MyELT - PW1 - U1 - LS - Lesson B - KEY

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VOCABULARY SKILL: Recognizing Word Families

Type in the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

manager initiative although in charge of pollution

presentation organized search physical effect
1. I’m ___________________ five other employees at work.
2. I often have to ___________________ for my keys in the morning.
3. Who’s giving the ___________________ on job opportunities at 10:00?
4. I’d like to talk to the ___________________ about a job.
5. If we drive less, we will have less air ___________________.
6. Coffee has a bad ___________________ on my brother. He can’t sleep.
7. Our company is starting a(n) ___________________ to help people become healthier.
8. There are a lot of things to plan for the meeting. We need to be ___________________.
9. I like to do ___________________ work – walking, lifting, anything where I can move my body.
10. She doesn’t have a job yet __________________ she applies to a few jobs every week.


1. I'm IN CHARGE OF FIVE other employees at work.

2. I often have to SEARCH for my keys in the morning.

3. Who's giving the PRESENTATION on job opportunities at 10:00?

4. I'd like to talk to the MANAGER about a job.

5. If we drive less, we will have less air POLLUTION.

6. Coffee has a bad EFFECT on my brother. He can't sleep.

7. Our company is starting a(n) INITIATIVE to help people become healthier.

8. There are a lot of things to plan for the meeting. We need to be ORGANIZED.

9. I like to do PHYSICAL work—walking, lifting, anything where I can move my body.

10. She doesn't have a job yet ALTHOUGH she applies to a few jobs every week.

December 30, 1899 1


Choose the correct answer.

1. Nurses are in charge of __________.

A. patient’s medication B. hospital buildings C. doctors’ salaries

2. Exercise has a(n) __________ effect on my health.

A. bad B. good C. ordinary

3. Pollution can cause __________.

A. adventures B. happiness C. problems

4. Angela is helping me search for __________.

A. travel B. the sun C. my phone

5. This initiative will __________.

A. describe my job B. make the water cleaner C. communicate to others

6. We need a really organized person to __________.

A. take a beautiful photo B. make a schedule that will C. watch the television show

7. Although the job pays well, __________.

A. it's a good opportunity B. it's really interesting C. she doesn't like it

8. An example of a physical job is __________.

A. an office worker B. a firefighter C. a salesperson

December 30, 1899 2


Match each word to its definition. You will not use two words.

in charge of manager search organized although

presentation pollution effect physical

a person who supervises the dirtying of air, a result an explanation or

others; a boss earth, or water by description that you
harmful substances give to others

to look for related to the body even though (to show a a new plan to deal
contrasting idea with a problem

a person who supervises the dirtying of air, a result an explanation or
others; a boss earth, or water by description that you
harmful substances give to others
manager pollution effect presentation

to look for related to the body even though (to show a a new plan to deal
contrasting idea with a problem

search physical although initiative

December 30, 1899 3


Listen to a conversation between an employee and her manager. Choose the correct word or phrase to
complete each sentence.

1. Irena's manager is asking Irena to A. give a presentation/ B. prepare a report.

2. The students are studying the effects of pollution on A. rivers and lakes/ B. cities and towns.
3. Irena is in charge of the A. the Clean Streams Initiative/ B. the Clear Air Initiative
4. Irena has shown she is very A. creative/ B. organized
5. Her manager thinks a A. slide show/ B. discussion group is a good idea.
6. They can include information on levels of pollution and A. things people are doing to reduce pollution/
B. some effects of pollution on health.
7. They can use photos to show differences A. in plant and animal life/ B. before and after cleanup
8. In addition to physical work, their organization also helps with A. education/ B. technology.

1. Irena's manager is asking Irena to A. give a presentation/ B. prepare a report.
2. The students are studying the effects of pollution on A. rivers and lakes/ B. cities and towns.
3. Irena is in charge of the A. the Clean Streams Initiative/ B. the Clear Air Initiative
4. Irena has shown she is very A. creative/ B. organized
5. Her manager thinks a A. slide show/ B. discussion group is a good idea.
6. They can include information on levels of pollution and A. things people are doing to reduce pollution/
B. some effects of pollution on health.
7. They can use photos to show differences A. in plant and animal life/ B. before and after cleanup
8. In addition to physical work, their organization also helps with A. education/ B. technology.

December 30, 1899 4

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