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No Smoking, Substance Abuse, and Cell Phone Control Policy

Effective Date: 1st Dec 2022

Policy Statement: Habib Enterprises is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive
work environment for all employees. To achieve this, we have established a No Smoking,
Substance Abuse, and Cell Phone Control Policy. All employees are expected to comply with
this policy, which outlines the following:

1. No Smoking Policy:
 Habib Enterprises is a smoke-free workplace. Smoking, including the use of electronic
cigarettes and vaping, is strictly prohibited in all indoor areas of the workplace.
 Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking areas as identified by the company.
 Employees are responsible for disposing of smoking-related waste, such as cigarette
butts, in designated containers.

2. Substance Abuse Policy:

 The use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol while on company
premises or during working hours is strictly prohibited.
 Company may conduct random drug tests, reasonable suspicion testing, or post-
accident testing, as deemed necessary.
 Employees who are struggling with substance abuse issues are encouraged to seek
help through their supervisor and will be supported in seeking treatment.

3. Cell Phone Control Policy:

 Cell phone usage should not interfere with an employee's job responsibilities or disrupt
the work environment.
 While at work, cell phone use should be limited to designated break times and should
not infringe on the privacy or work of others.
 The use of cell phones for personal calls, texting, or internet browsing is allowed only
during break times or as needed for work-related purposes.
Consequences of Non-Compliance:
 Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination
of employment, depending on the severity of the violation.
 Company reserves the right to take appropriate legal action in the case of illegal
substance use or possession on company premises.
 Employees found to be in violation of this policy may also be required to seek treatment,
counseling, or rehabilitation programs as applicable.

Confidentiality: All information regarding substance abuse issues, including participation in

rehabilitation programs, will be kept confidential to the extent required by law.

Review and Revision: This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and
compliance with changing laws and regulations. Any revisions will be communicated to all

Acknowledgment: I have read and understand the [Company Name] No Smoking, Substance
Abuse, and Cell Phone Control Policy. I acknowledge that non-compliance may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Employee's Signature: _______________________________________

Date: _________________

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