307-01 Automatic Transaxle/Transmission — TorgShit® 2014 F-53 Motorhome Chassis, F-59 Commercial Signed Chassis
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Proud reisun dete: 08082018
‘Transmission Electronic Control System
Electronic System Description
Transmission shi scheduling relies on the following
‘Accelerator Pedal Poston (APP)
Engine sped and acceleration
Vehicle speed and acceleration
Engine torque
Converter state as defined by engine specs
‘Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS)
“Transmission Range (TR) sensor position
Brake status
‘Speed control status
‘Towitiaul svtch status
“Transmission Fhid Temperature (TFT)
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
The PCM and its inpuYoutput network contol the folowing transmission operations:
+ Variable Force Solenoid (VES) (hit fee!)
‘Shit timing
+ Line pressure (engagement feel
{Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) operation
‘The transmission contro strategy is separate from the engine contra strategy inthe PCM, although some of the input signals are shared. When
determining the best operating strategy for ranemission operation, the PCM uses input information from certain engine-elaled and crver demand-elated
Sensors and switches,
‘The folowing components are used to determine engine torque information forthe transmission contol strategies:
+ Crankshaft Postion (CKP) sensor
+ Camshaft Pasion (CMP) sensor
+ Barometric Pressure (BARO) sensor
+ Mass AirFlow (MAF) sensor
+ Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor
hips otechsorve.dabconnecton com+ Engine Oil Temperature (EOT) sensor
+ NG pressure switch
+ EGR valve
+ Injection Pressure Regulator (PR)
+ Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor
{ny concems with the engine sensors must be dlagnased and repaired before proceeding with diagnosis ofthe transmission components. Refer tothe
Powertrain ControvEmissians Diagnosis (PCIE) manval for angie component dagross.
Using all ofthese input signals the PCM can determine when the time and conclions ar right fora shit, or when to apply or release the TCC til also
Getermine the best Ine prossure needed to optimize shi foe. To accomplish this, the PCM uses output solenoid fo control transmission aperaton,
The folowing provides a bref description of each of he sensors and actuators used by the PCM for transmission operation.
‘Output Shaft Speed (OSS) Sensor
‘The Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor is located on the extension housing. The OSS is a Hall-aflect type sensor. The OSS reads the teeth on the park
{gear aliferent than the teeth used for PARK function, The. OSS input to tho PCM is used for shit scheduling, tming and TGC operation ane vehicle specd,
‘The OSS has b-sirectional capabiity and has a digial output
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
‘The ECT sensor is a2.wire trermistor which changes resistance as temperature changes. The resistance of the sensor decreases as engine temperature
increases and the vollage sent fo tne PCM increases. The PCM uses ths information to help determine TCC operation,
‘Temperature (IAT) Sensor
‘The Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor Is @ thermistor which resistance changes with temperature. The sensor resistance decreases as the
temperature increases. The |AT provides air temperature information tothe PCM which 's used fo help determine transmission line pressure and shit
‘Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor
‘The Accelerator Pedal Postion (APP) sensor is mounted on the accelerator pedal. The APP dotecs the postion ofthe accelerator pedal and inputs this
information as a voltage signal fo the PCM. The PCM uses APP sansor information to determine line pressure, shit scheduling and TCC operation. Failure
Df this sensor wil cause the transmission to operate at higher Ine pressure to avold damage tothe transmission. This higher Ine pressure causes harsh
Upshits ang harsh engagements
‘Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) Sensoriinterme
te Shaft Speed Sensor
‘The ISS /ntermeciate shaft speed sensors are a Hall-flect sensor requiring a 12-volt power and a ground. The other 2 terminals atthe sensor ae for TSS
Jinlrmediate shal speed sensor euiput The sensor detects leah on the cous clutch input nub TSS and the adjacent Overdrive (OID) ring gear
hips otechsore deabconnecton com asIntermediate shaft speed sensors. Bot read 30 teeth per revoluton, The TSS /ntermedate shaft speed sensors are mounted externally onthe
transmission case toward the top. The TSS fintermeciate shaft speed sensors input tothe PCM is a dita signal and is used to determine Ine pressure,
shit scheduling and TCC operation.
Brake Pedal Position (BPP) Switch
Brake status comes from the Brake Pedal Position (3PP) switch. The BBP switch provides battery voltage to the PCM when the brake pedal is appli. The
PCM uses tis input to disengage the TCG , speed contol ana auxiliary ide (f equipped).
‘The operation ofthe transmission is controlled by the PCM. Many input sensors provide information tothe PCM. The PCM then controls actuators which
etermine transmission operation.
Tow/Maul Switeh
‘The towihaul switch is located on the end ofthe selector lever and is a momentary contact switch. The towhaul switch provides a signal tothe PCM when
pressed by the driver, resuling in a change in shift scheduling and TCC operation. When the towihaul switch has besn pressed, the indicator ight Hal's
Focatee in the Instrument Cluster (C) wil luminate "Tow/Haul- ON", When the switch is pressed agai, tow/naul will be deactivated and the Transmission
Cont! Ingieator Lamp (TCIL) wll tum OFF.
When towinaul mode is activated, the folowing occurs:
All forward gears are avaible.
Shite occur at higher vance speeds to prove vehi acceleration, reduce shit frequency and increase coast braking capably
“TCC operation occurs atlower vehicle speeds to improve vansmssion cooling and eficency.
Upsnia are tomporaly delayed dung hil eresting to reduce ransmsaion rao hunting and to prepare or posible downshifts wile descending a
+ Engine braking is provided in al forard gear postions, D, 2,2 and 1
+ APCM strategy. know as grado braking downshift auiomaicaly proves inceased coast braking to assist he driver in maintaining @ desired
‘ehicle speed wile descending a grade
Transmission Control Indicator Lamp (TCIL)
The TCIL is used along with the towhaulewitch The TCIL fs located near the end of the selector lever and wil iluminate the graphics “TowiHiaul ON" when
the towhaul switch has been pressed. The PCM contol ihe operation ofthe TCIL . The PCM may also Nash the TCL ON/OFF to alr the driver that a
transmiseson operational eror has occurtes when certain fal In mentored sensors, Solenoids of other transmission components are detected
‘Transmission Solenoid Body Assembly
‘The PCM controls the transmission operation through:
hips otechsore deabconnecton com as+ seven VES
+ a TET sensor
+ amanual valve.
+ an overpressurizaion roel valve,
All ofthe above components are located on the solencie body.
‘There isa solenoid dedicated to the function of each clutch. Line pressure and TGC each have their own solenoid. Four solenoids are drecly proportional:
the pressure output is elect proportional tothe applies DC amps, Three solenoids are Inversely proportional the pressure output Is inversely proportional
to the applied DC amps.
Solenoids are keyed to prevent misassembly. The tan wire connectors connect tothe solenoids. There are separate connectors forthe TET sensor and for
the TR sensor. The 24-pin ransmission hamess connector completes the serviceable harness assembly and has serviceable Oving seals.
All ofthe solenoids except the lin pressure solancid can be serviced without remaving the salanoid assembly from the transmission case. The solenoid
‘assembly. which holds the solenoids, is aligned to the transmission case with permanent dowel pins. There i afite-type gasket between the solenoid
assembly and the vansmssion case.
Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor
‘The TET sensor twist-4ocks into the solenoid body. The TET i a temperature-senstve device called a thermistor. As the TET increases, the TET resistance
decreases. The PCM monitors tne vollage across the TET seneor to determine TET The PCM uses the TPT signal as an input to determine old and hot
temperature, sit scheduling and TCC operation
Line Pressure Control Solenoid A (PCA)
‘The line Pressure Contol Solenoid A (PCA) isan inversely proportional 3-por device, The pressure outputs inversely proportional tothe applied DC amps
supplied trough an electronically controlled driver, which varies the curent between O and’t amp rom the PCM. The PCA controls the line pressure
Torque Converter Clutch (TEC) Solenoid
‘The TCC solenci is a directly proportional VES . The pressure ouput ofthis 2-prt device is proportional tothe apaied DC amps supplied through an
slecronicaly controled crver which vares the current setween 0 and 1 amp from the PCM.
Shift Solenoid Pressure Control Solenoids
Tho intermediate (Shit Solenoid Pressure Control C (SSPCC) ), lowreverse (Shit Solencid Pressure Control E (SSPCE) ) and Overrive (O/D) (Shit
Solenoid Pressure Contral 8 (SSPCB) ) clutches are each controlled by a cirecly proportional VES . The coast (Shit Solenoid Pressure Control (SSPCA)
) and the direct clutch (Shit Solenoid Pressure Control D (SSPCD) ) are each controled by an inversely proportional VES . Al shit pressure solenoi¢s are
‘lectronically controled by the PCM wien varies the current from 0 101 amp (arect proporional) or 1 £20 amp (indirectly proportional).
hips otechsore deabconnecton com asLine Pressure Rellef Valve (PRV)
The solenoid bady assembly contain an over-pressurization relief valve that wil Emit the ne pressure through the Pressure Contral Solenoid A(PCA) and
feedback to the pump main regulator valve. The Line Pressure Contra (LPC) relief valve conttals line pressure spikes when col, I this valve als,
concoms wt te fter may be found in the solenoid body assombly.
Transmission Range (TR) Sensor Assembly
‘The TR sensor assambly isan intemally mountsd sensor that includes the detent spring, rooster comb and bracket, located next tothe solenoid body. The
components ofthe TR sensor are factory adjusted to each other and the sensor must be insialled as a calibrated assembly. The TR sensor contains
flectronie creultry that provides tho PCM a fxed frequency at a duly cyte for each ofthe postions ofthe manual lever (PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL,
DRIVE, M3, M2 and M1) to the PCM. The PCM uses the TR sensor signal for engine functions (start, reverse lamps) and for LPG, shit scheduling and
TCC operation
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