Clockwork Dystopian Motifs

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Charles University in Prague

Faculty of Education


2011 Štěpán Braňka

Charles University of Prague

Faculty of Education

Departement of the English Language and Literature

Human Corruption and Dystopian Motifs in

Anthony Burgess‟ A Clockwork Orange and George
Orwell‟s 1984.

Author: Štěpán Braňka (AJ-ZSV)

Supervisor: PhDr. Petr Chalupský, Ph.D.


I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor PhDr. Petr Chalupský, Ph.D. and I
would like to thank him for his dedicated help and support throughout the writing of this

I hereby declare that this bachelor thesis is my work only and all the sources that were
used are listed on the Works Cited page. No other sources were used.

Prague 2011 Štěpán Braňka


This bachelor thesis is focused on a brief analysis of the novels 1984 and A Clockwork
Orange. It analyzes their differences, what they have in common and the ways in which
George Orwell and Anthony Burgess implement dystopian motifs in their novels. The
theoretical part deals with inspirations for both the novels and their connections to the
real world and real 20th century totalitarian regimes. The practical part analyses the two
dystopian worlds in the novels, their governments, protagonists and languages. It
explores the novels with regard to the themes described in the theoretical part.

Key Words: dystopia, totalitarianism, 1984, A Clockwork Orange


Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na stručnou analýzu románů 1984 a Mechanický

Pomeranč. Analyzuje jejich rozdíly, dále co mají společného a způsoby, jakými George
Orwell a Anthony Burgess používají dystopické motivy v jejich románech. Teoretická
část se zabývá inspiracemi pro oba romány a odkazy ke skutečnému světu a totalitním
režimům 20. století. Praktická část analyzuje dystopické světy v románech, jejich vlády,
hlavní hrdiny a jazyk. Zkoumá romány s ohledem na téma popsaná v teoretické části.

Klíčová Slova: dystopie, totalitarianismus, 1984, Mechanický Pomeranč


I. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 2
II. Theoretical part: Background and Inspirations ..................................................... 4
II.1. Influence and Historical Importance .............................................................. 4
II.2. A Prophecy not Too Far in the Future ............................................................ 5
II.3. Personal Background ........................................................................................ 6
II.3.1 George Orwell............................................................................................ 6
II.3.2 Anthony Burgess ....................................................................................... 7
II.4. Symbolism:......................................................................................................... 8
II.5. Origins of Totalitarian Themes ........................................................................ 9
II.5.1 Methods and Reasons ............................................................................. 10
II.5.2 The Language .......................................................................................... 11
III. Practical Part – Two Worlds ................................................................................. 13
III.1. Atmosphere of the Cities ............................................................................... 13
III.2. The Society ..................................................................................................... 14
III.3. Totalitarian Methods ..................................................................................... 16
III.3.1 Methods of the Party ............................................................................. 16
III.3.2 People Turned into Clockwork Oranges ............................................. 18
III.4. Dystopias Side by Side................................................................................... 19
III.5. Winston Smith and Alex and their Development throughout the Novel .. 20
III.5.1 Hero vs. Antihero ................................................................................... 20
III.5.2 The Beginning of the End. .................................................................... 22
III.5.3 Betrayal and How Protagonists are Being Used. ................................ 23
III.6. Newspeak and Nadsat ................................................................................... 25
III.6.1 Brief Analyssis........................................................................................ 25
III.6.2 Other Language Finesses in A Clockwork Orange .............................. 26
III.6.3 Purposes and Effects ............................................................................. 27
IV. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 28

I. Introduction
The police, interrogations, propaganda, murder, political manipulations, oppression
and loss of individual freedom are the leitmotifs of most dystopian novels. Both 1984
and A Clockwork Orange that this thesis focuses on by no means violate this rule. The
aim of this thesis is to analyze and to compare how both authors present their dystopias
in these two novels, characterize their protagonists and their position in the corrupted
world they inhabit. However, heroes (or antiheroes) of these novels are scarcely
something more significant than mere puppets in the hands of omnipotent governments
or political parties. Their fate is to succumb to the power of the authorities and their
struggle to avert the inevitable is typically futile. However, it is fascinating to observe
the differences between the main characters and their development within the two
novels. The first one is an outspoken symbol of good, the second utterly evil, yet he is to
change into a grotesque scapegoat.
Another goal of this thesis is to take a closer look at other peculiarities of these
worlds. The rules and mechanics of corrupted societies are different in both the novels
and there are many details to carefully pay attention to. Usually, dystopian novels have a
moral, a political and a social side. Usually they warn against recent phenomena, no
matter if already existing or yet latent. These typically threaten the democratic way of
life and uphold persecution. In the 20th century, the uprising of fascism and communism
(especially Russian communism) inspired many authors to write their own dystopias.
These may have been allegoric like Orwell‟s Animal Farm (1945), very realistic and
close to their model or set in a world that is in a very distant future. However, they
always point to a real threat by describing its common features. In most 20th century
dystopian novels we can find description of real persons and real mechanisms of
totalitarian countries. For instance, Napoleon from Animal Farm stands for Stalin,
Eurasia in 1984 is what real Soviet Russia might look like in the future with the Thought
Police representing the KGB and so on. This thesis presents an analysis of what kind of
dystopias we can find in the two mentioned books.
Another goal of this thesis is to unveil on what basis both dystopian worlds function,
which comprises namely their hierarchical structure, methods of oppression, propaganda
and also how the political power of leading authorities is then kept and maintained.
Although A Clockwork Orange is not set in an altogether totalitarian world, it
nevertheless contains political struggle for power by using methods that are very close

to those of a totalitarian government. The crucial motif of the individual will and
individual freedom is substantially important for both the novels.
Both authors were ingenious when it comes to the uses and various purposes of a
language. Both created an English language of their own, or to put it more simply, they
changed several areas of the English language to achieve different goals. Not only is it
intriguing to take a closer look at the changes they made from the point of view of
linguistics. The political and social questions that Nadsat and Newspeak arouse are also
hardly negligible. It is the importance of speech pecularities in both worlds and what
different political and social purposes do Newspeak and Nadsat serve to.
Another key area to analyze is the influence of outer factors that were triggers for
both authors to create their dystopias. That means what political and social threats were
present during their life and how do they reflect on them in their novels. Both the novels
illuminate very complex worlds and this thesis compares them from various angles and
thus possibly bestows their key motifs and principles.

II. Theoretical part: Background and Inspirations

II.1. Influence and Historical Importance

Big Brother, Winston Smith, Alex and his droogs, A Clockwork Orange, 1984, it is
hardly conceivable to what extent these novels influenced life in the second half of the
20th century and quite possibly life of many more generations to follow.
Both the novels represent two different worlds that were (in the time of their first
publication) dangerously close to becoming a reality for western countries, even for
such a conservative country as the United Kingdom where they were written. “What you
seem to be saying is that 1984 is no more than a comic transcription of the London of
the end of the Second World War” (Burgess, 1985 21). Not only were they a threat to
the western world, they were inspired by very real and sinister European totalitarian
countries. Furthermore, the danger of totalitarianism never ceases to exist as history
teaches us. Therefore, both the novels can always be perceived as a warning for further
generations. They have had a strong impact on ordinary people, writers and even on
world politics. The latter is especially true for George Orwell‟s 1984, which strongly
appeals against totalitarianism and it contributed to a mass awareness of evils and
potential atrocities of fascism and mainly of Russian communism. “Terms like fascism
and communism represent no true polarity, despite the war. They could both, thought
Orwell, be contained in some such name as Oligarchic Collectivism” (Burgess, 1985
However, despite the indisputable good intentions, Orwell‟s 1984 and Animal Farm
were misunderstood by many people and then exploited for the purposes of propaganda,
as they could be seen as weapons against communism and even against socialism (even
though Orwell was a socialist). “ „Ingsoc‟ was identified with Labour Party and Oceania
was being enthusiastically presented as the prophecy of either a Left-winger who had
recanted or of a distinguished English author who was writing about what would happen
if liberty as free enterprise were not firmly defended” (Crick 565). It is certainly worth
considerable attention that even the best intentions towards the society may be easily
abused for purposes of propaganda. Perhaps the society that allows something like that
to happen is the one that needs dystopian authors the most.

One of the writers influenced by George Orwell and by his 1984 was Anthony
Burgess. His A Clockwork Orange is a completely different kind of dystopia but it
proves to have achieved similar merits. It has found its way into souls of young artists
and the names Alex, Clockwork Orange, altogether with miscellaneous Nadsatic
expressions from the novel have been used in musical adaptations, lyrics of modern
bands and in movies. They are also rooted in everyday speech, especially of young
people from the punk subculture. However, the book was severely misunderstood by
many. Burgess was considered to be an advocate of violence that he enjoys and that he
describes in a very joyful way. “I saw that the book might be dangerous because it
presented good, or at least harmlessness, as remote and abstract, something for the adult
future of my hero, while depicting violence in joyful dithyrambs” (Burgess Your Time
Both the novels are deemed as the most important works of mentally matured and
well-flourished authors. The enormous amount of copies sold makes the same point very
clearly. Both the books have tremendous qualities that even after decades from their first
publishing, people still strive to read them. Perhaps it is due to superb depiction of both
dystopias, or because of shivering awareness that what you find in the novels might
conceal an impending and substantially real danger.

II.2. A Prophecy not Too Far in the Future

Many people have embraced these novels as prophecies. The eloquent title of 1984
(being written in 1948) was a straightforward clue that we were dealing with a prophecy
distant some thirty or forty years. Burgess puts the plot of his novel into “not too far in
the future”. Even though a reader of A Clockwork Orange cannot tell the date of the
story precisely, he/she is always aware that everything that happens in the novel is not
altogether unconceivable and it might very plausibly concern him in the next few years
as well. There are no pieces of evidence of immense scientific research or advancement.
A reader of 1984 knows the date for sure (even though the protagonist Winston Smith
does not), yet, he/she is also aware of its sinister proximity. There are motifs that seem
futuristic such as the ever-present screens that constantly spy on every single person.
However, the TV had already existed and it had certainly influenced people‟s life in
1940s. “It was evident then it was going to be a part of everybody‟s life. Among the

ingenuous there was a feeling that the faces that spoke at you were really looking. The
TV was intrusive” (Burgess 1985 23). Burgess very clearly describes general
apprehension the TV had inspired that Orwell used in 1984.
Perhaps the awareness of this dangerous proximity and plausibility is what makes
both dystopias very easily graspable compared to older ones such as Brave New World
(1932) by Aldous Huxley that takes place in 26th century or We (1924) by Yevgeny
Zamyatin. “And it is authentic as a plausible nightmare that has haunted us ever since,
more than any other of the anti-Utopian of this century whether by Wells, London,
Huxley or Zamyatin, from all of whom Orwell borrowed, but greatly improved and
transcended” (Crick 552). However, the novel We was highly praised by Orwell in his
review for the Tribune newspaper and even by Burgess in his essay part of his book
1985. Motifs from We such as constant surveillance, indigestible food and
governmentally endorsed anti-sexuality unquestionably inspired Orwell‟s 1984. In a
note on the text of 1984 by Dr Davison we can find what George Orwell told Gleb
Struve about We in 1944: “I am interested in that kind of book, and even keep making
notes for one myself that may get written sooner or later” (Orwell V).
The world of A Clockwork Orange is virtually almost the same as it was in real
England when the book was published. There are no signs of any significant scientific
progress nor does the country seem very different from its model England. There are
political tendencies that point to the threat of impending totalitarianism, yet the country
seems awfully close to the early 1960s England.

II.3. Personal Background

II.3.1 George Orwell

It is vitally important to stress the social and political background and both authors‟
mental and physical condition under which their books were written and published.
George Orwell started writing his novel in 1946 when the world has just witnessed
atrocities of Hitler and Stalin and their totalitarian regimes. During World War II, Stalin
managed to slightly soften negative reactions and attitudes towards him and his regime
in the circumstances of his military efforts against the Nazi regime. However, he never
ceased to be a mortal enemy of democracy in the eyes of Orwell who suffered from and

witnessed methods of communist oppression when he served in the Spanish Civil War
in the late 1930s. It was hardly possible for a man whose friends were tortured and
killed by the Russian or pro-Russian communists to approve of such a regime and he
never did. “Orwell made a clear distinction between the Communist ideals of the
Russian Revolution and the betrayal of these ideals by the forcible collectivization of
agriculture, the Purge Trials, the extermination of opposition partis in Spain and, later
on, the Hitler-Stalin Pact” (Meyers 171). Even as a socialist he borrowed Stalinist
regime as a model for his novel 1984, as he always believed in democratic socialism. It
might have partly been a theoretically victorious Germany that we find in 1984, yet it
much more resembles soviet Russia with the furthest degree of oppression that cannot
be escaped nor fought.
George Orwell had another reason to write a novel as dark as 1984. It was his fragile
health condition he had struggled with since his childhood and which culminated in the
late 1940s in a severe tuberculosis. After the deaths of several closest friends and
relatives such as his father and first wife, he found himself facing approaching death
himself, even though he never stopped believing in at least partial recovery. Yet, there is
a little doubt that it would not affect his writings. Orwell himself claimed that without
the disease, the novel would have turned out better. “I think it is a good idea but the
execution would have been better if I had not written it under the influence of TB”
(Crick, 546).

II.3.2 Anthony Burgess

Anthony Burgess had to deal with a severe diagnosis as well. “In 1959, he was
invalided home from Malaya and his work with the colonial civil service, with a
suspected brain tumour. Given a year to live, this man‟s remarkable resourcefulness led
him to write five novels in that year, so as to leave his wife some posthumous income”
(Dix 4). After the diagnosis he was given a year to live. A Clockwork Orange was
written in 1962. That means that Burgess was already two years overdue when the novel
was published. It is this vision of the grim reaper lurking in the shadows nearby that
greatly influenced both authors when they wrote their crucial novels. Before, in 1944,
four soldiers had assaulted Burgess‟ pregnant wife and she had lost her baby as a result
of the attack. This ominous event of their life inspired Burgess to create Alex and his
gang who commit similar misdeeds.
Unlike Orwell, Burgess had an opportunity to serve in the World War II as an
educational officer. Like Orwell and many others, he was deeply moved by the atrocities
of the war. After Orwell‟s death, Burgess lived in an atmosphere of the Cold War and
the atomic war threat when the world as we know it could end in any second given.
Around the year 1960, many British citizens shared an opinion that groups of young
hooligans acting extra-violently are ill and as such, they should be medically treated. “It
was the sense of this division between well us and sick them that led me to write, in
1960, a short novel A Clockwork Orange” (Burgess, 1985 91). Even though A
Clockwork Orange is not situated in a completely totalitarian regime, it is quite natural
that totalitarian regimes that flourished and declined during his life enhanced his
decision to write a dystopia. His is more focused on an invividual product of corrupted
values than on corrupted society and its mechanisms as in 1984. Individual freedom is
the key motif in his novel.

II.4. Symbolism:

“This is the London of war-time or just after. It’s certainly is not a London of
prophetic vision” (Burgess, 1985 25).

1984 is a year of thorough oppression and ultimate suppression of individual

freedom. The title was probably introduced by a simple extraposition of the last two
digits of the year 1948 when the novel was finished. London in 1984 is very similar to
London in 1948 with many autobiographical motifs from Orwell‟s life: Burgess
summarizes Orwell‟s London in his essay part of 1985: “Well, the Ministry of Truth
may certainly be accepted as the Broadcasting House where Orwell worked during war.
Headquarters of the BBC.”...”Room 101, in the basement of the Broadcasting House,
was where Orwell used to broadcast propaganda to India” (Burgess, 1985 25). Victory
Mansions resemble the ruined 19th century houses in London; the gloomy canteen in
Ministry of Truth is the canteen in which Orwell dined during his work for the BBC.
Victory cigarettes are those that were given to soldiers during World War II. Elsewhere
Burgess reminiscences about the Hate School he was sent to while serving in the army.
Methods used in the School resemble Hate Week in 1984 very much. “We were taught

Hatred of the Enemy” (Burgess, 1985 22). Slogans of the Party can be easily read just as
fascist slogans before and during World War II.
The title of A Clockwork Orange has several interpretations; the ones that Anthony
Burgess suggests himself in 1985 are understandably those most plausible. Burgess
always kept in his mind a popular cockney saying that goes „queer as a clockwork
orange‟. He knew that once he would use it for a title of a novel. “When I began to write
the book, I saw that this title would be appropriate for a story about the application of
Pavlovian, or mechanical, laws to an organism which, like a fruit, was capable of colour
and sweetness” (Burgess, 1985 92). A clockwork orange is what becomes of Alex. He is
no longer a human being able to choose to do whatever he wants. By usage of science he
was turned into a mechanical being that responds to predetermined triggers.
While Orwell may partly identifiee himself with the protagonist Winston Smith,
Burgess does not. Alex and his gang are like the gang that assaulted Burgess‟ wife in
1944. Burgess himself may be hidden in the democratic activist F. Alexander, the author
of A Clockwork Orange in the novel itself and he is the voice against totalitarianism and
Ludovico‟s Technique.
Symbolism and subtle references to the real world are used in both the novels, but
definitely much more frequently in 1984. That is why 1984 feels far more pessimistic
than A Clockwork Orange. Naturally, this effect is caused by other factors as well but
frequent symbolism plays one of the key roles in the story of 1984. Numerous
references to the real world that can be found in the novel help to illuminate this unique
world and it significantly contributes to the novel‟s grim and utterly depressive
atmosphere. Without all the details that were familiar to a citizen of London in 1948, the
novel would hardly achieve such a great success and it would hardly convey such a
powerful message.

II.5. Origins of Totalitarian Themes

The rise of 20th century totalitarian authorities greatly inspired both the authors. In
both the novels we can distinguish numerous totalitarian methods that were inspired by
these regimes. Developments in science and general technical progress enabled an
enhanced control and surveillance of an individual and at the same time it contributed to
the invention or improvement of numerous techniques of oppresion. In 1984 and A
Clockwork Orange we can find suppresion of the individual freedom, constant

surveillance, torture, propaganda, manipulation of a language. The government is
deliberately carrying all of the mentioned out in order to retain political power of the
ruling class. Although the worlds we read about in both novels are fictional, all
totalitarian countries have used all these techniques. Even though the fascist regimes
cannot be neglected, the strongest inspiration for these techniques certainly was the
ideology of soviet Russia.

II.5.1 Methods and Reasons

In every totalitarian state, there is a ruling minority that needs to retain political
power. The power is maintained by a cunning and structured oppresion that eliminates
any act of individualism. The government uses both terror and surveillance.
“Surveillance means that the population is watched; terror means that its members are
subject on an unpredictable but large-scale basis to arrest, execution, and other forms of
state violence” (Fitzpatrick 190). The totalitarian police are chiefly occupied with
political enemies and they are the most important part of the state‟s executive. When
Orwell was writing about the Thought Police, the crucial enforcer of the Party‟s
doctrines, he was in fact writing about the KGB. Their key purpose is to track and
eliminate enemies of the government. “Revolutions are usually the work of disgruntled
intellectuals with the gift of the gab” (Burgess 1985 37). These independently thinking
individuals are the biggest threat to these regimes and they are vigorously purged;
imprisoned, tortured and in most occasions eventually murdered. The ambitious
members of the ruling minority are also dangerous as they are prone to organise a
When potential enemies are being taken care of, the totalitarian government
simultaneously needs to keep the masses obedient. Usually, the government employs
elaborate methods of propaganda and lies. Anything that is deemed ideologically
dangerous is destroyed or censored. The history is constantly being rewritten so that it
complies with the current government‟s goals. “According to the doctrine of partiinost‟,
history was simply a weapon in the class struggle. There was no such thing as
objectivity, all science being merely class science, so the scientist could not fail to take
sides” (Daniels 233). Thus, any potential revolutionary has difficulties to find an
inspiration because there is virtually no way to obtain it, or, at least, that is what the

government strives for. Furthermore, the cenzorship also functions as a filter of
information that could persuade a citizen that he could have a better life elsewhere.
While these methods are utterly oppresive, there is also the necessity to induce
fanatical love for the government and fanatical hatred towards the enemy. These joint
feelings help the government to control the masses because they can be easily enthused
when proper methods are used. This love is achieved by the creation of a cult and it can
be either the Stalin cult or the admiration of Big Brother. In soviet Russia, every
political success was attributed to Stalin and this glory enabled him to be loved by wide
masses of people who were completely unaware that most of it was lies. “Stalin‟s public
image in the 1930s, like the Tsars‟ before him, was that of a quasi-sacred leader, font of
justice and mercy, and benevolent protector of the weak; he was often photographed
smiling paternally on shy peasant women and children” (Fitzpatrick 24).
Hatred is evoked in a very simple way. The portraits of the enemy can be seen
everywhere and by usage of propaganda the enemy is described so as to virtually
compell the citizen to feel the hatred. In comparison, the leader of the government is
described as the greatest guardian. Furthermore, any negative impacts on the citizens
that may have been caused by the government (as it has been in most cases) have been
attributed to the enemy. The government may always blame the enemy for any food
scarcity, famine or war. Every piece of evidence of the contrary is destroyed and
witnesses murdered or sent to a work camp.

II.5.2 The Language

In both the novels, there is a large amount of space dedicated to the language. The
totalitarian government often manipulates citizens by transforming the language. As the
language is the tool to express thoughts, one can easily guess what the reason for that is.
Thinking cannot be fully controlled and, as it is known, totalitarian government
endeavours to control every single aspect of a human life. However, it fails to
completely penetrate a person‟s individual thougths. Yet, it is capable of controlling a
language to a certain degree. The language is taught in schools and it is also learnt from
books. The government thus eliminates books with words that are considered
inappropriate or even dangerous. The language is further transformed by several

Some words are usually presented in a very negative context in order to imbue the
hatred. The word enemy was usually described as the enemy of the class or enemy of the
people. “That notion of “class enemies” implied that there were certain fixed categories
of persons in Soviet society who were liable to be victims of terror: kulaks, priests,
disfranchised “former people” from the old privileged classes, and the like” (Fitzpatrick
191). Words like war, fight or punishment are typically described in connection with the
enemies of the state. This coexistence is very effective as the citizens always hear of war
as a war against imperialism, the punishment is always a punishment of traitors or
enemies of the regime. This perpetual ideological influence helps the government to
control people‟s minds.
When it comes to dangerous words that could convey any thought connected with
democracy or with hostile regimes, these connotations are usually dropped. When
Bertram D. Wolfe was browsing the abridged Russko-Angliiski Slovar published by
Ogiz-Gis, the Russian-English dictionary of the USSR in the 1950s, he discovered an
example: “Faith was illustrated with the „faith in the revolutionary cause‟, without any
hint that there might also be a faith denominated as religious” (Wolfe 134). Religious
faith simply does not exist because such connotative meaning had been abolished. The
words like democracy or freedom are usually described in a very strict and dogmatic
fashion so that no other interpretation is possible. „The USSR is the most perfect
democracy‟ could be an example of such a rather vague entry.

III. Practical Part – Two Worlds

III.1. Atmosphere of the Cities

London in 1984 is a place of no crime. There are no laws, there is no violence. There
is a scarcity of food but nobody dies due to starvation. Proles (the proletariat) that
constitute 85% of the society have their beer and lottery, and even pornography
produced by the government. There is no unemployment whatsoever and neither are
racial prejudices. The Party takes steps to abolish problems connected with families and
sex. “No wonder the system is universally accepted” (Burgess, 1985 47). The
independently thinking individual Winston Smith is a rotten apple and it is a noble cause
and responsibility of the Party to cure him from his heresy.
Winston Smith lives in one of the Victory Mansions. It is a bleak, stinky place, where
nothing seems to work properly except for the telescreen which is always on and it may
be always watching ordinary citizens. “The hall smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag
mats” (Orwell 3). The food, beverages, gin and cigarettes all taste horribly. There is a
perpetual war so nobody can object while brave soldiers need the best equipment to
defend the country. The streets and Winston‟s neighbourhood are safe and nobody has
to worry about being mugged. Usage of sensual images in order to despict the
depressive atmosphere was always Orwell‟s strong point, especially when it comes to
the usage of odours. Wherever Winston goes, he first notices the smells. His house
smells of boiled cabbage, Victory Gin has a sickly, oily smell, the Parsons‟ flat smells of
sweat, the canteen in the Ministry of Truth is connected with a metallic scent and of
course, the smell of Victory Gin. When Winston wanders to the pub in the prole zone,
he is repulsed by the smell of urine. It seems that everything that is so unpleasant about
1984 also smells terribly. The only pleasant place is Mr Charrington‟s junk-shop. “The
proprietor had just lighted a hanging oil lamp which gave off an unclean but friendly
smell” (Orwell 97). The pleasant smell is not just a rare commentary. It shows that
Winston has arrived in an oasis. A place connected to the past, to the time before the
Revolution. Without hesitation he is determined to rent the room in here, to have a
chance to escape that gloomy and smelly world. Later, when Winston leaves London for

a rendezvous with Julia, he is dazzled by the beauty of the country and by the fresh air.
Orwell again reminisces of the old times here. The country represents innocence and
recklessness. However, the short moment there has to end just like a dream or illusion,
because in fact, everything seemingly nice in 1984 is merely an illusion.
Alex in A Clockwork Orange lives in a very different city, although it is quite
conceivable that Burgess also wrote about London, even though the name of the city is
never mentioned. Nonetheless, it makes no big difference as the reader is always aware
of the fact that the story is situated in a slightly modified England. In A Clockwork
Orange, there is a very little space dedicated to the description of the unnamed city.
Now and then the reader comes across several names of streets and squares, but the
character of the city is much more describes by what is going on in the streets. A house
where Alex lives is very similar to Winston‟s. The elevator never works, halls are dirty
and people who live there such as Alex‟s parents have boring and unimportant jobs.

III.2. The Society

The division of inhabitants of Oceania is very simple. Proles are inferior people with
no rights, assigned to inferior and mostly manual tasks. The rest of the society is divided
into the Inner and the Outer Party. Winston Smith is a member of the Outer Party and he
works in one of the Ministries just like any other member of the Outer Party. In the book
The Theory and Practise of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein (created
by the Party itself), the stratas of the society are described as follows:

Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the
world. His function is to act as a focusing point for love, fear and reverence, than
towards an organisation. Below Big Brother comes the Inner Party, its numbers
limited to six millions, or somethin less than two per cent of the population of
Oceania. Below the Inner Party comes the Outer Party, which, if the Inner Party is
described as the brain of the State, may be justly likened to the hands. Below that
com the dumb masses whom we habitually refer to as „the proles‟. (Orwell 217).

This passage very clearly illustrates the stratification of the society that is constituted by
three very stable and rigid classes.
As to proles, their life is not very much different from what it was in 19 th century in
the times of early industrialisation. They might complain but they will never revolt due
to their restricted intelligence and due to the fact that their simple needs are always met.
Other areas of their life are common to what they have usually been throughout the
history of the working class. The Inner Party represents the oligarchic group of the
privileged who rule the country.
The city where Alex lives is a city that shares a distant resemblance with Orwell‟s
London. Although the laws are not altogether cancelled in A Clockwork Orange as they
are in 1984, it seems that they are very mildly enforced, especially in the first part of the
novel where an old man complains: “It‟s a stinking world because it lets the young get
on to the old like you done, and there‟s no law nor order no more” (Burgess, Clockwork
15). Youngsters like Alex are allowed to drink milk with drugs because there is no law
forbidding it. They can fight during nights and cause riots. “The bourgeois middle class
in the novel have become so quiet and so passive, that the young who have succeeded
them have chosen evil as their way of life, as an assertion of the will” (Dix 14).
On the other hand, street violence is only the case of A Clockwork Orange, not 1984.
In his essay part of 1985 Burgess explains why: “A strong centralized State, with
powerful techniques of terrorization, can keep the streets free of muggers and killers”
(Burgesss 1985 93). This idea suggests that strong and decisive actions towards
criminals go hand in hand with totalitarian regimes and such actions are proposed and
advocated by the government at the end of A Clockwork Orange as the government
apparently takes necessary steps in order to establish totalitarianism.
In the first part of the novel Alex has to take responsibility for his law breaking
actions. Yet it seems that he encounters no problems when he lies in order to skip school
or when he invents a fictional job to explain what he does during nights. That, of course,
is the case until he is betrayed by his friends and then finally captured by the police.
Nevertheless, the city where Alex lives is a paradise for the likes of him, and at the same
time, it is a hell on earth for the elderly and law-abiding citizens, just like Alex‟s
parents. “But we don‟t go out much now. We daren‟t go out much, the streets being
what they are. Young hooligans and so on” (Burgess, Clockwork 41). In 1984, there is
no real danger of being assaulted on the streets. Young and old people are free to
wander in the streets; they just must not act suspiciously because they are aware they

can be watched at any time. Majority of people, however, do not have to worry about
that since they behave in accord with the Party‟s demands. When Winston Smith is
wandering in a street in the proles‟ part of the city, he is thinking to himself: “The blue
overalls of the Party could not be a common sight in a street like this. Indeed, it was
unwise to be seen in such place, unless you had definite business there” (Orwell, 86).
Winston fears that his presence there is suspicious because he has no regular business
being there and therefore, he must be guilty of something.
The atmosphere that any act of individualism, being alone or doing something
extraordinary can be considered a thoughtcrime that usually results in vaporization is a
common state of things in the London of 1984. Apprehension of being watched during
your whole life is a natural feeling for a citizen of Ocenia. Constant fear that you might
not return home safe and sound is the atmosphere of the city in A Clockwork Orange. At
the beginning of the novel there is the brutality of young hooligans, in the end the police
brutality from the hands of the same hooligans, now having been recruited by the police.

III.3. Totalitarian Methods

III.3.1 Methods of the Party

The chief aim of the Party is to eradicate individualism. The Party seeks power for its
own sake. It merely aims at remaining the ruling power for eternity. O‟Brien explains
this to Winston: “Alone-free-the human being is always defeated. It must be so, because
every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of all failures. But if he can
make complete, utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge
himself in the Party so that he is the Party, then he is all-powerful and immortal”
(Orwell 277). Everything that the Party claims is an eternal and indisputable truth. The
only minor threats to the Party are people like Winston Smith, i.e. independetly thinking
individuals who have dim memory of the conception of democratic states. However, the
era of these people is only transitory. In the future, the past is going to be altered to
comply with the needs of the Party, heretics will be vaporised and forgotten and, finally,
when Newspeak reaches its perfect form nobody will be able to even think heretically,.
Winston Smith thinks that if there is a hope, it lies within the proles, but deep down,
he is aware that this fantasy will never come true and the Party is eternal. The proles are

too dumb to even conceive anything as tremendous as a revolution. Even if some of
them were, there is always a simple solution. “Proletarians, in practise, are not allowed
to graduate into the Party. The most gifted among them, who might possible become
nuclei of discontent, are simply marked down by the Thought Police and eliminated”
(Orwell 218). As a result the maximum a prole is capable of is to argue about numbers
of lottery.
The Party‟s propaganda is very simple. It is concerned with demonization of the
enemy, i.e. Eurasia or Eastasia and, of course, the arch-enemy Emmanuel Goldstein.
The Party organises events that focus on expression of joint hatred that binds the
community together. Slogans urging to hate almost everything except the Party can be
found everywhere. The Party also informs the citizens about the war which is constant
for apparent reasons. The warfare destroys wealth and that effectively maintains very
low standards of living. The reason for that is to achieve obedience easily. When there is
a scarcity of everything and, at the same time, there is a war against a hated enemy, the
scarcity becomes endurable. Without the war, there would be no excuse for these low
standards. The war joins people and encourages their patriotism. With low life standards
there is no comfort which produces idle intellectuals – the biggest enemies of the Party.
The Party is constantly changing the history and records so that nobody can doubt
their omnipotence and power. Yet, there are still people who have not succumbed to the
propaganda and lies of the Party. The Party is aware that it should not condemn and
execute these heretics. Christianity, fascism and communism taught the Party that.
Executing ardent heretics only inspires others, but the Party does not need martyrs. That
is why before executing them, the Party actually cures all heretics by means of
interrogation and torture. That is what any other imperfect totalitarian state in the past
failed to accomplish and that is why they all eventually declined. Ironically, the enemies
of the Party are eternal and they will never perish, because the Party needs them. The
enemies from within the Party will never be heard of.
The obedience is contrived by hatred but also by the ever-present slogans and
absolute obedience of Big Brother and the Party. Citizens are reminded on every corner
that Big Brother is watching them and that they should love him. On the other hand,
anyone can make it to the leadership, to the Inner Party, except for the proles. “In
principle, membership of these three groups is not hereditary. The child of Inner Party
parents is in theory not born into the Inner Party. Admission to either branch of the Party
is by examination taken at the age of sixteen. Nor is there any racial discrimination, or

any marked domination of one province by another.” (Orwell 217). Children are
integrated in various organisations are so are their parents and most of them love taking
part in these organisations. They love gathering together and hating the enemy. Together
they spit on Emmanuel Goldstein during Two Minute Hate, together they adore Big
Brother. The Thought Police are praised by the ordinary people because they cure
people from crimethink just like doctors cure cancer. Winston‟s narrow-minded
neighbour Parsons talks about his involuntary act of crimethink that he committed in the
cell in Ministry of Love: “Between you and me man, I‟m glad they got me before it
went any further. Do you know what I‟m going to say to them when I go up before the
tribunal? „Thank you‟ I‟m going to say, „thank you for saving me before it was too late‟
“(Orwell 245). He is going to be tortured but he is grateful for that, which is exactly
what the Party needs to achieve.

III.3.2 People Turned into Clockwork Oranges

In A Clockwork Orange, there is a very little space dedicated to the description of the
country and the mechanisms that rule it. Still, throughout the book, a reader gets an
image that the country is on the verge of an impending turning point. It is suggested that
several changes are to be made and, quite plausibly, those are towards totalitarianism.
The Minister of the Interior who is visiting the jail where Alex is imprisoned suggests a
significant effort towards totalitarianism: “Soon we may be needing all our prison space
for political offenders” (Burgess, Clockwork 73). Burgess nevertheless focuses much
more intently on how the governmental powers use propaganda and how they use
individuals for these purposes. In his essay part of 1985, Burgess explains his key motif
employed in A Clockwork Orange: “I am committed to the freedom of choice, which
means that if I cannot choose to do evil nor can I choose to do good. It is better to have
streets infested with murderous hoodlums than to deny individual freedom of choice”
(Burgess, 1985 93).
The intentions of the propaganda are invariably different from those in 1984 as the
country is in a stage where totalitarianism has not yet broken out. The State and anti-
governmental reformists led by the writer F. Alexander use criminals to influence the
upcoming General Election. Ludovico‟s Technique of curing criminals is vigorously
praised by the government as a remedy on all crime. At the same time, it is passionately

opposed by voices of a common sense represented by the writer and a prison chaplain
who says: “The question is whether such a technique can really make a man good.
Goodness comes from within, 6655321. Goodness is something chosen. When a man
cannot choose he ceases to be a man” (Burgess, A Clockwork Orange 67). The other
voice belongs to F. Alexander.

You can be a very potent weapon, you see, in ensuring that this present evil
and wicked Government is not returned in the forthcoming election. The
Government‟s big boast, you see, is the way it has dealt with crime these last
months.”....” Recruiting brutal young roughs for the police. Proposing debilitating
and will-sapping techniques of conditioning.”...”We‟ve seen it all before,” he
said,” in other countries. The thin end of the wedge. Before we know where we
are we shall have the full apparatus of totalitarianism (Burgess, Clockwork 125).

The anti-governmental reformist writer F. Alexander expresses his endeavours and his
fears when he tells Alex some of his opinions in this passage.
The State is using Alex to justify their actions towards reducing criminality, but in
fact they use totalitarian methods when they take away his individual freedom to choose.
In the future, they might even control everyone by using the same means of treatment as
they used on Alex and thus effectively reduce human beings to puppets in the hands of
the government. Anyone who would oppose the government would be taken care of by
the brutal and effective police. On the other hand, the reformists try to use Alex for the
propaganda against the government. After he attempts to commit a suicide, they say that
the government is responsible. But it was them who made him jump out of the window.

III.4. Dystopias Side by Side

Just as Alex cannot control his destiny, in 1984 Winston also cannot really choose.
His only choice is to love Big Brother, nothing else. During one of the interrogations,
O‟Brien tells him: “Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth. It is impossible to see
reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party” (Orwell 261). The governments
both in 1984 and in A Clockwork Orange have the full power to tell what is good and
what is evil. Burgess himself considered this choice the fundamental point of his book.

When we try to compare the novels and principles of their governmental powers and
propaganda, there are naturally many differences. Orwell pays great attention to the
functioning of the oligarchic collectivism while Burgess scarcely mentions anything
remotely close to such a deep political analysis. However, there is a common ground. In
both the novels there it is openly suggested that an individual is expendable and
unimportant. What matters is that the Party and the State function as a whole.
Individuals such as Alex or Emmanuel Goldstein are made famous because they can be
used for purposes of propaganda. Independently thinking individuals like Winston
Smith or the writer F. Alexander are rotten apples that are taken care of in silence. The
aim of the government is to turn them into oblivion as their heresy is dangerous and they
have to be silenced. The suppression of a revolt altogether with its prevention is a key
factor for the preservation of any totalitarian regime.
The means of achieving control are similar in both the novels as well, a sophisticated
method of terror is invented in order to enforce obedience. In A Clockwork Orange, the
State is still in the beginning of using these methods as Alex is the first human to be a
subject of Ludovico‟s Technique. However, this technique is as artificial, cunning and
efficient as those in 1984. Absolute control of history, permanent reign, and suppression
of opposition, everything that works in 1984 can be contrived by the thorough and
further-developed Ludovico‟s Technique. When the government finds means to control
a human mind, it can do whatever it wants.

III.5. Winston Smith and Alex and their Development throughout the Novel

III.5.1 Hero vs. Antihero

Winston Smith is intelligent and he lives in a misery. Physically he is not in a very

good shape but his job is quite mentally challenging. By the usage of doublethink
(method of absorbing two contradictory statements and accepting both as valid at the
same time) he corrects history in accordance with the demands of the Party. He is a
regular member of the Outer Party but in a way he is different. Even though his memory
is hazed, he somehow feels that what the Party does is not right. He feels that before the
Revolution, a human race must have been better off. He has an inception that what the
Party represents should be fought and destroyed. However, his thoughts are very dim

and confused until he reads the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical
Collectivism written by the arch-enemy of the Party Emmanuel Goldstein. Later, he is to
find out it was written by the Party itself.
Alex also represents a misfit of the society. Although there are presumably many
more other misfits like Alex in A Clockwork Orange than many other Winstons Smiths
in 1984. As a character, Alex is a true anti-hero, he is vile, hypocritical and extremely
aggressive, he lives on a border of the society. He uses drugs, beats up innocent people,
and commits a rape and eventually even a murder. Yet, quite surprisingly, a reader is
almost imperceptibly pushed throughout the novel into sympathizing with him in a way
and later even feeling sorry for him.
Unlike Winston Smith, he is in the peak of his physical strength but he is very
intelligent just like Winston. He is dangerous to his fellow citizens while Winston
threatens the principles of the State. When Winston Smith conceives the first thought of
heresy, he already knows he is dead. His vital struggle is to live undetected as long as it
is possible. That is even more true after he starts a physical relationship with Julia – a
deliberate act of revolt. Such relationships are strongly forbidden. Little does he know
he had been already detected a long time before. After his capture by the Thought
Police, there is no hope. In the beginning he is determined to remain unchanged. He
knows that he is right in his fight and that he stands on the side of good, on the side of
the past. In spite of that, after a lengthy captivity consisting of torture and interrogations
he is eventually broken and “cured”. He gets changed from a rebel into a worshipper of
Big Brother. Thus the Party effectively completed its reign of terror that can no longer
be defeated.
Alex gets captured as well. He is convicted and after two years in prison he
participates in a murder again. In the prison his character does not change a bit. He gets
even more hypocritical as he pretends to become a good Christian and he does not stop
dreaming of acts of his favourite ultra-violence. When he is chosen to undergo
Ludovico‟s Technique, he is effectively “cured” very much like Winston Smith. He also
suffers during the harsh procedure and eventually he is turned into a human-being
unable to choose between good and evil. Furthermore, the doctors unintentionally
manage to associate his repulsion towards violence and evil with the beautiful
Beethoven‟s symphonies. “The unintended destruction of Alex‟s capacity for enjoying
music symbolizes the State‟s imperfect understanding (or volitional ignorance) of the
whole nature of man, and of the consequences of its own decisions. We may not be able

to trust a man – meaning ourselves – very far, but we must trust the State far less”
(Burgess, 1985 93).
The individual freedom in 1984 is very much restricted to freedom to love Big
Brother and the Party and at the same time to hate enemies of the Party. This applies
mainly for the members of the Party. The individual freedom in A Clockwork Orange
can be easily suppressed by the government by Ludovico‟s Technique that can
effectively make a person do whatever the government wants him to do and not to do.

III.5.2 The Beginning of the End.

Both protagonists eventually wind up as mindless walking bodies. Alex is forced to

attempt to commit a suicide. Winston who has been reduced to his own shadow is dully
awaiting a bullet in the back of the head.
Winston Smith represents very sparse minority that is harmful to the Party. Of
course, the Party knows very well how to handle the likes of his; they cannot
nonetheless afford to neglect these dangers. He also symbolises the last hope of
democracy that is slowly deteriorating and eventually bound to extinct. He finds himself
in a point of transition where the totalitarian regime is very close to achieve perfection.
When Winston Smith is cured, his memories and ideals that he represented finally
perish. Thus, the Party becomes immortal and indestructible. George Orwell originally
considered the title of the novel The Last Man in Europe and with the death of Winston
Smith it seems that the last man of the old era died, now being replaced by a completely
new type of a human.
Alex demonstrates a turning point as well. As he is the first person turned into a
puppet completely in the hands of the government, he may trigger an era of utter
totalitarianism where the State can alter the minds of citizens in any way it wishes to,
thus creating a totalitarian regime with no real danger of revolution and with a stable
dominion. It seems that the process of treatment of the protagonists and its eventual
success represents victory of both the totalitarian governments over individuals and their
individual freedom.
Both the protagonists are very naive and they do not understand the complicated
world they live in. They unintentionally find themselves in the epicentre of deep

political interests (that is especially true for Alex). Winston Smith has a deep feeling
that what is happening in the society is wrong; his view is nevertheless very dim and
naive. Alex has no idea whatsoever why both the State and the reformists try to use him
and, inevitably, he is bound to end up a victim.

III.5.3 Betrayal and How Protagonists are Being Used.

The atmosphere of betrayal keeps recurring throughout the novels and it has a
significant impact on both the protagonists. Winston Smith gets betrayed by Julia, Julia
by Winston, Winston by O‟Brien, Winston by Mr Charrington. In A Clockwork Orange,
Alex first gets betrayed by his gang, later by his parents (or at least in his eyes),
eventually by the reformists and to a certain degree, by the government as well.
1984 is a world where you can never feel safe. It is a world where children are taught
to tell on their parents and they feel no remorse when they condemn them to death.
Smith‟s neighbours, the Parsons, have children who were brought up in the Party‟s
propaganda. They are members of Spies created by the Party to teach children to tell on
anyone. The kids yell on Winston that he is a traitor and in the third part of the book,
Winston finds out that the daughter of Mr. Parsons denounced her own father for
speaking out thoughtcrimes in his dreams.
When Winston starts his relationship with Julia, he can never be sure that she will not
betray him. O‟Brien represents the last hope that the Party could be destroyed but when
Winston realises he was deceived his hopes vanish. Winston is determined never to
subdue to the torture, yet, eventually, when he is brought into contact with his mortal
enemy, he betrays Julia, his only love, just like Julia betrays him. He is eager to tell
anything to save himself, even to pass his punishment on her.

There are occasions when a human being will stand out against pain, even to
the point of death. But for everyone there is something unendurable – something
that cannot be contemplated. Courage and cowardice are not involved. If you are
falling from a height it is not cowardly to clutch at a rope. If you have come up
from deep water it is not cowardly to fill your lungs with air. It is merely an
instinct which cannot be disobeyed. It is the same with the rats. For you, they are

unendurable. They are a form of pressure that you cannot withstand, even if you
wished to. You will do what is required of you (Orwell 298).

Orwell shows that a human being can be made to say and do anything the tormenter
It is very close to what Alex is made into by what is also called a curing process. It
nevertheless in many respects resembles the torture from 1984. When he is betrayed by
his gang, he gets imprisoned. A reader, however, is quite aware that the treachery of his
gang was inspired by Alex himself and by his authoritarian way of leadership. In a way,
it was his own fault. Then he gets betrayed by his cellmates who all stick together in
their witness that Alex is the one responsible for the death of a newly coming cellmate.
But again, Alex participated in the fight and he is responsible for the death, even though
he was not alone. The consequences of betrayals that are to follow are much more
severe. When Alex is offered Ludovico‟s Technique, he is completely unaware what is
going to become of him. His sole intention is to circumvent the system and to achieve
his release as soon as possible. He secretly laughs inside when is told he will have no
evil intentions in two weeks only.
Alex is eventually “cured” and he is in a way betrayed by the government as he could
not have predicted what they will turn him into. It is plausible that had he known, he
would not have undergone the procedure. After his final release, he soon realizes what
misdeeds where cast upon him. When he finds himself in the hands of F. Alexander, he
is assured he is going to be well taken care of (again). He truly believes the writer yet he
will be betrayed again for the purposes than propaganda. F. Alexander and his associates
want him to commit suicide in order to discourage voters from supporting the
government. When they fail, Alex does not get betrayed anymore, but the exploitation is
never-ending. As in every good totalitarian state, F. Alexander gets removed (quite
possibly murdered) and Alex is used by the government again, this time to show how
dangerous reformists are, and all that the government thinks of is to care about the good
of citizens and of poor Alex.
Both the protagonists get betrayed over and over again and thus Orwell and Burgess
prove a point. They illuminate worlds where treachery is a method to ensure that the
governing powers remain where they are. It is impossible to maintain a totalitarian
regime without deliberate efforts to betray anyone whenever it is necessary. This vital
principle is embodied in every totalitarian regime and that is the reason why Orwell and

Burgess implemented it so frequently into their novels. The only important thing is to
have the power, everything is allowed when it means that the Party or the government
retains the power. The end justifies the means.
The leading authorities that rule these countries are also aware that what they do must
avoid being publicised. They do not want martyrs or any records of them. Betrayal is an
effective weapon in the hands of the government, but it must by all means remain
undiscovered by common people.

III.6. Newspeak and Nadsat

III.6.1 Brief Analysis

From the linguistic point of view, it is fascinating to take a closer look at both.
Certainly there is the new vocabulary. Orwell‟s Newspeak removed all irregularities
from verb endings and also in plurals. Negation became a powerful means of further
reduction of the vocabulary. “Given, for instance, the word good, there was no need for
such a word as bad, since the required meaning was qually well-indeed, better-expressed
by ungood” (Orwell 315). New words are usually created by affixation or blending and
their meaning can be very easily guessed, although the meaning conveyed is somewhat
broader compared to Oldspeak (English of the first half of the 20th century). Blending
was a common method at the beginning of the 20th century. “It had been noticed that the
tendency to use abbreviations of this kind was most marked in totalitarian countries and
totalitarian organisation. Examples were such words as Nazi, Gestapo, Comintern,
Inprecor, Agitprop” (Orwell 320). These were predecessors of words like thinkpol,
Minipax, Ingsoc and so on. Some of the blends curiously express the opposite meaning.
For instance, Minitrue standing for Ministry of Truth where Winston works is a
departement that falsifies past and constantly revises history so as to remove anything
potentially harmful to the Party. However, Ministry of Lies is not a very convenient
propagandistic title.
Burgess invented a slang that is used by young people. It absorbs words mainly from
Russian and some other minor languages such as gypsy and Malay. Its main word-
formation process is borrowing. Most words have same or very similar to pronunciation

as their models. Their spelling is usually changed in order to be read correctly by an
English speaking reader. Some words are even changed completely on a basis of
phonetic resemblance. A good example can be the word horrorshow that comprises two
common English words and it constitutes a new compound word that is close to its
Russian model khorosho in pronunciation and almost identical in meaning. All the
words share morphematic regularities with their English counterparts. That means that
the regular ending in plural forms, in verbs and in the third person is maintained.
There is a small gap in the story, though, perhaps unintentional. A reader does not
know what the source of Nadsat is.

Nothing is told about the history or whereabouts of this strange futuristic society,
but the deductions are there in the language. The society obviously has been subject to
both American and Russian intervention if not invasion. The derivative language,
spoken by the young, probably indicates the effects of propaganda through subliminal
penetration (Dix 14).

The usage of so many words from Russian would suggest some kind of dominion or at
least an increased social interaction, nevertheless no clues to prove it are provided

III.6.2 Other Language Finesses in A Clockwork Orange

What is staggering is the eloquence with which Alex often likes to speak. He is
capable of a complete transgression as he occasionally switches to a very noble and
polite language. That usually happens when he is talking to adults or authorities. At the
same time, we feel that he is being ironic and that he amuses himself by talking like that
from time to time. He even uses very obsolete words. This seems to be put into contrast
with his very low and animal-like behaviour to achieve really absurd and comic effect.
“Never fear. If fear thou hast in thy heart, O brother, pray banish it forthwith” (Burgess,
Clockwork 20). That is a sentence from Shakespearian world, yet it is used as an
introduction to merciless beating and rape. Clearly, Burgess contrives to illuminate a
very absurd linking between these two.
Burgess also successfully attempted to use prosody to enrichen his book as well.
This is particularly noticable in the description of a skirmish with Alex‟s foes, Billyboy
and his gang. “And, my borthers, it was real satisfaction to me to waltz –left two three,

right two three – and carve left cheeky and right cheeky,” (Burgess, Clockwork 17). It is
a brutal fight, yet Alex describes it as something beautiful, as if it was even some kind
of art or even a dance. The rhytm of the actual dance waltz is very apparent there. Once
again, it is very distinguishable that Burgess tries to connect brutal acts with noble
descriptions. It is certainly one of the reasons why is Alex‟s storytelling so intriguing.

III.6.3 Purposes and Effects

The new vocabulary of Newspeak has quite opposite aims than the new vocabulary
of Nadsat. While Nadsat invents new words and thus broadens the vocabulary, the
purpose of Newspeak is to eliminate as many words as possible and cut the word-stock
to the bone. Nadsat functions as a means of young people to alienate themselves from
the society of adults. It represents a rebellion where everything connected with adults is
wrong, even the language they speak. It does not have any deep political purpose nor it
changes the way young people think or behave. That is very contrary to the effects of

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the
world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other
modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted
once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought
diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least so far a
thought is dependent on words (Orwell 312).

The purpose of Newspeak is not alienation, it is integration. Newspeak vigorously

eliminates a huge number of words in order to establish a language that is almost free of
any thoughts.
When all the history is controlled by the Party, no words expressing heresy exist, the
Party becomes virtually undethronable. For Orwell it was impossible to imagine that a
person could conceive anything for which no expression exists. This is a basis on which
Newspeak exists and it is its crucial purpose.

IV. Conclusion
The two novels depict two different fictional Englands that share several features
with their real counterparts. A Clockwork Orange was certainly much closer to the
reality when it was written. When people in England complained that hooligans should
be medically treated, Burgess realized what the possible dangers of that are. 1984 shows
more distant future yet there are many links to the London of 1948 when it was written.
Even though the collectivistic regime in 1984 is very elaborate and perhaps even more
oppressive than most 20th century totalitarian regimes, there was no way of knowing that
the soviet regime would not have reached such perfection in the future. 1984 has always
been less likely to become a reality than A Clockwork Orange, yet it has always stood
for a warning that it is not impossible.
The atmosphere of both the novels is very grim yet the overall atmosphere of 1984
seems far more depressive due to the extremity of various methods used by the
government. A regular citizen in A Clockwork Orange still has a certain degree of
dignity and individual freedom even though he lives in fear that he/she might get
assaulted virtually anytime he/she leaves a house. A regular citizen in 1984, excluding
the members of the Inner Party, is reduced to a mindless body only capable of limited
feelings and thoughts. One must love the Big Brother, hate the enemy and, at the same
time, he/she must love and fear the Party. Those are the three feelings a citizen is
restricted to. What is to become of regular citizens in A Clockwork Orange after the
General Election is not mentioned. Quite plausibly, the Ludovico‟s Technique may
become a powerful tool of the control of human minds by the government but it is not
certain. However, majority of people are not oppressed as it is usual in totalitarian
countries. The ordinary citizens of 1984 are more or less destined to succumb to the
power of the Party. With the effective usage of terror and elaborated ways of controlling
the minds, it seems that after the likes of Winston Smith eventually vanish, there is no
obstacle to the Party‟s eternal reign.
In both the novels we can discover how totalitarian goverments justify their methods
by the usage of propaganda. Alex is used to show how government ingeniously
eradicates crime. What the other negative consequences both for Alex and for the
society are the government does not speak about. Voices against the government are
silenced. The same motif is inherent for 1984 as well. Any potentional enemy is

eliminated and masses are kept obedient by lies. The enemy causes everything that is
negative for the society and everything positive is attributed to the Party or Big Brother.
Both the protagonists live through similar experiences. In corrupt societies they live
in they first find little pleasures of life only to be later crushed by the omnipotent
governments. They get betrayed and then tortured. Alex‟s treatment can be hardly
perceived as anything different than torture. The tortures and their results illustrate how
governments or any other political authorities may achieve almost anything when it
comes to the manipulation of an individual when appropriate methods are used. Alex
and Winston get eventually “cured” and thus they symbolise that the government is far
stronger than an individual.
The comparison of the Nadsat slang in A Clockwork Orange and Newspeak in 1984
shows that both were used to achieve very different goals and that they have almost
nothing in common. The slang is used to alienate youngsters from the mainstream
society and it widens their word stock. It suggests a certain degree of influence by
Russia on England as the words are mostly of the Russian origin, however, no such
pieces of evidence are provided in the novel. Newspeak eliminates as many words as
possible and it is being developed for the mainstream society to easily integrate it for the
purposes of oligarchic collectivism. It does not have any artistic ambitions, its sole
intention and primary goal is to reduce thinking by reducing the vocabulary.
Both the novels are two of the most crucial dystopias of the 20th century. Their
warning against totalitarianism has had a significant impact on wide public and the
messages they convey prove to be lasting as they attract great number of readers even
some fifty or sixty years since they were published for the first time. The dystopian
motifs in the novels are described in a very persuasive way as most of the motifs
correspond with developments of really existing totalitarian regimes and with actual
totalitarian tendencies in the 20th century Europe.

Works Cited

Burgess, Anthony. 1985. London: Hutchinson, 1978.

Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. London: Penguin Books, 1972.
Burgess, Anthony. You’ve Had Your Time. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1990.
Crick, Bernard. George Orwell: A Life. New York: Penguin Books, 1982.
Daniels, Robert Vincent. The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 2007.
Dix, Carol M. Anthony Burgess. London: Longman Group LTD, 1971.
Fitzpatrick, Sheila. Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Time: Soviet
Russia in the 1930s. Cary: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Meyers, Jeffrey. Orwell. New York: Norton, 2000.
Orwell, George. 1984. London: Penguin Book, 1989.
Wolfe, Bertram D. Communist Totalitarianism. Boston: Beacon Press, 1956.


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