be calculated as follows:
• is the reduction in the value of an asset
over time due to wear and tear, • Depreciation Expense = (Cost of Asset -
obsolescence, or other factors. It is an Salvage Value) / Useful Life of Asset
accounting concept that recognizes the
Depreciation Expense = ($50,000 - $5,000) / 10
decrease in value of an asset over its useful
Depreciation Expense = $4,500 per year
• So, the annual depreciation expense for the
• is considered a non-cash charge because it
machine is $4,500 per year.
doesn't represent an actual cash outflow.
The entire cash outlay might be paid 2. The Sum-of-the-Years' Digits (SYD) method
initially when an asset is purchased, but
the expense is recorded incrementally for is a form of accelerated depreciation that allows
financial reporting purposes. That's businesses to expense more of the asset's value in
because assets provide a benefit to the the early years of its life, as compared to straight-
company over a period of time. But the line depreciation. It is called "Sum-of-the-Years'
depreciation charges still reduce a Digits" because it involves summing the digits of
company's earnings, which is helpful for the asset's life years. The formula for the SYD
tax purposes method of depreciation is as follows: