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Sl. No. Particulars BESCOM Specification Bidder Bidder Bidder

1 Name of manufacturer. M/s. SBEE cables (India) Ltd M/s.Gupta Power infrastructure Ltd M/s. Apar Industries Ltd

IS-14255-1995, IS-6474, IS 8130, IS-398 IS-14255-1995, IS-6474, IS 8130, IS-398 & IS-14255-1995, IS-6474, IS 8130, IS-398 &
2 Applicable standard/specification. IS-14255-1995
& IS -10810 IS -10810 IS -10810

Stranded Aluminium 3 Phase & 1

3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm XLPE 3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm XLPE XLPE insulated aluminum cable twisted
Type of Cable(construction to be St.LightConductor insulated with XLPE,
3 Insulated Aerial Bunched cable, Insulated Aerial Bunched cable, with over an insulated aluminium alloy
described) twistedaround a XLPE Insulated
with insulated Messenger insulated Messenger messenger conductor
AAACmessenger 3 conductor
4 Size of Cable. 3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm 3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm 3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm 3 x 95 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 70 Sqmm

Phase Conductor - A1u Portion.

H2 or H4 grade asp er IS Aluminium

i) Material of conductor. Aluminium wire( H2 or H4) EC grade Aluminium H2 or H4 grade Aluminium
ii) Applicable standard. IS-8130-1984 IS-8130-1984 IS-8130-1984 IS-8130-1984

iii) No. of strands. 15 19 19 15

Dia of the wire to be choosen to get cross

iv) Nominal diameter of strand (mm). NS 2.52 2.55( Before stranding)
v) Max. diameter of bare conductor
11.3 12.7 11.5 11.4

vi) Nominal area of cross-section of

95 95 95 95
bare conductor (
vii) Lay ratio. As per IS -14255 10-14 NA 16-20
ix) Elongation at break (%) 4% 4% N/A Not applicable being stranded
x) Tensile strength (min)/breaking compacted conductor
19.7 19.7 100N/mm2 >100
load (KN)

Phase conductor – Insulation portion.

i) Material of insulation. XLPE Cross linked Polythene XLPE Cross linked Polythene XLPE Black XLPE

ii) Insulation thickness (mm) 1.5 mm (nom) 1.5 mm (nom) 1.5 0mm (nom) 1.5
iii) Diameter of insulated conductor
NS 15.8mm 14.8(Appro) 14.2
iv) Whether the insulation conforms to
the standards specified in the As per IS-14255 Yes Yes yes
technical specification.
Street Light Conductor-Alum. Portion

i) Material of Conductor is-8130 All. Wire Class - 2 Aluminium wire( H2 or H4) EC grade Aluminium H2 or H4 grade Aluminium

ii) Applicable Standard IS-8130-1984 IS-18130-1984 IS-8130-1984 IS-8130-1984

iii) No. of Strands 6 7 7 7


dia of strands to be choosen to meet C.R

iv) No. Diameter of the strand in mm. NS 1.71 1.72

v) Max. diameter of bare conductor 9.7 5.1 4.8 5

Street Light Conductor-Insulation

i) Material of Insulation XLPE Cross linked Polythene XLPE Cross linked Polythene XLPE Black XLPE

ii) Insulation Thickness (mm) 1.2 mm (nom) 1.2 mm (nom) 1.20 mm (nom) 1.2
iii) Diameter of insulated conductor
4.4 7.6 7.2 mm(Appro) 7.2

iv) Whether the insulation conforms to

the strandards specified in the As per IS-14255 Yes Yes yes
technical specification

Messenger/neutral conductor - AAA


i) Material of conductor. aluminium alloy Al. Alloy A1l alloy aluminium aluminium alloy

ii) Applicable standard IS-398 Part-IV-1994 IS-398 Part-IV-1994 IS-398 Part-IV IS 14255-1995 & IS 398(P-4) 1998
iii) Number of strands 12 7 7 7

iv) Nominal diameter of strand (mm). 3.55 3.57 3.57(Before stranding) 3.55
v) Max. diameter of bare conductor
9.6 10.7 10.6 10.65
vi) Nominal area of cross-section of
70 70 70 70
bare conductor (

vii) Lay ratio. As per IS-14255 10-14 Between '10-14 10 to 14

ix) Elongation (%) As per IS-14255 4% 4(min) 4%
x) Tensile strength (min)/breaking
19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7
load (KN)
Insulation portion.

Compacted XLPE Cross linked

i) Material of insulation. XLPE( Cross linked Polythene) XLPE Black XLPE

ii) Insulation thickness (mm) 1.5 mm (nom) 1.5 mm (nom) 1.50 mm (nom) 1.2

iii) Diameter of insulated conductor
NS 13.7 13.4 7.2

iv) Whether the insulation conforms to

the standards specified in the As per IS-14255 Yes Yes yes
technical specification.

Complete AB Cable

i) Overall diameter (mm) 39 mm (appx.) 39 mm (appx.) 43.0 appx. 40.5

ii) Total weight (kg/km) 1180 kgs appx. 1180 kgs appx. 1200 appx. 1225

iii) Standard drum length offered (mtrs

500 Mts +/- 5% 500 Mts +/- 5% 28x250+12x500)mtrs ±5% 500 Mts +/- 5%
)and tolerance.

8 iv) Gross weight of the cable drum NS 1360 kgs appx. 1625 kgs appx. 940

As per clause of IS 14255- 1995-

conductor shall be provided with 1,
Phase conductor will be in black
2, 3 ridges for quick identification of
v) Code or method of cable colour ridges will be provided as 1, 2,
phases, 4 ridges shall be provided By embossing on any one phase core As per specification cl:No 3.1.9
identification. 3 for identification as per clause No. 8
for neutral conductor
of IS 14255-1995
streelight/messenger wire shall not
have any identification mark
Electrical Data :

i) Max. DC resistance of the phase

0.320 Ohms/Kms min. 0.32ohms/km 0.32 0.32
conductor at 20C

ii) Max.DC resistance of the neutral

0.492 Ohms/Kms min. 0.492ohms/km 0.492 0.492
conductor at 20 Deg.C

iii) AC resistance at – 90 Deg. C phase

0.41 0.409ohms/km 0.41 0.41
conductor (ohms/km)

iv) AC resistance at – 90 Deg C

messenger/ neutral conductor NS 0.565 ohms/km 630 0.63

v) Max. DC Resistance of the street

1.91 1.91 ohms/km 1.9 1.91
light conductor at 20 Deg. C

vi) AC Resistance at 90Deg. C Street

NS 2.44 ohms/km 2.44 2.44
9 light

vii) Approx. inductive reactance at 50

Hz. Phase conductor/Street light NS 0.0724/0.0808 ohms/km 76.6 0.0724/0.0808 ohms/km

viii) Approx. inductive reactance at 50

Hz Messenger/neutral conductor NS 0.0900 ohms/km 81.5 0.079

ix) Approx. zero sequence reactance

NS NA 70 0.077
at 50 Hz. Per phase (ohms/km):

x) Short circuit current for 1 Sec. Max.

8.93 8.93 kA 8.93 8.96

xi) current carrying capacity (amps) at

various ambient temp.deg. Of 10ºC,20 40 ºC 186A 40 ºC 230A(Appr) 99,93,85,77,69&59 28,92,71,25,32,30,207
ºC ,30 ºC ,40 ºC & 50 ºC

Specification climatic conditions to

which AB Cable are manufactured.

10 a) Max. Solar radiation

NS 1200 7000 wh/sqm 23.76

b) Min. wind velocity

NS 0.6 9km/hr 40
i) Details of type tests and factory tests
conducted on each size of AB Cable As per IS-14255-1995 As per IS-14255-1995 Routine test & Type test As per IS-14255-1995
11 .

ii) Whether one complete set of type

yes (submitted type test for
test certificates there of are enclosed Encl.( submitted) yes( Not furnished)
to the bid.

10(D+d) where D=Actual diameter 10(D+d) where D=Actual diameter of

12D, where D = outer dimaeter of
12 BENDING RADIUS OF CABLE : of the cable & d- actual diameter the caable & d- actual diameter of 12 times OD
of the conductor the conductor

Black colour insulation will be

Any other relevant technical provided for phase conductor, street
13 information the bidder may desire to light conductor & neutral/ messenger No Nil
furnish in respect of AB cable conductor as per BESCOM
Specification ( 3.19)

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