13 Dynamic Programming - TSP

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Dynamic Programming
(Travelling Salesman Problem)

Dr. D. P. Acharjya
Professor, SCOPE
Office: SJT Annex 201E
Email: debiprasannaacharjya@vit.ac.in

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Travelling Salesman Problem
 The job of a travelling salesman is to visit all the cities
linked by roads in a particular territory.
 He has to visit all the cities exactly once and to return
his home city in such a manner that, the total cost
(distance travelled, time, money) is minimum.
 The above problem can be visualized as a graph theory
problem. Consider all the cities as vertices and the
roads connected to them as edges.
 So, it is a weighted directed graph.
 Our objective is to find a minimum cost Hamiltonian
tour for a graph.
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Complete Graph, Walk and Tour
 A graph G(V, E); E  (VV) is said to be a
complete graph, if for every pair of vertices, there
exists an edge.
 A walk is a sequence of vertices and edges of a
graph G(V, E).
 A tour is a walk in which the start and end vertex is
 A tour in which all the edges are travelled exactly
once is known as Eulerian tour.
 A tour in which all the vertices are visited exactly
once is known as Hamiltonian tour.
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Mathematical Formulation
 Let G(V,E) be a complete directed graph. Let the cost from
ith vertex to jth vertex be cij.
 Let |V| = n such that n > 1.
 Let us consider the tour starts from vertex 1 and ends at
vertex 1.
 Let g(i, S) be the length of a shortest path starting at vertex
i going through all vertices in S and terminating at vertex i.

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Continued …
 Above equation is executed for |S| = 1, 2, 3, … with i  1
and i  S.
 If |S| = (n - 1), then the optimal tour is defined as:

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Numerical Illustration
 Consider the cities are connected as per the
following graph. Find an optimal tour to the
travelling salesman problem over the given graph.

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 The adjacency matrix of the above graph with
respect to the vertices 1, 2, 3, and 4 is given as:

 Let the source vertex be 1. Thus we get:

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Continued …
 For |S| = 1, we have S = {3} or {4} for i = 2.

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Continued …
 For |S| = 2, we have S = {3, 4} for i = 2.

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Continued …
 For |S| = 2, we have S = {2, 3} for i = 4.

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Continued …
 The optimal tour is given as |S| = (n-1) = 3

 The Optimal Tour is given below with cost = 35

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Computing Time
 The total number of computations for g(i, S) for |S|
= k is given as:

 The number of comparisons in optimal tour is (n -

2) as |S| = (n - 1)
 Total time is given as:

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