RDL-3000 XP Family User - Manual v3.2
RDL-3000 XP Family User - Manual v3.2
RDL-3000 XP Family User - Manual v3.2
RDL-3000 Family
Universal Wireless Transport™
RAS-Elite RAS-Extend
User Manual
Software v3.xx
1 Important Notices ................................................................. 18
Copyright Information
All rights reserved June 9, 2016. The information in this document is proprietary to
Redline Communications Inc. This document may not in whole or in part be copied,
reproduced, or reduced to any medium without prior consent, in writing, from Redline
Communications Incorporated.
Contact Information:
Redline Communications Inc.
302 Town Centre Blvd.
Markham, ON
Canada L3R 0E8
Web site:
Inquiries: info@rdlcom.com
Support: support@rdlcom.com
Training: training@rdlcom.com
Document Control:
The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document
are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied
warranty. Additionally, Redline makes no representations or warranties, either expressed
or implied, regarding the contents of this product. Redline Communications shall not be
liable for any misuse regarding this product. The information in this document is subject
to change without notice. No part of this document shall be deemed to be part of any
warranty or contract unless specifically referenced to be part of such warranty or
contract within this document.
Software Versions
RDL-3000 family products are designed to address a wide base of applications and
operate in extreme environmental requirements. To facilitate ease of use by the
operator, a common user interface is provided across all RDL-3000 family platforms:
Ellipse and RDL-3000 UHP base station systems and Enterprise, Edge, eLTE-MT, RAS-
Elite, RAS-Extend Series and Connect series remote wireless terminals.
This manual describes operation using the RDL-3000 software release v3.2 and the
Connect serial gateway V1.3.0 software releases. This manual may include features that
are different or unavailable in previous software releases.
A number of RDL-3000 features are controlled by options keys ( ) and availability is
restricted by regional regulations, model type, software version and dependent
purchased product options. Refer to the individual product Release Notes for the latest
information about required software and feature availability.
Revision Log
Date Item Description of Change(s)
20130707 Many Passive and active GPS antenna support:
3.5.1: Web control 'GPS Antenna Type'
4.3: CLI control 'gpsantenna active | passive'
Rescan no longer started automatically when saving configuration.
4.3: Added CLI support for forcing rescan (apply rescan).
DHCP discovery behavior modified
3.5.1: DHCP Enable description updated.
20130709 3.5.4 Updated table 19: Polarization of Systems with Integrated Antennas to include 2 GHz
20130716 3.6.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE:
3.6.3 Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
4.3 Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to
all wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
Added new section 7.1 Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for Services on STID Links.
20130730 many 2.3.4 Pass through mode - removed Q-in-Q example
Entire manual - Inserted branding in all illustrations.
20130813 3.5.6 Clarify that SC MAC address is updated only if new address is entered in the correct
3.4.7 Add Long Reset message to system log
3.5.4 Add Target RSSI Enabled and ATPC Level fields to sector controller
4.2 Correct syntax of CLI command 'set optionskey'.
Add sector controller CLI commands targetrssilevel and targetrssimode
20130903 3.7.1 Spectrum Sweep: Step size is 2.5 MHz for all 5 GHz systems. Use a maximum of
500 acquisitions for each spectrum sweep.
20130904 3.3 Remove reference to LED blinking when current modulation/coding is too low to meet
the minimum required UBR.
20130924 4.3 Add CLI command 'set atpcss <off|on>' to disable or enable (default) ATPC on
individual wireless terminals. Includes reference note in field Target RSSI Enabled
(Web section 3.5.4 Wireless: Advanced Wireless Configuration).
20131002 All Change 'RDL-3000 SC' to 'Ellipse' and 'RDL-3000 SU' to 'Edge'.
The Ellipse sector controller and Edge wireless terminal are the latest generation
systems of RDL-3000 family.
20131024 2.2 Table 7: Clarify identification for RDL-3000 SC/SU and Ellipse/Edge
8.1 Region 11: Updated maximum power levels
Region 16: Default frequency is 2310 MHz
20131031 2.2 Add Connect-OW
20131111 1.3-4, Update FCC and IC regulatory notice information
20131118 3.5.3 Add reference to SNMPv3 context name 'contextPMP'
20131216 7 Add regions 25, 26 and 27
20140220 7 Add regions 20-24, adjust max power for region 13 to 28 dBm.
3.6.2, 4.3 Add note: reboot required after changing SS-to-SS mode (hairpinning).
20140306 7 Update region 9 to include 3675-3700 MHz.
20140319 2 Update RDL-3000 SU/Edge S/N prefix, add eLTE-MT Zone 2 units
20140326 2, 3 Add table of Redline products (2.1), Noise Level reading (3.4), Network Topology List
Revision Log
Date Item Description of Change(s)
20141006 General Coverage for Update 9 features.
20141126 3.5.1 LLDP setting in System Configuration screen
8.1 Add Region 29: Argentina 3.4-3.7 GHz, Add 5.1 GHz to regions 6 & 7
20141204 9 Add Connect Serial Gateway information. CLI commands: encautomode, webtimeout
20150113 7.6 Update description of auto frequency scanning
20150119 8.7 Add FCC RF power tables for 5.2 GHz
20150204 3.5.4, Updated Auto Frequency Scan information to use center frequency (Update 10)
20150211 3.4.2 Update synchronization references re fixed frame operation
20150217 8.6.7 Update RSS-192 & RSS-197 description and power settings table.
20150311 Many Updates for v3.00: new channel sizes, ECDSA authentication, Rapid Path, 256QAM,
250 KHz frequency step for all radios, UBR table.
20150618 5, 8 Update Long Reset description; updated region 28 and add regions 14, 30 and 31.
20150812 3.5.4 v3.00/3.05 Update 1 updates: Add TMA Enable, Roaming SC Enable GeoFencing to
wireless configuration page, update PPPs, expanded UBR table to include all 24
MCS settings, add RDL-3000 UHP, add region 32, new RAS-Extend fields,
Connect v1.1 updates.
20150922 8 Increase tx power upper limit for external antennas to +22 dBm for regions 5, and 7.
20150928 2 Update Connect-OW-ER PPPs.
20151006 3.5.5 Update description of WSDB configuration and operation.
20151113 7 Update description of link recovery time. Add regions 33 and 34.
20151202 9.6.8 Update description of password recovery (add CON port details).
20151211 2 Add RDL-3000 UHP to table of products. Updated regions table with HAZ settings.
Update product table (PPPs).
20160114 8.1 Update regions 18 & 19 to max power of 22 dBm.
20160122 Add Secure Mode operation (includes FIPS-140-2), VLAN filtering
20160225 2 Added Enterprise-XR to the product identification table.
3 Clarify use of Test command (equivalent to Apply - wait 300 seconds - reboot).
8 Clarify chart to indicate Region 6 does not required DFS from 5725 to 5850 MHz.
20160315 9 Update connect serial gateway to v1.3.0.
20160426 62 Update to identify support for TLS 1.2 (software v3.1 and higher)
1 Important Notices ................................................................. 18
1.1 Service & Safety ............................................................................................... 18
General Warnings ........................................................................................ 18
Safety Warnings ........................................................................................... 18
Warning Symbols ......................................................................................... 19
1.2 Installation Safety ............................................................................................ 19
Professional Installation / Installations Professionnel ................................... 19
Safety Precautions ....................................................................................... 19
Electrocution Hazard / Risque D’électrocution.............................................. 19
Radio Frequency Safety / Sécurité des Fréquences Radio .......................... 20
Personal Safety ............................................................................................ 20
Electrical Safety ........................................................................................... 20
Electrical Safety Compliance / Conformité à la Sécurité Electrique .............. 20
UL Information ............................................................................................. 21
Lightning Protection / Protection Contre la Foudre ....................................... 21
1.3 WEEE Product Return Process ....................................................................... 22
1.4 Service & Warranty Information ...................................................................... 23
Table 1: Notice - Electrical Safety Specifications ........................................................... 21
Table 2: Avis - Spécifications de sécurité électrique ...................................................... 21
Table 3: Functional Desc. - Redline RDL-3000 Product Family Applications ................. 24
Table 4: Functional Desc.- Wireless Base Stations........................................................ 25
Table 5: Functional Desc.- Portable/Mobile Terminals ................................................... 25
Table 6: Functional Desc.- Fixed Wireless Terminals .................................................... 25
Table 7: Web - Operation - Traffic Classification ............................................................ 29
Table 8: Web - Operation - Wireless Rates ................................................................... 32
Table 57: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC ...... 206
Table 58: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC ...... 206
Table 59: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ...... 207
Table 60: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC .. 207
Table 61: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ..... 207
Table 62: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC 207
Table 63: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ... 207
Table 64: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC 207
Table 65: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC ... 208
Table 66: FCC - Approved Antennas ........................................................................... 209
Table 67: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 5 MHz ............................. 210
Table 68: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 5 MHz ..................... 211
Table 69: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP Measurement Results for 10 MHz ........................... 212
Table 70: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 10 MHz ................... 213
Table 71: FCC - RDL-3000 Recommended Safe Distances ........................................ 214
Table 72: 3450-2675 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada......................... 215
Table 73: 3450-2675 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada .......... 216
Table 74: 3650-3675 MHz Power & EIRP Results for Canada .................................... 216
Table 75: 4900-5875 MHz Approved Antennas ........................................................... 217
Table 76: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances for USA ............................ 217
Table 77: 4900-5875 MHz TDWR System Locations in USA ....................................... 219
Table 78: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 79: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 80: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC............. 221
Table 81: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 82: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 83: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 222
Table 84: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 223
Table 85: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC........... 223
Table 86: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 223
Table 87: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 88: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 89: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ..... 224
Table 90: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 91: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 92: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 225
Table 93: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 94: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 95: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC ... 226
Table 96: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Antenna for FCC .................. 227
Table 97: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......................... 227
Table 98: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......................... 227
Table 99: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 228
Table 100: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 228
Table 101: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 228
Table 102: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
Table 103: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
Table 104: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 229
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 13 of 284 June 9, 2016
Table 105: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 106: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 107: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ....................... 230
Table 108: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 109: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 110: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 231
Table 111: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 112: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 113: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ..................... 232
Table 114: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC........... 233
Table 115: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 233
Table 116: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ........... 233
Table 117: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 118: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 119: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 234
Table 120: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 121: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 122: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC ......... 235
Table 123: 4900-5875 MHz Recommended Safe Distances in Canada....................... 236
Table 124: 4900-5875 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada ........ 237
Table 125: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 126: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 127: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 238
Table 128: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 129: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 130: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 239
Table 131: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 132: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 133: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 240
Table 134: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 135: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 136: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 241
Table 137: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 138: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 139: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 242
Table 140: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 141: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 142: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 243
Table 143: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 144: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 145: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 244
Table 146: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 147: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 148: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 245
Table 149: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 150: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 151: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 246
Table 152: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 14 of 284 June 9, 2016
Table 153: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
Table 154: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC .............. 247
Table 155: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 156: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 157: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 248
Table 158: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 159: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 160: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC ............ 249
Table 161: Connect Gateway - Main Menu .................................................................. 250
Table 162: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Enabled ............................ 262
Table 163: Access Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled ........................... 263
Table 164: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode Enable (Q-in-Q) Enabled .................. 263
Table 165: Trunk Mode - Provider Bridge Mode (Q-in-Q) Disabled.............................. 264
Table 166: Serial Gateway CLI - Command Summary ................................................ 275
Table 167: Serial Gateway CLI - General Commands ................................................. 275
Fig. 1: Notice - WEEE Logo ........................................................................................... 22
Fig. 2: Functional Desc. - Distributed L2 VLAN-Aware Wireless Switch ......................... 27
Fig. 3: Functional Desc. - Wireless Subscriber Links ..................................................... 28
Fig. 4: Functional Desc. - Services and Service Groups ................................................ 29
Fig. 5: Functional Desc. - Services (Subscriber) ............................................................ 30
Fig. 6: Functional Desc. - Service Groups (Sector Controller) ........................................ 31
Fig. 7: Functional Desc. - Wireless Rates ...................................................................... 32
Fig. 8: Functional Desc. - Pass through Mode ............................................................... 33
Fig. 9: Functional Desc. - Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic ............................................ 34
Fig. 10: Functional Desc. - VLAN Tagged Management ................................................ 35
Fig. 11: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: Default Groups and Services ..................... 36
Fig. 12: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: VLAN Mapping .......................................... 37
Fig. 13: Functional Desc. - Strict VLAN Tagging ............................................................ 38
Fig. 14: Functional Desc. - TLS - Extended TLS and Double Tagging ........................... 39
Fig. 15: Functional Desc. - Tagged Traffic - Port-by-Port Tagging ................................. 40
Fig. 16: Functional Desc. - PTP Mode Configuration ..................................................... 41
Fig. 17: Web - Connecting the Ethernet Port to a PC..................................................... 43
Fig. 18: Web - Dashboard Display ................................................................................. 44
Fig. 19: Web - General Information Screen ................................................................... 46
Fig. 20: Web - Sector Controller System Status Screen ................................................ 48
Fig. 21: Web - GPS Statistics Screen ............................................................................ 49
Fig. 22: Web - GPS MAP Screen................................................................................... 50
Fig. 23: Web - Subscriber System Status Screen .......................................................... 52
Fig. 24: Web - Sector Controller: Subscriber Links Summary Screen ............................ 53
Fig. 25: Web - Sector Controller: Advanced Stat. - Links Summary (RAS-Elite Only) .... 54
Fig. 26: Web - Subscriber Link Status Screen ............................................................... 55
Fig. 27: Web - Services Summary Screen ..................................................................... 57
Fig. 28: Web - WSDB Status Screen ............................................................................. 58
Fig. 29: Web - PMP SC/SS System Configuration Screen ............................................. 63
Fig. 30: Web - Using DHCP to acquire IP, Network Mask, and Gateway ....................... 64
Chapter 1
1 Important Notices
1.1 Service & Safety
General Warnings
Redline recommendations for maximum safety include the following:
Do not operate microwave equipment without first having proper training or
knowledge of microwave radio operation.
Do not operate the microwave equipment without an appropriate antenna port
termination, or antenna.
Check to ensure that the area around the antenna is clear of personnel prior to
turning the transmitter on.
Do not look into or stand in front of an antenna.
Do not swing or aim an antenna at nearby persons while the equipment is operating.
Where a structure or rooftop has existing antennas installed, do not proceed with an
installation without first determining the RF/µW exposure risk. Where necessary
have the relevant transmitters turned off or wear a protective suit for the duration of
the installation.
Safety Warnings
Installation of the system must be contracted to a professional installer.
Read this manual and follow all operating and safety instructions.
Keep all product information for future reference.
The power requirements are indicated on the product-marking label. Do not exceed
the described limits.
The unit must not be located near power lines or other electrical power circuits.
Disconnect the power before cleaning, or when the unit is not be in-use for an
extended period.
The system must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. The user is responsible for installing this device in
accordance with the local electrical codes: correct installation procedures for
grounding the unit, mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit, location of discharge unit,
size of grounding conductors and connection requirements for grounding electrodes.
Warning Symbols
These symbols may be encountered during installation or troubleshooting. These
warning symbols mean danger. Bodily injury may result if you are not aware of the safety
hazards involved in working with electrical equipment and radio transmitters. Familiarize
yourself with standard safety practices before continuing.
Personal Safety
UL Information
The suitability of the supplied Ethernet cable is subject to the approval of Authority
Having Jurisdiction and must comply with the local electrical code.
The equipment must be properly grounded according with NEC and other local
safety code and building code requirements.
Reminder to all the BWA system installers: Attention to Section 820-40 of the NEC
which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the
cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to
the point of cable entry as is practical.
RDL-3000 system must be installed in compliance with relevant articles in National
Electrical Code-NEC (and equivalent Canadian Code-CEC) including referenced
articles 725, 800 and 810 in NEC.
RF coaxial cable connecting an antenna to the RDL-3000 system must comply with
the local electrical code.
To meet the over-voltage safety requirements on the telecommunications cables, a
minimum 26 AWG telecommunication line cord must be used.
Pour être en conformance avec les exigences finies de sûreté de sur-tension sur les
câbles de télécommunications un fil de télécommunication ayant un calibre minimum
de 26 AWG doit être utilisé.
Lightning Protection / Protection Contre la Foudre
When installed, this equipment is to be connected to a Lightning/Surge Protection
Device that meets all applicable national safety requirements. Before Ethernet cables
enter buildings, voltages shall be clamped down to SELV by approved type primary
WARNING: The information provide in this user manual consists of general
recommendations for installation the system equipment. The wireless equipment must
be installed by a qualified professional installer who is knowledgeable of the
requirements of installing outdoor radio equipment and follows local and national codes
for electrical grounding and safety. Failure to meet safety requirements and/or use of
non-standard practices and procedures may result in personal injury and/or damage to
The system must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. The user is responsible to install this device in accordance
with the local electrical codes: correct installation procedures for grounding the unit,
mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit, location of discharge unit, size of grounding
conductors and connection requirements for grounding electrodes.
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 21 of 284 June 9, 2016
All outdoor wireless equipment is susceptible to surge damage from a direct hit or
current induced from a near strike. A direct lightning strike may cause serious damage
even if recommended guidelines are followed. Installing surge protection and following
grounding practices detailed in local and national electrical codes can minimize
equipment damage, service outages, and chance of serious injury.
The major reasons for surge damage can be summarized as:
Poorly grounded antenna sites
Improperly installed surge protection equipment
A lighting protection system provides a means by which the energy may enter earth
without passing through and causing damage to parts of a structure. A good grounding
system disperses most of the surge energy from a lightning strike away from the building
and equipment. Improperly grounded connections are a source of noise that can cause
malfunctions in sensitive equipment. The remaining energy on the Ethernet cable shield
and conductors can be directed safely to ground by installing a surge arrestor in series
with the cable. A surge protection system does not prevent lightning strikes, but protects
equipment by providing a low resistance path for the discharge of energy safely to
ground. If surge protection is required for the system, the following general industry
practices are provided as a guideline only:
The AC wall outlet ground for the indoor POE adapter should be connected to the
building grounding system.
Install a surge arrestor in series with the Ethernet cable at the point of entry to the
building. The grounding wire should be connected to the same termination point
used for the tower or mast.
Provide direct grounding connections from the RDL-3000 system, the mounting
bracket, and the antenna to the common building ground bus. Use the grounding
screws provided for terminating the ground wires.
L’installation exige aussi que l’appareil soit branché à un parafoudre qui répond à
toutes les normes nationales de sécurité.
Chapter 2
2 Functional Description
2.1 System Features
The RDL-3000 system features a broad range of purpose-built systems. The RDL-3000 Family
User Manual describes only the user interfaces and operating features. Refer to the individual
Installation Guidelines manual for each system for detailed information about dimensions, ports,
connector types and pinouts, etc for each system.
2.2 Overview
The RDL-3000 systems can operate in PMP or PTP mode. To facilitate ease of use by
the operator, a common user interface is provided across all RDL-3000 family platforms.
Table 3: Functional Desc. - Redline RDL-3000 Product Family Applications
Sector Remote Terminal
High Power RDL-3000 UHP
Transport / Industrial Edge HAZ
Backhaul Ellipse HAZ
Zone 2
Explosive Endurance
Ellipse Carrier Enterprise
Auto Portable RAS-Elite
Acquire Mobile RAS Extend LV / M / L
TCP/IP All Outdoor Connect-OW
Split Connect-OW / HAZ
SCADA TCP/IP + Architecture Connect-OWS / HAZ
Serial Bus Connect-IWS
Connect-IWS HAZ
RAS-Elite 4.9 - 5.4 GHz 18" IA 174
this service. Service settings include VLAN ID (tag), default priority, parent Link, and
parent Service Group (see Setting Wireless Rates).
Service Groups
Service Groups define classification for ingress and egress packets at the sector
controller Ethernet port, and set the uplink and downlink rates (per Service Group) for
broadcast and multicast traffic associated with this service group. Service Group settings
include VLAN ID (tag), default priority, and broadcast rates (see Setting Wireless Rates).
Fig. 11: Functional Desc. - VLAN Services: Default Groups and Services
1. This configuration does not enforce a Service Group to have a Service on every
2. The private network may be isolated by disabling the Ethernet port (SC Ethernet Port
Enable ) on the sector controller.
VLAN Mapping
The RDL-3000 may be configured to perform VLAN mapping between selected ports.
This function is comparable to Label Switch Router (LSR) in Multi-protocol Label
Switching (MPLS). VLAN tagging is assigned independently for each Service Group
(sector controller port) and Service (subscriber port).
In the following example, ingress packets with VID=3 received on the sector controller
Ethernet port are classified to the 'Voice Group' and forwarded over the wireless
interface based on packet destination address. Packets forwarded by subscriber A and
B are re-tagged with VID=3, while packets forwarded by subscriber C are tagged with
Fig. 14: Functional Desc. - TLS - Extended TLS and Double Tagging
Port-by-Port Tagging
The RDL-3000 can be used to classify VLAN traffic only on specific ports. A typical
example is to add or remove outermost VLAN tag (Q-in-Q) based on the traffic to and
from a network segment.
For example, if the service (subscriber) classifier is set to tagged (VLAN ID) and the
service group (sector controller) classifier is set to 'Pass though'. Ingress traffic packets
with the specified VID have the outer VLAN tag removed before being passed to the
sector controller. Unclassified packets received over the wireless interface from the
sector controller have the VLAN tag added before they are forwarded over the
subscriber Ethernet port.
Chapter 3
3 Web Interface
3.1 System Menus
The main menu items are different for the sector controller and subscriber functions.
Table 9: Web - Sector Controller and Subscriber Menus
Sector Controller Subscriber
Status Status
General Information General Information
System Status System Status
Links Summary Links Status
Services Summary
System Log System Log
Configuration Configuration
System System
Wireless Wireless
Frequencies Frequencies
WSDB Security
Security Factory Defaults
Factory Defaults
Network Topology
Subscriber Links
Service Groups
New Link
New Service Group
New Service
Clear All
Utilities Utilities
Reboot Reboot
Spectrum Sweep Spectrum Sweep
Users Management Users Management
Firmware Firmware
Test Test
Antenna Alignment
Product Options Product Options
Misc. Misc.
Save All Save All
Log Out Log Out
Radio Temperature: Internal temperature of the radio. The normal internal operating
temperature is between -35° C and 70° C.
Fips Status: Status of FIPS certified secure mode feature. This field is displayed only
when a FIPS-140-2 enabled options key is installed and active in the system. Refer to
the Security section of this manual.
Secured: System is operating in secure mode.
Not Secured: At least one security setting is not configured correctly for secure
mode operation. This status also results following changes to any of
the parameters enforced by secure mode. Reboot is required to
restore Secured status.
SW Ver.: Version of the active software.
Active Links: Number of active wireless links to wireless terminals.
Current Time: Current time on the internal clock. Available only when SNTP is enabled.
Ethernet MAC Address: MAC address of this unit.
IP Address: The active network IP address for this unit. The network IP address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration->System).
IP Subnet Mask: The active network address mask for this unit. The network address
mask may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration->System).
Default Gateway Address: The active default router/gateway for this unit.
DNS Server 1: Primary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
DNS Server 2: Secondary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
Stickiness Timer: Period the subscriber continues to monitor the RF channel for an
opportunity to re-establish a link with the same sector controller. If the wireless link is not
restored within the specified period, (e.g., 300 seconds), the subscriber starts a new
frequency scan. This timer is active only when Auto Frequency Scan is enabled.
This timer can be set locally on the subscriber Wireless settings screen. If the connected
sector controller supports Stickiness Timer settings, the value is downloaded and
overrides the local setting. Updates to the sector controller are automatically forwarded
to connected RAS-Elite platforms. The subscriber reverts to the local setting when a
rescan in started (e.g., Stickiness Timer expired). The System Status screen displays
the active Stickiness Timer value.
For more information, refer to the Stickiness Timer setting on the following screens:
Subscriber: Wireless Configuration screen
Sector Controller: Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Wireless Summary
Subscriber Links: Status of the wireless links to wireless terminals.
Configured: Number of provisioned Subscriber Links (the subscriber always
indicates a value of 1).
Active: Number of wireless terminals that are online (registered with sector
Subscriber Services: (SS only) Status of the Services for this subscriber.
Configured: Number of provisioned Services.
Active: Blank - field is not applicable.
Total IDs: (SS only) Total of all active Links, Services, and Service Groups for this
Services: (SS only) Status of the Services on this subscriber.
Configured: This field is not applicable (empty/blank).
Active: Total of configured and active Links and Services. Total does not include
disabled items.
Wireless Ethernet Statistics
Buffered Packets: Number of packets successfully transmitted and received over the
wireless interface, excluding discarded packets and packets with errors.
Rx: Wireless packets received.
Tx: Wireless packets transmitted.
Discarded Packets: Number of packets discarded by this unit.
Rx: Received wireless packets that have been discarded (e.g., Rx buffer overflow).
Tx: Transmitted wireless packets that have been discarded (e.g., Tx buffer overflow or
packets not acknowledged by the remote end unit).
Lost Packets: Total number of packets containing errors.
Rx: Received wireless packets with errors (e.g., CRC).
Tx: Transmitted wireless packets with errors (reported by remote end unit).
Ethernet Port Statistics
Buffered Packets: Ingress and egress packets processed through the Ethernet port. Total
does not include discarded or errored packets.
Rx: Number of packets received on the Ethernet port.
Fig. 25: Web - Sector Controller: Advanced Stat. - Links Summary (RAS-Elite Only)
The following statistics are available in addition to those listed above under Subscriber
Links Summary.
Lost Wireless Packets: Number of packets containing unrecoverable errors.
Lost Frames: Number of frames containing unrecoverable errors.
Dist: Calculated distance to the subscriber (km).
Rst Sts: Click to reset the statistics for that wireless link.
exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber. For example, the signal is
marginal, or encryption is enabled but the keys do not match.
Off: Data can not be exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber.
On: Data can be exchanged between the sector controller and the subscriber.
The following statistics are displayed for the downlink and uplink.
Burst Rate [Mb/s]: The current uplink and downlink uncoded burst rate for the link.
Downlink: Current downlink burst rate.
Uplink: Current uplink burst rate.
A letter is displayed adjacent to the uplink and downlink burst rates indicating the RF
scheme in-use: A=MIMO-A, B=MIMO-B.
For example, 108 Mb/s B indicates 108 Megabits per second using MIMO-B.
RSSI RF1: Received signal strength indicator for RF port 1.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
RSSI RF2: Received signal strength indicator for RF port 2.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
SINADR RF1: Ratio of the average RF signal strength to interference, noise, and distortion
for RF port 1.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
SINADR RF2: Ratio of the average RF signal strength to interference, noise, and distortion
for RF port 2.
Downlink: Reported by the remote end unit.
Uplink: Measured by this unit.
Lost Frames: Number of frames lost.
PIR: Operator-assigned Peak Information Rate (PIR) for this wireless link. Refer to
Subscriber Link Configuration.
Downlink: Operator-assigned downlink PIR for this link.
Uplink: Operator-assigned uplink PIR for this link.
Wireless Packets
Summary of wireless packet activity on the downlink and uplink.
Total: Total number of packets processed over the wireless interface. Total does not include
discarded and errored packets.
Retransmitted: Total number of wireless packets retransmitted over the wireless interface.
Lost: Total number of wireless packets discarded by this unit due to errors.
Refresh: Click to update displayed statistics counters.
Reset: Click to reset displayed statistics counters.
Channel List Response Timestamp: Time and date of the most recent channel list was
downloaded from the WSDB server.
Channel List Response Status: Status of the Ellipses most recent request for a list of
available channels.
Number of Available Channels: Available channels reported by the WSDB server.
Refresh Time: Time remaining before an updated available channel list must be
obtained from the WSDB server.
Expiry Time: Time remaining before the current available channel list will expire. If this
timer expires, the system must immediately stop transmitting on any WSDB channel.
Channel List
The channel list displays all channels in the TV Whitespaces database. Available
channels are displayed in blue. The channel in-use is displayed in green. The wireless
system is not allowed to transmit on channels displayed in red.
Channel are configured using the Wireless Configuration screen. The channel selection
is entered as a center frequency and channel size (e.g., 6 MHz) using the Web interface
(Wireless Configuration Screen) or by Telnet. Refer to the Deployment Information
section to determine the center frequency/bandwidth of each channel.
System Identification
System Name: Enter the name for this unit. The system name may be up to thirty alpha-
numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
System Details: Enter descriptive details about this unit. The system details may be up
to thirty alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
System Location: Enter descriptive details about the location of this unit. The system
location information may be up to thirty alphanumeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_).
Contact: Enter descriptive details about the operational/technical contact for this unit.
The contact information may be up to thirty alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z,
0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Basic Ethernet Configuration
DHCP Enable: Check this box to use a DHCP server to automatically configure the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway address. The assigned addresses and
network mask are displayed on the System Status screen. DHCP option 12 and
hostname RFC952 compliant.
Important: The subscriber IP address is disabled immediately when the link to the
sector controller is lost.
When DHCP is disabled, the IP address, network mask and default gateway must be
manually assigned to each radio. The default fixed IP address is
(Configuration->System: IP Address). This IP address must be updated before
deployment to avoid network issues such as duplicate IP addresses.
Fig. 30: Web - Using DHCP to acquire IP, Network Mask, and Gateway
When DHCP is enabled, a DHCP server is contacted to configure the IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway address. At reboot, the system has no IP address until the
server is contacted using DHCP discovery. The subscriber IP address is disabled
immediately when the link to the sector controller is lost.
When a link is established, the subscriber performs a DHCP discovery by broadcasting a
series of requests to contact a DHCP server. The RDL-3000 has no addressable IP
while the DHCP discovery process is active. The aggregate timeout for the request
sequence is approximately 520 seconds.
If DHCP discovery can not contact a DHCP server within the timeout period, the local
link IP is activated for 300 seconds. This period allows an operator to login and change
system settings. At the end of 300 seconds, the IP address is disabled and the discovery
function is restarted. This cycle repeats until a DHCP discovery is successful.
1. RDL-3000 units are shipped from the factory with DHCP disabled.
2. Before enabling DHCP, position the cursor over the DHCP enable field. The popup
help text lists the three default IP addresses that become active when the local link
IP is active
3. Using DHCP for remote units does not require DHCP to be enabled on the SC.
4. To ensure the granted IP address is routable from the sector controller, remote units
with DHCP enabled must obtain an IP addresses from a DHCP server located
upstream of the sector controller (e.g., over the wireless interface to a DHCP server
reachable from the sector controller Ethernet port).
5. If the remote unit obtains an IP from a DHCP server on its local network (e.g., via the
Ethernet port): a) the IP may not be routable from the sector controller, b) the
recovery Link Local IP addresses will not be active, and c) it may be difficult to
identify the responding DHCP server to obtain the required address information.
6. When enabled, Management VLAN Tagging is enforced for Link Local IP address.
7. A DHCP Renew function is available (Web/CLI) to generate an 'on-demand' DHCP
renewal request message.
DHCP Renew: Click this button to send a DHCP renew message to the DHCP server.
This function is available only when an IP lease is active.
IP Address: Manually enter the IP address for this unit.
The IP address is routable through the Ethernet port and over the wireless interface.
This field is active only when DHCP is disabled.
Note: This is not the default address when DHCP is enabled and the DHCP server is
unavailable. See the DHCP Enable field.
IP Subnet Mask: Enter the IP subnet mask.
Note: This is not the default IP subnet mask when DHCP is enabled and the DHCP
server is unavailable. See the DHCP Enable field.
Default Gateway Address: Enter the IP address of the default gateway or router on the
Ethernet segment connected to the RDL-3000 Ethernet port.
DNS Server 1: Enter the primary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
DNS Server 2: Enter the secondary DNS (Dynamic Name Server) IP address.
Management VLAN Tagging Enable: Control the VLAN tagged management function.
Disabled ( ): There are no restrictions for management traffic.
Enabled ( ): This unit can be managed only using VLAN traffic tagged with the value
specified in the Mgmt. VID field.
On all PMP systems, over-the-air management is possible only after creating a Service
Group for device management and adding a Service for each subscriber.
For initial installation and setup, it is recommended to use Pass Through settings for this
group and member Service for each subscriber. Set CIR and priority values to ensure
management traffic has sufficient priority and bandwidth available.
When Management VLAN Tagging is enabled, the following field is visible:
Management 802.1Q VLAN ID [0...4095]: Enter the management VLAN ID. When
Management VLAN Tagging Enable is selected, the system recognizes only
management commands where the Ethernet packet has the matching VLAN ID.
SNTP Enable: Check this box to enable the SNTP protocol support. This feature
allows RDL-3000 systems to time-stamp system event messages using a network time
server. When enabled, enter the network address of the SNTP server in the SNTP
Server IP Address field. When SNTP is enabled, the following fields are visible:
SNTP Server IP Address: Enter the network IP address of the SNTP server.
SNTP Polling Interval [hours]: Enter the SNTP polling interval (hours).
Time Zone (GMT) [hh:mm]: Enter the offset (hours) from GMT for this time zone.
Syslog Enable: Check this box to enable saving event messages on a remote server.
When Syslog Enable is selected, the following field is visible:
Syslog Server IP Address: Enter the network address of the Syslog server.
HTTP Enable: Check this box to enable the HTTP (Web) interface.
HTTPS Enable: Check this box to enable HTTPS operation for secure/encrypted Web
session (see Security).
Telnet Enable: Check this box to enable the Telnet interface (CLI).
When Telnet is enabled, the following additional configuration field is visible:
Telnet Port: Enter Telnet port address (reboot required).
SSH Enable: Check this box to enable SSH operation for secure/encrypted CLI (see
SNMP Enable: Select the version of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
The SNMP protocol allows an application to poll a device for information and change
data stored in the RDL-3000 Management Information Base (MIB).
none: SNMP is disabled.
v2: Supports SNMP v1 and v2c commands.
v3: Supports SNMP v3 exclusively. SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c commands not
accepted and an authorization policy is enforced.
Click Configuration->System->SNMP to display the SNMP Configuration screen.
User Authentication: The RDL-3000 supports a local authorization policy and secure
centralized authentication management using a RADIUS server. At least one policy is
always enabled, and both may be enabled to operate together.
The RDL-3000 can be configured for the following authentication modes:
Local Only: User name and password authentication is managed by the RDL-3000.
RADIUS Only: User name and password authentication is managed exclusively by a
RADIUS server. Feature also supports a redundant RADIUS server.
Local + RADIUS: Local and RADIUS methods of user authentication are enforced.
1. When RADIUS Only or Local + RADIUS is selected, click on the main menu item
RADIUS to display the RADIUS Configuration screen.
2. Note: Authorization data is retrieved from the RADIUS server at 10-minute intervals.
If a user's authorization is changed on the RADIUS server, the server may require up
to ten minutes before the Redline radio is updated with the new information.
Wireless LLDP packet filtering: Check this box to block LLDP packets from being
transmitted over the wireless interface.
Rapid path: Check this box to enable the Rapid path feature.
This feature is designed for networks where packet source and destination is changing
from an uplink/downlink perspective. With Rapid Path enabled, the RDL-3000 system
quickly adapts its classification and switching engines to manage these changes.
rapidpath <off | on> Disable or enable the Rapid Path feature
off Rapid Path feature is disabled.
on system will respond to changes in traffic flow.
This feature is can be employed where hosts/CPEs connect to the network using one of
several available wireless terminals and for redundancy scenarios:
Ring Redundancy: An RDL-3000 system (typically PTP) is deployed as a segment in a
redundant ring where alternative data paths are provided. A failure on the primary path
may result in reversed traffic flow through the ring (from the RDL-3000 perspective).
Redundant Remote Terminals: Two co-located RDL-3000 wireless terminals
communicating with the same base station and network path convergence is controlled
by one of several available switching protocols (e.g. PRP or RSTP).
Redundant Base Station: Rapid Path transitions packet switching from the master to
the slave sector controller within seconds of a failover event. It is recommended to
always deploy Rapid Path with the Base Station Redundancy solution.
VLAN Filtering: Check this box to enable filtering of VLANs on this system.
This feature allows up to 64 VLANS transparently across an untagged service. Can be
enabled/disabled independently on the sector controller and any wireless terminal.
Packets with unlisted VLANs are discarded. See Allowed VLAN List following for details.
Allowed VLAN List: Enter the list of VLAN IDs allowed across the Ethernet port and
wireless interface.
Enter a comma-separated list of individual VLAN IDs and/or ID ranges with no
spaces (e.g., 1,2-4,8-10).
The highest VLAN ID is 4094. Duplication and range intersection is not allowed.
List can specify a maximum of 64 VLAN IDs (including up to two VLAN IDs that may
be reserved based on system configuration).
Enter VLAN ID '0' to filter selected VLANS and pass all non VLAN packets across
the Ethernet and wireless interface (e.g., 0,1,2-4,8-10).
1. A wireless terminal has management via the Ethernet port blocked when VLAN
Management is enabled AND the management ID is not entered in the list. The
terminal can managed over-the-air from the sector controller.
2. If required, a wireless terminals LLDP table can be accessed over the wireless
interface to determine its management VLAN ID. The sector controller must have '0'
in the allowed VLAN list to receive LLDP packets over the air.
3. Management via the sector controller Ethernet port can not be disabled.
3.5.2 RADIUS
When Radius or Local + RADIUS is checked , click Configuration->RADIUS in the
main menu to display the RADIUS Configuration screen. Support includes RADIUS-
based two-factor user-management authentication (e.g., RSA’s SecureID platform).
3.5.3 SNMP
Click Configuration->SNMP to display the SNMP Configuration screen. The RDL-3000
supports SNMP v2 and v3 operation. Click Configuration->System to disable SNMP or
enable SNMP and to choose the required version.
When SNMP v3 is enabled, RDL-3000 user accounts are used to control SNMP access
(see Users Management).
3.5.4 Wireless
Click Configuration->Wireless to display the Wireless Configuration screen. Use these
settings to configure the RDL-3000 wireless interface. Some fields are unique to the
sector controller or subscriber.
Important: The operator MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after making changes to any of the
following settings. Failure to reboot the system after making these changes may result in
loss of communications.
System Mode GPS Antenna Type Active options key and
Channel Size SS-to-SS Messaging activation changes:
RF Frequency (hairpinning) Region Code
Cyclic Prefix Fixed/Variable Frame Number of services
Scheduling Cycle Mode Enables new features
Frame Size Management VLAN ID (e.g. Rapid Path)
Downlink Ratio Encryption (SC)
Basic Wireless Configuration
System Mode: One unit must be configured as a sector controller to control the bi-
directional data link with remote wireless terminals.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
PMP SC: This unit is configured as a sector controller (sector controller). The unit
automatically begins transmitting poll messages to locate and register remote
wireless terminals. Enabled by Options Key.
PMP SS: This unit is configured to operate as a subscriber. The unit monitors the
selected RF channel(s) for poll poll messages from a sector controller.
Channel Size [MHz]: Select the channel bandwidth. Available channel sizes are based
on the options key, radio type and frame mode. The radio type information is displayed
in the General Information screen.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
operational power per channel for a specific antenna must not exceed the maximum
allowable EIRP levels, The RF output power settings must be professionally
programmed by the manufacturer or a trained professional installer. Refer to the
notices in Section 1 and Section 7 of this manual.
TMA Enable: Check this box to enable the sector controller TMA output port. When
active, this port will issue a 1 PPS signal to synchronize the operation of remote TMA
tower RF amplifier transmit and receive cycle. The RSSI and Tx power settings are
automatically adjusted for splitter losses and TMA gain. This feature is enabled only
when the System Mode is selected as Roaming_SC (enabled by the options key ).
Important -- The TMA function requires GPS synchronization.
Auto Frequency Scan: (SS only) Check this box to enable the the frequency
scanning feature.
When Auto Frequency Scan is disabled ( ), the subscriber wireless link can be
established only at the frequency specified in the RF Freq. [MHz] field.
When enabled, the Auto Frequency Scan (AFS) feature reduces registration time by
limiting the subscriber channel search to a list of frequencies specified by the operator.
Click on the main menu item Configuration -> Frequencies to display the Frequency
Management Screen. A scan is started following power-up/reboot, loss of the wireless
link, by the Scan Threshold feature or by clicking the Rescan button on this screen.
When Auto Frequency Scan is enabled, a 'stickiness' timer can be set. This is the period
a subscriber will attempt to reconnect with the same sector controller following loss of
the wireless link. Refer to the Stickiness Timer settings on the following screens:
Subscriber: Wireless Configuration screen
Sector Controller: Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Rescan: (SS only) Click this button to deregister the subscriber and start a scan.
The Rescan function is available only when Auto Frequency Scanning is enabled and
the subscriber is registered with a sector controller. When the subscriber is registered,
clicking Rescan immediately terminates the active wireless link to a sector controller and
frequency scanning is performed as described in the Auto Frequency Scan field above.
Also see the Scan threshold Enable feature on the Subscriber Link Configuration screen.
Note: When the subscriber is not registered and Auto Frequency Scan is enabled, the
scanning process cycles continuously without operator intervention. The scanning
process can not be interrupted and clicking Rescan has no effect.
Fig. 42: Web - Subscriber: RAS Advanced Stat. - Auto Frequency Scan Status
STID Password: (SS only) Enter the password for this link template.
The subscriber must present this password when registering with the sector controller.
The password may be up to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_). See STID field above for a description of this feature.
Link Stickiness Time (Seconds): (SS Only) Period the subscriber continues to monitor
the RF channel for an opportunity to re-establish a link with the same sector controller. If
the wireless link is not restored within the specified period of 0 - 600 seconds, the
subscriber starts a new frequency scan.
This timer is active only when Auto Frequency Scan is enabled. This timer can be set
locally on the subscriber Wireless settings screen. If the connected sector controller
supports Stickiness Timer settings, the value is downloaded and overrides the local
setting. Updates to the sector controller are automatically forwarded to connected RAS-
Elite platforms. The subscriber reverts to the local setting when a rescan in started (e.g.,
Link Stickiness Timer expired). The System Status screen displays the active Link
Stickiness Timer value.
Antenna Beam: (RAS-Elite enabled units only) The RAS-Elite antenna is comprised of
multiple high-gain fast switching directional beams for full coverage across 360° in
Auto: Antenna is aimed automatically.
1-n: Manually set the antenna beam direction (1-10).
Note: The RAS-Elite antenna support is a factory-installed option. The System Status
screen field Selected Antenna Beam indicates N/A if this optional hardware is not
Antenna Beam: (RAS-Elite enabled units only) The RAS-Elite antenna is comprised of
multiple high-gain fast switching directional beams for full coverage across 360° in
Registration Period [frames]: (SC only) Specify the number of wireless frames to wait
between transmitting polling messages. The sector controller provides opportunities for
unregistered wireless terminals to contact the sector controller and attempt to establish a
wireless data link.
Note: Restricted to '1' in firmware versions 2.23/2.25 and higher.
Scheduling Cycle: Enter the period of the traffic scheduling cycle.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
As a general guide, a short scheduling cycle provides lower latency and a long
scheduling cycle provides greater efficiency for packet processing. Latency and
efficiency are also affected by other factors (packet rate, packet size, etc).
Fixed Frame: Enable or disable fixed frame mode for synchronized operation of multiple
geographically collocated sector controllers.
Disabled ( ): System automatically adjusts the wireless frame size.
Enabled ( ): Wireless frame size is fixed at operator selection.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
Fixed frame operation requires the Ellipse internal GPS system to be active and
synchronized. If during operation the GPS system becomes unsynchronized with the
satellites the holdover time is approximately 10 minutes. When the 10 minute period
expires, the Ellipse sector controller RF output is disabled to avoid introducing
interference to collocated and nearby sectors. Operation will resume automatically when
the GPS regains synchronization with the satellites.
When Fixed Frame mode is disabled, the RDL-3000 operates in variable frame mode
and the GPS system (if enabled) synchronizes the system DCXO.
Frame Size [ms]: (SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted to
10 ms. System requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
Downlink Ratio [%]: (SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted
to 50%. System requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
GPS Antenna Type: Set the mode of operation for the GPS antenna.
Passive: The GPS antenna port is configured for a passive type GPS antenna (does
not require a bias voltage).
Active: The GPS antenna post is configured for an active type GPS antenna (e.g.,
antenna enclosure includes a built-in amplifier). A bias voltage is supplied on the
center conductor of the GPS antenna connector.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
1. Use the 'Passive' setting for deployments where the sector antennas and systems
include integrated GPS antennas.
i) Sector antenna with integrated GPS antenna (check antenna datasheet).
ii) RAS-Elite series nomadic platform (integrated GPS antenna).
2. Use the 'Active' setting for deployments where a stand-alone GPS antenna kit is
used (e.g., 3K-GPS-ANT):
i) Sector antennas that do not include integrated GPS (check antenna datasheet).
ii) Redline RAS B-100 series nomadic platform.
Antenna Alignment Buzzer Enable: (SS only) Audible antenna alignment tool.
Disabled ( ): The antenna alignment tool is disabled (no sound).
Enabled ( ): The antenna alignment tool is active. Faster repetition rates of the
sound indicate a stronger signal is being received from the remote-end transmitter.
Cyclic Prefix: Select the cyclic prefix size (1/4 or 1/8) for this sector. This setting must
match on the sector controller and all wireless terminals in the sector. Refer to the
following tables.
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
Important: Cyclic prefix 1/8 is recommended for use only with 10 and 20 MHz channels.
Radio Mode: Select the operational mode for the RF transmitters.
This control is used to completely disable the radio (e.g. safety), limit operation to a
single antenna or enable dual stream operation. Each wireless link can be configured
Table 14: Web - Radio Enable - RF Port Settings
Radio Mode RF 1 RF 2 Subscriber Link Mode Wireless Link Operation
Off X X N/A None
RF Port 1&2
* MIMO A/B-enabled options key ( ) must be installed and active.
Roaming_SC: This unit is configured as a movable sector controller (base station). The
sector controller equipment may be installed on a vessel or floating platform that
changes location (see section on Network Topology). The unit automatically begins
transmitting poll messages to locate and register remote wireless terminals. This feature
must be enabled by the options key ( ).
Geo Fencing Threshold (meters): Select the distance in meters the roaming sector
controller (Roaming_SC) must move to trigger a Network Topology List update. See the
Network Topology section for details. This feature must be enabled by the options key
( ).
Note: A setting of 20 meters is recommended for marine applications. Lower values are
needed only where remote RAS-X terminals are typically operating within a few hundred
meters of the sector controller.
Compass Override: (RAS-Extend only) When enabled the orientation of the antenna
positioner is set manually by the operator (Compass Heading).
Compass Heading (degree): (RAS-Extend only) when Compass Override is enabled,
use this setting to define the orientation of the antenna positioner base.
Redundancy Configuration: Redundant Base Station (1+1) Option
Use the following settings to configure the 1+1 link redundancy option for the sector
controller. This feature must be enabled by the options key ( ).
Note: Rapid Path introduces enhanced functionality to the Redundant Base Station
solution that transitions packet switching from the master to the slave sector controller
within seconds of a failover event. It is recommended to always deploy Rapid Path with
the Base Station Redundancy solution.
Timeouts[s]: Enter the period (seconds) to wait for a response from the peer unit.
The primary and backup units issue periodic status requests to determine if: the peer is
present; the operational setting (primary/backup); and the current status (active/inactive)
Apply: Click to accept and activate the wireless settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to permanently save the wireless settings displayed on this
screen. Saved settings are restored on power-up, reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.
Use the Del button to remove entries from the Local Frequency Range table. Choose
the table index from the drop-down list and click Del to remove the table entry.
Index: Choose the index of the frequency range to be deleted.
Del: Click to remove the selected frequency range.
Local Frequency Ranges
The table displays a list of list of preferred frequencies for wireless terminals to
quickly locate and register with a sector controller. Ranges are added by specifying
the center frequencies of the lowest and highest channel to be checked.
Index: Index of this entry in the Local Frequency Range table.
Begin: Lowest (first) channel to be scanned.
End: Highest (last) channel to be scanned.
Apply: Check the current frequency range settings in the Local Frequency Range
list. Invalid entries (e.g., out of range) are deleted. Valid settings are activated in the
runtime configuration.
Apply and Save All: Check the current frequency range settings in the Local
Frequency Range list. Invalid entries (e.g., out of range) are deleted. Valid settings
are activated in the runtime configuration and saved permanently.
Using Auto Frequency Scan
Each AFS entry specifies the center frequency for a lower and upper channel. Best
results are obtained by specifying each range as a single discrete channel (lower
frequency and upper frequency entries are identical). Each subscriber may be
programmed with up to 32 separate frequency ranges.
Channel are configured using the Wireless Configuration screen. The channel selection
is entered as a center frequency and channel size (e.g., 6 MHz) using the Web interface
(Wireless Configuration Screen) or by Telnet. Refer to the Deployment Information
section to determine the center frequency/bandwidth of each channel.
The RDL-3000 is not allowed to transmit on any channel before registering with the
WSDB server. Following registration, the operator should review the channel list to
confirm the sector controller is configured to operate on an 'available' channel (WSDB
Status Screen).If the configured channel is 'not available' the operator must select an
'available' channel from the channel list.
The RDL-3000 wireless terminal (subscriber) transmits only in response to messages
received from a sector controller that has completed WSDB registration. The subscriber
is allowed to establish a wireless connection with a sector controller to enable
registration with the WSDB server. If the WSDB channel list for the wireless terminal
location indicates the channel in-use is 'available' operation may commence normal
operation using this channel. If the channel in-use is not available, the wireless terminal
immediately notifies the sector controller and stops transmitting on that channel. If
required, this process is repeated once each hour.
Registration Information
FCC Identifier: (read only) The FCC assigned identifier for the radio type. This field is
supplied directly by the RDL-3000 system.
Serial Number: (read only) The unique serial number for this RDL-3000 system. This
field is supplied directly by the RDL-3000 system.
Device Type: (read only) The device type is always 'fixed'. This field is supplied directly
by the RDL-3000 system.
Use GPS: Check this field to read the location information directly from the internal GPS.
(available only where GPS hardware is installed).
Latitude: Enter the latitude of this RDL-3000 installation. Not required if the Use GPS
feature is enabled and synchronized.
Longitude: Enter the longitude of this RDL-3000 installation. Not required if the Use
GPS feature is enabled and synchronized.
Antenna Height: Enter the height of the installed RDL-3000 antenna system. Enter the
height in feet or meters above local ground level (not sea level).
Owner Name: Enter the name of the registration owner of this RDL-3000 system.
Contact Name: Enter the name of the registration contact person responsible for
operation of the RDL-3000 system.
Contact Street Address: Enter the contact street address.
Contact City: Enter the contact city.
Contact State/Province: Enter the contact state.
Contact Postal Code: Enter the contact zip code.
Contact Country: Enter the contact country.
Contact Email: Enter the contact email address.
Contact Phone: Enter the contact phone number.
Apply: Click to activate the settings displayed on this screen. The form is transmitted to
the WSDB server.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the settings on this screen.
The form is transmitted to the WSDB server. Saved settings are restored on power-up,
reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.
3.5.6 Security
Click Configuration->Security to display the Security Configuration screen.
AES 128/256 encryption is supplied standard on all RDL-3000 family products (where
permitted). Authentication using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
certificates must be enabled by the options key ( ). See Security.
Use the following steps to load the shared key in the wireless terminal:
1. Uncheck Enc Auto Mode
2. Select Encryption Mode = AES 128 or AES 256
3. Enter the key information in the Shared Key fields. This must be the same 32 to 64
bit hexadecimal key entered in the sector controller.
4. Select Encryption Mode = None
5. Check Enc Auto Mode
6. Click Apply & Save
ECDSA Authentication Enable: (SC only) Check this box to require authentication
using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) certificates and keys.
Wireless authentication using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is an
optional feature. All Ellipse systems are pre-populated with signed trusted ECDSA keys.
Certificates for these keys can be purchased directly from Redline. End-users can also
load specific ECDSA certificate/key files.
This feature is enabled by installing an options key enabled for ECDSA authentication,
loading ECDSA certificates/key files and enabling AES encryption. Wireless
authentication is disabled by default.
Important: When authentication is enabled, the base station and all wireless terminals
must use compatible settings. To enable the authentication, AES encryption must be
enabled and the unit certificate, authority certificate and keys must be loaded on the
terminal. See Security.
Note: Beginning with v3.00, ECDSA is the supported authentication method for RDL-
3000 wireless systems (replaces X.509).
SC MAC: (SS only) Use this security feature to restrict the remote terminal to registering
only with a single specified sector controller. Enter the MAC address of the sector
controller. The MAC address entered must be of the correct form using colon (:) or dash
(-) as separators. Entering a blank field or using an invalid format retains the last setting.
Enter 00:00:00:00:00:00 to allow the remote unit to connect to any available sector
controller (e.g., allows wireless terminals using STID template to connect to any pre-
configured sector controller).
Apply: Click to activate the security settings displayed on this screen.
Apply & Save All: Click to activate and permanently save the security settings on this
screen. Saved settings are restored on power-up, reboot, or at the end of a test cycle.
Import File: Click this button to upload the specified network topology file.
Network Topology File Formats
The file may be in plain text or XML format and contain information for up to 20 sector
controllers. The network topology list must use the format specified in this document.
The following table describes the fields in the network topologylist that describe a sector
controller. The '.n' designation (0-19) uniquely identifies up to 20 sector controllers.
Table 15: Web - Configure - Network Topology List Fields
freq.n RF frequency in-use (MHz).
channelsize.n Channel size (MHz).
latitude.n Positional lattitude in degrees decimal.
longitude.n Positional longitue in degrees (decimal).
antennaheight.n Antenna height in meters.
antennagain.n Antenna gain in dBi.
antennabeamwidth.n Antenna beamwith in degrees.
antennaAzimuth.n Antenna orientation in degrees (decimal).
antennatilt.n Antenna elevation tilt in degrees.
bsid.n Sector controller identification number (SCID on screen).
systemName.n Name assigned to this sector controller
The BSID (SCID) field is a unique identifier for a sector controller. This value is available
on the General Information page of the sector controller Web interface.
Text Format
# Network Topology List
systemName.0="Sector controller L1P3W
XML Format
UHF Sector - Redline
Multiple wireless terminals may specify the same template. If the subscriber must
connect to multiple sector controllers, the Sector Controller MAC field must be set to
00:00:00:00:00:00 in the Security screen (CLI command 'bsmac').
Also see STID field in section 3.5.4 Wireless on page 74.
Subscriber Link Name: Enter a name to identify this wireless link. This identifier is
displayed on configuration and statistics screens. The name may contain up to fifteen
alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
Link ID: (Read only) A unique identifier (4 to 127) assigned to each subscriber Link. This
value is required when using the CLI interface to modify settings.
Subscriber MAC: This security feature can restrict the subscriber to registering only
with a single specified sector controller. The sector controller will establish a wireless link
only to the subscriber with the MAC address entered in this field.
adjustments ensure interference on a wireless link does not affect the throughput of
other links in that sector. When the uplink or downlink modulation/coding settings are
automatically adjusted below the desired Minimum DL/UL Burst Rate setting, the
downlink PIR for all Services and Service Groups on that link are reduced proportionally
until the condition clears.
For example, in a link operating at 16 QAM 3/4, transient interference may result in a
temporary change to 16 QAM 1/2 to maintain the required PER, and restore the higher
modulation setting after the interference has cleared.
DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation disabled) Set the downlink rate for unicast traffic.
The wireless link will be established only at the specified rate. Communicating systems
must be set to operate at the same rate. This rate sets the maximum CIR for the link.
UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation disabled) Set the uplink rate for unicast traffic. The
wireless link will be established only at the specified rate. Communicating systems must
be set to operate at the same rate. This rate sets the maximum CIR for the link.
Max. DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select maximum downlink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic to this subscriber. This setting sets the upper limit for downlink
modulation and coding.
Max. UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select maximum uplink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic from this subscriber. This setting sets the upper limit for uplink
modulation and coding.
Min. DL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select the minimum downlink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic when adaptive modulation is enabled. This setting is also used
as a threshold setting when Auto Frequency Scan and Scan Threshold are enabled.
Note: When the link is unable to achieve the requested DL burst rate, the DL Unicast
CIR statistics are displayed in red on the Subscriber Links screen.
Min UL Burst Rate: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Select the minimum uplink UBR
(Mbps) for unicast traffic when adaptive modulation is enabled. This setting is also used
as a threshold setting when Auto Frequency Scan and Scan Threshold are enabled.
Note: When the link is unable to achieve the requested UL burst rate, the UL Unicast
CIR statistics are displayed in red on the Subscriber Links screen.
Downlink PIR: Enter the downlink peak information rate (PIR) for the aggregate
downlink traffic for all Services and Service Groups. When adaptive modulation is
enabled, automatic adjustments to the modulation/coding result in relative changes to
the PIR. The maximum available PIR setting is controlled by the installed options
Uplink PIR: Enter the uplink peak information rate (PIR) for aggregate uplink traffic for
all Services and Service Groups. When adaptive modulation is enabled, automatic
adjustments to the modulation/coding result in relative changes to the PIR. The
maximum available PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
Traffic statistics are reset at the beginning of each common one-second clock tick. If the
maximum throughput is reached before the end of the current interval, that link is
excluded from scheduling additional traffic until the next clock tick.
For example, if a Link transmits its full data allocation in the first 800 ms of the current
metering interval, the Link will not receive any additional bandwidth allocation until the
beginning of the next interval (enforced pause of 200 ms).
Scan Threshold Enable: (Adaptive Modulation enabled) Check ( ) the Scan Threshold
Enable field to trigger a frequency scan if the wireless uplink or downlink UBR drops
below the Min. DL Burst Rate or Min UL Burst Rate settings. Use the Re-scan interval
field below to enter the maximum time (seconds) to remain connected when operating
below the threshold.
Re-scan Interval: (Scan Threshold enabled) Enter the maximum time (seconds) to
remain connected when operating at a UBR below the threshold settings. The timer is
reset if the UBR recovers to a level equal or greater than the threshold. See Scan
Threshold Enable above.
Using the Scan Threshold Feature
After the RDL-3000 has established a wireless link, the sector controller monitors the
uplink and downlink burst rates. The Rescan Interval timer is started if either the uplink
or downlink burst rate drops below the minimum burst rate set in the Subscriber Link
Configuration. If the burst rate recovers to a level equal or higher than the threshold
before the timer expires, the Rescan Interval timer is stopped and the counter is reset.
Otherwise, if the burst rate remains below the threshold for the full Rescan Interval time,
the subscriber drops the link and the RDL-3000 starts a new frequency scan.
In this example, the subscriber requires 1 Mbps (3 Mbps peak) throughput. There are 10
pre-defined channels. Other relevant settings are described.
Subscriber Link Configuration
Max. DL Burst Rate: 54 Min. UL Burst Rate: 36
Max. UL Burst Rate: 54 Threshold Timer Enable:
Min. DL Burst Rate: 36 Re-scan Interval: 45
Apply: Click to accept and activate displayed settings.
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802.1Q VLAN ID [0-4095]: Enter the VID associated with this Group definition.
This field is applied only when 'Tagged' is selected in the Group Tagging Mode field.
Default Priority: Enter the default 802.1p priority setting.
The default priority value is applied when a Service Group set to Tagged mode (add
VLAN tag) receives a packet with no priority information.
Advanced Service Configuration
The traffic each Service transmits over the wireless interface is monitored to enforce PIR
settings (50 - 100000 Kbps). Traffic statistics are reset at the beginning of each common
one-second clock tick. If the maximum throughput is reached on any Service before the
end of the current interval, that Service is excluded from sending additional traffic until
after the next clock tick.
For example, if a Service transmits its full data allocation in the first 650 ms of the
current metering interval, that Service will not receive any additional bandwidth allocation
until the beginning of the next interval (enforced pause of 350 ms).
When adaptive modulation is enabled, automatic adjustments to the modulation/coding
will result in relative changes to the PIR of all Services and Service Groups using that
wireless link. Incorrect PIR settings may result in excessive latency or dropped packets
(buffer full condition).
Important: The available UL and DL PIR is controlled by the options key.
DL CIR: Enter the committed information rate for downlink unicast traffic.
UL CIR: Enter the committed information rate for uplink unicast traffic.
DL PIR: Enter the peak information rate for downlink unicast traffic.
The maximum available DL PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
UL PIR: Enter the peak information rate for uplink unicast traffic
The maximum available UL PIR setting is controlled by the installed options key.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services associated
with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all wireless terminals on
the sector controller. To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use
only the approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
QoS Configuration
The RDL-3000 can prioritize wireless traffic based on the 802.1p priority tag.
802.1p Prioritization Enable: Check this box to enable mapping packets containing
802.1p priority tags to one of four prioritized transmit queues. Each 802.1p priority level
can be mapped to a specific transmit queue. Packets with no priority tag are mapped to
queue '0' (lowest priority).
Priority for 802.1 = [0-7]: Select the queue to assign each packet containing an 802.1p
priority tag.
Important: For best operation, it is recommended to use the factory default settings
when enabling 802.1p prioritization. These settings should be changed only by
advanced network administrators after evaluating the predicted effects on network and
wireless traffic.
Apply: Click to accept and activate displayed settings.
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At least one valid permanent options key must be purchased and installed before the
RDL-3000 is placed in-Service. A second permanent or temporary options key may be
added to trial new options. The options key limits the transmit power, operating
frequency range, and channel bandwidth per the regulatory domain governing the
location where the radio will be deployed. The operator does not have the option to
select the country or regulatory region of operation.
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Upgrade Steps
Important; The RDL-3000 firmware binary file must be located in the default upload
directory of the TFTP/FTP server.
1. Login to the RDL-3000 Web interface and click Utilities -> Firmware in the main
2. Select TFTP or FTP, enter the IP Address of the server, and enter the full name of
the binary file (including the .bin extension). If FTP is selected, enter account name
and password.
3. Click Upload File to begin the file transfer. The transfer may require up to eight
minutes based on the data transfer rate. Do not interrupt the transfer process.
When the transfer is complete, the RDL-3000 checks the integrity of the uploaded file
and registers a status message in the event log. If errors were introduced during the
transfer process, the firmware file is discarded and the upload must be repeated.
4. When the transfer has completed successfully, click Change Version to reboot the
system loading the version listed as Alternate.
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Chapter 4
4 CLI Interface
This section describes the procedures for configuring and operating the RDL-3000 using
CLI over a Telnet connection.
Note: Do not logout or issue new commands until the previous CLI command has
finished processing. For 'save config' or 'script' commands this may be approximately
three seconds. When writing script files, insert pauses after these commands.
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Add a new static entry in the RDL-3000 ARP table. Use 'save config' to save these
entries permanently. A maximum of two static entries can be added to the
Host Host IP address. Must be same subnet as RDL-3000 unit.
MAC Host MAC address (e.g., 01-02-03-04-05-06)
del <Host>
Delete a static or dynamic entry from the ARP table. Also refer to command 'clear
Host: Host IP address of ARP entry to be deleted
ARP table. The * indicates manually entered values.
For example: arp print at 00:05:5d:e0:5b:10 at 11:22:33:44:55:66 *
Persistent MACs: at 11:22:33:44:55:66 at 01:02:03:04:05:06
Use the chgver command to change the firmware version loaded when the RDL-3000 is
chgver (no options)
Switch to the binary saved in the alternate version of firmware.
IMPORTANT: This command works silently (no operator confirmation) and the RDL-
3000 reboots immediately. Use 'get swver' to list the active and alternate versions of
Use the clear command to delete all entries in a table.
clear <arptable> <freqlist> <idtable> <log>
Delete all static entries in the ARP table (refer to arp).
Delete all frequency ranges from list (refer to freq).
Delete all IDs from the idtable.
Delete all messages from the log.
Use the del command to delete a specific ID or security key/certificate.
del <file> <folder> <id>
file <name> <mode>
Remove a file from runtime memory and non volatile RAM.
name <filename>
File name must be of the following format:
dsa_key_<mac>.pem DSA key used for SSH.
SSL_cert_<mac>.pem SSL Certificate.
SSL_key_<mac>.pem SSL Key.
ecc_cert.ecc ECDSA certificate from SA authority.
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list of frequency ranges.
Local frequency ranges:
index begin end
0 5810.0 5820.0
1 5830.0 5835.0
Reload the active list of frequency validation ranges.
Use the genecckeys command to self-generate public/private keys and generate a
'certificate request' file. The key file is saved permanently in the user (usr) table
(ecc_keypairT.ecc) and the 'certificate request' file is automatically downloaded to the ftp
genecckeys <tftpserver_IP><cert-req-name>
ftpserver_IP IP address for the destination TFTP server.
cert-req-name Filename for the certificate request file.
generate sshkey <dsa | rsa>
Use the generate command to generate a key for use with SSH. The RDL-3000
generates a key using its internal encryption module. The generated key is saved in the
usr file table. Generating this key disables the self-generated key created at reboot.
dsa Generate DSA key
rsa Generate RSA key
Important: A system reboot is required to activate the new key.
Use the get command to view system parameters. Use the following general format to
view a parameter.
get <parameter>
Number of active IDs (Services, Service Groups, and Links).
Number of active Links.
Display the current RSSI values for RF 1 & RF 2 to assist antenna alignment.
Current CIR Subscription Ratio %.
Number of downlink discarded packets.
dloir <id>
Get the downlink offered information rate for the service.
Number of downlink Rx packets.
Downlink Tx packets.
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Number of Ethernet packets received.
Number of Ethernet packets received that were discarded.
Speed and duplex settings for the Ethernet port.
Number of Ethernet packets transmitted.
Exit from the current mode (also CTRL-Z).
Display the position coordinates of the sector controller. The GPS coordinates format
is in degrees, minutes and seconds (to 4 decimal places) with North / South or East /
West. For example: Longitude: 43° 51' 35.2770" North
Latitude: 79° 20' 24.7956" West
Display status information about the GPS.
gpsstatus = No Valid Signal
grpoir <id>
Get the Offered Information Rate (OIR) for the specified service Group.
id Index value of the Service Group
idenable <id>
Check the status of a Link, Service, or Service Group.
lactive <id>
Link active status.
Downlink total blocks.
Downlink burst rate.
Downlink discarded blocks.
Downlink lost frames.
Downlink retransmitted blocks.
Downlink RSSI for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Downlink RSSI for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
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Downlink SINADR for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Downlink SINADR for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Number of times the connection to the subscriber has been lost.
Number of Services provisioned on this subscriber.
Number of links with registered service connections.
Link status code for this subscriber.
lssip <id>
Display the subscriber IP address for this link id.
Uplink total blocks.
Uplink burst rate.
Uplink discarded blocks.
Uplink lost frames.
Uplink retransmitted blocks.
Uplink RSSI for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active RF
Uplink RSSI for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active RF
Uplink SINADR for RF port 1. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Uplink SINADR for RF port 2. In MIMO-A mode, this is always the value of the active
RF port.
Link up-time.
RDL-3000 MAC address.
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group <id>
Create a new Service Group.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Service Group.
link <id>
Create a new Link.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Link.
service <id>
Create a new Service.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new Service.
tplink <id>
Create a new link template for use with the STID feature. Use the same commands
applicable to configuring a standard link.
id - Specify a unique ID for this new link template.
Use the ping command to initiate an ICMP ping command from the RDL-3000. This can
be used to confirm network access to FTP/TFTP servers, syslog servers, etc.
ping <IP address> <Number of Packets> <Length>
IP address IP address of target.
Number of Packets Number of ICMP packets to send (1 to 16).
Length Not supported in this software release.
Use the reboot command to reboot the RDL-3000 firmware.
reboot <delay>
delay Number of seconds to wait before rebooting (60 max.).Enter 'reboot 0'
(zero) to cancel a pending reboot.
Note: Use this command in combination with Apply to temporarily test changes to the
configuration. For example:
reboot 60 Schedule reboot in 1 minutes
apply Activate configuration changes (without saving)
{ test changes}
reboot 0 Cancel reboot
Use the reset command to zero the RDL-3000 statistics or ID table.
reset <stats>
Clear statistics counters.
stats <id>
Reset statistics for a Service Group, Service, or Link.
id - Specify an ID to reset statistics only for that Service Group, Service, or
Link. Default is to reset all statistics.
Use the save command to copy edited parameter settings into non-volatile memory.
save [option] <Enter>
save <config> <defaultconfig> <idtable> <snmp>
Save Ethernet, wireless, and user configuration settings.
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Overwrite parameters with the factory default settings. The following settings are not
affected: system name, location, details and contact, frequency list, SNMP
configuration, and idtable.
Save current idtable settings (e.g., Service Group, Service, or Link).
Save current SNMP settings.
Use the script command to save a file containing a string of CLI commands that can be
used to restore the current active configuration of the RDL-3000. The command uses a
TFTP server and the script file is saved in the TFTP default directory. The filename may
be any name and extension valid for the TFTP server platform. Use the 'load script'
command to restore a saved configuration.
script <server> <filename>
server - TFTP server IP address
filename - Script file name
IdPwdClearText - Specify if ID template password to be sent in clear text (default).
Note: User account groups, usernames and passwords are not saved by the script
command. Accounts must be created manually by a user using Telnet or a Web
browser. The 'user' set of commands are interactive and can not be automated.
Use the set command to view and/or change a parameter. Use the apply command to
activate changes made using the set command. Use the 'save' command to copy the
changes to non volatile RAM.
set <parameter>
activekey <actkey>
Select the active options key (position 1 or 2). Also see ' set optionskey'.
actkey - Optionally enter a new key value.
adaptmod <id><mode>
Enable or disable adaptive modulation for the link
id Specify a unique ID for this connection.
mode Enable or disable adaptive modulation for the link.
off - Disable
on - Enable
antbeam <0-n>
Set the operating mode for the RAS-Elite antenna.
0: RAS-Elite antenna automatically scans 360° in azimuth to locate signals
from Redline sector controllers. Refer to the 'lautoscan'.
1-n: Manually set the RAS-Elite antenna beam to the specified sector. The
center of sector '1' is marked on the antenna. The remaining sectors are
arranged sequentially counter-clockwise around the antenna.
antgain <gain>
Set the antenna gain (used for DFS).
<gain> Enter gain in dBi.
atpcss <off | on>
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Disable or enable the Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) function on this
subscriber. When enabled (on: default), the subscriber responds to control requests
from the sector controller to change the transmit power level.
off - ATPC is disabled.
on - ATPC is enabled.
autoscan <off | on>
Enable or disable the Autoscan function. When enabled, the Subscriber
automatically scans available channels to locate the current operating frequency.
off - Autoscan function disabled.
on - Autoscan function is enabled.
bsmac <mac_address | 00:00:00:00:00:00>
Enter the sector controller MAC address to allow this subscriber to register only with
that device. Enter 00:00:00:00:00:00 to allow the subscriber to connect to any
available sector controller (e.g., when using the optional STID template feature).
bsporten <id> <off | on>
Enable and disable sector controller Ethernet port for a Service Group.
id - ID of Service Group.
off - Disabled
on - Enabled
buzzer <off | on>
Enable or disable the audible alignment buzzer. When enabled, the rate of the tone
is proportional to the receive signal strength (faster rate = stronger signal).
off - Disable
on - Enable
chsize <bandwidth>
Set the channel bandwidth (enabled by options key ).
bandwidth - Enter bandwidth in MHz (e.g., 20).
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
chwidth <bandwidth>
Set the channel bandwidth (enabled by options key ).
bandwidth - Enter bandwidth in MHz (e.g., 20).
Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
congid <id> <gid>
Set a Service Group to this Service.
id - Service ID number.
gid - Service Group ID number.
conlid <id> <lid>
Set a Link to this Service connection.
id - Service ID number.
lid - Link ID number.
conpri <id> <0 - 7>
Set a VLAN default priority for this Service or Service Group connection.
convid <id> <vlan>
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Set the VLAN address for this Service or Service Group connection.
id - Service reference ID number.
vlan - VLAN ID (1-4095).
conviden <id> <off | on>
Enable or disable VLAN for this Service or Service Group connection.
id - Service ID number.
off - VLAN is disabled.
on - VLAN is enabled.
cp < 0 | 1>
Select the cyclic prefix.
0: 1/4
1: 1/8
Important: Cyclic prefix 1/8 is recommended for use only with 10 and 20 MHz channels.
dfsaction <none | txoff | chgfreq>
Select the mode of operation for DFS. Enter only the text or the number.
none: The DFS function is disabled.
txoff: Transmission is immediately disabled when radar signals are detected.
This action is recorded in the message log and an SNMP trap message is
sent (if SNMP enabled).
chgfreq: Relocate transmission to an alternative frequency immediately
when radar signals are detected. This action is recorded in the message log
and a trap message is sent (if SNMP enabled).
dhcp <off | on>
Enable or disable DHCP.
off - DHCP is disabled.
on - DHCP is enabled.
dlcir <id> <rate>
Set the Service downlink Committed Information Rate (CIR).
id - Service ID number.
rate - Enter the rate (50 - 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
id - Service ID number.
rate - Peak Information Rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
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(SC only) Enable or disable fixed frame mode. System requires reboot following
changes to this parameter.
framesize <10>
(SC only) Valid only when fixed frame mode is enabled. Restricted to 10 ms. System
requires reboot following changes to this parameter.
gateway <ip>
Set the IP address of the default gateway on this segment.
gmt <value>
Set the time offset from GMT (e.g., -5 for EST).
gpsantenna <mode>
Display information or change the GPS antenna mode.
passive - The GPS antenna port is configured for a passive type GPS antenna (does not
require a bias voltage).
active - The GPS antenna post is configured for an active type GPS antenna (e.g.,
antenna enclosure includes a built-in amplifier). A bias voltage is supplied on
the center conductor of the GPS antenna connector.
groupmode <id> <mode>
Set the wireless mode of operation when sending broadcast or multicast traffic for
this service group.
id - Service Group ID number. Use 'show idtable' to view all IDs.
mode - Assign service group mode:
sisomimoa: Operate in MIMO-A mode.
mimoab: Operate in MIMO-A/B mode.
Note: v3.xx and higher does not operate in SISO mode.
grpcir <id> <rate>
Set the Service Group Committed Information Rate (CIR) for downlink broadcast and
multicast traffic.
id - Group ID number.
rate - Committed information rate (50 to 50000 Mbps)
grpdot1p0 <id> <queue> ... grpdot1p7 <id> <queue>
When 802.1p priority is enabled for this group (id), assign a priority queue for
Ethernet packets with priority 0 through 7.
id - Group ID number.
queue - Assign queue 0-3 (default is 0).
grpdot1pena <id> <mode>
Enable or disable 802.1p services for this Group.
id - Group id number
mode - Enter the mode:
off - Disable
on -Enable
grppir <id> <50 - 100000>
Set the Service Group peak information rate (PIR) (Kbps). Applies to uplink and
downlink traffic.
id - Group ID number.
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Important: You MUST reboot the RDL-3000 after changing this parameter.
snmp < none | v2 | v3 >
Select the mode of the SNMP agent and the version. This selection is exclusive
(e.g., selecting v3 excludes support of v2c).
none - Disable the SNMP agent.
v2 - Enable SNMP v2c support.
v3 - Enable SNMP v3 support.
snmptraplink < off | on>
Enable or disable sending an SNMP trap message for Link-up and Link-down
off - Disable sending the SNMP trap message.
on - Enable sending the SNMP trap message.
snmptraps < off | on>
Enable or disable sending all SNMP traps.
off - Disable sending SNMP trap messages.
on - Enable sending SNMP trap messages.
sntp < off | on>
Enable or disable use of an external a network time service.
off - Disable SNTP protocol support.
on - Enable SNTP protocol support.
sntpip <ip>
Enter the SNTP server IP address. Valid only if SNTP is enabled.
sntppoll <1 - 24>
Enter the SNTP polling interval in hours. Enter period in hours.
srvdot1p0 <id> <queue> ...srvdot1p7 <id> <queue>
When 802.1p priority is enabled for this service (id), assign a priority queue for
Ethernet packets with priority 0 to 7.
id - Service ID number.
queue - Assign queue 0-3 (default is 0).
srvdot1pena <id> <mode>
Enable or disable 802.1p services for this Service (id).
id - Group id number
mode - Enter the mode:
off - Disable
on -Enable
srvgid <id> <gid>
Assign a Service Group to this Service.
id - Service ID number.
gid - Service Group ID number.
srvlid <id> <lid>
Assign a Link to this Service.
id - Service ID number.
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on - Enable ATPC
targetrssimode <off | on>
Enable or disable the Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) function (sector
controller only). When enabled, the sector controller sends control requests to
wireless terminals to change the transmit power level to match a user set
RRSI measured at the sector controller (see 'set targetrssilevel').
off - Disable ATPC
on - Enable ATPC
Note: If required, use the 'set atpcss' command to individually disable or enable
(default) ATPC on a subscriber.
telnetport <1 - 65535>
Set the Telnet port address. Changes are effective only after a reboot.
port - Limits for the telnet port are 22..79 and 81..65534 (default is 23).
ulcir <id> <rate>
Set the service uplink Committed Information Rate (CIR).
id - Service ID number
rate - Committed information rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
ulminrate <id> <rate>
Set the Link minimum uplink uncoded burst rate (UBR).
id - Link ID number.
rate - Minimum downlink rates in MCS (modulation coding scheme).
ulpir <id> <rate>
Set the Service uplink Peak Information Rate (PIR).
id - Service ID number.
rate - Peak information rate (50 to 100000 Kbps)
Changing Service CIR / PIR for STID Link Templates
Failure to follow proper procedures when changing CIR / PIR settings on services
associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS to all
wireless terminals on the sector controller.
To modify PIR / CIR settings on services for STID links (templates), use only the
approved methods described in the Section 7.1: Modifying CIR / PIR Settings for
Service on STID Link Templates.
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Set the session inactivity timeout period for the Web management interface. Default
is 10 minutes.
0: Timeout is disabled.
1-60: Timeout in minutes.
wsdb <[city] [contact] ... [usegps]>
WSDB configuration settings (US only).
city - Contact City
contact - Contact Name
copygpspos - Get the latitude and longitude data from GPS coordinate if
country - Contact Country
email - Contact E-mail
height - Antenna Height
latitude - the latitude coordinate which will only be used when GPS is N/A. This
command is only available when GPS precedence is disabled.
longitude - the longitude coordinate which will only be used when GPS is N/A.
This command is only available when GPS precedence is disabled.
owner - Owner Name
phone - Contact Phone
postal - Contact Postal Code
state - Contact State/Province
street - Contact Street Address
usegps - GPS precedence: If enabled, always use the latitude and longitude
coordinates from the built-in GPS receiver. Registration request can
not be sent without location information.
off - Disable GPS input.
on - Enable GPS input.
Use the show command to display system statistics.
show <config> <conns><files> <gps> <groups> <idtable> <links> <log> <snmp>
<service> <stats> <topology>
config [<id>]
Display system configuration information. When no parameters are entered, the
general configuration settings are displayed. For example: System Information,
System Configuration, Wireless Configuration, and WSDB (if enabled).
<id> If a link ID is specified, the properties of that group are displayed.
conns <id>
Display the services associated with a Link or Group. This command is provided to
support script migration from RDL-3000 systems.
id ID of Link or Group.
For example: conns 4
160 Data A Conn
161 Voice A Conn
files <run | usr>
Display the key and certificate files.
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Use the upgrade command to upload a new firmware binary file to the RDL-3000. The
file must be located in the default directory for the specified user account.
upgrade <ip addr> <file name> <user name> <password>
ip addr
IP address of the FTP/TFTP server.
file name
Name of the binary file to be uploaded.
user name
FTP account name (FTP server only).
FTP account password (FTP server only).
1. TFTP: Specify the TFTP server address and the full name of the binary file (including
.bin extension).
2. FTP: Specify the FTP server address, account user name, account password, and
the full name of the binary file (including .bin extension).
Use the user command to manage user accounts, passwords, and user Groups. When
in user mode, only the <chgpasswd> field is available, since the user can change only
their own password. The other commands are available only for members of the
administrator Group. The RDL-3000 supports administrator and user accounts.
user <add> <attr> <chgpasswd> <del> <print>
add <username> <usertype>
Administrators can use this command to add new user accounts. Usernames
may be 1 to 19 alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and
underscore (_), Passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-numeric characters including a-
z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_). The operator must confirm their own
password and a password for the new account.
username Enter name of new administrator or user account.
usertype Specify the type of account being created.
user User account.
admin Administrator account.
attr <username> < none | MD5 | SHA > < none | DES | AES >
Choose the authentication method and privacy method for SNMP v3 requests.
An authentication method must be selected to enable the privacy method.
username - Account to setup for SNMP v3 authorization.
Authorization method for the SNMP v3 account. When SNMP v3 is enabled, an
authentication method can be selected to control access from an SNMP-based
network management system.
MD5: MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a cryptographic hash function
with a 128-bit hash value (RFC 1321).
SHA: SHA (secure Hash Algorithm) is a set of cryptographic hash
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Privacy method for this account. When SNMP v3 is enabled, a privacy method
can be selected to encrypt messages exchanged with any SNMP-based network
management system.
None: No encryption.
DES: DES (Data Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
AES: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption standard.
chgpasswd <user name>
Administrators can change the password of any account. Users can change only
their own password. Users are prompted to enter new password information.
username Account to be modified.
del <username>
Delete a user account.
username Account to be deleted.
Display a list of user accounts.
Use the whoami command to display the username of the current Telnet session.
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Chapter 5
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Note: If a login prompt does not appear, re-enter the Telnet command. You have 30
seconds before the system automatically reboots. If the login attempt is not
successful, repeat steps 2 to 4 using a wait time of 70 to 90 seconds).
5. Use the following command to create a new administrator account:
user add <username> <usertype>
For example:
>user add super admin
New Password: ********
Confirm Password: ********
Note: Usernames may be 1 to 19 alpha-numeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
dash (-), and underscore (_), Passwords may be 8 to 15 alpha-numeric characters
including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
6. Enter the command reboot to restart the unit. Do not enter any other commands. T
7. Login to the RDL-3000 using the updated administrator username and password.
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The first address is generated using the fifth and sixth segments in the MAC address. If
the first Link local IP address is in-use, a second address is generated using an XOR of
the original results with the third and fourth segments in the MAC address. If required, a
third address is generated using the second results and the first and second segments.
For example, if the remote unit MAC address was 00-09-02-13-F7-1A:
Table 26: Diag. - Calculating Local Link IP Addresses
Order Segment / Calculation Segment /Calculation IP Address
Seg5 Seg6
F716= 247 1A16 = 26
Seg5 XOR Seg3 Seg6 XOR Seg4
F716 XOR 0216 = F516 = 245 1A16 XOR 1316 = 916 = 9
Seg5 XOR Seg3 XOR Seg1 Seg6 XOR Seg4 XOR Seg2
(F716 XOR 0216) XOR 0016 =F516 = 245 (1A16 XOR 1316) XOR 0916 = 016
1. To ensure the granted IP address is routable from the sector controller, remote units
with DHCP enabled must obtain an IP addresses from a DHCP server located
upstream of the sector controller (e.g., over the wireless interface to a DHCP server
reachable from the sector controller Ethernet port).
2. If the remote unit obtains an IP from a DHCP server on its local network (e.g., via the
Ethernet port):
a) IP may not be routable from the sector controller.
b) Recovery Link Local IP addresses will not be active.
c) May be difficult to identify the responding DHCP server to obtain the required
address information.
3. Using DHCP for remote units does not require DHCP to be enabled on the SC.
4. When enabled, Management VLAN Tagging is enforced for Link Local IP address.
5. A DHCP Renew function is available (Web/CLI) to generate an 'on-demand' DHCP
renewal request message.
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Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID): 16-bit field set to 0x8100 identifies the IEEE 802.1Q-
tagged frame. Located at the EtherType/Size field position (untagged frame).
Priority Code Point (PCP): 3-bit field IEEE 802.1p priority bits from 0 (lowest) to 7
Canonical Format Indicator (CFI): 1-bit field. Value 0 indicates MAC address is in the
standard format for Ethernet switches.
VLAN Identifier (VID): 12-bit field specifying the VLAN. The VLAN value may be 1 to
4094. Value 0 indicates the 802.1Q tag is specifying only a priority.
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Chapter 6
6 Security
6.1 Overview
The Redline RDL-3000 family provides a high level of security and reliability. Security
options include wireless authentication using ECDSA certificates and wireless security
using AES encryption, SSH, HTTPS (SSL), and SNMP v3. Security features are
available based on product model and the installed options key ( ).
The RDL-3000 supports the following authentication features:
ECDSA certificates for wireless authentication
Challenge-response mechanism during the link setup
Management Security
The RDL-3000 includes security mechanisms for device management.
TLS for HTTPS for secure Web access:
TLS 1.1: Software version 3.0
TLS 1.2: Software version 3.1 or higher
SSH v2 for secure command line operation
Data Security
The RDL-3000 includes security mechanisms that provide sender authentication and
security and integrity for data sent over the wireless interface. These features include:
Wireless speed encryption for data traffic
Messages encrypted and validated using AES in CCM (Counter with Cipher Block
Chaining-Message Authentication Code)
Separate keys for data traffic and key transport:
Diffie-Hellman for key setup
AES Wrap algorithm for key transport
Keys are changed at random intervals
Physical Security
The Redline RDL-3000 is enclosed in a weatherproof aluminum alloy case. The
module’s enclosure is sealed using tamper-proof labels. The security of the RDL-3000
system is further increased by the following factors:
FIPS-197 compliant platform security and optional FIPS-140-2 certified software
Stream cipher cannot be reverse-engineered -- even by destroying the equipment
Key generation algorithm cannot be reverse-engineered, even by destroying the radio
MAC address of a system cannot be changed without damaging the equipment
Two communicating RDL-3000 systems detecting they have the same MAC address
will immediately shut down
Important Security Guidelines:
1. Store encryption keys and certificate information in a secure location.
2. Always use secure transfer (e.g., SSH/SSL) to load keys and certificates.
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3. Use the RDL-3000 local Ethernet port to transfer encryption keys and certificates, or
SFTP when loading certificates or keys across an open network.
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Enabling SSH
SSH is disabled by (factory) default. Use the following steps to enable SSH.
Use Self Generated (Temporary) Key
For out-of-box operation, a temporary DSA key is self-generated on reboot.
1. Use the CLI or Web interface to enable SSH:
Web: Configuration screen -> Ethernet: SSH Enable
CLI: set SSH on
2. Save the configuration to activate changes.
3. Verify the radio is accessible using SSH and then disable HTTP and Telnet.
Use Operator Generated (Permanent) Key
The operator can create a permanent key using the self-generate feature or load an
externally generated key. Both operations disable the self-renewing key function. Use
one of the following methods to generate a key file:
Option 1: Create a DSA key using the CLI 'generate' command. This function self-
generates a key file and saves this value permanently in the user (usr) table. Reboot the
radio to activate the key.
generate SSHkey dsa
For Example: Generate a new DSA key file.
generate SSHkey dsa
Option 2: Use a commercially available tool to create the DSA key file. A TFTP server is
required to load an externally generated key file.
The selected tool must create a file that conforms to the following:
Maximum key size is 2048 bits
Key filename must be in the following format: dsa_key_<mac>.pem
Use a TFTP server to load the key file into the radio:
a. Copy the key file to the default directory of a TFTP server.
b. Load the key file from the TFTP server to the 'usr' file table.
load file <tftp_server_IP> dsa_key_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem usr tftp
c. Verify the files have been loaded.
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2. Disable RADIUS
The RADIUS service is not allowed in Secure Mode operation and is automatically
disabled when Secure Mode is activated. The RDL-3000 will use only local
authentication and privacy settings.
IMPORTANT: If RADIUS service was enabled, verify access using only local user
authentication and privacy settings. User lockout can be recovered only by returning
unit to the factory.
3. Encryption
The encryption type must be set explicitly to AES 128 or AES 256 before enabling
secure mode operation.
If Enc Auto Mode is enabled when Secure Mode is activated, Enc Auto Mode is
automatically disabled and the encryption type defaults to 'None'.
IMPORTANT: If Secure Mode is activated (following reboot) with no encryption the
RF is automatically disabled. This setting must be manually re-enabled after
disabling Secure Mode and rebooting the system.
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2. Click Apply&Save
The operator must click Apply & Save to save the configuration changes in non
volatile memory.
3. Reboot to Activate Secure Mode
Following the operator clicking Apply&Save in the precious step, the RDL-3000
system is not yet operating in Secure Mode. An active wireless link will remain
established until the system is rebooted.
Reboot the RDL-3000 system to activate Secure Mode. The following changes are
applied on reboot:
HTTPS: Forced off if no SSL certificates in the fips table.
Radio Mode: Forced off if encryption is disabled.
Step 4: Setup Additional Security (As Required)
When Secure Mode is disabled all key and certificates loaded for SSH, HTTPS (SSL)
and authentication (ECDSA) are stored in the 'usr' table.
When operating in Secured Mode all keys and certificates must be entered into the 'fips'
table. The fips table is available only when Secure Mode is active. The operator must
use SSH to load key and certificate files into the fips table by using a TFTP server.
For initial setup purposes, the self-generated DSA key (SSH) is automatically loaded.
This self-generated key is not secure and must be replaced with a unique user-
generated key before deploying in a production environment.
Refer to the sections for SSH, HTTPS (SSL) and ECDSA earlier in this chapter for
instructions to load certificates and keys for these features. All keys and certificates must
be loaded in the 'fips' table. Substitute 'fips' for 'usr' in the instructions.
For example,
SSL Certificate & File
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_cert_xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem fips tftp
load file <tftp_server_IP> SSL_key_ xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.pem fips tftp
show files fips
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IMPORTANT: User lockout (e.g., SSH not enabled) in FIPS-140-2 certified secure
mode can be recovered only by returning unit to the factory. FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode disables long reset.
2. Disable RADIUS
The RADIUS service is not allowed in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode operation
and is automatically disabled when FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated.
The RDL-3000 will use only local authentication and privacy settings.
IMPORTANT: If RADIUS service was enabled, verify access using only local user
authentication and privacy settings. User lockout (e.g., RADIUS server disabled) can
be recovered only by returning unit to the factory.
3. Encryption
The encryption type must be set explicitly to AES 256 before enabling FIPS-140-2
certified secure mode operation.
If Enc Auto Mode is enabled when FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated,
Enc Auto Mode is automatically disabled and the encryption type defaults to 'None'.
IMPORTANT: If FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is activated (following reboot) with
no encryption the RF is automatically disabled. This setting must be manually re-
enabled after disabling FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode and rebooting the system.
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It is strongly recommended to enable and verify access to the RDL-3000 using SSH
before disabling HTTP and Telnet. SSH is the only method of access to complete the
settings after FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode is enabled (HTTPS is disabled until
certificates are loaded while in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode, and SNMP v3
provides only limited access).
Important: Failure to enable and verify SSH before enabling FIPS-140-2 certified
secure mode can result in user lockout from the management interface. User lockout
in FIPS-140-2 certified secure mode can be recovered only by returning unit to the
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For initial setup purposes, the self-generated DSA key (SSH) is automatically loaded.
This self-generated key is not secure and must be replaced with a unique user-
generated key before deploying in a production environment.
Refer to the sections for SSH, HTTPS (SSL) and ECDSA earlier in this chapter for
instructions to load certificates and keys for these features.
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Chapter 7
7 Technical Reference
7.1 Modify CIR/PIR Settings for Services on STID Links
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changing CIR / PIR for Services on STID Link Templates
Failure to follow the procedures in this section when changing the CIR / PIR
settings on services associated with STID link templates will cause LOSS OF
COMMUNICATIONS to all wireless terminals on the sector controller.
The procedures in this section must be used when changing the CIR / PIR settings on
services associated with STID link templates. This procedure is not required for
changing any other Link, Service, or Group CIR or PIR settings.
7.2 ID Mapping
The following table lists the ID ranges assigned for each provisioning type.
Table 32: Ref. - RDL-3000 ID Ranges
Description ID Range Total
Links 4-127 124
Service Groups 128-159 32
Services 160-511 352
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1. Frequency in KHz
2. Channel size. See following table for channel size for each index value.
Table 39: Ref. - LLDP TLV Channel Size Index
0.875 1.25 1.75 2.5 3.5 5 7 10 14 20
8 10 9 11 0 3 1 4 2 5
3. Power in dBm. Where power in dBm is signed value from -127 dBm to +127 dBm.
4. Link Status: 0=down, 1=up
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Chapter 8
8 Deployment Information
8.1 Regional Codes
The regional code integrated into each options key limits the available frequency bands,
transmit power, DFS and other settings in compliance with the regional regulatory
statutes where the system is being deployed.
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Table 42: 470-690 MHz White Space Channel Definitions for USA
Channel Center Channel Center
Number Frequency (MHz) Number Frequency (MHz)
14 473.00 32 581.00
15 479.00 33 587.00
16 485.00 34 593.00
17 491.00 35* 598.50
18 497.00 39* 623.50
19 503.00 40 629.00
20 509.00 41 635.00
21 515.00 42 641.00
22 521.00 43 647.00
23 527.00 44 653.00
24 533.00 45 659.00
25 539.00 46 665.00
26 545.00 47 671.00
27 551.00 48 677.00
28 557.00 49 683.00
29 563.00 50 689.00
30 569.00 51 695.00
31 575.00
* Note: Channels 35 and 39 Tx power limits are 2 dBm lower (16 dBm).
FCC Notices
The following notices about deployment in the USA are included in training and
documentation provided to professional installers and operators of the final product:
1. The final product must be professionally installed.
2. WARNING -- FCC RF Exposure Warnings
To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for RF transmitting devices, a minimum
distance of 40 cm (15 3/4") should be maintained between the antenna of this
device and persons during device operation:
To ensure compliance, operation at closer than these distances is not
recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be collocated in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
3. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.706:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the rules for TV bands
devices, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
(1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
(2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
(3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
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(4) Consult the manufacturer, dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
4. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.19:
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
5. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.21:
Warning: Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline
Communications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Antenna + Power Settings
The RDL-3000 system must be used only with certified antennas and using the channel
size and output power level specified by the FCC regulations.
The following table lists the allowable maximum power settings for all frequencies. If the
antenna gain of the deployed system exceeds the allowed maximum for any
Bandwidth/Frequency combination, the power setting must be reduced by the same
amount (dB) that the antenna gain exceeds the allowed maximum. Antennas having a
gain higher than 13 dBi are strictly prohibited.
Table 43: 470-690 MHz Transmit Power in the United States
Channel # Tx Power (dBm)
35, 39 +16
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Table 48: 470-690 MHz Wireless Terminal Transmit Power for Canada
BW Freq RF1 RF2 Comb Ant Gain EIRP EIRP
Pwr Pwr Pwr Max* Limit
(MHz) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
515 21.93 21.83 24.89 11 35.89 36
557 21.94 21.81 24.89 11 35.89 36
599 21.89 21.98 24.95 11 35.95 36
5 MHz
623 21.94 22.00 24.98 11 35.98 36
659 21.98 21.91 24.96 11 35.96 36
695 21.92 21.96 24.95 11 35.95 36
518 21.83 21.92 24.89 11 35.89 36
557 21.97 21.76 24.88 11 35.88 36
596 21.90 21.93 24.93 11 35.93 36
10 MHz
626 21.95 21.85 24.91 11 35.91 36
659 21.88 21.95 24.93 11 35.93 36
692 21.78 21.95 24.88 11 35.88 36
*If the antenna used exceeds maximum specified, the power settings must be reduced by the
same amount in dB that the gain exceeds maximum allowed.
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The module supports operation with 2x2 MIMO antenna systems with two transmit
chains and two receive chains. The module must be used only with certified antennas
and using the channel size and output power level specified by the IC regulations.
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed in the following table.
Any additional antennas will be used only after authorization is obtained through Class II
permissive change.
Table 49: 2305-2360 MHz Approved Antennas
Gain Beamwidth
Manufacturer Part # Range
(dBi) (degrees)
Redline 30-00328-30 14.5 35 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-02120-01 15 120 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-0290-01 16 90 2300-2700
Redline AFS-DBG-0260-01 17 60 2300-2700
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2305 - 2320
PMP 85 cm (33.5") or more
2345 - 2360
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2305 - 2320
PMP 85 cm (33.5") ou plus
2345 - 2360
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Table 53: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 15.00 31.67 63.00 31.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 15.00 41.80 63.00 21.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 15.00 47.20 63.00 15.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 15.00 47.33 63.00 15.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 15.00 41.81 63.00 21.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 15.00 33.95 63.00 29.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 15.00 31.47 63.00 31.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 15.00 41.66 63.00 21.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 15.00 47.22 63.00 15.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 15.00 47.39 63.00 15.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 15.00 41.63 63.00 21.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 15.00 34.15 63.00 28.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 15.00 31.53 63.00 31.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 15.00 41.74 63.00 21.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 15.00 47.11 63.00 15.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 15.00 47.33 63.00 15.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 15.00 42.10 63.00 20.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 15.00 33.88 63.00 29.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 15.00 31.63 63.00 31.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 15.00 41.47 63.00 21.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 15.00 47.11 63.00 15.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 15.00 47.34 63.00 15.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 15.00 41.74 63.00 21.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 15.00 34.35 63.00 28.65
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Table 54: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 16.00 32.67 63.00 30.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 16.00 42.80 63.00 20.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 16.00 48.20 63.00 14.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 16.00 48.33 63.00 14.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 16.00 42.81 63.00 20.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 16.00 34.95 63.00 28.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 16.00 32.47 63.00 30.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 16.00 42.66 63.00 20.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 16.00 48.22 63.00 14.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 16.00 48.39 63.00 14.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 16.00 42.63 63.00 20.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 16.00 35.15 63.00 27.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 16.00 32.53 63.00 30.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 16.00 42.74 63.00 20.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 16.00 48.11 63.00 14.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 16.00 48.33 63.00 14.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 16.00 43.10 63.00 19.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 16.00 34.88 63.00 28.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 16.00 32.63 63.00 30.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 16.00 42.47 63.00 20.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 16.00 48.11 63.00 14.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 16.00 48.34 63.00 14.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 16.00 42.74 63.00 20.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 16.00 35.35 63.00 27.65
Table 55: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2348 13.57 13.75 16.67 17.00 33.67 63.00 29.33
2352.5 23.62 23.95 26.80 17.00 43.80 63.00 19.20
2357.5 28.93 29.43 32.20 17.00 49.20 63.00 13.80
2308 29.23 29.41 32.33 17.00 49.33 63.00 13.67
2312.5 23.37 24.19 26.81 17.00 43.81 63.00 19.19
2317 16.88 14.73 18.95 17.00 35.95 63.00 27.05
QPSK 2348 13.29 13.62 16.47 17.00 33.47 63.00 29.53
2352.5 23.47 23.82 26.66 17.00 43.66 63.00 19.34
2357.5 28.87 29.52 32.22 17.00 49.22 63.00 13.78
2308 29.29 29.47 32.39 17.00 49.39 63.00 13.61
2312.5 23.18 24.02 26.63 17.00 43.63 63.00 19.37
2317 17.11 14.89 19.15 17.00 36.15 63.00 26.85
16-QAM 2348 13.45 13.59 16.53 17.00 33.53 63.00 29.47
2352.5 23.59 23.87 26.74 17.00 43.74 63.00 19.26
2357.5 28.91 29.29 32.11 17.00 49.11 63.00 13.89
2308 29.12 29.52 32.33 17.00 49.33 63.00 13.67
2312.5 23.52 24.59 27.10 17.00 44.10 63.00 18.90
2317 16.92 14.48 18.88 17.00 35.88 63.00 27.12
64-QAM 2348 13.45 13.78 16.63 17.00 33.63 63.00 29.37
2352.5 23.65 23.27 26.47 17.00 43.47 63.00 19.53
2357.5 28.79 29.39 32.11 17.00 49.11 63.00 13.89
2308 29.38 29.28 32.34 17.00 49.34 63.00 13.66
2312.5 23.21 24.19 26.74 17.00 43.74 63.00 19.26
2317 17.19 15.28 19.35 17.00 36.35 63.00 26.65
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Table 56: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 14.50 30.15 63.00 32.85
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 14.50 37.12 63.00 25.88
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 14.50 36.77 63.00 26.23
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 14.50 30.54 63.00 32.46
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 14.50 30.05 63.00 32.95
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 14.50 37.08 63.00 25.92
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 14.50 36.82 63.00 26.18
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 14.50 30.51 63.00 32.49
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 14.50 30.12 63.00 32.88
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 14.50 37.14 63.00 25.86
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 14.50 36.74 63.00 26.26
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 14.50 30.66 63.00 32.34
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 14.50 30.10 63.00 32.90
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 14.50 37.18 63.00 25.82
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 14.50 36.79 63.00 26.21
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 14.50 30.60 63.00 32.40
Table 57: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 15 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 15.00 30.65 63.00 32.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 15.00 37.62 63.00 25.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 15.00 37.27 63.00 25.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 15.00 31.04 63.00 31.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 15.00 30.55 63.00 32.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 15.00 37.58 63.00 25.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 15.00 37.32 63.00 25.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 15.00 31.01 63.00 31.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 15.00 30.62 63.00 32.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 15.00 37.64 63.00 25.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 15.00 37.24 63.00 25.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 15.00 31.16 63.00 31.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 15.00 30.60 63.00 32.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 15.00 37.68 63.00 25.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 15.00 37.29 63.00 25.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 15.00 31.10 63.00 31.90
Table 58: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 16 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi)
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 16.00 31.65 63.00 31.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 16.00 38.62 63.00 24.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 16.00 38.27 63.00 24.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 16.00 32.04 63.00 30.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 16.00 31.55 63.00 31.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 16.00 38.58 63.00 24.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 16.00 38.32 63.00 24.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 16.00 32.01 63.00 30.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 16.00 31.62 63.00 31.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 16.00 38.64 63.00 24.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 16.00 38.24 63.00 24.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 16.00 32.16 63.00 30.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 16.00 31.60 63.00 31.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 16.00 38.68 63.00 24.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 16.00 38.29 63.00 24.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 16.00 32.10 63.00 30.90
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Table 59: 2305-2320 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Modulation Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power
BPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.95 15.65 17.00 32.65 63.00 30.35
2355 19.3 19.89 22.62 17.00 39.62 63.00 23.38
2310 19.8 18.61 22.27 17.00 39.27 63.00 23.73
2314.5 13.3 12.75 16.04 17.00 33.04 63.00 29.96
QPSK 2350.5 12.3 12.78 15.55 17.00 32.55 63.00 30.45
2355 19.2 19.92 22.58 17.00 39.58 63.00 23.42
2310 19.9 18.59 22.32 17.00 39.32 63.00 23.68
2314.5 13.3 12.69 16.01 17.00 33.01 63.00 29.99
16-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.91 15.62 17.00 32.62 63.00 30.38
2355 19.3 19.97 22.64 17.00 39.64 63.00 23.36
2310 19.8 18.59 22.24 17.00 39.24 63.00 23.76
2314.5 13.5 12.82 16.16 17.00 33.16 63.00 29.84
64-QAM 2350.5 12.3 12.87 15.60 17.00 32.60 63.00 30.40
2355 19.4 19.92 22.68 17.00 39.68 63.00 23.32
2310 19.9 18.59 22.29 17.00 39.29 63.00 23.71
2314.5 13.4 12.82 16.10 17.00 33.10 63.00 29.90
Table 61: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2402.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
2442 15.8 15.8 18.81 17 35.81 36 0.19
2481 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
Table 62: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2405 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74
2442 17.8 17.8 20.81 14.5 35.31 36 0.69
2478.5 17.7 17.9 20.81 14.5 35.31 36 0.69
Table 63: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2405 15.8 15.8 18.81 17 35.8 36 0.19
2442 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
2478.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
Table 64: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 14.5 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2410 17.6 17.7 20.66 14.5 35.16 36 0.84
2442 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74
2473.5 17.7 17.8 20.76 14.5 35.26 36 0.74
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Table 65: 2400-2483.5 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 17 dBi ant. for IC
Frequency Power at Power at Combined Antenna EIRP (dBm) EIRP limit EIRP margin
(MHz) RF-1 RF-2 output gain (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBm)
2410 15.7 15.8 18.76 17 35.76 36 0.24
2442 15.7 15.8 18.76 17 35.76 36 0.24
2473.5 15.8 15.9 18.86 17 35.86 36 0.14
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Table 68: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 5 MHz
Peak output EIRP limit, Maximum
Frequency, Power
Port Modulation power, dBm/25 Antenna
MHz setting
dBm/5 MHz MHz Gain, dBi
3677.5 23 17.60 30 12.40
BPSK 3685 23 17.33 30 12.67
3697.5 23 17.29 30 12.71
3677.5 23 17.53 30 12.47
QPSK 3685 23 17.31 30 12.69
3697.5 23 17.33 30 12.67
3677.5 23 17.31 30 12.69
16-QAM 3685 23 17.58 30 12.42
3697.5 23 17.42 30 12.58
3677.5 23 17.27 30 12.73
64-QAM 3685 23 17.45 30 12.55
3697.5 23 17.69 30 12.31
3677.5 23 17.74 30 12.26
BPSK 3685 23 17.32 30 12.68
3697.5 23 17.36 30 12.64
3677.5 23 17.66 30 12.34
QPSK 3685 23 17.53 30 12.47
3697.5 23 17.42 30 12.58
3677.5 23 17.23 30 12.77
16-QAM 3685 23 17.28 30 12.72
3697.5 23 17.31 30 12.69
3677.5 23 17.68 30 12.32
64-QAM 3685 23 17.34 30 12.66
3697.5 23 17.36 30 12.64
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Table 70: FCC - RDL-3000 EIRP PSD Measurement Results for 10 MHz
Peak output EIRP limit, Maximum
Frequency, Power
Port Modulation power, dBm/25 Antenna
MHz setting
dBm/5 MHz MHz Gain, dBi
3680 23 14.33 30 15.67
BPSK 3685 23 14.38 30 15.62
3695 23 14.03 30 15.97
3680 23 13.69 30 16.31
QPSK 3685 23 14.39 30 15.61
3695 23 14.02 30 15.98
3680 23 14.42 30 15.58
16-QAM 3685 23 14.49 30 15.51
3695 23 14.03 30 15.97
3680 23 14.37 30 15.63
64-QAM 3685 23 14.43 30 15.57
3695 23 13.9 30 16.10
3680 23 14.59 30 15.41
BPSK 3685 23 14.52 30 15.48
3695 23 14.07 30 15.93
3680 23 14.5 30 15.50
QPSK 3685 23 14.55 30 15.45
3695 23 14.09 30 15.91
3680 23 14.54 30 15.46
16-QAM 3685 23 14.49 30 15.51
3695 23 14.09 30 15.91
3680 23 14.6 30 15.40
64-QAM 3685 23 14.63 30 15.37
3695 23 14.1 30 15.90
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This equipment complies to RSS-192 in the frequency band 3450-3650 MHz and RSS-
197 guidelines for deployment of systems in the frequency band of 3650-3675 MHz, for
restricted CBP (Contention Based Protocol).
IC regulations governing operation in the 3450-3675 MHz band states that sector
controller transmissions are limited to a maximum transmit power of 1 Watt/MHz.
Déploiement aux le Canada
Cet appareil Digitale de Classe B rencontre toutes les normes du Canadian Règlement
Brouilleur Équipement.
Les avis suivants à propos du déploiement au Canada sont inclus dans la formation et la
documentation fournies aux installateurs professionnels et les opérateurs du produit
1. Le produit final doit être installé par un professionnel.
2. AVERTISSEMENT - IC avertissements d'exposition RF
Pour satisfaire les exigences d’IC en ce qui a trait aux expositions aux RF pour RF
dispositifs de transmission, les distances suivantes doit être maintenue entre
l'antenne de ce dispositif et des personnes pendant le fonctionnement du dispositif:
Table 73: 3450-2675 MHz distances de sécurité recommandées dans Canada
Fréquence (MHz) Déploiement Distance de Séparation
3500 PMP 34 cm (13.4") ou plus
Pour assurer la conformité , l’operation à une distance moindre que celles-ci n'est
pas recommandé. L'antenne utilisée pour ce transmetteur ne doit pas être co-
localisé avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.
Règlements qui régissent le fonctionnement IC dans la bande 3450-3700 MHz sont
soumises à autorisation en vertu du paragraphe 4 (1) de la Loi sur la
Cet équipement est conforme à RSS-192 dans la bande de fréquences 3450-3650 MHz
et RSS-197 des lignes directrices pour le déploiement de systèmes dans la bande de
fréquences 3650-3675 MHz d', pour limité le CBP (protocole de contention après).
Réglementation régissant le fonctionnement d'IC dans les états de bande 3450-3675
MHz que les transmissions des stations de base sont limités à un maximum de
puissance d'émission de 1 Watt / MHz (pir e de crête).
70-00158-04-01 Proprietary Redline Communications © 2016 Page 216 of 284 June 9, 2016
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Where DFS is required by regional regulations, this function is permanently enabled
at the factory and can not be disabled by the installer or end-user.
4. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.19:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
5. FCC Information to Users @ FCC 15.21:
Warning: Changes or modifications not expreSSLy approved by Redline
Communications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Recommendations to UNII band Users
Redline, in complete cooperation with the FCC, instructs professional installers and
operators of this equipment in the UNII band to follow these guidelines.
Review Table 3: Notice - FCC - TDWR System Locations to determine if the intended
deployment location is near a TDWR site.
1. Operation in the TDWR band of 5600-5650 MHz is not permitted. The equipment
does not allow the operator to use Web, CLI, or SNMP to set a frequency that
overlaps this range.
2. Operation in the 5570-5680 MHz band (excluding 5600-5650 MHz) is permitted
beyond 35 km (22 mi) AND not in line-of-sight of a TDWR site.
3. Operation in the 5570-5680 MHz band (excluding 5600-5650 MHz) within 35 km (22
mi) OR in line-of-sight of a TDWR site is allowed by observing a 30 MHz upper and
lower guard band on the operational frequency of the nearby TWDR station.
For example, if the nearby TDWR is Miami (5605 MHz), the sector controller
frequency setting must exclude channels with center frequencies from 5575 MHz (30
MHz below 5605) to 5635 MHz (30 MHz above 5605).
It is recommended that the operator register in the voluntary WISPA sponsored
database. Go to the www.wispa.org website and click on TDWR to view more
information and register in the online database.
Frequency selection is regulated by a regional code integrated into each options key.
This feature enforces compliance to regional regulatory statutes. Each options key is
keyed to the unique MAC address of an RDL-3000 radio platform. Options keys can be
generated only by Redline and its authorized agents. End-users can not generate or
modify options keys (to obtain or alter regional codes).
Redline provides technical training programs and information covering network design
and installation for Redline distributors, value added resellers, installers, and other
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Additional information:
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Table 79: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 19.20 19.22 22.22 27.00 4.78 19.00 41.22 53.00 11.78
BPSK 4965.0 19.80 19.64 22.73 27.00 4.27 19.00 41.73 53.00 11.27
4987.5 20.13 20.02 23.09 27.00 3.91 19.00 42.09 53.00 10.91
4942.5 19.41 19.26 22.35 27.00 4.65 19.00 41.35 53.00 11.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.79 19.36 22.59 27.00 4.41 19.00 41.59 53.00 11.41
4987.5 20.02 19.95 23.00 27.00 4.00 19.00 42.00 53.00 11.00
4942.5 19.38 19.23 22.32 27.00 4.68 19.00 41.32 53.00 11.68
16-QAM 4965.0 19.92 19.33 22.65 27.00 4.35 19.00 41.65 53.00 11.35
4987.5 19.99 20.11 23.06 27.00 3.94 19.00 42.06 53.00 10.94
4942.5 19.35 19.03 22.20 27.00 4.80 19.00 41.20 53.00 11.80
64-QAM 4965.0 20.03 19.53 22.80 27.00 4.20 19.00 41.80 53.00 11.20
4987.5 20.04 20.22 23.14 27.00 3.86 19.00 42.14 53.00 10.86
Table 80: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 17.73 18.14 20.95 21.00 0.05 32.00 52.95 53.00 0.05
BPSK 4965.0 17.27 17.82 20.56 21.00 0.44 32.00 52.56 53.00 0.44
4987.5 17.48 17.88 20.69 21.00 0.31 32.00 52.69 53.00 0.31
4942.5 17.59 17.75 20.68 21.00 0.32 32.00 52.68 53.00 0.32
QPSK 4965.0 17.37 17.79 20.60 21.00 0.40 32.00 52.60 53.00 0.40
4987.5 17.52 17.87 20.71 21.00 0.29 32.00 52.71 53.00 0.29
4942.5 17.74 17.70 20.73 21.00 0.27 32.00 52.73 53.00 0.27
16-QAM 4965.0 17.35 17.76 20.57 21.00 0.43 32.00 52.57 53.00 0.43
4987.5 17.19 17.90 20.57 21.00 0.43 32.00 52.57 53.00 0.43
4942.5 17.82 17.70 20.77 21.00 0.23 32.00 52.77 53.00 0.23
64-QAM 4965.0 17.22 17.85 20.56 21.00 0.44 32.00 52.56 53.00 0.44
4987.5 17.17 17.98 20.60 21.00 0.40 32.00 52.60 53.00 0.40
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Table 81: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 30.00 7.55 10.00 32.45 56.00 23.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 30.00 7.18 10.00 32.82 56.00 23.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 30.00 6.76 10.00 33.24 56.00 22.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 30.00 7.65 10.00 32.35 56.00 23.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 30.00 7.15 10.00 32.85 56.00 23.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 30.00 6.78 10.00 33.22 56.00 22.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 30.00 7.63 10.00 32.37 56.00 23.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 30.00 7.13 10.00 32.87 56.00 23.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 30.00 6.89 10.00 33.11 56.00 22.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 30.00 7.52 10.00 32.48 56.00 23.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 30.00 7.11 10.00 32.89 56.00 23.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 30.00 6.82 10.00 33.18 56.00 22.82
Table 82: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 30.00 7.55 19.00 41.45 56.00 14.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 30.00 7.18 19.00 41.82 56.00 14.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 30.00 6.76 19.00 42.24 56.00 13.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 30.00 7.65 19.00 41.35 56.00 14.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 30.00 7.15 19.00 41.85 56.00 14.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 30.00 6.78 19.00 42.22 56.00 13.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 30.00 7.63 19.00 41.37 56.00 14.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 30.00 7.13 19.00 41.87 56.00 14.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 30.00 6.89 19.00 42.11 56.00 13.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 30.00 7.52 19.00 41.48 56.00 14.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 30.00 7.11 19.00 41.89 56.00 14.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 30.00 6.82 19.00 42.18 56.00 13.82
Table 83: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 19.73 19.13 22.45 24.00 1.55 32.00 54.45 56.00 1.55
BPSK 4965.0 20.01 19.59 22.82 24.00 1.18 32.00 54.82 56.00 1.18
4985.0 20.33 20.13 23.24 24.00 0.76 32.00 55.24 56.00 0.76
4945.0 19.58 19.08 22.35 24.00 1.65 32.00 54.35 56.00 1.65
QPSK 4965.0 19.81 19.87 22.85 24.00 1.15 32.00 54.85 56.00 1.15
4985.0 20.41 19.99 23.22 24.00 0.78 32.00 55.22 56.00 0.78
4945.0 19.63 19.08 22.37 24.00 1.63 32.00 54.37 56.00 1.63
16-QAM 4965.0 19.82 19.90 22.87 24.00 1.13 32.00 54.87 56.00 1.13
4985.0 20.19 20.00 23.11 24.00 0.89 32.00 55.11 56.00 0.89
4945.0 19.81 19.09 22.48 24.00 1.52 32.00 54.48 56.00 1.52
64-QAM 4965.0 19.81 19.94 22.89 24.00 1.11 32.00 54.89 56.00 1.11
4985.0 20.34 20.00 23.18 24.00 0.82 32.00 55.18 56.00 0.82
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Table 84: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 33.00 9.70 10.00 33.30 59.00 25.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 33.00 9.36 10.00 33.64 59.00 25.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 33.00 9.04 10.00 33.96 59.00 25.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 33.00 9.70 10.00 33.30 59.00 25.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 33.00 9.31 10.00 33.69 59.00 25.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 33.00 9.07 10.00 33.93 59.00 25.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 33.00 9.60 10.00 33.40 59.00 25.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 33.00 9.28 10.00 33.72 59.00 25.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 33.00 9.09 10.00 33.91 59.00 25.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 33.00 9.57 10.00 33.43 59.00 25.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 33.00 9.26 10.00 33.74 59.00 25.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 33.00 8.88 10.00 34.12 59.00 24.88
Table 85: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 33.00 9.70 19.00 42.30 59.00 16.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 33.00 9.36 19.00 42.64 59.00 16.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 33.00 9.04 19.00 42.96 59.00 16.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 33.00 9.70 19.00 42.30 59.00 16.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 33.00 9.31 19.00 42.69 59.00 16.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 33.00 9.07 19.00 42.93 59.00 16.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 33.00 9.60 19.00 42.40 59.00 16.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 33.00 9.28 19.00 42.72 59.00 16.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 33.00 9.09 19.00 42.91 59.00 16.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 33.00 9.57 19.00 42.43 59.00 16.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 33.00 9.26 19.00 42.74 59.00 16.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 33.00 8.88 19.00 43.12 59.00 15.88
Table 86: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 20.57 20.00 23.30 27.00 3.70 32.00 55.30 59.00 3.70
BPSK 4965.0 20.80 20.45 23.64 27.00 3.36 32.00 55.64 59.00 3.36
4980.0 21.13 20.76 23.96 27.00 3.04 32.00 55.96 59.00 3.04
4950.0 20.57 19.98 23.30 27.00 3.70 32.00 55.30 59.00 3.70
QPSK 4965.0 20.83 20.53 23.69 27.00 3.31 32.00 55.69 59.00 3.31
4980.0 21.09 20.75 23.93 27.00 3.07 32.00 55.93 59.00 3.07
4950.0 20.52 20.26 23.40 27.00 3.60 32.00 55.40 59.00 3.60
16-QAM 4965.0 20.89 20.53 23.72 27.00 3.28 32.00 55.72 59.00 3.28
4980.0 21.03 20.77 23.91 27.00 3.09 32.00 55.91 59.00 3.09
4950.0 20.51 20.32 23.43 27.00 3.57 32.00 55.43 59.00 3.57
64-QAM 4965.0 20.93 20.52 23.74 27.00 3.26 32.00 55.74 59.00 3.26
4980.0 21.08 21.14 24.12 27.00 2.88 32.00 56.12 59.00 2.88
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Table 87: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 10.31 10.10 13.22 27.00 13.78 9.00 22.22 36.00 13.78
QPSK 5200.0 15.95 16.43 19.21 27.00 7.79 9.00 28.21 36.00 7.79
5247.5 15.94 16.12 19.04 27.00 7.96 9.00 28.04 36.00 7.96
5155.0 10.31 9.94 13.14 27.00 13.86 9.00 22.14 36.00 13.86
64-QAM 5200.0 15.94 16.45 19.21 27.00 7.79 9.00 28.21 36.00 7.79
5247.5 15.97 16.11 19.05 27.00 7.95 9.00 28.05 36.00 7.95
Note: including 1 dB cable loss
Table 88: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 3.77 3.37 6.58 17.00 10.42 19.00 25.58 36.00 10.42
QPSK 5200.0 6.11 6.46 9.30 17.00 7.70 19.00 28.30 36.00 7.70
5247.5 6.06 6.20 9.14 17.00 7.86 19.00 28.14 36.00 7.86
5155.0 3.76 3.37 6.58 17.00 10.42 19.00 25.58 36.00 10.42
64-QAM 5200.0 6.12 6.45 9.30 17.00 7.70 19.00 28.30 36.00 7.70
5247.5 6.06 6.16 9.12 17.00 7.88 19.00 28.12 36.00 7.88
Table 89: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5155.0 -12.32 -13.45 -9.84 8.00 17.84 27.50 17.66 36.00 18.34
QPSK 5200.0 -2.38 -3.03 0.32 8.00 7.68 27.50 27.82 36.00 8.18
5247.5 -2.50 -3.15 0.20 8.00 7.80 27.50 27.70 36.00 8.30
5155.0 -12.26 -13.50 -9.83 8.00 17.83 27.50 17.67 36.00 18.33
64-QAM 5200.0 -2.34 -3.16 0.28 8.00 7.72 27.50 27.78 36.00 8.22
5247.5 -2.53 -4.12 -0.24 8.00 8.24 27.50 27.26 36.00 8.74
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss
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Table 90: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 12.71 13.51 16.14 27.00 10.86 9.00 25.14 36.00 10.86
QPSK 5200.0 19.26 18.50 21.91 27.00 5.09 9.00 30.91 36.00 5.09
5245.0 19.10 19.06 22.09 27.00 4.91 9.00 31.09 36.00 4.91
5160.0 12.71 13.51 16.14 27.00 10.86 9.00 25.14 36.00 10.86
64-QAM 5200.0 19.38 18.52 21.98 27.00 5.02 9.00 30.98 36.00 5.02
5245.0 19.08 19.03 22.07 27.00 4.93 9.00 31.07 36.00 4.93
Note: including 1 dB cable loss
Table 91: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 8.68 8.31 11.51 17.00 5.49 19.00 30.51 36.00 5.49
QPSK 5200.0 9.08 8.53 11.82 17.00 5.18 19.00 30.82 36.00 5.18
5245.0 9.16 8.96 12.07 17.00 4.93 19.00 31.07 36.00 4.93
5160.0 8.70 8.30 11.51 17.00 5.49 19.00 30.51 36.00 5.49
64-QAM 5200.0 9.18 8.48 11.85 17.00 5.15 19.00 30.85 36.00 5.15
5245.0 9.10 8.96 12.04 17.00 4.96 19.00 31.04 36.00 4.96
Table 92: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5160.0 -7.87 -8.43 -5.13 8.00 13.13 27.50 22.37 36.00 13.63
QPSK 5200.0 0.69 0.27 3.50 8.00 4.50 27.50 31.00 36.00 5.00
5245.0 0.48 0.20 3.35 8.00 4.65 27.50 30.85 36.00 5.15
5160.0 -7.87 -8.41 -5.12 8.00 13.12 27.50 22.38 36.00 13.62
64-QAM 5200.0 0.67 0.28 3.49 8.00 4.51 27.50 30.99 36.00 5.01
5245.0 0.44 0.32 3.39 8.00 4.61 27.50 30.89 36.00 5.11
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss
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Table 93: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 10 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 14.10 14.77 17.46 27.00 9.54 9.00 26.46 36.00 9.54
QPSK 5200.0 21.85 21.66 24.77 27.00 2.23 9.00 33.77 36.00 2.23
5240.0 21.92 21.34 24.65 27.00 2.35 9.00 33.65 36.00 2.35
5170.0 14.13 15.09 17.65 27.00 9.35 9.00 26.65 36.00 9.35
64-QAM 5200.0 21.95 21.55 24.76 27.00 2.24 9.00 33.76 36.00 2.24
5240.0 21.88 21.49 24.70 27.00 2.30 9.00 33.70 36.00 2.30
Note: including 1 dB cable loss
Table 94: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 19 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 11.90 11.29 14.62 17.00 2.38 19.00 33.62 36.00 2.38
QPSK 5200.0 11.40 11.78 14.60 17.00 2.40 19.00 33.60 36.00 2.40
5240.0 12.14 11.57 14.87 17.00 2.13 19.00 33.87 36.00 2.13
5170.0 11.93 11.29 14.63 17.00 2.37 19.00 33.63 36.00 2.37
64-QAM 5200.0 11.30 11.86 14.60 17.00 2.40 19.00 33.60 36.00 2.40
5240.0 12.20 11.48 14.87 17.00 2.13 19.00 33.87 36.00 2.13
Table 95: 5200 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Channel 29 dBi Antenna for FCC
Power Power Aggregated Power Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 power limit margin gain* limit margin
(MHz) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBi) dBm) (dB)
5170.0 -6.09 -6.14 -3.10 8.00 11.10 27.50 24.40 36.00 11.60
QPSK 5200.0 2.93 2.39 5.68 8.00 2.32 27.50 33.18 36.00 2.82
5240.0 3.71 3.24 6.49 8.00 1.51 27.50 33.99 36.00 2.01
5170.0 -6.14 -6.14 -3.13 8.00 11.13 27.50 24.37 36.00 11.63
64-QAM 5200.0 3.05 2.38 5.74 8.00 2.26 27.50 33.24 36.00 2.76
5240.0 3.67 3.21 6.46 8.00 1.54 27.50 33.96 36.00 2.04
Note: including 1.5 dB cable loss
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Table 97: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -1.44 -1.38 1.60 4.70 3.10
BPSK 5300.0 -0.46 -1.22 2.19 4.70 2.52
5345.0 -0.50 -1.42 2.07 4.70 2.63
5252.5 -1.49 -1.33 1.60 4.70 3.10
QPSK 5300.0 -0.50 -1.01 2.26 4.70 2.44
5345.0 -0.46 -1.38 2.11 4.70 2.59
5252.5 -1.47 -1.30 1.63 4.70 3.08
16-QAM 5300.0 -0.50 -0.92 2.31 4.70 2.40
5345.0 -0.49 -1.38 2.10 4.70 2.60
5252.5 -1.50 -1.28 1.62 4.70 3.08
64-QAM 5300.0 -0.51 -0.84 2.34 4.70 2.36
5345.0 -0.43 -1.37 2.14 4.70 2.57
Table 98: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -14.50 -14.38 -11.43 -8.30 3.13
BPSK 5300.0 -13.47 -13.26 -10.35 -8.30 2.06
5345.0 -14.34 -14.41 -11.36 -8.30 3.07
5252.5 -14.53 -14.25 -11.38 -8.30 3.08
QPSK 5300.0 -13.50 -13.25 -10.36 -8.30 2.07
5345.0 -14.35 -14.40 -11.36 -8.30 3.07
5252.5 -14.51 -14.11 -11.30 -8.30 3.00
16-QAM 5300.0 -13.44 -13.26 -10.34 -8.30 2.04
5345.0 -14.38 -14.33 -11.34 -8.30 3.05
5252.5 -14.52 -14.13 -11.31 -8.30 3.01
64-QAM 5300.0 -13.51 -13.25 -10.37 -8.30 2.07
5345.0 -14.52 -14.34 -11.42 -8.30 3.12
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Table 99: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 10.54 10.49 13.53 16.68 3.16
BPSK 5300.0 10.46 10.81 13.65 16.68 3.03
5342.5 10.69 11.54 14.15 16.68 2.54
5255.0 10.50 10.51 13.52 16.68 3.17
QPSK 5300.0 10.48 10.80 13.65 16.68 3.03
5342.5 10.63 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56
5255.0 10.33 10.55 13.45 16.68 3.23
16-QAM 5300.0 10.49 10.81 13.66 16.68 3.02
5342.5 10.62 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56
5255.0 10.37 10.67 13.53 16.68 3.15
64-QAM 5300.0 10.54 10.79 13.68 16.68 3.01
5342.5 10.63 11.55 14.12 16.68 2.56
Table 100: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 1.52 1.91 4.73 7.68 2.95
BPSK 5300.0 1.58 1.83 4.72 7.68 2.97
5342.5 2.60 2.77 5.70 7.68 1.99
5255.0 1.61 1.89 4.76 7.68 2.92
QPSK 5300.0 1.60 1.84 4.73 7.68 2.95
5342.5 2.61 2.64 5.64 7.68 2.05
5255.0 1.60 1.87 4.75 7.68 2.94
16-QAM 5300.0 1.57 1.84 4.72 7.68 2.97
5342.5 2.58 2.53 5.57 7.68 2.12
5255.0 1.61 1.86 4.75 7.68 2.94
64-QAM 5300.0 1.64 1.85 4.76 7.68 2.93
5342.5 2.59 2.44 5.53 7.68 2.16
Table 101: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 -11.56 -11.33 -8.43 -5.32 3.12
BPSK 5300.0 -11.57 -11.08 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.43 -11.50 -8.45 -5.32 3.14
5255.0 -11.56 -11.31 -8.42 -5.32 3.11
QPSK 5300.0 -11.59 -11.06 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.47 -11.49 -8.47 -5.32 3.15
5255.0 -11.59 -11.31 -8.44 -5.32 3.12
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.58 -11.07 -8.31 -5.32 2.99
5342.5 -11.33 -11.45 -8.38 -5.32 3.06
5255.0 -11.60 -11.30 -8.44 -5.32 3.12
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.51 -11.02 -8.25 -5.32 2.93
5342.5 -11.27 -11.47 -8.36 -5.32 3.04
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Table 102: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 13.86 13.14 16.53 19.69 3.17
BPSK 5300.0 13.97 13.15 16.59 19.69 3.10
5337.5 14.15 14.08 17.13 19.69 2.57
5260.0 13.85 13.12 16.51 19.69 3.18
QPSK 5300.0 13.95 13.17 16.59 19.69 3.10
5337.5 14.00 14.10 17.06 19.69 2.63
5260.0 13.84 13.12 16.51 19.69 3.19
16-QAM 5300.0 13.98 13.21 16.62 19.69 3.07
5337.5 13.99 14.11 17.06 19.69 2.63
5260.0 13.85 13.16 16.53 19.69 3.16
64-QAM 5300.0 13.96 13.24 16.63 19.69 3.07
5337.5 14.12 14.10 17.12 19.69 2.57
Table 103: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 4.88 4.09 7.51 10.69 3.18
BPSK 5300.0 4.81 4.08 7.47 10.69 3.22
5337.5 5.02 4.98 8.01 10.69 2.68
5260.0 4.85 4.10 7.50 10.69 3.19
QPSK 5300.0 4.82 4.27 7.56 10.69 3.13
5337.5 4.94 4.97 7.97 10.69 2.73
5260.0 4.86 4.08 7.50 10.69 3.19
16-QAM 5300.0 4.88 4.33 7.62 10.69 3.07
5337.5 4.97 4.98 7.99 10.69 2.71
5260.0 4.88 4.10 7.52 10.69 3.17
64-QAM 5300.0 4.87 4.47 7.68 10.69 3.01
5337.5 4.87 4.98 7.94 10.69 2.76
Table 104: 5300 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 -8.30 -8.11 -5.19 -2.31 2.89
BPSK 5300.0 -8.56 -8.21 -5.37 -2.31 3.06
5337.5 -8.01 -8.10 -5.04 -2.31 2.74
5260.0 -8.25 -8.15 -5.19 -2.31 2.88
QPSK 5300.0 -8.55 -8.21 -5.37 -2.31 3.06
5337.5 -8.03 -8.09 -5.05 -2.31 2.74
5260.0 -8.29 -8.19 -5.23 -2.31 2.92
16-QAM 5300.0 -8.59 -8.20 -5.38 -2.31 3.07
5337.5 -8.02 -8.08 -5.04 -2.31 2.73
5260.0 -8.31 -8.20 -5.24 -2.31 2.94
64-QAM 5300.0 -8.67 -8.00 -5.31 -2.31 3.00
5337.5 -8.02 -8.08 -5.04 -2.31 2.73
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Table 106: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -1.00 -1.48 1.78 4.65 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 -0.73 -1.46 1.93 4.65 2.72
5722.5 0.40 -0.41 3.02 4.65 1.62
5472.5 -1.01 -1.50 1.76 4.65 2.88
QPSK 5570.0 -0.77 -1.48 1.90 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.44 -0.41 3.05 4.65 1.60
5472.5 -1.02 -1.51 1.75 4.65 2.89
16-QAM 5570.0 -0.75 -1.52 1.89 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.53 -0.43 3.09 4.65 1.56
5472.5 -1.02 -1.55 1.73 4.65 2.91
64-QAM 5570.0 -0.71 -1.55 1.90 4.65 2.75
5722.5 0.59 -0.42 3.12 4.65 1.52
Table 107: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -14.23 -14.92 -11.55 -8.35 3.20
BPSK 5570.0 -13.65 -14.25 -10.93 -8.35 2.58
5722.5 -12.96 -13.55 -10.23 -8.35 1.88
5472.5 -14.37 -15.05 -11.69 -8.35 3.33
QPSK 5570.0 -13.66 -14.30 -10.96 -8.35 2.60
5722.5 -12.99 -13.44 -10.20 -8.35 1.85
5472.5 -14.44 -14.99 -11.70 -8.35 3.34
16-QAM 5570.0 -13.71 -14.33 -11.00 -8.35 2.65
5722.5 -13.01 -13.49 -10.23 -8.35 1.88
5472.5 -14.58 -14.80 -11.68 -8.35 3.32
64-QAM 5570.0 -13.68 -14.29 -10.96 -8.35 2.61
5722.5 -13.00 -13.46 -10.21 -8.35 1.86
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Table 108: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 10.33 11.13 13.76 16.63 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 10.69 10.29 13.50 16.63 3.12
5720.0 11.07 10.79 13.94 16.63 2.69
5475.0 10.25 11.13 13.72 16.63 2.91
QPSK 5570.0 10.72 10.30 13.53 16.63 3.10
5720.0 11.09 10.80 13.96 16.63 2.67
5475.0 10.26 11.14 13.73 16.63 2.90
16-QAM 5570.0 10.73 10.33 13.54 16.63 3.08
5720.0 11.10 10.82 13.97 16.63 2.66
5475.0 10.27 11.11 13.72 16.63 2.91
64-QAM 5570.0 10.74 10.43 13.60 16.63 3.03
5720.0 11.09 10.84 13.98 16.63 2.65
Table 109: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 1.98 0.79 4.44 7.63 3.19
BPSK 5570.0 1.34 0.61 4.00 7.63 3.63
5720.0 2.00 1.45 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 1.99 0.77 4.43 7.63 3.20
QPSK 5570.0 1.30 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.65
5720.0 2.01 1.44 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 2.00 0.75 4.43 7.63 3.20
16-QAM 5570.0 1.31 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.64
5720.0 2.01 1.44 4.74 7.63 2.88
5475.0 2.02 0.79 4.46 7.63 3.17
64-QAM 5570.0 1.31 0.61 3.98 7.63 3.64
5720.0 2.01 1.50 4.77 7.63 2.86
Table 110: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 -11.03 -11.85 -8.41 -5.37 3.04
BPSK 5570.0 -11.61 -11.97 -8.78 -5.37 3.40
5720.0 -11.10 -12.05 -8.54 -5.37 3.17
5475.0 -11.00 -11.83 -8.38 -5.37 3.01
QPSK 5570.0 -11.62 -11.95 -8.77 -5.37 3.40
5720.0 -11.10 -12.00 -8.52 -5.37 3.14
5475.0 -10.99 -11.81 -8.37 -5.37 3.00
16-QAM 5570.0 -11.61 -11.93 -8.76 -5.37 3.39
5720.0 -11.10 -11.92 -8.48 -5.37 3.11
5475.0 -10.99 -11.81 -8.37 -5.37 3.00
64-QAM 5570.0 -11.60 -11.93 -8.75 -5.37 3.38
5720.0 -11.11 -11.74 -8.40 -5.37 3.03
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Table 111: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 14.05 13.49 16.79 19.66 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 13.32 13.65 16.50 19.66 3.16
5715.0 13.78 13.09 16.46 19.66 3.20
5480.0 14.07 13.51 16.81 19.66 2.85
QPSK 5570.0 13.33 13.68 16.52 19.66 3.14
5715.0 13.48 13.10 16.30 19.66 3.35
5480.0 14.08 13.53 16.82 19.66 2.83
16-QAM 5570.0 13.34 13.72 16.54 19.66 3.11
5715.0 13.76 13.11 16.46 19.66 3.20
5480.0 14.08 13.56 16.84 19.66 2.82
64-QAM 5570.0 13.35 13.86 16.62 19.66 3.03
5715.0 13.77 13.12 16.47 19.66 3.19
Table 112: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 4.42 5.11 7.79 10.66 2.87
BPSK 5570.0 4.74 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.74 4.37 7.57 10.66 3.09
5480.0 4.41 5.11 7.78 10.66 2.87
QPSK 5570.0 4.75 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.78 4.40 7.60 10.66 3.05
5480.0 4.41 5.11 7.78 10.66 2.87
16-QAM 5570.0 4.75 5.03 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.79 4.41 7.61 10.66 3.04
5480.0 4.41 5.12 7.79 10.66 2.87
64-QAM 5570.0 4.75 5.02 7.90 10.66 2.76
5715.0 4.71 4.45 7.59 10.66 3.07
Table 113: 5400 MHz: RF Power: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Combined Output Output
Power Power
Frequency output power power
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2
MHz power limit margin
(dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 -8.56 -8.28 -5.41 -2.34 3.07
BPSK 5570.0 -8.45 -8.88 -5.65 -2.34 3.31
5715.0 -8.12 -8.61 -5.35 -2.34 3.01
5480.0 -8.55 -8.25 -5.39 -2.34 3.04
QPSK 5570.0 -8.45 -8.91 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.13 -8.66 -5.38 -2.34 3.03
5480.0 -8.53 -8.26 -5.38 -2.34 3.04
16-QAM 5570.0 -8.44 -8.92 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.14 -8.64 -5.37 -2.34 3.03
5480.0 -8.52 -8.25 -5.37 -2.34 3.03
64-QAM 5570.0 -8.43 -8.93 -5.66 -2.34 3.32
5715.0 -8.16 -8.58 -5.35 -2.34 3.01
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Table 115: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5727.5 13.35 13.35 16.36 17.00 0.64 19.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
BPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.57 14.35 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5727.5 13.96 13.45 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
QPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.54 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.89 13.34 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
16-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.34 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.55 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.91 13.33 16.64 17.00 0.36 19.00 35.64 36.00 0.36
64-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.45 14.41 16.97 17.00 0.03 19.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
Table 116: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5727.5 0.68 1.10 3.91 4.00 0.09 32.00 35.91 36.00 0.09
BPSK 5790.0 0.77 0.92 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.98 3.78 4.00 0.22 32.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5727.5 0.84 1.10 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
QPSK 5790.0 0.78 0.91 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.94 3.75 4.00 0.25 32.00 35.75 36.00 0.25
5727.5 0.82 1.10 3.97 4.00 0.03 32.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
16-QAM 5790.0 0.79 0.92 3.87 4.00 0.13 32.00 35.87 36.00 0.13
5847.5 0.53 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5727.5 0.86 1.10 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 0.75 0.92 3.85 4.00 0.15 32.00 35.85 36.00 0.15
5847.5 0.51 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
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Table 117: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 21.15 20.70 23.94 26.00 2.06 10.00 33.94 36.00 2.06
BPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.34 20.31 23.34 26.00 2.66 10.00 33.34 36.00 2.66
5730.0 21.19 20.69 23.96 26.00 2.04 10.00 33.96 36.00 2.04
QPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.35 20.35 23.36 26.00 2.64 10.00 33.36 36.00 2.64
5730.0 21.12 20.69 23.92 26.00 2.08 10.00 33.92 36.00 2.08
16-QAM 5790.0 22.30 22.40 25.36 26.00 0.64 10.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
5845.0 20.36 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
5730.0 21.07 20.68 23.89 26.00 2.11 10.00 33.89 36.00 2.11
64-QAM 5790.0 22.24 22.42 25.34 26.00 0.66 10.00 35.34 36.00 0.66
5845.0 20.35 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
Table 118: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 14.29 13.57 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
BPSK 5790.0 14.00 13.64 16.83 17.00 0.17 19.00 35.83 36.00 0.17
5845.0 13.49 13.75 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
5730.0 14.28 13.60 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 13.99 13.63 16.82 17.00 0.18 19.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
5845.0 13.50 13.34 16.43 17.00 0.57 19.00 35.43 36.00 0.57
5730.0 14.35 13.59 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
16-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.56 16.80 17.00 0.20 19.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
5845.0 13.57 13.33 16.46 17.00 0.54 19.00 35.46 36.00 0.54
5730.0 14.23 13.61 16.94 17.00 0.06 19.00 35.94 36.00 0.06
64-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.52 16.78 17.00 0.22 19.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5845.0 13.50 13.27 16.40 17.00 0.60 19.00 35.40 36.00 0.60
Table 119: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5730.0 1.11 0.43 3.79 4.00 0.21 32.00 35.79 36.00 0.21
BPSK 5790.0 0.84 1.06 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5845.0 0.37 1.39 3.92 4.00 0.08 32.00 35.92 36.00 0.08
5730.0 1.12 0.44 3.80 4.00 0.20 32.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
QPSK 5790.0 0.64 1.08 3.88 4.00 0.12 32.00 35.88 36.00 0.12
5845.0 0.39 0.96 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.14 0.45 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
16-QAM 5790.0 0.81 1.07 3.95 4.00 0.05 32.00 35.95 36.00 0.05
5845.0 0.42 0.92 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.11 0.48 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
64-QAM 5790.0 0.77 1.06 3.93 4.00 0.07 32.00 35.93 36.00 0.07
5845.0 0.47 0.90 3.70 4.00 0.30 32.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
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Table 120: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 22.30 22.74 25.54 26.00 0.46 10.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
BPSK 5790.0 22.59 22.72 25.67 26.00 0.33 10.00 35.67 36.00 0.33
5840.0 21.53 21.65 24.60 26.00 1.40 10.00 34.60 36.00 1.40
5735.0 22.31 22.76 25.55 26.00 0.45 10.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
QPSK 5790.0 22.66 22.72 25.70 26.00 0.30 10.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
5840.0 21.63 21.66 24.66 26.00 1.34 10.00 34.66 36.00 1.34
5735.0 22.30 22.79 25.56 26.00 0.44 10.00 35.56 36.00 0.44
16-QAM 5790.0 22.76 22.74 25.76 26.00 0.24 10.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
5840.0 21.56 21.67 24.63 26.00 1.37 10.00 34.63 36.00 1.37
5735.0 22.29 22.73 25.53 26.00 0.47 10.00 35.53 36.00 0.47
64-QAM 5790.0 22.77 22.77 25.78 26.00 0.22 10.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5840.0 21.53 21.67 24.61 26.00 1.39 10.00 34.61 36.00 1.39
Table 121: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 13.45 13.94 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
BPSK 5790.0 14.19 13.79 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
5840.0 13.92 13.49 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5735.0 13.55 13.91 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
QPSK 5790.0 14.18 13.78 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.93 13.51 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5735.0 13.54 13.88 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
16-QAM 5790.0 14.12 13.77 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5840.0 13.36 13.50 16.44 17.00 0.56 19.00 35.44 36.00 0.56
5735.0 13.50 13.89 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
64-QAM 5790.0 14.15 13.80 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.98 13.50 16.76 17.00 0.24 19.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
Table 122: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for FCC
Output Output
Power Power ed Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen power power EIRP
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 output gain limit margin
cyMHz limit margin (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) power (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB)
5735.0 1.34 0.60 4.00 4.00 0.00 32.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
BPSK 5790.0 1.02 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.81 0.33 3.59 4.00 0.41 32.00 35.59 36.00 0.41
5735.0 1.33 0.54 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 1.03 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.72 0.34 3.54 4.00 0.46 32.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
5735.0 1.35 0.55 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
16-QAM 5790.0 1.05 0.36 3.73 4.00 0.27 32.00 35.73 36.00 0.27
5840.0 0.66 0.33 3.51 4.00 0.49 32.00 35.51 36.00 0.49
5735.0 1.37 0.56 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 1.11 0.37 3.77 4.00 0.23 32.00 35.77 36.00 0.23
5840.0 0.69 0.38 3.55 4.00 0.45 32.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
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Table 126: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output
Power at Power at Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen d output power EIRP
Modulation RF-1 RF-2 margin, gain limit margin
cy (MHz) power limit (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 22.81 23.63 26.25 27.00 0.75 19.00 45.25 53.00 7.75
BPSK 4965.0 22.77 22.75 25.77 27.00 1.23 19.00 44.77 53.00 8.23
4987.5 23.16 22.94 26.06 27.00 0.94 19.00 45.06 53.00 7.94
4942.5 22.63 23.64 26.17 27.00 0.83 19.00 45.17 53.00 7.83
QPSK 4965.0 22.84 22.96 25.91 27.00 1.09 19.00 44.91 53.00 8.09
4987.5 23.22 23.51 26.38 27.00 0.62 19.00 45.38 53.00 7.62
4942.5 22.78 23.81 26.34 27.00 0.66 19.00 45.34 53.00 7.66
16-QAM 4965.0 23.19 23.07 26.14 27.00 0.86 19.00 45.14 53.00 7.86
4987.5 23.17 22.81 26.00 27.00 1.00 19.00 45.00 53.00 8.00
4942.5 22.54 23.78 26.21 27.00 0.79 19.00 45.21 53.00 7.79
64-QAM 4965.0 23.40 22.72 26.08 27.00 0.92 19.00 45.08 53.00 7.92
4987.5 23.31 23.10 26.22 27.00 0.78 19.00 45.22 53.00 7.78
Table 127: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output
Power at Power at Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequen d output power EIRP
Modulation RF-1 RF-2 margin, gain limit margin
cy (MHz) power limit (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm)
4942.5 16.90 16.89 19.91 21.00 1.09 32.00 51.91 53.00 1.09
BPSK 4965.0 16.94 16.51 19.74 21.00 1.26 32.00 51.74 53.00 1.26
4987.5 17.35 17.19 20.28 21.00 0.72 32.00 52.28 53.00 0.72
4942.5 17.12 16.98 20.06 21.00 0.94 32.00 52.06 53.00 0.94
QPSK 4965.0 17.04 16.50 19.79 21.00 1.21 32.00 51.79 53.00 1.21
4987.5 17.33 17.12 20.24 21.00 0.76 32.00 52.24 53.00 0.76
4942.5 17.00 16.34 19.69 21.00 1.31 32.00 51.69 53.00 1.31
16-QAM 4965.0 16.73 16.65 19.70 21.00 1.30 32.00 51.70 53.00 1.30
4987.5 17.54 17.24 20.40 21.00 0.60 32.00 52.40 53.00 0.60
4942.5 16.57 16.38 19.49 21.00 1.51 32.00 51.49 53.00 1.51
64-QAM 4965.0 16.64 16.81 19.74 21.00 1.26 32.00 51.74 53.00 1.26
4987.5 17.44 17.08 20.27 21.00 0.73 32.00 52.27 53.00 0.73
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Table 128: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 26.37 25.87 29.14 30.00 0.86 10.00 39.14 56.00 16.86
BPSK 4965.0 26.39 26.38 29.40 30.00 0.60 10.00 39.40 56.00 16.60
4985.0 25.62 26.20 28.93 30.00 1.07 10.00 38.93 56.00 17.07
4945.0 26.32 26.03 29.19 30.00 0.81 10.00 39.19 56.00 16.81
QPSK 4965.0 26.41 26.27 29.35 30.00 0.65 10.00 39.35 56.00 16.65
4985.0 25.51 26.27 28.92 30.00 1.08 10.00 38.92 56.00 17.08
4945.0 26.19 25.81 29.01 30.00 0.99 10.00 39.01 56.00 16.99
16-QAM 4965.0 26.40 26.23 29.33 30.00 0.67 10.00 39.33 56.00 16.67
4985.0 25.68 26.24 28.98 30.00 1.02 10.00 38.98 56.00 17.02
4945.0 26.27 26.19 29.24 30.00 0.76 10.00 39.24 56.00 16.76
64-QAM 4965.0 26.49 26.27 29.39 30.00 0.61 10.00 39.39 56.00 16.61
4985.0 25.78 26.35 29.08 30.00 0.92 10.00 39.08 56.00 16.92
Table 129: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 26.37 25.87 29.14 30.00 0.86 19.00 48.14 56.00 7.86
BPSK 4965.0 26.39 26.38 29.40 30.00 0.60 19.00 48.40 56.00 7.60
4985.0 26.93 27.01 29.98 30.00 0.02 19.00 48.98 56.00 7.02
4945.0 26.32 26.03 29.19 30.00 0.81 19.00 48.19 56.00 7.81
QPSK 4965.0 26.41 26.27 29.35 30.00 0.65 19.00 48.35 56.00 7.65
4985.0 25.51 26.87 29.25 30.00 0.75 19.00 48.25 56.00 7.75
4945.0 26.19 25.81 29.01 30.00 0.99 19.00 48.01 56.00 7.99
16-QAM 4965.0 26.40 26.23 29.33 30.00 0.67 19.00 48.33 56.00 7.67
4985.0 25.68 26.95 29.37 30.00 0.63 19.00 48.37 56.00 7.63
4945.0 26.27 26.19 29.24 30.00 0.76 19.00 48.24 56.00 7.76
64-QAM 4965.0 26.49 26.27 29.39 30.00 0.61 19.00 48.39 56.00 7.61
4985.0 25.78 26.35 29.08 30.00 0.92 19.00 48.08 56.00 7.92
Table 130: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4945.0 20.82 20.54 23.69 24.00 0.31 32.00 55.69 56.00 0.31
BPSK 4965.0 19.79 20.52 23.18 24.00 0.82 32.00 55.18 56.00 0.82
4985.0 20.32 20.21 23.28 24.00 0.72 32.00 55.28 56.00 0.72
4945.0 20.59 20.48 23.55 24.00 0.45 32.00 55.55 56.00 0.45
QPSK 4965.0 19.79 20.84 23.36 24.00 0.64 32.00 55.36 56.00 0.64
4985.0 20.05 20.33 23.20 24.00 0.80 32.00 55.20 56.00 0.80
4945.0 20.41 20.21 23.32 24.00 0.68 32.00 55.32 56.00 0.68
16-QAM 4965.0 19.68 20.53 23.14 24.00 0.86 32.00 55.14 56.00 0.86
4985.0 20.17 20.27 23.23 24.00 0.77 32.00 55.23 56.00 0.77
4945.0 20.37 20.29 23.34 24.00 0.66 32.00 55.34 56.00 0.66
64-QAM 4965.0 19.80 20.82 23.35 24.00 0.65 32.00 55.35 56.00 0.65
4985.0 20.20 20.25 23.24 24.00 0.76 32.00 55.24 56.00 0.76
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Table 131: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 27.41 27.64 30.54 33.00 2.46 10.00 40.54 59.00 18.46
BPSK 4965.0 27.91 27.99 30.96 33.00 2.04 10.00 40.96 59.00 18.04
4980.0 27.90 27.84 30.88 33.00 2.12 10.00 40.88 59.00 18.12
4950.0 27.18 27.50 30.35 33.00 2.65 10.00 40.35 59.00 18.65
QPSK 4965.0 27.64 27.57 30.62 33.00 2.38 10.00 40.62 59.00 18.38
4980.0 28.16 28.32 31.25 33.00 1.75 10.00 41.25 59.00 17.75
4950.0 27.26 27.69 30.49 33.00 2.51 10.00 40.49 59.00 18.51
16-QAM 4965.0 27.67 27.63 30.66 33.00 2.34 10.00 40.66 59.00 18.34
4980.0 28.18 28.08 31.14 33.00 1.86 10.00 41.14 59.00 17.86
4950.0 28.04 28.12 31.09 33.00 1.91 10.00 41.09 59.00 17.91
64-QAM 4965.0 28.12 28.10 31.12 33.00 1.88 10.00 41.12 59.00 17.88
4980.0 28.07 27.99 31.04 33.00 1.96 10.00 41.04 59.00 17.96
Table 132: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 27.41 27.64 30.54 33.00 2.46 19.00 49.54 59.00 9.46
BPSK 4965.0 27.91 27.99 30.96 33.00 2.04 19.00 49.96 59.00 9.04
4980.0 27.90 27.84 30.88 33.00 2.12 19.00 49.88 59.00 9.12
4950.0 27.18 27.50 30.35 33.00 2.65 19.00 49.35 59.00 9.65
QPSK 4965.0 27.64 27.57 30.62 33.00 2.38 19.00 49.62 59.00 9.38
4980.0 28.16 28.32 31.25 33.00 1.75 19.00 50.25 59.00 8.75
4950.0 27.26 27.69 30.49 33.00 2.51 19.00 49.49 59.00 9.51
16-QAM 4965.0 27.67 27.63 30.66 33.00 2.34 19.00 49.66 59.00 9.34
4980.0 28.18 28.08 31.14 33.00 1.86 19.00 50.14 59.00 8.86
4950.0 28.04 28.12 31.09 33.00 1.91 19.00 50.09 59.00 8.91
64-QAM 4965.0 28.12 28.10 31.12 33.00 1.88 19.00 50.12 59.00 8.88
4980.0 28.07 27.99 31.04 33.00 1.96 19.00 50.04 59.00 8.96
Table 133: 4900 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Power Power Combined Output
Power Antenna EIRP EIRP
Frequency at RF- at RF- output power EIRP
Modulation margin, gain limit margin
(MHz) 1 2 power limit (dBm)
dB (dBi) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
4950.0 24.03 23.88 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
BPSK 4965.0 23.48 23.81 26.66 27.00 0.34 32.00 58.66 59.00 0.34
4980.0 23.84 23.91 26.89 27.00 0.11 32.00 58.89 59.00 0.11
4950.0 23.49 23.67 26.59 27.00 0.41 32.00 58.59 59.00 0.41
QPSK 4965.0 23.45 23.74 26.61 27.00 0.39 32.00 58.61 59.00 0.39
4980.0 23.91 23.95 26.94 27.00 0.06 32.00 58.94 59.00 0.06
4950.0 23.99 23.92 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
16-QAM 4965.0 23.96 23.87 26.93 27.00 0.07 32.00 58.93 59.00 0.07
4980.0 23.98 23.99 27.00 27.00 0.00 32.00 59.00 59.00 0.00
4950.0 24.08 23.73 26.92 27.00 0.08 32.00 58.92 59.00 0.08
64-QAM 4965.0 23.99 23.92 26.97 27.00 0.03 32.00 58.97 59.00 0.03
4980.0 23.98 23.87 26.94 27.00 0.06 32.00 58.94 59.00 0.06
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Table 135: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 1.28 0.56 3.95 17.17 13.22 19.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
BPSK 5300.0 1.34 0.56 3.98 17.17 13.19 19.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
5345.0 1.36 0.52 3.97 17.17 13.20 19.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
5252.5 1.28 0.55 3.94 17.17 13.23 19.00 22.94 23.17 0.23
QPSK 5300.0 1.40 0.52 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.38 0.51 3.98 17.17 13.19 19.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
5252.5 1.29 0.55 3.95 17.17 13.22 19.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
16-QAM 5300.0 1.42 0.49 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.38 0.53 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5252.5 1.25 0.48 3.89 17.17 13.28 19.00 22.89 23.17 0.28
64-QAM 5300.0 1.41 0.51 3.99 17.17 13.18 19.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 1.37 0.51 3.97 17.17 13.20 19.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
Table 136: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5252.5 -11.54 -12.56 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
BPSK 5300.0 -11.56 -12.63 -9.05 17.17 26.22 32.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
5345.0 -11.55 -12.69 -9.07 17.17 26.24 32.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
5252.5 -11.55 -12.55 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
QPSK 5300.0 -11.52 -12.59 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
5345.0 -11.55 -12.66 -9.06 17.17 26.23 32.00 22.94 23.17 0.23
5252.5 -11.58 -12.54 -9.02 17.17 26.19 32.00 22.98 23.17 0.19
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.59 -12.68 -9.09 17.17 26.26 32.00 22.91 23.17 0.26
5345.0 -11.54 -12.65 -9.05 17.17 26.22 32.00 22.95 23.17 0.22
5252.5 -11.57 -12.52 -9.01 17.17 26.18 32.00 22.99 23.17 0.18
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.57 -12.66 -9.07 17.17 26.24 32.00 22.93 23.17 0.24
5345.0 -11.51 -12.65 -9.03 17.17 26.20 32.00 22.97 23.17 0.20
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Table 137: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 10.37 9.38 12.91 20.18 7.26 10.00 22.91 26.18 3.26
BPSK 5300.0 10.36 8.68 12.61 20.18 7.56 10.00 22.61 26.18 3.56
5342.5 10.48 9.32 12.95 20.18 7.23 10.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 10.35 9.35 12.89 20.18 7.29 10.00 22.89 26.18 3.29
QPSK 5300.0 10.37 8.72 12.63 20.18 7.54 10.00 22.63 26.18 3.54
5342.5 10.47 9.33 12.95 20.18 7.23 10.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 10.36 9.34 12.89 20.18 7.28 10.00 22.89 26.18 3.28
16-QAM 5300.0 10.44 8.69 12.66 20.18 7.51 10.00 22.66 26.18 3.51
5342.5 10.50 9.35 12.97 20.18 7.20 10.00 22.97 26.18 3.20
5255.0 10.36 9.36 12.90 20.18 7.28 10.00 22.90 26.18 3.28
64-QAM 5300.0 10.43 8.79 12.70 20.18 7.48 10.00 22.70 26.18 3.48
5342.5 10.54 9.32 12.98 20.18 7.19 10.00 22.98 26.18 3.19
Table 138: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 0.31 0.64 3.49 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.49 26.18 3.69
BPSK 5300.0 0.43 0.81 3.63 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.63 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.48 0.33 3.95 20.18 16.22 19.00 22.95 26.18 3.22
5255.0 0.33 0.61 3.48 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.48 26.18 3.69
QPSK 5300.0 0.41 0.83 3.64 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.64 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.44 0.34 3.94 20.18 16.24 19.00 22.94 26.18 3.24
5255.0 0.36 0.63 3.51 20.18 16.67 19.00 22.51 26.18 3.67
16-QAM 5300.0 0.41 0.83 3.64 20.18 16.54 19.00 22.64 26.18 3.54
5342.5 1.46 0.34 3.95 20.18 16.23 19.00 22.95 26.18 3.23
5255.0 0.35 0.60 3.49 20.18 16.69 19.00 22.49 26.18 3.69
64-QAM 5300.0 0.35 0.87 3.63 20.18 16.55 19.00 22.63 26.18 3.55
5342.5 1.53 0.33 3.98 20.18 16.19 19.00 22.98 26.18 3.19
Table 139: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5255.0 -11.65 -12.65 -9.11 20.18 29.29 32.00 22.89 26.18 3.29
BPSK 5300.0 -11.64 -12.44 -9.01 20.18 29.19 32.00 22.99 26.18 3.19
5342.5 -12.56 -12.59 -9.56 20.18 29.74 32.00 22.44 26.18 3.74
5255.0 -11.60 -12.64 -9.08 20.18 29.25 32.00 22.92 26.18 3.25
QPSK 5300.0 -11.65 -12.45 -9.02 20.18 29.20 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.20
5342.5 -12.51 -12.57 -9.53 20.18 29.70 32.00 22.47 26.18 3.70
5255.0 -11.61 -12.66 -9.09 20.18 29.27 32.00 22.91 26.18 3.27
16-QAM 5300.0 -11.66 -12.44 -9.02 20.18 29.20 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.20
5342.5 -12.49 -12.60 -9.53 20.18 29.71 32.00 22.47 26.18 3.71
5255.0 -11.59 -12.62 -9.06 20.18 29.24 32.00 22.94 26.18 3.24
64-QAM 5300.0 -11.66 -12.43 -9.02 20.18 29.19 32.00 22.98 26.18 3.19
5342.5 -12.49 -12.62 -9.54 20.18 29.72 32.00 22.46 26.18 3.72
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Table 140: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 9.81 9.97 12.90 23.16 10.26 10.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
BPSK 5300.0 9.70 10.20 12.97 23.16 10.19 10.00 22.97 29.16 6.19
5337.5 9.97 9.92 12.96 23.16 10.20 10.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 9.77 10.00 12.90 23.16 10.26 10.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
QPSK 5300.0 9.65 10.16 12.92 23.16 10.24 10.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
5337.5 9.94 9.92 12.94 23.16 10.22 10.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
5260.0 9.75 9.99 12.88 23.16 10.28 10.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
16-QAM 5300.0 9.69 10.18 12.95 23.16 10.21 10.00 22.95 29.16 6.21
5337.5 9.92 9.95 12.95 23.16 10.21 10.00 22.95 29.16 6.21
5260.0 9.73 10.00 12.88 23.16 10.28 10.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
64-QAM 5300.0 9.76 10.17 12.98 23.16 10.18 10.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 9.92 9.94 12.94 23.16 10.22 10.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
Table 141: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 0.62 1.19 3.92 23.16 19.23 19.00 22.92 29.16 6.23
BPSK 5300.0 0.70 0.92 3.82 23.16 19.34 19.00 22.82 29.16 6.34
5337.5 0.93 -0.06 3.47 23.16 19.69 19.00 22.47 29.16 6.69
5260.0 0.61 1.18 3.91 23.16 19.24 19.00 22.91 29.16 6.24
QPSK 5300.0 0.78 0.93 3.87 23.16 19.29 19.00 22.87 29.16 6.29
5337.5 0.94 -0.09 3.47 23.16 19.69 19.00 22.47 29.16 6.69
5260.0 0.62 1.10 3.88 23.16 19.28 19.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
16-QAM 5300.0 0.80 0.94 3.88 23.16 19.28 19.00 22.88 29.16 6.28
5337.5 1.00 -0.10 3.50 23.16 19.66 19.00 22.50 29.16 6.66
5260.0 0.62 1.02 3.83 23.16 19.32 19.00 22.83 29.16 6.32
64-QAM 5300.0 0.82 0.93 3.89 23.16 19.27 19.00 22.89 29.16 6.27
5337.5 0.97 -0.09 3.48 23.16 19.68 19.00 22.48 29.16 6.68
Table 142: 5300 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5260.0 -12.14 -12.02 -9.07 23.16 32.23 32.00 22.93 29.16 6.23
BPSK 5300.0 -12.15 -11.91 -9.02 23.16 32.18 32.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 -12.20 -11.91 -9.04 23.16 32.20 32.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 -12.14 -12.01 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
QPSK 5300.0 -12.19 -11.88 -9.02 23.16 32.18 32.00 22.98 29.16 6.18
5337.5 -12.18 -11.93 -9.04 23.16 32.20 32.00 22.96 29.16 6.20
5260.0 -12.19 -12.00 -9.08 23.16 32.24 32.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
16-QAM 5300.0 -12.18 -11.96 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
5337.5 -12.22 -11.96 -9.08 23.16 32.24 32.00 22.92 29.16 6.24
5260.0 -12.22 -12.00 -9.10 23.16 32.26 32.00 22.90 29.16 6.26
64-QAM 5300.0 -12.21 -11.84 -9.01 23.16 32.17 32.00 22.99 29.16 6.17
5337.5 -12.19 -11.96 -9.06 23.16 32.22 32.00 22.94 29.16 6.22
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Table 144: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 0.99 0.39 3.71 17.15 13.44 19.00 22.71 23.15 0.44
BPSK 5570.0 1.20 0.84 4.03 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.03 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.77 0.81 3.80 17.15 13.35 19.00 22.80 23.15 0.35
5472.5 1.00 0.40 3.72 17.15 13.43 19.00 22.72 23.15 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 1.21 0.83 4.03 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.03 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.77 0.80 3.80 17.15 13.35 19.00 22.80 23.15 0.35
5472.5 1.01 0.40 3.73 17.15 13.42 19.00 22.73 23.15 0.42
16-QAM 5570.0 1.22 0.83 4.04 17.15 13.11 19.00 23.04 23.15 0.11
5722.5 0.79 0.81 3.81 17.15 13.34 19.00 22.81 23.15 0.34
5472.5 1.07 0.41 3.76 17.15 13.39 19.00 22.76 23.15 0.39
64-QAM 5570.0 1.21 0.86 4.05 17.15 13.10 19.00 23.05 23.15 0.10
5722.5 0.78 0.78 3.79 17.15 13.36 19.00 22.79 23.15 0.36
Table 145: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5472.5 -11.91 -12.19 -9.04 17.15 26.19 32 22.96 23.15 0.19
BPSK 5570 -11.84 -12.37 -9.09 17.15 26.24 32 22.91 23.15 0.24
5722.5 -12.20 -12.58 -9.37 17.15 26.52 32 22.63 23.15 0.52
5472.5 -11.93 -12.21 -9.06 17.15 26.21 32 22.94 23.15 0.21
QPSK 5570 -11.79 -12.25 -9.00 17.15 26.15 32 23.00 23.15 0.15
5722.5 -12.22 -12.50 -9.35 17.15 26.49 32 22.65 23.15 0.49
5472.5 -11.96 -12.17 -9.05 17.15 26.2 32 22.95 23.15 0.2
16-QAM 5570 -11.79 -12.28 -9.02 17.15 26.17 32 22.98 23.15 0.17
5722.5 -12.23 -12.60 -9.40 17.15 26.55 32 22.60 23.15 0.55
5472.5 -11.92 -12.13 -9.01 17.15 26.16 32 22.99 23.15 0.16
64-QAM 5570 -11.77 -12.3 -9.02 17.15 26.17 32 22.98 23.15 0.17
5722.5 -12.22 -12.49 -9.34 17.15 26.49 32 22.66 23.15 0.49
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Table 146: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 13.30 12.83 16.08 20.17 4.09 10.00 26.08 26.17 0.09
BPSK 5570.0 12.60 12.71 15.67 20.17 4.50 10.00 25.67 26.17 0.50
5720.0 12.91 13.15 16.04 20.17 4.13 10.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5475.0 13.28 12.85 16.08 20.17 4.09 10.00 26.08 26.17 0.09
QPSK 5570.0 12.60 12.69 15.66 20.17 4.51 10.00 25.66 26.17 0.51
5720.0 12.91 13.15 16.04 20.17 4.13 10.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5475.0 13.29 12.90 16.11 20.17 4.06 10.00 26.11 26.17 0.06
16-QAM 5570.0 12.61 12.70 15.67 20.17 4.50 10.00 25.67 26.17 0.50
5720.0 12.94 13.15 16.06 20.17 4.11 10.00 26.06 26.17 0.11
5475.0 13.32 12.93 16.14 20.17 4.03 10.00 26.14 26.17 0.03
64-QAM 5570.0 12.60 12.70 15.66 20.17 4.51 10.00 25.66 26.17 0.51
5720.0 12.93 13.16 16.06 20.17 4.11 10.00 26.06 26.17 0.11
Table 147: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 4.19 3.61 6.92 20.17 13.25 19.00 25.92 26.17 0.25
BPSK 5570.0 4.43 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.83 3.68 6.77 20.17 13.40 19.00 25.77 26.17 0.40
5475.0 4.20 3.60 6.92 20.17 13.25 19.00 25.92 26.17 0.25
QPSK 5570.0 4.42 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.80 3.74 6.78 20.17 13.39 19.00 25.78 26.17 0.39
5475.0 4.33 3.62 7.00 20.17 13.17 19.00 26.00 26.17 0.17
16-QAM 5570.0 4.42 3.83 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.78 3.86 6.83 20.17 13.34 19.00 25.83 26.17 0.34
5475.0 4.36 3.61 7.01 20.17 13.16 19.00 26.01 26.17 0.16
64-QAM 5570.0 4.42 3.84 7.15 20.17 13.02 19.00 26.15 26.17 0.02
5720.0 3.76 3.88 6.83 20.17 13.34 19.00 25.83 26.17 0.34
Table 148: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5475.0 -8.91 -9.13 -6.01 20.17 26.18 32.00 25.99 26.17 0.18
BPSK 5570.0 -8.72 -9.27 -5.98 20.17 26.15 32.00 26.02 26.17 0.15
5720.0 -8.09 -9.85 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.92 -9.10 -6.00 20.17 26.17 32.00 26.00 26.17 0.17
QPSK 5570.0 -8.75 -9.20 -5.96 20.17 26.13 32.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
5720.0 -8.10 -9.83 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.91 -9.08 -5.98 20.17 26.15 32.00 26.02 26.17 0.15
16-QAM 5570.0 -8.65 -9.17 -5.89 20.17 26.06 32.00 26.11 26.17 0.06
5720.0 -8.08 -9.87 -5.87 20.17 26.04 32.00 26.13 26.17 0.04
5475.0 -8.90 -9.04 -5.96 20.17 26.13 32.00 26.04 26.17 0.13
64-QAM 5570.0 -8.66 -9.18 -5.90 20.17 26.07 32.00 26.10 26.17 0.07
5720.0 -8.08 -9.84 -5.86 20.17 26.03 32.00 26.14 26.17 0.03
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Table 149: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 15.45 15.94 18.71 23.16 4.45 10.00 28.71 29.16 0.45
BPSK 5570.0 15.88 16.10 19.00 23.16 4.16 10.00 29.00 29.16 0.16
5715.0 16.27 15.82 19.06 23.16 4.10 10.00 29.06 29.16 0.10
5480.0 15.45 15.97 18.73 23.16 4.43 10.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 15.83 16.09 18.97 23.16 4.19 10.00 28.97 29.16 0.19
5715.0 16.22 15.93 19.09 23.16 4.07 10.00 29.09 29.16 0.07
5480.0 15.44 15.96 18.72 23.16 4.44 10.00 28.72 29.16 0.44
16-QAM 5570.0 15.85 16.10 18.99 23.16 4.17 10.00 28.99 29.16 0.17
5715.0 16.21 16.00 19.12 23.16 4.04 10.00 29.12 29.16 0.04
5480.0 15.47 15.96 18.73 23.16 4.43 10.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
64-QAM 5570.0 15.91 16.11 19.02 23.16 4.14 10.00 29.02 29.16 0.14
5715.0 16.18 16.03 19.12 23.16 4.04 10.00 29.12 29.16 0.04
Table 150: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 7.28 6.64 9.98 23.16 13.18 19.00 28.98 29.16 0.18
BPSK 5570.0 6.44 7.01 9.74 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.74 29.16 0.41
5715.0 6.35 7.06 9.73 23.16 13.43 19.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
5480.0 7.26 6.62 9.96 23.16 13.20 19.00 28.96 29.16 0.20
QPSK 5570.0 6.45 7.02 9.75 23.16 13.40 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.40
5715.0 6.34 7.08 9.74 23.16 13.42 19.00 28.74 29.16 0.42
5480.0 7.24 6.63 9.96 23.16 13.20 19.00 28.96 29.16 0.20
16-QAM 5570.0 6.43 7.02 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
5715.0 6.35 7.09 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
5480.0 7.37 6.57 10.00 23.16 13.16 19.00 29.00 29.16 0.16
64-QAM 5570.0 6.47 7.03 9.77 23.16 13.39 19.00 28.77 29.16 0.39
5715.0 6.35 7.10 9.75 23.16 13.41 19.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
Table 151: 5400 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5480.0 -6.43 -6.13 -3.27 23.16 26.43 32.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
BPSK 5570.0 -6.42 -5.94 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.13 -5.65 -2.87 23.16 26.03 32.00 29.13 29.16 0.03
5480.0 -6.43 -6.14 -3.27 23.16 26.43 32.00 28.73 29.16 0.43
QPSK 5570.0 -6.41 -5.95 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.12 -5.65 -2.87 23.16 26.03 32.00 29.13 29.16 0.03
5480.0 -6.40 -6.15 -3.26 23.16 26.42 32.00 28.74 29.16 0.42
16-QAM 5570.0 -6.40 -5.96 -3.16 23.16 26.32 32.00 28.84 29.16 0.32
5715.0 -6.12 -5.64 -2.86 23.16 26.02 32.00 29.14 29.16 0.02
5480.0 -6.42 -6.11 -3.25 23.16 26.41 32.00 28.75 29.16 0.41
64-QAM 5570.0 -6.39 -5.92 -3.14 23.16 26.30 32.00 28.86 29.16 0.30
5715.0 -6.11 -5.63 -2.85 23.16 26.01 32.00 29.15 29.16 0.01
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Table 153: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5727.5 13.35 13.35 16.36 17.00 0.64 19.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
BPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.57 14.35 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5727.5 13.96 13.45 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
QPSK 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.54 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.89 13.34 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
16-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.34 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.55 14.10 16.84 17.00 0.16 19.00 35.84 36.00 0.16
5727.5 13.91 13.33 16.64 17.00 0.36 19.00 35.64 36.00 0.36
64-QAM 5790.0 13.77 13.33 16.57 17.00 0.43 19.00 35.57 36.00 0.43
5847.5 13.45 14.41 16.97 17.00 0.03 19.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
Table 154: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 5 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5727.5 0.68 1.10 3.91 4.00 0.09 32.00 35.91 36.00 0.09
BPSK 5790.0 0.77 0.92 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.98 3.78 4.00 0.22 32.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5727.5 0.84 1.10 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
QPSK 5790.0 0.78 0.91 3.86 4.00 0.14 32.00 35.86 36.00 0.14
5847.5 0.54 0.94 3.75 4.00 0.25 32.00 35.75 36.00 0.25
5727.5 0.82 1.10 3.97 4.00 0.03 32.00 35.97 36.00 0.03
16-QAM 5790.0 0.79 0.92 3.87 4.00 0.13 32.00 35.87 36.00 0.13
5847.5 0.53 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5727.5 0.86 1.10 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 0.75 0.92 3.85 4.00 0.15 32.00 35.85 36.00 0.15
5847.5 0.51 0.93 3.74 4.00 0.26 32.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
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Table 155: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 21.15 20.70 23.94 26.00 2.06 10.00 33.94 36.00 2.06
BPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.34 20.31 23.34 26.00 2.66 10.00 33.34 36.00 2.66
5730.0 21.19 20.69 23.96 26.00 2.04 10.00 33.96 36.00 2.04
QPSK 5790.0 22.33 22.39 25.37 26.00 0.63 10.00 35.37 36.00 0.63
5845.0 20.35 20.35 23.36 26.00 2.64 10.00 33.36 36.00 2.64
5730.0 21.12 20.69 23.92 26.00 2.08 10.00 33.92 36.00 2.08
16-QAM 5790.0 22.30 22.40 25.36 26.00 0.64 10.00 35.36 36.00 0.64
5845.0 20.36 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
5730.0 21.07 20.68 23.89 26.00 2.11 10.00 33.89 36.00 2.11
64-QAM 5790.0 22.24 22.42 25.34 26.00 0.66 10.00 35.34 36.00 0.66
5845.0 20.35 20.26 23.32 26.00 2.68 10.00 33.32 36.00 2.68
Table 156: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 14.29 13.57 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
BPSK 5790.0 14.00 13.64 16.83 17.00 0.17 19.00 35.83 36.00 0.17
5845.0 13.49 13.75 16.63 17.00 0.37 19.00 35.63 36.00 0.37
5730.0 14.28 13.60 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 13.99 13.63 16.82 17.00 0.18 19.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
5845.0 13.50 13.34 16.43 17.00 0.57 19.00 35.43 36.00 0.57
5730.0 14.35 13.59 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
16-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.56 16.80 17.00 0.20 19.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
5845.0 13.57 13.33 16.46 17.00 0.54 19.00 35.46 36.00 0.54
5730.0 14.23 13.61 16.94 17.00 0.06 19.00 35.94 36.00 0.06
64-QAM 5790.0 14.00 13.52 16.78 17.00 0.22 19.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5845.0 13.50 13.27 16.40 17.00 0.60 19.00 35.40 36.00 0.60
Table 157: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 10 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5730.0 1.11 0.43 3.79 4.00 0.21 32.00 35.79 36.00 0.21
BPSK 5790.0 0.84 1.06 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5845.0 0.37 1.39 3.92 4.00 0.08 32.00 35.92 36.00 0.08
5730.0 1.12 0.44 3.80 4.00 0.20 32.00 35.80 36.00 0.20
QPSK 5790.0 0.64 1.08 3.88 4.00 0.12 32.00 35.88 36.00 0.12
5845.0 0.39 0.96 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.14 0.45 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
16-QAM 5790.0 0.81 1.07 3.95 4.00 0.05 32.00 35.95 36.00 0.05
5845.0 0.42 0.92 3.69 4.00 0.31 32.00 35.69 36.00 0.31
5730.0 1.11 0.48 3.82 4.00 0.18 32.00 35.82 36.00 0.18
64-QAM 5790.0 0.77 1.06 3.93 4.00 0.07 32.00 35.93 36.00 0.07
5845.0 0.47 0.90 3.70 4.00 0.30 32.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
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Table 158: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 10 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 22.30 22.74 25.54 26.00 0.46 10.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
BPSK 5790.0 22.59 22.72 25.67 26.00 0.33 10.00 35.67 36.00 0.33
5840.0 21.53 21.65 24.60 26.00 1.40 10.00 34.60 36.00 1.40
5735.0 22.31 22.76 25.55 26.00 0.45 10.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
QPSK 5790.0 22.66 22.72 25.70 26.00 0.30 10.00 35.70 36.00 0.30
5840.0 21.63 21.66 24.66 26.00 1.34 10.00 34.66 36.00 1.34
5735.0 22.30 22.79 25.56 26.00 0.44 10.00 35.56 36.00 0.44
16-QAM 5790.0 22.76 22.74 25.76 26.00 0.24 10.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
5840.0 21.56 21.67 24.63 26.00 1.37 10.00 34.63 36.00 1.37
5735.0 22.29 22.73 25.53 26.00 0.47 10.00 35.53 36.00 0.47
64-QAM 5790.0 22.77 22.77 25.78 26.00 0.22 10.00 35.78 36.00 0.22
5840.0 21.53 21.67 24.61 26.00 1.39 10.00 34.61 36.00 1.39
Table 159: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 19 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 13.45 13.94 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
BPSK 5790.0 14.19 13.79 17.00 17.00 0.00 19.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
5840.0 13.92 13.49 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5735.0 13.55 13.91 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
QPSK 5790.0 14.18 13.78 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.93 13.51 16.74 17.00 0.26 19.00 35.74 36.00 0.26
5735.0 13.54 13.88 16.72 17.00 0.28 19.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
16-QAM 5790.0 14.12 13.77 16.96 17.00 0.04 19.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
5840.0 13.36 13.50 16.44 17.00 0.56 19.00 35.44 36.00 0.56
5735.0 13.50 13.89 16.71 17.00 0.29 19.00 35.71 36.00 0.29
64-QAM 5790.0 14.15 13.80 16.99 17.00 0.01 19.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
5840.0 13.98 13.50 16.76 17.00 0.24 19.00 35.76 36.00 0.24
Table 160: 5800 MHz: RF Power & EIRP: 20 MHz Chan. & 32 dBi Ant. for IC
Combine Output Output
Power Power EIRP
Frequency d output power power Antenna EIRP EIRP limit
Modulation at RF-1 at RF-2 margin
MHz power limit margin gain (dBi) (dBm) (dBm)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dBm) (dB)
5735.0 1.34 0.60 4.00 4.00 0.00 32.00 36.00 36.00 0.00
BPSK 5790.0 1.02 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.81 0.33 3.59 4.00 0.41 32.00 35.59 36.00 0.41
5735.0 1.33 0.54 3.96 4.00 0.04 32.00 35.96 36.00 0.04
QPSK 5790.0 1.03 0.37 3.72 4.00 0.28 32.00 35.72 36.00 0.28
5840.0 0.72 0.34 3.54 4.00 0.46 32.00 35.54 36.00 0.46
5735.0 1.35 0.55 3.98 4.00 0.02 32.00 35.98 36.00 0.02
16-QAM 5790.0 1.05 0.36 3.73 4.00 0.27 32.00 35.73 36.00 0.27
5840.0 0.66 0.33 3.51 4.00 0.49 32.00 35.51 36.00 0.49
5735.0 1.37 0.56 3.99 4.00 0.01 32.00 35.99 36.00 0.01
64-QAM 5790.0 1.11 0.37 3.77 4.00 0.23 32.00 35.77 36.00 0.23
5840.0 0.69 0.38 3.55 4.00 0.45 32.00 35.55 36.00 0.45
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Chapter 9
System Configuration
System Settings
Network Settings
Switch Settings
Sleep Ctrl Settings
Radio Configuration
Radio Management
Gateway Configuration
Gateway Settings
Serial Port Settings
Firmware Management
Change Credentials
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Ethernet Connection
Use the following steps to establish a Web session with the serial gateway. This method
may also be used to establish a Telnet session.
1. Configure the IP address of the test PC to be on the same subnet as the wireless
terminal. For example, set the test PC address as follows:
TCP/IP address:
Net Mask:
2. Open a browser and enter the unit wireless terminal IP address in the browser
address bar. The Connect-OWS/IWS default address and credentials are:
IP Address:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
Serial Connection
Use the following steps to establish a serial port session with the serial gateway.
1. On the PC, configure access to the console port.
The factory default settings for the Connect-OWS/IWS are: 38400 bps 8N1
2. Login to the serial gateway using the assigned username and password. The default
username and password are as follows:
username: admin
password: admin
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IPV4 Netmask: Enter the active network address netmask for this unit. Field is
enabled/visible only when DHCP is disabled.
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IPV4 Gateway Address: Enter the active default router/gateway for this unit. Field is
enabled/visible only when DHCP is disabled.
DNS Server 1: Enter the IP address of primary DNS server. Field is enabled/visible only
when DHCP is disabled.
DNS Server 2: Enter the IP address of secondary DNS server. Field is enable only when
DHCP is disabled.
Sub-interface 1/2
Enable: Check this box to enable use of Sub-interface 1 VLAN services.
VLAN ID: Enter the VLAN ID (1-4095).
Note: If the interface is to be untagged, set it equal to the default VLAN.
VLAN Priority: Enter the VLAN priority setting (0-7).
IPV4 Address: Enter the active network IP address for this unit.
IPV4 Netmask: Enter the active network address mask for this unit.
IPV4 Gateway: Enter the active default router/gateway for this unit.
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The action taken on untagged ingress frames is specified by two parameters on each of
the Ethernet ports: Untagged Ingress Frames, and Port VLAN ID. The PVID is added
when an untagged packet is received and the port is configured to 'tag'.
Management Interface
Management VLAN Enable: Check this box to enable this unit to be managed only
using VLAN traffic tagged with the value specified in the Management VLAN ID field.
When not selected there are no restrictions for management traffic.
IMPORTANT: In v1.2.0 VLAN Management must be enabled and disabled using
Telnet connection. To avoid loss of connectivity, all required parameter changes
must be applied using a single Apply & Save (settings are located on multiple Web
UI screens).
For example, enabling VLAN for management on ETH2 port:
set mgmtag on
set mgmvid 38
set switch vlanaware on
set switch ethport 2 vlanmode access
set switch ethport 2 vid 38
save config
Management VLAN ID: (Management VLAN enabled) Enter the management VLAN ID
(1-4095). When Management VLAN is enabled, the Connect serial gateway recognizes
only management commands where the Ethernet packet has the matching VLAN ID.
Management VLAN Priority: (Management VLAN enabled) Enter the management
VLAN priority (0-7).
ETH 1/2 Interface (VLAN Aware enabled)
Port Alias: Assign a name identifying this port.
Port Mode: Configure the port to operate as either a VLAN Trunk or Access port. Ports
operate in one of the two following modes:
Access: Port-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
Trunk: Tag-based 802.1q VLAN functionality.
Untagged Ingress Frames: (Port mode = Trunk) Define the action to be taken when an
ingress frame does not contain a VLAN tag. Refer to the section VLAN Frame
Processing for details of frame processing. Control is visible only when 'Provider Bridge
Enabled (Q-in-Q)' is unchecked and Trunk mode is checked .
Tag: Add tag to frame. Enables Port VLAN ID field
Discard: Discard frame.
Connected Device Type: Configure the port to operate as though it is connected to
either Customer or Provider equipment. Refer to the section VLAN Frame Processing for
details of frame processing.
Note: This control is visible only when 'Provider Bridge Enabled (Q-in-Q' is checked .
Customer: Port is connected to customer equipment.
Provider: Port is connected to provider equipment.
VLAN ID: Enter the port VLAN ID (1-4095).
VLAN Priority: (Port mode = Access or Port mode = Trunk and Untagged ingress
frames = tag) Enter the VLAN priority setting (0-7).
Allowed VLANs: (Port mode = Trunk) Enter allowed VLAN connections for this port.
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Pin X Normal State: Select the normal state for the selected pin(s). OPEN, CLOSED
Pin X Power Source: Select the power source used for the pin(s): INTERNAL,
Scheduled Entry Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to enter sleep mode
after a specified time has elapsed.
Current Schedule: Indicates the current schedule settings.
Scheduled Entry Table:
Table Entry 1: Enter Minute, Hour, * * and Day.
Table Entry 2: Enter Minute, Hour, * * and Day.
Where, Schedule n: minutes hours * * day-of-week
The '* *' between hours and day of week is mandatory.
Example, Single schedule specifying once per hour every day of the week:
* 0-23 * * *
Field Allowed Values Special Characters
Minutes 0-59 ,-*
Hours 0-23 ,-*
Day of month * *
Month * *
Day of week 1-7 ,-*
* (all) For example, '*' in day-of-week field for 'every day''
- (range). For example, "10-12" in hour field for 'at hour 10, 11 and 12'
, (list) For example, '0,15,30,45' in minute field for '15 minute intervals'
Sleep Mode Exit (Wake-up) Settings
Serial Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to exit sleep mode when
activity is detected on the selected serial interface(s).
GPIO Trigger Enabled: Check this box to enable wake-up on GPIO pin 4 signal.
GPIO RaiseAlarm On: Select the status on GPIO pin 4 to initiate wake-up: LEVEL_1,
Scheduled Exit Enabled: Check this box to enable .
Scheduled Entry Enabled: Check this box to enable the unit to wake-up after a
specified time has elapsed.
Current Schedule: Indicates the current schedule settings.
Scheduled Entry Table:
Table Entry 1: Enter Minute, Hour and Day.
Table Entry 2: Enter Minute, Hour and Day.
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IMPORTANT: The Console (CON) port is not configurable. Permanent settings are:
38400 bps, 8 stop bits, No parity 1 stop bit (DTE).
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Upgrade Steps
1. Login to the Connect serial gateway Web interface and click Firmware Management
in the main menu.
2. Select TFTP or FTP and enter the IP Address of the server. If FTP is selected, enter
account name and password. Click Apply or Apply & Save.
Note: The entered address and credentials are saved for future downloads.
3. Enter the full name of the binary file including the .bin extension.
4. Click the Upload button to begin the file transfer. The transfer may require up to eight
minutes based on the data transfer rate. Do not interrupt the transfer process.
When the transfer is complete, the system checks the integrity of the uploaded file
and registers a status message in the event log. If errors were introduced during the
transfer process, the firmware file is discarded and the upload must be repeated.
5. When the transfer has completed successfully, click Swap Firmware to reboot the
system loading the version listed as Alternative Firmware.
IMPORTANT: Rebooting the Connect interface also power-cycles the radio (Connect-
IWS, Connect-OW and Connect-OW-ER).
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Use the get command to view current settings.
get <command>
Use the get command to view system parameters. Use the following general format to
view a parameter.
IP address of the Primary DNS server that is actually in use.
IP address of the Secondary DNS server that is actually in use.
Default gateway address that is actually in use
Unit's IP Address in use.
MAC address.
Unit's IP netmask that is actually in use.
radio Radio device related commands
Radio device detection.
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save <command>
Copy the current (edited) settings to the running configuration and save to
nonvolatile memory.
Update the running configuration to factory default settings and save to nonvolatile
Use the set command to view and modify settings.
set <command>
dhcp <off | on>
DHCP enable/disable configuration.
dnsip1 <ip>
IP address of the Primary DNS server.
dnsip2 <ip>
IP address of the Secondary DNS server.
gateway <ip>
IP address of default gateway.
ipaddr <ip>
IP Address of the serial interface unit.
mgmtag [on | off]
off: There are no restrictions for management traffic.
on: This unit can be managed only using VLAN traffic tagged with the value
specified in the mgmvid command.
mgmvid [1 - 4094]
The management VLAN ID (0-4095).
mgmpriority [0 - 7]
The management VLAN priority (0-7).
netmask <netmask>
The netmask (e.g.,
radio <mac>
MAC address of radio.
serial <port> <alias | baudrate | databits | interface | parity>
Configuration commands for serial port DATA1/DATA2. Note that console port is not
configurable(DTE: 38400 bps 8N1).
port <1 | 2>
1 Port DATA1
2 Port DATA2
alias <name>
Serial port alias.
baudrate <1200 | 2400 | ... | 115200>
Baud rate for serial port (DATA1/DATA2) in bits per second (bps).
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forcetransmit <0-1024>
Force transmit timeout in ms.
0 Timeout is disabled.
1-1024 Data Packet Length to reach before transmitting.
modbustcpserver <localport | maxconnections>
Modbus TCP server network transport setting of the specified virtual gateway.
Default setting for gateway 1 is 502 and gateway 2 is 503.
localport Local TCP port.
maxconnections Maximum simultaneous host connections (1-8).
vgateway <port> <mode | serialport | rawtcpserver | modbustcpserver>
Configure the virtual gateways.
port <1 | 2>
Gateway index.
1 DATA1 port
2 DATA2 port
mode <inactive | rawtcpserver | modbustcpserver>
The operation mode of the specified virtual gateway.
inactive Virtual gateway is not active
rawtcpserver Virtual gateway is configured as raw tcp server
modbustcpserver Virtual gateway is configured as a modbus tcp
serialport <[blank] | data1 | data2> serial port associated with the specified
virtual gateway.
[blank] Unassigned
data1 Assigned to port DATA1
data2 Assigned to port DATA2
vlansubif <1 | 2> <enable | vid | ipaddr | netmask | gateway | priority>
1 | 2: Specify interface (1 or 2).
enable <on | off>
off: Disable specified interface.
on: Disable specified interface.
vid <1 - 4094>
The VLAN ID (0-4095). Each sub-interface must have unique VLAN ID.
ipaddr <ipaddr_mask>
The active network IP address for this unit. The network IP address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration-
netmask <ipaddr_mask>
The active network address mask for this unit. The network address mask
may be assigned manually or by a DHCP server (see Configuration-
gateway <ipaddr>
The active default router/gateway for this unit.
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