an STID link template to use when registering with a sector
controller (SU only).
<stid> template name may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters
including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
stidpwd <stidpwd>
Set the password for the STID link template being used when registering with a
sector controller (SU only). Passwords may be blank.
<id> Link template ID
<stidpwd> template password may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric
characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
syncen <off | on>
Enable or disable the synchronization feature.
off - Transmit and receive cycles are not synchronized.
on - Use synchronization to coordinate transmit and receive cycles.
syncmode < gps | external >
(SC only) Specify the synchronization mode.
gps - (GPS-equipped systems only) Transmit and receive cycles are
synchronized to the internal GPS module.
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external - Transmit and receive cycles are synchronized to the signal

received on the PPS port (PPS port must be enabled as input).
syncout < off | on >
Enable or disable the synchronization port (PPS).
off - The PPS port is configured to receive synchronization signals.
on - The PPS port is configured to transmit a synchronization signal.
syncterm < none | 50 | 75 >
Enable or disable VLAN for this Service.
none - High impedance.
50 - Port termination impedance is 50 Ohms.
75 - Port termination impedance is 75 Ohms.
syscontact <text>
Enter contact descriptive for this unit. Enter up to thirty (30) alpha-numeric
characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
sysdescr <text>
Enter system description for this unit. Enter up to thirty (30) alpha-numeric
characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
sysloc <location>
Enter location description for this RDL-3000 location. Enter up to thirty (30) alpha-
numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
syslog <off | on>
Enable or disable using a syslog service.
off - Disable syslog server protocol support.
on - Enable syslog server protocol support.
syslogip <ip>
Set the syslog server IP address. Valid only if syslog is enabled.
sysmode <pmpsc | pmpss>
Set the operational mode.
pmpsc - The sector controller begins transmitting automatically; sending poll
messages to locate the remote wireless terminals (pmpss).
pmpss - Each subscriber monitors the selected channel(s) and responds
only when polled by the sector controller.
sysname <text>
Enter the name for this unit (any combination of up to 20 letters and numbers).
telnet <off | on>
Enable or disable the Telnet port (CLI interface).
off - Disable
on - Enable
Changes to this field are effective only following reboot.
targetrssilevel <-90 ... -50>
Enter the target RSI level for the ATPC feature (sector controller only). Effective only
when targetrssimode must be 'on'.
off - Disable ATPC

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on - Enable ATPC
targetrssimode <off | on>
Enable or disable the Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) function (sector
controller only). When enabled, the sector controller sends control requests to
wireless terminals to change the transmit power level to match a user set
RRSI measured at the sector controller (see 'set targetrssilevel').
off - Disable ATPC
on - Enable ATPC
Note: If required, use the 'set atpcss' command to individually disable or enable
(default) ATPC on a subscriber.
telnetport <1 - 65535>
Set the Telnet port address. Changes are effective only after a reboot.
port - Limits for the telnet port are 22..79 and 81..65534 (default is 23).
ulcir <id> <rate>
Set the service uplink Committed Information Rate (CIR).
id - Service ID number
rate - Committed information rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
ulminrate <id> <rate>
Set the Link minimum uplink uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id - Link ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink rates in MCS (modulation coding scheme).
ulpir <id> <rate>
Set the Service uplink Peak Information Rate (PIR).
id - Service ID number.
rate - Peak information rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.

ulrate <id> <rate>

Set the Link maximum downlink uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id = Link ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink rates in MCS (modulation coding scheme).
usrauthmode <local> <radius>
Set the user authentication mode. Specify local services, the RADIUS server, or both
in combination.
local - use local authentication.
radius - Use the RADIUS server.
webtimeout <0-60>

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Set the session inactivity timeout period for the Web management interface. Default
is 10 minutes.
0: Timeout is disabled.
1-60: Timeout in minutes.
wsdb <[city] [contact] ... [usegps]>
WSDB configuration settings (US only).
city - Contact City
contact - Contact Name
copygpspos - Get the latitude and longitude data from GPS coordinate if
country - Contact Country
email - Contact E-mail
height - Antenna Height
latitude - the latitude coordinate which will only be used when GPS is N/A. This
command is only available when GPS precedence is disabled.
longitude - the longitude coordinate which will only be used when GPS is N/A.
This command is only available when GPS precedence is disabled.
owner - Owner Name
phone - Contact Phone
postal - Contact Postal Code
state - Contact State/Province
street - Contact Street Address
usegps - GPS precedence: If enabled, always use the latitude and longitude
coordinates from the built-in GPS receiver. Registration request can
not be sent without location information.
off - Disable GPS input.
on - Enable GPS input.
Use the show command to display system statistics.
show <config> <conns><files> <gps> <groups> <idtable> <links> <log> <snmp>
<service> <stats> <topology>
config [<id>]
Display system configuration information. When no parameters are entered, the
general configuration settings are displayed. For example: System Information,
System Configuration, Wireless Configuration, and WSDB (if enabled).
<id> If a link ID is specified, the properties of that group are displayed.
conns <id>
Display the services associated with a Link or Group. This command is provided to
support script migration from RDL-3000 systems.
id ID of Link or Group.
For example: conns 4
160 Data A Conn
161 Voice A Conn
files <run | usr>
Display the key and certificate files.
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run - Display keys currently in use.

usr - Display the user keys and certificates (default).
Display information about the GPS. If the GPS is synchronized, this command
returns the coordinates of the RDL-3000 system and the number of visible
satellites. Admin access only.
Note: Status code 0001 indicates the GPS antenna is shorted.
Display information for all Service Groups. groups
128 Voice Group
129 Data Group
Display information for all system IDs.
Display information for all Links.
Display the system events log.
service <id>
Display the services associated with the specified Link or Group.
Display the SNMP configuration.
Display available statistics and configuration information.
Use the snmpcommunity command to configure SNMP community permissions.
snmpcommunity <add> <clearall> <default> <del> <print>
add <name> <rights>
Add a new SNMP community to the SNMP community table. The index value is
assigned automatically. Up to eight community names can be entered.
Enter the SNMP community name.
Specify the rights for this community string. Where.
0: Deny read and write permission (enter zero).
r: Grant read access permission only.
w: Grant write access permission only.
rw: Grant read and write access permission.
clearall (no parameters)
Delete all SNMP parameters.
default <idx>
Set all SNMP parameters to factory default settings.
idx Specify entry to be default (use 'print' to display IDs).
del <idx>
Delete the specified community entry.
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idx Specify single entry to be deleted (use 'print' to display IDs).

List all SNMP communities and associated permissions.
Use the snmptrap command to configure the SNMP trap message reporting.
snmptrap <off | on> <add> <change> <clearall> <del> <print>
add <ipaddr> <port> <identity>
Create up to eight SNMP traps. The index value is assigned automatically.
ipaddr Enter destination IP address
port Enter destination port address.
identity v2: Enter associated SNMP community string.
v3: Enter account username for authorization.
change <idx> [-p <port>] [-i <ip_add>] [-c <community>] [-u username]
Modify the specified SNMP setting.
idx Index of the SNMP trap (use 'print' command to display ids).
-i <ip_add>] Enter destination IP address.
-p <port>] Enter destination port address.
-c <community> Enter associated SNMP community string (SNMP V1 or v2).
-u <username> Enter account username for authorization (SNMP v3 only).
Delete all SNMP parameters.
del <idx>
Delete the specified SNMP trap.
idx Index of the SNMP trap to be deleted (use 'print' command to display ids).
Trap indicates when the wireless Link is lost and recovered.
Off - Enable link up/down trap.
On - Disable link up/down trap.
Disable all SNMP traps.
Enable all SNMP traps.
List all SNMP trap settings.
Use the spectrum command to start a sweep, check the sweep status, and display the
results. Operator must use the Web interface to configure the sweep parameters.
spectrum <print | run | status>
print Print results of the last spectrum sweep.
run Start a RF spectrum sweep.
status Display the status and settings of the spectrum sweep feature.

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Use the upgrade command to upload a new firmware binary file to the RDL-3000. The
file must be located in the default directory for the specified user account.
upgrade <ip addr> <file name> <user name> <password>
ip addr
IP address of the FTP/TFTP server.
file name
Name of the binary file to be uploaded.
user name
FTP account name (FTP server only).
FTP account password (FTP server only).
1. TFTP: Specify the TFTP server address and the full name of the binary file (including
.bin extension).
2. FTP: Specify the FTP server address, account user name, account password, and
the full name of the binary file (including .bin extension).
Use the user command to manage user accounts, passwords, and user Groups. When
in user mode, only the <chgpasswd> field is available, since the user can change only
their own password. The other commands are available only for members of the
administrator Group. The RDL-3000 supports administrator and user accounts.
user <add> <attr> <chgpasswd> <del> <print>
add <username> <usertype>
Administrators can use this command to add new user accounts. Usernames
may be 1 to 19 alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and
underscore (_), Passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-numeric characters including a-
z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_). The operator must confirm their own
password and a password for the new account.
username Enter name of new administrator or user account.
usertype Specify the type of account being created.
user User account.
admin Administrator account.
attr <username> < none | MD5 | SHA > < none | DES | AES >
Choose the authentication method and privacy method for SNMP v3 requests.
An authentication method must be selected to enable the privacy method.
username - Account to setup for SNMP v3 authorization.
Authorization method for the SNMP v3 account. When SNMP v3 is enabled, an
authentication method can be selected to control access from an SNMP-based
network management system.
MD5: MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a cryptographic hash function
with a 128-bit hash value (RFC 1321).
SHA: SHA (secure Hash Algorithm) is a set of cryptographic hash

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 147 of 284 June 9, 2016

Privacy method for this account. When SNMP v3 is enabled, a privacy method
can be selected to encrypt messages exchanged with any SNMP-based network
management system.
None: No encryption.
DES: DES (Data Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
AES: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
chgpasswd <user name>
Administrators can change the password of any account. Users can change only
their own password. Users are prompted to enter new password information.
username Account to be modified.
del <username>
Delete a user account.
username Account to be deleted.
Display a list of user accounts.
Use the whoami command to display the username of the current Telnet session.

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Chapter 5

5 Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

This section provides basic diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures. If the system can
not be restored to normal operation using the procedures in this section, contact the
local Redline representative for assistance. Include the model name and serial number
of the system in all communications.

5.1 Interface Connection Issues

Attempt to login to the RDL-3000 using a Web browser. The following table lists common
troubleshooting tips for the web interface.
Table 21: Diag. - Web Interface Diagnostics
Symptom Possible Problem Solution
General Incorrect IP Perform a ping test from the host computer command
Information address and/or line. If the ping test is unsuccessful (timeout), then the
screen is not subnet mask. problem may be the IP address is not correct.
displayed Perform a long reset to apply the default IP address
( and subnet mask (
Problems with host If the ping is successful, reset the RDL-3000 and/or
computer, or RDL- reset the host computer.
Host PC ARP table Run 'arp -d' whenever the RDL-3000 is replaced. Check
is not correctly that the subnet mask for the host PC matches the
configured subnet mask of the RDL-3000. Verify that the host and
the RDL-3000 are set for the same subnet and are not
using a duplicate or reserved IP address.

5.2 Testing Configuration Changes

Use the Test function to safely evaluate configuration changes that may result in loss of
connectivity to the remote RDL-3000 system.
1. Make the required editing changes to the configuration (do not click Apply).
2. Click Utilities -> Test in the main menu. This action will:
a) Set a timer to reboot the RDL-3000 in 300 seconds.
b) Update the runtime configuration using the operator selections. This is equivalent
to Apply and the changes are not saved permanently.
3. Evaluate operation using the updated configuration.
a) If the new configuration is operating as expected, click Misc. -> Save All in the
main menu any time before the timer expires to permanently save the running
b) If the configuration does not work as expected (e.g., connectivity to the remoted
RDL-3000 is lost) wait for the test timer to expire. The RDL-3000 will reboot
automatically and load the last saved configuration.

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5.3 Status Code Definitions

The status code is displayed in a series of hexadecimal characters representing the
status of different alarm conditions. The value '1' indicates the associated condition is
active. All unused bits are set to zero.
To determine the status, the hexadecimal number must be converted to binary notation.
It is recommended to use a scientific calculator that supports binary notation (e.g.,
Windows on-screen calculator). Set the mode for Hex and enter the status code.
Change the mode to binary and match active bits (1) to the PMP Status Codes table.
Table 22: Diag. - Status Code Bits (Binary/Hex)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 23: Diag. - Status Codes

Bit Hex Display* Description
1 0000 0002 Radio over-temperature
2-3 Not used
4 0000 0010 PLL Errors
5 0000 0020
6 0000 0040
7 Not used
8 0000 0100 Firmware Error
9 - 15 Not used
16 0001 0000 No Ethernet packets received by the wireless MAC
17 0002 0000 MAC Internal Errors
18 0004 0000
19 0008 0000
20 0010 0000
21 0020 0000
22 0040 0000
23 0080 0000
24 0100 0000
25 0200 0000
26 0400 0000
27 0800 0000
28 1000 0000
29-31 Not used
*Displayed error code value if this is the only error present.

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5.4 Working with System Parameters

The RDL-3000 is a highly configurable communications device. This section describes
how to view, modify, test, and save parameter settings.
Parameters Overview
The RDL-3000 maintains the following sets of parameters:
Table 24: Diag. - Parameters Overview
Parameter Set Description
Runtime Currently active system settings. These values are loaded from 'Saved
Parameters Parameters' at system reboot.
Editing Copy of These values are loaded from 'Saved Parameters' at system reboot. The
Parameters operator can use the Web or CLI interface to modify these values. Activate
changes by using the 'apply' function. Save changes permanently by using
the 'save' functions.
Saved These values are saved in non volatile RAM and are loaded at reboot. Use
Parameters the 'save' function to overwrite the last saved settings with the current
contents of the 'Editing Copy of Parameters'. A separate copy of Saved
Parameters is maintained for each firmware version (Active and Alternative).
TFTP Server The 'Runtime Parameters' can be saved to a file on a TFTP server. Settings
are saved as CLI commands in a text file.
Saved configurations can be loaded directly from a file.
Factory Default Load these settings to restore the RDL-3000 to a known state.

Fig. 68: Diag: - Saving Parameters in Non Volatile RAM

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Restore Factory Configuration

Use the following steps to restore the RDL-3000 to the factory configuration
1. Login to the RDL-3000 as administrator.
2. Enter the command save defaultconfig. The RDL-3000 will automatically reboot.
3. Wait for the reboot to complete and login to the RDL-3000 using the default IP
address ( and the default administrator username (admin) and
password (admin).
1. Login to the RDL-3000 as administrator.
2. Click Configuration->System to display the System Configuration screen.
3. Click on the Def Cfg button at the bottom of the screen to reload the factory settings
and automatically reboot the RDL-3000.
4. Wait for the reboot to complete and login to the RDL-3000 using the default IP
address ( and the default administrator username (admin) and
password (admin).

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Factory Default Settings

Use the Web interface (click Factory Defaults in main menu) or the CLI interface (save
defaultconfig) to restore the RDL-3000 to a known state.
Note: Default frequencies are controlled by the radio type and the regional code for the
active options key. Refer to section 8.1: Regional Codes on page 188.

Table 25: Diag. - Factory Default Settings

CLI Parameter Web Field Option Key Def Cfg Button Setting
syscontact System Contact Blank
sysdescr System Details Blank
sysloc System Location Blank
sysname System Name RDL-3000
ethmode Ethernet Mode Auto
gateway Default Gateway Address
gmt Time Offset +0.00
http HTTP Enable On
ipaddr IP Address
mgmtag Mgmt Tag Enable Off
mgmvid Mgmt VID 0
netmask IP Subnet Mask
snmp SNMP v2
snmpcommunity SNMP Community Strings 'public', read
'private', read/write
snmptraplink SNMP Traps Off
snmptraplist SNMP Trap List Cleared
snmptraps SNMP Trap Links Off
sntp SNTP Enable N/C
sntpip SNTP IP Address
sntppoll Polling Interval 24
syslog Sys Log Enable Off
syslogip Sys Log IP
telnet Telnet Enable On
telnetport Telnet Port 23
userauthmode User Authentication Local
antgain Antenna Gain 30
autoscan Autoscan Off
chsize Channel Size Key = No change
No Key = 10 MHz
dfsaction DFS Action Y Based on Key:
No Key = chgfreq
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Table 25: Diag. - Factory Default Settings

CLI Parameter Web Field Option Key Def Cfg Button Setting
Required = chgfreq
Not Req = none
dlratio Downlink Ratio No change.
pskey Pre-shared key No change.
fixframe Fixed Frame Mode Off
framesize Framing Cycle 1
maxdst Max. Distance 0
radio Radio Enable rf1
regper Registration Period 16
rffreq RF Freq. (MHz) Set by radio type and
options key3
schcycle Scheduling Cycle 2
syncmode Synchronization mode None
syncout Sync port mode None (port disabled)
syncterm Sync port impedance None (high)
sysmode System Mode Key = unchanged
No Key = PMP SS
txpower Tx Power 14
activekey Active Key No change
adaptmod Adaptive Off
buzzer Buzzer Off
dlcir Service DL CIR 500
encmode Encryption Type Y None
freq Frequency List No change.
grpcir Service UL CIR 500
maxtxpower Maximum Tx Power 10 dBm
optionskey Options Key No change
radius RADIUS Disabled
ulcir Service UL CIR 500
ulpir Service UL PIR 50 000
user Users Management admin / admin
screen user/user:

1. SNMP v2 only in PMP mode.

2. All user-created accounts are deleted.
3. Refer to section 8.1: Regional Codes on page 188.

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5.5 Recover from Lost Password or IP

5.5.1 Long Reset
If the operator can not access the RDL-3000 management interface (unknown IP,
username, and/or password), a long reset operation must be performed to provide
access the unit. The long reset provides an opportunity to login to the RDL-3000 using
the default IP, usernames and passwords. The long reset procedure requires local
access to the RDL-3000 PoE adapter to power-cycle the RDL-3000, and a PC with an
Ethernet cable and a Telnet client.

Fig. 69: Diag. - Recovering Lost IP Address

Long Reset Using Telnet
Use the following steps to gain access to the RDL-3000 management interface when the
administrator password is unknown. It is recommended to use a clock display on a
phone or PC to ensure accurate timing.
Note: If the IP address is unknown, this can be discovered using LLDP, or the recovery
address can be calculated from the MAC address (see next chapter in this section).
1. Power-off the RDL-3000 PoE adapter and disconnect the local network Ethernet
cable. Use an Ethernet jumper cable to connect the PC directly to the PoE adapter
DATA (INPUT) Ethernet port.
2. Prepare the PC for Telnet access by opening a command prompt window on the PC
and typing the following command.
Important: Do not press the Enter key until step 4.
3. Perform the following power-cycle on the RDL-3000:
a) Power-OFF the system for >30 seconds.
b) Power-ON and wait 20 seconds (timing window is 15 to 25 seconds)
c) Power-OFF for 5 seconds.
d) Power-ON and wait approximately 75 seconds.
Note: For older units (S/N 100) the timing window for b) is 5 to 15 seconds.
4. After waiting 75 seconds (3-4), press the ENTER key on the PC to start the Telnet
session. When the prompt appears, login using the default username (admin) and
password (admin).

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Note: If a login prompt does not appear, re-enter the Telnet command. You have 30
seconds before the system automatically reboots. If the login attempt is not
successful, repeat steps 2 to 4 using a wait time of 70 to 90 seconds).
5. Use the following command to create a new administrator account:
user add <username> <usertype>
For example:
>user add super admin
New Password: ********
Confirm Password: ********
Note: Usernames may be 1 to 19 alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_), Passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-numeric characters
including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
6. Enter the command reboot to restart the unit. Do not enter any other commands. T
7. Login to the RDL-3000 using the updated administrator username and password.

5.5.2 DHCP - Recover Lost IP Address (Link-Local IP)

When DHCP is enabled, on power-up/reboot the system has no addressable IP address.
When a wireless link is established, the subscriber performs a DHCP discovery by
broadcasting a series of requests to contact a DHCP server. The responding DHCP
server automatically assigns the system IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
If DHCP discovery can not contact a DHCP server within the 520 second (aggregate)
timeout period, the local link IP address is activated for 300 seconds. This allows an
operator to login and change the system settings. At the end of 300 seconds, the local
link IP address is disabled and the DHCP discovery function is restarted. This cycle
repeats until a DHCP discovery is successful.
The local link address can be calculated manually (see below) or obtained from the
Redline LLDP data unit TLV (TLV_MGMNT_ADDR) broadcast each 30 seconds.

Fig. 70: Diag. - DHCP Discovery Timing Diagram

The default IP subnet mask is: and one of three default IP addresses are
assigned to the subscriber. The default addresses are generated as the default prefix
'169.254' plus two values generated from the unit MAC address. With DHCP disabled,
the operator may use the CLI command 'dhcp on' to display the three link local IP
addresses for that unit. For example: dhcp on
-- Notice: Need to run 'apply config' or 'save config' to take effect!
If DHCP server not found after 4 retries, the system will
select one of the Link Local addresses:,, and

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The first address is generated using the fifth and sixth segments in the MAC address. If
the first Link local IP address is in-use, a second address is generated using an XOR of
the original results with the third and fourth segments in the MAC address. If required, a
third address is generated using the second results and the first and second segments.
For example, if the remote unit MAC address was 00-09-02-13-F7-1A:
Table 26: Diag. - Calculating Local Link IP Addresses
Order Segment / Calculation Segment /Calculation IP Address
Seg5 Seg6
F716= 247 1A16 = 26
Seg5 XOR Seg3 Seg6 XOR Seg4
F716 XOR 0216 = F516 = 245 1A16 XOR 1316 = 916 = 9
Seg5 XOR Seg3 XOR Seg1 Seg6 XOR Seg4 XOR Seg2
(F716 XOR 0216) XOR 0016 =F516 = 245 (1A16 XOR 1316) XOR 0916 = 016

1. To ensure the granted IP address is routable from the sector controller, remote units
with DHCP enabled must obtain an IP addresses from a DHCP server located
upstream of the sector controller (e.g., over the wireless interface to a DHCP server
reachable from the sector controller Ethernet port).
2. If the remote unit obtains an IP from a DHCP server on its local network (e.g., via the
Ethernet port):
a) IP may not be routable from the sector controller.
b) Recovery Link Local IP addresses will not be active.
c) May be difficult to identify the responding DHCP server to obtain the required
address information.
3. Using DHCP for remote units does not require DHCP to be enabled on the SC.
4. When enabled, Management VLAN Tagging is enforced for Link Local IP address.
5. A DHCP Renew function is available (Web/CLI) to generate an 'on-demand' DHCP
renewal request message.

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5.6 Classification: Services and Service Groups

Packet Classification at the Sector Controller
The RDL-3000 PMP deployment can be configured for use with VLAN tagged traffic,
untagged traffic, or a combination these two types. Ingress packets received on the
sector controller Ethernet port are classified according to the criteria in the following
table. These descriptions do not include management traffic for the RDL-3000 sector
controller or subscriber.
Table 27: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SC Ethernet Port
VLAN tag matches a Service Group VID
Known unicast address Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: To destination only.
Rate: Downlink rate of member Service for this
Unknown unicast Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
address: Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: All Service Group members.
Rate: Two modulation steps below the lowest rate
currently in-use across all active Services
Multicast or broadcast Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
address: Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: All Service Group members.
Rate: Downlink rate of this Service Group.
VLAN tag does not match any Service Group VID -- OR -- untagged packet
Pass through service Discard packet.
group not defined:
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: Destination only.
known unicast Rate: Downlink rate of member Service for this
destination subscriber.
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: All Service Group members.
unknown address Rate: Two modulation steps below the lowest rate
(all types) currently in-use across all active Services.
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: All Service Group members.
multicast or broadcast Rate: Downlink rate of this Service Group.

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Table 28: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SC Wireless Interface

Service Group type: Tagged
Known unicast address Priority: Use priority received with packet
--- AND --- Tag: Add VLAN tag (outermost) for this Service
destination is Ethernet (Q in Q).
port Forward: To sector controller Ethernet port 1.
Known unicast address Forward: Retransmit packet unmodified over the wireless
--- AND --- interface to the destination subscriber.
destination is subscriber Rate: Downlink rate for member Service on this
Multicast or broadcast
Forward: Retransmit packet unmodified over the wireless
interface to all members of this Service Group 2.
Rate: Downlink rate for Service Group.
--- AND ---
Priority: Use priority received with packet
Tag: Add VLAN tag (outermost) for this Service
(Q in Q).
Forward: To sector controller Ethernet port 1.
Service Group type: Pass through
Known unicast address Forward: Packet unmodified to the sector controller
--- AND --- Ethernet port 1.
destination is Ethernet
Known unicast address Forward: Retransmit packet unmodified over the wireless
--- AND --- interface to all members of this Service Group 2.
destination is a Rate: Downlink rate for member Service on this
subscriber subscriber.
Unknown unicast Forward: Retransmit packet unmodified over the wireless
interface to all members of this Service Group 2.
Rate: Downlink rate is two modulation steps below the
lowest rate currently in-use across all active
--- AND ---
Priority: Use priority received with packet
Tag: Add VLAN tag (outermost) for this Service
(Q in Q).
Forward: To sector controller Ethernet port 1.
Multicast or broadcast Forward: Retransmit packet unmodified over the wireless
interface to all members of this Service Group 2.
Rate: Downlink rate for Service Group.
--- AND ---
Forward: Packet unmodified to the sector controller
Ethernet port 1.
1. If sector controller Ethernet port is enabled,
2. If SS to SS Multicast enabled.

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Packet Classification at the Subscriber

The RDL-3000 PMP deployment can be configured for use with VLAN tagged traffic,
untagged traffic, or a combination these two types. Ingress packets received on the
subscriber Ethernet port are classified according to the criteria in the following table.
Table 29: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SS Ethernet Port
VLAN tag matches a Service VID
Known unicast Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: To sector controller.
Rate: Uplink rate of Service matching this tag.
Unknown unicast: Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: To sector controller.
Rate: Uplink rate of Service matching this tag.
Known multicast or Priority: Preserve original 802.1p priority bits.
broadcast: Tag: Remove outermost matching VLAN tag.
Forward: To sector controller.
Rate: Uplink rate of Service matching this tag.
VLAN tag does not match any Service VID -- OR -- untagged packet
Pass through service Discard packet.
group not defined:
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: To sector controller.
known unicast Rate: Uplink rate of (Pass through) member Service.
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: To sector controller.
unknown unicast Rate: Uplink rate of (Pass through) member Service.
Pass through service Priority: Service Group default priority.
group defined Tag: Unchanged
--- AND --- Forward: To sector controller.
multicast or broadcast Rate: Uplink rate of (Pass through) member Service.
Notes: 1 If SS to SS Multicast enabled.

Table 30: Diag. - Classification: Packet Received on SS Wireless Interface

Member of Service Group type: Tagged
Any type Priority: Use priority received with packet
Tag: Add VLAN tag (outermost) for this Service
(Q in Q).
Forward: To subscriber Ethernet port.
Member of Service Group type: Pass through
Any type Forward packet unmodified to the subscriber Ethernet port .

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VLAN (802.1Q) Field Definitions

The tag is located at the position used for the EtherType/Size field in untagged frames.
Table 31: Diag. - 802.1Q Tag Field
16 bits 3 bits 1 bit 12 bits

Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID): 16-bit field set to 0x8100 identifies the IEEE 802.1Q-
tagged frame. Located at the EtherType/Size field position (untagged frame).
Priority Code Point (PCP): 3-bit field IEEE 802.1p priority bits from 0 (lowest) to 7
Canonical Format Indicator (CFI): 1-bit field. Value 0 indicates MAC address is in the
standard format for Ethernet switches.
VLAN Identifier (VID): 12-bit field specifying the VLAN. The VLAN value may be 1 to
4094. Value 0 indicates the 802.1Q tag is specifying only a priority.

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Chapter 6

6 Security
6.1 Overview
The Redline RDL-3000 family provides a high level of security and reliability. Security
options include wireless authentication using ECDSA certificates and wireless security
using AES encryption, SSH, HTTPS (SSL), and SNMP v3. Security features are
available based on product model and the installed options key ( ).
The RDL-3000 supports the following authentication features:
 ECDSA certificates for wireless authentication
 Challenge-response mechanism during the link setup
Management Security
The RDL-3000 includes security mechanisms for device management.
 TLS for HTTPS for secure Web access:
TLS 1.1: Software version 3.0
TLS 1.2: Software version 3.1 or higher
 SSH v2 for secure command line operation
 SNMP v3
Data Security
The RDL-3000 includes security mechanisms that provide sender authentication and
security and integrity for data sent over the wireless interface. These features include:
 Wireless speed encryption for data traffic
 Messages encrypted and validated using AES in CCM (Counter with Cipher Block
Chaining-Message Authentication Code)
 Separate keys for data traffic and key transport:
 Diffie-Hellman for key setup
 AES Wrap algorithm for key transport
 Keys are changed at random intervals
Physical Security
The Redline RDL-3000 is enclosed in a weatherproof aluminum alloy case. The
module’s enclosure is sealed using tamper-proof labels. The security of the RDL-3000
system is further increased by the following factors:
 FIPS-197 compliant platform security and optional FIPS-140-2 certified software
 Stream cipher cannot be reverse-engineered -- even by destroying the equipment
 Key generation algorithm cannot be reverse-engineered, even by destroying the radio
 MAC address of a system cannot be changed without damaging the equipment
 Two communicating RDL-3000 systems detecting they have the same MAC address
will immediately shut down
Important Security Guidelines:
1. Store encryption keys and certificate information in a secure location.
2. Always use secure transfer (e.g., SSH/SSL) to load keys and certificates.

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3. Use the RDL-3000 local Ethernet port to transfer encryption keys and certificates, or
SFTP when loading certificates or keys across an open network.

6.2 AES Encryption

AES 128 and AES 256 wireless encryption are provided as a standard feature. When
AES is enabled, the sector controller and all communicating wireless terminals must use
compatible settings.
Out of Box Operation
AES encryption is disabled by (factory) default. Use the security settings (Web UI) or CLI
to enable security features.
Enabling over-the-air encryption in an active sector requires the following four steps:
Step 1. Before you start
Step 2. Enable encryption on remote terminals (auto mode)
Step 3. Enable encryption on sector controller
Step 4. Enable encryption permanently on remote terminals (for Secure Mode only)
IMPORTANT: The setup steps must be performed in the specified order.

Step 1: Before You Start

The following is required before configuring the RDL-3000 unit for encrypted mode:
1. Compatible version of software:
Standard mode: v2.23 (or higher) / v3.0 or higher
2. Compatible version of hardware:
Supported on RDL-3000 systems.
3. Encryption-enabled Options Key
Where encryption is allowed by regional regulations AES 128 and AES 256
encryption are provided standard on RDL-3000 system permanent options keys.
AES encryption requires entering a shared key or ECDSA certificates on the sector
controller and each communicating wireless terminal.
4. User Interface
Encryption can be setup using the Web UI or CLI commands.
5. Service Window
Implementing encryption requires rebooting the wireless systems. When encryption
is enabled, the system will communicate only with other encryption-enabled systems
having the same shared key or an ECDSA certificate.
Step 2: Enable Encryption on Remote Terminals (Auto Mode)
Use this procedure to to add a shared key and enable AES 128 or AES 256 when the
sector is not currently using encryption. This procedure allows all setup steps to be
made over-the-air from the sector controller.
Note: When Enc AUTO MODE is enabled, the operator must temporarily disable this
feature to select an encryption type to view and modify the shared key field.
On each wireless terminal:
1. Disable Enc Auto Mode
2. Select Encryption Type = AES 128 or AES 256
3. Enter Shared Key (from step 1)
4. Select Encryption Type = None

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5. Enable Enc Auto Mode

6. Click Apply&Save
Step 3: Enable Encryption on Sector Controller
1. Enter Shared Key (from step 1)
2. Select Encryption Type = AES 128 or AES 256 (as required)
3. Click Apply&Save
4. Click Reboot
Step 4. This step is required only when Secure Mode or FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure
Mode operation is required. Secure mode requires encryption to be permanently
On the wireless terminal:
1. Disable Enc Auto Mode
2. Select Encryption Type = AES 128 or AES 256 (must match sector controller)
3. Click Apply&Save

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6.3 Wireless Authentication

Wireless authentication using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
certificates is an optional feature enabled by the options key ( ). Wireless
authentication is available based on model type. When authentication is enabled, the
sector controller and all wireless terminals must have ECDSA certificates installed.
Out-of-Box Operation
Wireless authentication is disabled by (factory) default and is not available to activate out
of the box.
Enabling ECDSA authentication requires the following four steps:
Step 1. Before you start
Step 2. Obtaining ECDSA-enabled options key
Step 3. Creating an ECDSA certificate request file
Step 4. Install ECDSA-enabled options key
Step 5. Load ECDSA response file
Step 6. Enable ECDSA authentication
IMPORTANT: The setup steps must be performed in the specified order.

Step 1: Before You Start

The following is required before configuring the RDL-3000 unit for ECDSA
1. Compatible version of hardware + software
Supported on RDL-3000 systems running v3.0 (or higher) software where the serial
number prefix is 157 or higher higher. Refer to the product release notes.
2. ECDSA-enabled Options key ( )
ECDSA-enabled options keys must be purchased for each system requiring
authentication. Options keys are unique for each RDL-system.
3. ECDSA Certificate Files
An ECDSA certificate response file must be obtained from Redline.
Refer to step 2 of this procedure. ECDSA files are unique for each system.
4. Encryption Support
AES 256 is mandatory on all systems using ECDSA authentication. Where
encryption is allowed by regional regulations the AES 256 encryption feature is
enabled on the ECDSA-enabled options key.
5. User Interface
A command line utility is required to setup wireless authentication. It is
recommended to use secure management interfaces when configuring network
security. Ensure the administrator has access to an SSH client (e.g., PuTTY).
A unique SSH key should be loaded for secure operation. See SSH for Secure CLI
in this section of the manual.
6. TFTP server
A TFPT server is required to retrieve the certificate request files from the systems
and to load the secure certificates and keys.
7. Service Window
Implementing authentication requires rebooting the wireless systems. When
authentication is enabled, the system will communicate only with other authentication
-enabled systems with installed ECDSA certificates.

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Step 1: Obtaining ECDSA-Enabled Options Key

ECDSA-enabled options keys must be purchased for each system requiring
authentication. Options keys are unique for each RDL-system. Contact Redline and
provide the MAC address for each system to be enabled for ECDSA authentication.
Options keys are supplied via email.
Step 2: Creating an ECDSA Certificate Request File
ECDSA certificates are not installed at the factory. Creating an ECDSA certificate and
key files is a three step process:
a. Create an ECDSA request file for target system
b. Obtain an ECDSA response file
c. Load ECDSA response file on target system to generate ECDSA certificate and keys
Review the following to determine the specific requirements to obtain an ECDSA
response file for each system. ECDSA response files are supplied via email.
V3.x Factory-Installed Software
For RDL-3000 systems factory shipped with v3.x software, Redline creates a factory-
generated ECDSA request file and the ECDSA certificate may be ordered directly by
providing only the system MAC address.
If the software version of the RDL-3000 system is not unknown, contact Redline and
provide the system MAC address to verify the factory-installed software version.
v2.xx Factory-Installed Software
For RDL-3000 systems factory shipped with v2.x software, the following procedure
must be performed for each system:
1. Upgrade system to v3.x software.
2. Generate an ECDSA certificate request file:
Use the genecckeys command to create a key file and an ECDSA certificate
request file.
genecckeys <tftp server ip> <cert-req_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.txt
where, xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx is the RDL-3000 MAC address.
Important: Running genecckeys on a v3.x factory installed system invalidates
the factory-generated ECDSA request file.
The key file (ecc_keypairT.ecc) is saved in the 'usr' file table and the certificate
request file (cert-req_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.txt) is automatically downloaded to the
TFTP server receive directory.
Use the show command to verify the file has been created in the 'usr' file table:
show files usr
For example:
genecckeys ecc_req_00-09-02-01-C1-9A.txt
show files usr
ecc_keypairT.ecc size=161 md5=f821c0c21ac9a2809140600832bf9340
3. Send the ECDSA Certificate Request File to Redline
The ECDSA Certificate request file must be transmitted to Redline for
a. Retrieve the certificate request file (cert-req_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.txt) from the
TFTP server receive folder.
b. Send the certificate request (via email) to your Redline representative for
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Important: There must be a purchased ECDSA authentication options key

registered at Redline for the system with the specified MAC address.
c. The response file is returned (via email) with the following naming
where, xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx is the MAC address of the wireless system.
Step 4: Install ECDSA Authentication Options Key
The ECDSA-enabled options key is a text string provided by Redline (via email) when
the ECDSA authentication option is ordered (Step 2 above). This string must be entered
into the Product Options configuration. Use the following CLI procedure to install and
activate the options key.
a. Use the set activekey command to determine the active options key.
set activekey
b. Enter the ECDSA-enabled options key into the non active options key field and make
this the active key.
set optionskey <1|2> <options_key_text>
c. Activate the ECDSA-enabled options key.
set activekey <1 | 2>
d. Save the configuration and reboot the system.
save config
For example,
set activekey
Active Options Key: 1 (YHFDO98J-KG76GTKK-81MFSUF-9LTCN8SI-J3ANT4PK)
set optionskey 2 (J3ANT4PK-9LTCN8SI-081MFSUF-YHFDO98J-KG76GTKK)
set activekey 2
save config
Step 5: Load ECDSA Response File
The ECDSA certificate response file (ecc_resp_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.rsp obtained in Step 3
above) is a text file provided by Redline (via email) when the ECDSA authentication
option is ordered. When this text file is uploaded (via TFTP) into the system usr file table
the system automatically generates the certificate file and keys.
The ECDSA response file must be loaded on the target system. Loading the response
file automatically generates the ECDSA certificate and keys. These files are stored in the
'usr' files table. This action must be performed before the ECDSA authentication can be
Use a TFTP server (secure connection) to load the file to the RDL-3000 with the
matching MAC address. When loaded, the system automatically generates the ECDSA
certificate and key files. The ECDSA certificates and keys are installed in the 'usr' file
a. Copy the response file (i.e., ecc_resp_<MAC>.txt) to the TFTP transmit folder.
b. Use the load command to upload the response file to the usr files table:
load file <tftp_server_ip> ecc_resp_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.rsp usr tftp
c. Use the show command to verify the file loaded and the certificate and key files
were generated:
show files usr
For example:
load ecc_resp_00-09-02-01-C1-9A.txt usr tftp
show files usr
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ecc_keypairT.ecc size=161 md5=f821c0c21ac9a2809140600832bf9340

ecc_keypair.ecc size=161 md5=f821c0c21ac9a2809140600832bf9340
ecc_cert.ecc size=454 md5=d6ca2942fc8fef9a89d300beafe692e6

Step 6: Enable ECDSA Authentication

It is important to plan the activation process for ECDSA authentication in a sector. When
authentication is enabled on a system, wireless communication is possible only with
other systems having ECDSA authentication enabled.
1. Use the set command to enable ECDSA Authentication.
set ecdsaauth on
2. Use the save command to save the configuration and then reboot the system.
save config

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6.4 SSH for Secure CLI

SSH provides secure access over an unsecured network when using the command line
interface (CLI). When SSH is required, unsecure methods (TELNET and HTTP) should
be disabled. Use an SSH client such as OpenSSH or Putty to access the RDL-3000
Out-of-Box Operation
SSH is disabled by (factory) default. For out-of-box operation, a temporary DSA key is
self-generated on reboot. The self-generated certificate is provided to assist with initial
setup only and does not provide a secure solution. It is strongly recommended to load a
unique user-generated DSA key file before using the SSH feature in a production
environment. The self-generated key feature is disabled by loading a key into the table.
IMPORTANT: Secure Mode Operation
When operating in Secure Mode or FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode (optional) any
unique operator generated SSH key must be loaded in the 'fips' file table. The 'fips' file
table is accessible only when Secure Mode is active.

Enabling SSH
SSH is disabled by (factory) default. Use the following steps to enable SSH.
Use Self Generated (Temporary) Key
For out-of-box operation, a temporary DSA key is self-generated on reboot.
1. Use the CLI or Web interface to enable SSH:
Web: Configuration screen -> Ethernet: SSH Enable
CLI: set SSH on
2. Save the configuration to activate changes.
3. Verify the radio is accessible using SSH and then disable HTTP and Telnet.
Use Operator Generated (Permanent) Key
The operator can create a permanent key using the self-generate feature or load an
externally generated key. Both operations disable the self-renewing key function. Use
one of the following methods to generate a key file:
Option 1: Create a DSA key using the CLI 'generate' command. This function self-
generates a key file and saves this value permanently in the user (usr) table. Reboot the
radio to activate the key.
generate SSHkey dsa
For Example: Generate a new DSA key file.
generate SSHkey dsa
Option 2: Use a commercially available tool to create the DSA key file. A TFTP server is
required to load an externally generated key file.
The selected tool must create a file that conforms to the following:
 Maximum key size is 2048 bits
 Key filename must be in the following format: dsa_key_<mac>.pem
Use a TFTP server to load the key file into the radio:
a. Copy the key file to the default directory of a TFTP server.
b. Load the key file from the TFTP server to the 'usr' file table.
load file <tftp_server_IP> dsa_key_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem usr tftp
c. Verify the files have been loaded.

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show files usr

d. Reboot the RDL-3000 system to activate changes.
For Example: Use TFTP server at IP address to load an SSH key file:
load file dsa_key_00-09-02-01-C1-9A.pem usr tftp
show files usr
dsa_key.pem size=672 md5=fa9bd7a1f465fd7e9fed30150b0608c4

IMPORTANT: Secure Mode Operation

For operation in Secure Mode (standard) or FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode
(optional) any unique operator generated SSL key must be loaded in the 'fips' file table.
The 'fips' file table is accessible only when Secure Mode is active.
Substitute 'fips' for 'usr' in the above instructions.

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6.5 HTTPS (SSL) for Secure Web

HTTPS provides secure access over an unsecured network. When HTTPS is required,
unsecure methods (TELNET and HTTP) should be disabled.
Out-of-Box Operation
HTTPS is disabled by (factory) default. For out-of-box operation an embedded certificate
is available when HTTPS is enabled. The embedded certificate is identical for all RDL-
3000 systems and is provided only to assist initial system configuration and does not
provide a secure solution. It is strongly recommended to load a unique user-generated
certificate and key before using the HTTPS feature in a production environment. The
embedded certificate feature is disabled by loading an SSL certificate into the table.
When using the embedded certificate, warning messages may be displayed based on
browser security (e.g., The security certificate presented was not issued by a trusted
certificate authority. The security certificate presented was issued for a different website
address.) This message does not interfere with the function and the operator has full
access to the Web interface.
IMPORTANT: Secure Mode Operation
For operation in Secure Mode (standard) or FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode
(optional) any unique operator generated SSL certificate must be loaded in the 'fips' file
table. The 'fips' file table is accessible only when Secure Mode is active.
Enabling HTTPS (SSL)
HTTPS (SSH) is disabled by (factory) default. Use the following steps to enable HTTPS.
Use Embedded (Temporary) Key
For out-of-box operation, a temporary embedded certificate is loaded on reboot.
1. Use the CLI or Web interface to enable SSH:
Web interface: Configuration screen -> Ethernet: HTTPS Enable
CLI Command: set HTTPS on
2. Save the configuration to activate changes.
3. Verify the radio is accessible using SSH, and then use the CLI or Web interface to
disable HTTP and Telnet.
To access the radio using HTTPS, the URL entered in the Web browser must specify
'HTTPS' or directly reference port 443.
Example: To access the radio when HTTPS is enabled (default IP shown): (Operator specifies port 443)
HTTPS:// (Web browser defaults to port 443)
Use Operator Generated (Permanent) Certificate
The operator can load a permanent externally generated key.
1. Use a commercially available tool to create the certificate and key files. A TFTP
server is required to load the certificate and key files. The certificate file must
conform to the following:
 Maximum file size is 1400 bytes
 Subject must match the access method (e.g., IP or name)
 Certificate filename must be formatted as follows: SSL_cert_<mac>.pem The
SSL key file must conform to the following: Maximum 2048 bits.
 Key filename must be formatted as follows: SSL_key_<mac>.pem The selected
tool must create a file that conforms to the following: Maximum key size is 2048
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 Key filename must be in the following format: dsa_key_<mac>.pem

2. Use a TFTP server to load the key file into the radio (option 2 only).
a. Copy the certificate and key files to the default directory of a TFTP server.
b. Use the load command to copy the key file from the TFTP server to the user (usr)
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_cert_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem usr tftp
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_key_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem usr tftp
c. Verify the files have been loaded.
show files usr
d. Reboot the radio to activate changes.
Example: Use TFTP server at IP address to load an SSH key file:
load file SSL_cert 00-09-02-01-C1-9A.pem usr tftp
load file SSL_key_00-09-02-01-C1-9A.pem usr tftp
show files usr
dsa_key.pem size=672 md5=fa9bd7a1f465fd7e9fed30150b0608c4
usr_SSL_key.der size=1194 md5=1c5c5ddd0f08604a3b48cf41a8570557
usr_SSL_cert.der size=1144 md5=ff0ce6923fc67a02d1e7bc6fa4856f94
3. Use the CLI or Web interface to enable SSH:
Web: Configuration screen -> Ethernet: HTTPS Enable
CLI: set HTTPS on
4. Save the configuration to activate changes.
5. Verify the radio is accessible using SSH, and then use the CLI or Web interface to
disable HTTP and Telnet.
To access the radio using HTTPS, the URL entered in the Web browser must specify
'HTTPS' or directly reference port 443.
Example: To access the radio when HTTPS is enabled (default IP shown): (Operator specifies port 443)
HTTPS:// (Web browser defaults to port 443)

IMPORTANT: Secure Mode Operation

For operation in Secure Mode (standard) or FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode
(optional) any unique operator generated SSL key must be loaded in the 'fips' file table.
The 'fips' file table is accessible only when Secure Mode is active.
Substitute 'fips' for 'usr' in the above instructions.

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6.6 Secure Mode Setup

Secure Mode Overview
Secure Mode is a standard feature on the RDL-3000 platform. Secure mode disables all
unsecure interfaces and modes of operation on the RDL-3000 system (e.g.,
management protocols that transmit data in clear text). All user authentication (including
SNMP v3) is performed using SHA and AES privacy and a password policy is enforced.
When first enabling secure mode, AES 128 or AES 256 must be enabled and only SSH
access to the management interface is allowed -- all unsecure interfaces are disabled.
The operator can then optionally load keys and certificates for SSH and/or SSL for
management interface access, and ECDSA for authentication as required. All keys and
certificates for secure mode operation must be loaded in the 'fips' table. This table is
available only when Secure Mode is enabled.
When the system is operating in secure mode:
 FIPS-197 compliant
 AES 128 or AES 256 encryption is enabled
 User account settings conform to security policy:
Passwords: 8 characters minimum
Authentication: SHA
Privacy: AES
 Unsecure management protocols are disabled
 One of more secure management protocols are available:
 Long-reset procedure is disabled
 Certificates and keys for secure mode operation can be loaded only while this mode
is active.

Secure Mode Out-of-Box Operation

Secure Mode (FIPS-197 compliant) is supported out of the box for RDL-3000 systems
running a compatible software version. Initial steps can be performed using the Web
GUI. When Secure Mode is enabled, final setup steps must be performed using SSL.
Enabling operation in Secure Mode requires the following four steps:
Step 1. Before you start
Step 2. Prepare initial security settings
Step 3. Enable Secure Mode
Step 4. Setup additional security (as required)
IMPORTANT: The setup steps must be performed in the specified order.

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Step 1: Before You Start

The following is required before configuring the RDL-3000 unit for Secure Mode:
1. Compatible version of software:
v3.2 (or higher) Secure Mode (FIPS-197 compliant) .
2. Compatible version of hardware:
Secure Mode is supported on all RDL-3000 platforms.
3. Encryption Support
Where encryption is allowed by regional regulations AES 128 and AES 256
encryption are provided standard on RDL-3000 system permanent options keys.
AES encryption requires entering a shared key or ECDSA certificates on the sector
controller and each communicating wireless terminal.
4. User Interface
When Secure Mode is enabled for the first time, the operator is only be able to
access to the management interface using SSH. (web services are disabled). Ensure
the operator has access to an SSH client (e.g., PuTTY).
5. SSH Key
When Secure Mode is enabled for the first time, the operator has access to the
management interface using a self-generated DSA key. A unique DSA key should be
generated and loaded before deployment to a production environment.
6. SSL Certificate & Key (Optional)
SSL certificates are optional for device configuration and monitoring. When Secure
Mode is enabled for the first time, the secure mode table (fips) does not include an
SSL certificate and key. If HTTPS access is required, a unique SSL certificate and
key should be generated and loaded before deployment to a production
7. ECDSA-enabled Options Key ( ) (Optional)
ECDSA certificates are optional for device authentication.
Step 2: Prepare Security Settings
The system security settings must be reviewed and adjusted as required before Secure
Mode can be enabled.
1. Adjust User Account Settings
All user accounts (admin and user type) must conform to the Secure Mode security
policy. This requires a minimum of eight characters for all passwords and all
accounts must be enabled for authentication (SHA) and privacy (AES).
The operator must create new compatible 'admin'; and 'user' type account
passwords as required and then delete all non-compatible accounts. Note that there
must always be at least one 'admin' type account.
Example: Sample username/password combinations.
admin / admin: Not acceptable
admin / admin678: Acceptable

IMPORTANT: Record system passwords in store in a secure location. User lockout

(e.g., loss of admin password) can be recovered only by returning unit to the factory.

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2. Disable RADIUS
The RADIUS service is not allowed in Secure Mode operation and is automatically
disabled when Secure Mode is activated. The RDL-3000 will use only local
authentication and privacy settings.
IMPORTANT: If RADIUS service was enabled, verify access using only local user
authentication and privacy settings. User lockout can be recovered only by returning
unit to the factory.

3. Encryption
The encryption type must be set explicitly to AES 128 or AES 256 before enabling
secure mode operation.
If Enc Auto Mode is enabled when Secure Mode is activated, Enc Auto Mode is
automatically disabled and the encryption type defaults to 'None'.
IMPORTANT: If Secure Mode is activated (following reboot) with no encryption the
RF is automatically disabled. This setting must be manually re-enabled after
disabling Secure Mode and rebooting the system.

4. Enable and verify user access using SSH.

In the Configuration->Settings screen, check the box for SSH enable .
It is strongly recommended to enable and verify access to the RDL-3000 using SSH
before disabling HTTP and Telnet. SSH is the only method of access to complete the
settings after Secure Mode is enabled (HTTPS is disabled until certificates are
loaded while in secure mode, and SNMP v3 provides only limited access).
Important: Failure to enable and verify SSH before enabling Secure Mode can
result in user lockout from the management interface. User lockout in Secure mode
can be recovered only by returning unit to the factory.

5. Enable SNMP v3 (if required).

If SNMP is required, the RDL-3000 must be configured for SNMP v3. If SNMP v2 is
selected when Secure Mode is activated, this setting is forced to SNMP v3.
If there is no SSL certificate and key file pair in the secure mode table (fips), HTTPS
is forced to off. The operator must manually enable HTTPS after loading an SSL
certificate and key to the fips table while in secure mode.
Step 3: Enable/Save/Activate Secure Mode
Enabling secure mode is a three step process:
1. Enable the Secure Mode setting
In the Configuration->Settings screen, click to enable Secure Mode.
The following settings are forced immediately when the operator checks the Secure
mode enable control :
Telnet: Off
Enc Auto Mode: Off
SNMP: V3 (if V2 selected)
User Authentication: Local Only

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IMPORTANT: Ensure SSH is enabled before applying/saving changes.

2. Click Apply&Save
The operator must click Apply & Save to save the configuration changes in non
volatile memory.
3. Reboot to Activate Secure Mode
Following the operator clicking Apply&Save in the precious step, the RDL-3000
system is not yet operating in Secure Mode. An active wireless link will remain
established until the system is rebooted.
Reboot the RDL-3000 system to activate Secure Mode. The following changes are
applied on reboot:
HTTPS: Forced off if no SSL certificates in the fips table.
Radio Mode: Forced off if encryption is disabled.
Step 4: Setup Additional Security (As Required)
When Secure Mode is disabled all key and certificates loaded for SSH, HTTPS (SSL)
and authentication (ECDSA) are stored in the 'usr' table.
When operating in Secured Mode all keys and certificates must be entered into the 'fips'
table. The fips table is available only when Secure Mode is active. The operator must
use SSH to load key and certificate files into the fips table by using a TFTP server.
For initial setup purposes, the self-generated DSA key (SSH) is automatically loaded.
This self-generated key is not secure and must be replaced with a unique user-
generated key before deploying in a production environment.
Refer to the sections for SSH, HTTPS (SSL) and ECDSA earlier in this chapter for
instructions to load certificates and keys for these features. All keys and certificates must
be loaded in the 'fips' table. Substitute 'fips' for 'usr' in the instructions.
For example,
SSL Certificate & File
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_cert_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem fips tftp
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_key_ xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem fips tftp
show files fips

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6.7 FIPS-140-2 Certified Secure Mode Setup

FIPS-140-2 Secure Mode Overview
FIPS-140-2 certified Secure Mode is an optional feature available through the purchase
of a FIPS-140-2 enabled options key ( ).This option requires a FIPS-140-2 certified
version of RDL-3000 software. When a FIPS-140-2 enabled options key is active, a
'FIPS Status' field is displayed in the Web UI banner and the 'FIPS Certification Status' is
displayed on the Web UI System Status page (CLI: show stats 'fipsstatus'). FIPS-140-2
certified operation requires ECDSA certificates to be purchased and installed.
Secure mode disables all unsecure interfaces and modes of operation on the RDL-3000
system (e.g., management protocols that transmit data in clear text). When the FIPS-
compliant Secure Mode mode is active, it is providing the strongest standards based
encryption for information secrecy and integrity against eavesdropping. Built-in security
mechanisms protect against denial-of-service, replay attacks, and the strongest
standards-based authentication algorithm to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
At power-up and reboot, the RDL-3000 performs tests on hardware and software
components to detect tampering. The RDL-3000 is allowed to start only if all hardware
and firmware components pass the related integrity check and both the active and
alternate software images pass the integrity check.
The RDL-3000 provides secure system access and management with user
authentication over SSH and/or HTTPS using FIPS-compliant algorithms. The system
also provides authentication for network connections and certification based
authentication over the wireless interface and hardware-based AES-256 encryption. If
SNMP v3 is enabled, authentication is performed using SHA and AES privacy and a
password policy is enforced. All keys and certificates for FIPS-140-2 mode operation
must be loaded in the 'fips' table. This table is available only when Secure Mode is
When the system is operating in FIPS-140-2 secure mode:
 Power-up integrity check on hardware and software components
 AES 256 encryption is enabled
 User account settings conform to security policy:
Passwords: 8 characters minimum
Authentication: SHA
Privacy: AES
 Unsecure management protocols are disabled
 One of more secure management protocols are available:
 Long-reset procedure is disabled
 Certificates and keys for FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode operation can be loaded
only while this mode is active.

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FIPS-140-2 Secure Mode Out-of-Box Operation

FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is supported out of the box for RDL-3000 systems
running a compatible software version. Initial setup steps can be performed using the
Web GUI. When FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is enabled the final setup steps must
be performed using SSL.
Enabling operation in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode requires the following four
Step 1. Before you start
Step 2. Prepare initial security settings
Step 3. Enable FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode
Step 4. Setup SSL and wireless security (as required)
Important: The setup steps must be performed in the specified order.

Step 1: Before You Start

The following is required before configuring the RDL-3000 unit for FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode:
1. Compatible version of software:
v3.01: FIPS-140-2 Certified (in-process at pub. date)
Supported for RDL-3000 Ellipse, Edge and eLTE-MT
Note: RDL-3000 serial number prefix must be between 157 and 265.
2. Compatible version of hardware:
Supported only for the following platforms.
RDL-3000 Ellipse: S/N prefixes 157-160, 209, 213, 229, 261
RDL-3000 Edge: S/N prefixes 161-164, 214, 227, 231, 263-265
RDL-3000 eLTE-MT: S/N prefixes 165-168, 192, 193, 195, 199, 225, 257
3. Encryption Support
Where encryption is allowed by regional regulations AES 128 and AES 256
encryption are provided standard on RDL-3000 system permanent options keys.
AES encryption requires entering a shared key or ECDSA certificates on the
sector controller and each communicating wireless terminal.
4. ECDSA Certificates
ECDSA certificates are mandatory for authentication on all systems running FIPS-
140-2 certified secure mode. Certificates can be loaded only after FIPS-140-2
certified secure mode is enabled.
5. User Interface
When FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is initially enabled, the operator has access
to the management interface only by using an SSH client application. The http and
HTTPS (SSL) web services are disabled.
6. SSH Key
When FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is enabled for the first time, the operator
has access to the management interface using an embedded DSA key. The SSH
interface uses a self-generated key for the initial setup steps. A unique SSH key
should be generated and loaded in the fips table before deployment to a production

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IMPORTANT: User lockout (e.g., SSH not enabled) in FIPS-140-2 certified secure
mode can be recovered only by returning unit to the factory. FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode disables long reset.

7. SSL Certificate & Key

When FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is enabled for the first time, the secure (fips)
table does not include an SSL certificate and key. If HTTPS access is required, a
unique SSL certificate and key should be generated and loaded in the fips table
before deployment to a production environment.
Step 2: Prepare Security Settings
The system security settings must be reviewed and adjusted as required before FIPS-
140-2 certified secure mode can be enabled.
1. Adjust User Account Settings
All user accounts (admin and user type) must conform to the FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode security policy. This requires a minimum of eight characters for all
passwords and all accounts must be enabled for authentication (SHA) and privacy
The operator must create new compatible 'admin'; and 'user' type account
passwords as required and then delete all non-compatible accounts. Note that there
must always be at least one 'admin' type account.
Example: Sample username/password combinations.
admin / admin: Not acceptable
admin / admin678: Acceptable

IMPORTANT: Record system passwords in store in a secure location. User lockout

(e.g., loss of admin password) can be recovered only by returning unit to the factory
(FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode disables the long reset procedure).

2. Disable RADIUS
The RADIUS service is not allowed in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode operation
and is automatically disabled when FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated.
The RDL-3000 will use only local authentication and privacy settings.
IMPORTANT: If RADIUS service was enabled, verify access using only local user
authentication and privacy settings. User lockout (e.g., RADIUS server disabled) can
be recovered only by returning unit to the factory.

3. Encryption
The encryption type must be set explicitly to AES 256 before enabling FIPS-140-2
certified secure mode operation.
If Enc Auto Mode is enabled when FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated,
Enc Auto Mode is automatically disabled and the encryption type defaults to 'None'.
IMPORTANT: If FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated (following reboot) with
no encryption the RF is automatically disabled. This setting must be manually re-
enabled after disabling FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode and rebooting the system.

4. Enable and verify user access using SSH.

In the Configuration->Settings screen, check the box for SSH enable .

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It is strongly recommended to enable and verify access to the RDL-3000 using SSH
before disabling HTTP and Telnet. SSH is the only method of access to complete the
settings after FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is enabled (HTTPS is disabled until
certificates are loaded while in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode, and SNMP v3
provides only limited access).
Important: Failure to enable and verify SSH before enabling FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode can result in user lockout from the management interface. User lockout
in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode can be recovered only by returning unit to the

5. Enable SNMP v3 (if required).

If SNMP is required, the RDL-3000 must be configured for SNMP v3. If SNMP v2 is
selected when FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated, this setting is forced to
SNMP v3.
If there is no SSL certificate and key file pair in the fips table, HTTPS is forced to off.
The operator must manually enable HTTPS after loading an SSL certificate and key
to the fips table while in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode.
Step 3: Enable/Save/Activate FIPS-140-2 certified Secure Mode
Enabling FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is a three step process:
1. Enable the FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode setting:
In the Configuration->Settings screen, check the box for 'Secure Mode enable '.
The following settings are forced immediately when the operator checks the control:
Telnet: Off
Enc Auto Mode: Off
SNMP: V3 (if V2 selected)
User Authentication: Local Only

IMPORTANT: Ensure SSH is enabled.

2. Save the Modified Configuration

Click Apply&Save to save the configuration changes in non volatile memory.
IMPORTANT: After clicking Apply&Save the RDL-3000 system is not operating in
FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode. The system must be rebooted.

3. Reboot to Activate Secure Mode

Reboot the RDL-3000 system to activate FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode. The
following changes are applied on reboot:
HTTPS: Forced off if no SSL certificates in the fips table.
Radio Mode: Forced off if encryption is disabled.
Step 4: Setup Additional Security (As Required)
All keys and certificates for FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode must be entered into the
'fips' table while FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is active. The operator must use SSH
to load key and certificate files into the fips table by using a TFTP server.

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For initial setup purposes, the self-generated DSA key (SSH) is automatically loaded.
This self-generated key is not secure and must be replaced with a unique user-
generated key before deploying in a production environment.
Refer to the sections for SSH, HTTPS (SSL) and ECDSA earlier in this chapter for
instructions to load certificates and keys for these features.

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Chapter 7

7 Technical Reference
7.1 Modify CIR/PIR Settings for Services on STID Links
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changing CIR / PIR for Services on STID Link Templates
Failure to follow the procedures in this section when changing the CIR / PIR
settings on services associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF
COMMUNICATIONS to all wireless terminals on the sector controller.

The procedures in this section must be used when changing the CIR / PIR settings on
services associated with STID link templates. This procedure is not required for
changing any other Link, Service, or Group CIR or PIR settings.

7.1.1 Modify STID CIR / PIR Silently (No Reboot)

Use this procedure to modify CIR/PIR settings for services on STID link templates
without rebooting the sector controller. This procedure modifies removes the current
STID link template and all associated services, and then creates a new link template
with identical name and password settings, and new services with the required CIR / PIR
settings. It is important to record all link and service settings before deleting the current
STID link template and services.
Note; During this procedure, all wireless terminals using the STID link template being
modified will be disconnected from the sector controller. These connections are restored
automatically following completion of the procedure. Other links are not affected.
1. Login to the sector controller Web interface.
2. Select Provisioning -> Subscriber Links to view all links and identify the STID link
with services that require changes to the CIR / PIR settings.
3. Click on the STID link name to view and record the current configuration settings for
the STID link (e.g., use screen capture).
4. Click beside the STID link name to show all services associated with that link.
a. Click on the name of each service to view and record the current configuration
settings for each service (e.g., use screen capture).
b. Click on the trashcan ( ) adjacent to the service name to delete the service
(deletes service configuration).
c. Repeat (a) and (b) for all services associated with the STID link.
5. Click on the trashcan ( ) adjacent to the STID link name to delete the STID link
(deletes the STID link template).
6. Select Provisioning -> New Subscriber Link to create a new STID link template.
Select the link type to be 'Template' and configure all fields to be identical to the
STID link template settings saved in step 2. The STID name and STID password
must be identical to the original STID link. Save the new link template.
7. Select Provisioning -> New Subscriber Service to create a new service.
Enter the new CIR / PIR settings. Configure the remaining fields to match the
configuration settings saved in step 3. Save the new service.
Repeat to re-create all the services used by the original STID link.
This completes the procedure. It is not required to reboot the sector controller.
Subscribers using this updated STID link template will reconnect automatically using the
new CIR / PIR settings following completion of the procedure.
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7.1.2 Modify CIR / PIR Settings in a Maintenance Window

Use this procedure to modify CIR/PIR settings for services on STID link templates during
a scheduled maintenance window when it is acceptable for the sector controller to be
taken offline for a short period. The operator must reboot the sector controller at the end
of the procedure.
1. Verify the maintenance window period is active.
2. Login to the sector controller Web interface.
3. Select Provisioning -> Subscriber Links to view all configured links.
4. Identify the STID link with services requiring changes to the CIR / PIR settings.
a) Click to show all services associated with that link.
b) Click on the name of a service to edit the service configuration and enter new CIR
/ PIR settings.
c) Save the modified service configuration.
5. Repeat step 4 as required to modify services for other STID templates.
6. Reboot the sector controller to activate all changes.
IMPORTANT: Failure to reboot the sector controller at the end of this procedure will
result in LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all wireless terminals on the sector
This completes the procedure.

7.2 ID Mapping
The following table lists the ID ranges assigned for each provisioning type.
Table 32: Ref. - RDL-3000 ID Ranges
Description ID Range Total
Links 4-127 124
Service Groups 128-159 32
Services 160-511 352

7.3 Radio Types

Type of radio installed. Refer to the Web General Information screen or CLI 'get
radiotype' command.
Table 33: Ref. -RDL-3000 Radio Types
Radio Type Frequency Range (MHz)
T072x 470 - 698
T212x 2000 - 2300
T202x 2300 - 2800
T352x 3300 - 3800
T502x 4940 - 5875

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7.4 Frequency Scanning Modes

The following table describes the three main operation modes for the RDL-3000.
Adaptive Modulation and Auto Frequency Scan must be enabled.
Table 34: Ref. - 802.1Q Tag Field
Auto Threshold Description
Disabled Disabled The wireless link can be established only at the frequency
specified in the RF Freq. [MHz] field. If the wireless link is
lost, the terminal continuously monitors the RF channel for
an opportunity to re-establish the link.
Enabled Disabled Auto Frequency Scan is enabled and the terminal is
configured with one or more frequency ranges.
If the wireless link is lost, the terminal continues to monitor
the RF channel for an opportunity to re-establish a link with
the same sector controller ('stickiness'). If the wireless link
is not restored within the period specified by the Stickiness
Timer (e.g., 300 seconds), the terminal starts a new
frequency scan.
Enabled Enabled Subscriber Link Configuration screen settings:
 Threshold timer: enabled
 Timeout value is entered (def./recommended: 45 s)
 Threshold is minimum UBR for uplink and downlink
If the wireless link is lost, the terminal continues to monitor
the RF channel for an opportunity to re-establish a link with
the same sector controller ('stickiness'). If the wireless link
is not restored within the period specified by the Stickiness
Timer (e.g., 300 seconds), the terminal starts a new
frequency scan.
If the link is active, but the uplink or downlink UBR level
drops below the minimum UBR threshold for an period
exceeding the Threshold Timer value, the terminal drops
the wireless link and starts a new frequency scan.

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7.5 Auto Frequency Scan

Phase I - Scan Local Frequency Ranges
All Local Frequency Ranges are examined and frequency ranges are converted to lists
of channels based on the current channel size setting (MHz). The list is sorted and
duplicate channels are removed. Beginning with the lowest frequency, channels are
sampled for 0.5 seconds. If a base station signal is detected the channel frequency,
RSSI, and antenna beam direction (RAS only) are recorded.
Phase II - Register with a Discovered Sector Controller
When all channels have been monitored for RF signals, the subscriber attempts to
establish a wireless link with the sector controller with the highest measured signal
strength. During each attempt, the subscriber must monitor the sector controller signals
and wait for an opportunity join the network. The total negotiation time to achieve 'link up'
includes initial monitoring to ensure the subscriber can correctly decode the sector
controller signals, channel size, encryption, etc and may range from 0.4 - 6.5 seconds.
It the connection attempt is unsuccessful, attempts are repeated as required for all
channels in the list in order of decreasing measured signal level. If all attempts are
unsuccessful, or the list is empty, Phase I is repeated.
Phase III - Fallback to Scanning All Channels
If the Local Frequency Ranges list is empty, or Phase I & II has been repeated for eight
hours without registering with a sector controller, the subscriber switches to a full
spectrum frequency scan to monitor all available channels on the radio. At the
completion of each full frequency sweep, registration attempts are performed as
described in Phase II. The full scan repeats indefinitely.
Note: For RAS systems, the scan is optimized for based on scanning per beam (based
on antenna beamwidth):
1. Select a beam.
2. Scan local frequency ranges frequencies.
3. If sector controller(s) discovered then attempt registration.
4. If no sector controllers are discovered or attempts to register are unsuccessful, return
to step 1.

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Typical Link Connection Time

The subscriber registration time is dependent on the frame type, frame size and the
encryption settings.
For the following examples, the RDL-3000 sector controller and terminal are both
powered-on, have completed their power-up sequences and the sector is operating
under normal conditions (e.g., not recovering from power outage). The terminal has Auto
Frequency Scan and Adaptive Modulation enabled, a 10 ms frame size and ten discrete
channels are defined in the frequency ranges list. Note that registrations are processed
serially by the sector controller.

Table 35: Ref. - Typical Maximum Time to Register Terminal

Settings Fixed Frame (10 Variable Frame
No Encryption 0.5 s 0.3 s
AES 256 1.0 s 1.0 s
ECDSA + AES 256 3.5 s 4.0 s

Table 36: Ref. - Examples of Maximum Time to Register Terminal

Deployment Scenario Scan Max Time Total
Time to Register Time
Fixed terminal, variable frame, no encryption 5s 0.3 s 5.3 s
Fixed terminal, variable frame, AES 256 5s 1s 6s
Fixed terminal, fixed frame, ECDSA, AES 256 5s 4.2 s 9.2 s
Nomadic terminal (RAS-Elite, 10 beams), 12 x 5 1s 6 - 61 s
variable frame, AES 256

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7.6 Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Support

Software version 2.23/2.25 Update 9 and higher supports LLDP. Each Redline LLDP
Data Unit (Frame) consists of the following TLVs:
Table 37: Ref. – Redline LLDP Data Unit (Frame) TLVs
TLV_CHASSIS_ID MAC of the radio
TLV_PORT_ID Ethernet interface name in binary form
TLV_TIME_TO_LIVE Time the receiver should keep the content of
the LLDP packets
TLV_PORT_DESC Ethernet interface name in ASCII form
TLV_SYSTEM_NAME System name ('RDL-3000 USN')
TLV_SYSTEM_DESC System description ('RDL-3000 USN,Redline
Communications Inc. - www.rdlcom.com')
TLV_MGMNT_ADDR IP address of the RDL-3000 system
TLV_ORG_SPECIFIC-TIA-INVENTORY * Inventory TLV with serial number of the radio
TLV_ORG_SPECIFIC-TIA-INVENTORY * Inventory TLV with software version
TLV_ORG_SPECIFIC-TIA-INVENTORY * Inventory TLV with manufacturer name
TLV_ORG_SPECIFIC-802.3-POWER TLV with power requirement for the RDL-3000
TLV_ORG_SPECIFIC-REDLINE-WIRELESS Redline-specific TLV (see below)
1. Not present on revisions of RDL-3000 hardware with serial number prefixes 100-148.

Table 38: Ref. - Redline-Specific LLDP TLV

Field TLV Length OUI Subtype RF Channel Power Link
Type Frequency Size (dBm) Status
Size 7 bits 9 bits 3 octets 1 octet 4 octets 1 octet 1 octet 1 octet
Value 127 11 00 09 02 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4

1. Frequency in KHz
2. Channel size. See following table for channel size for each index value.
Table 39: Ref. - LLDP TLV Channel Size Index
0.875 1.25 1.75 2.5 3.5 5 7 10 14 20
8 10 9 11 0 3 1 4 2 5
3. Power in dBm. Where power in dBm is signed value from -127 dBm to +127 dBm.
4. Link Status: 0=down, 1=up

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Chapter 8

8 Deployment Information
8.1 Regional Codes
The regional code integrated into each options key limits the available frequency bands,
transmit power, DFS and other settings in compliance with the regional regulatory
statutes where the system is being deployed.

Table 40: Ref. - Regional Identification Codes

Region Band Chan. Freq 2, 10 DFS 1 Max. Tx Power (dBm)
Code (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) CBP Integrated External RF
WSDB Std. HAZ12 Std. HAZ12
Region 01 Default = 5800 MHz
ME / CALA 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5 15 11 N/A 22
5.8G 10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840
Region 02 Default = 5800 MHz
UK 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5792.5 DFS 17 11 N/A 22
5.8G 5 5817.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5790
10 5820 to 5845
20 5735 to 5785
20 5825 to 5840
Region 03 Default = 5800 MHz
EU 5472.5 to 5722.5 5 5475 to 5720 DFS 17 11 N/A 22
5.4 10 5477.5 to 5717.5
20 5482.5 to 5712.5
Notch 5600 to 5650
5.8G 5725 to 5875 5 5727.5 to 5872.5
10 5730 to 5870
20 5735 to 5865
Region 04 Default = 5800 MHz
Oman, US, 5472.5 to 5722.5 5 5475 to 5720 DFS 15 11 N/A 22
Canada 10 5477.5 to 5717.5
5.4 20 5482.5 to 5712.5
Notch 5600 to 5650
5.8G 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840
Region 05 Default = 5800 MHz
IC 4.9G 4940 to 4990 5 4942.5 to 4987.5 18 11 N/A 22
10 4945 to 4985
20 4950 to 4980
IC 5.3G 5250 to 5347.5 5 5252.5 to 5345 DFS
10 5255 to 5342.5
20 5260 to 5337.5
IC 5.4G 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5597.5 DFS
5652.5 to 5722.5
10 5475 to 5595
5655 to 5720
20 5480 to 5590
5660 to 5715
Notch 5600 to 5650
IC 5.8G 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840

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Regional Identification Codes

Region Band Chan. Freq 2, 10 DFS 1 Max. Tx Power (dBm)
Code (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) CBP Integrated External RF
WSDB Std. HAZ12 Std. HAZ12
Region 06 Default = 5800 MHz
FCC 4.9G 4940 to 4990 5 4942.5 to 4987.5 19 11 N/A 22
10 4945 to 4985
20 4950 to 4980
FCC 5.1G 5150 to 5250 5 5155 to 5247.5
10 5160 to 5245
20 5170 to 5240
FCC 5.3G 5250 to 5347.5 5 5252.5 to 5345 DFS
10 5255 to 5342.5
20 5260 to 5337.5
FCC 5.4G 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5597.5 DFS
5652.5 to 5722.5
10 5475 to 5595
5655 to 5720
20 5480 to 5590
5660 to 5715
Notch 5600 to 5650
FCC 5.8G 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840
Region 07 Default = 5800 MHz
FCC 5.1G 5150 to 5250 5 5155 to 5247.5 15 11 N/A 22
10 5160 to 5245
20 5170 to 5240
FCC 5.3G 5250 to 5350 5 5252.5 to 5345 DFS
10 5255 to 5342.5
20 5260 to 5337.5
FCC 5.4G 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5597.5 DFS
5652.5 to 5722.5
10 5475 to 5595
5655 to 5720
20 5480 to 5590
5660 to 5715
Notch 5600 to 5650
FCC 5.8G 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840
Region 8 Default = 3500 MHz
CE 3.5 G 3300 to 3800 3.5 3301.75 to 3798.25 23 15 N/A 23
5 3302.5 to 3797.5
7 3303.5 to 3796.5
10 3305 to 3795
14 3307 to 3793
20 3310 to 3790
Region 9 Default = 3660 MHz
Can/US 3650 to 3675 5 3652.5 to 3672.5 22 15 N/A 21
3.6G 10 3655 to 3670
3675 to 3700 5 3677.5 to 3697.5 CBP
10 3680 to 3695 CBP
Region 10 Default = 2600 MHz
ETSI 2500 to 2690 5 2502.5 to 2687.5 22 15 17 15
2.5G 10 2505 to 2685
20 2510 to 5680
Region 11 Default = 2440 MHz
Canada 2400 to 2483 5 2402.5 to 2481 18 15 17 18
2.4G 10 2405 to 2478.5
20 2410 to 2473.5

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Regional Identification Codes

Region Band Chan. Freq 2, 10 DFS 1 Max. Tx Power (dBm)
Code (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) CBP Integrated External RF
WSDB Std. HAZ12 Std. HAZ12
Region 12 Default = 545 MHz
US 470 to 698 6 473 to 599 WSDB 18 18 18 18
470-698 6 623 to 695
Notch 602 to 620
Region 13 Default = 545 MHz
Canada 512 to 698 6 515 to 599 22 22 20 22
470-698 6 623 to 695
12 518 to 596
12 626 to 692
Notch 602 to 620
Region 14 Default = 2600 MHz
US 2496 to 2690 1.25 2496.75 to 2689.25 23 15 17 23
2.5G 2.5 2497.25 to 2688.75
BRS Band 5 2498.50 to 2687.50
10 2501.00 to 2685.00
Region 15 Default = 500 MHz
Thailand 470 to 530 5 472.5 to 527.5 23 N/A N/A 23
470-530 10 475 to 525
20 480 to 520
Region 16 Default = 2310 MHz
Canada 2305 to 2320 5 2308 to 2317 18 15 17 18
2.3G & 2348 to 2357.5
2345 to 2360 10 2310 to 2314.5
2350.5 to 2355
Region 17 Default = 5800 MHz
Argentina 5725 to 5850 10 5730 to 5845 22 N/A N/A 22
5.7-5.8 G 20 5735 to 5840
Region 18 Default = 5800 MHz
Integrated 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5597.5 DFS 22 N/A N/A N/A
RAS 5652.5 to 5722.5
5.4 G 10 5475 to 5595
5655 to 5720
20 5480 to 5590
5660 to 5715
Notch 5600 to 5650
5.8 G 5725 to 5850 5 5727.5 to 5847.5
10 5730 to 5845
20 5735 to 5840
Region 19 Default = 4960 MHz
Integrated 4940 to 4990 5 4942.5 to 4987.5 22 N/A N/A N/A
RAS 10 4945 to 4985
4.9 20 4950 to 4980
5.4 5250 to 5347.5 5 5252.5 to 5345 DFS
10 5255 to 5342.5
20 5260 to 5337.5
Region 20 Default = 2080 MHz
EU 2.0-2.1G 2025 to 2110 3.5 2026.75 to 2108.25 28 17 16 28
5 2027.50 to 2107.50
7 2028.50 to 2106.50
10 2030.00 to 2105.00
14 2032.00 to 2103.00
Region 21 Default = 2260 MHz
EU 2.2-2.3G 2200 to 2290 3.5 2201.75 to 2288.25 28 17 16 28
5 2202.50 to 2287.50
7 2203.50 to 2286.50
10 2205.00 to 2285.00
14 2207.00 to 2283.00

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Regional Identification Codes

Region Band Chan. Freq 2, 10 DFS 1 Max. Tx Power (dBm)
Code (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) CBP Integrated External RF
WSDB Std. HAZ12 Std. HAZ12
Region 22 Default = 2080 MHz
EU 2.0-2.3G 2025 to 2290 3.5 2026.75 to 2108.25 28 17 16 28
2201.75 to 2288.25
5 2027.50 to 2107.50
2202.50 to 2287.50
7 2028.50 to 2106.50
2203.50 to 2286.50
10 2030.00 to 2105.00
2205.00 to 2285.00
14 2032.00 to 2103.00
2207.00 to 2283.00
Region 23 Default = 2080 MHz
Oman 2.1G 2070 to 2290 3.5 2071.75 to 2108.25 28 17 16 28
2246.75 to 2288.25
5 2072.50 to 2107.50
2247.50 to 2287.50
7 2073.50 to 2106.50
2248.50 to 2286.50
10 2076.00 to 2105.00
2250.00 to 2285.00
14 2077.00 to 2103.00
2252.00 to 2283.00
Region 24 Default = 545 MHz
Pakistan 470 to 698 3.5 471.75 to 600.25 N/A N/A N/A 28
600 MHz 621.75 to 696.25
5 472.50 to 599.50
622.50 to 695.50
7 473.50 to 598.50
623.50 to 694.50
10 475.00 to 597.00
625.00 to 693.00
14 477.00 to 595.00
627.00 to 691.00
20 480.00 to 592.00
630.00 to 688.00
Notch 602 to 620
Region 25 Default = 5800 MHz
Morocco 5725 to 5875 5 5727.5 to 5872.5 22 N/A N/A 22
5.8 G 10 5730 to 5870
20 5735 to 5865
Region 26 Default = 5500 MHz
Morocco 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5722.5 22 N/A N/A 22
5.4 - 5.7 G 10 5475 to 5720
20 5480 to 5715
Region 27 Default = 3500 MHz
Canada 3450 to 3700 3.5 3452 to 3648.25 23 15 21 23
3.45-3.7G 3651.75 to 3698.25 CBP
5 3452.5 to 3647.5
3652.5 to 3697.5 CBP
7 3453.5 to 3646.5
3653.5 to 3696.5 CBP
10 3455 to 3645
3655 to 3695 CBP
14 3457 to 3643
3657 to 3693 CBP
20 3460 to 3640
3660 to 3690 CBP

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Regional Identification Codes

Region Band Chan. Freq 2, 10 DFS 1 Max. Tx Power (dBm)
Code (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) CBP Integrated External RF
WSDB Std. HAZ12 Std. HAZ12
Region 28 Default = 5550 MHz
Argentina 5250 to 5350 5 5252.5 to 5347.5 17 N/A N/A 17
5.4-5.7G 10 5255 to 5345
20 5260 to 5340
5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5597.5
5652.5 to 5722.5
10 5475 to 5595
5655 to 5720
20 5480 to 5590
5660 to 5715
Notch 5600 to 5650
Region 29 Default = 3500 MHz
Argentina 3400 to 3700 5 3402.50 to 3697.50 23 N/A N/A 23
3.4-3.7G 10 3405 to 3695
20 3410 to 3690
Region 30 Default = 5550 MHz
Brazil 5470 to 5725 5 5472.5 to 5722.5 9 N/A N/A 12
5.4-5.7G 10 5475 to 5720
20 5480 to 5715
Region 31 Default = 5800 MHz
Brazil 5725 to 5875 5 5727.5 to 5872.5 21 N/A N/A 21
5.7-5.8G 10 5730 to 5870
20 5735 to 5865
Region 32 Default = 3500 MHz
Canada 3450 to 3650 3.5 3451.75 to 3648.25 N/A N/A N/A 38
3.45-3.65 G (RDL-3000 UHP 5 3452.5 to 3647.5
model only) 7 3453.5 to 3646.5
10 3455 to 3645
14 3457 to 3643
20 3460 to 3640
Region 33 Default = 3500 MHz
EU 3400 to 3600 1.25 3400.75 to 3599.25 N/A N/A N/A 38
3.4-3.6 G (RDL-3000 UHP 1.75 3401 to 3599
model only) 2.5 3401.25 to 3598.75
3.5 3401.75 to 3598.25
5 3402.5 to 3597.5
7 3403.5 to 3596.5
10 3405 to 3595
14 3407 to 3593
20 3410 to 3590
Region 34 Default = 5800 MHz
Qatar 5725 to 5850 0.875 5725.5 to 5849.5 11 N/A N/A 20
China 1.25 5725.75 to 5849.25
5.8 G 1.75 5726 to 5849
2.5 5726.25 to 5848.75
3.5 5726.75 to 5848.25
5 5727.5 to 5847.5
7 5728.5 to 5846.5
10 5730 to 5845
14 5732 to 5843
20 5735 to 5840
1. Where DFS is required by regional regulations, this function is permanently enabled at the factory and
can not be disabled by the installer or end-user.
2. Center frequencies.
3. FCC Part 15
4. IC RSS-210, Annex 9
5. IC RSS-210
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 192 of 284 June 9, 2016

6. FCC Part 15 Subpart E, 15.407

7. UK VNS 2107/EN302 502
8. ETSI EN 301 893 v1.3.1
9. Where WSDB is required by regional regulations, this function is permanently enabled at the factory
and can not be disabled by the installer or end-user.
10. Step size is 0.25 MHz for all radios.
11. Max. RF power for radio with internal MIMO antenna system.
12. Max. RF power for radio with internal MIMO antenna system rated for hazardous operation.
13. Region Default Frequency: When activating an options key that changes the system region code, the
default frequency is applied only when the current RF frequency setting is outside the allowed range(s)
for that region.
14. This system has been designed to operate with the Redline 17 dBi gain antenna operating with the
maximum specified gain setting.
15. CBP required only in 3.675-3.700 GHz.

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8.2 Regulatory Notice: Deployment in Mexico

The following section is included to be in compliance with NOM-121-SCT1-2009 User
Manual requirements for products with detachable antennas. This equipment has been designed to operate with the antennas that are listed in
section 7.1 FCC & IC Certified Antennas of the RDL-3000 Family User Guide and for
maximum antenna gain of 32 dBi. Using this device with antennas not included in this list
or that may have a gain higher than 32 dBi is prohibited. The required antenna
impedance is 50 ohms. Este equipo ha sido diseñado para operar con las antenas enumeran en la
sección 7.1 de la FCC y IC Antenas Certificadas de la Guía para la Familia RDL-3000
Manual de Usuario y para una ganancia máxima de antena de 32 dBi. El uso con este
equipo de antenas no incluidas en esta lista o que tengan una ganancia mayor que 32
dBi quedan prohibidas. La impedancia requerida de la antena es de 50 ohms.

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8.3 Operation in 480 - 690 MHz Bands

Operation of the wireless system requires a software 'key' that is available exclusively
from Redline. When required by the regional regulatory statutes where the wireless
system is being deployed, the software key restricts device. The professional installer
and operator can not modify or otherwise circumvent these operational restrictions.
The RDL-3000 system supports operation with 2x2 MIMO antenna systems with two
transmit chains and two receive chains. The RDL-3000 system must be used only with
certified antenna types and using the channel size and output power level specified by
the local and regional regulations.
Important -- EIRP Levels: Where required by local regulations, the maximum
operational power per channel for a specific antenna must not exceed the maximum
allowable EIRP levels, The RF output power settings must be professionally
programmed by the manufacturer or a trained professional installer. Refer to the notices
in Section 1 of this manual.
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in the following table.
Any additional antennas will be used only after authorization is obtained through Class II
permissive change.
Table 41: 470-698 MHz Approved Antennas
Frequency Beamwidth /
Supplier Part # Gain Application Size
Range (MHz) Polarity
AFS-VH- 122 cm 60 deg
Redline 13 dBi 470-698 Sector
60060-01 (48 in) vpol & hpol
AFS-SB- Log-P 122 cm 55 deg
Redline 11 dBi 470-698
60055-01 Directional (48 in) vpol & hpol

8.3.1 Deployment in the United States

Operation of RDL-3000 wireless system requires an options key that is available
exclusively from Redline. This key restricts device operation to the FCC 473-695 MHz
band on TV channels 14 - 35 and 39 - 51. The professional installer and operator can
not modify or otherwise circumvent these operational restrictions.
To operate in the TV Whitespaces frequency range, each RDL-3000 system must
contact and register with the WSDB database server (server URL is programmed into
the RDL-3000 system). The RDL-3000 may only transmit on channels indicated as
'available' by the WSDB database. Channel assignments are temporary and the RDL-
3000 system must periodically contact the WSDB to refresh the channel list. The RDL-
3000 system vacates a channel in-use immediately when a WSDB database status
update indicates the channel is no longer available or the expiry time for an obtained list
has elapsed.
The RDL-3000 system operating as a PMP Sector Controller/PTP Master (PMP-SC) is
not allowed to transmit on any channel before registering with the WSDB database and
obtaining a list of available channels for its location. The RDL-3000 system operating as
a PMP Subscriber/PTP Slave (PMP-SS) is allowed to transmit on the channel currently
being used by the PMP-SC initially only for the purpose of registering with the WSDB
database and obtaining a list of available channels for its location. If the channel in-use
is not available, the PMP-SS notifies the PMP-SC and stops transmitting. The PMP-SS
may register and obtain the current channel list once per hour.

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Table 42: 470-690 MHz White Space Channel Definitions for USA
Channel Center Channel Center
Number Frequency (MHz) Number Frequency (MHz)
14 473.00 32 581.00
15 479.00 33 587.00
16 485.00 34 593.00
17 491.00 35* 598.50
18 497.00 39* 623.50
19 503.00 40 629.00
20 509.00 41 635.00
21 515.00 42 641.00
22 521.00 43 647.00
23 527.00 44 653.00
24 533.00 45 659.00
25 539.00 46 665.00
26 545.00 47 671.00
27 551.00 48 677.00
28 557.00 49 683.00
29 563.00 50 689.00
30 569.00 51 695.00
31 575.00
* Note: Channels 35 and 39 Tx power limits are 2 dBm lower (16 dBm).

FCC Notices
The following notices about deployment in the USA are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- FCC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, a minimum
distance of 40 cm (15 3/4") should be maintained between the antenna of this
device and persons during device operation:
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
3. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.706:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the rules for TV bands
devices, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
(1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
(2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
(3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
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(4) Consult the manufacturer, dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
4. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.19:
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
5. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.21:
Warning: Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline
Communications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Antenna + Power Settings
The RDL-3000 system must be used only with certified antennas and using the channel
size and output power level specified by the FCC regulations.
The following table lists the allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies. If the
antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed maximum for any
Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced by the same
amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum. Antennas having a
gain higher than 13 dBi are strictly prohibited.
Table 43: 470-690 MHz Transmit Power in the United States
Channel # Tx Power (dBm)
35, 39 +16

8.3.2 Deployment in Canada

Operation of the final product requires an options key that is available exclusively from
Redline. This key restricts device operation to the Industry Canada band RSS-196 512 -
608 MHz and 614 - 698 MHz for Rural Remote Broadband Systems (RRBS) on TV
channels 21 - 35 and 39 - 51.
Table 44: 470-690 MHz RRBS Channel Definitions for Canada
Channel Center Channel Center
Number Frequency (MHz) Number Frequency (MHz)
21+22 518.00 34+35 596.00
22+23 524.00 39+40 626.00
23+24 530.00 40+41 632.00
24+25 536.00 41+42 638.00
25+26 542.00 42+43 644.00
26+27 548.00 43+44 650.00
27+28 554.00 44+45 656.00
28+29 560.00 45+46 662.00
29+30 566.00 46+47 668.00
30+31 572.00 47+48 674.00
31+32 578.00 48+49 680.00
32+33 584.00 49+50 686.00
33+34 590.00 50+51 692.00

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Industry Canada Notices

Deployment in Canada
This Class B Digital apparatus meets all the requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment.
The following notices about deployment in Canada are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- IC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy IC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:
Table 45: 470-698 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada
Frequency (MHz) Separation Distance
512 - 608 MHz
40 cm (15.6") or more
614 - 698 MHz
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The RDL-3000-RMF has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum
gain of 13 dBi. Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of
Industry Canada. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
This device has been designed to ensure that radio frequency emissions are maintained
within the band of operation under all normal operating conditions listed in this manual.
This device complies with Industry Canada RSS standard(s) for licensed bands.
Operation is also subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain
should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than
that required for successful communication.
IC regulations governing operation in the Industry Canada band RSS-196 512 - 608
MHz and 614 - 698 MHz band for Rural Remote Broadband Systems (RRBS) are
subject to licensing, pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Radiocommunication Act.
Déploiement aux le Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Les avis suivants à propos du déploiement au Canada sont inclus dans la formation et la
documentation fournies aux installateurs professionnels et les opérateurs du produit
1. Le produit final doit être installé par un professionnel.
2. AVERTISSEMENT - IC avertissements d'exposition RF
Pour satisfaire les exigences d’IC en ce qui a trait aux expositions aux RF pour RF
dispositifs de transmission, les distances suivantes doit être maintenue entre
l'antenne de ce dispositif et des personnes pendant le fonctionnement du dispositif:

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Table 46: 470-698 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada

Fréquence (MHz) Distance de Séparation
512 - 608 MHz
40 cm (15.6") ou plus
614 - 698 MHz
Pour assurer la conformité , l’operation à une distance moindre que celles-ci n'est
pas recommandé. L'antenne utilisée pour ce transmetteur ne doit pas être co-
localisé avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.
Le RDL-3000-RMF a été conçu pour fonctionner avec une antenne ayant un gain
maximal de 13 dBi. Antenne ayant un gain plus élevé est strictement interdite par les
règlements d'Industrie Canada. L'impédance d'antenne requise est de 50 ohms.
Ce dispositif a été conçu pour veiller à ce que les émissions de radiofréquences sont
maintenus dans la bande de fonctionnement dans toutes les conditions normales de
fonctionnement figurant dans ce manuel.
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes industrielles RSS Canada (s) pour les bandes
sous licence. L'opération est également soumise aux deux conditions suivantes:
1. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférences, et
2. Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui
peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.
Pour réduire le potentiel d’interférence radio sur d’autres utilisateurs, le type d’antenne
et son gain doivent être choisies tel que la Puissance Isotrope Rayonnée Equivalente
(PIRE) ne dépasse pas le niveau nécessaire pour une communication efficace.
Cet équipement est conforme à de RSS-196 pour systèmes à large bande en régions
rurales éloignées (SLBRRE) fonctionnant dans la bande 512-698 MHz (canaux de
télévision 21 à 51).

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Antenna + Power Settings

The RDL-3000 system must be used only with certified antennas and using the channel
size and output power level specified by IC regulations. The following tables list the
allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies and channel bandwidths. If the
antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed maximum for any
Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced by the same
amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum. Antennas having a
gain higher than 13 dBi are strictly prohibited.
Table 47: 470-690 MHz Sector controller Transmit Power for Canada
BW Freq RF1 RF2 Comb Ant Gain EIRP EIRP
Pwr Pwr Pwr Max* Limit
(MHz) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
515 21.93 21.83 24.89 13 37.89 57
557 21.94 21.81 24.89 13 37.89 57
599 21.89 21.98 24.95 13 37.95 57
5 MHz
623 21.94 22.00 24.98 13 37.98 57
659 21.98 21.91 24.96 13 37.96 57
695 21.92 21.96 24.95 13 37.95 57
518 21.83 21.92 24.89 13 37.89 57
557 21.97 21.76 24.88 13 37.88 57
596 21.90 21.93 24.93 13 37.93 57
10 MHz
626 21.95 21.85 24.91 13 37.91 57
659 21.88 21.95 24.93 13 37.93 57
692 21.78 21.95 24.88 13 37.88 57

Table 48: 470-690 MHz Wireless Terminal Transmit Power for Canada
BW Freq RF1 RF2 Comb Ant Gain EIRP EIRP
Pwr Pwr Pwr Max* Limit
(MHz) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
515 21.93 21.83 24.89 11 35.89 36
557 21.94 21.81 24.89 11 35.89 36
599 21.89 21.98 24.95 11 35.95 36
5 MHz
623 21.94 22.00 24.98 11 35.98 36
659 21.98 21.91 24.96 11 35.96 36
695 21.92 21.96 24.95 11 35.95 36
518 21.83 21.92 24.89 11 35.89 36
557 21.97 21.76 24.88 11 35.88 36
596 21.90 21.93 24.93 11 35.93 36
10 MHz
626 21.95 21.85 24.91 11 35.91 36
659 21.88 21.95 24.93 11 35.93 36
692 21.78 21.95 24.88 11 35.88 36
*If the antenna used exceeds maximum specified, the power settings must be reduced by the
same amount in dB that the gain exceeds maximum allowed.

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8.4 Operation in 2305 - 2360 & 2400 - 2483.5 MHz Bands

Operation of the wireless system requires a software 'key' that is available exclusively
from Redline. When required by the regional regulatory statutes where the wireless
system is being deployed, the software key restricts device operation to IC 2305-2320
MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands which is subject to licensing or the 2400-2483.5 MHz
unlicensed band. The professional installer and operator can not modify or otherwise
circumvent these operational restrictions.

The module supports operation with 2x2 MIMO antenna systems with two transmit
chains and two receive chains. The module must be used only with certified antennas
and using the channel size and output power level specified by the IC regulations.

This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in the following table.
Any additional antennas will be used only after authorization is obtained through Class II
permissive change.
Table 49: 2305-2360 MHz Approved Antennas
Gain Beamwidth
Manufacturer Part # Range
(dBi) (degrees)
Redline 30-00328-30 14.5 35 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-02120-01 15 120 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-0290-01 16 90 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-0260-01 17 60 2300-2700

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 201 of 284 June 9, 2016

8.4.1 Deployment in Canada

Industry Canada Notices
This Class B Digital apparatus meets all the requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
The following notices about deployment in Canada are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- IC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy IC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:
Table 50: 2305-2360 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada
Frequency (MHz) Deployment Separation Distance

2305 - 2320
PMP 85 cm (33.5") or more
2345 - 2360

2400 - 2483.5 PMP 23 cm (9") or more

To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The equipment has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain
of 17 dBi. Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry
Canada. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
This device has been designed to ensure that radio frequency emissions are maintained
within the band of operation under all normal operating conditions listed in this manual.
IC regulations governing operation in the 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands
are subject to licensing, pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Radiocommunication Act.
This equipment complies to RSS-195 in the frequency bands 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-
2360 MHz and RSS-210 Annex 8 in the frequency band 2400-2483.5 MHz.
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation
is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain
should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than
that required for successful communication.

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 202 of 284 June 9, 2016

Déploiement aux le Canada

Cet appareil Digitale de Classe B rencontre toutes les normes du Canadian Règlement
Brouilleur Équipement.
Les avis suivants à propos du déploiement au Canada sont inclus dans la formation et la
documentation fournies aux installateurs professionnels et les opérateurs du produit
1. Le produit final doit être installé par un professionnel.
2. AVERTISSEMENT - IC avertissements d'exposition RF
Pour satisfaire les exigences d’IC en ce qui a trait aux expositions aux RF pour RF
dispositifs de transmission, les distances suivantes doit être maintenue entre
l'antenne de ce dispositif et des personnes pendant le fonctionnement du dispositif:
Table 51: 2305-2360 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada
Fréquence (MHz) Déploiement Distance de Séparation

2305 - 2320
PMP 85 cm (33.5") ou plus
2345 - 2360

2400 - 2483.5 PMP 23 cm (9") ou plus

Pour assurer la conformité , l’operation à une distance moindre que celles-ci n'est
pas recommandé. L'antenne utilisée pour ce transmetteur ne doit pas être co-
localisé avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.
Cet équipement a été conçu pour fonctionner avec une antenne ayant un gain maximal
de 17 dBi. Antenne ayant un gain plus élevé est strictement interdite par les règlements
d'Industrie Canada. L'impédance d'antenne requise est de 50 ohms.
Ce dispositif a été conçu pour veiller à ce que les émissions de radiofréquences sont
maintenus dans la bande de fonctionnement dans toutes les conditions normales de
fonctionnement figurant dans ce manuel.
Règlements qui régissent le fonctionnement IC dans la bandes 2305-2320 MHz et 2345-
2360 MHz sont soumises à autorisation en vertu du paragraphe 4 (1) de la Loi sur la
Cet équipement est conforme à RSS-195 dans la bandes de fréquences 2305-2320
MHz et 2345-2360 MHz, et RSS-210 annexe 8 dans la bande de fréquences 2400-
2483.5 MHz.
Cet appareil est conforme la norme d'Industrie Canada exempts de licence RSS (s). Son
fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
1. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférences, et
2. Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui
peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.
Pour réduire le potentiel d’interférence radio sur d’autres utilisateurs, le type d’antenne
et son gain doivent être choisies tel que la Puissance Isotrope Rayonnée Equivalente
(PIRE) ne dépasse pas le niveau nécessaire pour une communication efficace.

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Antenna + Power Settings

The following tables list the allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies and
channel bandwidths. If the antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed
maximum for any Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced
by the same amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum.
2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz Bands
Table 52: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 14.50 31.17 63.00 31.83
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 14.50 41.30 63.00 21.70
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 14.50 46.70 63.00 16.30
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 14.50 46.83 63.00 16.17
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 14.50 41.31 63.00 21.69
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 14.50 33.45 63.00 29.55
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 14.50 30.97 63.00 32.03
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 14.50 41.16 63.00 21.84
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 14.50 46.72 63.00 16.28
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 14.50 46.89 63.00 16.11
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 14.50 41.13 63.00 21.87
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 14.50 33.65 63.00 29.35
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 14.50 31.03 63.00 31.97
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 14.50 41.24 63.00 21.76
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 14.50 46.61 63.00 16.39
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 14.50 46.83 63.00 16.17
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 14.50 41.60 63.00 21.40
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 14.50 33.38 63.00 29.62
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 14.50 31.13 63.00 31.87
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 14.50 40.97 63.00 22.03
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 14.50 46.61 63.00 16.39
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 14.50 46.84 63.00 16.16
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 14.50 41.24 63.00 21.76
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 14.50 33.85 63.00 29.15

Table 53: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 15.00 31.67 63.00 31.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 15.00 41.80 63.00 21.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 15.00 47.20 63.00 15.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 15.00 47.33 63.00 15.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 15.00 41.81 63.00 21.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 15.00 33.95 63.00 29.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 15.00 31.47 63.00 31.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 15.00 41.66 63.00 21.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 15.00 47.22 63.00 15.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 15.00 47.39 63.00 15.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 15.00 41.63 63.00 21.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 15.00 34.15 63.00 28.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 15.00 31.53 63.00 31.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 15.00 41.74 63.00 21.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 15.00 47.11 63.00 15.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 15.00 47.33 63.00 15.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 15.00 42.10 63.00 20.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 15.00 33.88 63.00 29.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 15.00 31.63 63.00 31.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 15.00 41.47 63.00 21.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 15.00 47.11 63.00 15.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 15.00 47.34 63.00 15.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 15.00 41.74 63.00 21.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 15.00 34.35 63.00 28.65

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Table 54: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 16.00 32.67 63.00 30.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 16.00 42.80 63.00 20.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 16.00 48.20 63.00 14.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 16.00 48.33 63.00 14.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 16.00 42.81 63.00 20.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 16.00 34.95 63.00 28.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 16.00 32.47 63.00 30.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 16.00 42.66 63.00 20.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 16.00 48.22 63.00 14.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 16.00 48.39 63.00 14.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 16.00 42.63 63.00 20.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 16.00 35.15 63.00 27.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 16.00 32.53 63.00 30.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 16.00 42.74 63.00 20.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 16.00 48.11 63.00 14.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 16.00 48.33 63.00 14.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 16.00 43.10 63.00 19.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 16.00 34.88 63.00 28.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 16.00 32.63 63.00 30.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 16.00 42.47 63.00 20.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 16.00 48.11 63.00 14.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 16.00 48.34 63.00 14.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 16.00 42.74 63.00 20.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 16.00 35.35 63.00 27.65

Table 55: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 17.00 33.67 63.00 29.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 17.00 43.80 63.00 19.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 17.00 49.20 63.00 13.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 17.00 49.33 63.00 13.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 17.00 43.81 63.00 19.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 17.00 35.95 63.00 27.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 17.00 33.47 63.00 29.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 17.00 43.66 63.00 19.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 17.00 49.22 63.00 13.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 17.00 49.39 63.00 13.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 17.00 43.63 63.00 19.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 17.00 36.15 63.00 26.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 17.00 33.53 63.00 29.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 17.00 43.74 63.00 19.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 17.00 49.11 63.00 13.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 17.00 49.33 63.00 13.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 17.00 44.10 63.00 18.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 17.00 35.88 63.00 27.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 17.00 33.63 63.00 29.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 17.00 43.47 63.00 19.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 17.00 49.11 63.00 13.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 17.00 49.34 63.00 13.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 17.00 43.74 63.00 19.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 17.00 36.35 63.00 26.65

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Table 56: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 14.50 30.15 63.00 32.85
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 14.50 37.12 63.00 25.88
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 14.50 36.77 63.00 26.23
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 14.50 30.54 63.00 32.46
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 14.50 30.05 63.00 32.95
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 14.50 37.08 63.00 25.92
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 14.50 36.82 63.00 26.18
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 14.50 30.51 63.00 32.49
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 14.50 30.12 63.00 32.88
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 14.50 37.14 63.00 25.86
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 14.50 36.74 63.00 26.26
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 14.50 30.66 63.00 32.34
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 14.50 30.10 63.00 32.90
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 14.50 37.18 63.00 25.82
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 14.50 36.79 63.00 26.21
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 14.50 30.60 63.00 32.40

Table 57: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 15.00 30.65 63.00 32.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 15.00 37.62 63.00 25.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 15.00 37.27 63.00 25.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 15.00 31.04 63.00 31.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 15.00 30.55 63.00 32.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 15.00 37.58 63.00 25.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 15.00 37.32 63.00 25.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 15.00 31.01 63.00 31.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 15.00 30.62 63.00 32.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 15.00 37.64 63.00 25.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 15.00 37.24 63.00 25.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 15.00 31.16 63.00 31.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 15.00 30.60 63.00 32.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 15.00 37.68 63.00 25.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 15.00 37.29 63.00 25.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 15.00 31.10 63.00 31.90

Table 58: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 16.00 31.65 63.00 31.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 16.00 38.62 63.00 24.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 16.00 38.27 63.00 24.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 16.00 32.04 63.00 30.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 16.00 31.55 63.00 31.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 16.00 38.58 63.00 24.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 16.00 38.32 63.00 24.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 16.00 32.01 63.00 30.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 16.00 31.62 63.00 31.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 16.00 38.64 63.00 24.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 16.00 38.24 63.00 24.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 16.00 32.16 63.00 30.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 16.00 31.60 63.00 31.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 16.00 38.68 63.00 24.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 16.00 38.29 63.00 24.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 16.00 32.10 63.00 30.90

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Table 59: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 17.00 32.65 63.00 30.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 17.00 39.62 63.00 23.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 17.00 39.27 63.00 23.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 17.00 33.04 63.00 29.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 17.00 32.55 63.00 30.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 17.00 39.58 63.00 23.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 17.00 39.32 63.00 23.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 17.00 33.01 63.00 29.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 17.00 32.62 63.00 30.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 17.00 39.64 63.00 23.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 17.00 39.24 63.00 23.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 17.00 33.16 63.00 29.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 17.00 32.60 63.00 30.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 17.00 39.68 63.00 23.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 17.00 39.29 63.00 23.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 17.00 33.10 63.00 29.90

2400-2483.5 MHz Band

Table 60: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2402.5 17.8 17.9 20.86 14.5 35.36 36 0.64
2442 17.8 17.8 20.81 14.5 35.31 36 0.69
2481 17.9 17.9 20.91 14.5 35.41 36 0.59

Table 61: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2402.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
2442 15.8 15.8 18.81 17 35.81 36 0.19
2481 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14

Table 62: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2405 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74
2442 17.8 17.8 20.81 14.5 35.31 36 0.69
2478.5 17.7 17.9 20.81 14.5 35.31 36 0.69

Table 63: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2405 15.8 15.8 18.81 17 35.8 36 0.19
2442 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
2478.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14

Table 64: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2410 17.6 17.7 20.66 14.5 35.16 36 0.84
2442 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74
2473.5 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74

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Table 65: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2410 15.7 15.8 18.76 17 35.76 36 0.24
2442 15.7 15.8 18.76 17 35.76 36 0.24
2473.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14

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8.5 Operation in 3450 - 3700 MHz Bands

Operation of the wireless system requires a software 'key' that is available exclusively
from Redline. When required by the regional regulatory statutes where the wireless
system is being deployed, the software key restricts device operation to the FCC 3675-
3700 MHz band, IC 3450-3650 MHz or IC 3650-3675 MHz band. The professional
installer and operator can not modify or otherwise circumvent these operational
The module supports operation with 2x2 MIMO antenna systems with two transmit
chains and two receive chains. The module may be used with any compatible antenna
and using the channel size and output power level specified by the IC regulations.

8.6 Deployment in the United States

8.6.1 Frequency Bands
Operation of the final product requires an FCC specific software 'key' that is available
exclusively from Redline. This key restricts device operation to the FCC 3675-3700 MHz
band. The professional installer and operator can not modify or otherwise circumvent
these operational restrictions.

8.6.2 Antenna Use and Transmit Power

FCC regulation part 90.1321 subpart Z (governing operation in the 3650-3700 MHz band
in the US) states that sector controller transmissions are limited to a maximum transmit
power of 1 Watt/MHz (peak EIRP). If the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum
for any Bandwidth/Frequency combination (see following tables), the power setting must
be reduced by the same amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed

8.6.3 Certified Antennas

This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in the following table.
Any additional antennas will be used only after authorization is obtained through Class II
permissive change.
Table 66: FCC - Approved Antennas
Frequenc Gain
Mfgr. Part # Mode Size Polarization
y Range (dBi)
Redline AFS-DBG-03120-01 Sectoral 3.3-3.8 14 2 ft (60 cm) Dual
Redline AFS-DBG-0360-01 Sectoral 3.3-3.8 15.5 2 ft (60 cm) Dual
Redline AFS-DBG-0390-01 Sectoral 3.3-3.8 15 2 ft (60 cm) Dual
Redline 30-00328-40 Terminal 3.3-3.8 14 8 in (20 cm) Dual

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8.6.4 Operation in the 3675-3700 MHz Band

Table 67: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 5 MHz

Peak output Maximum
Frequency, Power EIRP limit,
Port Modulation power, Antenna
MHz setting dBm/25 MHz
dBm/5 MHz Gain, dBi
3677.5 23 22.66 37 14.34
BPSK 3685 23 22.32 37 14.68
3697.5 23 22.35 37 14.65
3677.5 23 22.58 37 14.42
QPSK 3685 23 22.25 37 14.75
3697.5 23 22.38 37 14.62
3677.5 23 22.35 37 14.65
16-QAM 3685 23 22.73 37 14.27
3697.5 23 22.56 37 14.44
3677.5 23 22.42 37 14.58
64-QAM 3685 23 22.27 37 14.73
3697.5 23 22.68 37 14.32
3677.5 23 22.76 37 14.24
BPSK 3685 23 22.36 37 14.64
3697.5 23 22.38 37 14.62
3677.5 23 22.74 37 14.26
QPSK 3685 23 22.63 37 14.37
3697.5 23 22.59 37 14.41
3677.5 23 22.82 37 14.18
16-QAM 3685 23 22.59 37 14.41
3697.5 23 22.47 37 14.53
3677.5 23 22.73 37 14.27
64-QAM 3685 23 22.52 37 14.48
3697.5 23 22.48 37 14.52

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Table 68: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 5 MHz
Peak output EIRP limit, Maximum
Frequency, Power
Port Modulation power, dBm/25 Antenna
MHz setting
dBm/5 MHz MHz Gain, dBi
3677.5 23 17.60 30 12.40
BPSK 3685 23 17.33 30 12.67
3697.5 23 17.29 30 12.71
3677.5 23 17.53 30 12.47
QPSK 3685 23 17.31 30 12.69
3697.5 23 17.33 30 12.67
3677.5 23 17.31 30 12.69
16-QAM 3685 23 17.58 30 12.42
3697.5 23 17.42 30 12.58
3677.5 23 17.27 30 12.73
64-QAM 3685 23 17.45 30 12.55
3697.5 23 17.69 30 12.31
3677.5 23 17.74 30 12.26
BPSK 3685 23 17.32 30 12.68
3697.5 23 17.36 30 12.64
3677.5 23 17.66 30 12.34
QPSK 3685 23 17.53 30 12.47
3697.5 23 17.42 30 12.58
3677.5 23 17.23 30 12.77
16-QAM 3685 23 17.28 30 12.72
3697.5 23 17.31 30 12.69
3677.5 23 17.68 30 12.32
64-QAM 3685 23 17.34 30 12.66
3697.5 23 17.36 30 12.64

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Table 69: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 10 MHz

Peak output EIRP limit, Maximum
Frequency, Power
Port Modulation power, dBm/25 Antenna
MHz setting
dBm/5 MHz MHz Gain, dBi
3680 23 22.22 40 17.78
BPSK 3685 23 22.33 40 17.67
3695 23 22.04 40 17.96
3680 23 21.72 40 18.28
QPSK 3685 23 22.36 40 17.64
3695 23 22.02 40 17.98
3680 23 22.27 40 17.73
16-QAM 3685 23 22.34 40 17.66
3695 23 22.00 40 18.00
3680 23 22.25 40 17.75
64-QAM 3685 23 22.30 40 17.70
3695 23 21.80 40 18.20
3680 23 22.34 40 17.66
BPSK 3685 23 22.30 40 17.70
3695 23 22.06 40 17.94
3680 23 22.37 40 17.63
QPSK 3685 23 22.36 40 17.64
3695 23 22.07 40 17.93
3680 23 22.42 40 17.58
16-QAM 3685 23 22.33 40 17.67
3695 23 22.00 40 18.00
3680 23 22.52 40 17.48
64-QAM 3685 23 22.41 40 17.59
3695 23 22.12 40 17.88

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Table 70: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 10 MHz
Peak output EIRP limit, Maximum
Frequency, Power
Port Modulation power, dBm/25 Antenna
MHz setting
dBm/5 MHz MHz Gain, dBi
3680 23 14.33 30 15.67
BPSK 3685 23 14.38 30 15.62
3695 23 14.03 30 15.97
3680 23 13.69 30 16.31
QPSK 3685 23 14.39 30 15.61
3695 23 14.02 30 15.98
3680 23 14.42 30 15.58
16-QAM 3685 23 14.49 30 15.51
3695 23 14.03 30 15.97
3680 23 14.37 30 15.63
64-QAM 3685 23 14.43 30 15.57
3695 23 13.9 30 16.10
3680 23 14.59 30 15.41
BPSK 3685 23 14.52 30 15.48
3695 23 14.07 30 15.93
3680 23 14.5 30 15.50
QPSK 3685 23 14.55 30 15.45
3695 23 14.09 30 15.91
3680 23 14.54 30 15.46
16-QAM 3685 23 14.49 30 15.51
3695 23 14.09 30 15.91
3680 23 14.6 30 15.40
64-QAM 3685 23 14.63 30 15.37
3695 23 14.1 30 15.90

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8.6.5 FCC Notices

The following notices about deployment in the USA are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- FCC RF Exposure Warnings:
To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:
Table 71: FCC - RDL-3000 Recommended Safe Distances
3675 PMP 30 cm (11.8 in) or more
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
3. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.105:
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Where DFS is required by regional regulations, this function is permanently enabled
at the factory and can not be disabled by the installer or end-user.
4. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.19:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
5. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.21:
Warning: Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline
Communications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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Federal Communications Rules for Operation in USA

FCC Part 90 guidelines for deployment of RDL-3000 systems in the frequency band of
3650-3700 MHz for “restricted” CBP (Contention Based Protocol) in USA includes
restrictions on the maximum EIRP.
To comply with these guidelines, the following EIRP limitations are applied for
deployment in this band:
i) Max EIRP of 25 Watts/25 MHz (equivalent to 1 Watt/1 MHz)
ii) Peak EIRP Power Density of 1 Watt in any 1 MHz slice of spectrum.
To ensure compliance with these restrictions, refer to the following important notices:
1. The 3650-3700 MHz frequency range is a licensed band in the USA and operators
must have a valid spectrum license to operate RDL-3000 equipment using this band.
2. The RDL-3000 requires a Redline FCC-specific options key that is mandatory for
operation within the USA. This options key enforces the FCC approved operating
range of 3650-3700 MHz.
3. The RDL-3000 outdoor transceiver and antenna must be professionally installed.
4. Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline Communications could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
5. Do not operate an RDL-3000 outdoor transceiver until you have confirmed the FCC
specific options key is loaded and active (operating range restricted to 3650-3700
MHz). When the FCC-specific options key is installed, the operator is not able to set
an RF frequency that exceeds the allowed range of 3650-3700 MHz.
6. The RDL-3000 transmit power settings must not exceed values stated in the RDL-
3000 Family User Manual.

8.6.6 Deployment in Canada

Industry Canada Notices
This Class B Digital apparatus meets all the requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
The following notices about deployment in Canada are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- IC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy IC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:
Table 72: 3450-2675 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada
Frequency (MHz) Deployment Separation Distance
3500 PMP 34 cm (13.4") or more
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
IC regulations governing operation in the 3450-3700 MHz band are subject to licensing,
pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Radiocommunication Act.

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This equipment complies to RSS-192 in the frequency band 3450-3650 MHz and RSS-
197 guidelines for deployment of systems in the frequency band of 3650-3675 MHz, for
restricted CBP (Contention Based Protocol).
IC regulations governing operation in the 3450-3675 MHz band states that sector
controller transmissions are limited to a maximum transmit power of 1 Watt/MHz.
Déploiement aux le Canada
Cet appareil Digitale de Classe B rencontre toutes les normes du Canadian Règlement
Brouilleur Équipement.
Les avis suivants à propos du déploiement au Canada sont inclus dans la formation et la
documentation fournies aux installateurs professionnels et les opérateurs du produit
1. Le produit final doit être installé par un professionnel.
2. AVERTISSEMENT - IC avertissements d'exposition RF
Pour satisfaire les exigences d’IC en ce qui a trait aux expositions aux RF pour RF
dispositifs de transmission, les distances suivantes doit être maintenue entre
l'antenne de ce dispositif et des personnes pendant le fonctionnement du dispositif:
Table 73: 3450-2675 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada
Fréquence (MHz) Déploiement Distance de Séparation
3500 PMP 34 cm (13.4") ou plus
Pour assurer la conformité , l’operation à une distance moindre que celles-ci n'est
pas recommandé. L'antenne utilisée pour ce transmetteur ne doit pas être co-
localisé avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.
Règlements qui régissent le fonctionnement IC dans la bande 3450-3700 MHz sont
soumises à autorisation en vertu du paragraphe 4 (1) de la Loi sur la
Cet équipement est conforme à RSS-192 dans la bande de fréquences 3450-3650 MHz
et RSS-197 des lignes directrices pour le déploiement de systèmes dans la bande de
fréquences 3650-3675 MHz d', pour limité le CBP (protocole de contention après).
Réglementation régissant le fonctionnement d'IC dans les états de bande 3450-3675
MHz que les transmissions des stations de base sont limités à un maximum de
puissance d'émission de 1 Watt / MHz (pir e de crête).

8.6.7 Antenna + Power Settings

The transmit power setting for RSS-192 3450-3650 MHz and RSS-197 3650-3675 MHz
is +23 dBm for all frequencies and channel bandwidths. If the antenna gain exceeds the
allowed maximum for any Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be
reduced by the same amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum.
The radio transmitter is Power Spectrum limited, not EIRP.
Table 74: 3650-3675 MHz Power & EIRP Results for Canada
Bandwidth (MHz) Tx Power Setting (dBm) Allowed Maximum Antenna Gain (dBi)
3.5 MHz 23 9
5 MHz 23 10.5
7 MHz 23 12
10 MHz 23 14
14 MHz 23 15
20 MHz 23 16.5

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8.7 Operation in 4900 - 5800 MHz Bands

Operation of the wireless system requires a software 'key' that is available exclusively
from Redline. When required by the regional regulatory statutes where the wireless
system is being deployed, the software key restricts device operation to the FCC/IC
4940-4990 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, or 5725-5850 MHz band. The
professional installer and operator can not modify or otherwise circumvent these
operational restrictions.
The module supports operation with 2x2 MIMO antenna systems with two transmit
chains and two receive chains. The module must be used only with certified antennas
and using the channel size and output power level specified by the FCC/IC regulations.
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in the following table.
Any additional antennas will be used only after authorization is obtained through Class II
permissive change.
Table 75: 4900-5875 MHz Approved Antennas
Manufacturer Part # Gain (dBi) Frequency Range
Redline A3FT3204LTPD 32 4900-5875 MHz
Redline 30-00328-00 19 4900-5875 MHz
L-Com HG5158DP-10U 10 5100-5800 MHz

8.7.1 Deployment in Brazil

Regarding the operation on range of 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz, the average output power
of the equipment must be adjusted to the maximum limit of -5 dBm for the antenna gain
maximum of 25 dBi.

8.7.2 Deployment in the United States

FCC Notices
The following notices about deployment in the USA are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- FCC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:

Table 76: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances for USA

Frequency (MHz) Deployment Separation Distance
4900 PMP 260 cm (103") or more
5300 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more
5400 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more
5800 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more

To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not

recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
3. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.105:
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation.
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This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Where DFS is required by regional regulations, this function is permanently enabled
at the factory and can not be disabled by the installer or end-user.
4. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.19:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
5. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.21:
Warning: Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline
Communications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Recommendations to UNII band Users
Redline, in complete cooperation with the FCC, instructs professional installers and
operators of this equipment in the UNII band to follow these guidelines.
Review Table 3: Notice - FCC - TDWR System Locations to determine if the intended
deployment location is near a TDWR site.
1. Operation in the TDWR band of 5600-5650 MHz is not permitted. The equipment
does not allow the operator to use Web, CLI, or SNMP to set a frequency that
overlaps this range.
2. Operation in the 5570-5680 MHz band (excluding 5600-5650 MHz) is permitted
beyond 35 km (22 mi) AND not in line-of-sight of a TDWR site.
3. Operation in the 5570-5680 MHz band (excluding 5600-5650 MHz) within 35 km (22
mi) OR in line-of-sight of a TDWR site is allowed by observing a 30 MHz upper and
lower guard band on the operational frequency of the nearby TWDR station.
For example, if the nearby TDWR is Miami (5605 MHz), the sector controller
frequency setting must exclude channels with center frequencies from 5575 MHz (30
MHz below 5605) to 5635 MHz (30 MHz above 5605).
It is recommended that the operator register in the voluntary WISPA sponsored
database. Go to the www.wispa.org website and click on TDWR to view more
information and register in the online database.
Frequency selection is regulated by a regional code integrated into each options key.
This feature enforces compliance to regional regulatory statutes. Each options key is
keyed to the unique MAC address of an RDL-3000 radio platform. Options keys can be
generated only by Redline and its authorized agents. End-users can not generate or
modify options keys (to obtain or alter regional codes).
Redline provides technical training programs and information covering network design
and installation for Redline distributors, value added resellers, installers, and other
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 218 of 284 June 9, 2016

partners. This program is intended in part to train participants to a level of understanding

where they are competent to order, setup and configure the Redline wireless equipment
to be in compliance with regulatory requirements in the region where this equipment is
installed. Redline sales order processing is also trained to verify that regional codes are
consistent with the intended deployment location as documented in the sales order.

Table 77: 4900-5875 MHz TDWR System Locations in USA

AZ PHOENIX W 112 09 46 N 33 25 14 5610 MHz 1024 64
CO DENVER W 104 31 35 N 39 43 39 5615 MHz 5643 64
FL FT LAUDERDALE W 080 20 39 N 26 08 36 5645 MHz 7 113
FL MIAMI W 080 29 28 N 25 45 27 5605 MHz 10 113
FL ORLANDO W 081 19 33 N 28 20 37 5640 MHz 72 97
FL TAMPA W 082 31 04 N 27 51 35 5620 MHz 14 80
FL W 080 16 23 N 26 41 17 5615 MHz 20 113
GA ATLANTA W 084 15 44 N 33 38 48 5615 MHz 962 113
IL MCCOOK W 087 51 31 N 41 47 50 5615 MHz 646 97
IL CRESTWOOD W 087 43 47 N 41 39 05 5645 MHz 663 113
IN INDIANAPOLIS W 086 26 08 N 39 38 14 5605 MHz 751 97
KS WICHITA W 097 26 13 N 37 30 26 5603 MHz 1270 80
KY W 084 34 48 N 38 53 53 5610 MHz 942 97
KY LOUISVILLE W 085 36 38 N 38 02 45 5646 MHz 617 113
LA NEW ORLEANS W 090 24 11 N 30 01 18 5645 MHz 2 97
MA BOSTON W 070 56 01 N 42 09 30 5610 MHz 151 113
MD BRANDYWINE W 076 50 42 N 38 41 43 5635 MHz 233 113
MD BENFIELD W 076 37 48 N 39 05 23 5645 MHz 184 113
MD CLINTON W 076 57 43 N 38 45 32 5615 MHz 249 97
MI DETROIT W 083 30 54 N 42 06 40 5615 MHz 656 113
MN MINNEAPOLIS W 092 55 58 N 44 52 17 5610 MHz 1040 80
MO KANSAS CITY W 094 44 31 N 39 29 55 5605 MHz 1040 64
MO SAINT LOUIS W 090 29 21 N 38 48 20 5610 MHz 551 97
MS DESOTO COUNTY W 089 59 33 N 34 53 45 5610 MHz 371 113
NC CHARLOTTE W 080 53 06 N 35 21 39 5608 MHz 807 113
NC W 078 41 50 N 36 00 07 5647 MHz 400 113
NJ WOODBRIDGE W 074 16 13 N 40 35 37 5620 MHz 19 113
NJ PENNSAUKEN W 075 04 12 N 39 56 57 5610 MHz 39 113
NV LAS VEGAS W 115 00 26 N 36 08 37 5645 MHz 1995 64
NY W 073 52 49 N 40 35 20 5647 MHz 8 97
OH DAYTON W 084 07 23 N 40 01 19 5640 MHz 922 97
OH CLEVELAND W 082 00 28 N 41 17 23 5645 MHz 817 113
OH COLUMBUS W 082 42 55 N 40 00 20 5605 MHz 1037 113
OK W 097 37 31 N 35 24 19 5610 MHz 1285 80
OK W 097 37 43 N 35 23 34 5620 MHz 1293 97

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Table 77: 4900-5875 MHz TDWR System Locations in USA

OK TULSA W 095 49 34 N 36 04 14 5605 MHz 712 113
OK OKLAHOMA CITY W 097 30 36 N 35 16 34 5603 MHz 1195 64
PA HANOVER W 080 29 10 N 40 30 05 5615 MHz 1266 113
PR SAN JUAN W 066 10 46 N 18 28 26 5610 MHz 59 113
TN NASHVILLE W 086 39 42 N 35 58 47 5605 MHz 722 97
TX W 095 34 01 N 30 03 54 5605 MHz 154 97
TX PEARLAND W 095 14 30 N 29 30 59 5645 MHz 36 80

Additional information:

Antenna + Power Settings

The following tables list the allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies and
channel bandwidths. If the antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed
maximum for any Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced
by the same amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum.

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4900 MHz Band: FCC 47 CFR Part 90 Subpart Y

Table 78: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 19.20 19.22 22.22 27.00 4.78 10.00 32.22 53.00 20.78
BPSK 4965.0 19.80 19.64 22.73 27.00 4.27 10.00 32.73 53.00 20.27
4987.5 20.13 20.02 23.09 27.00 3.91 10.00 33.09 53.00 19.91
4942.5 19.41 19.26 22.35 27.00 4.65 10.00 32.35 53.00 20.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.79 19.36 22.59 27.00 4.41 10.00 32.59 53.00 20.41
4987.5 20.02 19.95 23.00 27.00 4.00 10.00 33.00 53.00 20.00
4942.5 19.38 19.23 22.32 27.00 4.68 10.00 32.32 53.00 20.68
16-QAM 4965.0 19.92 19.33 22.65 27.00 4.35 10.00 32.65 53.00 20.35
4987.5 19.99 20.11 23.06 27.00 3.94 10.00 33.06 53.00 19.94
4942.5 19.35 19.03 22.20 27.00 4.80 10.00 32.20 53.00 20.80
64-QAM 4965.0 20.03 19.53 22.80 27.00 4.20 10.00 32.80 53.00 20.20
4987.5 20.04 20.22 23.14 27.00 3.86 10.00 33.14 53.00 19.86

Table 79: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 19.20 19.22 22.22 27.00 4.78 19.00 41.22 53.00 11.78
BPSK 4965.0 19.80 19.64 22.73 27.00 4.27 19.00 41.73 53.00 11.27
4987.5 20.13 20.02 23.09 27.00 3.91 19.00 42.09 53.00 10.91
4942.5 19.41 19.26 22.35 27.00 4.65 19.00 41.35 53.00 11.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.79 19.36 22.59 27.00 4.41 19.00 41.59 53.00 11.41
4987.5 20.02 19.95 23.00 27.00 4.00 19.00 42.00 53.00 11.00
4942.5 19.38 19.23 22.32 27.00 4.68 19.00 41.32 53.00 11.68
16-QAM 4965.0 19.92 19.33 22.65 27.00 4.35 19.00 41.65 53.00 11.35
4987.5 19.99 20.11 23.06 27.00 3.94 19.00 42.06 53.00 10.94
4942.5 19.35 19.03 22.20 27.00 4.80 19.00 41.20 53.00 11.80
64-QAM 4965.0 20.03 19.53 22.80 27.00 4.20 19.00 41.80 53.00 11.20
4987.5 20.04 20.22 23.14 27.00 3.86 19.00 42.14 53.00 10.86

Table 80: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 17.73 18.14 20.95 21.00 0.05 32.00 52.95 53.00 0.05
BPSK 4965.0 17.27 17.82 20.56 21.00 0.44 32.00 52.56 53.00 0.44
4987.5 17.48 17.88 20.69 21.00 0.31 32.00 52.69 53.00 0.31
4942.5 17.59 17.75 20.68 21.00 0.32 32.00 52.68 53.00 0.32
QPSK 4965.0 17.37 17.79 20.60 21.00 0.40 32.00 52.60 53.00 0.40
4987.5 17.52 17.87 20.71 21.00 0.29 32.00 52.71 53.00 0.29
4942.5 17.74 17.70 20.73 21.00 0.27 32.00 52.73 53.00 0.27
16-QAM 4965.0 17.35 17.76 20.57 21.00 0.43 32.00 52.57 53.00 0.43
4987.5 17.19 17.90 20.57 21.00 0.43 32.00 52.57 53.00 0.43
4942.5 17.82 17.70 20.77 21.00 0.23 32.00 52.77 53.00 0.23
64-QAM 4965.0 17.22 17.85 20.56 21.00 0.44 32.00 52.56 53.00 0.44
4987.5 17.17 17.98 20.60 21.00 0.40 32.00 52.60 53.00 0.40

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Table 81: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 30.00 7.55 10.00 32.45 56.00 23.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 30.00 7.18 10.00 32.82 56.00 23.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 30.00 6.76 10.00 33.24 56.00 22.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 30.00 7.65 10.00 32.35 56.00 23.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 30.00 7.15 10.00 32.85 56.00 23.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 30.00 6.78 10.00 33.22 56.00 22.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 30.00 7.63 10.00 32.37 56.00 23.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 30.00 7.13 10.00 32.87 56.00 23.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 30.00 6.89 10.00 33.11 56.00 22.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 30.00 7.52 10.00 32.48 56.00 23.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 30.00 7.11 10.00 32.89 56.00 23.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 30.00 6.82 10.00 33.18 56.00 22.82

Table 82: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 30.00 7.55 19.00 41.45 56.00 14.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 30.00 7.18 19.00 41.82 56.00 14.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 30.00 6.76 19.00 42.24 56.00 13.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 30.00 7.65 19.00 41.35 56.00 14.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 30.00 7.15 19.00 41.85 56.00 14.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 30.00 6.78 19.00 42.22 56.00 13.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 30.00 7.63 19.00 41.37 56.00 14.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 30.00 7.13 19.00 41.87 56.00 14.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 30.00 6.89 19.00 42.11 56.00 13.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 30.00 7.52 19.00 41.48 56.00 14.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 30.00 7.11 19.00 41.89 56.00 14.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 30.00 6.82 19.00 42.18 56.00 13.82
Table 83: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 24.00 1.55 32.00 54.45 56.00 1.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 24.00 1.18 32.00 54.82 56.00 1.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 24.00 0.76 32.00 55.24 56.00 0.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 24.00 1.65 32.00 54.35 56.00 1.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 24.00 1.15 32.00 54.85 56.00 1.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 24.00 0.78 32.00 55.22 56.00 0.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 24.00 1.63 32.00 54.37 56.00 1.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 24.00 1.13 32.00 54.87 56.00 1.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 24.00 0.89 32.00 55.11 56.00 0.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 24.00 1.52 32.00 54.48 56.00 1.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 24.00 1.11 32.00 54.89 56.00 1.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 24.00 0.82 32.00 55.18 56.00 0.82

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Table 84: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 33.00 9.70 10.00 33.30 59.00 25.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 33.00 9.36 10.00 33.64 59.00 25.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 33.00 9.04 10.00 33.96 59.00 25.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 33.00 9.70 10.00 33.30 59.00 25.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 33.00 9.31 10.00 33.69 59.00 25.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 33.00 9.07 10.00 33.93 59.00 25.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 33.00 9.60 10.00 33.40 59.00 25.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 33.00 9.28 10.00 33.72 59.00 25.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 33.00 9.09 10.00 33.91 59.00 25.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 33.00 9.57 10.00 33.43 59.00 25.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 33.00 9.26 10.00 33.74 59.00 25.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 33.00 8.88 10.00 34.12 59.00 24.88

Table 85: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 33.00 9.70 19.00 42.30 59.00 16.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 33.00 9.36 19.00 42.64 59.00 16.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 33.00 9.04 19.00 42.96 59.00 16.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 33.00 9.70 19.00 42.30 59.00 16.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 33.00 9.31 19.00 42.69 59.00 16.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 33.00 9.07 19.00 42.93 59.00 16.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 33.00 9.60 19.00 42.40 59.00 16.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 33.00 9.28 19.00 42.72 59.00 16.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 33.00 9.09 19.00 42.91 59.00 16.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 33.00 9.57 19.00 42.43 59.00 16.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 33.00 9.26 19.00 42.74 59.00 16.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 33.00 8.88 19.00 43.12 59.00 15.88

Table 86: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 27.00 3.70 32.00 55.30 59.00 3.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 27.00 3.36 32.00 55.64 59.00 3.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 27.00 3.04 32.00 55.96 59.00 3.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 27.00 3.70 32.00 55.30 59.00 3.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 27.00 3.31 32.00 55.69 59.00 3.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 27.00 3.07 32.00 55.93 59.00 3.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 27.00 3.60 32.00 55.40 59.00 3.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 27.00 3.28 32.00 55.72 59.00 3.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 27.00 3.09 32.00 55.91 59.00 3.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 27.00 3.57 32.00 55.43 59.00 3.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 27.00 3.26 32.00 55.74 59.00 3.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 27.00 2.88 32.00 56.12 59.00 2.88

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5200 MHz: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E, §15.407

Table 87: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 10.31 10.10 13.22 27.00 13.78 9.00 22.22 36.00 13.78
QPSK 5200.0 15.95 16.43 19.21 27.00 7.79 9.00 28.21 36.00 7.79
5247.5 15.94 16.12 19.04 27.00 7.96 9.00 28.04 36.00 7.96
5155.0 10.31 9.94 13.14 27.00 13.86 9.00 22.14 36.00 13.86
64-QAM 5200.0 15.94 16.45 19.21 27.00 7.79 9.00 28.21 36.00 7.79
5247.5 15.97 16.11 19.05 27.00 7.95 9.00 28.05 36.00 7.95
Note: including 1 dB cable loss

Table 88: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 3.77 3.37 6.58 17.00 10.42 19.00 25.58 36.00 10.42
QPSK 5200.0 6.11 6.46 9.30 17.00 7.70 19.00 28.30 36.00 7.70
5247.5 6.06 6.20 9.14 17.00 7.86 19.00 28.14 36.00 7.86
5155.0 3.76 3.37 6.58 17.00 10.42 19.00 25.58 36.00 10.42
64-QAM 5200.0 6.12 6.45 9.30 17.00 7.70 19.00 28.30 36.00 7.70
5247.5 6.06 6.16 9.12 17.00 7.88 19.00 28.12 36.00 7.88

Table 89: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 -12.32 -13.45 -9.84 8.00 17.84 27.50 17.66 36.00 18.34
QPSK 5200.0 -2.38 -3.03 0.32 8.00 7.68 27.50 27.82 36.00 8.18
5247.5 -2.50 -3.15 0.20 8.00 7.80 27.50 27.70 36.00 8.30
5155.0 -12.26 -13.50 -9.83 8.00 17.83 27.50 17.67 36.00 18.33
64-QAM 5200.0 -2.34 -3.16 0.28 8.00 7.72 27.50 27.78 36.00 8.22
5247.5 -2.53 -4.12 -0.24 8.00 8.24 27.50 27.26 36.00 8.74
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss

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Table 90: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 12.71 13.51 16.14 27.00 10.86 9.00 25.14 36.00 10.86
QPSK 5200.0 19.26 18.50 21.91 27.00 5.09 9.00 30.91 36.00 5.09
5245.0 19.10 19.06 22.09 27.00 4.91 9.00 31.09 36.00 4.91
5160.0 12.71 13.51 16.14 27.00 10.86 9.00 25.14 36.00 10.86
64-QAM 5200.0 19.38 18.52 21.98 27.00 5.02 9.00 30.98 36.00 5.02
5245.0 19.08 19.03 22.07 27.00 4.93 9.00 31.07 36.00 4.93
Note: including 1 dB cable loss

Table 91: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 8.68 8.31 11.51 17.00 5.49 19.00 30.51 36.00 5.49
QPSK 5200.0 9.08 8.53 11.82 17.00 5.18 19.00 30.82 36.00 5.18
5245.0 9.16 8.96 12.07 17.00 4.93 19.00 31.07 36.00 4.93
5160.0 8.70 8.30 11.51 17.00 5.49 19.00 30.51 36.00 5.49
64-QAM 5200.0 9.18 8.48 11.85 17.00 5.15 19.00 30.85 36.00 5.15
5245.0 9.10 8.96 12.04 17.00 4.96 19.00 31.04 36.00 4.96

Table 92: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 -7.87 -8.43 -5.13 8.00 13.13 27.50 22.37 36.00 13.63
QPSK 5200.0 0.69 0.27 3.50 8.00 4.50 27.50 31.00 36.00 5.00
5245.0 0.48 0.20 3.35 8.00 4.65 27.50 30.85 36.00 5.15
5160.0 -7.87 -8.41 -5.12 8.00 13.12 27.50 22.38 36.00 13.62
64-QAM 5200.0 0.67 0.28 3.49 8.00 4.51 27.50 30.99 36.00 5.01
5245.0 0.44 0.32 3.39 8.00 4.61 27.50 30.89 36.00 5.11
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss

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Table 93: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 14.10 14.77 17.46 27.00 9.54 9.00 26.46 36.00 9.54
QPSK 5200.0 21.85 21.66 24.77 27.00 2.23 9.00 33.77 36.00 2.23
5240.0 21.92 21.34 24.65 27.00 2.35 9.00 33.65 36.00 2.35
5170.0 14.13 15.09 17.65 27.00 9.35 9.00 26.65 36.00 9.35
64-QAM 5200.0 21.95 21.55 24.76 27.00 2.24 9.00 33.76 36.00 2.24
5240.0 21.88 21.49 24.70 27.00 2.30 9.00 33.70 36.00 2.30
Note: including 1 dB cable loss

Table 94: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 11.90 11.29 14.62 17.00 2.38 19.00 33.62 36.00 2.38
QPSK 5200.0 11.40 11.78 14.60 17.00 2.40 19.00 33.60 36.00 2.40
5240.0 12.14 11.57 14.87 17.00 2.13 19.00 33.87 36.00 2.13
5170.0 11.93 11.29 14.63 17.00 2.37 19.00 33.63 36.00 2.37
64-QAM 5200.0 11.30 11.86 14.60 17.00 2.40 19.00 33.60 36.00 2.40
5240.0 12.20 11.48 14.87 17.00 2.13 19.00 33.87 36.00 2.13

Table 95: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 -6.09 -6.14 -3.10 8.00 11.10 27.50 24.40 36.00 11.60
QPSK 5200.0 2.93 2.39 5.68 8.00 2.32 27.50 33.18 36.00 2.82
5240.0 3.71 3.24 6.49 8.00 1.51 27.50 33.99 36.00 2.01
5170.0 -6.14 -6.14 -3.13 8.00 11.13 27.50 24.37 36.00 11.63
64-QAM 5200.0 3.05 2.38 5.74 8.00 2.26 27.50 33.24 36.00 2.76
5240.0 3.67 3.21 6.46 8.00 1.54 27.50 33.96 36.00 2.04
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss

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5300 MHz: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E, §15.407

Table 96: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 8.51 7.53 11.06 13.70 2.64
BPSK 5300.0 8.45 8.66 11.57 13.70 2.14
5345.0 7.68 7.51 10.61 13.70 3.10
5252.5 8.50 7.55 11.06 13.70 2.64
QPSK 5300.0 8.44 8.66 11.56 13.70 2.14
5345.0 7.62 7.63 10.64 13.70 3.07
5252.5 8.52 7.56 11.08 13.70 2.63
16-QAM 5300.0 8.46 8.68 11.58 13.70 2.12
5345.0 7.62 7.77 10.71 13.70 3.00
5252.5 8.44 7.57 11.04 13.70 2.67
64-QAM 5300.0 8.49 8.68 11.60 13.70 2.11
5345.0 7.55 7.86 10.72 13.70 2.98

Table 97: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -1.44 -1.38 1.60 4.70 3.10
BPSK 5300.0 -0.46 -1.22 2.19 4.70 2.52
5345.0 -0.50 -1.42 2.07 4.70 2.63
5252.5 -1.49 -1.33 1.60 4.70 3.10
QPSK 5300.0 -0.50 -1.01 2.26 4.70 2.44
5345.0 -0.46 -1.38 2.11 4.70 2.59
5252.5 -1.47 -1.30 1.63 4.70 3.08
16-QAM 5300.0 -0.50 -0.92 2.31 4.70 2.40
5345.0 -0.49 -1.38 2.10 4.70 2.60
5252.5 -1.50 -1.28 1.62 4.70 3.08
64-QAM 5300.0 -0.51 -0.84 2.34 4.70 2.36
5345.0 -0.43 -1.37 2.14 4.70 2.57

Table 98: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -14.50 -14.38 -11.43 -8.30 3.13
BPSK 5300.0 -13.47 -13.26 -10.35 -8.30 2.06
5345.0 -14.34 -14.41 -11.36 -8.30 3.07
5252.5 -14.53 -14.25 -11.38 -8.30 3.08
QPSK 5300.0 -13.50 -13.25 -10.36 -8.30 2.07
5345.0 -14.35 -14.40 -11.36 -8.30 3.07
5252.5 -14.51 -14.11 -11.30 -8.30 3.00
16-QAM 5300.0 -13.44 -13.26 -10.34 -8.30 2.04
5345.0 -14.38 -14.33 -11.34 -8.30 3.05
5252.5 -14.52 -14.13 -11.31 -8.30 3.01
64-QAM 5300.0 -13.51 -13.25 -10.37 -8.30 2.07
5345.0 -14.52 -14.34 -11.42 -8.30 3.12

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Table 99: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 10.54 10.49 13.53 16.68 3.16
BPSK 5300.0 10.46 10.81 13.65 16.68 3.03
5342.5 10.69 11.54 14.15 16.68 2.54
5255.0 10.50 10.51 13.52 16.68 3.17
QPSK 5300.0 10.48 10.80 13.65 16.68 3.03
5342.5 10.63 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56
5255.0 10.33 10.55 13.45 16.68 3.23
16-QAM 5300.0 10.49 10.81 13.66 16.68 3.02
5342.5 10.62 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56
5255.0 10.37 10.67 13.53 16.68 3.15
64-QAM 5300.0 10.54 10.79 13.68 16.68 3.01
5342.5 10.63 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56

Table 100: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 1.52 1.91 4.73 7.68 2.95
BPSK 5300.0 1.58 1.83 4.72 7.68 2.97
5342.5 2.60 2.77 5.70 7.68 1.99
5255.0 1.61 1.89 4.76 7.68 2.92
QPSK 5300.0 1.60 1.84 4.73 7.68 2.95
5342.5 2.61 2.64 5.64 7.68 2.05
5255.0 1.60 1.87 4.75 7.68 2.94
16-QAM 5300.0 1.57 1.84 4.72 7.68 2.97
5342.5 2.58 2.53 5.57 7.68 2.12
5255.0 1.61 1.86 4.75 7.68 2.94
64-QAM 5300.0 1.64 1.85 4.76 7.68 2.93
5342.5 2.59 2.44 5.53 7.68 2.16

Table 101: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 -11.56 -11.33 -8.43 -5.32 3.12
BPSK 5300.0 -11.57 -11.08 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.43 -11.50 -8.45 -5.32 3.14
5255.0 -11.56 -11.31 -8.42 -5.32 3.11
QPSK 5300.0 -11.59 -11.06 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.47 -11.49 -8.47 -5.32 3.15
5255.0 -11.59 -11.31 -8.44 -5.32 3.12
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.58 -11.07 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.33 -11.45 -8.38 -5.32 3.06
5255.0 -11.60 -11.30 -8.44 -5.32 3.12
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.51 -11.02 -8.25 -5.32 2.93
5342.5 -11.27 -11.47 -8.36 -5.32 3.04

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Table 102: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 13.86 13.14 16.53 19.69 3.17
BPSK 5300.0 13.97 13.15 16.59 19.69 3.10
5337.5 14.15 14.08 17.13 19.69 2.57
5260.0 13.85 13.12 16.51 19.69 3.18
QPSK 5300.0 13.95 13.17 16.59 19.69 3.10
5337.5 14.00 14.10 17.06 19.69 2.63
5260.0 13.84 13.12 16.51 19.69 3.19
16-QAM 5300.0 13.98 13.21 16.62 19.69 3.07
5337.5 13.99 14.11 17.06 19.69 2.63
5260.0 13.85 13.16 16.53 19.69 3.16
64-QAM 5300.0 13.96 13.24 16.63 19.69 3.07
5337.5 14.12 14.10 17.12 19.69 2.57

Table 103: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 4.88 4.09 7.51 10.69 3.18
BPSK 5300.0 4.81 4.08 7.47 10.69 3.22
5337.5 5.02 4.98 8.01 10.69 2.68
5260.0 4.85 4.10 7.50 10.69 3.19
QPSK 5300.0 4.82 4.27 7.56 10.69 3.13
5337.5 4.94 4.97 7.97 10.69 2.73
5260.0 4.86 4.08 7.50 10.69 3.19
16-QAM 5300.0 4.88 4.33 7.62 10.69 3.07
5337.5 4.97 4.98 7.99 10.69 2.71
5260.0 4.88 4.10 7.52 10.69 3.17
64-QAM 5300.0 4.87 4.47 7.68 10.69 3.01
5337.5 4.87 4.98 7.94 10.69 2.76

Table 104: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 -8.30 -8.11 -5.19 -2.31 2.89
BPSK 5300.0 -8.56 -8.21 -5.37 -2.31 3.06
5337.5 -8.01 -8.10 -5.04 -2.31 2.74
5260.0 -8.25 -8.15 -5.19 -2.31 2.88
QPSK 5300.0 -8.55 -8.21 -5.37 -2.31 3.06
5337.5 -8.03 -8.09 -5.05 -2.31 2.74
5260.0 -8.29 -8.19 -5.23 -2.31 2.92
16-QAM 5300.0 -8.59 -8.20 -5.38 -2.31 3.07
5337.5 -8.02 -8.08 -5.04 -2.31 2.73
5260.0 -8.31 -8.20 -5.24 -2.31 2.94
64-QAM 5300.0 -8.67 -8.00 -5.31 -2.31 3.00
5337.5 -8.02 -8.08 -5.04 -2.31 2.73

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5400 MHz Band: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E, §15.407

Table 105: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 7.93 7.91 10.93 13.65 2.72
BPSK 5570.0 8.31 7.58 10.97 13.65 2.68
5722.5 8.60 8.10 11.37 13.65 2.28
5472.5 7.95 7.82 10.90 13.65 2.75
QPSK 5570.0 8.20 7.55 10.90 13.65 2.75
5722.5 8.61 7.97 11.31 13.65 2.33
5472.5 7.99 7.77 10.89 13.65 2.75
16-QAM 5570.0 8.17 7.66 10.93 13.65 2.71
5722.5 8.57 7.99 11.30 13.65 2.35
5472.5 7.99 7.68 10.85 13.65 2.80
64-QAM 5570.0 8.15 7.56 10.88 13.65 2.77
5722.5 8.55 7.91 11.25 13.65 2.39

Table 106: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -1.00 -1.48 1.78 4.65 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 -0.73 -1.46 1.93 4.65 2.72
5722.5 0.40 -0.41 3.02 4.65 1.62
5472.5 -1.01 -1.50 1.76 4.65 2.88
QPSK 5570.0 -0.77 -1.48 1.90 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.44 -0.41 3.05 4.65 1.60
5472.5 -1.02 -1.51 1.75 4.65 2.89
16-QAM 5570.0 -0.75 -1.52 1.89 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.53 -0.43 3.09 4.65 1.56
5472.5 -1.02 -1.55 1.73 4.65 2.91
64-QAM 5570.0 -0.71 -1.55 1.90 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.59 -0.42 3.12 4.65 1.52

Table 107: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -14.23 -14.92 -11.55 -8.35 3.20
BPSK 5570.0 -13.65 -14.25 -10.93 -8.35 2.58
5722.5 -12.96 -13.55 -10.23 -8.35 1.88
5472.5 -14.37 -15.05 -11.69 -8.35 3.33
QPSK 5570.0 -13.66 -14.30 -10.96 -8.35 2.60
5722.5 -12.99 -13.44 -10.20 -8.35 1.85
5472.5 -14.44 -14.99 -11.70 -8.35 3.34
16-QAM 5570.0 -13.71 -14.33 -11.00 -8.35 2.65
5722.5 -13.01 -13.49 -10.23 -8.35 1.88
5472.5 -14.58 -14.80 -11.68 -8.35 3.32
64-QAM 5570.0 -13.68 -14.29 -10.96 -8.35 2.61
5722.5 -13.00 -13.46 -10.21 -8.35 1.86

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Table 108: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 10.33 11.13 13.76 16.63 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 10.69 10.29 13.50 16.63 3.12
5720.0 11.07 10.79 13.94 16.63 2.69
5475.0 10.25 11.13 13.72 16.63 2.91
QPSK 5570.0 10.72 10.30 13.53 16.63 3.10
5720.0 11.09 10.80 13.96 16.63 2.67
5475.0 10.26 11.14 13.73 16.63 2.90
16-QAM 5570.0 10.73 10.33 13.54 16.63 3.08
5720.0 11.10 10.82 13.97 16.63 2.66
5475.0 10.27 11.11 13.72 16.63 2.91
64-QAM 5570.0 10.74 10.43 13.60 16.63 3.03
5720.0 11.09 10.84 13.98 16.63 2.65

Table 109: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 1.98 0.79 4.44 7.63 3.19
BPSK 5570.0 1.34 0.61 4.00 7.63 3.63
5720.0 2.00 1.45 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 1.99 0.77 4.43 7.63 3.20
QPSK 5570.0 1.30 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.65
5720.0 2.01 1.44 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 2.00 0.75 4.43 7.63 3.20
16-QAM 5570.0 1.31 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.64
5720.0 2.01 1.44 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 2.02 0.79 4.46 7.63 3.17
64-QAM 5570.0 1.31 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.64
5720.0 2.01 1.50 4.77 7.63 2.86

Table 110: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 -11.03 -11.85 -8.41 -5.37 3.04
BPSK 5570.0 -11.61 -11.97 -8.78 -5.37 3.40
5720.0 -11.10 -12.05 -8.54 -5.37 3.17
5475.0 -11.00 -11.83 -8.38 -5.37 3.01
QPSK 5570.0 -11.62 -11.95 -8.77 -5.37 3.40
5720.0 -11.10 -12.00 -8.52 -5.37 3.14
5475.0 -10.99 -11.81 -8.37 -5.37 3.00
16-QAM 5570.0 -11.61 -11.93 -8.76 -5.37 3.39
5720.0 -11.10 -11.92 -8.48 -5.37 3.11
5475.0 -10.99 -11.81 -8.37 -5.37 3.00
64-QAM 5570.0 -11.60 -11.93 -8.75 -5.37 3.38
5720.0 -11.11 -11.74 -8.40 -5.37 3.03

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Table 111: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 14.05 13.49 16.79 19.66 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 13.32 13.65 16.50 19.66 3.16
5715.0 13.78 13.09 16.46 19.66 3.20
5480.0 14.07 13.51 16.81 19.66 2.85
QPSK 5570.0 13.33 13.68 16.52 19.66 3.14
5715.0 13.48 13.10 16.30 19.66 3.35
5480.0 14.08 13.53 16.82 19.66 2.83
16-QAM 5570.0 13.34 13.72 16.54 19.66 3.11
5715.0 13.76 13.11 16.46 19.66 3.20
5480.0 14.08 13.56 16.84 19.66 2.82
64-QAM 5570.0 13.35 13.86 16.62 19.66 3.03
5715.0 13.77 13.12 16.47 19.66 3.19

Table 112: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 4.42 5.11 7.79 10.66 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 4.74 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.74 4.37 7.57 10.66 3.09
5480.0 4.41 5.11 7.78 10.66 2.87
QPSK 5570.0 4.75 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.78 4.40 7.60 10.66 3.05
5480.0 4.41 5.11 7.78 10.66 2.87
16-QAM 5570.0 4.75 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.79 4.41 7.61 10.66 3.04
5480.0 4.41 5.12 7.79 10.66 2.87
64-QAM 5570.0 4.75 5.02 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.71 4.45 7.59 10.66 3.07

Table 113: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 -8.56 -8.28 -5.41 -2.34 3.07
BPSK 5570.0 -8.45 -8.88 -5.65 -2.34 3.31
5715.0 -8.12 -8.61 -5.35 -2.34 3.01
5480.0 -8.55 -8.25 -5.39 -2.34 3.04
QPSK 5570.0 -8.45 -8.91 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.13 -8.66 -5.38 -2.34 3.03
5480.0 -8.53 -8.26 -5.38 -2.34 3.04
16-QAM 5570.0 -8.44 -8.92 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.14 -8.64 -5.37 -2.34 3.03
5480.0 -8.52 -8.25 -5.37 -2.34 3.03
64-QAM 5570.0 -8.43 -8.93 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.16 -8.58 -5.35 -2.34 3.01

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5800 MHz Band: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C, §15.247

Table 114: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5727.5 18.42 18.41 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
BPSK 5790.0 22.34 22.18 25.27 26.00 0.73 10.00 35.27 36.00 0.73
5847.5 20.25 20.55 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.42 18.40 21.42 26.00 4.58 10.00 31.42 36.00 4.58
QPSK 5790.0 22.29 22.18 25.25 26.00 0.75 10.00 35.25 36.00 0.75
5847.5 20.29 20.50 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.43 18.40 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
16-QAM 5790.0 22.27 22.17 25.23 26.00 0.77 10.00 35.23 36.00 0.77
5847.5 20.31 20.48 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.43 18.40 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
64-QAM 5790.0 22.26 22.18 25.23 26.00 0.77 10.00 35.23 36.00 0.77
5847.5 20.28 20.44 23.37 26.00 2.63 10.00 33.37 36.00 2.63

Table 115: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5727.5 13.35 13.35 16.36 17.00 0.64 19.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
BPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.57 14.35 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5727.5 13.96 13.45 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
QPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.54 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.89 13.34 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
16-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.34 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.55 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.91 13.33 16.64 17.00 0.36 19.00 35.64 36.00 0.36
64-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.45 14.41 16.97 17.00 0.03 19.00 35.97 36.00 0.03

Table 116: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5727.5 0.68 1.10 3.91 4.00 0.09 32.00 35.91 36.00 0.09
BPSK 5790.0 0.77 0.92 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.98 3.78 4.00 0.22 32.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5727.5 0.84 1.10 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
QPSK 5790.0 0.78 0.91 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.94 3.75 4.00 0.25 32.00 35.75 36.00 0.25
5727.5 0.82 1.10 3.97 4.00 0.03 32.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
16-QAM 5790.0 0.79 0.92 3.87 4.00 0.13 32.00 35.87 36.00 0.13
5847.5 0.53 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5727.5 0.86 1.10 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 0.75 0.92 3.85 4.00 0.15 32.00 35.85 36.00 0.15
5847.5 0.51 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26

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Table 117: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 21.15 20.70 23.94 26.00 2.06 10.00 33.94 36.00 2.06
BPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.34 20.31 23.34 26.00 2.66 10.00 33.34 36.00 2.66
5730.0 21.19 20.69 23.96 26.00 2.04 10.00 33.96 36.00 2.04
QPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.35 20.35 23.36 26.00 2.64 10.00 33.36 36.00 2.64
5730.0 21.12 20.69 23.92 26.00 2.08 10.00 33.92 36.00 2.08
16-QAM 5790.0 22.30 22.40 25.36 26.00 0.64 10.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
5845.0 20.36 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
5730.0 21.07 20.68 23.89 26.00 2.11 10.00 33.89 36.00 2.11
64-QAM 5790.0 22.24 22.42 25.34 26.00 0.66 10.00 35.34 36.00 0.66
5845.0 20.35 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68

Table 118: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 14.29 13.57 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
BPSK 5790.0 14.00 13.64 16.83 17.00 0.17 19.00 35.83 36.00 0.17
5845.0 13.49 13.75 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
5730.0 14.28 13.60 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 13.99 13.63 16.82 17.00 0.18 19.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
5845.0 13.50 13.34 16.43 17.00 0.57 19.00 35.43 36.00 0.57
5730.0 14.35 13.59 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
16-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.56 16.80 17.00 0.20 19.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
5845.0 13.57 13.33 16.46 17.00 0.54 19.00 35.46 36.00 0.54
5730.0 14.23 13.61 16.94 17.00 0.06 19.00 35.94 36.00 0.06
64-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.52 16.78 17.00 0.22 19.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5845.0 13.50 13.27 16.40 17.00 0.60 19.00 35.40 36.00 0.60

Table 119: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 1.11 0.43 3.79 4.00 0.21 32.00 35.79 36.00 0.21
BPSK 5790.0 0.84 1.06 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5845.0 0.37 1.39 3.92 4.00 0.08 32.00 35.92 36.00 0.08
5730.0 1.12 0.44 3.80 4.00 0.20 32.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
QPSK 5790.0 0.64 1.08 3.88 4.00 0.12 32.00 35.88 36.00 0.12
5845.0 0.39 0.96 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.14 0.45 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
16-QAM 5790.0 0.81 1.07 3.95 4.00 0.05 32.00 35.95 36.00 0.05
5845.0 0.42 0.92 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.11 0.48 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
64-QAM 5790.0 0.77 1.06 3.93 4.00 0.07 32.00 35.93 36.00 0.07
5845.0 0.47 0.90 3.70 4.00 0.30 32.00 35.70 36.00 0.30

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Table 120: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 22.30 22.74 25.54 26.00 0.46 10.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
BPSK 5790.0 22.59 22.72 25.67 26.00 0.33 10.00 35.67 36.00 0.33
5840.0 21.53 21.65 24.60 26.00 1.40 10.00 34.60 36.00 1.40
5735.0 22.31 22.76 25.55 26.00 0.45 10.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
QPSK 5790.0 22.66 22.72 25.70 26.00 0.30 10.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
5840.0 21.63 21.66 24.66 26.00 1.34 10.00 34.66 36.00 1.34
5735.0 22.30 22.79 25.56 26.00 0.44 10.00 35.56 36.00 0.44
16-QAM 5790.0 22.76 22.74 25.76 26.00 0.24 10.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
5840.0 21.56 21.67 24.63 26.00 1.37 10.00 34.63 36.00 1.37
5735.0 22.29 22.73 25.53 26.00 0.47 10.00 35.53 36.00 0.47
64-QAM 5790.0 22.77 22.77 25.78 26.00 0.22 10.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5840.0 21.53 21.67 24.61 26.00 1.39 10.00 34.61 36.00 1.39

Table 121: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 13.45 13.94 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
BPSK 5790.0 14.19 13.79 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
5840.0 13.92 13.49 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5735.0 13.55 13.91 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
QPSK 5790.0 14.18 13.78 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.93 13.51 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5735.0 13.54 13.88 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
16-QAM 5790.0 14.12 13.77 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5840.0 13.36 13.50 16.44 17.00 0.56 19.00 35.44 36.00 0.56
5735.0 13.50 13.89 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
64-QAM 5790.0 14.15 13.80 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.98 13.50 16.76 17.00 0.24 19.00 35.76 36.00 0.24

Table 122: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 1.34 0.60 4.00 4.00 0.00 32.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
BPSK 5790.0 1.02 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.81 0.33 3.59 4.00 0.41 32.00 35.59 36.00 0.41
5735.0 1.33 0.54 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 1.03 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.72 0.34 3.54 4.00 0.46 32.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
5735.0 1.35 0.55 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
16-QAM 5790.0 1.05 0.36 3.73 4.00 0.27 32.00 35.73 36.00 0.27
5840.0 0.66 0.33 3.51 4.00 0.49 32.00 35.51 36.00 0.49
5735.0 1.37 0.56 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 1.11 0.37 3.77 4.00 0.23 32.00 35.77 36.00 0.23
5840.0 0.69 0.38 3.55 4.00 0.45 32.00 35.55 36.00 0.45

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8.7.3 Deployment in Canada

Industry Canada Notices
This Class B Digital apparatus meets all the requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment.
The following notices about deployment in Canada are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- IC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy IC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, the following
distances should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons
during device operation:
Table 123: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada
Frequency (MHz) Deployment Separation Distance
4900 PMP 260 cm (103") or more
5300 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more
5400 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more
5800 PMP 20 cm (7.8") or more
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The RDL-3000 has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain
of 32 dBi. Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry
Canada. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
This device has been designed to ensure that radio frequency emissions are maintained
within the band of operation under all normal operating conditions listed in this manual.
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation
is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain
should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is not more than
that required for successful communication.
Users should also be advised that high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e.
priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars
could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
Déploiement aux le Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Les avis suivants à propos du déploiement au Canada sont inclus dans la formation et la
documentation fournies aux installateurs professionnels et les opérateurs du produit
1. Le produit final doit être installé par un professionnel.
2. AVERTISSEMENT - IC avertissements d'exposition RF
Pour satisfaire les exigences d’IC en ce qui a trait aux expositions aux RF pour RF
dispositifs de transmission, les distances suivantes doit être maintenue entre
l'antenne de ce dispositif et des personnes pendant le fonctionnement du dispositif:

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Table 124: 4900-5875 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada

Fréquence (MHz) Deployment Distance de Séparation
4900 PMP 260 cm (103") ou plus
5300 PMP 20 cm (7.8") ou plus
5400 PMP 20 cm (7.8") ou plus
5800 PMP 20 cm (7.8") ou plus
Le RDL-3000 a été conçu pour fonctionner avec une antenne ayant un gain maximal de
32 dBi. Antenne ayant un gain plus élevé est strictement interdite par les règlements
d'Industrie Canada. L'impédance d'antenne requise est de 50 ohms.
Ce dispositif a été conçu pour veiller à ce que les émissions de radiofréquences sont
maintenus dans la bande de fonctionnement dans toutes les conditions normales de
fonctionnement figurant dans ce manuel.
Cet appareil est conforme la norme d'Industrie Canada exempts de licence RSS (s). Son
fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
3. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférences, et
4. Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui
peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.
Pour réduire le potentiel d’interférence radio sur d’autres utilisateurs, le type d’antenne
et son gain doivent être choisies tel que la Puissance Isotrope Rayonnée Equivalente
(PIRE) ne dépasse pas le niveau nécessaire pour une communication efficace.
De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de
haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-d., qu’ils ont la priorité) pour
les bandes 5 250-5 350 MHz et 5 650-5 850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer
du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.
Antenna + Power Settings
The following tables list the allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies and
channel bandwidths. If the antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed
maximum for any Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced
by the same amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum.

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4900 MHz Band: IC RSS-111

Table 125: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output
Power at Power at Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen d output power EIRP
Modulation RF-1 RF-2 margin, gain limit margin
cy (MHz) power limit (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 22.81 23.63 26.25 27.00 0.75 10.00 36.25 53.00 16.75
BPSK 4965.0 22.77 22.75 25.77 27.00 1.23 10.00 35.77 53.00 17.23
4987.5 23.16 22.94 26.06 27.00 0.94 10.00 36.06 53.00 16.94
4942.5 22.63 23.64 26.17 27.00 0.83 10.00 36.17 53.00 16.83
QPSK 4965.0 22.84 22.96 25.91 27.00 1.09 10.00 35.91 53.00 17.09
4987.5 23.22 23.51 26.38 27.00 0.62 10.00 36.38 53.00 16.62
4942.5 22.78 23.81 26.34 27.00 0.66 10.00 36.34 53.00 16.66
16-QAM 4965.0 23.19 23.07 26.14 27.00 0.86 10.00 36.14 53.00 16.86
4987.5 23.17 22.81 26.00 27.00 1.00 10.00 36.00 53.00 17.00
4942.5 22.54 23.78 26.21 27.00 0.79 10.00 36.21 53.00 16.79
64-QAM 4965.0 23.40 22.72 26.08 27.00 0.92 10.00 36.08 53.00 16.92
4987.5 23.31 23.10 26.22 27.00 0.78 10.00 36.22 53.00 16.78

Table 126: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output
Power at Power at Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen d output power EIRP
Modulation RF-1 RF-2 margin, gain limit margin
cy (MHz) power limit (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 22.81 23.63 26.25 27.00 0.75 19.00 45.25 53.00 7.75
BPSK 4965.0 22.77 22.75 25.77 27.00 1.23 19.00 44.77 53.00 8.23
4987.5 23.16 22.94 26.06 27.00 0.94 19.00 45.06 53.00 7.94
4942.5 22.63 23.64 26.17 27.00 0.83 19.00 45.17 53.00 7.83
QPSK 4965.0 22.84 22.96 25.91 27.00 1.09 19.00 44.91 53.00 8.09
4987.5 23.22 23.51 26.38 27.00 0.62 19.00 45.38 53.00 7.62
4942.5 22.78 23.81 26.34 27.00 0.66 19.00 45.34 53.00 7.66
16-QAM 4965.0 23.19 23.07 26.14 27.00 0.86 19.00 45.14 53.00 7.86
4987.5 23.17 22.81 26.00 27.00 1.00 19.00 45.00 53.00 8.00
4942.5 22.54 23.78 26.21 27.00 0.79 19.00 45.21 53.00 7.79
64-QAM 4965.0 23.40 22.72 26.08 27.00 0.92 19.00 45.08 53.00 7.92
4987.5 23.31 23.10 26.22 27.00 0.78 19.00 45.22 53.00 7.78

Table 127: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output
Power at Power at Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen d output power EIRP
Modulation RF-1 RF-2 margin, gain limit margin
cy (MHz) power limit (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 16.90 16.89 19.91 21.00 1.09 32.00 51.91 53.00 1.09
BPSK 4965.0 16.94 16.51 19.74 21.00 1.26 32.00 51.74 53.00 1.26
4987.5 17.35 17.19 20.28 21.00 0.72 32.00 52.28 53.00 0.72
4942.5 17.12 16.98 20.06 21.00 0.94 32.00 52.06 53.00 0.94
QPSK 4965.0 17.04 16.50 19.79 21.00 1.21 32.00 51.79 53.00 1.21
4987.5 17.33 17.12 20.24 21.00 0.76 32.00 52.24 53.00 0.76
4942.5 17.00 16.34 19.69 21.00 1.31 32.00 51.69 53.00 1.31
16-QAM 4965.0 16.73 16.65 19.70 21.00 1.30 32.00 51.70 53.00 1.30
4987.5 17.54 17.24 20.40 21.00 0.60 32.00 52.40 53.00 0.60
4942.5 16.57 16.38 19.49 21.00 1.51 32.00 51.49 53.00 1.51
64-QAM 4965.0 16.64 16.81 19.74 21.00 1.26 32.00 51.74 53.00 1.26
4987.5 17.44 17.08 20.27 21.00 0.73 32.00 52.27 53.00 0.73

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Table 128: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 26.37 25.87 29.14 30.00 0.86 10.00 39.14 56.00 16.86
BPSK 4965.0 26.39 26.38 29.40 30.00 0.60 10.00 39.40 56.00 16.60
4985.0 25.62 26.20 28.93 30.00 1.07 10.00 38.93 56.00 17.07
4945.0 26.32 26.03 29.19 30.00 0.81 10.00 39.19 56.00 16.81
QPSK 4965.0 26.41 26.27 29.35 30.00 0.65 10.00 39.35 56.00 16.65
4985.0 25.51 26.27 28.92 30.00 1.08 10.00 38.92 56.00 17.08
4945.0 26.19 25.81 29.01 30.00 0.99 10.00 39.01 56.00 16.99
16-QAM 4965.0 26.40 26.23 29.33 30.00 0.67 10.00 39.33 56.00 16.67
4985.0 25.68 26.24 28.98 30.00 1.02 10.00 38.98 56.00 17.02
4945.0 26.27 26.19 29.24 30.00 0.76 10.00 39.24 56.00 16.76
64-QAM 4965.0 26.49 26.27 29.39 30.00 0.61 10.00 39.39 56.00 16.61
4985.0 25.78 26.35 29.08 30.00 0.92 10.00 39.08 56.00 16.92

Table 129: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 26.37 25.87 29.14 30.00 0.86 19.00 48.14 56.00 7.86
BPSK 4965.0 26.39 26.38 29.40 30.00 0.60 19.00 48.40 56.00 7.60
4985.0 26.93 27.01 29.98 30.00 0.02 19.00 48.98 56.00 7.02
4945.0 26.32 26.03 29.19 30.00 0.81 19.00 48.19 56.00 7.81
QPSK 4965.0 26.41 26.27 29.35 30.00 0.65 19.00 48.35 56.00 7.65
4985.0 25.51 26.87 29.25 30.00 0.75 19.00 48.25 56.00 7.75
4945.0 26.19 25.81 29.01 30.00 0.99 19.00 48.01 56.00 7.99
16-QAM 4965.0 26.40 26.23 29.33 30.00 0.67 19.00 48.33 56.00 7.67
4985.0 25.68 26.95 29.37 30.00 0.63 19.00 48.37 56.00 7.63
4945.0 26.27 26.19 29.24 30.00 0.76 19.00 48.24 56.00 7.76
64-QAM 4965.0 26.49 26.27 29.39 30.00 0.61 19.00 48.39 56.00 7.61
4985.0 25.78 26.35 29.08 30.00 0.92 19.00 48.08 56.00 7.92

Table 130: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 20.82 20.54 23.69 24.00 0.31 32.00 55.69 56.00 0.31
BPSK 4965.0 19.79 20.52 23.18 24.00 0.82 32.00 55.18 56.00 0.82
4985.0 20.32 20.21 23.28 24.00 0.72 32.00 55.28 56.00 0.72
4945.0 20.59 20.48 23.55 24.00 0.45 32.00 55.55 56.00 0.45
QPSK 4965.0 19.79 20.84 23.36 24.00 0.64 32.00 55.36 56.00 0.64
4985.0 20.05 20.33 23.20 24.00 0.80 32.00 55.20 56.00 0.80
4945.0 20.41 20.21 23.32 24.00 0.68 32.00 55.32 56.00 0.68
16-QAM 4965.0 19.68 20.53 23.14 24.00 0.86 32.00 55.14 56.00 0.86
4985.0 20.17 20.27 23.23 24.00 0.77 32.00 55.23 56.00 0.77
4945.0 20.37 20.29 23.34 24.00 0.66 32.00 55.34 56.00 0.66
64-QAM 4965.0 19.80 20.82 23.35 24.00 0.65 32.00 55.35 56.00 0.65
4985.0 20.20 20.25 23.24 24.00 0.76 32.00 55.24 56.00 0.76

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Table 131: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 27.41 27.64 30.54 33.00 2.46 10.00 40.54 59.00 18.46
BPSK 4965.0 27.91 27.99 30.96 33.00 2.04 10.00 40.96 59.00 18.04
4980.0 27.90 27.84 30.88 33.00 2.12 10.00 40.88 59.00 18.12
4950.0 27.18 27.50 30.35 33.00 2.65 10.00 40.35 59.00 18.65
QPSK 4965.0 27.64 27.57 30.62 33.00 2.38 10.00 40.62 59.00 18.38
4980.0 28.16 28.32 31.25 33.00 1.75 10.00 41.25 59.00 17.75
4950.0 27.26 27.69 30.49 33.00 2.51 10.00 40.49 59.00 18.51
16-QAM 4965.0 27.67 27.63 30.66 33.00 2.34 10.00 40.66 59.00 18.34
4980.0 28.18 28.08 31.14 33.00 1.86 10.00 41.14 59.00 17.86
4950.0 28.04 28.12 31.09 33.00 1.91 10.00 41.09 59.00 17.91
64-QAM 4965.0 28.12 28.10 31.12 33.00 1.88 10.00 41.12 59.00 17.88
4980.0 28.07 27.99 31.04 33.00 1.96 10.00 41.04 59.00 17.96

Table 132: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 27.41 27.64 30.54 33.00 2.46 19.00 49.54 59.00 9.46
BPSK 4965.0 27.91 27.99 30.96 33.00 2.04 19.00 49.96 59.00 9.04
4980.0 27.90 27.84 30.88 33.00 2.12 19.00 49.88 59.00 9.12
4950.0 27.18 27.50 30.35 33.00 2.65 19.00 49.35 59.00 9.65
QPSK 4965.0 27.64 27.57 30.62 33.00 2.38 19.00 49.62 59.00 9.38
4980.0 28.16 28.32 31.25 33.00 1.75 19.00 50.25 59.00 8.75
4950.0 27.26 27.69 30.49 33.00 2.51 19.00 49.49 59.00 9.51
16-QAM 4965.0 27.67 27.63 30.66 33.00 2.34 19.00 49.66 59.00 9.34
4980.0 28.18 28.08 31.14 33.00 1.86 19.00 50.14 59.00 8.86
4950.0 28.04 28.12 31.09 33.00 1.91 19.00 50.09 59.00 8.91
64-QAM 4965.0 28.12 28.10 31.12 33.00 1.88 19.00 50.12 59.00 8.88
4980.0 28.07 27.99 31.04 33.00 1.96 19.00 50.04 59.00 8.96

Table 133: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 24.03 23.88 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
BPSK 4965.0 23.48 23.81 26.66 27.00 0.34 32.00 58.66 59.00 0.34
4980.0 23.84 23.91 26.89 27.00 0.11 32.00 58.89 59.00 0.11
4950.0 23.49 23.67 26.59 27.00 0.41 32.00 58.59 59.00 0.41
QPSK 4965.0 23.45 23.74 26.61 27.00 0.39 32.00 58.61 59.00 0.39
4980.0 23.91 23.95 26.94 27.00 0.06 32.00 58.94 59.00 0.06
4950.0 23.99 23.92 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
16-QAM 4965.0 23.96 23.87 26.93 27.00 0.07 32.00 58.93 59.00 0.07
4980.0 23.98 23.99 27.00 27.00 0.00 32.00 59.00 59.00 0.00
4950.0 24.08 23.73 26.92 27.00 0.08 32.00 58.92 59.00 0.08
64-QAM 4965.0 23.99 23.92 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
4980.0 23.98 23.87 26.94 27.00 0.06 32.00 58.94 59.00 0.06

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5300 MHz Band: IC RSS-210, Issue 8 Annex 9

Table 134: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 10.40 9.47 12.97 17.17 4.20 10.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
BPSK 5300.0 10.33 9.45 12.92 17.17 4.25 10.00 22.92 23.17 0.25
5345.0 10.48 9.27 12.93 17.17 4.24 10.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
5252.5 10.42 9.38 12.94 17.17 4.23 10.00 22.94 23.17 0.23
QPSK 5300.0 10.41 9.46 12.97 17.17 4.20 10.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
5345.0 10.48 9.22 12.91 17.17 4.26 10.00 22.91 23.17 0.26
5252.5 10.41 9.41 12.95 17.17 4.22 10.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
16-QAM 5300.0 10.30 9.48 12.92 17.17 4.25 10.00 22.92 23.17 0.25
5345.0 10.47 9.26 12.92 17.17 4.25 10.00 22.92 23.17 0.25
5252.5 10.41 9.37 12.93 17.17 4.24 10.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
64-QAM 5300.0 10.28 9.48 12.91 17.17 4.26 10.00 22.91 23.17 0.26
5345.0 10.30 9.28 12.83 17.17 4.34 10.00 22.83 23.17 0.34

Table 135: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 1.28 0.56 3.95 17.17 13.22 19.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
BPSK 5300.0 1.34 0.56 3.98 17.17 13.19 19.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
5345.0 1.36 0.52 3.97 17.17 13.20 19.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
5252.5 1.28 0.55 3.94 17.17 13.23 19.00 22.94 23.17 0.23
QPSK 5300.0 1.40 0.52 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.38 0.51 3.98 17.17 13.19 19.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
5252.5 1.29 0.55 3.95 17.17 13.22 19.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
16-QAM 5300.0 1.42 0.49 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.38 0.53 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5252.5 1.25 0.48 3.89 17.17 13.28 19.00 22.89 23.17 0.28
64-QAM 5300.0 1.41 0.51 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.37 0.51 3.97 17.17 13.20 19.00 22.97 23.17 0.20

Table 136: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -11.54 -12.56 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
BPSK 5300.0 -11.56 -12.63 -9.05 17.17 26.22 32.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
5345.0 -11.55 -12.69 -9.07 17.17 26.24 32.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
5252.5 -11.55 -12.55 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
QPSK 5300.0 -11.52 -12.59 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 -11.55 -12.66 -9.06 17.17 26.23 32.00 22.94 23.17 0.23
5252.5 -11.58 -12.54 -9.02 17.17 26.19 32.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.59 -12.68 -9.09 17.17 26.26 32.00 22.91 23.17 0.26
5345.0 -11.54 -12.65 -9.05 17.17 26.22 32.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
5252.5 -11.57 -12.52 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.57 -12.66 -9.07 17.17 26.24 32.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
5345.0 -11.51 -12.65 -9.03 17.17 26.20 32.00 22.97 23.17 0.20

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Table 137: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 10.37 9.38 12.91 20.18 7.26 10.00 22.91 26.18 3.26
BPSK 5300.0 10.36 8.68 12.61 20.18 7.56 10.00 22.61 26.18 3.56
5342.5 10.48 9.32 12.95 20.18 7.23 10.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 10.35 9.35 12.89 20.18 7.29 10.00 22.89 26.18 3.29
QPSK 5300.0 10.37 8.72 12.63 20.18 7.54 10.00 22.63 26.18 3.54
5342.5 10.47 9.33 12.95 20.18 7.23 10.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 10.36 9.34 12.89 20.18 7.28 10.00 22.89 26.18 3.28
16-QAM 5300.0 10.44 8.69 12.66 20.18 7.51 10.00 22.66 26.18 3.51
5342.5 10.50 9.35 12.97 20.18 7.20 10.00 22.97 26.18 3.20
5255.0 10.36 9.36 12.90 20.18 7.28 10.00 22.90 26.18 3.28
64-QAM 5300.0 10.43 8.79 12.70 20.18 7.48 10.00 22.70 26.18 3.48
5342.5 10.54 9.32 12.98 20.18 7.19 10.00 22.98 26.18 3.19

Table 138: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 0.31 0.64 3.49 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.49 26.18 3.69
BPSK 5300.0 0.43 0.81 3.63 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.63 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.48 0.33 3.95 20.18 16.22 19.00 22.95 26.18 3.22
5255.0 0.33 0.61 3.48 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.48 26.18 3.69
QPSK 5300.0 0.41 0.83 3.64 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.64 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.44 0.34 3.94 20.18 16.24 19.00 22.94 26.18 3.24
5255.0 0.36 0.63 3.51 20.18 16.67 19.00 22.51 26.18 3.67
16-QAM 5300.0 0.41 0.83 3.64 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.64 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.46 0.34 3.95 20.18 16.23 19.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 0.35 0.60 3.49 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.49 26.18 3.69
64-QAM 5300.0 0.35 0.87 3.63 20.18 16.55 19.00 22.63 26.18 3.55
5342.5 1.53 0.33 3.98 20.18 16.19 19.00 22.98 26.18 3.19

Table 139: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 -11.65 -12.65 -9.11 20.18 29.29 32.00 22.89 26.18 3.29
BPSK 5300.0 -11.64 -12.44 -9.01 20.18 29.19 32.00 22.99 26.18 3.19
5342.5 -12.56 -12.59 -9.56 20.18 29.74 32.00 22.44 26.18 3.74
5255.0 -11.60 -12.64 -9.08 20.18 29.25 32.00 22.92 26.18 3.25
QPSK 5300.0 -11.65 -12.45 -9.02 20.18 29.20 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.20
5342.5 -12.51 -12.57 -9.53 20.18 29.70 32.00 22.47 26.18 3.70
5255.0 -11.61 -12.66 -9.09 20.18 29.27 32.00 22.91 26.18 3.27
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.66 -12.44 -9.02 20.18 29.20 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.20
5342.5 -12.49 -12.60 -9.53 20.18 29.71 32.00 22.47 26.18 3.71
5255.0 -11.59 -12.62 -9.06 20.18 29.24 32.00 22.94 26.18 3.24
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.66 -12.43 -9.02 20.18 29.19 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.19
5342.5 -12.49 -12.62 -9.54 20.18 29.72 32.00 22.46 26.18 3.72

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Table 140: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 9.81 9.97 12.90 23.16 10.26 10.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
BPSK 5300.0 9.70 10.20 12.97 23.16 10.19 10.00 22.97 29.16 6.19
5337.5 9.97 9.92 12.96 23.16 10.20 10.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 9.77 10.00 12.90 23.16 10.26 10.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
QPSK 5300.0 9.65 10.16 12.92 23.16 10.24 10.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
5337.5 9.94 9.92 12.94 23.16 10.22 10.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
5260.0 9.75 9.99 12.88 23.16 10.28 10.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
16-QAM 5300.0 9.69 10.18 12.95 23.16 10.21 10.00 22.95 29.16 6.21
5337.5 9.92 9.95 12.95 23.16 10.21 10.00 22.95 29.16 6.21
5260.0 9.73 10.00 12.88 23.16 10.28 10.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
64-QAM 5300.0 9.76 10.17 12.98 23.16 10.18 10.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 9.92 9.94 12.94 23.16 10.22 10.00 22.94 29.16 6.22

Table 141: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 0.62 1.19 3.92 23.16 19.23 19.00 22.92 29.16 6.23
BPSK 5300.0 0.70 0.92 3.82 23.16 19.34 19.00 22.82 29.16 6.34
5337.5 0.93 -0.06 3.47 23.16 19.69 19.00 22.47 29.16 6.69
5260.0 0.61 1.18 3.91 23.16 19.24 19.00 22.91 29.16 6.24
QPSK 5300.0 0.78 0.93 3.87 23.16 19.29 19.00 22.87 29.16 6.29
5337.5 0.94 -0.09 3.47 23.16 19.69 19.00 22.47 29.16 6.69
5260.0 0.62 1.10 3.88 23.16 19.28 19.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
16-QAM 5300.0 0.80 0.94 3.88 23.16 19.28 19.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
5337.5 1.00 -0.10 3.50 23.16 19.66 19.00 22.50 29.16 6.66
5260.0 0.62 1.02 3.83 23.16 19.32 19.00 22.83 29.16 6.32
64-QAM 5300.0 0.82 0.93 3.89 23.16 19.27 19.00 22.89 29.16 6.27
5337.5 0.97 -0.09 3.48 23.16 19.68 19.00 22.48 29.16 6.68

Table 142: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 -12.14 -12.02 -9.07 23.16 32.23 32.00 22.93 29.16 6.23
BPSK 5300.0 -12.15 -11.91 -9.02 23.16 32.18 32.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 -12.20 -11.91 -9.04 23.16 32.20 32.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 -12.14 -12.01 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
QPSK 5300.0 -12.19 -11.88 -9.02 23.16 32.18 32.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 -12.18 -11.93 -9.04 23.16 32.20 32.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 -12.19 -12.00 -9.08 23.16 32.24 32.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
16-QAM 5300.0 -12.18 -11.96 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
5337.5 -12.22 -11.96 -9.08 23.16 32.24 32.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
5260.0 -12.22 -12.00 -9.10 23.16 32.26 32.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
64-QAM 5300.0 -12.21 -11.84 -9.01 23.16 32.17 32.00 22.99 29.16 6.17
5337.5 -12.19 -11.96 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22

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5400 MHz Band: IC RSS-210, Issue 8 Annex 9

Table 143: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 10.22 9.80 13.03 17.15 4.12 10.00 23.03 23.15 0.12
BPSK 5570.0 10.33 9.71 13.04 17.15 4.11 10.00 23.04 23.15 0.11
5722.5 10.75 9.26 13.08 17.15 4.07 10.00 23.08 23.15 0.07
5472.5 10.19 9.72 12.97 17.15 4.18 10.00 22.97 23.15 0.18
QPSK 5570.0 10.40 9.73 13.09 17.15 4.06 10.00 23.09 23.15 0.06
5722.5 10.71 9.26 13.06 17.15 4.09 10.00 23.06 23.15 0.09
5472.5 10.21 9.91 13.07 17.15 4.08 10.00 23.07 23.15 0.08
16-QAM 5570.0 10.41 9.69 13.08 17.15 4.07 10.00 23.08 23.15 0.07
5722.5 10.74 9.26 13.07 17.15 4.08 10.00 23.07 23.15 0.08
5472.5 10.22 9.98 13.11 17.15 4.04 10.00 23.11 23.15 0.04
64-QAM 5570.0 10.43 9.65 13.07 17.15 4.08 10.00 23.07 23.15 0.08
5722.5 10.79 9.28 13.11 17.15 4.04 10.00 23.11 23.15 0.04

Table 144: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 0.99 0.39 3.71 17.15 13.44 19.00 22.71 23.15 0.44
BPSK 5570.0 1.20 0.84 4.03 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.03 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.77 0.81 3.80 17.15 13.35 19.00 22.80 23.15 0.35
5472.5 1.00 0.40 3.72 17.15 13.43 19.00 22.72 23.15 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 1.21 0.83 4.03 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.03 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.77 0.80 3.80 17.15 13.35 19.00 22.80 23.15 0.35
5472.5 1.01 0.40 3.73 17.15 13.42 19.00 22.73 23.15 0.42
16-QAM 5570.0 1.22 0.83 4.04 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.04 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.79 0.81 3.81 17.15 13.34 19.00 22.81 23.15 0.34
5472.5 1.07 0.41 3.76 17.15 13.39 19.00 22.76 23.15 0.39
64-QAM 5570.0 1.21 0.86 4.05 17.15 13.10 19.00 23.05 23.15 0.10
5722.5 0.78 0.78 3.79 17.15 13.36 19.00 22.79 23.15 0.36

Table 145: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -11.91 -12.19 -9.04 17.15 26.19 32 22.96 23.15 0.19
BPSK 5570 -11.84 -12.37 -9.09 17.15 26.24 32 22.91 23.15 0.24
5722.5 -12.20 -12.58 -9.37 17.15 26.52 32 22.63 23.15 0.52
5472.5 -11.93 -12.21 -9.06 17.15 26.21 32 22.94 23.15 0.21
QPSK 5570 -11.79 -12.25 -9.00 17.15 26.15 32 23.00 23.15 0.15
5722.5 -12.22 -12.50 -9.35 17.15 26.49 32 22.65 23.15 0.49
5472.5 -11.96 -12.17 -9.05 17.15 26.2 32 22.95 23.15 0.2
16-QAM 5570 -11.79 -12.28 -9.02 17.15 26.17 32 22.98 23.15 0.17
5722.5 -12.23 -12.60 -9.40 17.15 26.55 32 22.60 23.15 0.55
5472.5 -11.92 -12.13 -9.01 17.15 26.16 32 22.99 23.15 0.16
64-QAM 5570 -11.77 -12.3 -9.02 17.15 26.17 32 22.98 23.15 0.17
5722.5 -12.22 -12.49 -9.34 17.15 26.49 32 22.66 23.15 0.49

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Table 146: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 13.30 12.83 16.08 20.17 4.09 10.00 26.08 26.17 0.09
BPSK 5570.0 12.60 12.71 15.67 20.17 4.50 10.00 25.67 26.17 0.50
5720.0 12.91 13.15 16.04 20.17 4.13 10.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5475.0 13.28 12.85 16.08 20.17 4.09 10.00 26.08 26.17 0.09
QPSK 5570.0 12.60 12.69 15.66 20.17 4.51 10.00 25.66 26.17 0.51
5720.0 12.91 13.15 16.04 20.17 4.13 10.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5475.0 13.29 12.90 16.11 20.17 4.06 10.00 26.11 26.17 0.06
16-QAM 5570.0 12.61 12.70 15.67 20.17 4.50 10.00 25.67 26.17 0.50
5720.0 12.94 13.15 16.06 20.17 4.11 10.00 26.06 26.17 0.11
5475.0 13.32 12.93 16.14 20.17 4.03 10.00 26.14 26.17 0.03
64-QAM 5570.0 12.60 12.70 15.66 20.17 4.51 10.00 25.66 26.17 0.51
5720.0 12.93 13.16 16.06 20.17 4.11 10.00 26.06 26.17 0.11

Table 147: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 4.19 3.61 6.92 20.17 13.25 19.00 25.92 26.17 0.25
BPSK 5570.0 4.43 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.83 3.68 6.77 20.17 13.40 19.00 25.77 26.17 0.40
5475.0 4.20 3.60 6.92 20.17 13.25 19.00 25.92 26.17 0.25
QPSK 5570.0 4.42 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.80 3.74 6.78 20.17 13.39 19.00 25.78 26.17 0.39
5475.0 4.33 3.62 7.00 20.17 13.17 19.00 26.00 26.17 0.17
16-QAM 5570.0 4.42 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.78 3.86 6.83 20.17 13.34 19.00 25.83 26.17 0.34
5475.0 4.36 3.61 7.01 20.17 13.16 19.00 26.01 26.17 0.16
64-QAM 5570.0 4.42 3.84 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.76 3.88 6.83 20.17 13.34 19.00 25.83 26.17 0.34

Table 148: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 -8.91 -9.13 -6.01 20.17 26.18 32.00 25.99 26.17 0.18
BPSK 5570.0 -8.72 -9.27 -5.98 20.17 26.15 32.00 26.02 26.17 0.15
5720.0 -8.09 -9.85 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.92 -9.10 -6.00 20.17 26.17 32.00 26.00 26.17 0.17
QPSK 5570.0 -8.75 -9.20 -5.96 20.17 26.13 32.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5720.0 -8.10 -9.83 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.91 -9.08 -5.98 20.17 26.15 32.00 26.02 26.17 0.15
16-QAM 5570.0 -8.65 -9.17 -5.89 20.17 26.06 32.00 26.11 26.17 0.06
5720.0 -8.08 -9.87 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.90 -9.04 -5.96 20.17 26.13 32.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
64-QAM 5570.0 -8.66 -9.18 -5.90 20.17 26.07 32.00 26.10 26.17 0.07
5720.0 -8.08 -9.84 -5.86 20.17 26.03 32.00 26.14 26.17 0.03

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Table 149: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 15.45 15.94 18.71 23.16 4.45 10.00 28.71 29.16 0.45
BPSK 5570.0 15.88 16.10 19.00 23.16 4.16 10.00 29.00 29.16 0.16
5715.0 16.27 15.82 19.06 23.16 4.10 10.00 29.06 29.16 0.10
5480.0 15.45 15.97 18.73 23.16 4.43 10.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 15.83 16.09 18.97 23.16 4.19 10.00 28.97 29.16 0.19
5715.0 16.22 15.93 19.09 23.16 4.07 10.00 29.09 29.16 0.07
5480.0 15.44 15.96 18.72 23.16 4.44 10.00 28.72 29.16 0.44
16-QAM 5570.0 15.85 16.10 18.99 23.16 4.17 10.00 28.99 29.16 0.17
5715.0 16.21 16.00 19.12 23.16 4.04 10.00 29.12 29.16 0.04
5480.0 15.47 15.96 18.73 23.16 4.43 10.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
64-QAM 5570.0 15.91 16.11 19.02 23.16 4.14 10.00 29.02 29.16 0.14
5715.0 16.18 16.03 19.12 23.16 4.04 10.00 29.12 29.16 0.04

Table 150: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 7.28 6.64 9.98 23.16 13.18 19.00 28.98 29.16 0.18
BPSK 5570.0 6.44 7.01 9.74 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.74 29.16 0.41
5715.0 6.35 7.06 9.73 23.16 13.43 19.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
5480.0 7.26 6.62 9.96 23.16 13.20 19.00 28.96 29.16 0.20
QPSK 5570.0 6.45 7.02 9.75 23.16 13.40 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.40
5715.0 6.34 7.08 9.74 23.16 13.42 19.00 28.74 29.16 0.42
5480.0 7.24 6.63 9.96 23.16 13.20 19.00 28.96 29.16 0.20
16-QAM 5570.0 6.43 7.02 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
5715.0 6.35 7.09 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
5480.0 7.37 6.57 10.00 23.16 13.16 19.00 29.00 29.16 0.16
64-QAM 5570.0 6.47 7.03 9.77 23.16 13.39 19.00 28.77 29.16 0.39
5715.0 6.35 7.10 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41

Table 151: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 -6.43 -6.13 -3.27 23.16 26.43 32.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
BPSK 5570.0 -6.42 -5.94 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.13 -5.65 -2.87 23.16 26.03 32.00 29.13 29.16 0.03
5480.0 -6.43 -6.14 -3.27 23.16 26.43 32.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 -6.41 -5.95 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.12 -5.65 -2.87 23.16 26.03 32.00 29.13 29.16 0.03
5480.0 -6.40 -6.15 -3.26 23.16 26.42 32.00 28.74 29.16 0.42
16-QAM 5570.0 -6.40 -5.96 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.12 -5.64 -2.86 23.16 26.02 32.00 29.14 29.16 0.02
5480.0 -6.42 -6.11 -3.25 23.16 26.41 32.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
64-QAM 5570.0 -6.39 -5.92 -3.14 23.16 26.30 32.00 28.86 29.16 0.30
5715.0 -6.11 -5.63 -2.85 23.16 26.01 32.00 29.15 29.16 0.01

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5800 MHz Band: IC RSS-210, Issue 8 Annex 8

Table 152: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5727.5 18.42 18.41 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
BPSK 5790.0 22.34 22.18 25.27 26.00 0.73 10.00 35.27 36.00 0.73
5847.5 20.25 20.55 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.42 18.40 21.42 26.00 4.58 10.00 31.42 36.00 4.58
QPSK 5790.0 22.29 22.18 25.25 26.00 0.75 10.00 35.25 36.00 0.75
5847.5 20.29 20.50 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.43 18.40 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
16-QAM 5790.0 22.27 22.17 25.23 26.00 0.77 10.00 35.23 36.00 0.77
5847.5 20.31 20.48 23.41 26.00 2.59 10.00 33.41 36.00 2.59
5727.5 18.43 18.40 21.43 26.00 4.57 10.00 31.43 36.00 4.57
64-QAM 5790.0 22.26 22.18 25.23 26.00 0.77 10.00 35.23 36.00 0.77
5847.5 20.28 20.44 23.37 26.00 2.63 10.00 33.37 36.00 2.63

Table 153: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5727.5 13.35 13.35 16.36 17.00 0.64 19.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
BPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.57 14.35 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5727.5 13.96 13.45 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
QPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.54 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.89 13.34 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
16-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.34 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.55 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.91 13.33 16.64 17.00 0.36 19.00 35.64 36.00 0.36
64-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.45 14.41 16.97 17.00 0.03 19.00 35.97 36.00 0.03

Table 154: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5727.5 0.68 1.10 3.91 4.00 0.09 32.00 35.91 36.00 0.09
BPSK 5790.0 0.77 0.92 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.98 3.78 4.00 0.22 32.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5727.5 0.84 1.10 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
QPSK 5790.0 0.78 0.91 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.94 3.75 4.00 0.25 32.00 35.75 36.00 0.25
5727.5 0.82 1.10 3.97 4.00 0.03 32.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
16-QAM 5790.0 0.79 0.92 3.87 4.00 0.13 32.00 35.87 36.00 0.13
5847.5 0.53 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5727.5 0.86 1.10 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 0.75 0.92 3.85 4.00 0.15 32.00 35.85 36.00 0.15
5847.5 0.51 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26

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Table 155: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 21.15 20.70 23.94 26.00 2.06 10.00 33.94 36.00 2.06
BPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.34 20.31 23.34 26.00 2.66 10.00 33.34 36.00 2.66
5730.0 21.19 20.69 23.96 26.00 2.04 10.00 33.96 36.00 2.04
QPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.35 20.35 23.36 26.00 2.64 10.00 33.36 36.00 2.64
5730.0 21.12 20.69 23.92 26.00 2.08 10.00 33.92 36.00 2.08
16-QAM 5790.0 22.30 22.40 25.36 26.00 0.64 10.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
5845.0 20.36 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
5730.0 21.07 20.68 23.89 26.00 2.11 10.00 33.89 36.00 2.11
64-QAM 5790.0 22.24 22.42 25.34 26.00 0.66 10.00 35.34 36.00 0.66
5845.0 20.35 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68

Table 156: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 14.29 13.57 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
BPSK 5790.0 14.00 13.64 16.83 17.00 0.17 19.00 35.83 36.00 0.17
5845.0 13.49 13.75 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
5730.0 14.28 13.60 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 13.99 13.63 16.82 17.00 0.18 19.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
5845.0 13.50 13.34 16.43 17.00 0.57 19.00 35.43 36.00 0.57
5730.0 14.35 13.59 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
16-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.56 16.80 17.00 0.20 19.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
5845.0 13.57 13.33 16.46 17.00 0.54 19.00 35.46 36.00 0.54
5730.0 14.23 13.61 16.94 17.00 0.06 19.00 35.94 36.00 0.06
64-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.52 16.78 17.00 0.22 19.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5845.0 13.50 13.27 16.40 17.00 0.60 19.00 35.40 36.00 0.60

Table 157: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 1.11 0.43 3.79 4.00 0.21 32.00 35.79 36.00 0.21
BPSK 5790.0 0.84 1.06 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5845.0 0.37 1.39 3.92 4.00 0.08 32.00 35.92 36.00 0.08
5730.0 1.12 0.44 3.80 4.00 0.20 32.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
QPSK 5790.0 0.64 1.08 3.88 4.00 0.12 32.00 35.88 36.00 0.12
5845.0 0.39 0.96 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.14 0.45 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
16-QAM 5790.0 0.81 1.07 3.95 4.00 0.05 32.00 35.95 36.00 0.05
5845.0 0.42 0.92 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.11 0.48 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
64-QAM 5790.0 0.77 1.06 3.93 4.00 0.07 32.00 35.93 36.00 0.07
5845.0 0.47 0.90 3.70 4.00 0.30 32.00 35.70 36.00 0.30

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Table 158: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 22.30 22.74 25.54 26.00 0.46 10.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
BPSK 5790.0 22.59 22.72 25.67 26.00 0.33 10.00 35.67 36.00 0.33
5840.0 21.53 21.65 24.60 26.00 1.40 10.00 34.60 36.00 1.40
5735.0 22.31 22.76 25.55 26.00 0.45 10.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
QPSK 5790.0 22.66 22.72 25.70 26.00 0.30 10.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
5840.0 21.63 21.66 24.66 26.00 1.34 10.00 34.66 36.00 1.34
5735.0 22.30 22.79 25.56 26.00 0.44 10.00 35.56 36.00 0.44
16-QAM 5790.0 22.76 22.74 25.76 26.00 0.24 10.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
5840.0 21.56 21.67 24.63 26.00 1.37 10.00 34.63 36.00 1.37
5735.0 22.29 22.73 25.53 26.00 0.47 10.00 35.53 36.00 0.47
64-QAM 5790.0 22.77 22.77 25.78 26.00 0.22 10.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5840.0 21.53 21.67 24.61 26.00 1.39 10.00 34.61 36.00 1.39

Table 159: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 13.45 13.94 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
BPSK 5790.0 14.19 13.79 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
5840.0 13.92 13.49 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5735.0 13.55 13.91 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
QPSK 5790.0 14.18 13.78 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.93 13.51 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5735.0 13.54 13.88 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
16-QAM 5790.0 14.12 13.77 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5840.0 13.36 13.50 16.44 17.00 0.56 19.00 35.44 36.00 0.56
5735.0 13.50 13.89 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
64-QAM 5790.0 14.15 13.80 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.98 13.50 16.76 17.00 0.24 19.00 35.76 36.00 0.24

Table 160: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 1.34 0.60 4.00 4.00 0.00 32.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
BPSK 5790.0 1.02 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.81 0.33 3.59 4.00 0.41 32.00 35.59 36.00 0.41
5735.0 1.33 0.54 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 1.03 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.72 0.34 3.54 4.00 0.46 32.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
5735.0 1.35 0.55 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
16-QAM 5790.0 1.05 0.36 3.73 4.00 0.27 32.00 35.73 36.00 0.27
5840.0 0.66 0.33 3.51 4.00 0.49 32.00 35.51 36.00 0.49
5735.0 1.37 0.56 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 1.11 0.37 3.77 4.00 0.23 32.00 35.77 36.00 0.23
5840.0 0.69 0.38 3.55 4.00 0.45 32.00 35.55 36.00 0.45

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Chapter 9

9 Connect-OWS / IWS Serial Gateway

9.1 System Menus
This section describes software version 1.3.x.
Table 161: Connect Gateway - Main Menu
System Status
General Information
Trace Log

System Configuration
System Settings
Network Settings
Switch Settings
Sleep Ctrl Settings

Radio Configuration
Radio Management

Gateway Configuration
Gateway Settings
Serial Port Settings

Firmware Management
Change Credentials

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9.2 Connect Overview

The Connect serial gateway

Fig. 71: Connect Gateway - Product Overview

Fig. 72: Connect Gateway - Communications Block Diagram

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9.3 Network Connection

The Connect-OWS and Connect-IWS serial gateway can be configured and monitored
using a PC equipped using a Web browser (Ethernet cable to Eth1/Eth2 port) or
Telnet/CLI (RS-232 cable to CON port). All ports connections are RJ-45. The data port
connections for the Connect-OWS and Connect-IWS are identical.

Fig. 73: Connect Gateway - Connect-OWS/IWS Configuration Using Ethernet Port

Fig. 74: Connect Gateway - Connect-OWS/IWS Configuration Using Console Port

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Ethernet Connection
Use the following steps to establish a Web session with the serial gateway. This method
may also be used to establish a Telnet session.
1. Configure the IP address of the test PC to be on the same subnet as the wireless
terminal. For example, set the test PC address as follows:
TCP/IP address:
Net Mask:
2. Open a browser and enter the unit wireless terminal IP address in the browser
address bar. The Connect-OWS/IWS default address and credentials are:
IP Address:
User Name: admin
Password: admin

Fig. 75: Connect Gateway - Login Screen

Serial Connection
Use the following steps to establish a serial port session with the serial gateway.
1. On the PC, configure access to the console port.
The factory default settings for the Connect-OWS/IWS are: 38400 bps 8N1
2. Login to the serial gateway using the assigned username and password. The default
username and password are as follows:
username: admin
password: admin

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9.4 Dashboard Display

General Information
The dashboard is displayed at the top of all Web screens.

Fig. 76: Connect Gateway - Dashboard Display

Freq: RF frequency in-use.
Link: Status of the wireless link to the base station.
IPv4: The active network IP address for this unit.
Ch Width: Channel size in-use.
Tx Power: Current RF output power of the radio.
MAC: MAC address of the serial gateway system.
Gateway 1
Serial Port: Serial port associated with this gateway.
Gateway Mode: Mode of operation for this gateway.
Number of clients connected to this gateway.
Gateway 2
Serial Port: Serial port associated with this gateway.
Gateway Mode: Mode of operation for this gateway.

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9.5 Status Screen

9.5.1 General Information
Click System Status -> General Information in the main menu to display this screen.
Use the General Information screen to view details about the system settings.

Fig. 77: Connect Gateway - System Information Screen

System Information
System Name: Operator assigned name identifying this unit.
System Details: Additional operator-entered details describing this unit.
System Location: Information about the location of this unit.
Contact: Operator-entered contact information for this unit.
System Local Time: Current time in the time zone this device is deployed.
Greenwich Mean Time: Current time at reference at Meridian Line, 0 Longitude.
System Up Time: Time since the last system reboot (days:hours:minutes.seconds).
System Serial Number: Serial number of the Connect serial gateway.
Software Version: Firmware version in use.
Management Interface Settings
MAC Address: MAC address of the serial gateway system.
DHCP Mode: Current selection for DHCP feature (see Network Settings).
VLAN Tagging: Current selection for VLAN Tagging feature (see Switch Settings).
Hostname: Network name for this device.
IPv4 Address: The active network IP address for this unit.
IPv4 Netmask: The active network address mask for this unit.
IPv4 Gateway: The active default router/gateway for this unit.
DNS Server 1: IP address of primary DNS server.
DNS Server 2: IP address of secondary DNS server.

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9.5.2 Trace Log

Click System Status -> Trace Log in the main menu to display this screen. Use the
Trace Log screen to view events recorded for each subsystem. Refer also to the Trace
Settings screen (under System Configuration).

Fig. 78: Connect Gateway - Trace Log Screen (Example)

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9.6 Configuration Screens

9.6.1 System Settings
Click System Configuration -> System Settings in the main menu to display the
system settings screen. Use the this screen to view and modify the system identification
and syslog server settings.

Fig. 79: Connect Gateway - System Information Screen

System Information
System Name: Operator assigned name identifying this unit.
System Details: Additional operator-entered details describing this unit.
System Location: Information about the location of this unit.
Contact: Operator-entered contact information for this unit.
Time Settings
Enable SNTP: Check this box to enable using a remote time server.
SNTP Server IP Address: Network address of the time server.
Current Greenwich Mean Time: Time at reference at Meridian Line, 0 Longitude.
Current System Local Time: Time in the time zone this device is deployed.
Time Zone: Select the time zone where this device is deployed.
Enable Daylight Savings Time: Check this box to enable automatic changes to
daylight savings time for the selected time zone.
Syslog Settings
Enable Syslog: Check this box to enable saving event messages on a remote server.
Server IP: Network address of the Syslog server.

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9.6.2 Network Settings

Click System Configuration -> Network Settings in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the this screen to view and modify the network interface settings.

Fig. 80: Connect Gateway - Network Settings Screen

Management Interface
DHCP Enable: Use this selection to enable or disable using DHCP. When enabled, all
management interface parameters are supplied by the DHCP server (IPv4 address,
netmask, gateway and DNS).
Note: When DHCP is enabled, the assigned IP address, netmask and gateway settings
can be viewed on the System Status -> General Information screen in the section
Management Interface Settings.
IPV4 Address: Enter the active network IP address for this unit. Field is enabled only
when DHCP is disabled.
IMPORTANT: The operator MUST reboot the Connect serial gateway after changing the
IP address. Using the Web UI to change the IP address setting results in immediate loss
of remote management (requires manual reboot). To change the IP address remotely,
use the Telnet interface to set the new IP address and then immediately issue the
'restart system' command to reboot the Connect unit.

IPV4 Netmask: Enter the active network address netmask for this unit. Field is
enabled/visible only when DHCP is disabled.

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IPV4 Gateway Address: Enter the active default router/gateway for this unit. Field is
enabled/visible only when DHCP is disabled.
DNS Server 1: Enter the IP address of primary DNS server. Field is enabled/visible only
when DHCP is disabled.
DNS Server 2: Enter the IP address of secondary DNS server. Field is enable only when
DHCP is disabled.
Sub-interface 1/2
Enable: Check this box to enable use of Sub-interface 1 VLAN services.
VLAN ID: Enter the VLAN ID (1-4095).
Note: If the interface is to be untagged, set it equal to the default VLAN.
VLAN Priority: Enter the VLAN priority setting (0-7).
IPV4 Address: Enter the active network IP address for this unit.
IPV4 Netmask: Enter the active network address mask for this unit.
IPV4 Gateway: Enter the active default router/gateway for this unit.

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9.6.3 Switch Settings

Click System Configuration -> Switch Settings in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the this screen to view and modify the switch settings.

Fig. 81: Connect Gateway - Switch Settings Screen

Switch Settings
VLAN Aware Enable: Check this box to enable use of VLAN functionality (switch is
VLAN aware). When unchecked this screen will have no control settings.
Provider Bridge Enable (Q-in-Q): (VLAN Aware enabled) Check this box ( ) to enable
provider bridging, stacked VLANs (802.1ad / Q-in-Q).
Outer Tag Eth Type: (VLAN Aware + Provider Bridge enabled) Select the etherType for
stacked (Q-in-Q) VLAN tags in-use for this network (8100, 88a8, 9100). Provider Bridge
Enabled (Q-in-Q) must be checked to view this control.
Note: The 802.1ad standard value of 0x88A8 should be used under most circumstances.
Default VLAN ID: (VLAN Aware enabled) Enter the VLAN ID (1-4095) to be used as the
default tag.
The default VLAN ensures the radio port and the management port are always members
of the same VLAN, enabling remote management of the connect platform. Generally, the
default value should be set to 1.

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The action taken on untagged ingress frames is specified by two parameters on each of
the Ethernet ports: Untagged Ingress Frames, and Port VLAN ID. The PVID is added
when an untagged packet is received and the port is configured to 'tag'.
Management Interface
Management VLAN Enable: Check this box to enable this unit to be managed only
using VLAN traffic tagged with the value specified in the Management VLAN ID field.
When not selected there are no restrictions for management traffic.
IMPORTANT: In v1.2.0 VLAN Management must be enabled and disabled using
Telnet connection. To avoid loss of connectivity, all required parameter changes
must be applied using a single Apply & Save (settings are located on multiple Web
UI screens).
For example, enabling VLAN for management on ETH2 port:
set mgmtag on
set mgmvid 38
set switch vlanaware on
set switch ethport 2 vlanmode access
set switch ethport 2 vid 38
save config

Management VLAN ID: (Management VLAN enabled) Enter the management VLAN ID
(1-4095). When Management VLAN is enabled, the Connect serial gateway recognizes
only management commands where the Ethernet packet has the matching VLAN ID.
Management VLAN Priority: (Management VLAN enabled) Enter the management
VLAN priority (0-7).
ETH 1/2 Interface (VLAN Aware enabled)
Port Alias: Assign a name identifying this port.
Port Mode: Configure the port to operate as either a VLAN Trunk or Access port. Ports
operate in one of the two following modes:
Access: Port-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
Trunk: Tag-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
Untagged Ingress Frames: (Port mode = Trunk) Define the action to be taken when an
ingress frame does not contain a VLAN tag. Refer to the section VLAN Frame
Processing for details of frame processing. Control is visible only when 'Provider Bridge
Enabled (Q-in-Q)' is unchecked and Trunk mode is checked .
Tag: Add tag to frame. Enables Port VLAN ID field
Discard: Discard frame.
Connected Device Type: Configure the port to operate as though it is connected to
either Customer or Provider equipment. Refer to the section VLAN Frame Processing for
details of frame processing.
Note: This control is visible only when 'Provider Bridge Enabled (Q-in-Q' is checked .
Customer: Port is connected to customer equipment.
Provider: Port is connected to provider equipment.
VLAN ID: Enter the port VLAN ID (1-4095).
VLAN Priority: (Port mode = Access or Port mode = Trunk and Untagged ingress
frames = tag) Enter the VLAN priority setting (0-7).
Allowed VLANs: (Port mode = Trunk) Enter allowed VLAN connections for this port.
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1. Radio port settings are fixed:

Port Mode = Trunk
Connected Device Type = Provider

VLAN Frame Processing

This section describes how ingress and egress VLAN packets are processed by the
Connect serial gateway. The radio port is always configured as a tagged member of all
configured VLANs, and the radio port Device Type is always Provider.
Q-in-Q tagging enables preserving the original 'Customer' VLAN tag while adapting a
'Provider' level VLAN tag that is used while transporting the packet over a chain of
switching devices before the packet is re-inserted into the Customer network, where the
original Customer VLAN tag is required. The C-Tag is generally the customer (inner) or
edge-device tag, while the S-Tag is the Provider (outer) tag. Ingress and egress is
referenced from the ETH1/ETH2 port.
Access Mode
This section describes operation when the Port Mode = Access (Switch Settings screen).
Table 162: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Enabled
Connected Device Type = Customer
Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag All frames:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority and forward frame
S-Tag All frames: Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID:
Multiple Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port Strip outer S-tag and forward frame
tags VLAN Priority and forward frame Tag VLAN ID not matching Port VLAN ID:
(QinQ) Drop frame
Untagged All frames:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority and forward frame
Connected Device Type = Provider
Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag Tag etherTYPE is 0x8100:
Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID:
Forward frame with unchanged priority
Tag VLAN ID not matching Port VLAN ID:
Drop frame
Tag etherTYPE not 0x8100:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority and forward frame
S-Tag Outer tag etherType matching Outer Tag Eth Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID:
Multiple Type: Strip outer S-tag and forward frame
tags Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID: Tag VLAN ID not matching Port VLAN ID:
(QinQ) Forward frame with unchanged priority Drop frame
Tag VLAN ID does not match Port VLAN ID:
Drop frame
Outer tag etherType not matching Outer Tag Eth
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority and forward frame
Untagged All frames:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority

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Table 163: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled

Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID: Tag VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID:
Forward frame with unchanged priority Strip C-Tag and forward frame
Frames with VLAN ID not matching Port VLAN ID VLAN ID not matching egress Port VLAN
(including C-VLAN0 Priority): ID:
Drop frame Drop frame
S-Tag Outer tag etherType is 0x8100: Outer tag etherType is 0x8100 and VLAN
Multiple VLAN ID matching Port VLAN ID: ID matching Port VLAN ID:
tags Forward frame with unchanged priority Strip outer S-Tag and forward frame
(QinQ) VLAN ID not matching Port VLAN ID:
Drop frame
Outer tag etherType not 0x8100:
Add C-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port VLAN
Priority and forward frame
Untagged All frames:
Add C-tag with Port VLAN ID and Port VLAN
Priority and forward frame
Trunk Mode
This section describes operation when the Port Mode = Trunk (Switch Settings screen).
Table 164: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode Enable (Q-in-Q) Enabled
Connected Device Type = Customer
Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Priority=0
and forward frame
S-Tag Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Priority=0 Outer VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List:
Multiple and forward frame Forward frame unmodified
tags Outer VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List:
(QinQ) Drop frame
Outer S-Tag VLAN ID matching Default
VLAN ID in frame from radio port:
Strip outer S-Tag and forward frame
Untagged Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port VLAN
Connected Device Type = Provider
Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag Outer etherTYPE is 0x8100: Outer VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List:
Outer VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List: Forward frame unmodified
Forward frame with unchanged priority Outer VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List:
Outer VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List: Drop frame
Drop frame Outer S-VLAN ID matching Default VLAN
Outer etherTYPE not 0x8100: ID in frame from radio port:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port Strip outer S-Tag and forward frame
VLAN Priority=0 and forward frame
S-Tag Outer tag etherType matching port Outer Tag Eth
Multiple Type setting:
tags Outer S-VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List:
(QinQ) Forward frame with unchanged priority
Outer S-VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List:
Drop frame
Outer tag etherType not matching Outer Tag Eth
Type setting:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority=0 and forward frame
Untagged Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port VLAN
Priority=0 and forward frame

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Table 165: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled

Tag Type Ingress Egress
C-Tag VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List: Outer VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List:
Forward frame Forward frame unmodified
VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List: Outer VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List:
Drop frame Drop frame
S-Tag Outer tag etherType 0x8100:
Multiple VLAN ID in Allowed VLAN List:
tags Forward frame
(QinQ) VLAN ID not in Allowed VLAN List
(including C-VLAN0 Priority):
Drop frame
Outer tag etherType not 0x8100:
Add outer S-Tag with Port VLAN ID and Port
VLAN Priority=0 and forward frame
Untagged Untagged Ingress Frames = Tag:
Add C-tag with Port VLAN ID and Priority=0 and
forward frame
Untagged Ingress Frames = Drop:
Drop frame

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9.6.4 Sleep Control Settings

Click System Configuration -> Sleep Ctrl Settings in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the Sleep Mode Entry Settings screen to view and modify the conditions
for entering and exiting sleep mode.

Fig. 82: Connect Gateway - Sleep Configuration Screen

Sleep Mode Entry Settings
Serial Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to enter sleep mode when
there is no activity for a specied period on the selected serial interface(s).
Serial Idle Timeout: Enter the period of time (seconds) for the serial port to be idle
before activating sleep mode.
GPIO Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to enter sleep mode when
the specified GPIO activity occurs.
GPIO Trigger Pin(s): Select activity on a single pin or all pins: ANY PIN, PIN_1, PIN_2,
PIN_3, PIN_4

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Pin X Normal State: Select the normal state for the selected pin(s). OPEN, CLOSED
Pin X Power Source: Select the power source used for the pin(s): INTERNAL,
Scheduled Entry Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to enter sleep mode
after a specified time has elapsed.
Current Schedule: Indicates the current schedule settings.
Scheduled Entry Table:
Table Entry 1: Enter Minute, Hour, * * and Day.
Table Entry 2: Enter Minute, Hour, * * and Day.
Where, Schedule n: minutes hours * * day-of-week
The '* *' between hours and day of week is mandatory.
Example, Single schedule specifying once per hour every day of the week:
* 0-23 * * *
Field Allowed Values Special Characters
Minutes 0-59 ,-*
Hours 0-23 ,-*
Day of month * *
Month * *
Day of week 1-7 ,-*
* (all) For example, '*' in day-of-week field for 'every day''
- (range). For example, "10-12" in hour field for 'at hour 10, 11 and 12'
, (list) For example, '0,15,30,45' in minute field for '15 minute intervals'
Sleep Mode Exit (Wake-up) Settings
Serial Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to exit sleep mode when
activity is detected on the selected serial interface(s).
GPIO Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable wake-up on GPIO pin 4 signal.
GPIO RaiseAlarm On: Select the status on GPIO pin 4 to initiate wake-up: LEVEL_1,
Scheduled Exit Enabled: Check this box to enable .
Scheduled Entry Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to wake-up after a
specified time has elapsed.
Current Schedule: Indicates the current schedule settings.
Scheduled Entry Table:
Table Entry 1: Enter Minute, Hour and Day.
Table Entry 2: Enter Minute, Hour and Day.

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9.6.5 Radio Management

Click Radio Configuration -> Radio Management in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the Radio Configuration screen to view basic information about the wireless
interface. Use the Direct Radio Management function to modify the radio configuration.

Fig. 83: Connect Gateway - Radio Configuration Screen

Radio Information
Radio Connection: Status of connection from serial gateway to wireless interface.
IP Address: The active network IP address for the wireless interface.
MAC Address: The active MAC address for the wireless interface.
Serial Number : Serial number of the the wireless interface.
Software Version : Firmware version active on the wireless interface.
Radio Management VLAN: Identifies the management VLAN ID in-use on the radio.
value of '0' indicates management VLAN is not selected on the radio.
Direct Radio Management: Click this button to open the RDL-3000 for the wireless
interface management interface screen. Refer to Section 3: Web Interface.
Radio Management Settings
MAC Filter: MAC address filter for radio management. Set this field to all zeros
(00:00:00:00:00:00) to have the serial gateway display information for the first wireless
terminal detected using LLDP messages. Set a specific AMC address to lock the serial
gateway to a specific wireless terminal.

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 267 of 284 June 9, 2016

9.6.6 Gateway Settings

Click Gateway Configuration -> Gateway Settings in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the Gateway Settings screen to view and modify processing and forwarding
data from the serial ports to the Ethernet interface.

Fig. 84: Connect Gateway - Serial Gateway [1,2] Settings Screen

Serial Gateway [1,2] Settings
Gateway Mode: Select the mode of operation for this gateway.
Inactive : This port inactive. Settings are not displayed.
Raw TCP Server: The port protocol is basic TCP.
Raw TCP Client: Raw TCP Client mode of operation for Gateway 1 / 2.
Modbus TCP Server: The port protocol is MODBUS over TCP.
COM Port Binding: Select the port for this gateway.
Unassigned : The gateway is not active.
DATA1: The gateway is assigned to port DATA1.
DATA2: The gateway is assigned to port DATA2.
Network Interface Binding: Select the network interface for this gateway.
Management: The gateway is assigned to the management interface.
Sub-Interface 1: The gateway is assigned to sub-interface 1.
Sub-Interface 2: The gateway is assigned to sub-interface 2.
IMPORTANT: Sub-interfaces must be enabled and configured before binding (see
System Configuration->Network Settings).
Serial Gateway [1,2] Modbus TCP Server Settings
TCP Port : When Modbus TCP Server is enabled gateway 1 is automatically assigned
port 502 and gateway 2 is assigned port 502.
Max Connections : Enter the number of hosts allowed to access this port (1-8).

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Fig. 85: Connect Gateway - Raw TCP Client Settings

Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Client Settings
Wait for Radio Link Active: Check this box to wait for the radio link to be active
before attempting to establish a remote connection.
Time Delay to Conn Atempt : When Wait for Radio Link Active is enabled, enter the
time (seconds) after radio link is established before attempting remote connection.
Enable Remote Server1: Check this box to enable Remote Server #1
Remote Server IPv4 Address : Enter IP address for this remote server.
Remote Server TCP Port : Enter post address for this remote server..
Enable Remote Server2: Check this box to enable Remote Server #2
Enable Remote Server3: Check this box to enable Remote Server #3
Enable Remote Server4: Check this box to enable Remote Server #4

Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Server Settings

TCP Port : Enter port number for this gateway (1 to 65535).
Max Connections : Enter the number of hosts allowed to access this port (1-8).

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Fig. 86: Connect Gateway - Raw TCP Server Settings

Serial Gateway [1,2] Raw TCP Server/Client Data Packing
Packet length : Enter the Ethernet packet length (up to 1024) when packing serial data.
Force Transmit (msec): Enter the maximum time period (0-65535 milliseconds) to
collect serial data before forwarding the data over the Ethernet port. This function can be
used to aggregate serial data and forward it over the TCP/IP in a single Ethernet frame.
The buffered data is forwarded immediately if the receive data buffer reaches maximum
capacity (1 KB).
Enable Delimiter 1 : Select to enable or disable use of a 1-byte delimiter.
Enter a hexadecimal number (e.g. FF). When the delimiter is detected in data received
on the serial port, the data in the serial port buffer is packaged and forwarded over the
Ethernet interface. The buffered data is forwarded immediately if the receive data buffer
reaches maximum capacity (1 KB).
Delimiter 1 : Enter the hexadecimal character for delimiter 1 (00-FF).
Enable Delimiter 2 : Select to enable or disable use of a two-byte delimiter.
Enter a second hexadecimal number (e.g. FF) that is concatenated to delimiter 1 to
create a 2-byte delimiter (e.g. FFFF). When the 2-byte delimiter is detected in data
received on the serial port, the data in the serial port buffer is packaged and forwarded
over the Ethernet interface. The buffered data is packaged and forwarded immediately if
the receive data buffer reaches maximum capacity (1 KB).
Delimiter 2 : Enter the hexadecimal character for delimiter 2 (00-FF).
Important: Delimiter 2 is functional only when Delimiter 1 is enabled.
Delimiter Action : Select the delimiter action:
Do_Nothing : No action when delimiter 1 or 2 is detected.
Delimiter_Plus_1 : The received data is forwarded when one additional byte of data
is received after receiving the Delimiter.
Delimiter_Plus_2 : The received data is forwarded when two additional bytes of data
are received after receiving the Delimiter.
Strip : When the delimiter character is received, the delimiter character is deleted
and the remaining data is transmitted.

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9.6.7 Serial Port Settings

Click Gateway Configuration -> Serial Port Settings in the main menu to display this
screen. Use the Serial Port Settings screen to view and modify the serial port mode of
operation and operating parameters.

Fig. 87: Connect Gateway - Serial Port Settings Screen

DATA [1,2] Port Settings
Alias: Operator assigned name identifying this port.
Port Type: Select the mode of operation for this port.
Loopback : Port is configured for loopback test mode.
RS-232 : Port is configured for RS-232 standard (DCE).
RS-422 : Port is configured for RS-422 standard.
RS-485-2W : Port is configured for RS-485 2-wire standard.
485-4W :Port is configured for RS-485 4-wire standard.
Bitrate: Select the baud rate for this port (1200-115200).
Parity: Select the parity operation in a frame (None, Odd, Even).
Databits: Select the number of data bits in a frame (5-8).
Stopbits: Select the number of stop bits in a frame (1-2).

IMPORTANT: The Console (CON) port is not configurable. Permanent settings are:
38400 bps, 8 stop bits, No parity 1 stop bit (DTE).

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9.6.8 Firmware Management

Click Maintenance -> Firmware Management in the main menu to display the
Firmware Management screen. Use the Firmware Management screen to upgrade the
Connect with new firmware. The Connect system contains non-volatile storage for two
versions of the firmware. The upload overwrites the Alternative (inactive) version.

Fig. 88: Connect Gateway - Firmware Management Screen

Firmware Server Configuration
Transfer Protocol: Select the type of file server:
TFTP: Use Trivial File Transfer Protocol for file upload.
FTP: Use File Transfer Protocol for file upload.
Server IP: Enter the IP address of the computer with the firmware upgrade file. The
designated computer must be running a TFTP/FTP server.
FTP Username: Enter the username for the FTP server account.
FTP Password: Enter the username for the FTP server account.
Apply: Click to activate the TFTP/FTP settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the TFTP/FTP settings on this
Refresh: Click to reload the last saved settings.
Firmware Images
Active Firmware: This is the firmware currently in use by the Connect serial gateway.
Alternative Firmware: This is the inactive firmware. Firmware downloaded to the
Connect serial gateway will overwrite this version.
Swap Firmware: Click to switch the Active and Alternate firmware versions and reboot
the Connect serial gateway system.
Firmware Upload
Enter the full name of the binary file (including .bin extension) to be uploaded. The file
must be located in the TFTP/FTP server default upload directory.

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Upgrade Steps
1. Login to the Connect serial gateway Web interface and click Firmware Management
in the main menu.
2. Select TFTP or FTP and enter the IP Address of the server. If FTP is selected, enter
account name and password. Click Apply or Apply & Save.
Note: The entered address and credentials are saved for future downloads.
3. Enter the full name of the binary file including the .bin extension.
4. Click the Upload button to begin the file transfer. The transfer may require up to eight
minutes based on the data transfer rate. Do not interrupt the transfer process.
When the transfer is complete, the system checks the integrity of the uploaded file
and registers a status message in the event log. If errors were introduced during the
transfer process, the firmware file is discarded and the upload must be repeated.
5. When the transfer has completed successfully, click Swap Firmware to reboot the
system loading the version listed as Alternative Firmware.

IMPORTANT: Rebooting the Connect interface also power-cycles the radio (Connect-
IWS, Connect-OW and Connect-OW-ER).

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9.6.9 Change Password

Click Maintenance -> Change Password to modify the credentials for the current user.

Fig. 89: Connect Gateway - Change Password Screen

Change Password
Password: Enter the password for the current user.
New Password: Enter the new password for the current user.
Confirm New Password: Re-enter the new password. Entry must match the New
Password field.
Note: Password recovery is possible only using the console port. Connect a terminal
device to the CON port (DTE: 38400 bps 8N1). Following three (3) failed attempts to
login, the password will be reset to the factor default settings (username: admin,
password: admin).

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9.7 Serial Gateway CLI Interface

This section describes the procedures for configuring and operating the RDL-3000 using
CLI over a Telnet connection.
Note: Do not logout or issue new commands until the previous CLI command has
finished processing. For 'save config' or 'script' commands this may be approximately
three seconds. When writing script files, insert pauses after these commands.

9.7.1 Quick Reference

Online help is available for all commands. Use the Tab key for auto-complete functions.
The following table lists all available commands.
Table 166: Serial Gateway CLI - Command Summary
Command Description
apply Apply commands.
chgver Change the software running version to the alternate one.
exit Exit from the intermediate mode or Quit the CLI session
get value of a parameter.
load Load commands.
reset Reset commands.
restart Restart commands.
save Save commands.
set Set (or show) the value of a parameter
show Show commands (not implemented).
upgrade Upload from file a new software via specified TFTP or FTP
user User management commands.

Table 167: Serial Gateway CLI - General Commands

Command Description
Allowed Alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and
Characters underscore (_).
Tab When entering a command, hit the Tab key at any time to perform auto-
complete or view available options.
? Use the '?' character to display help for any command or mode.
Example: From the root directory, enter the following command to list all
parameters that can be changed using the 'set' command:
set ?
CTRL-Z Return to root mode.
Cancel command entry (alternative to backspace delete).
exit Return to parent node / mode.
all (exit all) Return to root mode.
logout Terminate this telnet session. May be entered from any mode.

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9.7.2 Command Set

Use the apply command to activate changes to the configuration without overwriting the
last saved configuration. This is equivalent to clicking the Apply button in the
configuration screens.
apply <command>
Activate all changes to the configuration, but do not save changes permanently in
the non volatile RAM. Use this command in combination with reboot to temporarily
test changes.
Use the chgver command to switch to the binary saved in the alternate version of
Note: Use the command get swver to list the active/and alternate versions of firmware.
IMPORTANT: This command works silently (no operator confirmation). The serial
gateway reboots immediately.

Use the get command to view current settings.
get <command>
Use the get command to view system parameters. Use the following general format to
view a parameter.
IP address of the Primary DNS server that is actually in use.
IP address of the Secondary DNS server that is actually in use.
Default gateway address that is actually in use
Unit's IP Address in use.
MAC address.
Unit's IP netmask that is actually in use.
radio Radio device related commands
Radio device detection.
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true Radio is present.

false Can not detect radio.
LLDP discovered IP Address of the Radio device
LLDP discovered Radio Serial Number.
LLDP discovered Radio MAC address.
LLDP discovered Radio RF frequency [MHz].
LLDP discovered Radio Channel Width [MHz].
LLDP discovered Radio Link Up status.
true Radio wireless link is active.
false Radio wireless link is down.
LLDP discovered Radio maximum Tx power [dBm].
LLDP discovered Radio software version
Display the serial number of the serial gateway unit.
Time since last system reboot (d:h:m:s).
Active and inactive software versions in non volatile RAM.
Use the load command to load configuration settings from an external file.
load <command>
config <filename> Load system configuration settings from the specified
external file. Uses the FTP/TFTP settings configured by the upgrade command.
Use the reset command to re-initial configuration settings.
reset <command>
config Set the running configuration to factory default.
Use the restart command to initialize sub-system components.
restart <command>
system Reboot the Connect sub-system.
Use the save command to update the running copy of the system settings.

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save <command>
Copy the current (edited) settings to the running configuration and save to
nonvolatile memory.
Update the running configuration to factory default settings and save to nonvolatile
Use the set command to view and modify settings.
set <command>
dhcp <off | on>
DHCP enable/disable configuration.
dnsip1 <ip>
IP address of the Primary DNS server.
dnsip2 <ip>
IP address of the Secondary DNS server.
gateway <ip>
IP address of default gateway.
ipaddr <ip>
IP Address of the serial interface unit.
mgmtag [on | off]
off: There are no restrictions for management traffic.
on: This unit can be managed only using VLAN traffic tagged with the value
specified in the mgmvid command.
mgmvid [1 - 4094]
The management VLAN ID (0-4095).
mgmpriority [0 - 7]
The management VLAN priority (0-7).
netmask <netmask>
The netmask (e.g.,
radio <mac>
MAC address of radio.
serial <port> <alias | baudrate | databits | interface | parity>
Configuration commands for serial port DATA1/DATA2. Note that console port is not
configurable(DTE: 38400 bps 8N1).
port <1 | 2>
1 Port DATA1
2 Port DATA2
alias <name>
Serial port alias.
baudrate <1200 | 2400 | ... | 115200>
Baud rate for serial port (DATA1/DATA2) in bits per second (bps).
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databits <5 | 6 | 7 | 8>

Data bits for serial port (DATA1/DATA2).
interface <RS232 | RS422 | RS485-2W | RS485-4W | Loopback>
Interface type for serial port (DATA1/DATA2).
parity <even | odd | none>
Parity control for serial port (DATA1/DATA2).
stopbits [1 | 2]
Stop bits for serial port (DATA1/DATA2).
sleepctrl <entry | exit> <parameters>
Sleep/wake control commands.
entry: Set | Show the Entry settings.
Conditions for entering sleep state:
gpio <on | off><whichpin><normalpin><powersource>
GPIO (General Purpose Input / Output) device settings.
whichpin: Choose activating GPIO pin(s): any, pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4
normalpin: Normal circuit state of selected GPIO pin(s): open, close
powersource: GPIO pin to use internal or external power source: internal,
schedule <on | off><crontab>
Scheduler trigger conditions.
on | off: Enable (on) or disable (off) the scheduler.
crontab: Enter the times for Schedule 1 and the optional Schedule 2.
Cron table format format: Schedule 1 | Schedule 2 (optional)
Where, Schedule n: minutes hours * * day-of-week
The '* *' between hours and day of week is mandatory.
Use '|' to separate Schedule 1 and optional Schedule 2.
Example, Single schedule specifying once per hour every day of the week:
* 0-23 * * *
Field Allowed Values Special Characters
Minutes 0-59 ,-*
Hours 0-23 ,-*
Day of month * *
Month * *
Day of week 1-7 or SUN-SAT ,-*
* (all) For example, '*' in day-of-week field for 'every day''
- (range). For example, "10-12" in hour field for 'at hour 10, 11 and 12'
, (list) For example, '0,15,30,45' in minute field for '15 minute intervals'
Sleep Exit Conditions (sleepctrl exit <parameters>
exit: Set | Show the Exit settings.
Conditions for exiting sleep state:
serial <on | off>
Serial port trigger conditions.
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on | off: Enable (on) or disable (off) serial trigger.

gpio <on | off><type>
GPIO (General Purpose Input / Output) device settings.
on | off: Enable (on) or disable (off) serial trigger.
alarm: Choose activating condition on the GPIO pin(s): rising_edge, lvl1
schedule <on | off><crontab>
Scheduler trigger conditions.
on | off: Enable (on) or disable (off) the scheduler.
crontab: Enter the times for Schedule 1 and the optional Schedule 2.
syscontact <description>
System contact information (up to 40 characters).
sysdetails <description>
System detail descriptions (up to 40 characters).
sysloc <description>
System location (up to 40 characters).
syslog <off | on>
Syslog client enable/disable setting.
syslogip <IP_Address>
IP address of the SysLog server.
sysname <description>
System name (up to 40 characters).
switch <vlanaware | defaultvid | providerbridge | ethport | vlanoutertag>
Configure the switch settings.
vlanaware:[off | on]
off: Enable Sub-interface 1/2 VLAN services.
on: Disable Sub-interface 1/2 VLAN services.
defaultvid: [1 - 4094]
Enter the VLAN ID (0-4095) to be used as the default tag. When the associated
functionality is enabled, this VLAN ID is added to untagged ingress packets.
providerbridge: [off | on]
off: Enable provider bridging, stacked VLANs (802.1ad / Q-in-Q).
on: Disable 802.1ad / Q-in-Q.
ethport <1 | 2> < alias | devicetype | priority | vid | vlanmode >
1 | 2: Specify interface.
alias [<name>]
Assign a name identifying the designated port.
allowedvlans <comma separated numbers>
Assign allowed VLAN IDs for the designated port.
devicetype <customer | provider>
Define the device type for the specified interface:
customer: Port is connected to customer equipment.

70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 280 of 284 June 9, 2016

provider: Port is connected to provider equipment.

priority <0 - 7>
VLAN priority setting (0-7).
untaggedframe <tag | drop>
Define the action for untagged frames.
tag: Enable provider bridging, stacked VLANs (802.1ad / Q-in-Q).
drop: Disable 802.1ad / Q-in-Q.
vid <1 - 4094>
Port VLAN ID (0-4095)
vlanmode <access | trunk>
access: Port-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
trunk: Tag-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
vlanoutertag < 8100 | 88a8 | 9100>
Set the EtherType for stacked (Q-in-Q) VLAN tags. Valid only when Provider
Bridge (Q-in-Q) mode is enabled.
rawtcpserver <localport | inactivitytime | maxconnections | datapacking>
localport <1-65535>
Port address for gateway.
inactivitytime <0-65535>
Inactivity time in milliseconds.
0 TCP connection will not be closed due to idle serial line.
1-65535 TCP connection will not be closed after this idle period.
maxconnections <1-8>
Maximum number of simultaneous host connections.
datapacking <delimiter1enable | delimiter1 | delimiter2enable |
delimiter2 | delimiteraction | forcetransmit>
Data packing settings.
delimiter1enable <off | on>
First delimiter enable. Refer to Configuration Settings for details.
delimiter1 <00-FF>
First delimiter byte value.
delimiter2enable <off | on>
Second delimiter enable. Refer to Configuration Settings for details.
delimiter2 <00-FF>
Second delimiter byte value.
delimiteraction <[blank] | act1 | act2 | strip>
Transmit action when receiving the delimiter and before transmitting data.
[blank] No action
act1 Wait for 1 more byte
act2 Wait for 2 more bytes
strip Delimiter will be stripped.

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forcetransmit <0-1024>
Force transmit timeout in ms.
0 Timeout is disabled.
1-1024 Data Packet Length to reach before transmitting.
modbustcpserver <localport | maxconnections>
Modbus TCP server network transport setting of the specified virtual gateway.
Default setting for gateway 1 is 502 and gateway 2 is 503.
localport Local TCP port.
maxconnections Maximum simultaneous host connections (1-8).
vgateway <port> <mode | serialport | rawtcpserver | modbustcpserver>
Configure the virtual gateways.
port <1 | 2>
Gateway index.
1 DATA1 port
2 DATA2 port
mode <inactive | rawtcpserver | modbustcpserver>
The operation mode of the specified virtual gateway.
inactive Virtual gateway is not active
rawtcpserver Virtual gateway is configured as raw tcp server
modbustcpserver Virtual gateway is configured as a modbus tcp
serialport <[blank] | data1 | data2> serial port associated with the specified
virtual gateway.
[blank] Unassigned
data1 Assigned to port DATA1
data2 Assigned to port DATA2
vlansubif <1 | 2> <enable | vid | ipaddr | netmask | gateway | priority>
1 | 2: Specify interface (1 or 2).
enable <on | off>
off: Disable specified interface.
on: Disable specified interface.
vid <1 - 4094>
The VLAN ID (0-4095). Each sub-interface must have unique VLAN ID.
ipaddr <ipaddr_mask>
The active network IP address for this unit. The network IP address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration-
netmask <ipaddr_mask>
The active network address mask for this unit. The network address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration-
gateway <ipaddr>
The active default router/gateway for this unit.
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 282 of 284 June 9, 2016

priority <0 - 7>

The VLAN priority setting (0-7).
Use the show command to view system settings.
show <command>
No commands are implemented in this release.
Use the upgrade command to upload a new firmware binary file to the RDL-3000. The
file must be located in the default directory for the specified user account.
upgrade <ip addr> <file name> <user name> <password>
IP address of the FTP/TFTP server.
Name of the binary file to be uploaded.
FTP account name (FTP server only).
FTP account password (FTP server only).
1. TFTP: Specify the TFTP server address and the full name of the binary file (including
.bin extension).
3. FTP: Specify the FTP server address, account user name, account password, and
the full name of the binary file (including .bin extension).
IMPORTANT: If the FTP/TFTP IP address specified in the CLI command is different
from the address saved in the Firmware Management Web GUI screen, the Telnet
session will be terminated during the upgrade process.
Use the user command to view and modify the system list and modify user profiles.
user <command>
User management commands.
Change the user password
Print list of all users.

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