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E-ISSN 2528-746X
Literature is a social institution that uses language as a medium. Life is
presented in literature, and life is conveyed through social reality, while literature
examines the natural and subjective human world.. Literary work is an artistic
product conveyed by someone. Literary works emerge from one's education and are
motivated by an inner need to convey one's thoughts According to Gardner, (2010)
Film is one of the literary works that describes life and it is reflected in social life. Film
in literature is a drama which is then adapted into a film played by actresses and
actors. Film is an art form made of stories. A story is usually written on paper, but is
also sometimes read or told aloud. Then, someone made a movie out of it. Films are
usually shown to people who are not involved in the story, such as moviegoers
(Annisa, 2022). Themes in films play an important role in moving the story,
An Analysis of the Theme in the Film of Interstellar by Zulkhairi Mizan, Hendra Heriansyah, and Saiful
2.1 Theme
Theme is the central idea or concept that underlies a story or work of art. In the
context of film, the theme refers to the main message or idea that the filmmaker wants
to convey to the audience. Themes provide a philosophical or ideological foundation
that guides the story, connects the story elements, and gives deeper meaning (Wolff
et al., 2013).
Theme has a very important role in a story or film. Here are some of the main roles of
the theme in the story/film according to Herman et al., (2010):
1. Provides Focus and Cohesion, the theme gives focus to the story or film. This
helps tie all of the story, character, and plot elements together into a cohesive
2. Shaping Messages and Meanings, themes provide the main message or
meaning in a story or film.
3. Developing Character and Conflict, themes contribute to developing
characters and presenting conflict in a story or film.
4. Provoke Audience Emotions and Responses, themes can affect the emotions
of the audience and create a strong response.
Encourage Reflection and Discussion, strong themes can encourage viewers to
reflect on the issues raised in a story or film.
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (3), 150-159, August 2023
There are many kinds of themes that can be found in stories or films, depending
on the type and context. Here are some common examples of the various themes in
stories or films Herman et al., (2010):
1. Love
The theme of love is often found in various genres, including romantic films and
2. Friendship
The theme of friendship depicts the strong bond between the characters in the story
or film.
3. Struggle or Battle
The theme of struggle or battle involves the main character facing external obstacles,
challenges, or conflicts. It includes themes such as resilience, courage,
determination and victory through great effort.
4. Success
The theme of success or glory depicts the achievement of the main character's goals,
ambitions, or dreams.
5. Justice or Injustice
Themes of justice or injustice highlight social or moral issues, and how the characters
struggle to fight for justice or against injustice.
6. Forgiveness, the theme of forgiveness or redemption involves a process of
healing, repenting, or forgiving oneself or others.
7. Change or Transformation
The theme of change or transformation describes the development of the main
character from the beginning of the story to achieving personal growth or
transformation in attitudes, values or beliefs.
8. Life and Death
The themes of life and death focus on human existence, the meaning of life, and the
9. Adventure or Exploration: Adventure or exploration themes involve the physical
or emotional journey of the main character in exploring new worlds,
encountering dangers, or discovering themselves.
10. War and Conflict: The theme of war and conflict often addresses the impact of
violence, sacrifice, and the human consequences of armed conflict.
The theme in a story or film is influenced by various factors. Here are some
things that influence the theme in a story or film (Gultom, 2022):
1. Author or Film maker
Themes in stories or films often reflect the views, values, and interests of the author
or filmmaker.
2. Cultural and Social Context
The theme in a story or film is also influenced by the cultural and social context in
which the story or film is made.
3. History and Age Development
Historical developments and times can also influence the themes in stories or films.
4. Movie Genres
The film genre chosen by the filmmaker can also influence the theme raised.
5. Purpose or Message to be Conveyed
Filmmakers often have goals or messages they want to convey to the audience
through their work.
An Analysis of the Theme in the Film of Interstellar by Zulkhairi Mizan, Hendra Heriansyah, and Saiful
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (3), 150-159, August 2023
took place in the last quarter of 2013 on location in the Canadian province of Alberta,
southern Iceland, and Los Angeles, California.
Interstellar premiered on October 26, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. In
theaters, the film had a limited theatrical release in North America (United States and
Canada) on November 5, 2014 and globally on November 7, 2014. It was also released
in Belgium, France, and Switzerland on November 5, 2014 and many others.
countries on subsequent dates, including the United Kingdom on 7 November 2014.
For a limited release in North America, the film was screened in 70 mm and 35 mm
in ±240 theaters currently using this format and 4170 mm IMAX theaters. For global
release, this film is screened in digital format. Paramount Pictures distributed the film
in North America, while Warner Bros. distribute it in areas other than North America
The film "Interstellar" was directed by Christopher Nolan and released in
2014. Here are some of the main characters and the roles played by the players in this
1. Joseph Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey): The main character in the
film. Cooper is a former NASA engineer and pilot who is recruited to undertake a
space exploration mission to search for a new habitable planet. He is the central
figure in the quest that seeks to save humanity from extinction.
2. Dr. Amelia Brand (played by Anne Hathaway): A scientist and astronaut who is
also involved in the space exploration mission. She is the daughter of Professor
John Brand, a scientist who created the plan to save humanity.
3. Professor John Brand (played by Michael Caine): A theoretical physicist and
Cooper's mentor. He is the figure who leads the space exploration mission and
creates the plan to save humanity from starvation and extinction. Professor
Brand plays an important role in the development of the plot and has complex
relationships with other characters.
4. Dr. Murph Cooper (played by Mackenzie Foy and Jessica Chastain): Murph is
Cooper's feisty and intelligent daughter. As a child, she has a strong bond with
her father and plays an important role in the plot of the film. As an adult, Murph
is played by Jessica Chastain, who is a scientist working with Professor Brand and
trying to solve complicated physics problems.
5. Tom Cooper (played by Timothée Chalamet and Casey Affleck): Tom is Murph's
brother and Cooper's second son. He grows up to be a responsible farmer in the
face of the food crisis plaguing the Earth. Tom has a complicated relationship
with his father and plays an important role in the development of the story.
In addition to the characters above, there are also several supporting
characters in the film "Interstellar", such as Dr Mann (played by Matt Damon), a
scientist trapped on one of the planets being explored, and TARS (voice actor Bill
Irwin), a robot that becomes a friend and partner for the astronauts on their mission
2.6 Previous Related Studies
Research conducted by Pannu & Chopra (2020), entitled "Themes and
Messages Encoded in Films: A Case Study", confirms that themes in films play an
important role in building the messages or values to be conveyed in a film. The
research presents a case study that examines how themes in films can encode certain
messages and values to the audience. The results indicate that themes presented in
films can help convey profound messages, provoke thought, and create an emotional
impression on the audience. These themes serve as powerful communication tools
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (3), 150-159, August 2023
between the filmmaker and the audience, helping to direct the audience's attention
to the messages being conveyed. Overall, this research confirms that themes in films
have a strong role in establishing the messages or values that a film wants to convey.
These themes have the ability to connect emotions, convey profound messages, and
influence the thoughts of the audience. Therefore, choosing the right theme and using
it well can have a strong impact and enhance the audience's experience in absorbing
the message of a film.
This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. As
the title suggests, this research is designed to describe the theme of Interstellar film.
Qualitative is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to
examine natural objects, (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key
instrument, data collection techniques are triangulated, data analysis is
inductive/qualitative in nature, and emphasizes qualitative research results.
meaning and generalization (Syahza, 2021).
While the nature of research in this study is descriptive. Descriptive research
is a research method that tries to describe and interpret objects as they really are.
While another opinion says that "descriptive research aims to create a systematic,
actual and accurate description of the facts and characteristics of a particular
population or region" (Syahza, 2021).
3. Friendship Theme
The film "Interstellar" has a strong theme of friendship, which is reflected in
Cooper's teamwork on a mission to find a new planet. This collaboration is an
important element in the development of the characters and storyline of the film.
4. Betrayal Theme
In the film "Interstellar", the theme of betrayal becomes an interesting aspect
to analyze. Although the film explores themes of exploration, love, and friendship,
betrayal plays an important role in creating conflict that hinders Team Cooper from
completing their mission, even resulting in the loss of a member of the team.
4.2 Discussion
Based on this research, the overall findings show that the most dominant
theme and the main theme in the film "Interstellar" is the theme of exploration. This
film depicts human efforts to explore space and find new habitable planets, because
earth is no longer habitable. This exploration is the main driving force for the main
characters in the film to continue their mission. However, apart from the exploration
theme, there are also supporting themes that play a role in enriching the story. The
theme of love, for example, plays an important role as a motivation for the main
character in completing his mission. The love that the main character feels for his
family is a strong reason for him to keep fighting and making sacrifices. Furthermore,
the theme of friendship is also an important element in this film. The main characters
build a strong friendship relationship, support each other, and depend on each other
during their journey. This friendship helps them overcome obstacles and achieve
their goals.
On the other hand, the theme of betrayal is also present in this film. Conflicts
arise when one team member betrays the group and causes trouble and harm to the
others. This theme of betrayal creates tension and tests the relationships between the
characters. Thus, the theme of exploration becomes the most dominant, but the
themes of love, friendship, and betrayal also have an important role in enriching the
story and providing interesting conflicts and dynamics. This friendship helps them
overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. On the other hand, the theme of betrayal
is also present in this film. Conflicts arise when one team member betrays the group
and causes trouble and harm to the others. This theme of betrayal creates tension and
tests the relationships between the characters. Thus, the theme of exploration
becomes the most dominant, but the themes of love, friendship, and betrayal also
have an important role in enriching the story and providing interesting conflicts and
dynamics. This friendship helps them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. On
the other hand, the theme of betrayal is also present in this film. Conflicts arise when
one team member betrays the group and causes trouble and harm to the others. This
theme of betrayal creates tension and tests the relationships between the characters.
Thus, the theme of exploration becomes the most dominant, but the themes of love,
friendship, and betrayal also have an important role in enriching the story and
providing interesting conflicts and dynamics. Thus, the film "Interstellar" does not
only provide entertainment, but also mind blowing physics and astronomy that really
close to the fact that have made the audience amazed of those things.
The discussion above in line with the research entitled "Theme of Main
Character Script in Hachiko Movie" conducted by Pasaribu & Sumarsih (2019)
showed that theme in a film plays an important role in creating strong emotions for
the audience. In the study, they analysed the main character script in the Hachiko
Research in English and Education (READ), 8 (3), 150-159, August 2023
movie and examined how the theme expressed through the dialogue and narration of
the film affects the emotional reaction of the audience. The results showed that the
themes expressed through the main character's script in Hachiko, namely loyalty,
sadness, and human-animal relationships, created strong emotions in the audience.
The theme helps connect different scenes and gives a coherent unity to the overall
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