Senior Three Ict Paper 2 - 072523
Senior Three Ict Paper 2 - 072523
Senior Three Ict Paper 2 - 072523
You are required to improvise with a re-writable CD, or any storage device for
your work.
All questions should have a hard copy printed out for marking.
1. (a). Using a word processing program of your choice, key in the following piece
Unlike digital cameras with full memory cards that can snap any more pictures, our
brains never seem to run out of room. Yet it defies logic that one adult human brain –
a "blood-soaked sponge," in writer Kurt Vonnegut's words – should be able to
limitlessly record new facts and experiences. Neuro scientists have long tried to
measure our maximum mental volume. However, what scramble any simple
reckoning of memory capacity is the astounding cognitive feats achieved by dedicated
individuals, and people with atypical brains.
Many of us struggle to commit a phone number to memory. How about 67,980 digits?
That's how many digits of pi that Chao Lu of China, a 24-year-old graduate student at
the time, recited in 2005. Chao uttered the string of numbers during a 24-hour stretch
without so much as a bathroom break, breaking the world record.
Savants have pulled off arguably even more amazing performances, capable of
astounding feats of recall, from names and dates to the details of complex visual
scenes. And in rare instances, injuries to previously healthy people have seemingly
triggered "acquired savant syndrome." When Orlando Serrell was 10-years-old, for
example, he was struck by a baseball in the left side of his head. He suddenly found
he could recall countless license plates and compute complex cylindrical items, such
as what day of the week a date from decades ago fell.
c) The line spacing of your document should be set to 1.5 (01 score)
b). Insert a water mark in page two only of this document containing a word THE
c). In page 3 Convert the three paragraphs into three columns of your work. (02
d). Drop cap the first letter in each paragraph and change font colour to red. (03
g). Insert header, your name; footer your class and stream, print one copy. (03 scores)
1.b. the following results were obtained from senior three student at st.Lawrence
schools who obtained the following results in the respective subjects, you are required
to study the results carefully and answer the questions that follows.
3 0001 ASHAVIN 80 75 65
4 0002 LERRY 25 63 45
5 0003 AKI 65 82 32
6 0004 IBU 98 76 95
(a) Use any software of your choice to enter the above results.(03 scores)
(c) Use inbuilt formulas to calculate the total average marks in column F and G ( 04
(d) Calculate the highest mark in BIO and display it in cell D8 (02 scores)
(e) Calculate the lowest mark in CHEM and display it in cell C7 (01 score)
(f) Count the total number of students appearing for the ict test that scored above 50
in cell E9 (01 Score)
2.The table below shows Kiara City High School Bulaga disciplinary committee sat on
5th, November, 2023 and presented the following students for disciplinary actions with
relevant offenses.
(b) Design a table in a design view with appropriate data types and a primary key (02
(c) Use the table created above and enter the data (04 scores)
(d) Use the table in the design view and change the dates to Medium Format (02 scores)
(e) Create a form that can be used to enter the above details in the table. save it as
(f) Create a query from the above data to filter out students who committed the office of
outing. save it as OUTING (03 scores)
(g) Design another query that will be used to filter out students who were dismissed. Save
it as Dismissed Students. (03 scores)
(h) Create a tabular report from the above table and save it as disciplinary report.(04
(i) On the above created report, insert your name as a title, footer as your number, date
and time.( @ 02 scores).
On this slide, include a description of the company’s physical location including the
following: City/ Town, Street and Plot Number
On this slide, include a list at least five hardware accessories COMPUTER POINT
deals in. Consider generating them in a table of 2 columns by 5 rows.
On this slide include a bulleted list of popular software /programs that you will be
Slide Five: CONCLUSION SLIDE (02 scores)
On this slide, include that COMPUTER POINT has other services that can be of
help to the public in the area of stationary and they include:
Type setting
Book printing
Spiral binding
Calendar, Magazines, Fliers and Brochures production.
Photocopying services
(i) Save your presentation as your COMPUTER POINT _Your name. (01
(ii) Insert relevant graphics on slide one to act as a company logo (02 scores)
(iii) Insert a fly-in transition in your presentation (02 scores)
(iv) Insert the current date ie that updates automatically on each slide as footer
(02 scores)
(v) Set your slides to run automatically every after 5 seconds (03 scores)
(vi) Insert your Full Names as a footer to all your slides (02 scores)
(vii) Insert relevant graphics, designs and use appropriate font style in your
slides.(05 scores)
(viii) Print a hand out of your presentation all slides on one page. (03 scores)