007.LV9.Famous Disasters - Chernobyl 1986
007.LV9.Famous Disasters - Chernobyl 1986
007.LV9.Famous Disasters - Chernobyl 1986
Level 9
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which has no taste or smell and cannot be seen by the human The Chernobylites
eye. If radiation is not properly contained or controlled, Immediately after the
it can spread rapidly through the environment, damaging explosion, workers from
tissues and cells and making people and other living things surrounding areas flooded
very sick. in to control the disaster at
A section of the Chernobyl nuclear plant blew up after a the plant. These men, called
safety test went wrong. The accident released a huge amount liquidators, worked for only
of this radiation into the atmosphere, creating the eerie glow short amounts of time, trying
seen from Pripyat. The fallout settled thickly over Ukraine to minimize their exposure.
as well as over Belarus and Russia, contaminating streets, But some later said they
buildings, fields, forests, and bodies of water. Winds blew tasted metal and felt prickly
A monument to the liquidators
more of the radioactive material over central and northern sensations. After the cleanup, in Chernobyl
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next to him in class because he was “radioactive.” problems. In parts of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia, children
were born with abnormal body parts and life-threatening
Assessing the Damage diseases. Mental health problems
It is estimated that such as depression and anxiety
over 300,000 people have been especially troublesome.
across Europe were Many feel as though Chernobyl
forced to relocate as has filled their lives with a sense of
a result of Chernobyl. doom; they live in constant fear for
The universal sign for
Millions continue to dangerous radiation the health of their family members.
suffer from cancer, Many buildings and homes were abandoned.
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safety practices at nuclear power plants, along with But the world’s worst environmental disaster has also
construction of better equipment. But debates about turned into an environmental miracle. After the towns
nuclear energy are likely to continue for many years. And in the exclusion zone were abandoned, grass and weeds
the disaster at Chernobyl, with its millions of victims, is a slowly began covering buildings and streets. Trees sprang
chilling reminder of the dangers involved. up everywhere. Today people regularly spot birds and
other animals such as wolves, horses, and moose. To
An Environmental Miracle everyone’s amazement the
Today Pripyat is a radioactive area around
ghost town, empty except Chernobyl is now one of
for abandoned buildings Europe’s largest wildlife
and possessions left behind sanctuaries—a wilderness
People have even begun spotting
by former residents. Inside wolves in Pripyat. blooming with new life.
homes calendar pages are
still open to April 1986. Toys,
Toys left in an abandoned schoolroom
clothes, and photographs still in Pripyat
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