Flying Corps Gold Manual Win EN
Flying Corps Gold Manual Win EN
Flying Corps Gold Manual Win EN
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288 fcg manual contents ENG 4/11/97 3:18 am Page 2
The Jastas 58
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This icon transfers you to the squadron information
screen, and allows you to configure squadron
14 formations and select personnel. You will be able to
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However it was not just the fuel delivery system that
made the rotary engined aircraft difficult to master.
The huge mass of the engine rotating at high speed
gave rise to very large gyroscopic effects which forced
the aircraft to nose down in right turns and nose
upwards in left turns. These large gyroscopic forces
caught many inexperienced pilots by surprise and
were the cause of many fatalities during training.
Fortunately in Flying Corps Gold you will not have to
deal with the gyroscopic effect when doing your
initial training. The default aircraft model is fairly
CHAPTER TWO - FLYING neutral and, to some extent, it behaves like a modern
single prop two-seater. There are some differences
2.1 THE AIRCRAFT though. For instance, in the default model even
Of the many aircraft featured in “Flying Corps Gold”, slipstream and torque effects are turned off. Also,
six can be flown by the player. These six have been because World War One aircraft were tail heavy, you
chosen to represent the two main types of aircraft will find that at the beginning of a mission you will
available towards the end of the war. The rotary need forward pressure on the stick to fly level.
engines group, which includes the Sopwith Camel, Generally this tail heaviness weakens during the
Fokker Triplane and Nieuport 28, were highly course of a mission as fuel usage gives rise to a shift in
manoeuvrable and agile. However, when compared the centre of gravity.
with the stationary engined group, they were slow
To see the range of effects that can be introduced into
and underpowered.
the flight model, select Preferences from the main
The stationary engined group, which is represented by menu and then choose the “aircraft on a grid” icon.
the SE5a, Albatros D3 and Spad 13, were high Some effects are more apparent on certain aircraft.
performance aircraft with high speeds and good Obviously the rotary engined aircraft display the
sustained climbs. These aircraft were relatively stable greatest change in manoeuvrability when the
in flight and were generally easier to control than gyroscopic effects are turned on.
rotary engined aircraft.
The co-ordinated rudder option is less obvious. This
The rotary engine was very temperamental and option is designed to balance the adverse yaw effect
vulnerable to mistreatment. For instance, an aircraft that occurs during a roll. Consider a clockwise roll as
fitted with a rotary engine could not be left to tick viewed from the pilot seat. The roll occurs because
over. To avoid “meltdown”, the aircraft had to be the lift on the left wing is greater than the lift on the
airborne within minutes of ignition. right wing. Now there is always a drag associated with
Fuel delivery on the rotary engine was complicated. a lift and the bigger the lift the bigger the drag. This
The pilot had to balance the air and fuel intakes and drag acts to pull the wing backwards. The left wing has
even then there was not a great range of control. In the bigger lift and so it has the bigger drag with the
fact, on the early rotary engines the pilot had a blip result that the aircraft yaws to the left.
switch: he could choose between no power and full The effect is called adverse yaw because the aircraft
power. In Flying Corps Gold we have provided a ends up turning in the wrong direction. If a pilot
straight forward set of controls for power. It can be wants to turn to the right, he will roll the aircraft
changed in steps of one or ten percent. In addition, by clockwise. If the adverse yaw effect is not balanced
using the comma (0% thrust) and fullstop (100% then the aircraft yaws to the left.
thrust) keys, it is possible to “blip” the engine. 19
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Use the stick to control the speed to 55-60mph. This
In modern aircraft adverse yaw is designed out of the range of speed will give the best climb. To speed up
aircraft. However the effect was present on early push the stick forward and to slow down pull the stick
aircraft and is most noticeable on the SE5. Adverse back. Leave the power setting at 100%.
yaw is counteracted by use of the rudder. If you don’t At 500ft push the stick forward and try to fly straight
have rudder pedals we suggest that you enable co- and level. Don’t forget that because World War One
ordinated rudder. aircraft were tail heavy, you will need forward
pressure on the stick to fly level.
At this stage, you should be over the main railway
going south from Arras. Press m to get to the in-flight
map screen. The aircraft icon represents your current
position. The numbered icons represent the
waypoints for the current mission. In this case the
mission is a cross country familiarisation route.
Starting at Boiry St Martin, the route takes you down
the Ancre Valley to the town of Albert, then follows
the road up to Bapaume before turning north to
return home.
During the war, new pilots were sent up to get
familiar with the surrounding country side. You
2.2 FIRST FLIGHT should do the same so that you are able to find your
“Always wear a belt or harness when flying the way home after a mission. Boiry St Martin should be
Sopwith Camel as there is a tendency to leave relatively easy to find because of the railway junction
the seat when diving vertically” - Pilots’ Notes to the north of the airfield.
Select Preferences from the main options menu and Return to the cockpit by clicking on the icon or
then select the joystick icon. Configure your joystick pressing the return key. Now press p to pause the
by following the on-screen instructions. game and try to get your bearings. The number pad
keys or joystick coolie hat can be used to rotate the
From the main menu, select scramble. Choose to fly view around the cockpit. The view out the front is
the “Camel” aircraft and the “First Flight” mission. restricted by the engine and guns and so a view to the
Your first flight starts at Boiry St Martin airfield side is often better when navigating. This is especially
which is south of the city of Arras. As you enter the true when the aircraft is rolled slightly.
cockpit, the power is already set to 100% and the To get an even better view of the surrounding area,
speed is increasing. Press the i key to get the general press F6 to get an outside view. The plus and minus
information line at the top of the screen. Most of the keys can be used to zoom in and out when on
data provided on the information line is available the outside view. Press F7 to return to the cockpit.
from the cockpit instrumentation. However for your Press 5 on the number pad to reset the view to
first few flights, at least, we suggest that you use the facing forward.
information line because it is easier to interpret.
Press p to unpause the game and try some of the
At about 20mph the airflow on the tail is sufficient for other views available on Flying Corps Gold. F8 gives
the tail to lift off the ground. The aircraft will pick up a forward view with the cockpit removed, F9 gives a
speed quicker now that the tail is not dragging on the flyby which drops into a chase view and F10 gives a
ground. At about 40 mph gently pull back on the stick satellite view. Keys F1 to F5 are used for a set of
and the aircraft should leave the ground.
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padlock views. These will be described later when the
mission involves more aircraft.
Try a gentle turn by rolling the aircraft about twenty
degrees. Pull back gently on the stick to maintain
At this stage you can either try the suggested cross
country route, get used to the aircraft or explore the
landscape. You have about two hours of fuel.
When TAB is pressed the view changes to the map
and the aircraft will follow the waypoints in
accelerated time. Accelerated time is disengaged
manually by clicking on the return icon. 2.3 COMBAT MANOEUVRES TRAINING
Press F12 during flight to access the Preferences. In your first flight, the recommended manoeuvres
Flight difficulty factors, like the gyroscopic effect, can were gentle, so you should not have lost control of the
be turned on and off during flight. aircraft. However during combat you will be flying
When exploring the landscape fly high, 3000ft at least, much closer to the “edge” and stalling and spinning is
to get your bearings. World War One pilots would very likely. The purpose of the next training flight is to
then fly really low, “chasing” the contours. Around the show you how to lose control, recover control and
Somme area the ground is quite flat and so you have avoid losing control.
to go really low when contour chasing. The height Fly the “First Mission” option again. Make sure that
figure on the information line is measuring the height all the flight difficulty options, except spinning, are
above the ground. Try to keep the reading below 20ft. disabled. The spinning option should be enabled.
When you are ready to land, approach the field on a After take-off press the u key a few times. This key
gentle glide (5-10 degrees) with the power off. You elevates the aircraft 500ft for every key press. This is a
should aim to cross the airfield boundary at about very useful cheat because in reality World War One
50mph and 50ft off the ground. Pull back gently on aircraft took a long time to gain altitude.
the stick. The speed should drop and contact with the
Set up for straight and level flight and then reduce the
ground should be made at under 40mph. When the
power to 0% but maintain the altitude by pulling
speed has dropped to below the stall, the stick can be
back on the stick. Over the course of a few seconds
pulled back so that the tail makes contact with the
you will have pulled the stick back as far as it will go
ground. This will increase the deceleration.
and the speed will slowly drop to around 35mph. At
Use short bursts of power to taxi the aircraft and steer this point the aircraft will either stall or spin.
with the rudder. It is also possible to steer on the
If you entered the maneuver flying absolutely straight
ground by making use of the adverse yaw effect
and level then the aircraft will stall. This means that
mentioned earlier.
the nose of the aircraft will drop even though you are
In Flying Corps Gold it is not necessary to land at the pulling back on the stick. Recovering from a stall is
end of each mission. You can exit the mission at any easy: release the stick, wait for the airspeed to build
point by pressing alt-x. up to about 50mph and then gently pull back on the
If the aircraft was rolling or yawing when you entered
the maneuver then the aircraft is more likely to spin.
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The spin can be guaranteed by applying and
maintaining full rudder when the aircraft enters the
spin. Recovering from a spin is a little more tricky:
release the stick and apply full rudder to counter the
spin, wait for rotations to cease and then release the
rudder. Allow the airspeed to build up to about lift
that we can let you try things out on the flight model.
wing chord
First though, we need to define some terms. An
aircraft wing is design to provide a lifting force. When
this force is greater than the weight, the aircraft will
go up. The amount of lift provided by the wing
In Flying Corps Gold the top general information line
depends on the following factors:
contains angle of attack indicators for both left and
Shape Some wings are better lifters than others. right wings:
Velocity squared: The faster the air flow the bigger Indicator Colour Angle of Attack Meaning
the lift.
green <13O
Angle between the wing chord and the airflow: not stalled
This angle, which is shown in the diagram, is
yellow 13-15O
commonly called the angle of attack.
near stall
pink 15O
at stall
red >15O
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If the conditions of both wings are indicating red then However some manoeuvres are useful and as Bishop
both wings are stalled. If only one indicator is red said, practising aerobatics gives the pilot confidence.
then only one wing is stalled and the aircraft will spin You do have to be very careful when performing
because the lift on the two wings is not in balance. aerobatics in combat. There is the danger that you will
To maintain control, the wings should never be concentrate too much on the maneuver and not
allowed to enter the stall zone. In a tight turn the enough on what your opponent is doing. Also many
indicators should be yellow. After a few combat manoeuvres will slow the aircraft down and a slow
missions you will develop a feel for the aircraft, you aircraft is very vulnerable in combat. Even if you can
will recognise the initial signs of a spin and won’t have see that your opponent is not in a shooting position, it
to rely on the indicators. is still dangerous to slow down. There are other
Practice vertical turns by simultaneously rolling the aircraft in the sky.
aircraft to close to 90 degrees and pulling back on the THE HALF ROLL
stick until the indicators turn yellow. A tendency to Yeates described this as the “only stunt useful in
roll out of the maneuver is ideally compensated for by fighting” and in World War II, this maneuver became
using the rudder. Aileron can also be used but you known as the Split S. The stunt is useful when you
then run the risk of stalling the top wing and spinning need to shake someone off your tail. It is performed
out. Maintain full thrust and balance the aileron, by rolling the aircraft on its back and then pulling
elevator and rudder controls, to turn as tightly as back on the stick.
possible with the minimum of altitude loss. Push the
aircraft to the limit until you can turn on the “edge”
but retain control.
If your aircraft will not spin even when you have
applied full elevator in a tight turn then you need to
recalibrate your stick. When the stick is calibrated
properly it is not possible to maintain control with full
elevator applied.
‘He must be able to loop, turn his machine on its back,
and do various other flying stunts - not that these are
actually necessary during combat but from the fact
that he has done these things several times he gets
absolute confidence, and when the fight comes along This maneuver is seldom used in combat. It simply
he is not worrying about how the machine will act. He involves pulling back on the stick and keeping it there.
can devote all his time to fighting the other fellow, the The aircraft will climb. At the top of the manoeuvre, the
flying part of it coming instinctively.’ - Bishop aircraft will be inverted and facing in the opposite
In a combat situation, most fighter pilots considered direction. Keep pulling back on the stick and the aircraft
anything more than a tight turn to be tooexotic. will dive. Eventually it will be right side up and flying on
Richthofen was not interested in aerobatics and said its original heading. A loop is best entered from a slight
that he would never do a loop. He was more dive and with relatively high speed. In the stationary
interested in a positive attitude and shooting ability. engined aircraft this maneuver is straightforward,
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whereas in the rotary engined aircraft, plenty of left There are many variations of the second version of
rudder will be required at the top of the maneuver the manoeuvre. In its purest aerobatic form it
whilst inverted. becomes the “Hammerhead”. However, this is no
In both types of aircraft you will need ‘to feel’ the good in combat because it involves going very slowly
amount to pull back on the stick. Too much or too at the top of the climb. In fact, the combat maneuver
little may result in a stall. is more like a Wingover: pull back on the stick and
immediately apply rudder and aileron in the same
direction. It is possible to intentionally stall the lower
wing to increase the rollrate. On rotary engined
aircraft, the pull back will result in a yaw to the right
which will make right turns faster.
This maneuver consists of diving down on your
opponent and opening fire at about 150m. When the
range is about 50m, stop firing and pull out of the
dive. As you fly over your opponent, he could pull up
sharply and get in a snapshot at you. To avoid this,
IMMELMANN TURN apply a little roll when pulling out of the dive. At the
This maneuver is used to reverse your direction and end of the maneuver you should have regained your
there are two versions. In the first, pull back on the height advantage over your opponent.
stick and keep it back, as if you were going to loop. Dive and Zoom tactics suit the stationary engined set
When the aircraft is inverted and facing in the of aircraft. These aircraft have a high performance
opposite direction to which it commenced the and can outclimb the lower powered rotary engined
manoeuvre, roll the aircraft the right way up. This is, aircraft. However, rotary engined aircraft are better
in effect, the half roll in reverse. Although it has the in turning fights.
advantage of gaining height whilst reversing
direction, it should be used with circumspection in
combat, as the aircraft is slow and vulnerable near the
top of the manoeuvre.
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CHAPTER 3 - TACTICS ‘The commanding officer is responsible that neither
he nor any of his pilots are surprised by the enemy. If
he cannot see to that, he is no good as a leader.’ - von
Richthofen (80 victories)
Tactics can largely be divided into two sections. Firstly
those used by the patrol leader to approach the
enemy and gain an edge for the forthcoming dogfight,
and secondly those used by an individual during the
dogfight. Clearly, if the patrol leader has done his job
well, there will be no dogfight. The enemy will have
been surprised and destroyed before he has had a
chance to react.
‘The best way to shoot down an enemy aircraft was to
surprise him and get as close as possible before
opening fire.’ - Rochford (29 victories).
Fighter pilots in World War I had no previous
experience to draw on to guide them in air combat
and so had to devise the best methods for attack and
defence themselves. The earliest example of a set of
‘Always above, seldom on the same level, never rules for air combat was the ‘Dicta Boelcke’. These
underneath.’ - Mannock (61 - 73 victories) were drawn up by Oswald Boelcke (40 victories),
The function of aerial tactics is to gain an advantage, Germany’s leading air ace at the time and the guiding
and the good patrol leader will never attack without force behind the formation of the fighter Jasta
an advantage. Many of the factors to consider when (squadron) in 1916. Although he was killed later in
assessing advantages are just as important today as the year, the Jastas followed his principles and
they were in World War I. It is probable that decimated the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) during
maintaining the element of surprise will always be the ‘Bloody April’ 1917.
most significant factor. However, the patrol leader As the war progressed, air combat became
should also consider firepower, aircraft performance, more complex, and solo patrols became a thing of the
pilot skill and numerical advantage. The advantage of past. Flying in formation and teamwork became
height though is no longer as important as it was. more important.
During WWI, aircraft had little excess power and
gaining height took a long time. In WWI the pilot of ‘German air strategy was intended to be scientific;
the higher aircraft often had the luxury of being able they were unwilling to attack except from a winning
to choose whether he should enter the fray or position derived from the advantages of height,
disengage. Mannock’s simple instruction can be surprise and numerical superiority, and they did not
paraphrased as... never attack without an advantage. hesitate to avoid or run away from combat when
By 1917 success or failure in air combat was largely these factors were not in their favour. They also
dictated by the skill and ability of the patrol leader. avoided crossing the lines, to have the further
i.e. success was to do with choosing the time to fight advantage of fighting above their own terrain. ... They
rather than being good at fighting were also adopting the idea of large circuses, flying in
layers, and when you attacked one of the layers, it
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melted away eastwards while the people above dived Pilots must never, under any circumstances, dive away
on you.’ Yeates (5 victories) from an enemy, as he gives his opponent a non-
It is this period of intensifying air combat that Flying deflection shot - bullets are faster than aeroplanes.
Corps Gold portrays. To be successful, a player will Pilots must keep their eye on their watches during
have to master the arts of both patrol leading and patrols, and on the direction and strength of the wind.’
individual combat. Many Allied fliers regarded ‘Mick’ ‘Fighting tactics varied with circumstances;
Mannock as the expert in both these fields, so it seems there were rarely two identical situations
appropriate to set down his rules. ... consequently adjustment of tactics had to be made
MANNOCK’S RULES to suit the occasion. However, the main principle
‘Pilots must dive to the attack with zest, and must remained the same: the enemy must be surprised and
hold their fire until they get within one hundred yards attacked at a disadvantage, if possible with superior
of their target. numbers so the initiative was with the patrol. To
achieve this objective, it was sometimes necessary to
Achieve surprise by approaching from the East (i.e. spend over half the time of the patrol maneuvering
from the German side of the lines). the enemy formation into an unfavourable position.
Utilise the sun’s glare and clouds to achieve surprise. Having got it there, pilots must dive to the attack with
Pilots must keep physically fit by exercise and the zest ... The combat must continue until the enemy has
moderate use of stimulants. admitted his inferiority, by being shot down or
running away’ - Mannock
Pilots must sight their guns and practise as much as
possible as targets are normally fleeting. FORMATIONS
Pilots must practise spotting machines in the air and ‘Formation flying ... was our great forte, our
recognising them at long range, and every aeroplane compactness and drill often intimidating superior
is to be treated as an enemy until it is certain it is not. formations.’ - Fullard (40 victories).
Pilots must learn where the enemy’s blind World War I aircraft did not carry radios, and apart
spots are. from some very basic signals such as flares and wing
Scouts must be attacked from above and 2 seaters waggling, communication was impossible once
from beneath their tails. airborne. Therefore pilots must be briefed,
Pilots must practise quick turns, as this maneuver is
more used than any other in a fight.
Formation flying at 25 yards apart must be practised.
Pilots must practise judging distances in the air as
these are very deceptive.
Decoys must be guarded against - a single enemy is
often a decoy - therefore the air above should be
searched before attacking.
If the day is sunny, machines should be turned with as
little bank as possible, otherwise the sun glistening
on the wings will give away their presence at a
long range.
Pilots must keep turning in a dogfight and never fly
26 straight except when firing.
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instructions issued and the formation to be flown set The very best World War I pilots
out before the patrol leaves the ground. In some could possibly glimpse an enemy
cases the requirements of the mission and the aircraft at about 5 miles
availability of pilots and aircraft will dictate the (approx. 8,000 m). Most pilots
formation to be used. could start to pick out a target at
‘The formation adopted must admit of quick and around half this. In Flying Corps
easy maneuver by the formation as a whole.’ Gold the range at which there is
- RAF Instructions a reasonable chance of spotting
an aircraft is around 2 1/2 miles.
Ideally a formation should be stacked in layers, with
When aircraft are spotted the
the leader in front and all other aircraft above and
first thing to determine is who
behind him. The rear aircraft can convert this altitude
and what they are. The leader
into speed and close up with the leader when
must fix their position,
required. The leader is the strike force and
maneuver his flight to gain an
responsible for manoeuvring his patrol into a position
advantage and gain more
of advantage. His followers provide a look out and
cover his tail. When setting up the formation, any
novices should go to the immediate right or left of the If the aircraft is under fire
leader as these are the safest positions. The tail is the from ‘archie’ - anti-aircraft or AA guns - , it may be
most vulnerable area of the formation and this is possible to deduce which side it is on, since German
where experienced pilots should go. AA shell bursts were black and the Allied white.
However, the situation is complicated by the fact that
‘Within the flight, each [pilot] has a distinguishing
the Germans developed a system of firing close to
emblem on his machine.’ Richthofen
their own aircraft in order to warn them of possible
Rapid identification of aircraft and pilots is vital in attack, although these tended to be individual shells
a dogfight, and aircraft should be clearly marked rather than full barrages. Nevertheless, if the machine
to help achieve this. This is especially true of the is over friendly lines and being fired at, it is
leader’s aircraft. reasonable to assume that it is hostile.
THE APPROACH In the absence of ‘archie’, the following information
‘The great thing is to see things. ... Many a fresh pilot can be deduced from the numbers and action of the
is shot down before he even knows there is a Hun unidentified aircraft:
within miles ... practise looking round you so that you A formation of six or more machines, flying on no
study every square foot of the earth and sky every definite course = an offensive patrol of fighters.
two minutes. Watch the region of the sun especially.’ -
A single machine low down, flying a regular oblong
course = a two-seat artillery observation machine.
It is estimated that 80% of pilots shot down never saw
A single machine low down, flying a very irregular
what hit them until it was too late. Spotting the enemy
course = a fighter attacking ground targets.
before he spots you is therefore of crucial importance
in becoming a successful airfighter. A single machine, flying very high on a straight course
= a long distance reconnaissance mission.
‘Whenever you’re over the lines, you have to keep
twisting your neck in all directions every minute, or A formation of six or more machines, flying at
you’re sure to be surprised.’ medium altitude and two or three below them flying
a nearly straight course = a photographic patrol
- Rickenbacker (26 victories)
with escort.
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Two large formations one above the other flying on a the patrol. When the enemy is spotted, it is the patrol
straight course = a bombing mission with escort. leaders responsibility to decide what to do - attack,
Depending on the aircraft’s position relative to the maneuver or disengage.
front lines, it may be clear whether they are hostile or ‘It must be impressed on pilots that the group is the
not. The patrol leader should also be aware that fighting unit and not the individual.’
fighters often fly in stacked formations, so having RAF Instructions
spotted one ‘layer’ he should check above and below
If the patrol finds itself being stalked, the decision
for more. Similarly, if a small group of aircraft is
must be made whether to attack, maneuver or
behaving rather recklessly, they could well be ‘bait’,
disengage. This decision may well be determined by
with a large group of friends above them, ready to
the relative abilities of the machines involved, or by
pounce on any ill-considered attack, or they could
the patrol’s mission. If the patrol’s aircraft are
be part of a large fighter formation out ‘looking
superior, they can maneuver and attempt to turn the
for trouble’
tables. If inferior, a swift decision must be made
‘Always remember it may be a trap!’ whether to immediately attack, which may be enough
- Lufbery (17 victories). to scare the attacker off, or to disengage. Ideally
To approach an unidentified aircraft, patrol leaders the latter should be done by a climb towards
should follow Mannock’s advice, and approach from friendly lines.
an unexpected direction, ideally using the sun and
cloud cover to gain a position of advantage. If in
doubt - climb! The patrol leader should be constantly
thinking ahead, planning his attack and keeping a
lookout for further aircraft.
‘Mannock planned every maneuver like a chess
player.’ - Jones (40 victories)
During the approach the target should be continually
observed. If it starts to climb or manoeuvre, one must
assume that it is hostile and experienced; if it carries
on undisturbed, it is either friendly or unaware; if it
dives for home, it can probably be attacked with
impunity ... unless it is bait! Once in position the attack is commenced. The
purpose of the first attack is to destroy or scatter as
‘Almost every evening we would find well-laid traps
many of the enemy as possible, to minimise the effect
set for us. It required careful manoeuvring to avoid
of a counterattack
falling into them. Several times we did, and it took a
lot of trouble to get out safely. Four or five Huns ‘The leader must always ensure that his formation is
would come along and we would engage them. Then well closed-up before attacking, giving the rear
suddenly as many as 15-20 would appear from all machines time if necessary, so that all pilots can attack
angles and join in the fight.’ - Bishop (72 victories) their adversaries simultaneously.’ RAF Instructions
The leader is the strike force of the patrol. All other Against enemy fighters, the attack will ideally have
aircraft are concerned with keeping a look-out. This been launched from above and behind. The leader
rule should apply no matter how many aircraft are in will start to fire at his target at between 100 and 200
yards, and keep firing until collision is imminent.
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‘Mannock would take the leader [of an enemy to engage should perhaps be
formation] in order to give his pilots coming down reconsidered.
behind him a better chance of an easy shot.’ - Jones Finally, a lone pilot could launch a
During an attack, opinion was divided on whether it stealthy attack, ideally from behind
was better for pilots to concentrate on a single enemy or below (although the surrendering
or each engage an individual target. It was important of the advantage of height is not
to try and eliminate the enemy leader on the first normally recommended). The object
attack, yet at the same time, more targets engaged of such an attack is to pick off the
tended to mean more casualties inflicted and greater rearmost enemy, hopefully without
confusion. In addition, many pilots converging on a the other enemy pilots noticing. It is
single enemy tended to be worried more about suggested that a lone attack should
colliding with their friends than pushing the attack to only be contemplated if the
the limit. They had reason - there were far more attacker’s aircraft has significant
collisions in World War I air combat than in later advantage in either speed or climb -
conflicts. Mannock and von Richthofen were both or the lone pilot is supremely
of the view that it was not worth ‘ganging up’ on a confident in his own abilities!
single target. THE DOGFIGHT
After attacking, the decision must be made whether When two patrols meet with neither having
to stay and dogfight, entering a turning engagement a positional advantage, a dogfight develops
with the enemy, or to pull out in a zoom climb. ‘Dive fairly rapidly.
& Zoom’ tactics are generally safer for the attacker,
‘It was when five or six met five or six that real dog
especially if he turns as he zooms, since he gains
fights occurred.’ - Yeates
separation from the enemy thereby minimising the
chance of a counterattack whilst preserving the When one formation has surprised another, a
advantage of height, thereby allowing him to either dogfight will form after the initial shock has
attack again or disengage. This decision may well be dissipated. Formations tend to break up into a series
influenced by the types of machines engaged. Rotary- of one on one engagements with pilots desperately
engined scouts on the attack may prefer to stay trying to find a target, whilst avoiding becoming one
and enter a turning contest with a high performance themselves! In such confused aerial melees there is
enemy. still a vital role for both teamwork and leadership. A
patrol should fight as a team, with pilots looking to
If leading a smaller formation against a larger one, or
protect one another’s tails, and the leader ensuring he
even flying alone, it is especially important that the
remains aware of the general course of the fight.
first attack should inflict considerable damage and
confusion. Care should also be taken to ensure there ‘A patrol leader’s work is to pay more attention to the
is a safe retreat route. This could be a zoom climb to main points affecting the fight than to do all the
safety, or by using the speed built up in a diving attack fighting himself. The main points are
a run for home. If the smaller formation cannot 1) arrival of more enemy aircraft who have tactical
launch an attack with these advantages, the decision advantage i.e. height.
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2) patrol is drifting too far east Secondly, most pilots find it easier to turn to the
3) patrol getting below the bulk of enemy formation. left, so perhaps an attack from the right should
be contemplated.
As soon as any of these conditions occur, it is usually
better to break off the fight temporarily, and to rally Thirdly, the opponent can sometimes be panicked
and climb above the enemy before attacking them into adopting foolish tactics. If an enemy looks as if he
again.’ - RAF Instructions is outdistancing you, a few long range bursts may
distract him and encourage him to start weaving. This
will slow him down and allow you to get within
effective range. Richthofen used this trick on more
than one occasion.
‘Being under fire is bad for the nervous system.’
- Coppens (37 victories)
Stark (11 victories) found himself up against a Camel
which continually evaded him by turning. Stark fired
a quick burst which so startled the Camel pilot that he
came out of his turn and flew straight, presenting an
easy target. The key things to remember in a dogfight
are to keep the initiative, make the enemy react to
you, try to stay above your opponent and always fly
with a cool head.
Note: Turning towards an attacker is the better way to proceed. Turning ‘He who gets excited in fighting is sure to make
away from an attacker is not recommended. mistakes’ - von Richthofen
Fourthly, constantly monitor what is going on around
you. In a dogfight there are often no second chances,
‘The main point is to make tighter turns and to stay and one of the biggest mistakes that can be made is to
above the opponent.’ - Richthofen lose awareness of what else is going on and where the
‘I fly close to my man, aim well and then of course he other enemy machines are.
falls down.’ - Boelcke ‘It is well ... never to stay long after one machine.’
This in a nutshell is what offensive tactics are all - Bishop
about, keeping the advantage, manoeuvring to within Yet as Mannock said, every fight is different, there are
100 yards of the enemy and getting in position, ideally no ‘universal rules’ to success in the air, only guides.
directly behind, to deliver the decisive burst. There Established tactics must be adapted to the situation,
are however a few more tricks that may be of benefit and sometimes ignored completely.
to budding aces.
Finally, remember that all the great aces emphasise
Firstly, fight according to your strengths, not the that it takes considerable experience and practice to
enemies. If you are in a high performance stationary- become adept at dogfighting. The Flying Corps Gold
engined scout, it is folly to enter a turning contest on novice would be wise to bear in mind Yeates’ advice
equal terms with a nimble rotary-engined enemy. to a raw pilot on what to do in an aerial combat:
New pilots were told by 56 Squadron (SE5a) to ‘dive
‘Never mind about shooting down Huns; if one gets in
and zoom’, not dogfight.
your way, shoot at it, but make quite sure first that no
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other Hun is getting into position to put a burst into With the defensive turn, timing is critical. Too soon
you ... give yourself a chance. Anyone can shoot you and the attacker has time to make a smooth
down if you don’t see him coming .’ Yeates adjustment and keep you in his sights. Too late and
DEFENSIVE MANOEUVRES you present him with a simple close range shot. If
possible, climb whilst turning, as in this way you may
‘He was no good, the durn fool just put his nose down be able to turn the tables on your attacker.
and flew straight. He was cold meat.’
‘If I am attacked by a single-seater from above, I
- Maclaren (54 victories). make it a point never to let up on the throttle; rather
If you are attacked, the important thing is to do to make all turns and dives at full speed. I turn
something, anything, to put the enemy off his aim. towards the opponent and try by pulling up in each
Many raw pilots simply froze and were shot down turn to attain the enemy’s altitude and get the better
with ease. Clearly, some defensive manoeuvres are of him’ - Richthofen
better than others, and the defender will have to make As an alternative to the turn, 56 Squadron advised
a quick decision on whether he wishes to simply new pilots:
evade the attack or attempt to turn defence into
offence. ‘If the enemy fire is too hot - hard rudder and no
bank - sideslip!’
When you are under attack from the rear, the best
defensive tactic is to turn in the direction the attack is Richthofen was against such a manoeuvre, possibly
coming from. If the attack is coming from the left, because it limited the chance of being able to gain the
perform a hard left turn.If the attack is coming from initiative and turn defence into attack. Clearly these
directly behind, a turn in either direction should be manoeuvres could be combined; many Camel pilots
made, but try to remember the relative performance found the best way of throwing an enemy off his aim
of the aircraft engaged. If you are flying a rotary, a was a hard turn with a sideslip, which made any
turn to the right is probably best, whilst if you are in a aimed shot at their aircraft almost impossible.
stationary-engined scout against a rotary, a left turn is German pilots could do much the same with the
advised. triplane, Voss utilising these tactics against
McCudden, turning defence into attack -
‘To my amazement, he kicked on full rudder without
bank, pulled his nose up ... gave me a burst ... and then
kicked on opposite rudder.’
A sudden zoom is another ploy which may be used,
but this works best if being attacked by a single
enemy who is very close, the aim being to make him
overshoot. This could be combined with a roll to
further reduce speed and maybe change direction, or
carried on into a loop or Immelmann. Much here
‘Watching carefully over your shoulder and judging would depend on the relative speeds and
the moment he will open fire, you turn your machine performance of the aircraft involved. A poorly-judged
quickly so as to fly at right angles to him. His bullets zoom would almost invariably be fatal as the
will generally pass behind you during this defender would be left at very low speed, offering an
manoeuvre.’ - Bishop easy shot. McCudden (57 victories) describes the
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result of a zoom and turn contest where the inferior Lothar even sometimes used a spin to lure the enemy
machine initiated the manoeuvre - into close range before suddenly pulling out and
‘I zoomed, the SE just went up a little higher, then we surprising his attacker, turning the tables.
both turned inwards and the Hun losing height, I at What all pilots were instructed not to do when
once did a quicker turn and got behind him.’ attacked was simply to dive away. Even fast-diving
Most pilots thought the loop a waste of time in aircraft such as the Spad and the SE5a couldn’t
combat, Mannock saying that a zoom followed by a outrun bullets, and the straight dive away simply
turn was far better. presents the attacker with an easy shot. If you are in a
fast machine and wish to disengage then you must
A roll may also force an attacker to overshoot. first throw the attackers aim off or get out of the field
Although presenting a difficult target, it has much the of fire before commencing your dive to safety.
same disadvantages as the zoom, and was especially
dangerous against multiple enemies. Most pilots If you do find yourself under attack and are unsure
advised against this ploy. what do:
If a pilot simply wanted ‘follow the very simple rule of not diving away, but
to escape, a spin turning sharply from an enemy’s fire.’ - Jones
would sometimes be
deliberately induced. This
made the aircraft a very
difficult target and might
possibly persuade the
attacker he had got in a
fatal burst. But this
maneuver involved the
loss of a great deal of
height, with the added
disadvantage that if the
attacker followed the
defender down, he was
given an easy shot when ATTACKING TWO-SEATERS
his target pulled out of Two-seaters with their lower performance were often
the spin. Most aces regarded as ‘easy victims’, especially the poorer
recommended against British aircraft such as the BE2 and RE8.
this ploy, but most also
used it at least once to ‘If you sat properly under its tailplane, the Hun
escape during their couldn’t touch you. Of course you had to keep there
career! and that was a matter of flying, and a scout ought
always to outfly a two-seater.’ - McCudden.
‘For 1,500m, with almost full motor, I spun, nose dived
and slithered.’ - Brooks Despite McCudden’s views a two-seater with an
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observer manning the rear gun was both much harder
to surprise than a fighter and had the added
advantage of being able to fire both forwards and
backwards. The approved method to attack one of
these machines was, as McCudden said, to fire from a
position about 100 yards behind and 20 yards below.
The RAF instructions also advised that a short
vertical dive directly onto the two-seater could work,
as this would present the observer with a difficult
shot. Richthofen suggested:
‘One attacks the two-seater from behind at great
speed... the only way to avoid the adroit observer’s
machine gun fire is to stay calm and put the observer
out of action with the first shots’
However, a well handled two-seater could make lone
attacks both difficult and dangerous, and several aces
were killed attacking a so-called ‘easy victim.’
A rather better method for the average flight was to SHOOTING
attack as a team.
Nearly all the great aces emphasised that the most
‘At least two Camels should work together against a important skill in aerial combat was accurate shooting
two-seater; while the observer was firing at one, the
‘The most important thing in fighting was shooting,
other killed him. The same might be said of any other
next the various tactics in coming into a fight and, last
scout, for it took a great man like McCudden to work
of all, flying ability itself.’ - Bishop
alone.’ - Yeates
Yet, apart from a few natural shots, most World War I
The standard defence of a two-seater under attack
flyers found actually hitting the target in a dogfight
was either to dive for home, hoping to prevent the
very difficult indeed. Beauchamp-Procter (54
attackers from getting in the observers blind spot
victories) and McElroy (47 victories) hit nothing
under the tail, or to turn and lose height at as slow a
during their first five months of active service whilst
speed as possible, forcing the attacker to overshoot or
Jones (40 victories) took part in 16 aircombats before
pull out to a point where the observer could have a
claiming a victory.
clear shot.
‘When one has shot down one’s first, second or third
opponent, then one begins to find out how the trick is
done.’ - Richthofen
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As with every other facet of this new war with surprise - to give his pilots the benefit of the
in the air, successful aerial gunnery simplest shot possible.
required both practice and experience However, determined pilots could work out
In pursuit of successfully engaging the rudimentary methods of hitting targets which were
enemy, pilots were handicapped by their not in the ideal position. For deflection shooting,
weapons. Machine guns were prone to Mannock advised his pilots to sight about 5 yards in
freezing at high altitudes and there was front of the target’s engine, fire, and, whilst firing,
always the risk of them jamming, bring the sight back as far as the enemy pilot and then
especially if a long burst was fired. Most push it forward again. Jones achieved several of his
aces spent hours on the ground checking victories following this technique. In the twisting,
their guns and loading the ammunition turning dogfights of 1917 and 1918 mastery of this
themselves, to minimise the chance of a skill gave a pilot a huge advantage.
malfunction at a crucial moment Recognising some of the problems the RAF gave the
‘A well- firing machine gun is better than a smooth- following advice on aerial gunnery:
running engine.’ - Richthofen ‘Opportunities in the air are almost invariably
Aircraft on both sides carried about 500 rounds of fleeting. Fire should therefore be reserved until a
ammunition per gun, enough for about 50 seconds of really favourable target is presented and should then
firing. German scouts could carry more but most be in rapid bursts. Fire should only be opened at
pilots preferred not to, in order to save weight. The ranges over 300 yards when the object is to prevent
ammunition load normally comprised a variety of hostile machines from coming to close quarters. ... and
rounds, the Germans tending to have a mix of should not be opened at ranges of over 500 yards
standard ball, armour-piercing and phosphorus. This under any circumstances. In offensive fighting the
was fine for short ranges, 50 yards or less, but added longer fire can be reserved and the shorter the range,
to the inaccuracy of long-range fire due to the the greater the probability of decisive result. Pilots
different ballistic properties of the assorted rounds. must accustom themselves to judging the range by the
According to a RAF pamphlet the cone of fire from apparent size of the hostile aeroplane ... this needs
an aerial machine gun was 10’ by 15’ at 200 yards and constant practice ... A reserve of ammunition should
this inaccuracy made a destructive burst of long range be kept for the return journey when fighting far over
fire unlikely. the lines.’
With unreliable weapons and primitive sights, pilots, Before embarking on a full Flying Corps Gold
ideally, wished to be directly behind and within 30 campaign, you are advised to practise your gunnery in
yards of an enemy in order to have a reasonable the SCRAMBLE missions, for, as Mannock said:
chance of hitting and destroying him with a short ‘Good flying has never killed a Hun yet; get
burst. Short bursts were important to minimise the on with sighting your guns and practise
chance of a jam. Successful fire from outside this spotting Huns. Then shoot them down before they
envelope was simply beyond most pilots. This was shoot you.’
why the objective of every patrol leader was to attack
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Due to the large amount of ‘archie’ (anti aircraft
guns) around a balloon position, attacks on these
targets were normally cordially disliked by most
pilots, although there were specialists such as
Coppens who shot down 36. The generally preferred
method was the fast, steep dive, 56 Squadron in SE5s
going in at 250 mph, hoping that the speed gained
would protect the attacker from archie and surprise
the crew so that they had insufficient time to pull the
balloon down to safety. The diving attack also allowed
the assailant to either zoom to safety above the archie
or streak towards the sanctuary of the front lines at
low level and high speed, either way minimising
exposure to hostile fire.
However, the sneak attack was also used, often by a
lone aircraft. This involved approaching the target at
low level from an unexpected direction. The preferred
times for these raids were either dawn or dusk.
Sometimes the approach would be made with the
engine off, by Rickenbacker for example, to minimise
the chance of detection. Allied pilots reported that pulled out, at 50’, the second aircraft would
German scouts employing this method were commence its attack. This latter method did appear to
sometimes painted in dark colours to help them blend reduce casualties.
into the gloom. As for hitting the target:
Regardless of whichever method was used, the ‘The method found by experience to give the best
attackers often had to get perilously close to their results is to dive the machine steeply at a point on the
target, British Buckingham (i.e. incendiary) ground a few yards in front of the target. The lag of a
ammunition being of little use beyond bomb released from a few hundred feet on a steep
150 yards. dive is very little. Individual pilots must find out by
GROUND ATTACK experiment exactly how far ahead they must aim.’ -
RAF Instructions
Although some pilots enjoyed this work, most hated
it, the feeling being that no matter how good or lucky Experienced RAF pilots preferred a rather different
you were, sooner or later, ground fire would get you. method, and also suggested ways in which the danger
Attacks were normally made in pairs. Camels tended from ground fire might be minimised:
to attack the same target simultaneously, both ‘Machine guns were difficult to attack. You had to
converging on it from different directions, but 84 look out for them more to avoid than encounter, for
Squadron in SE5s preferred a method where one if you went diving right down on a nest, giving them
pilot would dive on the target from 500’ and, as he a no-deflection shot, it would certainly be your last
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dive. ... If you had any bombs, you could try a lucky If fire from archie was unusually persistent or
drop without diving, but the great thing was to keep accurate pilots were advised:
turning and side-slipping.’ - Yeates. ‘The enemy’s aim can be thrown out temporarily ... by
ARCHIE (ANTI AIRCRAFT FIRE) turning sharply, diving or climbing, but it is seldom
‘It was said that he [Archie] had once brought down advisable to lose height, especially when far over the
an enemy aircraft, but the story was apocryphal.’ - enemy lines.’ - RAF Instructions
Yeates But archie had other uses apart from shooting down
Anti-aircraft fire was not a great menace to fighters aircraft. By merely firing on a formation, ‘he’ tended
unless they were damaged, flying under 1,000’ or to make it open out and become preoccupied,
there was a large number of guns, for instance around possibly allowing an enemy patrol to launch an attack
a balloon. Nevertheless, being under fire from archie in the confusion. Archie could also send signals to
added to the strain of a patrol, and could distract friendly aircraft, warning them of danger, or
attention at a vital moment. Besides, there was always informing them of an opportunity. Archie can be
the chance of a lucky hit. laughed at, but it’s better not to ignore him.
‘His sudden appearance was more surprising than
dangerous, but it was not advisable to go on flying
straight for long when he was active.’ - Yeates
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meant that, for the moment, the vast of the Somme the previous year. The average life of a
majority of British aircrew had RFC fighter pilot at this time was less than 2 weeks. The
insufficient training, little experience French lost approximately 55 aircraft in April. The
and were flying machines of inferior German pilots claimed 298 Allied aircraft destroyed
quality. As losses mounted, this became including 34 balloons, whilst the Allies claimed 196
a vicious circle with more and more German aircraft destroyed with a further 206 out of
pilots committed to action with both control but German records, which are incomplete,
less training and a growing shortage of indicate losses of only 76.
experienced leaders to look after them.
In addition, the British Staff, unlike the
French and German Staff, distrusted the
policy of grouping the better pilots into
elite units.
little the British could do about this. For the British, sided. Konig (6 victories, Jasta 2) was killed on 2nd
this meant that they tended only to be in combat when April 1917 attacking a FE2d, Osterroht (7 victories,
at a disadvantage over enemy lines, often having to Jasta 12) was killed on 23rd of the same month and
fight their way to safety in slower machines, Festner (12 victories, Jasta 11) was killed two days later,
outnumbered and with fuel running low. 25th April. Lothar von Richthofen’s plane was
seriously damaged attacking a FE2b on the same day
F ourthly, the Jastas normally operated over their
side of the lines. This minimised the chance of
capture if a machine was damaged or an engine
and he was only saved by the timely intervention of
Schafer. It is sobering to bear in mind that, of the 14 top
German scorers in April 1917, only 2 would survive the
malfunctioned. In addition the prevailing wind was
war, one of these being Lothar von Richthofen himself.
usually in the German’s favour. This made it easier for
them to escape if things went badly whilst further
adding to British problems when they, in turn, were
trying to fight their way home.
I n addition, although the
British policy of a non-stop
aerial offensive has been much
criticised for resulting in heavy
F inally, because British aircraft were always on the
offensive, the Germans operated in ‘a target-rich
environment’; there were always opportunities to
losses, it did give an advantage
in both morale and experience
which would be vital in the
score, normally against inferior machines, such as the
climactic battles of 1918. No
elderly BE2 and FE2 observation machines. The
British aircraft was lost on its
French, who were rather more circumspect, and who
airfield to a German aerial
had, in the main, better machines and pilots than their
attack, whilst the Germans were
allies at this time, suffered far less. Due to the less
quite often surprised or strafed
aggressive nature of French pilots, German pilots
at their home base; in 1918, for
thought of a posting to the French front as something
example, Jasta 40 lost all its
of a rest, although there were some very capable
aircraft to a British attack on its
French pilots, especially those in the elite Les Cigones.
H. A. Jones, the official RAF historian, described von
Richthofen’s leadership and tactics as follows:
’Richthofen’s task was to inflict the greatest
T he influence of an experienced and aggressive
leader on a fighter unit can be seen from Manfred
von Richthofen’s Jasta 11. When he took command
damage with the minimum of loss to his own of the Jasta, it had no victories. Only one other
service, and he knew that, on any day suitable for pilot, Schafer, had scored prior to joining Jasta 11,
flying, great numbers of aeroplanes of the Royal despite the fact that all the pilots were experienced
Flying Corps would be over the German lines. flyers. Under Richthofen’s leadership, Jasta 11 scored
He seldom had to seek combat and he 36 victories from January to March and 89 victories in
could make his choice, and if it was ... to avoid April, accounting for about a third of all RFC losses!
or to break off a fight, Richthofen would Richthofen himself claimed 36 of these victories,
never hesitate... [Richthofen’s unit] was, bringing his total to 52, and making him the leading ace
therefore, not only extremely active, but also of the war when he went on leave at the beginning of
extremely elusive.’ May. His brother Lothar, meanwhile, had scored 16
victories, but Manfred was not altogether satisfied with
about scoring a kill on every flight. Nevertheless, that was equal, and in some areas superior, to the best
Lothar was placed in command of Jasta 11 during his that the Jastas were equipped with. The SE5 also
brother’s absence. mounted two machine guns and was a very stable firing
April had been a terrible month for the RFC
but there were some promising signs.
Firstly, despite the high casualties, the RFC
A lthough 56 Squadron was not officially formed
as an ‘anti Richthofen’ squadron, it was soon
seen as such, and, in effect, perhaps it was, as 56’s
was still able to operate in German airspace.
mission was to re-establish Allied air superiority over
Secondly new aircraft, such as the SE5 and Arras, which meant that sooner or later it would have
the Bristol Fighter, were on the way or had to engage and defeat Jasta 11. It is also interesting to
just been introduced. Although due to note that 56 tended to follow Jasta 11 and later JG1 up
faulty tactics the Bristol Fighter had been and down the front for the rest of the war. In response,
savaged by Jasta 11 in April, it was later to the German press indignantly claimed that the British
become one of the finest aircraft of the war. had put a price on the head of their leading ace.
Curiously some German pilots also thought that 209
Thirdly, future leading aces, such as Bishop Squadron, which was engaged by Manfred von
and McCudden, had survived. Richthofen in his final fight in 1918, was also a special
‘anti Richthofen’ squadron, perhaps because the
F inally, and possibly most importantly of all,
56 Squadron had arrived at the front, flying
its first patrol on 22nd April 1917. For the formation of
squadron marking was red noses!
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Lothar, his score now 23, chose these colours as recognition symbols. Schafer...
spotted a BE2 which had his elevator, rudder and most of the back part of
dived away. Lothar the fuselage black, Allmenroder used white on the nose
pursued and shot it down and spinner, Wolff used green and I had yellow’.
at low level. With a light
haze obscuring the area,
Lothar stayed low looking
I ndeed, most of Jasta 11’s aircraft at this time were
mainly, but not entirely, red. Typically, aircraft
would have red fuselages and struts, sometimes red
for landmarks so he could
tailplanes and wings. Individual markings, applied in
find his position. Anti-
addition to Jasta markings, were often based on the
aircraft guns opened fire
colours of the pilot’s former army regiment.
on him, hitting the
Richthofen’s aircraft soon became known as ‘le diable
Albatros and wounding
rouge’ or ‘le petit rouge’, as he referred to it. A rumour
Lothar in the left hip. He
went round the RFC that it was flown by a girl in the
managed to stagger over
fashion of Joan of Arc. Schafer meanwhile was referred
the lines and crash-
to as ‘the Pink Lady’ by British pilots.
landed, waking up in
hospital at Douai. His JASTA 11
brother, upon hearing the
news, remarked ‘Lothar has been playing the fool
again.’ His wounds would keep Lothar out of combat
O n 1st May 1917, when Manfred von Richthofen
went on leave, Jasta 11 included, in addition to
Lothar, the following pilots who had scored victories:
for five months, his only consolation being the award of
the ‘Orden Pour le Merite’, otherwise known as the Pilot Victories to date Final total
Blue Max, on the 14th, a mere four months after it was
Wolff 27 33
awarded to his brother. Manfred later wrote ‘Had my
brother not been wounded, I believe that, after my Allmenroder 9 30
return from leave, he likewise would have gone on
leave with 52 having been dispatched.’ By June 18th Schafer 23 30
Manfred was back in combat. Mohnicke 1 9
GERMAN MARKINGS Niederhoff 2 7
incorrect as he had been posted to command Jasta 29.
‘It had long been our wish to have all the aeroplanes The confusion probably arises from Simon flying a
of our staffel painted red... the request was granted... similarly marked Albatros.
42 As we could not see each other’s faces in the air, we
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lost an epic battle against 56 Squadron. around the 25th but, although further gains were made,
Both Wolff and Voss were flying early the opportunity for a decisive success had passed. On
versions of the Fokker Triplane. the 30th, the Germans counterattacked after a one-
Increasingly, the German aces and hour barrage. German stormtroopers, who had spent
Jasta leaders had to fly to the limit to the year perfecting their specialised assault tactics
offset the increasing numbers and against the Russians and Italians, supported by
dominance of the RFC, the result dedicated ground attack aircraft, broke through the
being that more and more of them British lines. British reinforcements halted the German
were killed or wounded. The war in the offensive and after several days of see-saw fighting, the
air was now becoming a very deadly battle petered out on December 6th with both sides
business indeed and there were few largely in their original positions. Although not
easy victories. decisive, Cambrai pointed the way to how
became common. Casualties were heavy, British Germany’s leading surviving ace with 62). He had a
squadrons undertaking ground attack missions white chevron on his nose and a white ‘LO’ (after his
suffering 30% losses a day. Despite these casualties, girlfriend) on the fuselage.
both sides continued to attack ground targets during
the see-saw fighting. The objective of these missions,
according to a German memorandum, was ‘to shatter
A lso in the area was ‘Green Tail’. McCudden, a
leading RFC ace with 56 squadron, had several
encounters with an unusually aggressive Albatros
the enemy’s nerve by repeated attacks in close
Flight which had a very capable leader. On at least one
formation and thus to obtain a decisive influence on
occasion, this Flight forced 56 to ‘run for it’. The
the course of the fighting.’ The British admitted ‘the
German leader’s aircraft had a green tail, yellow
morale effect of this was very great and no doubt
fuselage and red nose. There was a large capital ‘K’ on
tended to facilitate the enemy’s success.’
the top wing and an inverted white ‘V’. His flight all
THE JASTAS had red noses and yellow fuselages but different
coloured tails - green, red, light blue, black, yellow and
J asta 5 machines had green tails with a thin red
outline and red spinners. Wings were in the normal
German camouflage, although later white chevrons
black and white striped. Their first encounter with 56
was on 23rd November. On 19th December Mayberry,
were usually painted on these. Individual pilots often of 56, who had 21 victories, was shot down by ‘Green
had large numbers or initials on the fuselage to aid Tail.’ On 18th February 1918, McCudden in turn shot
identification. In reality, this unit received Triplanes in down ‘Green Tail.’
May 1918 from JG1 and these aircraft probably JAGDGESCHWADER 1
remained in their original markings. However, there is
Jasta 4 Triplanes had engine cowlings, wheels and
some evidence that certain aircraft had new markings
interplane struts in an off-white
painted on, but whether these were the Jasta 5
markings or individual pilots insignia is unclear.
Notable pilots with Jasta 5 at Cambrai were Rumy (2 Jasta 6 Triplanes had black
victories at the start of the battle, finishing the war with engine cowlings and black and
45), Konnecke (8/35) and Mai (2/30). white stripes covering the
Jasta 12 aircraft had black tails and white spinners.
Their Triplanes had white cowlings. Jasta 11 Triplanes had red
engine cowling and interplane
J asta 37 aircraft had tailplanes diagonally striped in
narrow black and white bands. The fuselages were
all black with white numerals on the nose and white
struts. Sometimes wings and
fuselage were also red.
symbols on the fuselage. At Cambrai, the Jasta was led Jasta 10 was never issued with
by Udet, who had 14 victories (finishing the war as Triplanes.
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Finally, we have allowed the Triplane to carry 4
bombs, which in reality it never did, in order to assist
you against the British tank offensive.
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defensive posture. It was confident that, despite the squadrons the attack cannot go on.’ Nevertheless,
increasing number of troops recalled from Russia, the under incessant German attacks, the British line
German offensive would be ‘shot to pieces’ when it continued to crumble, leading to the order ‘Squadrons
eventually came. After all, the British had been will bomb and shoot up everything they can see ... very
attacking across no-man’s-land since 1915 and they had low flying is essential. All risks to be taken. Urgent.’
never achieved a breakthrough. Why should a German The British fighters accordingly attacked at very low
advance fare any better? level, one German account saying ‘Lieutenant Nocke
had to fling himself flat on the ground, but for all that
T he German High Command planned to smash the
British Army first and then turn on the French.
The attack was meticulously planned and would use the
he was struck on the back by the wheels of one
machine, thus literally being run over.’ The cost of such
attacks was high, however. Stock of 54 Squadron wrote:
‘stormtroop’ tactics seen at Cambrai. Some 1,680 ‘We had very few pilots left of the old squadron by this
aircraft were massed against the British, 730 of them to
support the first attack, leaving only 367 to fight the
French. JG1 and JG2 were both employed against the
British, JG2 in the north around Ypres, whilst JG3 was
on the border between the British and French
positions. The RFC in the area chosen by the Germans
for their offensive could muster 579 aircraft. The
German assault commenced on 21st March after a
lightning barrage. Concealed by mist, the
stormtroopers rapidly broke through the British
positions. At the end of the first day of the ‘Kaiser’s
Battle’, the British had suffered 38,000 casualties, lost
532 guns and been driven back 10 miles. The RFC was
hurled into the battle to turn the tide. Despite its
numbers, the German Air Service (Luftstreitkrafte),
was unable to gain control of the air, the Jastas largely
remaining on the defensive. Offensive operations were
time. About six were missing and five had been
largely left to the Schlactstaffels, who fought at a
wounded.’ Many aircraft staggered back to base,
disadvantage if caught by British fighters. If the
riddled with holes. A mechanic noted ‘Own aircraft
German Air Service had concentrated on ground
badly shot about, rather stirring times.’
attacks with all its aircraft, it is possible that the British
retreat might have been turned into a rout. As it was,
the British flyers started to exert a decisive influence
on the ground fighting. One German regiment
A lthough the priority for the RFC was to support
the troops on the ground, there was still
substantial fighting in the air. Trollope of 43 Squadron
reported ‘Under the ... frequent attacks by air (Camels) scored six victories on 24th March. On the
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firing on Lieut. May. I got a long burst into him ‘There were dangerous Huns about, circuses like
and he went down vertically and was observed to Richthofen’s ... [but] the German habit of
crash ... I fired on two more but did not get draining their best pilots away into circuses, left
them.’ the ordinary people very ordinary’ and
The pilot of the red Triplane was Manfred ‘Their wind up was enormous; they were
von Richthofen, who the day before had exceedingly difficult to find and never attacked
claimed his 80th victory. He was dead. without odds of four to one in their favour and
the advantage of height ... The only people with
On the ground, heavy fighting continued any fight left in them seemed to be Richthofen’s
until the 25th, when the Germans broke off crowd.’ - Yeates, 46 Squadron.
the battle. Their next blow would be against
the French and, although this would bring
their artillery to within range of Paris, the
final chance for a German victory was gone.
G erman flying operations were further
handicapped by having to move forward to
strange aerodromes as the British were driven back.
The RAF retired onto its supply lines, but the Germans
T he RAF emerged from these defensive
battles with a huge amount of credit.
Although losses had been heavy, their missions
were continually advancing beyond theirs, sometimes
seriously limiting the amount of support they could
give to the ground battle.
had been ‘an important factor in stemming the
German onrush.’ (Liddell Hart). For the German Fighting in the air was now both a complex and
Air Service, spring 1918 had been less satisfactory. sophisticated affair. Typical activity along the front
Although certain individuals and Jastas had scored lines would consist of the following:
heavily, overall they had failed to achieve air
1. Over the front line itself there would be
superiority for some of the most crucial battles of the
ground attack and contact patrol aircraft, flying at
war. In part, this was because they were suffering from
1,000’ or less.
the rapid expansion, brought about by the ‘Amerika
2. Just over a mile behind the front line would be the
Program’. There were not sufficient experienced pilots
observation balloons, directing artillery onto
to man all the Jastas, especially when the best ones
enemy positions. These would be protected by
generally went to the Jagdgeshwaders. This tended to
anti-aircraft (‘archie’) batteries.
mean that the average British squadron was superior to
3. At about 4,000’, corps aircraft (2 seater
the average German Jasta, especially as the British had
reconnaissance machines) would flit to and fro
the edge in the quality of their aircraft. In addition, the
across the lines, directing artillery and
Jastas seemed to have had difficulty in adjusting to
photographing enemy positions. Hovering above
offensive operations. One British pilot wrote of the
them at around 7,500’ would be fighters tasked
German fighters:
with protecting their own observation aircraft and
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Pfalz DIIIa 261
Fokker Dr1 143
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It is, however, curious to note that surviving ace. The RAF declined to use it, believing
these latter characteristics would have ‘that pilots, given a means to escape, would be tempted,
disqualified many of the top when under threat, to abandon their machines
European aces from achieving prematurely.’ An astonishing insult to the courage of
greatness in the air. airmen who had flown a non-stop offensive from the
dawn of air combat, often in inferior machines, and
T he first American operations
were conducted on the relatively
whose morale had never cracked.
quiet Meuse - Argonne front. In June
the 1st Pursuit Group (94th and 95th
Aero Squadrons) moved to the
B y now, the infamous Triplane had been largely
withdrawn from German service (there were
only 65 at the front in July), partly because it was too
main battle front in the Chateau slow and partly because a shortage of lubricating oil
Thierry-Soissons area. Initially, the made it almost impossible to maintain. A few aces
inexperienced pilots had a very tough managed to hold on to a triplane for personal use,
time against the vastly more knowledgeable Jastas,
especially as most of the Jagdgeschwaders were, by
now, flying the Fokker DVII. On 1st August, six
American pilots were lost. However, the combat was
not all one-sided. Menckhoff, the commander of the
successful Jasta 72 with 39 victories to his name, was
shot down and captured over Chateau Thierry by the
95th Squadron on 25 July. The situation continued to
improve when the 2nd Pursuit Group arrived, and the
Americans replaced their Nieuports with Spads. They
were also given a respite when JG1, 2 and 3 moved
back to the British front to counter the attack at
Amiens. The RAF, in turn, also suffered heavily from
this concentration of German aerial expertise. But the
Jagdgeschwaders could only hinder, not stop, Allied air
operations, and they could not cover the entire front.
despite an official order that all were to be withdrawn,
D uring the August fighting a new invention was
seen. On 11 August, Gardner (RAF, 19
Squadron) attacked a Pfalz which started to burn. The
but it was an uphill struggle to keep them serviceable.
Jacobs (Jasta 7, flying an all black aircraft) was forced
to use captured Camel engines in his machine, offering
pilot leapt from the cockpit and deployed a parachute,
German infantry a crate of champagne for every
the first time this had been done from an aeroplane in
engine they could salvage for him from the front lines.
combat. Only the German Air Service would utilise this
He managed to keep his aircraft airworthy into
invention during the war and it would save many pilots,
October. Jacobs finished the war with 48 victories. 30 of
including Udet who would finish the war as their top
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these scored whilst flying a Triplane, making him the successes, it had lost all 4 of its Jasta commanders,
most successful Triplane pilot of the war. The Fokker Lowenhardt killed, Lothar von Richthofen and Wenzel
DVII was a worthy replacement, but there were simply wounded, and Udet withdrawn from active duty,
not enough. Jastas which had failed to establish a exhausted. JG1 was also equipped with DVIIs, and
reputation had to continue to use the now severely possibly some of the new monoplane Fokker DVIII.
outclassed Albatros and Pfalz. The next generation of The Jastas continued to claim victories but Stark of
German fighter aircraft; the Fokker DVIII and Jasta 34 commented:
Siemens-Schuckert DIV, were delayed due to engine,
‘The enemy’s material superiority was making itself
fuel and oil shortages.
more and more felt, and so dooming us to failure.’
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capable of looking after themselves. It was only if they the Allies claimed 765 to 1,180 victories. German
were unlucky enough to come across a Jagdgeschwader records admit to at least 107 losses but figures are
at full strength or a top quality unit such as Jasta 5 that incomplete, and generally only refer to crew casualties
losses could be severe. rather than aircraft lost. Although the raw figures
might indicate an Allied defeat in the air, this was not
T he Americans played a vital role in sustaining
Allied air supremacy in September. Their fighter
pilots were aggressive, and their commanders were far
the case. The Germans could inflict casualties on Allied
air operations, but not stop them. This aerial support
greatly aided Allied ground offensives with strafing,
more willing than their RAF counterparts to patrol in
bombing, reconnaissance and artillery spotting
large numbers with multiple squadrons. However, their
missions. Equally importantly, they prevented German
bombing squadrons took a large number of
aircraft from carrying out these tasks, making it even
unnecessary losses, mainly due to operating in small
harder for the German Army to respond to the almost
flights without escorts. Nevertheless, despite the
continual advance of the Allied forces. Yet, despite the
sometimes heavy casualties often incurred when
intensity of the combat, there were still occasions when
chivalry between opponents was seen. Stark had the
following encounter with a RAF pilot :
‘... we attack and begin to turn ... neither can get on
the other’s tail and put in a burst ... is it not senseless to
think of fighting now? The other pilot raises his hand
and waves to me; simultaneously both machines pull
out of their turns. Now they are flying side by side, quite
close to one another. Weary of the combat, two birds of
prey soar through the evening sky on peaceful wings ...
I wave to him for the last time; we detach our thoughts
from one another and break off our flight.’
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defences were crumbling, air combat could still be again. He scored at least six victories in September
intensive - and deadly. On 30th October, the RAF lost piloting a Spad XIII, flying against the best of the
41 fighters (and claimed 67 victories). The Jastas German airforce. By the end of October, he had scored
continued to fight to the end, but it was to no avail. As 26 victories and was commanding the 94th ‘Hat in the
the British fought their way through the Hindenberg Ring’ Squadron. Other American pilots were not
Line, the American Army was pushing forward in the far behind, Lambert scored 18 to 22 serving
Meuse-Argonne region. Fighting was bitter and initial with the RAF, Iaccaci 17 to 18 (also with the
progress was slow as German reinforcements rushed to RAF) and Luke, who also won the
the area. At the start of November, fresh troops led a Congressional Medal of Honour
resumption of the American assault. The final German (posthumous), scored 18. A German
defensive positions were overrun and American who witnessed Luke’s last fight
spearheads broke out into open country. wrote:
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Jagdgeschwader 2 fought extensively against the Jasta 15 DVIIs had blue fuselages, red noses and
Americans. Its markings were as follows: white upper wings and fin.
Jasta 12 DVIIs had dark blue fuselages with white Jasta 19 DVIIs had yellow noses, dark blue fuselages
noses and tails. and tailplanes and a white rudder and fin.
cross. There are also references to all red aircraft and
aircraft sporting a chequer board pattern.
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Speed: 133 mph at 6,500’, The Spad is very fast, very powerful and very stable.
131 mph at 10,000’, To succeed, pilots need to make maximum use of
127 mph at 13,000’. these qualities. The aircraft takes considerable effort
Climb Rate: 2.3 minutes to reach 3,280’, to turn and sudden changes of direction are difficult.
5.0 minutes to 6,500’, 8.3 Pilots are strongly advised not to dogfight with
minutes to 9,800’. enemy triplanes or Fokkers but rather stick to dive
Maximum Ceiling: 22,000’ and zoom tactics or the vrille manoeuvre. The Spad is
Wingspan: 26’ 6’’ immensely strong and can be dived at considerable
Length: 18’ 11’’ speed. This speed can, in turn, be converted into an
Weight approx: 1,850 lbs excellent zoom climb. Pilots should therefore dive
Armament: 2 Vickers machine guns onto their prey and climb out after the attack using
firing forward. the speed which has built up and prepare for another
Fuel endurance approx: 2 hours go. High-speed attacks are rendered easier as the
Spad is a very stable gun platform due to its inherent
stability. It is comfortable at all altitudes and a
suitable aircraft for ground strafing.
To avoid enemy attacks, pilots are encouraged to
utilise either the Spad’s fine climb performance or a
prolonged dive with evasive manoeuvres. Not even
the Fokker can stay with the Spad in this area. The
superior speed of the Spad makes disengagement
from a difficult situation possible by the simple
expedient of outrunning the enemy, but this still
requires a degree of careful timing.
SPAD XIII Pilots are advised always to keep the Spad’s speed
high in combat. Firstly, because this is one of its main
advantages over enemy aircraft and secondly,
because the Spad is difficult to handle at low
airspeeds and is tail-heavy. Caution should be
exercised when switching the engine off in flight, as
the sole method of restarting the motor is a long dive
of around 1,500’ to force the propeller to revolve.
Care must also be taken when landing the Spad. It
has a dauntingly high glide angle and so has to
be brought in under power and it is also prone to
ground looping.
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TECHNICAL DATA fighting. The Albatros performs best at under 12,000’,
an altitude it can reach efficiently by climbing at
Speed: 108 mph at sea level, 96 mph
about 60 mph. Below this height, the Albatros can
at 2,000m, 93 mph at 4,000m
waltz around most enemy machines if its superior
Climb Rate: 3.7 minutes to reach 1,000m,
climb and speed are utilised. Pilots will find the
8 minutes to 2,000m,
engine reliable, and the Albatros is comfortable to fly
12 minutes to 3,000m
due to the absence of torque effect from the
Maximum Ceiling: 18,000’
powerplant. Pilots should also note the advantage
Wingspan: 29’ 7’’
they have with regards to armament compared to the
Length: 24’
enemy machines. The Albatros is fitted with two
Weight approx: 1,950 lbs
synchronised machine guns, firing through the
Armament: 2 Maxim 08/15 Maxim
propeller arc. Currently no Allied machine carries
machine guns firing forward.
such a concentration of firepower.
Fuel endurance approx: 1.75 hours
Although it is a fine machine, pilots should be aware
FLYING THE ALBATROS that the Albatros does have some shortcomings. At
This aircraft is a scout with a 160 hp in- 15,000’, it is an uncertain swimmer and is heavy and
line engine. It is therefore a fast clumsy when turning. When fighting at this altitude,
machine whilst the sesquiplane layout the Sopwith Pup can comfortably out-turn the
a l s o Albatros so pilots will have to use their speed
advantage to offset this. It is said that the enemy
Nieuport can outclimb the Albatros. If this is so,
pilots should use the Albatros’ superior speed
and zoom climb.
Regrettably the wings of this scout are relatively
weak. Structural failure can occur in high speed dives
or during an over-vigorous pull up.
ALBATROS DIII makes it manoeuvrable. This layout
also increases the view from the Overall, the aircraft is easy to fly with few vices. It is
cockpit. It is generally superior to the unlikely to catch fire, has a comfortable gliding angle
enemy rotary engined machines with and good fields of view from the cockpit. Pilots will
regard to speed, and, although care be pleased to learn that the radiator has been
must be taken when entering a moved from the wing centre section, thereby
turning engagement, the Albatros can minimising the chance of scalding, should it be
compete effectively in this style of damaged during combat.
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SE5A rapidly appreciate its good points; great The SE5a poses no difficulties with regard to take off
strength, diving and zooming powers and or landing, being easy to handle at low airspeeds due
its splendid view. It is a very easy machine to its stability. It can be floated onto the airfield.
to fly with innocuous stalling characteristics.
With its new and more powerful engine, the Possessing an excellent combination of speed,
SE5a retains its performance and manoeuvrability and performance at altitude, the
manoeuvrability at high level (unlike the SE5a can be used successfully both as an offensive
and defensive machine.
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Speed: 110 mph at sea level,
Speed: 91 mph at sea level, 101 mph at 10,000’
87 mph at 10,000’ Climb Rate: 14.5 minutes to reach
Climb Rate: 29.5 minutes to reach 10,000’ to 10,000’
Maximum Ceiling: 16,000’ Maximum Ceiling: 16,000’
Wingspan: 33’ 6’’ Wingspan: 39’ 3’’
Length: 25’ 3’’ Length: 16’ 2’’
Weight: 2,223 lbs loaded Weight: 2,600 lbs loaded
Armament: 1 Vickers firing forward, Armament: 1 Vickers firing forward,
1 Lewis manned by the 1 Lewis manned by the
observer for rear protection observer for rear protection
Fuel endurance approx: 3 to 4 hours Fuel endurance approx: 3 hours
A British two-seat aircraft mainly used for The Bristols’ introduction at the start of ‘Bloody
reconnaissance and bombing, the Strutter was April’ was disastrous when 48 Squadron lost four
originally designed as a two-seat fighter and was from a flight of six to Jasta 11. This was mainly due
the first British aircraft to carry a synchronised faulty tactics which relied on the rear gunners for
machine gun firing forward through the propeller, defence. Following this easy victory, the Germans
whilst the Scarff No2 mount gave the observer a regarded the Bristol as yet another lumbering two-
better field of fire than on previous British two- seater unable to adequately defend itself. However,
seaters. Unfortunately it was rapidly outclassed by the once British pilots learnt to use the ‘Brisfits’
Albatros in the fighter role. Although more capable performance offensively and dogfight, German pilots
of looking after itself in a battle than most Allied two- learnt to treat it with respect and a degree of caution.
seaters in 1917, it still suffered when caught by the The later versions combined the performance of a
Jastas. On bombing missions it often flew without the fighter (Stark commented on it being ‘amazingly
reargunner to allow more bombs to be carried. nimble’) with the added protection of a rear gunner.
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Speed: 72 mph at 6,500’ Speed: 98 mph at 6,500’,
Climb Rate: 20 minutes to reach 6,500’ 93 mph at 10,000’
Maximum Ceiling: 10,000’ Climb Rate: 22 minutes to reach
Wingspan: 37’ to 10,000’
Length: 27’ 3’’ Maximum Ceiling: 13,000’
Weight: 1,650 lbs loaded Wingspan: 42’ 7’’
Armament: 1 Lewis manned by Length: 27’ 10’’
the observer Weight: 2,600 lbs loaded
Fuel endurance approx: 3 hours Armament: 1 Vickers firing forward,
1 Lewis manned by the
NOTES observer for rear protection
This was the standard British reconnaissance aircraft Fuel endurance approx: 4.25 hours
in 1917. It had first flown in 1912 and then been
modified to increase its stability, leading to the NOTES
nickname ‘Stability Jane.’ Whilst this principle made it A reconnaissance machine conceived as a
an admirable machine for leisurely reconnaissance, it replacement for the BE2 when the requirements of
was disastrous for a fighting aircraft. Initially air combat were becoming known, the ‘Harry Tate’
unarmed, at least in 1917 it carried an observer armed must rank as one of the worst designs to see action
with a Lewis gun for defence, but, unfortunately, as he in WWI. It was slow, underpowered and
sat in the front cockpit, his field of fire was somewhat unmanoeuvrable. Pilots found it difficult fly, it would
limited. Written off as ‘Fokker Fodder’ in 1915, it was spin at the slightest opportunity and was tricky
to suffer worse in ‘Bloody April.’, 75 being shot down to land. Structurally weak, it also showed a tendency
in that month. to burn when damaged. On 13th April 1917,
59 Squadron sent out six RE8s on a reconnaissance
mission; all were shot down by Jasta 11 in around
68 five minutes.
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Speed: 118 mph at 10,000’
Speed: 93 mph at 6,500’
Climb Rate: 11 minutes to 6,500’
Climb Rate: 10 minutes to 6,500’
Maximum Ceiling: 13,000 - 17,500’
Maximum Ceiling: 16,500’
Wingspan: 42’ 5’’
Wingspan: 42’ 5’’
Length: 30’ 6’’
Length: 30’ 6’’
Weight approx: 3,584 lbs loaded
Weight approx: 3,469 lbs loaded
Armament: 1 Vickers firing forward,
Armament: varied, typically 2 to 3
1 Lewis manned by the
Lewis guns manned by
observer for rear protection
pilot and observer
Fuel Endurance aprox: 4.5 hours
Fuel endurance approx: 3 hours
Based on the highly successful DH4 the DH9 was
Another aircraft used by the RFC for observation
designed to be a fast strategic bomber. However,
and bombing work, it played an important role in
there were problems with the Siddeley Puma engine
ending the ‘Fokker Scourge.’ It was a ‘pusher’, with
which resulted in the DH9 being underpowered,
the engine at the rear of the fuselage. Although this
being a ‘good aeroplane spoiled by a bad engine’. As
layout gave an excellent field of fire forward for pilot
a result, early DH9s with a full bomb load struggled
and observer it did increase the danger from rear
to reach 13,000’. Consequently DH9 squadrons on
attacks. Visibility behind was poor and the observer,
long-range missions could suffer heavy casualties,
having to stand up in the nose of the aircraft, had
being less able than the DH4 to either outdistance
great difficulty in bringing his gun to bear in this
pursuit or fight their way out of trouble. It was not
direction. Although obsolete by spring 1917 ‘Fees’
until the American Liberty engine arrived that the
(unlike the BEs) could give a good account of
aircraft lived up to its potential.
themselves if cornered. The FE2 was sometimes
used in the fighter role and later went on to pioneer
night bombing
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The camera will only remain on the following views while the keys ROTATE AND ZOOM VIEW KEYS
are held down. Releasing the keys will cause the camera to revert to
Holding down the shift key when pressing a rotate view
the previously selected view. Holding down the Num Lock key in
key will accelerate the movement.
conjunction with the following keys will produce a version of the view
with the camera pitched upwards.
Front inside cockpit view Rotate and Zoom Reset Num Pad 5
Home Zoom In Num Pad +
Right front inside cockpit view Page Up Zoom Out Num Pad -
Right rear inside cockpit view Page Down
Left rear inside cockpit view Delete
Front left inside cockpit view Insert
6 o/clock Inside Cockpit View End
The versions of these views with the camera pitched upwards are
duplicated on the following key combinations;
Front Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 8
Right Front Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 9
Right Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 6
Right Rear Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 3
Left Rear Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 1
Left Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 4
Left Front Cockpit View Ctrl+Num Pad 7
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