A 1.5 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing Operations

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Novikontas Jūras koledža 1.līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība: Kuģa

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Exercise No. A 1.5 Revision 3 Edition 15.09.2021.
Title Anchoring, Mooring And Towing Operations
Reference Safety on board. Code of Safe Work Practices. Duration 2 hours
Responsibility Form is used by trainee.

 The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the hot work procedures and acquire
the skills to assess the correctness of the work performed in accordance with the COSWP and the
company's own guidelines.


In this exercise you should find the solutions and answer the following questions:

1. All seafarers involved in anchoring, mooring and towing operations should be given
additional instruction on the specific equipment and mooring configurations used
on the vessel. This should include at least (specify):


2. What additional instructions for specific equipment and mooring configurations

used on board your own vessel were received during your last maritime contract?
Specify all with the short technical details of equipment:


3. Based on the risk assessment, appropriate control measures should be put in place.

a) Specify control measures. Show in attachments as an annex 1 to exercise example

of risk assessment for mooring operations on board of your own vessel.

b) Does the risk assessment take into account the consequences of any equipment
failure? Show the evidence.

c) How often the risk assessment and control measures should be reviewed for
mooring operation and what should be taken into account?
© SIA ”NOVIKONTAS Jūras koledža” Form College
d) Is there guidance in force on marking snap-back zones? Clarify in details with proof
to official docs.

4. What is prohibited during the procedure of anchor letting go and what should be
checked before using an anchor? Give and evidence to official docs.

5. Define the technical details of the towing equipment on board your vessel and
briefly describe how to use it safely.


Reference skills and knowledge or question 1 2 3
1. Question # 1. Specification made.
2. Question # 2. Specific equipment and mooring configurations used
on board of own vessel described.
3. Question # 3a. Control measures specified and RA attached.
4. Question # 3b is answered and evidence is presented.
5. Question # 3c is answered.
6. Question # 3d is answered and confirmed by official docs.
7. Question # 4 is answered and evidence is presented.
8. Question # 5. Definitions is made and presented.


Each subject to be performed accordingly

Performed correct: 3 points
Performed partly: 2 points
Major mistakes: 1 point
Not performed: 0 point

Maximum points of this exercise: 24 points

Requirement to achieve objective of exercise: 17 points

© SIA ”NOVIKONTAS Jūras koledža” Form College


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