GEC05 MODULE 1 Lesson 3
GEC05 MODULE 1 Lesson 3
GEC05 MODULE 1 Lesson 3
Geometry has two great treasures; one is the theorem of Pythagoras; the other the division of line into
extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a
precious jewel
- Johannes Kepler
Proportion is generally used to express the relation of parts to each other or to a whole which is
built upon similarity of two ratios. In the last topic, we studied how mathematics enters through
the idea of symmetry and perspective. In this lesson, we will focus to another major idea
involved in balance and harmony in art and nature: proportion. The Greeks claimed that the
most visually appealing division of the line had the property that the ratio of the length of the
long piece to the length of the short piece is the same as the ratio of the length of the entire line
segment to the length of the long piece. Another connection that we will explore in this module
is the connection of golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence.
Number Patterns
Number patterns are familiar to us since they are among the patterns we first learned at home
and at school. The way we count the natural numbers as 1,2,3,4,5… and skip counting as
2,4,6,8,10… is useful because it helps us to predict the next number in the sequence. Recognizing
number patterns is also an important problem -solving skills.
Let us predict the next number in the sequence 1,4,9,16, _______. Yes, its 25 why? These number-
pattern is a sequence of perfect squares.
Recall how the numbers in Pascal’s triangle are constructed. Discover and discuss at least three
patterns within the Pascal’s triangle. Explore numbers along the diagonal of the Pascal’s triangle,
binomial expansion, or adding shallow diagonals. What have you observed? Discuss it with your
Your answer to number patterns found in the shallow diagonals of the Pascal’s triangle is a
number pattern involving Fibonacci numbers. We will discover how seemingly abstract
mathematical concepts plays a very interesting role in the development of natural phenomena.
Fibonacci numbers appear everywhere – in leaves, flower petals, seeds of sunflower, scales of
pineapple, and many others.
The Problem
A problem that appears in the third section of Liber Abaci led to the discovery of Fibonacci
“A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by a wall.
How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is
supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair, which from the second
month on becomes productive.”
Assume that the rabbits always produced one male and one female offspring such that they:
Can reproduce once every month
Can reproduce when they are one month old
They never die
… … …
Example :
If the 16th Fibonacci number is 987, and the 18th Fibonacci is 2584 , determine 17th Fibonacci
Answer: 1597
But how can we find any Fibonacci number without enumerating the previous numbers? For
example, how can we find the 25th Fibonacci number without knowing �24 ��� �23 ? With the
help of a handheld calculator or Excel we could find �25 which is 75025. Now let us use bigger
Fibonacci number. Suppose we want to find �100 ? Fortunately, there is an easier way of
determining the nth Fibonacci number. It is called the Binet’s Formula. Look for this formula
and show that �25 = 75025
�� − 1− � � �� 1+ 5
Solution: Binet’s Formula �� = = where � can also be written as � = 2
5 5
Let n = 25 so, �25 = = 75024.999984 approximately 75025 which is the 25th
Fibonacci number.
We can find many instances of mathematical order involving the Fibonacci numbers in nature.
Some of these patterns which appear in different natural creations can be modelled
mathematically. So, let us start looking for the patterns.
The Fibonacci sequence plays a vital role in phyllotaxis, which studies the arrangement of leaves,
branches, flowers or seeds in plants, with the main aim of highlighting the existence of regular
jIt is possible to find the Fibonacci sequence in nature given by the number of petals of flowers.
Most have three (like lilies and irises), five (parnassia, rose hips) or eight (cosmea), 13 (some
daisies), 21 (chicory), 34, 55 or 89 (Asteraceae)
Fibonacci in Fruits
If we cut banana and apple then Fibonacci appears in the number of sections 3 for banana and 5
for apple. On the other hand, the number of hexagonal nubs arranged in spirals for pineapple
also exhibit Fibonacci number. Similar case is observed on spirals of pine cones which contain
spirals from the center with arms 5 arms and 8 arms or 8 arms and 13 arms.
If we are going to divide the two dimensions 8 and 13, notice that its just like dividing two
consecutive Fibonacci numbers. Doing this to the highest possible pair of Fibonacci numbers
will give us the GOLDEN RATIO. The golden ratio is approximately equal to 1.618 represented
by the Greek letter Phi ( � ). Scholars during the time of Pythagoras asked the following
question: How can a line segment be divided into two pieces that have the most appeal and
� �+�
= = � = 1.618
� �
The golden ratio is a term used to describe the relationship between two numbers. If you have a
number a and a lower number b then the two are in the golden ratio if the quotient of these
numbers somehow near to 1.618. So basically, any ratio which comes close to this value is
claimed to be perfectly proportioned or it is the most visually pleasing to the eye.
The Golden ratio is sometimes coined as the Divine Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden
Rectangle, Golden Spiral and Golden Section. The appearance of this ratio in music, in
patterns of human behavior, even in the proportion of the human body, all point to its
universality as a principle of good structure and design.
Used in art, the golden ratio is the most mysterious of all compositional strategies. We know
that by creating images based on this rectangle our art will be more likely to appeal to the
human eye, but we don’t know why. Much of the works of Renaissance period are central
to the idea of this ratio as illustrated in the following figures.
Do you think that the golden rectangle is visually more pleasing than the other rectangles?
Since the discovery of the golden ratio, many individuals incorporate their work to this ratio.
The works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo employed the same technique. In
music, evidences were found on the work of Debussy, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and Chopin. Try
to listen to musical piece that golden ratio is being displayed. Is it pleasing to our ears?
Write the first 12 Fibonacci numbers, we have already identified this with our works on the
breeding of the rabbits.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144
������� ����� 1 1 2 3 5 89
Do the same with the ratio of ������ ����� 1 2 3 5 8
…. 144
. What do you notice?
The first set of approximations will lead to the value of � = 1.618…. The other set of
approximations will lead us to its reciprocal � = 0.618 . Amazing right? This is why the
Fibonacci sequence is incorporated to the golden ratio. If Fibonacci sequence is present in
nature then we can see something which brings balance and harmony. The natural world is
really a wonderful place to live in.
Suppose the line segment is divided according to the golden ratio. If the length of the longer
piece is 5cm, how long is the entire segment?
Answer: 8.1cm
Watch the video of Arthur Benjamin, “The Magic of Fibonacci”. This is one of many
inspiring talks from TEDTalk. Watch out for the following items in the video. (Blay,2020)
5. �35 6. �15 + �18 7. 5
8. 27 9. 68 10. 97
The 18th and 20th Fibonacci number is 2584 and 6765 respectively. Use these
values of Fibonacci to determine the 21st Fibonacci number.
The following household items were found to have the dimensions shown. Which
item comes closest to having the proportions of the golden ratio?
Standard sheet of paper: Picture frame: 8in x 10in 35-mm slide: 35mm x
8.5 in x 11 in 23mm
What evidences suggests that the golden ratio and golden rectangle hold
particular balance as well as beauty?
Draw a line segment 6 inches long. Subdivide it according to the golden ratio.
Verify your work using the concept of dividing a line segment by Euclid.
Find at least three everyday objects with rectangular shapes. In each case
measure the side lengths and calculate the ratio. Are any of these object golden
rectangles? Explain
Color the spirals in both directions. The resulting numbers are usually two
consecutive Fibonacci numbers (e.g., 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . .). How many
spirals are present in both directions?