Staking Out Climate Risk
Staking Out Climate Risk
Staking Out Climate Risk
Chief Investment Strategist EMEA & APAC
Director, Portfolio Strategy
Although the world is currently in the grips of the COVID-19 JAMES D. MCDONALD
pandemic, and global carbon emissions have declined sharply, Chief Investment Strategist
we expect climate risk to come back on the political agenda
before long. There have been calls to preserve environmental
gains such as better air quality in urban areas and there will be a
push to “remake” economies in a more sustainable manner. As OVERVIEW
a result, even though climate risk may not seem as pertinent as • Climate risk is the threat that global
before, it is still important for investors to think about climate warming could negatively impact
economic growth, inflation and
risk and its potential implications. investment returns.
• The market likely will re-price
What Does Climate Risk Mean to Investors? securities well ahead of the
regulations and physical damage
From an investor’s perspective, climate changes pose a great threat, which that climate change will cause.
could negatively impact economic growth, inflation and investment returns. We • There is tremendous value in
differentiate between two types of climate risk: physical risk and transition risk. preparing for climate risk with
strategies that tilt investors away
Physical risk is the risk of damage to land, buildings or infrastructure because of from the biggest risks.
droughts, storms and flooding. Transition risk is the risk to businesses or assets
because of policy, legal and market changes as the world seeks to transition to a
lower-carbon economy.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has provided four main
scenarios for future carbon emissions and associated global warming projections
called representative concentration pathways (RCPs). They are based on human
emissions of greenhouse gases from all sources. The IPCC chose the scenarios
to represent a broad range of climate outcomes. In effect, each scenario has a
certain “carbon budget” that puts a limit on global emissions. As the world uses up
that budget, future physical climate risks will increase along with the likelihood of a
regulatory response. We believe full implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement
to address the negative effects of climate change is aligned with the “RCP 4.5,” with
an annual global warming increase of 1.4°C a year from 2046 to 2065.
The scenarios show that climate risk has a long lead time, limiting their impact on
economic growth and inflation over the next five years. For instance, even if the
Paris Agreement is implemented in full, its impact over the next five years would
be small. Even more, since the first evaluation is scheduled for 2023, any changes
in targets or implementation methods would occur after our strategic investment
630 1.3
2000 2015 2030 2045 2060 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5
Source: Northern Trust Asset Management, Assessment Report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). *Four representation concentration pathways
(RCPs) were selected by the IPCC and defined by their total radiative forcing (cumulative measure of human emissions of greenhouse gases from all sources
expressed in watts per square meter) pathway and level by 2100. The RCPs were chosen to represent a broad range of climate outcomes, based on a literature
review, and are neither IPCC forecasts nor policy recommendations.
That being said, we assume that climate risk grows as the world uses up its carbon
budget associated with different levels of global warming. The political will to The trajectory of global
confront climate change likely will grow, which should result in more business emissions over the next
regulation in the next five years. Investors will start picking winners and losers. five years matters because
it likely will be increasingly
When Climate Risk Affects Investors, and How unacceptable politically.
The added political
Obviously, it is very difficult to not only predict how climate risk will evolve over time urgency should result in
but also how it will impact investors. The scenario analysis above gives investors a more business regulation
high-level sense of what the future may hold, but we shouldn’t stop there. There is in the next five years, and
tremendous value in proactively building resilience into portfolios to mitigate the investors will start picking
biggest climate risks. This allows investors to lower climate risk exposure without winners and losers.
needing to predict exactly how climate risk will evolve and impact financial markets.
On a high level, we believe transition risk will be the key climate-change risk in the
next five years, which as a reminder means the potential for significant climate-
related regulations on businesses. We expect transition risk will be reflected in
those asset classes that are most exposed to it — most notably natural resources,
global listed infrastructure and an assortment of equity sectors. Financial markets
are almost always one step ahead and we don’t think this time will be different.
For natural resources, with its large carbon-intensive fuel exposure, future transition
risk will act as a headwind. We have lowered our return expectations accordingly.
The reverse is true for global listed infrastructure. Large investments will be made
in areas like sustainable energy, electricity grids and water management. These
investments represent growth opportunities. Some sectors, such as utilities, energy
and materials will likely face headwinds because of their carbon-intensive footprint.
Sectors such as health care, communication services and information technology
will either not be affected or only to a very limited degree. In fact, within technology
there will likely be some opportunities to aid the transition to a lower carbon world,
for instance among semiconductor producers.
The first step to prepare an investment portfolio for climate risk is to take
advantage of the wholesale gathering of company data and sustainability ratings,
both spurred by the rise of sustainable investing strategies and the adoption of
frameworks such as the Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosure (TCFD). TCFD is a consortium established in 2015 to develop
a voluntary, consistent framework for use by companies to disclose climate-
related financial risk to investors and other stakeholders. As of 2019, it has been
adopted by more than 1,100 companies, and we expect this to only grow in the
coming years. One goal of this framework is to support companies in defining the
standardized disclosure necessary to facilitate the financial markets to measure,
price and manage climate risks. The standards also service as a framework for
engagement to encourage companies to standardize this reporting.
Beyond the TCFD, data providers continue to evolve and enhance their climate
modelling along both the physical and transition lines with several of those metrics
allowing investors to measure companies’ exposure to environmental related risks
and evaluate the financial impact of climate-related shocks.
Of course, before diving into the analysis we have to acknowledge that there
are limitations with each data provider and that their ratings may not necessarily The first step to prepare
correlate with each other. The analysis below uses the MSCI Environmental an investment portfolio
constituent ratings which are collated and modified to help provide actionable for climate risk is to take
guidance for managing the risks of our clients’ portfolios. advantage of the wholesale
gathering of company data
ESG Scores and Their Limitations and sustainability ratings,
both spurred by the rise
A fund level environmental score is simply a weighted average summary of the of sustainable investing
scores of the fund’s holdings. Each company receives a score on exposure to a risk strategies.
and the ability to manage it, with zero being the worst and 10 being the best. The
fund level scores are valuable when comparing multiple products and benchmarks
to authenticate environmental features. The fund level scores are valuable not just
to provide an asset class or total portfolio score, but also to compare products
against their benchmarks and each other.
Exhibit 3 presents the environmental scores from MSCI’s ESG ratings for five
alternatively weighted indices, including two ESG focused along with non-ESG
counterparts. For illustration purposes, these indices will be benchmarked against
the MSCI USA Investable Market Index.
Source: MSCI BarraOne, FactSet, Morningstar Direct. Index holdings as of February 28, 2020. See index definitions on the last page
Note that the Morningstar U.S. Sustainable Leaders Index holds a high overall
environmental score versus the U.S. market index. The Morningstar index’s The utility of the scoring
strong climate change score is based on the underlying companies’ proficient system is synonymous
management of carbon emissions and footprint . The utility of the scoring system to that of credit ratings
is synonymous to that of credit ratings within fixed income. within fixed income.
Competing products may
Competing products may have a similar top-level environmental score, but have a similar top-level
performance can vary significantly depending on the selection and weighting of environmental score, but
constituents that sum up to an overall score. Therefore, the scores in isolation do performance can vary
not provide any context for expected returns or performance variability of the significantly depending
funds. on the selection and
Climate Risk by Sector weighting of constituents
that sum up to an overall
To provide insight into how these scores can be used to prepare for climate risk, score.
we begin by creating a climate risk factor and then use that factor to perform a
scenario stress test analysis. This analysis is useful to measure potential losses if and
when a climate-related market stress event occurs. For our factor, we selected the
MSCI carbon emissions score which captures a company’s carbon intensity as well
as their efficiency in managing their emissions per unit of sales.
To create the carbon emissions risk factor, we first group all companies in the MSCI
USA IMI Index into four quartiles based on their carbon emissions scores. The
fourth quartile contains companies with lower emissions scores, which are very
likely to face increased costs linked to carbon pricing or regulatory caps versus
peers in the first quartile. The risk factor’s return series is then constructed bygoing
long companies in the fourth quartile and shorting those in the first quartile.
The long-short process creates a market-neutral factor amplifying the return
differences between companies found in both quartile groups. A product with a
high sensitivity to the return variation of this factor indicates a positive exposure to
companies with poor carbon emissions scores, thus higher carbon risk.
0.14 0.15 0.03
0.04 0.04
-0.17 -0.08
Energy Materials Industrials Cons Cons Health Financials Info Comm Utilities Real
Discs Staples Care Tech Svc Estate
Source: MSCI BarraOne, FactSet, Morningstar Direct. Index holdings as of February 28, 2020. See index definitions on the last page.
Revisiting our benchmark and list of indices, we are able to quantify and compare
climate related risk using the carbon emissions factor. With its clean environment
focus, we expect the Morningstar U.S. Sustainable Leaders Index to have a low
sensitivity to the carbon emissions factor. The regression analysis in Exhibit 5
confirmed this with the Index reporting the lowest sensitivity (beta = 0.08), thus
supporting its strong focus on selecting companies that manage climate risk
efficiently. This low beta implies that as the carbon emissions factor’s performance
varies by +/- 1%, we expect the index to have the smallest performance impact
varying by +/- 0.08%.
By applying a +/- 20% return shock to the carbon emissions factor, we can quantify
an expected return spread for each index and the benchmark. Indices with a lower
sensitivity to the factor are expected to be less vulnerable to the factor’s price
0.19 0.20
Sust Leaders Enhanced Value Dividend Yield Diversified Multi-Factor
Source: MSCI BarraOne, FactSet, Morningstar Direct. Index holdings as of February 28, 2020. See index definitions on the last page.
3.9 3.6 3.9
-3.9 -3.6 -3.9
Sustainable Leaders Enhanced Value Diversified Multi-Factor
Source: MSCI BarraOne, Morningstar Direct. Returns are from January 2013 to December 2019. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. See index
definitions on the last page.
And being ahead of the curve does not necessarily mean mapping out every
global warming scenario and analyzing every possible climate risk. Using ESG
criteria while evaluating investments is an important way to mitigate long term
climate risk that cannot yet be quantified and analyzed. It will actively tilt investors
away from companies with business models that are more exposed to the
negative impacts of climate change while pointing them towards those that are
more likely to benefit from the new environment.
LEARN MORE To learn more about sustainable investing at Northern Trust Asset
Management, visit our sustainable investing web page
The Morningstar US Sustainability Leaders Index includes U.S. large-cap stocks that have the lowest environmental, social, and governance
(ESG) risk in their parent universe. The MSCI USA Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Index includes exposure to large- and mic-cap
companies with outstanding environmental, social and governance ratings and excludes companies whose products have negative social
or environmental impacts. The MSCI USA Enhanced Value Index captures large and mid-cap representation across the US equity markets
exhibiting overall value style characteristics. The MSCI USA High Dividend Yield Index reflects the performance of equities with higher dividend
income and quality characteristics than average dividend yields that are both sustainable and persistent. The MSCI USA Diversified Multiple-
Factor Index aims to maximize exposure to four factors — value, momentum, quality and low size — while maintaining a risk profile similar to
that of the underlying parent index. The MSCI USA Investable Market Index (IMI) is designed to measure the performance of the large, mid
and small cap segments of the US market.
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