Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Consumer Law
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Consumer Law
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2018: Consumer Law
Consumer Law
Semesters 1 & 2
Department of Mercantile Law
Please activate your myUnisa and myLife e-mail addresses and ensure that you have regular
access to the myUnisa module site COL3704-2018-S1 (if you are registered for the first
semester) or COL3704-2018-S2 (if you are registered for the second semester).
Note: This is an online module which is available on myUnisa. You will, however, also
receive some study material in print format to support you in your learning process.
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Getting started .............................................................................................................................. 3
2 OVERVIEW OF THE MODULE [COL3704].................................................................................. 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3 CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 The lecturers ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 The department ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 The university ............................................................................................................................... 5
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 5
4.1 Joining myUnisa ........................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Other resources – printed support material ................................................................................... 6
5 HOW TO STUDY THIS MODULE ONLINE .................................................................................. 7
5.1 What it means to study fully online ................................................................................................ 7
5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use ..................................................................................................... 7
6 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 7
6.2.1 Commentaries and feedback on assignments ................................................................................. 8
6.2.2 Assessment and assignments ......................................................................................................... 8
6.2.3 Assignment submission information................................................................................................. 8
6.2.4 General assignment numbers ....................................................................................................... 9
6.2.5 How to submit an assignment ....................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Final examination ........................................................................................................................ 10
6.3.1 Examination admission ............................................................................................................... 10
6.3.2 Calculation of your final mark ...................................................................................................... 10
6.3.3 Examination period ..................................................................................................................... 10
6.3.4 Examination paper ...................................................................................................................... 10
6.3.5 Previous examination papers ...................................................................................................... 11
7 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 11
Dear Student
We are pleased to welcome you to this module and hope that you will find it both interesting and
rewarding. We will do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on
your way to success if you start studying early in the year and resolve to do the assignments
This tutorial letter contains important information about this module. We urge you to read it
carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the
assignments, preparing for the examination, and addressing questions to your lecturers.
Because this is a fully online module, you will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this course. You will therefore need to visit the module site on myUnisa for
COL3704 frequently. The site for your module is COL3704-18-S1 (if you registered in the first
semester) or COL3704-18-S2 (if you registered in the second semester).
You will need to go online to access your study material and see what to do for the module. Go
to https://my.unisa.ac.za and log in using your student number and password. You will see
COL3704-18-S1 or COL3704-18-S2 in the row of modules in the orange tabs across the top of
the web page. If you cannot find it in the orange tabs, you could also check in the "More" tab.
Click on the module you want to open.
In addition, you will receive this tutorial letter and printed copies of the online study material for
your module. While this printed material may appear to be different from the online study
material, it will be exactly the same and will have been copied from the myUnisa website.
This module is useful for those of you who wish to gain knowledge, skills and applied
competence in the principles relating to consumer credit law, consumer protection, insurance
and debt collection. In addition, the module will also discuss the legal principles relating to
friendly societies and buying clubs/stokvels. This module will be useful to persons who are
currently (or who wish to be) employed either as paralegals at community based organisations
or who are employed to assist attorneys with legal work.
The module will be delivered by means of printed study material, myUnisa, the internet, and
peer group interaction. Your lecturers will interact with you on myUnisa and via e-mail.
2.2 Outcomes
There are a number of outcomes that we hope you will be able to achieve by completing this
module successfully:
Specific outcome 1: Understand the general principles relating to consumer credit law,
consumer protection, insurance, debt collection, friendly societies and buying groups/stokvels in
South African law.
Specific outcome 2: Interpret, analyse and apply the legal principles relating to consumer
credit law, consumer protection, insurance, debt collection, friendly societies and buying
groups/stokvels appropriately.
Specific outcome 3: Formulate legal arguments and apply their knowledge to unfamiliar
concrete and abstract problems.
Please note the important contact details below.
3.1 The lecturers
There are 3 lecturers teaching different sections of this module.
The general contact and fax numbers for the Department of Mercantile Law is as follows:
All study related information is now available on the new Unisa corporate website in both web
and mobi formats.
You can access your own information via the myUnisa website or mobi site.
Email (info@unisa.ac.za)
You may send an email to info@unisa.ac.za for information on how to contact Unisa via e-mail.
You may send an SMS to 32695 for more information on how to contact Unisa via SMS. You
will receive an automatic response SMS with various SMS options. The cost per SMS is R1, 50.
Enquiries can be faxed to 012 429 4150 where after it will be distributed to and processed by
the relevant department.
4.1 Joining myUnisa
If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can access resources and
information offered by the university quickly and easily. The myUnisa learning management
system is Unisa's online campus, which will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with
other students and with the administrative departments – all through the computer and the
To access myUnisa, start at the main Unisa website at http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on
the myUnisa orange tab. You could also just go to https://my.unisa.ac.za directly. When you are
on the myUnisa website, click on Claim Unisa Login on the left-hand side of the screen. You will
then be prompted to give your student number to claim your initial myUnisa and myLife login
details. You can also watch a videoclip of the joining process by clicking on the “"New
myLife/myUnisa joining process” icon on the right-hand side of the screen.
Please consult the brochure Studies@Unisa, which you received with your study material, for
more information on myUnisa.
We recommend that you access the module’s website regularly in order to do the following:
Check for new announcements. You could also set up your myLife e-mail in such a way
that you will receive the announcement e-mails on your cellphone.
Participate in the discussion forum activities. For some of the learning or study units in
this module, you will be given activities to do. We would like you to discuss these with
your fellow students and your lecturers. Although you could check the instructions about
the activities here and even prepare your answers without logging on, you would need to
go online to post your messages.
Complete other online activities. For some of the learning unit activities, you need to post
something or take a quiz or complete a survey under Self-Assessment. Don't skip these
activities, because they will help you to complete the assignments and activities for the
We want you to be successful in this online module, so we will also provide some of the study
material to you in print format. This will allow you to read the study material even when you are
not online. Please note the following:
This printed study material will be sent to you at the beginning of the semester, but you
need not wait to receive it before you start studying. You can go online as soon as you
register and you will find all your study material there.
Therefore, the printed material will be hard copies of the formal content of the online
Having the printed material on hand will make it possible for you to study your material
for this module WITHOUT having to go on the internet or to an internet cafe. This will
save you money, of course, and will enable you to read – and reread – the material and
do the activities whenever and wherever you wish to do so.
We hope that this system will help you to succeed in this online module by providing you with
extra ways in which to study the material and complete all the activities and assignments. You
MUST, however, go online to complete the activities and assignments on time, and to get the
most from the online course.
Remember, the printed support material forms only a backup to everything that you will find
online on myUnisa. It will not contain any additional content. In other words, you should NOT
wait for the printed support material to arrive before you start studying.
These modules are taught partially online. This means the following:
All your assignments must be submitted online. In other words, you do all your
activities and submit all your assignments on myUnisa. You cannot post them through
the South African postal service.
All the communication between you and the university will also take place online,
by e-mail, on discussions forums and through questions and answers. You can use all
these ways to ask questions and contact your lecturers. This also means that your
lecturers will communicate with you in the same ways, through e-mails, by means of
announcements, questions and answers, and on discussion forums.
You will find all the information about how to use the myUnisa tools on the module site, in Unit
0. However, we thought it important to stress the tools that you will use for your formal
assignments and activities.
In this module, there are three different types of assessments for which the following myUnisa
tool is used:
Assignments: The assignments for this module are written assignments. You must
submit these typed assignments using the online Assignments tool on myUnisa, as a
PDF document. You will find the instructions for submitting these assignments in Unit 0.
Under Discussions there may also be several other discussion forums where you can share
ideas and post your discussions online. You could also simply chat socially with other students
registered for the course. We call this the Student Lounge. You could also use the Questions
and Answers tool to ask questions. If it is a good question that may interest other students, it
may be published for the whole group.
6.1 Assessment plan
During the course of this module, you will be assessed as follows:
6.2 Assignments
Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the
assignments, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow
students or the lecturers or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the
assessment criteria given for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of
you more clearly.
As soon as you have received the commentaries, please compare it to your answers. The
assignments and the commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your
study material for the examination.
Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student must write
and submit his or her own individual assignment. In other words, you must submit your own
ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short quotations that are properly
referenced. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that
they worked together. That is copying (a form of plagiarism) and none of these assignments will
be marked. Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the
All students who submit assignment 01 in time (before or on the date of submission) will be
admitted to the examination regardless of the mark obtained for the assignment. Students, who
do not submit the compulsory assignment before or on the due date, will not receive admission
to write the examination. The mark obtained for the compulsory assignment will count towards
your final mark. The questions for Assignment 01 can be found under the “Self-
Assessments” tab on myUnisa. The assignment is timed and you will have 3
opportunities to submit this assignment. The highest mark obtained will count towards
your year mark.
Submission of assignments 02 and 03 is not compulsory in the sense that their submission will
not grant you admission to the examination. However, the mark obtained for these assignments
will count towards your year mark (and final mark). The questions for Assignments 02 and 03
can be found under the relevant Learning Units on myUnisa.
Assignment 01 will count 20% towards your year mark whereas assignments 02 and 03 count
40% each.
Please remember to allocate the same unique number to the assignment as the one given in
this tutorial letter or that appears online.
You MUST submit your assignments 02 and 03 electronically via myUnisa. Assignments 02
and 03 may not be submitted by post, fax or e-mail. For detailed information and
requirements as far as your assignments are concerned, see the brochure my Studies @
Unisa that you received with your study material.
Go to myUnisa.
6.3 Final examination
6.3.1 Examination admission
All students who submit the compulsory assignment 01 in time (before or on the date of
submission) will be admitted to the examination regardless of the mark obtained for the
Your year mark, which is based on the marks obtained for assignments 01, 02 and 03,
contributes 20% toward your final mark, while your examination mark contributes 80%.
Please note that if a student is awarded less than 40% in the examination, the year mark
will not count.
The combined weighted average of your year mark and examination mark must be 50% or
higher for you to pass the module/subject.
For example:
If you receive 60% for assignment 01, 80% for assignment 02 and 40% for assignment 03, your
year mark will be 60% (60%x0.2 + 80%x0.4 + 40%x0.4).
Year mark=60%
= 12% + 40%
= 52%
However, if you are registered for the second semester, you will write the examination in
October/November 2018 and the supplementary examination will be written in May/June
However, you may also accept that examination questions will be similar to the questions asked
in the activities in your study guide.
Don’t hesitate to contact any of us by e-mail if you are experiencing problems with the content
of this tutorial letter or with any other aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the study material, and trust that you
will complete the module successfully.