Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation
Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation
Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation
Henderik A. Proper
Robert Winter · Stephan Aier
Sybren de Kinderen Editors
Coordination of
The Enterprise Engineering Series
Series Editors
Jan L.G. Dietz
Henderik A. Proper
José Tribolet
Editorial Board
Terry Halpin
Jan Hoogervorst
Martin Op ’t Land
Ronald G. Ross
Robert Winter
More information about this series at
Henderik A. Proper • Robert Winter •
Stephan Aier • Sybren de Kinderen
Coordination of
Henderik A. Proper Robert Winter
Luxembourg Institute of Science Institute for Information Management
and Technology University of St. Gallen
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg St. Gallen, Switzerland
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part
of Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
In writing this book, the authors were kindly supported by:
viii Preface
programme involved four applied research projects: the core ACET project, the gen-
eral enterprise architecting (GEA) project, the Corporate Intelligence project, and
the Rational Architecture project, involving different constellations of the Univer-
sity of St. Gallen in Switzerland, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy in Luxembourg, the Radboud University in the Netherlands, the University of
Luxembourg, and several industrial partners such as Ordina and SAP.
Each of these applied research projects focussed on different aspects of enterprise
transformations and different strategies to use enterprise architecture to steer the
direction of such transformations. The ACET project formed the integrative core
of these four research projects, also leading to the general focus of this book on
architectural coordination of enterprise transformation.
The resulting book brings together the work of ten PhD researchers and six se-
nior researchers. While this book is built around individual contributions of the re-
searchers involved, the final result goes beyond being a mere collection of discon-
nected chapters. As the work involved four related research projects, the different
results are well connected to each other, while some terminological and theoretical
integration across the different researchers has also been achieved. At the same time,
it should be said that this book can only provide a humble beginning towards the cre-
ation of a more complete understanding of architectural coordination of enterprise
transformation and the development of an integrated set of instruments supporting
ACET in practice.
The ambitions at the start of the ACET research programme were high. It was,
indeed, the ambition to develop an integrated design theory for ACET. However,
the early stages of the projects involved in the programme provided the insight that
the heterogeneity and multifacetedness of the domain of ACET was so high that
the development of an integrated design theory for ACET would be too ambitious.
A choice had to be made between the creation of a “superficial” overall method
for ACET or, for the moment, a set of disconnected and partial, yet well-founded,
elements/components towards a more comprehensive method for ACET. We made
a choice for the latter, where the research efforts were compartmentalised, in the
sense that each of the involved researchers focussed on a specific (set of related)
aspect(s), with the aim to develop an initial explanatory theory covering the aspect.
Finally, we would like to thank our primary sponsors, the FNR (Fonds National
de la Recherche) in Luxembourg and the SNSF (Swiss National Science Founda-
tion) in Switzerland. We would also like to explicitly thank Dirk van der Linden,
who helped in converting different Word sources into LATEX. Using a mix of Word
and LATEX across the team requires a technical integration at some stage, and Dirk
was very helpful in achieving this. We would also like to express our gratitude to
the proofreaders of this book, which, next to the co-authors of the different chapters,
included Bas van Gils.
Looking back on developing and shaping the content of this book, two important
events come to our mind. The first event was a writing workshop of the core team
on Crete. As it turned out, it was more cost efficient for the entire core team to meet
there, as opposed to either gathering in full in St. Gallen or in Luxembourg. The
result was a very productive, and enjoyable, workshop. The second event involved
Preface ix
the final push in structuring the book. Two of the editors worked closely together for
almost a week, being hosted by our dear friend José Tribolet in Lisbon, Portugal.
This allowed us to “hide away” from day-to-day activities and focus on structuring
the book.
As editors, we sincerely hope you will enjoy reading this book, while exploring
the richness of the architectural coordination of enterprise transformation playing
field and gaining more insights into both its practical and theoretical aspects.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Enterprise Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Need for Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Enterprise Architecture Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Outline of This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Part IV Epilogue
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
About the Authors
Ralf Abraham During the ACET programme, Dr. Ralf Abraham worked as a PhD
researcher at the Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, in
Switzerland. Currently, Ralf works at DATEV eG in Nürnberg, Germany.
Stephan Aier Prof. Dr. Stephan Aier is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of
Information Management, University of St. Gallen, in Switzerland. His research
interests are in architecture, integration, and transformation management. He heads
the Architectural Coordination Group at the Institute of Information Management
and is responsible for fundamental research funded by public research organisations,
such as the Swiss National Science Foundation, and for applied research funded by
industry partners.
Stefan Bischoff During the ACET programme, Dr. Stefan Bischoff worked as a
PhD researcher at the Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen,
in Switzerland.
Sybren de Kinderen During the ACET programme, Dr. Sybren de Kinderen
worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute of Science
and Technology (LIST) in Luxembourg. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at
the University of Duisburg-Essen, in Germany.
Hella Faller During the ACET programme, Dr. Hella Faller worked as a PhD re-
searcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in Lux-
embourg. In March 2016, she received her PhD from the Radboud University, Ni-
jmegen, in the Netherlands.
Sepideh Ghanavati During the ACET programme, Dr. Sepideh Ghanavati worked
as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Tech-
nology (LIST) in Luxembourg. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the De-
partment of Computer Science at Texas Tech University, in Lubbock, Texas, USA.
Janne J. Korhonen During the ACET programme, Janne J. Korhonen was a vis-
iting researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in
Luxembourg, while being enrolled as a PhD candidate at the Aalto University in
xx About the Authors
Nils Labusch During the ACET programme, Dr. Nils Labusch worked as a PhD
researcher at the Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, in
Diana Marosin During the ACET programme, Diana Marosin worked as a PhD re-
searcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in Luxem-
bourg. She expects to defend her doctoral thesis at Radboud University, Nijmegen,
the Netherlands, by the end of 2017. Currently, she is working at Sopra Steria Lux-
embourg as a Solution Building Engineer.
Wolfgang A. Molnar Dr. Wolfgang Molnar currently works as a researcher at War-
wick Business School and practitioner in the automotive industry for ZF in Ger-
many. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the Luxembourg Institute of Science
and Technology. He earned his PhD in Information Systems and Management from
the Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. His research expertise fo-
cuses on socio-technical aspects in developing information systems.
Georgios Plataniotis During the ACET programme, Dr. Georgios Plataniotis
worked as a PhD researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy (LIST) in Luxembourg. In April 2017, he received his PhD from the Radboud
University, Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. Georgios is currently working as a scien-
tific officer at the e-Government Center for Social Security (IDIKA), Greece.
Henderik A. Proper Prof. Dr. Henderik A. Proper, Erik to friends, is Head of Aca-
demic Affairs at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in
Luxembourg and Senior Research Manager within its IT for Innovative Services
(ITIS) Department. Since 2003, he has been a Professor at the Radboud University,
Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Since May 2017, he is also an Adjunct Professor at the
University of Luxembourg, in Luxembourg. Professor Proper is the editor-in-chief
of Springer’s Organisational Design & Enterprise Engineering journal as well as
an editor of Springer’s Enterprise Engineering series. He serves as Associate Editor,
or is member of the editorial board, for several journals, including the Business &
Information Systems Engineering journal, the International Journal of Cooperative
Information Systems, and Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architec-
Marc van Zee During the ACET programme, Dr. Marc van Zee worked as a PhD
researcher at the University of Luxembourg, in Luxembourg. Currently, Marc is a
researcher at Google Research in Zurich, Switzerland.
Roel Wagter During the ACET programme, Dr. Roel Wagter was enrolled as a PhD
candidate at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, while also being
a principal consultant at Ordina Consulting in the Netherlands. Currently, Roel is
Associate Partner at Solventa in the Netherlands, while also being Senior Lecturer
at the Antwerp Management School in Antwerp, Belgium.
Simon Weiss During the ACET programme, Dr. Simon Weiss worked as a PhD
researcher at the Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, in
About the Authors xxi
Robert Winter Prof. Dr. Robert Winter is Full Professor of Business & Information
Systems Engineering at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and Director of HSG’s
Institute of Information Management. He was vice editor-in-chief of the Business &
Information Systems Engineering journal and currently serves as Senior Associate
Editor of the European Journal of Information Systems and member of the editorial
boards of several journals including Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems
Architectures and MIS Quarterly Executive. His research interests include design
science research methodology, enterprise architecture management, transformation
management, and the management of very large IT projects/programmes.
List of Acronyms
Chapter 1
and implement the transformation plans locally by division of labour. Locally man-
aged implementation projects may lead to inconsistent designs, conflicting goals,
local project teams working against each other, and finally to inconsistent or infe-
rior solutions.
Table 1.1 Overview of coordination mechanisms (reprinted by permission from Martinez and
Jarillo 1989)
Structural Informal
(1) Departmentalisation or grouping of organi- (6) Lateral or cross-departmental relations: di-
sational units, shaping the formal structure rect managerial contact, temporary or perma-
nent teams, task forces, committees, integra-
(2) Centralisation or decentralisation of tors, and integrative departments
decision-making through the hierarchy of
formal authority (7) Informal communication: personal contacts
among managers, management trips, meetings,
(3) Formalisation and standardisation: written conferences, transfer of managers, etc.
policies, rules, job descriptions, and standard
procedures, through instruments such as man- (8) Socialisation: building an organisational
uals and charts culture of known and shared strategic objec-
tives and values by training, transfer of man-
(4) Planning: strategic planning, budgeting, agers, career path management, measurement
functional plans, scheduling, etc. and reward systems, etc.
As a result, more often than not (CHAOS 1999, 2001; Op ’t Land et al. 2008), enter-
prises fail to actually realise the desired transformation even though it might be the
case that all projects are finished on time, within budget, and delivering the specified
(local) quality.
Malone and Crowston (1990) define coordination as the “act of working together
harmoniously” and as “managing dependencies between activities”. Coordination
can be achieved through different mechanisms. Several scholars (March and Simon
1958; Thompson 1967; Mintzberg 1983) have identified coordination mechanisms
in organisations and provide classification systems for these mechanisms (Abraham
et al. 2012a).
Martinez and Jarillo (1989) provide an extensive review of literature on coordi-
nation mechanisms. They discuss two classes of coordination mechanisms. The first
class is comprised of structural mechanisms that represent a formally defined part
of an organisation, while the second class is comprised of informal mechanisms that
are not formally decided upon but that may evolve over time. Table 1.1 provides an
overview of the classification.
The numerical order of the mechanisms, from 1 through 8, indicates both the
level of rising effort in implementation and the level of increasing complexity level
of strategies they are able to support. While simple strategies can be coordinated
using structural mechanisms only, more complex strategies demand the additional
use of informal mechanisms of coordination. Informal coordination mechanisms
are more costly, but at the same time capable of supporting more complex strategies
than structural coordination mechanisms (Chan 2002; Martinez and Jarillo 1989).
Although coordination is often interpreted as an intra-organisational issue, more
and more enterprise transformations involve enterprises across organisational bound-
1.3 Enterprise Architecture Management 5
One of the most often cited publications on the definition of architecture is the
IEEE standard 1471-2000 (IEEE 2000)1 and its adaptation to enterprise architec-
ture by The Open Group (2011). Architecture is defined there as (1) “[t]he fun-
damental organisation of a system embodied in its components, their relationships
to each other, and to the environment”, and as (2) “the principles guiding its de-
sign and evolution” (IEEE 2000). In the field of enterprise architecture, “system”
is then specialised to “enterprise”. As enterprises are social systems with a pur-
pose and typically use technological artefacts to (better) achieve their purpose,
enterprise architecture covers a diverse set of artefacts ranging from social con-
structs (e.g. shared objectives, valuations) all the way to technical constructs (e.g.
software, IT infrastructure). The (1) fundamental organisation (the “what”) of en-
terprise architecture can be represented by models of its as-is state and/or possible
to-be states. The (2) principles guiding an EA’s design and evolution (the “how”) are
related to enterprise architecture management, which is concerned with the estab-
lishment and development of enterprise architecture in order to consistently respond
to business and IT goals, opportunities, and necessities (Abraham et al. 2013a). En-
terprise architecture intends to represent a holistic perspective on an enterprise as a
socio-technical system.
“Managing”, the M in enterprise architecture management, therefore, is not only
concerned with describing and envisioning aggregate representations of a diverse set
of artefacts, their dependencies, and their evolution, but is also concerned with the
task of reaching, and maintaining, consensus among stakeholders about the current
status and the desired future development of the enterprise.
Transformation Management
Sponsorship, Governance, Control
Analyze needs & Develop business Define risk Manage Manage program Manage program
maturity level case mitigation principles scope HR
Define overall Monitor risk Assess as-is Manage program Conduct program
Define KPIs
goals & benefits realization architecture quality reporting
Define Conduct
Design to-be Manage program
transformation Evaluate results ex-post program
architecture procurement
scope alignment
Perform gap Manage program
potentials for
analysis integration
further benefits
Change Perspective
Conduct Analyze & set Establish
Assess change Manage Establish change
stakeholder cultural common
readiness communication agent network
management environment language
aspects. The change perspective addresses the people involved in and/or affected by
a transformation.
The capability catalogue should not be understood as a process model of trans-
formation support. It rather defines different perspectives on business transforma-
tion that exist simultaneously. For each of the perspectives, different capabilities
are considered important. For all of them, the required inputs, involved roles, con-
ducted activities, applied techniques, and typical results, have been documented. An
exemplary capability description is illustrated in Fig. 2.2.
2.4 The Role of Enterprise Architecture Management 19
model was introduced and enterprise architecture management found that different
work streams identified the same input channel of a customer requests (e.g. mail).
By identifying this matter, one common solution for all work streams could be set
up—instead of three individual and possibly inconsistent solutions.
The change perspective is also considered by the GlobalSurance architects.
Stakeholder management is considered a major part of their job. Analysing the cul-
tural environment is understood as finding resistances and understanding how state-
ments by the diverse stakeholders are meant and need to be addressed. Assessing
the change readiness was part of the enterprise architecture management work in the
beginning of Transform. However, these tasks have been shifted to the formal pro-
gramme organisation during the transformation. Establishing a common language
was also considered especially important in the beginning of the programme. This
also includes creating a common understanding. Communication was partially con-
ducted by the architects in the beginning of the programme, but later shifted to more
specialised functions in the programme. The same is true for the establishment of
change agent networks.
2.5 Reflection
Georgios Plataniotis
The financial crisis that started in the late 2000s forced the Greek government to
implement, in a very short period of time, major structural reforms. One of the most
important reforms was the establishment of the national register of pensioners and
pension payments.
In the past years, social insurance policies were developed in a fragmented
way (OECD 2002) through the establishment of social insurance institutions per
different socio-professional categories. For example, doctors have their own social
security institution, engineers a different one, etc. Greece had, by the end of 2002,
a total of 170 different social security institutions (OECD 2002). In the following
years, consecutive Greek governments initiated a series of mergers. As a result, the
number of the institutions was significantly reduced. However, the number of these
institutions is still high compared to the average number of institutions in other EU
member states. Furthermore, the mergers were not executed at a deep level in terms
G. Plataniotis
e-Government Center for Social Security (IDIKA), Likourgou 10, 105 51 Athens, Greece
of the organisational structure of the institutions. As a result, there are cases where
these merged social security institutions have departments with overlapping activi-
ties and information systems.
The fragmented landscape of social insurance institutions caused a variety of
problems. One of the largest problems was the lack of a centralised control re-
garding the money spent on pension payments, and the huge delays in the initial
awarding of pension payments. The problems were getting even worse when the
same person had worked in two or more different types of professions during their
career. For example, someone that had worked 10 years as a professional driver and
the rest of their career as an employee in a company had to wait more than 2 years
to have an accurate estimation and award of their pension payment. This was due
to the fact that different social insurance institutions had to exchange in paper the
social security information for this person and then make a common decision re-
garding the amount of pension that each institution had to pay to this person. Even
the pension payment was fragmented among the institutions. Each institution was
sending separate payment notices, per pensioner, to the bank.
As a result of the increased number of social security institutions and the lack
of a standardised process on the pension payment calculation, as well as the actual
payment, in each of these institutions, there was a lack of central monitoring of
the aggregate amount of budget that was spent nationally on pension payments. On
the one hand, the government was not able to make projections regarding the money
spent on pension payments, while, on the other hand, there were cases where citizens
were cheating the system in a variety of ways (receiving double allowances, etc.).
To address these issues, the Greek government established a centralised system
for pensions and their payment. The planning, design and operation of this project
was assigned to the Social Security e-government centre of the Ministry of Labour
(e-gov centre). The agency had to deliver in a short period of time a system that
would provide a unified report of the pension payments by the Greek government.
Figure 3.1 presents the enterprise architecture model of the baseline architecture
(i.e. the architecture of the pre-existing situation) before the incorporation of the
pension report system. Each of the institutions has, independently of the others, the
business role “Pension administrator”. Two business services support the “Pension
administrator” business role, the “Pension salary invoice” and “Pension payment
SSI”. These business services are subsequently realised by the business processes
“Pension calculation SSI” and “Pension payment SSI”. The institution calculates
the amount of pension payment to be made, based on:
1. The years that each citizen was insured in the specific institution
2. The special legal regulations that are applied for each profession
Business processes
Pensioner's Pensioner's
payment data payment data
SSI 01 SSI...n
Application services
Pension calculation
Pension calculation
Appication Service
Appication Service
SSI 01
Pension Pension
calculation Payment file calculation Payment file
Appication SSI SSI 01 Appication SSI...n
01 SSI...n
Technology layer
During the lifetime of a citizen’s pension, several calculations are performed to de-
termine the correct payment. This is because the amount to be paid has to be adapted
to several factors like inflation, new regulations, etc. After the calculation of the pen-
sion payment, a salary statement is issued and forwarded to the pensioner. Moreover,
the pension payment information is forwarded through the business object “Pen-
sioner’s payment data” to the business process “Pension payment SSI” in order to
execute the payment order of a pension payment through the banking system. It is
worthwhile to mention again that due to the high number of social security insti-
tutions, there are cases that a pensioner receives pension payments from more than
one institution. This situation is depicted in the enterprise architecture model by the
multiple links between the citizen’s role “Receives pension salary” and the busi-
ness services “Pension salary invoice SSI01”, “Pension payment SSI01”, “Pension
salary invoice SSI...n” and “Pension payment SSI...n”. In other words, a pensioner
instead of receiving an aggregate pension payment was still receiving separate parts
of pension payments by the different social security institutions.
On the application layer, each of these social security institutions has its own ap-
plication services and systems that support the aforementioned business processes.
The “Pension calculation application SSI01” incorporates the business logic and the
legal regulations for the calculation of pension payments. The pension payment ap-
plications are realised by the Technology layer elements “Application server SSI01”
and “Database server SSI01”.
As we can see from the enterprise architecture diagram in Fig. 3.1, the services
of the different social security institutions were mirrored at each of the institutions,
while the Greek government did not have any centralised way for monitoring and
controlling the money spent on pension payments.
Figure 3.2 presents a candidate architecture scenario where the national payment
report business service is provided by the unification of the individual business pro-
cesses and information systems. The business process “Unified pension calculation”
which realises the business service “Unified pension salary invoice” would be cre-
ated by establishing a common business process for the calculation of the pension
payments. Moreover, the “Unified pension payments” business process would be
created by the integration of the individual Pension payments’ business processes
of the social security institutions. Through this integration, the e-gov centre respon-
sible for making the cutouts, would also be able to provide the “National payment
report” business service to the government. In other words, the national pension
payment and report project would be used as an opportunity for the unification of
the individual business processes among the various social security institutions and
this implies that the e-gov centre would be the responsible authority not only for the
reporting of pension payments, but also for the calculation of the pensions, as well
as their actual payment.
On the information systems side, the aforementioned business processes would
be supported by the corresponding application and technology artefacts. One of the
biggest challenges in this transformation scenario was the migration of the individ-
ual pension calculation applications into a new “Migrated Pension Application” that
would incorporate a core business logic for the calculation of the pension payments
and in parallel it would take into account the different pension calculation specifici-
ties among the various social security institutions. The application architecture team
should coordinate a migration procedure where the characteristics of the individual
pension calculation application per institution would be taken into account. In paral-
lel, the application architecture team should coordinate a data migration procedure
in order to integrate the pensioner’s data into a common database based on the na-
tional social security number. The e-gov centre should also provide “Application
servers” that would host the “Migrated pension application” and “Database servers
for the migrated pensioners” data.
Figure 3.3 presents the alternative enterprise architecture scenario which was actu-
ally selected by the architecture team. At first glance, we can see that the business
26 3 Centralised Monitoring of Pensions in Greece
Business processes
Application services
Technology layer
Application Database
Servers Servers
services “Unified pension salary invoice”, “Unified pension payment” and “National
payment report” are provided in a completely different way. The main difference is
that the pension payment calculations are still kept under the authority of the indi-
vidual social security institutions, while the pension payments and national payment
reports is the responsibility of the e-gov centre. More specifically, we can observe
that the business process “Pension calculation” is still maintained in every social
security institution and, moreover, each social institution has to provide a business
object “Pension payment data” to the e-gov centre. Therefore, the social security
Roles and Actors
Business processes
Export SSI...n
Pensioners file
Pensioner's Pensioners'
payment data payment data
SSI 01 SSI...n
Application services
Pension payment
Pension calculation File transfer Pension calculation Application Service
Pension calculation
Application Service Application Service
Application Service
SSI 01
File upload/
Pension Pension Pension
calculation Payment file calculation Payment file Calculation
Application SSI SSI 01 Application SSI...n
01 SSI...n
Technology layer
institutions not only have to keep their existing information systems (“Pension cal-
culation application”, “Application servers” and “Database servers”), but they also
have to send “Pensions payment data” business objects to the e-gov centre. In other
words, this indicates that each institution has established next to the “Pension cal-
culation” business process a new task that sends the pensioner’s payment data to
the e-gov centre. The business object “Pensioner’s payment data” is realised by the
use of the standardised data object “Payment file”. This means that the information
between the social security institutions and the e-gov centre is exchanged through
standardised data files.
On the other side, the e-gov centre has established the business collaboration
“Unified pension report”, which acts as an aggregator of the “Pensioners payment
data” business objects. This business collaboration consists of four different busi-
ness processes. The first, “Import SSI...n pensioner’s file”, is the business process
with the responsibility of collecting on a monthly base the payment data files from
the various social security institutions. As mentioned earlier, we have cases where
citizens have pension rights from more than one institution. Therefore, one of the
most crucial tasks of this business process is the provision of a unified data file which
has as a reference key the pensioner’s social security number and the information
from the various social security institutions that correspond to this social security
number. As we can see from the enterprise architecture model, this exchange of
information is done by using the “File transfer” service of a specialised “File up-
load/download application”.
The subsequent business process is the “Unified pension salary calculation”.
This is one of the most important business processes since it is responsible for the
calculation of the payment per pensioner by taking into account the new government
measures regarding the maximum amount of pension payments in the country. The
business logic regarding the calculation of the pension payments is realised by the
“Pension calculation” application. The aggregated pension payments information is
stored in the “e-gov centre database servers”.
As a final step, the e-gov centre runs the “Export SSI...n pensioner’s file” busi-
ness process. As mentioned before, the social security institutions are still in charge
of their “Pension administration” business role and they provide to the e-gov centre
(via the “Import SSI...n pensioner’s file” business process) information regarding
the amount of their pension payments spending. Moreover, the e-gov centre applies
some government measures which actually influence the total amount of pension
payment per pensioner. Due to the fact that the pension calculation is scattered
among the various social security institutions, the e-gov centre through the busi-
ness process “Export SSI...n pensioner’s file” informs each social security institution
about its actual spending on pension payments. This is done by using another type
of payment file. To simplify, architectural description of this type of data exchange
is not included.
Last but not least, the business process “Unified pensioner’s payment” is respon-
sible for executing the payment orders of the aggregated pension payment to the
pensioner’s bank.
3.3 Reflection 29
3.3 Reflection
In this chapter, we discussed two different enterprise architecture scenarios for the
national pension payment and report project. The “National pension report by ag-
gregation of pension payments files” scenario was finally selected by the stakehold-
ers’ team. By just observing the enterprise architecture scenarios, it is obvious that
“Scenario 1: Fully consolidated architecture” seems better in terms of complexity
and the number of enterprise architecture elements. More specifically, we can see
that each social institution maintains individually the “Pension calculation business
process”, which means that institutions spend a significant amount of budget on
employees that are actually executing a quite similar task. Moreover, each of these
institutions is maintaining their own information systems, which implies additional
cost for IT systems and their maintenance.
The examination of the enterprise architecture models triggers questions regard-
ing their rationalisation. For example, what made the architecture team decide on a
more complicated architecture, which factors played a role in the decision-making
process, etc. Without rationalisation support, these questions remain unanswered
and enterprise architects and relevant stakeholders (especially newcomers) have to
search through unstructured documentation in order to provide the answers. More-
over, the lack of design rationale support causes design integrity issues when archi-
tects want to maintain and further change the architecture.
In order to identify the extent to which design rationale can support practitioners,
we conducted interviews with the involved stakeholders both from the business as
well as the IT domain of the organisation. The purpose of these interviews was to
understand how they addressed the enterprise architecture challenges from their own
domain of responsibility, what were the most important design decisions for them
and how they documented these design decisions. Moreover, stakeholders provided
us with the documentation of the project. We analysed this documentation, we ex-
tracted design decisions, and finally compared them with those that emerged from
the interviews.
Our findings indicate that practitioners found the exercise of revisiting design ra-
tionales extremely useful. They were able to make explicit the reasons behind the
selection of specific design decisions and they also recalled the constraints they had
during the decision-making process. For example, in most of the cases, the neces-
sity to deliver the solution as soon as possible forced them to select less desirable
Furthermore, practitioners recognised that capturing design rationales raises
awareness for problematic situations in the enterprise. The national pension pay-
ment and report system is considered quite a successful project, especially if we
take into account how quickly it was implemented. However, our analysis showed
that there are a lot of malfunctions in the enterprise architecture of this project. Dur-
ing our study we observed that some obvious malfunctions that actually increased
the operation costs of the business collaboration were not considered as open issues
for further improvement. Most of the problems were disregarded since the project
was providing the requested results and the key stakeholders were preoccupied with
30 3 Centralised Monitoring of Pensions in Greece
the operational support in the current architecture context. In other words, there was
no time to reflect on possible improvements of the enterprise architecture. Our study
helped stakeholders to realise and rethink about these problematic situations.
Last but not least, we observed that some design decisions had a high impact in
the enterprise architecture, in terms of changes in the architectural design. On the
other hand, we came up with design decisions which did not play a significant role
in our analysis. Based on this observation, we argue that the capturing effort for a
potential design rationale approach for enterprise architecture can be significantly
reduced by capturing selectively the most critical design decisions.
Chapter 4
Enterprise Coherence in the Public
Roel Wagter
R. Wagter
Solventa B.V., 3439 ML Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
The case is situated in the Dutch public sector, involving a Dutch government
agency (DGA1 ). DGA has to deal with a business issue on the subject of oper-
ational excellence and lack of management control, while carrying out a number
of European subsidy arrangements. These subsidy arrangements cover thousands
of companies which, to be eligible for these subsidies, submit an annual applica-
tion. For a smooth execution of all this work, about 30 internal and external parties,
whose contributions are interdependent and time critical, have to work together. Be-
sides this factor of synchronicity, the complexity of the process is also increased
by outsourcing factors, as well as factors pertaining to the communication channels
used to lodge and process the applications. Two primary, massively batch-oriented,
processes were already outsourced. Besides the traditional collection form based
subsidy applications, applications are now also gathered via the Internet. The pro-
cessing of these subsidies has a high level of political exposure, in the sense that
a flaw, or even a drop in the performance, will immediately become public by the
national press, causing serious damage to the reputation of the organisation. Fur-
thermore, non-compliance with laws and regulations will lead to heavy financial
1 An actual Netherlands-based government agency. However, DGA prefers the actual name not to
be used.
4.3 The Used Approach 33
Management at DGA decided to follow the GEA method (Wagter 2009) in meet-
ing the above business issue. The GEA method comprises three core ingredi-
ents (Wagter 2009). Next to the Enterprise Coherence Assessment (ECA), that
allows organisations to assess their ability to govern coherence during enterprise
transformation, it involves an enterprise coherence framework and a (situational)
enterprise coherence governance approach. The latter includes the identification of
specific deliverables/results to be produced, processes needed to produce these de-
liverables/results, as well as an articulation of the responsibilities and competences
of the people involved. The enterprise coherence framework, which will be sum-
marised below (and discussed in more detail in Chap. 18), enables enterprises to set
up their own management dashboard in terms of how the enterprise coherence can
be governed/improved during enterprise transformations. This, enterprise-specific
dashboard enables senior management to govern the coherence between key aspects
of an enterprise during transformations.
Enterprises which have never used GEA before, as was the case at DGA, will
have to set up their enterprise coherence framework based dashboard before pro-
ceeding the activities of the enterprise coherence governance part of the method.
Once the dashboard has been created, it can be used over and over again, and up-
dated based on major changes to the enterprise and/or experiences.
The enterprise coherence framework (Wagter 2009) defines a series of cohesive
elements and cohesive relationships, which together define the playing field for an
enterprise’s coherence. By making the definition of these elements explicit in a spe-
cific enterprise, a management dashboard helps one gain insight into the “state of
coherence” while also being able to assess the impact of potential/ongoing transfor-
mations. This then enables a deliberate governance of enterprise coherence during
transformations. The enterprise coherence framework is defined in terms of two
levels and their connections: the level of purpose and the level of design. The level
of purpose involves a description of the enterprise’s strategy in commonly known
concepts from strategy formulation (Balogun et al. 2003; Simons 1994), such as
mission, vision, core values, goals and strategy. The design level involves concepts
such as the following:
Perspective—an angle from which one wishes to govern/steer/influence enterprise
transformations. The set of perspectives used in a specific enterprise depend
very much on its formal and informal power structures; both internally and
externally. Typical examples are culture, customer, products/services, busi-
ness processes, information provision, finance, value chain, corporate gover-
nance, etc.
Core concepts—a concept, within a perspective, that plays a key role in govern-
ing the organisation from that perspective. Examples of core concepts within a
perspective such as “Finance” are, for instance, “Financing” and “Budgeting”.
Guiding statement—an internally agreed and published statement, which directs
desirable behaviour. They only have to express a desire and/or give direction.
34 4 Enterprise Coherence in the Public Sector
Core Values
Core model
Chain cooperation
Et cetera Processes
Relevant relationship
Employees Customer
Since this was the first time for DGA to apply/use GEA, it was necessary to first
develop an organisation-specific management dashboard. To this end, the case at
DGA started with an intensive desk research activity, conducted by a small team
of architects. This team studied relevant policy documents from DGA, resulting in
the first version of the management dashboard for the agency, in terms of a list of
4.4 The Management Dashboard for DGA 35
the cohesive elements and their definitions, covering both the purpose level and the
design level. Starting point for creating this list were the strategic documents of the
organisation such as the mission statement, vision notes, policy plans, business strat-
egy, business plan, etc. In a validation workshop, this draft management dashboard
was then validated with the major stakeholders and approved after some modifi-
cations. This validation workshop involved the executives of DGA, complemented
with a number of (internal) opinion leaders and key stakeholders.
Table 4.1 (page 35) shows the perspectives that were selected by DGA, while as
an example the core concepts of five of the perspectives are listed in Table 4.2.
This set of perspectives also illustrates the need to align more aspects of an en-
terprise rather than just business and IT. Several of the perspectives may put re-
quirements towards ICT, for instance, customer followed by chain cooperation and
processes being some dominant ones in this sense. However, the chosen set of per-
spectives shows that when it comes to alignment, the stakeholders do not simply
think in terms of Business/IT alignment, but rather in a much more refined web of
aspects that need alignment. During desk research at DGA, more than 200 guid-
ing statements were derived from the aforementioned policy documents. Needless
to say, presenting all guiding statements goes beyond the purpose of this chapter.
Therefore, as an example Table 4.3 only shows those guiding statements that turned
out to be relevant to the processes perspective.
36 4 Enterprise Coherence in the Public Sector
With the dashboard in place, the next step was to organise a workshop, where the
business issue at hand was put central and analysed in terms of four questions. Dur-
ing the workshop, each of the ten perspectives of Table 4.1 had an explicit rep-
resentative with clear (delegated) ownership of the cohesive elements (in the real
organisation, i.e. not just the documentation) of that perspective.
At the start of this workshop, the owner(s) of the business issue gave a thorough
introduction of the issue in terms of causes, degree of urgency, degree of interest,
implications, risks, etc. This introduction gave the representatives of the perspec-
tives a deeper insight into the associated issues of this business issue, enabling them
to make a translation of the issue to their own perspective. Now the representatives
of the perspectives were capable of determining jointly which perspectives were
most affected by/related to the business issue at hand.
The core business issue: “How can the execution of the subsidy submission, eval-
uation, and allocation process be made more manageable and efficient?” was ad-
dressed in terms of four questions, leading to four sub-analyses of the business issue:
1. Determine the impact of the business issue on the dominant perspectives.
2. Determine the impact of the business issue on the sub-dominant perspectives.
3. Determine the solution space for the business issue from the dominant perspec-
4. Determine the solution space for the business issue from the sub-dominant per-
In the first two sub-analyses, the analyses were conducted from the viewpoint of
the business issue at hand, resulting in the description of the potential impact and/or
needed change initiatives, in relation to the respective perspective, in order to solve
the given business issue. In the last two sub-analyses, the analyses were conducted
from the viewpoint of the guiding statements of the perspectives, resulting in the
possibilities and/or necessary change initiatives, but also the limitations with re-
spect to the solution of the business issue, the so-called solution space. This creates
appropriate solutions within the framework of the organisation. Conversely, it be-
comes clear whether and which frames as a result of a solution should be adjusted
and continue to give direction to the organisation. The synthesis of the results from
these sub-analyses then formed the integral solution and preferred approach to meet
the business issue at hand.
Examples resulting from the four sub-analysis are shown in Table 4.4. The col-
umn Problem shows the sub-problems that have been expressed by the problem
owners. The third column, “Perspective”, shows the perspectives which the repre-
sentatives perceived as most relevant to a sub-problem. The impact on this perspec-
tive is expressed in terms of new or modified guiding statements in the adjacent col-
umn “Guiding statement” (column 4). The impacts resulting from this sub-problem
on other possible perspectives (columns 5 and 7) are adjacently expressed in terms
of guiding statements (columns 6 and 8). The last column shows the formulated
As a first step in the synthesis process that followed, the participants clustered the
logically belonging together sub-solutions of the four sub-analyses. This is shown
on the right side of Table 4.5, which results from clustering the most right column
of Table 4.4 (page 38), and the associated solution approaches for the business issue
at hand, as shown on the left side of Table 4.5.
During the synthesis process, the participants could also add additional solutions.
These could, on the one hand, be based on the new established guiding statements,
or, on the other hand, be based on the overall insight of the integral solution and
choice of approach. In Table 4.6 (page 41), some examples are provided for the
clusters Renew outsourcing and Govern the chain.
The elaboration of this solution and choice of approach resulted after a final
decision into a programme start architecture for controlling the subsequent change
programme (Wagter et al. 2005). The resulting programme start architecture was
the first part of the contract made with the designated programme manager. The
execution of the change programme according to the programme start architecture
led to the following results and associated benefits:
• The execution of the subsidy arrangements was within time and agreed budget.
• The return of application forms due to application errors was reduced from 62%
to 35%, and consequently fell within the error tolerance.
• The number of objections was reduced from 22,000 to 7000 with corresponding
reduction in associated costs.
• The Internet participation of applicants rose from 0.5% to 6.0%.
• The European supervisory authority and the Dutch parliament were satisfied
about the results and answers on their submitted questions.
• With regard to the new outsourcing parties:
– Their performance was in line with the agreed quality, time and budget.
– Not one client dossier has been lost.
– Given the good performance all contracts were subsequently prolonged.
4.7 Reflection
The case also illustrates that Business/IT alignment is not only a matter of aligning
“the business” and “the IT” aspects of an enterprise. The case suggests that a more
refined perspective is called for. More specifically, we see how “the business” is not
just a single aspect that needs to be aligned to “the IT”, but rather that it involves
42 4 Enterprise Coherence in the Public Sector
many more aspects that need mutual alignment just as well. This is also why we
prefer to use the term enterprise coherence. It more clearly expresses the fact that
it is more about achieving coherence between multiple aspects, rather than merely
aligning the business and IT aspects.
Chapter 5
Public Services Opening Up To
Hella Faller
The passport issuing and registration office of the Dutch government, called the Ba-
sisadministratie Persoonsgegevens en Reisdocumenten (BPR), belongs to the min-
istry of the interior in the Netherlands and is responsible for the registration and de-
livery of the personal data and travel documents of all Dutch citizens. As such, their
core business is the maintenance of different registration systems, that is, ensuring
that the systems are secure and reliable.
BPR’s key stakeholders are the users of those systems: the municipalities but also
non-governmental institutions such as the police, credit card institutes or insurance
companies. Another key stakeholder is BPR’s sponsor, which is also an agency of
the ministry of the interior [Directie Burgerschap en Informatiebeleid (B&I)]. B&I
is responsible for making laws concerning the registration and the use of personal
data. BPR can be understood as an execution organisation, which is strongly influ-
enced by the laws made by B&I.
H. Faller
knk Business Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Management team
(heads of department)
Management team
Architecture board
(heads of department)
Department Board
Relevant structural
Before the start of the transformation, BPR already had architects but there was no
formal enterprise architecture body. By opening up to innovation, the organisation
extends their scope of tasks. To ensure that this opening up does not come at the
expense of achieving operational excellence,1 BPR introduces an architecture board
(Fig. 5.1). This board is responsible for helping the organisation in achieving their
strategic goals, that is, in reaching operational excellence and excellence in innova-
To this end, a new procedure concerning project plans and changes in projects
is implemented: every project plan or other document that needs to be decided on
by the management team of BPR has to be approved by the architecture board be-
1 Given that BPR is a maintenance organisation, operational excellence, that is, providing secure
and reliable services, is one of their main goals.
46 5 Public Services Opening Up To Innovation
fore the management team takes a decision. Hence, the architecture board has an
advisory function towards the management team. It is responsible for ensuring co-
herence among the different tasks and projects conducted in BPR and the different
systems used at BPR.
The architecture board is composed of three architects coming from different
departments: a business architect (business control department), a system architect
(department of system knowledge and innovation) and an information and commu-
nications technology (ICT) architect (ICT management department). Furthermore,
a quality manager is part of the architecture board.
To open the organisation up to innovation, new projects are started. The project
requests come from B&I. These new projects do not concern the maintenance of
the data systems but for instance the development of new instruments. We now
introduce two example projects. We will frequently refer to these when illustrating
challenges and conflicts later on.
The first example of such a new project type is the development of a self-
assessment tool that can be used to check the quality of the data collected in the
different systems. Before, data quality was checked for each municipality every 3
years in the context of an audit. The new tool aims at helping municipalities to con-
tinuously assess the quality of their data themselves. Thus, the self-assessment tool
contributes to maintaining the quality of the data systems. That is, it supports BPR’s
main task. What is new is that the project of developing the self-assessment tool
is conducted within BPR. Before the start of the enterprise transformation, such a
project would have been conducted entirely by an external company.
Another new project is the creation of a contact centre for citizens who have
become victims of identity fraud. This contact centre shall advice individual cit-
izens regarding what to do about the fraud, that is, whom to contact and which
other steps to take. One innovation of this project is that BPR has contact with in-
dividual citizens. Usually, they only communicate with other organisations, such as
the municipalities and the insurance companies. This means that BPR’s customer
relation management (CRM) enlarges their group of stakeholders. In the context of
5.3 Challenges 47
the identity fraud project, communication channels need to be set up for the citizens
to contact BPR. Furthermore, a suitable database needs to be established to collect
the data BPR receives from the citizens. Also, the project employees have to be in-
formed about what can and/or has to be done regarding different types of identity
5.3 Challenges
During the enterprise transformation, the architecture board faces the following
The examples show that the role of the architecture board is not clear within
BPR. Different understandings exist. And even if two groups seem to have the same
understanding of the role of the architecture board, the degree of the architecture
board’s involvement does not comply with that understanding.
To ensure that the innovation projects are coherent with BPR’s project and system
landscape, a new rule has been implemented that requires every project plan, change
request, etc. to be approved by the architecture board before the management team
48 5 Public Services Opening Up To Innovation
takes a decision on it. However, while this rule exists on paper it is not always
followed in practice. New project requests coming from B&I are usually sent to
the director of BPR or to one of the heads of department. And on some occasions
the architecture board is not consulted before taking a decision regarding a project
request. This behaviour raises questions regarding the legitimacy of the architecture
board and makes it more difficult for the architects to fulfil their role as advisers.
At BPR, employees distinguish their “regular work” from project work. A pecu-
liarity of BPR is that project work is usually done in addition to people’s regular
work. That is, employees have a larger workload when they are contributing to a
project. This is particularly challenging for the opening up to innovation because, as
explained in Sect. 5.2, the introduction of innovation happens to a large extent
through projects. A consequence of this system is that employees do not have
enough time for the innovation projects:
One of the big issues here is the lack of capacity. It is very important that people who work
here do the regular work, they have tasks and every day they do their job. But they also have
to think about the new development, the project. One of the problems of projects is that they
are separated from the organisation (interviewee #4).
Another challenge that is related to this double load is that most employees do
not have their minds clear for innovation:
So, if they are available and they have to think, they have a lot in mind. They are sitting next
to you and they still have a lot of things in their head. So, they can’t really be free in their
heads to think with us (interviewee #4).
In other words, many employees do not have time for innovation and/or cannot
concentrate on innovation-related tasks because they are busy with their regular
work. This makes the introduction of innovation more difficult.
This quotation illustrates the problematic of holding two different roles. The sys-
tem architect needs to balance the different interests:
in the architecture board I try to keep in mind the long term aspects. But I also try to
convince the other architects in the board that B&I has a wish, which we have to take into
account as well, and which can also be very important.
While the variety of perspectives in the architecture board offers the advantage
of not being too isolated from the rest of the organisation, it also adds some bias
to the decisions made by the members of the architecture board. The double role
sometimes leads to situations in which a single person has conflicting interests. In
the quote above, the system architect decided to be on the side of his department
and, in particular, of his manager.
As stated in Sect. 5.2, one measure to introduce innovation at BPR is to conduct in-
novation projects. Yet, the architecture board and the management team of BPR have
different opinions about how many of such projects should be carried out, that is,
about how fast innovation is introduced in the organisation. While the management
team is more in favour of accepting most of the innovation requests B&I sends, the
architecture board first wants to reach internal stability. They argue that BPR needs
to optimise their internal procedures before they are able to innovate. Due to the
difference in opinions about the optimal pace of the enterprise transformation, the
architecture board invests a lot of time in convincing the management team of their
point of view. Therefore, they have less time to spend on the coordination of the
accepted innovation projects.
This is reflected in most employees’ mindsets. Those employees are not ready
for doing innovation because it requires a different way of thinking. As a solution,
BPR starts hiring new employees:
The director is trying to get more people from a different culture into the organisation. They
are trying to find people who do not come from a culture like us – keeping the system up
and running – but more people that think with creativity (interviewee #1).
5.4 Reflection 51
5.4 Reflection
The challenges BPR is facing in the context of their enterprise transformation can
be (partially) linked to the problem perspectives, as will be discussed in Chap. 12.
For instance, BPR introduces a new rule stipulating that every change request or
project plan has to be approved by the architecture board before it can be approved
by the management team. Yet, this rule is not always followed, meaning that the
management team sometimes accepts requests without asking the architecture board
for approval (see Sect. 5.3). This challenge reveals a lack of institutionalisation
of ACET. As will be explained in Chap. 12, it is not sufficient to introduce new
tools, regulations and guidelines to institutionalise architectural coordination in an
organisation. It is important that many stakeholders comply with the new rule so
that ACET achieves a “rule-like status in social thought and action” (Meyer and
Rowan 1977). This status has not (yet) been reached at BPR. Another indication for
ACET not being institutionalised at BPR is the fact that the role of the architecture
board is not clear. Different employees have different opinions about the architects’
responsibilities. When institutionalised, the role of the architecture board should be
clear to everyone. ACET should become part of BPR’s culture and identity.
Among the presented challenges we also recognise a number that are related to
cultural aspects. Organisational subculture has been defined as the aggregate “of
values, norms, and attitudes, which are adopted consciously or unconsciously by
the members of an organisational subgroup, and which distinguish the members of
that subgroup from those of another subgroup in the same organisation” (Faller and
de Kinderen 2014). A more elaborate discussion of the role of such subcultures in
the context of ACET will be provided in Chap. 8.
One example of subculture-related challenges is the necessary change in the em-
ployees’ mindsets. As illustrated in Sect. 5.3, many employees need to adapt a new
way of thinking to be able to innovate. In their (sub)culture framework Detert et al.
(2000), introduce the orientation to change (with the two dichotomous values: sta-
bility and change/innovation) as one culture dimension. Hence, the way of thinking
about innovation is closely linked to the cultural background of an employee.
Furthermore, the challenge of architects having two roles is related to subculture,
more precisely to differences between organisational subcultures: the illustration in
Sect. 5.3 indicates that within BPR there are different attitudes towards time. While
the architecture board focuses on the long-term perspective, the system knowledge
and innovation department is predominantly short-term oriented. These two groups
can be interpreted as two subcultures. The system architect has a role in both sub-
cultures (Sect. 5.3). He tries to concentrate on the long term within the architecture
board. However, he personally is more short-term than long-term oriented. This
52 5 Public Services Opening Up To Innovation
might lead to difficulties within the architecture board given that in a way he has to
act in conflict with his own attitude.
In this case description, we also identify challenges related to communication de-
fects, which will also be addressed in more detail in Chap. 8 [in particular Sect. 8.4
(page 82)]. For instance, the challenge that the role of the architecture board is un-
clear cannot only be discussed in the context of institutionalisation (see beginning of
this section). We can also analyse it through the lens of communication: in Sect. 5.3
(“Unclear role of the architecture board”), we have introduced the example of a
department head having the same understanding of the architecture board as the ar-
chitects themselves. Still, the head of department complains that it is too difficult
to reach the architects, which is a problem of communication. The potential coop-
eration between the architecture board and the head of department suffers from a
lack of communication as the architects are not involved and do not seem to engage
Another example of lacking communication is the outsourcing of development
tasks. In Sect. 5.3, we have illustrated that communication does not take place be-
tween external developers and the architects, which makes it difficult for the archi-
tects to coordinate the transformation. In both examples, the lack of communication
results in the architects not being involved early enough.
The case of BPR shows that the ACET has to face different challenges. In this
chapter, we have illustrated that such challenges can be analysed from different
problem perspectives. Chapter 8 introduces theoretical solutions to overcome (some
of) BPR’s challenges.
Part II
Exploring Architectural Coordination of
Enterprise Transformation
Where the previous part provided an analysis of the current state of corporate
ACET practice, this part will continue with an exploration of the challenges facing
ACET from a more theoretical perspective, in particular:
• Chapter 6 will start by exploring different types of changes and transformations
as they may occur in enterprises.
• Chapter 7 then considers enterprises as social systems and explores enterprise
transformation from this perspective.
• An important aspect of social systems are cultures. In particular subcultures, as
they play an important role in the coordination of enterprise transformations.
By their very nature, enterprise transformations will bring together different
subcultures. Therefore, Chap. 8 explores the potential role of subcultures in the
coordination of enterprise transformations.
• In Chap. 9, we will then continue to explore (the need for) a use perspective for
ACET, in particular the use of the created architectural artefacts.
• In Chap. 10, we then zoom in on the role of stakeholders during ACET and
explore a possible strategy to engage, in a controlled way, the key forces that
should/will influence enterprise transformations.
• As coordination relies on the capturing and processing of information, Chap. 11
considers the information requirements for doing ACET.
• Chapter 12 is concerned with the question on how to establish a sustainable
discipline of “doing ACET” in an organisation, that is, how it can be institu-
• Architecting also involves a myriad of models and associated modelling lan-
guages, be it highly informal languages, be it languages with a precise/formally
defined syntax, or even languages with a formally defined semantics. The land-
scape of modelling languages, and how to manage this in practical settings for
ACET, is discussed in Chap. 13.
• Next to models, another key ingredient of architectures are architecture princi-
ples. Their role in ACET, particularly how one might operationalise their mean-
ing as a restriction of design freedom, is explored in Chap. 14.
• Decisions taken at an architectural level, be they explicit or implicit, have a
major impact on the enterprise architecture as it will finally materialise. In
Chap. 15, we therefore explicitly consider the motivation and rationalisation
of architectural design decisions.
As mentioned above, this part is concerned with an exploration only. Part III pro-
vides several elements of a design theory for ACET that address the challenges as
addressed in the remainder of this part.
Chapter 6
Degrees of Change in Enterprises
Janne J. Korhonen
Abstract Enterprise change can be seen to have different degrees, each of which
is progressively wider in scope and different in nature, varies in type of interven-
tion, and absorbs an increasing amount of environmental complexity. In this chapter,
three degrees of enterprise change are identified. The first degree of change is about
restructuring in an operational scope with focus on reliability, cost containment,
and efficiency. The second degree is broader in scope, more dynamic in nature, and
focused on value creation through reengineering. The third degree of change is com-
plex, strategic, and aimed at fundamental rethinking and value innovation. It is ar-
gued that each successive degree of change addresses a progressively more complex
environmental context and calls for increasingly developed information technology
6.1 Introduction
J.J. Korhonen
Department of Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, Konemiehentie 2,
FI-02150 Espoo, Finland
In the classical sociological literature (Parsons 1960; Thompson 1967), three levels
of social organising are commonly identified. Parsons (1960) identifies three distinct
levels of responsibility and control—technical, managerial, and institutional. The
functions at these levels are interdependent and qualitatively different.
Relatedly, Hoebeke (1994) identifies recursively linked domains of work, each
with its own language, interests, and other emergent characteristics. Each domain
comprises three vertical levels, or strata (Jaques 1998), with the top and bottom
level overlapping with another domain (see Table 6.1). The first three domains in
Hoebeke’s scheme—the added-value domain, innovation domain, and value sys-
tems domain—appear to be in line with Parson’s three levels, respectively. These
domains are described in more detail below.
The added-value domain (Hoebeke 1994) spans requisite strata I–III (Jaques 1998).
The focus is on efficiency of operations, operational quality and reliability, not on
the conception of new products and services. It addresses the question of “how” and
is concerned with doing: producing, selling, or providing services (Olivier 2013).
The “requirements of a group of clients are transformed into those requirements
being met” (Hoebeke 1994). Decision-making involves accountability for existing
resources. According to Olivier (2013), this is where most companies operate and
where 95% of adult human work takes place.
At Stratum I, work has a prescribed output (Rowbottom and Billis 1987), con-
fined by specifications, requirements, quality standards or acceptance criteria. To
materialise this specified output in the most efficient way, the prescribed means are
employed with a minimum of waste (Hoebeke 1994). Change at this level is there-
fore directed at streamlining the existing processes.
At Stratum II, situational response (Rowbottom and Billis 1987) to each case
of work requires judgement, interpretation, and reflection of each specific situation
and adjustment to the varying customer needs. The specific client requirements are
moulded into minimal critical specifications on the input, output, procedures and
tools for the people working at Stratum I (Hoebeke 1994). As work is continually
redefined, improved and automated to increase efficiency and reliability of opera-
tions, change at this level is about continuous improvement.
The output of Stratum III work is systematic provision (Rowbottom and Billis
1987) that accommodates to the varying needs of today as well as those of the future.
This requires developing alternative products and services, as well as alternative
ways of meeting the requirements and needs of known clients (Hoebeke 1994). The
kind of product or service to be provided is given, as are the people, buildings, and
equipment, yet there is much room for technical improvement and innovation (Mac-
donald et al. 2006). At this level, the changing requirements of the as-yet-unknown
but probable future are predicted by extrapolating from current trends.
Table 6.1 summarises the three strata in the added-value domain.
Strata III–V comprise the innovation domain (Hoebeke 1994). This domain shifts
away from operational business-as-usual and is concerned with added value for the
future: managing continuity and change, devising new means to achieve new ends,
and letting go of obsolete means and ends (McMorland 2005). The domain is about
asking “why” or “so what” and it entails more complex and often abstract activi-
ties that maintain the continuity of operations, while following the organisation’s
strategic intent (Olivier 2013).
Stratum III forms a hinge between the added-value domain and the innovation
domain, as the relations between the two domains need an overlapping set of com-
mon activities (Hoebeke 1994). Work at Stratum IV entails comprehensive provi-
sion (Rowbottom and Billis 1987), where the means and ends of underlying added-
value work systems are adjusted to reshape profitability within the overall business
60 6 Degrees of Change in Enterprises
purpose. The signals of change in the value systems of the major stakeholders are
transformed into “new generic products and services, which, at the same time, make
this change perceptible to them” (Hoebeke 1994). Resources need to be negotiated
and reallocated between the Stratum III work systems. Change is discontinuous, but
predictable, and sought through pairwise comparison of existing systems.
Field coverage (Rowbottom and Billis 1987) at Stratum V expands the scope
from a range of products or services to a framework that specifies a general field
of need. Changes in the value systems are sensed and reflected in the creation of
whole new product/service/market/technology combinations (Hoebeke 1994). The
whole system addressing a field of need is transformed, which creates a point of no
return (ibid.).
A summary of the two additional strata provided by the innovation domain is
provided in Table 6.2.
Hoebeke (1994) refers to Strata V–VII as the value systems domain. This is the do-
main of multinational corporations and international institutions and about creating
“new languages and new descriptions and prescriptions about the world” (Hoebeke
1994). Decisions pertain to often-global issues of resource allocation and where and
in what to invest or disinvest, when and why, which requires integrated thinking
across diverse fields (Olivier 2013).
Again, Stratum V forms a hinge between the innovation domain and the value
systems domain. Stratum VI represents multi-field coverage (Rowbottom and Billis
1987), where the task is to ensure that the output covers the whole complex of fields
of need in a coordinated way. Complexity is not so readily contained, but the “great
organisational divide” is crossed to a “whole world” view (Jaques 1998). Stratum
VI widens the perspective from an individual system, such as organisation, to the
larger ecosystem. Stratum V systems are shaped from the outside. This involves ar-
ticulating the relationships between the strategic business units (Cashman and Stroll
1987) and direct interaction with the external social, political, and economic envi-
ronment (Macdonald et al. 2006). Development becomes non-teleological (Hoebeke
1994) and change is about creating the future rather than predicting it.
Meta-field coverage (Rowbottom and Billis 1987) at Stratum VII is concerned
with managing the development, formation, and construction of various complexes
or conglomerates of Stratum V organisations in order to produce an output that cov-
ers the whole model-field. Rather than responding to the needs of specific markets
6.3 Causal Texture of the Environment 61
or sections of the population, Stratum VII work is concerned with judging the needs
of society, nationally and internationally, and deciding what types of business units
to provide to satisfy them. Change at this level pertains to the development of lan-
guage, values, and culture (Hoebeke 1994).
The summary of the two additional strata provided by the value systems domain
is provided in Table 6.3.
Just as the complexity of biological organisms cannot be isolated from the complex-
ity of their environment (Lineweaver et al. 2013), the complexity of the organisation
is contingent on the complexity of its environment. While the organisation cannot
be characterised without characterising its environment, the environment cannot be
characterised without characterising the kinds of organisations for which it is an
environment (cf. Emery and Trist 1973).
To analyse the exchange processes between the organisation and elements in its
environment, Emery and Trist (1965) reintroduce the concept of the causal texture
of the environment (Tolman and Brunswik 1935) at a social level of analysis. The
causal texture refers to the processes through which interdependencies in the envi-
ronment come about.
Emery and Trist (1965) identify four “ideal types” of causal texture:
1. Placid, randomised environment
2. Placid, clustered environment
3. Disturbed-reactive environment
4. Turbulent field
Emery and Trist (1973) have hinted at a possible fifth type of environmental
texture, while McCann and Selsky (1984) and Babüroğlu (1988) have indeed elabo-
rated on such a fifth type. However, this hyperturbulent (McCann and Selsky 1984),
or vortical (Babüroğlu 1988), environment is a theoretically limiting case in the
same vein as Type 1 environment. Thereby, it is excluded from this discussion.
The four environment types identified by Emery and Trist (1965) are discussed
in more depth below.
62 6 Degrees of Change in Enterprises
In the placid, clustered environments (Emery and Trist 1965), goals and noxiants
are not randomly distributed, but occur together in certain ways. The probability
of an organisation’s survival is thus critically dependent on its position in the envi-
ronment (Emery and Trist 1973). To reach these “optimal locations”, clustering of
resources and development of competences, subordinate to the strategic objective,
are required. Organisations tend to grow in size and become hierarchical, with a
tendency towards centralised control and coordination (Emery and Trist 1965).
The need arises to distinguish strategy from tactics. Survival in the placid, clus-
tered environment requires a threshold mechanism to evoke reaction only to the
more general aspects of the environment rather than dealing tactically with each
environmental variance as it occurs (Emery and Trist 1973).
An organisation must be at least goal-directed to adapt this type of environ-
ment (Emery and Trist 1973): the course of action is determined more by the goal
of the system than by the immediately present goals and noxiants. A goal-seeking
system, according to Ackoff (1971), has a choice of behaviour: it does not react
deterministically but can respond differently to particular events in an unchanging
6.3 Causal Texture of the Environment 63
environment until a particular outcome is attained (Emery and Trist 1973). Survival
of the system is contingent on its knowledge of its environment.
The disturbed-reactive environment (Emery and Trist 1965) is like a placid, clus-
tered environment in which more than one organisation of the same kind is pos-
tulated. This co-presence has fundamental implications on the environmental field:
what each organisation knows about the environment can also be known by another,
which is also known by this other (Emery and Trist 1973).
This type of environment gives rise to actions aimed at invoking tactics of other
organisations so that one may further its goals. The organisation must therefore
be able to choose between a number of possible tactical options (Emery and Trist
1973). Such a purposeful system (Ackoff 1971) exhibits will: it can change its goals
as well as select ends and means. The capacity or power to move at this will in the
face of competitive challenge becomes a more defining objective than that of finding
the optimal location (Emery and Trist 1973).
The disturbed-reactive environment is still a relatively stable ground. The com-
peting organisations can be considered as an ultrastable unit (cf. Ashby 1960).
In the turbulent field (Emery and Trist 1965), the dynamic properties arise not only
from the interactions of the organisations but also from the field itself—the “ground”
is in motion. The complexity exceeds individual organisations’ capacities for predic-
tion and control; they cannot adapt to the turbulent environment through their direct
interactions but must rely on commonly held values as the control mechanism in the
field (ibid.).
Emery and Trist (1973) identify four trends that together contribute to the emer-
gence of dynamic field forces:
• Organisations becoming so large that their actions induce autochthonous pro-
cesses in the environment
• The emergence of active field forces due to the increasing interdependence be-
tween the economic and the other facets of the society
• The increasing rate of change and deepening interdependence between organ-
isations and their environment due to the increasing reliance upon scientific
research and development
• The radical increase in the speed and ease of communication and travel
64 6 Degrees of Change in Enterprises
6.4.1 Restructuring
6.4.2 Reengineering
Reengineering (Hammer and Champy 1993; Hamel and Prahalad 1994; Keidel
1994) the organisation pertains to changing the position of nodes or links within
the organisation (Dijksterhuis et al. 1999), for example, through process innovation,
redesign of business processes, or redeployment of resources.
Reengineering is about radical redesign of business processes to achieve dra-
matic performance improvements (Hammer and Champy 1993). It tends to be tac-
tical, rather than strategic, focusing on operational processes with a relatively near-
term improvement time frame (Keidel 1994). According to Hamel and Prahalad
(1994), it offers at least the hope of getting better, not just smaller. However, the real
goal of reengineering is often reduced costs rather than higher customer satisfaction.
Also, reengineering measures tend to be about catching up with competition rather
than “competing for the future”.
6.5 Three Information Technology Realms 65
6.4.3 Rethinking
This is the realm of business domains and their assigned business activities; busi-
ness functions and business concepts that these business domains need to perform
their assigned business activity; and high-level business processes that show how
the business domains collaborate to achieve the organisational goals and strategies
(Versteeg and Bouwman 2006).
In the ecosystemic realm, the organisation relates to its business ecosystem, in-
dustry, markets, and the larger society, co-evolving vis-à-vis its environment: its
business ecosystem and the society at large. The perspective shifts from the rela-
tively stable, closed, and controllable system of a self-sufficient enterprise to the
relatively fluid, open, and transformational system-of-systems of networked, co-
evolving, and co-specialised entities. The focal organisation is objectified from the
outside, as a co-evolutionary constituent within the broader business ecosystem.
In the ecosystemic realm, IT enables strategic capability (cf. Peppard and Ward
2004); in other words, business follows IT.
Fig. 6.1 The environmental complexity determines the type and scope of enterprise change
Enterprise changes of the first degree take place within the operational scope of the
added-value domain (Hoebeke 1994). In this scope, the actual day-to-day work of
the change initiative takes place in change projects (Greefhorst and Proper 2011).
Enterprise changes of the second degree are of tactical scope. As any level of
change requires consideration of all subordinate levels (Rouse 2005), this scope
would embrace both the added-value domain and innovation domain (Hoebeke
1994). The overall enterprise change is executed through a portfolio of change pro-
grammes. The definition, overall planning and mutual synchronisation of these pro-
grammes are additional concerns within this scope (Greefhorst and Proper 2011).
Enterprise changes of the third degree are strategic in scope and span all three
work system domains: added-value, innovation, and value systems (Hoebeke 1994).
They embrace the tactical scope of change but further encompass the overall enter-
prise transformation at the strategic level: strategic direction, strategy formulation,
and execution (Greefhorst and Proper 2011).
68 6 Degrees of Change in Enterprises
Removing the waste (Stratum I), improving the work processes (Stratum II), and
changing the ways of producing and providing products and services (Stratum III)
exemplify change interventions of the restructuring type (cf. Hamel and Prahalad
1994; Keidel 1994). They take place within a certain resource base that can be scaled
up (e.g. increasing production capacity) or down (e.g. reducing headcount).
Restructuring is typically conceptualised as static change (Eoyang and Holladay
2013): the situation before is compared to that of after, but there is no consideration
of movement between the two. This simplified view is applicable to changes that
are short-term or limited in scope, when there are few complicating factors and
control of the environment can be assumed. Same change can successfully be made
in similar circumstances.
Change interventions of the second degree would be about reengineering (cf.
Hamel and Prahalad 1994; Keidel 1994): reassembling resources to altogether new
Stratum III work systems of production or service delivery in order to ensure com-
prehensive output that caters for a given territorial or organisational society (cf.
Rowbottom and Billis 1987).
Reengineering could be characterised as dynamic change (Eoyang and Holladay
2013) that assumes a predictable, yet moving, endpoint, towards which multiple
6.6 Three Degrees of Enterprise Change 69
forces cause movement. The endpoint can be changed by manipulating those forces.
This view of change is applicable to progressions or state-based changes with one-
way causality, few influences, and clear boundaries.
Enterprise changes of the third degree would focus on whole-system enterprise
transformation that calls for rethinking (cf. Hamel and Prahalad 1994; Keidel 1994)
type of change interventions.
The respective view of change would be dynamical change (Eoyang and Holla-
day 2013) that results from unknown forces acting unpredictably and whose path or
outcomes cannot be predicted or controlled. Patterns emerge, but can only be dis-
cerned in retrospect. An example of this variety would be a cascading change, when
the accumulated tensions and pressures are released in an unpredictable and un-
controlled way. This view of change is applicable when boundaries are open, many
factors influence events, and root causes are elusive.
The role of IT in enterprise change varies by the degree, ranging from operational
support to a strategic driver. With each additional degree of enterprise change, a
new IT realm would be activated and the emphasis in the previous realms shifted,
accordingly. This proposition is illustrated in Table 6.5.
In enterprise changes of the first degree, IT investments usually pertain to one-
off application or solution development and are based on expected IT cost reduc-
tions (cf. Ross 2003; Ross et al. 2006). With the focus on efficiency, cost contain-
ment, and reliability, they are typically geared to restructuring type of changes:
automating operational work and business processes in Technical Realm. The de-
livered systems may fully fulfil the specified business needs, but with the lack of
technology standards and enterprise-wide IT architecture, the proliferation of legacy
systems and idiosyncratic point-to-point integrations renders the application land-
scape inert, expensive, and risky in the face of change.
In enterprise changes of the second degree, IT plays a dual role of supply and de-
mand. On the one hand, enterprise-wide IT architecture in Technical Realm provides
efficiencies through technology standardisation and centralised shared infrastructure
(cf. Ross 2003; Ross et al. 2006). On the other hand, resources and IT investments
are shifted from application and solution development to enterprise (business) archi-
tecture (cf. Korhonen and Molnar 2014), business process management, portfolio
management, and the development of IT-enabled competences. With the focus on
effectiveness, value creation, and validity, IT enables reengineering type of changes:
IT is increasingly leveraged to informate (Zuboff 1985) knowledge work and appro-
priate business processes.
Enterprise changes of the third degree are driven by IT. The business model is
digital and enabled by IT-enabled strategic capability. With the focus on efficacy,
value innovation, and resilience, IT enables continuous reconfiguration of unbun-
dled and liquefied (Normann 2001) resources, through which the organisation can
shift its value proposition vis-à-vis its ecosystem (Vargo and Akaka 2009) in align-
ment with semi-coherent strategies. The core of data and processes is optimised
and digitised in Technical Realm. It is difficult to make changes to that core, but
building new products and services onto the core becomes easier and faster. Modu-
lar architecture (cf. Ross 2003; Ross et al. 2006) in Socio-Technical Realm enables
strategic agility through reusable modules built upon the optimised core or by allow-
ing locally customised modules to connect to core data and core processes. While
not reducing the need for standardisation, the modular architecture allows for local
customisation and provides a platform for innovation.
6.7 Conclusion
Wolfgang A. Molnar
Abstract Modern enterprises continue to develop their profile into an even more
complex assembly. Reasoned by increasing environmental turbulences and delib-
erate changes, researchers and practitioners need to acknowledge that addressing
transformations of enterprises is a multiplex interplay between different factors.
Identifying enterprises as social systems means that the system elements are social
individuals and that the essence of an enterprise’s operation lies in the capabilities
and interaction between involved social actors. Insights from sociology literature
may help to address transformations of enterprises adequately. Rooted in the sociol-
ogy literature, a framework for the analysis of change is brought forward, involving:
origin, type, momentum and trajectory. By enriching those dimensions with con-
cepts from socio-technical literature, a powerful instrument is forged to analyse and
address transformations of enterprises.
7.1 Introduction
W.A. Molnar
Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK
ZF, Friedrichshafen, Germany
momentum trajectory
Fig. 7.1 Framework to analyse social change. Reprinted with permission from Giddens (1984).
c 1984 Politi Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom; reprinted with permission
7.1.1 Structuration-Foundation
7.1.2 Origin
no silver bullet for providing one unique origin factorisation that helps in all possible
situations (Harmsen and Molnar 2013).
7.1.3 Type
The type of social change relates to how intensive and extensive change is. Giddens
(1984) relates this to the profoundness of changes, which relates to the situation
“before and after” the change. Those changes may involve formal and informal as-
pects of an organisation (De Caluwé and Vermaak 2003), pertaining to the structure
of communication, power and sanctions. The formal organisation may involve its
architecture, rules, roles, responsibilities, etc. The informal organisation consists of
coalitions, psychological needs, power, informal leadership, moral, social codes, etc.
Giddens (1984) emphasises the potential thresholds of changes that can hinder the
morphosis between overall societal types. In the understanding of enterprise trans-
formations, this relates to the potential hurdles that need to be taken (e.g. just enough
formal structures, or just enough loyalty) when organisational change (should) hap-
pen. Hence, a critical threshold of characteristics of change needs to be met in order
for profound organisational change to occur (Harmsen and Molnar 2013).
7.1.4 Momentum
7.1.5 Trajectory
Giddens (1984) details the dimension of trajectory only superficially by stating that
it concerns the direction of change. Different directions of change may involve dif-
ferent ways change is achieved. De Caluwé and Vermaak (2003) describe different
7.3 Conclusions 75
ways of change and label those with different colours, such as yellow, blue, red,
green, white, silver and steel-print. Varying levels of rationality, intuition and social
aspects may alter the direction of change and consequently influence this process.
For example, blue colour symbolizes the pure rational approach and intuition is not
considered to determine aspects of the change process. Yellow colour stands for an
exchange of power politics that drives the change process. In distinguishing different
directions of change, the various colours provide a fine-grained conceptualisation of
potential trajectories of transformation.
7.3 Conclusions
Giddens’ work concerns the nature of social systems and does not involve consid-
erations of technologies or the influence of technology on social life (Jones and
Karsten 2008; Poole and DeSanctis 2003). However, Giddens’ contributions (such
as the framework to analyse social change that is presented in this chapter) are ap-
pealing to transforming enterprises, because of its focus on structures and on the
processes by which those structures are used and modified over time. In addition, we
elaborated on the structuration-foundation so that it may involve various elements
of additional literature, such as De Caluwé and Vermaak (2003). Involvement of ad-
ditional literature leverages users of the structuration-foundation to have a holistic
perspective. Therefore, researchers and practitioners may understand transforming
enterprises better.
Chapter 8
More than Engineering: The Role
of Subcultures
Hella Faller
8.1 Introduction
H. Faller
knk Business Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Culture can be studied on different levels depending on the unit of analysis, for
example, the national level (Hofstede 2001), organisational level (Detert et al. 2000;
Hofstede et al. 2010; Schein 2004) or organisational-subgroup level (Detert et al.
2000; Hofstede 1998; Schein 2004). When considering stakeholder differences in
EA-guided enterprise transformations, we study organisational subgroups. Thus,
organisational subcultures are our unit of analysis.
Culture—as a generic term—has been defined in different ways by different
authors. Schein (2004) defines culture as “a pattern of shared basic assumptions
that was learned by a group and it solved its problems of external adaption and
internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, there-
fore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in
relation to those problems”.
To describe culture more precisely Schein (2004) compares it to an iceberg which
has three levels: artefacts, espoused beliefs and values, and underlying assumptions
(Fig. 8.1). The tip of the iceberg corresponds to a culture’s artefacts, for exam-
ple, language, technology, clothing or buildings. Furthermore, artefacts are easier
to change than other parts of the culture. The middle part of the iceberg represents
the culture’s espoused beliefs and values. Those beliefs and values include strate-
gies, philosophies and goals of a group and characterise what is perceived as right
or wrong. Beliefs and values cannot be seen on the surface but need a bit of digging
to discover them. Also, changing beliefs and values requires more effort and more
time than changing artefacts. The lowest part of the iceberg symbolizes a culture’s
underlying assumptions. They are taken-for-granted perceptions or beliefs of the
members of a culture. Assumptions are difficult to discover, similar to the bottom
part of an iceberg, which is deep below sea level and has the largest circumference.
Finally, assumptions are the most difficult to change part of the culture.
8.3 Relevance of Organisational Subcultures in ACET 79
underlying assumptions
The culture definitions of Schein (2004) and Hofstede et al. (2010) share that a
culture is specific to a group. Hofstede et al. (2010) add the aspect of differentiating
one culture from another one. In our own definition, we also consider that the adop-
tion of a culture’s values, etc., happens either consciously or unconsciously (Kraus
et al. 2006). Thus, we define culture as the sum of values, norms and attitudes,
which are adopted consciously or unconsciously by the members of a group, and
which distinguish the members of the group from those of another group. In our
research, we focus on organisational subgroups such as departments, hierarchy lev-
els and functions.
1 Enterprise architecture principles are “a restriction of design freedom for projects transforming
enterprise architecture from an as-is state into a to-be state. An enterprise architecture princi-
ples should be based on corporate strategy. It does not include statements on particular business
requirements but on the way these requirements are implemented” (Aier 2014)
8.3 Relevance of Organisational Subcultures in ACET 81
(2012), they focus on the organisational level of culture and do not study the impact
of cultural diversity within an organisation.
Yet, in the field of enterprise transformation the importance of organisational sub-
culture and of cultural differences is well acknowledged. Rouse and Baba (2006),
for instance, state that next to the technical perspective, that is, the technical prob-
lem that needs to be solved, enterprise transformations also comprise a behavioural
perspective. The latter concerns “the nature of human work groups and their inter-
action with work processes; that is, how people are organised to accomplish work,
how they interact with one another and with technology, and how they conceptu-
alise work and understand the meaning of their actions” (Rouse and Baba 2006).
Following Niemietz et al. (2013), we interpret this perspective as a cultural perspec-
tive where the nature of human work groups can be understood as organisational
subcultures. The interaction with each other, the conceptualisation of the work and
the understanding of the actions’ meaning are related to the values and attitudes of
a subgroup. Furthermore, a culture’s norms concerning hierarchy and cooperation
form the basis for the way people organise themselves (Niemietz et al. 2013).
Rouse and Baba (2006) consider organisations as socio-technical systems.
Accordingly, they argue that during enterprise transformations an optimal solu-
tion can only be reached when considering both the technical and the behavioural
perspectives because they depend on each other. Likewise, van der Raadt et al.
(2010) indicate that—next to technical EA means—the interaction between enter-
prise architects and EA stakeholders is important for enterprise architecture to be
effective. According to those authors, the main reason for enterprise architecture not
being effective in practice, does not lie in the technical perspective—which seems
to be handled well by practitioners—but in the behavioural perspective (van der
Raadt et al. 2010). To account for the behavioural aspects of an enterprise transfor-
mation, Rouse and Baba (2006) recommend that methodologies used in enterprise
transformation should vary depending on the cultural context. Within ACET, this
suggestion has the consequences that enterprise architects need to pay attention to
the existing organisational subcultures when interacting with different enterprise ar-
chitecture stakeholders (Fig. 8.2) to ensure to “get them on board”.
Figure 8.2 represents a simplification of stakeholder interactions taking place
in ACET. As enterprise architects have the role of coordinators, they interact with
the (key) stakeholder groups such as operations management or change manage-
ment (van der Raadt et al. 2008). Furthermore, the different stakeholder groups
communicate with each other. Note that the arrow between change management
and project management exemplifies the interaction between stakeholder groups.
(To avoid overcrowding, Fig. 8.2, we decided not to include more arrows for this
type of interaction.) Finally, each stakeholder group comprises multiple individuals
potentially belonging to different departments.
Cultural differences can exist between each of the represented groups, that is,
on a departmental level or on a stakeholder-group level. The latter also includes the
enterprise architects themselves who may be culturally different from (some of) the
stakeholders they interact with. The cultural differences shown in Fig. 8.2 are likely
to impact the effectiveness of ACET.
82 8 More than Engineering: The Role of Subcultures
IT dpt. cultural
Enterprise cultural
architect(s) differences
differences IT
HR dpt.
Sales dpt.
Our earlier work (Niemietz et al. 2013) investigates the consequences of cultural
differences for the work of enterprise architects in the context of enterprise trans-
formations. The findings are based on semi-structured expert interviews with eleven
senior enterprise architects and one management consultant familiar with enterprise
Our main findings are that (1) cultural differences have an indirect impact on
ACET and (2) that communication is an important intermediary factor between
cultural differences and the effectiveness of architects in enterprise transformations.
The findings of Niemietz et al. (2013) are summarised in Fig. 8.3. Specifically,
Fig. 8.3 shows that cultural differences can cause the following communication
defects: no shared frame of reference, inappropriate means of communication, in-
appropriate communication style, lack of communication and over-communication.
Furthermore, Fig. 8.3 indicates how such defects may influence ACET. We now
explain each of the links in further detail.
Subcultures can differ regarding the desired amount of communication (Niemietz
et al. 2013). Here we find two communication defects: over-communication and
lack of communication. Consider the scenario of an architect providing information
during an enterprise transformation: when architects address a large number of sub-
jects in a short period of time, they run the risk that some people perceive this as
over-communication. As a result, the provided information may be treated as being
irrelevant just because of the large amount of communication. Consequently, that
group of people is likely not to commit to the transformation (Fig. 8.3).
However, the same amount of communication can be perfect for another group
of people. Thus, if the architect adapts his entire communication to the first group of
people, the second group will perceive this behaviour as a lack of communication.
8.4 Potential Consequences if Cultural Differences Are Ignored 83
no shared
no shared frame
of reference
no agreement
means of misunderstandings
differences uncertainty
style of
subcultures no commitment
lack of
communication redundancy
over- conflicts
Fig. 8.3 Potential consequences of cultural differences and communication defects (adopted from
Niemietz et al. 2013)
positive answer
head of change request external
dpt. xyz customer
actual communication
enterprise communication not taking
architect place
Fig. 8.4 Illustrative scenario of cultural differences decreasing the effectiveness of ACET
file of the head of department leads to behaviour that conflicts with the enterprise
A second potential conflict—this time on a personal level—may arise between
the architect and the head of department: if the architect is not aware of the cul-
tural differences between him and his colleague, he is likely to take his colleague’s
behaviour personally.
Another finding of Niemietz et al. (2013) is that the way of interpreting pictures
and texts depends on a person’s values and beliefs. Such differences in the frames
of reference (Fig. 8.3) can be twofold: (1) two groups address different things using
the same vocabulary, which leads to misunderstandings; (2) two groups address the
same thing but use a different vocabulary and therefore do not understand each
other. Both scenarios can cause disagreement among the stakeholders. The find-
ing that cultural differences are a major challenge in achieving shared understand-
ing is also emphasised in other contexts, such as software development (Nakakoji
1996). Given the important role of models in enterprise architecture having a shared
frame of reference is particularly interesting in the context of ACET. However, if
cultural differences are not taken into account, frames of reference are likely to
differ among stakeholders without them being conscious about that. Also, subcul-
tures differ in terms of their preferred communication style (Gilsdorf 1998; Niemietz
et al. 2013). An example presented in Niemietz et al. (2013) refers to an architect
who likes to build in small mistakes when communicating models. He discovers
that similar minded people appreciate this communication style because they like to
be challenged and can show that they notice the mistake. However, management’s
reaction to this style is completely different: this subculture does not interpret the
mistake as an intended challenge but as a mistake as such, which triggers a feeling of
uncertainty concerning the architect’s expertise. As communication plays an impor-
tant role in ACET, it is especially crucial that architects are aware of the different
8.5 Conclusion 85
preferences regarding the communication style (Op ’t Land et al. 2008; Steenber-
gen 2011). If such differences are not considered, architects are likely to encounter
misunderstandings and uncertainty among the stakeholders (Fig. 8.3). As a conse-
quence, architects risk that stakeholders will not involve them anymore.
Similar to the communication, style cultures can vary concerning their preferred
communication means (Niemietz et al. 2013). For instance, some subcultures prefer
face-to-face communication as their predominant communication means, whereas
other subcultures prefer computer-based communication (Niemietz et al. 2013).
Thus, the communication channel should be adapted to the audience at hand
(Sledgianowski and Luftman 2005). Otherwise, a possible consequence is that im-
portant information is not perceived as such and therefore does not receive the
required attention (see Fig. 8.3). This can result in a lack of shared understand-
ing between two (or more) subcultures. To adapt the communication means to the
audience, the respective persons need to be aware of the different preferences.
8.5 Conclusion
Stefan Bischoff
Abstract This chapter highlights the importance of the use perspective for design-
ing ACET. Based on a reflection of use-related information system literature and
a review of the use-related enterprise architecture literature, the importance of the
use perspective for the appropriate design of ACET is emphasised. Additionally, the
importance of acceptance and use of ACET is identified as an important prerequisite
for enterprise transformation support and benefit creation. From the users’ perspec-
tive, ACET appears in the form of different artefacts (e.g. models, methods, and
principles) that need to be specifically addressed by the management of ACET in
order to ensure a use-centric design. Different groups of artefacts are identified that
need to be embedded in the organisation differently following a use-centric perspec-
tive. Finally, the chapter proposes a research agenda that needs to be completed to
design ACET from a use-centric perspective. The research agenda consists of four
steps (understand user’s behaviour, understand the acceptance of architectural coor-
dination for supporting enterprise transformation, understand the continuous use of
architectural coordination for supporting enterprise transformation, and design en-
terprise architecture/architectural coordination from a use-centric perspective) that
are broken down into six research questions.
S. Bischoff
Institute of Information Management, University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
The importance of the use of information systems, in general, has been widely
discussed and researched in literature. Various studies highlight the importance of
use for value creation of information system. Benbasat and Zmud (2003) state that
“usage” is the direct prerequisite for information system impact and value creation.
From a practitioner point of view, value creation and therefore use is an important
argument that helps managers to justify their budget for system development and
operation. In times of rising cost pressures, the business-case-based justification
9.2 Importance of the Use of Architectural Coordination 89
From the users’ perspective, architectural coordination can have different roles dur-
ing an enterprise transformation:
1. It can appear as an information provider or supporter of different transformation
activities (The Open Group 2011).
2. It is the restrictor of design freedom (Dietz 2008; Hoogervorst 2009; The Open
Group 2011).
Thus, ACET appears in two different shapes, materialised in the form of artefacts,
which support and impact enterprise transformation. Descriptive artefacts, in the
form of as-is models, fulfil the information provider role and document the current
state of an organisation’s enterprise architecture. Prescriptive artefacts document the
desired future state of the enterprise architecture, in the form of to-be models, and
restrict enterprise transformation managers’ freedom to act by defining standards
and principles that need to be followed by any initiative (e.g. transformations) that
has an effect on the enterprise architecture. Due to the fact that enterprise architec-
ture artefacts are important interaction vehicles for ACET, architectural coordina-
tion managers need to pay special attention to the use-centric design of enterprise
architecture artefacts for enterprise transformation support.
As a consequence, enterprise architecture artefacts not only need to be specif-
ically designed in order to address the special needs of enterprise transformation
from a content perspective but also need to be embedded in the overall organisation
and enterprise architecture management landscape in the way that best addresses
the requirements of enterprise transformation and enterprise transformation man-
agers. The embedding of enterprise architecture artefacts in the organisation there-
fore needs to be aligned with the use preferences of enterprise transformation man-
agers. Aspects that need to be considered include the way artefacts are accessed and
the level of pressure that exists for using the artefact.
As discussed in more detail in Sect. 9.4, enterprise architecture is rarely consid-
ered as a means for supporting enterprise transformation. To address this issue and
make sure that enterprise architecture artefacts are used in an enterprise transforma-
tion environment, architectural coordination preferences of enterprise transforma-
tion managers and their use behaviour concerning enterprise architecture artefacts
need to be understood. Based on this understanding, the architectural coordination
function as a whole (including the enterprise architecture artefacts and their em-
bedment into the organisation) needs to be designed following the design-for-use
paradigm. This makes sure that the architectural coordination function meets the
requirements of potential users.
9.4 Relevant State of the Art of Use-Centricity in Literature 91
After the use perspective has been motivated from a practical perspective, a review
of scientific literature is conducted to identify relevant concepts that help to design
enterprise architecture artefacts and the organisational embedment of the architec-
tural coordination function from a use-centric perspective.
In order to identify the most relevant publications, a literature search in the lead-
ing information systems and management science journals is conducted. The search
is based on the Senior Scholars’ Basket of Journals (Association for Information
Systems 2011), the English language journals listed in the information systems and
information management sub-ranking of the VHB Jourqual 2.1 ranking which are
classified with a rating of ‘A+’, ‘A’, or ‘B’ (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Be-
triebswirtschaft 2011)1 and a set of eight leading management journals (Barreto
2010).2 All of these searches were limited to title and abstract.
For building the search term, synonyms of (continuous) use that are com-
monly used in scholarly literature are identified. Those are continuity, continu-
ance (Bhattacherjee et al. 2008), ongoing use (Marchand and Peppard 2008), post-
acceptance (Bhattacherjee 2001), post-adoptive use, and routinization (Cooper and
Zmud 1990) of an artefact.
A first literature search with the term (using American English):
(‘architectural coordination’ OR AC)
(use OR usage OR continuity OR continuance OR post-acceptance OR routinization)
did not lead to any relevant results. Thus, the search term was extended. The more
commonly used term for architectural coordination is enterprise architecture man-
agement. In order to include related literature in the analysis of the state of the
art, the term: enterprise architecture and its abbreviation EA are also included in the
search term for the literature search. The following search term (again, in American
English) was therefore used:
(‘enterprise architecture’ OR EA OR ‘architectural coordination’ OR AC)
(use OR usage OR continuity OR continuance OR post-acceptance OR routinization)
This search resulted in 12 distinct results. Four publications were classified as rele-
vant after an initial review of the titles and abstracts (Boh and Yellin 2007; Bradley
et al. 2012; Peristeras and Tarabanis 2000; Ross and Beath 2006). The relevant
1 Schrader and Hennig-Thurau (2009) present the method that is applied to create the VHB
Jourqual rankings 2.x based on the predecessor ranking of Jourqual 2.1, which is Jourqual 2.
2 The eight leading management journals according to Barreto (2010) are: Academy of Man-
This search then resulted in 37 hits in JEA and one hit in EMISA from which seven
(JEA) and zero (EMISA) are relevant.
The results can be assigned to one group which addresses application scenarios
for EA (Bernard 2006; Greefhorst et al. 2013; Gryning et al. 2010; Niemann 2005)
(also see below for a detailed analysis) and another group which discusses the value
of enterprise architecture use (Cameron and McMillan 2013; Greefhorst et al. 2013;
Niemann 2005; Rodrigues and Amaral 2010; Tamm et al. 2011a).
The rather small number of identified use-related papers in the area of enter-
prise architecture is also confirmed by published literature reviews. Extensive lit-
erature reviews highlight lacking use focus in the area of EA (Aier et al. 2008;
9.4 Relevant State of the Art of Use-Centricity in Literature 93
Mykhashchuk et al. 2011; Schönherr 2009; Simon et al. 2013). Existing enterprise
architecture research specialises on creating a common understanding of the re-
search stream itself (Aier et al. 2008; Schönherr 2009; Simon et al. 2013), the use
scenarios and focus of enterprise architecture (e.g. layers between infrastructure and
strategy (Winter and Fischer 2007) are addressed by enterprise architecture), EA’s
anchoring within the organisation (Aier et al. 2008), and details regarding enterprise
architecture artefacts [i.e. representations of the as-is, and to-be architecture in the
form of models as well as method fragments and principles for transferring an as-is
into a to-be architecture (Schönherr 2009)].
To discover the application scenarios of enterprise architecture in practice, a sec-
ond literature search is conducted using identical restrictions as above (journal list,
limitation to title and abstract, database) and the following search term:
(‘enterprise architecture’ OR EA OR ‘architectural coordination’ OR AC)
(application OR apply OR utilization OR utilisation OR utilize OR utilise)
The search leads to seven unique results. After an initial review of titles and
abstracts, three are relevant (Boh and Yellin 2007; Weiss 2010, 2012). Boh and
Yellin (2007) discuss the support of compliance, programmes, as well as reduced
heterogeneity of physical IT infrastructure, consolidation of IT infrastructure ser-
vices, business application integration, and enterprise data integration as application
scenarios for enterprise architecture. Weiss (2010) presents the enterprise architec-
ture application scenarios based on one case and highlights the following scenarios:
Facilitation of integration and standardisation, definition of major development di-
rection and the reference architecture, government of processes and policies, super-
vision of project implementations, and identification of shared assets. Weiss (2012)
lists the definition of technology and data standards and application integration as
additional application scenarios.
Additionally, JEA and EMISA are searched using Google Scholar with the term:
application OR apply OR utilization OR utilisation OR utilize OR utilise
The search leads to 29 hits in JEA and one hit in EMISA from which five (JEA)
and zero (EMISA) are relevant after a review of titles and abstract (Greefhorst et al.
2013; Gryning et al. 2010; Niemann 2005; Sidorova and Kappelman 2011; Winter
et al. 2007). The applications scenarios that are discussed in the individual publica-
tions are listed in Table 9.1.
The review of the state-of-the-art literature reveals the missing use-focus in the
existing architectural coordination and enterprise architecture body of knowledge
despite the fact that a vast amount of application scenarios exists and is presented
in literature (cf. Table 9.1). The only publication that was identified in top informa-
tion systems and management journals is research by Boh and Yellin (2007) on the
influence of governance mechanisms on the use of enterprise architecture standards
and the benefits that the use of enterprise architecture standards has in organisations.
The literature analysis is summarised in Fig. 9.1.
94 9 The Need for a Use Perspective on Architectural Coordination
EA use EA application
use application
Enterprise Architecture OR usage Enterprise Architecture OR apply
OR EA OR continuity OR EA OR utilization
OR Architectural Coordination AND OR continuance OR Architectural Coordination AND OR utilisation
OR AC OR post-acceptance OR AC OR utilize
OR routinization OR utilise
IS and general management journals (12 hits / 4 relevant) IS and general management journals (7 hits / 3 relevant)
Specialized EA journals (38 hits / 7 relevant) Specialized EA journals (30 hits / 5 relevant)
Fig. 9.1 Summary of enterprise architecture use and enterprise architecture application literature
The research agenda proposed in this chapter aims at addressing this research gap
with a special focus on the use of the architectural coordination function and enter-
prise architecture artefacts for supporting enterprise transformation. In conclusion,
the agenda advocates the use-centric design of ACET.
Low impact of pressure on use intensity High impact of pressure on use intensity
associated with this quadrant do not have perceived value for the organisation
and managers do not foster their use by applying pressure (Bischoff et al. 2014).
4. The enterprise architecture pressure beneficiaries class consists of artefacts that
are used with an above median level of intensity and show an above median
impact of pressure on use intensity. Consequently, either pressure is applied to-
wards using the artefacts or the artefacts are used on a voluntary basis because
their benefits are perceived by the users (Bischoff et al. 2014).
This previous study highlights the importance of situative and artefact-specific
design and management of enterprise architecture artefacts that can also be used
in different ways to support an enterprise transformation. To foster continuous use,
artefacts need to be designed and managed depending on the class they belong to.
Thus, an initial step of research should (1) identify which artefacts are impor-
tant for enterprise transformation and then (2) determine, based on the artefacts’
classification, suitable design and management strategies.
9.6 Conclusion
In putting the users in the main focus of the ACET design goal, it is important to
first understand their interaction with the architectural coordination function during
an enterprise transformation. Therefore, the initial research step needs to create a
9.6 Conclusion 97
The answers to the previously presented research questions help to design ACET
from a use-centric perspective. Another important task towards a comprehensive
embedment of ACET is to completely anchor ACET within the organisation and
institutionalise it (Weiss et al. 2013). This aspect is presented in Chap. 12 in more
The use perspective is also central to enterprise architecture models. Models can
become “boundary objects” and play a vital role in establishing shared understand-
ing during an enterprise transformation, but only when they are designed from a
use-centric perspective. Principles to that effect are provided in Chap. 19.
Chapter 10
Enterprise Coherence Governance:
Involving the Right Stakeholders
Abstract In this chapter, we argue that ACET requires the involvement of (at least)
two complementary types of frameworks. From a Blue-print thinking perspective,
a design framework is needed to structure the actual architectural design thinking.
Existing frameworks such as Zachman, IAF, Dya and TOGAF are candidates for
the role of the design framework. Which of these frameworks fits best a specific
organisation depends on the type of organisation and the best fitting design philos-
ophy. Next to a design framework, the Yellow-print thinking perspective suggests
the use of an organisation-specific engagement framework that is concerned with
the question of which groups of stakeholders to include in enterprise architecture
decision-making during an enterprise transformation, and how to operationally en-
gage them. This framework depends, more than a design framework, on the (strate-
gic) priorities of the organisation, and the stakeholders involved in enterprise trans-
formations. Moreover, depending on the scope and impact of an actual enterprise
transformation, more situation-specific tuning of the engagement framework may
be needed. The engagement framework suggested by the GEA method involves the
(organisation-specific) enterprise coherence dashboards.
10.1 Introduction
Efforts to transform an enterprise, from its business processes to the underlying IT,
often fail. In Op ’t Land et al. (2008), the authors provide a summary of possible
causes for failures of strategic initiatives: “The road from strategy formulation to
R. Wagter ()
Solventa B.V., 3439 ML Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
H.A. Proper
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
To explain how social complexity may seriously jeopardise the success of a project
and/or programme, Conklin (2003b) has coined the term fragmentation:
Fragmentation suggests a condition in which the people involved see themselves as more
separate than united, and in which information and knowledge are chaotic and scattered.
The fragmented pieces are, in essence, the perspectives, understandings, and intentions of
the collaborators.
Conklin (2003b) also argues that stakeholder fragmentation is one of the key
forces that threatens the success of projects and/or programmes (such as enterprise
transformations). There is a clear danger that stakeholder variety, and the potential
fragmentation it may cause, is not seen and/or acknowledged on time. As Conklin
(2003b) states:
Fragmentation can be hidden, as when stakeholders don’t even realise that there are incom-
patible tacit assumptions about the problem, and each believes that his or her understandings
are complete and shared by all.
Conklin (2003b) identifies two core factors that contribute towards fragmenta-
tion: social complexity and wickedness. Below we will discuss these factors in more
As discussed in Sect. 1.2, local optimisation may have a detrimental effect on the
ability of enterprise transformations to meet their goals. We argue that this tendency
for “local optimisation” is actually a symptom of stakeholder fragmentation.
Conklin (2003b) introduces the notion of social complexity as the number and diver-
sity of stakeholders involved in a project. In terms of this definition, if the number
102 10 Enterprise Coherence Governance: Involving the Right Stakeholders
10.3.2 Wickedness
also not clear what challenges may have to be overcome “along the way”, while
the circumstances/context under/in which the transformation takes place changes
during the transformation.
As mentioned before, the factors of wickedness and social complexity actually
amplify each other (Conklin 2003b). This can be summarised by the pseudo for-
fragmentation = wickedness × social complexity
Wagter (2009) results from the multi-year and multi-party research project GEA.
This programme was triggered by the observation that enterprise architecture fails
to deliver on its promises. A survey (Wagter et al. 2007) held at the start of the GEA
research programme showed that key triggers for the participants to participate in
the programme were indeed:
• Many enterprise transformation efforts fail
• Failing to adopt a holistic approach to address key business issues frequently
resulted in a unilateral approach from an IT-oriented perspective
• Existing architecture methods fall short in meeting their promises because:
– They are set up from an IT perspective only
– They hardly address the strategic level of the organisation
– They are set up in terms of the Business/IT gap
– Their underlying IT architectures applied on the enterprise-wide level are
unjustly called EAs
The GEA programme took the following as its driving hypothesis (Wagter et al.
2013a; Wagter 2013):
the overall performance of an enterprise is positively influenced by a proper coherence
among the key aspects of the enterprise, including business processes, organisational cul-
ture, product portfolio, human resources, information systems, IT support, etc.
104 10 Enterprise Coherence Governance: Involving the Right Stakeholders
The driving hypothesis of the above mentioned GEA programme was translated
to the ambition to extend the means of enterprise architecture management with
the ability to better govern enterprise coherence (Wagter 2013; Wagter et al. 2011,
2012a,b, 2013b). As a result, the main challenge facing the GEA programme (Wagter
2009, 2013) was to develop a strategy to better manage stakeholder fragmentation,
and as a result better govern enterprise coherence.
To enable enterprise architecture management to better deal with (potential)
stakeholder fragmentation, it was necessary to, as also argued in Chap. 8, look be-
yond a traditional “engineering style” of thinking. To more precisely define what
is meant by “engineering style”, we turn to the work of De Caluwé and Vermaak
(2003), who have identified a number of core perspectives on change processes in
Yellow-print thinking—Bring the interests of the most important players together
by means of a process of negotiation enabling consensus or a win-win solution.
Blue-print thinking—Formulate clear goals and results, then design rationally a
systematic approach and then implement the approach according to plan.
Red-print thinking—Motivate and stimulate people to perform best they can, con-
tracting and rewarding desired behaviour with the help of HRM-systems.
10.4 The Need to Govern Enterprise Coherence 105
Some of these results have been operationalised in terms of, for example, GEA’s
enterprise coherence dashboard (Wagter et al. 2012a, 2013a) and the CAEDA
approach (Nakakawa et al. 2013, 2011b; Nakakawa 2012).
As argued by Op ’t Land et al. (2008) and Wagter (2009), architecture offers a means
for management to obtain insight into the organisational structure, as well as to make
decisions about the direction of enterprise transformations. As such, it should act as
a means to steer enterprise transformations, while in particular enabling senior man-
agement to govern the enterprise’s coherence. We regard enterprise architecture as
the appropriate means to make enterprise coherence explicit, as well as control-
lable/manageable, or at least influenceable.
The GEA project (Wagter 2009) used four key sources to identify the require-
ments for enterprise coherence governance:
1. The involvement of stakeholders, and senior management in particular
2. Management control
3. Change management
4. General systems theory
Below we discuss these requirements in more detail. Requirements we would con-
sider to be not only relevant to the GEA project, but to architectural coordination in
Doing so, however, also requires a strong commitment from senior management
to these design decisions. Local business stakeholders, such as business unit
managers, who have a direct interest in the outcome of a project, may want to
lead projects in a different direction (more favourable to their own local/short-
term interests) than would be desirable from an enterprise-wide perspective.
Such divergent forces are also likely to lead to erosion of the desired enterprise
coherence. This explains the need to reduce the space for own interpretation
on lower management levels by substantiating the decisions, made on strategic
level, with unambiguous arguments harmonising all concerns at stake.
As argued above, existing architecture approaches (Sowa and Zachman 1992; van’t
Wout et al. 2010; Lankhorst 2012; Iacob et al. 2012; Wagter et al. 2005; The Open
Group 2011) operate from a Blue-print style of thinking. The above requirements
clearly suggest the use of another style of thinking in terms of stakeholder interests,
formal and informal power structures within enterprises, as well as the associated
processes of creating win-win situations and forming coalitions. According to De
Caluwé and Vermaak (2003), this would be more of a Yellow-print style of think-
ing about change. In the GEA programme, the latter line of thinking was taken as a
starting point, by taking the perspective that the actual social forces and associated
strategic dialogues within an enterprise should be taken as a starting point, rather
than the frameworks of existing architecture approaches, suggesting the full make-
ability of an organisation.
The latter does not imply that the existing “Blue-print style frameworks” are
not useful. On the contrary. An engineering perspective is much needed. At the
same time, it needs to be embedded in a Yellow-print-oriented process. Architecture
models produced from an engineering perspective potentially provide thorough un-
derpinning of the views, sketches, and models used in the strategic dialogues with
senior management. However, rather than structuring the models and views in terms
of ‘information architecture’, ‘application architecture’, and ‘infrastructure’, they
would have to be structured based on those domains that are meaningful within the
strategic and political dialogue in an enterprise, for example, in terms of ‘human
resourcing’, ‘clients’, ‘regulators’, ‘culture’, ‘intellectual property’, and ‘suppliers’.
Needless to say that this is also highly organisation-specific.
One of the leading theories in the field of management control is “Levers of Control”
by Simons (1994). Simons identifies the following levers of control:
1. Diagnostic control systems used to monitor and adjust operating performance
2. Belief systems that communicate core values such as mission statements, cre-
dos, and vision statements
3. Boundary systems that define the limits of freedom, such as codes of conduct
and statements of ethics
108 10 Enterprise Coherence Governance: Involving the Right Stakeholders
Table 10.1 Enterprise coherence governance requirements from a management control perspective
Lever of control Requirement
Diagnostic control systems Goals have to be an element of enterprise coherence at the level of
the purpose of an organisation and objectives an element of enterprise
coherence at the design level of an organisation
Belief systems The level of purpose of the organisation must be within the scope of
enterprise architecture This requirement is associated with the previ-
ously mentioned requirement scope
Boundary systems Boundaries must be made explicit since boundaries define relations
between angles of an organisation and as such form a basic asset of
enterprise coherence
Interactive control systems The effect of intended strategic interventions on the enterprise coher-
ence should be made clear interactively and beforehand
4. Interactive control systems that provide strategic feedback and vehicles to up-
date and redirect strategy such as competitive analysis and market reports
These levers of control led us to the following insights. To give direction on a strate-
gic level we have to distinguish between a sustainable purpose and a changeable
shape of an organisation. The purpose is formulated on the level of purpose and the
shape is described on the design level. Belief systems typically contribute to the level
of purpose. This leads to the requirements for enterprise coherence governance, as
shown in Table 10.1.
Table 10.2 Enterprise coherence governance requirements from a change management perspective
Socio-technical combinations Requirement
Choice made in a change pro- The scope of enterprise coherence governance should include both
cess should be based on the internal and external angles of the organisational transaction envi-
context and the purpose ronment
The purpose of a change process should be in line with the goals
on the level of purpose and objectives on the design level
The organisational aspects that are dominant in the solution for a
business issue, determine the choice of approach
Every change process should be argued by the application of the
enterprise coherence governance before execution
Choice of an appropriate The solution direction and choice of approach should be just one
approach determines the element of the decision
success Regarding the decision-making process, enterprise coherence gov-
ernance should contribute to both the solution direction and choice
of approach of a business issue
Enterprise coherence governance should guide the realisation of
the solution direction and choice of approach of a business issue
An appropriate approach needs appropriate enterprise coherence
The second theoretical foundation concerns the general systems (cybernetics) per-
spective, where an organisation is seen as a controllable open system (de Leeuw
1982). The control paradigm, as introduced by de Leeuw (1982) and de Leeuw
and Volberda (1996) for example, identifies a set of conditions for effective con-
trol. Compliance with these conditions also implies a promise, namely to achieve
an effective control situation. These conditions are (de Leeuw 1982; de Leeuw and
Volberda 1996):
1. The controlling system must have a goal to guide it in governing the controlled
2. The controlling system must have a model of the controlled system.
3. The controlling system must have information about the controlled system,
namely the state of the specified system parameters and subsequent acting en-
vironment variables.
4. The controlling system must have sufficient control variety.
5. The controlling system must have sufficient information processing capacity to
transform information (3), using a model (2), taking into account the objectives
(1) into effective control measures (4).
Based on these conditions for effective control the requirements for enterprise co-
herence governance as listed in Table 10.3 were derived.
110 10 Enterprise Coherence Governance: Involving the Right Stakeholders
Table 10.3 Enterprise coherence governance requirements from a general systems perspective
Conditions for effective control Requirement
Specify a goal to the controlled Objectives have to be an element of enterprise coherence at the
system design level of an organisation
Have a model of the controlled The model of enterprise coherence must represent the dynamics
system of the design level of an organisation
Have actual information about The actual state of enterprise coherence must be represented on
the controlled system a permanent basis, including current state as well as future direc-
Have sufficient control variety Enterprise coherence governance must have sufficient levers to
influence enterprise coherence on the design level, and support
the interdependancy with the level of purpose as well. The latter
should include: forward and backward governance, event driven
and cyclic governance, single and multi level governance (recur-
sivity and projection)
Have sufficient information Restrict the complexity and information overload by differenti-
processing capacity ating enterprise coherence in several interdependent levels. Allo-
cate sufficient resources to enterprise coherence governance, dis-
tinguished by processes, products, people, means, governance,
methodology and all based on a clear vision
10.6 Conclusion
As also suggested by Proper (2014), we argue that ACET requires the involve-
ment of (at least) two complementary types of frameworks. From a Blue-print
thinking perspective, a design framework is needed to structure the actual ar-
chitectural design thinking Proper and Op ’t Land (2010). Existing frameworks
such as Zachman (Sowa and Zachman 1992) and IAF (van’t Wout et al. 2010),
ArchiMate (Lankhorst 2012; Iacob et al. 2012), DYA (Wagter et al. 2005), or
TOGAF (The Open Group 2011) are candidates for the role of the design frame-
work. Which of these frameworks fits best to a specific organisation, depends on the
type of organisation, and the best fitting design philosophy.
Next to a design framework, the Yellow-print thinking perspective suggests
the use of an organisation-specific engagement framework that is concerned with
the question of which groups of stakeholders to include in enterprise architecture
decision-making during an enterprise transformation, and how to operationally en-
gage them. This framework depends, more than a design framework, on the (strate-
gic) priorities of the organisation, and the stakeholders involved in enterprise trans-
formations. Moreover, depending on the scope and impact of an actual enterprise
transformation, more situation-specific tuning of the engagement framework may
be needed.
The engagement framework suggested by the GEA method involves the (organi-
sation specific) enterprise coherence dashboards (Wagter et al. 2011, 2012d) as will
also be discussed in Chap. 18.
Chapter 11
Information Requirements for Enterprise
Nils Labusch
11.1 Introduction
Transformation managers are concerned with many challenges (Labusch and Win-
ter 2013; Uhl and Gollenia 2012; Ward and Uhl 2012) that are oftentimes induced
by the complexity of the transformation task (Purchase et al. 2011), the uncertainty
involved (Huy 1999), and the high amount of decisions that need to be taken during
the course of the enterprise transformation (McGinnis 2007). In order to deal with
these challenges, enterprise transformation managers need to be provided with dif-
ferent inputs of which they need to be aware. One of those inputs is information. An
appropriate information provision enables dealing with complexity and uncertainty
by purposefully providing information to take necessary decisions.
According to Laudon and Laudon (2006, p. 14), information is “data that have
been shaped into a form that is meaningful and useful to human beings.” In contrast,
data “are streams of raw facts representing events occurring in organisations or the
N. Labusch
Institute of Information Management, University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
physical environment before they have been organised and arranged into a form that
people can effectively understand and use” (Laudon and Laudon 2006, p. 14). Thus,
when referring to information in this chapter, the understanding is not limited to
technical aspects of information processing. A requirement is defined by the IEEE
(1990, p. 62) as “(1) A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem
or achieve an objective. (2) A condition or capability that must be met or possessed
by a system or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or
other formally imposed documents. (3) A documented representation of a condition
or capability as in (1) or (2).” In consequence, an information requirement describes
information that is needed by a user to achieve an objective. The most substantial
objective in terms of ACET is to take meaningful decisions that enable the success
of the enterprise transformation.
Managerial information provision can face serious problems. Fredenberger et al.
(1997) mention examples like piecemeal information formats, faulty presentations,
information irrelevant to problems, or non-timely information provisioning.
Processing information and providing an overview of organisational dependen-
cies is one of the major tasks of EAM (Boh and Yellin 2007; Strano and Rehmani
2007). For this reason, the information perspective is valuable in terms of the ACET
research. The role of the enterprise architect is considered “one of making order
out of chaos by taking the overwhelming amount of information available and pre-
senting it in a manner that enables effective decision-making” (Strano and Rehmani
2007, p. 392). Solid foundations have emerged about information processing mecha-
nisms in organisations, most considerably the organisational information processing
theory (OIPT) (Clark et al. 2006; Galbraith 1974; Premkumar et al. 2005; Tushman
and Nadler 1978).
This chapter proceeds as follows: In the second part, an overview of the related
state of the art is provided. Dimensions of enterprise-transformation-relevant infor-
mation are introduced in the third part. Part four emphasises the information pro-
cessing in the organisation. Part five asks how enterprise architecture management
can contribute to information processing and thus provides a foundation for the fol-
lowing parts.
Stakeholder / Individual
has a steering function. It is not used to form a decision but it already represents the
final decision (see Yadav (1985) for an explication of the decision process).
The information could already be relevant during an earlier stage in the decision
process—when the decision is not yet taken but information is required to thor-
oughly take the decision and consider different scenarios. Here information con-
ducts rather an informing task. The information could be further differentiated into
those that directly have an effect on how to take the decision (e.g. a standard that
needs to be applied) and those that only support the decision process (e.g. the num-
ber of affected employees).
Consumers Scope
All via ET Management Focus on organisation and
Purpose Details
Mostly informing, partially Different degrees of detail.
steering On average less detailed.
Fig. 11.3 Information processing steps and enterprise architecture management support (based on
Corner et al. 1994)
one single activity, but a complex process that needs different supportive means.
Figure 11.3 discusses how information processing is conducted and where enter-
prise architecture management could be involved.
Enterprise architecture management can be used to overcome the information
processing issues to support some of the mechanisms that OIPT proposes. When
referring to the reduction of information processing need, the creation of slack re-
sources cannot be supported by enterprise architecture management—here the strat-
egy is simply “add more resources”. The creation of self-contained tasks, however,
provides more opportunities for enterprise architecture management. The goal is
reshaping the tasks in the enterprise during the enterprise transformation. Such a
restructuration would require deep and fundamental knowledge about the organi-
sation itself. Here enterprise architecture management seems to be able to provide
input. The core of the discipline is the knowledge about fundamental structures of
the organisation—business or IT structures. The third proposed mechanism is man-
aging the environment. The mechanism refers to influencing media or politics to
achieve the organisation’s goal to reduce information processing. Here enterprise
architecture management seems to be unable to provide valuable support. For a
summary, see Table 11.1.
120 11 Information Requirements for Enterprise Transformation
On the other side, to increase the information processing capability, the organi-
sation could invest in vertical information systems. To support this mechanism, an
enterprise architecture management would be required that collects information and
provides them to the management. Enabling other stakeholders in the organisation
to take their own informed decisions would not be in focus. Enterprise architecture
management could also be involved by providing foundations for IT systems that
enable the faster information transfer.
The second introduced mechanism is the creation of lateral relationships. To
support the introduction of the second mechanism, enterprise architecture manage-
ment would need to enable not only the top-management to take decisions but also
line managers or even lower-level employees. Such a source of information for ev-
erybody could be used as foundation for the necessary coordination (Abraham et al.
2012a). For a summary, see Table 11.2.
11.6 Conclusion 121
11.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, information requirements as a concept were analysed and the or-
ganisational information processing theory was introduced. Further, this chapter
examined where and how enterprise architecture management could occur in the
information processing in organisations. On the one hand, the analysis provides un-
derstanding about the challenges and mechanisms that occur during a transforma-
tion from an information perspective. On the other hand, the analysis raises further
questions about the role that enterprise architecture management plays or might be
able to play.
In general, determining the information requirements is a difficult task. Lohman
et al. (2003) identify different pitfalls in this endeavour: data availability and quality
do not meet requirements, requested and provided information are unrelated, infor-
mation needs are poorly assessed, and information is used in a non-performance
increasing manner. To address some of these problems, a reference model for infor-
mation requirements is developed in Chap. 20. Such models lower efforts since they
are reusable and contain best-practices (Fettke and Loos 2007).
In addition, the analysis reveals three major areas where enterprise architecture
management could be able to provide enterprise transformation support from an in-
formation perspective. First, enterprise architecture management is involved in the
general information processing that an organisation conducts all the time (and not
just during enterprise transformations) in addition to other departments and disci-
plines. Especially concerning information encoding and storage/retrieval, enterprise
architecture management seems to be able to provide value. Second, in terms of
lowering the information processing need that occurs during a transformation, en-
terprise architecture management can be involved in designing better-suited tasks.
For this purpose, information about processes, projects and relations between stake-
holders need to be provided by a business-oriented enterprise architecture manage-
ment. Third, when the information processing need cannot be lowered any longer,
enterprise architecture management is able to provide value to both proposed mech-
anisms that increase the information processing capability of the organisation.
However, while the theoretical analysis shows the value of enterprise architecture
management for the management of enterprise transformations in general, concrete
guidance for practitioners or scientists cannot be derived at the current state. The
theoretical lens instead raises questions: Which information can enterprise architec-
ture management exactly provide? Which information do enterprise transformation
managers in specific types of enterprise transformations exactly need? Is the same
information always needed, or is different information requested in the different
types of transformation? What can architects do in addition to the currently known
enterprise architecture management approaches to further extend the value of EAM?
This book is going to provide answers and thoughts in the following parts.
Chapter 12
Institutionalisation of ACET: Needs
and Foundations
Simon Weiss
Abstract In this chapter, we elaborate on the critical need to anchor, that is, institu-
tionalise, architectural coordination in organisations in order to make ACET effec-
tive and be able to capture value from it. We do so by first explaining the problem,
namely to bring ACET into more effective operation among stakeholders. We then
review several theoretical lenses that may contribute to a solution of the problem,
concluding that institutional theory is a powerful perspective to inspect in detail.
The chapter then explains institutional theory foundations and applies them to the
ACET context. We close with a roadmap of research questions culminating in a
prescriptive, design-oriented solution for institutionalising ACET in organisations.
12.1 Introduction
S. Weiss
Institute of Information Management, University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
vom Brocke et al. conclude their motivation for dealing with means for institu-
tionalising BPM by attesting that most BPM initiatives fail because of a lack of
With respect to architectural coordination, we see similar patterns and challenges.
A definition of the architectural coordination toolset is hardly sufficient. In order to
make ACET effective, it is necessary to institutionalise architectural coordination
in the organisation. The difficulty and criticality of institutionalising architectural
coordination has several reasons. One reason might be found in the fact that archi-
tectural coordination partially aims at utilising potential synergies in an organisation
by restricting the design freedom of affected stakeholders (Dietz 2008; Hoogervorst
2009). Yet, reasonable arguments exist to do so, that is, to pursue a global optimi-
sation (e.g. reducing functional redundancies on the overall application landscape)
based on a coordinated enterprise-wide perspective instead of several only local op-
tima found in the individual goals of projects or organisational units, etc. However,
affected stakeholders are often reluctant to follow architectural norms and values,
to take part in the coordination effort and to eventually also give up some auton-
omy. As adequate stakeholder participation is critical for architectural coordination,
respective stakeholders (1) need to be convinced of architectural coordination prac-
tices, (2) understand the necessity for coordination and (3) must be willing to take
part in architectural coordination. If they do not, much of the aforementioned toolset
may not realise its expected benefits.
Besides architectural coordination’s inherently abstract and design-restricting
nature, the challenge of institutionalising architectural coordination may also be ex-
plained by the observation that so far enterprise architecture management was much
more concerned with technical issues addressing business and IT matters. Only few
works take a more dedicated organisation or people perspective (e.g. Aier 2014;
Ross and Beath 2006; Ross and Quaadgras 2012). As noted however, for architec-
tural coordination to be effective, it is crucial that many stakeholders take part in and
comply with it. This problem area is also acknowledged by other scholars. Asfaw
et al. (2009, p. 20), for example, attest that “Enterprise architecture has an image
problem” and Winter and Aier (2011, p. 320) note that “only very few organisations
consistently apply and manage enterprise architecture principles” and that princi-
ple enforcement difficulties may be related to the way the principles are defined and
In conclusion, this chapter’s problem perspective deals with the challenges of
making regulations, norms and values pertaining to architectural coordination stick
in the organisation so as to give them “a rule-like status in social thought and
action” (Meyer and Rowan 1977). To discuss this challenge, we first portray dif-
ferent potential theoretical perspectives on the issue (Sect. 12.2), prior to discussing
concepts from institutional theory as our choice for underpinning this problem per-
spective in Sect. 12.3. The chapter concludes by deriving relevant research questions
from the problem perspective discussion.
126 12 Institutionalisation of ACET: Needs and Foundations
well. In the next chapter, we will therefore provide a more detailed view into this
Outside ACET-related research, Aladwani (2001) for instance, in an attempt to
overcome workers’ resistances to implementation of enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems, suggests to adapt marketing concepts and strategies. Concurrently
grounded in change management practices, he proposes a model of successful ERP
adoption. By employing change management as foundation, his approach is similar
to ours, as change management can be regarded as the practical counterpart to the
aforementioned theories. Change management is particularly related to diffusion of
innovations in organisations and deals with mechanisms to change attitudes, habits
and values of individuals or teams, usually as part of transformation projects (Green-
halgh et al. 2004).
Thus, on the one hand, change management practices may provide guidance on
how to introduce architectural coordination. The other way round though, Espinoza
(2007) argues, enterprise architecture is also able to encourage change. The afore-
mentioned concepts for embedding new practices in organisations originated largely
from organisational sciences. Besides them, the unified theory of acceptance and use
of technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al. 2003) as well as the DeLone and McLean
(2003) information system success model have received a lot of attention in in-
formation systems research. In part, these models conceptualise constructs that are
relevant for and can be adapted to our issue of making a coordination/management
approach stick in organisations (cf. Weiss and Winter 2012). Accordingly, respective
constructs and their measurement items may contribute to the understanding of our
problem. However, in their nature, both models are rather technology-oriented and
try to predict the initial usage intention of comparably immutable information sys-
tem. In contrast to this, we are concerned with a mutable coordination/management
approach to be long-term entrenched in organisations. We therefore intend to build
upon foundations from organisation and/or social sciences with a closer focus on
entrenchment and social dynamics.
In conclusion, all aforementioned concepts and theories have in common that
they aim at making information system artefacts more effective by considering
their surrounding socio-economic context. This indicates that AC-related informa-
tion systems research is progressing by incorporating dimensions other than the
better understood technical ones. However, what is missing is an elaborate concep-
tualisation that (a) pinpoints critical elements relevant for entrenching architectural
coordination and bringing it into more effective operation, (b) takes social processes
and idiosyncrasies into account, and (c) is based on solid theoretical grounds. This
chapter and its respective problem perspective intend to narrow that gap. Follow-
ing the general review of the playing field above, the next chapter will therefore
review in depth the theory that shares its name with our challenge of institutionalis-
ing architectural coordination. We choose concepts from institutional theory as the
informing foundation for our perspective, because institutionalisation “is concerned
with stickiness, or how things become permanent” as opposed to, for example,
diffusion, which “is concerned with spreading, or how things flow” (Colyvas and
Jonsson 2011, p. 30). As motivated, we are interested in clues that go beyond an
initial straw fire of adoption, but make architectural coordination stick and, ideally,
self-reproducing in organisations. These considerations represent a core focus of
institutional theory (Colyvas and Jonsson 2011).
Parts of this chapter have been adopted from Weiss et al. (2013).
Institutional theory deals with questions of how and why institutions get adopted,
refused and changed over space and time. Institutional theory is contributed to by
a wide field of research analysing institutional effects and processes following var-
ious research methods in the disciplines of economics, political science, sociology
and organisational studies on varying levels ranging from world-system and soci-
etal level to organisational sub-system and individual level [for an overview, see
for instance, Hall and Taylor (1996) and Scott (2013)]. In our case, we build upon
the new institutionalism in organisational analysis that developed from the founda-
tional works of Meyer and Rowan (1977), DiMaggio and Powell (1983) and Zucker
(1977). In this chapter we review the basic concepts from this stream prior to dis-
cussing our adoption of this theoretical lens at the micro, that is, intra-organisational,
According to Jepperson (1991, p. 145), an institution “represents a social order
or pattern that has attained a certain state or property”, which Meyer and Rowan
(1977, p. 341), in other words, refer to as “a rulelike status in social thought and
action”. Institutionalisation “denotes the process of such attainment” (Jepperson
1991, p. 145). Institutions coordinate interactions, distribute tasks and roles, and
define relationships among the actors (Walgenbach and Meyer 2008). As such, in-
stitutions provide stability and meaning to social life (Scott 2013), and they enable
ordered thought, expectations and behaviour. But, they may also hinder critical re-
flection and the detection of more efficient ways of organising (Zucker 1987). Con-
sequently, institutions influence division of labour, specialisation and productivity,
and determine how efficient commercial activity may take place. The configuration
and efficacy of institutions are therefore decisive factors for hampering or facilitat-
ing economic performance, prosperity and social development (Zucker 1987).
Classic examples of institutions are traffic rules, the handshake, systematic book-
keeping, contracting and human resource management departments. These exam-
ples represent institutions that are commonplace today and that have attained a rule-
like status and a high degree of resilience. However, what actually makes these
130 12 Institutionalisation of ACET: Needs and Foundations
environment (Meyer and Rowan 1977). (3) Actors do not act solely rationally and
autonomously—they are inherently influenced and constrained by their institutional
environment (Scott and Meyer 1991).
Concerning the level of analysis, the so-called macro level (focusing on the sec-
toral, field or global level) has been the primary level of institutional analysis so far:
The aforementioned “actors” in this case are organisations or groups of organisa-
tions that adapt to expectations and demands of the institutional environment, that
is, demands from outside the organisational boundaries. However, this view has also
been criticised: Some argue that people were situated in an “iron cage” (DiMaggio
and Powell 1983), others that the behaviour of organisations and individuals in or-
ganisations appear as “oversocialized” (Powell 1991). As a consequence, Oliver
(1991), for example, has drawn attention to the fact that organisations may indeed
respond differently, that is, more actively and interest-driven, to institutional pres-
sures aside from compliance. Furthermore, Zucker spearheaded research at the mi-
cro level (Powell and Colyvas 2008), where the organisation may be regarded as
institution and individuals or groups of individuals inside the organisation as re-
sponding actors (cf. Zucker 1991). As a matter of fact, this micro level has been
paid increased attention to recently. In their profound review, Greenwood et al.
(2008) see this level as one direction for future research, stating that other levels of
analysis aside from the organisational field or environment level “have been rarely
considered. For example, few studies treat the organisation as the level of analy-
sis [ldots ] or examine how the organisation might be treated as an institutional
context for understanding intraorganisational behaviour.” The ACET perspective
adopts this micro level of analysis. In doing so, our research connects to the recent
work by Pache and Santos (2013), who, on a micro level and likewise building upon
work by Oliver (1991), conceptualise how individuals in organisations respond to
competing institutional logics.
In an information systems context, institutional theory has been considered in
many facets. The interplay between IT and organisational research (e.g. Orlikowski
and Barley 2001), the influence of institutional pressures on information system
adoption (e.g. King et al. 1994; Teo et al. 2003), the interaction between IT and
institutions (e.g. Soh and Sia 2004), institutionalisation and de-institutionalisation
processes of IT (e.g. Baptista 2009), or a more general argumentation that and how
theories from other disciplines can and should be used to contribute to information
systems research (e.g. Boudreau and Robey 1996; Markus and Robey 1988) are a
few prominent examples. However, the vast majority of studies are rather generic
and take place at the inter-organisational level of analysis, as is shown in the model
review by Mignerat and Rivard (2009). Similar to Greenwood et al. (2008), they
conclude that there is room for an institutional perspective to be applied to the level
of organisational sub-systems such as groups, departments and processes (Mign-
erat and Rivard 2009). Out of the 53 papers reviewed by Mignerat and Rivard, we
analysed all papers that were attributed to the micro level of analysis, that is, where
either the entity from which pressures arise and/or the entity on which pressures are
exerted are located at an intra-organisational level. We identified 11 papers where
management, employees, groups or individuals were in the focus of studies at the
organisation or individual level of analysis. From these studies, we found six studies
132 12 Institutionalisation of ACET: Needs and Foundations
During the past 10 years that we have been actively involved in what could best
be described as action design research projects (Sein et al. 2011) in the area of en-
terprise architecture management and enterprise transformation, it became obvious
that, despite methodological achievements, EAM’s line of thought is challenging
to institutionalise. We conclude that the enterprise architecture management ap-
proach does not only have to be methodically sound, but, in order to become effec-
tive across large parts of an organisation, it also needs to respect an organisation’s
system of social norms and values that structure interactions. We argue that the
latter issues are particularly important for architectural coordination for several rea-
sons: First, while being an increasingly important function to manage proliferation
and dependencies of information systems, architectural coordination as well as re-
lated enterprise architecture management approaches are still rather young corporate
functions compared to marketing, production or controlling, for example. Conse-
quently, the awareness of architectural requirements, the necessity for a coordinated
approach to enterprise architecting, transformation and standardised procedures are
still lacking widely (Gardner et al. 2012). Second, architectural coordination is not
only a technical issue, but to a large extent also a social and political one, because
(1) architectural coordination is about coordinating changes/transformations across
12.3 An Institutional Theory Perspective on ACET 133
levels and departments in an organisation, which, after all, is about coordinating and
arbitrating between people. (2) Architectural coordination is concerned with over-
arching transparency, dependency-analyses, planning, etc., for transformation and
decision support, which is oftentimes depreciated by certain stakeholders who, for
instance, have no interest in transparency. (3) Finally, architectural coordination af-
fects and pressures a high number of heterogeneous stakeholders (Dijkman et al.
2004; Kurpjuweit and Winter 2007). Third and last, institutionalising architectural
coordination practices is essential as it is the nature of architectural coordination
to coordinate different, possibly heterogeneous, stakeholder groups that need to ac-
cept and follow architectural coordination guidelines and values in order to realise
expected business benefits (Ross and Quaadgras 2012).
With a view to adopting institutional theory concepts to our specific enterprise
architecture management/architectural coordination problem area and to the less
common analysis level (micro/intra-organisational level), we will briefly discuss the
theory’s general applicability.2 Concerning the four characteristics of institutions
discussed before, we argue that they hold true for our problem.
• First, enterprise architecture management is no fad, but a diffusing practice to
manage complex business-IT relationships (Gardner et al. 2012).
• In this respect, second, enterprise architecture management is driven by ac-
counts on both micro and macro levels. From a rather macro perspective, en-
terprise architecture management is a growing concern due to general trends
such as a proliferation of information systems in society and business, regu-
latory requirements (e.g. banking and energy provider reporting regulations),
competition and pressure for efficiency (leading to the need for, e.g., complex-
ity management, synergies and agility in information systems) and societal de-
mands (e.g. expectation of proper information systems management; personal
data security concerns). More specifically, enterprise architecture management
manifests by a growing amount of research in this area (Mykhashchuk et al.
2011; Simon et al. 2013), professional enterprise architecture organisations (e.g.
CAEAP, IFEAD, The Open Group), governmental enterprise architecture ini-
tiatives [e.g. FEAF, DoDAF, Clinger-Cohen Act (OCIO 1996)], as well as large
amount of enterprise architecture tools and consulting services offered by indus-
try. At the micro level, enterprise architecture management then actually take
place in organisations, where respective practices and tools are implemented.
Driving individuals and groups on this level usually are enterprise architects
and management.
• Third, enterprise architecture management has a strong social component as
mentioned earlier. Although this aspect has been less dealt with in research so
far, it is acknowledged that stakeholder attitude towards and acceptance of en-
terprise architecture management is critical for its success. Also, stakeholders
oftentimes have resistances to adopt enterprise architecture management prac-
tices, even though it would be rational to do so. As each socio-organisational
12.4 Conclusion
Reflecting the previous arguments, this chapter has answered the question of what
constitutes the problem of institutionalising architectural coordination. It has fur-
thermore set forth what institutional theory can contribute to inform the solution to
the problem. Based on these conceptual foundations, we can define the following
forward-looking research questions geared towards a solution for the problem:
Research Question 12.4.1 What are the antecedents for institutionalising archi-
tectural coordination?
Research Question 12.4.2 How does the institutionalisation of architectural co-
ordination contribute to enterprise architecture management’s benefit realisa-
Research Question 12.4.3 What are the carriers of architectural coordination’s
institutionalisation (inside and outside the focal organisation)?
Research Question 12.4.4 Which design principles should be obeyed to foster an
institutionalisation of architectural coordination?
136 12 Institutionalisation of ACET: Needs and Foundations
Sybren de Kinderen
Abstract In this chapter, we argue for a component-based approach for the con-
struction of (visual) conceptual models, so that these models are tailored to the
context-specific characteristics of a particular enterprise transformation. We offset
this component-based approach against (a) “one-size-fits-all” languages, such as
the enterprise architecture modelling language ArchiMate, (b) federated languages,
whereby languages are related by defining (semi-)formal model transformations,
and (c) domain-specific language design.
13.1 Introduction
S. de Kinderen
University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany
Yet ArchiMate is not a “catch all” solution for the model-based support of ar-
chitectural coordination. Predominantly, ArchiMate currently lacks expressiveness
for modelling domain-specific issues, such as linking an architectural design to
its economic rationale (van Buuren et al. 2005; de Kinderen et al. 2012a), a
cross-enterprise, model-based, analysis of security concerns (Feltus et al. 2012),
expressing essential business model concerns (Meertens et al. 2012), and more.
Depending on the nature of the transformation at hand, we may therefore lack ex-
pressiveness on context-specific transformation concerns.
As a response, several proposals for extending the ArchiMate meta-model with
domain-specific concerns have been made (van Buuren et al. 2005; Feltus et al.
2012; Meertens et al. 2012). Each viewed in their own right, these proposals form
reasonable ArchiMate extensions—akin to the motivation extension of ArchiMate.
However, to merely keep extending the ArchiMate language with domain-specific
concepts will in the longer run likely lead to “modelling spaghetti” (cf. de Kinderen
et al. 2012a). This in turn likely results in a violation of conceptual parsimony, one of
the key ArchiMate design principles that points out a need for an economical design
of conceptual modelling languages (Lankhorst et al. 2010, p. 8). This issue generally
holds for integrated languages such the Unified Modelling Language (OMG 2003).
13.2 Limits to One-Size-Fits-All Languages 139
Various existing approaches exist that can provide “ingredients” for addressing our
research questions. Below, we discuss three types of approaches, involving (1) lan-
guage federation, (2) situational method engineering, and (3) domain-specific lan-
guage design. For each, we describe how the approaches can be useful for answering
our research questions, and where they fall short.
13.4 Candidate Existing Approaches 141
e3 value has been proposed as a suitable candidate for adding an economic ratio-
nale to enterprise architectures expressed in ArchiMate (van Buuren et al. 2005;
Lankhorst et al. 2010). On the one hand, ArchiMate complements e3 value by spec-
ifying the business processes and information systems necessary to realise a value
constellation. In addition, ArchiMate interrelates business processes and IT systems,
thus allowing for systematically propagating a change happening on a business pro-
cess level to an IT systems level and vice versa. On the other hand, e3 value comple-
ments ArchiMate in terms of providing an economic rationale, for example in terms
of profitability calculations, for an enterprise architecture modelled in ArchiMate
(whereby an enterprise architecture largely constitutes business processes, and how
these are supported by IT systems).
However, to transform between e3 value and ArchiMate models, we should miti-
gate the different levels of abstraction naturally expressed by these languages. Here,
the different levels of abstraction pertain to, on the one hand, the economic transac-
tions stemming from e3 value and, on the other hand, the information systems and
business processes stemming from ArchiMate. In particular, we miss formal guid-
ance for creating process models, in ArchiMate, that realise the economic transac-
tions from e3 value.
To deal with the difference in abstraction level between e3 value and ArchiMate,
we use DEMO transaction patterns as a bridge between the respective languages.
In model transformation terms (Czarnecki and Helsen 2006; Levendovszky et al.
2002), DEMO acts as a transformation engine between e3 value and ArchiMate. It
specifies the transformation rules necessary to bridge between an e3 value model
and an ArchiMate process model. DEMO can act as such a transformation engine
through its process-based patterns that describe the social interactions, as business
process steps, necessary to realise economic transactions.
Figure 13.2 depicts the proposed e3 value-DEMO-ArchiMate transformation. The
top layer depicts the transformation of the e3 value and ArchiMate meta-models
142 13 The Need for Model Engineering
via the DEMO meta-model. Meanwhile, the bottom layer depicts that instantiated
e3 value and ArchiMate meta-models require an instantiation of the DEMO meta-
model as well. In particular, we require an instantiation of the DEMO transaction
pattern to help us in translating economic transactions into business processes.
From the e3 value-DEMO-ArchiMate example transformation, we can clearly
observe that putting languages together can provide an added expressiveness of
transformation concerns. In addition, federated approaches allow for maintaining a
coherence across models. This means that—through well-defined transformation—
changes in one model can be propagated through to other models. Maintaining such
model coherence is particularly relevant given that we deal with enterprise architec-
tures, which by their very nature deal with issues that cut across different concerns.
These different concerns, in turn, are naturally expressed by different languages.
Returning to our research questions, we thus find that federated approaches pro-
vide useful features: (1) they allow us to precisely select those languages that we
need, which provides a good first step towards economic language use
(Research Question, and (2) we can rely on complementarity between ex-
isting languages, which provides a good first step towards economic language design
(Research Question However, to the best of our knowledge, transforma-
tion approaches focus on expressing the actual transformation between two models
in terms of syntactic and semantic correspondences. As a result, the pragmatics
of transformations are largely ignored, leaving open “why” questions pertaining to
model transformation. As such current transformation approaches leave open at least
the following two important “pragmatic” questions: (1) for any set of languages A1 ,
A2 . . . An : for what purposes do we need to define a transformation between A1 , A2
. . . An ? And, (2) given the purpose, between what particular subset of concepts from
languages A1 , A2 . . . An , do we transform?
Feature diagrams are interesting for us in the sense that they allow for purposeful
design (in line with Research Question Moreover, by definition they pro-
pose a set of concepts exactly in line with the modelling need at hand (in line with
the economic language design proposed in Research Question
However, in feature diagrams everything is a “feature”, tailored to software con-
cerns. In contrast, we are interested in designing a language to support an enterprise
transformation, in particular in fostering communication amongst actors participat-
ing in the transformation. Thus, we deal with concerns of intentional humans. These
concerns are different from pure software concerns expressed as “features”, as we
have to deal with differences in actor’s background, interests and expertise, conflict-
ing/complementing interests, and more.
Furthermore, feature diagrams design a language from scratch, while, in line with
Research Question 13.3.2, we are interested in capitalising on the reuse of existing
Now we introduce the basic ideas behind our approach, called e3 RoME, for creating
a language that is both fit for the purposes of the transformation at hand, and that is
economic in design. As stated, we elaborate these basic ideas further in Chap. 21.
In line with situational method engineering (discussed in Sect. 13.4), a key idea of
e3 RoME is to treat languages as building blocks that one (intelligently) mixes-and-
matches to create a modelling language that fits precisely with the transformation-
specific purposes at hand. In brief, we do this by (1) expressing language elements
in terms of the value they provide. For example, for ArchiMate a value is “link
business process and IT perspectives” and (2) linking this value to the purposes of
the transformation under consideration. For example, a more abstract purpose that
can be achieved by ArchiMate is “Model the to-be state of the enterprise”.
Note that, with our approach, we aim at creating a domain-specific language
rather than on creating a coherent federated set of languages. We focus on domain-
specific languages as they allow for a gain in domain-expressiveness (Mernik et al.
2005; van Deursen et al. 2000), and makes the language easy to use. After all, a
domain-specific language fits exactly with the communication purposes of the trans-
formation at hand.
13.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we defined the need for a language engineering approach that is on
the one hand sufficiently expressive for the purposes of the transformation at hand,
and on the other hand sufficiently economic in design. We showed that one-size-
fits-all languages, prominently ArchiMate, are not fit for creating transformation-
specific languages since their extensions with transformation-specific concerns lead
13.6 Conclusion 145
to “modelling spaghetti”: cluttered models that are difficult to design and interpret.
Furthermore, we discussed how model transformation approaches, approaches from
situational method engineering, and feature diagrams provide us with interesting
ideas, but that each area lacks an integrated framework that is fit for achieving our
research purposes.
Chapter 14
Steering Transformations
with Architecture Principles
14.1 Introduction
D. Marosin ()
SopraSteria, Leudelange, Luxembourg
S. Ghanavati
Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
towards the strategic direction of the organisation and support the transformation
process as a consistent whole.
Keeping the projects and programmes in line with the general strategic views is
addressed by formulation and usage of (enterprise) architecture principles.
Architecture principles are defined in different ways. They may be defined as
“a family of guidelines (. . . ) for design” (Hoogervorst 2004) or “general rules and
guidelines, intended to be enduring and seldom amended, that inform and support
the way an organisation fulfills its mission” (The Open Group 2011), or “how the
design of an enterprise will meet the essential requirements” (Greefhorst and Proper
2011). In each case, they are destined to play an important role when talking about
transformation and rationalisation of design decisions taken in the context of an
enterprise transformation.
In our work, we adopt the view of Greefhorst and Proper (2011), and consider
architecture principles as declarative statements, used to “build a bridge from the
strategy to the more specific designs”, with the role to “normatively restrict the
design freedom”. In order to achieve their purpose, principles have to be refined and
made specific for each organisational context they are applied to. This refinement
results in so-called design instructions. Design instructions usually contain concepts
used in the actual construction of the enterprise (e.g. value exchange, transactions,
services, contracts, processes) and use a representation language [e.g. UML (OMG
2007), ArchiMate (Iacob et al. 2012), BPMN (OMG 2011), DEMO (Dietz 2015)].
In Fig. 14.1, we position architecture principles and architecture instructions
in report with the strategy and vision of the organisation, new programmes and
projects, as well as exterior factors. The grey blocks represent elements that belong
to the organisation, such as the organisation’s vision and goals, the strategy, the
architecture principles, the architecture instructions, the existing projects and new
project’s propositions, together with the governing business rules and data objects.
Fig. 14.1 Positioning architecture principles and architecture instructions in the context of enter-
prise transformation
14.1 Introduction 149
The white blocks represent the exterior factors, such as laws, regulations, standards,
together with the changing market and requirements from customers.
The logical flow from strategy to concrete enterprise architecture design is rep-
resented by a chain of restrictive relationships. Covering the top-down layers of the
enterprise, from the strategy to the implementation, each step introduces a new level
of abstraction and limitations in the design space.
In practice, it is confirmed that given good reasons, architecture principles can
be violated or revised, and not all architectural decisions are taken based on the for-
mulated architecture principles (Greefhorst and Proper 2011; Marosin et al. 2014;
Marosin and Ghanavati 2015; Marosin et al. 2016). In addition, new projects could
be accepted even if they violate the principles. Our hypothesis is that a chain of revi-
sion can be triggered anywhere in between the constitutive blocks of an architecture
and does not have to follow a bottom-up refinement structure.
In Fig. 14.1, the exterior influences, such as current laws, regulations or stan-
dards, alongside new market situations and demands from customers are also rep-
resented, because the regulatory world constrains tremendously the mission and the
means by which an organisation tries to achieve its strategic goals. Also, the strat-
egy and goals of the organisation are in a constant state of change and adaptability
to the new market conditions and the demanding requirements that come from the
stakeholders. However, for the purpose of this chapter, we do not delve too deeply
in to the analysis of these concerns.
The current scope of our research space is limited to checking and keeping con-
sistency between architecture principles and architecture instructions and their re-
vision/restriction relationships, as represented in Fig. 14.1. To that end, we propose
a method to support management and evaluation of using architecture principles in
the context of an enterprise transformation. Our research questions with respect to
ACET are:
Research Question 14.1.1 How to support creation and formalisation of opera-
tional architecture principles?
Research Question 14.1.2 How to represent architecture principles in a semi-
formal language?
Even if reduced in scope, the endeavour to answer our research question (see
Sect. 14.1) raises a number of challenges that we summarise and explain (non-
exhaustively) below as follows:
1. The structural definition of architecture principles. In general, the definition,
usage, management and enforcement of architecture principles in organisations
is poorly understood (cf. Winter and Aier 2011). Moreover, frameworks like
TOGAF (The Open Group 2011) provide guidelines for a so-called good set of
principles and a structure, but in practice each organisation defines its own set
of principles. However, a more detailed architecture principle definition is still
not necessarily a better definition.
To overcome this challenge, Sect. 22.2 will provide a minimal structure to en-
sure a consistent and operational definition for architecture principles.
2. Ambiguity introduced by the natural language formulation and scattered infor-
mation. It is not uncommon to find modalities such as should without further
clarifications about the pre- and post-conditions in the definition of architec-
ture principles. In addition, ambiguities about the object to which the principle
refers to can be seen. Consider an architecture principle such as “We should
use different channels to communicate with customers”. This short formulation
raises questions such as on which channels, how many channels or when to
Discussions with the concerned stakeholders should be carried on to be able to
clarify the intention of such statements and the rationales behind this formula-
tion, and all missing information should be presented in the textual representa-
tion of the architecture principles.
3. Lack of traceability between architecture principles and their underlying ratio-
nal. Architecture frameworks advise to capture and document the rationale of
introducing architecture principles in the organisation. However, this is not al-
ways the case and sometimes a clear mapping from the strategy and goals to
the refined architecture principles is missing. This practice is contrary to the
intended purpose of defining and using architecture principles in the first place,
which is "supporting the organisation to fulfill its missions and goals."
4. Inability to measure the impact and implementation of architecture principles.
Winter and Aier (2011) identify that “the difficulties regarding the enforce-
ment of enterprise architecture principles seem to be related to the inability
to measure enterprise architecture principle’s implementation”. Additionally,
“low values for the involvement of relevant stakeholders and for low regular
usefulness checks also contribute to the low extend and low usage of enterprise
architecture principles from a business perspective”.
In Sect. 22.3, we discuss guidelines on how to make architecture principles
more operational. Furthermore, in Sect. 22.5 we discuss the evaluation of the
impact of architecture principles on design decisions.
14.3 Conclusion 151
14.3 Conclusion
In this chapter, we reflected on the need for more explicit support for the creation and
formulation of architecture principles, such that they are implementable and opera-
tional. We motivated this in Sect. 14.2, by presenting non-excursively the challenges
practitioners and enterprises face when using architecture principles. In Chap. 22,
we provide more operational guidelines, as well as a semi-formal framework to
represent architecture principles in a semi-formal language, providing answers to
Research Question 14.1.1 and Research Question 14.1.2.
Chapter 15
The Need for Explicit Decision-Making
Georgios Plataniotis
Abstract In this chapter, we discuss the need to support ACET with information on
the rationalisation of design decisions. By doing so, enterprise architects can have an
enhanced comprehensibility of the existing, as-is, architecture which helps them to
better coordinate the enterprise transformation towards the future, to-be, enterprise
architecture design.
We start by briefly describing the important steps of an enterprise transformation,
some possible problems that arise due to the lack of design rationalisation and then
we discuss how existing design rationale techniques can be extended to support the
capturing of design rationales for enterprise architecture.
15.1 Introduction
Modern enterprises have to cope with different challenges such as new business
models and incorporation of new technologies. These challenges require organi-
sations to be flexible and adaptable to this constantly changing environment. To
ensure that enterprises have the required transformation capabilities (Government
of the United States of America 2002), senior management has to make informed
decisions on the design of the core organisational structure, as well as the IT that
will support this structure (Lankhorst 2012). Furthermore, modern enterprises have
to conform to different types of requirements. For example, legal requirements im-
pose transparency in their operations, etc. (Ghanavati et al. 2009). Situations like
these, underline the need for a mechanism that will assist senior management and
stakeholders with enterprise transformations.
G. Plataniotis
e-Government Center for Social Security (IDIKA), Likourgou 10, 105 51 Athens, Greece
In this section, based on design rationale literature (Dutoit et al. 2006; Burge and
Mistrik 2008), we briefly present what design rationale is, its basic characteristics,
and how it can help us address the aforementioned issues. This introduction will help
readers understand why design rationale matters and focus on the domain-specific
challenges of enterprise architecture.
The research field of design rationale is continuously expanding and a large number
of design rationale approaches have been introduced. It is very important to under-
stand how these approaches are differentiated. This insight will help us to determine
15.2 Design Rationale 157
the specific objectives for the domain of enterprise architecture. Below, we discuss
different factors of categorising design rationale approaches and we reveal the main
trends. Furthermore, we highlight the main issues in each category and facilitate
their comparison.
There are three main ways to characterise design rationale approaches: (1) by
looking how the design rationale is represented and processed, (2) by identifying if
the design rationale approach describes or prescribes the design, and (3) by exam-
ining the intuitiveness of the design rationale approach in the design process.
In the majority of the approaches, the design rationale information is divided into
chunks which have specific properties and relationships. These chunks are usually
represented by means of a conceptual, fixed or semi-formal schema which describes
their properties and relationships. Another approach is linking these chunks to spe-
cific properties of a design artefact. With this way we achieve traceability from the
actual design to the design rationale information.
There are three main processes that should be considered during the implemen-
tation of a rationale management system:
Design rationale capturing—This process describes the elicitation of the archi-
tectural knowledge from designers and its capturing. Design rationale can be
captured with different ways. It can be done by the designer or by a profes-
sional who is specialised in design rationale documentation. Another way is to
extract this information from records of communication among stakeholders of
the project. Yet another way is by capturing design rationale during the use of a
design support system.
Design rationale formalisation—This process describes the formalisation of the
architectural knowledge into a appropriate design rationale representation. The
formalisation shall facilitate the different uses of design rationale, such as de-
sign teaching, communication etc.
Using design rationale—This process describes the provision of design rationale
in a way that is useful to interested stakeholders.
Rationale management systems should provide concrete process implementations.
For example, an important distinction is whether the design rationale processes will
be carried out during the design process (a priori) or after (a posteriori). Another
distinction is if these processes are combined or they are executed separately. In the
past years, most of the design rationale approaches described the capturing and for-
malisation process in a single process. However, in recent years, the approaches pre-
sented were either focusing on capturing or formalisation of design rationale infor-
mation. For instance, the formalisation can be done by the same people who produce
the rationale or by specialised personnel in rationale formalisation. Another way is
that a specialised software system is responsible for the formalisation of informally
158 15 The Need for Explicit Decision-Making Strategies
Below, we position the need for design rationale against existing requirements en-
gineering approaches and the motivation extension of the ArchiMate language. We
argue that this is an important comparison since these approaches provide also a cer-
tain degree of rationalisation, but as we will see, from a different point of view. We
briefly discuss what is the added value of design rationale especially for the domain
of enterprise architecture.
Goal-oriented requirements engineering approaches (Horkoff and Yu 2013;
Liaskos et al. 2011; Elahi and Yu 2012) propose mechanisms for decision analysis
and prioritisation of requirements. However, requirements engineering approaches
deal with the problem-space of an architecture. Despite the fact that some con-
cepts from goal-oriented modelling can be used to describe design rationales, goal-
oriented concepts are more generic. For one, a goal can denote a high-level, strategic
goal (e.g. “make more profit”) pertaining to the problem-space. However, a goal can
also denote very specific, attribute-level, criteria pertaining to the solution-space,
such as the criterion “have good usability” for a software application.
Differently, in the words of Burge and Brown (2000), design rationale approaches
focus on the “solution-space”. The solution-space comes after the translation of
high-level goals into more specific ones (which Burge and Brown (2000) refer
to as the requirements space), and before the specific design (the design-space).
Figure 15.1 provides the positioning of design rationale with regard to requirements
engineering space and design/solution-space.
Furthermore, since its second version, the ArchiMate language has had a motiva-
tion extension. The motivation extension is used to model the reasons behind archi-
tectural changes, but lacks concepts common to existing rationalisation approaches.
For example, it does not capture design alternatives, the used decision-making strat-
egy or unanticipated consequences of decisions.
Requirement Space
Goal Alternative Claim Space
Artifact Design
• A common situation in various IT projects is that designers have too much de-
sign freedom during the planning of to-be architectures. This freedom results
in lengthy design processes. Enterprise architecture principles (Greefhorst and
Proper 2011) play a significant role there, by reducing the design freedom and
in turn the complexity of decision-making processes.
• Currently, enterprise architecture modelling languages such as ArchiMate can
relate the various entities of enterprise architecture with specific motivational
elements. By doing so, it would be feasible to assess in more detail how con-
crete enterprise architecture decisions contribute to the realisation of specific
organisational goals.
15.5 Conclusion
In Part III, the above research questions will be addressed in terms of two possible
elements of an ACET design theory. In particular, a framework to represent the
rationale underlying architectural decisions (Chap. 23) and a logic-based framework
to reason about these decisions (Chap. 24).
Part III
Harvesting Components of an ACET
Design Theory
Where the previous two parts explored the challenges facing ACET from a prac-
tical and a theoretical perspective, respectively, this part will discuss a collection
of components for a possible design theory for ACET. As mentioned in Sect. 1.5,
these design components have been “harvested” from the work of the individual
researchers in the programme. Instead of an integrated method, this collection of
components constitutes method fragments that can be arranged in different ways
depending on the perspective taken and, most of all, on the actual enterprise ar-
chitecture management approach, the enterprise transformation type, and the trans-
formation’s context. Collectively, these components aim to address the challenges
identified in Part I from an empirical perspective and Part II from a more theoretical
and/or literature perspective.
• In Chap. 16, the key ACET concepts will be discussed that underpin the other
components explained in the ensuing chapters.
• Chapter 17 provides a reference framework, more specifically a catalogue of
capabilities needed for doing ACET. As such, it also provides guidance on
which elements/artefacts of enterprise architecture can be used to support which
aspects of enterprise transformation.
The framework as a whole provides a structure for the solution components that
addresses the challenges presented in Part II.
• In Chap. 18, we zoom in on the engagement of stakeholders in decision mak-
ing during ACET. A framework for stakeholder involvement is presented that
specifically aims to manage the coherence between different key perspectives of
an enterprise. The framework specifically aims to meet the challenges identified
in Chap. 10.
• To convey information, and to improve shared understanding among communi-
ties of practice during enterprise transformation, one of the major communica-
tion devices are models. Chapter 19 provides concrete guidelines to use models
as communication devices, particularly by regarding them as boundary objects.
These guidelines provide partial answers to the challenges identified in Chaps. 9
and 10.
• During an enterprise transformation, many stakeholders with extensive and
diverse information requirements need to be coordinated. These requirements
need to be fulfilled by enterprise transformation managers. Providing decision-
relevant information for an enterprise transformation is important. Chapter 20
provides a reference model for the information requirements for ACET.
The presented reference model aims to meet the challenges discussed in
Chaps. 9 and 11.
• Given the importance of models for ACET, it is also important to take care in
selecting and engineering modelling languages. Chapter 21, therefore, intro-
duces a design artefact for value-based componential language engineering.
In doing so, Chap. 21 aims to meet the challenges identified in Chap. 13.
• Architecture principles provide a normative means to direct and coordinate
enterprise transformation. Chapter 22 provides an overview on the formula-
tion of architecture principles, while also providing guidelines for a semiformal
Sybren de Kinderen
Abstract In this chapter, we discuss the key ACET concepts that underpin the other
components as discussed in the ensuing chapters.
S. de Kinderen
University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany
16.1.2 Architecture
16.1.5 Coordination
16.1.7 Model
16.1.8 Stakeholder
16.2.1 Value
We interpret value in line with the notion of value-in-use. This is consistent with
Vargo et al. (2008), who consider that value is largely cocreated between customer
and supplier when a product/service is actually used, rather than that value exist as
an inherent part of the product/service prior to its use (the latter being expressed as
part of the value-in-exchange perspective).
16.2.3 Decision
An information systems model provides the static and dynamic aspects of an infor-
mation system in terms of conceptual models (focusing on the business problem
and not on technical aspects), design models (describing larger technical build-
ing blocks), and implementation models (closely related to software program-
ming) (Ahlemann 2009).
16.2 Key Constructs for ACET Method Fragments 173
Compared to models that are used in a single context for a certain purpose, reference
models are meant to be more generic (Luiten et al. 1993). Such a model is considered
to be a conceptual framework that can be used as a starting point for (more specific)
information systems design and development (Fettke and Loos 2007).
Boundary objects are abstract or physical artefacts that support knowledge sharing
and coordination among different communities of practice by providing common
16.2.9 Institution
An institution represents a social order or pattern that has attained a certain state or
property (Jepperson 1991). Said differently, an institution is a practice with a rule-
like status in social thought and action (Meyer and Rowan 1977). Institutional prac-
tices may diffuse through coercive, normative, and mimetic mechanisms (DiMaggio
and Powell 1983).
16.2.10 Institutionalisation
Transformation Management
Sponsorship, Governance, Control
Analyze initial Plan benefit Assess risk Manage Conduct program Manage program
situation realization requirements planning time & cost
Architectural Coordination
Analyze needs & Develop business Define risk Manage Manage program Manage program
maturity level case mitigation principles scope HR
Define overall
Monitor risk Assess as-is Manage program Conduct program
goals and Define KPIs
realization architecture quality reporting
Define Conduct
Design to-be Manage program
transformation Evaluate results ex-post program
architecture procurement
scope alignment
Change Perspective
Conduct Analyze & set Establish
Assess change Manage Establish change
stakeholder cultural common
readiness communication agent network
management environment language
In the following, we introduce each of the six perspectives of the transformation in-
telligence capability catalogue. For those perspectives that are covered by an ACET
method fragment, we will briefly introduce that fragment. For the other perspectives,
we will point to alternative approaches that may be consulted when performing tasks
related to that perspective. Figure 17.2 provides an overview of the mapping.
1. The strategy perspective is concerned with defining the overall transforma-
tion strategy and monitoring its implementation. In this perspective, the overall
scope of the enterprise transformation has to be defined. The scoping has to be
done based on the identified needs, but at the same time on the current maturity
(6) Transformation Management information
Sponsorship, Governance, Control model
(1) Strategy (2) Value & Risk (3) Design (4) Implementation
Perspective Perspective Perspective Perspective
(7) Architectural Coordination
Boundary object
design principles
(5) Change Perspective
Fig. 17.2 Mapping of ACET method fragments to the corporate intelligence catalogue
17.2 Method Fragments of the Capabilities Catalogue 179
ment and risk management, for example, value dependency networks (Ward
and Daniel 2006) or risk matrices (Furneaux et al. 2012).
3. The design perspective is primarily concerned with depicting the future enter-
prise state and facilitating the transition towards it. A central purpose of this per-
spective is providing design guidance by limiting the number of possible design
alternatives. This is essentially a restriction of design freedom or design stress.
A central capability in this perspective is the establishment and maintenance
of architectural principles. These principles serve to document basic decisions
and goals that shall be applied enterprise-wide to all programmes (e.g. prefer-
ence for a certain programming language in software development projects or a
preference of buying third-party application over own development initiatives).
Moreover, requirement analyses, models depicting a desired future state, and
gap analyses between the as-is and the envisioned to-be state are parts of this
Coverage within ACET: This perspective is central to ACET. Several method
fragments provide actual design guidance for enterprise architecture models,
making them fit for use in enterprise transformation situations. The EA Anam-
nesis Approach (Chapter 23) enhances existing enterprise architecture models
with design rationale information. For example, decision alternatives, criteria,
and decision-making strategies may be captured in the model and may help
understand why certain design decisions were taken. The Guidelines for Archi-
tecture Models as Boundary Objects (Chapter 19) give guidance on how the
acceptance of models as boundary objects may be increased: models adhering
to these design principles are more likely to be adopted as boundary objects,
and can thus make a contribution towards establishing common ground among
diverse communities of practice (e.g. fostering a shared understanding on trans-
formation goals and plans between business and IT communities). The Model
Bundling (Chapter 21) allows for the construction of domain-specific modelling
languages and thus supports the generation of as-is and to-be models that have
a high fit to a specific enterprise (e.g. by incorporating industry-specific con-
4. The implementation perspective covers the transition between the as-is and the
to-be state of the enterprise. Central activities in this perspective are concerned
with project and programme management. Especially the alignment between
different programmes is essential for implementing a desired transformation
plan in a consistent manner. Underscoring the importance of alignment, this
perspective contains a dedicated activity for ex-post alignment.
Coverage within ACET: The implementation perspective is not covered directly
by an ACET method fragment. A rich body of literature exists on programme
and project management (Axelos 2009; PMI 2008). This perspective has strong
connections with the design perspective, as models of to-be states are impor-
tant inputs for programme scoping, and gap analyses and principles are vital
instruments in ensuring (or restoring ex-post) alignment.
5. In the change perspective, we focus on the people aspect of enterprise transfor-
mation. Conceptualising and implementing a communication strategy towards
all relevant stakeholders is a vital part of enterprise transformation, yet one that
17.2 Method Fragments of the Capabilities Catalogue 181
Abstract In this chapter we discuss an elaborated theory about how to make explicit
enterprise coherence. An important trigger to develop this new theory was that too
many projects failed. This concerned even projects developed under architecture.
Also our practical experiences showed that existing architecture methods too often
did not result into the promised contributions to the creation of successful project
results. The theory is a part of the research programme GEA. After an inventory of
triggers and a translation of these triggers into a set of requirements, this innovation
programme took for developing this theory the following hypothesis as a starting
point: “a positive correlation exists in organisations between the level of coherence
and the level of performance”. Based on these triggers, requirements, and hypoth-
esis, the GEA innovation programme developed a theory by which the enterprise
coherence can be made explicit and the enterprise coherence can be governed. In
this chapter this way of governing will be explained.
18.1 Introduction
This chapter is primarily based on results from the project developing the general
enterprise architecting (GEA) method (Wagter 2009), in particular the enterprise co-
herence framework parts as discussed in more detail in Wagter et al. (2013a, 2012a).
The development of the GEA method was based on several case studies (see, e.g.,
Wagter et al. 2012b, 2013b, 2012c) with the client organisations participating in the
R. Wagter ()
Solventa B.V., 3439 ML Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
H.A. Proper
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
programme, using a combination of design science (Hevner et al. 2004) as the over-
all rhythm and case study research (Yin 2009) to leverage the findings from the case
studies. In its current form (Wagter 2009), the GEA method comprises of three core
ingredients (Wagter 2009).
Next to the Enterprise Coherence Assessment (ECA) that allows organizations to
assess their ability to govern coherence during enterprise transformation, it involves
an enterprise coherence framework and a (situational) enterprise coherence gover-
nance approach. The latter includes the identification of specific deliverables/results
to be produced and the processes needed to produce these deliverables/results, as
well as an articulation of the responsibilities and competences of the people in-
volved. The enterprise coherence framework, which will be summarised below
(and discussed in more detail in Chap. 18), enables enterprises to set up their
own management dashboard in terms of the enterprise coherence that can be gov-
erned/improved during enterprise transformations.
The enterprise coherence framework part of GEA specifically aims to meet the
challenges as identified in Chap. 10 and is therefore the focus of this chapter. It,
enables enterprises to set up their own management dashboard in terms of which
enterprise coherence can be governed/improved during enterprise transformations.
This, enterprise specific, dashboard enables senior management to govern the co-
herence between key aspects of an enterprise during transformations.
In line with approaches such as Dialogue Mapping (Conklin 2005), SEAM (Weg-
mann 2003), and the Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland 1981), the enterprise
coherence framework method (Wagter 2009) suggests to take the different stake-
holder groups as a starting point, that is, better accommodating the actual interests
of different groups of stakeholders, while creating room for the needed strategic di-
alogue and negotiations. GEA goes beyond these existing approaches by defining
an organisation-specific management dashboard for ACET, in terms of what GEA
calls an enterprise coherence dashboard (Wagter et al. 2011, 2012d).
This section, which is based on Wagter et al. (2013a, 2012a), is structured as fol-
lows. The central element in defining an enterprise specific management dashboard
for enterprise transformations is the enterprise coherence framework, which will be
introduced in Sect. 18.2.
The enterprise coherence framework (Wagter et al. 2012a) defines a series of coher-
ence elements and coherence relationships, which together define the playing field
for an enterprise’s coherence. For a more comprehensive description of the enter-
prise coherence framework, we refer to our earlier work as reported in Wagter et al.
By making the definition of these elements explicit in a specific enterprise, a co-
herence management dashboard results in terms of which one can gain insight in the
“state of coherence” while also being able to assess the impact of potential/ongoing
18.2 The Enterprise Coherence Framework 185
Core Values
Core model
Chain cooperation
Et cetera Processes
Relevant relationship
Employees Customer
Core concept
(1996). Based on these theories, we distinguish five key coherence elements: Mis-
sion, Vision, Core Values, Goals, and Strategy:
Mission—The mission is a brief, typically one sentence, statement that defines the
fundamental purpose of the organisation (Kaplan et al. 2008) that is “enduringly
pursued but never fulfilled” (Collins and Porras 1996). It should include what
the organisation provides to its clients and inform executives and employees
about the overall goal they have come together to pursue (Kaplan et al. 2008).
Vision—The vision is a concise statement that operationalises the mission in terms
of the mid-to long-term goals of the organisation. The vision should be exter-
nal and market oriented and should express—preferably in aspirational terms—
how the organisation wants to be perceived by the world (Kaplan et al. 2008).
Senge (1990) indicates that in a vision there must be a creative tension between
the present and the enticing imagination of the future and has to show enough
ambition, which can be translated into goals and strategies.
Core values—The core values of an organisation prescribe its desired behaviour,
character, and culture (Kaplan et al. 2008). We consider core values as guiding
statements at the highest level of sense giving in an organisation. Together with
the mission, the core values are therefore regarded as most invariant.
Goals—The vision operationalised in terms of concrete goals. These goals acts as
success factors in judging the feasibility of strategies. The goals, as success
factors, define the desired outcome (short-term goals) from successful strategy
execution (Kaplan et al. 2008).
Strategy—A strategy of an organisation forms a comprehensive master plan stat-
ing how the organisation will pursue its mission. It should also maximise the
competitive advantages and minimise competitive disadvantages (Thenmozhi
These coherence elements lead to the organisational purpose triangle as depicted in
Fig. 18.2.
The coherence at this level can be derived, and made explicit, by the organisa-
tion’s definitions of the coherence elements and establishing/assessing the consis-
tency and quality of the relationships between the elements:
• The strategies should arguably lead to the achievement of the set goals, while
not violating the core values.
• The goals should be in line with the vision of the organisation, and ultimately
its mission, while being consistent with its core values.
• The core values should at least be consistent with the organisation’s mission.
To indeed be able to establish/assess the consistency and quality of these coher-
ence relationships, it is of great importance that an organisation’s definitions of the
elements are indeed available, and are explicit enough. They do constitute the fun-
damental drivers that shape the enterprise coherence at the design level of the or-
ganisation. In practice, the elements at the organisational purpose level are often
documented in rather broad and informal terms, also increasing the risk of a low
level of enterprise coherence at the design level.
To bring these coherence elements at the strategic elements to life, a few exam-
ples are provided in Table 18.1.
At the design level, the organisation’s strategy is translated into the blueprints of the
operational organisation, involving among others. its business processes, financial
flows, logistic flows, human resources, information systems, housing, machines, IT,
etc. To achieve enterprise coherence, the coherence at the design level needs to be
governed as well. Decision-makers need indicators and controls to indeed govern
the coherence at this level.
The design level complements the level of purpose, by zooming in on more
design-oriented concepts. A distinction between coherence at the level of organisa-
tional purpose and coherence at the level of design is consistent with the “Structure
follows strategy” principle from Chandler (1969). The coherence elements at the
design level are:
Perspective—An angle from which one wishes to govern/steer/influence enterprise
transformations. The set of perspectives used in a specific enterprise depend
very much on its formal and informal power structures, both internally and ex-
ternally. Typical examples include culture, customer, products/services, busi-
ness processes, information provision, finance, value chain, corporate gover-
nance, etc.
Core concept—A concept, within a perspective, that plays a key role in governing
the organisation from that perspective. Examples of core concepts within the
perspective Finance are, for instance, ‘Financing’ and ‘Budgeting’.
188 18 Coherence Management Dashboard for ACET
Core model—a high-level view of a perspective, based on, and in line with, the
guiding statements of the corresponding perspective.
Relevant relationship—a description of the connection between two guiding state-
ments of different perspectives.
The presence of a well-documented enterprise mission, vision, core values, goals,
and strategy are preconditions to be able to determine the content of the coherence
elements on the design level of the organisation, and they are the essential resources
for this determination. See Fig. 18.1.
With the coherence elements at the design level in place, we now have an in-
tegrated framework of coherence elements that shape an organisation on both the
level of purpose and the design level. In Chap. 4, we actually already provided an
example of how the coherence management dashboard can be used as a steering
mechanism in order to formulate answers to major business issues and how this
way of working strengthens the enterprise coherence. In doing so, the dashboard
allows an organisation to involve the right stakeholders (see Chap. 10).
In Fig. 18.3, a visualisation is provided on how occurrences of the coherence
elements on the design level of an organisation are derived from the level of purpose.
The metaphor shows the transition from an unstructured set of control information
on the level of purpose into a structured coherent set of content, differentiated into
the coherence elements on the design level.
Core concepts
Perspectives Principles
Fig. 18.3 Metaphor for the derivation of coherence elements on the design level
190 18 Coherence Management Dashboard for ACET
Fig. 18.4 Correlation between the cohesive elements on two interrelated levels of coherence
18.4 Case studies 191
path to achieve the enterprise’s goals, supplies the content to major focus areas, the
perspectives; minor focus areas, core concepts; and directional information, guiding
The enterprise coherence framework enables enterprises to set up their own dash-
board to manage enterprise transformation, which then enables senior management
to govern the coherence between key aspects of an enterprise during transforma-
tions. In Sect. 4.4 we already saw an example of such a management dashboard.
By making the definition of the coherence elements explicit in a specific enter-
prise, a (coherence) management dashboard results in terms of which one can gain
insight in the “state of coherence”, while also being able to assess the impact of
potential/ongoing transformations. This then enables a deliberate governance of en-
terprise coherence during/driving transformations.
As mentioned before, the set of perspectives used by a specific enterprise on its
coherence management dashboard is highly organisation specific. This set is not
likely to correspond to the cells of well-known design frameworks such as Zach-
man (Zachman 1987) or TOGAF’s content framework (The Open Group 2009).
Such frameworks, however, can indeed play an important role in the development
of the core models within the different perspectives. Based on their respective un-
derlying “design philosophy”, these more design/engineering-oriented frameworks
provide a way (1) to ensure completeness and consistency from an engineering point
of view, (2) to enforce/invite a specific line of reasoning on the design/construction
of the enterprise, and (3) to classify/structure the different core models.
Ralf Abraham
19.1 Introduction
The diversity of the affected organisational entities (e.g. business units, divisions) in
an enterprise transformation is mirrored by the diversity of the affected stakeholder
groups: an enterprise transformation is typically a collaborative endeavour of di-
verse stakeholder groups such as enterprise architects, project/programme/portfolio
R. Abraham
Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
managers, or managers of the affected business units. Stakeholder groups that ex-
perience regular interactions and share similar working methods can be regarded
as communities of practice. “Community of practice” is a term coined by Wenger
(2000) to describe a group of people that (1) share a joint area of concern (e.g. share
the same tasks in an organisation or are interested in the same topics), (2) regularly
interact within a set of community-specific norms and relations, and (3) possess a
shared repertoire of resources such as languages, methods, tools, stories, or other
communal artefacts. A group of stakeholders who experience regular interaction
and share similar working methods can be regarded as communities of practice.
Differences among the communities of practice involved in an enterprise trans-
formation may be caused by multiple reasons: political interests, past experiences,
or cultural differences as discussed in Chap. 8. Differences in organisational subcul-
tures can lead to both positive and negative consequences: while diversity can be a
valuable asset on the one hand, leading to out-of-the-box thinking and innovation,
diversity may on the other hand also lead to communication defects.
When communication defects among communities of practice occur, shared un-
derstanding on transformation goals and each other’s plans and objectives may be
lost, or may not even exist in the first place. The need for collaboration among di-
verse communities of practice is well recognised in literature (Carlile 2004; Karsten
et al. 2001; Nicolini et al. 2012), and shared understanding is regarded as a key suc-
cess factor for successful enterprise transformation (Bisel and Barge 2010; Elving
2005; Ford and Ford 1995; Stensaker et al. 2008). Oftentimes, enterprise transfor-
mations fail (Kotter 1996; Sarker and Lee 1999), with one particular reason for fail-
ure being a lack of shared understanding (Okhuysen and Bechky 2009). We adopt
a definition of shared understanding as the “degree of cognitive overlap and com-
monality in beliefs, expectations, and perceptions about a given target” (Cohen and
Gibson 2003, p. 8).
To convey information, and to improve shared understanding among communi-
ties of practice during enterprise transformation, one of the major communication
devices are models. Multiple views on an enterprise can be covered with the ap-
propriate models (e.g. business process models or software models). To match the
diversity of communities of practice in enterprise transformation, enterprise archi-
tecture models appear promising: enterprise architecture models address dependen-
cies across partial views of an enterprise (e.g. business, technology) and are at a
higher level of abstraction than models concerned with partial views. Enterprise ar-
chitecture models are of interest to many diverse stakeholder groups because of the
holistic overview they provide (Tamm et al. 2011a,b; van der Raadt et al. 2010).
Differences in knowledge, goals, and values among communities of practice can
be conceptualised as knowledge boundaries. In this chapter, we focus on knowledge
translation, that is, overcoming boundaries of interpretation. Carlile (2004) distin-
guishes three types of knowledge boundaries between communities of practice that
become increasingly complex to cross: syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic knowl-
edge boundaries. Only after a way has been found to establish shared understanding
at these boundaries, knowledge can be transferred, translated, or transformed among
the involved communities of practice.
19.2 Boundary Objects 195
Boundary objects are abstract or physical artefacts that support knowledge sharing
and coordination among different communities of practice by providing common
ground. We follow the definition of Winter and Butler (2011): “By identifying ‘low-
est common denominators’, critical points of agreement, or shared surface referents,
boundary objects provide a sufficient platform for cooperative action – but they do
196 19 Guidelines for Architecture Models as Boundary Objects
Nicolini et al. (2012) argue for considering a broad range of object types when
analysing communication among communities of practice. They present a frame-
work of different object types that support collaboration among communities of
198 19 Guidelines for Architecture Models as Boundary Objects
Having motivated our choice of the boundary object lens to improve shared under-
standing in enterprise transformation, we now take a more detailed look into those
properties that enable a semantic boundary object capacity: visualisation, modular-
ity, abstraction/concreteness, and stability.
19.3 Semantic Boundary Object Capacities 199
19.3.1 Visualisation
useful for constructing a boundary object and (2) whether they found it easy to use.
Both questions were rated on five-point Likert scales, ranging from not at all use-
ful/easy to use to very useful/easy to use. The visualisation principles are explained
below. For each, the original model is depicted on the left-hand side, and the altered
model (after application of the principle) is depicted on the right-hand side.
The degree of perceptual discriminability indicates how easily and accurately dif-
ferent graphical symbols can be discriminated from one another. Variations in shape
(“primacy of shape”) or the use of colour as a second, redundant coding factor are
examples of visualisation principles that can improve perceptual discriminability.
Figure 19.2 gives an example.
The degree of semantic transparency indicates how easily the meaning of a graphical
symbol can be guessed from its appearance. Figure 19.3 gives an example where the
fact that two capabilities belong to the same application is highlighted visually on
the right-hand side.
19.3 Semantic Boundary Object Capacities 201
Primacy of
Dual coding refers to the representation of relationships both textually and graphi-
cally. Figure 19.4 presents an example.
This is a design rather than a visualisation principle, as it does not relate to the
representation of the capability map but to its information content. Capabilities
can be supplemented with performance attributes, indicating requirements towards
the quality of service level (e.g. in terms of time, availability, or execution speed).
Figure 19.6 gives an example.
Figure 19.7 shows how the participants assessed perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use for each of the presented visualisation principles.
Complexity management appears to be the most useful visualisation principle,
but also the most difficult to use. Semantic transparency, on the other hand, is con-
sidered both very useful and easy to use. Providing additional information on service
quality also shows a favourable balance of usefulness and ease of use. On the other
hand, visualisation principles such as perceptual discriminability (exemplified via
primacy of shape and redundant coding) and dual coding are considered compara-
tively less useful for the purpose of creating a boundary object.
Overall, combining the visualisation principles of semantic transparency, com-
plexity management, and the performance attributes principle (i.e. those principles
with a perceived usefulness higher than 4.00) can be seen as the most promising
candidates for creating cognitively efficient boundary objects.
19.3 Semantic Boundary Object Capacities 203
3.00 PU
Fig. 19.7 Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use per principle
204 19 Guidelines for Architecture Models as Boundary Objects
Yet, the experimental results must be assessed with caution: a model does not
become a boundary object at design time, but only during actual application. We
asked designers of enterprise architecture models—in the specific case a capability
map—whether applying a certain technique would increase the potential of the ca-
pability map to be adopted as a boundary object. Our respondents could therefore
only assess a “designated boundary object”, which does not automatically become
a “boundary object-in-use” (Levina and Vaast 2005). Moreover, as enterprise archi-
tects, all our respondents belonged to the same community of practice.
19.3.4 Modularity
When several communities of practice share a boundary object, a major design de-
cision is when and by whom the information is filtered. Two extremes are possible:
On the one hand, all communities of practice could look at the same model, which
contains entirely unfiltered information. In this case, the users will have to contextu-
alise and filter the available information themselves (user-based contextualisation).
On the other hand, a viewpoint could be provided for each community of practice
group, filtering the information that is considered relevant from the object designer’s
point of view. In this case, information filtering is already done at design time, when
the viewpoints are constructed (designer-based contextualisation). An example for
user-based contextualisation would be a global model at a high level of abstraction.
Here, all communities of practice look at different parts of the overall model, but
would be able to see other communities of practice’s areas of concern at the pe-
riphery of their own core area. Abraham (2013) provides an example of a financial
figures sheet at an insurance company, where the same sheet is used by both the
business community to define objects such as contracts and premiums, and by the
data warehouse community to identify which database tables to query for creating
reports. An example for designer-based contextualisation would be a model with
predefined viewpoints for individual communities of practice, so that one group of
communities of practice does not see the information that is intended for other com-
munities of practice.
In another example in the air traffic management domain, the findings of Landry
et al. (2009) also indicate that user-based contextualisation enabled superior air traf-
fic controller performance than designer-based contextualisation. Air traffic con-
trollers explicitly preferred getting the whole picture and then doing the filtering
themselves to receiving information from a predefined viewpoint. From these find-
ings, Landry et al. (2009) propose the following design guidelines:
1. Provide a common picture for all collaborators.
2. Minimise the amount of information preprocessing by the designers. Leave in-
formation filtering to the user.
3. Provide continuous updates on changes to all collaborators (i.e. to all involved
communities of practice).
19.3 Semantic Boundary Object Capacities 205
19.3.5 Abstraction/Concreteness
the conflict detection and resolution capability of the local model. In the case of
enterprise architecture models for transformation, a global to-be model of the future
state should be complemented by local models that depict to-be states of individual
domains, like process architectures of organisational divisions. In case of disagree-
ment, communities can then drill down from the global model to more specific views
to detect and/or resolve differences.
19.3.6 Stability
Although design principles have been mentioned by Gregor and Hevner (2013, p.
348) as “knowledge contribution” types and by Gregor (2006, p. 329) “[p]rinciples
of form and function” as part of an information systems design theory, a precise
definition of the term “design principles” has not yet emerged. We shall adopt the
definition of van Aken (2004, p. 228) of a design principle as “a chunk of general
knowledge, linking an intervention or artefact with a desired outcome or perfor-
mance in a certain field of application”. To describe our design principles, we will
use the core meta model of Aier et al. (2011) for enterprise architecture design prin-
ciples. Albeit our design object is different—boundary objects rather than enterprise
architecture—we consider the meta model of Aier et al. (2011) as applicable for de-
scribing boundary object design principles as well. Similar to enterprise architecture
design principles, we apply our design principles to achieve a desired outcome, we
define an intended field of application, and we intend to create general knowledge,
that is, design principles on a generic level that may be refined for application in
19.3 Semantic Boundary Object Capacities 207
measures fulfilment of
a specific enterprise. While our design object is specific (an enterprise architecture
model as a boundary object) rather than generic (“grand design”, an entire enter-
prise architecture), our design principles also serve the core architectural purpose of
restricting design freedom, or guiding design choices (Dietz and Hoogervorst 2008).
The core meta model of an enterprise architecture design principle consists of the
following components (see Fig. 19.8):
• The rationale provides the justification for applying the principle: why does
applying this principle provide a benefit?
• The statement describes the objective of the principle: what should be done?
• The implications describe how the objective of the principle can be achieved:
how can it be implemented?
• The key actions describe specific actions for implementing the principle.
• Measures say how the implementation success of the principle can be measured.
Except for key actions, all elements of this core meta model are on a generalised
level: they apply to multiple enterprises. Key actions, on the other hand, must be
taken in a specific enterprise: what does this mean for us, considering our unique
context? For example, Aier (2014) argues that the organisational culture of an en-
terprise impacts the way principles should be applied. Since we intend to build gen-
erally applicable principles for designing boundary objects in enterprise transfor-
mation, we do not elaborate on key actions. Rather, these have to be derived with a
specific enterprise and its context in mind.
Visualisation—Table 19.1 shows the design principle for the visualisation property.
Modularity—Table 19.2 shows the design principle for the modularity property.
Abstraction/concreteness—Table 19.3 shows the design principle for the abstrac-
tion/concreteness property.
Stability—Table 19.4 shows the design principle for the stability property.
208 19 Guidelines for Architecture Models as Boundary Objects
19.4 Discussion
Nils Labusch
Abstract In this chapter, we derive a reference model that provides a holistic per-
spective on enterprise transformations. The model includes two perspectives: On the
one hand, information objects that enterprise architecture management can provide
are included. On the other hand, information requirements that enterprise transfor-
mation managers posed during interviews are integrated with those discussed in
literature. Both combined perspectives lead to a comprehensive overview of infor-
mation requirements and objects that are relevant during enterprise transformations.
20.1 Introduction
N. Labusch
Institute of Information Management, University of St.Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
In the literature survey, the guidance given by Webster and Watson (2002) is
applied to avoid reinvestigation of existing knowledge and thus increase rigour and
relevance of the research (vom Brocke et al. 2009). In line with Elliot (2011), search
terms are handled strictly since a huge body of literature from academic and non-
academic sources is available in the topic area. Hence, the search is concentrated
on top journals of information systems, management, and organisational science
based on the Jourqual ranking (Schrader and Hennig-Thurau 2009) and the AIS
basket of eight in order to include the mature and established knowledge. Further, a
database search in the major management databases is conducted (Web of Knowl-
edge, Springerlink, Ebsco) to include more recent or practice-based sources. In ad-
dition, specific journals and conferences (e.g. Journal of Enterprise Transformation
or the PRET conference proceedings) are added to the survey. Articles in the jour-
nals are identified based on the title keyword “transformation” and in the databases
based on the title search term:
(organisational OR strategic OR business OR enterprise OR corporate OR large-scale)
AND transformation AND management
We interviewed eight transformation managers and ten enterprise architects. Two
researchers independently coded the experts’ responses. Potential contributions of
enterprise architecture management and the needs of enterprise transformation man-
agement were added to different lists that for the purpose of developing the infor-
mation model were merged later on. The results were triangulated with findings
from the enterprise transformation management and enterprise architecture man-
agement literature. We have included this step to ensure that the enterprise trans-
formation as much as the enterprise architecture management codes are consistent
with a common understanding of both disciplines. The codes were grouped based
on their semantic similarity. This grouping was again conducted by two independent
researchers and consolidated in the first iteration.
The results are consolidated in the reference model. We provided the identified
information requirements to practitioners in one organisation in order to evaluate if
they were comprehensible and if major aspects were missing.
Business funcons
Soluon ideas
Projects Methods
Outsourcing potenals
Redundancies among
projects Transformaon
Evaluated technology
Dependencies Consolidaon
between projects potenals
Project roles
Business partners
Skills of employees
Benefits of the
transformaon Suppliers
Common language
Risks IT Structure
Assessed risks Data structures
20.3.1 Strategy
20.3.2 Goals
To highlight the importance of defining and aligning the goals of the enterprise trans-
formation (Jenkins 1977; Ward and Uhl 2012), they were included in an own area of
information requirements. First, the transformation goals need to be described. For
this purpose, a process is necessary that includes relevant stakeholders (Ward and
Daniel 2006). In consequence, the business requirements need to be collected (Singh
et al. 2011). Different techniques exist to identify these requirements (e.g. work-
shops or interviews with top-level executives). A specific perspective on the trans-
formation goals is the budget, thus the planned costs. Staying with the prospected
budget is considered to be a goal of every enterprise transformation. Therefore, this
requirement is considered in the goal area of information requirements. Finally, a
business case describes the goals in a very detailed way and is central information
during the cause of the enterprise transformation.
Managers that are involved in the enterprise transformation need information about
the business structure. This is related especially to the as-is structure which is sup-
posed to be transformed. Only when managers are aware of this structure, resis-
tances and other issues can be foreseen early enough to react. In today’s organisa-
tions, information about processes is a vital part of this (vom Brocke et al. 2012).
They can come along in various forms, including process chain diagrams or activ-
ity documentations. Closely related is the organisational structure. Maintaining the
216 20 The ACET Information Requirements Reference Model
The fourth relevant area is the project portfolio. Information requirements are mostly
imposed by methods like PMBok (PMI 2008). The first important requirement is
information about projects as such. An overview of the existing project portfolio is
necessary to classify and prioritise the transformation activities. Information about
redundancies of projects is relevant in order to reduce the efforts and thus the costs
of the enterprise transformation. However, this information is difficult to gather and
the architectural support included in ACET can provide significant value. Related to
this requirement is information about the dependencies of projects. The information
is relevant to prioritise needs and allocate resources. The information about project
roles contains the various roles in the project to manage the transformation appropri-
ately. This includes a clear assignment of persons to projects in order to make them
feel responsible for the result delivery. The last information requirement in this area
addresses skills of employees. This information is important for different reasons.
First, people need to be allocated to projects or other tasks in the enterprise trans-
formation management team. Second, if skills necessary for the enterprise transfor-
mation are missing, training needs to be conducted or personnel with the required
skills needs to be hired.
20.3 ACET Information Requirements Reference Model 217
20.3.6 Methods
Traditionally, social factors are ranked very important whenever enterprise trans-
formations are conducted (Kotter 1995). However, in reality, oftentimes managers
lack the relevant information concerning these factors. Stakeholder characteristics
need to be known in order to determine how to address the different stakehold-
ers (Prosci 2014). It is very difficult to openly store this information—many suc-
cessful enterprise transformation managers write down their most important stake-
holders and their characteristics in secret documents they store at home. However,
somehow a stakeholder analysis should be done. Necessary activities for cultural
change are related to this former information requirement. This requirement con-
tains the discussed and necessary steps for the specific organisation to conduct a
cultural change (if planned so in the enterprise transformation strategy). A com-
mon language is another requirement concerning the social factors. As already dis-
cussed in Chap. 19, a common language, for example, in terms of boundary ob-
jects, needs to be considered in order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary
218 20 The ACET Information Requirements Reference Model
delays (Abraham et al. 2013b; Cross et al. 2000). The communication strategy is
based on the above-mentioned stakeholder characteristics and provides guidance on
whom to address concerning what aspect of the enterprise transformation (Prosci
2014). Information about trainings (e.g. availability and necessity for certain roles)
is related to the available skills in the organisation and contributes to the enterprise
transformation by empowering employees and managers to conduct the enterprise
transformation. Information about the transformation history contains lessons learnt
and good practices. This information is very important since it directly relates to the
specific organisation where the enterprise transformation takes place. Thus, generic
guidelines can be evaluated against historical experiences. Information about the
organisational culture is the last information requirement in this area. It can make
a huge difference, if an enterprise transformation is conducted in a very formal or-
ganisation (e.g. a bank) or in a start-up culture (Breu 2001). The results of culture
assessments should be available as an information item.
20.3.8 Performance
20.3.9 Stakeholders
identifying frame contracts that could be used in order to avoid purchasing a service
twice during the enterprise transformation. Furthermore, the internal stakeholders
of the enterprise transformation are part of the requirements area. Knowing who
is affected in order to connect this information with processes or social factor is
necessary during the enterprise transformation.
20.3.10 Risks
20.3.11 IT Structure
20.4 Discussion
Sybren de Kinderen
21.1 Introduction
S. de Kinderen
University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany
for an approach towards economic language design, and where these elements fall
In this chapter, we introduce a design theory for the economic design of mod-
elling languages. Section 21.2 introduces the notion of model bundling. Section 21.3
introduces a language merging experiment, which will be used to illustrate the
two major constituencies of our design theory: the two model bundling ontologies
(Sect. 21.4) and the ontologies for language engineering (Sect. 21.5). Section 21.6
concludes with a discussion and directions for further research.
We now introduce e3 RoME for model bundling, our design artefact for value-based
language engineering. First we introduce the key ideas behind the main design arte-
fact and briefly characterise this artefact in terms of its chief constituencies: the
required input, activities, the involved roles, and its output. Thereafter, we discuss
how our language engineering artefact is derived from a value-based selection mech-
anism for service bundling.
• Techniques: (1) Two formal ontologies for specifying languages from a value
perspective (Sect. 21.4). (2) A procedure for value-based language engineering
(Sect. 21.5).
• Results: combinations of modelling techniques, in line with modelling needs/
{VoiP(Skype), IP-access}
Now that we have introduced the basic idea behind e3 RoME, we discuss each of
its elements in further detail: the formal ontologies that provide its key concepts (in
Sect. 21.4) and a procedural model for using e3 RoME (in Sect. 21.5).
1 Here bundling refers to the selling of a package of services at a single price (Guiltinan 1987;
Stremersch and Tellis 2002).
224 21 Model Bundling: Componential Language Engineering
plays role
Actor Stakeholder Role
0..* 0..1
has Modelling pract.
0...* Project Sponsor
Need Domain expert
0...* specified by Consequence
Consequence ...
1 1 OB
starts at 0..* ends at 0..* Specification
has Consequence link ...
Link rationale
Fig. 21.1 The e3 RoME stakeholder perspective ontology (based on Razo-Zapata et al. (2011) and
de Kinderen (2010))
2 The border with the dotted line indicates additions to earlier work (Razo-Zapata et al. 2011;
de Kinderen 2010, p. 106).
226 21 Model Bundling: Componential Language Engineering Actor Need Consequence
A consequence link relates two consequences. For e3 RoME, we have two types of
• A consequence may have a specification link with one or more other conse-
quences. Such consequence laddering (see Gutman (1997)) can be used to spec-
ify abstract consequences into more concrete consequences until a sufficiently
detailed consequence is found for which solutions can be offered.
Example: In our experiment, the consequence “Have holistic perspective of the
enterprise” has a specification relation with the consequences “Link business-
IT”, “Business process perspective on enterprise”, and “IT application perspec-
tive on enterprise”. (See the customer perspective service catalogue in Fig. 21.2
for reference.)
• An optional bundling (OB in Fig. 21.1) relation between two consequences A
and B indicates that consequence B can add value to consequence A, but that
consequence B can also be acquired separately from A. Optional bundling is
grounded in the marketing notion of demand interdependency (Guiltinan 1987).
Example: The consequence “Value perspective on enterprise” can add value to
the consequence “Have holistic perspective on enterprise”.
In this chapter, we discuss the e3 RoME model catalogue ontology, which is grounded
in e3 service supplier perspective ontology (see Razo-Zapata et al. (2011) and
de Kinderen (2010, p. 111)).
We base our discussion on an ontology instantiation for our model integration
experiment, presented in Fig. 21.3. In this catalogue, we see model fragments, such
as “Use DEMO transaction patterns”. Value is the main criterion to consider a part
Link business IT
modelling expert - Business process per-
spective on enterprise
Modelling practitioner
IT application perspec-
tive on enterprise
Compensation for
modelling effort
Value perspective
on enterprise
(Economic) trans-
Compensation for
modelling effort
business processes
(Economic) trans-
Compensation for
modelling effort
Actor -
Stakeholder Value Value
role interface port
Fragment Consequence
Fig. 21.3 A value-based catalogue of model fragments
21.5 Generating Model Bundles 229
We now show how to use the stakeholder and model repository ontologies to create
model bundles, using the two catalogues instantiated for our experiment as input
(see Figs. 21.2 and 21.3). Figure 21.4 provides a procedural model for e3 RoME.
230 21 Model Bundling: Componential Language Engineering
Identify modelling
Analyze modelling
Bundle analysis
Analyze stakeholders
and modelling
needs for bundle
[additional consequences]
In accordance with the e3 RoME procedural model, we start with Identify modelling
stakeholders, using the typology from the e3 RoME ontology as input.
For our experiment, we initially identify one such stakeholder, a project sponsor,
a role played by the ArchiSurance CIO.
Next we perform the step Analyse modelling needs of the found stakeholders,
using the stakeholder perspective catalogue as input.
For our experiment, we find that the project sponsor selects the need “Help steer
the enterprise” and find that this need is specified by, amongst others, the con-
sequence “Have holistic perspective on enterprise”. This consequence, in turn, is
specified by—using the consequence specification link—the consequences “Link
business-IT”, “Have holistic perspective on enterprise”, “Business process perspec-
tive on enterprise”, and “IT application perspective on enterprise”.
Thus we have so far elicited the consequence set:
Next, in the step Select model fragments, we use the value-based matchmaking
mechanism from e3 service to match the desired consequences to consequences-
provided model fragments.
For our experiment, we provide a match with two fragments from our catalogue
(Fig. 21.3): ArchiMate modelling and e3 value modelling.
Next, in the Bundle analysis, we have two subactivities: (1) to actually bundle
the model fragments. This means that we do value-based matchmaking amongst the
model fragments as well, besides showing how these individual fragments satisfy
a need (as done in the step “Select model fragments”). We exemplify this bundling
in more detail in Sect. 21.5.2, where we discuss the final bundle as depicted in
Fig. 21.5. (2) To discover all bundle consequences (using concept of a value inter-
face), and do a cost–benefit analysis with them using the scoring and ranking mech-
anism from e3 service. For example, for the model fragment “e3 value modelling”,
we find that to receive the consequence “Value perspective on enterprise”, we have
to provide “Compensation for modelling effort” (note that, as stated, we will not
detail further the actual cost benefit analysis for this chapter).
For our experiment, we assume that the project sponsor indeed selects the ini-
tially created model bundle {ArchiMate modelling, e3 value modelling}.
For the created bundle, we perform the step Analyse stakeholders and modelling
needs for bundle. This is a step that we introduced additionally to the e3 service
needs-driven bundling algorithm, to reflect that in situational method engineering
the assembly of a model out of fragments may spin off the need for additional
fragments (see, amongst others, Brinkkemper (1996, p. 277)). In our value-based
approach, we analyse (1) whether new stakeholders are required for the bundle and
(2) if the bundle raises new stakeholder concerns.
For our experiment, we find a second modelling stakeholder, “modelling practi-
tioner”. Being presented with the bundle, this stakeholder has the need to “Support
for detailing economic transactions”. As detailed in de Kinderen et al. (2012a), this
need arises from the difference in abstraction level between economic transactions
modelled in e3 value and the underlying detailed business processes and IT appli-
cations modelled in ArchiMate. Thus, we require structured support for translating
between these techniques.
Using our stakeholder catalogue (Fig. 21.2), the “Modelling practitioner” finds
that the need “Support for detailing economic transactions” is satisfied by the conse-
quence “Transaction-based business processes” and decides to select it. As a result,
we now have the updated set of consequences:
{ “Transaction-based business process”, “Have holistic perspective on enterprise”,
“IT application perspective on enterprise”, “Business process perspective on enterprise”,
“Link business-IT”, “Value perspective on enterprise” }
Using these consequences as input, as can been seen in the procedural model
(Fig. 21.4), we again perform the steps Select model fragments and Bundle analysis.
Using our value-based matchmaking mechanism for our experiment, we thus
find the fragments “ArchiMate modelling”, “e3 value modelling”, and “Using DEMO
transaction patterns”.
Next, during bundle analysis, we again (1) bundle model fragments and (2) weigh
For our experiment, we can see the resulting bundle in Fig. 21.5. Note here also
what we mean by a bundle analysis of the model fragments themselves: namely,
the value-based matchmaking algorithm, besides matching the consequences from
the stakeholder catalogue to the consequences of the catalogue of fragments, also
matches the valuable outcomes amongst fragments themselves. As such, we see that
21.6 Discussion 233
21.6 Discussion
This chapter has introduced e3 RoME, a design theory for value-based componential
language engineering. We characterised e3 RoME in terms of its key constituencies,
and illustrated it by means of a language engineering experiment on integrating the
modelling languages e3 value and ArchiMate via DEMO.
We can now address the research questions posed in Chap. 13 as follows:
• Research Question How can we design a language that is sufficiently
expressive for domain-specific enterprise transformation concerns?
e3 RoME introduces the notion of linking the value provided by different lan-
guages to an overall transformation-specific modelling purpose.
• Research Question How can we design a language such that it is eco-
nomic in use?
e3 RoME selects only those language components needed for the transformation
at hand.
• Research Question 13.3.2: How can we design new languages by mixing and
matching parts of existing languages?
e3 RoME provides a mechanism for reusing parts of existing languages, inspired
by an earlier approach developed for value-based service bundling.
Chapter 22
Principle-Based Goal-Oriented
Requirements Language
22.1 Introduction
We recall that the underlying goal of this chapter is to check and manage the
consistency or non-consistency between architecture principles and architecture
instructions (cf. the research question in Sect. 14.1). In Sect. 14.2, we discussed
a non-exhaustive list of challenges when evaluating the impact of architecture prin-
ciples, for example, vagueness given by the natural language representation, lack of
a common definition, and lack of tool support for representation and analysis.
Studying the current literature and observing the practices in enterprises, we
notice that even if the architecture principles are company specific, they all seem
to have common fields in their structure. In Sect. 22.2, we summarise multiple def-
initions and present a minimal structure to define architecture principles, such that
D. Marosin ()
SopraSteria, Leudelange, Luxembourg
S. Ghanavati
Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
Measurable—Both on the long term and short term, over the future architecture
and project portfolio measurements are needed to assure that the organisation’s
goals are achieved and to check if the architecture principles are really followed
and what is their impact on the organisation (Lindström 2006).
Stable—Principles should be enduring, yet able to accommodate changes. The
organisation needs to establish a methodology for changing the set of princi-
ples which should be triggered when (a) a strategy or goals of the organisation
change; (b) principles are conflicting; or (c) principles are constantly violated.
Based on the definitions and guidelines for formulating architecture principles in
multiple literature sources and in practice, we define a set of minimum fields and
information that architecture principles should contain, as follows:
Name—This field captures the essence of the architecture principle and should be
easy to remember (Op ’t Land et al. 2008; The Open Group 2011; Greefhorst
et al. 2013).
Statement—This field is a clear, (presumably) unambiguous description of the prin-
ciple (Op ’t Land et al. 2008; The Open Group 2011; Greefhorst et al. 2013).
The statement is in some sense a summary of the architecture principle itself,
useful in human communication. However, it does not necessarily carry much
semantics in a formal language.
Added value—This field states clearly what is aimed to be achieved when applying
the architecture principle at hand (i.e. to which goals or softgoals of the organ-
isation the architecture principle contributes to, either positively or negatively).
Different researchers have named this field differently such as Motivation (Op ’t
Land et al. 2008; Wilkinson 2006) or Rationale (The Open Group 2011; Fischer
et al. 2010). We identified this field in corporate practices also under the names
Future situation and Goal (Marosin et al. 2014).
Impact and restrictions—This field defines the impact of the architecture principle
on the design of another architecture principle or on the elements of the archi-
tecture, as well as the restrictions caused by enforcing the architecture principle
at hand (Fischer et al. 2010). In practice, this field was also identified under the
name Constraints (Marosin et al. 2014). It can also be called Implications (Op
’t Land et al. 2008; Richardson et al. 1990; Lindström 2006).
Key actions—This field states what operational actions should be taken in order
to follow the architecture principle at hand. In practice, this field is also called
Application (Marosin et al. 2014), Key Actions (Fischer et al. 2010), Assur-
ance (Op ’t Land et al. 2008) or Implications (Hoogervorst 2004).
Preconditions—This field contains preconditions and requirements to be fulfilled
before the principle can be applied. In practice, we found this field under the
name Implications. Hoogervorst (2004) introduces the field key actions for
effectuating the architecture to ensure that the principle can be followed.
Additional to the fields mentioned above, architecture principles may contain the
following information in their definition:
Current situation—This field contains a description of the current situation with
regard to the architecture principle at hand.
22.3 Semiformal Representation of Architecture Principles 239
Goal-oriented requirements language which is based on the i* language and the use
case maps (UCM) notation is part of the URN standard. The URN standard is suit-
able to specify both functional and non-functional requirements for a proposed or an
evolving system and analyse such requirements for correctness and completeness.
Combing modelling goals and intentional concepts, quality attributes and scenario
concepts, the standard enables reasoning about alternatives and proposes multiple
algorithms for evaluation.
Goal-oriented requirements language describes business concerns, goals satis-
factions and stakeholders’ beliefs and dependencies. Goal-oriented requirements
language intentional elements can be Softgoals ( ), Goals ( ), and Tasks ( ).
Actors ( ) represent stakeholders of the system, the holders of intentions. Soft-
goals, represent what a stakeholder wants to achieve. Contrary to goals, softgoals do
not have quantifiable measurements. Goals, however, are more precise, have quan-
tifiable measurements and can be clearly achieved. Tasks represent solutions to (or
operationalisations of) goals or softgoals. In order to be achieved or completed,
softgoals, goals, and tasks may require resources ( ) to be available. Beliefs ( )
capture the rationales and justifications of goal-oriented requirements language in-
tentional elements and their links.
Goal-oriented requirements language elements are connected by contribution,
correlation, dependency and decomposition links. Contribution ( ) and Corre-
lation ( ) links indicate desired impacts or describe side-effects of one inten-
tional element on another intentional element. They can have a quantitative impact
(integer value between −100 and 100) or a qualitative value, marked with the key-
words: make, help, some+, some-, hurt, break. Decomposition ( ) links allow
an intentional element to be decomposed into sub-elements using AND, OR, XOR
decomposition. Dependency ( ) links model relationships between actors (one
actor depending on another actor for something) and between other goal-oriented
requirements language intentional elements.
The language can be extended and become domain specific by using stereotypes
attached to the basic constructs of the language. Introducing stereotypes allows us
to define a domain-specific notation for the architecture principles and introduce
restrictions to assure the well-formedness of the models.
In Sect. 22.2, we summarised existing definitions for architecture principles
as found in both the current academic literature and practice. We also presented
240 22 Principle-Based Goal-Oriented Requirements Language
existing guidelines and requirements for a good set of architecture principles, and
we based our definition on these requirements. Following the aforementioned defini-
tions, we introduce a new goal-oriented requirements language profile and annotate
each constitutive element of an architecture principle with stereotypes, as presented
in Table 22.1. We group all stereotypes related to architecture principles under
the name ST _Principle. This semiformal representation and mapping enables us
to leverage all analysis mechanisms and algorithms embedded in goal-oriented re-
quirements language.
As an example, consider Table 22.2. There, we consider the textual representa-
tion of an architecture principle, as defined in “Principles catalogue” (Greefhorst
et al. 2013, pp. 163–164). We map the natural language statements to goal-oriented
requirements language intentional elements, creating the goal-oriented requirements
language representation of the architecture principle, in Fig. 22.2.
Based on discussions and the guidelines provided above, the natural language
description of the architecture principle is refined and stereotyped, such that it can
Table 22.2 Natural language text representation of architecture principle: Data is captured
once (c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011; reprinted with permission from Greefhorst and
Proper (2011))
Principle: Data is captured once
Type of information: data, application
Quality attributes: usability, efficiency
Rationale: It is inefficient and user-unfriendly to ask for the same data twice or more
• Before acquiring data, it is first determined if the data is already available
• Data that is already available is pre-filled in forms
• Applications expose shared data for reuse by other applications
22.3 Semiformal Representation of Architecture Principles 241
Data, Application
Efficiency Usability
<<AddedValue>> <<AddedValue>>
Data is captured
only once
Applications share 25
data for reuse by
other applications Pre-fill in forms the
<<Precondition>> available information
1 The implementation of the OCL rules is part of our Principle-based goal-oriented requirements
language framework (van Zee 2016).
22.4 Constraints for Architecture Principle Representation 243
Fig. 22.3 Log of semantic check errors for goal-oriented requirements language representation of
architecture principle Data is captured once
244 22 Principle-Based Goal-Oriented Requirements Language
In this chapter we present different kinds of analysis that are enabled by our semi-
formal representation of the architecture principles. This represent directions for
future research and play a pillar role in supporting decision-making when creating
enterprise architecture, as well when guiding enterprise transformation.
Fig. 22.4 Relation between architecture principles, design decisions, and the organisation’s knowl-
edge base.
c 2014, D. Marosin; reprinted with permission from Marosin et al. 2014
The set of architecture principles itself needs a consistency mechanism in place (van
Zee et al. 2016). There does not exist any formal mechanism to create a stable and
consistent set of principle and to support changes in the set of principles. Such a
mechanism should, first, trigger consistency checks on the models and revision of
the current landscape when changes appear in the set of principles (e.g. addition,
deletion, or modification of principles). Second, analysis of the current situation
(e.g. current objectives or current environment of the organisation, as well as addi-
tion of new projects and programmes) should trigger changes in the set of princi-
ples. In order to realise the second type of revision, good traceability links between
architecture principles and business processes are needed. This traceability is well
supported by our framework (i.e. Principle-based goal-oriented requirements lan-
guage) and by the existing modelling tools (e.g. jUCMNav).
a b
0 0
Data, Application −25 −25 Data, Application −75(*) 12
Efficiency Usability Efficiency Usability
<<AddedValue>> <<AddedValue>> <<AddedValue>> <<AddedValue>>
100 100
100 100
−25 12
Data is captured Data is captured
only once only once
<<Principle>> <<Principle>>
−102(*) −100
Applications share 25 Applications share 25
−100 50
data for reuse by 25 data for reuse by 25
other applications Pre-fill in forms the other applications Pre-fill in forms the
<<Precondition>> availble information <<Precondition>> availble information
<<KeyAction>> <<KeyAction>>
−102(*) 75
Determine whether 100 Determine whether 100
the data is the data is
already available already available
<<Precondition>> <<Precondition>>
Fig. 22.5 Evaluation of goal-oriented requirements language intentional elements based on a UCM
22.6 Discussion 247
turn, propagates a satisfaction value for the key action Pre-fill in forms the available
data KeyAction, (weakly satisfied, quantitative evaluation +75), which propa-
gates a weakly satisfied value for the architecture principle (quantitative evaluation
+18). This situation is described in Fig. 22.5b.
However, the user had to correct its data. This affects the softgoal Efficiency
AddedValue; therefore, in Fig. 22.5b, this goal is denied (qualitative evaluation
−100), even if the architecture principle was satisfied. This situation illustrates an
inconsistency between the architectural implementation and the intended purpose of
the architecture principle.
Note: For the scope of this illustrative example and for this chapter, we do not
go in details regarding the evaluation algorithms available for goal-oriented require-
ments language intentional elements. This falls outside the scope of this work.
22.6 Discussion
Georgios Plataniotis
23.1 Introduction
G. Plataniotis ()
e-Government Center for Social Security (IDIKA), Likourgou 10, 105 51 Athens, Greece
Weighted additive
has State
Equal weight 1..*
... Translation
Non Decomposition
compensatory Disjunctive
... 1 1..*
causes has
1 is made by 1
Decision-Making EA Decision Substitution
0..* 1
1 1
1..* 1..*
EA Issue
is traces to
considered in
1..* 1..*
1 has creates
Criterion Weight
1 1
1 Strategy ces
rationale 1 1 Is Business
Is EA Artifact
Layer Technology
Example: John makes the enterprise architecture decision “Make customer pro-
file registration via intermediary”.
Enterprise architecture issue—Similar to the concept of an issue from Tyree and
Akerman (2005), an enterprise architecture issue represents the architecture de-
sign problem that enterprise architects have to address during the enterprise
transformation process.
Example: The enterprise architecture issue “Create an appropriate application
service to support new business process” resulting from the enterprise architec-
ture decision “Introduce a new business process for customer profile registra-
Enterprise architecture artefact—An enterprise architecture artefact [similar to
the concept of an architecture element (Tang et al. 2007)] is either the direct
result produced from a set of executed enterprise architecture decisions or a
representation of this result. For now, we use an enterprise architecture arte-
fact to refer to architectural representations. Specifically, we use it as a bridg-
ing concept towards the enterprise architecture modelling language ArchiMate,
23.2 Decision Properties 251
The role of relationship concepts is to make the different types of relationships be-
tween enterprise architecture decisions explicit. Based on ontologies for software
architecture design decisions (Kruchten 2004; Kruchten et al. 2006), we define four
types of relationships:
Translation relationship—Translation relationships illustrate relationships
between decisions/enterprise architecture issues that belong to different lay-
ers/enterprise architecture artefacts. Architects translate the requirements that
new enterprise architecture artefacts impose (enterprise architecture issue) to
decisions that will support these requirements by means of another enterprise
architecture artefact (Op ’t Land and Proper 2007).
Example: The enterprise architecture decision make customer profile registra-
tion via intermediary translates to the issue find an appropriate application
service. Subsequently, this issue translates to a second enterprise architecture
decision acquisition of COTS application B.
Decomposition relationship—The Decomposition relationship is in line with Com-
prises (Is Made of, Decomposes into) of the ontology developed by Kruchten
et al. (2006). Decomposition relationships signify how generic enterprise archi-
tecture decisions decompose into more detailed design decisions.
Example: The enterprise architecture decision acquisition of COTS application
B has a decomposition relationship with enterprise architecture decision Ap-
plication interface type 1. This is to indicate that choosing application B also
implies the more detailed choice for a particular type of user interface.
23.5 Discussion 255
23.5 Discussion
24.1 Introduction
Large and complex enterprises are a common occurrence in today’s business en-
vironment. Such enterprises usually involve complex and interdependent business
processes and IT systems. Enterprise architecture is used to model such enterprises
in a holistic fashion by connecting their IT infrastructure and applications to the
business processes they support. In turn this links them also to the products and ser-
vices that are realised by those business processes (Op ’t Land et al. 2008; Hooger-
vorst 2004). When creating an enterprise architecture, several design decisions have
to be made. These decisions are to a large extent based on assumptions about the
situation at hand. Such assumptions may relate to the goals the (individual) stake-
holders have, strategic directions of the enterprise, architecture principles, require-
ments, and so on. In practice, enterprises are confronted with frequent changes and
challenges to these assumptions.
M. van Zee
Google Research, Zurich, Switzerland
24.2 Preliminaries
In this section, we briefly review the key components of the meta-model of Platani-
otis et al. (2013a, 2014d), followed by a discussion. We use these observations as a
basis for the formal framework that we will introduce in the next section.
Plataniotis et al. (2013a, 2014d) recently presented an approach for relating en-
terprise architecture decisions. Using a meta-model and a decision design graph,
they explain how decisions from different enterprise domains (business, applica-
tion, and technology) relate to each other. For example, how decisions taken on a
business level affect IT decisions and vice versa. Their approach is inspired by well-
known mechanisms for capturing architectural rationales in software architecture.
The meta-model that was presented by Plataniotis et al. (2013a, 2014d) is depicted
in Fig. 24.1. This meta-model serves as an underlying model for decision design
graphs, of which an example is depicted in Fig. 24.2.
From now on, we will use the following naming convention: We will refer to
the meta-model in Fig. 24.1 as the “meta-model”, and the decision design graph in
Fig. 24.2 as “decision graph”. We will explain the details of the decision graph in
more detail when presenting the case study, but in this chapter we will already use
it to explain the main concepts of the framework, which consists of the following
Enterprise architecture decision—represents a decision that has been made or re-
jected in order to resolve an issue. An enterprise architecture decision shows de-
cisions that are captured in the context of an enterprise transformation (Proper
and Op ’t Land 2010). The decision graph contains a total of 13 decisions, from
enterprise architecture decision D01 to enterprise architecture decision D13.
Enterprise architecture issue—represents an architectural design problem that en-
terprise architects have to address during the enterprise transformation process.
In this way, they can be regarded as a motivation for the design decisions. The
decision graph contains six issues, from enterprise architecture issue IS01 to
enterprise architecture issue IS06.
Enterprise architecture artefact—serves as a bridging concept towards the enter-
prise architecture modelling language ArchiMate, whereby an enterprise archi-
tecture artefact links enterprise architecture decisions to ArchiMate concepts.
For instance, enterprise architecture decision D01 in the decision graph is re-
lated to enterprise architecture artefact “Customer profile registration Business
processes”. Enterprise architecture issues are not related to artefacts.
Layer—is in line with the ArchiMate language (Iacob et al. 2012). An enterprise
is specified in three layers: Business, Application, and Technology. Using these
260 24 Formalising Enterprise Architecture Decision Models
Technology 1 is member of
1 influences
Rejected EA Artifact
is member of
State 1..* has results in
1..* 1..* 1
has 1
Alternative Relationship EA Issue
creates 0..*
For instance, in the decision graph decision D10 decomposes to decision D11
through issue IS06. D11 turns out to have a negative observed impact OI1,
which is translated to a decision D13 through issue IS07 (alternative D12 for
IS07 is rejected). D13 addresses the negative observed impact of D11 by sub-
stituting D11.
24.2.2 Reflection
The meta-model serves as the underlying formalism for the decision graph, but in
this section, we motivate why this is not sufficient by discussing the differences be-
tween the meta-model and the decision graph. Several of these differences were also
identified during the prototype implementation of the EA Anamnesis approach (Pla-
taniotis et al. 2014a). We will take these remarks into account when formalising the
decision graph in the next section.
According to the decision graph, the creation of a translation/decomposition re-
lationship between two enterprise architecture decisions implies the creation of two
separate relationships of the same type: one for the enterprise architecture decision
to enterprise architecture issue and another one for the enterprise architecture is-
sue to enterprise architecture decision. This creates information redundancy issues
because this is not captured in the meta-model. The definition of at least one rela-
tionship of a specific type should imply that the other relationship should be of the
same type. For example, in the decision graph enterprise architecture decision D01
is related with enterprise architecture issue IS03 through a translation relationship.
Similarly, enterprise architecture issue IS03 is related with enterprise architecture
decision D06 through a translation relationship. The definition of the relationship
type between enterprise architecture issue IS03 and enterprise architecture decision
D06 should imply the same relationship type between enterprise architecture deci-
sion D01 and enterprise architecture issue IS03, but this is currently not captured in
the meta-model.
Furthermore, the meta-model provides two different types of states (executed
and rejected) per enterprise architecture decision. Despite the fact that these two
states adequately describe the state of an enterprise architecture decision during the
a posteriori analysis, they don’t provide enough expressivity in the a priori case. In
the latter case, there is the need to express that an enterprise architecture decision
is in an “open” state while enterprise architects examine the alternatives (Kruchten
et al. 2006).
Whereas the meta-model provides the notion of “Observed impact”, it does not
explicitly distinguish between “positive observed impact” and “negative observed
impact”. For instance, in the decision graph enterprise architecture decision D11 has
observed impact OI1, which creates an issue IS07. Thus, it seems that this observed
impact is negative, but neither the meta-model or the graph are able to distinguish
positive impacts from negative ones.
24.3 A Formal Model for Architectural Decision Modelling 263
Finally, there are a number of assumptions on the design graph that have not
been made explicit in the meta-model. Firstly, all issues in the graph have been
resolved. Secondly, there is always a single decision that is executed in order to solve
an issue, while the others are rejected. Finally, a decision that creates a negative
observed impact is assumed to be replaced by a decision that addresses this impact.
These three assumptions are not formalised, and we propose to do so using integrity
In the previous section, we showed that the meta-model of Fig. 24.1 is not restrictive
enough to characterise the decision design graph of Fig. 24.2 correctly. In order to
resolve this issue and to obtain a consistent formalisation for the decision design
graphs that allow for a priori decision modelling, we will introduce a formal model
in this chapter.
Basic concepts from set and graph theory are adequate to define the entities in the
meta-model and the relations between them. We begin with representations for the
meta-model elements enterprise architecture decision, enterprise architecture issue,
and observed impact.
Rationale and example: An enterprise architecture decision issue (for short, issue)
represents a single design concern. For now, we follow Plataniotis et al. (2013a,
2014d) and we do not add any attributes to the issues, but we recognise that this
is certainly possible and a necessary extension. For instance, Zimmermann et al.
(2009) attribute a total of 18 properties to issues that can be used to characterise
them. Because such attributes do not have a specific purpose in our formal model,
we leave them out for ease of exposition. The issues in the decision graph are I =
{IS01, . . . , IS07}.
We also write sd , ad , and ld to refer to the state, the artefact, and the layer of decision
d, respectively.
Rationale and example: The contains relationship is also used in Zimmermann et al.
(2009) and allows us to define a single hierarchical structure, which serves as a table
of content, allowing the user to locate issues and alternatives easily in the enterprise
24.3 A Formal Model for Architectural Decision Modelling 265
IS03 ...
Fig. 24.3 The contains relationship ≺ for part of the decision graph
architectural knowledge and helping the knowledge engineer to avoid undesired re-
dundancies. The contains relationship is the underlying dependency relation that we
use to build decision design graphs. We will use this relation to later define the four
types of Relationship entities that were introduced in the meta-model. These four re-
lationships are relatively complex, so it helps to have a simple underlying represen-
tation of the decision hierarchy. Intuitively, the contains relationship can be obtained
by treating all arcs in the decision graph as of the same type. It contains, for instance,
the following relations: D01 ≺ IS01 ≺ D02, D01 ≺ IS02 ≺ D03, D01 ≺ IS03 ≺ D04
(see Fig. 24.3), but also D11 ≺ OI1 ≺ IS07 and IS07 ≺ D013 ≺ D11.
Definition 24.5 (Decision Design Graph). A decision design graph D = (D ∪ I ∪
O, ≺) consists of a set of decisions D, a set of issues I, a set of observed impacts O,
and a contains relationship ≺ that induces a graph containing issues, decisions, and
observed impacts of decisions.
Rationale and example: Modelling architectural decisions in itself is not new: Ran
and Kuusela also propose (but do not formalise) the notation of design decision
trees (Ran and Kuusela 1996). Zimmermann et al. (2009) propose a formalisation
that is comparable to ours, but our formalisation is specifically for enterprise archi-
tecture decision-making and uses decision graphs instead of trees.
The meta-model from Sect. 24.2 and the elementary definitions from SubSect. 24.3.1
allow knowledge engineers to capture decisions and organise the knowledge in a de-
cision hierarchy. However, the resulting ordered architectural decision tree does not
yet support the vision of an active, managed decision model taking a guiding role
during architecture design. More relations between decisions, issues, and observed
266 24 Formalising Enterprise Architecture Decision Models
impacts must be defined. In this chapter, we introduce the four relationships of Pla-
taniotis et al. (2013a, 2014d) and formalise logical constraints by again applying
concepts from graph theory.
Definition 24.6 (Translation Relationship). The translation relationship RT ⊆
D × I × D is a three-placed decision-issue-decision relationship RT (d1 , i, d2 ), also
denoted with
T (i)
d1 −−→ d2
that connects two decisions through an issue where these decisions are related to
different enterprise architecture artefacts. Formally
T (i)
∀d1 ,d2 ∈D,i∈I : (d1 −−→ d2 ) ⇒ (d1 ≺ i ≺ d2 ) ∧ (ad1 = ad2 )
T (IS03)
D01 −−−−−→ D06
This is a valid relationship, since we have D01 ≺ IS03 ≺ D06, and we also have
aD01 = aD06 because:
• aD01 =“Customer profile registration Business process”
• aD06 =“Customer administration intermediary application service”
Definition 24.7 (Decomposition Relationship). The decomposition relationship
RD ⊆ D × I × D is a three-placed decision-issue-decision relationship RD (d1 , i, d2 ),
also denoted with
d1 −−→ d2
that connects two decisions through an issue where these decisions are related to the
same enterprise architecture artefacts. Formally
∀d1 ,d2 ∈D,i∈I : (d1 −−→ d2 ) ⇒ (d1 ≺ i ≺ d2 ) ∧ (ad1 = ad2 )
T (IS01)
D01 −−−−−→ D02
that connects two decisions that are related to the same enterprise architecture arte-
facts. Formally
∀d1 ,d2 ∈D : (d1 −
→ d2 ) ⇒ (d1 ≺ d2 ) ∧ (ad1 = ad2 )
Rationale and example: Substitution relationships are simpler than the previous two
relationships in the sense that they contain only two elements. The decision graph
contains only one substitution relationship:
D013 −
→ D11
Rationale and example: The alternative relationship indicates decisions that have
been rejected in the decision process. For instance, in the design graph we have
IS03 −
→ D04 and IS03 −
→ D05
Rationale and example: The observed impact relation is the only relation in the de-
sign graph that has not been characterised by the meta-model. In the decision graph,
enterprise architecture decision D11 causes a negative observed impact OI1, which
is addressed by enterprise architecture issue IS07, which is subsequently resolved
by enterprise architecture decision D13.
268 24 Formalising Enterprise Architecture Decision Models
With these relations introduced, we will now define three logical constraints on
enterprise architecture decision models. We stress that this list is by no means meant
to be exhaustive. It represents a list of constraints that are suggested by the decision
graph and from the discussion in Plataniotis et al. (2013a, 2014d). These constraints
are used to check the decision graph for consistency. If the graph is not consistent,
we are able to locate the inconsistency by determining what constraint is violated
and for which element. This is useful input for the architect in the decision-making
Integrity constraint 1 All issues should be resolved. For each issue, there should
be a decision that is contained in this issue and that is executed:
Rationale and example: The goal of having negative observed impacts is to be able
to reconsider decisions that have caused this impact. This constraint addresses this
idea by stating that negative observed impacts should result in the substitution of the
decision that has caused the impact. For instance, decision D11 contains observed
impact OI1. This constraint is satisfied for this impact because we have
O(OI1,IS07) S
D11 −−−−−−−−→ D13 and D13 −
→ D11
In this section we introduce the ArchiSurance case study that we will use to validate
our logic-based framework for a priori decision analysis. We first introduce the case
study, after which we apply it to our framework.
24.4.1 Introduction
24.4.2 Validation
In this chapter we demonstrate how the formal framework introduced in Sect. 24.3
supports a priori decision analysis of design graphs by consistency checks on the
integrity constraints.
Our external architect John is in the process of transforming the ArchiMate
model from Fig. 24.4 into Fig. 24.5. For the implementation of these enterprise ar-
chitecture artefacts, a number of enterprise architecture decisions have to be made.
24.4 Case Study: ArchiSurance 271
John, in parallel with ArchiMate modelling language, uses our approach to capture
the relationships of decisions and check the consistency of the decision graph.
John starts by adding the main decision “Make customer profile registration via
intermediary” (D01) to the decision design graph. This decision belongs to the en-
terprise architecture artefact “Customer profile registration Business process”. After
the enterprise has decided to make this decision, three new issues arise, IS01, IS02,
and IS03. Both IS01 and IS02 are addressed by making a decision that related to
the same artefact. For IS03, which stands for “Create an appropriate application
service to support new business process”, there are three different decisions that can
272 24 Formalising Enterprise Architecture Decision Models
IS01 D02
Business Layer
Application Layer
D04 D05
Customer administration intermediary
application service
Fig. 24.6 ArchiSurance scenario: Integrity constraint 1 is violated as enterprise architecture issue
IS03 is not resolved
be made in the Application Layer, namely, D04, D05, and D06 (see Fig. 24.6; the
legend of the relations is in Fig. 24.2). At this moment, none of these three decision
have been made, so the status of these three decisions is still open. Thus, in Fig. 24.6
there are two Decomposition relationships, namely,
D(IS01) D(IS02)
D01 −−−−−→ D02 and D01 −−−−−→ D03
and the other relations are simply contains relationship: D01 ≺ IS03, IS03 ≺ D04,
IS03 ≺ D05, IS03 ≺ D06. After John has created the graph of Fig. 24.6, he checks
it for consistency. It turns out that integrity constraint 1 is violated: Not all issues
are resolved, because for issue IS03 there is no decision d such that IS03 ≺ d and
sd = executed. John can choose between these three decisions and selects decision
D06, which stands for “Introduce application service A”, as the executed decision.
After having changed the status of decision D06 from “open” to “executed”, John
checks the consistency of the graph again. This time, another inconsistency arises,
namely, that integrity constraint 2 is violated. The reason for this is that since deci-
sion D06 is contained in issue IS03 (i.e. we have IS03 ≺ D06) and D06 is executed
(i.e. sD06 = executed), all other decisions that are contained in IS03 (i.e. decisions
D04 and D05) should be rejected. Therefore, John decides to change the status of
both these decisions from “open” to “rejected”. When John checks the graph for
consistency now, he finds that the graph is consistent.
Decision D06 results in two new issues, of which “Find an appropriate applica-
tion to interface with the intermediary” (IS05) is solved by “Acquisition of COTS
application B” (D10), resulting in the enterprise architecture artefact “Customer
administration application”. Decision D10 decomposes through issue IS06 in the
decision “Application interface type 1” (D11).
24.5 Related Work 273
Using the concept of an observed impact, John formalises that users of “Cus-
tomer administration application” had difficulties using this new application inter-
face. This is signified by the negative observed impact OI01 “Degraded user expe-
rience in the application use” (OI01). As such, enterprise architecture decision D11
“Application interface 1” has a negative observed impact on the business process
“Customer profile registration”.
According to integrity constraint 3, a negative observed impact should be ad-
dressed by a decision replacing the original decision that causes the observed im-
pact. Therefore, John translates the observed impact “Degraded user experience in
the application use” via enterprise architecture issue IS07 “have fitting application
interface” into “replace of existing application interface with an interface similar to
the old one” (enterprise architecture decision D13), after having rejected the alter-
native decision “Training of users on the new application”. The last step John has
to take is to replace enterprise architecture decision D11 “Application interface type
1” with enterprise architecture decision D13 “Application interface type 2”.
When the transformation has finished and all decisions have been made, John
obtains the graph that is depicted in Fig. 24.2. This graph is consistent according to
the integrity constraints.
While most methods for decision modelling and analysis use visual notations from
existing modelling methods like UML and the likes, their underpinnings still in-
herently benefit from mathematical formalisations. Communicating these formali-
sations to end-users alike does not require a steep level of training and can be easily
communicated to them (Hall 1990), nor does the focus on a more rigorous specifica-
tion of these mathematical underpinnings forsake using the other tools and notations
that build and rely on them (Bowen and Hinchey 1995).
In the domain of software architecture, which is a subset of enterprise architec-
ture, several design rationale approaches have been developed: argumentation-based
approaches such as issue-based information system (IBIS) (Kunz and Rittel 1970),
design rationale language (DRL) (Lee 1991), template-based approaches Tyree and
Akerman (2005), and model-based approaches Jansen and Bosch (2005) and Tang
et al. (2007). Most of them capture textually the architecture decisions, the ratio-
nales, the issues, and the implications. In addition, the model-based approach pro-
vides means to relate those decisions with the software artefacts and with other
About 20 years ago, Ran and Kuusela (1996) proposed a systematic approach to
document, refine, organise, and reuse the architectural knowledge for software de-
sign in the form of a design decision trees that is a partial ordering on decisions put
in the context of the problem requirements and the constraints imposed by earlier
decisions. More recently, Tyree and Akerman (2005) recognised that architecture
decision capturing plays a key role in what they call “demystifying architecture”.
274 24 Formalising Enterprise Architecture Decision Models
They stress that architecture decisions should have a permanent place in the soft-
ware architecture development process. Moreover, it facilitates traceability from de-
cisions back to requirements, and it provides agile documentation (which is crucial
in an agile process where a team does not have the time to wait for the architect to
completely develop and document the architecture).
Both Zimmermann et al. (2009) and Tang et al. (2007) recently proposed a com-
prehensive framework for decision capturing in software architecture. Zimmermann
et al. (2009) also provide a formal framework, focusing mostly on the reusability of
decision by distinguishing between alternatives and outcomes.
In the field of enterprise architecture, the literature is significantly more scarce.
Even if software architecture is a subset of enterprise architecture, in this field dif-
ferent types of decisions exist, and they can have dependencies and relationship with
artefacts and decisions from different layers of the architecture. Plataniotis et al.’s
(2013a, 2014d) view complements model-based approaches for software architec-
ture by providing more specialised attributes for enterprise architecture decisions as
well as more specific dependency and relationship types between enterprise archi-
tecture decisions.
Finally, goal-oriented modelling frameworks [e.g. i* (iStar 2016), Tropos (Tro-
pos 2016)] provide means to deal with the motivations of designs, being more ex-
pressive than the ArchiMate 2.0 (Iacob et al. 2012) motivation layer. Even so, their
main focus is not to provide decision rationales.
24.6 Discussion
Abstract In this chapter we address the fact that not all ACET problems are equal,
and ACET solutions therefore need to be configured to address the specifics of the
respective ACET problem. We approach this configuration problem by means of
situational method engineering. We find that the two most important differences
of ACET problem situations result from the enterprise architecture management
approach used and the respective type of the transformation. We therefore present
classifications for enterprise architecture management and enterprise transformation
and propose an appropriate ACET problem situation matrix. We finally demonstrate
how ACET solutions are configured to a given problem situation.
25.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the fact that not all ACET problems are equal, and ACET
solutions therefore need to be configured to address the specifics of the respective
ACET problem. In doing so, this chapter also aims to address some of the challenges
identified in Chap. 12.
While many additional contingencies might be also relevant, the most impor-
tant differences of ACET problem situations result from the enterprise architecture
management approach used and the type of the transformation at hand. After sum-
marising situational method engineering, and an explorative approach to identify
IT Structure Goals
Stakeholders Project Portfolio
Performance Design Options C3
Social Factors Methods C5
1 Earlier results and the method of the conducted study are also described in Labusch and Aier
(2014), Labusch et al. (2014b), and Labusch (2015). The original contribution of this chapter is a
more detailed embedding in the context of situational engineering and a discussion of the findings
in the ACET context. In addition, more data was used for the analysis than in the previous studies.
284 25 Situational Adaptations of ACET
We determined the number of configurations for our model based on the goal to
provide meaningful guidance for the enterprise transformation support, but at the
same time adhere to statistical criteria. For each split of the hierarchical clustering
(based on the information requirements), we analysed which variables best describe
the character of the enterprise transformation and if considerable differences could
be observed.
As a result, a first separation into three clusters can be made to distinguish the
size of the transformation (measured by the amount of employees affected). The
second separation criterion is the primary trigger of the enterprise transformation
(e.g. regulatory requirements, market demands). Further separations were not ad-
vised because values do no longer considerably differ in our dataset. Thus, we pro-
pose a five-cluster solution to enterprise transformation with regard to information
requirements (see Fig. 25.3).
• Cluster C1 represents enterprise transformations that affect only hundreds of
employees of an organisation that is transformed. The information requirements
in these enterprise transformations are rather limited. With this comparably
small number of affected people, the enterprise transformation seems to be con-
ducted in a “just do it” manner with lean planning.
• Enterprise transformations in cluster C2 affect thousands of employees. They
are mostly triggered by changes in the environment like, for example, new reg-
ulatory requirements. This is reflected in the low value of gathering strategy-
related information—the necessity to transform is already given by external
parties; thus strategy does not considerably matter in this case. The same holds
for information about stakeholders. The company is forced to transform and
in-depth information about stakeholder concerns is thus not required.
• Enterprise transformations in cluster C3 affect tens of thousands of employees
and are triggered by changes in the power structure, for example, a new CEO
or other leadership personnel. This is reflected in the information requirements:
IT-related information is less relevant, and also performance is almost not con-
sidered being important. Instead, strategic information, goals, business struc-
ture, project portfolio, design options, methods, social factors, and stakeholders
are strongly requested.
• Cluster C4 represents enterprise transformations that affect thousands of em-
ployees and are triggered by the need to change the offered products and ser-
vices, combined with appropriate changes in IT and culture. Enterprise trans-
formations in this cluster require information from all described areas. Due to
their average size, they do not require the largest extent of information but rather
average values.
• Enterprise transformations in cluster C5 affect tens of thousands of employees
and are triggered by changes in the control and IT system of the company. We
observe high information requirements in all areas.
Strategy Goals Business Structure
Business functions
Project Portfolio Design Options
Capabilities of the
Solution ideas
Projects Methods
C3 and C4. 90
Outsourcing potentials
Redundancies among
projects Transformation
Evaluated technology
Dependencies Strategy
between projects Consolidation
Project roles
Performance Small
Business partners
Skills of employees Market situation
Benefits of the
transformation Suppliers ETs
Social Factors
As-Is costs Customers
Common language
Risks IT Structure
Information Model
Assessed risks
Data structures
Business functions
Project Portfolio Design Options Strategy Goals Business Structure
Capabilities of the
Benefits of the
transformation Suppliers
Regu- Data structures
Social Factors Performance Stakeholders
As-Is costs Customers Applications (incl.
Stakeholder (qualitative) success Benefits of the Internal stakeholders
(Frame-) Contracts
characteristics metrics
lation transformation of the transformation IT-Infrastructure
Transformation interfaces)
Security aspects IT-Infrastructure
Organizational culture
Internal guidelines/
standards IT-Security aspects
an information item was rated with at least the median value, it was included in
most important for which enterprise transformation type. We found the median to
designers of, for example, information systems can use the model to analyse in
tion instance. In addition, organisations need to determine which departments, dis-
be an appropriate decision criterion due to its stability concerning outliers. When
below exemplarily illustrates the configuration of the reference model for clusters
ciplines, or information systems can provide which information. On the other hand,
the information model for the respective enterprise transformation type. Figure 25.4
discuss and evaluate the model concerning their particular enterprise transforma-
In concrete enterprise transformations, however, organisations need to further
286 25 Situational Adaptations of ACET
tecture in D2D
Enforce Archi-
Develop and
($07\SH% X 6XSSRUW
& X
ACET situations are then defined by the specific combination of an enterprise archi-
tecture management type (that defines the support) and an enterprise transformation
type (that defines the demand).
Not every combination of enterprise architecture management types and enter-
prise transformation types needs to exist in the real world. In addition, some support
types and some demand types could be similar enough to combine them into a single
For constructing an appropriate situational method, the relevant support situa-
tions need to be identified empirically first. On that base, the in-depth analysis of
respective demand and supply can be used to identify support modules and module
configuration rules. For simplification purposes, we focus on only one enterprise
architecture management type (generalised supply) and analyse how the five enter-
prise transformation types can be supported (see Fig. 25.7). This procedure can be
easily adapted to any other enterprise architecture management type.
Enterprise transformations in cluster C1 can be supported by enterprise architec-
ture management to a very limited degree. As only few people are involved, only
information about the market situation can be provided by enterprise architecture
management. However, since other disciplines are better suited to provide this kind
of information, enterprise architecture management might simply not be the ideal
discipline to support this kind of enterprise transformation.
Enterprise transformations in cluster C2 require, for example, information about
processes and organisational structures that enterprise architecture management can
provide. Furthermore, enterprise architecture management has some potential to
contribute to the need of information about assessed risks and qualitative success
metrics. Information about dependencies and redundancies among projects are also
Enterprise transformations in cluster C3 can be well supported by enterprise
architecture management since they require a large amount of information about
strategy, goals, business structure, and the project portfolio. However, the core in-
formation that enterprise architecture management often provides (those directly or
indirectly related to IT) are not strongly requested by enterprise transformations in
cluster C3.
Cluster C4 can be partially supported by enterprise architecture management
through providing information about strategic aspects and the project portfolio.
IT-related information is not that much requested, and thus, enterprise architecture
management needs to focus on business aspects to create added value here.
Enterprise transformations in cluster C5 require a huge amount of information di-
rectly or indirectly related to IT. Here also the “traditional” IT-related enterprise ar-
chitecture management may take a central role and provide significant added value.
In addition, information about the project portfolio is required that can also be pro-
vided by enterprise architecture management.
288 25 Situational Adaptations of ACET
C1 C2
about business
Market structure,
Environ- project
ment portfolio,
social factors
Almost no information not
requested. requested
Infor- mation
mation Information about
about, about strategy,
strategy, stakeholders, goals &
and IT not
goals, risk, IT portfolio
structure not strongly provided.
available requested.
via EAM.
C3 Not all
information Information
can be about
provided by strategy,
EAM. goals,
and IT
Fig. 25.7 Situativity of architectural support of enterprise transformation
25.6 Discussion 289
25.6 Discussion
In this chapter we described the different mechanisms that are needed to configure
ACET to meet the specific needs of a given context. We provided examples that
underline why tailoring ACET is a complex task that needs to be conducted by
considering different perspectives. We exemplified our considerations by focusing
on the information perspective.
Configuration of ACET provides situation-specific support that increases the
chance of ACET deliverables being considered as useful and appropriate by stake-
holders. Thus, such a configuration can be seen as a precondition for the institution-
alisation of ACET.
Part IV
Chapter 26
Conclusion and Reflections
Abstract In this chapter, we look back on the results presented in this book. As
mentioned at the start of this book, the field of ACET is rather rich and diverse.
As such, this book could only provide a humble beginning towards the creation of
a more complete understanding of ACET and the development of an integrated set
of instruments supporting ACET in practice. In this chapter, we therefore critically
reflect on our experiences with the development of “large-scale” design artefact,
such as an integrated method for ACET, as the research programme set out to do.
We will conclude with a list of suggestions for possible follow-up research in the
domain of ACET. This list combines both the reflection on our experiences in the
development of large-scale design theory and opportunities for further research on
the level of the specific components as presented in this book.
26.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will start (in Sect. 26.2) by briefly looking back on the results
presented in this book. As mentioned at the start of this book, in Chap. 1, the field
of ACET is rather rich and diverse. This is reflected in the results presented in this
book, which originate from a broad research programme on ACET, involving four
applied research projects. As such, this book could only provide a humble beginning
towards the creation of a more complete understanding of ACET and the develop-
ment of an integrated set of instruments supporting ACET in practice.
As most of the research conducted in the context of the ACET research pro-
gramme involved a design science approach (March and Smith 1995; Hevner et al.
2004; van Aken 2004; Peffers et al. 2007; Venable et al. 2012; Peffers et al. 2012;
Gregor and Hevner 2013; Wieringa 2014; Venable et al. 2016), or at least covered
some stages of design science, it is certainly relevant to reflect on the experiences
gathered in the context of the ACET project. Even though this book only reports
on an initial understanding of ACET and an initial set of components (of an inte-
grated set) of instruments supporting ACET in practice, the ambitions at the start
of the research programme were higher. It was, indeed, the ambition to develop an
integrated design theory for ACET. This provides a good reason to, in Sect. 26.3,
critically reflect on our experiences with the development of “large-scale” design
artefact, such as an integrated method for ACET, as the research programme set out
to do.
Finally, we conclude with a list of suggestions for possible follow-up research in
the domain of ACET. This list combines both the reflection on our experiences in
the development of large-scale design theory and opportunities for further research
on the level of the specific components as presented in this book.
In Part I, an analysis was provided of the current state of the ACET practice. This
was used as an inspiration for a more detailed exploration of the challenges facing
ACET from a more theoretical perspective. This, in particular, resulted in explo-
rations of:
• The types of change and transformations that may occur (Chap. 6)
• Enterprise transformation from the perspective of social systems (Chap. 7)
• The role of subcultures in the coordination of transformations (Chap. 8)
• The role of a use perspective for architectural coordination (Chap. 9)
• The role of stakeholders and a strategy to better engage them (Chap. 10)
• The information requirements for doing ACET (Chap. 11)
• The sustainable organisational establishment of doing ACET (Chap. 12)
• The landscape of modelling languages for ACET (Chap. 13)
• The role of architecture principles (Chap. 14)
• The motivation and rationalisation of architectural decisions (Chap. 15)
In Part III, we discussed a collection of components for a possible design theory
for ACET, which were “harvested” from the work of the individual researchers in
the programme. Collectively, these components aimed to address the challenges as
they had been identified in Part I from an empirical perspective, and Part II from a
more theoretical and/or literature perspective. The harvested components included:
• Definitions of the key concepts underlying ACET (Chap. 16)
• A reference framework of services needed for doing ACET (Chap. 17)
26.3 Reflections on the Development of Large-Scale Methods 295
As stated before, the ambitions at the start of the ACET programme were to develop
an integrated design theory for ACET. The ideal would have been to establish a
validated topology of ACET components and provide support for integrating these
components and concrete, situation-specific, configuration rules. As we will discuss
below, this soon turned out to be too ambitious.
Each of the different projects involved in the ACET programme conducted explo-
rations of different aspects of the ACET problem space (see Part II). Soon, the
heterogeneity and multifacetedness of these aspects showed that the development
in integrated design theory for ACET would be too ambitious. A choice had to be
made between the creation of a “superficial” overall method for ACET and a, for the
moment, set of disconnected and partial, yet well founded, components towards a
more comprehensive method for ACET. This resulted in a change of strategy, where
the research efforts were compartmentalised, in the sense that each of the involved
researchers focussed on a specific (set of related) aspects, with the aim to develop
an initial explanatory theory covering the aspect (see Part II), and possibly a method
component/fragment meeting the needs of covering that aspect (see Part III).
The work, as conducted by the individual researchers, can also be said to cor-
respond to a set of focussed experiments towards the establishment of clearer
requirements on an integrated ACET design theory. This can be seen as a strategy
to deal with what van Aken and Nagel (2004) call the “fuzzy front end” of design-
oriented research. In the case of ACET, the potential “fuzziness” is exacerbated by
the fact that ACET would require the development of a large-scale method, to cover
all work needed in the architectural coordination of enterprise transformations. In
the remainder of this chapter, we aim to reflect on this in more depth.
296 26 Conclusion and Reflections
In the development of a method, different strategies can be used to deal with com-
plexities and uncertainties. In the case of the ACET programme, the observed
(Part I) uncertainty of the target domain, exacerbated by the complexity of the target
298 26 Conclusion and Reflections
domain, led to the conclusion that a series of pre-studies was needed into the differ-
ent factors involved (Part II), as well as experiments with possible components of a
method (Part III). This resulted in a reduction of the uncertainties, and an increased
understanding of the complexities involved.
The strategy followed by the ACET programme can be seen as a strategy to
deal with what van Aken and Nagel (2004) call the “fuzzy front end” of design-
oriented research. In the case of ACET, the potential “fuzziness” of this front end
is exacerbated by the fact that it would would require the development of a large-
scale method to cover all work needed in the architectural coordination of enterprise
transformations, that is, resulting in a high complexity on top of all the uncertainty.
Just as Franckson and Verhoef (1999) and Proper (2001) define strategies and
heuristics on how to deal with complexity and/or uncertainty with regard to
information-systems-related projects and services, one would need similar guidance
for the development of methods. In methods for design theories, one would expect
that the field of design science would provide such guidance. Regretfully, however,
we did not find much guidance in the literature.
At the same time, one can certainly observe the existence of large-scale meth-
ods, such as TOGAF (The Open Group 2011), ISPL (Franckson and Verhoef 1999),
ITIL (Axelos 2015), etc. These are, however, typically “best-practice”-based meth-
ods lacking rigorous validation, justificatory knowledge, and/or testable proposi-
Another way to deal with the uncertainties and complexities facing the devel-
opment of a method is to enable early validations of method components, so as to
obtain early feedback. In general, designed artefacts, such as methods, should be
evaluated with regard to their ability to solve the addressed design problem (March
and Smith 1995). Traditionally, the predominant approach in design science is that
of evaluating artefacts once they have been designed ready for use (see, e.g., Hevner
et al. (2004) and Peffers et al. (2007)). However, to enable feedback loops as early
as possible, Venable et al. (2012) proposed the notion of pre and post artefact evalu-
ation, where pre artefact evaluations involve evaluations of artefacts before they are
built and post artefact evaluations are evaluations of artefacts after they have been
built. That first differentiation of evaluation perspectives specifically targets the fact
that feedback loops should be applied as early as possible, and not only after the
design has been completed.
In a further differentiation, Venable et al. (2016) later distinguish naturalistic and
artificial evaluations as well as formative and summative evaluations. This allows
for the design of multistep evaluation strategies that provide many feedback oppor-
tunities, reflecting the changing character of the artefact as it matures in the design
process. The distinction between evaluation characteristics reflects however more on
the “how” of evaluation than the “what”. As the artefact matures during the design
process, different aspects of design knowledge dominate, which should be matched
by corresponding evaluation episodes.
26.3 Reflections on the Development of Large-Scale Methods 299
We conclude this chapter with a list of suggestions for possible follow-up research
in the field of ACET, and the further development of design science research in
general. This should only be considered as a source of inspiration. It is in no way
intended as a formal research agenda. We certainly plan to follow up on some of
these suggestions ourselves.
26.4 Suggestions for Future Research 301
The challenges regarding the social and cultural aspects as identified in Chaps. 6–8
have been met only partially by the components discussed in Chaps. 17–19. Many
more challenges remain, for example, with regard to:
• A deeper understanding is needed of the nature of the social and cultural
“forces” that may influence (initiate, strengthen, hamper, or derail) change in
organisations, and possible “indicators” and “levers” to observe and mitigate
these forces.
• Different strategies, contingent on the specific social and (sub)cultural contexts,
need to be developed, to indeed achieve needed architectural coordination. This
includes the elaboration of collaborative decision-making strategies and stake-
holder management when dealing with social complexity.
• When using an explicit method for “doing” ACET, this method should, of
course, be institutionalised. As such, this is also an organisational change,
being exposed to the similar social and/or cultural forces as the actual ar-
chitectural coordination an enterprise transformation has to deal with. How
these forces influence the use and uptake of a method for ACET (and its
elements/components) needs further investigation.
In line with Rouse (2005), this book considered enterprise transformation as being
top-down initiated, premeditated, and fundamental change. There are, however,
many more changes happening in organisations. These changes are also likely to
(gradually) lead to an architectural impact and should, therefore, also be included in
architectural coordination. Examples of such types of changes include:
1. Organisational drift, dealing with gradual misalignment between an enter-
prise’s original intent (strategy, business model, operating model, etc.) and the
actual operational activities (Mandis 2013)
2. Self-organisation as can be found in the context of self-steering teams (Prakken
2000; Achterbergh and Vriens 2009)
3. Bricolage and emergence that may, as argued by Ciborra (1992), provide
enterprises with strategic advantages in terms of the bottom-up evolution of
socio-technical systems that will lead to outcomes that are deeply rooted in an
enterprise’s organisational culture, and hence much more difficult to imitate by
On might, therefore, even go as far as to say that enterprises are in motion (Proper
2014), where the word motion refers to “an act, process, or instance of changing
place” (Meriam–Webster 2003). Sometimes this indeed involves a top-down and
premeditated enterprise transformation, but there is more change happening in an
enterprise than transformations.
302 26 Conclusion and Reflections
This leads, amongst other, to the following challenges for architectural coordination:
• How does change in organisations occur, especially when we do not only con-
sider top-down initiated, and premeditated, enterprise transformations? What
are the needs for, and potential role of, architectural coordination in organisa-
tional change?
As Magalhães and Proper (2017) argue, this also requires a stronger and deeper
interaction between organisational sciences, management sciences, and enter-
prise engineering/architecture.
• Strategies are needed to “detect” bottom-up/emergent changes as they occur in
organisation. Techniques such as process mining (van der Aalst 2011), software
cartography (Sousa et al. 2011, 2009), and enterprise cartography (Sousa et al.
2011) are first examples of such techniques.
In Chap. 15 we explored the need for, and context of, making architectural deci-
sions more explicit. This referred both to the process of decision-making and the
capturing of the actual decisions in terms of underlying motivations and trade-offs.
Chapter 23 provided initial strategies to indeed make architecture design decisions
more explicit, while Chap. 24 illustrated how formal logics can be used to reason
over design decisions.
Some of the remaining challenges include:
• Integration into the collaborative decision-making processes as discussed in
Chap. 18. It is such processes, where important (high-level) decisions are made,
that provide input/context for more detailed design decisions later on.
• Integration with the formulation of architecture principles. The work reported
in Chap. 23 focused on decisions regarding architectural designs in terms of,
for example, ArchiMate (Iacob et al. 2012). However, the selection/formulation
of enterprise architecture principles also involve a (design) decision with a
It would thus be relevant to extend the work reported in Chap. 23 to make design
decisions underlying architecture principles more explicit.
• Integration of enterprise architecture principles into architectural decision-
making processes. This basically mirrors the point made above on the use of
enterprise architecture principles to guide design processes.
304 26 Conclusion and Reflections
As we mentioned before, the ambitions at the start of the ACET programme were to
develop an integrated method for ACET. Such a design theory would have needed to
involve a topology of ACET components and provide support for integrating these
components and concrete situation-specific configuration rules.
As discussed in Sect. 26.3, this book brings together the results of what can be
said to be “experiments” in the “fuzzy front end” of design science. The framework
as discussed in Sect. provides a suggested structure in the further develop-
ment of large-scale methods, such as an integrated method for ACET.
The constructs identified in Chap. 16 provide a conceptual core of an ACET,
while the framework as discussed in Chap. 17 provides a landscape map of the
involved competences. An integrated method for ACET should provide guidance
for the tasks of these competences, as far as they are related to architectural coordi-
Further research could therefore involve the “populating”, in terms of relevant
method fragments, of the generic framework discussed in Sect. for ACET,
while using the framework presented in Chap. 17 as a domain-specific, that is,
ACET-specific, landscape map.
26.5 Conclusion
This chapter provided a summary of the results presented in this book, as well as
critical reflection regarding the development of large-scale design theories, as we
intended within the ACET programme. We finished with the identification of a series
of topics for further research.
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