117 Quizzes Midterm Finals
117 Quizzes Midterm Finals
117 Quizzes Midterm Finals
11. The statement that would be most appropriate for the nurse to use in 15. After Georgie has been taking lithium for 2 weeks, she complains of vomiting,
interviewing a newly admitted, 35-year-old, depressed client whose having diarrhea and slurring her words. Which of the following represents the
thoughts focus on feelings of unworthiness and failure would be: most appropriate nursing action?
1. "Tell me how you feel about yourself." A. Tell Georgie that these symptoms of mild toxicity that will go away as she
2. "Tell me what has been bothering you."
becomes reaccustomed to the lithium.
3. "Why do you feel so bad about yourself?"
4. "What can we do to help you during your stay with us?" B. Immediately call the physician to inform her of Georgie’s symptoms and hold
her next lithium dose.
12. An activity that would be most appropriate for a depressed client during C. Check to see that her last lithium level was safely between 1 and 2 mEg/L
the early part of hospitalization would be a: D. Tell her to lie down, immediately drawing a blood glucose and giving her
orange juice.
1. Game of Trivial Pursuit
2. Project involving drawing 16. Therapeutic lithium levels range between
3. Small dance-therapy group
4. Card game with three other clients
A. 2.0 to 7.9 mEq/L
13. A female client is hospitalized because of a severe depression. while at B. 0.01 to 0.05 mEq/L
home she refused to eat, stayed in bed most of the time and did not talk with C. 1.0 to 1.5 mEq/L
family members. finally, unable to cope with the problem, her husband took D. 2.5 to 3.0 mEq/L
her to the hospital. here the symptoms persist and she will not leave her
room. the nurse caring for her attempts to talk to her, asking questions but 17. A 35-year-old client with depression lost his job and most of his investments
receiving no answers. finally, in exasperation, the nurse tells the client that if because of his own unethical business practices. He states his family would be
she does not respond she will be left alone. The nurse: better off without him because of the shame he has brought to them. How should
the nurse respond to this statement?
A. Recognizes that the client has the right to make the decision
B. Attempts to use reward and punishment to motivate the client A. “Tell me more about the shame you feel?”
C. Is really assaulting the client and should have reframed from this B. “Are you thinking of killing yourself?”
D. Should get her involved in group therapy rather than attempting one to one C. “Has your wife told you she wants a divorce?”
therapy D. “You appear depressed.”
18. Dysthymia refers to A. tell the patient to stop doing it.
A. A less severe form of depressive disorder B. Criticized patient for doing it.
B. A less severe form of bipolar 1 disorder C. Tell the patient you are going to inform the physician about the behavior
C. Normal sad moods that most people feel from time to time D. Quietly leave the room
D. A mood disorder related to dysfunction of the thymus gland
2. A female client is saying sexually provocative remarks to a male physician in the
19. A 25-year-old male client has been in patient treatment for severe depression unit. The nurse should
for 3 weeks. He will be discharged soon, and the nurse is evaluating the A. attempt to understand the meaning of the client’s sexual behavior
effectiveness if the plan of care. Which outcome is the most appropriate indicator B. distract client’s attention by giving her a task to completion
that the client’s depression is resolving sufficiently for safe discharge? C. Identify client’s need for sexual health education
D. None of the Above
A. The client has resumed caring for his physical appearance and always appears
clean and groomed. 3. The most important benefit of group therapy is:
B. The client denies wanting to commit suicide A. Provide opportunity to improve social skills
C. The client expresses a willingness to begin tapering his medication. B. Help the client develop greater insight into himself and his problems through
D. The client will sit in the public areas and will speak when addressed. feedback from the group
C. Provides opportunity to use the client’s strength and build self-esteem.
20. Which of the following variables has the most impact on relapse prevention D. A means of getting support and encouragement from the other persons.
for clients with depressive or bipolar disorders?
4. Dennis and Yna are newly married couple and are interested to know more
A. Strong social support about sexuality. “Which of the following characteristics is indicative that the
B. High Economic Status couple are sexually healthy. The couple
C. Stress-management skills A. Exhibit congruence of the various components of sexual identity
D. Medication Adherence B. Manifest ability to a lasting relationship identity
C. Express their love through sexual intercourse
D. Demonstrate an integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual, and social
aspects of sexual well-being.
5. Which of the following are physiologic changes during the excitement phase of
the male sexual response cycle?
A. Develops a recurring contractions of the muscles of the penis and deep
SABIO QUIZZES B. A high level of sexual tension is maintained.
C. Heart and respiration may double and BP rises 67% above the resting level.
D. Vasocongestion of the penis shaft is diminished
psychosexual 6. Family therapy is the treatment of choice in one of the following situations
1. When a nurse sees a patient masturbating in his room, she should do one of
A. There is a need to uncover repressed feelings and concern of the clients
the following
B. There is a need to provide an environment adapted to the individual client’s C. Problems with Sexual Fantasies
names D. An individual is dissatisfied with their own biological sex and have a strong
C. The primary problem is related marital conflict or sibling rivalry desire to be a member of
D. The client requested for this type of therapy opposite sex
7. Psychosexual disorders in which significant distress or an impairment in a 12. A patient who is being treated at the community health clinic complains of
domain of functioning results from recurrent intense sexual urges, fantasies, or lack of sexual desire and mentions the problems this is causing in her marriage.
behaviors generally involving unusual object or situation, is defined as Which of the following data is likely related to her
A. Psychological problems sexual dysfunction?
B. Paraphilia a. Being an adopted only child
C. Sexual problems b. Taking an antidepressant medication
D. None of the above. c. Growing up in a dysfunctional family
d. Living in an isolated area in the country
8. A disorder that is characterized by a sexual fixation, fantasies, or behaviors
towards an in animate objects, called? 3. Which assessment question demonstrates knowledge of possible risk factors
A. Fetishism for the development of a paraphilic disorder?
B. Voyeurism
C. Sexual Sadism a. "When were you first diagnosed with schizophrenia?"
D. Sexual Masochism b. "Are you aware of a family history of obsessive-compulsive disorder?
C. "When did you begin relying on printed pornography as a sexual stimulant?
9. The condition of experiencing sexual arousal in response to the extreme pain, d. "Why do you find it difficult to take your prescribed antianxiety medication?"
suffering or humiliation of others is termed as?
A. Sexual Sadism 14. Sexual dysfunction may be closely associated with relationship problems. One
B. Sexual Fetishism way that this can be explored is through:
C. Sadomasochism a. Psychoanalysis
D. Voyeurism b. Self-instructional training
c. Couples therapy
10. According to DSM V, a confirmatory diagnosis of Paraphilia's can be made only d. Orgasmic orientation training
if the behaviour persists for
a. 3 15. Female sexual arousal disorder is defined primarily in terms of a deficiency in
b. 2 a physical or physiological response and as a result may be caused by a range of
C. 6 physical or physiological factors, including
d. 9 a. Hormone imbalances
b. Diabetes
11. In disorders of sexuality and sexual functioning the term gender identity c. Medications
disorder refers to d. All of the above
A. Problems with sexual fantasies
B. Sexual urges or fantasies involving unusual sources of gratification problems
16. A male client has undergone surgery for the repair of an abdominal aortic
aneurysm. Which of the following responses is most appropriate to the client's 21. A 33-year-old female tells the nurse she has never had an orgasm. She tells
wife when she asks if her husband will be impotent? the nurse that her partner is upset that he can't meet her needs. Which of the
a. "Don't worry; he will be all right." following nursing interventions is most appropriate?
b. "He has other problems to worry about.” a. Ask the client if she desires intercourse.
c. "We will cross that bridge when we come to it." b. Assess the couple's perception of the problem.
d. "There's a chance of impotence after repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm." c. Tell the client that most women don't reach orgasm.
d. Refer the client to a therapist because she has sexual aversion disorder.
17. Which of the following discharge instructions would be most accurate to
provide to a female client who has suffered a spinal cord injury at the C4 level?
a. After a spinal cord injury, women usually remain fertile; therefore, you may
c. Sexual intercourse shouldn't be different for you.
b. After a spinal cord injury, women are usually unable to conceive a child.
d. After a spinal cord injury, menstruation usually stops.
18. Which of the following permanent complications might the nurse expect to
see in a client who has
just undergone a perineal prostatectomy?
a. Bleeding
b. Erectile dysfunction
c. Infection YBOA (MIDTERM)
d. Pneumonia
19. A client is admitted to the hospital for treatment of pedophilia and tells the 38. Mr. Bartowski who is newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis asks
nurse that he doesn't want to talk to her about his sexual behaviors. Which of the the community nurse how stress can affect his disease. The nurse would
following responses from the nurse is most appropriate? explain that:
a. "I need to ask you the questions on the database." A, the psychological experience of stress will not affect symptoms of
b. "It is your right not to answer my questions." physical disease.
c. "OK, I'll just write 'no comment."
B. psychological stress can cause painful emotions, which are harmful to a
d. "I know this must be difficult for you."
person with an illness.
20. Which of the following treatments might be used for a patient with gender C, stress can overburden the body's immune system, and therefore one
identity disorder? can experience increased symptoms.
a. Group therapy D. the body's stress response is stimulated when there are major
b. Surgical sexual reassignment disruptions in one's life.
c. Relaxation techniques
d. Antipsychotic agent
39. David is preoccupied with numerous bodily complaints even after a careful 43. You walk into your patients' room and find her sobbing uncontrollably. When
diagnostic workup reveals no physiologic problems. Which nursing intervention you ask what the problem is your patient responds "I am so scared. I have never
would be therapeutic for him? known anyone who goes into a hospital and comes out alive." On this patient's
A. Acknowledge that the complaints are real to the client, and refocus the client care plan you note a nursing diagnosis of "Ineffective coping related to stress".
on other concerns and problems. What is the best outcome you can expect for this patient?
B. Challenge the physical complaints by confronting the client with the normal a) Patient will avoid stressful situations.
diagnostic findings. b) Patient will start anti-anxiety agent.
C. Ignore the client's complaints, but request that the client keep a list of all c) Patient will adapt relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
symptoms. d) Patient will be stress free.
D. Listen to the client's complaints carefully, and question him about specific
symptoms. 44. A nurse is caring for a client who is grieving the loss of a spouse. The nurse
understands that grief is a combination of various factors including all except:
40. A middle-aged woman's father has passed away, and her mother requires a. Moral
physical and emotional help due to disabilities. The woman is married and raising b. Psychological
two children, along with working full time. All of the factors described are c. Biological
d. Behavioral
a) Stressors
b) Demands 45. A nurse is conducting a grief and loss assessment interview and understands
c) Illnesses that the current loss, the history of previous losses, and lifestyle are all a part of
d) Stimuli this assessment. What question will the nurse ask the client to assess the current
41. An adolescent entering high school voices anxiety over changing schools. a. "Do you drink on a regular basis?"
Stating anxiety is an act of b. "Are you having trouble carrying on with your normal activities?"
a) Valuation c. "What types of coping mechanisms have you employed to work through your
b) Adaptation grief?
c) Evaluation d. "Do you have an active support system?"
42. You are the nurse caring for a 72-year-old female who is recovering from 46. The concept system for classifying and diagnosing mental disorders was
abdominal surgery on the Medical Surgical unit. The surgery was very stressful established by the
and prolonged and you note on the chart that her blood sugars are elevated yet a. American Nurses Association
she in not been diagnosed with diabetes. To what do you attribute this elevation b. Professional Regulation Commission
in blood sugars? c. American Psychiatric Association
d. American Mental Health Association
a) It is a result of antidiuretic hormone.
b) She must have had diabetes prior to surgery. 47. A client is admitted for surgery. Although not physically distressed, the client
c) She has become a diabetic from the abdominal surgery. appears apprehensive and withdrawn. What is the nurse's best action?
d) The blood sugars are probably a result of the "fight-or-flight" reaction 1. Orient the client to the unit environment.
2. Have a copy of hospital regulations available.
3. Explain that there is no reason to be concerned.
4. Reassure the client that the staff is available to answer questions.
48. An acutely ill client with the diagnosis of schizophrenia has just been admitted
to the mental health unit. When working with this client initially, the nurse's most
therapeutic action should be to:
1. Spend time with the client to build trust and demonstrate acceptance
2. Involve the client in occupational therapy and use diversional activity
3. Delay one-to-one interactions until medications reduce psychiatric symptoms
4. Involve the client in multiple small-group discussions to distract attention from
the fantasy world
49. The statement that best describes the practice of psychiatric nursing is:
a. Helps people with present or potential mental health problems
b. Ensures clients' legal and ethical rights by acting as a client advocate SABIO (MIDTERM)
c. Focuses interpersonal skills on people with physical or emotional problems 1. An 18-year old college student, Glady's has lost 35 lbs. for five weeks.
d. Acts in a therapeutic way with people who are diagnosed as having a mental Her parents brought her to take hospital for medical evaluation. The
disorder working diagnosis: Anorexia nervosa. Upon admission, Gladys says to the
nurse, "Why am I here. I am not sick. I don't have any health problem."
50. A nurse asks the supervisor, “What coping strategy could I develop to prevent This statement exemplifies a common defense mechanism used by
over-responding to stress in the future?” The supervisor could best respond
anorectic client known as one of the following
a. Monitor your problem solving skills
b. Improve your time management skills
a. Conversion
c. Ignore situations that you can change b. Denial
d. Develop a wide variety of coping strategies c. Regression
d. Suppression
a. Focuses on identifying the stressors in the client's life 12. A client is experiencing anxiety attack. The most appropriate nursing
b. Help the client develop problem solving skills intervention should include?
c. Focusing on the coping mechanism which was used by the client a. Turning on the television
d. All persons experiencing crisis present similar b. Leaving the client alone
c. Staying with client and speak in short sentences
8. Which of the following best describes a crisis state which will help the d. Ask the client to play with other clients
nurse develop a plan of care for the client?
13. Nurse Claire is caring for a client diagnosed with bulimia! The most d. Positive body image
appropriate initial goal for a client diagnosed with bulimia is?
a. Encourage to avoid foods 18. When planning the discharge of a client with chronic anxiety. Nurse
b. Identity anxiety causing situations Chris evaluates achievement of the discharge maintenance goals. Which
c. Eat only three meals a day goal would be most appropriately having been included in the plan of care
d. Avoid shopping plenty of groceries requiring evaluation?
A. The client eliminates all anxiety from daily situation
14. To establish open and trusting relationship with a female client who b. The client ignores feelings of anxiety
has been hospitalized nurse in charge should? c. The client identifies anxiety producing situations
a. Encourage the staff to have frequent interaction with the client d. The client maintains contact with a crisis counselor
b. Share an activity with the client
c. Give client feedback about behavior 19. Nurse Cardo is caring for a client diagnosed with bulimia. The most
d. Respect client’s need for personal space appropriate initial goal for a client diagnosed with bulimia is to:
a. Avoid shopping for large amounts of food.
15. Linda is pacing the floor and appears extremely anxious. The duty nurse b. Control eating
approaches in an attempt to alleviate Linda's anxiety. The most therapeutic c. Identify anxiety-causing situations
question by the nurse would be? d. Eat only three meals per day
a. Would you like to watch TV? 20. Lovie a nursing student is anxious about the upcoming board
b. Would you like me to talk with you? examination but is able to study intently and does not become distracted
c. Are feeling upset now? by a roommate's talking and loud music. The student's ability to ignore
d. Ignore the client distractions and to focus on studying demonstrates:
a. Mild-level anxiety
16. Nurse Penny is aware that the symptoms that distinguish post- b. Panic-level anxiety
traumatic stress disorder from other anxiety disorder would be: c. Severe-level anxiety
A. Avoidance of situation & certain activities that resemble the stress d. Moderate-level anxiety
B. Depression and a blunted affect when discussing the traumatic situation
C. Lack of interest in family & others 21. Anxiety is
D. Re-experiencing the trauma in dreams or flashback a. An abnormal response to everyday stress
b. A sense of psychological distress
17. A characteristic that would suggest to Nurse Anne that an adolescent c. A physiological response to stress
may have bulimia would be e. A normal response to everyday stress
a. Frequent regurgitation & re-swallowing of food s
b. Previous history of gastritis 22. Mild levels of Anxiety result in
c. Badly stained teeth a. A heightened sense of awareness
b. Distorted sensory awareness c. Problem-solving strategies
c. Mild forgetfulness d. Controlled breathing techniques
d. Impaired ability to concentrate
27. A nurse is discussing treatment options with client has intense fear of
23. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by snakes. The nurse correctly describes the treatment approach when she
a. Excessive worry or anxiety lasting more than 6 months makes which of the following?
b. Flashbacks and feelings of unreality a. “You will meet weekly with a psychiatrist who will discuss childhood
c. Fear of going outdoors issues with you”
d. Repetitive, ritualized behavior b. “You will be treated with medications; antidepressants that affect
serotonin levels are the treatment of choice for phobias”
24. A Client comes to the mental health clinic saying she has been “on c. “You will be gradually exposed to the object you fear until you become
edge” lately. She states she has been preoccupied with work, is making desensitized to it”
mistakes because she can’t concentrate, and is forgetting important d. “You will be taught a problem-solving technique that will help you
meetings. She says she thinks she’s going crazy. These symptoms of anxiety manage everyday stress, which is contributing to your phobic response”
a. affective 28. A nurse is developing a care plan for a female client with post-
b. physiologic traumatic stress disorder. Which of the following would she do initially?
c. cognitive A. Instruct the client to use distraction techniques to cope with flashbacks.
d. behavior B. Encourage the client to put the past in proper perspective.
C. Encourage the client to verbalize thoughts and feelings about the
25. A client with generalized anxiety disorders states she is worried about trauma.
her finances. She has substantial savings that are managed by reputable D. Avoid discussing the traumatic event with the client.
financial company. She says she is afraid the company will go bankrupt and
she will lose her money. Which response by the nurse is most therapeutic? 29. The psychiatric nurse uses cognitive-behavioral techniques when
a. “It’s sounds to me like you have managed your money responsibly” working with a client who experiences panic attacks. Which of the
b “Your money is insured; there is no need to worry” following techniques are common to this theoretical framework? (Select all
c. “Has something changed that is causing you to worry” that apply.)
d. “Why do you think the company will go bankrupt?” A. Administering anti-anxiety medication as prescribed
B. Encouraging the client to restructure thoughts
26. A 40- year old man with a history of panic attacks complains that his C. Helping the client to use controlled relaxation breathing
attacks are becoming more frequent. He is a good and health and exercises D. Helping the client examine evidence of stressors
regularly. He states he occasionally drinks wine with dinner. Which of the E. Questioning the client about early childhood relationships
following interventions should the nurse discussed with the client? F. Teaching the client about anxiety and panic
a. Desensitization
b. Lifestyle challenges
that she often removes "old" makeup and applies fresh makeup every hour
31. Mandy, a nurse who works at Nurseslabs Rehabilitation Center is or two throughout the day. The nurse identifies this behavior as indicative
assessing a client for recent stressful life events. She recognizes that of a
stressful life events are both: a. Acute stress disorder
a. desirable and growth-promoting. b. Generalized anxiety disorder
b. positive and negative. c. Panic disorder
c. undesirable and harmful. d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
d. predictable and controllable.
34. When assessing a client with anxiety, the nurse’s questions should be:
32. During a community visit, volunteer nurses teach stress management a. Avoided until the anxiety is gone
to the participants. The nurses will most likely advocate which belief as a b. Open ended
method of coping with stressful life events? c. Postponed until the client volunteer information
a. Avoidance of stress is an important goal for living. d. Specific and Direct
b. Control over one's response to stress is possible.
c. Most people have no control over their level of stress. 35. During the assessment, the client tells the nurse that she cannot stop
d. Significant others are important to provide care and concern. worrying about her appearance and
that she often removes "old" makeup and applies fresh makeup every hour
33. Genevieve only attends social events when a family member is also or two throughout the day. The nurse identifies this behavior as indicative
present. She exhibits behavior typical of which anxiety disorder? of a
a. Agoraphobia a. Acute stress disorder
b. Generalized Anxiety disorder b. Generalized anxiety disorder
c. Obsessive Compulsive behavior c. Panic disorder
d. Post-traumatic stress disorder d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
34. When assessing a client with anxiety, the nurse’s questions should be: 36. The best goal for a client learning a relaxation technique is that the
client will
a. Avoided until the anxiety is gone a. Confront the source of anxiety directly
b. Open ended b. Experience anxiety without feeling overwhelmed
c. Postponed until the client volunteer information c. Report no episodes of anxiety
d. Specific and Direct d. Suppress anxious thoughts
35. During the assessment, the client tells the nurse that she cannot stop 37. The nurse observes a client who is becoming increasingly upset. He is
worrying about her appearance and rapidly pacing, hyperventilating, clenching his jaw, wringing his hands, and
trembling. His speech is high pitched and random; he seems preoccupied
with his thoughts. He is pounding his fist into his other hand. The nurse
identifies his anxiety level as
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Severe
d. Panic