Noahs Ark Challenge 34 (Year 7 Assessment 1) .

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Noah's Ark Musicianship Challenge

Have you seen a fish swim so deep?

Have you seen a bird fly so high?

Have you seen a horse run so fast?

Yes I have on Noah's Ark

Task description:
• Work through the following tasks while singing Noah's Ark.
• You must video yourself doing each level and add the video to this
• Once all the levels have been complete, submit the document to SEQTA.
• There are example videos for each stage for you to watch for reference.
Level 1 More than 2 1 or 2 Mistakes Perfect

Clap the rhythm and stamp the beat in your feet 8 10 12

Level 2 More than 2 1 or 2 Mistakes Perfect


Sing the song while clapping the rhythmic ostinato 1 3 5

Level 3 Still Developing 1 Hand Two Hands

Sing the song while tapping the rhythm in one 1 3 5

hand and the beat in the other. Then swap!

Level 4 More than 2 1 or 2 Mistakes Perfect


Sing the song and clap the rhythm two beats 1 4 8

later in canon
Level 1 Level 3

Level 2 Level 4

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