Hand Gesture Control Wheel Chair

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Submitted by

KARTHICK S (61072013118)
LOKESHKUMAR R (61072013120)
SANTHOSH KUMAR P (61072013132)
VIJAYADHARSHAN M (61072013147)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree




Certificated that this project report “HAND GESTURE CONTROLLED

WHEELCHAIR FOR DISABLED PERSONS” is the bonafide work of

KARTHICK S (61072013118)
LOKESHKUMAR R (61072013120)
SANTHOSH KUMAR P (61072013132)
VIJAYADHARSHAN M (61072013147)

who carried out the project work under my supervision.

Prof. K.MOHAN M.E. Prof. K. MOHAN M.E.
Department of EEE, Department of EEE,
Govt. College of engineering, Govt. College of Engineering,
Bargur - 635 104 Bargur – 635 104

Submitted for the viva-voice Examination held on ___________ at

“Government College of Engineering”, Bargur.



We feel glad to take this opportunity to cordially acknowledge a numberof

people who provided us a great support during our project.

We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to our respected

Principal Dr.R.VIJAYAN, M.E., Ph.D., who has bestowed his and affection of
us in accomplishing this project kind grace.

Sincere thanks to Prof. K.MOHAN, M.E., Head of the Department(i/c) &

Project guide of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bargur on providing
facility to do the project work and utilize all the facilities in this college.

We would like to thank our Project Coordinator, Prof. K.MOHAN, M.E.,

who guided us throughout the entire phase of our projects with his esteemed
presence. It is his motivation and guidance which made us explore our project.

Finally we thank our parents, teaching, non-teaching staff and friendswho

helped us in completing this project successful.








1.1 Overview
1.2 Objective
1.3 Literature survey
1.4 Existing System
1.5 Proposed System
2.1 Block Diagram
2.2 Circuit Diagram
2.2.1 Circuit Description
3.1 Transmitter End
3.1.1 Battery
3.1.2 Voltage Regulator
3.2 Receiver End
3.2.1 Battery
3.2.2 Voltage Booster
4.1 LCD Display
4.1.1 LCD Display
4.1.2 16 x 2 character LCD Display
4.2 RF Transmitter and Receiver
4.2.1 Radio Frequency Module
4.2.2 Features of RF Module
4.2.3 Factors Affecting RF Module
4.2.4 Transmitter & Receiver Circuit Diagram
4.2.5 Working
4.2.6 Applications
5.1 Nano Microcontroller
5.1.1 Memory in Nano
5.1.2 Advanced RISC Architecture
5.1.3 High Endurance Non-volatile Memory Segments
5.1.4 Temperature Measurements
5.1.5 Special Microcontroller Features
5.1.6 I/O and Packages
5.2 Accelerometer Sensor
8.1 AVR Microcontroller
8.1.1 Block Diagram (AVR)
8.1.2 Pin Description
8.1.3 High Endurance Non-volatile Memory Segments
8.1.4 Peripheral Features
8.1.5 Specifications
8.2 H Bridge Circuit
8.2.1 Specifications
8.2.2 Hardware Diagram
8.3 60 RPM Motor
9.1 Embedded C
9.1.1 Programming Embedded System
9.1.2 Factors for selecting the Programming Language
9.1.3 Basic of Embedded C Program
9.1.4 Keywords in Embedded C
9.1.5 Data Types in Embedded C
9.2 Pre-Installed Coding in AVR



Block Diagram of Proposed System

Transmitter Circuit
Receiver Circuit
Pin Diagram for Nano Controller
Architecture Design for Micro Controller
Pin Diagram of LCD Display
Accelerometer Sensor
RF Transmitter(Encoder)
RF Receiver(Decoder)
RF Transmitter Circuit
RF Receiver Circuit
Functioning of RF Module
Block Diagram of AVR Controller
Architecture of AVR Controller
Driver Board
DC Motor
Programming Embedded System
Gesture Controlled Wheelchair
Forward & Backward Motion of Wheelchair
Rightward & Leftward Motion of Wheelchair
Stop Position of Wheelchair




Specification of Nano Controller

Power Supply Details
Input and Output of Motor Driver
Working Direction of Wheelchair
Today in this modern era around world’s 10 percentage, around 650 million

people are suffering from physical disability. In order to make their life bit easier

we decided to make a hand gesture controlled wheel chair which will be working
on the gesture of their hand. Here we are implementing a low-cost hand gesture

controlled automated wheelchair-using Nano based microcontroller and

accelerometer sensor is presented in this project.

The main focus of this study is to control the wheelchair with the movement of
the hand-wrist movement. Besides hand gestures, the wheelchair can also be

controlled via Nano controller. Nano microcontroller, accelerometer sensor (X Y

Z axis), RF transmitter, RF receiver, driver board, gear motor, regulator and LCD

display are used to design the wheelchair prototype.

The designed wheelchair is comparatively simpler in a sense that if any person

can able to move their wrist only, then he/she can operate the wheelchair. In the

proposed design, the hand gesture control system is designed such that it
overcomes the necessity of accelerometer sensor. The proposed technique will

have a great impact on society because of its easier use and cheaper price
compared to other automated wheelchair designs.



A wheelchair is such a type of mechanical device, which is used by the elderly

patients and the people who are physically unable to move properly due to some
kind of accident or neural disease. Most of the electric wheelchairs used in many

other countries are imported. Moreover, these wheelchairs are above the level of

affordability of most common class people due to higher cost. Several works have

been done in the wheelchair design project with various techniques to design low
cost version. But those techniques are not efficient enough and not much affordable

in terms of cost and complexity. Previously a wheelchair concept that presents a

control-method to maneuver a motorized technology wheelchair merely by the

movement of fingers as described in extra safety intelligent systems that could make
the life of the operator easier.

Many research works have been presented since then and there are different
versions with different technologies of wheelchairs. Along with the higher buying

and maintenance costs, there are some other drawbacks to those types of
wheelchairs. For controlling the wheelchair through eye movement, there would be

a screen always in front of the operator/patient. The wheelchair won’t move without

the perfect detection of the movement of the eye/e yelid. In a voice-controlled

wheelchair, the wheelchair is being operated by the voice command through a

speech processing system. However, in a real-life environment, noise around the

user may mix with the user’s speech. This may make the operation of this device

difficult in noisy environments.


• The aim of this project is to make a hand gesture controlled wheel chair using
accelerometer as sensor to help the physically disabled people

• If the gesture corresponds to wheelchair motion, this information is sent to

motor control board and it controls the wheel,

• The disabled people always find difficulties in moving from one room to
another and even to do that the handicapped person was dependent on
someone else who will push the wheelchair manually and take the
handicapped person from one place to another, Hand Gesture Controlled
Wheelchair the handicapped person is independent and he need not to ask for
help from any other person to move his wheelchair.


The literature towards the design methodologies proposed by different
authors is collected and presented in the subsequent paragraphs.

*Deepak Kumar Lodhi (Voice Controlled Wheelchair using Embedded

System) :-


➢ This paper represents the “Voice-controlled Wheel chair” for the physically
differently abled person where the voice command controls the movements
of the wheelchair.
➢ The voice command is given through a cellular device having Bluetooth and
the command is transferred and converted to string by the BT Voice Control
for Arduino and is transferred to the Bluetooth Module SR-04connected to
the Arduino board for the control of the Wheelchair.

Does not Contains:

➢ It does not have the source to transmits and receive signals for a long
➢ This type wheelchair is not helpful for dumb people.

*Shahid Hussain Wani1 (Voice Controlled Wheelchair using Android




ANDROID TECHNOLOGY project is to build an automated wheelchair
that helps the physically disabled peoples to locomote from one place to
➢ The idea of building VOICE CONTROLLED WHEELCHAIR is to
overcome some disadvantages of the existing systems. The wheelchair is
controlled with the help of an android mobile application.

Does not Contains:

➢ This type wheelchair is not helpful for dumb people.
➢ The Accelerometer sensor is not used, so in the absence of android
technology the wheelchair will not works.

*Kohei Arai (Eye Based Electric Controlled Wheelchair) :-


➢ Eyes base Electric Wheel Chair Control: EBEWC is proposed. The proposed
EBEWC is controlled by human eyes only.
➢ It contains illumination conditions, EWC vibration, and user's movement.
➢ It is confirmed that the proposed EBEWC can be controlled by human eyes
only accurately and safely.

Does not contains:

➢ Most of the computer input system with human eyes only consider in
specific condition and does not work in a real time basis.
➢ It is found that proposed EBEWC is strongly against the aforementioned
influencing factors.

*Amruta S. Magar1 , M.R.Bachute (Hand Gesture Controlled

Wheelchair using Image Processing Through Web Camera) :-


➢ This paper, presents wheelchair using image processing through web

➢ This proposed system is totally depend on the raspberry pi board that
contains the Arm11 controller that should controls the movements of the
wheelchair with help of web camera and dc motor.
➢ This System approaches the vision based methodology exposed hand
➢ This system has using the HSV color space technique to detection of hand
gesture through image processing.

Does Not Contain:

➢ This system contains Rasberry Pi which is costly, so we can use Nano

Microccontroller for cost efficient process.
➢ This system not only recognizes hand gesture but also control the wheelchair
according to the hand movement.

In wheel chair where cost high and reliable to use according to the convenient of
user. Person who is disabled should always be depend on someone. Technology

used in previous processes of manual movement manages which will be difficult to

manage some time it will work out of control. And if buzzer sounds it will be very

noise. In this method they need someone help with any other person help they cannot
move one place to another place.


The Nano microcontroller which is connected with accelerometer sensor and also
instruct the accelerometer sensor data which convert the input signal into axis.The

accelerometer sensor which will find the axis (x, y and z). That works according to

threshold value, like if a person show the hand on x axis direction then it will move
forward, if they show in y axis direction then it will move backward direction, in z
axis then it will movie in rightward direction and in x and y direction I will movie
in left side direction. This instruction will received by the RF transmitter and this

transmitter will give information to RF receiver. The AVR microcontroller will

control the RX receiver and sends and information to driver motor. Driver motor
will get started and allow to get ON gear motor and the wheel it will get started and
movies according to the instruction. In the LCD display the user can see where

wheel chair is moving according to the gesture. This is user friendly and comfortable

to use according to their needs.


Fig 2.1

Fig 2.2: Transmitter

Fig 2.3: Receiver


• The transmitter and receiver circuit diagram consist the components are core
components of LCD display, Nano microcontroller, power supply , regulator
,RF transmitter , accelerometer sensor (x,y,z axis),AVR microcontroller, RX
receiver, driver board , gear motor.

• 12v Power Supply is given to regulator for voltage regulating 12v to 5v then
5v supply is given to controller. VCC and GND pins are connected to
• LCD display has 8pins connection, VCC pin connected to 5v and VDD pin
connected to ground pin and 6 digital pins inter connected to controller any 6
digital pins.

• Accelerometer sensor has 5 pins. VCC pin connected to 5v, GND connected
to ground and remaining 3pins connected to controller analog pin A0, A1, A2.

• RF transmitter has three pins. Positive pin interface to 5v, negative pin
connected to ground and data pin connected to controller digital pin.

• In receiver circuit the AVR controller board is controlling the whole circuit.

• In LCD display data pins are connected to controller digital pins d2, d3, d4,
d5, d6, d7.VDD pin connected to positive 5v, VSS pin connected ground.

• The power from the power source pins connected to regulator for converting
12v top 5v. then 5v supply connected to controller.

• RX receiver has 3 pins. (+) pin connected to 5v, (-) pin interface to ground and
remaining data pin connected to controller digital pin.

• Driver board connection,12v supply connected to regulator, EN 1&2 pin

connected to 5v supply, ground pin connected GND, remaining pins
connected to controller digital pin. Motor out1 and out2 interface to driver


3.1.1 Battery
Hi-Watt 9V Battery is the most commonly used and portable 9V battery. It is
non-rechargeable and is a high capacity and low-cost solution for many electronic
devices. It is based on Zinc Carbon Chemistry and can be used easily replaced if
discharged just like any standard AA and AAA batteries. The battery can be used
to power LEDs, Toys, Flashlight and Torch, electronic equipment like multimeter,
wall clocks, or other devices with a 9V system. A battery snap connector is
generally used to connect it with a breadboard.
3.1.2 Battery Specification
Nominal Voltage(V) 9V

Battery Type Zinc Carbon battery

Dimension 26.5mm x 48.5mm x 17.5mm

Discharge Resistance (Ohms) 620

System Zinc Carbon

Cut-off Voltage(V) 5.4

Discharge Tie 270Hm, 9 Hrs

Jacket Metal

Operating Temperature Range (deg. C) -20 to +85

Table 3.1
3.1.3 Voltage Regulator
A voltage regulator is a component of the power supply unit that ensures a
steady constant voltage supply through all operational conditions. It regulates
voltage during power fluctuations and variations in loads. It can regulate AC as
well as DC voltages.

Fig 3.1


3.2.1 Battery
Here a lithium ion rechargeable battery is used. A lithium-ion battery is a type
of rechargeable battery that is charged and discharged by lithium ions moving
between the negative (anode) and positive (cathode) electrodes. (Generally,
batteries that can be charged and discharged repeatedly are called secondary
batteries, whereas disposable batteries are called primary batteries.)
The movement of the lithium ions creates free electrons in the anode which
creates a charge at the positive current collector. The electrical current then flows
from the current collector through a device being powered (cell phone, computer,
etc.) to the negative current collector

Fig 3.2
3.2.2 Voltage Booster
A DC Voltage booster circuit boosts a low-level DC signal, namely 1.5V to 3V
to a significantly higher DC level. they commonly serve in applications requiring a
much higher DC power input (about 60V to 80V DC). So, in this project, we are
going to design a simple & inexpensive voltage booster circuit using transistors.
Basically, DC-DC converters/boosters are electronic circuits that step up or step
down the DC voltage to get the desired voltage level. In many industrial
applications, requirements tend to convert a fixed voltage DC source into a
variable voltage DC source. A DC converter can be considered as a DC equivalent
to an AC transformer with a continuously variable turn ratio. Like a transformer, it
can step-down or step-up a DC voltage source. DC converters can also serve as
switching mode regulators to convert a DC voltage, normally unregulated, to a
regulated DC output voltage.

Table 3.2

Fig 3.3



Fig 4.1

4.1.1 Liquid crystal display

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display,
or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid
crystals do not emit light directly. LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as
in a general-purpose computer display) or fixed images which can be displayed or
hidden, such as preset words, digits, and 7-segment displays as in a digital clock.
They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images are made up of a
large number of small pixels, while other displays have larger elements. LCDs are
used in a wide range of applications including computer monitors, televisions,
instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and signage. They are common in
consumer devices such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches,
calculators, and telephones, and have replaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in
most applications. They are available in a wider range of screen sizes than CRT and
plasma displays, and since they do not use phosphors, they do not suffer image burn-
in. LCDs are, however, susceptible to image persistence.
The LCD screen is more energy efficient and can be disposed of more safely
than a CRT. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-
powered electronic equipment. It is an electronically modulated optical device made
up of any number of segments filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front of
a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.
Liquid crystals were first discovered in 1888.
4.1.2 16 x 2 character LCD display:
An LCD is a small low cost display. it is easy to interface with a micro-
controller because of an embedded controller (the black blob on the back of the
board). This controller is standard across many displays (hd 44780), which means
many micro-controllers have libraries that make displaying messages as easy as a
single line of code.


4.2.1 Radio Frequency Module

In generally, the wireless systems designer has two overriding constraints: it must
operate over a certain distance and transfer a certain amount of information within a
data rate. The RF modules are very small in dimension and have a wide operating
voltage range i.e. 3V to 12V.

Basically the RF modules are 433 MHz RF transmitter and receiver modules. The
transmitter draws no power when transmitting logic zero while fully suppressing the
carrier frequency thus consume significantly low power in battery operation. When
logic one is sent carrier is fully on to about 4.5mA with a 3volts power supply. The
data is sent serially from the transmitter which is received by the tuned receiver.
Transmitter and the receiver are duly interfaced to two microcontrollers for data


Fig 4.2

RF transmitter receives serial data and transmits to the receiver through an

antenna which is connected to the 4th pin of the transmitter. When logic 0 applied to
transmitter then there is no power supply in transmitter. When logic 1 is applied to
transmitter then transmitter is ON and there is a high power supply in the range of
4.5mA with 3V voltage supply.

4.2.2 Features of RF Module:

• Receiver frequency 433MHz

• Receiver typical frequency 105Dbm
• Receiver supply current 3.5mA
• Low power consumption
• Receiver operating voltage 5v
• Transmitter frequency range 433.92MHz
• Transmitter supply voltage 3v~6v
• Transmitter output power 4v~12v

4.2.3 Factors Affecting RF Module

As compared to the other radio-frequency devices, the performance of an RF

module will depend on several factors like by increasing the transmitter’s power a
large communication distance will be gathered. However, which will result in high
electrical power drain on the transmitter device, which causes shorter operating life
of the battery powered devices. Also by using this devices at higher transmitted
power will create interference with other RF devices.

It has many applications in various areas like Remote lighting controls, long
range RFID, wireless alarm and security systems, etc

4.2.4 Transmitter & Receiver Circuit Diagram

Fig 4.3
Fig 4.4

4.2.5 Working
Unlike the IR transmitter I made, the RF transmitter is designed to constantly
send the status of it's inputs.
1) Because the link is noisy, and there is a good chance the byte will be
2) The receiver passes out if no input is received within a few milliseconds of
a previous input, and doesn't accept new input until a few hundred milliseconds
afterwards. So the receiver is made to recognize a startbit so it knows where the
transmission began, it then measures the pulse length, and determines whether it's a
1 or 0. Just like the IR controller. Unlike the IR controller, if a false bit length is
sensed the RF receiver ignores it and leaves the value of the array as it was. Meaning
if the RC car is moving forward, and the bit which corresponds to forward it corrupt
the car will keep moving forward. The benefit of this is that with bytes being sent
constantly corrupt bits will be replaced by correct ones quickly.
So even if an entire transmission fails, a new transmission comes right
afterwards. Sort of a brute-force method, but it gets the job done quickly and simply.

Fig 4.5

I think I commented the code even better than the IR controller, so just check
the source for a more in depth explanation. (It's in basic, written with Mikrobasic)
The firmware is designed for two PIC16F88's, but with very few software changes
any PIC can be used. To test the setup I modded the RC car I used with the IR remote
control system. The range seems to be good, although I haven't tested it at more than
15 meters yet. The transmitter boasts 1km of range under ideal conditions, so I can
count on this working anywhere in the house at least. Plus I don't have to run after
the car and point at the IR module anymore.
4.2.6 Applications:

• Wireless security systems

• Car alarm systems
• Remote controls
• Sensor reporting
• Automation systems



Here are few of its basic features which you must know if you are thinking to
work on this great microcontroller board:

• It has 22 input/output pins in total.

• 14 of these pins are digital pins.

• Nano has 8 analogue pins.

• It has 6 PWM pins among the digital pins.

• It has a crystal oscillator of 16MHz.

• Its operating voltage varies from 5V to 12V.

• It also supports different ways of communication, which are:

o Serial Protocol.

o I2C Protocol.

o SPI Protocol.

• It also has a mini USB Pin which is used to upload code.

• It also has a Reset button on it.

Table 5.1

5.1.1 Memory in Nano

It has below memories embedded in it which are used for different purposes and
are as follows:

• Flash memory of Nano is 32Kb.

• It has preinstalled boot loader on it, which takes a flash memory of 2kb.

• SRAM memory of this Microcontroller board is 8kb.

• It has an EEPROM memory of 1kb.

Fig 5.1

5.1.2 Advanced RISC Architecture

• 131 Powerful Instructions

• Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
• 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
• Fully Static Operation
• Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20MHz
• On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier
5.1.3 High Endurance Non-volatile Memory Segments

• 4K/8K/16KBytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash Program Memory

• 256/512/512Bytes EEPROM

• 512/1K/1KBytes Internal SRAM

• Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM

• Data Retention: 20 years at 85°C/100 years at 25°C

• Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits In-System

Programming by On-chip Boot Program

• Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare Mode, and Capture Mode

• Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator

• Six PWM Channels
• 8-channel 10-bit ADC in TQFP and QFN/MLF package Temperature

• 6-channel 10-bit ADC in PDIP Package
Fig 5.2

5.1.4 Temperature Measurement

• Two Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface

• One Programmable Serial USART

• One Byte-oriented 2-wire Serial Interface (Philips I2C compatible)

• Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator

• One On-chip Analog Comparator

• Interrupt and Wake-up on Pin Change

5.1.5 Special Microcontroller Features

• Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection

• Internal Calibrated Oscillator

• External and Internal Interrupt Sources
• Six Sleep Modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down,
Standby, and Extended Standby

5.1.6 I/O and Packages

O 23 Programmable I/O Lines 28-pin PDIP, 32-lead TQFP, 28-pad QFN/MLF

and 32-pad QFN/MLF

• Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C

• Speed Grade: 0 - 10MHz @ 2.7V - 5.5V, 0 - 20MHz @ 4.5V - 5.5V

• Power Consumption at 1MHz, 1.8V, 25°C

• Active Mode: 0.3mA

• Power-down Mode: 0.1μA

• Power-save Mode: 0.8μA (Including 32kHz RTC)


ADXL345 Triple Axis Accelerometer Board is a small, thin, low power, 3-axis
accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16g. Digital output
data is format as 16-bit twos complement and is accessible through either an SPI (3-
or 4-wire) or I2C digital interface.

The ADXL345 Triple Axis Accelerometer Board is well suited for mobile
device applications. It measures the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing
applications, as well as dynamic acceleration resulting from motion or shock. Its high
resolution (4 mg/LSB) enables measurement of inclination changes less than 1.0°.

Several special sensing functions are provided. Activity and inactivity sensing
detect the presence or lack of motion and if the acceleration on any axis exceeds a
user-set level. Tap sensing detects single and double taps. Free-fall sensing detects if
the device is falling. These functions can be mapped to one of two interrupt output
pins. An integrated, patent-pending 32-level first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffer can be
used to store data to minimize host processor intervention.
Fig 5.3




The High performance, low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based

microcontroller combines 8KB of programmable flash memory, 1KB of SRAM,
512K EEPROM, and a 6 or 8 channel 10-bit A/D converter. The device supports
throughput of 16 MIPS at 16 MHz and operates between 2.7-5.5 volts.


Fig 6.1
1. VCC Digital supply voltage.
2. GND Ground.
Port B (PB7...PB0)
Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors
(selected for each bit). The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive
characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port B pins
that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are
activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active,
even if the clock is not running. Depending on the clock selection fuse settings,
PB6 can be used as input to the inverting Oscillator amplifier and input to the
internal clock operating circuit. Depending on the clock selection fuse settings,
PB7 can be used as output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier. If the Internal
Calibrated RC Oscillator is used as chip clock source, PB7...6 is used as
TOSC2...1input for the Asynchronous Timer/Counter2 if the AS2 bit in ASSR is
Port C (PC5...PC0)
Port C is an 7-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected
for each bit). The Port C output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with
both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port C pins that are externally
pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port C pins
are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not
If the RSTDISBL Fuse is programmed, PC6 is used as an I/O pin. Note that the
electrical characteristics of PC6 differ from those of the other pins of Port C. If the
RSTDISBL Fuse is unprogrammed, PC6 is used as a Reset input. A low level on
this pin for longer than the minimum pulse length will generate a Reset, even if the
clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a Reset.
Port D (PD7..PD0)
Port D is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected
for each bit). The Port D output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with
both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port D pins that are externally
pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port D pins
are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active ,even if the clock is not
RESET :Reset input. A low level on this pin for longer than the minimum pulse
length will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not
guaranteed to generate a res
AVCC A VCC is the supply voltage pin for the A/D Converter, Port C (3..0),
and ADC (7..6). It should be externally connected to VCC, even if the ADC is not
used. If the ADC is used, it should be connected to VCC through a low-pass filter.
Note that Port C (5..4) use digital supply voltage, VCC.AREF AREF is the analog
reference pin for the A/D Converter.

6.1.3 High Endurance Non-volatile Memory segments

• 8Kbytes of In-System Self-programmable Flash program memory

• 512Bytes EEPROM
• 1Kbyte Internal SRAM
• Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM
• Data retention: 20 years at 85°C/100 years at 25°C.

• Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits

• In-System Programming by On-chip Boot Program

• True Read-While-Write Operation

• Programming Lock for Software Security

6.1.4 Peripheral Features

• Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Prescaler, one Compare Mode

• One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare Mode, and

• Mode
• Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator
• Three PWM Channels
• 8-channel ADC in TQFP and QFN/MLF package

• Eight Channels 10-bit Accuracy

• 6-channel ADC in PDIP package

• Six Channels 10-bit Accuracy

• Byte-oriented Two-wire Serial Interface

• Programmable Serial USART

• Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface

• Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip Oscillator

• On-chip Analog Comparator

I/O and Packages
• 23 Programmable I/O Lines
• 28-lead PDIP, 32-lead TQFP, and 32-pad QFN/MLF

Operating Voltages
• 2.7V - 5.5V (ATmega8L)
• 4.5V - 5.5V (ATmega8)
Speed Grades
• 0 - 8MHz (ATmega8L)
• 0 - 16MHz (ATmega8)
Power Consumption at 4Mhz, 3V, 25°C
• Active: 3.6mA
• Idle Mode: 1.0mA
• Power-down Mode: 0.5μA


Double H driver module uses ST L298N dual full-bridge driver, an

integrated monolithic circuit in a 15- lead Multiwatt and PowerSO20 packages. It is
a high voltage, high current dual full-bridge driver designed to accept standard TTL
logic levels and drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepping
motors. Two enable inputs are provided to enable or disable the device independently
of the input signals. The emitters of the lower transistors of each bridge are connected
together and the corresponding external terminal can be used for the con-nection of
an external sensing resistor. An additional supply input is provided so that the logic
works at a lower voltage.
Fig 6.2

6.2.1 Specification

• Driver: L298N
• Driver power supply: +5V~+46V
• Driver Io: 2A
• Logic power output Vss: +5~+7V (internal supply +5V)
• Logic current: 0~36mA
• Controlling level: Low -0.3V~1.5V, high: 2.3V~Vss
• Enable signal level: Low -0.3V~1.5V, high: 2.3V~Vss
• Max power: 25W (Temperature 75 cesus)
• Working temperature: -25C~+130C
• Dimension: 60mm*54mm
• Driver weight: ~48g
• Other extensions: current probe, controlling direction indicator, pull-up
resistoer switch, logic part power supply.
6.2.2 Hardware Diagram

Fig 6.3
• CSA: The current test pin for motor A, this pin can be wired a resistor for
current testing or tied a jumper to disable it.
• CSB: The current test pin for motor B, this pin can be wired a resistor for
current testing or tied a jumper to disable it.
• VMS: VMS is the 5V-35V power source for motor. VMS is positive, GND is
• 5V: Power input for the logic circuit on the board.
• 5V-EN: 5V source jumper. When the jumper is put on, The 78M05 supplies
the 5V power for logic circuit on the board from the VMS port(7V < VMS <
18V). The power of logic circuit of the board is supplied by the 5V port
when this jumper put off.
• U1/2/3/4: Pull up resistor for IN1/2/3/4. Putting on the jumper enable the pull
up resistor for the microcontroller, putting off it disable it.
• EA/EB: EA/EB is the enable pin for the two motor A/B, the motor speed also
can be controlled by the PWM of this pin.
• IN1/2/3/4: IN1/2/3/4 is the pin for the motor control. Motor B is same as Motor

Table 6.1

Fig 6.4
6.3 60 RPM MOTOR

Fig 6.5

At high power levels, DC motors are almost always cooled using forced air.
Different number of stator and armature fields as well as how they are connected
provides different inherent speed/torque regulation characteristics. The speed of a
DC motor can be controlled by changing the voltage applied to the armature. The
introduction of variable resistance in the armature circuit or field circuit allowed
speed control. Modern DC motors are often controlled by power
electronics systems which adjust the voltage by "chopping" the DC current into on
and off cycles which have an effective lower voltage.

Since the series-wound DC motor develops its highest torque at low speed, it
is often used in traction applications such as electric locomotives, and trams. The DC
motor was the mainstay of electric traction drives on both electric and diesel-electric
locomotives, street-cars/trams and diesel electric drilling rigs for many years. The
introduction of DC motors and an electrical grid system to run machinery starting in
the 1870s started a new second Industrial Revolution. DC motors can operate
directly from rechargeable batteries, providing the motive power for the first electric
vehicles and today's hybrid cars and electric cars as well as driving a host of cordless
tools. Today DC motors are still found in applications as small as toys and disk
drives, or in large sizes to operate steel rolling mills and paper machines. Large DC
motors with separately excited fields were generally used with winder drives
for mine hoists, for high torque as well as smooth speed control using thyristor
drives. These are now replaced with large AC motors with variable frequency drives.

If external mechanical power is applied to a DC motor it acts as a DC

generator, a dynamo. This feature is used to slow down and recharge batteries
on hybrid car and electric cars or to return electricity back to the electric grid used
on a street car or electric powered train line when they slow down. This process is
called regenerative braking on hybrid and electric cars. In diesel electric locomotives
they also use their DC motors as generators to slow down but dissipate the energy
in resistor stacks. Newer designs are adding large battery packs to recapture some of
this energy.



Software : Embedded C
Language : C language
The ideal way to define an embedded system is as a device that combines
hardware and software to do a single purpose. A washing machine is an excellent

illustration of an embedded system, which is a common home item.

Fig 7.1
We virtually always use washing machines, but we wouldn’t realise that they

are embedded systems made up of software, hardware, and a processor.

It receives input from the user regarding the wash cycle, type of clothing,
additional soaking and rinsing, spin speed, etc., then follows the instructions to

complete the washing and drying of the garments. The washing machine will repeat

the same set of duties as the previous wash if no new instructions are provided for
the subsequent wash.
In addition to being standalone devices, like washing machines, embedded
systems can also be a component of a much bigger system. A car is a good

illustration of this. A modern car has a number of distinct embedded systems that

each carry out their assigned functions in order to ensure a smooth and secure

The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Temperature Monitoring System,

Automatic Climate Control, Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Engine Oil Level
Monitor, etc. are some of the embedded systems in a car.

7.1.1 Programming Embedded Systems

As was already established, hardware and software are both components of

embedded systems. The processor is the primary Hardware Module of a basic

Embedded System. The processor, which might be a microprocessor,

microcontroller, DSP, CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device), or an FPGA,

is the brain of an embedded system (Field Programmable Gated Array).

All of these gadgets have one thing in common: they are all programmable,

which means that we can create a program (which is the software component of the

embedded system) to specify how the gadget functions in practice.

Hardware can monitor external events (via inputs and sensors) and respond by

controlling external devices (through outputs) thanks to embedded software or

programs. Timers, Serial Communications Interface, Interrupt Handling, and I/O

Ports, among other components of the internal architecture of the embedded
hardware (often the processor), may need to be directly manipulated by the program

for an embedded system during this process.

Numerous programming languages, including Assembly (a low-level

programming language), C, C++, JAVA (a high-level programming language),

Visual Basic, JAVA Script (an application-level programming language), etc. are

used for embedded systems.

The programming of the system plays a crucial role in creating a better-embedded

system, so choosing the right programming language is crucial.

7.1.2 Factors for Selecting the Programming Language:

The following are a few things to keep in mind while choosing a programming
language for creating embedded systems.
• Size: Since embedded processors like microcontrollers have a very limited quantity

of ROM, the memory that the software occupies is vitally essential (Program


• Speed: The programs must run quickly, or as quickly as possible. A slow-running

software shouldn’t slow down the hardware.

• Portability: The same program can be compiled for different processors.

• Ease of Implementation
• Ease of Maintenance
• Readability

Assembly Language was mostly used in the development of embedded systems

in the past. Although Assembly Language produces small-sized hex files and is the

closest to actual machine code, its lack of portability and the significant amount of
resources (time and labor) required to develop the code made it challenging to use.

Other high-level programming languages existed that had the aforementioned

features, but none came close to C. The following are some advantages of choosing

Embedded C as your primary programming language:

• Significantly easy to write code in C

• Consumes less time when compared to Assembly
• Maintenance of code (modifications and updates) is very simple

• Make use of library functions to reduce the complexity of the main code
• You can easily port the code to other architecture with very few modifications
Introduction to Embedded C Programming Language
We will first discuss the C programming language before delving into the
specifics of embedded C programming and the fundamentals of embedded C

The most famous and frequently used programming language is C, which Dennis
Ritchie created in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The C programming language

enabled efficient translation to machine instructions and low level memory access
using a simple compiler (a piece of software that transforms programmes into

machine code).

The C programming language has become so well-liked that it is utilized in a

variety of applications, from supercomputers to embedded systems.

An extension of the C programming language is embedded C programming

language, which is frequently used in the creation of embedded systems. The main

function, datatype declarations, defining variables, loops, functions, statements, and

other programming constructs found in the C programming language are all used in
the embedded C programming language in the same syntax and semantics.

Embedded C differs from an ordinary C programming language in a number of

ways, including I/O Hardware Addressing, fixed point operations, access to address

spaces, etc.

7.1.3 Basics of Embedded C Program

We will now go into the fundamentals of an embedded C program after learning

a little bit more about embedded systems and programming languages. We’ll start
with Keywords and Datatypes, two of the fundamental components of an embedded
C programme.

7.1.4 Keywords in Embedded C

A keyword is a unique word that has a particular significance to the compiler (a

C Compiler for example, is software that is used to convert programs written in C to

Machine Code). For instance, the following are some of the keywords for Keil’s

Cx51 Compiler, a well-liked C compiler for microcontrollers based on the 8051


• bit
• sbit
• sfr
• small
• large
The following table lists out all the keywords associated with the Cx51 C

7.1.5 Data Types in Embedded C

Any programming language, including C, has data types that assist us in declaring
variables in our programs. The C programming language supports a wide variety of

data types, including signed int, unsigned int, signed char, unsigned char, float,
double, etc. There are a few other data types in Embedded C in addition to these.
The additional data types in Embedded C connected to Keil’s Cx51 Compiler are

listed below.

• bit
• sbit
• sfr
• sfr16
Some of the Cx51 Compiler’s data types are displayed in the following table

along with their respective ranges.

Basic Structure of an Embedded C Program (Template for Embedded C Program)

The fundamental organization, or Template, of an embedded C program is the

next concept to comprehend in the Basics of Embedded C Programming. This will

enable us to comprehend the construction of an embedded C program.




The automated wheelchair which uses hand gesture-controlled technology

that can be controlled only by the movement of the hand of the patient. This is also
controlled through accelerometer sensor. Therefore, it is believed that the proposed
system can reduce the complexities of other automated wheelchairs and improve
the lifestyle of movement disabled people through easier techniques and moving in
accordance to the gesture given by the person who is using the wheel chair.

The hand gesture wheelchair has the ability to bridge the gap between man
and machine. Further this hand gesture can be changed to speech and brain signal
recognition which will be a battle winning factor for all those people whose whole
body is paralyzed.

➢ Thomas Rofer , Christian Mandel, Tim Laue, Controlling an Automated

Wheelchair via Joystick/Head Joystick.

➢ Kohei Arai, Ronny Mardiyanto, Eyes Based Electric Wheelchair Control


➢ Vishal V. Pande, Nikita S.Ubale, Wheelchair Movement Control for

Disabled Person Using MEMS.

➢ G.Azam ,M.T Islam Desgin of Voice controlled Wheel chair.

➢ Deepak Kumar Lodhi, Prakshi Vats, Addala Varun, An experimental study

of Smart Electronic Wheelchair Using Arduino and Bluetooth Module.

➢ Yuvaraju.M,Priyanka.R, Performance Analysis of Flex sensor Based

Electric Wheelchair Control System.

➢ Shahid Hussain Wani, Aamir Hilal A novel application for Voice Controlled
Wheelchair using Android Technology .

➢ Dr.Shaik Meeravali, Desi gn and Devel opment of a Hand- gl ove Cont rol l
ed Wheel Chai r Based on MEMS.

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