CS 14
CS 14
CS 14
1. Introduction to Accounting.
(i) The Nature and Purpose of Accounting
(ii) Users of accounting information and their respective needs
(iii) Accounting Standards and their purposes (IFRS, IASs, IPSAS)
(iv) Regulatory frameworks (ICPAK, IASB, IAESB, IPSASB), the Companies Act
(v) Professional Ethics
(vi) Principles, Concepts and conventions underlying the preparation of accounting statements
Types of accounts
Personal Accounts – these are for debtors and creditors (i.e. customers and suppliers).
Impersonal Accounts – divided between ‘real’ accounts and ‘nominal’ accounts:
Real Accounts – accounts in which possessions are recorded. Examples are buildings, machinery,
fixtures and stock.
Nominal Accounts – accounts in which expenses, income and capital are recorded.
This diagram may enable you to follow this better;
Folio entries speed up the process of finding the other side of the double entry in the ledgers.
The following images portray how cash and bank accounts would appear separately, vis a vis how
they would appear as a consolidated cash book.
(iv) Balancing accounts and preparing the trial balance
(v) Depreciation of non-current assets including their disposal (by part exchange; ordinary
sale; accident)
(vi) Preparation of movement of property, plant and equipment (as per International Financial
Reporting Standards)
(vii) Trade Receivables, bad debts write-offs, and provisions for bad and doubtful debts
(viii) Accruals, Prepayments, reserves and provisions necessary adjustments in statements of
financial performance
(ix) Introduction to simple statements of Financial Performance
(x) Statements of financial position Final Accounting statements in a sole trader
(xi) Financial statements of a partnership business reflecting changes in partnerships such as
admission, retirement and dissolution
5. Introduction to Taxation
i. History of Taxation
ii. Types of Taxation
iii. Principles of an optimal tax system
iv. Single versus multiple tax systems
v. Classification of Tax systems
vi. Tax shifting
vii. Factors determining tax shifting
viii. Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance
ix. Taxable Capacity
x. Fiscal Policies
xi. The Revenue Authority; History, structure and mandate
6. Investment Allowances
I. Rationale for investment allowances
II. Investment Allownace
III. Industrial Building Deductions
IV. Wear and Tear Deductions
V. Farm work deductions
VI. Shipping Investment Deductions
VII. Other Deductionsn
7. Custom Taxes and Excise Taxes
i. Customs Procedure
ii. Import and export Duties
iii. Prohibitions and restriction measures
iv. Transit goods and bond securities
v. Purposes of customs and excise duties
vi. Goods subject to customs control
vii. Import declaration form, pre-shipment inspection, clean report of findings
viii. Excisable gppds and services
ix. Application for excise duty (licensing)
x. Use of excise stamps
xi. Offences and penalties
xii. Excisable goods management system
1. Wood, F .,& Robinson, S. (2018). Frank Wood’s Book Keeping and Accounts (9th Edition).
Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
2. Wang’ombe, D. (2008). Fundamentals of Accounting. Nairobi: Focus Publishers.
3. Whittenburg, G. EG., & Gill, S. (2021). Income Tax Fundamentals 2021 (39th Edition).
Australia: Cengage.
4. Kasneb e-learning resources (link on the Kasneb Web site).
5. Kasneb approved study packs.
6. Sample text books on taxation from local authors.
Saturday, 8th January, 2022
Definition; Accounting can be defined as ‘the process of identifying, measuring, and
communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of
the information’. Simply put, it is the orderly and systematic recording of the monetary values of
financial transactions of the business for purposes of facilitating successive decision making.
Accounting was and still is as a product of necessity owing to the need for people engaging in
commercial activities to:
Record business transactions
Determine if they were being financially successful. (profitability )
Determine how much they owned and how much they owed. (assets and liabilities)
It is believed to have been utilised in Mesopotamia in one form or another since at least 3,500 BC.
There also exists significant evidence of the practise of accounting in ancient Egypt, China, Greece, as
well as Rome. The ‘Pipe Roll’ in England, is considered to be the oldest surviving accounting record
in the English language. It contains an annual description of rents, fines and taxes due to the King of
England, from 1130 to 1830.
However, it was only when Paciloi wrote about it in 1494 or, to be more precise, wrote about a branch
of accounting called, ‘bookkeeping’ that accounting began to be standardised and recognised as a
process or procedure. At the time, no standard system for maintaining accounting records had been
developed because the circumstances of the day did not make it practicable for anyone to do so. For
instance, why would anyone devise a formal system of accounting if the people who would be
required to ‘do’ accounting did not know how to read or write.
One accounting scholar (A. C. Littleton) suggested that seven key ingredients which were required
before a formal system could be developed existed when Pacioli wrote his treatise:
I. Private property. The power to change ownership exists and there is a need to record the
II. Capital. Wealth is productively employed such that transactions are sufficiently important to
make their recording worthwhile and cost-effective.
III. Commerce. The exchange of goods on a widespread level. The volume of transactions needs
to be sufficiently high to motivate someone to devise a formal organised system that could be
applied universally to record transactions.
IV. Credit. The present use of future goods. Cash transactions, where money is exchanged for
goods, do not require that any details be recorded of who the customer or supplier was. The
existence of a system of buying and selling on credit led to the need for a formal organised
system that could be applied universally to record credit transactions.
V. Writing. A mechanism for making a permanent record in a common language. Writing had
clearly been around for a long time prior to Pacioli but it was, nevertheless, an essential
element required before accounting could be formalised.
VI. Money. There needs to be a common denominator for exchanges. So long as barter was used
rather than payment with currency, there was no need for a bookkeeping system based upon
transactions undertaken using a uniform set of monetary values.
VII. Arithmetic. As with writing, this has clearly been in existence far longer than accounting.
Nevertheless, it is clearly the case that without an ability to perform simple arithmetic, there
was no possibility that a formal organised system of accounting could be devised.
When accounting information was being recorded in the Middle Ages it sometimes simply took the
form of a collection of invoices and receipts which were given to an accountant to calculate the profit
or loss of the business up to some point in time. This practice persists to this day in many small
businesses. The accountant of the Middle Ages would be someone who had learnt how to convert the
financial transaction data into accounting information. Quite often, it would be the owner of the
business who performed all the accounting tasks. Otherwise, an employee would be given the job of
maintaining the accounting records. As businesses grew in size, so it became less common for the
owner to personally maintain the accounting records and more usual for someone to be employed as
an accounts clerk. Then, as companies began to dominate the business environment, managers
became separated from owners . The owners of companies (shareholders) often have no involvement
in the day-to-day running of the business. This led to a need for some monitoring of the managers.
Auditing of the financial records by accountants became the norm and this, effectively, established the
accounting profession. The first national body of accountants, The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Scotland, was formed in Scotland in 1854 and other national bodies began to emerge
gradually throughout the world, with the English Institute of Chartered Accountants being formed in
1880 and the first US national accounting body being formed in 1887.
Accounting Principles
These are broad basic assumptions that must be adhered to in the execution of the accounting process.
They are also known as the concepts of accounting. They include;
i. The historical cost concept. It means that assets are normally shown at cost price, and that
this is the basis for valuation of the asset.
ii. The money measurement concept. Accounting information has traditionally been concerned
only with those facts covered by (a) and (b) which follow:
a) it can be measured in monetary units, and
b) most people will agree to the monetary value of the transaction.
This limitation is referred to as the money measurement concept, and it means that accounting can
never tell you everything about a business. For example, accounting does not show the following:
Accounting standards
This refers to a framework that guides the accounting practice. They are of various types including;
(i) IFRS- International Financial Reporting Standard
(ii) JGAAP- Japan General Accepted Accounting Principle
(iii) USGAAP- United States Generally Acdepted Accounting Principle
(iv) AGAAP- Australian Generallly Accepted Accounting Principle
It states that; the accountant should treat a firm as a separate entity distinct from its owners and
managers. For example, where a business owner salaried himself.
It states that the accountant shall treat the firm as to be existing well into the foreseable future and that
there should be no intention whatsoever to scale down the firms operation or even to put the firm into
It states that revenue and expenses should be recognised when earned and incurred respectively,
regardles of when cash is received or paid. (Revenues - Expenses= Net Profit)
It states that where alternative procedures, methods and estimates exist, then the accountant should
prefer the one that gives the most cautious presentation of the firm, i.e; the one that provides the worst
case scenario.
It states that accountatnts should prefer the econmic reality of assets as oppo sed to their legal form.
It states that in recognizing fixed assets, the accountants should consider the amount incurred in
acquiring the fixed assets and in bringing them into full operation.
It states that similar transactions should be accorded similar treatment which should be effected from
period to period and accross firms. For example; it is used on depreciated goods.
Monday, 28th February, 2022
These are pillars of accounting in whose absence reporting would be difficult. They include; assets,
liability and capital, which support the preparation of the balance sheet (statement of finacial
position). In addittion we have incomes and expenses that support the preparation of income statement
(statement of financial performance).
This is a resource controlled by an entity and results from past transactions and in which future
economic benefits are expected to flow into the firm.They are broadly classified into two;
I. Intangible Assets
These are assets that that do not command a physical existence, i.e that cannot be touched or seen.
They include; computer softwares, goodwill, trademarks, copyrights, patents, e.t.c
II. Intangible Assets
These are assets that command a physical existence, i.e they can be seen or touched/ felt. They are
broadly classified into two categories;
I. Fixed Assets
These are assets whose future economic benefits are expected to flow into the firm for a period of
time exceeding a year. These include; machinery, vehicles, buildings, furniture, partitions
(boundaries), fixtures, equipment, computers (hardware), e.t.c.
II. Current Assets
Theses are assets whose future economic benefits are expected to flow in the firm within a period of
one year. These include; cash (both in hand and at bank), stock/inventory, debtors/ accounts
receivable, bank , prepayments, e.t.c.
This is residual interest in the assets of the firm after deducting all of the liabilities. The formula for
capital is expressed as; C = A – L. (A= C+L)
Refers to an increase in economic benefits in the form of cash flows, an enhancement of assets and a
decrease in liabilities that leads to an increase in capital other than those from equity contributors/
owners. Examples of income include; commission received, revenue/sales, discount received, rent
received, royalties received, appreciation of fixed assets (land), profit on sale of fixed assets
(disposal), bad debts recovered, a decrease in provision for doubtful debts, e.t.c.
Doubtful debt
These are debts whose chances of repaymen are uncertain. It is what can be refferred to as a 50/50
Bad debt
Debts whose chances of non-repayment are almost certain are reffered to as Bad debts.
They refer to a decrease in economic benefits in the form of cash outflows, depletion of assets, an
increase in liabilities that lead to decrease in capital other than those attributed to contributors. These
include; salaries, school fees, insurance, interest on loan, bills, bad debts, rent money, doubtful debts,
purchases on edibles, damaged goods, buying of electronics, commissions allowed, fuelling cars,
water bills, purchases on budget, transport bills, e.t.c.
This refers to a cost incurred in the normal subsistence of the business.
Capital Expenditure is a cost incurred to; Acquire Non current Assets, OR to enhance the earning
capacity of a Non Current Asset (E.g; am engine Overhaul, New Motor, Refurbish rooms).
It is recorded in the respective Asset’s Account. The busniess will enjoy economic benefits from the
Expenditure for more than one accounting period.It is not incured every year.
Revenue Expenditure
Refers to the cost incurred to finance the day to day business activities. The cost is recurrent and it is
treated as a trading expense charged to Income statement. Temporary Accounts are opened to
record the Expenditure.For example; Salaries and wages Account, Rates Account, Rent Expense
Account, Lighting and Heating Account, Insurance Account and Motor Vehicle expenses Account.
Double entry for revenue expenditure
Debit: Expenses A/c
Credit: Bank
Introduction to Taxation
xii. History of Taxation
xiii. Types of Taxation
xiv. Principles of an optimal tax system
xv. Single versus multiple tax systems
xvi. Classification of Tax systems
xvii. Tax shifting
xviii. Factors determining tax shifting
xix. Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance
xx. Taxable Capacity
xxi. Fiscal Policies
xxii. The Revenue Authority; History, structure and mandate
Investment Allowances
VIII. Rationale for investment allowances
IX. Investment Allownace
X. Industrial Building Deductions
XI. Wear and Tear Deductions
XII. Farm work deductions
XIII. Shipping Investment Deductions
XIV. Other Deductionsn
Custom Taxes and Excise Taxes
xiii. Customs Procedure
xiv. Import and export Duties
xv. Prohibitions and restriction measures
xvi. Transit goods and bond securities
xvii. Purposes of customs and excise duties
xviii. Goods subject to customs control
xix. Import declaration form, pre-shipment inspection, clean report of findings
xx. Excisable gppds and services
xxi. Application for excise duty (licensing)
xxii. Use of excise stamps
xxiii. Offences and penalties
xxiv. Excisable goods management system