Question Paper1 - INT222 Advanced Web Development

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Q1 a)Include htp module to create a server application and use the fs module to duplicate
the file as the duplicate.bxt file in the server with the client(user) request from the
browser. Create a source. bxt file and add personal information (name, city, state) in the
server system for duplication.
b) Create a node js web server application with the http module to perforn the search operation
on a given set of values. Accept a series of values from the input text fields of the client page and
provide the output values as a response with the click event on a button.
Q2 a) Implement an express application to Pass 2 numbers the
the server and access those 2 numbers from the using the
of the client request to
in url
object and perform
basic arithmetic operations (+,*) in the server node.js application. Finally, add a button an
the client page and provide the output values as a response with a click event.
b) Implement a Nodejs application to create a writable stream with a new file and
compute the prime numbers up to 100 and write the values to the file with writable
stream. Display the message "Task Completed "at the end in the console window.

Q3 a) Implerment a Node js application to create a readable stream with an employee.bxt file

(add basic employee details in the file). Read the student details from the above stream and
send the data as a response to the client request from the browser.
b) Createa nodejs web server application with the HTTP module to perform sort operations on a
given set of values. Accept a series of values from the input text fields of the client page and
provide the output values as a response with the click event on a button.
04 a) lmplement a Node,js application to connect with MongoDB to Create a database and
Owner. Add muitiple
add car collection with the fields- Model, Company, Mileage, color, and to find employees with
documents with Employee data. Finally, Query the above collection
more than a specific salary and display it in the console
HTTP module find a series of factorial
b) Create a node.js web server application with the
up to a number. Accept a number from the input text field of the client page and
numbers given
provide the output values as a
response with the click event on a button.

application to connect with MongoDB to Create a database and

Q5 a) Implement Node.js Add multiple
collection with the fields- Hno, rooms, furniture, and rent and
add House Finally, Sort (in ascending order) the student details with
documents with student data. window.
marks and display them in the console

Page 1 of 2
b)Create a node.js web server application with the hHTTP module to find a
numbers up to a given number. Accept a number from the input text field ofseries
of Fibonacci

provide the outpui values as a response with the click event on a button, the client page and
Q6 a) Implement a client-server application with the express, HTTP,
to display the student (your) details in the server console and socket. io modules
after getting a request (connection)
from a client. Then Broadcast the only odd visitor count from server to all clients with the
new client connections. the
b) Create a node.js web server application with the HTTP module for sum
of a given number. Accept a number from an input text field of the client page andtheprovideof digits
output value as a response with the click event on a button. the

a7 a)Create an express application to accept Student Name, Reg. no., Roll. No., Mabile No.
and Mail Id from the input text fields of a client page and perforrm a chain of validations on
the data the
in server application. Check all the fields are not enpty, minimum and maximum
lengths of data. Add submit button the client web page to submit the data and display
the warning messages ifserver
b) Create a nodejs web application with the HTTP module to produce a series of
Armstrong numbers up to a given number. Accept a number from the input text fielid of the client
page and provide the output values as a response with the click event ona button.
Q8 a) Implement a client-server application with the express, HTTP, and modules
to display the student (your) details in the server console after getting a request (connection)
from client. Then Trigger events from the server to display a series of even numbers after
every 2 seconds on the client web page. Finally, display Thank you in the server console
with the termination of connect from the client.
b)Create a node.js web server application with the HTTP module for conversion between
Celsius and Fahrenheit. Accept temperature values from the input text fields of the client page
and provide the output values as a response with the click event on a button.
Q9a) Imnplement an express application to accept a number from the input text field of a user
web page and perform the basic arithmetic operations, increment (++), decrement ().
square, on the number inside a middleware function of server node.js application. Finally.
display the output values in the user web page as a response to the click event from the
b) Create an express application for the following scenario to accept a file name from the input
text field of a user web page and transfer the requested file using download () function from the
server as a response to the button click event from the user web page. Create a text file and add
student information (Reg. No., Name, Grade) in the server system.
Q10 a)Create an express application to accept a file name from the input text field of a user
web page and transfer the requested file using sendFile() function from the server as a
response to the button click event from the user web page. Create a text file and add student
information (Reg. No., Name, Grade) in the server system.
b)Create a web server application with http module to provide the file name in the url of the lient
request from a browser. Include the url module in the server application and parse the to get ur

the file name from the client request. Access the file and display the content as a response to th
client(user) request in the browser. Create a file and add personal information (name, ro
no) in the senver system.
End of Question Paper -

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